Hyundai Electronics Co PIC800 User Manual OperationsMANUAL

Hyundai Electronics Industries Co Ltd OperationsMANUAL



Rev: 1.0                                               Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary1OPERATION MANUALFORPICO-BTSIN 800MHZ BANDVersion 1.0December, 1999
Rev: 1.0                                               Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary2Table of Contents1. PREFACE 92. SAFETY 92.1 General Safety Summary 92.2 Certification and Compliance 93. GETTING STARTED 103.1 Product description 103.2 Bottom View 113.3 Front and Rear Views 123.4 Side Views 123.5 Inside 134. SPECIFICATIONS 144.1 Functional Specifications 144.1.1 Operating Frequency 144.1.2 Interface Specification Air Interface Equipment Specification Backhaul(A-bis) Interface 144.2 Performance Specification 154.2.1 System Delay 154.2.2 Capacity 154.3 Electrical Performance 154.3.1 Transmitter RF Power 154.3.2 Electric Power Primary Power Battery Backup Power (Optional) 154.4 Physical Specifications 164.5 Environmental Specifications 164.6 Reliability Specifications 164.6.1 MTBF 164.6.2 Battery Backup time 174.6.3 Quality Materials 174.6.4 Grounding Requirements 174.6.5 Alarm Requirements 17
Rev: 1.0                                               Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary35. START UP 175.1 Installation 176. BASIC OPERATION 176.1 Power On 176.2 GPS Locking 176.3 Aging 187. BMENU 187.1 BMENU Setup 187.1.1 Terminal Configuration 197.1.2 Notational Conventions 197.2 BMENU Invocation 197.3 TEST CALL 207.3.1 TEST CALL CONFIGURATION menu Menu Item: Input IMSI Menu Item: Input Slot Mode Menu Item: Input Slot Cycle Index Menu Item: Input SERVICE OPTION Menu Item: Display CONFIGURATION 227.3.2 Menu Item: Triggering (Start/Stop) 237.3.3 Menu Item: Result Report (Completed & Processing) 247.3.4 Menu Item: MARKOV([MS]->BTS->BSC) Mode(default-OFF) 247.4 DISPLAY MESSAGE 257.4.1 DEVICE CONFIGURATION MESSAGE DISPLAY menu DEVICE CONFIGURATION TX MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu DEVICE CONFIGURATION RX MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu 267.4.2 CALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY menu TX CCP MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu RX CCP MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu TX TRAFFIC CHANNEL ELEMENT (TCE) MESSAGE DISPLAY MASKmenu RX TRAFFIC CHANNEL ELEMENT (TCE) MESSAGE DISPLAY MASKmenu TX PAGING CHANNEL ELEMENT (PCE) MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu287.4.2.6 RX PAGING CHANNEL ELEMENT (PCE) MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu297.4.2.7 RX ACCESS CHANNEL ELEMENT (ACE) MESSAGE DISPLAY MASKmenu 297.5 CALL STATE FLOW 307.5.1 CALL FLOW DISPLAY menu 307.5.1.1 CALL ID TRACE menu 307. Menu Item: ALL CALL FLOW DISPLAY(OFF/ON) 31
Rev: 1.0                                               Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary47. Menu Item: MOBILE(imsi_s1) TRACE 317.5.2 Menu Item: Processing Call State Display 327.6 RF CHARACTERISTICS 327.6.1 Menu Item: RF TEST CALL Start 327.6.2 Menu Item: RF TEST CALL Release 347.7 LOCAL PARAMETER 347.7.1 DISPLAY LOCAL PARAMETER menu 347.7.1.1 Menu Item: Display Pilot, Sync and Paging Channel Gains 357.7.1.2 Menu Item: Display RFC Tx Gain 357.7.2 CHANGE LOCAL PARAMETER menu 357.7.2.1 Menu Item: Change Pilot Channel Gain 357.7.2.2 Menu Item: Change Sync Channel Gain 367.7.2.3 Menu Item: Change Paging Channel Gain 367.7.2.4 Menu Item: Change Traffic Channel Gain 367.7.2.5 Menu Item: Change RFC Gain 367.8 RESOURCE STATUS 377.8.1 Menu Item: Display Carrier(BLINK) data 377.8.2 DISPLAY CHANNEL CARD DATA menu 377.8.2.1 Menu Item: Display Channel Card 387.8.2.2 Menu Item: Display Pilot and Sync Channel 387.8.2.3 Menu Item: Display Paging Channel 387.8.2.4 Menu Item: Display Access Channel 397.8.2.5 Menu Item: Display Traffic Channel 397.8.2.6 Menu Item: Display Error Rate of Traffic Channel 407.8.3 Menu Item: Display Walsh Code 417.8.4 Menu Item: Display Power bank 417.8.5 Menu Item: Display Using TCE 417.9 CDMA Utility 427.9.1 Menu Item: Phone Number --> MIN 427.9.2 Menu Item: MIN --> Phone Number 427.9.3 Hash Randomize menu 437.9.3.1 Menu Item: Random CDMA Channel Index 437.9.3.2 Menu Item: Random Paging Channel Number 437.9.3.3 Menu Item: Random Paging Slot 437.9.3.4 Menu Item: Random Access Channel PN 448. MAINTENANCE ADVICE 458.1 Operation/Configuration Management 458.2 Performance Management 458.3 Maintenance Management 45List of FiguresFIGURE 3.2-1 11FIGURE 3.3-1 12
Rev: 1.0                                               Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary6GlossaryAC Alternate CurrentACC Analog Common Circuit, replaced by BACACCA Analog Common Card AssemblyACE Access Channel ElementACRP Adjacent Channel Power RejectionADC Analog To DigitalAGC Automatic Gain ControllerANT AntennaBAC Baseband Analog Circuit, replacing ACCBBU Base Band UnitBCP BTS Control ProcessorBCM BTS Configuration ManagementBCOX BTS Call Control ExecutionBDAX BCP Data Access ExecutionBDC Baseband Digital CardBDIAX BTS Diagnostic ExecutionBDTU BTS Diagnostic & Test UnitBFMX BTS Fault Management ExecutionBIH Backhaul Interface Handler - SoftwareBIU      Backhaul Interface UnitBMEA BCP MeasurementBLINK BTS LinkBPF      Band Pass FilterBPLX BCP Processor Loader ExecutionBRAX BTS Resource Allocation ExecutionBRMX BTS Resource Management ExecutionBS Base StationBSC Base Station ControllerBSHX BTS Status Handler ExecutionBSM Base Station ManagerBTS Base Transceiver SystemBW Band WidthCAI Common Air InterfaceCCC Channel Card Common, replaced by CECCCP Call Control ProcessorCDIAX CCP Diagnostic ExecutionCDMA Code Division Multiple AccessCDMX Configuration Data Management ExecutionCE Channel ElementCEC Channel Element Controller, replacing CCCCFMX CCP Fault Management ExecutionCMEA CCP MeasurementCPLX CCP Processor Loader ExecutionCRAX CCP Resource Allocation ExecutionCSHX CCP Status Handler ExecutionCSM Cell Site ModemDAC      Digital to Analog ConverterDC      Direct CurrentDCS      Digital Cellular SystemDD      Detailed DesignDDS      Direct Digital SynthesisDM      Diagnostic MonitorDU     Digital Unit
Rev: 1.0                                               Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary7EMI     Electrical Magnetic InterferenceFA     Frequency AllocationFIFO     First-In-First-OutFPGA     Field Programmable GateArrayGPIO     General Purpose Input / OutputGPS Global Positioning SystemHDLC High Level Data Link ControlHLD High Level DesignIIn-PhaseIF     Intermediate FrequencyIMC     Inter Module CommunicationIMCB     Inter Module Communication BusIMCH     Inter Module Communication HandlerIPC     Inter Processor CommunicationLCIN     Local CCP Interconnection NetworkLED     Light Emitting DiodeLNA     Low Noise AmplifierLO1     Local Oscillator 1LO2     Local Oscillator 2LPA Linear Power AmplifierLPF Low Pass FilterMFP     Multi-Function PeripheralMLNK MSC LinkMMI Man Machine InterfaceMRB Monitor/Report BlockMS Mobile StationMSC Mobile Switching CenterMSPS Mega Sample Per SecondMTBF Mean Time Between FailuresMUX MultiplexerMVIP Multiple Vendor Integrated ProtocolOC Overload ControllerOPAID Operation AIDPA      Power AmplifierPCI      Peripheral Communication InterfacePCE      Paging Channel ElementPCS      Personal Communication SystemPN      Pseudo-Noise SequencePLD  Program Load DataPLL Phase Lock LoopPLX Process Loading ExecutionPP2S/ Pulse Per Two SecondPSCE Pilot_Sync Channel ElementPSU Power Subsystem UnitPSU Power Subsystem UnitQ      Quadrature-PhaseRF            Radio FrequencyRFC      Radio Frequency ControllerRFFE      RF Front EndRFU      Radio Frequency UnitROM      Read Only MemoryRxFE      Receiver Front EndRxIF Receiver IFSCC      Serial Communication ControllerSIP     Selector Interface Processor
Rev: 1.0                                               Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary8SNR     Signal To Noise RatioSRAM     Static Read Only MemorySVE Selector Vocoder ElementSVP Selector Vocoder ProcessorTBD     To Be DeterminedT_BLK Test BlockTCE     Traffic Channel ElementTDM     Time Division MultiplexingTFC     Time & Frequency ControllerTxIF     Transmitter IFTxFE     Transmitter Front EndTFU     Time and Frequency UnitTSB Transcoder Selector BankUART Universal Asynchronous Receiver TransmitterXCVC Radio Frequency Transceiver
Rev: 1.0                                               Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary91. PrefaceThis is the operating manual for Pico Base Transceiver Station (HD-PIC800) for CDMA Digital CellularSystem (DCS).Getting started covers the outside and inside views and functional description. In particular, Inside viewshows the location of the each board. Specifications describes all functional, performance, electrical, physical, environmental and reliabilityspecification of the PICO-BTS.Start Up and Basic Operation section explains from installation to aging process, which is needed for basicoperation before BMENU.BMENU section is for advanced use to manage Call Processing and Call Resource Management in HyundaiBTS.Maintenance section describes some advice for managing PICO-BTS.2. Safety2.1  General Safety SummaryCarefully review following safety precautions when operate PICO-BTS to prevent injury and damage toPICO-BTS and the equipment, which are connected to PICO-BTS.! Proper Power SourceStrictly, follow the power requirements in this manual.! Temperature:Do not expose to extremely hot or cold environment.PICO BTS should be operated between -30°C and +50°C! Explosive AtmosphereKeep PICO-BTS away from explosive material! Safe InstallOnly qualified person has to install PICO-BTS to prevent fall off, injury, damage or possible disaster.! Suspected FailuresIf you are suspicious of any mal function stop operating PICO-BTS and contact customer service.! ModificationDo not modify any component of PICO-BTS! Electric ShockBe careful to touch PICO-BTS to avoid electric shock2.2  Certification and Compliance1. IS-95A, Mobile Station - Base Station Compatibility Requirements for 800MHz Code Division MultipleAccess (CDMA) Digital Cellular System (DCS).2. The specifications of PICO BTS equipment shall comply with IS-95A and IS-97.3. EIA/TIA IS-634, MSC-BS Interface for Public Wireless Communications Systems.4. PN-3539 to be published as IS-634 revision A, Ballot Version. April 20, 1997.5. NEMA 4X6. ANSI 6241 Class B7. FCC part 2 for USA8. FCC part 15 for USA9. FCC part 68 for USA10. FCC ICES-003 for Canada11. FCC part 22 in DCS band12. TA-NWT-000487 R-12713. TA-NWT-000063 R9814. EIA/TIA IS-125, Recommended Minimum Performance Standard for Digital Cellular Wideband Spread
Rev: 1.0                                               Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary10Spectrum Speech Service Option 1.15. EIA/TIA IS-126A, Mobile Station Loopback Service Option Standard3. Getting Started3.1 Product descriptionThe Pico BTS provides the interface between the CDMA DCS mobile stations and the Base StationController (BSC) to form a Picocell.  Picocells are used to enhance the coverage by covering the “dead spot”caused by shadowing in traditional “macrocell” based cellular networks.  Also Picocells can be used toincrease the capacity of the network as small underlay cells, providing more channels for traffic in denseurban areas with high volume of low speed traffic, such as malls, airports, train and subway stations, hotels,and office building areas.
Rev: 1.0                                                                               Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary113.2 Bottom ViewFigure 3.2-1RXGPSTX 10 MHz ESEC  TRK OUT BATT AC PWRTRK IN  TX MONO DBG GND
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary123.3  Front and Rear ViewsFigure 3.3-1Figure 3.3-23.4 Side ViewsFigure 3.4-1 Right SideBack side has 8 installation holesTo open the equipment lift up thecover and you will find a key hole.Pico-BTS
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary13Figure 3.4-2 Left Side3.5 InsideFigure 3.5-1LNAM LNAMBBU RFUBDCBDCGPRPBACBCPCXCVU HPAPSUDCDCACDCTPLXD/C PDETLNA LNA
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary144. SPECIFICATIONSThe system requirements for the Pico BTS are described in this chapter.4.1 Functional Specifications4.1.1 Οπερατινγ ΦρεθυενχψThe Pico BTS operates at frequencies specified in the following table.Table 4.1.1-1 DCS Operating FrequencyItems Specifications CommentsTransmit 880 - 890 MHz Base Station TransmitFrequency * B-Block Receive 835 - 845 MHz Base Station ReceiveFrequency Assignment (FA) 1 Maximum 1FA/OmniSector 1 Maximum 1FA/1Sector(Omni)Channel Elements 32 2 Channel cardsNumber of  Channel Elements/Card 16 CSMNumber of Trunks for BSC 1 T1 (or 1 E1) The other 1  T1 (or  1 E1) is  used  fordaisy-chain of Pico-BTSs.RF Output (at room temperature) 8 Watts Maximum at the antenna portRF Output (over all temperature range) ** 10 Watts Maximum at the antenna port*  For the other frequency blocks in 800MHz cellular band, it needs to replace only the duplexer/receive filter (triplexer) with anothertriplexer for those blocks.**  In higher or lower temperature than room temperature, the transmit RF power may be greater than 8 Watts. So maximum power at theantenna port should be defined as 10 Watts.4.1.2 Ιντερφαχε Σπεχιφιχατιον4.1.2.1 Air InterfaceThe Pico BTS air interface shall comply with IS-95A. Equipment SpecificationThe PICO BTS equipment itself shall comply with IS- Backhaul (A-bis) InterfaceThe interface between the Pico BTS and the BSC, i.e., A-bis interface, shall comply with Hyundai’s CDMADCS BSC-BTS interface.
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary154.2 Performance Specification4.2.1 Σψστεµ ∆ελαψThe total round-trip delay for the voice path, including the delay in the BSC, is less than 220 ms. A suggesteddelay budget for the reverse link path and the forward link path is as follows:Table 4.2.1-1 Base Station Delay BudgetReverse Link Delay (ms) Forward Link Delay (ms)Mobile Station 51 Mobile Station 18Air Link 20 Air Link 20Digital Unit 18 Digital Unit 2Backhaul/Switching 6 CIN 8TSB 1 TSB 1Vocoder 3 Vocoder 49Total 99 Total 984.2.2 ΧαπαχιτψThe Pico BTS is capable of physically supporting up to 32 channel elements, including all of the overheadchannels.4.3 Electrical Performance4.3.1 Τρανσµιττερ ΡΦ ΠοωερThe Pico BTS shall have much less RF output power than the BTS for macro-cell.  The maximum CDMApower does not exceed 10 watts at the antenna port on the enclosure over all temperature range.4.3.2 Ελεχτριχ Ποωερ4.3.2.1 Primary PowerThe primary power source (or mains) for the Pico BTS is the commercial power which can be acquired veryeasily. The nominal voltage may be 120VAC, 60Hz, single phase.  The power subsystem in the Pico BTS iscapable of converting this commercial AC power into DC power with nominal voltage of +48V. The +48 DCis then converted into lower voltages such as +5V, +12V, -12V, +3.3V and +7.5V to be used in eachsubsystem.The AC input ranges and the maximum power source requirement are as follows:Table 4.3.2-1 Primary Power AC Input Voltage Range RequirementNominal Voltage Voltage Range Frequency Range Phases120VAC 108 to 132 VAC 54 to 66 Hz single220VAC 198 to 242 VAC 54 to 66Hz singleTable 4.3.2-2 Maximum Primary Power Output RequirementVoltage Current CommentsDC +48 V Max 10 A For RF power 8 watts4.3.2.2 Battery Backup Power (Optional)The Pico BTS shall have battery backup to cope with AC power failure. The battery shall be monitored duringnormal operation, and charged if necessary. The Optional backup battery is provided with an externalcompartment. Table 4.3.2-3 Battery Power RequirementConfiguration DC Current/Power CommentsNominal RF Power 5 watt 5 Amps/240 VA up to 4 Hours backup
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary16Optional RF Power 10 Amps/480 VA up to 4 Hours backup4.4 Physical SpecificationsTable 4.4-1 Physical SpecificationsConfiguration SpecificationsSize (Maximum) depth:  12 inchesheight:  32 incheswidth:   22 inchesWeight (Maximum) 120 poundsMounting Location pad, pole, wall, or vault4.5 Environmental SpecificationsThe Pico BTS will meet the extended environmental specifications in rugged outdoor conditions. Thefollowing table summarizes the environmental specifications:Table 4.5-1 Environmental SpecificationsConfiguration Specifications CommentsEnvironmental Sealing NEMA 4XLightning Protection ANSI 6241 Class BAcoustic Performance BELLCORE GR-487 60 dBA @ 5 feetSeismic Performance BELLCORE GR-63Random Vibration BELLCORE GR-63Sinusoidal Vibration BELLCORE GR-63Shock BELLCORE GR-63EMI FCC 15.J. –6dBBELLCORE TR-NWT-1089 FCC part 15 for USAFCC ICES-003 for CanadaFCC part 22 in DCS bandIntrusion Resistance BELLCORE GR-487Shotgun Resistance BELLCORE GR-487Climatic Environment  Internal Heat Load 300 watts max.Ambient Air Temp ( outdoor ) +500C max.-300C min.Solar Load 70W/sq. ftAmbient HumidityContinuous Operation:  Shipping and Storage:BELLCORE TA-NWT-000487 R-127BELLCORE TA-NWT-000063 R985% - 95 % (Bellcore)Coating10% ~ 95%Altitude and Rest BELLCORE GR-487 Meters max.4.6 Reliability Specifications4.6.1 ΜΤΒΦ
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary17 System down-time shall be no more than 10 minutes per year on the average, assuming a 2hour repair(replacing) time for any failure.4.6.2 Βαττερψ Βαχκυπ τιµε The battery shall provide DC power until the cause of AC power is cleared. The nominal value of this timeperiod for backup battery operation shall be no greater than 4 hours.4.6.3 Θυαλιτψ ΜατεριαλσThe aluminum used for the Pico BTS enclosure may be machined from aluminum 6082 in accordance withstandard QQ-A-2501/II TEMP T6.4.6.4 Γρουνδινγ Ρεθυιρεµεντσ The specification for grounding and electric safety shall comply with the requirement described in TR-NWT-001089.4.6.5 Αλαρµ ΡεθυιρεµεντσThe Pico BTS shall require alarms for the new hardware equipment, status display information, and controlcapability to monitor the system performance as follows:! AC power failure! DC power failure! Malfunction of major control processors! High internal temperature! Low internal temperature! Battery failure5. Start Up5.1 Installation" Due to the property of the micro cell serving in a small area of dense population, the system can beinstalled virtually anywhere as needed." System can be mounted on the PICO-BTS STAND or sturdy object such as outside wall, rooftop,pole or inside the building using rear side hole.Warning: PICO-BTS has to be installed by qualified personnel.Manufacturer does not responsible for any injury or damage, which is caused byinappropriate installation." The BTS shall be able to endure a wide range of environmental conditions such as hightemperature, high humidity, strong sunlight, heavy rain, and severe cold weather conditions.6. Basic OperationBefore you running the system GPS signal has to be locked and aging process has to be done.6.1 Power On! Plug in to power supply, which is conforms to section 4.3.2.! LED will show power is onTable 6.1-1 LED on GPRP Board when power onGreen Yellow 1 Yellow 2 Green RedStatus On On Blinking Blinking Off6.2 GPS Locking! Connect GPS antenna to GPS port on bottom of the machine.! Install GPS antenna where GPS signal can reach from satellite.
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary18! If GPS Antenna is properly connected you will see the following signal from LED.Table 6.2-1 LED on GPRP Board before GPS lockingGreen Yellow 1 Yellow 2 Green RedStatus On On Off Off Off! When sufficient satellite signal is received by GPS Antenna will lock.! It takes about 15minutes. This time varies depend on the location of the GPS Antenna and satellite.! When GPS locked you will see the following LED on the GPRP BoardTable 6.2-2 LED on GPRP Board after GPS lockingGreen Yellow 1 Yellow 2 Green RedStatus On On Off On Off6.3 Aging! Aging takes about 1 hour after GPS locking.! When Aging is finished you will see the following LED.Table 6.3-1 LED on GPRP BoardGreen Yellow 1 Yellow 2 Green RedStatus On Off Off On OffIf the Red LED is turn on during the operation there is possible timing problem.When you have problem with timing you have to go over the GPS Locking and Aging procedures.Once Aging is finished PICO-BTS is managed by BMENU, which is explained following section.6.4 DownloadingOperator can download the data using BSAM or BSM.BSAM method7. BMENUBMENU is an integrated menu of commands related to Call Processing and Call Resource Management inHyundai BTS. BMENU is used by manufacturing personnel to test hardware and performance. Also BMENUis used by software personnel to test software. Service providers may initially use BMENU for performancetesting. This following section describes how to use the BMENU for Hyundai Pico BTS.7.1 BMENU SetupBMENU is accessed through a terminal attached to the RS232 port of BCP card in BTS (Hyundai Pico BTSwill be referred as BTS henceforth in this document). The RS232 port of BCP is connected to the Debug Portoutside BTS. Hence a terminal can be attached to the Debug Port of BTS.The following are two ways to attach a terminal.• Connect the Debug Port of BTS to a serial port of IBM PC compatible via RS232 cable. Use applicationslike HyperTerminal for the terminal.
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary19• Connect the Debug Port of BTS to a dump terminal via RS232 cable.7.1.1 Τερµιναλ ΧονφιγυρατιονIf HyperTerminal is used as the terminal of BCP, it needs to use the configuration shown in Table 7.1.1-1 inaddition to any other configuration required.Table 7.1.1-1 HyperTerminal Configuration for BCP TerminalPARAMETER VALUEBits per second 9600Data bits 8Stop bits 1Parity NoneFlow control NoneTerminal emulation VT100Character set ASCIIASCII sending Send line ends with line feedsΤαβλε 7.1.1−1The RS232 cable used must be either crossed cable or NULL modem needs to be inserted.7.1.2 Νοτατιοναλ ΧονϖεντιονσThis manual uses the notational conventions shown in Table 7.1.2-1 Notational Conventions (unless otherwisenoted).NAME USAGECourier New Font Represents the messages displayed by BMENU orother software on the terminal.Courier New Font Bold Represents the user input that should be enteredexactly as shown.Courier New Font Bold and Italic Represents the user input that may be replaced byanother valid value.Ταβλε 7.1.2−1 Νοτατιοναλ Χονϖεντιονσ7.2 BMENU InvocationBMENU is invoked by inputting the command “bmenu” in BCP console prompt on the terminal. BMENUwill display the following main menu upon invocation.NewBCP >bmenu##################### BMENU ################### 0.Quit(BMENU exit) 1.Test Call 2.Display Message 3.Call State Flow 4.RF Characteristic Test 5.Change Local Parameters 6.Resource Status 7.Utility For CDMA System Select MENU No ---->The remaining sections of this manual describe usage of the menu items shown above.
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary20The following are some general tips on using BMENU.The user selects an item in a menu by inputting the number preceding the item.All menus provide an item with number “0” for navigating to the next higher level menu.The item “0” in the main menu is used to exit BMENU.Many menus provide a special item with letter “T” for navigating to the main menu of BMENU. This itemcan be selected by inputting letter “T”Other BCP console commands can not be executed while within BMENU.7.3 TEST CALLTEST CALL menu is invoked by selecting option “1.Test Call” in the main menu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->1=========================== TEST CALL =========================== 0.Goto TOP MENU 1.Configuration 2.Triggering (Start/Stop) 3.Result Report (Completed & Processing) 4.MARKOV([MS]->BTS->BSC) Mode(default-OFF) : ON Select MENU No ---->TEST CALL menu is used to trigger Test Call from the terminal. The varieties of Test Call are Markov Call,Loop Back Call and Auto Markov Call. Test Call is used to check the path between BTS and the personalstation without the involvement of higher level entities like BSC, MSC, and BSM. Test Call is also used tomeasure FER.7.3.1 ΤΕΣΤ ΧΑΛΛ ΧΟΝΦΙΓΥΡΑΤΙΟΝ µενυTEST CALL CONFIGURATION menu is invoked by selecting option “1.Configuration” in TEST CALLmenu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->1 ==================== TEST CALL CONFIGURATION ==================== T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto TEST CALL MENU 1.Input IMSI 2.Input Slot Mode 3.Input Slot Cycle Index 4.Input SERVICE OPTION 5.Display CONFIGURATION Select MENU No ---->TEST CALL CONFIGURATION menu is used to configure Test Call. Menu Item: Input IMSIMenu item “1.Input IMSI” of TEST CALL CONFIGURATION menu is used to input the IMSI_S of thepersonal station in decimal. The length of IMSI_S is ten digits. The following example illustrates the usage ofthis menu item.Select MENU No ---->1 IMSI_S (e.g. enter 2095473005 for 209-547-3005)>20954730057.3.1.2 Menu Item: Input Slot Mode
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary21Menu item “2.Input Slot Mode” of TEST CALL CONFIGURATION menu is used to input the Slot Mode.Valid values of Slot Mode are 0 and 1. If incorrect value is inputted for Slot Mode, the default value of 1 willbe used for Slot Mode. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->2 Slot Mode (0 or 1 (Default value is 1)) > Menu Item: Input Slot Cycle IndexMenu item “3.Input Slot Cycle Index” of TEST CALL CONFIGURATION menu is used to input the SlotCycle Index in hexadecimal. Valid values of Slot Cycle Index are in the range 0 to FF. If incorrect value isinputted for Slot Cycle Index, the default value of 0 will be used for Slot Cycle Index. The following exampleillustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->3 SLOT CYCLE INDEX in Hex(Default Value is 0) > Menu Item: Input SERVICE OPT IONMenu item “4.Input SERVICE OPTION” of TEST CALL CONFIGURATION menu is used to input theService Option. The following examples illustrate the usage of this menu item.Example 1: This example illustrates the selection of Service Option for a Markov Call. First the type of TestCall is selected as Markov. Then Rate Set (8K or 13K) is selected. Finally Data Rate (1/8 or ¼ or ½ or Full orVariable) is selected.Select MENU No ---->4 <<<  SERVICE OPTION >>> 1 : MARKOV 2 : LOOP BACK 3 : AUTO MARKOV CALL Select SERVICE OPTION No ---->1 Service Option 8K(0) 13K(1) >0 <<<  Rate of MARKOV >>> 1 : 1/8      RATE 2 : 1/4      RATE 3 : 1/2      RATE 4 : FULL     RATE 5 : Variable RATE Select RATE No ----> 1Example 2: This example illustrates the selection of Service Option for a Loop Back Call. First the type ofTest Call is selected as Loop Back. Then Rate Set (8K or 13K) is selected.Select MENU No ---->4<<<  SERVICE OPTION >>> 1 : MARKOV 2 : LOOP BACK 3 : AUTO MARKOV CALL
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary22 Select SERVICE OPTION No ---->2 Service Option 8K(0) 13K(1) >0Example 3: This example illustrates the selection of Service Option for an Auto Markov Call. First the typeof Test Call is selected as Auto Markov. Then Rate Set (8K or 13K) is selected. Then Data Rate (1/8 or ¼ or½ or Full or Variable) is selected. Finally the number of calls to be made and duration between calls areinputtedSelect MENU No ---->4 <<<  SERVICE OPTION >>> 1 : MARKOV 2 : LOOP BACK 3 : AUTO MARKOV CALL Select SERVICE OPTION No ---->3 Service Option 8K(0) 13K(1) >0 <<<  Rate of MARKOV >>> 1 : 1/8      RATE 2 : 1/4      RATE 3 : 1/2      RATE 4 : FULL     RATE 5 : Variable RATE Select RATE No ---->2 <<< Input Call count & Wait time >>> EQUIP & NORMAL TCE Number (14) Input Call count (0 ... 14) >>10 Input Wait time in sec (Minimum 5sec) (5 ... 65535) >> Menu Item: Display CONFIGURATIONMenu item “5.Display CONFIGURATION” of TEST CALL CONFIGURATION menu is used to view thecurrent configuration of Test Call. The following examples illustrate the usage of this menu item.Example 1: In this example, the configuration of a Markov Call is displayed.Select MENU No ---->5 <<< DISPLAY TEST CONFIGURATION >>> MIN              : 209-547-3005 SCM              : 6a Slot Cycle Index : 0 service_option  : MARKOV (0x8002) MARKOV RATE     : 1/8 RATE AUTO CALL FLAG OFFExample 2: In this example, the configuration of a Loop Back Call is displayed.
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary23Select MENU No ---->5 <<< DISPLAY TEST CONFIGURATION >>> MIN              : 209-547-3005 SCM              : 6a Slot Cycle Index : 0 service_option  : LOOP BACK(0x2)Example 3: In this example, the configuration of an Auto Markov Call is displayed.Select MENU No ---->5 <<< DISPLAY TEST CONFIGURATION >>> MIN              : 209-547-3005 SCM              : 6a Slot Cycle Index : 0 service_option  : AUTO MARKOV CALL (0x8002) MARKOV RATE     : 1/4 RATE AUTO CALL FLAG ON & Selected Data Review ---------------------------------------- CDMA_IDX        : 0 CALL COUNT      : 10 WAIT TIME       : 5 SEC7.3.2 Μενυ Ιτεµ: Τριγγερινγ (Σταρτ/Στοπ)Menu item “2.Triggering (Start/Stop)” of TEST CALL menu is used to start or stop Test Call from theterminal. The current configuration of Test Call is used for triggering Test Call. The following examplesillustrate the usage of this menu item.Example 1: In this example, Markov Call or Loop Back Call is started. The option Start (value 1) is selected.Select MENU No ---->2<<<  Triggering (Start(1) / Stop(0)) >>>1[BCOX BMENU] TEST CALL Started !Example 2: In this example, an Auto Markov Call is started. By selecting FREE option for TCE, the selectionof TCE for each call is left to the BTS.Select MENU No ---->2<<<  Triggering (Start(1) / Stop(0)) >>>1You can fix a TCE : (FIX(1) / FREE(any key)) >> [BCOX BMENU] AUTO CALL Started : 10 Call(s) !Example 3: In this example, an Auto Markov Call is started. The TCE used is determined by the user bychoosing FIX option for TCE. TCE is identified by inputting values of shelf, slot of BDC, and subnode ofTCE in BDC.Select MENU No ---->2<<<  Triggering (Start(1) / Stop(0)) >>>1You can fix a TCE : (FIX(1) / FREE(any key)) >>
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary241 SHELF >>0 SLOT >>4 SUBNODE >>5Shelf : 0, Slot : 4, Subnode : 5 Please verify ( OK(1) / NOT_OK(0) ) >>1[BCOX BMENU] AUTO CALL Started : 2 Call(s) !Example 4: In this example, Markov Call or Loop Back Call is stopped. The option Stop (value 0) isselected. The identifier of the call to stopped can be found using item “3.Call State Flow” in the main menu.Select MENU No ---->2<<<  Triggering (Start(1) / Stop(0)) >>>0Input TEST CALL Id >>>99Example 5: In this example, Auto Markov Call is stopped.Select MENU No ---->2<<<  Triggering (Start(1) / Stop(0)) >>>0[BCOX BMENU] TEST CALL stopped[BCOX BMENU] Remaining Call count is (10)7.3.3 Μενυ Ιτεµ: Ρεσυλτ Ρεπορτ (Χοµπλετεδ & Προχεσσινγ)Menu item “3.Result Report (Completed & Processing)” of TEST CALL menu is used to display results fromTest Call.Note: This menu item is not fully implemented now.7.3.4 Μενυ Ιτεµ: ΜΑΡΚΟς([ΜΣ]−>ΒΤΣ−>ΒΣΧ) Μοδε(δεφαυλτ−ΟΦΦ)Menu item “4.MARKOV([MS]->BTS->BSC) Mode(default-OFF)” of TEST CALL menu is used to set orreset Markov Mode. Markov Mode decides the involvement of higher level entities like BSC in a MarkovCall triggered from a personal station. Markov Mode should be set to OFF when triggering a Markov Callfrom a personal station. Markov Mode does not affect Test Call. The following example illustrates the usageof this menu item.=========================== TEST CALL =========================== 0.Goto TOP MENU 1.Configuration 2.Triggering (Start/Stop) 3.Result Report (Completed & Processing) 4.MARKOV([MS]->BTS->BSC) Mode(default-OFF) : ON Select MENU No ---->4 =========================== TEST CALL =========================== 0.Goto TOP MENU 1.Configuration 2.Triggering (Start/Stop)
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary25 3.Result Report (Completed & Processing) 4.MARKOV([MS]->BTS->BSC) Mode(default-OFF) : OFF Select MENU No ---->4 =========================== TEST CALL =========================== 0.Goto TOP MENU 1.Configuration 2.Triggering (Start/Stop) 3.Result Report (Completed & Processing) 4.MARKOV([MS]->BTS->BSC) Mode(default-OFF) : ON Select MENU No ---->7.4 DISPLAY MESSAGEDISPLAY MESSAGE menu is invoked by selecting option “2.Display Message” in the main menu. It isshown below.Select MENU No ---->2 ======================== DISPLAY MESSAGE ======================== 0.Goto TOP MENU 1.Related with Device Configuration    (TFC,ACC,CCC,PSYN,PSA,ACH,PCH,TCH,RFC) 2.Related with Call Control(CCP,ACH,PCH,TCH) Select MENU No ---->DISPLAY MESSAGE menu is used to turn on and off the displaying of Call Processing messages andConfiguration messages.7.4.1 ∆ΕςΙΧΕ ΧΟΝΦΙΓΥΡΑΤΙΟΝ ΜΕΣΣΑΓΕ ∆ΙΣΠΛΑΨ µενυDEVICE CONFIGURATION MESSAGE DISPLAY menu is invoked by selecting option “1.Related withDevice Configuration (TFC, ACC, CCC, PSYN, PSA, ACH, PCH, TCH, RFC)” in DISPLAY MESSAGEmenu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->1 ============== DEVICE CONFIGURATION MESSAGE DISPLAY ============= T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto DISPLAY MESSAGE 1.TX Message 2.RX Message Select MENU No ---->DEVICE CONFIGURATION MESSAGE DISPLAY menu is used to turn on and off the displaying ofConfiguration messages. DEVICE CONFIGURATION TX MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menuDEVICE CONFIGURATION TX MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is invoked by selecting option “1.TXMessage” in DEVICE CONFIGURATION MESSAGE DISPLAY menu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->1
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary26 ========= DEVICE CONFIGURATION TX MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK ========== T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto DEVICE CONFIGURATION MESSAGE DISPLAY 1.All OFF Message 2.All ON  Message 3.Tx BSM Message       : OFF 4.Tx CCP Message       : OFF 5.Tx Other BCP Message : OFF 6.Tx CCC Message       : OFF 7.Tx TCE Message       : OFF 8.Tx PCE Message       : OFF 9.Tx PSA Message       : OFF 10.Tx ACE Message      : OFF 11.Tx PSYN Message     : OFF 12.Tx TFC Message      : OFF 13.Tx TCC Message      : OFF Select MENU No ---->DEVICE CONFIGURATION TX MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is used to turn on or off the displayingof Configuration messages transmitted from BCP to other devices. DEVICE CONFIGURATION RX MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menuDEVICE CONFIGURATION RX MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is invoked by selecting option “2.RXMessage” in DEVICE CONFIGURATION MESSAGE DISPLAY menu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->2 ========= DEVICE CONFIGURATION RX MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK ========== T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto DEVICE CONFIGURATION MESSAGE DISPLAY 1.All OFF Message 2.All ON  Message 3.Rx BSM Message        : OFF 4.Rx CCP Message        : OFF 5.Rx Other BCP Message  : OFF 6.Rx CCC Message        : OFF 7.Rx TCE Message        : OFF 8.Rx PCE Message        : OFF 9.Rx PSA Message        : OFF 10.Rx ACE Message       : OFF 11.Rx PSYN Message      : OFF 12.Rx TFC Message       : OFF 13.Rx TCC Message       : OFF Select MENU No ---->DEVICE CONFIGURATION RX MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is used to turn on or off the displayingof Configuration messages received in BCP from other devices.7.4.2 ΧΑΛΛ ΧΟΝΤΡΟΛ ΜΕΣΣΑΓΕ ∆ΙΣΠΛΑΨ µενυCALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY menu is invoked by selecting option “2.Related with CallControl(CCP,ACH,PCH,TCH)” in DISPLAY MESSAGE menu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->2
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary27 ================= CALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY ================== T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto DISPLAY MESSAGE 1.TX CCP Message 2.RX CCP Message 3.TX TCE Message 4.RX TCE Message 5.TX PCE Message 6.RX PCE Message 7.RX ACE Message Select MENU No ---->CALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY menu is used to turn on and off the displaying of Call Processingmessages. TX CCP MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menuTX CCP MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is invoked by selecting option “1.TX CCP Message” in CALLCONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY menu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->1 ================== TX CCP MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK ================== T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto CALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY 1.All OFF Message 2.All ON  Message 3.Tx Mobile Registration Message                 : OFF 4.Tx Handoff Channel Allocation Response Message : OFF 5.Tx Release Message                             : OFF 6.Tx Mobile Origination Message                  : OFF 7.Tx Page Response Message                       : OFF 8.Tx Mobile Power Control Fail Message           : OFF 9.Tx Channel Assignment Completion Message       : OFF 10.Tx Undefined Message                          : OFF Select MENU No ---->TX CCP MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is used to turn on and off the displaying of Call Processingmessages sent to CCP from BCP. RX CCP MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menuRX CCP MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is invoked by selecting option “2.RX CCP Message” in CALLCONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY menu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->2 ================== RX CCP MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK ================== T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto CALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY 1.All OFF Message 2.All ON  Message 3.Rx Mobile Page Message                        : OFF 4.Rx Mobile Order Message                       : OFF 5.Rx Mobile Release Message                     : OFF
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary28 6.Rx Handoff Channel Allocation Request Message : OFF 7.Rx Handoff Channel Free Message               : OFF 8.Rx Mobile Origination Acknowledgement Message  : OFF 9.Rx Page Response Acknowledgement Message       : OFF 10.Rx Channel Assignment Request Message        : OFF Select MENU No ---->RX CCP MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is used to turn on and off the displaying of Call Processingmessages received by BCP from CCP. TX TRAFFIC CHANNEL ELEMENT (TCE) MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menuTX TRAFFIC CHANNEL ELEMENT MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is invoked by selecting option“3.TX TCE Message” in CALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY menu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->3 ====== TX TRAFFIC CHANNEL ELEMENT (TCE) MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK ====== T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto CALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY 1.All OFF Message 2.All ON  Message 3.Tx Mobile Station Assignment Message : OFF 4.Tx Call Release Message              : OFF 5.Tx Undefined Message                 : OFF Select MENU No ---->TX TRAFFIC CHANNEL ELEMENT MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is used to turn on and off thedisplaying of Call Processing messages sent to Traffic Channel Element from BCP. RX TRAFFIC CHANNEL ELEMENT (TCE) MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menuRX TRAFFIC CHANNEL ELEMENT MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is invoked by selecting option“4.RX TCE Message” in CALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY menu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->4 ===== RX TRAFFIC CHANNEL ELEMENT (TCE) MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK ===== T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto CALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY 1.All OFF Message 2.All ON  Message 3.Rx Call Status Message                       : OFF 4.Rx Softer Handoff Request Message            : OFF 5.Rx Call Release Message                      : OFF 6.Rx Handoff Complete Message                  : OFF 7.Rx Forward Link Power Control Report Message : OFF 8.Rx Error Message                             : OFF 9.Rx Softer Handoff Swap Message               : OFF Select MENU No ---->RX TRAFFIC CHANNEL ELEMENT MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is used to turn on and off thedisplaying of Call Processing messages received by BCP from Traffic Channel Element. TX PAGING CHANNEL ELEMENT (PCE) MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menuTX PAGING CHANNEL ELEMENT MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is invoked by selecting option
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary29“5.TX PCE Message” in CALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY menu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->5 ===== TX PAGING CHANNEL ELEMENT (PCE) MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK ====== T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto CALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY 1.All OFF Message 2.All ON  Message 3.Tx General Page Message                : OFF 4.Tx Order Message                       : OFF 5.Tx Channel Assignment Message          : OFF 6.Tx Data Burst Message                  : OFF 7.Tx Authentication Challenge Message    : OFF 8.Tx SSD Update Message                  : OFF 9.Tx Feature Notification Message        : OFF 10.Tx Status Request Message             : OFF 11.Tx Service Redirection Message        : OFF 12.Tx Global Service Redirection Message : OFF 13.Tx TMSI Assignment Message            : OFF 14.Tx Undefined Message                  : OFF Select MENU No ---->TX PAGING CHANNEL ELEMENT MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is used to turn on and off thedisplaying of Call Processing messages sent to Paging Channel Element from BCP. RX PAGING CHANNEL ELEMENT (PCE) MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menuRX PAGING CHANNEL ELEMENT MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is invoked by selecting option“6.RX PCE Message” in CALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY menu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->6 ===== RX PAGING CHANNEL ELEMENT (PCE) MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK ====== T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto CALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY 1.All OFF Message 2.All ON  Message 3.Rx Tx OTA Message : OFF Select MENU No ---->RX PAGING CHANNEL ELEMENT MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is used to turn on and off thedisplaying of Call Processing messages received by BCP from Paging Channel Element. RX ACCESS CHANNEL ELEMENT (ACE) MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menuRX ACCESS CHANNEL ELEMENT MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is invoked by selecting option“7.RX ACE Message” in CALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY menu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->7 ===== RX ACCESS CHANNEL ELEMENT (ACE) MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK ====== T.Goto TOP MENU
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary30 0.Goto CALL CONTROL MESSAGE DISPLAY 1.All OFF Message 2.All ON  Message 3.Rx Registration Message                      : OFF 4.Rx Order Message                             : OFF 5.Rx Origination Message                       : OFF 6.Rx Page Response Message                     : OFF 7.Rx Data Burst Message                        : OFF 8.Rx Authentication Challenge Response Message : OFF 9.Rx Status Response Message                   : OFF 10.Rx TMSI Assignment Completion Message       : OFF Select MENU No ---->RX ACCESS CHANNEL ELEMENT MESSAGE DISPLAY MASK menu is used to turn on and off thedisplaying of Call Processing messages received by BCP from Access Channel Element.7.5  CALL STATE FLOWCALL STATE FLOW menu is invoked by selecting option “3.Call State Flow” in the main menu. It is shownbelow.Select MENU No ---->3 ======================== CALL STATE FLOW ======================== 0.Goto TOP MENU 1.Call Flow Display 2.Processing Call State Display Select MENU No ---->CALL STATE FLOW menu is used to turn on and off the displaying of Call Processing steps. This menu isalso used to display information about currently active calls.7.5.1 ΧΑΛΛ ΦΛΟΩ ∆ΙΣΠΛΑΨ µενυCALL FLOW DISPLAY menu is invoked by selecting option “1.Call Flow Display” in CALL STATE FLOWmenu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->1 ======================= CALL FLOW DISPLAY ======================= T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto CALL STATE FLOW 1.Mobile Trace 2.Initial Call Flow       : OFF 3.Registration Call Flow  : OFF 4.Hand Off Call Flow      : OFF 5.Channel Allocation Data : OFF 6.Debug Data              : OFF 7.Channel Dup Flow        : OFF Select MENU No ---->CALL FLOW DISPLAY menu is used to turn on and off the displaying of Call Processing steps. The menuitem numbered 1 is used to turn on and off the displaying of Call Processing steps involved in CallOrigination and Call Termination. Menu Items 2 through 7 can be used to turn on and off displaying ofadditional Call Processing steps. CALL ID TRACE menu
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary31CALL ID TRACE menu is invoked by selecting option “1.Mobile Trace” in CALL FLOW DISPLAY menu.It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->1 ========================= CALL ID TRACE ========================= 0.Goto CALL FLOW DISPLAY 1.ALL CALL FLOW DISPLAY(OFF/ON) : OFF 2.MOBILE(imsi_s1) TRACE : DISABLE Select MENU No ---->CALL ID TRACE menu is used to turn on and off the displaying of Call Processing steps for a particularpersonal station or all personal stations. Menu Item: ALL CALL FLOW DISPLAY(OFF/ON)Menu item “1.ALL CALL FLOW DISPLAY(OFF/ON)” of CALL ID TRACE menu is used to turn on andoff the displaying of Call Processing steps for all personal stations. It is also used to turn off the displaying ofCall Processing steps for a particular personal station. The following example illustrates the usage of thismenu item to turn on and off the displaying of Call Processing steps for all personal stations.Select MENU No ---->1 ========================= CALL ID TRACE ========================= 0.Goto CALL FLOW DISPLAY 1.ALL CALL FLOW DISPLAY(OFF/ON) : ON 2.MOBILE(imsi_s1) TRACE : DISABLE Select MENU No ---->1 ========================= CALL ID TRACE ========================= 0.Goto CALL FLOW DISPLAY 1.ALL CALL FLOW DISPLAY(OFF/ON) : OFF 2.MOBILE(imsi_s1) TRACE : DISABLE Select MENU No ----> Menu Item: MOBILE(imsi_s1) TRACEMenu item “2.MOBILE(imsi_s1) TRACE” of CALL ID TRACE menu is used to turn on displaying of CallProcessing steps for a particular personal station. Menu item “1.ALL CALL FLOW DISPLAY(OFF/ON)” ofCALL ID TRACE menu is used to turn off the displaying of Call Processing steps for a particular personalstation. The following example illustrates the usage of these menu items to turn on and off the displaying ofCall Processing steps for a particular personal station.Select MENU No ---->2Input IMSI IMSI_S (e.g. enter 2095473005 for 209-547-3005)>2095473005 ========================= CALL ID TRACE ========================= 0.Goto CALL FLOW DISPLAY 1.ALL CALL FLOW DISPLAY(OFF/ON) : DISABLE 2.MOBILE(imsi_s1) TRACE : 547-3005
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary32 Select MENU No ---->1 ========================= CALL ID TRACE ========================= 0.Goto CALL FLOW DISPLAY 1.ALL CALL FLOW DISPLAY(OFF/ON) : OFF 2.MOBILE(imsi_s1) TRACE : DISABLE Select MENU No ---->7.5.2 Μενυ Ιτεµ: Προχεσσινγ Χαλλ Στατε ∆ισπλαψMenu item “2.Processing Call State Display” of CALL STATE FLOW menu is used to display informationabout currently active calls. This menu item is usually used to find the Call Id of an active call. The followingexample illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->2 Do you want call information?[y/n]y======================================================================= ==============================================================================================     CALL DATA BASE     =======================---------------------------------------------------------------------------CALL_TYPE  ,CALL_ID, ESN     , TEL_NO  ,LINK,OFFSET,TCE_ADDR,SECTOR(walsh),ORIG_CALL  ,   0103, a00a0004, 547-3004, 0  ,  11  ,01000047,  0(21)      ,MARKOV_CALL,   0104, a00a0005, 547-3005, 0  ,  12  ,01000048,  0(22)      , CALL/FA(775) : ch_idx(0),total(2),alpha(2),beta(0),gamma(0),softer(0) Total calls in BTS : 27.6 RF CHARACTERISTICSRF CHARACTERISTICS menu is invoked by selecting option “4.RF Characteristic Test” in the main menu.It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->4 ======================= RF CHARACTERISTICS ====================== 0.Goto Main Menu 1.RF TEST CALL Start 2.RF TEST CALL Release Select MENU No ---->RF CHARACTERISTICS menu is used to test RF characteristics by making RF Test Calls without a personalstation. Tx power for RF Test Calls can be assigned as if the call is in real service. RF Test Calls can be usedto measure Tx output spurious characteristics and total output power.7.6.1 Μενυ Ιτεµ: ΡΦ ΤΕΣΤ ΧΑΛΛ ΣταρτMenu item “1.RF TEST CALL Start” of RF CHARACTERISTICS menu is used to make RF Test Calls.Information about RF Test Calls made can viewed using CALL STATE FLOW menu. The followingexamples illustrate the usage of this menu item.
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary33Example 1: In this example, 13 RF Test Calls are made. The parameters inputted are CDMA channel index (inprompt CDMA), sector, Traffic Channel Gain and Service Option. The number of calls to be made is theninputted. BMENU then makes specified number of calls.Select MENU No ---->1 CDMA (0, 1, 2, 3)>0 SECTOR (Alpha:0, Beta:1, Gamma:2)>0 TC GAIN (Normal 65: MAX:125)>65 Service Option( 8K(0x8002):0, 13K(0x801F):1 )>0CDMA(0),SECTOR(0),TC GAIN(65) usable_calls(13) S_Opt(8002) Change Parameters (0:exit, 1:continue, 2:change)?1 Select Mode (STEP_BY_STEP(1), CALLS(any key))?[BCOX BMENU] Selected CALLS MODE Number of Calls (Maximum : 13)>13Example 2: In this example, 2 RF Test Calls are made. STEP_BY_STEP mode is selected so that BMENUwill prompt for the next call after making a call.Select MENU No ---->1 CDMA (0, 1, 2, 3)>0 SECTOR (Alpha:0, Beta:1, Gamma:2)>0 TC GAIN (Normal 65: MAX:125)>65 Service Option( 8K(0x8002):0, 13K(0x801F):1 )>0 CDMA(0),SECTOR(0),TC GAIN(65) usable_calls(12) S_Opt(8002) Change Parameters (0:exit, 1:continue, 2:change)?1 Select Mode (STEP_BY_STEP(1), CALLS(any key))?1[BCOX BMENU] Selected STEP_BY_STEP MODE[BCOX] lib_alloc return code for RF TEST (1)[BCOX BMENU] SETUP TEST CALL call_id(99) cdma_idx(0) sector(0),BMENU] Do you want keep pre-call(y/n)?yBMENU] Continue Call setup(y/n)?y[BCOX] lib_alloc return code for RF TEST (1)[BCOX BMENU] SETUP TEST CALL call_id(100) cdma_idx(0) sector(0),
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary34BMENU] Do you want keep pre-call(y/n)?yBMENU] Continue Call setup(y/n)?n[BCOX BMENU] Stop Test call7.6.2 Μενυ Ιτεµ: ΡΦ ΤΕΣΤ ΧΑΛΛ ΡελεασεMenu item “2.RF TEST CALL Release” of RF CHARACTERISTICS menu is used to release RF Test Calls.The following examples illustrate the usage of this menu item.Example 1: In this example, all RF Test Calls are released.Select MENU No ---->2 Release All Test Call (y/n)>y Release RF Test Call (ALL) Change Call id (0:exit, 1:continue, 2:change)?1Example 2: In this example, a RF Test Call with call id 73 is released. The identifier of the call to stopped canbe found using item “3.Call State Flow” in the main menu.Select MENU No ---->2 Release All Test Call (y/n)>n Release RF Test Call. Input Call Id>73 Release call id(73) Change Call id (0:exit, 1:continue, 2:change)?17.7 LOCAL PARAMETERLOCAL PARAMETER menu is invoked by selecting option “5.Change Local Parameters” in the main menu.It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->5 ======================== LOCAL PARAMETER ======================== 0.Goto TOP MENU 1.Display Current Local Parameter 2.Change Local Parameter Select MENU No ---->LOCAL PARAMETER menu is used to display and change value of local parameters.7.7.1 ∆ΙΣΠΛΑΨ ΛΟΧΑΛ ΠΑΡΑΜΕΤΕΡ µενυDISPLAY LOCAL PARAMETER menu is invoked by selecting option “1.Display Current Local Parameter”in LOCAL PARAMETER menu. It is shown below.
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary35Select MENU No ---->1 ==================== DISPLAY LOCAL PARAMETER ==================== T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto LOCAL PARAMETER 1.Display Pilot, Sync and Paging Channel Gains 2.Display RFC Tx Gain Select MENU No ---->DISPLAY LOCAL PARAMETER menu is used to display value of local parameters. Menu Item: Display Pilot, Sync and Paging Channel GainsMenu item “1.Display Pilot, Sync and Paging Channel Gains” of DISPLAY LOCAL PARAMETER menu isused to display the Pilot Channel Gain, Sync Channel Gain, Paging Channel Gain, and Traffic Channel GainThe following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->1cdma(0), sector(0)] PILOT(108,108), SYNC(34,34), PG_0(65,65),PG_1(65,65), PG_2(65,65)tc_gain(50) Menu Item: Display RFC Tx GainMenu item “2.Display RFC Tx Gain” of DISPLAY LOCAL PARAMETER menu is used to display the RFCTX gain. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->2[cdma(0), sector(0)] Tx Attenuation(0,0)7.7.2 ΧΗΑΝΓΕ ΛΟΧΑΛ ΠΑΡΑΜΕΤΕΡ µενυCHANGE LOCAL PARAMETER menu is invoked by selecting option “2.Change Local Parameter” inLOCAL PARAMETER menu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->2 ===================== CHANGE LOCAL PARAMETER ==================== T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto LOCAL PARAMETER 1.Change Pilot Channel Gain 2.Change Sync Channel Gain 3.Change Paging Channel Gain 4.Change Traffic Channel Gain 5.Change RFC Gain Select MENU No ---->CHANGE LOCAL PARAMETER menu is used to change value of local parameters. Menu Item: Change Pilot Channel GainMenu item “1.Change Pilot Channel Gain” of CHANGE LOCAL PARAMETER menu is used to change thePilot Channel Gain. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary361 Pilot Channel Gain(Current 108:MAX:125)>108 CDMA(0), SECTOR(0), PILOT GAIN(108) Change Parameters (0:exit, 1:continue, 2:change)? Menu Item: Change Sync Channel GainMenu item “2.Change Sync Channel Gain” of CHANGE LOCAL PARAMETER menu is used to change theSync Channel Gain. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->2 Sync Channel Gain(Current 34:MAX:125)>34 CDMA(0), SECTOR(0), SYNC GAIN(34) Change Parameters (0:exit, 1:continue, 2:change)? Menu Item: Change Paging Channel GainMenu item “3.Change Paging Channel Gain” of CHANGE LOCAL PARAMETER menu is used to changethe Paging Channel Gain. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->3 Paging Channel ID(MAX:3)>0 Paging Channel Gain(Current 65:MAX:125)>65 CDMA(0),SECTOR(0),PC_ID(0),PAGE GAIN(65) Change Parameters (0:exit, 1:continue, 2:change)? Menu Item: Change Traffic Channel GainMenu item “4.Change Traffic Channel Gain” of CHANGE LOCAL PARAMETER menu is used to changethe Traffic Channel Gain. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->4 TCE CH GAIN(Current 50:MAX:125)>50 CDMA(0),SECTOR(0),TCE GAIN(50) Change Parameters (0:exit, 1:continue, 2:change)? Menu Item: Change RFC GainMenu item “5.Change RFC Gain” of CHANGE LOCAL PARAMETER menu is used to change the RFCGain. . The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary37Select MENU No ---->5 RFC GAIN(Current 0(MAX:0 - MIN:127))>0 CDMA(0),SECTOR(0),RFC ATTEN(0) Change Parameters (0:exit, 1:continue, 2:change)?17.8 RESOURCE STATUSRESOURCE STATUS menu is invoked by selecting option “6.Resource Status” in the main menu. It is shownbelow.Select MENU No ---->6 ======================== RESOURCE STATUS ======================== 0.Goto TOP MENU 1.Display Carrier(BLINK) data 2.Display Channel Card data 3.Display Walsh Code 4.Display Power bank 5.Display Using TCE Select MENU No ---->RESOURCE STATUS menu is used to display the status of Call Resources.7.8.1 Μενυ Ιτεµ: ∆ισπλαψ Χαρριερ(ΒΛΙΝΚ) δαταMenu item “1.Display Carrier(BLINK) data” of RESOURCE STATUS menu is used to display status ofBLINK. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->1CARRIER(id)>>block, cur_stat, user_per_offset, use_cnt             (frameoffset), use,use_cnt----------------------------------------------------------------CARRIER(0)>>  M_UBLK,  NORMAL,6,  1             (00),IDLE,0,(01),IDLE,0,(02),IDLE,0,(03),IDLE,1             (04),IDLE,0,(05),IDLE,0,(06),IDLE,0,(07),IDLE,0             (08),IDLE,0,(09),IDLE,0,(10),IDLE,0,(11),IDLE,0             (12),IDLE,0,(13),IDLE,0,(14),IDLE,0,(15),IDLE,07.8.2 ∆ΙΣΠΛΑΨ ΧΗΑΝΝΕΛ ΧΑΡ∆ ∆ΑΤΑ µενυDISPLAY CHANNEL CARD DATA menu is invoked by selecting option “2.Display Channel Card data” inRESOURCE STATUS menu. It is shown below.Select MENU No ---->2
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary38 =================== DISPLAY CHANNEL CARD DATA =================== T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto RESOURCE STATUS 1.Display Channel Card 2.Display Pilot and Sync Channel 3.Display Paging Channel 4.Display Access Channel 5.Display Traffic Channel 6.Display Error Rate of Traffic Channel Select MENU No ---->DISPLAY CHANNEL CARD DATA menu is used to display the status of channel cards. Menu Item: Display Channel CardMenu item “1.Display Channel Card” of DISPLAY CHANNEL CARD DATA menu is used to displayChannel Card data. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->1CDMA  >>  block,cdma_id,cdma_num,cdma_kind,rstr_tce,alloc_tce         M_UBLK,      0,     775,   COMMON,     014,      001-----------------------------------------------------------------------[Du,  Slot, Ch_Card_id]    Block,    Status,  Hina_address[00,     3,         03]   M_UBLK,  ABNORMAL,      01000030[00,     4,         04]   M_UBLK,    NORMAL,      01000040----------------------------------------------------------------------- Menu Item: Display Pilot and Sync ChannelMenu item “2.Display Pilot and Sync Channel” of DISPLAY CHANNEL CARD DATA menu is used todisplay the status of Pilot Channel and Sync Channel. The following example illustrates the usage of thismenu item.Select MENU No ---->2CDMA >>  block,cdma_id,cdma_num,cdma_kind,rstr_tce,alloc_tce 0FA >> M_UBLK,      0,     775,   COMMON,     014,      001-----------------------------------------------------------------------[du,sl,su, id] ch_type,  block,  status,  w_a,  w_b,  w_g,     address[ 0, 4, 2,  0]     PSA, M_UBLK,  NORMAL,(0,32),  xx,   xx,BUSY 01000041 Do you want other CDMA_CH's information ? (y/n) -->  Yes Other CDMA_CH is Not Equiped !!! Menu Item: Display Paging ChannelMenu item “3.Display Paging Channel” of DISPLAY CHANNEL CARD DATA menu is used to display thestatus of Paging Channel. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary393CDMA >>  block,cdma_id,cdma_num,cdma_kind,rstr_tce,alloc_tce 0FA >> M_UBLK,      0,     775,   COMMON,     014,      001-----------------------------------------------------------------------[du,sl,su, id] ch_type,  block,  status,  w_a,  w_b,  w_g,  address[ 0, 4, 1,  0]     PCE, M_UBLK,  NORMAL,    1,   xx,   xx, 01000040 Do you want other CDMA_CH's information ? (y/n) -->  Yes Other CDMA_CH is Not Equiped !!! Menu Item: Display Access ChannelMenu item “4.Display Access Channel” of DISPLAY CHANNEL CARD DATA menu is used to display thestatus of Access Channel. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->4CDMA >>  block,cdma_id,cdma_num,cdma_kind,rstr_tce,alloc_tce 0FA >> M_UBLK,      0,     775,   COMMON,     014,      001-----------------------------------------------------------------------[sh,sl,su, id] ch_type,  block,  status,  w_a,  w_b,  w_g,  address[ 0, 4, 2,  0]     PSA, M_UBLK,  NORMAL,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000041 Do you want other CDMA_CH's information ? (y/n) -->  Yes Other CDMA_CH is Not Equiped !!! Menu Item: Display Traffic ChannelMenu item “5.Display Traffic Channel” of DISPLAY CHANNEL CARD DATA menu is used to display thestatus of Traffic Channel. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->5 If you want (EQUIP & (NORMAL & ABNORMAL), input '0' If you want (EQUIP &  NORMAL)           , input '1' If you want (EQUIP &  ABNORMAL)         , input '2' Select STATUS(0,1,2) >0CDMA  >>  block,cdma_id,cdma_num,cdma_kind,rstr_tce,alloc_tce         M_UBLK,      0,     775,   COMMON,     014,      001------------------------------------------------------------------------[du,sl,su, id]  block,  status,  use, carr,frame,  w_a,  w_b,  w_g,  address[ 0, 3, 1, 72] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000030[ 0, 3, 2, 73] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000031[ 0, 3, 3, 74] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000032[ 0, 3, 4, 75] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000033[ 0, 3, 5, 76] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000034[ 0, 3, 6, 77] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000035[ 0, 3, 7, 78] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000036[ 0, 3, 8, 79] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000037[ 0, 3, 9, 80] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000038[ 0, 3,10, 81] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000039[ 0, 3,11, 82] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 0100003a[ 0, 3,12, 83] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 0100003b[ 0, 3,13, 84] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 0100003c
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary40[ 0, 3,14, 85] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 0100003d[ 0, 3,15, 86] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 0100003e[ 0, 3,16, 87] M_UBLK,ABNORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 0100003f Do you want other TCE information ? (y/n) -->y Other TCE Information Display[ 0, 4, 3, 98] M_UBLK,  NORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000042[ 0, 4, 4, 99] M_UBLK,  NORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000043[ 0, 4, 5,100] M_UBLK,  NORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000044[ 0, 4, 6,101] M_UBLK,  NORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000045[ 0, 4, 7,102] M_UBLK,  NORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000046[ 0, 4, 8,103] M_UBLK,  NORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000047[ 0, 4, 9,104] M_UBLK,  NORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000048[ 0, 4,10,105] M_UBLK,  NORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 01000049[ 0, 4,11,106] M_UBLK,  NORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 0100004a[ 0, 4,12,107] M_UBLK,  NORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 0100004b[ 0, 4,13,108] M_UBLK,  NORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 0100004c[ 0, 4,14,109] M_UBLK,  NORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 0100004d[ 0, 4,15,110] M_UBLK,  NORMAL, IDLE,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx,   xx, 0100004e[ 0, 4,16,111] M_UBLK,  NORMAL, BUSY,    0,    3,   15,   xx,   xx, 0100004f7.8.2.6 Menu Item: Display Error Rate of Traffic ChannelMenu item “6.Display Error Rate of Traffic Channel” of DISPLAY CHANNEL CARD DATA menu is usedto display the error rate of Traffic Channel. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->6 If you want (EQUIP & (NORMAL & ABNORMAL), input '0' If you want (EQUIP &  NORMAL)           , input '1' If you want (EQUIP &  ABNORMAL)         , input '2' Select STATUS(0,1,2) >0[du,sl,su, id]  status,  alloc_cnt,  abnor_cnt, suc_rate,ms_ack,bs_ack,reset[ 0, 3,  1, 72]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 3,  2, 73]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 3,  3, 74]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 3,  4, 75]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 3,  5, 76]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 3,  6, 77]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 3,  7, 78]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 3,  8, 79]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 3,  9, 80]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 3, 10, 81]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 3, 11, 82]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 3, 12, 83]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 3, 13, 84]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 3, 14, 85]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 3, 15, 86]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 3, 16, 87]ABNORMAL,          0,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0Do you want other TCE information ? (y/n) -->yOther TCE Information Display
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary41[ 0, 4,  3, 98]  NORMAL,          2,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 4,  4, 99]  NORMAL,          2,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 4,  5,100]  NORMAL,          2,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 4,  6,101]  NORMAL,          2,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 4,  7,102]  NORMAL,          2,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 4,  8,103]  NORMAL,          1,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 4,  9,104]  NORMAL,          1,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 4, 10,105]  NORMAL,          1,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 4, 11,106]  NORMAL,          1,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 4, 12,107]  NORMAL,          1,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 4, 13,108]  NORMAL,          1,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 4, 14,109]  NORMAL,          1,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 4, 15,110]  NORMAL,          1,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0[ 0, 4, 16,111]  NORMAL,          1,          0,  100 per,     0,     0,    0END DISPLAY !!!Clear Error_Rate DB ? (y/n) -->n7.8.3 Μενυ Ιτεµ: ∆ισπλαψ Ωαλση ΧοδεMenu item “3.Display Walsh Code” of RESOURCE STATUS menu is used to display the Walsh Code used.The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->3Walsh(cdma,sector,walsh)>>use_flag, ch_type,alloc_pwrWalsh(   0,     0,    0)>>    BUSY,   PILOT,      108Walsh(   0,     0,    1)>>    BUSY,     PCE,      065Walsh(   0,     0,   15)>>    BUSY,     TCE,      050Walsh(   0,     0,   32)>>    BUSY,    SYNC,      034 Do you want other CDMA_CH's information ? (y/n) -->  Yes Other CDMA_CH is Not Equiped !!!7.8.4 Μενυ Ιτεµ: ∆ισπλαψ Ποωερ βανκMenu item “4.Display Power bank” of RESOURCE STATUS menu is used to display the Power Bank data.The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->4                 ######## 0 FA ########SECTOR >>  block,  bank,  tc_t,pilot,sync,pc_t,shr_ths,unshr_th,shr_cnt,ush_cnt------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alpha >> M_UBLK,007871,000050,  108, 034,0065,  00000,   00000,  16777216,7065048 Do you want other CDMA_CH's information ? (y/n) -->  YES Other CDMA_CH is Not Equiped !!!7.8.5 Μενυ Ιτεµ: ∆ισπλαψ Υσινγ ΤΧΕMenu item “5.Display Using TCE” of RESOURCE STATUS menu is used to display the status of TCEs inuse. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary42Select MENU No ---->5CDMA >>  block,cdma_id,cdma_num,cdma_kind,rstr_tce,alloc_tce M_UBLK,      0,     775,   COMMON,     014,      001------------------------------------------------------------------------[du,sl,su, id]  block,  status,  use, carr,frame,  w_a,  w_b,  w_g,  address[ 0, 4,16,111] M_UBLK,  NORMAL, BUSY,    0,    3,   15,   xx,   xx, 0100004f Call(1) in CDMA(0): ALPHA(1),BETA(0),GAMMA(0),SFTR_ADD(0) Do you want other CDMA_CH's information ? (y/n) -->y Other CDMA_CH is Not Equiped !!!7.9 CDMA UtilityCDMA Utility menu is invoked by selecting option “7.Utility For CDMA System” in the main menu. It isshown below.Select MENU No ---->7 ========================= CDMA Utility  ========================= 0.Goto Main Menu 1.Phone Number --> MIN 2.MIN --> Phone Number 3.Hash Randomize Select MENU No ---->CDMA Utility menu provides some useful utilities.7.9.1 Μενυ Ιτεµ: Πηονε Νυµβερ −−> ΜΙΝMenu item “1.Phone Number --> MIN” of CDMA Utility menu is used to convert IMSI_S in decimal toIMSI_S1 and IMSI_S2. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->1Input MIN IMSI_S (e.g. enter 2095473005 for 209-547-3005)>2095473005IMSI_S1 = 6d0fe2hIMSI_S2 = 0c6h7.9.2 Μενυ Ιτεµ: ΜΙΝ −−> Πηονε ΝυµβερMenu item “2.MIN --> Phone Number” of CDMA Utility menu is used to convert IMSI_S1 and IMSI_S2 inhexadecimal to IMSI_S in decimal. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->2Input MIN1 in Hex (e.g. 2eebe6)MIN1>6d0fe2Input MIN2 in Hex (e.g. 384)MIN2>0c6MIN1 = 6d0fe2hMIN2 = 0c6h
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary43Phone Number = 209-547-30057.9.3 Ηαση Ρανδοµιζε µενυHash Randomize menu is invoked by selecting option “3.Hash Randomize” in CDMA Utility menu. It isshown below.Select MENU No ---->3 ======================== Hash Randomize  ======================== T.Goto TOP MENU 0.Goto Main Menu 1.Random CDMA Channel Index 2.Random Paging Channel Number 3.Random Paging Slot 4.Random Access Channel PN Select MENU No ---->Hash Randomize menu is used to execute some hash functions. Menu Item: Random CDMA Channel IndexMenu item “1.Random CDMA Channel Index” of CDMA Utility menu is used to view CDMA ChannelIndex and FA selected. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->1 <<< Input Parameters For Random CDMA >>>Input IMSI IMSI_S (e.g. enter 2095473005 for 209-547-3005)>2095473005 Inputted Parameters >> CDMA(1), imsi_s1(6d0fe2h), imsi_s2(0c6h) Selected CDMA >> CDMA_IDX(0) : FA(775) Menu Item: Random Paging Channel NumberMenu item “2.Random Paging Channel Number” of CDMA Utility menu is used to view Paging Channelnumber selected. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->2 <<< Input Parameters For Random PAGE >>>Input Equipped Paging Channel Number(1,2,...,6,7) =1Input IMSI IMSI_S (e.g. enter 2095473005 for 209-547-3005)>2095473005Inputted Parameters >> PAGE(1), imsi_s1(6d0fe2h), imsi_s2(0c6h)Selected PAGE >> Paging Channel Number(1) Menu Item: Random Paging SlotMenu item “3.Random Paging Slot” of CDMA Utility menu is used to view the hash number and Paging Slot
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary44Number selected. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->3 <<< Input Parameters For Random Paging Slot >>>Input IMSI IMSI_S (e.g. enter 2095473005 for 209-547-3005)>2095473005Input SLOT_CYCLE_INDEX(0 ... 7) >0Inputted Parameters >> imsi_s1(6d0fe2h), imsi_s2(0c6h), Slot CycleIndex(0)Selected Paging Slot >> Hash Number(5efh), Paging Slot Number(15) Menu Item: Random Access Channel PNMenu item “4.Random Access Channel PN” of CDMA Utility menu is used to view the Access Channel PNselected. The following example illustrates the usage of this menu item.Select MENU No ---->4 <<< Input Parameters For Random Access Channel PN >>>Input PROBE_PN_RAN (0 ... 9) =5Input IMSI IMSI_S (e.g. enter 2095473005 for 209-547-3005)>2095473005Inputted Parameters >> PROBE_PN_RAN(5), imsi_s1(6d0fe2h), imsi_s2(0c6h)Selected Access Channel PN >> (11)
Rev: 1.0                                                 Hyundai Electronics Confidential Proprietary458. Maintenance Advice8.1 Operation/Configuration ManagementThe Pico BTS is able to manage the data related to the operation and configuration of its subsystems.  Someexamples are as follows:" Initial loading" Radio resource management" hardware configuration data management" CDMA parameter management8.2 Performance ManagementThe Pico BTS is able to collect and analyze data related to the performance of the system, and  send them tothe appropriate higher level entity for management.  Some examples are as follows:" Call processing related parameters statistics collection" Radio performance related parameters statistics collection" Periodic reporting8.3 Maintenance ManagementThe Pico BTS is able to perform the detection, isolation, and restoration of elements operating abnormally.Some examples follow." Fault detection and management" Alarm generation and processing" Periodic test of maintenance/diagnosis" Status management

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