Hyundai Electronics Co PIC800 User Manual System Description

Hyundai Electronics Industries Co Ltd System Description


System Description

Rev: 1.0                                       Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary2Table of Contents1. INTRODUCTION1.1 Scope 81.2 Applicable Documents and Standards 82. SPECIFICATIONS2.1 Functional Specifications 82.1.1 Operating Frequency 82.1.2 Interface Specification 82.1.3 Operational and Maintenance 92.1.4 Configuration Features 92.2 Performance Specification 92.2.1 System Delay 92.2.2 Capacity 102.3 Electrical Performance 102.3.1 Transmitter RF Power 102.3.2 Electric Power 102.4 Physical Specifications 112.5 Environmental Specifications 112.6 Reliability Specifications 112.6.1 MTBF 112.6.2 Battery Backup time 112.6.3 Quality Materials 112.6.4 Grounding Requirements 112.6.5 Alarm Requirements 113. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION3.1 System Functionality 123.1.1 Configuration 123.1.2 Initialization 123.1.3 Call Control 123.1.4 Maintenance and Administration 133.1.5 Network Operation 133.2 System Architecture 143.2.1 Functional Architecture 143.3 System Interface 163.3.1 External Interface 163.4 System Availability, Maintenance, and Environmental Enhancement 16
Rev: 1.0                                       Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary33.4.1 System Availability 163.4.2 System Maintenance 163.4.3 Environmental Enhancement 163.5 Pico BTS Block Condiguration 173.5.1 Baseband Unit (BBU) 173.5.2 RF Unit (RFU) 184. HARDWARE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS4.1 RF Subsystem 194.1.1 Functionality 194.1.2 Architecture 204.2 Pico Baseband Digital Card (BDC) 244.2.1 Functionality 244.3 Pico BTS Control Processor Card (BCPC) 244.4 BTS Baseband Analog Card(BAC) 254.5 GPS Receiver Processor (GPRP) 264.6 Power Supplies (ACDC, BBDC) 264.7 Mechanical / Thermal Design 274.7.1 Background 274.7.2 Mechanical Characteristics / Requirements 274.7.3 Thermal and Environmental Characteristics / Requirements 274.7.4 Design Strategies 275. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTIONS5.1 Pico BTS Control Processor Card (BCPC) 285.1.1 Functional Overview 285.1.2 BCPC Boot Software (pBCPCb) 295.1.3 BCPC Software Architecture Overview 295.1.4 Interfaces 305.1.5 Software Blocks 315.1.6 Interrupt Service Routines 405.2 Baseband Digital Card (BDC) 405.2.1 Functional Overview 405.2.2 BDC Boot Software(pBDCb) 425.2.3 pBDCX Software Architectural Overview 435.2.4 Interfaces 435.2.5 Software Blocks 445.3 Inter Processor Communication (IPC) 455.4 Inter Module Communication (IMC) 465.4.1 Functional Overview 46
Rev: 1.0                                       Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary45.4.2 Firmware 475.4.3 Software Architecture Overview 475.5 Backhaul Interface Handler (BIH) 485.5.1 Functional Overview 48List of FiguresFIGURE.3.2-1 FUNCTIONAL ARCHITECTURE ......................................................................................14FIGURE 3.5.1-1 BASE BAND UNIT ...........................................................................................................17FIGURE 3.5.2-1 RF UNIT.............................................................................................................................18FIGURE 4.1-1 HARDWARE FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM...........................................................19FIGURE 4.1.2-1 RF SUBSYSTEM ARCHITECTURE................................................................................20FIGURE 4.1.2-2 .............................................................................................................................................21FIGURE 4.1.2-3 TX FRONT END ARCHITECTURE ................................................................................21FIGURE 4.1.2-4 UP-CONVERTER BLOCK DIAGRAM ...........................................................................22FIGURE  4.1.2-5 A DOWN-CONVERTER BLOCK DIAGRAM...............................................................23FIGURE 4.2-1 MAJOR INTERFACES OF BDC .........................................................................................24FIGURE 4.3-1 ................................................................................................................................................25FIGURE 4.4-1  OVERALL FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM OF BAC...............................................26FIGURE 4.6-1 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM OF THE POWER SUPPLIES ..................................27FIGURE 5.1.3-1 BCPCSOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE.............................................................................30FIGURE 5.1.5-1 BCM EXTERNAL INTERFACE DIAGRAM..................................................................31FIGURE 5.1.5-2 PBRMX EXTERNAL INTERFACE DIAGRAM.............................................................33FIGURE 5.1.5-3 PBSHX EXTERNAL INTERFACE DIAGRAM..............................................................34FIGURE 5.1.5-4 PBTS DIAGNOSTICS EXTERNAL INTERFACE DIAGRAM......................................36FIGURE 5.4.3-1 IMC SW ARCHITECTURE ..............................................................................................47FIGURE 5.4.3-2 BCPC IMC SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE....................................................................47List of TablesTABLE 2.1.1-1 CELLULAR OPERATING FREQUENCY ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.TABLE 2.2.1-1 BASE STATION DELAY BUDGET 10TABLE 2.3.2-1 PRIMARY POWER AC INPUT VOLTAGE RANGE REQUIREMENT 10TABLE 2.3.2-2 MAXIMUM PRIMARY POWER OUTPUT REQUIREMENT 10TABLE 2.3.2-3 BATTERY POWER REQUIREMENT 10TABLE 2.4-1 PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS 11TABLE 2.5-1 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS 11TABLE 3.2.1-1 16TABLE 4.1.2-1 22
Rev: 1.0                                       Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary5GlossaryAC Alternate CurrentACC Analog Common Circuit, replaced by BACACCA Analog Common Card AssemblyACE Access Channel ElementACRP Adjacent Channel Power RejectionADC Analog To DigitalAGC Automatic Gain ControllerANT AntennaBAC Baseband Analog Circuit, replacing ACCBBU Base Band UnitBCP BTS Control ProcessorBCM BTS Configuration ManagementBCOX BTS Call Control ExecutionBDAX BCP Data Access ExecutionBDC Baseband Digital CardBDIAX BTS Diagnostic ExecutionBDTU BTS Diagnostic & Test UnitBFMX BTS Fault Management ExecutionBIH Backhaul Interface Handler - SoftwareBIU Backhaul Interface UnitBMEA BCP MeasurementBLINK BTS LinkBPF Band Pass FilterBPLX BCP Processor Loader ExecutionBRAX BTS Resource Allocation ExecutionBRMX BTS Resource Management ExecutionBS Base StationBSC Base Station ControllerBSHX BTS Status Handler ExecutionBSM Base Station ManagerBTS Base Transceiver SystemBW Band WidthCAI Common Air InterfaceCCC Channel Card Common, replaced by CECCCP Call Control ProcessorCDIAX CCP Diagnostic ExecutionCDMA Code Division Multiple AccessCDMX Configuration Data Management ExecutionCE Channel ElementCEC Channel Element Controller, replacing CCCCFMX CCP Fault Management ExecutionCMEA CCP MeasurementCPLX CCP Processor Loader ExecutionCRAX CCP Resource Allocation ExecutionCSHX CCP Status Handler Execution
Rev: 1.0                                       Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary6CSM Cell Site ModemDAC Digital to Analog ConverterDC Direct CurrentDD Detailed DesignDDS Direct Digital SynthesisDM Diagnostic MonitorDU Digital UnitEMI Electrical Magnetic InterfaceFA Frequency AllocationFIFO First-In-First-OutFPGA Field-Programmable-Gate_ArrayGPIO General Purpose Input / OutputGPS Global Position SystemHDLC High Level Data Link ControlHLD High Level DesignIIn_PhaseIF Intermediate FrequencyIMC Inter Module CommunicationIMCB Inter Module Communication BusIMCH Inter Module Communication Handler - SoftwareIPC Inter Processor CommunicationLCIN Local CCP Interconnection NetworkLED Light Emitting DiodeLNA Low Noise AmplifierLO1 Local Oscillator 1LO2 Local Oscillator 2LPA Linear Power AmplifierLPF Low Pass FilterMFP Multi-Function PeripheralMLNK MSC LinkMMI Man Machine InterfaceMRB Monitor/Report BlockMS Mobile StationMSC Mobile Switch CenterMSPS Mega Sample Per SecondMTBF Mean Time Between FailureMUX MultiplexorMVIP Multiple Vendor Integrated ProtocolOC Overload ControllerOPAID Operation AIDPA Power AmplifierPCI Peripheral Communication InterfacePCE Paging Channel ElementPCS Personal Communication SystemPN Pseudo-Noise SequencePLD Program Load DataPLL Phase Lock LoopPLX Process Loading ExecutionPP2S/ Pulse Per Two SecondPSCE Pilot_Sync Channel Element
Rev: 1.0                                       Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary7PSU Power Subsystem UnitPSU Power Subsystem UnitQ QuadratureRF Radio FrequencyRFC Radio Frequency ControllerRFFE RF Front EndRFU Radio Frequency UnitROM Read Only MemoryRxFE Receiver Front EndRxIF Receiver IFSCC Serial Communication ControllerSIP Selector Interface ProcessorSNR Signal To Noise RatioSRAM Static Read Only MemorySVE Selector Vocoder ElementSVP Selector Vocoder ProcessorTBD To Be DeterminedT_BLK Test BlockTCE Traffic Channel ElementTDM Time Division MultiplexingTFC Time & Frequency ControllerTxIF Transmitter IFTxFE Transmitter Front EndTFU Time and Frequency UnitTSB Transcoder Selector BankUART Universal Asynchronous Receiver  TransmitterXCVC Radio Frequency Transceiver
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary81. INTRODUCTION1.1 Scope This document describes the Pico Base Transceiver Station for CDMA cellular systems. ThePico-BTS provides the interface between the CDMA cellular mobile stations and the Base StationController (BSC) to form a Picocell.  Picocells are used to enhance the coverage by covering the“dead spot” caused by shadowing in traditional “macrocell” based cellular networks.  AlsoPicocells can be used to increase the capacity of the network as small underlay cells, providingmore channels for traffic in dense urban areas with high volume of low speed traffic, such asmalls, airports, train and subway stations, hotels, and office building areas.1.2  Applicable Documents and Standards1. TIA/EIA/IS-95-A, Mobile Station-Base Station Compatibility Standard for Dual-ModeWidebandSpread Spectrum Cellular System, May 1995.2. TIA/EIA/IS-97-A, Minimum Performance Standards for Base Stations Supporting Dual-ModeWideband Spread Spectrum Cellular Mobile Stations, June 1997.3. EIA/TIA IS-634, MSC-BS Interface for Public Wireless Communications Systems4. NEMA 4X5. ANSI 6241 Class B6. FCC Part 15 for USA7. FCC ICES-003 for Canada8. FCC Part 22 in cellular band9. FCC Part 6810. FCC Part 211. TA-NWT-000487 R-12712. TA-NWT-000063 R9813. EIA/TIA IS-125, Recommended Minimum Performance Standard for Digital CellularWideband Spread Spectrum Speech Service Option 1.14. EIA/TIA IS-126A, Mobile Station Loopback Service Option Standard2. SPECIFICATIONSThe system requirements for the Pico-BTS are described in this chapter.2.1 Functional Specifications2.1.1 Operating FrequencyThe Pico-BTS operates at frequencies specified in the following table.Table 2.1.1-1 Operating FrequencyUnit Frequency Range (MHz)Transmitter 869 - 894Receiver 824 - 849The Pico-BTS can cover all sub-bands only replacing the duplexer / BFP.2.1.2 Interface Specification2.1.2.1 Air InterfaceThe Pico BTS shall comply with EIA/TIA/IS-95-A. Backhaul(A-bis) Interface
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary9The interface between the Pico-BTS and the BSC, i.e., A-bis interface, shall comply withHyundai’s CDMA Cellular BSC-BTS interface.2.1.3 Operational and Maintenance2.1.3.1 Operation/Configuration ManagementThe Pico-BTS is able to manage the data related to the operation and configuration of itssubsystems.  Some examples are as follows:! Initial loading! Radio resource management! hardware configuration data management! CDMA parameter management2.1.3.2 Performance ManagementThe Pico-BTS is able to collect and analyze data related to the performance of the system, andsend them to the appropriate higher level entity for management.  Some examples are as follows:! Call processing related parameters statistics collection! Radio performance related parameters statistics collection! Periodic reporting2.1.3.3 Maintenance ManagementThe Pico-BTS is able to perform the detection, isolation, and restoration of elements operatingabnormally.  Some examples follow.! Fault detection and management! Alarm generation and processing! Periodic test of maintenance/diagnosis! Status management2.1.4 Configuration Features! The system supports one FA, omni-cell, or unidirectional sectored cell. It usesdirectional antenna to serve a sector.! A 3-sector cell site can be configured with 3 Pico-BTSs as primary equipment in eachdirection. When any sectors need more capacity, additional Pico BTSs can be stackedon each sector separately. Multiple Pico-BTS can be daisy-chained using one T1/E1trunk to BSC.! The Pico BTS can serve as a stand-alone cell site, or it can be overlaid by anotherCDMA macro-cell.! Due to the small capacity of the Pico-BTS, the backhaul efficiency may be a concernfrom the economic point of view. In order to avoid this, multiple Pico BTSs shall beable to share a single backhaul transmission facility.! Any one of the channel elements may be configured to support one of the following:◊ A pilot channel and a sync channel◊ An access channel◊ A paging channel◊ A traffic channel2.2 Performance Specification2.2.1 System DelayThe total round-trip delay for the voice path, including the delay in the BSC, is less than 220 ms.A suggested delay budget for the reverse link path and the forward link path is as follows:
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary10Table 2.2.1-1 Base Station Delay BudgetReverse Link Delay (ms) Forward Link Delay (ms)Mobile Station 51 Mobile Station 18Air Link 20 Air Link 20Digital Unit 18 Digital Unit 2Backhaul/Switching 6 CIN 8TSB 1 TSB 1Vocoder 3 Vocoder 49Total 99 Total 982.2.2 CapacityThe Pico BTS is capable of physically supporting up to 32 channel elements, including all of theoverhead channels.2.3 Electrical Performance2.3.1  Transmitter RF PowerThe maximum CDMA power does not exceed 10 watts at the antenna port on the enclosure overoperating temperature range.2.3.2 Electric Power2.3.2.1 Primary PowerThe primary power source (or mains) for the Pico BTS is the commercial power which can beacquired very easily. The nominal voltage may be 120VAC, 60Hz, single phase.  The powersubsystem in the Pico BTS is capable of converting this commercial AC power into DC powerwith nominal voltage of +48V. The +48 DC is then converted into lower voltages such as +5V,+12V, -12V, +3.3V and +7.5V to be used in each subsystem.The AC input ranges and the maximum power source requirement are as follows:Table 2.3.2-1 Primary Power AC Input Voltage Range RequirementNominal Voltage Voltage Range Frequency Range Phases120VAC 108 to 132 VAC 54 to 66 Hz single220VAC 198 to 242 VAC 54 to 66Hz singleTable 2.3.2-2 Maximum Primary Power Output RequirementVoltage Current CommentsDC +48 V Max 10 A For RF power 8 watts2.3.2.2 Battery Backup Power (Optional)The Pico BTS shall have battery backup to cope with AC power failure. The battery shall bemonitored during normal operation, and charged if necessary. The Optional backup battery isprovided with an external compartment.` Table 2.3.2-3 Battery Power RequirementConfiguration DC Current/Power CommentsNominal RF Power 5 watt 5 Amps/240 VA up to 4 Hours backupOptional RF Power 10 Amps/480 VA up to 4 Hours backup
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary112.4 Physical SpecificationsTable 2.4-1 Physical SpecificationsConfiguration SpecificationsSize Max. depth:  12 inchedheight:  32 inwidth:  22 inWeight max. 110 poundsMounting Location pad, pole, wall, or vault2.5 Environmental SpecificationsThe Pico BTS will meet the extended environmental specifications in rugged outdoor conditions.The following table summarizes the environmental specifications:Table 2.5-1 Environmental SpecificationsConfiguration Specifications CommentsEnvironmental Sealing NEMA 4XLightning Protection ANSI 6241 Class BClimatic Environment  Internal Heat Load 300 watts max.Ambient Air Temp ( outdoor ) +500C max.-400C min.Solar Load 70W/sq. ft2.6 Reliability Specifications2.6.1 MTBF System down-time shall be no more than 10 minutes per year on the average, assuming a 2hourrepair (replacing) time for any failure. 2.6.2  Battery Backup time The battery shall provide DC power until the cause of AC power is cleared. The nominal value ofthis time period for backup battery operation shall be no greater than 4 hours.2.6.3 Quality MaterialsThe aluminum used for the Pico-BTS enclosure may be machined from aluminum 6082 inaccordance with standard QQ-A-2501/II TEMP T6.2.6.4 Grounding Requirements The specification for grounding and electric safety shall comply with the requirement describedin TR-NWT-001089. 2.6.5 Alarm RequirementsThe Pico BTS shall require alarms for the new hardware equipment, status display information,and control capability to monitor the system performance as follows:" AC power failure" DC power failure" Malfunction of major control processors" High internal temperature" Low internal temperature" Battery failure
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary123. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION3.1 System FunctionalityThe details of the hardware and software functionality are described in section 4 and section 5,respectively. In this section, only brief outlines and essential details of several critical factors arediscussed.3.1.1 Configuration3.1.1.1 BSM ConfigurabilityAs an element of the existing network, Pico-BTS should be similar to existing BTSs from BSM’spoint of view.  Therefore, the basic nomenclature of its subsystem dividing and configurationshould be similar to that of existing network in which it is supposed to work. By doing this, it ispossible to use the existing messages and BSM screen entities with which the BSM operatormight be familiar, to configure and manage this new element. Initialization - ConfigurationNo redundancy will be provided in the Pico-BTS.  Therefore once the system is configuredthrough the initialization process, hardware configuration is not changed unless the whole systemis removed. The only change in hardware may be the number of channel card.  The Pico-BTS cansupport 32 channel elements. The operator will be allowed to change software configurableparameters through on-line reconfiguration. ExpandabilityWhen multiple Pico-BTSs are used to form a cell cluster or a set of sectors, those Pico-BTSs arelocated close together. In this case, it is desirable to connect the multiple BTSs in a singlebackhaul transmission facility such as T1 line, to increase the backhaul efficiency. The backhaulinterface of the Pico-BTS supports this functionality by allowing daisy-chaining of the Pico-BTS.This functionality is useful when it requires to form a multi-sectored, multi-FA Picocell site.3.1.2 Initialization3.1.2.1 StartupUnlike the current BTS, the Pico-BTS has a self-contained enclosure which does not allow thesequential, manual power-up for each subsystem. There shall be one power switch for the system.As the power is turned on, each subsystem initializes itself and gets the software code bydownloading from its upper level controller. The configuration information for the Pico-BTScomes from BSM, through BSC. Loading SchemeA major change will be made in the software loading scheme. In the current loading scheme, thesoftware is downloded into BCPC from CCP, to which the software is downloaded from BSM, atpower-up after the BIU initializes itself to acquire a path to the BSC for the download. Then BCPdownloads the software to each subsystem in the Pico BTS. In the Pico BTS, the executable flashmemory will be provided for all hardware modules except BDC. The software will be stored inthe executable flash memory and copied into the DRAM at power-up. BDC software will bestored in the flash memory of the BCPC. BS Network AddressingUnlike the existing system which may have multiple trunk for a site, the Pico BTS can share asingle trunk with adjacent neighbor Pico BTSs. Thus, in the BIU-CIN addressing field, the trunknumber should be counted independently from the BTS identification.3.1.3 Call Control3.1.3.1 Normal Call/Handoff
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary13The Pico BTS processes all the normal calls, either mobile origination or termination, as in thecall control procedures of the existing BTS. For the handoff procedures, all except the intersectorsofter handoff is the same as those of the existing BTS. Therefore, it is possible to re-use existingsoftware. Intersector Softer HandoffPico BTS shall support the intersector softer handoff when more than one Pico-BTS areconfigured for the multi-sector support.3.1.4  Maintenance and Administration3.1.4.1 Normal OperationDuring normal operation, Pico BTS performs various maintenance functions.  The statussupervision functionality is especially important because of the lack of redundancy in thearchitecture. Fault Reporting/AlarmIn case of a fault in any part of the Pico-BTS, it is reported immediately to the BSC and BSM.Hardware fault reporting can be the same as the current system, except that the Pico-BTS doesnot allow the switch-over to the standby unit. When hardware faults happen, it means thediscontinuation of service in that cell. Thus the fault reporting function is more important thanany other functions.  Also, since the Pico-BTS is not protected by an air-conditioned and securedroom, the environmental alarm and invasion alarms are to be monitored. Installation/MaintenanceThe Pico-BTS is equipped in the self-enclosed packaging. Minimum effort is required to installand start-up the Pico-BTS. A small and simple panel for installation/maintenance personnelwould be provided for minimal checkup procedures.3.1.5 Network OperationThe following functionality is required for the Pico-BTS to work as an element of theCELLULAR network. Resource AllocationThe Pico-BTS is an independent cell site.  Thus the resources in the Pico-BTS are allocatedindependently through BSM.  As in the current BTS, the channel elements, CDMA codechannels, and the frame offsets are such resources. Capacity ManagementIf required, the Pico-BTS can control its capacity by changing the limit for the number of activeusers it can support.  This is done to maintain a specific quality of service.  The detailedprocedures and algorithms are the same as the one used in the existing system. RF OperationThe Pico BTS supports cell blossoming and wilting mechanisms to facilitate the procedures ofadding and removing the cell site, just as in the current BTS.  The parameters for these processesshall be received from the BSM.
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary143.2 System Architecture3.2.1 Functional ArchitectureFigure.3.2-1 Functional Architecture3.2.1.1 Transceiver Card (XCVC)XCVC performs frequency conversion of transmitted and received signals, either RF to IF or IFto RF, and the amplification of the signals, both transmitted and received. On the reverse link, itamplifies the received weak signal sent by the mobile station, and changes the carrier frequencyto 4.95 MHz IF band.  On the forward link, it takes the IF band signal, converts it to the active RFcarrier frequency, and then amplifies it to send through the antenna. In the Pico-BTS, only asingle CDMA frequency is being supported to reduce the size and to make the configurationsimple.  Later, we can consider multi-FA Pico BTS as an option. In Pico BTS, XCVC and otherRF unit controlling functions are consolidated into BCPC. Baseband Digital Card (BDC)BDC plays a central role in processing the CDMA baseband signal.  There will be two BDCs inPico BTS. Each BDC will support 16 Channel Elements. Major functionality of BDC is asfollows:RX_ANTDPLX_ANTXCVCIFRX0IFRX1IFTXPAGPS  ANT BDCBDCBCPCMPC860(i960)DC to DC ConvertersBBDCACDC110 / 220 VACRFU BBUDPLXRFFEDTPC48rxdtxdctlint84ES, SCLKDMPort1PPS, 10M, ES, SCLK,TODRXRF1RXRF0TxIFBACtxdctlrxdintES, SCLKRBPFD/CGPRP+5V +12V -12V  +3.3V +7.5V    Addr, Data, CotrolAddr, Data, CotrolAlarmsTX_PWRMonitorBack-upBatteryPort Alarm I/O PortACPower10MHzTOD(i960)SCCSCCAC to DC  ConverterCharger+27V     +48V     LNALNARX+,RX-TX+,TX-T1/E1HandlerT1/E1TRK1SCCRX+,RX-TX+,TX-T1/E1HandlerT1/E1TRK2SCCSurgeProtectorSurgeProtectorSurgeProtectorPWR DET
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary15" Signal Processing of CDMA baseband in forward and reverse link." Processing of messages relevant to call control and maintenance3.2.1.3 BTS Control Processor Card (BCPC)BCPC is the main controller for the Pico-BTS.  Its main functions are call control andmaintenance of Pico BTS. Functionality of BCPC is described briefly:" Contains software for call control and maintenance" Download the software into BDC at power up" Processing of call setup and tear-down/ handoff" Collects information for all hardware faults" Control RF network operation" Communication with BSC (CCP, TSB) for report and reception of upper-level control" OPAID - Operational AID, such as alarm indications, ..." BIU - Backhaul Interface Unit, this is the T1/E1 interface between BSC and Pico BTS." Message routing - BCPC will route the messages within Pico BTS." RF unit controlling function" Process of the TOD and 1PPS received from the GPS receiver. GPRP, BAC CardGPRP generates timing and frequency references for Pico-BTS.  The ultimate reference comesfrom the GPS.  As other subsystems, the general functionality is similar to those of the existingsystem. However, redundancy is not used.Basic functionality is described as follows:" Generates system clock (19.6608 MHz), Buffered 10 MHz, EVEN-SEC clock." Generates local clock in case of GPS failure" Frequency conversion of baseband signal to/from 4.95MHz IF signal3.2.1.5 Backhaul Interface Unit (BIU)BIU performs the communication between the subsystems of Pico BTS, and it is also the gatewayto the BSC. Detailed architecture and functionality are described in chapter 4. In the Pico BTS,BCPC will function as the gateway to BSC handling all messages transmitted/received to/fromBSC.      BCPC includes the BIU. Inter Module Communication (IMC)In Pico BTS, the all other hardware modules are connected to BCPC through the point-to-pointserial connection forming a start network. The modules will communicate each other via thisserial connection. All messages will be transmitted in the HDLC format. Power Subsystem UnitThe Pico BTS uses 120VAC or 220VAC as its power source. It is equipped with a rectifier, abackup battery, and a distribution panel. The specification for the power subsystem follows:
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary16Table 3.2.1-1 Power Subsystem UnitsModule Specification CommentsRectifier Input : 120 VAC or 220 VACOutput Voltage: +48 VDCOutput Current : Max 10 AmpsInput tolerance : 10 %Size and weight limitedBattery(Optional) Output : +48 VDCCapacity : 10 AmpsBackup Time : 4 hoursBattery size and weightrequirements may limitbackup time.DC-DC Converter Input : +48 VDCOutput : +5 V, +12 V, -12 V, +3.3 V, +7.5,+27 VDC.Power for the hardware circuits3.3 System Interface3.3.1 External Interface3.3.1.1 Air InterfaceThe air interface conforms to EIA/TIA/IS-95-A.. Network InterfaceThe interface to BSC conforms to the current specifications between BSC and BTS of Hyundai’sCELLULAR system. Electric PowerThe specification for the input electrical power is as follows:" Input Voltage : 120 VAC or 220 VAC optional, single phase." Tolerance :  ±10 % Man-Machine InterfaceThe Pico BTS will have following MMI’s." A RS-232C port on the surface for portable PC connection." LED, RS-232C ports inside the cover, on each board.3.4  System Availability, Maintenance, and Environmental Enhancement3.4.1 System AvailabilitySystem down-time shall be no more than 10 minutes per year on the average, assuming a 2 hourrepair (replacing) time for any failure.3.4.2 System MaintenanceThe Pico BTS maintenance features shall be designed to minimize the effects of failures onsystem performance and to provide technicians with the information and tools needed to identifythe troubled system easily.3.4.3 Environmental Enhancement3.4.3.1 Mountable KitsThe Pico BTS is designed to meet a complete range of extended environmental standards, such asshock and vibration. Convection CoolingThe Pico BTS uses natural convection cooling (heat sink). Major hardware componentsgenerating heat such as CPUs shall be thermally treated to reduce the contribution to increase theambient temperature. The location of hardware shall be considered carefully from the thermalpoint of view, so that heat-generating elements can be located outer and/or upper portion of thecage.
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary173.5 Pico-BTS Block Condiguration3.5.1  Baseband Unit (BBU)Figure 3.5.1-1 Base Band UnitBDCBDCGPRPBACBCPC
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary183.5.2  RF Unit (RFU)Figure 3.5.2-1 RF UnitXCVCBBDCACDCHPALNA LNABPF                   DPLXD/CPDET
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary194.  Hardware Structure and FunctionsThe system block diagram is shown again for better understanding of the hardware structure andPBA names.RX_ANTDPLX_ANTXCVCIFRX0IFRX1IFTXuPAGPS  ANT BDCBDCBCPCMPC860(i960)DC to DC ConvertersBBDCACDC110 / 220 VACRFU BBUDPLXRFFEDTPC48rxdtxdctlint84ES, SCLKDMPort1PPS, 10M, ES, SCLK,TODRXRF1RXRF0TxIFBACtxdctlrxdintES, SCLKRBPFD/CGPRP+5V +12V -12V  +3.3V +7.5V    Addr, Data, CotrolAddr, Data, CotrolAlarmsTX_PWRMonitorBack-upBatteryPort Alarm I/O PortACPower10MHzTOD(i960)SCCSCCAC to DC  ConverterCharger+27V     +48V     LNALNARX+,RX-TX+,TX-T1/E1HandlerT1/E1TRK1SCCRX+,RX-TX+,TX-T1/E1HandlerT1/E1TRK2SCCSurgeProtectorSurgeProtectorSurgeProtectorPWR DETFigure 4.1-1 Hardware Functional Block Diagram4.1 RF SubsystemThis section describes the RF subsystem which is composed of an RF Front End (RFFE), a HighPower Amplifier(PA), and a Transceiver(XCVC).4.1.1 FunctionalityThe main functions of the RF subsystem are listed as follows:• CDMA frequency assignment(FA).• 4.95MHz IF frequency up-conversion to cellular forward path frequencies and cellularreverse path frequencies down-conversion to 4.95MHz IF frequency.• Providing software-controllable attenuators for cell blossoming, wilting and breathing.
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary20• Forward power maintenance: pilot calibration and transmit power tracking loopfunctions.• Diversity receive paths balancing.• Reverse link gain control: providing a constant IF output over the operational dynamicrange through Automatic Gain Control (AGC).• Providing RF related data for system performance monitoring.4.1.2 ArchitectureFigure 4.1.2-1 shows the overall architecture of the RF subsystem.         RX_ANTXCVCIFRX0IFRX1IFTXPADPLXRFFERXRF1RXRF0TxIFD/CAlarmsTX_PWRMonitor 10MHzDC to DCConverterDPLX_ANTSynthesizerTransmitterReceiver0Receiver1RBPF LNALNAPwrDetFigure 4.1.2-1 RF Subsystem Architecture4.1.2.1 RF Front EndThe RF Front End (RFFE) consists of RX Front end and TX Front End. RX Front End(RXFE)The architecture of the RXFE is shown in Figure 4.1.2-2.LNADuplexer(IS <1.0dB)Receive  0Duplexantenna
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary21LNARX BPF(IS<1.0dB)Receive1Diversity  RXAntenna(b)Figure 4.1.2-2Figure 4.1.2-2 RX Front End Architecture of (a) Duplex antenna,  (b) Diversity RX antenna.The RX front end has two kinds of receive paths: a duplex RX path and a diversity RX path. Theduplex RX path is composed of a duplexer, a low noise amplifier, and down-converter circuits.The duplexer is used for sharing a transmit antenna with a receive path. The diversity RX path iscomposed of a receive band pass filter, a low noise amplifier, and down-converter circuits. Tx Front End(TXFE)The architecture of the Tx Front End is shown in Figure 4.1.2-3.Figure 4.1.2-3 Tx Front End ArchitectureThe Tx Front End consists of a duplexer, a directional coupler, a transmit band pass filter, and apower detector. The major portion of the high power signal is sent to transmit antenna through aduplexer, and a directional coupler.  A small portion of the signal is coupled to the power detectorthrough the auxiliary port 1 of the directional coupler which monitors the output power level. Aduplexer should be used for sharing the transmit antenna with a receive path. A duplexer withinsertion loss less than 1.0dB should be used to minimize the transmit power loss.High PowerAmplifierDuplexAntennaAlarm & ControlDirectional Coupler30dBCouplingTo XCVC  FromXCVCDuplexer PowerDetector
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary224.1.2.2 High Power AmplifierThe High Power Amplifier (PA) should have a minimum specification as follows:Parameter SpecificationOperating frequency 849 - 894 MHzGain / Max.Power 45 dB / 10 WattsAdjacent Channel Power Rejection (ACRP)(Pout = 10 W min. and CDMA BW =1.23 MHz)-47 dBc  @f0±885kHz with Integration BW = 30kHzSpurious Suppression Outside FrequencyBlocka) Adjacent Channel Power Level     (Pout = 10 W min. and CDMA BW = 1.23MHz)b) Adjacent Channel Power Level     (Pout = 10 W min. and CDMA BW = 1.23MHz)-13 dBm max. @f0±1.25 MHz                         with Integration BW = 30 kHz-13 dBm max. @f0±2.25 MHz                        with Integration BW = 1 MHzGain Variation vs. Frequency ±1.0 dBGain Variation over Temperature +1.0dB / -1.5dBReturn Loss 16 dB (Input and Output)DC Input Voltage +27 V (Nominal)DC Current 5.2 A max.DC Power Dissipation 140 W max.Operating Temperature -30o to +85o C (Base plate)Alarms Over power,  high temperatureCooling Passive convection coolingΤαβλε 4.1.2−1 ΗΠΑ Σπεχιφιχατιονσ4.1.2.3 TransceiverThe transceiver (XCVR) consists of a transmitter (up-converter), two receivers (down-converters), and a synthesizer. The transceiver should be realized as compact as possible. Up-converter (Transmitter)A block diagram of a transmitter is shown in Figure 4.1.2-4.   Interface   C irc u itry 2nd IF  C ircu itryTx IF(4.95  M H z)    1 s t IF  C irc uitry       R F  C irc uitryTxFE      LO 2 (Tx) LO 1 (Tx)from  R F  SynthesizerFigure 4.1.2-4 Up-converter Block Diagram
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary23The up-converter accepts the 4.95 MHz signal, filters and attenuates the signal to a proper level,then performs a frequency conversion to the 150 MHz IF. This frequency was selected so that acommon RF synthesizer could be used for both forward and reverse signal paths. Then it convertsthe 150MHz IF frequency up to an assigned cellular band frequency. The first IF circuitryincludes filters, SAW filters, and PIN diode attenuators for forward link gain control and cellblossoming, wilting and breathing.  The frequency agile RF synthesizer may be used for the finalconversion. Down-Converter (Receiver)A block diagram of a down-converter is shown in Figure 4.1.2-5.RF InputC ircuitry 1st IFC ircuitry 2nd IFC ircuitryRF InputC ircuitry  1st IFC ircuitry  2nd IFC ircuitry  A m plifier/    Divider       Fixed  Synthesizer  AGC  AGCIF0 (4.95 MHz)IF1 (4.95 MHz) Interface CircuitryFigure  4.1.2-5 A Down-converter Block DiagramThe transceiver has two down-converters. Each down-converter has a low noise amplifier at thefirst part of its input circuitry to maximize the receive performance. The first conversion circuitprovides the frequency agility for the receiver, which provides amplification and attenuation.  TheRF signal is then down-converted to the first IF of 70 MHz. The first IF circuitry containsmatched filters and attenuators for automatic gain control (AGC).  A fixed LO of 65.05 MHz isused to convert the first IF at 70 MHz to 4.95 MHz. The second IF circuitry consists of filters,amplifiers and AGC detectors. SynthesizerThe synthesizer provides very fine reference frequency for the transmitter and receivers, andcovers all frequency range of American cellular band with 30KHz resolution. The synthesizercircuit is implemented on the up-converter printed circuit board (PCB).
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary244.2  Pico-Baseband Digital Card (BDC)4.2.1 FunctionalityFigure Figure 4.2-1 illustrates the external interface between BDCs and other boards.BAC82ESEC, SYS_CLKBRXI0[3:0]BRXQ0[3:0]8Debug Por t(RS232)GPS Antenna BDC0BDC1Debug Por t(RS232)4BTXI 0[1:0]BTXQ 0[1: 0]Int erface Signa lsInt erface Signa lsBCPController T1 Handler4GPSBCPCBRXI1[3:0]BRXQ 1[3: 0]BTXI 1[1:0 ]BTXQ 1[1: 0]BD0_ cpu_faultN,BD0_clk_faultNBD0_ cpu_faultN,BD0_clk_faultN Figure 4.2-1 Major Interfaces of BDCBDC’s major functions are as follows:1. Transmits pilot, sync, paging, and forward traffic channel messages. Receivesaccess and  reverse traffic channel messages.2. Demodulates received CDMA I & Q signals from BAC.3. Modulates the incoming voice/data packets from the T1 line and serially transfers tothe BAC.4. Performs actions according to the commands of BCPC.5. Exchanges traffic and control data with BCPC through a SCC port.4.3  Pico BTS Control Processor Card (BCPC)The BCPC is the main control processor in the pBTS structure. It has a role to interface andcommunicate with other units and to process signaling messages for call management. It hasfollowing capacity and functions:• computing power: larger than 15MIPS.• Status and alarm monitoring for all units in BTS.• Storing the program and data from BSC for BCPC and BDC.In terms of hardware, BCPC provides the following functions:• Core Processing Unit,• BSC Interface,• BDC Interface,• BAC Interface,• XCVC Interface,• GPRP Interface.
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary25Figure 4.3-14.4  BTS Baseband Analog Card(BAC)BAC has following functions:• Digital summing of I & Q streams from two BDCs.• Modulating digital-to-analog converted (DAC) baseband I & Q signals with 4.95 MHz I& Q intermediate frequency(IF) carriers and sending to XCVC.• Demodulating the received 4.95Mhz IF signal from XCVC into I & Q baseband signals,analog-to-digital converting (ADC), and sending to BDCs.• Providing the XCVC interface for BCPC.• Providing GPS receiver processor (GPRP) interface for BTS and clock/frequencydistribution.BOOTFLASH128-512KBEXECFLASH-04MBEXECFLASH-14MBDRAM-04MBDRAM-14MBLocal Bus81616323232T1 FramerBT83708SCC HDLC T1 to remote BSCSCCSCC Debug PortSCC HDLC to DM portSMC UART to GPS receiverI2CTEMPSensorIDEEPROMUART16C5508EPLDEPM71288TTLIN[11:0]IRQIN[11:0]TTLOUT[23:0]ADCMAX192MPC860SPIHumiditySensorVoltages,Other monitor signalsT1 FramerBT8370HDLC T1 to other BTSBDCs8
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary26Figure 4.4-1  Overall Functional Block Diagram of BAC4.5  GPS Receiver Processor (GPRP)The Global Positioning System Receiver Processor (GPRP) derives accurate clock for the BTSsystem. It generates 10 MHz clock , System Clock 19.6608 MHz, 1 Pulse Per Second (1PPS) andEven Pulse Per 2 Seconds (EPP2S).  Time of Day (TOD) information in ASCII code derives vianull modem serial port.  The GPRP is self-sustained module that combines a GPS receiver,double-oven precise oscillator and microprocessor. The GPRP provides time outputssynchronized with the GPS time and frequency accuracy of better  than 1x10-11, averaged over 24hours. When no satellites are being traced (holdover), the time output drifts  less than +/- 7microseconds in 24 hours and GPRP delivers clocks with  accuracy  of +/-3x10-10 over a  -20°C to+70° temperature range. At first startup GPSRP performs 24 hours survey to determine theantenna position and to discipline the frequency oscillator. The GPSRP provides reliablereception with the remote GPS antenna.4.6  Power Supplies (ACDC, BBDC)The ACDC converts the 110/220 (nominal) input to +48VDC. BBDC converts +48Vdc to+27Vdc, +12Vdc, +5Vdc,  and +3.3Vdc. ACDC supports optional battery backup through anexternal port on the housing.   Seamless power switching from AC input power to back up batterypower is achievable through the internal control circuitry which constantly monitors the DCoutput of the +48Vdc power supply and battery.   If input power or power supply failureoccurred, the internal circuitry automatically controls the relay to switch from input AC power tothe back-up battery without glitch.IF-basebandmod/demodBACGPRPRXI[3:0]RXQ[3:0]ES,SCLKPERR_I/QCNTL/4TXI[1:0]TXQ[1:0]BDC0RXI[3:0]RXQ[3:0]ES,SCLKPERR_I/QCNTL/4TXI[1:0]TXQ[1:0]BDC11PPS,ESSCLK,10MHZTODDIGITAL IFES,10MHZ1PPS,TODADDR,DATA,CSn,R/W,INTRn,..ADDR,DATA,WEn,OEnAnalog monitorAnalog monitorRXIF1RXIF2TXIF10MHZGPS signal5V feedingXCVRGPSAnt.BCPC
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary27Φιγυρε 4.6−1 Φυνχτιοναλ Βλοχκ ∆ιαγραµ οφ τηε Ποωερ Συππλιεσ4.7  Mechanical / Thermal Design4.7.1  Background• The mechanical / thermal design will comply with all agency (NEMA, ANSI, FCCand UL) requirements for telecommunications equipment designed for outdoor use.• It will also be lightweight, compact and easy to install.4.7.2   Mechanical Characteristics / Requirements• Size: Less than 22”(W) x 28”(H) x 12”(D).• Weight: Less than 130 lbs.• Material: Aluminum base and heat sink, structured foam (or equivalent) cover.• Color: Blue and white (to conform with other Hyundai BTS).• Mounting Locations: Pad, pole, wall or vault.4.7.3   Thermal and Environmental Characteristics / Requirements• Natural conduction and convection cooling, no fans.• Heat pipes will be used when necessary for additional heat transfer.• Outside ambient operating air temperature to be -30° to +50° C.• Outside ambient humidity to be 5% to 95%.• Solar load to be 70W/sq. ft.• Internal heat load to be < 300W.4.7.4 Design StrategiesSince the BTS has high power consumption and strict operational, environmental and thermaldesign requirements, the mechanical / thermal design has three major steps. These steps are Initialestimation; System level design and simulation; and Component and system level testing. Initial Estimation• Collect all thermally related information as it becomes available such as total systempower, power consumption of each PCB and component, heat source location andpower, etc. Use estimates where information is not yet available.• Use heat transfer equations, thermal analysis tools(Flotherm, etc.), catalogs, relatedexperience, etc. to estimate the major components temperature rise based on currentdesign and choose suitable size and cooling system equipment (heat sinks, heat pipes,etc.).BBDCBCPCAC/DC Converter&Battery ChargerPower UpReset+48VdcStatus LEDsDisplay BlockData and Control110/220 VacBack-up BatteryStatus (2 TTL Outputs)
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary284.7.4.2 System Level Design and Simulation• Use mechanical solid design software tool (i.e. Pro/Engineer) to create entire BTSmechanical system which includes enclosure and cover design, heat sink and heatpipe locations and mounting design and components layout and system packaging.• Use thermal design software tool (i.e. Flotherm) to simulate thermal model and do acomplete system level analysis in order to eliminate possible problem areas and makedesign changes before prototypes are built. Analysis will include system temperaturedistributions, air flow patterns, components temperature rise and hot spottemperatures. Component and System Level TestingBased on the designed enclosure and mechanical layout, set up the system and conduct thenecessary mechanical and thermal testing required to assure compliance with all the necessaryrequirements.5. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTIONSThe software functions that will be provided may be divided into the following major categories:• Call Processing functions; such as, call setup, call clearing, traffic handling, databaseupdating.• System maintenance functions; such as, diagnostics, software download, hardware devicestatus monitoring, alarm reporting.• System performance monitoring functions; such as, performance statistics gathering, overloadmonitoring.• Board boot up, and initialization.• Board diagnostics, low level debug port support.• Low level communications support, this includes initiating software download from theBCPC or the CCP.5.1  Pico BTS Control Processor Card (BCPC)The BTS Control Processor Card (BCPC) is the hardware module whose primary function isproviding call control and maintenance of Pico BTS.  There are twelve software blocks running inthe Pico BTS Control Processor Card which may be divided into the following major categories.• Call processing control message handling between BSC and MS, which includes PagingChannel messages, and Access Channel Messages.• System Maintenance functions; such as, resource management, fault management, dataaccess management, status handling, processor loading, and diagnostics.• Site alarm handling and reporting, this includes intrusion, temperature, humidity, AC power,battery, vibration, etc..• The Radio Frequency Unit control function.• Processing of the Time Of Day (TOD) message and 1 Pulse Per Second interrupt receivedfrom the GPS receiver.5.1.1 Functional OverviewThe primary responsibility of the Pico BTS Control Processor Card Controller is to provide callprocessing functions between BSC and Mobile Stations.  This is accomplished by exchanging callcontrol information associated with call setup, call clearing, and handoff between BCPC softwareblocks and BSC via Backhaul Interface Unit. BCPC software blocks also exchange call controlinformation with Mobile Stations, via the pBDCX, to perform call processing related functions.Following is a list of functions that will be provided by the BCPC software blocks.
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary291. Call Processing - The BCPC Call Control block exchanges call processing controlinformation regarding call setup, call clearing, handoff with the BSC, and the pBDCX.2. Channel Element Management - Upon receiving commands from the BSM, the BCPCsoftware blocks will send a command the pBDCX to setup the overhead channels, and trafficchannels.  This includes restoring, and removing individual channel elements, switching tostandby overhead channels, adjusting RF output power gains, etc..3. Device Status - The BCPC Status Handler block performs periodic status check of allhardware devices in the Pico BTS, and reports exceptions to BSM.4. Diagnostic - The BCPC software blocks provide functions to process diagnostic requestsfrom the BSM.5. Resource Management - The BCPC Resource Management block performs resourcemanagement functions as requested by BSM.6. Device Configuration Database - The BCPC software blocks manage local copy of deviceconfiguration database and reports any changes to the BSM.7. Controlling the RF unit including Transceiver Control Unit (XCVC), RF Front EndUnit(RFFE), and Power Amplifier(PA).8. The GPS receiver interface specific functions, which include:◊ Processing the Time-Of-Day(TOD) message received from GPS receiver◊ Processing the 1PPS interrupt, which includes the generation of the system time toBDC at the even second.9. Alarms - The BCPC software blocks monitors and manages alarm conditions from all localhardware devices and physical environments.  All alarm conditions will be reported to BSM.10. Software Download - The BCPC software will download the software into BDC upon powerup or receipt of a request.11. Debug Command Process - The BCPC software blocks will process commands received fromthe local debug port, which includes:• UI Support - Displays diagnostic menu on the console, and reads the input from theoperator.• Parsing and processing the commands entered by the operator.• Displaying the results on the console.12. Performance Statistics Gathering  - BCPC software blocks gather performance statistics andforward it to BSM.5.1.2  BCPC Boot Software (pBCPCb)The BCPC boot software (pBCPCb) resides in the boot flash memory and receives control of theprocessor on power up or reset.  The primary function of the pBCPCb is to initialize the BCPChardware.The pBCPCb provides the following functions:• Initial board diagnostics via the Power On Self Test (POST)• Debugging capabilities via the “PC” RS232 port.• Initialization of the T1/E1 port for communication with BSC.• Sending the software download request to the CCP to load the on-line software.• Initiating the Pico BTS on-line software.5.1.3  BCPC Software Architecture OverviewThe pBTS Control Processor Card consists of twelve (12) software blocks, various InterruptService Routines including Backhaul Interface Handler, TOD Interrupt Handler, 1PPS InterruptHandler, and the operating system.  The blocks communicate with each other using the Inter-TaskCommunication mechanism provided by the Sylos real time operating system. Communicationwith external modules is through Inter Module Communication Handler.
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary30pRMX Resource Management BlockOperating SystempCOXCall Control BlockpUIXUser Interface BlockOther InterruptServiceRoutinesIMCHandlerpHFMXH/W  Fault Managment BlockpRAX Resource Allocation BlockpDIAXDiagnostics BlockpDAX Data Acess Mgmt BlockpPLX Loader BlockpVCXTransceiver Control BlockBackhaulInterfaceHandlerTODInterruptHandler1PPSInterruptHandlerpRICXGPS Reciver Control BlockpMMX Measment BlockpSHXStatus Handler BookFigure 5.1.3-1 BCPC Software Architecture5.1.4 InterfacesThis section describes the interface among the BCPC software blocks and with other externalmodules. External Interface• Interface with BSC/BSMThe BCPC will communicate with the BSC/BSM via the Backhaul Interface Handler, whichis described in section 5.5.  The existing Gigacell IPC addressing scheme will be used forbackward compatibility. Backhaul Interface Handler will format individual packet suitablefor T1/E1 transmission to BSC/BSM.  Conversely, Backhaul Interface Handler will de-formatindividual packet received from the BSC/BSM and forward the packet to the Inter ModuleCommunication handler, which will send the packet to the destination whose address isspecified in the destination address field.• Interface with pBDCXThe BCPC software blocks will communicate with the pBDCX via the Inter ModuleCommunication mechanism described in section 5.4. The IPC addressing scheme currentlyimplemented in the Gigacell Base Station will be used for the Inter Module Communication. Inter-Task CommunicationThe inter-task communication among the BCPC software blocks is accomplished using InterModule Communication mechanism described in section 5.4.  The IPC addressing schemecurrently implemented in the Gigacell Base Station will be used.  The application software blockwill send an IPC message to the OS using sendsig(). The OS will check the destination addressspecified in the IPC header. If the specified destination address is the address assigned to the localmodule, then the OS will notify to the local task who is registered with the specified signal ID. Ifthe specified address is the one assigned to a remote module, then the OS will send the messageto the remote module via the serial connection or the backhaul interface.
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary315.1.5 Software BlocksAs mentioned previously, the pBTS Control Processor consists of twelve software blocks and theinterrupt service routines.  In this section, the functions of each software block are described. pBTS Call Processing eXecutive(pBCOX)The Pico BTS Call Processing consists of two major components. The Pico BTS ConfigurationManagement (BCM) and Call Processing (CP).  CP performs various call processing functions toensure the proper communication between MS and BSC.  The BCM maintains the entiresubsystem configuration within Pico BTS. Pico BTS Configuration Management (BCM)The Pico BTS Configuration Management maintains all the subsystem configuration within thePico BTS.The BCM provides the following functions:• Initializes configuration parameters, flags, and timers that will be used for the configurationmanagement.• Update its configuration and display new configuration information through the debug portwhen device status changes.• Registers the configuration signals that will be received from other devices.• Initializes Pilot and Sync channel and starts Pilot and Sync channel processing.• Initializes Paging channel and activates Paging channel processing.• Sends report to pBRMX during parameter change.• Sends report to pBSHX for device status.• Sends CDMA channel list report to BSM.• Performs channel card remove/restore operation.• Performs forward power management. BCM Software InterfaceThe BCM, which is part of pBCOX, uses signals described in the previous section to exchangeconfiguration data with the following software blocks and devices:Figure 5.1.5-1 BCM external interface diagram5. Call Processing (CP)The Pico BTS Call Processing complies with EIA/TIA/IS-95-A. It processes messages that flowbetween  MS and Pico-BTS as well as those between Pico-BTS and BSC. The different types ofmessage are described bellow:• A-bis MessagespBCOXBCMpBDCpBVCXpBSHXpBRAXBSMpBRMX
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary32A-bis Messages are Hyundai proprietary messages that are used between BSC andPico-BTS through T1/E1 interface. Pico-BTS shall format A-bis Messages and forwardto BSC. Pico-BTS will also de-format the received A-bis Messages and deliver to theproper destinations.• CAI MessagesCAI Messages are the messages used between Pico-BTS and MS through Paging,Access, Sync, and Traffic channels.  CAI Messages comply with EIA/TIA/IS-95-A.The channel elements format CAI Messages and send to MS.  Channel elements de-format the received CAI Messages and deliver to proper destinations. Pico BTScomplies with the Acknowledgment Procedures as defined in EIA/TIA/IS-95-A.• Pico-BTS Internal MessagesPico-BTS Internal Messages are proprietary messages, which are used within the Pico-BTS between the different subcomponents via the Inter Module Communication bus.Call Processing consists of CP initialization and CP related activities.  Call Processing providesthe following functions:•  CP initialization:1. Initializes nodes address.2. Initializes call state machine, Layer 2 parameters and device data.3. Initializes registration information and sets up registration timer.4. Initializes pages count, handoff count, and release reasons.5. Resets measurement data.6. Initializes CP parameters, and test call information.7. Registers user commands such as pBCOX Menu, display device configuration and callinformation etc.8. Activates Layer 2 timer.9. Activates paging message timer. •  CP activities:10. Registers signals which are sending/receiving to/from BSC, other devices or internaltasks.11. Performs normal calls for origination and termination side.12. Performs traffic channel assign when handoff occurred.13. Performs registration procedure.14. Performs internal call state machine.15. Performs service configuration and negotiation.16. Processes statistics for call processing.17. Performs supplementary services.18. Performs configuration and parameters update.19. Performs simulation and message trace for maintenance purpose. pBTS Resource Management eXecutive(pBRMX)The Pico BTS Resource Management loads the Pico BTS common data received from the BSMvia CCP (CRMX), processes the MMI commands, updates PLD, retrieves hardware alarm dataupon request, sends alarm data to pBHFMX, and sends the request for changing channel elementsto CRMX when requested by pBCOX or pBRAX.  It also provides functions to display all PicoBTS related PLD data.
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary33                  Figure 5.1.5-2 pBRMX external interface diagramThe pBRMX provides following functions:• Loads the common data from the BSM - Below is a list of the common data:◊ Pico-BTS configuration and status data.◊ Sector configuration and status data.◊ CDMA channel ID list data.◊ T1/E1 configuration and status data.◊ Subcell configuration and status data.◊ OTA system parameters. After completely loading the common data, pBRMX will send the end of loading message tothe BSM and  pBPLX.• Processes the MMI commands received from BSM - The commands are:◊ Blocking/unblocking Pico-BTS resources.◊ Adding/removing the neighbor set.◊ Updating the common data and local data in PLD.• Processes channel element configuration change requests - This is requested from pBCOX orpBRAX.• Processes hardware alarm requests - pBRMX receives request for updated alarm data frompBHFMX, retrieves the data and sends the data to pBHFMX.• Displays PLD data by debugging port. pBTS Status Handler eXecutive(pBSHX)The pBTS Status Handler manages pBTS hardware device status, controls the pBTS overloadingto avoid abnormal status, and periodically checks the resource utilization. The pBSHX alsoprovides functions to handle manual diagnostics of pBTS hardware device.      pBRMX  CRMX    pBSHX    pBCOX    pBRAX    pBHFMX    pBDIAX    pBPLXCCP BCPC        BSM
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary34 BCPC                     BSMFigure 5.1.5-3 pBSHX external interface diagramThe pBSHX provides following functions:• Main function◊ Initializes the global variables.◊ Registers signals.◊ Processes MMI commands and sends results to BSM.• BDC Related Functions◊ Monitors BDC◊ Processes channel element software alarm.◊ Processes overhead channel status changes.◊ Processes traffic channel status changes.• RFC Related Functions◊ Processes PA status changes.◊ Processes XCVC (RF Transceiver) status changes.◊ Processes Up converter and Down converter status changes.◊ Processes RFFE(RF Front End) status changes.• Overload Monitoring◊ Initializes overload data.     pBSHXpBCOXpBRMXpBRAX  pBDIAX STMX   CSHX   CCP           pBTS Devices                 (BDC )  FLMXpBDAX pXVCX pBRICX  pBPLX
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary35◊ Monitors the traffic channel and processor overload status.◊ Determines the traffic channel overload level.◊ Reports overload conditions to BSM.◊ Rejects calls when overload condition is detected.• T1/E1 Monitoring◊ Monitors and handles T1/E1 status.• pBTS Hardware Device Manual Diagnostics◊ Displays BDC current status.◊ Displays BDC fault registers◊ Sends BDC keep alive message and prints the results.◊ Restart BDC test.◊ Restart CE test.◊ Displays pBAC current status.◊ Displays pBAC fault registers.◊ Blocks pBAC / Unblocks  pBAC.◊ Initializes Phased Locked Loop in pBAC.◊ Displays the status of the GPS receiver.◊ Displays XCVC status.◊ Displays PA status.◊ PA disable test.◊ PA enable test.◊ PA restart test. pBTS Diagnostic eXecutive(pBDIAX)The pBDIAX is the diagnostic component of the BCPC.  It processes diagnostic commandsreceived from the BSM. The pBDIAX may also be invoked through local debug port.  If invokedthrough the debug port, it displays two test choices. The first test is to test the channel elementsusing KA (keep_alive), and the second one is BIT (built_in_test).pBDIAX will provide the following functions:• T1/E1 diagnostic tests.• CE diagnostic tests.• CE KA (keep_alive) test.• Monitoring BCPC overload status.
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary36ACEpBDCXTCEPCEPSCEpDIAXMainT1/E1HandlerCCPΦιγυρε 5.1.5−4 πΒΤΣ ∆ιαγνοστιχσ εξτερναλ ιντερφαχε διαγραµDiagnostic requests are stored in individual arrays for each equipment type.  The arrays are:• Pilot and SYNC channel element array (psce_req_table[]),• Paging channel element array (pce_req_table[]),• Access channel element array (ace_req_table[]),• Traffic channel element array (tce_req_table[]), and• Channel control array (cc_req_table[]). pBTS Processor Loader eXecutive(pBPLX)The pBTS Processor Loader handles downloading software from the CCP to the BCPC processor,and downloading software from the BCPC to the pBDCX processor.The pBPLX has the following functions:• Initializes global parameters and loading table.• Registers signals.• Loads BCPC software blocks, and pBDCX.• Updates subsystem loading status.• Performs loading error report.• Performs checksum for data/text transactions. pBTS Data Access eXecutive(pBDAX)
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary37The pBTS Data Access task provides access methodology to the pBTS PLD database. ThepBDAX provides various database access functions to access PLD.The pBDAX has the following functions:• Sets up PLD database access function addresses.• Provides select, add, delete and update functions to access PLD.• Provides index and sequential access methods to access PLD. pBTS Resource Allocation eXecutive(pBRAX)The pBTS Resource Allocation allocates and deallocates the pBTS resources for call relatedfunctions, stores statistical data for measurement and retrieves device status for status handler.When the pBCOX (Call Control) processes normal call setup or handoff, the pBCOX requests thepBRAX to provide the available resources. The pBRAX will try to allocate the available resourceupon receiving the request.  If the pBRAX allocates the resources successfully, it returns asuccessful message to the pBCOX.  If the pBRAX cannot allocate the required resourcescompletely, the pBRAX deallocates all allocated resources associated with the current request,and sends the error code to the pBCOX.pBRAX provides the following functions:• Normal Call and Handoff Related Functions◊ Carrier selection.◊ Allocation / deallocation of the frame offset.◊ Allocation / deallocation of CDMA channel index.◊ Allocation / deallocation of power gain.◊ Allocation / deallocation of Walsh code.◊ Allocation / deallocation of traffic channel.◊ Processes handoff status message received from pBCOX.• RF and CE Related Functions◊ Initializes global variables which are used to store CEs data.◊ CE resource allocation / deallocation when requested• T1/E1 Related Functions◊ Retrieves current T1/E1 handler data and sends the data together with T1/E1 utilization topBMMX.• STATISTICS Related Functions◊ Displays traffic statistics and system performance statistics as requested by pBMMX.• Device Configuration◊ Update configuration data of each device. pBTS Measurement eXecutive(pBMMX)The pBTS Measurement (pBMMX) handles statistical measurements.  It starts or stops the pBTSstatistical measurement upon receiving request from the BSM. The pBMMX also providesfunctions to display the statistical data and to simulate statistical measurements.  Upon receivingthe request, the pBMMX starts taking the specified statistical measurements based on receivedmessage id. The pBMMX will collect and store the statistical data and send them to the BSM viaCMMX.  The statistical data include call performance statistics, T1/E1 statistics, air interfacestatistics, CEs statistics and the BCPC processor statistics.pBMMX provides following functions:
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary38• Processes messages received from the BSM to start or stop taking statistical measurements.The pBMMX requests and receives the statistical data from following software blocks ordevices:◊ Air interface statistics from the pBDCX.◊ T1/E1 statistics from BIH.◊ CEs statistics from the pBCOX.◊ Performance statistics from the pBRAX which generated by the pBCOX.◊ The BCPC processor statistics by calling OS library function.• Displays traffic statistics.• Displays the Pico-BTS performance data.• Displays T1/E1 traffic statistics.• Displays error statistics for air interface.• Displays common air interface statistics.• Simulates statistical measurements. XCVC Control eXecutive (XVCX)The Pico XCVC Control eXecutive (pXVCX) is a software block that resides in the BCPC. Themajor functionality provided by pXVCX is controlling the RF unit including Transceiver ControlUnit(XCVC), RF Front End Unit(RFEE), and Power Amplifier(PA). This functionality isprovided by the dedicated control board called, TCCA, in the Gigacell.However, in the Pico BTS, the RF unit controlling functionality is consolidated into the BCPC.This change has been made in order to reduce the number of boards and, as a result, reduce thepower consumption. In Pico BTS, the BCPC will control the RF unit through the parallelinterfaces. Functional OverviewAs mentioned earlier, the primary functionality of the pXVCX is controlling the RF unitincluding Transceiver Control Unit (XCVC), RF Front End Unit (pRFEU), and Power Amplifier(PA). In this section, the functions provided by the pXVCX are described:1. Attenuator/AGC Configuration  Three attenuators will be allocated to each XCVC, one for the transmit path and two for thereceive path. The pXVCX will configure the attenuators of a XCVC based on the informationspecified in the XCVC configuration table 1) at the initialization time, 2) upon receipt of“RCONF” command from the diagnostic port, or 3) upon receipt of a command from BCPC.The XCVC may be configured to perform the one of the following functions:• Normal Operation: Configuration of the XCVC for the normal operation include:◊  Configuration of the attenuator for transmit path◊  Configuration of the attenuators for receive path◊  Configuration of Frequency Synthesizer• Reverse Power Management:• Reverse Capacity Management:• Transmit Adjust:Adjust the transmit power.
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary392. Frequency Configuration: Configure the register of the Frequency Synthesizer to set thetransmit and receive frequency. 3. Initialization and management of the local devices; such as, the RF Transceiver (XCVC), theRF Front End (RFFE), and the Power Amplifier (PA) via the parallel interfaces. 4. Diagnostic and fault management of the XCVC, the pRFFE, and the pPA. 5. Process the commands received from the pBCOX. 6. Execute the diagnostic commands entered by the user via the RS232 port and display theresults. This function includes validating the command, executing the command, anddisplaying the result on the console. Pico GPS Receiver Controller eXecutive (pGRICX)The Pico GPS Receiver Controller eXecutive (pGRICX) is a software block that resides in theBCPC. The major functionality provided by pGRICX is processing One Pulse Per Second (1PPS)and Time Of Day (TOD) received from the GPS receiver, generating the system time to othermodule, and monitoring the status of the GPS receiver. This functionality is provided by TFCA,which is a Motorola 68302 based board, in the Gigacell. However, in the pBTS, the functionalityto process the TOD and 1PPS is consolidated into the BCPC in order to simplify the architectureand, as a result, reduce the power consumption. Functional OverviewThe primary functionality of the pGRICX is processing the 1PPS and TOD received from theGPS receiver. In this section, the functions provided by the pGRICX are described in detail:1. Processes 1 PPS Received from the GPS receiver. Upon receipt of 1 PPS, pGRICX will sendthe system time to BCM block and pBDCX at even second. 2. Checks the 1 PPS existence. If 1 PPS is missing for more than 10 times, then pGRICX willgenerate an alarm. 3. Processes the TOD received from the GPS receiver via the serial port.4. Validates the TOD format. 5. Checks the TOD existence. If the TOD is missing for more than 10 times, then pGRICX willnotify to BSM. 6. Processes the commands received from the pBCOX. 7. Executes the diagnostic commands entered by the user via the RS232 port and display theresults. This function includes validating the command, executing the command, anddisplaying the result on the console.
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary405.1.6  Interrupt Service RoutinesThe following interrupt service routines will be implemented in BCPC to handle variousinterrupts generated by the external/internal devices:• Real Timer Clock Handler - This is used to update system time, performs timer relatedfunctions.• DMA Transmit Status - This includes three routines to handle DMA data transmit status.One routine to signal DMA transmit completed successfully, the second routine to signalDMA transmit error, the third routine indicates serial port (MPCC) transmit error.• DMA Receive Status - This includes three routines to handle DMA data receive status.  Oneroutine to signal DMA receive completed successfully, the second routine to signal DMAreceive error, the third routine indicates serial port (MPCC) receive error.• Exception Handlers - This interrupt handles hardware-related failures on the BCPC.• System Call Traps - BCPC software blocks uses Sylos as the real time operating system.Sylos system calls are executed through the “trap” mechanism.  All existing system calls inthe Gigacell will be supported in the pBTS.• TOD Interrupt - To process the interrupt generated by the SMC1 upon receipt of the TODmessage from the GPS receiver.• 1PPS Interrupt Handler - To process the interrupt generated upon receipt of the 1PPS fromthe GPS receiver.5.2  Baseband Digital Card (BDC)The Baseband Digital Card (BDC) is the hardware module whose primary function is providingthe digital signal processing of the CDMA waveform within pBTS. Two different software blockswill be run in the BDC, the Pico Baseband Digital Card Boot software (pBDCb) and the PicoBaseband Digital Card eXecutive(pBDCX). The pBDCb, which resides in the boot PROM, is toboot the BDC at the power up. The pBDCX is the software block that will be stored in theexecutable flash of BCPC. At the system initialization, the pBDCX will be downloaded into theDRAM of BDC and executed there. The primary function of pBDCX is controlling the CDMACell Site Modem (CSM) chips. This section describes the functional requirements and softwarearchitecture of the pBDCX.5.2.1 Functional OverviewThe primary responsibility of the pBDCX is controlling the CDMA Cell Site Modem (CSM)ASIC, which is a CDMA baseband modem for reverse link demodulation and forward linkmodulation. It also processes the calls within the Base station Transceiver System (BTS) bysending and receiving the control information associated with call setup, call clearing, andhandoff to/from the BCPC via the Inter Module Communication mechanism. The following is alist of the functions that will be provided by the pBDCX:1. Channel Element ConfigurationAt initialization time, the pBDCX configures each Channel Element based on theconfiguration information received from the BCPC; thus, each Channel Element performsone of the four functions, Pilot and Sync Channel, Paging Channel, Access Channel, andTraffic Channel as follows:
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary41• Pilot and Sync Channel: The configuration of the Pilot and Sync Channel consists of setting up interruptgeneration related to the Sync Channel data encoding, configuring the Long Code PNgenerators, configuring the Reverse Link, and configuring the Forward Link. • Paging Channel: In order to configure to transmit a Paging channel from a single CSM to a single sector,the pBDCX is required to set up interrupt generation related to the Paging Channel dataencoding, configure the Long Code PN generators, configure the Reverse Link, andconfigure the Forward Link. • Access Channel: The Access channel configuration consists of setting up interrupt generation related to theAccess Channel data decoding, configuring the Long Code PN generators, andconfiguring the Reverse Link. • Traffic Channel:In order to transmit and receive a Traffic channel, the pBDCX needs to set up interruptgeneration related to the Traffic Channel data encoding/decoding, configure the LongCode PN generators, configure Reverse Link, and configure the Forward Link. For theReverse Link Traffic Channel, the initial configuration requires disabling all four Fingers,configuring the Demodulator, and configuring the Decoder. For the Forward Link TrafficChannel, initial configuration requires configuring the Encoder for Traffic Channelencoding, configuring a Transmit Section for proper modulation, and configuring theTransmit Summer to route the Traffic Channel to the correct sector.2.  Channel Element MaintenanceOnce the channels have been configured, the pBDCX will maintain the channels. Thefunctions taken by the pBDCX for the maintenance vary depending on the channel types asfollows:• Pilot Channel:No channel maintenance is required for the Pilot channel.• Sync Channel: Maintaining the Sync Channel consists of writing the Sync Channel data, which consistsof an 80 ms superframe, into the Encoder buffer. Each superframe is divided into three26.67 ms frames to be written to the Encoder. • Paging Channel:Paging Channel maintenance consists of writing the Paging Channel data into theEncoder buffer. Paging Channel data consists of a series of message capsules which aredivided into 10ms half- frames. These half-frames are paired up and combined into 20 msframes that are written to the Encoder.• Access Channel: Maintenance of the Access Channel consists of watching for Access probes using theSearcher, assigning Fingers to any Access probes that are detected, and reading theincoming data frame from the Decoder.
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary42• Traffic Channel: Maintenance is required for both the Reverse Link and Forward Link as follows: ◊ Reverse Link maintenance consists of using the Searcher to watch for the best signaloffsets, assigning Fingers to these offsets, and reading Decoder data frames.◊ Forward Link maintenance consists of writing Encoder data frames, and monitoringthe Encoder status.3.  Overhead Channel Redundancy: The overhead channel redundancy will be provided. In orderto implement this function, the BCPC will monitor the status of the BDC using the pollingscheme.  Upon detection of the failure of the BDC in which the overhead channels, i.e., Pilot,Sync, Page, Access channels, are configured, the BCPC will request other BDC to configurethe overhead channels. If enough channels are not available for the overhead channels, thepBDCX will clear the traffic channels and reconfigure them as the overhead channels. 4.  The pBDCX transmits and receives the control information, regarding the call setup, callclearing and handoff, and traffic data to/from TSB via the Inter-Module Communication andBackhaul interface. 5.  The pBDCX exchanges the control information required for the call setup, call clearing andhandoff with the BCPC via the IMC. 6.  Checks the status of each Channel Element and reports the status to the BCPC periodically. 7.  Board Power On Start-up Test (POST). 8.  Processes the commands received via the debug port, which includes:• UI Support - Displays menu on the console and reads the input entered by the operator.• Interpretation of the command entered by the operator.• Processing the command.• Displaying of the result on the console.The types of command to be supported will be determined during the detailed design phase..5.2.2  BDC Boot Software(pBDCb)The pBDCb will reside in the boot flash memory of the BDC. The primary responsibility of theBDC Boot Software (pBDCb) is booting the BDC at the power up. It will perform the Power OnStart-up Test (POST), initialize the BDC hardware board, and initiate the software downloadprocedure by sending the software download request message to the BCPC. Upon completion ofthe initialization procedure, the BDC boot software will jump to the on-line code. Booter alsoprovides debugging capability through RS232C interface with debug terminal.The POST consists of the followings:1. pBDCX board RAM test2. CSM initialization3. Sanity checks on the physical communication paths between pBDCX board and otherhardware modules.4. Vendor provided diagnostic tests.5. RS232 debugging port initialization.Any failure detected during the POST will be notified to the operator using the LED.
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary435.2.3  pBDCX Software Architectural OverviewThe pBDCX consists of seven background tasks, two foreground tasks, and the operating system.The tasks communicate each other using a set of message queues and the event flags provided bythe real time operating system. The real time operating system for the pBDCX is to bedetermined.Figure 5.2.3-1 depicts the software architecture of the Pico Baseband Digital Card ControllerOperatingSystemMain TaskBINTask AINTask MgmtTask DiagTaskMonitorTaskChannel Element InterruptService Routine Inter-Module CommunicationHandlerWatch-dogTaskSearchTaskFigure 5.2.3-1 Software Architecture of Baseband Digital Card Controller5.2.4 InterfacesThis section describes the interfaces between pBDCX and other hardware modules. This sectionalso describes inter-task communication of pBDCX. Interface with Channel Elements(CEs)The pBDCX interfaces with the Channel Element via the registers provided by the ChannelElement. The registers of the Channel Element are functionally grouped together as follows:1. General Registers:2. PN Registers:3. Per Finger Registers:4. Demodulator Registers5. Searcher Registers6. Decoder Registers7. Forward Link Registers:8. Per Transmit Section Registers9. Transmit Summer Registers: Interface with Other Modules• Interface with the pBTS Control Processor Card(BCPC):
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary44The pBDCX will communicate with the BCPC. The IPC addressing scheme currentlyimplemented in the GigaCell Base Station will be used for the inter module communication. ThepBDCX will transmit/receive a packet to/from the BCPC.• Interface with the TSB/BSC:The pBDCX will communicate with the TSB via the Backhaul Interface Handler, which isdescribed in the section 5.5. As mentioned earlier, the traffic destined to BSC is handled byBCPC. Thus, the pBDCX will communicate with TSB/BSC via the BCPC, which functions as agateway to BSC in pBTS. In order to maintain compatibility, the IPC addressing schemecurrently implemented in the GigaCell Base Station will be used when the pBDCX communicateswith the TSB. Inter-Task CommunicationThe inter-task communication will be accomplished using the message queues and event flagprovided by the Real Time Operating System. That is, when each task is created, a messagequeue and an event flag will be created and assigned to each task. When a task needs to send amessage to other task, it will put the message in the queue assigned to the destination task beforesetting the appropriate bit of the event flag to notify the task. The size of the message queue willbe determined later.5.2.5 Software BlocksAs mentioned earlier, the pBDCX consists of seven background tasks and two foreground tasks,In this section, functions provided by each software block are described. Background Tasks1. Main TaskThe Main Task will perform the following functions:• Creates and invokes other tasks, namely, BIN Task, AIN Task, Management Task, WatchdogTask, Monitor Task, Diagnostic Task, and Loader.• Creates and initializes the message queues and event flags that will be used for the inter-taskcommunication.• Invokes the watchdog timers for the tasks.• Processes the reset or shutdown signal. Upon receipt of the reset or shutdown signal, the maintask will terminate all tasks and exit.• Initialization of the registers, timers. memory select, chip select, DMA controller, interruptcontroller at initialization time. It also configures the Channel Elements at the initializationtime.2.  Air Interface Layer(AIN) TaskThe primary responsibility of the AIN task is to handle the interface between the Air and thepBDCX. The AIN task will provide the following functions:• Builds paging channel message - When the Channel Element interrupt handler sends thesignals, AIN task packs the paging channel message and put it in the forward linkconvolutional encoder before sending a message to the BCPC.• Sends the paging channel response to the BCPC.• Builds the sync channel message when the Channel Element interrupt handler sends signalsand put it in the forward link convolutional encoder.• Processes the following command messages received from the management task.• Processes the access channel Over-The-Air (OTA) messages sent by the Channel Elementinterrupt handler by checking the CRC and sends the message to the BCPC3.  Monitoring Task
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary45• Creates the Diagnostic Monitoring Report messages based on the information received fromother tasks and sends them to the Diagnostic Monitor.• Sends the total number of messages it failed to transmit to the Diagnostic Module during thelast period of time if there is any.4.   Management Task• Sends a Round Trip Delay(RTD) report  to TSB upon expiration of RTD timer.• Sends all messages waiting for the acknowledgment from TSB to the BIN task uponexpiration of the ACK timer. The BIN task will retransmit the messages to TSB.• Sends a forward power report to the BCPC upon expiration of the forward power report timer• Resynchronizes the Channel Element upon expiration of the Channel Element Reset timer,which is started when the Channel Element is reset.• Processes the following messages received from the BIN task:5. pBTS Interconnect (BIN) TaskThe primary responsibility of the pBTS Interconnect (BIN) task is processing the messagesreceived or transmitted from/to the TSB or BCPC via the Inter Module Communication bus. Thefollowing are the descriptions of the functions of the BIN task.• Processes the Reverse traffic. It can be either a packet included normal traffic or a Markovpacket. For the packet with the normal traffic, BIN task will forward it to TSB while itdetermines the rate and category and keeps statistics for the Markov  packet.6.   Diagnostic TaskThe diagnostic task processes the on-line diagnostic request message received from theDiagnostic Monitor(DM).  Upon receipt of the diagnostic request from DM, the diagnostic taskperforms the diagnostic test on the specified Channel Element and sends the result to the DM.The following are functions performed by the Diagnostic Task.• Processes the well & alive message from BCPC by responding to it.• Sends a status report to BCPC periodically.7.  Search Done(srch_done) TaskThe srch_done task, which is created by the AIN task at the system initialization time, is abackground task that handles the search done interrupt generated by the CSM chip. The CSM willgenerate the search done interrupt upon completion of searching for the followings:• Access channel preambles• Traffic channel preambles• Traffic channel multipath 8.  Watch-Dog TaskWhen a task fails to alert the watchdog on a regular basis, Watch-Dog task will report an errorcondition and  take an appropriate recovery action.5.3  Inter Processor Communication (IPC)Inter Processor Communication (IPC) is a software protocol used by processors within the Pico-BTS to communicate with other processors.  This is a very simple protocol, which defines thedata packet format to be used, and the addressing scheme.  The maximum data packet length is128 bytes within the pBTS, and between the pBTS and the BSC.  The Pico-BTS will use thesame IPC mechanism as well as the addressing scheme as Gigacells’.
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary465.4  Inter Module Communication (IMC)Inter Module Communication mechanism is used for communication between the differenthardware components within Pico-BTS.  IPC data packet, and addressing scheme, as definedattachment A, are used for Inter Module Communication.  The following paragraphs describesthe different IMC paths available in the Pico-BTS.• BCPC  Software Blocks and pBDCXThere are two pBDCXs in the pBTS. BCPC has two separate SCC ports providing directpoint to point connection with each pBDCX.  The speed is at 2.048Mbps.• BCPC Software Blocks and Backhaul InterfaceThis is a parallel connection between BCPC software blocks and the Backhaul InterfaceHandler (BIH).  The interface between Backhaul Interface and BSC is described insection Functional OverviewThe primary responsibility of Inter Module Communication (IMC) mechanism is to providemessage communication capabilities between the different processors and BSC within the Pico-BTS.  As such, the IMC capability is provided on every card that has a processor.Following is a list of functions required for IMC in the pBDCX cards.Receiving message• Receive incoming message• Verify destination of the received message• Error checking incoming message• Store the received message into a buffer• Use existing mechanism to notify upper layer of incoming messageSending message• Verifying there is message to be sent• Verifying the destination♦ If destination is another task within the same card, then loop back and stop• Put the message into proper buffer location, and activate DMA to transmit the messageThe IMC requirements for BCPC are much more complex.  The IMC must provide routercapabilities to route messages between the processors.  IMC must also provide gatewaycapabilities for messages between BSC and pBTS.  Both requirements are new and will beimplemented in BCPC.  Following is a list of functions required for IMC in BCPC.Router capabilities• Receive incoming message• Error checking incoming message• Verify destination address♦ If the destination is BCPC software blocks, then store the received messageinto the buffer for BCPC♦ Use existing mechanism to notify upper layer of incoming message• Put one BCPC software block message into proper buffer, activate DMA to transmit themessage (This includes message destined for BSC)Gateway capabilitiesReceiving message• Receive incoming message from BSC• Verify destination of the received message• Error checking incoming message
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary47• Store the received message into the buffer for router♦ If the destination is BCPC, then store the received message into the buffer forBCPC software blocks.♦ Use existing mechanism to notify upper layer of incoming message• Notify router of incoming messageSending message• Verify there is message to be sent• Verify the destination• Put the message into proper buffer location, and activate DMA to transmit the message5.4.2 FirmwareIMC capabilities are included in the boot flash memory for the pBDCX to facilitate the initialsystem boot up communication with the BCPC software blocks, this includes software downloadif required.  For the BCPC, IMC capability included in the boot flash memory is the gatewayfunction to facilitate communication with BSC and BSM upon system boot up.  The boot flashmemory in BCPC will also initialize the Backhaul Interface on system boot up, so that messagescan be exchanged between BSC and BCPC.5.4.3 Software Architecture OverviewThe software architecture for the pBDCX is different from the that for BCPC.  IMC for the BCPCsoftware blocks  has two separate parts - Router and Gateway functions. pBDCX           Figure 5.4.3-1 IMC SW architecture5.4.3.2 BCPCFigure 5.4.3-2 BCPC IMC software architectureDPRAM DriversISR for Sendingmessages.  Thiscould be part oftimer ISR.SCC1DebugISR forReceivingmessages.SCC2T1/E1Application BlocksSCC3BSAM SMC1TODRouterSCC0T1/E1Application Blocks
Rev: 1.0                                           Hyundai Electronics Confidential and Proprietary48Router switches messages between different ports. BCPC is represented here as a port.  It istreated as such by the Router.  Gateway to/from BSC is also treated just as a port from theRouter’s perspective.5.5  Backhaul Interface Handler (BIH)Backhaul interface handler (BIH) is the software that handles the messages exchanged betweenthe pBTS and the BSC. This interface uses T1/E1 to connect BSC and Pico-BTS.• This section describes the functional requirements and software architecture of the BIH.5.5.1 Functional OverviewThe primary responsibility of the BIH is to provide the interface between the BSC and the Pico-BTS through T1/E1.  This is accomplished by exchanging information associated with signalflow between the BCPC software blocks and the BSC.  Following is a list of functions that willbe provided by the BIH.1. Interface to T1/E1.2. Pack data to HDLC format.3. Retrieve data from received HDLC packet.4. Address translations.5. Send / Receive data packets to / from BSC and BSM.6. Backhaul link diagnostics:• Local loopback allow link test from BSC,• Local loopback allow link test from Pico-BTS.7. Monitor T1/E1 frame errors.8. Set/clear T1/E1 link alarms.9. Backhaul link RTS / OOS / BUSY / IDLE / TEST.10. BCPC boot ROM will initialize BIH chip set (Bt8370),11. Initializes T1/E1 interface.12. A new Inter Module Communication (IMC) mechanism will be used to replace BIN.  ThisIMC will be responsible for all Pico-BTS internal communications.

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