Huawei Technologies ODU3601C-1900 CDMA Base Station User Manual Instructions

Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd CDMA Base Station Instructions

Users Manual 3

User Manual
iSiteC ODU3601C CDMA Soft Base Station
BTS Maintenance
Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance Instructions
Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance Instructions
1.1 Overview
ODU3601C Routine Maintenance Instructions describes in details the contents and
methods of ODU3601C routine maintenance operations. It serves as a reference in
determining the routine maintenance schedule of a particular site. 
1.1.1 Purposes of Routine Maintenance
Normal system operation of ODU3601C in different running environment depends on
effective routine maintenance. ODU3601C routine maintenance is intended to detect
and solve problems in due time to prevent trouble. 
1.1.2 Classification of Routine Maintenance Operations
I. Classification by implementing methods
l Conventional maintenance 
This method is applied on regular basis to observe the operation of the system, test
and analyze equipment performance. 
l Unconventional maintenance 
The unconventional method is to test whether the system performance has degraded
by artificially creating some faults. For example, maintenance engineers may
artificially create some faults and test if the alarm system reports alarm correctly. 
II. Classification by period length
l Unscheduled maintenance 
This includes the maintenance operations performed at equipment fault or network
adjustment. For example, maintenance tasks performed due to by user complaint,
damage of equipment and line fault. Solving of problems left over by daily
maintenance operations is also regarded as unscheduled maintenance operation. 
l Daily maintenance 
It refers to the maintenance tasks conducted each day. ODU3601C daily
maintenance helps maintenance engineers keep track of the operating conditions of
the equipment at any moment so that problems can be solved in time. When a
problem is detected in daily maintenance, record it in detail to help eliminate it in time. 
User Manual
iSiteC ODU3601C CDMA Soft Base Station
BTS Maintenance
Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance Instructions
l Periodical maintenance 
Periodical maintenance refers to the maintenance tasks conducted regularly.
Periodical maintenance helps maintenance engineers keep track of the long-term
performance of the equipment. 
Periodical maintenance includes: monthly maintenance, quarterly maintenance and
yearly maintenance. 
1.1.3 Usage of Routine Maintenance Records
As a maintenance engineer, you are required to fill in the following tables when you
conduct the daily, monthly, quarterly and yearly maintenance for your ODU3601C.
And specific instructions have been given after those tables.
I. Daily unexpected fault handling record
Note down in details the unexpected faults occurred in ODU3601C daily maintenance
operations in the table for future reference. The user may modify the record according
to the actual needs, or compile the records into manuals.
II. Monthly maintenance record
Note down in details the actual maintenance operations carried out during
ODU3601C monthly maintenance in the table. For details, see ODU3601C Monthly
Maintenance Operation Instruction.
III. Quarterly maintenance record
Note down in details the actual maintenance operations carried out during
ODU3601C quarterly maintenance in the table. For details, see ODU3601C Quarterly
Maintenance Operation Instruction.
IV. Yearly maintenance record
Note down in details the actual maintenance operations carried out during
ODU3601C yearly maintenance in the table. For details, see ODU3601C Yearly
Maintenance Operation Instruction. 
User Manual
iSiteC ODU3601C CDMA Soft Base Station
BTS Maintenance
Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance Instructions
Table 1-1 Daily Unexpected Fault Handling Record 
Site    Belong-to BSC  
Time when fault
occurred:  Time when fault is
Person on duty:  Handled by:  
Classification of fault:
Micro-bts Ac-dc Power supply Module (MAPM)
Micro-bts Radio Frequency Front End Module (MFEM)
Antenna and feeder system
Micro-bts Transceiver Module (MTRM)
Micro-bts Power Amplifier Module (MPAM)
Fault detected:
With user complaint From the alarm system
In Daily maintenance From other sources
Description of fault: 
Alarm handling & result: 
User Manual
iSiteC ODU3601C CDMA Soft Base Station
BTS Maintenance
Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance Instructions
Table 1-2 Monthly Maintenance Record 
Site: _______________ 
Time of
____(MM)____(DD)____(YY) Maintainer:
Items Status Remarks Maintenance
Environment Normal, Abnormal
Temperature Normal, Abnormal
Humidity Normal, Abnormal
Indoor air-conditioner Normal, Abnormal Upon indoor
installation for
Call test Normal, Abnormal
Battery group Normal, Abnormal When a battery
group is used
Grounding, lightening protection and power
supply system Normal, Abnormal
RF antenna and feeder part Normal, Abnormal
Power supply module Normal, Abnormal
Description of fault and
handling measures taken
Problems remained
Shift leader check
Avoid short circuit upon battery check!
User Manual
iSiteC ODU3601C CDMA Soft Base Station
BTS Maintenance
Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance Instructions
Table 1-3 Quarterly Maintenance Record 
Site: _______________ 
Time of
____(MM)____(DD)____(YY) Maintainer:
Items Status Remarks Maintenance engineers
Power supply Normal, Abnormal
Road test Normal, Abnormal
Accessories check Normal, Abnormal
Description of fault and
handling measures taken
Problems remained
Shift leader check
User Manual
iSiteC ODU3601C CDMA Soft Base Station
BTS Maintenance
Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance Instructions
Table 1-4 Yearly Maintenance Record 
Site: _______________ 
Time of maintenance:____(MM)_____(DD)_____(YY)
____(MM)____(DD)____(YY) Maintainer:
Items Status Remarks Maintenance
Call test Normal, Abnormal
Cabinet sanitation Normal, Abnormal
BTS power output Normal, Abnormal
Grounding resistance and grounding wires Normal, Abnormal
Water-proof performance of antenna and feeder
connector and lightening protection grounding clip Normal, Abnormal
Firmness and angle of antenna Normal, Abnormal
Description of fault and handling
measures taken
Problems remained
Shift leader check
User Manual
iSiteC ODU3601C CDMA Soft Base Station
BTS Maintenance
Chapter 1 Routine Maintenance Instructions
1.2 Monthly Maintenance Instructions
Call test 
Make calls with a Mobile Station (MS). Collect
information at both the MS and the Base Station
Controller (BSC) to see if all calls are normal for
all sector carriers. 
There should be no noise, no call
dropping, nor cross talking. 
Grounding, lightening protection
systems and power supply
1) Check the connections in the grounding system
and the lightening protection system.
2) Check if the power supply system is normal.
3) Check if any part of the lightening protector is
Keep the lightening protector in good
Antenna and feeder part 
1) Check if the support of the antenna is set to the
correct direction;
2) Check if the water-proof performance of the
feeder is normal.
Query at the maintenance console.  
Power supply module Check if there is any alarm on the power supply
1.3 Quarterly Maintenance Instructions
Check 220V AC supply Measure whether input voltage and frequency are
in the specified range. Range of normal input voltage:
Rated frequency: 
Road test Test on the handoff and coverage area of the cells
with a test MS.  
Accessories check Check the auxiliary facility box and UPS, etc.  
1.4 Yearly Maintenance Instructions
Call test Make calls with an MS. Collect information at both the
MS and the BSC to see if all calls are normal for all
sector carriers. 
There should be no noise, no call
dropping, nor cross talking. 
Cabinet sanitation Tools required: Vacuum cleaner, alcohol and towel. Impose strict operation regulations
to prevent mis- operation on the
power supply system. 
BTS power output Test the transmit power of the carriers. Check if the output is the same as
designed in the BSC. 
Grounding resistance and
grounding wires 
1) Measure the grounding resistance with proper test
2) Check for lose grounding wire connectors and their
aging status  
Water-proof performance of
antenna and feeder connector
and lightening protection
grounding clip 
1) Check the external parts;
2) Unwrap them and check.
Wrap up the checked parts with
the same material used before the
Firmness and angle of
antenna 1) Tighten the bolts with the wrench.
2) Check if the angle are correctly set. Do not apply too much torque on
the bolts

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