HTC VOYAGER SmartPhone User Manual voyager um aContents indd

HTC Corporation SmartPhone voyager um aContents indd


User Manual Part II

5. Messaging
Smartphone User Manual
You must take additional steps to receive large messages
and attachments, as described later in Working with large
messages and attachments.
5.3 Receiving e-mail, MMS and
SMS messages
You can receive MMS, e-mail and SMS messages through
Inbox synchronization or by connecting to your e-mail serv er.
You can then view all of the messages in your Inbox.
When you connect to the e-mail server or syn chro nize
your Inbox with your desktop computer, only the rst 0.5
KB of each new message are downloaded to Inbox on your
phone by default. Only small attachments are down load ed
and the original messages remain on the e-mail server or
your desktop computer.
When you receive an e-mail mes sage, the Smartphone
plays a sound and displays an en ve lope icon at the top of
the screen. By default, the Home screen also displays the
number of unopened e-mail and SMS messages. To quickly
view new messages, select the message noti cation area
on the Home screen.
Working with the message list
Received messages are stored in the Inbox folder of the
appropriate account. They are displayed in the Inbox mes-
sage list.
1 To view the Inbox mes sage list:
a. On the Home screen, select Start and then Inbox.
b. Scroll right or left, or press Menu then Accounts, to
switch to the account for which to view messages.
The Inbox message list dis plays your received
5. Messaging
Smartphone User Manual 79
2 To change message list display options: By default,
messages are displayed in the order received. You can
change the order in which messages are dis played and
show the date and time that messages were sent.
a. On the Home screen, select Start and then Inbox.
b. Select Menu and then Options.
c. Select Display.
d. Change the display options and select Done.
3 To mark a message as Read or Unread: Messages
that you have read are displayed in normal type with an
open en ve lope icon. Messages that you have not read
are displayed in bold type with a closed-envelope icon.
You can change the status of a message by marking it as
Read or Unread.
a. On the Home screen, select Start and then Inbox.
b. Scroll to the message to mark.
d. Select Menu.
e. Select Mark as Read or Mark as Unread. The
message display is changed to re ect its new status:
normal text for read messages and bold text for unread
messages. When you synchronize or send and receive
e-mail, the message is displayed as Read or Unread
in all locations.
Working with messages
5. Messaging
Smartphone User Manual
You can open messages by selecting them in the message
list. Using Inbox menu commands, you can quickly reply to,
forward, and delete messages.
1 To open a message:
a. On the Home screen, select Start and then Inbox.
b. If necessary, scroll right or left to switch to the account
you want.
c. Select the message to open.
d. To return to the message list, press the Back key.
To open the next message in the list from with in an open
message, scroll right; to open the previous mes sage in
the list, scroll left. To create a contact card for the sender,
select Menu and then Save Sender to Contacts.
2 To specify the language for reading a message:
a. From an open message, select Menu and then
b. In E-mail message language, scroll to the
c. Select Done. The message is displayed using the
ap pro pri ate characters for the selected language.
3 To reply to a message:
a. From an open message, select Menu and then Reply
or Reply All.
b. Enter a message in the message area.
c. Select Send. The message is stored in Outbox and
sent to recipients the next time you synchronize or
connect to your e-mail server. SMS messages are sent
4 To forward a message:
a. From an open message, select Menu and then
b. Select the account to use.
c. In To, enter recipient e-mail addresses or SMS
5. Messaging
Smartphone User Manual 81
numbers. Insert a semicolon (;) between multiple
addresses or SMS numbers.
d. Optionally, you can enter an introductory message by
scrolling to the message area, pressing the Action key
to insert a blank line, and entering your text.
e. Select Send. SMS messages are sent immediately.
E-mail messages are stored in Outbox and sent to
recipients the next time you synchronize or connect
to your e-mail server.
5 To delete a message:
a. On the Home screen, select Start and then Inbox.
b. If necessary, scroll right or left to switch to the account
in which to delete a message.
c. Scroll to the message to delete.
d. Select Menu and then Delete. For the ActiveSync
ac count, the message is also deleted from Outlook
on your desktop computer or Exchange Server the
next time you synchronize.
Working with large messages and
When you receive large e-mail messages and at tach ments,
the Smartphone downloads only a portion of them. You can
view the partial message or attachment and decide if you
want to download the rest of it.
When you synchronize Inbox with your desktop computer or
Exchange Server, the Smartphone downloads the rst 0.5
KB of each new e-mail message by default. When you con-
nect to an Internet e-mail server, it downloads the amount
(in KB) of each new message that you speci ed when you
set up the account. The message size includes its attach-
ments. The original messages and attachments re main on
the server or your desktop computer.
On messages received from a POP3 e-mail server, the
attachment size is omitted.
5. Messaging
Smartphone User Manual
In the message list, messages with an attachment display
an envelope icon with a paperclip. Within a message, at-
tach ments are displayed as a list of hyperlinks at the bot-
tom of the message, and are preceded by an attachment
icon. The hyperlink includes the le name and size of the
The attachment icon has the following three states:
Not downloaded
Marked for download
1 To download a complete e-mail message:
a. On the Home screen, select Start and then Inbox.
b. Scroll to the message to download.
c. Select Menu and then Mark for Download. The
complete message is retrieved the next time you
synchronize or connect to your e-mail server and
send and receive e-mail.
2 To download an attachment: In an open message with
an attachment to download, select the attachment. The
attachment is downloaded the next time you synchronize
or connect to your e-mail server and send and receive e-
mail. If there are multiple attachments in the message, all
attachments are downloaded.
3 To view an attachment: In an open message containing
a downloaded attachment, select the attachment. Note
that you can view attachments only for le types that are
supported by the Smartphone.
Accepting meeting requests
You can receive and respond to Outlook meeting requests on
your Smartphone in a similar manner as you do in Out look
on your desktop computer:
1 On the Home screen, select Start and then Inbox.
5. Messaging
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2 If necessary, scroll right or left to switch to the ActiveSync
3 Select the meeting request and then respond to it as
a. To accept the meeting request and insert the meeting
into your calendar, select Menu and then Accept.
b. To decline the meeting request, select Menu and then
c. To tentatively accept the meeting request and insert a
tentative meeting into your calendar, select Menu and
then Tentative.
Your response is sent back to the meeting organizer the next
time that you synchronize.
For more information about synchronizing, see Chapter
7 Synchronizing information.
5.4 Viewing your message
Each messaging account has a set of folders in which the
Smartphone stores messages for that account. The de fault
folders are:
Deleted Items contains messages that you delete until
you empty this folder.
Drafts contains messages that you save be fore send-
Inbox contains messages that you receive.
Outbox for the ActiveSync account, con tains sent e-mail
messages until you synchronize. For e-mail accounts,
con tains sent e-mail messages until you con nect to your
e-mail server. SMS messages are sent im me di ate ly over
the net work and appear in your SMS Outbox folder only for
5. Messaging
Smartphone User Manual
a few seconds.
Sent Items contains copies of messages that you send.
If you want, you can move a message to a different folder
within the same account.
When you synchronize or send and receive e-mail, the
Smartphone synchronizes any additional e-mail folders
that you have created in Outlook on your desktop computer
or on your e-mail server. It also synchronizes the messages
contained in those folders, if the folders are marked for
Viewing message folder contents
1 On the Home screen, select Start and then Inbox.
2 Select Menu and then Accounts/Folders.
3 Scroll to the account for which to view the contents of a
message folder.
4 Select Folders and then the folder to view. To view all
ActiveSync folders, even those not marked to syn chro nize,
select Menu and then Show All Folders.
5 To return to Inbox, press Back, select Menu and then
Accounts/Fold ers.
5. Messaging
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6 Scroll to the account.
7 Select Folders and then Inbox.
Marking a folder for synchronization
1 You may synchronize Inbox with your desktop computer.
This creates the same ActiveSync Inbox folders on your
Smartphone as in Outlook on your desktop computer.
2 On the Home screen, select Start and then Inbox.
3 Select Menu and then Accounts/Folders.
4 Scroll to ActiveSync and then select Folders.
5 Select Menu and then Manage Folders.
6 Scroll to a folder to synchronize.
7 Select Show and then Done. The next time you
syn chro nize, the folder(s) that you marked on your
Smartphone are synchronized with the corresponding
folders in Out look on your desktop computer.
Moving a message to a different folder
1 On the Home screen, select Start and then Inbox.
2 If necessary, scroll right or left to switch to the account in
which to move a message.
3 Scroll to the message to move.
5. Messaging
Smartphone User Manual
4 Select Menu and then Move.
5 Select the folder into which to move the message.
You can move an open message in the same manner, by
selecting Menu and then Move.
Emptying the Deleted Items folder
1 On the Home screen, select Start and then Inbox.
2 Select Menu and then Accounts/Folders.
3 If necessary, scroll right or left to switch to the account for
which to empty the Deleted Items folder.
4 Select Folders and then Deleted Items.
5 Select Menu and then Empty Folder.
5.5 Managing your Inbox
All MMS, e-mail and SMS messages are stored in your In-
box. By default, the most recently received messages are
displayed at the top of the Inbox list. Using the menu options,
you can customize your Inbox settings to control the way
you send, receive, and view messages.
5. Messaging
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Using Inbox menu options
It is easy to accomplish common messaging tasks from your
Inbox. Press the New soft key to compose a new message,
or press the Menu soft key to forward, delete, and reply to
messages, access Inbox options you can customize, and
To view Inbox menu options: On the Home screen, press
the Start soft key, select Inbox, and then press the Menu
soft key.
5. Messaging
Smartphone User Manual
Inbox menu option Function
Delete Deletes the selected message.
Reply Replies to an open or selected
mes sage.
Reply All Replies to the sender and those
who received a copy of the open or
se lect ed mes sage
Forward Forwards the selected m
Move Enables you to move the open or
selected message to another folder
Mark as Unread Displays the head er text of a mes sage
in your Inbox in bold, in di cat ing that
the mes sage has not been read.
Mark as Read Displays the header text of a mes sage
in your Inbox in lightface, in di cat ing
that the message has been read
Mark for Download Retrieves the entire e-mail message
from the e-mail server the next time you
Options Displays a list of Inbox options that
you can customize (see the fol low ing
Send/Receive Connects to your e-mail server to
send and receive messages.
Accounts/ Folders Displays all message folders.
The following table lists Inbox menu options and their func-
5. Messaging
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Customizing Inbox options
You can optimize your Inbox for the way you work. For
example, you can change the way your messages are dis-
played, specify how you want your messages to be sorted,
specify the volume and limit the size of messages you want
to automatically download, change your syn chro ni za tion
schedule, and more.
1 On the Home screen, press the Start soft key and then
select Inbox.
2 Press the Menu soft key, and then select Options.
3 Select the option to customize.
4 Modify the settings to change, and press Done.
Inbox menu option Function
Display Enables you to change the message
information displayed in your inbox.
Sending Enables you to specify whether you
want to include an original copy of the
message in your reply, save a copy of
your sent message, or use Unicode
for SMS messages.
Editing My Text Enables you to edit the prede ned text
that you can insert in messages.
Signatures Enables you to add a signature in
Account Setup Enables you to set up your
Import SIM
Enables you to import SMS messages
from a SIM card to your inbox. The
messages are not removed from the
SIM card after they are imported.
The following table lists the Inbox options and their func-
5. Messaging
Smartphone User Manual
5.6 Instant messaging
You can use MSN Messenger on your Smartphone to send
and receive instant messages. MSN Messenger on your
Smartphone provides the same chat environment as MSN
Messenger on your desktop computer. Features of this
environment include:
Sending and receiving instant messages.
Seeing the status of others in your Messenger contacts
list, or changing your own status (e.g., available, busy, out
to lunch).
Inviting other people to a chat conversation.
Blocking contacts from seeing your status or sending you
Setting up MSN Messenger
Before you can use MSN Messenger, you must take steps to
set it up. First, you need either a Microsoft .NET Pass port
account or a Hotmail account. To set up a Microsoft .NET
Passport account, go to: Once you
have this account, you need to do the following:
Create a connection on your Smartphone, such as a mo dem
or wireless connection that allows you to connect to the
Internet. For more information about creating con nec tions,
see 3.3 Data connections.
Using MSN Messenger
You can sign in to MSN Messenger using your Hotmail
credentials or your .NET Passport:
1 To sign in to and sign out of MSN Messenger:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select MSN Messenger.
5. Messaging
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c. Select Sign In.
d. In Sign-in Name, enter the sign-in name that you
use for Hotmail or your .NET Passport (Example:
e. In Password, enter your Hotmail or .NET Passport
pass word.
f. Select Remember my password if you don't want to
en ter your password again in the future.
g. Select Sign In.
h. To sign out, press the Menu soft key and select Sign
If you do not sign out of MSN Messenger, you will remain
on a data connection. This may result in additional charges
from your service provider.
2 To add an MSN Messenger contact:
a. In the MSN Messenger contacts list, select Menu and
then Add Contact.
b. Add the Hotmail or .NET Passport sign-in name of a
person with whom you want to chat. Their sign-in name
is added to the contacts list.
5. Messaging
Smartphone User Manual
3 To delete an MSN Messenger contact:
a. In the MSN Messenger contacts list, select the
b. Select Menu and then Delete Contact.
4 To send an instant message:
a. Sign in to MSN Messenger.
b. Scroll to the contact with whom you want to chat.
c. Select Menu and then Send Message.
d. Enter your message and select Send. This starts a
chat with the contact.
To quickly add common messages, select Menu, select
My Text, and then select the text to use. To edit this text,
select Menu, select Options, and then select Edit My
Text. Select the text, make any edits, and then select
5 To reply to an instant message:
a. Select Menu and then Chats.
b. Select the name of the person sending the instant
message. The message displays, along with a box for
your reply.
c. Enter your reply and select Send.
If you want to be able to receive instant messages at any
5. Messaging
Smartphone User Manual 93
time your Smartphone is connected to a network, select
Menu and then Options. Select Passport Account, select
Run this program when connection is available, and then
select Done.
6 To invite a contact to an ongoing chat: From a chat,
select Menu, select Invite, and then select a contact. The
contact receives an instant message and can join the
7 To change between chats:
a. Select Menu and then Chats.
b. In the list of ongoing chats, select the name of a contact
with whom to chat.
8 To return to the contacts list: From a chat, select Menu
and then My Contacts.
9 To end a chat: Select Menu and then End Chat.
10 To see who is already chatting: Select Menu and then
11 To block or unblock an MSN Messenger contact:
a. In the MSN Messenger contacts list, select the contact's
b. Select Menu and then Block. The contact will no longer
be able to see your status or send you messages.
c. To unblock the contact, select Menu and then
12 To change your status:
a. In the MSN Messenger contacts list, select your
b. Select a status description, such as Away. This status
is displayed next to your name in the contact lists of
your contacts.
5. Messaging
Smartphone User Manual
13 To change your display name:
a. In the MSN Messenger contacts list, select Menu.
b. Select Options and then Passport Account.
c. In My display name, enter your name as you want it
to display in the contacts lists of your contacts.
Chapter 6
Contacts, Calendar,
and Tasks
6.1 Using Contacts
6.2 Using Calendar
6.3 Using Tasks
6.4 Using Photo Contacts
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
6.1 Using Contacts
You can think of Contacts as an online address book, where
you can store information about people and businesses you
communicate with in contact cards. For example, you can
store multiple phone numbers, e-mail and street ad dress es,
Web pages, birthday, anniversary date, etc. You can use
Contacts to dial phone numbers and compose e-mail and
SMS messages directly from a contact card.
The Contact list
The Contacts list displays the names of your contacts
al pha bet i cal ly, along with an abbreviation for the default
com mu ni ca tion method, such as the person's work phone
num ber (w) or home phone number (h). This makes it easy
to reach the contact using the method you prefer.
If the contact card includes a work phone number, your
phone will automatically set it as the default number.
1 To access Contacts: On the Home screen, press the
Contacts soft key.
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
2 To call a contact using the default number:
a. On the Home screen, select Contacts.
b. Select the contact to call.
c. Press the Talk button. The Smartphone dials the
contact's default phone number. The abbreviation
for this number appears to the right of the contact
If you have a long list of contacts and you don't see the
contact you want to call on the rst screen, enter the rst
few letters of the contact's name; the phone will search
through the entire Contacts list and display the name.
The following table shows possible abbreviations that might be
displayed in the Contacts list and their meanings.
Abbreviation Meaning
w Work phone
w2 Second work phone
h Home phone
h2 Second home phone
m Mobile phone
pgr Pager
car Car phone
sms SMS address
e E-mail address
e2 Second e-mail address
e3 Third e-mail address
web Web page
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
3 To call a contact using a number other than the default
a. On the Home screen, select Contacts.
b. Select the contact, scroll right or left to display the
abbreviation for the number you want to use, and then
press the Talk button.
4 To nd a contact by entering a name:
a. On the Home screen, select Contacts.
b. Begin entering the name of the contact to nd until the
name is displayed. For example, to nd "Sandra," enter
7, 2, 6, 3, 7, 2 because these numbers correspond to
the letters for that name.
5 To lter contacts:
a. On the Home screen, select Contacts.
b. Select Menu and then Filter.
c. Select a category to filter, such as Business,
Miscellaneous, or Personal. The contacts assigned to
the category you select are displayed in the list.
6 To create a new contact:
a. On the Home screen, press the Contacts soft key, and
press the New soft key.
b. Enter information for the new contact.
c. Select Done.
7 To delete a contact:
a. On the Home screen, press the Contacts soft key.
b. Select the contact to delete, press the Menu soft key,
select Delete, and then select Yes to con rm.
Contact cards
A contact card displays all of the information that you have
entered for the contact, such as name of the person or busi-
ness, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and more. From
a contact card, just select a phone number and press the
Talk button to call the number. You can also select an e-mail
address and press the Action button to begin com pos ing a
message to the contact.
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
1 To view and edit a contact card:
a. On the Home screen, select Contacts.
b. Select the contact whose card you want to view.
c. To edit the card, select Edit.
d. When nished making changes, select Done.
2 To call a contact from a contact card:
a. On the Home screen, select Contacts.
b. Select the contact, and press the Action button to open
the contact card.
c. Select the number to use, and press the Talk button.
3 To send an e-mail from a contact card:
a. On the Home screen, select Contacts.
b. Select the contact, and press the Action button to open
the contact card.
c. Select the e-mail address, and press the Action
d. Select an account to use, and press the Action
e. Enter a subject, compose your message, and then
select Send.
SIM contact
SIM contacts are stored on your SIM card. When you insert
your SIM card into a different device, you can view and
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
use the SIM contact information on the new device. Unlike
regular contact cards, you can store only 1 phone num ber
for each SIM contact.
To create a new SIM contact:
1 On the Home screen, select Contacts and then Menu.
2 Select New SIM Contact.
3 Enter the contact's name and phone number.
4 Select Done.
The new contact appears in your contact list. A SIM icon
appears to the right of the name, indicating that the contact
is stored on your SIM card.
Using contact card menu options
Using the contact card menu options, you can quickly ap ply
a speed dial to the contact, beam the contact card to another
mobile device or a desktop PC using infrared, etc.
To view contact card menu options: On the Home screen,
se lect Con tacts and then Menu.
The following table lists the contact card menu options and
their functions.
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
6.2 Using Calendar
Calendar is the scheduling program on your Smartphone,
where you can create and view appointments and view your
calendar by day, week, or month. When you create and edit
appointments in Calendar, your changes are re ect ed in
Outlook on your desktop computer when you synchronize.
1 To open Calendar: On the Home screen, se lect Start
and then Calendar.
2 To create a new appointment:
a. On the Home screen, select the Start soft key.
b. Select Calendar.
c. Select Menu and then New.
d. Enter information about the appointment.
e. In Reminder, scroll to the amount of time before the
Menu Options Function
Add Speed Dial Enables you to create a shortcut to a phone
number, e-mail address, or Web URL by
assigning one or two numbers as a speed
Add Voice Tag Enables you to create a shortcut to a
phone number, e-mail addres, or Web
URL by assigning one or two numbers as
a recording.
Set as Default Makes the selected phone number or e-mail
address the default communication methode
for the contact.
Beam Contact Sends the contact card to another mobile
device or a desktop PC using infrared.
Delete Removes the contact card from the Contacts
Edit Enables you to modify information in the
contact card.
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
ap point ment that you want to be reminded. If you don't
want to be reminded, select None.
When you create a new appointment on your Smartphone,
you can synchronize Calendar with your desktop com put er
or Exchange Server to keep your schedule in for ma tion up-
to-date in all locations.
The default reminder time is 15 minutes prior to an
appointment. You can change this by selecting Menu
and then Options from within Calendar.
3 To edit an appointment:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select Calendar.
c. Select the appointment, press the Action button and
then select Edit.
d. If the appointment is recurring, select Yes to edit
only the current occurrence, or select No to edit the
e. Make your changes and select Done.
4 To delete an appointment:
a. On the Home screen, select Start and then
b. Scroll to the appointment to delete.
c. Select Menu and then Delete.
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
d. If the appointment is recurring, select Yes to delete
only the current occurrence, or select No to delete the
Viewing your schedule
You can view your schedule in three different views: Agen da,
Week, and Month.
1 Agenda view: Agenda view is the default view for
calendar information. This view displays meetings and
appointments scheduled for the current day. Appointments
are shown in chronological order according to start time.
All-day appointments are shown as a single line at the top
of the Agenda view.
a. To view today's agenda: You may select your
upcoming appointments on the Home screen, or
you may select Menu from Week or Month view in
Calendar, and then Go to Today.
To view previous or approaching dates, scroll left or right.
b. To view your agenda for a speci c date: On the
Home screen, select Start. Select Calendar. Select
Menu and then Go to Date. Enter the date to view and
select Done.
2 Week view: Week view shows your schedule a week at a
time. Week view gives you a quick indication of your free
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
and busy time, and allows you to create an appointment
at a selected time easily.
By default, Week view displays the hours from 9:00 A.M.
to 5:00 P.M. in one-hour increments on the left side of
the screen. You can scroll up or down to show the hours
before or after those displayed.
To view appointments for the week: On the Home
screen, select Start. Select Calendar. Select Menu and
then Week View.
3 Month view: Month view provides an overview of your
schedule one month at a time. Arrows pointing upward
represent morning appointments, and arrows pointing
downward represent afternoon appointments. If you
have both morning and afternoon appointments on the
same day, the arrows form a colored box. All-day events
are indicated by an empty box. If you have morning and
afternoon appointments and an all-day event on the same
day, an empty box surrounds a colored box.
To view appointments for the week: On the Home
screen, select Start. Select Calendar. Select Menu and
then Month View.
Customizing the calendar view
You can change viewing options for Cal en dar, such as
specifying the rst day of the week and the number of days
per week to display, as well as showing and hiding week
1 On the Home screen, select Start.
2 Select Calendar.
3 Select Menu and then Options.
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
6.3 Using Tasks
A task is a personal or work-related project, assignment, or
errand to track through completion. A task can occur once,
or it can recur. A recurring task can repeat at regular intervals
or repeat based on the date you mark the task complete. For
example, you might want to pay a bill on the last Friday of
every month, or get a haircut when one month has passed
since your last haircut.
The task list
The task list is your "things to do" list. When you create or
edit tasks with Outlook on your desktop computer and then
synchronize with your Smartphone, additional task in for -
ma tion may display.
A task that has been marked as high priority is preceded by
an exclamation mark, and one marked as low priority by a
down arrow. On color devices, over due tasks are dis played
bold and red.
If you synchronize tasks with your desktop computer,
com plet ed tasks are removed from your Smartphone
during synchronization. They are then displayed in gray
with a strikethrough on your desktop computer.
4 Scroll to select the options you want and select Done.
Importing calendar information
You can import calendar information from another cal en dar
program that uses the iCal or vCal format. You can import
cal en dar information from attachments in e-mail messages,
SMS messages, and links in Microsoft(R) Pock et Internet
Explorer, or by beaming. When you import in for ma tion and
then synchronize, the information is added to Out look on
your desktop com put er.
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
1 To create a new task: On the Home screen, se lect Start,
More and then Calendar. Enter the task and press the
Action key.
2 To mark a task as Complete: On the Home screen,
se lect Start, More and then Calendar. Scroll to the task
and select Complete.
3 To change a completed task to incomplete: On the
Home screen, se lect Start, More and then Calendar.
Scroll to the task and select Activate.
4 To delete a task from the task list: On the Home screen,
se lect Start, More and then Calendar. Scroll to the task
and select Delete.
Using voice notes
You can use Voice Notes to work with short voice re cord ings,
or voice notes. Voice notes are included in the All Notes list
and are named consecutively (Recording 1, Re cord ing 2,
and so on).
1 To create a voice note:
a. Hold the Smartphone microphone near your mouth.
b. Press the Record button, select the Record soft key,
and speak your voice note.
c. Select Stop to stop recording a voice note. The voice
note is recorded and appears in the All Notes list of
Voice Notes.
To listen to a recording, select it in the All Notes list, select
Menu, and then select Play.
2 To rename a voice note:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select More and then Voice Notes.
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
c. Scroll to the voice note to rename.
d. Select Menu and then Rename.
e. In Name, enter a new name.
f. Select Done.
3 To delete a voice note:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select More and then Voice Notes.
c. Scroll to the voice note to delete.
d. Select Menu and then Delete.
e. Select Yes.
If you delete a voice note that has a default name, such
as Voice Note 1, this name becomes available for a new
voice note that you create. For example, if you have three
voice notes, named Voice Note 1, Voice Note 2, and Voice
Note 3, and you delete Voice Note 1, the next voice note
you create will be named Voice Note 1.
Beaming information
You can use the Bluetooth or infrared port on your Smart-
phone to send and receive (beam) calendar ap point ments
and con tact cards between your Smartphone and another
mobile de vice or a desktop computer that has Bluetooth or
an in fra red port and supports vCards and vCal. Alternatively.
However, you can not beam SIM con tacts.
1 To beam a contact:
a. On the Home screen, select Contacts.
b. Select the contact to beam.
c. Select Menu and then Beam Contact.
d. Scroll to the device to which you want to beam.
e. To beam by infrared, make sure that the infrared
ports are unobstructed and within close range of each
f. To beam by using Bluetooth, make sure that both
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
Bluetooth radios are turned on and that Bluetooth is
discoverable on the receiving device.
g. Select Beam.
Status information will then be displayed, indicating the
name of the de vice to which the Smartphone is beaming,
and wheth er the beaming process is pending, nished, or
has failed.
2 To beam an appointment:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select Calendar.
c. Select the appointment to beam.
d. Select Menu and then Beam Appointment.
e. Scroll to the device you want to beam to.
f. To beam by infrared, make sure that the infrared
ports are unobstructed and within close range of each
g. To beam by using Bluetooth, make sure that both
Bluetooth radios are turned on and that Bluetooth is
discoverable on the receiving device.
h. Select Beam.
Status information displays, indicating the name of the
de vice to which the Smartphone is beaming, and whether
the beaming process is pending, nished, or has failed.
3 To receive beamed information:
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select Settings and then Beam.
c. Select Receive incoming beams.
d. To receive by infrared, align the infrared ports so that
they are unobstructed and within close range of each
e. To receive by using Bluetooth, make sure your
Bluetooth radio is turned on and in discoverable
f. Select Yes to receive the information.
Once you select Receive incoming beams, your device
automatically receives beams until you clear this check
Your Smartphone can receive beamed les of any type,
but you may need to copy some les to your desktop
computer for viewing.
3.6 Photo Contacts
Photo Contacts makes using your Pocket PC more fun
and practical than ever before. It allows you to assign still
or animated photos to the entries in your Contacts. Then
when a person calls you (for whom you have previously
assigned a photo ID in Contacts), that photo ID will appear
on your Pocket PC’s incoming call screen. Use the rich set
of features to get the photos displayed with the size, position,
and animated ID template you want.
To activate Photo Contacts:
Press Start, More, then Photo Contacts.
Photo Contacts do not run automatically when you turn
on your phone. You must turn them on.
To Check if Photo Contacts are loaded:
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
After you open Photo Contacts they will start to load.
If you see in the top toolbar, it indicates photo
contacts are loaded. indicates that they are not
loaded yet and therefore an incoming call will not show
the picture.
To create a new photo contact:
1. Press Start, More, then Photo Contacts.
2. Select a contact from the list, or create a new one by
pressing Menu then New.
Contacts here fully mirror those in Microsoft Contacts.
3. Press Assign Photo.
4. Select a picture le, then press Next (to look in different
folder for a picture press Menu then Change Folder)
and Done.
To customize and adjust settings for a contact:
Select a picture, press Next - as described above - then
press Menu. In this Menu you can:
a. Change the assigned template by pressing Next
Template or Previous Template.
b. Change to photo only - no template - by pressing
Display Settings, then Use photo only.
A few sample Photo Contacts templates (animated
graphical templates that can frame your assigned photos)
are included in your Smartphone’s local storage in the \My
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
Documents\Templates folder. For more templates go to
IA Style website
c. Choose how you want the photo to t to the window.
d. Enlarge the photo if it is smaller than the window.
e. If you disable the template option, then you can choose
a size and position for the picture by pressing Change
f. If you choose Photo only, then you can decide its size
by pressing Display Settings, Size, then choosing a
pixel size from the list.
g. Choose to assign a different photo.
To assign a photo from the camera:
1. Press Start, More, then Photo Contacts.
2. Select a contact from the list, or create a new one.
3. Press Assign Photo, Menu then New from Camera.
4. After you take the picture, customize if necessary, then
press Done.
To unassign a photo:
1. Press Start, More, then Photo Contacts.
2. Select a contact from the list, and open it.
3. Press Menu, then Unassign Photo.
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
To lter photos:
1. Press Start, More, then Photo Contacts.
2. Press Menu, Filter, then select from No Filter,
Contacts only, SIM only and Group.
To change from Landscape to Portrait:
1. Press Start, More, then Photo Contacts.
2. Select a contact from the list, and press Assign
3. Press Menu, then select to display thumbnails as
Landscape or Portrait.
Managing your groups
You can create a new group, rename, delete, and assign
and unassign members and photos to a group
To assign a contact to a group:
1. Press Start, More, then Photo Contacts.
2. Press Menu, then Manage Group.
3. Select a group from the list, or press Menu to create
a new group.
4. Press Menu again to Assign Members, Rename,
Delete or Assign Photo.
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
Set Default Photos
The Set Default Photos screen lets you assign, unassign,
and preview default Photo IDs to appear for these three
Unknown photo This photo will display whenever the phone
number of the incoming call is not known to
Caller ID because no phone number was
“passed in” to your Pocket PC. This would
occur if the person calling you has blocked
their phone number from being displayed to the
receiver, or has not enabled the broadcast of
their Caller ID.
Not-found photo This option in the Set Default Photos screen lets
you assign a generic Photo ID to any incoming
call from a person whose number is not found
in your Contacts. That is, the phone number of
the incoming call is known, but has no matching
entry in your Contacts.
Default photo This photo will display when the incoming call
is found to be from a matching entry in your
Contacts database, but so far there is no
individually-assigned Photo ID for either that
individual Contact entry, or for the Group it
belongs to.
To set Default Photos:
1. Press Menu, Options then Set Default Photos.
2. Select Unknown photo, Not-found photo or Default
Smartphone User Manual
6. Contacts
& Calendar
3. Select a picture, then assign settings.
Chapter 7
7.1 Understanding ActiveSync
7.2 Synchronizing with a desktop
7.3 Synchronizing with a server
7.4 Other synchronization in for -
ma tion
Smartphone User Manual
7.1 Understanding ActiveSync
ActiveSync synchronizes information stored on your Smart-
phone with Microsoft Outlook information on your desktop
computer or Microsoft Exchange Server. It also allows
you to share les between your phone and your desk top
When you synchronize, ActiveSync compares the in for -
ma tion on your device with the information on your desk top
computer and/or Exchange Server and updates all lo ca tions
with the most recent information.
With ActiveSync, you can:
Synchronize Inbox, Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks in for -
ma tion on your phone with your desktop com put er.
Synchronize Inbox, Contacts, and Calendar on your phone
with the Outlook information on a server run ning Microsoft
Exchange Server so that you have the lat est information,
even when your desktop computer is turned off.
Copy (rather than synchronize) les between your phone
and your desktop computer.
Synchronize on a schedule to control when syn chro -
ni za tion occurs.
Select which types of information are syn chro nized and
specify how much information is syn chro nized. For ex am ple,
you can choose how many weeks of past ap point ments to
Using Server ActiveSync, you can synchronize information
directly with a Microsoft Exchange Server if your company
is running Microsoft Mobile Information Server.
Smartphone User Manual
7.2 Synchronizing with a
desktop computer
Installing ActiveSync
Before you can synchronize information with a desktop
computer, you must rst install ActiveSync on your desk top
computer and create a partnership between your Smart-
phone and your desktop computer.
You can install ActiveSync on the desktop computer from the
Smartphone Companion CD. ActiveSync is already in stalled
on your Smartphone.
Creating a partnership
As soon as ActiveSync installation completes, the New Part-
nership wizard helps you set up a partnership be tween your
Smartphone and your desktop computer.
When you nish using the wizard, the rst syn chro ni za tion
begins automatically. When synchronization com pletes, you
will notice that the information from your desktop com put er
that you selected now appears on your Smartphone.
Before you begin setting up ActiveSync, you should get the
information you will need and connect the device to your
computer by a serial, USB, or infrared connection.
Smartphone User Manual
To prevent synchronization problems, select Synchronize
with Microsoft Mobile Information Server and/or this
desktop computer in the New Partnership wizard only if
you are certain that your company is running Microsoft
Mobile Information Server 2002 or later and you know
the server name. Otherwise, select Synchronize with
this desktop computer. For more information, contact
your network administrator or service provider.
Starting and stopping synchronization
The rst syn chro ni za tion begins automatically after you nish
using the New Partnership wizard. From then on, you may
start and stop the synchronization in the fol low ing way:
1 On the Home screen, select Start and then
2 To start synchronization, select Sync.
3 To stop synchronizing, select Stop.
Deciding which information to
By default, ActiveSync does not automatically syn chro nize
all types of Outlook information. You can use ActiveSync
options to turn synchronization for speci c information types
on and off:
1 On your desktop computer, open the Microsoft
ActiveSync program. Click on Options.
2 By default, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Inbox are
synchronized. Clear the check box for the item you do not
want to synchronize.
Smartphone User Manual
3 To adjust the settings for a particular type of information,
click on the type and then select Settings. For example,
you may select which folders in Inbox to synchronize.
7.3 Synchronizing with a server
You can use the New Partnership wizard when you are rst
setting up a partnership with a desktop computer to syn-
chronize with an Exchange server. In the New Part ner ship
wizard, select Synchronize with Microsoft Mobile Infor-
mation Server and/or this desktop com put er, instead of
Synchronize with this desktop com put er.
If at some later time you want to synchronize with a server
when the device is connected to the desktop computer,
you must then configure ActiveSync on the desktop
computer as described in "Synchronize with a server" in
ActiveSync Help on the desktop computer.
Smartphone User Manual
1 To configure an Exchange Server connection:
a. If the device is connected to your desktop computer,
disconnect it. On the Smartphone Home screen, select
b. Select ActiveSync.
c. Select Menu and then Options.
d. Select Server Settings.
e. Select Connection.
f. In User name, enter your Microsoft Exchange user
g. In Password, enter your Microsoft Exchange
pass word.
h. In Domain, enter the name of the domain of your
Ex change server (if required).
i. If you want the device to save your password so that
you need not enter it when connecting, select Save
j. If con guring a Server Name, enter name of your
Exchange server.
k. Select Done.
2 To change Exchange server synchronization
a. Before you change synchronization settings,
disconnect the device from your desktop computer.
On the Smartphone Home screen, select Start.
b. Select ActiveSync.
c. Select Menu and then Options.
d. Select Server Settings.
e. Select the synchronization settings to edit: Calendar,
Contacts, or Inbox.
To start synchronizing Calendar, Contacts, or Inbox
information, select Sync [Information Type] with a
server on the appropriate synchronization settings
To stop synchronizing Calendar, Contacts, or Inbox
in for ma tion, clear the Sync [Information Type] with a
server check box on the appropriate synchronization
settings page.
Smartphone User Manual
Change the amount of information to be
syn chro nized.
Creating a synchronization schedule
You can create a schedule for automatically syn chro niz ing
information on your Smartphone with your desktop computer
or with Microsoft Exchange Server. To set up a synchroni-
zation schedule with your desktop computer, you must use
ActiveSync on the desktop computer. For in struc tions, see
Change desktop synchronization sched ule in ActiveSync
Help on the desktop computer.
To set up a synchronization schedule with Exchange serv er,
you must use ActiveSync on your Smartphone. You can
schedule synchronization of your device on two separate
Peak times schedule: To syn chro nize during work ing hours
or other times you ex pe ri ence higher mail vol umes.
Off-peak schedule: To synchronize during times when you
experience lower mail volumes. When you are roam ing, you
can synchronize manually to reduce roaming charg es, or
you can syn chro nize using the mobile sched ules.
1 To edit schedule settings, your Smartphone must be
disconnected from your desktop computer. On the
Smartphone Home screen, select Start.
2 Select ActiveSync.
3 Select Menu and then Options.
4 Select Mobile Schedule.
a. Select how often to synchronize in the Peak time sync
b. Select how often to synchronize in the Off-peak time
sync list.
c. Select whether or not to synchronize on a schedule in
the Roaming sync list.
d. Select Sync outgoing items as they are sent to
syn chro nize every time you send e-mail.
5 Select Done.
Smartphone User Manual
If you create a schedule for synchronizing while con nect ed
to a desktop computer as well as a schedule for syn chro -
niz ing remotely (wirelessly), the Smartphone syn chro niz es
according to both schedules.
Synchronizing Automatically
With ActiveSync you can schedule automatic syn chro ni z-
a tion between your device and a server every time an item
arrives or is changed at the server. Your device is informed
of that event and synchronizes automatically to retrieve those
items, making your device always up-to-date. You must syn-
chronize your device at least once (such as after creating a
partnership) before you can see and change the settings for
synchronization as items ar rive.
You can synchronize as items arrive only if your company
or service provider is running Microsoft Exchange Server
with Exchange ActiveSync.
To set up a schedule to synchronize automatically:
1 On the Smartphone Home screen, select Start.
2 Select ActiveSync.
3 Select Menu and then Options.
4 Select Mobile Schedule.
5 Set Peak time sync and/or Off-peak time sync to As
items arrive.
6 Select Done.
To set up the device address:
1 To edit settings on the Smartphone, dis con nect it from
your desktop computer. On the Smartphone Home
screen, select Start.
Smartphone User Manual
2 Select ActiveSync.
3 Select Menu and then Options.
4 Select Server Settings.
a. Select Connection.
b. Scroll to Address device using.
c. Select the way you want your device to be noti ed
when items arrive.
d. If you select SMTP Address (direct ad dress ing), scroll
to Device SMS Address and enter the address that
identi es your device on the network. This is the same
address that other Internet users use to send SMS
mes sag es to your device.
e. If you select Service Provider (a pre-defined
ad dress ing pro le), scroll to Service Provider Name,
and enter your device phone number, if necessary, in
Device Phone Num ber.
5 Select Done twice.
Smartphone User Manual
7.4 Other synchronization
Remote synchronization
Remote synchronization is when your device is syn chro niz ing
over a wireless connection instead of using a direct local con-
nection to a desktop computer. Synchronizing re mote ly with
your desktop computer may depend on your network con gu-
ration. For example, you may need to set up a virtual private
network (VPN) connection to your net work.
To synchronize remotely you need to set up a connection
rst. For information about setting up a connection, see 3.3
Data Connections.Then con gure your phone as de scribed
in the following procedure:
1 On the Home screen, select Start.
2 Select ActiveSync.
3 Select Menu and then Options.
4 Select PC Settings.
5 In Use, scroll to the computer name.
6 Select or clear Use mobile schedule to sync with this
7 Select or clear Sync with this PC during manual
8 Select Done.
To synchronize remotely with a desktop com put er, the
desk top computer must be turned on.
Smartphone User Manual
Synchronizing Inbox
When you select Inbox for synchronization in ActiveSync,
e-mail messages are synchronized as part of the general
synchronization process. During synchronization, the fol-
low ing events occur:
1 Messages are copied from the Outlook Inbox folder on your
desktop computer, or from Microsoft Ex change Serv er, to
the Inbox folder on your Smartphone.
2 By default, when synchronizing Inbox in for ma tion with
your desktop computer or Microsoft Exchange Server,
you receive only messages from the last 3 days and the
rst 500 bytes of each new message.
3 The messages on your Smartphone and on your desktop
computer are linked. When you delete a mes sage on your
Smartphone, it is deleted from your desktop computer the
next time you synchronize, and vice versa.
4 Messages in subfolders of other Outlook e-mail folders
are synchronized only if the folders have been selected
for synchronization in Inbox on your Smartphone.
SMS messages are not received in Inbox through
syn chro ni za tion. Instead, they are sent to your
Smartphone by way of your service provider.
Synchronizing Calendar
When you select Calendar for synchronization in Active-
Sync, by default Cal en dar items from the last 2 weeks are
syn chro nized.
Calendar items created on your Smartphone are copied to your
desktop computer and/or server during syn chro ni za tion, and
vice versa. Similarly, Calendar items that are de let ed from your
Smartphone are deleted from your desktop com put er and/or
server during synchronization, and vice versa.
Smartphone User Manual
Synchronizing Contacts
When you select Contacts for synchronization in ActiveSync,
by default all of your con tacts are syn chro nized.
Contacts created on your Smartphone are copied to your
desktop computer and/or server during synchronization, and
vice versa. Similarly, contacts that are deleted from your
Smartphone are deleted from your desktop computer and/or
server during synchronization, and vice versa.
Synchronizing Tasks
Task syn chro ni za tion is automatically selected in ActiveSync.
By default, all of your incomplete tasks are synchronized.
Tasks created on your Smartphone are copied to your
desktop computer during synchronization, and vice versa.
Similarly, tasks that are deleted from your Smartphone are
deleted from your desktop computer during syn chro ni za tion,
and vice versa.
Tasks can be synchronized only with your desktop
com put er; they cannot be synchronized with a server
running Microsoft Exchange Server.
ActiveSync error messages
If your information cannot be successfully synchronized,
you will see an error message on your Smartphone. To
view more in for ma tion about the error, scroll to it and press
the Action key.
Some errors interfere with automatic syn chro ni za tion. If you
suspect that a scheduled synchronization has not occurred,
you should attempt to manually syn chro nize your informa-
tion. Successfully completing man u al syn chro ni za tion re-
sets automatic synchronization. For more in for ma tion, see
"Synchronizing Information" in ActiveSync Help on your
desktop computer.
Chapter 8
entertainment and
8.1 Internet Explorer
8.2 Media Player
8.3 Calculator
8.4 Modem link
8.5 Games
Smartphone User Manual
8. Internet
and fun
8.1 Internet Explorer
Using Pocket Internet Explorer (IE), you can browse the Web
on your Smartphone. Pocket IE supports HTML (Hypertext
Markup Lan guage), cHTML (com pact Hypertext Markup
Language), and WAP (Wireless Application Pro to col). It also
supports JScript, ActiveX con trols, and CSS (cascading style
sheets). The browser supports images and sounds, but it does
not sup port frames on a Web page.
Navigating in Pocket IE
1 To open Internet Explorer: On the Home screen, select
Start and then Internet Explorer.
2 To disconnect from the Internet: Press the End key.
3 To View a favorite:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select Internet Explorer.
c. If the Favorites list does not appear, select
d. Scroll to a favorite and select Go.
4 To go to a link: Select the link. (Scroll vertically or
horizontally to see all avail able links.)
Smartphone User Manual
8. Internet
and fun
5 To go to a Web page:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select Internet Explorer.
c. Select Menu and then Address Bar.
d. Enter the Web address and select Go.
6 To return to a Web page you visited in the same
session: On a Web page, press the Back key re peat ed ly
until the page appears.
7 To view a list of recently-visited Web pages:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select Internet Explorer.
c. Select Menu and then Address Bar.
d. Select View History.
e. To go to a Web page on the History list, scroll to the
Web page address and select Go.
While you are connected to the Internet, you can change
between Pocket Internet Explorer and other programs
on your Smartphone by pressing the Home key and
nav i gat ing to the program you want. This does not close
your Internet connection. To return to the Web page you
were viewing, press the Back key.
Smartphone User Manual
8. Internet
and fun
Using the Favorites list
If you see a Web page you want to visit another time, mark it as
a favorite. The next time you want to visit that Web page, you can
select it from your Favorites list.
1 To add a Web page to the Favorites list:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select Internet Explorer.
c. Select Menu and then Add Favorite.
d. In Name, enter a name for the Web site.
e. In Address, enter the Web page address.
f. In Folder, scroll to select a folder for this favorite.
g. Select Add.
2 To edit a favorite:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select Internet Explorer and then Favorites.
c. Scroll to the favorite to edit.
d. Select Menu and then Edit.
e. Make your changes and select Done.
3 To delete a favorite:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select Internet Explorer and then Favorites.
Smartphone User Manual
8. Internet
and fun
c. Scroll to the favorite to delete.
d. Select Menu and then Delete.
4 To create a new folder in Favorites:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select Internet Explorer and then Favorites.
c. Select Menu and then Add Folder.
d. In Name, enter a name for the folder.
e. Select Add.
Refreshing Web pages
The Smartphone caches the Web pages that you view and
stores them until the cache is full. It then replaces the oldest
pages with new pages. If you go to a page that is cached
on your Smartphone, you see the stored version unless you
refresh the page to see the latest version.
1 On the Home screen, select Start.
2 Select Internet Explorer.
3 If you want to refresh a page other than the one
displayed, in your Favorites or History list, scroll to
the Web page and select Go.
4 Select Menu and then Refresh.
Customizing Pocket Internet Explorer
You can customize Web browsing options, change the net-
work to connect to, and make more memory available on your
Smartphone by clearing stored cookies and Web pag es.
1 On the Home screen, select Start.
2 Select Internet Explorer.
3 Select Menu and then Options.
Smartphone User Manual
8. Internet
and fun
4 Select General.
5 Select the options you want, as described in the following
table, and select Done.
IE options Functions
General Enables you to change the way Web
pages are downloaded and displayed.
For example, you can choose to omit
displaying images, turn off sound, t
the Web page to the screen, request a
warning before viewing unsecure Web
pages, allow cookies, or change the
Connections Enables you to change the network to
connect to. For example, change from
"The Internet" to "Work".
Memory Enables you to clear temporary Internet
les cookies, and your Web history.
Smartphone User Manual
8. Internet
and fun
Disconnecting from the Internet
To stop downloading something:
a. On the Home screen, press and hold Home until the
quick menu appears.
b. Select Disconnect GPRs, then press Select.
c. To reconnect press Connect GPRS, then Select.
8.2 Media Player
Using Windows Media Player 7.0 or later, you can play
Win dows Media audio and video les and MP3 audio les
on your Smartphone. You can also copy digital music and
video directly from your desktop computer to your Smart-
phone by using either Windows Media Player or Microsoft
For more information about copying les by using Win dows
Media Player, see Media Player Help on your desktop com-
put er. For more information about copying les by us ing Ac-
tiveSync, see ActiveSync Help on your desktop computer.
Playing les
1 To select and play a file:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select More and then Windows Media.
Smartphone User Manual
8. Internet
and fun
c. Scroll to the le to play and select Play.
2 To start and stop playing a file: Press the Action key.
3 To adjust the volume of a playing file: Use the Volume
control to increase or decrease the volume while a le is
4 To configure playback settings:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select More and then Windows Media.
c. Select Menu and then Settings.
d. In Volume, scroll to select the default volume: 0 is silent
and 10 is maximum volume.
e. To repeat les as soon as they nish playing, select
f. To randomly shuf e the les that play, select Shuffle.
g. To play files while using another program, select
Background play.
h. Select Done.
Smartphone User Manual
8. Internet
and fun
5 To skip to the beginning of the current file: Press the
left direction key.
6 To skip to the beginning of the previous file in the Local
Content list: Press the left direction key twice quickly.
7 To skip to the next file in the Local Content list: Press
the right direction key.
8 To play a streaming media file on a network:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select More and then Windows Media.
c. Select Menu and then Open URL.
d. Enter the Web page address and select Play.
9 To play files randomly:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select More and then Windows Media.
c. Select Menu and then Settings.
d. Select Shuffle and then Done.
10 To play files repeatedly:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select More and then Windows Media.
c. Select Menu and then Settings.
d. Select Repeat and then Done.
Smartphone User Manual
8. Internet
and fun
11 To stop playback when using another program:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select More and then Windows Media.
c. Select Menu and then Settings.
d. Select Background play and then Done.
12 To return to a Web page you visited in the same
session: On a Web page, press the Back key re peat ed ly
until the page appears.
13 To add a streaming media file to Favorites:
a. In Windows Media, select Open URL in Menu.
b. Enter the Web page address. Select Play.
c. Select Menu and then Add to Favorites.
14 To play a Favorite:
a. In Windows Media, select Menu.
b. Select Favorites.
c. Scroll to a le, select Menu and then Play.
15 To delete a Favorite:
a. In Windows Media, select Menu.
b. Select Favorites.
c. Scroll to a le, select Menu and then Delete.
Menu options when playing a le
While a le is playing, select Menu and then you may use the
menu commands as described in the following table.
Smartphone User Manual
8. Internet
and fun
Options Functions
Play/Stop To play or stop playback of the current
Next To skip to the next le or the current
play list. This command is not
available if the last le is the current
Memory To skip to the beginning of the current
le on the current play list. If no le
is playing, this command skips to the
previous le on the current play list.
Open URL To play a streaming media file on
a network (for example, content
streamed from an Internet radio
Properties To display information about the le
that is playing
Settings To display the Setting screen, from
which you can adjust the volume and
specify various playback options.
Add to Favorites To add a file that is playing to
Smartphone User Manual
8. Internet
and fun
Supported le formats
Media Player supports the following le formats.
Supported audio and video codecs
Media Player can play les that have been compressed by
using any of the following audio and video codecs.
1 Audio codecs:
a. Microsoft Windows Media Audio codec ver sion 2.0,
7.0, and 8.0
b. Fraunhofer IIS-A MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3 codec
2 Video codecs:
a. Microsoft Windows Media Video codec ver sion 7.0 and
b. Microsoft MPEG-4 video codec version 3.0
c. ISO MPEG-4 video codec version 1.0
Understanding licenses
Some digital media content from the Internet, CD tracks,
and videos have associated licenses that protect them from
being unlawfully distributed or shared.
To ensure that the license is copied with the content, use
the Portable Device (or Copy to CD or Device) feature in
Windows Media Player 7.0 or later on your desk top com put er
to copy content to your Smartphone.
For more information about copying content to your
Smartphone and other portable devices, see the Windows
Media Player Help on your desktop computer.
Format File name extensions
.asf, .asx, .wax, .wm, .wma, .wmv,
.wmx, .wvx
Moving Picture .mp3
Experts Group
Smartphone User Manual
8. Internet
and fun
8.3 Calculator
Calculator performs basic arithmetic, such as addition,
sub trac tion, multiplication, and division.
1 To perform a calculation:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select More and then Accessories.
c. Select Calculator.
d. Enter the rst number of the formula by using the
key pad.
e. Select Options and then the type of calculation to
per form: Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, or Decimal
f. Enter the second number of the formula.
g. Select Options and then Equals.
2 To scroll through the available mathematical symbols:
Press the # key.
3 To enter a decimal point: Press the * key.
4 To display the available mathematical symbols: Use
the navigation stick. Press up for the plus sign (+), down
for the minus sign (-), left for the division sign (/), and right
for the mul ti pli ca tion sign (X).
5 Clear a displayed number or calculation: Select
6 Clear the last digit entered: Press the Back key.
8.4 Modem link
Using Modem Link, you can use your Smartphone as an
external modem for another device or computer by using a
serial port, infrared, bluetooth or USB connection
Smartphone User Manual
8. Internet
and fun
1 To set up an infrared or USB modem connection:
a. Ensure that your Smartphone is not connected to
an oth er device.
b. On the Home screen, select Start.
c. Select More and then Accessories.
d. Select Modem Link.
e. In Connection, select USB or IrCOMM.
f. Select Menu and then Activate.
2 To set up a serial port modem connection:
a. Ensure that your Smartphone is not connected to
an oth er device.
b. On the Home screen, select Start.
c. Select More and then Accessories.
d. Select Modem Link.
e. In Connection, select Serial (COM1).
f. Select Menu and then Activate.
The default baud rate is set for 115,200. Do not change
this default unless the port speed of the Smartphone or
com put er requires you to do so.
3 To activate the modem link:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select More and then Accessories.
c. Select Modem Link.
d. Select Menu and then Activate.
4 To deactivate the modem link:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select More and then Accessories.
c. Select Modem Link.
d. Select Menu and then Deactivate.
Failing to deactivate the modem link when you are nished
using it might result in problems with using ActiveSync in
the same session.
Smartphone User Manual
8. Internet
and fun
8.5 Games
The object of Jawbreaker is to clear out all the balls. The
rule is that you may only clear out adjacent same-colored
balls. The score depends on the number of the balls you
clear out at every move.
Score equation: S = B * (B-1)
S: Score per move
B: Number of balls you clear out
For example, you score 30 points for clearing out 6 balls
at one move.
1 To start a game of Jawbreaker:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select More, select Games, and then select
2 To start a new game: In Jawbreaker, select the New soft
3 To score: Navigate to the ball you want to clear and press
the navigation stick.
Smartphone User Manual
8. Internet
and fun
The object of Solitaire is to use all the cards in the deck to
build up the four suit stacks in ascending order, beginning
with the aces. You win the game when all cards are on the
suit stacks.
1 To start a game of Solitaire:
a. On the Home screen, select Start.
b. Select More, select Games, and then select
2 To start a new game: In Solitaire, select the Menu soft
key and then select New Game.
3 To move cards: A number or character is displayed above
each card stack. On the keypad, press the number or
character of the card to move, and then press the number
or char ac ter of the stack to which you want to move the
Pressing the up direction key moves a card to one of
the four stacks in the upper right corner of the screen if
it belongs there. For example, if an ace appears in one
of the lower stacks, press the number above it, and then
press the Up direction key.
4 To play Solitaire:
a. Move any aces on the seven stacks to the four card
spaces at the top of the screen, and then make any
other available plays.
b. When you have made all available plays, press the
Draw soft key to turn over cards.
The card that is face up on the deck is always available
for play.
Regulatory Notices
Speci cations
Smartphone User Manual
Regulatory Notices
Agency Identi cation Numbers
For regulatory identification purposes your product is
assigned a model number SV10A.
The following accessories have been evaluated for use with
your device. Their assigned model numbers listed below can
identify these approved accessories. To ensure continued
reliable and safe operation of your Smartphone, use only
the accessories listed below with your SV10A.
This product is intended to be used with certi ed class 2,
limited power source, rated 5 V dc, minimum 1A power
supply unit.
European Union Notice
Products with CE marking comply with the R&TTE Directive
(99/5/EC), the EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) and the Low
Voltage Directive (73/23/EEC) issued by the Commission
of the European Community.
Compliance with these directives implies conformity to the
following European Norms (in brackets are the equivalent
international standards):
EN 60950 (IEC 60950) - Safety of Information Technology
ETSI EN 301 489-7 - Electromagnetic compatibility
and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) for radio equipment and services;
Paer 7: Specific conditions for mobile and portable
radio and ancillary equipment of digital cellular radio
Smartphone User Manual
telecommunications systems (GSM and DCS)
ETSI EN 301 511 – Global System for Mobile
communications (GSM); Harmonized standard for mobile
stations in the GSM 900 and DCS 1800 bands covering
essential requirements under article 3.2 of the R&TTE
directive (1999/5/EC)
ANSI/IEEE C.95.1-1992- speci c absorption rate in mobile
phone emission condition for body health
FCC part 15 - Radio Frequency Devices and part 24
– Personal Communications Services
EN 50360 - 2001– Product standard to demonstrate the
compliance of mobile phones with the basic restrictions
related to human exposure to electromagnetic elds (300
MHz – 3 GHz)
SAR: 0.779mW/1g
ETSI EN 301 489-1 Electromagnetic compatibility
and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and
services; Part 1: Common technical requirements
ETSI EN 301 489-17 Electromagnetic compatibility
and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic
Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and
services; Part 17: Speci c conditions for 2.4 GHz wideband
transmission systems and 5 GHz high performance RLAN
ETSI EN 300 328 Electromagnetic compatibility and
Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Wideband Transmission
systems; data transmission equipment operating in the
2.4 GHz ISM band and using spread spectrum modulation
Smartphone User Manual
Federal Communications Commission
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15
of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses,
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in
a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
harmful interference to radio or TV reception, which can
be determined by turning the equipment on and off, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one
or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
circuit different from that to which the receiver is
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio or
television technician for help.
Modi cations
The FCC requires the user to be noti ed that any changes
or modi cations made to the device that are not expressly
approved by High Tech Computer Corporation may void the
Reference authority to operate the equipment.
Smartphone User Manual
Important Safety Information
Retain and follow all product safety and operating
instructions. Observe all warnings on the product and in
the operating instructions.
To reduce the risk of bodily injury, electric shock, fire,
and damage to the equipment observe the following
Safety Precautions for RF Exposure
Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating
positions speci ed by the FCC with the phone transmitting at
its highest certi ed power level in all tested frequency bands.
Although the SAR is determined at the highest certi ed power
level, the actual SAR level of the phone while operation can
be well below the maximum value. This is because the phone
is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use
only the power required to reach the network. In general,
the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the
lower the power output. Before a phone model is available
for sale to the public, it must be tested and certi ed to the
FCC that it does not exceed the limit established by the
government-adopted requirement for safe exposure. The
tests are performed in positions and locations (e.g., at the
ear and worn on the body) as required by the FCC for each
model. (Body-worn measurements may differ among phone
models, depending upon available accessories and FCC
requirements). While there may be differences between the
SAR levels of various phones and at various positions, they
all meet the government requirement for safe exposure. For
body worn operation, to maintain compliance with FCC RF
exposure guidelines, use only High Tech Computer, Corp.
approved accessories. When carrying the phone while it is
on, use the speci c High Tech Computer, Corp.-supplied
or approved carrying case, holster, or other body-worn
Smartphone User Manual
Use of non-High Tech Computer, Corp.-approved
accessories may violate FCC RF exposure guidelines
and should be avoided.
Heed service markings: Except as explained elsewhere
in the Operating or Service documentation, do not service
any product yourself. Service needed on components inside
these compartments should be done by an authorized
service technicians or provider.
Damage requiring service: Unplug the product from the
electrical outlet and refer servicing to an authorized service
technicians or provider under the following conditions:
Liquid has been spilled or an object has fallen into the
The product has been exposed to rain or water.
The product has been dropped or damaged.
There are noticeable signs of overheating.
The product does not operate normally when you follow the
operating instructions.
Avoid hot areas: The product should be placed away from
heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or
other products (including ampli ers) that produce heat.
Avoid wet areas: Never use the product in a wet
Avoid pushing objects into product: Never push objects
Smartphone User Manual
of any kind into cabinet slots or other openings in the
product. Slots and openings are provided for ventilation.
These openings must not be blocked or covered.
Mounting Accessories: Do not use the product on an
unstable table, cart, stand, tripod, or bracket. Any mounting
of the product should follow the manufacturer’s instructions,
and should use a mounting accessory recommended by
the manufacturer.
Avoid unstable mounting: Do not place the product with
an unstable base.
Use product with approved equipment: This product
should be used only with personal computers and options
identi ed as suitable for use with your equipment.
Adjust the volume: Turn down the volume before using
headphones or other audio devices.
Cleaning: Unplug the product from the wall outlet before
cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners.
Use a damp cloth for cleaning, but NEVER use water to
clean an LCD screen.
Smartphone User Manual
Safety Precautions for Power Supply
Use the correct external power source: A product should
be operated only from the type of power source indicated
on the electrical ratings label. If you are not sure of the
type of power source required, consult your authorized
service provider or local power company. For a product that
operates from battery power or other sources, refer to the
operating instructions that are included with the product.
Handle battery packs carefully: This product contains
a Lithium ion battery. There is a risk of re and burns
if the battery pack is handled improperly. Do not attempt
to open or service the battery pack. Do not disassemble,
crush, puncture, short external contacts or circuits, dispose
of in re or water, or expose a battery pack to temperatures
higher than 60°C (140°F).
Exposure to Radio Frequency (RF)
Your wireless phone is a radio transmitter and receiver. It
is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission
limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by
the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S.
Government. These limits are part of comprehensive
guidelines and establish permitted levels of RF energy
for the general population. The guidelines are based on
the safety standards previously set by both U.S. and
international standards bodies:
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) IEEE.
• National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurement (NCRP). Report 86. 1986
Smartphone User Manual
• International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Protection (ICNIRP) 1996
• Ministry of Health (Canada), Safety Code 6. The standards
include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the
safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.
The exposure standard for wireless mobile phones employs
a unit of measurement known as the Speci c Absorption
Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg *.
*In the U.S. and Canada, the SAR limit for mobile phones used
by the public is 1.6 watts/kg (W/kg) averaged over one gram
of tissue. The standard incorporates a substantial margin of
safety to give additional protection for the public and to account
for any variations in.
Your smartphone contains a lithium-ion battery pack.
There is a risk of re and burns if the battery pack is
handled improperly. Do not disassemble, crush, puncture,
short external contacts, or dispose of in re or water. Do
not attempt to open or service the battery pack. Replace
only with the battery pack designated for this product.
Dispose of batteries properly. Do not dispose with your
regular trash.
Smartphone User Manual
Safety Precautions
SAFETY IN AIRCRAFT: This product can cause
interference to an aircraft's navigation system and
network. In most countries it is against the law to
use this product on board an airplane.
ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY: Do not use this product
in gas stations, fuel stores, chemical plants and
locations containing explosives.
ROAD SAFETY: Vehicle drivers in motion are not
permitted to use handheld telephony services,
except in emergency. In some countries, using
hands-free devices as an alternative is allowed.
cause medical equipment malfunction. In most
hospitals or medical centers use of this product
is forbidden.
Tips When Using
Avoid using the product near metal structures (for
example, the steel frame of a building).
Avoid using the product near strong electromagnetic
sources, such as microwave ovens, sound
speakers, TV and radio.
Avoid using this product after a dramatic change in
Smartphone User Manual
Speci cations
System Information
Processor TI Perseus 1, 132 MHz
Memory - ROM 32MB (Standard)
- RAM 32MB (Standard) SDRAM
Operating System Microsoft
Pocket PC2003 phone
Type Trans ective 2.2 inchTFT-LCD
Resolution 176 x 220 at 64K colors
GSM/GPRS Tri-Band Module
GSM900 880 ~ 915, 925 ~960 MHz
DCS1800 1710 ~ 1785, 1805 ~ 1880 MHz
DCS1900 1850 ~ 1910, 1930 ~ 1990 MHz
Expansion Slots
SD / MMC Slot Supports SD and MMC, Input /
Infrared IrDA SIR
I/O port 22-pin individual port for
signals (for USB, Serial, and power)
Smartphone User Manual
Audio Stereo headphone jack (2.5£r)
Bluetooth Class 2 transmit power
Controls and Lights
Navigation 5-way navigation pad
Buttons 2 Soft keys
2 phone function : Call, End
Volume control button (up, down)
Power on / off
One dialing keypad
Lights Event noti cation
Charge status
GSM/GPRS signals
Bluetooth connection
Microphone/Speaker Built-in microphone and 3-in-1
Headphone MP3 stereo
Power Supply
Battery 1,000mAh (typical) Lithium ion
removable, rechargeable
Smartphone User Manual
Accessibility 41
ActiveSync 38,40
alarm 42
Album 40
alert 41
Ambience 39
area codes 37
Assign Members 89
attachments 61
background 39
backlight 42
battery 44
battery level 43
beam 41,45
Bluetooth 44
bond 45
Calculator 108
Caller ID 36
Call Forwarding 36
Call Waiting 36
Camera 36
Capturing 37
Car 39
Certi cates 41
Cool effects 39
currency formatting 43
Default Photos 89
Detailed view 41
Dial-up 47
display 43
Display Settings 88
e-mail 52
e-mail address 42
font size 41
Games 110
Gamma 39
Grayscale 39
Home screen 39
Hue 39
image capture size 39
Image lename pre x
Inbox 66
Inserting prede ned
text 54
Inserting voice
recordings 54
Installing ActiveSync
Instant messaging 69
Internet Explorer 100
Jawbreaker 110
Landscape 89
language 43
light conditions 40
Loud 38
Manage Group 89
Media Player 104
Meeting 38
meeting requests 62
message list 58
Modem link 108
MSN Messenger 69
Smartphone User Manual
multipress 41
open a message 59
Owner Information 42
password 43
phone lock 43
Photo Contacts 87
picture 37
PIN 45
Portrait 89
Power Management 42
Pro les 38
proxy connection 48
Refreshing Web pages
Regional Settings 43
Remote synchronization
renaming 37
ring tones 36,37
rotating 41
screen background 36
screen resolution 40
Sepia 39
Setting up e-mail 50
SIM lock 43
Slide Show 42
Smartdial 41
SMS 52
Solitaire 110
Sounds 37
schedule 93
Synchronizing Inbox
Template 88
Thumbnails 41
time-out 41
time zone 42
video clip 37
VPN 47
White Balance 39
Zooming 38

Navigation menu