NCR RSD Atlanta 7730GAI Electronic Pricing Transmitter User Manual Manual Chapter 6

NCR Corporation, RSD - Atlanta Electronic Pricing Transmitter Manual Chapter 6

Manual Chapter 6

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Document DescriptionManual Chapter 6
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Date Submitted2001-04-13 00:00:00
Date Available2001-05-29 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-04-16 07:19:51
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Document Lastmod2001-04-16 07:19:52
Document TitleManual Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet
This chapter describes how to configure the DecisioNet System
environment after the software is installed. Configuration is
accomplished using an ASCII editor, such as Windows Notepad, and
editing the parameters in the configuration files listed below. All of
these files are located in the /dnet/data directory following
DecisioNet CBS Configuration files (dncbsconfig.xml)
DecisioNet Configuration File (dnconfig.xml)
DecisioNet Host Bridge Conguration file (dnhostbridge.xml)
DecisioNet Task Manager Configuration file (taskman.cfg)
Three of these files are in XML format. XML is a mark-up language that
enables different programs to understand the structure of a file. This
facilitates the exchange of information between programs. When
editing these XML format files, care must be taken to only modify the
parameter or option setting.
The fourth file listed is the Task Manager file. This is not an XML
format file, but still may be modified using an ASCII editor. Details are
provided in the following sections on how to access and change
parameters in these files.
Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment
XML File Format
XML files use element tags to identify the specific entries or sections
within the file. It is very important that the element tags not be
modified. When changing parameters with an ASCII editor, you need
to locate the parameter in the file and change the parameter setting to
one specific to your site. The following shows the first part of the
DecisioNet Configuration file (dnconfig.xml). The shaded areas
identify the formatting information that should not be changed.

--> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> Identifying a Parameter in an XML Format File All information inside of a greater than (<) and less than (>) symbol is part of the mark-up language and should not be changed. Only the parameter entry can be changed and still have the file function properly. A parameter entry is identified as follows: Y Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment 6-3 Notice the parameter that may be changed is pointed to by the ending less than symbol (>) of the parameter name tag and the beginning greater than symbol (<) or the parameter close tag (). In this example, the parameter that can be changed is the bolded Y character . Commented Information Comments are identified with comment tags, at the end of the line. Some parameters are commented out as is shown in for the ServerIP parameter in the previous example. Before you can use a commented out parameter, you must remove the comment tags at both ends of the line. Using an Editor to Locate a Parameter This section described how to use Notepad to open the DecisioNet Configuration file (dnconfig.xml) and use the search option to locate and change a specific parameter. 1. Click the Start icon at the bottom left of the screen. 2. Select Programs > Accessories > Notepad. 3. In Notepad, select File > Open… 4. Use the Open dialog to locate the dnet/data directory. 5. Use the drop down arrow and change the Files of Type: selection to All Files (*.*). 6. Select the dnconfig.xml file and click Open. 7. Select Search > Find… and then enter the parameter name you want to locate and change in the Search dialog Find What: entry box. 8. Click the Find Next button. If you locate the parameter name in the comments area of the parameter you are looking for, click the Find Button again. For example, if you searched for MaxNumberUpdateRetries, the parameter name entry that you are looking for would look as follows: 6-4 Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment 10 9. Edit the parameter as needed and click File > Save to save the change. Configuration File Comments Configuration files contains comments to describe each parameter. The following example shows the "Maximum Number of Bedcheck Retries" parameter from the ESL Manager section of the DecisioNet Configuration file. 10 --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> --> All of the configuration file parameters and their defaults are listed in this chapter to assist you to search, locate and change site-specific parameters. Refer to Appendix B: DecisioNet Configuration Files and read the specific parameter comment section for details about each parameter. Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment 6-5 Setting Performance Boost in Windows NT 4.0 Following installation, set the foreground and background applications to get equal time. 1. Select the Control Panel from the Settings menu from the Start icon. 2. Choose the System icon. 3. Click on the Performance tab. 4. Slide the Boost Selector to “None” to indicate “No Performance Boost.” 5. Click on Apply to accept these changes. 6. Click on OK in the Performance Dialog Box. 7. Close the Control Panel. Configure the system as described in this chapter, beginning with the section “Configuring the CBS Communications.” 6-6 Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment Configuring the DecisioNet System After installing new software, you must configure the following DecisioNet System parameters for your store's environment: • CBS address configuration • Site-specific DecisioNet software application configuration CBS Configuration DecisioNet 3.0 uses Ethernet to communicate with CBSs installed at your site. Each CBS must have a unique number and host name or IP address specified in the DecisioNet CBS Configuration file (dncbsconfig.xml). Refer to the "CBS Hardware Configuration" section in Chapter 3, Installing the Hardware Infrastructure for details about setting IP addresses and host names. Hostname The hostname format is as follows: ncrdnetnnnnnn. where: nnnnnn is the last 6 digits of the MAC address that is listed on the serial number label of the CBS. IP Address The IP address format is as follows: where, depending on the type of IP adressing: xxx represents network IDs yyy is the subnet ID z is the host ID Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment 6-7 A unique number (1-99) is assigned to the CBS during RF infrastructure installation as described in the CBS Installation section of Chapter 3 in this guide. Whether you use a hostname or IP address is determined by the type of Ethernet environment in your store. Static IP Addressing For stores that use static IP addressing, a block of addresses are assigned to the site. Check with the local IT Administrator concerning the network addressing scheme used in the store. Unique IP address are selected from the site block to identify each CBS used at the site. Dynamic IP Adressing For sites that use a DHCP Server and use Auto DNS to dynamically assign IP addresses, hostnames would be used to identify the CBSs used at the site. Setting CBS Parameters Use an ASCII text editor as described earlier in this chapter to open the DecisioNet CBS Configuation File (dncbsconfig.xml). The default file looks as follows: 1 1. Depending on the number of CBSs that you have at your site, copy and paste the outlined section of the file to create a section for each CBS. 6-8 Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment 2. Edit the parameter to identify a unique number (1-99) for each CBS. 3. Edit the parameter to identify the IP address and domain name, or a host name and domain name for each CBS. 4. Save the file. CBS Number CBS MAC Address 08000E382EE7 11 08000E383B45 12 08000E39412E 13 08000E39C245 For example, if your site had a domain name of STORENET and CBSs installed as shown in the table above, the DNCBSCONFIG.XML file would be as follows: 1 ncrdnet382EE7.STORENET 11 ncrdnet383B45.STORENET 12 ncrdnet39412E.STORENET 13 ncrdnet39C245.STORENET Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment 6-9 Application Configuration Site-specific application parameters are defined in the following three files: • DecisioNet Configuration file (dnconfig.xml) • DecisioNet Task Manager configuration file (taskman.cfg) • Decisionet Host Bridge Configuration file (dnhostbridge.xml) Note: This section identifies the parameters in the first two files. Changes to the Host Bridge Configuration file are typically done by the programming team to match the site-specific requirements of the Custom Data Reader. Details about changing the Host Bridge Configuration file are included in the "Host Bridge Utility Guide" on the DecisioNet Implementation Guide (B005-0000-1250). DecisioNet Configuration file (dnconfig.xml) The DecisioNet Configuration contains the following sections with parameters specific to the individual DecisioNet software module. • Inter-Process Communication (IPC) • Log and Tally Manager • CBS Manager • ESL Manager • DecisioNet Console • Data Reader The following tables show each parameter and the default value following software installation. IPC Section Parameter Default ServerIP TraceLevel 6-10 Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment Log and Tally Manager Section Parameter Default SystemLogging CheckAction MaxTallies TallyUpdateFrequency TraceLevel TraceFile EventsMax EventsNumberToRemove EventsDaysToRemove HandleEmail HandleAlarm HandleConsole HandleSystemTray HandleExecProcess HandlePager HandleEslTag HandleThirdParty HandleSnmpTrap ManualTagLinkID ManualTagLinkType PagerTagLinkID PagerTagLinkType 50 10 dnltmanager.trc 10000 1000 30 MANUAL 99 PAGER 98 CBS Manager Section Parameter Default MaxWorkerThreads MaxConnectionsPerCBS TODUpdateFrequency NumberCBSAttempts NumberESLAttempts BroadcastSends 20 10 60 Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment Parameter Default ConnectTimeout ResponseTimeout MaxFailureFrequency TallyUpdateFrequency ResultTableExpirationTime BufferFullAttempts BufferFullPause CBSBusyAttempts CBSBusyPause QuickFind SimulationMode StoreID TraceLevel TraceFile 10 15 15 60 60 20 20 255 cbsmanager.trc ESL Manager Section For all recurrence or lifetime settings: P=period xY=year T=time xM=month xD=day xH=hour xM=minutes xS=seconds where x = length of time For all start date settings, format is YYYYMMDDhhmmss Parameter Default PeriodicVerify VerificationRecurrence VerificationStartDate PeriodicExistenceBedcheck ExistenceBedcheckRecurrence ExistenceBedcheckStartDate PeriodicHardwareBedcheck HardwareBedcheckRecurrence HardwareBedcheckStartDate P0Y0M0DT1H0M0S 20000101000000 P0Y0M7DT0H0M0S 20000101000000 P0Y1M0DT0H0M0S 20000101000000 6-11 6-12 Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment Parameter Default PeriodicSumcheckBedcheck SumcheckBedcheckRecurrence SumcheckBedcheckStartDate TransactionRecordLifetime SuccessfulSpoolRecordLifetime ErroredSpoolRecordLifetime MaxNumberUpdateRetries MaxUpdateRetryPeriod MinNumberUpdateRetries MinUpdateRetryPeriod MaxNumberBedcheckRetries MaxBedcheckRetryPeriod MinNumberBedcheckRetries MinBedcheckRetryPeriod MaxNumberFindRetries MaxFindRetryPeriod MinNumberFindRetries MinFindRetryPeriod MaxNumberAssignRetries MaxAssignRetryPeriod MinNumberAssignRetries MinAssignRetryPeriod MaxNumberForceSearchModeRetries MaxForceSerchModeRetryPeriod MinNumberForceSearchModeRetries MinForceSerchModeRetryPeriod MaxCBSUpdateResponseWait SumcheckCorrectiveAction PingUnresponsiveTags IgnoreUnresponsiveTags AutoFindAfterNoResponse SearchModeAfterNotFound AutoAssignAfterFind ForceSearchModeAfterFindFail UnresponseTagRecurrence P0Y0M1DT0H0M0S 20000101000000 P0Y0M0DT2H0M0S P0Y0M0DT0H1M0S P0Y0M3DT0H0M0S 10 PT10M PT1S 10 PT10M PT1S PT5M PT1S 10 PT10M PT1S 10 PT10M PT1S PT5M P0Y0M1DTH0M0S Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment Parameter Default UnresponsiveTagStartDate PriceChecking DefaultUpdatePriority DefaultBedcheckPriority DefaultVerifyPriority DefaultFindPriority DefaultAssignTimeslotPriority DefaultForceSearchModePriority TransactionResolveSleepTime TransactionThreadSleepTime SpoolLogThreadSleepTime ProcessingThreadSleepTime MaxHistoryDepth MaxAutofindSequence MaxPricecheckCorrectiveDepth MaxTransactionRecordBlock MaxESLTransactionRecordBlock MaxESLRecordBlock MaxUpdateImageBeforeRefresh OperatingMode 20000101000000 10 50 500 200 10 128 128 128 P0Y0M7DTH0M0S NORMAL DecisioNet Console Section Parameter Default TraceFileName TraceLevel PrintOverlaysEnabled ForcePrintEnabled PriceLevelPresent ProductUnitPresent ESLDefaultToProduct ReportSQL1 ReportSQL1SelectColumn ReportSQL1KeyColumn dnConsoleTrace.trc (Details for Report 1) 6-13 6-14 Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment Parameter Default ReportSQL1Button ReportSQL2 ReportSQL2SelectColumn ReportSQL2KeyColumn ReportSQL2Button ReportSQL3 ReportSQL3SelectColumn ReportSQL3KeyColumn ReportSQL3Button ReportSQL4 ReportSQL4SelectColumn ReportSQL4KeyColumn ReportSQL4Button ReportSQL5 ReportSQL5SelectColumn ReportSQL5KeyColumn ReportSQL5Button (Details for Report 2) (Details for Report 3) (Details for Report 4) (Details for Report 5) Data Reader Section Parameter Default PriceDecimalPosition UnitPriceDecimalPosition DebugFilename DebugLevel PriceLessThanDollar UnitPriceLessThanDollar DecimalSymbol RoundingType DataReaderServer.log CentSign LeadingZero Comma Normal Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment 6-15 DecisioNet Task Manager (taskman.cfg) The DecisioNet Task Manager starts as a service and automatically starts DecisioNet applications as tasks. The Task Manager configuration file (taskman.cfg) specifies how to manage the DecisioNet tasks. The table lists each parameter and the installed default. This is not an XML format file. You can still use an ASCII editor to search for the parameter and then change the default. The format of the parameter setting is: = For example: KILLINTERVAL=15 Parameter Default Setting FREQUENCY KILLINTERVAL DEADCHECK EXCEPTION CONTEXT TFILES CONTEXT TFILES 15 excphdlr.exe -v DNET\*.inf TASK_MANAGER\*.inf Starting a Windows NT DecisioNet System DecisioNet Release 3.0 software is configured to start as an automatic service when you re-boot your system. When you have finished setting configuration parameters, re-boot the system so all DecisioNet environment variables and system options at set. After the system re-boots, use the following procedure to start the DecisioNet Console. 1. Click on the Start icon. 2. Select Programs > DecisioNet > DecisioNet Console. 6-16 Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment 6-17 About Passwords You must enter a Username and Password to access the DecisioNet Console. The default Username is system and the default password is manager. To protect the DecisioNet System from unauthorized access, it is recommended that you change the password on the system Username to a password other than manager once you have installed the system. Maintaining Username/ Password You can add, change, or delete a Username and Password by using a MySQL database editor and editing the User table in the DNET database. The following example shows how to use the FreeMascon database editor to add a new user. 1. Start the FreeMascon database editor. 2. Select localhost to display the available databases. 6-18 Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment 3. Select DNET to display the DecisioNet database tables. 4. Do one of the following to open the DecisioNet users table: • Double-click on the users table icon, or • Click the users table icon to highlight it and then click Open… at the lower left corner of the screen. The initial entry in the table is the default Username (OS_USER_NAME), system, and the default Password (PASSWORD), manager. 5. Click the + (plus) icon on the bottom of the screen to add a new record. 6. Enter the new user information. The maximum length of each field is 25 characters. Chapter 6: Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment 7. Enter other users as needed. 8. Close the FreeMascon editor when finished. 6-19

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