HARRIS TR-0019-E VHF 110W Mobile Radio User Manual MM102341V1 P5A FCC
- 1. Antenna Install Info
- 2. user manual
- 3. install manual
user manual

Operator’s Manual
MM102341V1 P5A
M7100IP Series
Mobile Radios

At this time, the M7100IP mobile radio may not be operated while in a desktop station in the
European Community since it does not meet immunity requirements when operated in this mode.
The M7100IP mobile radio can be used in both trunked and conventional applications.
This device is made under license under one or more of the following US patents: 4,590,473;
4,636,791; 5,148,482; 5,185,796; 5,271,017; 5,377,229.
The voice coding technology embodied in this product is protected by intellectual property rights
including patent rights, copyrights, and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems, Inc. The user of
this technology is explicitly prohibited from attempting to decompile, reverse engineer, or
disassemble the Object Code, or in any other way convert the Object Code into human-readable
EDACS is a registered trademark and ProGrammer, SCAT, Failsoft, ProSound, ProScan, Aegis,
ProFile, ProVoice, and G-STAR are trademarks of M/A-COM, Inc.
This manual covers M/A-COM, Inc. products manufactured and sold by M/A-COM, Inc.
Repairs to this equipment should be made only by an authorized service technician or facility
designated by the supplier. Any repairs, alterations or substitution of recommended parts made
by the user to this equipment not approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to
operate the equipment in addition to the manufacturer's warranty.
This manual is published by M/A-COM, Inc., without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this manual necessitated by
typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by M/A-
COM, Inc., at any time and without notice. Such changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual. No part of this
manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
recording, for any purpose, without the express written permission of M/A-COM, Inc.
Copyright© 2003 M/A-COM, Inc. All rights reserved.

RF ENERGY EXPOSURE INFORMATION .............................................5
COMPLIANCE WITH RF EXPOSURE STANDARDS ............................6
OPERATION SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................8
TRANSMITTER HAZARDS ....................................................................8
SAFE DRIVING RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................9
OPERATING RULES AND REGULATIONS.........................................10
OPERATING TIPS................................................................................11
USER INTERFACE................................................................................13
POWER ON-OFF VOLUME KNOB ......................................................15
SYSTEM/GROUP CHANNEL KNOB....................................................15
RAMP CONTROL.................................................................................15
SCAN ON/OFF .....................................................................................15
SCAN ADD/DELETE ............................................................................16
KEYPAD ...............................................................................................17
RADIO STATUS ICONS.......................................................................21
ALERT TONES......................................................................................27
CALL ORIGINATE ................................................................................27
AUTOKEY (TRUNKED MODE ONLY)..................................................27
CALL QUEUED (TRUNKED MODE ONLY) .........................................27
SYSTEM BUSY (TRUNKED MODE ONLY) .........................................27
CALL DENIED (TRUNKED MODE ONLY) ...........................................27
CARRIER CONTROL TIMER ...............................................................27
KEY PRESS ALERT.............................................................................28
DUAL CONTROL SWITCHING ............................................................28
TURNING THE RADIO ON...................................................................29
SELECTION MODE RULES.................................................................29
DIRECT ACCESS.................................................................................30
MENU ...................................................................................................31
FEATURE ENCRYPTION DISPLAY.....................................................35
SYSTEM/GROUP/CHANNEL SELECTION..........................................37
TRUNKED MODE OPERATION............................................................39
RECEIVING A CALL.............................................................................39
SENDING A CALL ................................................................................39
CONVENTIONAL FAILSOFT ...............................................................40
EMERGENCY OPERATION.................................................................40
SYSTEM SCAN OPERATION ..............................................................41
GROUP SCAN OPERATION................................................................43

INDIVIDUAL CALLS............................................................................. 45
SCAT OPERATION.............................................................................. 48
TELEPHONE INTERCONNECT CALLS.............................................. 48
MOBILE DATA ..................................................................................... 50
STATUS/MESSAGE OPERATION ...................................................... 53
EDACS CONVENTIONAL P1 SCAN ................................................... 54
DYNAMIC REGROUP OPERATION.................................................... 55
CONVENTIONAL MODE OPERATION................................................ 56
RECEIVING A CALL ............................................................................ 56
SENDING A CALL................................................................................ 56
EMERGENCY OPERATION ................................................................ 57
SCANNING CONVENTIONAL CHANNELS......................................... 58
TURNING SCAN ON............................................................................ 59
TURNING SCAN OFF.......................................................................... 60
SQUELCH ADJUST............................................................................. 60
TYPE 99 DECODE (CONVENTIONAL ONLY) .................................... 61
PROJECT 25 (P25) CONVENTIONAL OPERATION ........................... 63
GROUP CALLS IN P25 MODE ............................................................ 63
INDIVIDUAL CALLS IN P25 MODE ..................................................... 63
EMERGENCY GROUP CALLS IN P25 MODE .................................... 64
SIREN/LIGHT OPERATION................................................................. 66
DUAL CONTROL OPERATION ........................................................... 72
MULTIPLE RADIO OPERATION ......................................................... 73
CHANGING SELECTED RADIO.......................................................... 74
LAST SYSTEM/GROUP/CHANNEL RECALL ..................................... 75
MACRO KEY OPERATION.................................................................. 75
INTERCONNECT CALL (SYSTEM MODEL ONLY) ............................ 75
KEYPAD REMAPPING ........................................................................ 77
GLOSSARY........................................................................................... 78
WARRANTY.......................................................................................... 83

NOTICE: This radio is intended for use in occupational/controlled
conditions, where users have full knowledge of their exposure and can
exercise control over their exposure to meet FCC limits. This radio
device is NOT authorized for general population, consumer, or any other
This two-way radio uses electromagnetic energy in the radio frequency (RF)
spectrum to provide communications between two or more users over a
distance. It uses RF energy or radio waves to send and receive calls. RF
energy is one form of electromagnetic energy. Other forms include, but are
not limited to, electric power, sunlight, and x-rays. RF energy, however,
should not be confused with these other forms of electromagnetic energy,
which, when used improperly, can cause biological damage. Very high levels
of x-rays, for example, can damage tissues and genetic material.
Experts in science, engineering, medicine, health, and industry work with
organizations to develop standards for exposure to RF energy. These
standards provide recommended levels of RF exposure for both workers and
the general public. These recommended RF exposure levels include
substantial margins of protection. All two-way radios marketed in North
America are designed, manufactured, and tested to ensure they meet
government established RF exposure levels. In addition, manufacturers also
recommend specific operating instructions to users of two-way radios. These
instructions are important because they inform users about RF energy
exposure and provide simple procedures on how to control it. Please refer to
the following websites for more information on what RF energy exposure is
and how to control your exposure to assure compliance with established RF
exposure limits.
Federal Communications Commission Regulations
Your M/A-COM, Inc. M7100IP mobile two-way radio is designed and tested
to comply with the FCC RF energy exposure limits for mobile two-way radios
before it can be marketed in the United States. When two-way radios are used

as a consequence of employment, the FCC requires users to be fully aware of
and able to control their exposure to meet occupational requirements.
Exposure awareness can be facilitated by the use of a label directing users to
specific user awareness information. Your M/A-COM, Inc. M7100IP two-way
radio has an RF exposure product label. Also, your M7100IP Installation and
Operator’s Manuals include information and operating instructions required to
control your RF exposure and to satisfy compliance requirements.
Your M/A-COM, Inc. M7100IP mobile two-way radio is designed and tested
to comply with a number of national and international standards and
guidelines (listed below) regarding human exposure to RF electromagnetic
energy. This radio complies with the IEEE and ICNIRP exposure limits for
occupational/controlled RF exposure environment at duty factors of up to 50%
talk-50% listen and is authorized by the FCC for occupational use. In terms of
measuring RF energy for compliance with the FCC exposure guidelines, your
radio antenna radiates measurable RF energy only while it is transmitting
(talking), not when it is receiving (listening) or in standby mode.
Your M/A-COM, Inc. M7100IP mobile two-way radio complies with the
following RF energy exposure standards and guidelines:
• United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Code of
Federal Regulations; 47 CFR §§ 2 sub-part J.
• American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95.1-1992.
• Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95.1-1999.
NOTE – Table 1 lists the recommended minimum lateral distance for
bystanders in an uncontrolled and controlled environment, from transmitting
types of antennas (i.e., monopoles over a ground plane, or dipoles) at rated
radio power for mobile radios installed in a vehicle.
Table 1 - Rated Power and Recommended Minimum Lateral Distance
Controlled Uncontrolled
110 Watts 92.87 cm 207.67 cm
Mobile Antennas
Install the radio’s antenna (M/A-COM part number 19B209568P6) in the
center of the vehicle’s roof. These mobile antenna installation guidelines are
limited to metal body motor vehicles or vehicles with appropriate ground
planes. The antenna installation should additionally be in accordance with the

1. The requirements of the antenna manufacturer/supplier included with
the antenna.
2. Instructions in the Radio Installation Manual, including minimum
antenna cable lengths.
3. The installation manual providing specific information of how to
install the antennas to facilitate recommended operating distances to
all potentially exposed persons.
Use only the M/A-COM approved/supplied antenna(s) or approved
replacement antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments
could damage the radio and may violate FCC regulations.
Approved Accessories
This radio has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines when
used with the M/A-COM accessories supplied or designated for use with this
product. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with the FCC’s
RF exposure guidelines, and may violate FCC regulations.
For a list of M/A-COM approved accessories refer to the product manuals,
M/A-COM’s Products and Services Catalog, or contact M/A-COM at 1-800-
Contact Information
For additional information on exposure requirements or other information,
contact M/A-COM, Inc. at 1-800-528-7711 or at http://www.macom-

The operator of any mobile radio should be aware of certain
hazards common to the operation of vehicular radio
transmitters. A list of several possible hazards is given:
• Explosive Atmospheres – Just as it is dangerous to fuel a vehicle with
the motor running, similar hazards exist when operating a mobile radio.
Be sure to turn the radio off while fueling a vehicle. Do not carry
containers of fuel in the trunk of a vehicle if the radio is mounted in the
Areas with potentially explosive atmosphere are often, but not
always, clearly marked. Turn OFF your radio when in any area with
a potentially explosive atmosphere. It is rare, but not impossible that
the radio or its accessories could generate sparks.
• Interference to Vehicular Electronics Systems – Electronic fuel
injection systems, electronic anti-skid braking systems, electronic cruise
control systems, etc., are typical electronic systems that can malfunction
due to the lack of protection from radio frequency energy present when
transmitting. If the vehicle contains such equipment, consult the dealer
and enlist their aid in determining the expected performance of electronic
circuits when the radio is transmitting.
• Dynamite Blasting Caps – Dynamite blasting caps can be caused to
explode by operating a radio within 500 feet of the blasting caps. Always
obey the “Turn Off Two-Way Radios” signs posted where dynamite is
being used.
• When transporting blasting caps in your vehicle:
Carry the blasting caps in a closed metal box with a soft lining.
Leave the radio OFF whenever the blasting caps are being put into or
removed from the vehicle.
• Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas Powered Vehicles – Mobile radio
installations in vehicles powered by liquefied petroleum gas with the LP
gas container in the trunk or other sealed-off space within the interior of
the vehicle must conform to the National Fire Protection Association
standard NFPA 58 requiring:
The space containing the radio equipment shall be isolated by a seal
from the space containing the LP gas container and its fittings.
Outside filling connections shall be used for the LP gas container.
The LP gas container shall be vented to the outside of the vehicle.
(Recommended by AAA)
• Read the literature on the safe operation of the radio.
• Keep both hands on the steering wheel and the microphone in its hanger
whenever the vehicle is in motion.
• Place calls only when the vehicle is stopped.
• When talking from a moving vehicle is unavoidable, drive in the slower
lane. Keep conversations brief.
• If a conversation requires taking notes or complex thought, stop the
vehicle in a safe place and continue the call.
• Whenever using a mobile radio, exercise caution.

Two-way FM radio systems must be operated in accordance with the rules and
regulations of the local, regional, or national government.
In the United States, the M7100IP Series mobile radio must be operated in
accordance with the rules and regulations of the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC). As an operator of two-way radio equipment, you must be
thoroughly familiar with the rules that apply to your particular type of radio
operation. Following these rules helps eliminate confusion, assures the most
efficient use of the existing radio channels, and results in a smoothly
functioning radio network.
When using your two-way radio, remember these rules:
• It is a violation of FCC rules to interrupt any distress or emergency
message. As your radio operates in much the same way as a telephone
“party line,” always listen to make sure that the channel is clear before
transmitting. Emergency calls have priority over all other messages. If
someone is sending an emergency message – such as reporting a fire or
asking for help in an accident – KEEP OFF THE AIR!
• The use of profane or obscene language is prohibited by Federal law.
• It is against the law to send false call letters or false distress or emergency
messages. The FCC requires that you keep conversations brief and
confine them to business. To save time, use coded messages whenever
• Using your radio to send personal messages (except in an emergency) is a
violation of FCC rules. You may send only those messages that are
essential for the operation of your business.
• It is against Federal law to repeat or otherwise make known anything you
overhear on your radio. Conversations between others sharing your
channel must be regarded as confidential.
• The FCC requires that you identify yourself at certain specific times by
means of your call letters. Refer to the rules that apply to your particular
type of operation for the proper procedure.
• No changes or adjustments shall be made to the equipment except by an
authorized or certified electronics technician.
Under U.S. law, operation of an unlicensed
radio transmitter within the jurisdiction of the
United States may be punishable by a fine of up
to $10,000, imprisonment for up to two (2)
years, or both.
The following conditions tend to reduce the effective range of two-way radios
and should be avoided whenever possible:
• Operating the radio in areas of low terrain, or while under power lines or
• Obstructions such as mountains and buildings
• In areas where transmission or reception is poor, some improvement can
be obtained by moving a few yards in another direction or moving to a
higher elevation.
This manual describes how to use the M7100IP Series Mobile Radio. The
M7100IP is a synthesized, microprocessor-based, high performance mobile
FM radio providing reliable two-way communications in both the Enhanced
Digital Access Communications System (EDACS®) trunking environment
and conventional communication systems.
In the EDACS or trunked system mode, the user selects a communications
system and group. In this mode, channel selection is transparent to the user
and is controlled via digital communication with the system controller. This
provides advanced programmable features and fast access to communication
In the conventional mode, the user selects a channel and directly
communicates on that channel. In this mode, a system refers to a set of
channels. A channel is a transmit/receive radio frequency pair.
The exact operation of the radio will depend on the operating mode, the
radio's programming and the particular radio system. Most features described
in this manual can be enabled or disabled through programming. Consult the
system administrator for the particular features that are programmed into the
The M7100IP operating controls are located on the radio's front panel (see
Figure 1 and Figure 2). A keypad, vacuum florescent display for radio status
information and a microphone jack are on the front panel. The front panel also
provides a rotary SYSTEM/GROUP/CHANNEL knob, POWER ON-
OFF/VOLUME control, a ramp up/ramp down control, Scan add/delete
control, and a SCAN ON-OFF control for scan operation.
The keypad is used for manual number entry for individual calls, access to a
telephone interconnect system and activation of various EDACS or
conventional features such as menu selection. Each key has an associated
LED for status indication.
The display has two lines with eight alphanumeric-characters used to show the
operational mode of the radio. There is one LED for indicating transmitter ON
and one LED to indicate CHANNEL BUSY located below the POWER ON-

Figure 1 - M7100IP Series Mobile Radio System Model Front Panel
Figure 2 - M7100IP Series Mobile Radio Scan Model Front Panel

This section describes the buttons, keys and rotary knobs used to control the
M7100IP Series Mobile Scan and System Model radios. All functions and
controls of the Scan radio operate the same as the corresponding functions and
controls on the System radio. The Scan radio is equipped with a 4-button
keypad and the System radio is equipped with a 16-button keypad.
Many of the control buttons and keys have or can be programmed to have a
primary function and a secondary function. The SCAN button can be
programmed (as a secondary function) to toggle the keypad keys between
their primary function and their secondary function.
This rotary knob applies power to the radio and adjusts the
receiver volume. Rotating the control clockwise out o
detent applies power to the radio. A single alert tone sounds
(if enabled through programming) to indicate the radio is
Rotating the control clockwise increases the volume level. Minimum volume
levels can be programmed into the radio to prevent missed calls due to a low
volume setting. While adjusting the volume, the display will briefly indicate
the volume level (i.e. VOL = 31). The volume range is from a minimum level
of zero (displayed as OFF in the display) up to 31, which is the loudest level.
This rotary knob selects the systems or groups/channels,
depending upon programming. This 16-
osition knob has no
stop or detent. See SYSTEM/GROUP/CHANNEL
SELECTION section for more details.
The primary function of this rocker type button is to scroll
through the System list or the Group/Channel list depending
upon programming. The secondary function is to increment o
decrement items within a list (phone list for example). Press ,
to scroll in increasing order and press .to scroll in decreasing
order. To auto-ramp, press and hold the button.
The primary function of this button is to toggle scan operation on
and OFF. When the radio is scanning, the SCAN LED is on and
all groups or channels in the scan list of the currently selected
systems are scanned.

The secondary function of the SCAN button is to toggle the keypad buttons
between their primary function and their secondary function.
This rocker type button is used to display the current SCAN
status for a group/channel and then either add or delete the
group/channel from the system scan list.
Transmitter enabled - ON when the radio is transmitting.
BuSY - On indicates a carrier is being received (the channel is
ote that if the selected channel is programmed fo
Channel Guard (CG), Digital Channel Guard (DCG) or Type
99 (T99) tone decode operation, the radio will not un-squelch
if a valid tone or code is not received; the BSY indicator will
be on.
Figure 3 – M7100IP System Model Keypad
Figure 4 - M7100IP Scan Model Keypad

The keypad is similar to a telephone keypad but with four (4) additional
buttons on the side for a total of 16 keys. In addition to numbers (1-9, *, 0 and
#), which is a secondary function, most of the keys have or can be
programmed to have a primary function. A symbol or abbreviated word
describing its primary function is labeled on the keycap. Each labeled keycap
is associated with a radio feature (or primary function). The radio must be
programmed to operate with the Standard or the Optional keycap
A keylight (LED) is associated with each key or button. This can light when
the associated function is active. In some conditions, the keylight can blink to
indicate an action status.
The keypad key functions can be remapped to any of the primary function
keys using the PC programming software. It is suggested that the blank
keypad (located at the back of this manual) be completed if the keypad key
functions are changed.
Standard Keycap Configuration
The Standard keycap package for the System radio includes five (5) labeled
keycaps (MODE, HOME, CHN, AUX1 and AUX2) and six (6) blank
keycaps, which can be placed on any of the five key locations (numbers 3-6
and 9) shown in Figure 5. The keycap represents the primary function
programmed for that key location. See the Key Descriptions section for a
description of the primary function associated with these five (5) keycaps.
The standard keycap package for the Scan radio includes five (5) labeled
keycaps [MENU, CLEAR, SELECT, EMERGENCY ( E), OPTION] and five
(5) blank keycaps, which can be placed on any of the four (4) keypad keys.
The keycap represents the primary function programmed for that key location.
Figure 5 - Standard M7100IP Keycaps Configuration

Optional Keycap Configuration
The optional keycap package for the System radio includes sixty (60)
additional keycaps (shown in the Key Descriptions section), which can be
placed on any key location desired. Keep in mind, the keycap represents the
primary function programmed for that key location.
Key Descriptions
MODE This key is used to enter the Conventional System selection
HOME This key returns the radio to the Home System/Group where it
is programmed.
CHN This key is used to enter the Channel select mode.
AUX1 & 2 These keys are used to control output 1 or 2. Their definition
is PC programmable.
S This key is used to enter the System select mode.
G This key is used to enter the Group select mode.
This key function is used to toggle a PC programmable
feature ON and OFF.
DEL Secondary function - used to delete a digit during numeric
M Primary function - accesses the menu list. This is a list of
additional features that are not available directly from the
keypad. See MENU section for details.
SELECT Secondary function - activates a selected item within a list.
After the menus list is accessed, select a menu item from the
list via RAMP controls, , or ., and activate it with this
key. Once activated, MENU continues its secondary function
for activating a selected parameter setting until the radio
returns to its normal receive state. This is similar to an enter
S The Status key permits the transmission of a pre-programmed
status message to an EDACS site.
N The Message key permits the transmission of a pre-
programmed message to an EDACS site.
Serves several purposes depending on the operating mode. In
trunked mode, the CLR button exits the current operation and
removes all displays associated with it. The radio and display
then return to the group receive state. In Conventional mode,
pressing this button unmutes the receiver so activity on the
selected channel can be monitored. When pressed and held
for approximately 3 seconds, this button toggles conventional
channel decoding (Channel Guard, Digital Channel Guard,
T99) ON and OFF if programmed for the selected channel.
P Used to place telephone calls through the radio by selecting
the interconnect special call function. See TELEPHONE
D Used to adjust the current display intensity and the keypad
backlight level.
I Used to call an individual or make an all-call by selecting the
individual call function. See INDIVIDUAL CALLS for
E This key function is used to declare emergencies.
ALM This key toggles the external alarm ON/OFF. The external
alarm is used to indicate the radio is receiving an Individual
Call. Press the key once to enable external alarm and press
again to disable external alarm.
SG1-SG5 This key corresponds to five (5) pre-programmed
System/Groups. Pressing a key programmed for SG1 would
switch the radio to the pre-programmed System/Group 1.
Pressing a key programmed for SG2 would switch the radio to
the pre-programmed System/Group 2, etc.
The WAIL and YLP (Yelp) keys are designed to control an
optional Siren package. The SL1-SL8 (Siren/Light) keys are
designed to control an optional Siren/Light package. The
RST (Reset) key is used to turn all sirens and lights OFF.
SPK This key function is used to toggle the external speaker
STO-ST9 The status 0-9 keys are used to send a pre-programmed status
message to the EDACS site.
PVT The PVT key enables or disables Private Mode for the
System/Group displayed. See the Private Operation section.
KEY Displays the Encrypted Keys. This selects the DISP KEY
operation from the menu functions.

G* This key function is used in Conventional Mode to send G
STAR emergency signaling.
PA This key function enables and disables the Public Address
# DTMF keypad function.
1 thru 9 Keypad numbers.
* DTMF Keypad function.
Primary Functions (Quick Access)
The secondary function of the k button is to toggle the keypad buttons
between their primary function and their secondary function. When the
secondary keypad is active, i.e. entering phone digits for an interconnect call,
the k button can be used to toggle the keypad buttons back to their primary
function, perform a task (siren/light enable), and then toggle back to finish
entering the digits for the phone number. PRIMARY is displayed when the
k button is used to toggle the keypad keys back to their primary functions.
This provides quick access to the primary functions of the keypad. This is a
programmable feature of the k button only. Careful consideration should be
given to possible operational conflicts before enabling this feature.
Several keys on the Scan version have a secondary function. The m key is
the SELECT secondary function with the C key remaining the same for the
secondary function. On the System version, the o has a secondary function
for DELETE, m is SELECT, and c retains its CLEAR function.

The radio's display is shown in Figure 6. The two character lines are used to
display system, group and channel names and also operational messages. Each
line contains eight alphanumeric character blocks. See Figure 2 for a typical
Figure 6 – M7100IP Series Mobile Radio Display
Status icons are indicators that show the various operating characteristics of
the radio. The icons appear on the first line of the display.
• indicates selected group or channel is in scan list.
• indicates selected group or channel is programmed as
Priority 1 in scan list.
• indicates selected group or channel is programmed as
Priority 2 in scan list.
• indicates conventional channel enabled with Channel
Guard function.
• indicates the EDACS system is in Failsoft™ mode (if
enabled through programming).
• indicates Type 99 Decode is enabled on a
conventional channel.

During radio operation, various messages are displayed on either line 1 or line
2. Typical messages include control channel status information, such as
system busy or call denied, or messages associated with the radio's operation,
(i.e. volume adjust). These messages are described as follows:
Table 2 – Display Messages
QUEUED Call Queued Trunked mode only. Indicates the system has
placed the call in a request queue.
SYS BUSY System Busy Trunked mode only. Indicates the system is busy,
no channels are currently available, the queue is
full or an individual call is being attempted to a
radio that is currently transmitting.
DENIED Call Denied Trunked mode only. Indicates the radio is not
authorized to operate on the selected system.
CC SCAN Control Channel Scan Trunked mode only. Indicates the control channel
is lost and the radio has entered the Control
Channel Scan mode to search for the control
WA SCAN Wide Area Scan Trunked mode only. Indicates the control channel
is lost and the radio has entered the Wide Area
Scan mode to search for a new system (if enabled
through programming).
TALKARND Talk-around Conventional mode only. Indicates the radio is
operating on conventional channels in talk-
around mode (no repeater).
*RXEMER* Receive Emergency Trunked mode only. Indicates an emergency call
is being received. This message will be flashing
on line 2.
*TXEMER* Transmit Emergency Trunked mode only. Indicates an emergency call
has been transmitted. This message will be
flashing on line 2.
VOL=31 Volume Level Indicates the current volume level. The volume
level display ranges from OFF (silent) to 31
UNKNOWN Caller's ID Not
Received Indicates that an individual call is being received,
but the caller's ID was not received.
TX DATA Transmit Data Trunked mode only. Indicates the radio is
transmitting a data call.
RX DATA Receive Data Trunked mode only. Indicates the radio is
receiving a data call. Displayed on line 2.
DATA OFF Data OFF Trunked mode only. Indicates the radio is in the
data disabled state. Displayed on line 1.
DATA ON Data ON Trunked mode only. Indicates the radio has been
toggled to the data enable state. Displayed for
two seconds on line 1 when toggled to enable

SYSC ON System Scan Features
ON Trunked mode only. Indicates the System Scan
features are enabled.
SYSC OFF System Scan Features
OFF Trunked mode only. Indicates the System Scan
features are disabled.
T99 ON Type 99 Decode ON Conventional mode only. Indicates the Type 99
Decode feature is enabled.
T99 OFF Type 99 Decode OFF Conventional mode only. Indicates the Type 99
Decode feature is disabled.
PA ON Public Address ON Indicates that the public address function of the
radio is enabled.
PA OFF Public Address OFF Momentary (2 seconds) indicates that public
address function of the radio was disabled.
ALRM ON External Alarm Enabled Indicates that the external alarm function of the
radio is enabled.
ALRM OFF External Alarm
Disabled Momentary (2 seconds) indicates that the
external alarm function of the radio was disabled.
PVT DIS Private Mode Disabled Indicates that private mode is disabled or no
encryption key has been programmed for the
selected group/channel or special call.
FRCD PVT Forced Private
Operation Indicates that forced private operation has been
pre-programmed into radio.
NO KEY # Encryption Key
Missing Flashing indicator indicates that no encryption
key or an incorrect encryption key is
programmed into the radio.
BCKL=1-6 Backlight Indicates the display intensity and keypad
backlight level.
GR Group ID Indicates that the call is a group call and is
followed by the GID of the caller (trunked mode
ID Individual ID Indicates the call is an individual call and the ID
number of the caller, example "ID 2725"
(trunked mode only).
WHC=1 Who Has Called This display indicates the number from the Who
Has Called list. Individual calls received but not
responded to are stored in a Who Has Called list.
This list is accessible by pressing the # key and
then the INDV key after the Individual call has
timed out or the Clear button is pressed. This
display is on line 2 and the LID of the caller is
displayed on the top line. Currently the list is not
implemented and the display will always be
PHONE Phone Call Displayed when a phone call is received from the
site. It is displayed in line 1 of the display. Line 2
of the display will contain the display *INDV*
when line 1 contains this message. The radio
interprets a received phone call as an individual

CONV FS Conventional Failsoft Displayed when a failure of the EDACS system
occurs. All communication will be in
conventional mode (trunked mode only).
MENU Displayed when the menu key is pressed and
remains displayed in line 1 until a menu item is
SYS=1-64 System = 1 - 64 The system number for the current base station of
the system displayed in line 1. It is displayed in
line 2 of the display. Press the system key to
obtain this display.
GRP=1-64 Group = 1 - 64 The group number of the group displayed in line
2 of display. It is displayed in line 1 of the
display. Press the group key to obtain this
display. There are up to 48 groups available (i.e.
3 banks of 16). The maximum number of groups
programmed in a radio is determined by the
INDV=1-99 Individual = 1 - 99 Indicates which item in the individual call list is
being displayed. It is displayed in line 2 of the
display. The name or ID of the item in the list is
displayed in line 1 of the display.
PHN=1-99 Phone = 1 - 99 Indicates which item in the phone list is being
displayed. It is displayed in line 2 of the display.
Line 1 of the display will be the last 3 characters
of the list item contents.
SEL PHN Select Phone After pressing the PHN key, selecting an entry
from the phone list by typing the entry number
will display this message on Line 1.
SEL INDV Select Individual ID Displayed on line 1 when an entry from the
individual ID list is selected after pressing the
INDV key. The entry is a number between 1 and
32 inclusive (trunked mode only).
SYS ALL System All Call Displayed on line 1 to indicate a system all-call
has been received (trunked mode only).
Ggg-v.vv Code Group and
Revision Number This is code group and revision number that is
displayed in line 2 when the menu item
"REVISION" is selected. The `gg' is the group
number of the software. The first `v' is the
hardware version and `vv' is the revision of the
*PHONE* Phone Call Displayed when an initiated phone call is in
progress. This is displayed on line 2 of the
DUAL Dual Control Operation Displayed on an idle control unit when
configured as dual control operation.
NO ENTRY Indicates that there is no data stored in one of the
programmable items in either the phone list or
individual call list. The user programmable items
are items 1 through 10 in each list.
INV SYS Invalid System Displayed when the current system is an invalid

CHN=1-99 Channel = 1 - 99 Displayed on line 1 of the display. This is a
conventional channel index displayed when the
group key is depressed.
FIX LIST Fixed List The Priority scan list is fixed and cannot be
changed using the add or delete keys.
FIXED P1 Fixed Priority 1 The Priority 1 scan channel is fixed and cannot
be changed using the add or delete keys.
(c) 2003 Displayed in line 2 when the message "M/A-
COM" is displayed in line 1 while displaying
different items under the menu when
‘REVISION’ is selected by the operator.
EM Emergency Indicates an emergency has been declared by the
LID that follows the display, ‘EM.’ An example
of this is “EM 01201.”
*INDV* Individual Call Displayed in line 2 of the display when an
individual call is in progress (trunked and T99
modes only).
*GROUP* Group Call Indicates a group call is in progress and is
displayed on line 1 of the display (trunked and
T99 modes only).
SPKR ON External Speaker ON Displayed when the external speaker is enabled.
SPKR OFF External Speaker OFF Displayed when the external speaker is disabled.
BANK=1-8 The bank of keys that are going to be loaded
when the keyloader loads encryption keys. This
is only valid for radios that support VGS, VGE,
or DES encryption. It is displayed on line 2 of the
display when the encryption keyloader is
REGR_0x Dynamic Regroup Indicates which group in the dynamic regroup
operation has been enabled, where "x" is a digit
of 1 to 8 (trunked mode only).
KEY LOAD Displayed on line 1 of the display when the
encryption keyloader is connected.
KEY ZERO Displayed on line 2 of the display when the reset
and option buttons are pressed simultaneously for
approximately two seconds. The encryption keys
are zeroed.
SYS KEY System Key Displayed on line 1 of the display in the display
key mode of the menu. It is followed in the
second line with a key number `KEY = <1..7>'.
GRP KEY Group Key Displayed on line 1 of the display in the display
key mode of the menu for trunked systems only.
It is followed in the second line with a key
number ‘KEY = <1..7>.’
CHN KEY Channel Key Displayed on line 1 of the display in the display
key mode of the menu for conventional systems
only. It is followed in the second line with a key
number ‘KEY = <1..7>.’

KEY=1-7 Displayed on line 2 of the display in the display
key mode of the menu for conventional systems
when the ‘SYS KEY’ or ‘CHN KEY’ is
displayed in line 1 and for trunked systems when
the ‘SYS KEY’ or ‘GRP KEY’ is displayed in
line 1.
PRIMARY Displayed on line 1 of the display when the
primary keys are enabled.
PRS NAME Personality Name Displayed on line 1 of the display under the
revision selection of the menu. The personality
name is displayed on line 2 at the same time.
M/A-COM Displayed on line 1 of the display under the
revision selection of the menu. The copyright
year is shown in line 2 of display at the same
time ‘(c) 2003.
The M7100IP Series mobile radio also provides audible alert tones or "beeps"
to indicate the various operating conditions. These alert tones can be enabled
or disabled through programming.
A short mid-pitched alert tone sounds after keying the radio (Push-To-Talk
button is pressed). This tone indicates the radio has been assigned a working
channel or that the radio is transmitting on a conventional channel and voice
communication can begin immediately. In conventional mode, this tone may
be delayed after the PTT button is pressed due to G-STAR™ signaling (if
enabled through programming).
After being placed in a queue or releasing the PTT button prior to a working
channel assignment, the site calls the radio when a channel becomes available.
At this point, the radio automatically keys the transmitter (autokey) for a short
period to hold the channel. The radio sounds a mid-pitched tone when it is
clear to talk. Immediately press the PTT button to keep the assigned channel.
A high-pitched tone after pressing the PTT button indicates the system has
placed the call request in the queue. The receiving unit(s) also hears the tones
to indicate they will receive a call shortly. If the PTT button is released, the
radio will autokey whenever a channel becomes available (see Autokey).
Three low-pitched beeps will be heard if the radio is keyed when the system is
busy, if no channels are available for sending the message, if the call queue is
full, or if an individual call is being attempted to a radio that is transmitting.
Releasing the PTT button and re-keying initiates a new channel request.
If the radio is keyed and a low-pitched tone is heard, the radio is not
authorized on the system that has been selected.
If the programmed time for continuous transmission is exceeded, the radio
will issue five short high-pitched warning tones followed by a long low-
pitched tone. The transmitter will shut down shortly after the alert,
interrupting communications. Release and re-key the PTT button to maintain
communications. This will reset the carrier control timer and turn the
transmitter back on.
A short tone or "beep" will sound to indicate a key has been pressed. A short
low-pitched tone indicates no action was taken because the key is not active in
the current mode.
When control is switched to a previously idle control unit, two short high-
pitched tones will sound at the control unit where the PTT was pressed (now
the active controller).

The M7100IP Series mobile radio unit can be programmed to operate in a
trunked system, a conventional system, or both. Operating features and
functions have been grouped according to the type of system the radio is
operating in. This first section contains general operating procedures (e.g.,
Turning the Radio On). The second section, TRUNKED MODE
OPERATION, covers those operating procedures that are only used in a
trunked system (e.g., Group Scan). The third section, CONVENTIONAL
MODE OPERATION, covers those operating procedures that are only used
in a conventional system (e.g., Squelch Adjust). The fourth section,
operating procedures that can be used in either a trunked or a conventional
system (e.g., Multiple Radio Operation).
Rotate the POWER ON-OFF/VOLUME knob clockwise, out of detent to
turn the radio on. A short beep (if enabled through programming) indicates the
radio is ready for operation. The display indicates, if programmed, the last
selected system name on line 1 and the last selected group or channel name on
line 2.
In the EDACS trunked environment, if communication with the system's
control channel cannot be established, the CC SCAN message will be
displayed. This can occur if, for example, the radio is out of range of the
trunking site. It may be necessary to move to another location or select
another trunking system to re-establish the control channel link for trunked
mode operations.
Many operations require selection from a list such as system, group or phone
number. This selection process is handled in the same manner for all lists. The
RAMP controls, , and ., SEL, 0-9, *, #, the DEL button, and the c
button are used during the selection process. The following example systems
list is used to explain the process:
The hookswitch functions the same as the c key in I-Call,
phone call, and menu modes.

After entering a selection mode, the following generic display format will
Y Y Y = Z Z Z
Line 1 shows the currently selected item name (XXXXXXXX) from the list.
Line 2 indicates the list (YYY) that the selection is to be made from and the
number of the selected item (ZZZ) within the list. (In some cases the
information on lines 1 and 2 will be exchanged.) Enter the system selection
mode by pressing the S key. If SYSTEM 2 is the current selection, the
display appears as follows:
S Y S = 2
Line 1 contains the current system name, SOUTH; and line 2, SYS = 2,
indicates that selection is from the system list and it is the second system
within the list.
A new system from the list is selected by using the RAMP control, , or .,
or by directly entering the system number with the numeric keys. The RAMP
controls, , or ., scroll through the list in increasing and decreasing order.
In the previous example, pressing the RAMP control , selects the EAST
system as shown in the next display.
S Y S = 3
The radio can be programmed to wrap around from one end of a list to the
other end or to stop at the ends.
To directly access a selection, enter the corresponding number (e.g. 4)
followed by SEL to activate the selection. The entered number is displayed on
line 2 as shown below. Line 1 shows the current list being used for selection.
If a mistake is made while entering the number, press the DEL button to
backspace once and correct the entry. If an invalid number is entered, a short
low-pitched tone sounds when SEL is pressed.
To exit the selection mode, press the c button or wait for the time-out. If
the selection mode is cleared while an entry is pending (i.e., numbers are

entered on line 2, but SEL has not been pressed), the entry on line 2 will be
disregarded and the previous selection will remain active. If the time-out
activates while an entry is pending, the entry on line 2 will be selected if it is
within the valid range; if it is out of range, the entry on line 2 will be
disregarded and the previous selection will remain active.
While in system, group or channel selection mode, the radio
continues to receive calls normally and continues scanning, if it
is enabled. If a call is received during the selection mode
process the radio will return to the normal receive mode
display. Continuing with the selection process will return the
display to the same point in the selection process if the
selection mode time out has not yet expired. Any press of the
PTT button during the selection mode process will initiate
transmission and exit the selection mode.
The menu function accesses features that are not available directly from the
keypad. The order and specific number of menu items available is
configurable through programming. Upon radio power up, the menu item at
the beginning of the menu list will always be displayed first. Subsequent
access to the menu function will return the last menu item that was shown in
the display. To enter the menu mode, press m. The RAMP controls, , and
., the SEL and the c buttons are used during the selection process. All of
the selection mode rules previously detailed apply to the menu item selection
process with the exception of direct access. The radio will continue to receive
and transmit normally while in the menu function.
A new item is displayed by using the RAMP controls, , and ., to scroll
through the list in increasing and decreasing order. The displayed menu item
is made active by pressing SEL.
After entering the menu selection mode, the following generic display format
will appear.
Line 1 indicates the radio is in the menu selection mode. Line 2 indicates the
menu item (YYYYYYYY) that is to be viewed or changed (some menu items
provide radio information and do not have changeable parameters).
An example of the menu item selection process and menu item parameter
change is detailed below for the backlight menu item.
The menu mode is entered.

PRESS: The RAMP controls, , or ., until the display shows:
The backlight menu item is activated and the display will be similar to the
B C K = X X X
Line 1 shows the active menu item and its current parameter setting (XXX).
Line 2 shows the currently selected system or group name (YYYYYYYY).
The menu item's parameter setting shown in the display can now be changed
by using the RAMP controls, , and ., to scroll through the list of
parameter values. Once the desired setting is reached press SEL to store the
value and return to the normal display. For menu items that display radio
information, pressing , and . will scroll through a list of informational
displays. The menu items are listed in Table 3.
Table 3 – Menu Item Information
Backlight Adjust Menu Item:
Once selected:
OFF, 1, 2, 3, 4 Selects the light level
for backlighting.
Radio Revision
Information Menu item:
REVISION Informational
displays only
(see radio); no user
selectable settings.
Selects the information
display to view.
PHONE CALL Menu item:
Once selected: See
Telephone Interconnect
Call Section
Allows access to the
Phone Call Feature.
Individual Call
(Trunked Systems
Menu Item:
Once Selected: See
Individual Call Section
Allows access to the
Individual Call Feature.
External Alarm Menu Item: EXTALARM
Once Selected:
the system name on the
display as long as the
external alarm feature is

ADDRESS Menu item:
Once selected:
PA ON or
ON, OFF Public Address is
toggled ON and OFF.
SPEAKER Menu item:
Once selected:
ON, OFF External Speaker is
toggled ON and OFF.
Encryption Key
Loading Menu item: KEYLOAD
Once selected:
Up to 8 banks of 7
keys Enables the radio to
accept the loading of
encryption keys.
Display Current
Menu item: DISP KEY
Once selected:
Displays current
encryption key number.
Front Panel
Squelch Adjust
Menu item:
Once selected:
1-16 Allows setting of
Scan Menu item: SCAN ON, OFF Toggles scan function
ON or OFF.
Private Mode Menu Item: PRIVATE
Once selected: PVT or key
ON, OFF Toggles private function
ON or OFF.
Scan Add Menu item: SCAN ADD
Once selected: Proper scan
icon displayed .
S, 2 or 1 Adds group or channel
to scan list.
Scan Delete Menu item: SCAN DEL
Once selected: Scan icon
goes out.
Deletes group or channel
from scan list.
Scan Add/Delete Menu item: SCAN A/D
When selected: Toggles
through scan selections
Toggle sequence
S, 2, 1, S, ... Changes present group
or channel to next scan
choice in scan list.
Home group or
channel selection Menu item: HOME
Once selected: Home group
or channel displayed.
Changes to the group or
channel defined for
Home function.
System select Menu item: SYS SEL
Once selected: SYS = n 1-64 = (n)umber of
desired system Displays the system
External alarm #2 Menu item: EXTALRM2 ON, OFF Toggles external alarm
#2 feature ON or OFF.
System and group
selection Menu item: SYSGRP 1
Menu item: SYSGRP 2
Menu item: SYSGRP 3
Menu item: SYSGRP 4
Menu item: SYSGRP 5
Changes to the System
& Group/Channel
programmed for

Mute Menu item: MUTE ON, OFF Toggles the mute
function ON or OFF to
control the audio output
from the selected radio.
Mute #1 Menu item: MUTE 1 ON, OFF Toggles the mute 1
function ON or OFF on
radio #1.
Mute #2 Menu item: MUTE 2 ON, OFF Toggles the mute 2
function ON or OFF on
radio #2.
Multiple radio
operation Menu item: RADIO ON, OFF Toggles the currently
selected radio.
Radio selection Menu item: RADIO 1 ON, OFF Changes to radio #1.
Menu item: RADIO 2 ON, OFF Changes to radio #2.
No Data (Trunked
System Only) Menu item: NO DATA ON, OFF Toggles data feature ON
or OFF.
ional Channel 1
Scan (Trunked
System Only)
Menu item: ECP1SCAN ON, OFF Toggles this feature ON
or OFF.
Group selection
(Trunked System
Menu item: GRP SEL
Once selected: GRP = n 1-64 = (n)umber of
desired group Displays the group
Status Condition
(Trunked System
Menu item: STATUS Once
selected: ST =n 0-9 = (n)umber of
Transmits the pre-
programmed status
(Trunked System
Menu item: MESSAGE
Once selected: MSG =n 0-9 = (n)umber of
Transmits the pre-
programmed message.
System Only)
Menu item: TALKARND
Once selected:
TALKARND on line 1
ON, OFF Toggles selected
talkaround channel ON
or OFF.
Channel selection
System Only)
Menu item: CHN SEL
Once selected: CHN = n 1-99 = (n)umber of
desired channel Displays the
conventional channel
Once selected:
See Feature Encryption
Display section
displays only; no
user selectable
Indicates current features
program- med into the
radio as well as certain
information required to
add features to the radio
(refer to the Table of
Contents for Feature
Encryption Display.
System Scan
Enable Menu Item: SYS SCAN
Once selected: SYSC ON
ON, OFF System Scan features are
toggled ON and OFF.

Type 99 Decode
Enable Menu Item: T99 ENAB
Once selected:
T99 ON or T99 OFF
ON, OFF Type 99 Decode is
toggled ON and OFF.
Feature Encryption Display is available through the menu function and, if
programmed, appears in the menu as "FEATURES." This data indicates
current features programmed into the radio as well as information required to
add features to the radio. This feature applies to 512K RAM radios only.
Once the feature has been accessed, all normal menu functions work. The user
can scroll up or down through all of the entries.
Feature Encryption Display provides the ability to view, in the order
displayed, the following:
• Serial number ROM data - serial number of the ROM
• Feature encryption data stream - used to enable features
• Number Fields - defines limits
• Features enabled - displays bit fields of enabled features
Serial Number ROM (12 Hex Digits)
When the user wants to enable a feature in his radio, he will need to call M/A-
COM, Inc. They will ask for the ROM serial number. The serial number
shown here is for example only.
Feature Encryption Data Stream

These data streams define the features the user has enabled in his radio and are
required by M/A-COM, Inc. to enable other features. The data streams shown
here are for example only. Note: There are three displays: FD1, FD2, FD3. All
three are required.
Number Fields
These number fields show the set limits of the of the user's radio as:
• SG# XXX - Maximum number of system/groups combination available
• SY# XXX - EDACS maximum trunked system limit
• CH# XXX - Maximum number of conventional channels available
The user needs to know the limits of his radio before attempting to enable
other features. The numbers shown here are for example only.
Features Enabled
These numbers indicate which features are enabled.
Table 3 lists possible features available in the user's radio.

Table 4 – Available Feature Numbers
01 Conventional mode Priority Scan
02 EDACS 3 Site System Scan
03 Public Address operation
04 EDACS Group Scan operation
05 EDACS Priority System Scan
06 ProSound™/ProScan™
07 EDACS Dynamic Regroup operation
08 EDACS Emergency Operation
09 Type 99 Encode
10 Conventional mode Emergency operation
11 Not Supported
12 Aegis™ Digital Voice operation
13 VGE encryption
14 DES encryption
15 User-defined speech encryption
16 Mobile Data operation
17 Status and Message operation
18 Test Unit Operation
21 Alternate Language Operation
22 Over The Air Personality Programming (ProFile™)
23 Not Supported
29 ProVoice™ Operation
In the following description of SYSTEM/GROUP/CHANNEL
SELECTION, the term group is used for both group and channel.
The M7100IP SYSTEM/GROUP/CHANNEL knob and the RAMP controls,
, and ., are programmable for maximum flexibility. If the
SYSTEM/GROUP/CHANNEL knob is assigned to select groups, then the
RAMP controls, , and ., are assigned to select systems. If the
SYSTEM/GROUP/CHANNEL knob is assigned to select systems, then the
RAMP controls, , and ., are assigned to select groups. System, group,
and channel selection is the primary function for these controls.
Either systems or groups can also be selected by entering the select mode and
following the selection mode rules described earlier. The system select or
group select modes are entered by pressing SYS or GRP, respectively, from
the standard receive mode. Using the RAMP controls, , or ., after
entering a particular selection mode in this manner is the secondary function
of these keys.

System Selection
Several methods, some of which depend on programming, can be used to
select a new system. These procedures are presumed to be starting from the
normal receive display.
METHOD 1 If system selection is programmed to the SYSTEM/
GROUP/CHANNEL knob, select a system by turning the
SYSTEM/ GROUP/CHANNEL knob to the desired system
osition. The display registers the new system name on line
1. If the wrap option is OFF and the knob is moved to a
osition greater than the number of programmed systems, the
highest programmed system will remain selected.
METHOD 2 If system selection is programmed as the primary function of
the RAMP control , and ., select a system by pressing
, or .to scroll through the system list. The display
registers the new system name on line 1.
METHOD 3 Press S to enter the system select mode and follow the
selection mode rules detailed earlier. Press the RAMP
controls, , or ., to scroll through the systems.
Group and Channel Selection
Several methods, some of which depend on programming, can be used to
select a new group or channel. These procedures assume starting from the
normal receive display.
METHOD 1 If group selection is programmed to the SYSTEM/GROUP/
CHANNEL knob, select a group by turning the SYSTEM/
GROUP/CHANNEL knob to the desired group. The display
registers the new group name on line 2. If the wrap option is
OFF and the knob is moved to a position greater than the
number of programmed groups, the highest programmed
group will remain selected.
METHOD 2 If group selection is programmed as the primary function of
the RAMP controls, , and ., select a group by pressing
, or ., to scroll through the group list. The display
registers the new group name on line 2.
METHOD 3 Press gto enter the group select mode and follow the
selection mode rules detailed earlier. Pressing the RAMP
controls will now scroll through different groups.
Digital trunking provides fast communication access at all times, even during
busy hours. In this mode, the operator selects a communications system and
group and the audio communication or working channel (WC) is allocated
through digital signaling with the site.
1. Turn the radio on by rotating the POWER ON-OFF/VOLUME knob
clockwise (out of detente). A short alert signal (if enabled through
programming) indicates the radio is ready to use.
2. The display shows the last selected or the power up (depending on
programming) system and group names. If the radio is unable to obtain a
control channel, line 2 shows CC SCAN.
3. Adjust the POWER ON-OFF/VOLUME knob to the desired volume level.
4. Select the desired system and group. The display indicates the current
system and group names.
5. The radio is now ready to receive calls.
6. When the radio receives a group call, it unmutes on the assigned working
channel and the BSY indicator comes on. Line 1 shows GR followed by
the logical ID number (if received) of the unit sending the message, or the
associated name if the ID number is found in the individual call list.
1. Turn the radio on and set the POWER ON-OFF/VOLUME knob to the
desired volume level. Select the desired system and group.
2. Press and hold the PTT button. The radio will display the system and
group names and perform the necessary signaling required to obtain a
communication channel.
3. When the working channel is assigned, TX and BSY indicators are turned
ON and a short beep is sounded indicating communication can begin.
(NOTE: If two or more tones, or a high-pitched tone is heard, the system
may be busy and the call request has been placed in queue or the request
has been denied for some reason. Refer to the ALERT TONES section for
more details).
4. Hold the microphone approximately three inches from the mouth and
speak in a normal voice.
5. Release the PTT button when the transmission is complete and listen for a

In the unlikely event of a failure of the EDACS system, communications can
take place in conventional failsoft mode. The radio will be automatically
directed to a communications channel set up for this purpose. During this
mode of operation, the control unit will display CONV FS in the
alphanumeric display. An increase in activity on the channel during
conventional failsoft operation may be noticed, so be careful not to transmit
until the channel is clear.
Operation during conventional failsoft will be the same as operation on a
conventional system, except that it will not be possible to select a
communications channel, or use emergency and special call. When trunking
is restored, the radio will automatically be returned to normal operation.
Emergency and Special Call are not operational during
conventional failsoft. In addition, the GROUP control will not
The radio's ability to declare an emergency, clear an emergency, remain
locked on an emergency and group, and the emergency audio and display
freeze can each be enabled or disabled through programming. When an
emergency is declared scanning will stop and will restart only after the
emergency has been cleared.
Receiving an Emergency Call
When receiving an emergency call from the selected group and system, an
alert beep is heard and the BSY indicator lights. The message *RXEMER*
flashes in the display on line 2 until the emergency condition is cleared.
Follow standard emergency procedures.
Declaring an Emergency
To send an emergency call to the selected system and group (or on an
optionally pre-programmed emergency group), proceed as follows:
1. Press and hold the red E button for approximately one second. (This
time is programmable and therefore could be longer or shorter. Check with
the system administrator.) The radio will transmit an emergency call
request with the radio ID until an emergency channel assignment is
2. When the working channel assignment is received, the radio sounds a
single beep (Autokey alert tone) indicating it is ready for voice

transmission. *TXEMER* flashes on line 2 in the display until the
emergency is cleared.
3. Press PTT and speak into the microphone in a normal voice.
4. Release PTT when the transmission is complete and listen for a reply.
5. The emergency can be cleared by pressing and holding the c button
followed by pressing the E button then releasing both buttons.
The radio can be programmed with the following System Scan features. These
features are automatically enabled upon radio power up. A key or menu option
is also defined to allow the System Scan features to be toggled during radio
operation. This is covered in the Menu Selection and Pre-Programmed
Keypad Key sections. The System Scan state will be maintained through
system changes but will default to ON at power up.
Wide Area System Scan
The M7100IP Series mobile radio can be programmed for wide area system
scan operation for multi-site applications. Upon the loss of the currently
selected system's control channel, radios can be programmed to automatically
scan the control channels of other systems. If a new control channel is found,
the radio will switch to the new system and sound an alert tone.
The radio can be programmed for ProSound system scan operation for multi-
site applications. ProSound is an enhanced multi-site system scanning
algorithm, compared to Wide Area System Scan. ProSound provides the radio
with the ability to select a new system for the radio to communicate on, when
the selected system drops below a predefined level. This is accomplished by
enabling each radio to analyze the signal quality of its current control channel
and compare it with the signal quality of the control channel for each site in its
adjacency scan list. (The signal quality metric used for the ProSound
algorithm is based on Digital Received Signal Strength Indicator [RSSI]
measurements.) When the selected system’s signal quality level degrades
below a pre-programmed level, the radio will begin to look for a better control
channel. Once a control channel that exceeds the pre-programmed parameters
is found, the radio will change to the new system and emit a tone. If the
control channel is completely lost the radio, will enter Wide Area System
Scanning and search the programmed adjacent systems until a suitable control
channel is found.

The radio can be programmed for ProScan system scan operation for multi-
site applications depending on the version of radio flash code. (The ProScan
algorithm is available on the M7100IP platform with Group 32 or higher radio
flash code.) ProScan is an improved multi-site system scanning algorithm
designed to replace the ProSound algorithm. ProScan provides the radio with
the ability to select a new system for the radio to communicate on, when the
selected system drops below a predefined level. This is accomplished by
enabling each radio to analyze the signal quality of its current control channel
and compare it with the signal quality of the control channel for each site in its
adjacency scan list. (The signal quality metric used for the ProScan algorithm
is based on a combination of both Received Signal Strength Indicator [RSSI]
and Control Channel Verification [CCV] measurements.) When the selected
system’s signal quality level degrades below a pre-programmed level, the
radio will begin to look for a better control channel. Once a control channel
that exceeds the pre-programmed parameters is found, the radio will change to
the new system and emit a tone. If the control channel is completely lost the
radio, will enter Wide Area System Scanning and search the programmed
adjacent systems until a suitable control channel is found.
Priority System Scan
The radio can also be programmed for Priority System Scan. (To ensure that
this feature operates correctly, the control channel of the priority system must
be located on channel one unless you are using the ProSound/ProScan
algorithm.) The priority system is the desired or preferred system. While
receiving the control channel of the selected system, the radio will
periodically leave the selected system and search for the control channel of the
priority system at a programmable rate. The programmable rate is defined by
the value in the Priority Scan Time control, (unless the ProSound/ProScan
algorithm is enabled as explained below). This priority scan timer is reset
each time the PTT button is pressed or when a call is received. If the priority
system control channel is found, or meets the predefined ProSound/ProScan
criteria, the radio will automatically switch to the priority system.
When Wide Area System Scan Is Enabled
If the radio cannot find the control channel of the selected system and begins
Wide Area System Scan, the radio will only scan for the priority system
control channel if the priority system is in the Wide Area System Scan list.
When ProSound/ProScan Is Enabled
The radio monitors the priority system and will switch to the priority system if
the priority system meets the criteria defined in the “ProSound/ProScan
Options” dialog box. If ProSound/ProScan is enabled, the rate at which the
radio will scan for the priority system is defined by the System Sample Time

Menu Selection
Press M and then use the RAMP controls, , and ., to scroll through the
selections until SYS SCAN is displayed. Then press M to toggle the
System Scan state. The SYSC ON or SYSC OFF display message is
displayed for two seconds to show the new state.
Pre-Programmed Keypad Key
Press the pre-programmed key and the SYSC ON or SYSC OFF display
message is displayed for two seconds to show the new state.
Only Groups that are part of the radio's scan list will be scanned. Groups are
added to the scan list on a per system basis through programming, the radio
keypad, or both, dependent upon programming. This scan list can be changed
by the user from the keypad unless programmed otherwise. Each system's
group scan list is retained in memory when the radio is turned off. The
M7100IP Series mobile radio can also be programmed to provide Trunked
Priority Group Scan capability, which operates similar to priority scan in
Conventional mode.
The following is a description of programmable scan features that should be
helpful in understanding the Group Scan Operation of the radio:
Scan Hang Time - the delay time the radio waits before resuming scan after
the push-to-talk is released or after the carrier has dropped a channel.
TX Select - the group the radio will transmit on while scanning. The radio is
programmed to transmit on either the scanned group or the selected group.
Scan List (privileges) - this feature allows or prohibits scan list changes by the
P1 Programming - priority group programming is accomplished by one (and
only one) of three methods:
1. From the keypad, where the Priority programming is not fixed and
does not follow the selected channel,
2. Priority 1 group programming follows the selected channel, or
3. Priority 1 group programming is fixed during PC Programming and
cannot be changed by the user.
P1 Always Scan - determines if the Priority 1 Group will always be scanned,
regardless of the scan state set by the user.
Adding Groups to a Scan List
1. With scan operation turned off, select the desired group to add to the
selected Trunked system group scan list.

2. Press < or > on the SCAN add/delete control. The current priority
status of the group will be displayed in column 1 of line 1 for a time-out
period. If the group is not part of the scan list the status will be blank.
3. While the status is displayed press < to add the group to the scan list.
"S" is displayed on line 1.
4. Press < a second time to set the group to Priority 2. A "2" is displayed
on line 1.
5. Press < a third time to set the group to Priority 1. A "1" is displayed on
line 1. The priority level selection sequence only advances the group to
next higher priority level and stops at priority level 1. To select a lower
priority level, the group must be deleted from the scan list and then added
back to the scan list. Each new group added to the scan list starts at the
lowest priority. If the Priority 1 and Priority 2 groups are already set and
a new group is assigned as Priority 1 or Priority 2, the previously assigned
group will change to non-priority scanning.
Deleting Groups from a Scan List
1. With scan operation turned off, select the desired group to delete from the
selected trunked system's group scan list.
2. Press
< or > on the SCAN add/delete control. The current status of the
group is displayed for a time-out period.
3. Press
> to delete the group from the scan list. "S", "2" or "1" turns off.
Any group that is not in a trunked system group scan list will show a
"blank" for the time period when it is the selected channel.
Nuisance Delete
A group can also be deleted from the scan list, if it is not the currently selected
group, by pressing > during scan operation while the radio is displaying the
unwanted group. The group will be deleted from the system's group scan list
in the same manner as if done using the steps above. Deletions done in this
manner will not remain deleted if the radio is turned off and then back on.
Turning Scan On
1. Toggle scan operation by pressing k. The SCAN indicator will turn on
when the radio is scanning.
The kkey light will blink when temporarily disabled.
Scanning will stop while microphone is off-hook if the
hookswitch feature is enabled through programming.

2. When a group on the scan list receives a channel assignment, the radio
unmutes on the assigned channel, the BSY indicator comes on and the
received scan group is displayed.
• The radio will continue scanning if a new group is selected when
scan is on.
• Pressing the PTT button when scan is on will cause the radio to
transmit on the displayed group or to the currently selected group
depending on programming.
• Pressing < when scan is on will cause the radio to recall the scanned
group that was last received. This group is recalled for a period equal
to the scan hang time.
Priority Group Scanning
When scan is enabled and the Priority 1 and Priority 2 groups have been
identified, the radio will listen to calls on those groups and the selected group.
While receiving a scanned group call, the radio will continue to monitor the
selected Priority 1 and Priority 2 groups and will drop the call if the selected
group or other higher priority call becomes active. During a Priority 2 call the
radio will continue to monitor for a Priority 1 group call.
The radio will monitor for Agency and Fleet calls that correspond to the
Agency and Fleet associated with the Priority 1 and Priority 2 groups. Priority
Agency and Fleet calls will be indicated by displaying AGENCY or FLEET
on the System line of the display and associated Priority 1 or 2 group on the
Group line of the display.
Turning Scan Off
Toggle scan operation off by pressing k. The radio will resume operation
on the selected group.
Receiving and Responding to an Individual Call
When the radio receives an individual call (a call directed only to the user's
radio), it unmutes on the assigned working channel and turns on the BSY
indicator. Line 1 shows “ID” followed by the logical ID number of the radio
sending the message, or the associated name if the ID number is found in the
individual call list. The individual call indicator will display *INDV* on line 2.
The radio can be programmed to ring when an individual call is received. If
enabled, the ring begins five seconds after the caller unkeys and will continue
until the PTT button, the c button, or i is pressed.

Hookswitch functions the same as c key in I-CALL,
phone call, and menu modes.
If a response is made to the call prior to the programmed call-back time-out,
the call will automatically be directed to the originating unit. If a response is
not made before the call-back time-out, the radio will return to normal receive
mode, but * WHC * will be displayed. If the caller's ID is not received,
UNKNOWN will display for the duration of the call and there will be no call-
back hangtime.
To respond after the call-back time-out, press the i key. The radio's display
will show the callers ID on the first line and WHCI=1 on the second line.
Pressing the PTT button at this point will initiate an individual call back to the
original caller. (If the last call was a group call, the display will show
WHCG=1. Pressing the PTT button will place the call as an individual call.)
The radio stores the IDs of the last 10 callers in the Calls Received List as
shown. Individual calls are stored in the top half of the list (1-10) and group
calls are stored in the bottom half of the list (1-10). The most recent call is
stored in position 1, the second most recent call is stored in position 2, etc.
To access the list, press the i key twice. Use the , or . keys to scroll
through the list. Pressing the m key will display the time elapsed since the
call was received.
Call Storage Lists
There are two lists available for call storage in the radio, the calls received list
(1-10) and the personality list (1-99 as defined by the user). When the
individual call mode is entered by pressing i, the calls received list is
available. The user can toggle to the personality list by selecting any key other
than d (0) or toggle between the two lists by pressing the i key. If wrap is
enabled, the calls received list wraps on itself and not into the other list.

The saved call list shows all ten storage locations. if no calls have been
received, the saved call list will be empty and the pre-stored list will be
available upon entering the individual call mode.
When in the saved call list, pressing m toggles the time stamp on and OFF.
The time stamp indicates how long ago the call was received. The display
indicates this information as HH:MM:SS where HH = hours, MM = minutes
and SS = seconds.
When in the pre-stored list, pressing m toggles the Logical IDentification
(LID) on and OFF.
Sending An Individual Call
The following procedures describe how to initiate and complete an individual
1. To select a previously stored individual, select the I-Call mode from the
menu or press i followed by the RAMP control , or . to scroll
through the list of stored individuals. The selection mode rules apply.
While in the individual call list, the menu key will toggle the display
between the call name and the unit ID number. If the individual is not
stored in this list but the individual's unit ID is known, it can be entered
directly from the keypad.
2. Press the PTT button; the radio performs the necessary signaling to obtain
a communication channel. When the signaling is complete and the radio is
clear to transmit, TX indicator turns ON and the channel access tone
sounds. Line 1 shows the called individual's name if found in the list of
stored individuals or ID followed by the logical ID number of the unit
being called. The message *INDV* displays on line 2. Proceed with the

A SCAT™ (Single Channel Autonomous Trunking) System operates with
same set of features as a standard EDACS system. The only significant user
change relates to the BSY indicator. Since only one channel, operating as both
control and working channel, exists in a SCAT System, the BSY indicator
will be ON when the SCAT channel is in the working channel mode. When
the transmission on the channel is completed, the indicator turns OFF and
indicates the return of SCAT control channel signaling.
Receiving a Telephone Interconnect Call (Trunked
Mode Only)
Receiving a telephone interconnect call is identical to receiving an individual
call. See the DTMF Overdial Operation section if access to services requiring
"over-dial" is needed. Overdial operations are available for any special call
whether it is an individual call or a telephone interconnect call.
Sending a Telephone Interconnect Call (Trunked Mode
Use the following procedures to initiate and complete a Telephone
Interconnect call:
1. To select a previously stored phone number, select phone call mode from
the menu, press p and use the RAMP control , or . to scroll
through the list of stored phone numbers. The selection mode rules apply.
While in the phone call list, the m key will toggle the display between the
phone call name and the phone call number. If the phone number is not
stored in this list but the phone number is known, it can be entered directly
from the keypad. If necessary, a pause can be entered by pressing and
holding 0-9, *, or # until an underscore appears in the display.
2. Press and release the PTT button; the radio performs the necessary
signaling to obtain a communication channel. When the signaling is
complete and the radio is clear to transmit, TX indicator turns on and the
channel access tone sounds. Line 1 shows the accompanying name if
selected from the list of stored numbers or the phone number if entered
directly. The message *PHONE* displays on line 2. The radio then
automatically transmits the programmed number stored in the special call
3. The telephone ringing will be heard. When someone answers the phone,
press the PTT button and speak into the microphone. Release the PTT
button to listen to the caller. Unsuccessful interconnect signaling returns
the radio to the normal receive mode and the number remains displayed

until the special call is cleared by pressing the c button or the time-out
expires or another group or system is selected.
4. To terminate the call, momentarily press the c button.
The M7100IP Series mobile radio is capable of simplex
(one-way) conversation only. The caller can only hear the
radio if the PTT button is pressed (the radio is transmitting)
and the caller can only be heard when PTT is released (the
radio is receiving).
DTMF Overdial/Conventional Mode Telephone
Once the radio has established a connection to the public telephone system, it
may be necessary to "over-dial" more digits to access banking services,
answering machines, credit card calls or other types of systems that require
DTMF (Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency) access digits. Overdial operation can
also be used to initiate a telephone interconnect call via DTMF signaling if a
dial tone has already been accessed on the system. This is the method that is
used for making a telephone interconnect call while operating in the
conventional mode but will also function in trunked mode if a dial tone is
directly accessible. Telephone numbers and other number sequences for
overdialing can be stored in the phone list when programming the radio or
stored by the operator in the first ten phone list entries. These numbers are
accessed by pressing p then following the selection mode rules.
The following steps are required to dial these numbers:
1. Follow the procedure in Sending a Telephone Interconnect Call
(Trunked Mode Only) to establish a connection to the telephone system
or consult the system administrator for the procedure to access a dial tone
on the trunked or conventional system.
2. Overdial numbers are transmitted using either method as follows:
METHOD 1: Press and hold PTT while entering the overdial number
sequence from the keypad. This method sends DTMF tones
during individual, telephone interconnect, trunked group, o
conventional channel calls. Anytime the PTT button is
pressed and held, the keypad is enabled for DTMF entry.
METHOD 2: Press p to enter the overdial select/entry mode and follow
the selection mode rules to call up a stored number from the
hone list or to directly enter the overdial digits. Press PTT to
send the overdial sequence once. If the number needs to be
transmitted again it must be selected or entered again (this
revents unwanted numbers from being sent the next time the
PTT button is pressed during the call).

This overdial select/entry mode remains active until the call is
dropped, cleared, or m is pressed. The overdial select/entry
mode can be re-entered if the call is still active by pressing
Programmable Entries
Individual call ID numbers, telephone numbers and other number sequences
for overdialing are stored in the special call lists when programming the radio.
The first ten entry locations of these lists can be changed by the radio
operator. The keypad is used when adding, changing and storing numbers in
these entry locations.
Use the following procedure to store a number in one of the first ten entries of
a special call list:
1. Press i or p to enter the individual call list or the phone call list. The
selection mode rules apply.
2. Scroll through the list using the RAMP control , or . until one of the
first ten entries is reached. NO ENTRY is displayed if the location is
3. Enter the desired number. If necessary, a pause can be entered by pressing
and holding 0-9, (*), or (#) until an underscore appears in the display. The
individual call list entries will accept up to 5 digits. The phone call list
entries accept a combination of up to 31 digits and pauses.
4. Press and hold m until the display changes indicating that the number has
been stored.
5. Repeat the steps above if the number stored in an entry location needs to
be changed.
The M7100IP Series mobile radios, when operating in the EDACS
configuration, permit either voice or data calls to be transmitted or received.
The radio can handle only one type of call at a time; however, selection of
either data or voice is selected transparently by the operator through normal
usage of the radio. Data communications is not supported in the conventional
The mobile radios can be connected to Mobile Data Terminals (MDT) or to a
host computer. Any RS-232 compatible device that supports the Radio Data
Interface (RDI) protocol (Version 1.91 or greater) can be connected to the
mobile radio. Support for MDT's or host computers is a programmable option
per radio. Additionally, radios programmed for host computers can also be
programmed for data only operation (no voice calls transmitted or received).

Turn the power of the radio OFF before connecting or
disconnecting any cables, including the data cable. Also,
turn the power of the radio OFF when docking or undocking
a connected laptop computer. Failure to turn the power to
the radio OFF can damage the radio, requiring the
replacement of an internal non-user serviceable fuse.
The following will be displayed on the control unit during the various states of
data mode of operation.
TX DATA Displayed on bottom line of display when the radio is
transmitting a data call.
RX DATA Displayed on bottom line of display when the radio is
receiving a data call.
DATA OFF Displayed on top line of display when the radio is in the data
disabled state.
DATA ON Displayed for two seconds on top line of display when the
radio is toggled to the data enabled state.
Data OFF Operation
The radio can be placed in the data disable state by any of the following
methods. When the data state is disabled, the control unit displays "DATA
OFF" on the top line. An ongoing data call is allowed to complete except in
the case of declaring an emergency.
• Removing the microphone from the hookswitch (hookswitch option must
be enabled by pre-programming).
• Declaring an emergency (not to be used unless an actual emergency
condition exists). Alert tone will sound.
• Pressing the o button (System Model) or O(Scan Model) (pre-
programmed). Alert tone will sound.
• Selecting the function using the m button (pre-programmed).
• Pressing the ND button (System Model Only) (pre-programmed).
Data On Operation
The data state is enabled by one of the following (depending on how it was
disabled). "DATA ON" will be displayed top line of display for 2 seconds
then the display returns to normal.

• Replacing the microphone into the hookswitch (going on-hook). Only
valid if the data OFF operation was entered by removing the microphone
from the hookswitch (going OFF-hook).
• Pressing the ND key toggles data state on or OFF.
• Clearing an emergency but valid only if emergency caused data OFF
Exiting Data Calls
Under normal conditions, the radio enters the scan lockout mode and returns
to the control channel after completion of a data call (transmit or receive). If,
during a data call, one of the following conditions occurs, the data call is
immediately terminated and the radio performs the desired function:
• The PTT is activated
• The PTT is in Public Address mode.
• An emergency is declared by pressing the pre-programmed emergency
• A group or system change is made.
Scan Lockout Mode
Following the transmission or reception of a data call, if scan is enabled,
scanning will stop temporarily (duration pre-programmed). During this time
the scan LED will flash to indicate that scan is enabled but temporarily
suspended. This mode is normally exited when the pre-programmed time
expires; however, the following actions will terminate the scan lockout mode
before the timeout is completed.
• The c (System Model) or C (Scan Model) button is pressed.
• The PTT is pressed.
• A group or system change is made.
• Enter phone call mode.
• Enter individual call mode.
• A new emergency assignment has been received.
• The PTT is pressed in Public Address Mode.
• An emergency is declared or cleared.
• Microphone is removed from hookswitch (OFF-hook).
• Receiving an individual or phone call.
• Receiving an Agency, Fleet or System All Call.

• Pressing the k button to turn scan ON or OFF.
Data Lockout Mode
The data lock mode is a pre-programmed mode when the radio will not
respond to any data channel assignments and prevents receive data calls from
interrupting voice calls. Transmit data calls will still be initiated when needed
by the operator. After a pre-programmed time, the radio will respond to
receive data calls; however, the following conditions will clear the data
lockout mode:
• The c (System Model) or C (Scan Model) button is pressed.
• Transmitting a data call.
• Changing a system.
• An emergency is declared.
• Pressing the PTT while in Public Address mode.
• Turning scan ON with the SCAN button.
Status and message operation is possible with either the Scan or System
version of the M7100IP Series mobile radio unit. The following procedure is
applicable for the System version. For operation with the Scan version, the
four primary keycaps must be reconfigured and pre-programmed for
status/message operation.
Status Operation
Status operation permits the transmission of a pre-programmed status
condition to the EDACS site.
To send a status condition, press the s button (keylight comes on) then press
one of the number buttons (0-9) to select the pre-programmed status. If no
status has been programmed for the selected number button, the radio will
display NO ENTRY and the radio will sound a low tone. A valid selection
will permit the status text to appear in the display for a pre-programmed time.
After the time-out expires or the m button has been pressed (the m button
will override the time-out period), the status is selected and will be transmitted
to the site or stored in the radio memory where it can be polled by the site at a
future time. If the site receives the status properly, when transmitted or polled
by the site, a high-pitched tone sounds and the keylight associated with that
status will remain lit. If the site does not receive the status properly, a low-
pitched tone sounds and the keylight associated with the status will blink.
If an incorrect status was selected or the incorrect number button was pressed,
the status can be changed during the pre-programmed time-out period by
pressing another number button. The status selection can also be cancelled by

pressing the c button prior to the time-out period.
To view the currently selected status after it has been transmitted, press the
s button. If the status was not sent successfully to the site, the text
associated with the status will flash in the display.
The radio can also be pre-programmed to redesignate the keypad buttons for
ST0 thru ST9 to send status condition. In this configuration the radio status
operation will operate as previously described except the s button is not
required. The keylight associated with ST0 thru ST9 will indicate which
status is selected.
Message Operation
Message operation permits the transmission of a pre-programmed message
text to an EDACS site.
To send a message, press the n button (keylight comes on) then press one of
the number buttons (0-9) to select the pre-programmed message text. If no
message text has been programmed for the selected number button, the radio
will display NO ENTRY and a low-pitched tone sounds. A valid selection
will permit the message text to appear in the display for a pre-programmed
time. After the time-out expires or the m button has been pressed (the m
button will override the time-out period), the message text is selected and will
be transmitted to the site. If the site receives the message properly when
transmitted, a high pitched tone sounds and the n keylight remains lit. If the
site does not receive the message properly, a low-pitched tone sounds and the
n keylight will blink.
If an incorrect message text was selected or the incorrect number button was
pressed, the message text can be changed during the pre-programmed time-out
period by pressing another number button. The message text selection can also
be cancelled by pressing the c button prior to the time-out period.
To view the currently selected message text after it has been transmitted, press
the n button and then the c button prior to the time-out period. If the
message text was not sent successfully to the site, the text associated with the
message will flash in the display.
This feature permits the radio user to scan a pre-programmed conventional
system and channel as a Priority 1 (P1) channel while the radio is selected for
EDACS trunked system. If activity is detected on the conventional P1
channel, the radio will unmute and remain on this conventional channel for the
programmable hang time.
The radio must be pre-programmed to designate a button for scan ON/OFF

Dynamic regroup operation permits multiple talk groups (up to eight) to be
added to a radio via the system manager. The radio must be pre-programmed
to respond to regrouping. Dynamic regrouping will not be activated in a radio
until an activation message is sent by the system manager. Each radio that
receives and acknowledges regrouping instructions is successfully regrouped.
Pressing and holding the C (Scan Model) or c (System Model) button for
2.5 seconds toggles the user into and out of the dynamic regroup group set. A
double beep will sound for entry or exit. The display will indicate REGR_0x
where "x" is a digit of 1 to 8 indicating the group when dynamic regroup has
been enabled by the user. If the radio is in dynamic regroup and the user
selects a group that has not been regrouped, the display will show NO
ENTRY. The radio will be prevented from transmitting and receiving calls in
this condition except for scanned groups.
Emergency Operation
If the pre-programmed group set on the currently selected system contains an
EMER/HOME group and the radio is in dynamic regroup, the radio will exit
dynamic regroup and declare the emergency on the HOME group. If no
EMER/HOME group is present, the radio will declare the emergency on the
currently selected dynamic regroup group.
The radio functions in the conventional mode when using conventional
communications channels (non-trunked). Each channel consists of a preset
frequency pair for transmit and receive during repeater operation or a single
frequency for both transmit and receive during talk-around (no repeater)
operation. To use this mode, the operator selects a conventional system that
includes one or more conventional channels. Each conventional channel may
have one or more features, such as Channel Guard, programmed when the
channel is selected.
The c button unmutes the receiver so activity on the selected channel can be
monitored. When pressed and held for approximately 3 seconds this button
toggles conventional channel decoding (Channel Guard, Digital Channel
Guard or T99) ON and OFF, if programmed for the selected channel.
1. Turn the radio on by rotating the POWER ON-OFF/VOLUME knob
clockwise (out of detente). A short alert signal (if enabled through
programming) indicates the radio is ready to use.
2. Adjust the POWER ON-OFF/VOLUME knob to the desired volume
3. Select the desired conventional system and channel. The display indicates
the current conventional system and channel names.
4. The radio is now ready to receive calls.
5. When the radio receives a call (and the correct encoding is decoded, if
programmed and enabled), it unmutes on the channel and the BSY
indicator comes on.
1. Turn ON the radio and set the POWER ON-OFF/VOLUME knob to the
desired volume level. Select the desired conventional system and channel.
2. Ensure that the channel is not busy by pressing the c button to briefly
disable any channel decoding and unmute the receiver or observe the unlit
BSY indicator. If the Channel Busy Lockout feature is programmed for
the selected channel, the radio will not transmit when the channel is busy.
3. Press and hold the PTT button. The TX indicator will turn on and a short
beep sounds (if programmed) indicating that communication can begin.
4. Hold the microphone approximately three inches from the mouth and
speak in a normal voice.
5. Release the PTT button when the transmission is complete and listen for a

If enabled, G-STAR emergency signaling can be transmitted when operating
in the conventional mode. This G-STAR signaling will transmit 5 times with a
delay between each transmission. To send an emergency call on the selected
conventional system and channel (or on an optionally pre-programmed
conventional emergency system and channel), proceed as follows:
Press and hold the red E button for approximately one second (this time is
programmable and, therefore, could be longer or shorter; check with the
system administrator). The radio turns on the TX indicator and proceeds to
transmit the pre-programmed G-STAR emergency signaling sequence.
G-STAR is programmed to transmit in one of the following methods:
METHOD 1: G-STAR is transmitted on the selected channel. If the channel
is changed the emergency signaling will continue to be
transmitted on the newly selected channel.
METHOD 2: Same as METHOD 1 but the radio will lock on to the
currently selected channel. Any attempts to change the system
or channel will be disabled.
METHOD 3: G-STAR is transmitted on a pre-
rogrammed conventional
emergency system and channel regardless of the selected
channel. In this case the selected channel is available fo
voice transmission and the radio will periodically change to
the pre-programmed emergency system and channel to sen
the emergency signaling and then change back to the selected
METHOD 4: Same as METHOD 3 but the radio will lock on to the pre-
rogrammed emergency system and channel. Any attempts to
change the system or channel will be disabled.
The emergency state can be cleared by turning the radio OFF and then back
Using 5-Tone Signaling to Declare an Emergency
If 5-Tone signaling is defined for emergency declaration in place of G-STAR
emergency signaling, a pre-programmed tone sequence will be transmitted
instead of the G-STAR sequence. This emergency declaration functions as the
G-STAR emergency in all other respects.
Tone Encode Transmission
In conventional mode two keys can be defined to be tone encode triggers. If
either one of the pre-programmed tone encode triggers is pressed, a pre-
programmed tone sequence will be transmitted on the current system and
channel. (See Emergency Operation if E key is used.) The TX indicator
will light during tone transmission and a beep will sound at the end of the

transmission. If enabled, audible side tones will be heard in the radio speaker
as well. If PTT is pre-programmed as one of the triggers, the microphone will
become active for voice communication after the tone sequence is complete.
Tone encode will be transmitted with Channel Guard if one is defined, and
tones are always transmitted in clear voice mode, even if the channel is set for
digital or private (see VOICE MODES). Digital or private voice transmission
will resume normally after the tone transmission.
Channels, which have been previously added to the scan list on a per system
basis, can be scanned. The selected channel is scanned (if enabled through
programming) whether or not it is in the scan list. Each conventional system's
channel scan list is retained in memory when the radio is turned OFF.
The scan rate will vary depending upon the number of channels in the scan list
and whether or not the radio is programmed to scan for channels with
decoding enabled. Fewer channels will result in a faster scan rate. If
programmed for dual-priority scan operation, the priority-one, priority-two
and the remaining scan list channels are scanned. Once a signal is detected
and the correct encoded squelch signal is decoded (if programmed), the radio
receives the message and displays the received scan channel. At the same
time, scanning continues on the priority-one and priority-two channels. If a
priority-one or priority-two channel carrier, regardless of encoded squelch
decoding, is detected while a non-priority channel is being received, the
display name is updated and the received channel is switched to the priority
channel. Scanning of the priority-one channel will continue if a message is
being received on the priority-two channel.
While receiving a call on a non-priority or a priority two channel, the radio
periodically checks the priority one and two channels. If Scan with Channel
Guard is enabled, the radio will use Channel Guard to decide whether to
unmute on a priority channel. The radio will stop, on squelch detection, on a
priority channel. In normal operation, the radio will unmute only on detecting
the correct Channel Guard; otherwise, it will remain muted until the priority
channel call and hang time have ended. An optional feature allows the radio to
continue scanning upon the detection of the wrong Channel Guard on a
priority channel. The user can then select the rate at which this channel is
scanned until the call ends.
Adding Channels To A Scan List
1. With scan operation turned OFF select the desired channel to add to the
selected conventional system channel scan list.
2. Press < or > on the SCAN add/delete control. The current status will be
displayed in column 1 of line 1 for a time-out period. Press < to add the
channel to the scan list. S is displayed on the line. This sets the selected
channel for non-priority scanning. A second press of < sets the channel

for priority-two scanning and 2 is displayed on line 1. An additional press
of < sets the channel for priority-one scanning and 1 is displayed on line
1. If the priority-one or priority-two channels are already set and a new
channel is then assigned as the priority-one or priority-two channel, the
previously assigned priority channel will change to non-priority scanning.
The priority setting selection sequence is set and stops at priority-one
therefore the channel must be deleted from the scan list by pressing >
before the channel is set to a previous priority setting. Any channel that is
in a system's channel scan list will show S, 2, or 1 for the time-out period
when it is the selected channel.
Deleting Channels From A Scan List
1. With scan operation turned OFF select the desired channel to delete from
the selected conventional system's channel scan list.
2. Press < or > on the SCAN add/delete control. The current status is
displayed for a time-out period. Press > to delete the channel from the
scan list. S, 2, or 1 will turn OFF. Any channel that is not in a
conventional system channel scan list will show a "blank" for the time-
out period when it is the selected channel.
Nuisance Delete
A channel can also be deleted from the scan list, if it is not the currently
selected channel, by pressing > during scan operation while the radio is
displaying the unwanted channel. The channel will be deleted from the
conventional system's channel scan list in the same manner as if done using
the steps above. Deletions done in this manner will not remain deleted if the
radio is turned OFF and then back ON.
1. Toggle the scan operation ON by pressing k. The SCAN indicator will
turn ON when the radio is scanning.
Scanning will stop while the microphone is OFF-hook if the
hookswitch feature is enabled through programming.
2. When a channel on the scan list receives a channel assignment, the radio
unmutes on the assigned channel, BSY indicator comes ON and the
received scan channel is displayed.
• The radio will continue scanning if a new channel is selected when
scan is ON.
• Pressing the PTT button when scan is ON will cause the radio to
transmit on the displayed channel or to the currently selected channel

depending on programming.
• Pressing < when scan is ON will cause the radio to recall the
scanned channel that was last received. This channel is recalled for a
period equal to the scan hang time.
Toggle the scan operation OFF by pressing k. The radio will resume
operation on the selected channel.
In the conventional mode of operation, the squelch can be re-adjusted in the
MENU selection mode or from a front panel key on the keypad that has been
pre-programmed using ProGrammer™ software. A default value of 9, or any
user level between 1 and 16, can be selected using ProGrammer software.
The user can change this setting either of two ways from the front panel keys.
A value of 16 requires a strong signal to open squelch, a
value of 2 requires a very weak signal to open squelch, and
a value of 1 is open squelch.
When the squelch adjust feature is activated, Channel
Guard, T99 decode, and Scan are disabled. When the
squelch adjust feature is exited, Channel Guard, T99
decode, and Scan are restored to their previous states.
Menu Selection
1. Press the m key and then use the RAMP control , or . to scroll
through the selections until SQUELCH is displayed. Then press m
(SELECT) again.
2. The display will show SQLCH=xx, where "xx" is the value between 1
and 16.
3. Use the RAMP control , or . to scroll through the values. Then press
the m (SELECT) key to save the new value after the display time-out (2
seconds). The displayed value will be selected and saved.
4. If the m or c key is pressed before the time-out, the menu feature will
exit and the squelch level will not be updated. The original value will be

Pre-Programmed Keypad Key
1. Press the pre-programmed key and the display will indicate SQLCH=xx,
where "xx" is the value between 1 and 16.
2. Use the RAMP control , or . to scroll through the values. Then press
the m (SELECT) key to save the new value or wait for the display time-
out (2 seconds). The displayed value will be selected and saved.
3. If the c key is pressed before the time-out, the squelch level will not be
updated and the original value will be restored.
If the Type 99 Decode Option has been pre-programmed, individual selective
calling is possible. The radio can now decode individual, group or supergroup
paging calls. Two sets of Type 99 paging codes must be pre-programmed into
the radio. When the radio decodes an appropriate Type 99 code sequence, an
alert tone and visual indicator is provided to the user. The receiver then
operates as a noise squelched unit until Type 99 is reset. Type 99 decode
continues to operate during this noise squelched period. The appropriate Type
99 alert tone will sound again if it detects a valid two-tone sequence.
Type 99 operation can be reset manually or automatically (pre-programmed).
Manual reset is achieved by briefly pressing c, if programmed. Automatic
reset, if enabled, occurs after a 30 second interval following the most recent
decode of a Type 99 tone sequence. Hookswitch (pre-programmed) can also
enable or disable Type 99 decode. The pre-programmed key light will blink
when Type 99 is disabled by the hookswitch.
Type 99 decode will continue to be active while the radio's c button is
pressed. This allows the user to monitor calls and still be alerted when a call is
directed to the user. While the user continues to press c, the user will hear
both calls and all Type 99 tone signals. If c is pressed for longer than two
(2) seconds, Type 99 decode will either be disabled or re-enabled depending
upon its present state.
To check the Type 99 enable status, press the Scan Add/Delete < or >. The
current status of Type 99 decode will be displayed for a time-out period. Type
99 is enabled when the letter T is displayed in the third segment from right on
the first line of the LCD.
If a Horn Alert Option is installed and enabled with the Type 99 Decode
Option, the radio can beep the vehicle horn when a Type 99 call is received.
This option permits alerting persons out of the vehicle when a call is received.
Type 99 is automatically disabled when Scan is enabled.

Menu Selection
Press M and then use . or , controls to scroll through the selections until
T99 ENAB is displayed. Then press M to toggle the Type 99 decode state.
The T99 ON or T99 OFF display message is displayed for two seconds to
show the new state.
Pre-Programmed Keypad Key
Press the pre-programmed key and the T99 ON or T99 OFF display message
is displayed for two seconds to show the new state.
The direct mode (or talk-around) provides short range, line of sight
communications. One of the buttons on the control unit must be pre-
programmed for this feature to function.
1. Make sure the radio is ON and then select the desired conventional system
and channel.
2. Press the pre-programmed button to toggle the talk-around function ON.
3. Ensure that the channel is not busy by pressing the c or C (Scan
Version) to briefly disable any channel decoding and unmute the receiver
or observe the unlit BSY indicator. If the Channel Busy Lockout feature is
programmed for the selected channel, the radio will not transmit when the
channel is busy.
4. Press and hold the PTT button. The TX indicator will light and a short
beep sounds (if pre-programmed) indicating that communication can
5. Release the PTT button when the transmission is complete and listen for a
6. When the communications is completed, press the pre-programmed button
to toggle the talk-around function OFF.

Transmitting a Group Call
1. Select the desired P25 system. (P25 icon will appear in display.)
2. Select the Talk Group/Conventional Channel. (Selected simultaneously
using either the system/group/channel knob or the group key.)
3. Press and hold the PTT.
4. When a grant tone is received (if enabled through programming), speak
into the microphone.
5. Release PTT and wait for response.
Receiving a Group Call
The radio will unmute according to the squelch mode defined in the radio
personality (monitor, normal, selective).
1. Select the desired P25 system and Talk Group/Channel or turn scan on
and make sure the desired channel is in the scan list.
2. When the radio receives a P25 call, the radio will unmute and the channel
name will appear in the display.
3. Press the PTT button to respond.
Transmitting an Individual Call
1. Select the desired P25 system. (The P25 icon will appear in the display.)
2. Select the radio unit to call (callee source ID) from the pre-programmed
individual call list or enter the ID number on the radio keypad.
3. Press and hold the PTT.
4. When grant tone is received (if enabled through programming) speak into
the microphone.
5. Release the PTT.
Receiving an Individual Call
The radio will unmute according to the squelch mode defined in the radio
personality (monitor, normal, selective).

1. Select the desired P25 system and Talk Group/Channel or turn scan on
and make sure the desired channel is in the scan list.
2. When the radio receives a P25 call, the radio will unmute and the ID of
the transmitting radio will appear in the display.
3. Press the PTT button to respond.
Unanswered calls will appear in the Who Has Called (WHC) list.
There is no method available for a system-wide Emergency
clear. An emergency group call must be cleared on each
individual radio.
Declaring an Emergency Group Call
1. Select the desired P25 system and Talk Group/Channel.
2. Press the red emergency button on the top of the radio. The radio will
broadcast a short emergency transmission with the emergency bit set.
“TXEMER” will appear in the display of the transmitting radio.
3. While the PTT is NOT pressed, the mic will be open and the radio will
broadcast an approximately 2 second transmission (e.g., background
noise) which will be repeated at 10-30 second intervals.
4. Press the PTT to stop the short transmissions.
5. To send a voice message, press the PTT and speak into the microphone.
6. To clear an emergency from the transmitting radio, perform one of the
following steps:
a) Change systems.
b) Change channels (if not prohibited by programming).
c) Cycle power by turning radio off and then back on.
d) Press the Clear and Emergency buttons simultaneously, providing the
Clear Emergency option is enabled in the Supervisory Options in the
Receiving an Emergency Group Call
1. Select the desired P25 System and Talk Group/Channel.
2. When the radio detects an incoming Emergency Group Call, the radio
will sound an alert tone and “RXEMER” will appear in the display.
3. Voice or emergency transmissions will be heard at the receiving radio.
4. To clear an emergency from the receiving radio, perform one of the
following steps:
a) Change systems.
b) Change channels (if not prohibited by programming).
c) Cycle power by turning radio off and then back on.
d) Press the Clear and Emergency buttons simultaneously, providing the
Clear Emergency option is enabled in the Supervisory Options in the

Each siren/light key is designed to control an optional siren/light package.
Pressing a siren/light key will light the key indicator. Each siren/light key
(except RESET) can be programmed for either CANCEL or ADDITIVE
operation. If programmed for CANCEL, then all other siren/light activity is
cancelled except for the activity associated with this key. If programmed for
ADDITIVE, then a key press will add its respective siren/light activity to the
current siren/light activity. It is important to note that while the lights are
additive, only a single siren can be active at a time. The current siren will be
determined from the recently pressed key that contains a siren assignment.
Each siren/light key (except RESET) can be programmed for Toggle,
Momentary, or Timed. In Toggle, each key press will toggle the state of the
key between ON and OFF. In Momentary, a key's respective feature will only
be active while the key is pressed and held. When programmed for Timed, the
siren/light key activity will only be active during the programmable time-out
window. The duration of the time-out window is programmable between from
.5-127.5 seconds. During the time-out window the respective key indicator
will be ON. When the timer expires, the activity will be terminated and the
indicator will turn OFF. If an additional time-out key (programmed for
ADDITIVE) is pressed during the time-out window, then the time-out window
is reset and both activities will terminate at the same time.
Voice Modes
Each system (trunked or conventional) in the radio is programmed for no
digital voice operation (analog only) or one of the two digital voice formats
supported (ProVoice or Aegis). Aegis or ProVoice programmed systems have
three (3) different voice modes: clear (analog), digital, and private. The voice
modes are programmed on a per-group basis within each trunked system and
on a per-channel basis within each conventional system. A radio must be
equipped with the encrypt/decrypt option before it will operate in private
Current ProVoice Conventional operation is for talk-around
mode only

Table 5 – Transmit/Receive Mode Compatibility
for Aegis/ProVoice Operation
Conventional Aegis or encrypted channels require Channel
Guard on the channel to operate correctly.
Clear Modes
Aegis clear and ProVoice clear modes are identical voice modes in which the
radio transmits and receives only clear (analog) voice signals. These analog
signals are non-digitized and non-encrypted. Clear mode transmissions can
easily be monitored by unauthorized persons. Groups or channels
programmed for clear operation cannot transmit or receive unencrypted digital
or private messages.
Aegis/ProVoice Digital Mode
Aegis/ProVoice digital mode allows the radio to transmit and receive digitized
voice signals. These digital signals provide improved weak signal
performance and they cannot be easily monitored with a standard receiver.
Groups and channels programmed for Aegis or ProVoice digital operation
transmit only digital signals. Private calls cannot be received or transmitted
when the radio is in the Aegis or ProVoice digital mode because the radio
does not know the cryptographic key used.
Message trunked group calls and individual calls will be answered back in the
mode they were received, assuming the call or hang time is still active.
Individual, phone, all and emergency calls will be transmitted clear if digital
mode is disabled or inoperative.
1. If receiving an analog message trunked call, the radio will respond in
analog mode during the hang time on the working channel.
2. If receiving an analog I-Call, the radio will respond in analog mode during
the hang time.
3. When using the "WHC" feature to respond to an I-Call (after the hang time
has expired), the call will be transmitted in the mode defined by the system
mode as programmed for the current system if the ID being called is not in

the I-Call list. If the ID is in the I-Call list, then the call will be transmitted
as defined by the I-Call mode programmed in the list for that ID.
The overdial and hot keypad features for transmitting DTMF tones are not
available while in the Aegis Digital Mode or ProVoice Digital Mode.
ERROR Messages
If any of the following error messages are displayed, the radio was either
programmed incorrectly or needs servicing:
Power Up Only
If the Aegis or ProVoice circuit board is not responding, correctly, one of the
following error messages will be displayed and the radio needs servicing:
3X will be a number between 30 and 38
Aegis Private, ProVoice Private, and Voice Guard1
Private Modes
The Aegis and ProVoice private modes allow the radio to transmit encrypted
messages and receive clear or private transmissions. The radio will transmit
private if the group/channel is programmed for private operation and forced
operation is pre-programmed.
If the radio was pre-programmed for auto-select, the radio will transmit in the
following modes;
• If Private mode is enabled, transmissions are always in private mode.
• If Private mode is disabled and a private call is received, the Reply
transmission will be in Private mode if the transmission is made during
the scan hangtime. If the reply transmission occurs after the scan
hangtime, the transmission will be in Clear mode.
Aegis or ProVoice transmissions cannot be received by another radio (other
than M7100IP or JAGUAR 725M) set to receive a Voice Guard® transmission.
Accordingly, Voice Guard or ProVoice transmissions cannot be received by a
radio set to receive an Aegis transmission and neither Aegis nor Voice Guard
transmissions can be received by a radio set to receive ProVoice.
1 Voice Guard encryption is not supported by M7100IP Series mobile radios.
Cryptographic keys are transferred to the radio using a cryptographic
Keyloader. Up to seven (7) different cryptographic keys, numbered 1-7, can
be transferred from a Keyloader and stored in the radio. An individual key is
automatically selected on a per-group/channel basis according to the radio's
programming. Groups and channels within Aegis or ProVoice systems can be
programmed for keys 1-7. Up to 8 banks of 7 keys can be stored for Aegis
(DES and VGE) systems.
DES radios require a DES Keyloader (Option V4025 with software version
3.n or later). VGE radios require a VGE Keyloader (Option V4028 with
software version 2.n or later).
When operating on a group or channel programmed for private mode, all
transmissions will be private transmissions and the radio will receive clear and
private signals. The PVT keylight (System Model) or OPTION keylight (Scan
Model) turns ON when the private mode is enabled. If the selected group or
channel is programmed for auto-select capability, the mode can be toggled
between private and clear with the PVT button (System Model) or O button
(Scan Model). Radios programmed for forced private operation do not allow a
change of the transmit mode; therefore, the PVT button (System Model) or O
button (Scan Model) has no effect.
Transferring Keys to the Radio
The following procedure outlines basic key transferring steps:
1. Turn the radio OFF.
2. Ensure that the PC programming cables and adapter box are disconnected
from radio unit.
3. Plug the modular connector of the Keyloader cable into the Keyloader
modular jack.
4. Connect the Keyloader cable to the keyloader level converter and then to
the extended options cable DB25 on the rear of the radio.
5. Press the PWR button on the Keyloader and wait for the Keyloader to
display "MASTER MODE."
6. Press the TRN button on the Keyloader. If necessary, select a different
cryptographic key to be transferred into the radio.
7. Turn the radio ON. Use the m button to access the menu options then the
RAMP , or . controls to select KEYLOAD.
8. Press m (SELECT). Then use the RAMP , or . controls to select
the bank location.
9. Press the EXE button on the Keyloader to transfer the key. The Keyloader
will display "GOOD 1.x TRANSFER" where "x" is the selected
cryptographic key number.

10. Disconnect the cable from the extended option cable. Press the C
(Scan Model) or c (System Model) button to exit the keyload operation.
The radio will change to the selected group or channel as indicated in the
Displaying the Currently Used Cryptographic Key Number
To display the cryptographic key currently in use for either the system
encryption key (for special call such as individual, phone, all, agency or fleet)
or the group/channel key (for group or conventional calls), perform the
following procedure:
1. Press the m button.
2. Use the , or . button (ramp control) to select DISP KEY. Then press
the m (SEL) button.
3. Then use the , or . buttons to toggle between displaying the system key
or the group/channel key.
Table 6 – Current Cryptographic Key Display
System "SYS KEY"
"KEY = 1"
Group/Channel "GRP KEY"/"CHN KEY"
"KEY = 2"/KEY = 2"
Key Zero
All cryptographic keys can be zeroed (erased from radio memory) by pressing
the c button (System Model) or C (Scan Model) and while still pressing
this button, press and hold the o button (System Model) or O (Scan Model).
Press both buttons for 2 seconds. A series of warning beeps will begin at the
start of this 2-second period and then switch to a solid tone after the keys have
been zeroed. The display will indicate KEY ZERO.
If the cryptographic key(s) are zeroed, one or more keys must be transferred
from the Keyloader into the radio before private communications can
Private Operation
Receiving an Encrypted Call
When receiving, the radio automatically switches between clear or private
operation. If the transmission being received is an encrypted transmission, it
will be decrypted, the PVT keylight (System Model) or OPTION keylight
(Scan Model) will flash, the receiver will unsquelch and the message will be
heard in the speaker. For this to occur the selected group or channel must be

programmed for private operation and the correct cryptographic key must be
loaded into the radio.
Transmitting an Encrypted Call
1. Select the desired group or channel.
2. Place the radio in private mode by pressing the PVT button (System
Model) or O (Scan Model). When private mode is enabled, the PVT
keylight (System Model) or OPTION keylight (Scan Model) will be ON.
If the last state of the radio was private mode, the private mode will be
enabled on power up. In addition, the private mode will be enabled if
forced operation has been programmed in the radio
If a group or channel is not programmed for private mode operation, PVT
DIS will be displayed if an attempt is made to enable private transmit
mode. It is not possible to operate on this group/channel in private mode.
If the radio is programmed for forced private transmit operation, FRCD
PVT will be displayed if an attempt is made to disable private transmit
mode. It is not possible to transmit on this group/channel in clear mode.
If the radio does not have the correct encryption key loaded, NO KEY #
will be displayed and the call will not be transmitted.
3. Continue with standard transmission procedures. A private mode access
tone will be heard when the PTT button is pressed.
Scanned Group Calls
Receiving a scanned group call is the same as receiving a selected group call.
During the scan hang time, if the radio was programmed for auto-select, it will
transmit back in the same mode it received the call. For example, if a clear
group is entered in the scan list, it will only receive clear calls. If the same
group was available in private and entered in the scan list, it can receive clear
and private calls, provided auto-select was programmed in the radio. The user
can select transmitting on the scanned or selected group. If a group is entered
in the scan list more than once and in different modes (clear, digital, private),
only the first occurrence of the group will be used.
Conventional Operation
Outside Address
The same outside address (works similar to Channel Guard operation) must be
programmed in the transmitting and receiving radios when Aegis or ProVoice
digital or private operation is enabled. If address is not correct, the radios will
not communicate.

Channel Guard
Channel Guard encode is transmitted on analog clear channels only. Channel
Guard decode will operate on either a clear or private channel. The exception
is when G-STAR signaling is used (see G-STAR paragraph).
When G-STAR is programmed on a private channel, the radio will transmit G-
STAR in clear mode and then switch to private for the voice portion of the
call. If G-STAR is sent with Channel Guard, then both are sent in clear mode
and the radio switches to private mode. Emergency G-STAR data burst is
transmitted in clear mode.
The M7100IP Series mobile radio can be programmed to operate from two
separate Control Units. This permits radio operation from two separate
locations in the vehicle. Dual control operation is available in both trunked
and conventional modes. Only one control unit can control the mobile radio
unit at a time. The control unit that controls the radio operation is called the
active controller and the second unit is called the idle controller.
Switching Control
Control can be switched to the idle controller by pressing the push-to-talk
(PTT) on the microphone associated with the idle controller. Once PTT is
pressed, the radio will switch control to the idle controller unless the active
controller is currently transmitting (i.e., PTT pressed on active controller), in
which case the switch will not occur. When control is switched to the idle
controller, two short high-pitched tones will sound at the controller where
PTT was pressed to indicate that the idle controller is now the active controller
and the previous active controller is now the idle controller.
Control Switching Modes
The radio can be pre-programmed for two modes of dual operation, “Slave”
and Independent. In the “Slave” mode, the two controllers will use the same
radio System and Group settings. The Independent mode permits each
controller to have its own saved System and Group settings.
Slave Mode Operation
In “Slave” mode, either controller can operate the radio with no change in
System and Group settings when control is switched. Both controllers display
the current information. If a key is pressed at the idle controller, other than
PTT, E or siren and light keys as noted in following paragraphs, a low tone
will sound and the display will temporarily show DUAL on line 1 of the idle

When control is switched in a “Slave” mode system, all of the radio settings
and states will remain in effect that have been selected on the active
Independent Mode Operation
In Independent mode, the radio system operates as if there are two radio units
each controlled by a separate control unit. Each control unit maintains its own
System and Group settings that are restored when control is switched.
The idle controller will display DUAL on line 1 to indicate that it is idle. If a
key is pressed at the idle controller, other than PTT, E or siren and light
keys as noted in following paragraphs, a low tone will sound at the idle
When control is switched in Independent mode, the idle controller will restore
its own System and Group settings instead of using the settings of the
previously active controller. Any pending operations at the active controller,
other than E or Siren & Light, will be terminated.
Emergency Operation
Either control unit (active or idle controller) can declare an emergency,
provided radio has been pre-programmed to enable emergency declaration. If
the idle controller declares an emergency, control is switched to the idle
controller and any current transmission from the previously active controller is
Siren & Light Control
Siren & Light control is only available from the control unit that is pre-
programmed for these functions. Typically, the control unit at the driver's
location would be programmed. The control unit that has these functions
programmed can activate them regardless of whether it is an active or an idle
Dual Control Audio
Audio output during dual control operation is a pre-programmed function.
Default operation routes audio only to the active controller.
The M7100IP Series mobile radio can be configured to operate in multiple
radio mode that permits more than one radio to be controlled from a single
control unit or control location. The radios could be different frequency splits,
trunked/conventional, etc.
In multiple radio operation, the radios continue to operate as individual radios
except with a common control unit. The control unit is used for display and

control. The control unit display is shared by the multiple radio units and,
when selected, a radio can be controlled by the control unit.
For multiple radio operation, the control unit keypad must be pre-programmed
for a variety of multiple radio buttons such as radio selection and radio mute.
A radio unit can be selected by pressing the radio selection button (pre-
programmed) on the control unit. In addition, a button can be pre-
programmed to rotate selection through the radio units; e.g., if radio #1 is
selected, pressing the radio select button will select radio #2. Similarly, radio
#2 will be selected if the radio select button is pressed when radio #1 was
Shared Control Unit Display Modes
Radios in the multiple radio operation share the control unit display. Pre-
programming the radios determines what the control unit displays. There are
two modes of display: alternating radio display or first-come first-serve
display. See also the following paragraph on Audio Modes.
Alternating Radio Display
In this mode, the control unit display will alternate between showing the call
information for the radios when more than one call is being received. This
mode is available only if audio is summed (see following paragraph on Audio
First-Come First-Serve Display
In this mode, the control unit display will show the call information of the
radio that is providing the audio. A call in process prevents audio from other
radios from being heard for the duration of the call. This mode corresponds
with the first-come first-serve audio mode (see following paragraph on Audio
Audio Modes
In multiple radio operation, the audio from the mobile radio units can be pre-
programmed to be summed or available on a first-come first-serve process.
Audio Summed
When audio is summed, the audio from all radios will be available whenever
the radios receive a call. If two radios receive a call simultaneously, both calls
will be heard in the speaker.
Audio First-Come First-Serve
When audio is pre-programmed for first-come first-serve, the audio from the
radio that receives a call first will be heard from the speaker for the duration
of the call. During this time, audio from the other mobile radios will be muted.

Muting a Specified Radio
Pressing the control unit mute button associated with a particular radio will
mute its audio for a pre-programmed time period. The time period can be
cleared by pressing the control unit mute button or the radio selection button.
Multiple Radio and Siren & Light Operation
For siren and lights to function correctly, both the master and slave radios
must be programmed with the same siren and light information.
Multiple Radio and Data Operation
Only the master radio supports mobile data operation.
This feature, available for Master units only, enables the user to recall the last
selected system/group after an EDACS emergency or home function, a
conventional emergency or home function or system/group key function. This
feature must be enabled through ProGrammer to function. For example, if the
Home button (pre-programmed) is pressed, the radio will go to the designated
Home system/group or channel. If the Home button is pressed again, the radio
returns to the previous system/group or channel. At this time, the user can
toggle between the Home system/group or channel and the previous
system/group or channel. The operation is the same for the SG1-SG5 buttons.
Macro key operation permits the user to accomplish a series of keystrokes
with a single "macro" keystroke. Up to ten (10) macro keys can be defined,
each capable of executing up to twenty (20) keystrokes, to any pushbutton
input (i.e., keypad keys, buttons, etc.). Each macro key can be pre-
programmed to activate when pressed or when released.
A macro key can also be pre-programmed to change the keystroke sequence
the next time the macro key is activated.
For detail operation and assignment of macro keys, contact your
communications supervisor or administrator.
To send a manually entered telephone interconnect call:
1. Select a channel in the radio system that has telephone interconnect
capability. The radio should be programmed for DTMF operation on this
2. Press the k button to toggle the keypad to the DTMF function
(secondary function).
3. Press and hold PTT to key the transmitter. While holding the PTT, press
the * or # key (as required by the radio system to obtain a telephone line).
The radio will transmit the selected tone.
4. Release the PTT and listen for a dial tone. When the dial tone is heard,
press and hold the PTT while entering the desired telephone number. As
each digit is entered and transmitted, the DTMF side tone will be heard
from the speaker, if programmed to do so through ProGrammer.
5. After all the digits have been entered and transmitted, release the PTT.
6. When the call is answered, press the PTT and speak directly into the
microphone. Release the PTT immediately to receive a reply.
7. When the call is finished, press and hold PTT and then press the * or # key
(as required by radio system) to terminate the interconnect call. Release
the PTT.
8. To return to the primary function of the keypad, press k. To continue
with another interconnect call, repeat steps 3 through 8.

If the keys have been remapped to provide new functions, fill in the following
templates (Figure 7 and Figure 8) for future reference.
Figure 7 – M7100IP System Model Keypad
Figure 8 – M7100IP Scan Model Keypad
Agency - An agency is composed of multiple fleets. Units can be
rogrammed to initiate agency calls to access multiple
fleets. (Trunked Mode Only)
Operation - A programmed option used in some fleets so units can
only hear and talk to a base dispatch unit, not to othe
mobiles or personals in the group. In this mode o
operation, when a unit in a particular group is talking to
the base dispatch unit, all other mobile and personal
radios in that group will receive a "System Busy" tone i
they try to access the system. (Trunked Mode Only)
Channel - A radio channel in a trunked system that is used to
digitally communicate with the radios operating on the
system when they are not engaged in active voice
Channel - A radio channel (transmit/receive frequency pair) that is
allocated for conventional (non-trunked) use and can be
manually selected by the operator.
Mode - Communicating on radio channels allocated fo
conventional use (i.e. conventional system).
CCT - Carrier Controlled Timer - a programmable timer that
will disable a transmission if the length is exceeded.
CG - Channel Guard - a method of controlling speaker mute
with a tone or digital code.
Fleet - A fleet of users consists of multiple groups (sub-fleets).
Radios can be programmed to make fleet calls to
simultaneously access multiple user groups. (Trunked
Mode Only)
Group or
Sub-fleet - A group of users share the same program group
identification number in their mobile and portable radios.
All units in the same group will receive a dispatch call
laced by any one unit in the group. (Trunked Mode
Group Scan - Programming that allows the radio to monitor many
groups simultaneously (multi-group decode), permitting
the user to both monitor and receive calls from these
groups. The radio can be programmed with a scan hang
time which causes the radio to remain on the scanned
group for a pre-
rogrammed amount of time, responding
only to calls of a higher priority such as priority scan
group calls, individual calls, fleet calls, agency calls, etc.
When activity on the scan group ends, and the pre-
programmed time has expired, the radio returns to
monitoring multiple groups. (Trunked Mode Only)
Call - Every radio in the system is programmed with a unique
individual identification code. A mobile or portable uni
can be programmed to call another particular unit by
selecting the individual by name or ID number. (Trunked
Mode Only)
Queueing - The process that occurs when all channels in a trunked
system are busy and calls must be addressed on a priority
Controller - The computer controlled radio equipment at the repeate
site that controls a trunking system.
(area) - The terms "system" and "area" are used interchangeably
to refer to the particular group of station repeaters
currently providing service to the radio.
Manager - A computer that performs the databasing and syste
monitoring for the site controller.
Scan - A programmed feature to scan (monitor activity on)
separate trunked systems and receive calls on any of these
systems. (Trunked Mode Only).
Mode - Also referred to as "direct mode," talk-around provides
direct unit-to-unit short-range communications link. It is
intended to maintain communications outside of the main
system coverage area.
- This feature allows the user to initiate or receive
telephone calls through the radio if the system is
configured for this operation. (Trunked Mode Only)
Group - A radio communications path shared by two or more
Operation - Trunked Operation refers to the use of a set of radio
frequency channels by multiple user groups. By using
high-speed digital data, the radio goes to an unused
channel when a call is initiated and responds only to calls
in the same user group. In this way, conversation privac
between user groups is assured.
- A radio system in which a limited number of radio
channels are dynamically allocated to groups of people
for communication purposes.
System - A set of one or more trunked groups.
T99 - Type 99 - a method of opening mute for selective page
operations using sequential tones.
Wide Area
Encode - A programmed option that ensures all system-scanning
mobile and portable radios have time to lock onto the call
before the initiating unit is allowed to talk.
Channel - A radio channel (transmit/receive frequency pair) that is
automatically assigned by the site controller for voice o
data communications.



A. M/A-COM, Inc. (hereinafter "Seller") warrants to the original purchaser for use
(hereinafter "Buyer") that Equipment manufactured by or for the Seller shall be free
from defects in material and workmanship, and shall conform to its published
specifications. With respect to all non-M/A-COM Equipment, Seller gives no
warranty, and only the warranty, if any, given by the manufacturer shall apply.
Rechargeable batteries are excluded from this warranty but are warranted under a
separate Rechargeable Battery Warranty (ECR-7048).
B. Seller’s obligations set forth in Paragraph C below shall apply only to failures to
meet the above warranties occurring within the following periods of time from date
of sale to the Buyer and are conditioned on Buyer’s giving written notice to Seller
within thirty (30) days of such occurrence:
1. for fuses and non-rechargeable batteries, operable on arrival only.
2. for parts and accessories (except as noted in B.1) sold by Seller’s Service Parts
Operation, ninety (90) days.
3. for PANTHER™ Series handportable and mobile radios, two (2) years.
4. for Cougar™ Series handportable and mobile radios, two (2) years.
5. for OpenSky®, ProVoice™, and EDACS® Equipment of Seller’s manufacture, one
(1) year.
C. If any Equipment fails to meet the foregoing warranties, Seller shall correct the
failure at its option (i) by repairing any defective or damaged part or parts thereof,
(ii) by making available at Seller’s factory any necessary repaired or replacement
parts, or (iii) by replacing the failed Equipment with equivalent new or refurbished
Equipment. Any repaired or replacement part furnished hereunder shall be
warranted for the remainder of the warranty period of the Equipment in which it is
installed. Where such failure cannot be corrected by Seller’s reasonable efforts, the
parties will negotiate an equitable adjustment in price. Labor to perform warranty
service will be provided at no charge during the warranty period only for the
Equipment covered under Paragraph B.3-B.5. To be eligible for no-charge labor,
service must be performed at a M/A-COM factory (for OpenSky® Equipment only),
by an Authorized Service Center (ASC) or other Servicer approved for these
purposes either at its place of business during normal business hours, for mobile or
personal equipment, or at the Buyer’s location, for fixed location equipment. Service
on fixed location equipment more than thirty (30) miles from the Service Center or
other approved Servicer’s place of business will include a charge for transportation.
D. Seller’s obligations under Paragraph C shall not apply to any Equipment, or part
thereof, which (i) has been modified or otherwise altered other than pursuant to
Seller’s written instructions or written approval or, (ii) is normally consumed in
operation or, (iii) has a normal life inherently shorter than the warranty periods
specified in Paragraph B, or (iv) is not properly stored, installed, used, maintained or
repaired, or, (v) has been subjected to any other kind of misuse or detrimental
exposure, or has been involved in an accident.
E. The preceding paragraphs set forth the exclusive remedies for claims based upon
defects in or nonconformity of the Equipment, whether the claim is in contract,
warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, and however
instituted. Upon the expiration of the warranty period, all such liability shall
terminate. The foregoing warranties are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties,
whether oral, written, expressed, implied or statutory. NO IMPLIED OR
This warranty applies only within the United States.
M/A-COM, Inc. M/A-COM, Inc.
1011 Pawtucket Blvd. 221 Jefferson Ridge Parkway
Lowell, MA 01853 Lynchburg, VA 24501
1-877-OPENSKY 1-800-528-7711

M/A-COM Wireless Systems
3315 Old Forest Road
Lynchburg, Virginia 24501
(Outside USA, 434-385-2400) Toll Free 800-528-7711
www.macom-wireless.com Printed in U.S.A.
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