Fuji Film 02000002 Wireless LAN Module User Manual 00 LX11 OM 200 EN 01 indb

Fuji Film Corporation Wireless LAN Module 00 LX11 OM 200 EN 01 indb

User manual 4

61More on Photography and Playback White Balance White  BalanceFor natural colors, choose a white balance option that matches the light source.  Press the function (Fn5) button to display the options shown below, then press the selector up or down to highlight an op-tion and press MENU/OK to select.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionAUTOAUTO White balance adjusted automatically.kkllmmMeasure a value for white balance (P 62).kkSelecting this option displays a list of color temperatures (P 62); highlight a tempera-ture and press MENU/OK to select the high-lighted option and display the  ne-tuning dialog.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptioniiFor subjects in direct sunlight.jjFor subjects in the shade.kkUse under “daylight”  uorescent lights.llUse under “warm white”  uorescent lights.mmUse under “cool white”  uorescent lights.nnUse under incandescent lighting.ggReduces the blue cast typically associated with underwater lighting.R:0 B:0WB SHIFT AUTOSET RWhite balance is adjusted for  ash lighting only in AUTO and g modes.  Turn the  ash o  using other white balance options (P 78). RResults vary with shooting conditions.  Play pictures back after shooting to check colors. RWhite balance options can also be accessed using H IMAGE QUALITY SETTING> WHITE BALANCE (P 89).
62White Balance    hh: Custom White Balance: Custom White BalanceChoose h to adjust white balance for unusual lighting conditions.  White balance measurement options will be displayed; frame a white object so that it  lls the display and press the shutter button all the way down to measure white balance (to select the most recent custom value and exit without measuring white balance, press DISP/BACK, or press MENU/OK to select the most recent value and display the  ne-tuning dialog).•  If “COMPLETED!” is displayed, press MENU/OK to set white balance to the measured value.•  If “UNDER” is displayed, raise exposure compensation (P 57) and try again.•  If “OVER” is displayed, lower exposure compensation (P 57) and try again.    kk: Color Temperature: Color TemperatureColor temperature is an objective measure of the color of a light source, expressed in Kelvin (K).  Light sources with a color temperature close to that of direct sunlight appear white; light sources with a lower color tempera-ture have a yellow or red cast, while those with a higher color temperature are tinged with blue.  You can match color temperature to the light source as shown in the following table, or choose options that di er sharply from the color of the light source to make pictures “warmer” or “colder.” Choose for redder light sources or “colder”  pictures Choose for bluer light sources or “warmer” pictures2,000 KCandlelight5,000 KDirect sunlight15,000 KBlue skySunset/sunrise Shade
63More on Photography and Playback Focus Mode Focus  ModeUse the focus mode selector to choose how the camera focuses (note that regardless of the option selected, manual focus will be used when the lens is in manual focus mode).•  S (single AF): Focus locks while the shutter button is pressed halfway.  Choose for stationary subjects.•  C (continuous AF): Focus is continually adjusted to re ect changes in the distance to the subject while the shutter button is pressed halfway.  Use for subjects that are in mo-tion.  Eye-detection AF is not available.•   M  (manual): Focus manually using the lens focus ring.  Rotate the ring left to reduce the focus distance, right to increase.  The manual focus indicator indicates how closely the focus distance matches the distance to the subject in the focus brackets (the white line indicates the focus distance, the blue bar the depth of  eld, or in other words the distance in front of and behind the focus point that ap-pears to be in focus); you can also check focus visually in the view nder or LCD monitor.  Choose for manual control of focus or in situations in which the camera is unable to focus using autofocus (P 77).18 XF ZOOMA18-55 23 35 55 Reduce focus distanceIncrease focus distance   㹋Manual focus indicatorManual focus mode iconFocus distance (white line)Depth of  eld (blue bar) RUse D BUTTON/DIAL SETTING> FOCUS RING (P 112) to reverse the direction of rotation of the focus ring. R To use autofocus to focus on the subject in the selected focus area (P 67), press the AF-L button (the size of the focus area can be chosen with the rear command dial).  In manual focus mode, you can use this feature to quickly focus on a chosen subject using either single or continuous AF according to the option chosen for G AF/MF SETTING> INSTANT AF SETTING (P 93).
64Focus Mode R The camera can show focus distance in meters or feet.  Use D SCREEN SETTING>  FOCUS SCALE UNITS ( P 111) to choose the units used. RIf ON is selected for G AF/MF SETTING> PRE-AF (P 91), focus will be adjusted continuously in modes S and C even when the shutter button is not pressed. ■ The Focus IndicatorThe focus indicator turns green when the subject is in focus and blinks white when the camera is unable to focus.  Brackets (“(  )”) indicate that the camera is focusing and are displayed continuously in mode C.  j is displayed in manual focus mode.   Focus indicator    Checking Focus Checking FocusTo zoom in on the current focus area (P 67) for precise focus, press the center of the rear command dial.  Press the center of the rear command dial again to cancel zoom.  In manual focus mode, zoom can be adjusted by rotating the rear command dial when STAN-DARD or FOCUS PEAK HIGHLIGHT is selected for G AF/MF SET-TING> MF ASSIST (P 93), while if ON is selected for G AF/MF SET-TING> FOCUS CHECK (P 93), the camera will automatically zoom in on the selected focus area when the focus ring is rotated.  Focus zoom is not available in focus mode C or when G AF/MF SETTING> PRE-AF (P 91) is on or an option other than r SINGLE POINT is selected for AF MODE (P 66).M M
65More on Photography and PlaybackFocus Mode ■ MF  AssistThe G AF/MF SETTING> MF ASSIST (P 93) option can be used to check focus when pictures are framed in the LCD monitor or electronic view nder in manual focus mode. RThe MF ASSIST menu can be displayed by pressing and holding the center of the rear command dial.The following options are available:•  FOCUS PEAK HIGHLIGHT: Highlights high-contrast outlines.  Rotate the focus ring until the subject is highlighted.•  DIGITAL SPLIT IMAGE: Displays a split image in the center of the frame.  Frame the subject in the split-image area and rotate the focus ring until the three parts of the split image are correctly aligned.
66Focus Mode Autofocus Options (AF Mode) Autofocus Options (AF Mode)To choose the AF mode for focus modes S and C, press the function button (Fn6) to display the options shown below, then press the selec-tor up or down to highlight an option and press MENU/OK to select.•  r SINGLE POINT: The camera focuses on the subject in the se-lected focus point (P 68).  The number of focus points available can be selected using G AF/MF SETTING> NUMBER OF THE FOCUS POINTS (P 91).  Use for pin-point focus on a selected subject.•  y ZONE: The camera focuses on the subject in the selected focus zone (P 69).  Focus zones include multiple focus points (7 × 7, 5 × 5, or 3 × 3), making it easier to focus on subjects that are in motion.•  z WIDE/TRACKING: In focus mode C, the camera tracks focus on the subject in the selected focus point while the shutter-release button is pressed halfway (P 70).  In focus mode S, the camera auto-matically focuses on high-contrast subjects; the areas in focus are shown in the display. The camera may be unable to focus on small objects or subjects that are moving rapidly. RAF mode options can also be accessed using G AF/MF SETTING> AF MODE (P 91).
67More on Photography and PlaybackFocus Mode Focus-Point Selection Focus-Point  SelectionUse the focus stick (focus lever) to choose a focus point for autofocus.  The procedure for selecting the focus point varies with the option chosen for AF mode (P 66). RFocus-area selection can also be used to choose the focus point for manual focus and focus zoom. RThe focus-area grid is reduced to 9 × 7 at an aspect ratio of 1 : 1 (P 88).Tilt the focus stick to position the focus frame, or press the center of the stick to return to the center focus point.Focus frame    Available Focus Points  Available Focus PointsFewer focus points are available for intelligent hybrid AF, which combines phase-detection with TTL contrast-detect AF.Intelligent hybrid AF (TTL contrast-detect AF + phase-detection AF)TTL contrast-detect
68Focus Mode The Focus Point Display The Focus Point DisplayThe focus stick (focus lever) can be used to display available focus points. RFocus-area selection can also be accessed using G AF/MF SETTING> FOCUS AREA (P 91). ■ Single Point AFPress the center of the focus stick to display the focus points (“+”) and focus frame.  Use the stick to position the focus frame over the desired focus point, or press the center of the stick to return to the center point.Focus frameFocus pointTo choose the size of the focus frame, rotate the rear command dial.  Rotate the dial left to reduce the frame by up to 50%, right to enlarge it by up to 150%, or press the center of the dial to restore the frame to its original size.  Press MENU/OK to put your selection into e ect.
69More on Photography and PlaybackFocus Mode ■ Zone  AFPress the center of the focus stick to display the focus zone.  Use the stick to position the zone or press the center of the stick to return the zone to the center of the display.Focus zoneTo choose the number of focus frames in the zone, rotate the rear com-mand dial.  Rotate the dial right to cycle through zone sizes in the or-der 3 × 3, 5 × 5, 7 × 7, 3 × 3…, left to cycle through zone sizes in reverse order, or press the center of the dial to select a zone size of 3 × 3.  Press MENU/OK to put your selection into e ect.
70Focus Mode ■ Tracking (Focus Mode C Only)Press the center of the focus stick to display the focus frame.  Use the stick to position the focus frame, or press the center of the stick to re-turn the frame to the center of the display.  Press MENU/OK to put your selection into e ect.  The camera will track focus on the subject while the shutter button is pressed halfway.Focus frame QManual focus-frame selection is not available when wide/tracking is selected in focus mode S.    Burst Mode Focus-Frame Selection  Burst Mode Focus-Frame SelectionWhen continuous high-speed (8.0 fps) is selected for drive mode, the number of focus frames available in focus mode C drops.Single point Zone Wide/Tracking
71More on Photography and Playback Long Time-Exposures (T/B) Long  Time-Exposures  (T/B)Select a shutter speed of T (time) or B (bulb) for long time-exposures. RUse of a tripod is recommended to prevent the camera from moving during the exposure. RTo reduce “noise” (mottling) in long time-exposures, select ON for H IMAGE QUALITY SETTING> LONG EX-POSURE NR (P 90).  Note that this may increase the time needed to record images after shooting.Time (T)Time (T) 1 Rotate the shutter speed dial to T. 2 Rotate the front command dial to choose a shutter speed.2”S 3 Press the shutter button all the way down to take a picture at the select-ed shutter speed.  A count-down timer will be displayed while the ex-posure is in progress.Bulb (B)Bulb (B) 1 Rotate the shutter speed dial to B. 2 Press the shutter button all the way down.  The shutter will remain open for up to 60 minutes while the shut-ter button is pressed; the display shows the time elapsed since the exposure started. RSelecting an aperture of A  xes shutter speed at 30 s.
72Long Time-Exposures (T/B) Using a Remote Release Using a Remote ReleaseAn optional RR-90 remote release can be used for long time-exposures.  See the manual provided with the RR-90 for more information.  Third-Party Remote Releases  Third-Party Remote ReleasesElectronic releases from third-party suppliers can be connect-ed via the microphone/remote release connector.  A con rma-tion dialog will be displayed when a third-party release is connected; press MENU/OK and select  n REMOTE for MIC/RE-MOTE RELEASE.CHECK MIC/REMOTE RELEASESETTINGSKIPSET
73More on Photography and Playback The Self-Timer The  Self-TimerUse the timer for self-portraits or to prevent blur caused by camera shake. 1 Press MENU/OK in shooting mode to display the shooting menu. 2 Select the A SHOOTING SETTING tab (P 87), then highlight SELF-TIMER and press MENU/OK. 3 Press the selector up or down to highlight the desired option and press MENU/OK to select.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionRR  2 SEC  2 SECThe shutter is released two seconds after the shutter button is pressed.  Use to reduce blur caused by the camera moving when the shut-ter button is pressed.SS  10 SEC  10 SECThe shutter is released ten seconds after the shutter button is pressed.  Use for photographs in which you wish to appear yourself.OFFOFF Self-timer o . 4 Press the shutter button halfway to focus. QStand behind the camera when using the shut-ter button.  Standing in front of the lens can in-terfere with focus and exposure. 5 Press the shutter button the rest of the way down to start the timer.  The display in the monitor shows the number of seconds re-maining until the shutter is released.  To stop the timer before the picture is taken, press DISP/BACK. The self-timer lamp on the front of the camera will blink immediately before the picture is taken.  If the two-sec-ond timer is selected, the self-timer lamp will blink as the timer counts down. RThe self-timer turns o  automatically when the camera is turned o .99
74 Interval Timer Photography Interval  Timer  PhotographyFollow the steps below to con gure the camera to take photos automatically at a preset interval. 1 Press MENU/OK in shooting mode to display the shooting menu.  Select the A SHOOTING SETTING tab (P 87), then highlight IN-TERVAL TIMER SHOOTING and press MENU/OK. 2 Use the selector to choose the interval and number of shots.  Press MENU/OK to proceed.CANCELENDINTERVAL/NUMBER OF TIMESINTERVALNUMBER OF TIMES 3 Use the selector to choose the starting time and then press MENU/OK.  Shooting will start automatically.START WAITING TIMEESTIMATED START TIME 11 : 00 PMCANCELSTARTLATER QInterval timer photography can not be used at a shutter speed of B (bulb) or with multiple exposure photog-raphy.  In burst mode, only one picture will be taken each time the shutter is released. RUse of a tripod is recommended. RCheck the battery level before starting.  We recommend using an optional AC-9V AC power adapter and CP-W126 DC coupler. RThe display turns o  between shots and lights a few seconds before the next shot is taken.  The display can be activated at any time by pressing the shutter button.
75More on Photography and Playback Focusing and Taking Pictures Focusing and Taking PicturesPress the shutter button halfway to focus and the rest of the way down to shoot. 1 Focus.Frame the picture with your subject in the center of the display and press the shutter button halfway to focus. RIf the subject is poorly lit, the AF-assist illuminator may light (P 91).If the camera is able to focus, it will beep twice and the focus indicator and frame in focus will glow green.  Focus and exposure will lock while the shutter button is pressed halfway.Focus frame   Focus indicator If the camera is unable to focus, the focus frame will turn red, s will be displayed, and the focus indi-cator will blink white. 2 Shoot.Smoothly press the shutter button the rest of the way down to take the picture.
76 Focus/Exposure Lock Focus/Exposure  LockTo compose photographs with o -center subjects: 1 Focus: Position the subject in the focus frame and press the shutter button half-way to lock focus and exposure.  Focus and exposure will remain locked while the shutter button is pressed halfway (AF/AE lock).P RFocus and exposure can also be locked with the AF-L and AE-L buttons, respectively (if AE/AF LOCK is selected for D BUTTON/DIAL SETTING> AF-LOCK MODE, pressing the AF-L button will lock both focus and exposure; P 113). 2 Recompose: Keep the shutter button pressed halfway or keep the AF-L or AE-L but-ton pressed. RFocus and/or exposure will remain locked while the AF-L or AE-L button is pressed, whether or not the shutter button is pressed halfway.  If AE&AF ON/OFF SWITCH is selected for D BUTTON/DIAL SETTING> AE/AF-LOCK MODE (P 113), focus and/or exposure lock when the button is pressed and remain locked until the button is pressed again.P 3 Shoot: Press the button all the way down. RThe roles of the AE-L and AF-L buttons can be reversed using D BUTTON/DIAL SETTING> AE-L/AF-L BUTTON SETTING (P 113).
77More on Photography and PlaybackFocus/Exposure Lock    Autofocus AutofocusAlthough the camera boasts a high-precision autofocus system, it may be unable to focus on the subjects listed below.•  Very shiny subjects such as mirrors or car bodies.• Fast-moving subjects.•  Subjects photographed through a window or other re ective object.•  Dark subjects and subjects that absorb rather than re ect light, such as hair or fur.•  Insubstantial subjects, such as smoke or  ame.•  Subjects that show little contrast with the background (for example, subjects in clothing that is the same color as the background).•  Subjects positioned in front of or behind a high-contrast object that is also in the focus frame (for example, a subject photographed against a backdrop of highly contrasting elements).
78 1 Remove the hot shoe cover and slide the  ash onto the hot shoe as shown, stopping when it clicks into place. 2 Turn the  ash on. RFor more information, see the documentation provided with the  ash unit. 3 Choose a  ash mode in the F FLASH SET-TING> FLASH MODE menu (P 87).ModeModeDescriptionDescriptionAA  (AUTO FLASH)(AUTO FLASH)//KK  (RED EYE REDUCTION)(RED EYE REDUCTION) * *The  ash  res when required.  Recom-mended in most situations.NN  (FORCED FLASH)(FORCED FLASH)//LL  (FORCED FLASH)(FORCED FLASH) * *The  ash  res whenever a picture is taken.  Use for backlit subjects or for natural coloration when shooting in bright light.FF  (SLOW SYNCHRO)(SLOW SYNCHRO)//MM  (RED EYE & SLOW)(RED EYE & SLOW) * *Capture both the main subject and the background under low light (note that brightly lit scenes may be overex-posed).ll  (2ND CURTAIN SYNC.)(2ND CURTAIN SYNC.)//dd  (2ND CURTAIN SYNC.)(2ND CURTAIN SYNC.) * *The  ash  res immediately before the shutter closes.DD (COMMANDER) (COMMANDER) The built-in  ash can be used to control optional remote  ash units.PP (SUPPRESSED FLASH) (SUPPRESSED FLASH)The  ash does not  re even when the subject is poorly lit.  A tripod is recom-mended.* Red-eye removal is available in these modes when Intelligent Face Detection is active (P 92) and red-eye removal is on (P 98).  Red-eye re-moval minimizes “red-eye” caused when light from the  ash is re ected from the subject’s retinas as shown in the illustration at right. Flash Photography Flash  PhotographyUse an optional  ash unit for additional lighting when shooting at night or indoors under low light.
79More on Photography and PlaybackFlash Photography QDepending on the distance to the subject, some lenses may cast shadows in photos taken with the  ash. RLowering the  ash turns the  ash o  (P) and pre-vents it  ring even when the subject is poorly lit; use of a tripod is recommended.  Lower the  ash where  ash photography is prohibited or to capture natu-ral lighting under dim light.  We also recommend that you lower the  ash when the camera is o . RIf p is displayed when the shutter button is pressed halfway, the  ash will  re when the photo is taken. RExcept in commander mode, the  ash may  re sev-eral times with each shot.  Do not move the camera until shooting is complete.    The Sync Terminal The Sync TerminalUse the sync terminal to connect  ash units that re-quire a sync cable.    Flash Sync Speed  Flash Sync SpeedThe  ash will synchronize with the shutter at shutter speeds of / s or slower.    Optional Flash Units  Optional Flash UnitsThe camera can also be used with optional FUJIFILM shoe-mounted  ash units (P 132).  Do not use third-party  ash units that apply over 300 V to the camera hot shoe.    Flash Mode and Shooting Mode  Flash Mode and Shooting ModeThe  ash modes available vary with the shooting mode (P 153):Flash modeFlash modePPSSAAMMjjYYFFrr  **AA✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔NN✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔FF✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ll✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔DD✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔PP✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔* Wireless remote photography.
80 Recording Pictures in RAW Format Recording Pictures in RAW FormatTo record raw, unprocessed data from the camera image sensor, select a RAW option for image quality in the shooting menu as described below.  JPEG copies of RAW images can be created using C PLAY BACK MENU> RAW CONVERSION, or RAW images can be viewed on a computer using the RAW FILE CONVERTER application (P 81, 123). 1 Press MENU/OK in shooting mode to display the shooting menu.  Select the H IMAGE QUALITY SETTING tab (P 87), then highlight IMAGE QUALITY (P 88) and press MENU/OK. 2 Highlight an option and press MENU/OK.  Select RAW to record only RAW images, or FINE+RAW or NORMAL+RAW to record both JPEG copy together with the RAW images.  FINE+RAW uses lower JPEG compression ratios for higher-quality JPEG images, while NORMAL+RAW uses higher JPEG compression ratios to increase the number of images that can be stored.  The Function Buttons  The Function ButtonsTo toggle RAW image quality on or o  for a single shot, assign RAW to a function button (P 51).  If a JPEG option is currently selected for image quality, pressing the button temporarily selects the equivalent JPEG+RAW option.  If a JPEG+RAW option is currently selected, pressing the button temporarily selects the equivalent JPEG option, while if RAW is selected, pressing the button temporarily selects FINE.  Taking a picture or pressing the button again restores the previous setting.
81More on Photography and PlaybackRecording Pictures in RAW Format Creating JPEG Copies of RAW Pictures Creating JPEG Copies of RAW PicturesRAW pictures store information on camera settings separately from the data captured by the camera image sensor.  Using C PLAY BACK MENU> RAW CONVERSION (P 102), you can create JPEG copies of RAW pictures using di erent options for the settings listed below.  The original image data are unaf-fected, allowing a single RAW image to be processed in a multitude of di erent ways. 1 Press  MENU/OK during playback to display the playback menu, then press the selec-tor up or down to highlight C PLAY BACK MENU> RAW CONVERSION (P 101)  and press MENU/OK to display the settings listed in the table at right. RThese options can also be displayed by pressing Q button during playback. 2 Press the selector up or down to highlight a setting and press the selector right to select.  Press the selec-tor up or down to highlight the desired option and press MENU/OK to select and return to the settings list.  Repeat this step to adjust additional settings. 3 Press the Q button to preview the JPEG copy and press MENU/OK to save.SettingSettingDescriptionDescriptionREFLECT SHOOTING COND.Create a JPEG copy using the settings in ef-fect at the time the photo was taken.PUSH/PULL PROCESSINGAdjust exposure by –1 EV to +3 EV in incre-ments of / EV.DYNAMIC RANGE Enhance details in highlights for natural contrast (P 89).FILM SIMULATION Simulate the e ects of di erent types of  lm (P 60).GRAIN EFFECT Add a  lm grain e ect (P 89).WHITE BALANCE Adjust white balance (P 61).WB SHIFT Fine-tune white balance (P 61).HIGHLIGHT TONE Adjust highlights (P 89).SHADOW TONE Adjust shadows (P 89).COLOR Adjust color density (P 89).SHARPNESS Sharpen or soften outlines (P 89).NOISE REDUCTION Process the copy to reduce mottling (P 89).LENS MODULATION OPTIMIZERImprove de nition by adjusting for di rac-tion and the slight loss of focus at the pe-riphery of the lens (P 90).COLOR SPACE Choose the color space used for color repro-duction (P 90).CREATEREFLECT SHOOTING COND.PUSH/PULL PROCESSINGDYNAMIC RANGEFILM SIMULATIONGRAIN EFFECTWHITE BALANCERAW CONVERSIONCANCEL
82 Saving Settings Saving  SettingsSave up to 7 sets of custom camera settings for commonly-encountered situations.  Saved settings can be recalled using H IMAGE QUALITY SETTING> SELECT CUSTOM SETTING (P 90). 1 Press MENU/OK in shooting mode to display the shooting menu.  Select the H IM-AGE QUALITY SETTING tab (P 87), then highlight EDIT/SAVE CUSTOM SET-TING (P 90) and press MENU/OK.3/33/3EDIT/SAVE CUSTOM SETTINGSELECT CUSTOM SETTINGIMAGE QUALITY SETTINGCUSTOM 2CUSTOM 3CUSTOM 4CUSTOM 5CUSTOM 6CUSTOM 7CUSTOM 1 2 Highlight a custom settings bank and press MENU/OK to select.  Adjust the follow-ing as desired and press DISP/BACK when adjustments are complete: DYNAM-IC RANGE,  FILM SIMULATION,  GRAIN EFFECT,  WHITE BALANCE,  COLOR, SHARPNESS, HIGHLIGHT TONE, SHADOW TONE, and NOISE REDUCTION.XXXXX0001/2BACKDYNAMIC RANGEFILM SIMULATIONGRAIN EFFECTWHITE BALANCEHIGHLIGHT TONESHADOW TONECOLORCUSTOM 1AUTOAUTOOFFSAVE CURRENT SETTINGSEXIT RTo replace the settings in the selected bank with the settings currently selected with the camera, select K SAVE CURRENT SETTINGS and press MENU/OK. 3 A con rmation dialog will be displayed; highlight OK and press MENU/OK.CUSTOM 1 SET OK?OKCANCELSAVE CUSTOM SETTING
83More on Photography and Playback Using a Mount Adapter Using a Mount AdapterWhen M-mount lenses are attached using an optional  FUJIFILM M MOUNT ADAPTER, the camera processes pictures as they are taken to maintain image quality and correct for a variety of e ects.Pressing the function button on the mount adapter displays l MOUNT ADAPTOR SET-TING options. RMount adapter settings can also be accessing using A SHOOTING SETTING> MOUNT ADAPTER SET-TING (P 97). RBefore checking focus, set the focus mode selector to M (P 63).Bright Frame BrightnessBright Frame BrightnessAdjust the brightness of the bright frame in the OVF display.  Use the BRIGHT FRAME BRIGHT-NESS  option to adjust the brightness of the bright frame in the OVF display.Lens RegistrationLens Registration ■ Choosing a Focal LengthIf the lens has a focal length of 21, 24, 28, or 35 mm, choose a matching option in the l MOUNT ADAPTOR SET-TING menu.For other lenses, select option 5 or 6 and use the selector to enter the focal length. ■Distortion CorrectionChoose from STRONG, MEDI-UM, or WEAK options to cor-rect BARREL or PINCUSHION distortion.LENS5 DISTORTION CORRECTIONBARREL MEDIUMBARREL WEAKBARREL STRONGOFFPINCUSHION WEAKPINCUSHION MEDIUMPINCUSHION STRONGBarrel distortion Pincushion distortion RTo determine the amount required, adjust distor-tion correction while taking photos of graph paper or other objects featuring repeating vertical and horizontal lines, such as the windows in a high-rise.SETLENS REGISTRATIONLENS 1LENS 2LENS 3LENS 4LENS 5LENS 6LENS 5INPUT FOCAL LENGTHCANCELSET
84Using a Mount Adapter ■Color Shading CorrectionColor (shading) variations be-tween the center and edges of the frame can be adjusted separately for each corner. NEXT SETTo use color shading correction, follow the steps below. 1 Rotate the rear command dial to choose a corner.  The selected corner is indicated by a triangle. 2 Use the selector to adjust shading until there is no visible di erence in color between the selected corner and the center of the image.  Press the selector left or right to adjust colors on the cyan–red axis, up or down to adjust colors on the blue–yellow axis. RTo determine the amount required, adjust color shading correction while taking photos of blue sky or a sheet of gray paper. ■Peripheral Illumination CorrectionChoose from values between –5 and +5.  Choosing positive values increases peripheral il-lumination, while choosing negative values reduces pe-ripheral illumination.  Positive values are recom-mended for vintage lenses, negative values to create the e ect of images taken with an antique lens or a pinhole camera. RTo determine the amount required, adjust periph-eral illumination correction while taking photos of blue sky or a sheet of gray paper.CANCELSET
85More on Photography and Playback  PhotoBook AssistPhotoBook AssistCreate books from your favorite photos. Creating a PhotoBook Creating a PhotoBook 1 Select  NEW BOOK for C PLAY BACK MENU> PHOTOBOOK ASSIST (P 101) and choose from the following options:•  SELECT FROM ALL: Choose from all available pictures.•  SELECT BY IMAGE SEARCH: Choose from pictures matching selected search conditions. RNeither photographs a or smaller nor movies can be selected for photobooks. 2 Scroll through the images and press the se-lector up to select or deselect.  To display the current image on the cover, press the selector down.  Press MENU/OK to exit when the book is complete. RThe  rst picture selected becomes the cover im-age.  Press the selector down to select a di erent image for the cover. 3 Highlight  COMPLETE PHOTOBOOK and press MENU/OK (to select all photos or all pho-tos matching the speci ed search conditions for the book, choose SELECT ALL).  The new book will be added to the list in the photo-book assist menu. QBooks can contain up to 300 pictures. QBooks that contain no photos are automatically de-leted.
86PhotoBook AssistViewing PhotobooksViewing PhotobooksHighlight a book in the photobook assist menu and press MENU/OK to display the book, then press the selector left or right to scroll through the pic-tures.Editing and Deleting PhotobooksEditing and Deleting PhotobooksDisplay the photobook and press MENU/OK.  The following options will be displayed; select the desired option and follow the on-screen instruc-tions.•  EDIT: Edit the book as described in “Creating a PhotoBook” (P 85).•  ERASE: Delete the book.  Photobooks PhotobooksPhotobooks can be copied to a computer using MyFinePix Studio software (P 123).
87MenusMenusMenus Using the Menus: Shooting Mode Using the Menus: Shooting ModeThe shooting menu is used to adjust settings for a wide range of shooting conditions.  Frequently-used options can be saved to a personalized custom menu (“my menu”). Using the Shooting Menu Using the Shooting Menu 1 Press MENU/OK in shooting mode to display the menus.EXITIMAGE QUALITY SETTINGIMAGE QUALITYRAW RECORDINGFILM SIMULATIONGRAIN EFFECTDYNAMIC RANGEWHITE BALANCEHIGHLIGHT TONEIMAGE SIZE 2 Press the selector left to highlight the tab for the current menu.TabEXITIMAGE QUALITY SETTINGIMAGE QUALITYRAW RECORDINGFILM SIMULATIONGRAIN EFFECTDYNAMIC RANGEWHITE BALANCEHIGHLIGHT TONEIMAGE SIZE 3 Press the selector down to highlight the tab (H, G, A, F, B, or E) con-taining the desired item. 4 Press the selector right to place the cursor in the menu. 5 Press the selector up or down to highlight the desired item. 6 Press the selector right to view op-tions for the highlighted item. 7 Press the selector up or down to highlight the desired option. 8 Press  MENU/OK to select the high-lighted option. 9 Press  DISP/BACK to return to the shooting display. RUse the front command dial to scroll through the menus a page at a time.
88Using the Menus: Shooting ModeHH IMAGE QUALITY SETTING IMAGE QUALITY SETTINGTo adjust shooting settings that a ect image quality, press MENU/OK in the shooting display and select the H (IMAGE QUALITY SETTING) tab (P 87).EXITIMAGE QUALITY SETTINGIMAGE QUALITYRAW RECORDINGFILM SIMULATIONGRAIN EFFECTDYNAMIC RANGEWHITE BALANCEHIGHLIGHT TONEIMAGE SIZE  IMAGE SIZEIMAGE SIZEChoose the size and aspect ratio at which still pictures are recorded.  Aspect Ratio Aspect RatioPictures with an aspect ratio of 3 : 2 have the same proportions as Pictures with an aspect ratio of 3 : 2 have the same proportions as a frame of 35 mm  lm, while an aspect ratio of 16 : 9 is suited to a frame of 35 mm  lm, while an aspect ratio of 16 : 9 is suited to display on display on HHigh igh DDe nition (HD) devices.  Pictures with an aspect e nition (HD) devices.  Pictures with an aspect ratio of 1 : 1 are square.ratio of 1 : 1 are square.IMAGE SIZE is not reset when the camera is turned o  or another shooting mode is selected.OptionOptionImage sizeImage sizeOptionOptionImage sizeImage sizeOO 3 : 2 3 : 26000 × 40006000 × 4000QQ 3 : 2 3 : 23008 × 20003008 × 2000OO 16 : 9 16 : 96000 × 33766000 × 3376QQ 16 : 9 16 : 93008 × 16883008 × 1688OO 1 : 1 1 : 14000 × 40004000 × 4000QQ 1 : 1 1 : 12000 × 20002000 × 2000PP 3 : 2 3 : 24240 × 28324240 × 2832PP 16 : 9 16 : 94240 × 23844240 × 2384PP 1 : 1 1 : 12832 × 28322832 × 2832  IMAGE QUALITYIMAGE QUALITYChoose a  le format and compression ratio.  Select FINE or NORMAL to record JPEG images, RAW to record RAW images, or FINE+RAW or NORMAL+RAW to record both JPEG and RAW images.  FINE and FINE+RAW use lower JPEG compression ratios for higher-quality JPEG images, while NORMAL and NORMAL+RAW use higher JPEG compression ratios to increase the num-ber of images that can be stored.RAW RECORDINGRAW RECORDINGChoose whether to compress RAW images.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionUNCOMPRESSEDUNCOMPRESSED RAW images are not compressed.LOSSLESS COMPRESSEDLOSSLESS COMPRESSED RAW images are compressed using a reversible algorithm that reduces  le size with no loss of image data.  The images can be viewed in RAW FILE CONVERTER (P 123) or other compatible software.
89MenusUsing the Menus: Shooting Mode  FILM SIMULATIONFILM SIMULATIONSimulate the e ects of di erent types of  lm (P 60). GRAIN EFFECT GRAIN  EFFECTAdd a  lm grain e ect.   DYNAMIC RANGEDYNAMIC RANGEControl contrast.  Choose lower values to increase contrast when shooting indoors or under overcast skies, higher values to reduce loss of detail in highlights and shadows when photographing high-contrast scenes.  Higher values are recommended for scenes that include both sunlight and deep shade, for such high-contrast subjects as sunlight on water, brightly-lit autumn leaves, and portraits taken against a blue sky, and for white objects or people wearing white; note, however, that mottling may appear in pictures taken at higher values. RIf AUTO is selected, the camera will automatically choose either VV 100% or WW 200% according to the subject and shoot-ing conditions. Shutter speed and aperture will be displayed when the shutter button is pressed halfway.  RRWW 200% is available at sensitivities of ISO 400 and above, XX 400% at sensitivities of ISO 800 and above.  WHITE BALANCEWHITE BALANCEAdjust colors to match the light source (P 61).  HIGHLIGHT TONEHIGHLIGHT TONEAdjust the appearance of highlights.  SHADOW TONESHADOW TONEAdjust the appearance of shadows.  COLORCOLORAdjust color density.  SHARPNESSSHARPNESSSharpen or soften outlines.  NOISE REDUCTIONNOISE REDUCTIONReduce noise in pictures taken at high sensitivities.
90Using the Menus: Shooting Mode  LONG EXPOSURE NRLONG EXPOSURE NRSelect ON to reduce mottling in long time-exposures (P 71).  LENS MODULATION OPTIMIZERLENS MODULATION OPTIMIZERSelect ON to improve de nition by adjusting for di raction and the slight loss of focus at the periphery of the lens.  COLOR SPACECOLOR SPACEChoose the gamut of colors available for color reproduction.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionsRGBsRGB Recommended in most situations.Adobe RGBAdobe RGB For commercial printing. PIXEL MAPPING PIXEL  MAPPINGUse this option if you notice bright spots in your pictures. 1 Press MENU/OK in the shooting display and select the H IMAGE QUALITY SETTING tab (P 87). 2 Highlight PIXEL MAPPING and press MENU/OK to perform pixel mapping. QResults are not guaranteed. QBe sure the battery is fully charged before beginning pixel mapping. QPixel mapping is not available when the camera temperature is elevated. QProcessing may take a few seconds.  SELECT CUSTOM SETTINGSELECT CUSTOM SETTINGRecall settings saved with EDIT/SAVE CUSTOM SETTING.  EDIT/SAVE CUSTOM SETTINGEDIT/SAVE CUSTOM SETTINGSave settings (P 82).
91MenusUsing the Menus: Shooting ModeGG AF/MF SETTING AF/MF SETTINGTo adjust focus settings, press MENU/OK in the shooting display and select the G (AF/MF SETTING) tab (P 87).EXITAF/MF SETTINGAF MODENUMBER OF THE FOCUS POINTSPRE-AFAF ILLUMINATORFACE/EYE DETECTION SETTINGAF+MFMF ASSISTFOCUS AREA FOCUS AREA FOCUS  AREAChoose the focus area (P 68).  Focus-area selection can also be used to choose the focus point for manual focus and focus zoom. AF MODE AF  MODEChoose the AF mode for focus modes S and C (P 66). NUMBER OF THE FOCUS POINTS NUMBER OF THE FOCUS POINTSChoose the number of focus points available for focus-point selection in manual focus mode or when SINGLE POINT is selected for AF MODE.OptionOptionDescriptionDescription77 POINTS (7 × 11)77 POINTS (7 × 11) Choose from 77 focus points arranged in a 7- by 11-point grid.273 POINTS (13 × 21)273 POINTS (13 × 21) Choose from 273 focus points arranged in a 13- by 21-point grid. PRE-AF PRE-AFIf ON is selected, the camera will continue to adjust focus even when the shutter-release button is not pressed halfway.  Note that this increases the drain on the battery. AF ILLUMINATOR AF  ILLUMINATORIf ON is selected, the AF-assist illuminator will light to assist autofocus. QThe camera may be unable to focus using the AF-assist illuminator in some cases.  If the camera is unable to focus in macro mode, try increasing the distance to the subject. QAvoid shining the AF-assist illuminator directly into your subject’s eyes.
92Using the Menus: Shooting Mode  FACE/EYE DETECTION SETTINGFACE/EYE DETECTION SETTINGIntelligent Face Detection sets focus and exposure for human faces anywhere in the frame, prevent-ing the camera from focusing on the background in group portraits.  Choose for shots that emphasize portrait subjects.  Faces can be detected with the camera in vertical or horizontal orientation; if a face is detected, it will be indicated by a green border.  If there is more than one face in the frame, the camera will select the face closest to the center; other faces are indicated by white borders.  You can also choose whether the camera detects and focuses on eyes when Intelligent Face Detection is on.  Choose from the following options:OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionFACE ON/EYE OFF  FACE ON/EYE OFF   Intelligent Face Detection only.FACE ON/EYE AUTO  FACE ON/EYE AUTO   The camera automatically chooses which eye to focus on when a face is detected.FACE ON/RIGHT EYE PRIORITY  FACE ON/RIGHT EYE PRIORITY   The camera focuses on the right eye of subjects detected using Intelligent Face Detection.FACE ON/LEFT EYE PRIORITY  FACE ON/LEFT EYE PRIORITY   The camera focuses on the left eye of subjects detected using Intelligent Face Detection.FACE OFF/EYE OFFFACE OFF/EYE OFF Intelligent Face Detection and eye priority o . RIf the camera is unable to detect the subject’s eyes because they are hidden by hair, glasses, or other objects, the camera will instead focus on faces. QIn some modes, the camera may set exposure for the frame as a whole rather than the portrait subject. QIf the subject moves as the shutter button is pressed, the face may not be in the area indicated by the green border when the picture is taken.
93MenusUsing the Menus: Shooting Mode AF+MF AF+MFIf ON is selected in focus mode S, focus can be adjusted manually by rotating the focus ring while the shutter button is pressed halfway.  Both standard and focus peaking MF assist options are supported.  Lenses with a focus distance indicator must be set to manual focus mode (MF) before this option can be used.  Selecting MF disables the focus distance indicator. Set the focus ring to the center of the focus distance indicator, as the camera may fail to focus if the ring is set to in nity or the minimum focus distance.  AF + MF Focus Zoom   AF + MF Focus Zoom When When ONON is selected for  is selected for GG  AF/MF SETTINGAF/MF SETTING> > FOCUS CHECKFOCUS CHECK and  and SINGLE POINTSINGLE POINT selected for  selected for AF MODEAF MODE, focus zoom can be , focus zoom can be used to zoom in on the selected focus area.  Focus zoom is not available when used to zoom in on the selected focus area.  Focus zoom is not available when ZONEZONE or  or WIDE/TRACKINGWIDE/TRACKING is selected for  is selected for AF AF MODEMODE.  The zoom ratio (2.5× — 6×) can be selected using the rear command dial..  The zoom ratio (2.5× — 6×) can be selected using the rear command dial.  MF ASSISTMF ASSISTChoose how focus is displayed in manual focus mode (P 65).OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionSTANDARDSTANDARD Focus is displayed normally (focus peaking and digital split image are not available).DIGITAL SPLIT IMAGEDIGITAL SPLIT IMAGE A black-and-white (MONOCHROME) or color (COLOR) split-image display.FOCUS PEAK HIGHLIGHTFOCUS PEAK HIGHLIGHT The camera heightens high-contrast outlines. Choose a color and peaking level. FOCUS CHECK FOCUS  CHECKIf ON is selected, the camera will automatically zoom in on the view through the lens when the focus ring is rotated in manual focus mode (P 64).INTERLOCK SPOT AE & FOCUS AREAINTERLOCK SPOT AE & FOCUS AREASelect ON to meter the current focus frame when SINGLE POINT is selected for AF MODE (P 66)  and  SPOT is selected for PHOTOMETRY (P 59). INSTANT AF SETTING INSTANT AF SETTINGChoose how the camera focuses when the AF-L button is pressed in manual focus mode (P 63).
94Using the Menus: Shooting Mode DEPTH-OF-FIELD SCALE DEPTH-OF-FIELD  SCALEChoose FILM FORMAT BASIS to help you make practical assessments of depth of  eld for pictures that will be viewed as prints and the like, PIXEL BASIS to help you assess depth of  eld for pictures that will be viewed at high resolutions on computers or other electronic displays.RELEASE/FOCUS PRIORITYRELEASE/FOCUS PRIORITYChoose how the camera focuses in focus mode AF-S or AF-C.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionRELEASERELEASE Shutter response is prioritized over focus.  Pictures can be taken when the camera is not in focus.FOCUSFOCUS Focus is prioritized over shutter response.  Pictures can be only taken when the camera is in focus.CORRECTED AF FRAMECORRECTED AF FRAMEIf ON is selected, a second focus frame for focus distances of about 50 cm (1.6 ft) will be added to the display in the optical view- nder. The focus frame for the current focus distance is displayed in green when the shutter button is pressed halfway.ONONOFFOFFFocus frameFocus frameFocus frame for focus distance of in nityFocus frame for focus distance of about 50 cm (1.6 ft)
95MenusUsing the Menus: Shooting ModeAA SHOOTING SETTING SHOOTING SETTINGTo adjust shooting options, press MENU/OK in the shooting display and select the A (SHOOTING SETTING) tab (P 87).EXITSHOOTING SETTINGINTERVAL TIMER SHOOTINGFILM SIMULATION BKTPHOTOMETRYSHUTTER TYPEIS MODEISO AUTO SETTINGMOUNT ADAPTOR SETTINGSELF-TIMER  SELF-TIMERSELF-TIMERTake pictures with the self-timer (P 73).INTERVAL TIMER SHOOTINGINTERVAL TIMER SHOOTINGAdjust settings for interval timer photography (P 74). FILM SIMULATION BKT FILM SIMULATION BKTChoose  lm types for  lm simulation bracketing (P 54,  60).  PHOTOMETRYPHOTOMETRYChoose how the camera meters exposure (P 59).
96Using the Menus: Shooting Mode  SHUTTER TYPESHUTTER TYPEChoose the shutter type. Choose the electronic shutter to mute the shutter sound.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptiontt  MECHANICAL SHUTTER  MECHANICAL SHUTTER Take pictures with the mechanical shutter.ss  ELECTRONIC SHUTTER  ELECTRONIC SHUTTER Take pictures with the electronic shutter.tt MECHANICAL +  MECHANICAL + ss ELECTRONIC ELECTRONIC The camera chooses the shutter type according to shooting conditions. RIf s ELECTRONIC SHUTTER or t MECHANICAL  +  s ELECTRONIC is selected, shutter speeds faster than /s can be chosen by rotating the shutter speed dial to 8000 and then rotating the front command dial.  RWhen the electronic shutter is used, shutter speed and sensitivity are restricted to values of /–1s and ISO 12800–200 respectively, and long exposure noise reduction has no e ect. In burst mode, focus and exposure are  xed at the values for the  rst shot in each burst. QDistortion may be visible in shots of moving subjects with electronic shutter, while banding and fog may occur in shots taken under  uorescent lights or other  ickering or erratic illumination. When taking pictures with the shutter muted, respect your subjects’ image rights and right to privacy.  IS MODEIS MODEReduce blur. This option is available only with lenses that support image stabilization.OptionOptionDescriptionDescriptionll CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS Image stabilization on.mm SHOOTING ONLY SHOOTING ONLY Image stabilization enabled only when the shutter button is pressed halfway or the shutter is released.OFFOFF Image stabilization o ; x appears in the display (P 8, 10).  Recommended when using a tripod.
97MenusUsing the Menus: Shooting Mode ISO AUTO SETTING ISO AUTO SETTINGChoose the base sensitivity, maximum sensitivity, and minimum shutter speed for auto ISO sensitivity control, which is selected by rotating the ISO dial to A.  Settings for AUTO1, AUTO2, and AUTO3 can be adjusted separately.OptionOptionDefaultDefaultDEFAULT SENSITIVITY 200MAX. SENSITIVITY 800 (AUTO1)/1600 (AUTO2)/3200 (AUTO3)MIN. SHUTTER SPEED 1/60The camera automatically chooses a sensitivity between the default and maximum values.  Sensitivity is only raised above the default value if the shutter speed required for optimal exposure would be slower than the value selected for MIN. SHUTTER SPEED. RIf the value selected for DEFAULT SENSITIVITY is higher than that selected for MAX. SENSITIVITY, DEFAULT SENSITIVITY will be set to the value selected for MAX. SENSITIVITY. RThe camera may select shutter speeds slower than MIN. SHUTTER SPEED if pictures would still be underexposed at the value selected for MAX. SENSITIVITY.  MOUNT ADAPTOR SETTINGMOUNT ADAPTOR SETTINGAdjust settings for M-mount lenses connected using an optional FUJIFILM M MOUNT ADAPTER (P 83).  WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONWIRELESS COMMUNICATIONConnect to a smartphone or tablet over a wireless network (P 122). RFor more information, visit http://fujifilm-dsc.com/wifi/.
98Using the Menus: Shooting ModeFF FLASH SETTING FLASH SETTINGTo adjust  ash-related settings, press MENU/OK in the shooting display and select the F (FLASH SETTING) tab (P 87).EXITFLASH SETTINGFLASH COMPENSATIONRED EYE REMOVALFLASH MODE FLASH MODE FLASH  MODEChoose a  ash mode (P 78). FLASH COMPENSATION FLASH  COMPENSATIONAdjust  ash brightness.  Note that the desired results may not be achieved depending on shooting conditions and the distance to the subject. RED EYE REMOVAL RED EYE REMOVALChoose ON to remove red-eye e ects caused by the  ash. RRed-eye reduction is performed only when a face is detected. RRed-eye removal is not available with RAW images.
99MenusUsing the Menus: Shooting ModeBB MOVIE SETTING MOVIE SETTINGTo adjust options for movie recording, press MENU/OK in the shooting display and select the B ( MOVIE SETTING) tab (P 87).EXITMOVIE SETTINGMIC LEVEL ADJUSTMENTMIC/REMOTE RELEASEMOVIE MODE MOVIE MODE MOVIE  MODESelect a frame size and rate for movie recording.•  i 1080/60 P: 1920 × 1080  (60 fps)•  i 1080/50 P: 1920 × 1080  (50 fps)•  i 1080/30 P: 1920 × 1080  (30 fps)•  i 1080/25 P: 1920 × 1080  (25 fps)•  i 1080/24 P: 1920 × 1080  (24 fps)•  h 720/60 P: 1280 × 720  (60 fps)•  h 720/50 P: 1280 × 720  (50 fps)•  h 720/30 P: 1280 × 720  (30 fps)•  h 720/25 P: 1280 × 720  (25 fps)•  h 720/24 P: 1280 × 720  (24 fps)MIC LEVEL ADJUSTMENTMIC LEVEL ADJUSTMENTAdjust the microphone recording level. MIC/REMOTE RELEASE MIC/REMOTE  RELEASESpecify whether the device connected to the microphone/remote release connector is a microphone or a remote release (P 45, 72).

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