- 1. User manual-1(page 1-30)
- 2. User manual-2(Page 31-100)
- 3. User manual-3(Page 101-162)
User manual-2(Page 31-100)
S.BUS Wiring example Receiver äS.BUS Servo Battery S.BUS Port (8/SB) Switch GY520 Extension cord Since the channel number is memorized at the S.BUS itself beforehand, any connector can be used. When the SBD-1 sold separately is used, ordinary servos can be used with the S.BUS system. Terminal box äTerminal box Four connectors can be inserted HUB HUB HUB Warning S.BUS Servo Power supply 3OHDVH XVH D EDWWHU\ ZLWK FDSDFLW\ RI enough to the number and kind of servo. A dry battery cannot be used. HUB âŤŮâŹ$QRWKHUSRZHUVXSSO\âŤŮ⏠HUB äWhen separate power supply used HUB Battery When many more servos are used and when large current servos are used the servos are driven by a separate power supply by using a separate power supply 3-way hub. S.BUS Servo ,WRSHUDWHVLQDQRWKHUSRZHU VXSSO\IRUWKHUHFHLYHU Green HUB âŤŮâŹ$QRWKHUSRZHUVXSSO\âŤŮ⏠HUB Orange Three connectors can be inserted. Used when using a separate power supply battery.31 S.BUS2 System S. BUS2, extend the conventional S.BUS system and support bidirectional communication systems, such as a telemetry sensor. S.BUS2 TABLE Receiver connector S.BUS Servo S.BUS Gyro telemetry sensor S.BUS äž ăŹ S.BUS2 ăŹää¨ ăśäŠ äž ä¨ ăśäŠ 'RQ WFRQQHFW6%866HUYR S.BUS Gyro to BUS2 connector. S.BUS device setting S.BUS servos or a telemetry sensor can be connected to the T18MZ and channel setting (slot setting) and other settings can be memorized at the S.BUS device. HUB or Y-adaptor T18MZ S.BUS device (S.BUS Servo) (telemetry sensor) 32 Receivers Battery &RQQHFW WKH 6%86 GHYLFH DQG EDWWHU\ \RX ZDQWWRVHWZLWKDZD\KXERUZD\FRUG DVVKRZQLQWKHĂJXUH 7XUQRQWKHWUDQVPLWWHUSRZHU &DOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQ ä 6HUYR6\VWHP0HQXâ6%866HUYR ä 6HQVRU/LQNDJH0HQXâ6HQVRU 3HUIRUP VHWWLQJ LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK HDFK VFUHHQ 7KLV PHPRUL]HV WKH FKDQQHO VORW 1R DW HDFK 6%86 GHYLFH VR LW FDQ EH XVHG E\ FRQQHFWLQJ LW WR WKH 6%86 FRQQHFWRU RI WKH UHFHLYHU Telemetry System This set is compatible with a telemetry system. Flight status can be displayed at the transmitter by mounting various sensor units to the fuselage. *The telemetry function is applicable only in the FASSTest 18CH mode. (12CH mode serves as a display of only Receiver battety voltage and Extra battety voltage.) *The telemetry function requires the corresponding receiver (R7008SB). äTelemetry sensor (sold separately) T18MZ Fuselage data can be checked at the transmitter by connecting various telemetry sensors to the S.BUS2 connector of the receiver. Info Signal Info Drive battery voltage is displayed at the transmitter. voltage Receiver Battery voltage is displayed at the transmitter. Info S.BUS2 Connector Info GY520 Extension cord HUB Switch Terminal box Info Temperature Sensor Slot1 RPM Sensor Slot2 Altitude Sensor Slot3 Altitude Sensor Slot4 Altitude Sensor Slot5 Sensor Slot6 Sensor Slot7 S.BUS2 Tool Slot8 HUB äSlot No. Servos are classified by channel, but sensors are classified by âslotâ . Since the initial slot No. of the T18MZ is preset at each sensor, the sensors can be used as is by connecting them. There are 1 31 slots. Info HUB 33 BASIC OPERATION depending on the ambient temperature and state of the battery pack. Battery Charging Before charging batteries, read the "Cautions for handling battery and battery charger" in the section "For your safety". Charging the transmitter LT2F3500XH lithiumpolymer battery Danger *If the battery is improperly installed or is faulty, the transmitter monitor will not light and the battery will not be charged. How to charge the Li-Fe battery FR2F1800(Option) for the receiver Use the battery charger that is included in the set. [Method of charging battery] LBC-4E5 3S 2S Red on, green off : Charging Green on, red off : Charging Full Red flash : Output short-circuit or wrong polarity AC100V MODEL : Always use the accessory AC adapter to charge the battery. The charging circuit is built into the T18MZ. [Method of charging battery] äThe connector of the battery is connected with "2S" side of the charger. Intelligent LiFePO4 for 2S/3S Cells Balance CHARGER The LT2F3500XH lithium-polymer battery is for the T18Mz transmitter only. Do not use it with other devices. ä¨ 2S sidsäŠ Charger LBC-4E5 AC100V Charge lamp 1. Connect the power cable of the charger to the wall socket (AC outlet). 2. Connect the connector to the Li-Fe battery. &RQÂżUPWKDWWKHFKDUJLQJLQGLFDWRU/('ODPS5HGOLJKWV T18MZ 3. Remove the battery after LED lamp Green lighting . *After completing the charge remove the battery from the charger and remove the charger from the wall socket. Warning 1. Turn off the transmitter power. 2. Connect the power plug of the AC adapter to an AC100V outlet. *Don't connect AC plug to T18MZ without connecting with AC100V. 3. Open the back lid of the transmitter and insert the plug of the AC adapter into the CHG port. 4. The charging monitor of the transmitter lights red. *The LCD screen will come on for several seconds and then go off. It may take several tens of seconds for charging to start after the AC adapter is connected. 5. When the battery is fully charged the transmitter monitor will light green. A charge plug is pulled out and an AC adaptor is removed. *After using the AC adapter always disconnect the power cord from the AC outlet. *The charging time when charging a completely discharged battery pack is approximately 2 hours 30 seconds. However, the actual charging time may be different from the above 34 The transmitter battery cannot be charged with the receiver charger. Conversely the receiver battery cannot be charged with the transmitter charger. How to turn ON/OFF the power of the transmitter WindowsÂŽ&(LVLQVWDOOHGDVDEXLOWLQRSHUDWLQJ system in the T18MZ transmitter. Compared to the conventional system, the T18MZ takes extra time for internal processing when it is turned on/off. Âł+RWVWDUW´WDNHVSODFHXVXDOO\DWDVHFRQGĂLJKWRU ODWHUĂLJKWLQWKHGD\ Warning Once you turn on the power, never shut off the power switch until the power becomes stable (or XQWLOWKHÂżUVWVFUHHQVKRZVXS ,I\RXWXUQRII the power switch while the transmitter is going through the initialization process, the data could be damaged. Note: The start-up time may be a little bit slower when the SD card is installed compared to when the card is not. How to stop the transmitter The right switch is pushed. Turn off the power switch of the transmitter. The internal circuit of the transmitter starts the shut down process including saving the set-up data. The /('ZLOOEOLQN\HOORZZKLOHWKHWUDQVPLWWHULVLQ the shutdown process. When turning on the power of the transmitter 1. Make a throttle stick slow. 2. Turn on the power switch of the transmitter. $IWHULQLWLDOL]DWLRQRIWKHWUDQVPLWWHULVRYHU/('PRQLWRU turns on Purple. *If a throttle stick turns on by the high speed side (1/3 or more), warning will become. If it returns slowly, warning will stop and will become a "Transmit ?" screen. It turns it off by pushing 2 pieces simultaneously. *If you push the button "NO", then the transmitter will not emit radio waves. *If you push the button "Yes", then the transmitter will emit radio waves. or Start-up time; The time required for initializing the internal circuit of the transmitter varies between the previous time you turned off the transmitter and the time you will turned on the power. There are two âstart upâ modes for your transmitter, see below: Cold start; If you turn on the transmitter more than four hours after you last turned it off, the mode is âCold startâ. âCold startâ is normal for the first initial power up of the day. It will take about 30 seconds to be ready for use, as it takes time to initialize the internal circuit of the transmitter. Hot start; If you turn on the transmitter less than four hours after you last turned it off, the mode is âHot startâ. Since initialization has been partly completed, the transmitter will be ready to use in several seconds. It turns it off by pushing 1 pieces pushes for a long time. Once you turn off the power, never operate the power switch until the power shutdown process is fully completed. If you turn on the power switch again while the transmitter is still in the process of power shutdown, the data could be damaged. 35 As the internal circuit of the transmitter stays on the standby mode for 4 hours after turning off the power, some part of the circuit is consuming current. When you turn on the power during this period, the power starts in âHot modeâ. But if more than four hours pass after shutting down the power, the power supply will completely shut down the internal circuit. When you turn on the power after this point, the power starts in âCold start modeâ. How to reset software If the screen freezes for some reason and you cannot edit, the transmitter power supply is not shut off even if you turn OFF the power switch. You will need to use the remove the battery and reinsert it again. In this case, the power restarts in âCold PRGH´ (YHQ WKRXJK WKH VFUHHQ IUHH]HV DOO WKH other functions for radio control operation remain operative. Registration of the user's name T18MZ transmitter can register user's name. How to register user's name 1. Turn on the power of the transmitter. 2. Push the area of the user's name shown on the home screen or the "user's name" in the linkage menu. Then the User's Name Set screen will pop up. User Name Model1 85% User Name User ID Futaba Corporation 0000 Secure Mode System 3. Push the user's name. Then the keyboard will pop up. You can use up to 32 characters as a user's name. Use the keyboard on the screen to enter user's name. Enter and Exit : [Return] Key, Cancel and Exit : [ESC] Key 3LHDVHLQSXWXVHUQDPH Űš&KDUDFWHUV Futaba Corporation space key 4. Push "Return" key to return to the previous screen after entering the user's name. (If you want to protect the user's name) If you don't want anybody else to change your user's name, set your ID in the following way. *Please be aware that you will not able to change user's name if you forget your password. 1. Make sure that the security mode is "User's name", and then push the User ID button. 2. Enter your password, using keyboard on the screen. You will need to enter your password for changing the user's name from the next time you turn on the power of the transmitter. (YHQLI\RXHQWHUWKHVDPHFKDUDFWHU\RXUSDVVZRUGZLOOEH identified differently depending on whether you are using "Transform" mode or "Direct" mode for inputting. 36 Home screen +HUHLVWKHKRPHVFUHHQDQGLWVGHVFULSWLRQV8VH\RXUÂżQJHURULQFOXGHGVW\OXVSHQWRRSHUDWHWKHWRXFK screen. User's name Timer If one of two timer displays is pushed, it can move to the timer screen of a Linkage menu. Digital trim (T1 to T6, CD) Push this area to call the Dial Monitor screen. Condition The condition name that is currently used is displayed here.  3XVK WKLV DUHD WR call the Condition Select screen. Push this area to call the User's Name Setting screen. Model Name The model name that is currently used is displayed here. Â3XVKWKLVDUHDWRFDOOWKH Model Select screen. Battery Indicator  : K H Q W K H U H P D L Q L Q J battery reaches 30%, the alarm will beep. Land your aircraft immediately. (Menu Button) Ĺ0RGHO (Menu Button) Ĺ6\VWHP Ĺ/LQNDJH RF Indicator 21$,5 or 5)2)) Direct buttons voltage of Rx battery Select and push one of the direct buttons to call its setting screen. Information from the receiver is displayed with an bidirectional system. System timer/Reset  7KLV VKRZV WKH DFFXPXODWHG time up to now since the latest reset. (Hour):(Minute):(Second) Push this area to reset the timer. System Selection Â)$667HVW&+ Â)$667HVW&+ Â)$66708/7 Â)$667&+ Â6)+66&+ Clock This shows the today's date and the current time. Â3XVKWKLVDUHDIRUWKH Date & Time Setting screen. Warning Be sure to confirm the model name before flying your aircraft. Check the remaining battery as often as possible and try to charge the battery earlier. If the battery alarm makes a sound and its warning symbol is displayed, land your aircraft immediately. Ć$OWKRXJK\RXPD\QRWLFHWKHIOLFNHULQJRIWKHQXPEHUVRQWKH LCD screen, this is not an abnormal, because the LCD screen is frequently refreshing those even if those numbers are unchanged. Ć 37 User Menu T18MZ has each menu of a System / Linkage / Model. User Menu can be created the item often used by itself for others can be chosen. Its own favorite original menu can be GLVSOD\HGLI5RWDU\.H\LVSXVKHG How to make a User Menu 1. From a home screen, a Rotary key is pressed long time. 22:15:10 Ĺ5HWXUQWRKRPHVFUHHQ 2. The place to register is pushed. Ĺ5HWXUQWR8VHU0HQX 3. Since all the items are displayed on all the 4 pages, an item to display is chosen. Ĺ5HWXUQWRKRPHVFUHHQ 4. The User Menu of all the 32 items can be created. From a home screen, a key is pressed for a long time, is called, and is used. *The item called from the user menu and the item called IURPWKHXVXDOPHQXDUHWKHVDPH&KDQJHLVUHĂHFWHG even if called from which. 38 Ĺ,WGHOHWHVIURPDXVHUPHQX It is not deleted from the menu of a basis. SYSTEM MENU The System Menu sets up functions of the transmitter, this does not set up any model data. Ĺ :KHQ WKH 6\VWHP 0HQX EXWWRQ LV WRXFKHG WKH PHQX VKRZQ EHORZ LV FDOOHG &DOO WKH VHWXS VFUHHQ E\ SUHVVLQJ WKH IXQFWLRQ \RX ZDQWWRVHWXS Ĺ5HWXUQWR+RPHVFUHHQ System Menu functions table [Trainer]: Starts and sets the trainer system. [Display]: Display adjustment and auto power off setting. [Date & Time]: Sets the date and time (system clock setting) and resets the timer. [User Name]: User name registration and ID Pin number. [Switch]: Toggle switch type setting (Set when the switch is replaced.) [H/W Setting]: Hardware reverse / Stick setting / Calibration. [Sund Volume]: This volume is adjusted. Key Operation/Error Warning/Trim&Center Click/Timer Event. >3OD\HU@5HSURGXFWLRQRIPXVLFÂżOH [Camera]: Function that takes pictures with a camera. [S.BUS Servo]: S.BUS servo setting. [Information]: Displays the program version, SD card information, and product ID. [Range Check]: The output of the transmitter is lowered, and the Range checked. 39 Trainer system starting and setting Trainer T18MZ trainer system makes it possible for the instruction to chose which channels and operation modes are to be used at the instructor's transmitter. Because the switch and rate of each channel can be set, the training method can also be matched to the student's skill level. Two transmitters must be connected by an optional Trainer Cord, and the Instructorsâ transmitter should be programmed for trainer operation, as described below. When the Instructor activates the trainer switch, the student has control of the aircraft (if MIX/ FUNC/NORM mode is turned on, the Instructor can make corrections while the student has control). When the switch is released the Instructor regains control. This is very useful if the student gets the aircraft into an undesirable situation. Ĺ6HWWLQJGDWDDUHVWRUHGWRPRGHOGDWD Ĺ6WXGHQWUDWHFDQEHDGMXVWHGDW0,;)81& 1250PRGH Ĺ$FWLYDWHGVWXGHQWFKDQQHOVFDQEHVHOHFWHG E\VZLWFKHV NOTE: This trainer system can be used in the following manner; 1. In the T18MZ (including FX-40, T12Z and T12FG) transmitter and a conventional transmitter, if the channel order is different. It is necessary to match the channel order in the Linkage Menu when connecting it with other than a T18MZ. 2. Be sure that all channels work correctly in ERWKWUDQVPLWWHUVEHIRUHĂ\LQJ Corresponding types of transmitters and trainer mode settings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t cannot be used by the set of those other than a diagram.(As of November, 2011 ) Ĺ7RXFKWKH>7UDLQHU@EXWWRQDWWKH6\VWHP0HQXWR FDOO WKH VHWXS VFUHHQ 7KH VHWXS VFUHHQ IRU WKH VWXGHQWPRGHLVVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX Model 1 Trainer ACT/INH Teacher/Student Channel 85% INH Student 8CH Student mode 6HW7HDFKHU6WXGHQWEXWWRQWR6WXGHQW &KDQJH$&7,1+EXWWRQIURP,1+WR2)) RU21 6HW WKH &+ PRGH WR &+&+ RU &+ VHH WKH DERYH FKDUW IRU WKH WUDLQHU PRGH 40 VHWWLQJV 1RWH ,Q VWXGHQW PRGH RQO\ WKH WHDFKHU VLGH FDQ WXUQ RQ DQG RII WKH SRZHU RI WKH VWXGHQW VWUDQVPLWWHU.HHSWKHSRZHUVZLWFK DOZD\VDWRIISRVLWLRQ Ĺ7KH VHWXS VFUHHQ IRU WKH LQVWUXFWRU PRGH LV VKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX Model 1 Trainer ACT/INH Teacher/Student Channel CH INH Mode ELE OFF ELE2 OFF RUD OFF AIL OFF AIL2 OFF THR OFF Switch Rate 1/3 Stu.CH Teacher 8CH Master SW 85% Function OFF Ĺ6WXGHQWUDWH Model 1 Trainer ACT/INH Teacher/Student Channel Master SW INH CH 85% Function Mode Switch Rate Stu.CH ELE FUNC NULL +100 CH 2 ELE2 MIX NULL +100 NULL RUD OFF NORM NULL +100 CH 4 AIL OFF AIL2 OFF THR OFF 1/3 Teacher 8CH OFF Teacher mode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mode (Normal mode); 6WXGHQW VLGH KDV QR FRQWURO RI PL[HV DQG VHWWLQJVLQ7HDFKHUVUDGLR "MIX" mode; 6WXGHQW KDV IXOO DGYDQWDJH RI DOO VHWWLQJ LQ 7HDFKHUV UDGLR SOXV 7HDFKHU KDV WKH RSWLRQ WR FKDQJHDQ\VHWWLQJZKLOH6WXGHQWKDVFRQWURO "FUNC" mode (Function mode); 6WXGHQWKDVFRQWURORIPL[HVDQGUDWHVHWWLQJV RI7HDFKHUVUDGLR 6HWWKHVZLWFKHVDQGUDWHVRIHDFKFKDQQHO 6 Z L W F K W R W K H G H W D L O V V H W X S V F U H H Q E \ WRXFKLQJ WKH SDJH VZLWFKLQJ EXWWRQ >@ DW WKH WRS ULJKWKDQG FRUQHU RI WKH VFUHHQ 6WXGHQWRSHUDWLRQIRUHDFKFKDQQHOFDQEH VHWKHUH >6ZLWFK@7KHVZLWFKHVWKDWFDQEHRSHUDWHG E\ WKH VWXGHQW FDQ EH VHW 6:$a6:+ 66 DQG66FDQEHVHOHFWHG >5DWH@6HUYRWUDYHOYHUVXVVWXGHQWRSHUDWLRQ FDQ EH VHW 7KLV FDQ RQO\ EH XVHG LQ WKH )81&/0,;1250PRGHV 1RWH ,Q WHDFKHU PRGH WKH WUDLQHU IXQFWLRQ ZRQ¡W EH WXUQHG RQ XQOHVV WKH ,QVWUXFWRUV WUDQVPLWWHUUHFHLYHVVLJQDOVIURPWKHVWXGHQW V WUDQVPLWWHU %H VXUH WR FRQILUP WKLV DIWHU FRQQHFWLQJ\RXUWUDLQHUFDEOH 41 ([DPSOHRIVWXGHQW&+VHWWLQJ! Trainer student channel setting function Student side Which channel of the signal from the student transmitter is fetched as the student function input signal when "FUNC""MIX""NORM" is set as the trainer function student's transmitter mode can be set. This makes trainer connection easy even when the instruction side and student side channel assignment is different. ACT/INH Teacher/Student Channel Master SW INH CH Aileron Elevator CH2 CH2 Elevator Rudder CH4 CH3 Throttle Throttle CH3 CH4 Rudder Aileron CH1 CH5 Gear Aileron2 -- CH6 Flap Flap CH6 CH7 Aileron2 Gear CH5 CH8 Aux5 Aux5 CH8 CH9 Aux4 Aux4 CH9 CH10 Aux3 Aux3 CH10 CH11 Aux2 Aux2 CH11 CH12 Aux1 Aux1 CH12 85% Function Mode Switch Rate Stu.CH ELE FUNC NULL +100 CH 2 ELE2 MIX NULL +100 NULL RUD OFF NORM NULL +100 CH 4 AIL OFF AIL2 OFF THR OFF Teacher 8CH OFF Student channel setting 2SHQWKH6\VWHP0HQXWUDLQHUVFUHHQ 6HOHFW>7HDFKHU@ :KHQ>)81&@>0,;@>1250@LVVHOHFWHGDVWKH PRGHRIWKHFKDQQHOWREHVHWWKH>6WXGHQW &+@VHWWLQJ EXWWRQ LV GLVSOD\HG :KHQ >2))@>6WXGHQW&+@VHWWLQJLVQRWSHUIRUPHG :KHQWKH>6WXGHQW&+@EXWWRQLVSUHVVHGWKH &KDQQHO 6HOHFW VFUHHQ LV GLVSOD\HG 6HOHFW WKHFKDQQHO 42 CH1 Model 1 Trainer Instructor side Student CH 1/3 Display /&'VFUHHQDGMXVWPHQWDQGDXWRSRZHURIIVHWWLQJ The following LCD screen adjustments and auto power off setting are possible: Ĺ$XWRSRZHURIIWLPHVHWWLQJ Ĺ%DFNOLJKWLQJEULJKWQHVVDGMXVWPHQW Ĺ%DFNJURXQGFRORUFKDQJH Ĺ7RXFKSDQHOVFUHHQSRVLWLRQFRUUHFWLRQ Ĺ7RXFKWKH>'LVSOD\@EXWWRQLQWKH6\VWHP0HQXWR FDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX Display Model 1 85% $XWR3RZHURĂWLPH Backlight 30Min. Backlight decrease %DFNOLJKWGHFUHDVHWLPH 1Min. Back color TEXT TEXT TEXT Touch screen TEXT Auto power off time setting $GMXVWWKHDXWRSRZHURIIWLPHZLWKWKHOHIW DQGULJKWVLGHEXWWRQV *When the time the transmitter is inactive exceeds the set time, the power is turned off automatically. This time can be set up to 1 hour in 10 minutes increments. The auto power off function can also be deactivated. *An audible alarm is sounded and an alarm screen is displayed from 3 minutes before auto power off and the time remaining until auto power off is displayed. When a stick or switch is operated while the alarm screen is being displayed, the alarm is cleared and the display is returned to the home screen. TEXT Cal. WKDWWKHWRXFKSDQHOKDVEHHQQRWRSHUDWHG 7KLVWLPHFDQEHVHWE\WHQVHFRQGVWHSV 43 'DWHDQGWLPHVHWWLQJ V\VWHPFORFNVHWWLQJ DQGLQWHJUDWLQJWLPHUUHVHWWLQJ Date and Time This function adjusts the system clock of the T18MZ transmitter. Perform this setting when you purchase the set and when adjustment is necessary. The integrating timer can also be reset. *The integrating timer is displayed on the Home screen. Ĺ 7RXFKWKH>'DWHDQG7LPH@EXWWRQ LQ WKH 6\VWHP 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX Date and Time Model 1 August 2011 31 1 85% Date 2011 16 35 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 System Timer 10 Total Date setting 7RXFK WKH @ RU >@ EXWWRQ *The date can also be set by pressing the date on the calendar shown at the left. Time setting 7RXFKWKH+RXURU0LQXWHEXWWRQDQGVHW WKHWLPHE\WRXFKLQJWKH>@RU>@EXWWRQ :KHQ WKH 6HFRQG EXWWRQ LV WRXFKHG WKH WLPHULVVHWWRVHFRQGV Integrating timer reset 7KH LQWHJUDWLQJ WLPHU VKRZV WKH WRWDO WLPH WKDWKDVHODSVHGVLQFHWKHODVWUHVHWWLQJ :KHQWKH>6\VWHP7LPHU@EXWWRQLVWRXFKHG WKHWLPHULVUHVHW 44 17 Time 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 00:17:48 52 User Name 8VHUQDPHUHJLVWUDWLRQDQG3,1VHWWLQJ *Set the PIN carefully. When a system PIN is set, if you forget the PIN, none of the settings can be changed. In this case, the system must be reset by the Futaba Service Center. This function registers the T18MZ user name. A PIN can also be set to protect the set data or user name. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>8VHU1DPH@EXWWRQDWWKH6\VWHP0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX User Name Model1 85% User Name User ID Futaba Corporation 0000 Secure Mode System User name registration :KHQ WKH 8VHU 1DPH ER[ LV WRXFKHG D NH\ERDUGDSSHDUVRQWKHVFUHHQ (QWHUWKHXVHUQDPHIURPWKLVNH\ERDUG *A user name of up to 32 characters can be entered. *The set user name is displayed on the Home screen. (For a detailed description of the input method, see [User Name Registration/Character Input Method] in the Basic Operation section.) :KHQ WKH 5HWXUQ NH\ LV WRXFKHG WKH GLVSOD\UHWXUQVWRWKHSUHFHGLQJVFUHHQ :KHQWKHWUDQVPLWWHUSRZHULVWXUQHGRIIWKH VHWVHFXULW\PRGHEHFRPHVDFWLYH *When a PIN is set at the user name, it must be entered the next time the User Name screen is opened. When a System PIN is set, a button displaying a key icon appears on the Home screen. When you want to change the setting, touch this button and enter the PIN. User name or set data protection 7RXFKWKH6HFXULW\0RGHEXWWRQDQGVHOHFW WKHPRGH7KHPRGHLVVZLWFKHGHDFKWLPH WKHEXWWRQLVWRXFKHG ,I\RXZDQWWRQXOOLI\\RXUFXUUHQWSDVVZRUG VHWWKHSDVVZRUGWR GHIDXOWYDOXH *User Name: Select when you want to protect the user name only. *System: Select when you want to protect all the set data. :KHQ WKH XVHU ,' EXWWRQ LV WRXFKHG D 3,1 LQSXWVFUHHQDSSHDUV,QSXWD3,1RIXSWR GLJLWV 45 Switch 7RJJOH VZLWFK W\SH VHWWLQJ 6HWWLQJ ZKHQ WKH VZLWFK ZDV UHSODFHG If you modify the location of the switches on the right and left (top) of the transmitter, you should be sure to re-assign functions to the switches for proper operation. A âLockâ is included to prevent settings from being modified by mistake. When you need to change settings, unlock this by pressing âLockâ it will then read âUnlockâ and you can make changes as required. Ĺ 7 R X F K W K H > 6 Z L W F K @ E X W W R Q D W W K H 6 \ V W H P 0HQX WR FDOO WKH VHWXS VFUHHQ VKRZQ EHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQ WR 6\VWHP 0HQX Switch 85% SW Type Posi. SA Lever 3Posi. Ait/Mom 3P Mom Alt. SB Lever 2Posi. SC Lever SD Lever SW Type Posi. SE Lever 3Posi. Alt. Alt. SF Lever 2Posi. Alt. 3Posi. Alt. SG Lever 2Posi. Alt. 3Posi. Alt. SH Lever 2Posi. Mom. Lock Ait/Mom 3P Mom Switch selection [Alt/Mom] mode selection 6HOHFWWKHVZLWFKW\SHE\WRXFKLQJWKH>W\SH@ EXWWRQ FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR WKH VZLWFK WR EH UHSODFHG >/HYHU@7RJJOHVZLWFK >%XWWRQ@3XVKEXWWRQ >'LDO@.QRE Ĺ6HWWLQJIRUWRJJOHVZLWFKLVVKRZQDERYH 6HOHFW WKH RSHUDWLRQ PRGH E\ WRXFKLQJ WKH >$OW0RP@ EXWWRQ FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR WKH VZLWFK >$OW@$OWHUQDWHW\SH >0RP@6HOIUHWXUQW\SH Ĺ 6 H O H F W L R Q R I W K H > 0 R P @ P R G H Z L W K D SRVLWLRQW\SHVZLWFKLVVKRZQDERYH 2/3 position selection "3P Mom" mode selection 7RXFKWKH3RVLEXWWRQFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKH VZLWFKDQGVHOHFWWKHSRVLWLRQW\SH >3RVL@SRVLWLRQ >3RVL@SRVLWLRQ 6HOHFW WKH RSHUDWLRQ PRGH E\ WRXFKLQJ WKH 3 0RP EXWWRQ FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR WKH VZLWFK >6LQJOH@2QHVLGHVHOIUHWXUQW\SH >'XDO@%RWKGLUHFWLRQVVHOIUHWXUQW\SH 46 H/W Setting 6WLFNVZLWFKWULPOHYHUDQGNQRERSHUDWLRQGLUHFWLRQUHYHUVDO +DUGZDUH UHYHUVH 6WLFNUHVSRQVHDQGKLVWHULVLVDGMXVWPHQW 6WLFN6HWWLQJ &DOLEUDWLRQ This function is for adjusting the sticks, switches, and trimmers characteristics. It is not used without necessity. H/W Reverse This function reverses the operation signal of the sticks, switches, trimmer levers, and knobs. Note: This setting reverses the actual operation signal, but does not change the display of the indicators on the display. Use the Normal mode as long as there is no special reason to use the Reverse mode. Stick Setting This function sets the servo response and hysteresis for stick operation for each condition. The control feeling of the stick can be adjusted to match the aerobatics. Calibration Usually, this calibration is unnecessary. Please perform this calibration, if a gap of a stick should arise in prolonged use. Ĺ 7RXFK WKH >+: 6HWWLQJ@ EXWWRQ DW WKH 6\VWHP 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX Ĺ 7RXFK WKH >+: 5HYHUVH@ EXWWRQ DW WKH +: 6HWWLQJ 0HQX WR FDOO WKH VHWXS VFUHHQ VKRZQ EHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR+:6HWWLQJ0HQX Operation direction reversal method 7RXFK WKH VHWWLQJ EXWWRQ FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR WKH+: +DUGZDUH \RXZDQWWRUHYHUVH 5HYHUVH WKH +: E\ WRXFKLQJ > 1R@ >1RUPDO@ 1RUPDO RSHUDWLRQ GLUHFWLRQ >5HYHUVH@5HYHUVHVWKHRSHUDWLRQGLUHFWLRQ 47 Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6WLFN6HWWLQJ@EXWWRQDWWKH+:6HWWLQJ 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR+:6HWWLQJ0HQX Ĺ*URXSVLQJOHPRGHVZLWFKLQJ *U6QJO (For more information, see the description at the back of this manual.) Response adjustment Hysteresis adjustment 7RXFK WKH VHWWLQJ EXWWRQ FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR WKHVWLFNZKRVHUHVSRQVH\RXZDQWWRDGMXVW $GMXVWPHQW EXWWRQV DSSHDU RQ WKH ULJKW KDQGVLGHRIWKHVWLFNVHWXSVFUHHQ 8VH WKH DGMXVWPHQW EXWWRQV WR DGMXVW WKH UHVSRQVH ,QLWLDOYDOXH $GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa :KHQWKHDGMXVWPHQW YDOXHLVODUJHWKHUHVSRQVHEHFRPHVVORZ 7RXFK WKH VHWWLQJ EXWWRQ FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR WKHVWLFNZKRVHK\VWHUHVLV\RXZDQWWRDGMXVW $GMXVWPHQW EXWWRQV DSSHDU RQ WKH ULJKW KDQGVLGHRIWKHVWLFNVHWXSVFUHHQ 8VH WKH DGMXVWPHQW EXWWRQV WR DGMXVW WKH K\VWHUHVLV ,QLWLDOYDOXH $GMXVWPHQW UDQJH a :KHQ WKH DGMXVWPHQWYDOXHLVODUJHWKHK\VWHUHVLVYDOXH EHFRPHVODUJH Ĺ7RXFKWKH>&DOLEUDWLRQ@EXWWRQDWWKH+:6HWWLQJ 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR+:6HWWLQJ0HQX How to Calibration *Please do not push a stick too much strongly. $VWLFNWRFDUU\RXWDFDOLEUDWLRQE\ULJKWDQG OHIWLVFKRVHQ 7KH VWLFN LV PDGH QHXWUDO DQG D >QHXWUDO@ EXWWRQLVSXVKHG 7KH VWLFN LV PDGH IXOO ULJKW DQG IXOO ERWWRP WKH >5LJKW%RWWRP@ EXWWRQ LV SXVKHG(7KH GLUHFWLRQRIDQDUURZ 7KHVWLFNLVPDGHIXOOOHIWDQGIXOOWRSWKH>/HIW 7RS@ EXWWRQ LV SXVKHG(7KH GLUHFWLRQ RI DQ DUURZ *An after-end should check that the neutral 0% and bottom right side will be +100%, and the top left side has become -100%. 48 Sound Volume 6RXQG9ROXPHVHWWLQJ This function can set the volume of "Key Operation" "Error/Warning" "Trim&Center Click" "Timer Event" respectively. *Set the PIN carefully. When a system PIN is set, if you forget the PIN, none of the settings can be changed. In this case, the system must be reset by the Futaba Service Center. Ĺ7RXFKWKH >6RXQG9ROXPH@EXWWRQDWWKH6\VWHP 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX Sound Volume Model 1 85% Key Operation Error/Warning Trim & Center Click Timer Event Sound Volume Setting method :KHQ WKH 6RXQG 9ROXPH ER[ LV WRXFKHG D NH\ERDUGDSSHDUVRQWKHVFUHHQ 3OHDVH FKDQJH WKH VRXQG YROXPH WR WKH IDYRUWRXFKLQJWKHEXWWRQRIIRXULWHPV *If it touches "+", the volume of the item grows. *If it touches "-", the volume of the item becomes small. 49 Player Music playback 7KH70=WUDQVPLWWHUFDQSOD\EDFNWKHZPDPXVLFÂżOHVVWRUHGLQWKH6'FDUGDQG86%PHPRU\ You can listen to them through the built-in speaker or a headphone by the earphone plug. [Important notice] %HIRUHGRZQORDGLQJÂżOHVIURP\RXU3&LQWRWKH SD card, insert the SD card into the transmitter and turn on the power of the transmitter. Then the following folders will be automatically FUHDWHGLQWKH6'FDUG:KHQ\RXGRZQORDGÂżOHV IURP\RX3&FRS\DQGSDVWHWKHÂżOHVLQWRWKHLU FRUUHVSRQGLQJÂżOHV Â%03SLFWXUHĂOHV Â:0$PXVLFĂOHV Â:$9VRXQGĂOHV Â02'(/PRGHOGDWDĂOHV Â3XVKWKH0XVLF3OD\EDFNEXWWRQRQWKHKRPH VFUHHQWRFDOOWKHIROORZLQJVHWXSVFUHHQ Â%XWWRQWRVHOHFWHLWKHU2QHWLPH 3OD\EDFNRU5HSHDW3OD\EDFN Â5HWXUQWRWKHKRPHVFUHHQ Player Model 1 85% Playback File 00:00:00 / 00:00:00 File not found ! Sel.SW Â%XWWRQ WR V H O H F W H L W K H U 2QH 0XVLF 3 O D \ E D F N R U 0XOWLSOH 0XVLF 3OD\EDFN Â6:VHOHFWLRQEXWWRQ 3XVK WKLV EXWWRQ WR FDOO WKH 6: VHOHFW VFUHHQ DQG FKRRVH WKH 0XVLFSOD\EDFNVZLWFK 5HIHUWRWKHGHVFULSWLRQLQWKH HQGRIWKLVPDQXDO Buttons for music playback  &DPHUDSKRWRJUDSK\DQGSLFWXUHVWRUDJH Camera Pictures can be easily taken with the camera in the T18MZ. The picture can be saved to the T18MZ, SD card, and USB memory. Your favorite model photographed by you can be displayed on the Home screen, Start screen, and Model Select screen. Camera Ĺ &DOO WKH IROORZLQJ VHWWLQJ VFUHHQ E\ SUHVVLQJ WKH >&DPHUD@EXWWRQLQWKH6\VWHP0HQX ĹVKXWWHUEXWWRQ Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX Camera Model1 85% Thumbnail Save to... 7RWKHVFUHHQRIDWKXPEQDLO Ĺ3LFWXUHGDWDVDYHGHVWLQDWLRQ 70=6'FDUG86%PHPRU\ Shooting method Display pictures at the model data 7XUQ RQ WKH WUDQVPLWWHU DQG FDOO >&DPHUD@ IURPWKH6\VWHP0HQX 6HOHFW WKH SLFWXUH VDYH GHVWLQDWLRQ 70= 6'FDUG86%PHPRU\ &DOO>&DPHUD@IURPWKH6\VWHP0HQX 0DNH WKH VDYH GHVWLQDWLRQ WKH VDPH SODFH DVPRGHOGDWD,IDQ6'FDUGRU86%PHPRU\ LV QRW FRQQHFWHG WKH 70= EHFRPHV WKH LQLWLDOVWDWH 7DNHWKHSLFWXUH\RXZDQWWRGLVSOD\ZLWKWKH 70= 3RVLWLRQWKHSLFWXUHLQVLGHWKHIUDPH 6HOHFWWKHPRGHOZKRVHSLFWXUH\RXZDQWWR SDVWHEHIRUHKDQG 3UHVV>7KXPEQDLO@DQGWKHQSUHVVWKHSLFWXUH \RXWRRNHDUOLHU 3UHVV>(QWU\@ 7KHPHVVDJH´6XUH"ÂľLVGLVSOD\HG3UHVV> 7KXPEQDLO@EXWWRQ$SLFWXUHFDQEHFRSLHG DQGGHOHWHGE\SUHVVLQJLW 51 6%86VHUYRVHWWLQJ S.BUS Servo An S.BUS servo can memorize the channel and various settings itself. Servo setting can be performed on the T18MZ screen by wiring the servo as shown in the figure. Ć6HUYR,'QXPEHU Individual ID numbers are memorized at the S.BUS servos. When one servo is set as shown at the right, the servo ID number is automatically read. However, when you do not want to change one setting of multiple servos mounted to the fuselage, only the desired servo in the multi-connection state can be set by entering the ID of that servo. HUB or Y-adapter Ĺ &DOO WKH IROORZLQJ VHWWLQJ VFUHHQ E\ SUHVVLQJ WKH >6%866HUYR@EXWWRQLQWKH6\VWHP0HQX S.BUS servo Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX S.BUS Servo CH Reverse Servo Type Soft Start Stop Mode ID Recall Model 1 INH NORM Smoother OFF Travel Adjust 100.0 100.0 NORM Neutral 2ĂVHW +0.00 Speed Control ACT 12.00 0.03 Damper Factor OFF FREE Dead Band Boost 0.0 Stretcher Gain Procedure for changing S.BUS servo setting 6HOHFW>6%866HUYR@RIWKH6\VWHP0HQX :LUHWKHVHUYRDVVKRZQLQWKHĂJXUHDERYH 3UHVV >5HFDOO@ 7KH ,' DQG FXUUHQW VHWWLQJ RI WKDWVHUYRDUHGLVSOD\HG :KHQPXOWLSOHVHUYRVDUHFRQQHFWHGFKDQJH >,1+@DWWKHULJKWVLGHRIWKH,'QXPEHURQWKH VFUHHQWR>$&7@DQGHQWHUWKH,'RIWKHVHUYR \RXZDQWWRVHW 6HWHDFKLWHP 3OHDVHVHHWKHQH[WSDJH 3UHVV>:ULWH@7KHVHWWLQJVDUHFKDQJHG 52 0.00 85% Receiver Battery S.BUS Servo Description of function of each parameter Â,' Displays the ID of the servo whose parameters are to be read. It cannot be changed. Â&KDQQHO Channel of the S.BUS system assigned to the servo. Always assign a channel before use. Â5HYHUVH The direction in which the servo rotates can be changed. Â6HUYRW\SH When âRetractableâ is selected and the servo has been continuously stopped for 30 seconds, the dead band expands and unnecessary hold current due to external force is eliminated. When a new control signal enters, normal operation is resumed. When using the servo as a landing gear servo, select âRetractableâ. Also adjust the servo travel to match the landing gear movement range. Â6RIW6WDUW Restricts operation in the speciďŹed direction the instant the power is turned on. By making this setting, only the ďŹrst operation when the power is turned on slowly moves the servo to the speciďŹed position. Â6WRS0RGH The state of the servo when the servo input signal is lost can be speciďŹed. The "Hold" mode setting holds the servo in its last commanded position even if using AM or FM system. Â6PRRWKHU This function changes smoothness of the servo operation relative to operation signal changes. Normally use at Smooth setting. Especially, select the "OFF" mode when quick operation is necessary. Â1HXWUDO2IIVHW The neutral position can be changed. When the neutral offset is large value, the servo's range of travel is restricted on one side. Â6SHHG&RQWURO Speeds can be matched by specifying the operating speed. The speed of multiple servos can be matched without being affected by motor ďŹuctuations. This is effective for load torques below the maximum torque. However, note that the maximum speed will not be exceeded even if a speed over the maximum speed of the servo at each operating voltage is set. Â'HDGEDQG The dead band angle at stopping can be speciďŹed. [Relationship between dead band set value and servo operation] Small Äş Dead band angle is small and the servo is immediately operated by a small signal change. Large Äş Dead band angle is large and the servo does not operate at small signal changes. (Note) If the dead band angle is too small, the servo will operate continuously and the current consumption will increase and the life of the servo will be shortened. Â7UDYHO$GMXVW The left and right travels centered about the neutral position can be set independently. Â%RRVW The minimum current applied to the internal motor when starting the servo can be set. Since a small travel does not start the motor, it essentially feels like the dead band was expanded. The motor can be immediately started by adjusting the minimum current which can start the motor. [Relationship between boost set value and servo operation] Small Äş Motor reacts to a minute current and operation becomes smooth. Large Äş Initial response improves and output torque increases. However, if the torque is too large, operation will become rough. Â'DPSHU The characteristic when the servo is stopped can be set. When smaller than the standard value, the characteristic becomes an overshoot characteristic. If the value is larger than the standard value, the brake is applied before the stop position. 53 Especially, when a large load is applied, overshoot, etc. are suppressed by inertia and hunting may occur, depending on the conditions. If hunting (phenomena which cause the servo to oscillate) occurs even though the Dead Band, Stretcher, Boost and other parameters are suitable, adjust this parameter to a value larger than the initial value. [Relationship between damper set value and servo operation] Small Äş When you want to overshoot. Set so that hunting does not occur. Large Äş When you want to operate so that braking is not applied. However, it will feel like the servo response has worsened. (Note) If used in the hunting state, not only will the current consumption increase, but the life of the servo will also be shortened. Â6WUHWFKHU The servo hold characteristic can be set. The torque which attempts to return the servo to the target position when the current servo position has deviated from the target position can be adjusted. This is used when stopping hunting, etc., but the holding characteristic changes as shown below. [Relationship between stretcher and servo operation] Small Äş Servo holding force becomes weaker. Large Äş Servo holding force becomes stronger. (Note) When this parameter is large, the current consumption increases. 54 7KHSURJUDPYHUVLRQ&)FDUG86%PHPRU\GDWDDQGSURGXFW,'DUHGLVSOD\HG 7KHODQJXDJHXVHGE\WKHV\VWHPFDQDOVREHFKDQJHG Information The Information screen displays the T18MZ system program version information, T18MZ ,SD card and USB memory (memory size, vacant capacity, number of model data, and number of PXVLFÂżOHV LQIRUPDWLRQDQGSURGXFW,' The language (Japanese, English) used on the screen can also be changed. *When an SD card and USB memory are not inserted, their information is not displayed. Ĺ 7RXFK WKH >,QIRUPDWLRQ@ EXWWRQ DW WKH 6\VWHP 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR6\VWHP0HQX Information Model 1 85% SD Card Version USB Memory 0 MB WindowsCE Ver. 6.0 (0) Memory Size 0 MB Editor Ver. 0.1.0 Free Space 0 MB 0 MB Encoder Ver. 0.1 Model data 0 model 0 model Language Product ID 000000000 English Area America Ĺ6HOHFWDEOHIRU/DQJXDJH 55 Range Check %HIRUHDĂLJKWJURXQGUDQJHFKHFN The 'range check mode' reduces the transmission range of the radio waves to allow for a ground range check. Warning Do not fly in the range check mode. *The range check mode, when activated, will continue for 90 seconds unless the user exits this mode early. When the progress bar reaches 90s, the RF transmission automatically returns to the normal operating power. *Since the range of the radio waves is short, if the model is too far from the transmitter, control will be lost and the model will crash. Ĺ 3XVK WKH > 6 @.H\ â 7XUQ 21 WKH WUDQVPLWWHU V SRZHUVZLWFK [12@LVSXVKHG Ĺ 7RXFK WKH >5DQJH &KHFN@ EXWWRQ DW WKH 6\VWHP 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ [ 6@.H\ â 7XUQ21WKHWUDQVPLWWHU V SRZHUVZLWFK6HOHFW>1R@ automatically return to the normal RF operation as *For safety, the RANGE CHECK mode can not be selected while the RF transmission is active. ,Q WKH V\VWHP PHQX FKRRVH WKH 5DQJH &KHFN VHOHFWLRQIURPWKHPHQXRSWLRQV 7KH 5DQJH &KHFN VFUHHQ LV GLVSOD\HG 7R DFWLYDWH WKH 5DQJH &KHFN PRGH SUHVV WKH > ([LW@EXWWRQ *When the [RESTART] botton is pressed, the range check mode timer is returned to 0. 56 when [Exit] is selected, the transmitter will noted on the display. *Once the 18MZ is transmitting at full power, it is not possible to enter the Range Check mode ZLWKRXWÂżUVWVZLWFKLQJWKHWUDQVPLWWHU2IIDQG back On. This has been designed to prevent a PRGHOHUIURPLQDGYHUWHQWO\Ă\LQJLQWKH5DQJH Check mode. :KHQWKH>([LW@EXWWRQLVSUHVVHGWKH5DQJH &KHFN PRGH LV GLVDEOHG DQG WKH 0= ZLOO EHJLQ WUDQVPLWWLQJDWIXOOSRZHU *After exiting the Range Check mode, the function cannot be selected again. To select the Range Check mode again you must cycle the transmitter power switch. MODEL BASIC SETTING PROCEDURE Airplane/glider basic setting procedure 1. Model addition and call Initial setting assigns 1 model to the T18MZ transmitter. The Model Select function of the Linkage Menu is used to add models and to call models which are already set. This is convenient when calling a model after its name has been registered. (Data can also be saved to the accessory SD card and USB memory) The currently called model name is displayed at the top of the screen. Before flying and before changing DQ\VHWWLQJVDOZD\VFRQÂżUPWKHPRGHOQDPH When a new model was added, the Model type select screen/System mode/Receiver link automatically appear. Please be aware that the transmitter will stop transmitting when you change the model. 3. Fuselage linkage Link the ailerons, elevators, throttle, rudder, etc. in accordance with the model's instruction manual. For a description of the connection method, see the Receiver and Servos Connection. Note: The channel assignment of the T18MZ is different from that of our existing systems. Note that even for the same "airplane model", when the wing type and tail type are different, the channel assignment may be different. (The channel assigned to each function can be checked at the Function menu of the Linkage Menu.) 2. Model type selection Select the model type matched to the fuselage with the Model Type select function of the Linkage Menu. For an airplane, select the model type from among the 3 types: airplane, glider, and motor glider. When the Wing type select screen is displayed and the wing type is selected when selecting the model type, the Tail type select screen is displayed. Select the tail type matched to the fuselage. There are 13 wing types and 3 tail types for airplane, glider, and motor glider. Ĺ:KHQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIWKHOLQNDJHLVUHYHUVHG DGMXVWWKHGLUHFWLRQZLWKWKH5HYHUVHIXQFWLRQRI WKH/LQNDJH0HQX Ĺ&RQQHFWWKHWKURWWOHOLQNDJHVRFDUEXUHWRULV RSHQDWIXOOWULPDQGIXOORSHQWKHQWKHWKURWWOH FDQEHFXW Ĺ$GMXVWWKHQHXWUDOSRVLWLRQDQGUXGGHUDQJOH ZLWK WKH OLQNDJH DQG ILQH WXQH WKHP ZLWK WKH6XE7ULPDQG(QG3RLQWIXQFWLRQV UXGGHU DQJOHDGMXVWPHQW 7RSURWHFWWKHOLQNDJHD OLPLWSRVLWLRQFDQDOVREHVHWZLWKWKH(QG3RLQW IXQFWLRQ7KH(QG3RLQWIXQFWLRQFDQDGMXVWWKH DPRXQWRIXSGRZQDQGOHIWULJKWPRYHPHQW OLPLWDQGVHUYRVSHHGRIHDFKFKDQQHO 57 4. Throttle cut setting Throttle cut can be performed with one touch by a switch without changing the throttle trim position. Set throttle cut with the Throttle Cut function of the Linkage Menu. After activating the throttle cut function and selecting the switch, adjust the throttle position so that the carburetor becomes full open. For safety, the throttle cut function operates the throttle stick in the slow position. The preset elevators and flaps (camber flap, brake ĂDS RIIVHWDPRXQWFDQEHDFWLYDWHGE\DVZLWFK 7KHRIIVHWDPRXQWRIWKHDLOHURQHOHYDWRUDQGĂDS servos can be adjusted as needed. Also the speed of the DLOHURQHOHYDWRUDQGĂDSVHUYRVFDQEHDGMXVWHG ,1 side/OUT side) A delay can be set for each condition, and a Cut switch which will turn OFF the delay can EHFKRVHQ7ULPDPRXQWVFDQEHÂżQHWXQHGE\VHWWLQJ a VR You can also set the Auto Mode, which will link Airbrake to a stick, switch, or dial. A separate stick VZLWFKRUGLDOFDQDOVREHVHWDVWKH212))VZLWFK 5. Idle down setting The idling speed can be lowered with one touch by a switch without changing the throttle trim position. Perform this setting with the Idle Down function of the Linkage Menu. After activating the Idle Down function and selecting the switch, adjust the idle down speed. For safety, the idle down function acts only when the throttle stick is in the slow position. *While the Throttle Cut function is in operation, the Idle Down function does not work. 6. AFR (D/R) AFR function is used to adjust the throw and operation curve of the stick, lever, and switch functions for each flight condition. This is normally used after End Point (ATV) has defined the maximum throw directions (End Point acts on ALL flight condition settings). When mixing is applied from one channel to another channel, both channels can be adjusted at the same time by adjusting the operation rate through the AFR function. $GGLWLRQRIĂLJKWFRQGLWLRQV The transmitter can install up to eight flight conditions per model. You can assign all switches including sticks, switches, trim levers and trim VZLWFKHVDVĂLJKWFRQGLWLRQVHOHFWLRQVZLWFKHV *Select the condition switch and set the new condition data in the VZLWFK21VWDWH+RZHYHULIWKHJURXSPRGH *U ZDVVHOHFWHGLQ advance, the same data will be input at all the conditions. Select the single mode (Sngl) and adjust the condition you want to change. Helicopter basic setting procedure 1. Model addition and call Default setting assigns 1 model to the T18MZ. To add new models or to call a model already set, use the Model Select function of the Linkage Menu. 3. Flight condition addition This is convenient when calling a model after registering the model names in advance. (Data can also be saved to the accessory SD card and USB memory) The currently called model is displayed at the top RIWKHVFUHHQ%HIRUHĂ\LQJDQGEHIRUHFKDQJLQJDQ\ VHWWLQJVDOZD\VFRQÂżUPWKHPRGHOQDPH Please be aware that the transmitter will stop transmitting when you change the model. When a new model was added, the Model type select screen/System mode/Receiver link automatically appear. Please be aware that the transmitter will stop transmitting when you change the model. The transmitter can install up to eight flight conditions per model. You can assign all switches including sticks, switches, trim levers and trim switches DVIOLJKWFRQGLWLRQVHOHFWLRQVZLWFKHV 59 4. Fuselage linkage Connect the throttle rudder, ailerons, elevators, pitch, and other rudder linkages in accordance with the kit instruction manual. For a description of the connection method, see "Receiver and Servos Connection". 7KH FKDQQHO DVVLJQPHQW RI WKH 70= LV GLIIHUHQWIURPWKDWRIRXUH[LVWLQJV\VWHPV 7KH channel assigned to each function can be checked DWWKH)XQFWLRQPHQXRIWKH/LQNDJH0HQX Ĺ6ZDVKSODWHFRUUHFWLRQ ([FHSW+PRGH 2SHUDWLRQRIWKHVZDVKSODWHQHDUWKHKRYHULQJ SRLQWFDQEHFRUUHFWHGE\VZDVK$)5IXQFWLRQ FRUUHFWLRQPL[LQJ8VHWKLVZKHQSLWFKDLOHURQ DQGHOHYDWRURSHUDWLRQFDXVHVWKHVZDVKSODWHWR GHYLDWHIURPWKHQRUPDOGLUHFWLRQ &DOOWKH6ZDVKVHWXSÄş6ZDVKGHWDLOVVFUHHQ 3LWFKVORZVLGHDQGKLJKVLGHOLQNDJHFRUUHFWLRQLV DOVRSRVVLEOH$GMXVWVRWKDWSLWFKRSHUDWLRQFDXVHV WKHVZDVKSODWHWRPRYHXSDQGGRZQLQWKH KRUL]RQWDOVWDWH 5. Throttle curve setting Ĺ :KHQ WKH GLUHFWLRQ RI RSHUDWLRQ RI WKH OLQNDJH LV UHYHUVH XVH WKH 5HYHUVH IXQFWLRQ RIWKH/LQNDJH0HQX$OVRXVHWKHVZDVK$)5 IXQFWLRQLQRWKHUWKDQWKH+PRGH This function adjusts the pitch operation curve in relation to the movement of the throttle stick for each condition. (17 points curve) Ĺ$GMXVWWKHGLUHFWLRQRIRSHUDWLRQRIWKHJ\UR *\URVLGHIXQFWLRQ Ĺ &RQQHFW WKH WKURWWOH OLQNDJH VR WKDW WKH FDUEXUHWRU EHFRPHV IXOO RSHQ DW IXOO WULP WKURWWOHFXWLVSRVVLEOH Ĺ %DVLFDOO\ DGMXVW WKH QHXWUDO SRVLWLRQ DQG UXGGHU DQJOH DW WKH OLQNDJH VLGH DQG ILQH WXQH ZLWK WKH 6XE7ULP IXQFWLRQ DQG (QG 3RLQWIXQFWLRQ UXGGHUDQJOHDGMXVWPHQW 7R SURWHFWWKHOLQNDJHDOLPLWSRVLWLRQFDQDOVR EHVHWZLWKWKH(QG3RLQWIXQFWLRQ The pitch curve can be freely selected from linear operation curve to smooth curve, and adjusted to match the curve you want by means of the T18MZâs powerful Curve Edit Function (6 types of curves can be selected). Up to 17 points can be set for linear RUFXUYHW\SHV+RZHYHUZKHQXVLQJWKHSRLQWV RUSRLQWVVSHFLÂżHGWRFUHDWHDFXUYHDVLPSOHDQG smooth curve can be created by selecting the curve type and reducing the number of input points to 3 or 5, and then entering the specified value at the corresponding points that you created. 6HWWLQJH[DPSOH! Call the throttle curve of each condition with the condition select switch. Ĺ1RUPDOFXUYHDGMXVWPHQW 1RUPDOFXUYHXVHV1RUPDO /LQHDU W\SHDQGFUHDWHV DEDVLFSLWFKFXUYHFHQWHUHGQHDUKRYHULQJ7KLV FXUYHLVDGMXVWHGWRJHWKHUZLWKWKH7KURWWOH&XUYH 1RUPDO VRWKDWWKHHQJLQHVSHHGLVFRQVWDQWDQG XSGRZQFRQWUROLVHDVLHVW Ĺ,GOHXSFXUYHDGMXVWPHQW 7KHKLJKVLGHSLWFKFXUYHVHWVWKHPD[LPXPSLWFK UHJDUGOHVVRIWKHHQJLQHORDG7KHORZVLGHSLWFK FXUYHFUHDWHVDFXUYHPDWFKHGIRUDHUREDWLFV ORRSUROO'HWF 1RWH:KHQWKHFXUYHW\SHLVFKDQJHGWKHGDWDLVUHVHW 60 Ĺ7KURWWOHKROGFXUYHDGMXVWPHQW 7KHWKURWWOHKROGFXUYHLVXVHGZKHQSHUIRUPLQJ DXWRURWDWLRQGLYHV &RQĂUPWKDWWKHUDWHRIWKHVORZHVWSRVLWLRQ RI WKHVWLFNLV LQLWLDOVHWWLQJ %HVXUHWKDWZKHQVHWWRKLJKVLGHWKHFXUYH RIDQ\FRQGLWLRQGRHVQRWH[FHHG Example of pitch curve setting: &DOOWKHSLWFKFXUYHRIHDFKFRQGLWLRQZLWK WKHFRQGLWLRQVHOHFWVZLWFK *Pitch curve graph display can be switched to pitch angle direct reading display. $3LWFKFXUYH 1RUPDO 0DNHWKHSLWFKDWKRYHULQJDSSUR[LPDWHO\Âş~6Âş 6HWWKHSLWFKDWKRYHULQJZLWKWKHVWLFNSRVLWLRQDW WKHSRLQWDVWKHVWDQGDUG *Stability at hovering may be connected to the throttle curve. Adjustment is easy by using the hovering throttle function and hovering pitch function together. %3LWFKFXUYH ,GOHXS 7KHLGOHXSSLWFKFXUYHIXQFWLRQFUHDWHVDFXUYH PDWFKHGWRDLUERUQHĂLJKW 6HWWRÂşaÂş DVVWDQGDUG &3LWFKFXUYH ,GOHXS 7KHKLJKVLGHSLWFKVHWWLQJLVOHVVWKDQLGOHXS 7KHVWDQGDUGLVÂş '3LWFKFXUYH +ROG PDQLSXODWLRQWKH$XWRPRGHFDQEHVHW :KHQ\RXZDQWWRDGMXVWWKHVHUYRVSHHGDGMXVW >6SHHG@ 3LWFKWR58'PL[LQJVHWWLQJ Use this function when you want to suppress the torque generated by the changes in the pitch and speed of the main rotor during pitch operation. Adjust it so that the nose does not swing in the UXGGHUGLUHFWLRQ+RZHYHUZKHQXVLQJDKHDGLQJ hold gyro like those shown below, do not use Pitch to RUD mixing. 1RWH:KHQXVLQJD*<*<*<*< RURWKHUKHDGLQJKROGJ\URWKLV3LWFKWR58' PL[LQJVKRXOGQRWEHXVHG7KHUHDFWLRQWRUTXHLV FRUUHFWHGDWWKHJ\URVLGH:KHQRSHUDWLQJWKH J\URLQWKH$9&6PRGHWKHPL[HGVLJQDOZLOOFDXVH QHXWUDOGHYLDWLRQV\PSWRPVDQGWKHJ\URZLOOQRW RSHUDWHQRUPDOO\ Call the Pitch to RUD mixing function from the Model Menu, and set the curve for each condition. $W LQLWLDO VHWWLQJ WKLV IXQFWLRQ LV LQ WKH ,1+ VWDWH7RXVHLWVHWLWWRWKH21VWDWH $WDXWRURWDWLRQXVHWKHPD[LPXPSLWFKDWERWK WKHKLJKDQGORZVLGHV >3LWFKDQJOHVHWWLQJH[DPSOH@ 7KURWWOHKROGÂşaÂş 6. Throttle hold setting &DOOWKH7KURWWOH+ROGIXQFWLRQIURPWKH0RGHO Menu and switch to the throttle hold condition with the condition select switch. 1RWH$WLQLWLDOVHWWLQJWKHVHWWLQJPRGHLVWKH JURXSPRGH6LQFHWKLVIXQFWLRQLVQRWXVHGDWRWKHU FRQGLWLRQVVZLWFKWRWKHVLQJOHPRGHEHIRUHVHWWLQJ Ĺ6HWWLQJ WR WKH VWDWH ZKLFK DFWLYDWHV WKH IXQFWLRQ 7KHWKURWWOHKROGIXQFWLRQDOORZVVHWWLQJIRUWKURWWOH FXWDQGVZLWFKLQJRIWKHIXQFWLRQĂ[HGDWWKHLGOH SRVLWLRQE\VZLWFKIRUWUDLQLQJ(LWKHURQHRUERWK IXQFWLRQVFDQEHSHUIRUPHG (17 points curve) Curve setting of up to 17 points is possible. +RZHYHU LQ WKH IROORZLQJ VHWWLQJ H[DPSOH D simple curve can be adjusted by using the [Linear] curve type. 1RWH$WLQLWLDOVHWWLQJWKHVHWWLQJPRGHLVWKHJURXS PRGH,QWKLVPRGHWKHVDPHFRQWHQWVDUHVHWDWLQ DOOFRQGLWLRQV:KHQ\RXZDQWWRVHWWKHVHOHFWHG FRQGLWLRQRQO\VZLWFKWRWKHVLQJOHPRGH 6HWWLQJH[DPSOH! Call the mixing curve of each condition with the condition select switch. Ĺ+ROGSRVLWLRQVHWWLQJ 7KLVIXQFWLRQVHWVWKHVHUYRRSHUDWLRQSRVLWLRQDW WKURWWOHKROG 7KURWWOHFXWDQGLGOHSRVLWLRQV Ĺ2WKHUVHWWLQJV :KHQ\RXZDQWWROLQNRSHUDWLRQZLWKVWLFN 61 $FXUYHVHWWLQJH[DPSOHLVVKRZQEHORZ $3LWFKWR58'PL[LQJFXUYH 1RUPDO 8VHWKHKRYHULQJV\VWHPDQGVHWWKLVFXUYHWR PDWFKWDNHRIIDQGODQGLQJDQGYHUWLFDOFOLPEDW DFRQVWDQWVSHHG The gyro sensitivity and mode switching function is dedicated gyro mixing of the Model Menu, and can be set for each condition. *For this curve, use the initial setting [Linear] curve type and adjust the left and right rates in the [Separate] mode. %3LWFKWR58'PL[LQJ ,GOHXS 8VHWKLVFXUYHLQÂş VWDOOWXUQORRSDQGUROOLQJ VWDOOWXUQDQGDGMXVWLWVRWKHIXVHODJHLVIDFLQJ VWUDLJKWDKHDGZKHQKHDGLQJLQWRWKHZLQG *For this curve, [Linear] curve type can be used and the entire curve can be lowered with the [Offset] button. &3LWFKWR58'PL[LQJ +ROG 7KLVIXQFWLRQLVVHWVRWKDWWKHIXVHODJHLVIDFLQJ VWUDLJKWDKHDGDWVWUDLJKWOLQHDXWRURWDWLRQ7KH SLWFKRIWKHWDLOURWRUEHFRPHVQHDUO\Âş Ĺ1RUPDO FRQGLWLRQ KRYHULQJ *\UR VHQVLWLYLW\ PD[LPXP Ĺ,GOH XS ,GOH XS 7KURWWOH KROG *\UR VHQVLWLYLW\PLQLPXP Ĺ+RZHYHU DW DXWR URWDWLRQ RI D WDLOGULYHQ KHOLFRSWHU WKLV IXQFWLRQ PD\ QRW KDYH DQ\ DIIHFWDWKLJKJ\URVHQVLWLYLW\ *For this curve, [Linear] curve type can be used and the entire curve can be lowered with the [Offset] button. Ĺ2WKHUVHWWLQJV 7KHPL[LQJULVHFKDUDFWHULVWLFDWSLWFKRSHUDWLRQ FDQEHDGMXVWHG$QDFFHOHUDWLRQ $&/5 IXQFWLRQ ZKLFKWHPSRUDULO\LQFUHDVHDQGGHFUHDVHWKH PL[LQJDPRXQWFDQEHVHW 6ZDVK0L[FRUUHFWVDLOHURQHOHYDWRUDQG pitch interaction 11. Throttle cut setting Throttle cut provides an easy way to stop the HQJLQHE\ĂLSSLQJDVZLWFKZLWKWKHWKURWWOHVWLFN at idle. The action is not functional at high throttle to avoid accidental dead sticks. The switchâs location and direction must be chosen, as it defaults WR18// The swash mix function is used to correct the swash plate in the aileron (roll) direction and elevator (cyclic pitch) corresponding to each operation of each condition. *With throttle stick at idle, adjust the cut position until the engine consistently shuts off, but throttle linkage is not binding. When finished, touch the âThrottle Cutâ button to exit. 7KURWWOHPL[LQJVHWWLQJ RPM loss caused by swash operation at aileron or elevator operation can be corrected with the 7KURWWOH 0L[ IXQFWLRQ RI WKH 0RGHO 0HQX +RZ clockwise and counterclockwise torque is applied when pirouetting can also be corrected. 2WKHUVSHFLDOPL[LQJV Ĺ3LWFKWR1HHGOHPL[LQJ 7KLVPL[LQJLVXVHGZLWKHQJLQHVZLWKDFRQVWUXFWLRQ ZKLFKDOORZVQHHGOHFRQWUROGXULQJĂLJKW IXHODLU PL[WXUHDGMXVWPHQW $QHHGOHFXUYHFDQEHVHW 7KHQHHGOHVHUYRULVHFKDUDFWHULVWLFVDWWKURWWOH VWLFNDFFHOHUDWLRQGHFHOHUDWLRQRSHUDWLRQFDQEH DGMXVWHG $FFHOHUDWLRQIXQFWLRQ Ĺ)XHOPL[WXUHIXQFWLRQ 7KLVPL[LQJLVXVHGLQQHHGOHDGMXVWPHQWRIHQJLQHV ZKLFKXVHDIXHOPL[WXUHFRQWUROFDUEXUHWRU Ĺ*RYHUQRUPL[LQJ 7KLVPL[LQJLVGHGLFDWHGJRYHUQRUPL[LQJZKHQD JRYHUQRULVXVHG8SWRUDWHV VSHHGV FDQEH VZLWFKHGIRUHDFKFRQGLWLRQ *\URVHQVLWLYLW\DQGPRGHVZLWFKLQJ 62 Receiver and servos connection Connect the receiver and servos in accordance with the connection diagram shown below. Always read [Precautions when mounting the receiver and servos] of [Before using]. When mounting the receiver and servos to the fuselage, connect the necessary points in accordance with the kit instruction manual. 5HFHLYHUDQGVHUYRVFRQQHFWLRQGLDJUDP Ć$OZD\VFRQQHFWWKHQHFHVVDU\QXPEHURIVHUYRV Ć7KHUHFHLYHUFKDQQHODVVLJQPHQWGHSHQGVRQWKH PRGHOW\SH6HHWKH6HUYRFRQQHFWLRQE\PRGHO W\SHWDEOHV 56% RXWSXWFRQQHFWRUVHFWLRQ 5HFHLYHUFRQQHFWRUV Ća2XWSXWIRUFRQYHQWLRQDOV\VWHP&+a Ć%2XWSXWIRUFRQYHQWLRQDOV\VWHP&+3RZHUVXSSO\ Ć6%2XWSXWIRUFRQYHQWLRQDOV\VWHP&+RU6%86SRUW Ć6%866%86SRUW 7HOHPHWU\VHQVRUHWF Ć0RQLWRU/(' S.BUS not using it (CH1-8) In S.BUS use (8/SB) (7/B) Receiver battery Charging port/ DSC connector Receiver switch Servos Ć7KH6HUYRFRQQHFWLRQE\PRGHOW\SHWDEOHVDUHVKRZQRQWKHIROORZLQJSDJHV Connect the servos to match the fuselage used. 63 6HUYRFRQQHFWLRQE\PRGHOW\SH The T18MZ transmitter channels are automatically assigned for optimal combination according to the type selected with the Model Type function of the Linkage Menu. The channel assignment (initial setting) for each model type is shown below. Connect the receiver and servos to match the type used. *The set channels can be checked at the Function screen of the Linkage Menu. The channel assignments can also be changed. For more information, read the description of the Function menu. $LUSODQHJOLGHUPRWRUJOLGHU Ć$LUSODQHDQG9WDLO 1AIL RX CH Glider Airplane EP 2AIL Airplane Glider EP 2AIL+1FLAP Airplane Glider EP 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DG1 DG2 2AIL+4FLAP RX CH Airplane Glider EP 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DG1 DG2 64 4AIL+2FLAP Airplane Glider EP 4AIL+4FLAP Airplane Glider EP 2AIL+2FLAP Airplane Glider EP Ć$LOHYDWRU 1AIL RX CH Airplane Glider EP 2AIL Airplane Glider EP 2AIL+1FLAP Airplane Glider EP 2AIL+2FLAP Airplane Glider EP 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DG1 DG2 2AIL+4FLAP RX CH Airplane Glider EP 4AIL+2FLAP Airplane Glider EP 4AIL+4FLAP Airplane Glider EP 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DG1 DG2 65 Ć7DLOOHVVZLQJ 2AIL RX CH Airplane Glider EP 2AIL+1FLAP Airplane Glider EP 2AIL+2FLAP Airplane Glider EP 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DG1 DG2 2AIL+4FLAP RX CH Airplane Glider EP 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DG1 DG2 66 4AIL+2FLAP Airplane Glider EP 4AIL+4FLAP Airplane Glider EP Ć7DLOOHVVZLQJ:LQJOHW5XGGHU 2AIL RX CH Airplane Glider EP 2AIL+1FLAP Airplane Glider EP 2AIL+2FLAP Airplane Glider EP 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DG1 DG2 2AIL+4FLAP RX CH Airplane Glider EP 4AIL+2FLAP Airplane Glider EP 4AIL+4FLAP Airplane Glider EP 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DG1 DG2 67 Helicopter Ć)$667HVW&+)$66708/7,)$667&+6)+66 CH 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DG1 DG2 H-4/H-4X Swash All Other CH 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DG1 DG2 H-4/H-4X Swash All Other Ć)$667HVW&+ 68 FUNCTIONS OF LINKAGE MENU The Linkage Menu is made up of functions which perform model addition, model type selection, frequency setting, end point setting, and other model basic settings. The functions which can be selected depend on the model type. A typical menu screen is shown below. Ĺ:KHQDEXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQXRIWKH+RPHVFUHHQ LV WRXFKHG WKH PHQX VKRZQ EHORZ LV FDOOHG 7RXFK WKH EXWWRQRIWKHIXQFWLRQ\RXZDQWWRVHW Ĺ5HWXUQWR+RPHVFUHHQ Model 1 Linkage Menu Normal 85% 1/2 Servo Monitor Model Select Model Type Picture Sound System Type Function Sub-Trim Servo Reverse Fail Safe End Point(ATV) Throttle Cut Idle Down Swash Ring Swash Timer INH --Condition Hold System Menu Linkage Menu Model Menu Cond.Hold Condition Hold function ON/OFF button )RUDGHWDLOHGGHVFULSWLRQVHHS &RQGLWLRQ+ROGIXQFWLRQ Linkage Menu functions table [Servo Monitor]: Displays the servo test and operation position [Model Select]: Model addition, call, deletion, copy, model name setting [Model Type]: Model type, wing type, switch type, etc. selection [Picture]: Picture paste for each model [Sound]: Sound recording and playback [System Type]: System selection, receiver link [Function]: Channel assignment of each function can be changed [Sub-Trim]: Adjusts the neutral position of each servo [Servo Reverse]: Servo direction reversal [Fail Safe]: Fail safe function and battery fail safe function setting [End Point (ATV)]: Servo basic rudder adjustment and limit setting [Throttle Cut]: Stops the engine safely and easily (airplane and helicopter only) [Idle Down]: Lowers the idle speed of the engine (airplane and helicopter only) [Swash Ring]: Limits the decline of the swash plate to prevent linkage damage (helicopter only) [Swash]: Swash AFR and linkage correction function (helicopter only) [Timer]: Timer setting and lap time display [Dial Monitor]: Dial, sliding lever, and digital trim position display [Function Name]: Function Name can be changed [Telemetry]: Displays various data sent from the receiver. [Sensor]: Various telemetry sensors setting [Warning]: Setting of warning sound and vibration [Data Reset]: Model memory set data reset (by item) 69 Servo Monitor 6HUYR7HVW *UDSK'LVSOD\'LVSOD\VVHUYRSRVLWLRQV This is used for testing servo movement. Touch âMoving Testâ (repetition mode) or âNeutral Testâ (fixed position mode) depending on which one shows on the screen. To get from one to the other, simply touch the field again, and you will move from âMoving Testâ to âNeutral Testâ automatically. Next touch the âTestâ on/off button to start testing your servos. The âNeutral testâ is good for finding the neutral position of a servo horn. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6HUYR0RQLWRU@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX &RQWUROQDPH Servo test operation 6HOHFWDWHVWPRGH >0RYLQJ@RU>1HXWUDO@ >5HSHDW@(DFKVHUYRUHSHDWVRSHUDWLRQ >1HXWUDO@(DFKVHUYRLVORFNHGLQWKHQHXWUDO SRVLWLRQ :KHQWKH>7HVW2II@EXWWRQLVWRXFKHGWHVWLQJ EHJLQVLQWKHVHOHFWHGPRGH 70 )XQFWLRQQDPH Model Select 7KH 0RGHO 6HOHFWLRQ IXQFWLRQ SHUIRUPV PRGHO DGGLWLRQ FDOO GHOHWLRQ FRS\ DQGPRGHOQDPHVHWWLQJ This function is used to load the settings of the desired model into the T18MZâs memory. The settings may be selected from either the transmitterâs built-in memory or a SD card/USB memory. The name of the model stored in the transmitter and the SD card/USB memory may be changed. This can be very useful to tell different models settings apart. Each model name can be as long as 32 characters, and the model name always appears in the display screen. The Copy function is used to copy one set of model data into a second memory within the transmitter and the SD card/USB memory. It may be used for getting a head-start on setting up models with almost the same VHWWLQJV RQO\GLIIHUHQFHVQHHGWREHPRGLÂżHGLQVWHDG of entering the complete model from scratch). Also, this function may be used to make a backup copy of a model setup before any changes are made. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>0RGHO6HOHFW@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ&KHFNPDUN Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Ĺ Ĺ6DYHWR (Model list) (The display screen is an example. The screen depends on the model type.) Model call Model name change 7RXFK WKH 6DYH WR LFRQ DQG VHOHFW WKH ORFDWLRQWRZKLFKWKHGHVLUHGPRGHOLVWREH VDYHG 6HOHFWWKHPRGHOE\WRXFKLQJWKH6DYHWR LFRQRUWKHGHVLUHGPRGHOLQWKHPRGHOOLVW : K H Q > & K D Q J H 1 D P H @ L V W R X F K H G D NH\ERDUGDSSHDUVRQWKHVFUHHQ (QWHUWKHPRGHOQDPHIURPWKLVNH\ERDUG 7UDQVPLWWHULFRQ7UDQVPLWWHUPHPRU\ 6'FDUGLFRQ6'FDUG 86%PHPRU\LFRQ86%PHPRU\ 7RXFKWKHGHVLUHGPRGHOLQWKHPRGHOOLVW 7RXFKWKH>6HOHFW@EXWWRQ 7RXFK > 1R@ Model addition 7RXFKWKH>1HZ@EXWWRQ 7RXFK > 1R@ *When a new model is added, the Model Type screen are automatically displayed. Check or change the model. If there are no changes, touch the Model Type icons. *The added model is displayed in the model list. Model deletion 7RXFK WKH 6DYH WR LFRQ RU WKH PRGHO \RX ZDQWWRGHOHWHLQWKHPRGHOOLVW 7KHPRGHO FXUUHQWO\VHOHFWHGFDQQRWEHGHOHWHG $FKHFNPDUNLVDWWDFKHGWRWKHPRGHO 7RXFKWKH>'HOHWH@EXWWRQ 7RXFK> 1R@ *Up to 32 characters can be input at the model name. Japanese language input is also possible. (For a detailed description of the input method, see "User Name Registration/Character Input Method" of the Basic Operation section. Model copy $PRGHOWRFRS\IURPDPRGHOOLVWLVSXVKHG &KHFNPDUNLVDWWDFKHGWRWKHPRGHODQGD &RS\EXWWRQLVGLVSOD\HGRQWKHULJKW 7RXFK WKH &RS\ EXWWRQ DQG 7RXFK WKH 'HVWLQDWLRQ EXWWRQ DQG VHOHFW WKH FRS\ VWRUDJHGHVWLQDWLRQ 7UDQVPLWWHURU6'FDUG 86%PHPRU\ 7RXFKWKHFHQWHU>&RS\@EXWWRQ :KHQ> 1R@ *If there is no model of the same name at the copy destination, the name of the copy source is saved. If there is a model of the same name, a number is appended to the end of the model name and the model is copied. Change the name later. *When the model data was copied, the model date data is reset to the date the model was copied. 71 Model Type 7KLV IXQFWLRQ VHOHFWV WKH PRGHO W\SH IURP DPRQJ DLUSODQH KHOLFRSWHU DQG JOLGHU Seven types of main wings and three types of tail wings are available for airplanes. Eight swash types are available for helicopters. Seven types of main wings and three types of tail wings are available for gliders. Functions and mixing functions necessary for each model type are set in advance at the factory. 1RWH 7KH 0RGHO 7\SH IXQFWLRQ DXWRPDWLFDOO\ VHOHFWV WKH DSSURSULDWH RXWSXW FKDQQHOV FRQWURO IXQFWLRQVDQGPL[LQJIXQFWLRQVIRUWKHFKRVHQPRGHO W\SH :KHQ WKH 0RGHO 7\SH 6HOHFWLRQ FRPPDQG LV DFFHVVHG DOO RI WKH GDWD LQ WKH DFWLYH PHPRU\ LV FOHDUHG%HVXUHWKDW\RXGRQ¡WPLQGORVLQJWKLVGDWD RUEDFNLWXSWRDQRWKHUPHPRU\XVLQJWKHFRS\LQJ IXQFWLRQV Ĺ7RXFKWKH>0RGHO7\SH@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQXWR FDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX (The display screen is an example. The screen depends on the model type.) Model type selection Data taking over after a swash type change &DOOWKH7\SHVHOHFWVFUHHQE\WRXFKLQJWKH PRGHO W\SH ZLQJ WDLO VZDVK W\SH RU RWKHU W\SHEXWWRQ 6HOHFWWKHW\SH\RXZDQWWRVHWDQGH[HFXWH W\SH VHOHFWLRQ E\ WRXFKLQJ > 1R@ 'DWDWDNLQJRYHUPD\EHSRVVLEOHLQWKHVZDVK W\SHRIDKHOLFRSWHUDWWKHWLPHRIDFKDQJH 5HIHU WR WKH IROORZLQJ WDEOH (YHQ ZKHQ LW VXFFHHGVWKHGDWDRID>VZDVKVHWWLQJ@VFUHHQ LVLQLWLDOL]HG Before H-1, H-2, HE3, HR3, HN3, H-3 ++; H-1, H-2, HE3, HR3, HN3, H-3 ++; After Data taking over H-1, H-2, HE3, OK HR3, HN3, H-3 ++; OK ++; NG H-1, H-2, HE3, HR3, HN3, H-3 NG Ĺ :KHQ GDWD WDNLQJ RYHU LV SRVVLEOH WKH FRQILUPDWLRQ VFUHHQRIGDWDLQLWLDOL]DWLRQLVGLVSOD\HG $SXVKRQ>\HV@ZLOOLQLWLDOL]HGDWD $SXVKRQ>QR@ZLOOVXFFHHGGDWD 72 Ĺ0RGHOW\SHVHOHFWLRQ Model 1 Model Type Airplane Helicopter Model type 85% Please select model type. Return Glider Select the model type from among airplane, helicopter, glider, and motor glider. EP Glider (Airplane, glider) (Helicopter) Model 1 Model Type Model Type Ĺ:LQJW\SHVHOHFWLRQ Model 1 Model Type 2 AILERON 2 AIL + 1 FLP AIL AIL AIL2 AIL FLP AIL2 FLP FLP2 AIL2 AIL Ĺ:LQJW\SHVHOHFWLRQ Model 1 Helicopter swash type 85% Please select a wing type. 2/2 Flying Wing 2AIL AIL FLP2 FLP AIL FLP3 Return 2 AIL + 2 FLP FLP2 AIL4 AIL3 FLP FLP4 AIL2 AIL FLP AIL3 AIL2 AIL FLP3 FLP2 AIL4 Model Type Flying Wing 2AIL+4FLP 85% Return 4 AIL + 4 FLP 4 AIL + 2 FLP AIL FLP FLP4 AIL2 FLP3 FLP2 Model 1 Please select a swash type. 1/2 2 AIL + 4 FLP Swash Type Ĺ6ZDVKW\SHVHOHFWLRQ Model Type 85% Please select a wing type. 1 AILERON 85% AIL2 Flying Wing 4AIL+2FLP FLP4 AIL2 AIL AIL3 Flying Wing 2AIL+1FLP AIL2 AIL AIL3 FLP FLP2 AIL4 FLP Flying Wing 4AIL+4FLP FLP AIL FLP3 FLP4 Return Flying Wing 2AIL+2FLP AIL FLP FLP2 AIL2 AIL2 FLP2 AIL2 AIL4 Ĺ5XGGHUW\SHVHOHFWLRQ Model 1 Model Type Wing type (1/2) (Normal) 85% Please select a Rudder type. Return Normal Rudder Winglet (2RUD) RUD RUD 6HOHFWIURPDPRQJ++++( +5+1+DQG+; RUD2 Select from among : DLOHURQDLOHURQVDLOHURQVĂDS DLOHURQVĂDSVDLOHURQVĂDSV DLOHURQVĂDSVDLOHURQVĂDSV Wing type (2/2) (Tailless wing) Ĺ7DLOW\SHVHOHFWLRQ Model Type Model 1 85% Please select a tail type. NORMAL ELE Return V-TAIL *For tailless wing, the rudder type can be selected AILVATOR ELE RUD ELE ELE RUD Selection from among: DLOHURQVDLOHURQVĂDS DLOHURQVĂDSVDLOHURQVĂDSV DLOHURQVĂDSVDLOHURQVĂDSV RUD ELE2 from normal rudder and winglet. Tail type Select from normal, V tail, and elevator. 73 Picture $ SLFWXUH FDQ EH SDVWHG IRU HDFK PRGHO 6LPSOLILHV LGHQWLILFDWLRQ RI WKH PRGHO GDWD GXULQJVFUHHQRSHUDWLRQ A photograph of the model taken with a T18MZ camera, digital camera or other file can be pasted as the screen display data for each model. This is convenient in identifying models with the same model name. 7KHSLFWXUHÂżOHVZKLFKFDQEHGLVSOD\HGRQWKHVFUHHQDUH size 168 x 80 pixels, file type .bmp (bit map picture)and -3(*ÂżOHV,IDÂżOHODUJHUWKDQWKLVLVSDVWHGWKH,WUHGXFHV of the picture is displayed. When a picture is pasted, it is displayed as the following screen image: Ĺ0RGHO6HOHFWVFUHHQ Ĺ+RPHVFUHHQ Ĺ6WDUWXSVFUHHQ Ĺ7RXFKWKH>3LFWXUH@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQXWRFDOO WKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Picture Model 1 85% File List Current File IMG00001 File not found ! Preview Thumbnail File not found ! Pasting of picture *Picture data is pasted to the model memory currently in use. *The picture can choose only what is saved in the place (T18MZ, SD card, USB memory) same now as the model data under selection. 6HOHFW WKH SLFWXUH IURP WKH 7KXPEQDLO E\ WRXFKLQJWKHGHVLUHGSLFWXUHGDWD *Before selection, touch the scroll button at the top or bottom of the Thumbnail and confirm the contents of the picture ÂżOHVVDYHGDWWKHSUHYLHZVFUHHQ 7RSDVWHWKHSLFWXUHWRXFK> 1R@ 74 [Important] Before reading data from the PC, insert the SD card/USB memory into the transmitter and turn on the power. The following folders are DXWRPDWLFDOO\ZULWWHQ7RUHDGDÂżOHIURPWKH3& FRS\WKHÂżOHWRDIROGHUE\ÂżOHW\SH Ĺ%033LFWXUHĂOH Ĺ:0$0XVLFĂOH Ĺ:$9$XGLRĂOH Ĺ02'(/0RGHOGDWD Sound 6RXQGUHFRUGLQJDQGSOD\EDFN assigned to audio file switches, etc. The playback ÂżOHVFDQEHVZLWFKHGHDFKWLPHWKHVDPHVZLWFKLV operated. This can be used when playing back the name of maneuvers, etc. Sounds recorded with the microphone built into WKHWUDQVPLWWHUDQGDXGLRÂżOHV ZDY FDQEHSOD\HG back when the power switch is turned on and off or by preset switch. >6RXQGVWDUWLQJ@ 1R:KHQWUDQVPLWWHUSRZHUVZLWFKWXUQHGRQ 1R:KHQWUDQVPLWWHUSRZHUVZLWFKWXUQHGRII 1Ra6ZLWFKFDQEHVHW *Only the voice file saved in the same place (T18MZ, SD card, a USB memory) as the model data under present selection can be chosen. *The recording time from the microphone is up to 3 seconds/ UHFRUGLQJ7ZHQW\IRXUDXGLRÂżOHVFDQEHVDYHG [Important] *The only audio file type which can be recorded is .wav. Only the sounds recorded with the built-in microphone or an DXGLRÂżOHVDYHGIURP\RXU3&WRWKHGDWDSDFNFDQEHSOD\HG back. Before reading data from a PC, insert the SD card/USB memory into the transmitter and turn on the power. The following folders are automatically written. When reading a file from WKH3&FRS\LWWRDKROGHUE\ÂżOHW\SH 6HWXS VFUHHQV 1R WR FDQ EH LQGLYLGXDOO\ Ĺ%033LFWXUHĂOH Ĺ:0$0XVLFĂOH Ĺ:$9$XGLRĂOH Ĺ02'(/0RGHOGDWD Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6RXQG@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Sound No Switch Mode Model1 File 85% Rec No Switch Mode Start up OFF 3RZHURĂ OFF OFF OFF OFF 10 OFF OFF 11 OFF OFF 12 OFF No Switch Mode Start up 3RZHURĂ OFF OFF OFF OFF File Model1 File 1/2 Rec 85% Rec Entry Delete Rename Close 01 : test.wav 6DYHGVRXQGÂżOH Voice Recording 7RXFKDQ\5(&EXWWRQWRFDOOXSWKH6281' 5(&25'(5VFUHHQ 7RXFK WKH 5(& EXWWRQ WR VWDUW UHFRUGLQJ 5HFRUGLQJWLPHVHFRQGV 5HFRUG \RXU YRLFH DV \RX DUH IDFLQJ WKH WUDQVPLWWHU¡VPLFURSKRQH FUHDWHGE\\RXU3&PD\EHSOD\HGEDFNE\ DVVLJQHGVZLWFKHV )LOHW\SHVZDYĂOHRQO\ *A voice file is saved automatically in the same place (a main part, SD card, a USB memory) as the model data XQGHUSUHVHQWVHOHFWLRQDQGDÂżOHQDPHLVGLVSOD\HGRQWKH ÂżOHEXWWRQFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRDUHFRUGLQJEXWWRQ *Please record to a loud sound. 7R ILQLVK SUHVV ´&/26(Âľ $OVR VRXQG ILOHV 75 $VVLJQPHQWRIDXGLRÂżOHVWRVZLWFKHV 6HOHFWWKHVZLWFKDQGLWV21GLUHFWLRQDWWKH 6ZLWFKVHOHFWVFUHHQ $XGLRÂżOHVFDQEHVDYHGWR6'FDUGEHIRUHKDQG 7RXFKWKHĂOHEXWWRQRIWKH1R\RXZDQWWR VHW$OLVWRIWKHĂOHVVWRUHGRQWKH6'FDUGLV GLVSOD\HG 6HOHFWWKHDXGLRĂOH\RXZDQWWRSOD\EDFN IURPWKHOLVWRIDXGLRĂOHV )RUDGHWDLOHGGHVFULSWLRQRIWKHVHOHFWLRQPHWKRG VHH6ZLWFKVHWWLQJPHWKRGDWWKHEDFNRIWKLV PDQXDO *Since the audio files are played back when the audio file names in the list are touched, the file contents can be checked before assignment. 7RXFKWKH>)LOH@EXWWRQWRDVVLJQWKHĂOHV 6ZLWFKHVDUHDOVRVHOHFWHGIRU1Ra 7RXFKWKH>18//@EXWWRQWRFDOOWKH6ZLWFKVHOHFW VFUHHQ Mode button 3OD\LQJ EDFN UHJLVWHUHG ILOH RQO\RQFH 3OD\LQJ EDFN UHJLVWHUHG ILOH UHSHDWHGO\ 6HTXHQWLDOO\ SOD\LQJ EDFN UHJLVWHUHG ILOH HDFK WLPH RSHUDWHGE\VZLWFK Sound No Switch Mode Model1 File 85% Rec No Start up 3RZHURĂ Ă SG Switch Mode File 1/2 Rec 10 11 12 6HTXHQWLDOO\SOD\LQJEDFNUHJLVWHUHGÂżOHHDFK time operated by 1 switch This is used when calling the order of maneuvers, etc. >6HWWLQJPHWKRG@ $IWHU VHOHFWLQJ WKH VZLWFK SUHVV WKH >Ĺ@ EXWWRQ 7KH EXWWRQ GLVSOD\ WKHUHDIWHU LV VZLWFKHGDVVKRZQLQWKHVFUHHQDERYH $VVLJQWKHDXGLRĂOHVLQWKHRUGHULQZKLFK \RXZDQWWRSOD\WKHPEDFN 7KHDXGLRÂżOHVDUHSOD\HGEDFNHDFKWLPHWKH switch selected by the above setting is turned on. 76 System Type 6\VWHPPRGHVHWWLQJ5HFHLYHUOLQN System mode selection 7KH70=LVIRU*+]RQO\7KHV\VWHPFDQ be selected from among the 5 systems FASSTest 18CH, FASSTest 12CH, FASST MULT, FASST 7CH, S-FHSS. Select the system matched to the type of receiver used. Receiver linking The receiver can be controlled without being affected by other transmitters by linking it with the transmitter used. When using a receiver other than that of the purchased set, linking is necessary. Dual receiver function (only FASSTest 18CH mode) Two sets of receivers, and a function which can be linked. Two sets of receivers are recognized individually. For example, in R7008SB, CH output setting function is used, by setting one set as "18CH", and setting one more set as "9-16CH", two sets of receivers can be carried in one set of the model, and 1-16CH can be used now. If a Dual receiver function is used, the following function can set up individually. äś Battery fail-safe voltage setup äś Telemetry function ON/OFF äś Sensor setup Telemetry function (FASSTest mode only) To use the telemetry function, set âTelemetryâ to âONâ. D/L Interval (FASSTest mode only) When a telemetry function is enabled, the receiving interval (down-link interval) of sensor data can be changed. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6\VWHP7\SH@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ If a D/L interval is enlarged, although renewal of a sensor data display becomes slow, a stick response will improve. Battery fail-safe voltage setup (only FASSTest mode) The voltage which battery fail-safe commits at the WLPHRIDOLQNFDQEHVHWXS 9 $UHFHLYHU memorizes at the time of a link. Linking method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o not perform the linking operation when the drive motor is connected and the engine was started. * When you use two sets of receivers, please be sure to use it, after performing a setup a "primary" and "secondary" in the "dual" mode. *Since two sets of receivers cannot be individually recognized when the setup a "primary" and "secondary" is not carried out, it becomes impossible to receive telemetry data correctly, and makes it. * The link of two sets of receivers should perform one link operation at a time. If two power supplies of a receiver are switched on simultaneously, it is correctly unreceivable by the transmitter side. * If a dual receiver function is used, in order to receive sensor information by turns from two sets of receivers, renewal of telemetry data becomes slow rather than a single receiver's case. * It cannot link with three sets of receivers. Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX 77 WARNING Do not perform the linking operation when the drive motor is connected and the engine was started. ä Inadvertent rotation of the motor or acceleration of the engine is extremely dangerous. If link operation is completed, please check that a receiver is returned on and it can once be operated with the linked transmitter. -Response speed has priority over number of channels Check operation sufficiently before flying after linking. ä If the same receiver is sending in the vicinity, there is the danger that the transmitter may be linked with that receiver. CAUTIONS Always turn on the transmitter power after linking is complete. When pairing with the transmitter, be sure that a previously linked transmitter is not transmitting -Want to use a previously used receiver as is -Want to use a miniature receiver for indoor planes -Want to use an S-FHSS system miniature receiver -Telemetry requires only the remaining receiver battery FASST 7CH -Want to use more channels -Want to use a large number of telemetry functions FASST MULT FASSTest 12CH R7008SB FASSTest 18CH R7008SB R608FS R6008HS R6108SB R6208SB R6014HS R6014FS R6203SB R6203SBE R6202SBW R617FS R6004FF R616FFM R6106HF R6106HFC R6203SB R6203SBE R6202SBW S-FHSS R2006GS R2106GF R2008SB (Usable receivers) (The time of December, 2011) System Type ä FASSTest 18CH --- FASSTest system receiver mode. Applicable with the telemetry sensor unit. Up to 18 channels (linear 16+ON/OFF2) can be used. ä FASSTest 12CH --- FASSTest system receiver mode. Applicable with receiver voltage display. Up to 12 channels (linear10+ON/OFF2) can be used. Telemetry Sensorcannot be used, but the response speed is a faster than that of the 18CH mode. ä FASST MULT --- FASST-MULT system receiver mode. Up to 18 channels (linear 16+ON/OFF2) can be used. ä FASST 7CH --- FASST-7CH system receiver mode. Up to 7 channels can be used. ä S-FHSS --- S-FHSS system receiver mode. Up to 8 channels can be used. 78 Function &KDQQHODVVLJQPHQWRIHDFKIXQFWLRQFDQEHFKDQJHG When you select model and wing (swash) types, you will find that the optimized combinations of servo output channels and functions have been already preset. If you would like, on the functionsetting screen of the linkage menu, you can freely change combinations of servo output channels, functions (aileron, elevator, etc), and input controllers (sticks, switches, trim levers and trim switches). You can also assign the same function to multiple servo output channels such as assigning elevator function to CH2 and CH3. DG1, DG2 (switch channels) These two channels can be used as switch channels. You can freely change combinations between servo output channels and input controllers (sticks, switches, trim levers and trim switches). Ĺ 7RXFK WKH >)XQFWLRQ@ EXWWRQ LQ WKH /LQNDJH 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX (The display screen is an example. The screen depends on the model type.) ĹWR>6:$3@ Function change Operation control change 7RXFK WKH IXQFWLRQ EXWWRQ RI WKH FKDQQHO \RXZDQWWRFKDQJHWRFDOOWKHIXQFWLRQOLVW 6HOHFWWKHIXQFWLRQ\RXZDQWWRFKDQJH 7RXFK> 1R@ 7RXFK WKH FRQWURO EXWWRQ RI WKH FKDQQHO \RX ZDQW WR FKDQJH $ &RQWURO VHOHFW VFUHHQ VWLFNVZLWFKNQREWULPOHYHUHWF LV GLVSOD\HG 6HOHFWWKHFRQWURO\RXZDQWWRRSHUDWH 7RXFK >&ORVH@ 7KH GLVSOD\ UHWXUQV WR WKH SUHFHGLQJVFUHHQ *Multiple channels can be assigned to 1 function. *The same control can be assigned to multiple channels. 79 SWAP If [SWAP] is pushed, it can become the following screen and can replace two functions with the data set as each channel. 7RXFK WKH 7ULP EXWWRQ WZR FKDQQHOV WR FKDQJHLVSXVKHG , I > 2 . @ L V S X V K H G W Z R F K D Q Q H O V Z L O O LQWHUFKDQJH ,WFDQFKRRVHRQO\WRWZR Trim change 7RXFKWKH7ULPEXWWRQWRFDOOWKH7ULPVHWXS VFUHHQ 7KH IROORZLQJ LWHPV FDQ EH VHW DW WKH 7ULP VHWXSVFUHHQ Ĺ +DUGZDUH VHWWLQJ 6HOHFWLRQ RI VZLWFK HWF ZKLFK FRQWUROV WULP 7KH VHOHFW VFUHHQ LV FDOOHGE\WRXFKLQJWKH>+:6HOHFW@EXWWRQ Ĺ5DWHVHWWLQJ Ĺ2SHUDWLRQVWHSVHWWLQJ Ĺ7ULPPRGHVHWWLQJ $7/PRGH$7/RSHUDWLRQPRGH5HYHUVHLVDOVR SRVVLEOH &750PRGH0D[LPXPFKDQJHQHDUFHQWHUE\ FHQWHUWULPRSHUDWLRQ Ĺ6HSDUDWHFRPELQDWLRQPRGH7ULPGDWDDUH VHWWRĂLJKWFRQGLWLRQV 6HSDUDWHPRGH7ULPDGMXVWPHQWIRUHDFKĂLJKW FRQGLWLRQ 1RUPDOPRGH1RUPDOWULP SDUDOOHOVKLIWWULP RSHUDWLRQ (The display screen is an example. The screen depends on the model type.) 80 6HWWLQJRIQHXWUDOSRVLWLRQRIHDFKVHUYR Sub-Trim The Sub-Trim function is used to set the servo neutral position, and may be used to make fine adjustments to the control surface after linkages and pushrods are hooked up. When you begin to set up a model, be sure that the digital trims are set to their center position. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6XE7ULP@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Model1 Sub-Trim 85% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 CH1 ELE CH2 RUD CH3 THR CH4 AIL CH5 GEA CH6 ABK CH7 AUX6 CH8 AUX5 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 CH9 CH10 CH11 CH12 CH13 CH14 CH15 CH16 AUX4 AUX3 AUX2 AUX1 AUX1 AUX1 AUX1 AUX1 (The display screen is an example. The screen depends on the model type.) Sub trim adjustment 7RXFK WKH WULP GLVSOD\ SDUW RI WKH FKDQQHO \RXZDQWWRDGMXVW $GMXVWPHQWEXWWRQVDSSHDUVRQWKH6XE7ULP PHQXVFUHHQ 8VHWKHDGMXVWPHQWEXWWRQVWRDGMXVWWKHVXE WULP Ĺ,QLWLDOYDOXH Ĺ$GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa VWHSV *See above 5HSHDWWKLVVWHSIRUHDFKFKDQQHO 81 Servo Reverse 8VHWRUHYHUVHWKHWKURZGLUHFWLRQ Servo Reverse changes the direction of an individual servoâs response to a control stick movement. For CCPM helicopters, be sure to read the section on Swash AFR before reversing any servos. With CCPM helicopters, always complete your servo reversing prior to any other programming. If you use pre-built Airplane/Sailplane functions that control multiple servos, it may be confusing to tell whether the servo needs to be reversed or a setting in the function needs to be reversed. See the instructions for each specialized function for further details. Always check servo direction prior to every ĂLJKWDVDQDGGLWLRQDOSUHFDXWLRQWRFRQÂżUPSURSHU model memory, hook ups, and radio function. WARNING BHIRUHDĂLJKWLWDOZD\VFHUWDLQO\FKHFNVWKDWD selection model, servo operation, the direction of servo operation, and a switch setup are right. Initial setting of a motor channel is reverse. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6HUYR5HYHUVH@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX (The display screen is an example. The screen depends on the model type.) Servo reversing procedure After setting up a new model, be sure to define all special menus. Be sure that all servos are plugged into the proper receiver channels. Now, determine whether you need to reverse any channels by moving each stick and observing the corresponding movement in the modelâs controls. 7RXFK WKH GHVLUHG FKDQQHO¡V 6HWWLQJ EXWWRQ WRFKRRVHWKHSURSHUGLUHFWLRQIRUWKHVHUYR 7RXFK´ Fail Safe 6HWVWKHVHUYRVRSHUDWLQJSRVLWLRQZKHQWUDQVPLWWHUVLJQDOVFDQQRORQJHUEHUHFHLYHGRU ZKHQWKHUHFHLYHUEDWWHU\YROWDJHGURSV The Failsafe function may be used to set up positions that the servos move to in the case of radio interference. When the receiver battery voltage drops, the servo can be moved to a preset position. (Battery fail safe function) A battery fail safe function reset switch can be set. (Initial setting: Throttle stick maximum slow side) You may set either of two positions for each channel: Hold, where the servo maintains its last commanded position, or Failsafe, where each servo moves to a predetermined position. You may choose either mode for each channel. The T18MZ system also provides you with an advanced battery monitoring function that warns you when the receiver battery has only a little power remaining. In this case, each servo is PRYHGWRWKHGHÂżQHGIDLOVDIHSRVLWLRQ7KHEDWWHU\ IDLOVDIHPD\EHUHOHDVHGE\RSHUDWLQJDSUHGHÂżQHG control on the transmitter (default is throttle), do not continue to fly, land as soon as possible. Remember, if the predefined control suddenly moves to a position you did not command, land at once and check your receiver battery. 'HÂżQHVVHUYRSRVLWLRQZKHQVLJQDOVDUHORVWDQG when receiver battery voltage becomes low. WARNING For safety, always set the fail safe functions. Ć(VSHFLDOO\VHWWKHWKURWWOHFKDQQHOIDLOVDIHIXQFWLRQVRWKDW the servo moves to the maximum slow side for airplanes and to the slow side from the hovering position for helicopters. Crashing of the model at full high when normal radio waves cannot be received due to interference, etc., is very dangerous. Ć,IIDLOVDIHLVUHVHWE\WKURWWOHVWLFNLWPD\EHPLVWDNHQIRUDQ engine malfunction and will be reset at throttle slow and the model ZLOOFRQWLQXHWRĂ\,I\RXKDYHDQ\GRXEWVLPPHGLDWHO\ODQG Ĺ 7RXFK WKH >)DLO 6DIH@ EXWWRQ LQ WKH /LQNDJH 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Fail Safe CH Function Model1 Mode 85% B.F/S F/S Posi. CH Function Batt. F/S Release Mode OFF CH13- B.F/S F/S Posi. 1 Elevator Hold OFF Auxiliary6 Hold OFF 2 Rudder Hold OFF Auxiliary5 Hold OFF 3 Throttle OFF Hold OFF OFF Auxiliary4 OFF Hold OFF OFF 4 Aileron OFF Hold OFF OFF 10 Auxiliary3 OFF Hold OFF OFF 5 Gear Hold OFF 11 Auxiliary2 Hold OFF 6 Air Brake Hold OFF 12 Auxiliary1 Hold OFF Ĺ7R6ZLWFK! VFUHHQ (The display screen is an example. The screen depends on the model type.) Fail safe setting procedure between [OFF] and [B.F/S]. Decide which channels you want to go to preset positions, and which ones you want to maintain their last commanded position. To select the failsafe mode you wish to set, use the F/S button. This button toggles between the two modes. (Hold, F/S) B.F/S setting: 7RXFK WKH >%)6@ EXWWRQ RI WKH GHVLUHG FKDQQHOWRVHWLWWRWKH%)6PRGH +ROGWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJVWLFN95VOLGHURURWKHU FRQWUROLQWKHSRVLWLRQ\RXZDQWWKHVHUYRWR PRYHWRZKHQWKHEDWWHU\IDLOVDIHIXQFWLRQLV DFWLYDWHGDQGWRXFKWKH)6SRVLWLRQEXWWRQ 7KLVSRVLWLRQLVGLVSOD\HGLQSHUFHQWDJH F/S mode setting: 7RXFK WKH )6 EXWWRQ RI WKH FKDQQHO \RX ZDQWWRVHWDQGVHWWKDWFKDQQHOWRWKH>)6@ PRGH +ROGWKHFRUUHVSRQGLQJVWLFNFRQWUROVOLGHU RU RWKHU FRQWURO LQ WKH SRVLWLRQ \RX ZDQW WKH VHUYR WR PRYH WR ZKHQ WKH IDLO VDIH IXQFWLRQ LV DFWLYDWHG DQG WRXFK WKH )6 SRVLWLRQ EXWWRQ 7KDW SRVLWLRQ LV GLVSOD\HG LQ SHUFHQWDJH *When you want to return that channel to the Hold mode, touch the [F/S] button again. Battery fail safe setting procedure To select the B.F/S mode, touch the [B.F/S] button. Each time the button is touched, it toggles *When you want to return that channel to OFF, touch the [B.F/ S] button again. Battery Failsafe Release Function This function releases the predefined control from it's held position after indicating that your receiver battery is low. (QWHUWKHFRQWUROVHWWLQJVFUHHQE\WRXFKLQJ WKH%DWWHU\)65HOHDVHEXWWRQ1RZ\RXPD\ FKRRVH WKDW PRYLQJ WKH WKURWWOH UHVHWV WKH FRQGLWLRQ RU VHOHFW DQRWKHU VWLFN RU VZLWFK GHDFWLYDWHVLW7RVHWDGHVLUHGWKURWWOHUHOHDVH SRVLWLRQPRYHWKHWKURWWOHVWLFNWRWKHSRLQWDW ZKLFK\RXZLVKWKH%)6WREHUHOHDVHG 83 6HWVWKHWUDYHOOLPLWSRLQWDQGVSHHGRIHDFKVHUYR End Point (ATV) The End Point function adjusts the left and right servo throws, generates differential throws, and will correct improper linkage settings. 7KH7UDYHOUDWHFDQEHYDULHGIURPWR in each direction on channels 1 to 16. Also, the Limit point where servo throw stops may be varied from 0% to 155%. NOTE: The indicators on the screen display actual servo throw of the each channel. The center position of the indicator is based on the Sub-Trim settings. Therefore the Sub-Trim adjustment changes the Limit point display of the indicator. The Servo Speed setting is used to set the servo delay for each channel, from channel l to channel 16. The system uses the programmed speed (delay) to slow down servo position changes. The Servo Speed setting can be varied from 0 to 27 in each channel. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>(QG3RLQW $79 @EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ End Point(ATV) Model1 85% Limit Travel Travel Limit 1 Elevator 135% 100% 100% 135% 2 Rudder 135% 100% 100% 135% 3 Throttle OFF 135% OFF 100% OFF 100% OFF 135% OFF 4 Aileron OFF 135% OFF 100% OFF 100% OFF 135% OFF 5 Gear 135% 100% 100% 135% 6 Air Brake 135% 100% 100% 135% CH Function CH7-12 Speed (The display screen is an example. The screen depends on the model type.) Servo travel adjustment Servo speed setting 7RXFKWKH7UDYHOEXWWRQRIWKHFKDQQHO\RX ZDQW WR VHW $GMXVWPHQW EXWWRQV DSSHDU RQ WKHVFUHHQ 8VHWKHVHEXWWRQVWRDGMXVWWKHUDWH Ĺ,QLWLDOYDOXH Ĺ$GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa 5HSHDWWKHSURFHGXUHDERYHIRUHDFKUDWH 7RXFKWKH6SHHGEXWWRQRIWKHFKDQQHO\RX ZDQWWRVHW 8VH WKH DGMXVWPHQW EXWWRQV WR DGMXVW WKH VHUYRVSHHG Ĺ,QLWLDOYDOXH Ĺ$GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa VWHSV 5HSHDWWKLVSURFHGXUHIRUHDFKFKDQQHO Limit point adjustment 7RXFK WKH /LPLW EXWWRQ RI WKH FKDQQHO \RX ZDQWWRVHW 8VHWKHDGMXVWPHQWEXWWRQVWRDGMXVWWKHOLPLW SRLQW Ĺ,QLWLDOYDOXH Ĺ$GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa 5HSHDWWKLVSURFHGXUHIRUHDFKOLPLWSRLQW 84 7R FORVH WKLV VFUHHQ WRXFK WKH >(QG 3RLQW $79 @EXWWRQ Throttle Cut 6WRSVWKHHQJLQHVDIHO\DQGHDVLO\ DLUSODQHDQGKHOLFRSWHURQO\ Throttle cut provides an easy way to stop the HQJLQHE\ĂLSSLQJDVZLWFKZLWKWKHWKURWWOHVWLFN at idle. The action is not functional at high throttle to avoid accidental dead sticks. The switchâs location and direction must be chosen, as it defaults to NULL. NOTE: When condition is set up, a setup of ON/OFF can be performed for every condition. Only as for the condition to which the throttle cut is an operating state (ON/OFF) from INH, a throttle cut can turn ON. While the throttle cut has been ON, when a throttle cut changes to the condition of INH, a cut is canceled by the throttle cut switch OFF with ON, and the throttle cut cannot turn ON in the condition. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>7KURWWOH&XW@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX (The display screen is an example. The screen depends on the model type.) Throttle cut setting procedure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Ĺ,QLWLDOYDOXH Ĺ$GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa *With throttle stick at idle, adjust the rate until the engine consistently shuts off, but throttle linkage is not binding. :KHQÂżQLVKHGWRXFKWKHÂł7KURWWOH&XW´EXWWRQWRH[LW 7R H[LW WKH VHWWLQJ WRXFK WKH >7KURWWOH &XW@ EXWWRQ 85 /RZHUVWKHHQJLQHLGOLQJVSHHG DLUSODQHDQGKHOLFRSWHURQO\ Idle Down The Idle Down function lowers the engines idle E\ĂLSSLQJDVZLWFKZLWKWKHWKURWWOHVWLFNDWLGOH The action is not functional at high throttle to avoid accidental dead sticks. The switchâs location and direction must be chosen, as it defaults to NULL. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>,GOH'RZQ@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Idle Down Model 1 ACT/INH INH 2ĂVHW +0% Switch OFF 85% Throttle CH (The display screen is an example. The screen depends on the model type.) Idle down setting procedure 7RXFK WKH ,1+ EXWWRQ WR DFWLYDWH WKH ,GOH 'RZQIXQFWLRQ ,GOH'RZQIXQFWLRQVZLWFKVHWWLQJ 7RXFKWKH18//EXWWRQWRFDOOWKH6ZLWFK! VFUHHQDQGWKHQVHOHFWWKHVZLWFKDQGLWV21 GLUHFWLRQ )RU D GHWDLOHG GHVFULSWLRQ RI WKH VHOHFWLRQ PHWKRGVHH>6ZLWFK6HWWLQJ0HWKRG@DWWKH EDFNRIWKLVPDQXDO 2IIVHWUDWHVHWWLQJ 7RXFK WKH 2IIVHW 5DWH EXWWRQ $GMXVWPHQW EXWWRQVDSSHDURQWKHVFUHHQ 8VHWKHVHEXWWRQVWRDGMXVWWKHRIIVHWUDWH Ĺ,QLWLDOYDOXH Ĺ$GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa EHFRPHVDQLGOHXS 7R H[LW WKH VHWWLQJ WRXFK WKH >,GOH 'RZQ@ EXWWRQ 86 Swash Ring /LPLWVWKHGHFOLQHRIWKHVZDVKSODWHWRSUHYHQWOLQNDJHGDPDJH +HOLFRSWHURQO\ This function limits the decline of the swash plate to prevent linkage damage as the aileron and elevator operation is added. It is useful for 3D heli setting. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6ZDVKULQJ@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Swash Ring Elevator Model 1 85% +0% Rate ON 100% Reset Aileron +0% $FWLYDWHEXWWRQ 5DWHEXWWRQ Swash ring setting procedure 3XVK WKH 6ZDVK ULQJ EXWWRQ RQ WKH OLQNDJH PHQX 3XVK$&7,1+EXWWRQWRDFWLYDWH *The movement area monitor shows the current aileron and elevator values and limit ranges by the yellow circle. $GMXVW WKH UDWH WR WKH PD[LPXP DPRXQW RI VZDVKSODWHGHFOLQH *The swash movement is limited within the circle. $GMXVWPHQWUDQJH 87 6ZDVKRSHUDWLRQOLQNDJHFRUUHFWLRQIXQFWLRQ 7KLVVZDVKVHWXSVFUHHQGRHVQRWDSSHDUIRUVZDVKW\SH+ Swash Neutral Point Mixing Rate At your linkages, if the servo horn deviates from the perpendicular position at neutral, the linkage compensation functions may not compensate effectively. This neutral point setting reads the linkage compensation neutral position. However, this adjustment only changes the datum point of the compensation function on the swash details screen and does not affect the neutral position of other functions. (Normally, the initial value is used.) This mixing rate is used for correction so that the swash plate moves in the correct direction for aileron, elevator, and pitch operation. Compensation mixing is shown below. *PIT->AIL/PIT->ELE/AIL->PIT/ELE->AIL/ELE->PIT *Use the corresponding compensation mixing and compensate so that the swash plate moves in the correct direction. *Before using the compensation function, set the neutral point. Linkage Compensation This compensation mixing is used to correct for mutual interference when the ailerons or elevators were operated when the throttle stick was in the slow or high position. Swash AFR The swash AFR function adjusts (increases/ decreases/reverse) the rate (travel) of the aileron, elevator, and pitch functions. Speed Compensation This speed compensation function compensates the mutual interference when the travel of each servo is different at swash plate operation. For HR-3, it compensates the speed by dropping the operating speed of the aileron and pitch servos at elevator operation. Ĺ7RXFK WKH >6ZDVK@ EXWWRQ LQ WKH /LQNDJH 0HQX WR FDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Model 1 Swash 100% Swash Detail 85% Neutral Point Swash AFR 50% 50% Enter Aileron +50% Elevator +50% Pitch +50% Ĺ7R6ZDVK 'HWDLOVVFUHHQ High Pitch Low Pitch 0% Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Swash Detail Model 1 Mixing Rate Mixing PIT to AIL 100% 100% PIT to ELE 100% 100% AIL to PIT 100% 100% ELE to AIL 50% 50% ELE to PIT 50% 50% 88 Swash(AFR) 85% Linkage Compensation Low Pitch Function Dir. Aileron 0% 0% Elevator 0% 0% Speed Compensation 0% Ĺ7R6ZDVK $)5VFUHHQ Neutral point setting procedure *Becomes the compensation datum point. *Adjusting the servo horn so that the neutral point position is near the 50% position makes the mixing amount small. +ROG WKH VHUYR KRUQ DW D ULJKW DQJOH WR WKH OLQNDJH URG DQG WKHQ WRXFK WKH >(QWHU@ EXWWRQDQGUHDGWKHDFWXDOQHXWUDOSRLQW *The neutral point is displayed on the screen. $IWHU UHDGLQJ WKLV QHXWUDO SRLQW XVH RWKHU FRPSHQVDWLRQ IXQFWLRQV WR PDNH IXUWKHU DGMXVWPHQWV 7RH[LWWKHVHWWLQJWRXFKWKH>6ZDVK@EXWWRQ Swash AFR setting procedure $GMXVW VR WKDW WKH VSHFLILHG RSHUDWLRQ DPRXQWLVREWDLQHGE\DLOHURQHOHYDWRUDQG SLWFKRSHUDWLRQ 7RXFK WKH EXWWRQ RI WKH $)5 UDWH WR EH DGMXVWHG$GMXVWPHQWEXWWRQVDSSHDURQWKH VFUHHQ 8VHWKHDGMXVWPHQWEXWWRQVWRDGMXVWWKH$)5 UDWH ,QLWLDOYDOXH $GMXVWPHQWUDQJHa Linkage correction setting procedure 6HW WKH OLQNDJH FRPSHQVDWLRQ DIWHU VHWWLQJ WKHPL[LQJUDWH 7KLV IXQFWLRQ FRPSHQVDWHV IRU HOHYDWRU LQWHUIHUHQFH E\ DLOHURQ RSHUDWLRQ RU DLOHURQ LQWHUIHUHQFH E\ HOHYDWRU RSHUDWLRQ DW /RZ SLWFK DQG +L SLWFK DW FROOHFWLYH SLWFK +5 HWF FRQWURO 6HWWKHWKURWWOHVWLFNWRWKHPD[LPXPVORZ SRVLWLRQ0RYHWKHDLOHURQVWLFNWRWKHOHIWDQG ULJKW DQG DGMXVW WKH DLOHURQ FRPSHQVDWLRQ DPRXQW VR WKDW LQWHUIHUHQFH LQ WKH HOHYDWRU RUSLWFKGLUHFWLRQDWWKDWWLPHLVPLQLPDO 7KH OHIW DQG ULJKW VLGHV FDQ EH DGMXVWHG VHSDUDWHO\ ,I WKH LQWHUIHUHQFH LQFUHDVHV ZKHQ WKH FRPSHQVDWLRQ DPRXQW LV LQFUHDVHG PDNH WKHFRPSHQVDWLRQGLUHFWLRQ $GMXVWWKHHOHYDWRUFRPSHQVDWLRQDPRXQW VRWKDWWKHLQWHUIHUHQFHLQWKHDLOHURQRUSLWFK GLUHFWLRQZKHQWKHHOHYDWRUVWLFNZDVPRYHG XSDQGGRZQLVPLQLPDO 3 H U I R U P D L O H U R Q D Q G H O H Y D W R U FRPSHQVDWLRQ VLPLODUO\ IRU WKH WKURWWOH VWLFN IXOOKLJKVLGH 7R H[LW VHWWLQJ WRXFK WKH >6ZDVK 'HWDLOV@ EXWWRQ 7RH[LWVHWWLQJWRXFKWKH>6ZDVK@EXWWRQ Speed compensation setting procedure Mixing rate setting procedure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otes: ,I WKH OLQNDJH VWLFNV RXW RU LV VWUHWFKHG WLJKW FRUUHFW FRPSHQVDWLRQ ZLOO QRW EH DSSOLHG 3HUIRUPFRUUHFWLRQZLWKVXUSOXVOLQNDJH 7KH SLWFK DQJOH FKDQJHV DIWHU DGMXVWPHQW 5HVHW WKH SLWFK DQJOH ZKHQ DFWXDOO\ IO\LQJ DIWHUFRPSHQVDWLRQSURFHVVLQJ 89 Timer 7LPHUVHWWLQJDQGODSWLPHGLVSOD\ The Timer function may be set for any desired time, LHHQJLQHUXQWLPHVSHFLÂżHGWLPHVIRUFRPSHWLWLRQV etc. Two independent timers are provided for your use. The timers are stored independently with each model, meaning that when you switch between model setups, the timer associated with the new model is brought up automatically. The timers may be set to start and stop from the motion of any switch or stick. You may set the ON and OFF directions freely. Each timer has a capacity of up to 59 minutes 59 seconds. Each timer may be set for count-down or count up operation with a target time. Also Split Time may be counted. If a target time is set and the timer reaches the set time, a buzzer sound for each count is generated. Countdown timers sound one short beep during the last twenty seconds and two short beeps during the last ten seconds before reaching the target, then a long tone at the target time, and continue counting with displaying a minus (-) sign. Count-up timers also beep the last twenty and ten seconds, beep the target time, and keep counting upwards until shut down. Ĺ 7RXFKWKH>7LPHU@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQXWR FDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Model 1 Timer 85% Timer1 Timer2 00:00.0 Mode Up 10 âŤŘ⏠Start/Stop SW OFF Split Time SW Memory Reset 00:00.0 OFF âŤÚ⏠00 OFF Up Mode 10 OFF âŤŘ⏠Start/Stop SW OFF OFF Split Time SW OFF OFF Memory OFF Ĺ0HPRU\LVWXUQHG21WKHSRZHU 2))DQGDPRGHOFKDQJHZLOOQRW EHUHVHWWLPHUHLWKHU Reset âŤÚ⏠00 OFF Split Time Model 1 85% 1/5 Timer1 Lap# Split Time Lap# Split Time Lap# Split Time Lap# Split Time 00:00.0 00:00.0 13 00:00.0 19 00:00.0 00:00.0 00:00.0 14 00:00.0 20 00:00.0 00:00.0 00:00.0 15 00:00.0 21 00:00.0 00:00.0 10 00:00.0 16 00:00.0 22 00:00.0 00:00.0 11 00:00.0 17 00:00.0 23 00:00.0 00:00.0 12 00:00.0 18 00:00.0 24 00:00.0 Clear Return Ĺ5HWXUQWR7LPHU VFUHHQ Up timer/Down timer selection Lap time switch selection 7RXFKWKHPRGHEXWWRQDQGVHOHFWWKHW\SH RIWLPHU 7RXFK WKH /DS 6: 18// EXWWRQ WR FDOO WKH 3URJ0L[VFUHHQDQGWKHQVHOHFWWKHVZLWFK DQGLWV21GLUHFWLRQ )RU D GHWDLOHG GHVFULSWLRQ RI WKH VZLWFK VHWWLQJPHWKRGVHH>6ZLWFK6HWWLQJ0HWKRG@ DWWKHEDFNRIWKLVPDQXDO *Each time this button is touched, it toggles between UP and DOWN. 7LPHUWLPHVHWWLQJ 7RXFKWKH0RGHPLQXWHVRUVHFRQGVEXWWRQ $GMXVWPHQWEXWWRQVDSSHDURQWKHVFUHHQ 8VHWKHVHEXWWRQVWRVHWWKHWLPHUWLPH Start/SWtop switch setting 7RXFKWKH6WDUW6WRS6:18//EXWWRQWRFDOO WKH 6ZLWFK! VFUHHQ DQG WKHQ VHOHFW WKH VZLWFKDQGLWV21GLUHFWLRQ )RU D GHWDLOHG GHVFULSWLRQ RI WKH VHOHFWLRQ PHWKRGVHH>6ZLWFK6HWWLQJ0HWKRG@DWWKH EDFNRIWKLVPDQXDO 90 Timer operation Ĺ7LPHUDQG7LPHUDUHVWDUWHGDQGVWRSSHG E\VWDUWVWRSVZLWFKVHWEHIRUHKDQG Ĺ7RFRXQWWKHODSWLPHRSHUDWHWKHODSWLPH VZLWFK VHOHFWHG EHIRUHKDQG (DFK WLPH WKLV VZLWFKLVRSHUDWHGWKHODSWLPHLVVWRUHG7R GLVSOD\ WKH ODS WLPH WRXFK WKH UHVSHFWLYH >/LVW@EXWWRQ Ĺ7RUHVHWDWLPHUWRXFKWKHUHVSHFWLYH>5HVHW@ EXWWRQ 7RH[LWWKHVHWWLQJWRXFKWKH>7LPHU@EXWWRQ /'LVSOD\VWKHSRVLWLRQRIWKHGLDOVVOLGHUOHYHUVDQGGLJLWDOWULP Dial Monitor Digital trim position display (T1-T6, CD) Digital trim step amount (T1-T6, CD) The Dial Monitor displays the current position and the operation step amount of each Digital Trim. The trim step can be set directly on the dial monitor menu. The trim step of the T1-T6 and CD can be set directly on the dial monitor menu. VR and slide lever position display (LST, LS, LD, RD, RS, RST) Displays the current position (black ) and last operating position (green ) of the VRs and slider levers. Ĺ 7RXFK WKH >'LDO 0RQLWRU@ EXWWRQ LQ WKH /LQNDJH 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Model 1 Dial Monitor Condition 1 CD LD LST RD +2 -11% ( -11%) +0% ( +0%) 85% RST -2% ( -2%) 10 LS T6 T5 RS -2% ( -2%) +0 +0 +0% ( +0%) +3% ( +3%) Trim Unit Step T4 +0 T3 T2 +0 +0 Ĺ7ULPFKDQJHVIURPWKHVWHSWRGLVSOD\ T1 +0 Ĺ'LJLWDOWULPVWHSDPRXQW Knob and Lever Position display (LD, RD, LS, LST, RS, RST) Recalling Dial Position (LST, LS, LD, RD, RS, RST) The Dial Monitor displays the current position and last operation position of each knob and lever. Although neither knob nor lever can hold the last operation position because of they are âanalogâ type, the position data during the last operation is memorized in the model memory. By moving the knob and lever to the position displayed on this monitor, the last operation position is recalled. The dial position data at the last operation is displayed for each knob and lever in this monitor. (Green arrow) 0RYH WKH EODFN DUURZ FXUUHQW SRVLWLRQ WR WKH JUHHQ DUURZ SRVLWLRQ E\ RSHUDWLQJ WKH GHVLUHG NQRE RU OHYHU WR UHFDOO WKH ODVW RSHUDWLQJSRVLWLRQ 91 Function Name )XQFWLRQ1DPHFDQEHFKDQJHG The setup screen can display functions names of up WRFKDUDFWHUVDQGXSWRFKDUDFWHUV Ĺ 7RXFKWKH>)XQFWLRQ 1DPH@EXWWRQ LQ WKH /LQNDJH 0HQXWRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Function Name 85% Please select a function. Aileron Elevator Throttle Rudder Gear Flap Aileron2 Aileron3 Aileron4 Elevator2 Flap2 Air Brake Fuel-Mix Gyro Gyro2 Gyro3 Throttle2 Throttle3 Throttle4 Flap3 Flap4 Rudder2 Motor Auxiliary7 Auxiliary6 Auxiliary5 Auxiliary4 Auxiliary3 Camber Auxiliary2 Function Name 85% 10 Characters 4 Characters Please select a function. Current Rename Current Aileron Aileron Elevator Throttle Rudder Gear AIL Default Aileron4 Elevator2 Aileron Flap Close Rename Aileron2 Aileron3 Default Flap2 Air BrakeReset Fuel-Mix AIL Gyro Throttle2 Throttle3 Throttle4 Flap3 Flap4 Rudder2 Motor Auxiliary7 Auxiliary6 Auxiliary5 Auxiliary4 Auxiliary3 Procedure for changing the functions name Select [Function Name] from the Linkage Menu. Select the function whose name you want to change. Press the [Change name] button and enter the name in 10 characters and 4 characters each from the displayed keyboard. After the characters are entered, press the keyboard [Return] key When the [Reset] key is pressed, the function name is reset its original name. 92 Auxiliary1 Gyro2 Reset Gyro3 Camber Auxiliary2 Auxiliary1 'LVSOD\LQJGDWDIURPWKHUHFHLYHU Telemetry Warning This screen displays the data from the receiver. An alarm can also be generated according to the data. For example, if the receiver voltage drops, the operator can be warned by a transmitter alarm. Do not stare at the transmitter VFUHHQGXULQJĂLJKW *You may loose sight of the aircraft during ĂLJKWDQGLVH[WUHPHO\GDQJHURXV+DYH the screen checked by an assistant. The pilot should not take his eyes off the aircraft. Ĺ &DOO WKH IROORZLQJ VHWWLQJ VFUHHQ E\ SUHVVLQJ WKH >7HOHPHWU\@EXWWRQRIWKH/LQNDJH0HQX Ĺ5HFHLYLQJVWDWH 56% â70= Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Receiver Battery Display Ĺ5HFHLYHU%DWWHU\YROWDJH Ĺ ,I YROWDJH IDOOV UDWKHU WKDQ WKH YROWDJH VHWXSKHUHWKHDODUPZLOORSHUDWH Ĺ([WHUQDO,QSXWYROWDJH (([WUD9ROWDJHFRQQHFWRU Ĺ5HWXUQWR7HOHPHWU\ 5.9V 5.0V - 6.4V 0.0V 0.0V - 0.0V Ĺ ,WRSHUDWHVE\,1+ â212)) Ĺ $VHWXSRIYLEUDWLRQ 2)) â HDFKW\SHWKHYLEUDWLRQZLOORSHUDWH W\SHVWRVHOHFWLRQRIWKHNLQGRIYLEUDWLRQLVSRVVLEOH Ĺ 7KH GLVSOD\ RI WKH PD[LPXP DQGWKHPLQLPXP >&OHDU@LVUHVHWZLWKDPDOH 93 Temperature Display Ĺ7HPSHUDWXUH'LVSOD\ Ĺ 7 H P S H U D W X U H L V V H W X S : K H Q L W EHFRPHV KLJK WHPSHUDWXUH IURP SUHVHW WHPSHUDWXUHWKHDODUPRSHUDWHV Ĺ5HWXUQWR7HOHPHWU\ Ĺ$VHWXSRIDQDOHUWRIRSHUDWLRQ ,WRSHUDWHVE\,1+â 212)) Ĺ $VHWXSRIYLEUDWLRQ 2)) â HDFKW\SHWKHYLEUDWLRQZLOORSHUDWH W\SHVWRVHOHFWLRQRIWKHNLQGRIYLEUDWLRQLVSRVVLEOH Ĺ 7KH GLVSOD\ RI WKH PD[LPXP DQGWKHPLQLPXP >&OHDU@LVUHVHWZLWKDPDOH RPM Display Ĺ530'LVSOD\ Ĺ 530 LV VHW XS :KHQ LW EHFRPHV KLJK 5 3 0 I U R P S U H V H W 5 3 0 W K H D O D U P RSHUDWHV Ĺ5HWXUQWR7HOHPHWU\ Ĺ$VHWXSRIDQDOHUWRIRSHUDWLRQ ,WRSHUDWHVE\,1+â 212)) Ĺ $VHWXSRIYLEUDWLRQ 2)) â HDFKW\SHWKHYLEUDWLRQZLOORSHUDWH W\SHVWRVHOHFWLRQRIWKHNLQGRIYLEUDWLRQLVSRVVLEOH 94 6HOHFWWKHW\SH RSWLFDO VHQVRU R U P D J Q H W L F VHQVRU Q R S W L F D O V H Q V R U W K H QXPEHURIDĂQ LVLQSXWWHG Ĺ 7KH GLVSOD\ RI WKH PD[LPXP DQGWKHPLQLPXP >&OHDU@LVUHVHWZLWKDPDOH Altitude Display Atmospheric pressure is measured by a sensor and an altitude is judged with a difference with ground atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure when the power supply of an altitude sensor is set to ON is displayed as a standard (0 m). [Preset] A push on a button will re-set up a standard altitude. Ĺ9DULRPHWHU'LVSOD\ What altitude is it? +RZPDQ\PHWHUULVH GHVFHQW LQVHFRQG Ĺ$WPRVSKHULFSUHVVXUH'LVSOD\ Ĺ$OWLWXGH'LVSOD\ Ĺ$OWLWXGHLVVHWXS:KHQLWEHFRPHVKLJK DOWLWXGH IURP SUHVHW DOWLWXGH WKH DODUP RSHUDWHV Ĺ5HWXUQWR7HOHPHWU\ Ĺ$VHWXSRIDQDOHUWRIRSHUDWLRQ ,WRSHUDWHVE\,1+ â212)) Ĺ $VHWXSRIYLEUDWLRQ 2)) â HDFKW\SHWKHYLEUDWLRQZLOORSHUDWH W\SHVWRVHOHFWLRQRIWKHNLQGRIYLEUDWLRQLVSRVVLEOH Ĺ 7KH GLVSOD\ RI WKH PD[LPXP DQGWKHPLQLPXP >&OHDU@LVUHVHWZLWKDPDOH 95 Sensor 9DULRXVWHOHPHWU\VHQVRUVVHWWLQJ The telemetry sensor slot No. and which sensor is used at each slot can be changed at this screen. Since the sensor at each slot is determined at initialization and the same slot No. is memorized even for sensors sold separately, sensors can be used by simply connecting them to S.BUS2. When customizing the sensors yourself, perform setting at this screen. *Three slots of altitude sensor are used. Slot FDQQRWEHXVHGIRUDQDOWLWXGHVHQVRU [What is a slot?] Servos are classified by CH, but sensors are classified in units called âslotâ. There are slots from No. 1 to No. 31. Altitude sensor and other voluminous data sensor units use multiple slots. When 2 or more of the same kind of sensor are used, the sensors themselves must allocate unused slots and memorized the allocated slot. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>6HQVRU@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQXWR FDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Procedure for changing the sensor of each slot No. 1. Select [Sensor] from the Linkage Menu. 2. Select the sensor of the slot No. to be changed. 3. Select the type of displayed sensor. 4. When the [Yes] key is pressed, the type of sensor is changed. *In the case of the sensor which uses more slots, it may be unable to assign. 96 Procedure for changing the slot No. of each sensor unit 1. Select [Sensor] on page 2 of the Linkage Menu. 2. Call page 2 by pressing [1/2] and press [Change Slot]. 3. Connect the receiver battery and the sensor unit to the S.I/F connector behind the rear cover of the transmitter using a 3-way hub or 2-way cord. 4. Press the [Read] key. The current slot No. is displayed. 5. When a number is pressed, the [ äŚ ], [ ä° ], [ äŚäŚ ] and [ ä°ä° ] keys appear. Now change the desired No. 6. When the [Write] key is pressed, the desired No. is written to the sensor T18MZ HUB or Y-adapter Sensor Ĺ&DOO WKLV VFUHHQ E\ VZLWFKLQJ WR SDJH E\ SUHVVLQJ WKH >@ EXWWRQ RQ WKH 6HQVRU VFUHHQDQGWKHQSUHVVLQJ>&KDQJH6ORW@ Receiver battery Ĺ7KHVORW1RLVZULWWHQWRWKHVHQVRU Ĺ:KHQ SUHVVHG WKH FXUUHQW VORW 1R LV GLVSOD\HG VRUVFUHHQ 97 6HWWLQJRIZDUQLQJVRXQGDQGYLEUDWLRQ Warning Warning when a power supply is turned on can be set up for every function. All initial setting is ON. Please turn ON the function in which it seems that it is dangerous in accordance with the purpose of use. Alarm is stopped if the function of each item is operated at OFF. * If a throttle stick turns on a power power supply in the high state in case of the electric body, it may begin to turn to high rotation suddenly, and is very dangerous. We recommend you to use the warning of a throttle position with ON. Please be sure to turn on each power supply in the state where a throttle stick is slow. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>:DUQLQJ@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Ĺ,I LW WXUQV 21 ZDUQLQJ ZLOO EH WROG ZLWK YLEUDWLRQ Ĺ,ILWFKDQJHVDW2))DODUPVWRSVFRPLQJ RXW DWWKHWLPHRIWKHSRZHUVXSSO\21 Ĺ,IDWKURWWOHVWLFNXVHVWKHSRZHUVXSSO\21LQWKHVWDWHE\WKHVLGHRID KLJKWKHQH[WVFUHHQZLOOFRPHRXWDQGDODUPZLOOVRXQG 7KHWKURWWOHVWLFNVKRXOGWXUQRQDSRZHUVXSSO\LQWKHVWDWHE\WKHVLGHRI DORZDWDQ\FRVW Ĺ,I D WKURWWOH VWLFN LV ORZHUHG DODUP ZLOO VWRS DQG LW ZLOO EHFRPH D FRQĂUPDWLRQVFUHHQ,WVWDUWVE\<(6 98 0RGHOPHPRU\VHWWLQJGDWDUHVHW E\LWHP Data Reset This function is designed to allow you to reset selected portions or all of the settings saved in the active model memory. You may individually choose to reset the following sets of data; Model menu setting: Resets all the functions in the Model Menu except Condition Select. All model setting: T1~T6, CD: Reset the digital trim setting. *All the conditions, or the condition currently being displayed (the entire group for group setting), can be selected. Resets all Linkage and Model Menu functions except for Syatem Type, Model Select, and Model Type. Direct key: Resets direct key assignment. Ĺ7RXFKWKH>'DWD5HVHW@EXWWRQLQWKH/LQNDJH0HQX WRFDOOWKHVHWXSVFUHHQVKRZQEHORZ Ĺ5HWXUQWR/LQNDJH0HQX Date Reset T1~T6, CD Model 1 Direct Key Condition 1 Model Menu Setting 85% All Model Setting Function Name Data Resetting 7RXFKWKHGHVLUHGEXWWRQWRUHVHWWKHVHWRI GDWD 3HUIRUPWKHGDWDUHVHWWLQJDFFRUGLQJWRWKH LQVWUXFWLRQV GLVSOD\HG RQ D VFUHHQ :KHQ FRPSOHWH WRXFK WKH 'DWD 5HVHW EXWWRQ WR H[LW Initial setting of a motor channel is reverse. After reset is reverse. 99 Condition Hold &RQGLWLRQKROGIXQFWLRQ +HOLFRSWHURQO\ 7KLVIXQFWLRQPD\EHXVHGWRÂż[WKHPD[LPXP speed of the engine so that you may adjust flight conditions when the engine is running. An alarm indicates that the function is operating. It will prevent the engine from racing dangerously when adjusting the Idle-Up settings. While this function is active, the throttle servo position is fixed at the point where you operate when the function is activated. You must deactivate this function when you are through making adjustments. The system will not allow you to activate/ deactivate this function in either of the following states:  :KHQ DQ\ RI WKH IOLJKW FRQGLWLRQ VZLWFKHV DUHRQ  :KHQ WKH WKURWWOH VWLFN LV KLJKHU WKDQ WKH SRLQW 100 To activate/deactivate Condition hold: (Home screen) 6HWWKHWKURWWOHVWLFNORZHUWKDQWKHSRLQW 3XVK WKH GLUHFW NH\ 6 &RQG +ROG WR DFWLYDWHWKHFRQGLWLRQKROGIXQFWLRQ *When this function is active, "Condition Hold is active" appears on the screen. (LINKAGE menu/MODEL menu) 6HWWKHWKURWWOHVWLFNORZHUWKDQWKHSRLQW 3XVKWKH,1+ RUWKHGLUHFWNH\6 EXWWRQWR DFWLYDWHWKHFRQGLWLRQKROGIXQFWLRQ *Operation is displayed at the bottom of the menu. Function ON: "ON" is displayed. Function OFF: "INH" is displayed.
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : Yes XMP Toolkit : 3.1-702 Modify Date : 2011:12:02 16:50:35+08:00 Create Date : 2011:12:02 16:50:28+08:00 Metadata Date : 2011:12:02 16:50:35+08:00 Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Format : application/pdf Title : untitled Creator : julie_hsu Document ID : uuid:fb10e101-81f5-40f3-9374-c77d9588cd5a Instance ID : uuid:3c0a7787-5085-4017-b3f5-2e1bcc944e2e Producer : Acrobat Distiller 7.0.5 (Windows) Page Count : 70 Author : julie_hsuEXIF Metadata provided by