NEC of America 58155N NLite N 5.8 GHz Digital Microwave Radio User Manual LCT

NEC Corporation of America NLite N 5.8 GHz Digital Microwave Radio LCT

User Manual - Part V

ROI-S07047-051E CONTENTSJuly, 2009CL-1NLite N6-38GHz DIGITAL RADIO SYSTEMSection IV APPENDIXNLite N LCT OPERATIONCONTENTSTITLE PAGE1 INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11.1 Accessing the NLite N  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21.2 LCT Menu Items. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  92 ALARM/STATUS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  102.1 Alarm Status  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  103 EQUIPMENT SETUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  193.1 Equipment Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  204 INVENTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  285 AUX. I/O  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  296 MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  306.1 Maintenance1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  316.2 Maintenance2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  397 PROVISIONING  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  467.1 Provisioning Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  478 METERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  669 PMON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  679.1 PMON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  679.1.1 PMON (History) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  679.1.2 RMON (History) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7010 INSTALLATION OF USB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7411 DIAL-UP SETTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7712 LCT INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8613 FIREWALL SETUP FOR WINDOWS VISTA . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9513.1 Firewall Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9513.2 Firewall Setup (with Advanced Security) . . . . . . . . . . . .  98
CONTENTS ROI-S07047CL-22 pages(This page is intentionally left blank.)
ROI-S07047 INTRODUCTION-1-1. INTRODUCTIONThis Local Craft Terminal (LCT) Operation Manual describe how to setup,manage, monitor and controls NLite N microwave radio systems.User should prepare the computer (PC), USB cable and necessaryperipheral device used for equipment setup.The following hardware and software for the PC are recommended. Usethe latest updated version of the software.Hardware requirement• HD: 100 MB or higher free capacity•RAM: 512 MB• Display: LCD 1,024 × 768•CD-ROM drive• Serial port•USB port• USB cable with USB-B connectorSoftware requirement (English version)• OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
INTRODUCTION ROI-S07047-2-1.1 Accessing the NLite N This section explains the LCT connections and Startup Method (Procedure)LCT software should be first installed in the PC from the supplied CD-ROM, referring to installation procedure in the chapters 10 to 12.1 Connect the Computer (PC) with a USB cable between the LCTport and the USB port.NLite N MDPUSB Driver USB DriverLCT Setup FileLCT ApplicationNote: For the LCT Application Rev.,  LCT Applicationsetup_LCT_NLite_N_rev_2_xx_xxx_Full.exeexecute the installation with the”setup_LCT_NLite_N_rev_2_xx_xxx_Full.exe”.SELV!AUX/ALMLCT NMS NE SC IN/OUT EOWPROTECTCALL MMCMAINTMEMORYMDPXIF IN XIF OUTIF IN/OUT TXRXRESETXPIC CTRL XPICPWRTRPMD/CBL PWRPULLGSELV!XIF IN XIF OUTIF IN/OUT TXRXRESETXPIC CTRL XPICPWRTRPMD/CBL PWRPULLGGALM100M PORT 1 PORT 2 100MNsNsWS  IN/OUT NsNDS1   IN/OUT
ROI-S07047 INTRODUCTION-3-Notes: USB modem driver should be installed first before creatingthe dial-up connection.2 Click on the “START” menu button, select “Settings”,“Network Connections”, “LCT”, then, “Connect LCT” dial-updialog is appeared.USB Cable PC for LCT USB portNLite N MDPLCT NMS NENLite N TRPLCT portLCT SETUP*Use the typical USB shielded cable.  (Do not use the un-shielded cable)SELV!AUX/ALM SC IN/OUT EOWPROTECTCALL MMCMAINTMEMORYMDPXIF IN XIF OUTIF IN/OUT TXRXRESETXPIC CTRL XPICPWRTRPMD/CBL PWRPULLGSELV!XIF IN XIF OUTIF IN/OUT TXRXRESETXPIC CTRL XPICPWRTRPMD/CBL PWRPULLGGALM100M PORT 1 PORT 2 100MNsNsWS  IN/OUT NsNDS1   IN/OUTLCT NMS NE
INTRODUCTION ROI-S07047-4-3 The dialog box “Connect LCT” appears.4 Click on the “Dial” button, then the PC is connected to theMDP.
ROI-S07047 INTRODUCTION-5-Note: There is a possibility that the USB connection is dropped during along-duration operation depending on the device type ofcomputer. In the case of a connection failure, please reconnectthe dial-up connection.6 Enter User ID and password in User/Password entry fields andpress the “Login” button.5 Double click on the short-cut icon or select the “Programs”→ “NEC_ LCT” → “LCT For NLite N” from the “start”menu.
INTRODUCTION ROI-S07047-6-Default password of Admin is defined as “12345678” The password can be changed by Administrator privilege. The LCToperator must have the security system privilege to control of NLite Nsystems. (The password change is described in Chapter 6.2 Maintenance2)7 Following LCT Open View is displayed. (Cascaded Alarm/Status items are displayed in Main area bydefault.)User ID Pass Word PrivilegeAdmin ******** Access to the LCT and controlUser (non password) Access to the LCT (monitor only)NLite N LCT Open View (Example)
ROI-S07047 INTRODUCTION-7-Symbols in the Open View are described as follows.Description of the LCT Menu Conventions LCT Menu“Set” button appears/disappears depending on the Menu item selected inthe “LCT Menu”.Main areaMenu areaCommon areaAlarm StatusEquipment SetupInventoryAUX I/OMaintenanceProvisioningMeteringPMON(History)LCT MenuMaintenance OnSummary Status areaProgress State areaTitleLogoutCommonProgress State:CloseMaximizeMinimizeTitle barSummary StatusTRP No.1 Normal MODEM No.1MODEM No.2TRP No.2 NormalNormalNormalINTFC(Main)CTRLNormalNormalINTFC(Sub)AdminSetNormal StateMinor AlarmMajor AlarmCriteriaLCT Menu SetAlarm/Status disappearEquipment Setup appearInventory disappearAUX I/O appearMaintenance disappearProvisioning appearMetering disappearPMON (History) disappear
INTRODUCTION ROI-S07047-8- Summary Status AreaFollowing summary items show the operating status.Note: When the TRP No. 2, MODEM No. 2 is not mounted,corresponding item is colored gray.Progress State AreaFollowing Response is displayed. When “Set” button is clicked. Execute all the changes made in the items shown in the mainarea by the selected “LCT Menu”. Displays confirmation box to Logout. Clicking Logout button,the LCT screen is logged out and the Login screen is displayed.Reload recent data to display.CommonLogoutReloadSetFor 1+1 Configuration For 1+0 ConfigurationItem Status Indication Item Status IndicationMaintenance On (yellow) Off (white) Maintenance On (yellow) Off (white)TRP No.1 Normal (green) Alarm (red) TRP Normal (green) Alarm (red)TRP No.2 Normal (green) Alarm (red) MODEM Normal (green) Alarm (red)MODEM No.1 Normal (green) Alarm (red) INTFC (Main) Normal (green) Alarm (red)MODEM No.2 Normal (green) Alarm (red) CTRL Normal (green) Alarm (red)INTFC (Main) Normal (green) Alarm (red)CTRL Normal (green) Alarm (red)SET Control ResponseOK - Response OKNG - Response NG:Menu Button displays pull-down menu:No Selected:SelectedSet :Execute control/setup for each itemSymbol;
ROI-S07047 INTRODUCTION-9-1.2 LCT Menu ItemsLCT Menu is consisted of the following table.Notes:*1:Only provides for 1+1 configuration.*2:Only provides for LAN.LCT Menu Sub-menu RemarksAlarm/Sataus Refer to “2.ALARM/STATUS”Equipment Setup Refer to “3.EQUIPMENT SETUP”Inventory Refer to “4.INVENTORY”AUX I/O Refer to “5.AUX.I/O”Maintenance Refer to “6.MAINTENANCE”Maintenence1Maintenence2Provisioning Refer to “7.PROVISIONING”DS1 SettingWS SettingBER Threshold SettingSC AssignmentLAN Port SettingTX Power ControlCondition for TX/RX SW *1Relay SettingTCN Threshold (15min)TCN Threshold (1day)PMON SelectIn-band Loopback SettingOthersMetering Refer to “8.METERING”PMON (History) Refer to “9.PMON”RX Level (24h/15min)RX Level (7days/day)Total (24h/15min)Total (7days/day)CSU (24h/15min)CSU (7days/day)RMON (Line)(24h/15min) *2RMON (Line)(7days/day) *2RMON (DMR)(24h/15min) *2RMON (DMR)(7days/day) *2
ALARM/STATUS ROI-S07047-10-2. ALARM/STATUS2.1 Alarm Status Notes: Item (*1) is displayed in Hot Standby configuration only.Item (*2) is displayed in Hot Standby and Twinpath configuration.---TRP---Item StatusNo.1 No.2TX Power Normal NormalTX Input Normal NormalRX Level Normal NormalAPC Normal NormalTRP CPU/Cable Open Normal NormalMute Status Off OffTX SW Lock in Status Normal (*1)TX SW Reverse REQ Normal (*1)TX SW Status No.1 (*1)RX SW Status No.2 (*2)LCT MenuAlarm/StatusEquipment SetupInventoryAUX I/OMaintenanceProvisioningMeteringPMON (History)When click on the “Alarm/Status” button in “LCT Menu”, followingitems/status (sample) are displayed in Main Area.ALM items are listed in Table 2-1.Alarm/Status items are displayed in Main area in default when accessingthe LCT.Note: Alarm/Status indication varies depending on the systemconfiguration.
ROI-S07047 ALARM/STATUS-11----MODEM---Item StatusNo.1 No. 2Unequipped Normal Normal Type mismatch Normal  Normal Module Normal Normal LOF Normal Normal Frame ID  Normal  Normal High BER  Normal  Normal Low BER  Normal  Normal Early Warning  Normal  Normal MOD Normal Normal DEM Normal Alarm Input Voltage Normal  Normal Power Supply Normal  Normal IF Cable Short  Normal  Normal Cable EQL  Normal  Normal Linearizer Function  OPR  NON OPR Linearizer Normal NormalATPC Power Mode Active Active---CTRL---Item StatusCTRL Module NormalMMC Not Mounted---UAE---Item StatusUAE Normal
ALARM/STATUS ROI-S07047-12-Click on the corresponding item in status block (*1)(*2)(*3) details statusfor following “Alarm/Status (16CH)*” is displayed.Click on the corresponding item in status block (*4) details status forfollowing LAN PORT is displayed.Clicking “Close” button dismisses the “Alarm/Status” table.Note*: Maximum 16 CH---INTFC---Item StatusUnequiped NormalType Mismatch NormalModule NormalInput LOS CH NormalAIS Received CH Normal (*1)AIS Generated CH NormalUsage Error CH NormalIn-band NELB CH Normal (*2)In-band FELB CH Normal (*3)WS Input LOS NormalWS AIS Received NormalWS AIS Generated NormalLAN Link NormalLAN Collision Normal (*4)Link Loss Forwarding Normal (for LAN only)Speed & Duplex Detail...Inphase Inphase(*1)CH No. StatusInput LOS AIS Received AIS Generated Usage ErrorCH01 Normal Normal Normal NormalCH02 Normal Normal Normal NormalCH03 Normal Normal Normal NormalCH04 Normal Normal Normal NormalCH05 Normal Normal Normal Normal::::::::::CH15 Normal Normal Normal NormalCH16 Normal Normal Normal NormalClose
ROI-S07047 ALARM/STATUS-13-(*2)---In-band Near End Loopback Status CH---Clicking Close button dismisses the Alarm/Status table.Note*:Maximum 16CH(*3)---In-band Far End Loopback Status CH---Clicking Close  button dismisses the  Alarm/Status table.Note*:Maximum 16CHCH No. StatusStatusCH01 NormalCH02 NormalCH03 NormalCH04 NormalCH05 NormalCH06 NormalCH07 NormalCH08 NormalCH09 NormalCH10 NormalCH11 NormalCH12 NormalCH13 NormalCH14 NormalCH15 NormalCH16 NormalCloseCH No. StatusStatusCH01 NormalCH02 NormalCH03 NormalCH04 NormalCH05 NormalCH06 NormalCH07 NormalCH08 NormalCH09 NormalCH10 NormalCH11 NormalCH12 NormalCH13 NormalCH14 NormalCH15 NormalCH16 NormalClose
ALARM/STATUS ROI-S07047-14-(*4)Note: 1.Link:Displaying LINK Status for respective Port.2.Collision:Displaying occurrence of Collision status in Half Duplexmode for respective Port.3.LLF:Forced LINK off control status detecting the link loss of thefacing equipment for respective Port.4.Speed & Duplex:Displaying linked mode for respective Port.Clicking “Close” button dismisses the LAN PORT table.These items (*) are displayed only when LAN transmission is configured to the system.For the details, refer to Appendix LAN INTFC (10/100BASE-T(X)) Application and Setting in this Section IV.Item StatusLAN Link Normal  (*)LAN Collision Normal  (*)Link Loss Forwarding (LLF)  Normal  (*)Speed & Duplex Detail. (*)Port No. StatusLink Collision LLF Speed & DuplexPort1 Link Normal Normal 100M-Half(MDI)Port2 Link Normal Normal 100M-Half(MDI)Close---TCN-RX LEV---Item StatusNo.1  No.2 TCN-RX LEV-15min Normal  Normal TCN-RX LEV-1day Normal  Normal ---TCN 15min 1day---Item StatusTotal-15min NormalTotal-1day NormalCSU-15min Normal (*1)CSU-1day Normal (*2)
ROI-S07047 ALARM/STATUS-15-(*1)---CSU-15min---(*2)---CSU-1day---CH No. StatusIncoming CV-L Incoming CV-P Outgoing CV-PCH01 Normal Normal NormalCH02 Normal Normal NormalCH03 Normal Normal NormalCH04 Normal Normal NormalCH05 Normal Normal NormalCH06 Normal Normal NormalCH07 Normal Normal NormalCH08 Normal Normal NormalCH09 Normal Normal NormalCH10 Normal Normal NormalCH11 Normal Normal NormalCH12 Normal Normal NormalCH13 Normal Normal NormalCH14 Normal Normal NormalCH15 Normal Normal NormalCH16 Normal Normal NormalCloseCH No. StatusIncoming CV-L Incoming CV-P Outgoing CV-PCH01 Normal Normal NormalCH02 Normal Normal NormalCH03 Normal Normal NormalCH04 Normal Normal NormalCH05 Normal Normal NormalCH06 Normal Normal NormalCH07 Normal Normal NormalCH08 Normal Normal NormalCH09 Normal Normal NormalCH10 Normal Normal NormalCH11 Normal Normal NormalCH12 Normal Normal NormalCH13 Normal Normal NormalCH14 Normal Normal NormalCH15 Normal Normal NormalCH16 Normal Normal NormalClose
ALARM/STATUS ROI-S07047-16-Table 2-1  ALM/Status List  (1/3)No. Alarm/Status Item Event Status Source of Event CriteriaDefault 1+01+1TRP1TX PWR ALM1 TRP1 output power decreased TRP No.1 Major2TX PWR ALM2 TRP2 output power decreased TRP No.2 Major *13TX Iunpt ALM1 TRP1 TX IF input level decreased TRP No.1 Major4TX Input ALM2 TRP2 TX IF input level decreased TRP No.2 Major *15RX Level ALM1 TRP1 Received level decreased TRP No.1 Major6RX Level ALM2 TRP2 Received level decreased TRP No.2 Major *17APC ALM1 TRP1 LO OSC APC loop out of lock TRP No.1 Major8APC ALM2 TRP2 LO OSC APC loop out of lock TRP No.2 Major *19TRP CPU/CBL OPN ALM1 TRP1 CPU failure or IF cable is open TRP No.1 Major10 TRP CPU/CBL OPN ALM2 TRP2 CPU failure or IF cable is open TRP No.2 Major *111 Mute Status1 TRP1 Mute status TRP No.1 Status12 Mute Status2 TRP2 Mute status TRP No.2 Status *113 TX SW Lock in Status Status of TX SW Lock in function CTRL Status *114 TX SW Reverse Request Status of Reverse Function CTRL Status *115 TX SW Status Status of TX SW function CTRL Status *116 RX SW Status Status of RX SW function CTRL Status *1
ROI-S07047 ALARM/STATUS-17-MODEM17 MODEM 1 UNEQUIP Unequipped or loose contact of the MODEM1 CTRL Major18 MODEM 2 UNEQUIP Unequipped or loose contact of the MODEM2 CTRL Major *119 MODEM Type Mismatch1 Improper MODEM1 Type is installed CTRL Major20 MODEM Type Mismatch2 Improper MODEM2 Type is installed CTRL Major *121 MODEM ALM1 The MODEM1 failure CTRL Major22 MODEM ALM2 The MODEM2 failure CTRL Major *123 LOF1 Loss of Radio frame synchronization in MODEM1 MODEM No.1 Major24 LOF2 Loss of Radio frame synchronization in MODEM2 MODEM No.2 Major *125 Frame ID1 ID is no coincidence in MODEM1 MODEM No.1 Major26 Frame ID2 ID is no coincidence in MODEM2 MODEM No.2 Major *127 High BER ALM1 High BER (selectable) is detected in MODEM1 MODEM No.1 Major28 High BER ALM2 High BER (selectable) is detected in MODEM2 MODEM No.2 Major *129 Low BER ALM1 Low BER (selectable) is detected in MODEM1 MODEM No.1 Minor30 Low BER ALM2 Low BER (selectable) is detected in MODEM2 MODEM No.2 Minor *131 Early Warning1 EARLY WARNING is detected in No.1 CH MODEM No.1 Minor32 Early Warning2 EARLY WARNING is detected in No.2 CH MODEM No.2 Minor *133 MOD ALM1 PLL APC unlock output level down CLK loss in MODEM1 MODEM No.1 Major34 MOD ALM2 PLL APC unlock output level down CLK loss in MODEM2 MODEM No.2 Major *135 DEM ALM1 Carrier/Frame Asynchronous at MODEM1 MODEM No.1 Major36 DEM ALM2 Carrier/Frame Asynchronous at MODEM2 MODEM No.2 Major *137 Input Voltage ALM1 ALM1 PS1 input over voltage/lower voltage MODEM No.1 Major38 Input Voltage ALM2 ALM2 PS2 input over voltage/lower voltage MODEM No.2 Major *139 PS ALM1 No.1 power supply failure (only1+1) MODEM No.1 Major40 PS ALM2 No.2 power supply failure (only1+1) MODEM No.2 Major *141 IF Cable Short ALM1 IF cable connected to TRP1 short MODEM No.1 Major42 IF Cable Short ALM2 IF cable connected to TRP2 short MODEM No.2 Major *143 Cable EQL FAIL1 Cable EQL control is lost in MODEM1 MODEM No.1 Major44 Cable EQL FAIL2 Cable EQL control is lost in MODEM2 MODEM No.2 Major *145 Linearizer Function1 Status of linearizer function in MODEM1 CTRL Status46 Linearizer Function2 Status of linearizer function in MODEM2 CTRL Status *147 Linearizer Fail1 BB LNZ control is lost in MODEM1 CTRL Major48 Linearizer Fail2 BB LNZ control is lost in MODEM1 CTRL Major *149 ATPC PWR MODE1 No.1 ATPC failure Hold/Maximum/Minimum*2 power output CTRL Status50 ATPC PWR MODE2 No.2 ATPC failure Hold/Maximum/Minimum*2 power output CTRL Status *1Table 2-1  ALM/Status List  (2/3)No. Alarm/Status Item Event Status Source of Event CriteriaDefault 1+01+1
ALARM/STATUS ROI-S07047-18-Notes: *1: Not applied.INTFC Main (1)51 INTFC (1) UNEQUIP MAIN INTFC is unequipped CTRL Major52 INTFC (1) Type Mismatch Mounted INTFC differs from configuration setting CTRL Major53 INTFC (1) ALM Main INTFC total alarm Main INTFC Major54 INPUT LOS CH01-16 Input signal of CH01-CH16 is lost Main INTFC Major55 AIS Received CH01-16 AIS in CH01-CH16 is received Main INTFC Status56 AIS Generated CH01-16 AIS in CH01-CH16 is generated Main INTFC Status57 CH Usage Error CH01-16 Input signal is detected in unused CH01-CH16 Main INTFC Minor58 In-band NELB Status CH01-16 DS1 In-band near end loopback status in CH01-16 Main INTFC Status59 In-band FELB Status CH01-16 DS1 In-band far end loopback status in CH01-16 Main INTFC Status60 WS Input LOS WS Input signal is lost Main INTFC Minor61 WS AIS Received WS AIS signal is received Main INTFC Status62 WS AIS Generated WS AIS signal is generated Main INTFC Status63 LAN Link Port1-2 LAN LINK status Main INTFC Major64 LAN Collision Port1-2 LAN status Main INTFC Status65 LAN Link Loss Forwarding Port1-2 ALM LAN Link Loss Forwarding status Main INTFC Status66 Speed & Duplex Port1-2 LAN Port setting Main INTFC Status67 INTFC Inphase Main INTFC Inphase status Main INTFC Status *1CTRL68 CTRL UNIT ALM CTRL UNIT total alarm CTRL Major69 MMC Mount Status MMC memory mounted status CTRL StatusUAE70 UAE Indicates whether UAS were monitored Main INTFC MinorTCN-RX LEV71 TCN-RX LEV-15min No.1 TRP1 RX level is over threshold (15min) CTRL Minor72 TCN-RX LEV-15min No.2 TRP2 RX level is over threshold (15min) CTRL Minor *173 TCN-RX LEV-1day No.1 TRP1 RX level is over threshold (1day) CTRL Minor74 TCN-RX LEV-1day No.2 TRP2 RX level is over threshold (1day) CTRL Minor *1TCN-15min 1day75 Total-15min Total error is over threshold (15min) CTRL Minor76 Total-1day Total error is over threshold (1day) CTRL Minor77 CSU-15min DS1 CSU error is over threshold (15min) CTRL Minor78 CSU-1day DS1 CSU error is over threshold (1day) CTRL MinorTable 2-1  ALM/Status List  (3/3)No. Alarm/Status Item Event Status Source of Event CriteriaDefault 1+01+1
ROI-S07047 EQUIPMENT SETUP-19-3. EQUIPMENT SETUP1 Click on the “Equipment Setup” button in “LCT Menu”, then“Equipment Setup” menu is displayed. 2 Continue to Chapter 3.1 Equipment Setup. LCT MenuAlarm/StatusEquipment SetupInventoryAUX I/OMaintenanceProvisioningMeteringPMON (History)
EQUIPMENT SETUP ROI-S07047-20-3.1 Equipment SetupNote: Click on the “SET” button in Common area after every setting items has been entered.Equipment Setup (Sample)Redundancy Setting 1+1 (Hot Standby Term)  Inserted ModuleINTFC Main (WORK) 2Port LAN PKG (e/w DS1) << Main (WORK) 2Port LAN PKG (e/w DS1)INTFC Sub (PROT) Not Used << Sub (PROT) Not UsedXPIC Usage Not UsedAPS Function  Unavailable  AvailableModulation Scheme QPSKTransmission Capacity 48 [MB]TX RF Frequency [MHz] 0.000RX RF Frequency [MHz] 0.000Frame ID ID1TX Power Control  MTPC    ATPCTRP Type Split TypeTX SW Type  Mute   RF SW TypeLAN Port Usage P1-2 Separated (Main+SC)LAN Capacity1 P1 24MbpsLAN Capacity2 P2 64kbps--- TRP FREQ INFO ---TX Start Frequency [MHz] 0.000TX Stop Frequency [MHz] 0.000RX Start Frequency [MHz] 0.000RX Stop Frequency [MHz] 0.000Frequency Step [MHz] 0.000Shift Frequency [MHz] 0.000Upper/Lower UpperSub BandRF Frequency Type TX/RX
ROI-S07047 EQUIPMENT SETUP-21-Note: Item (*1) is selected when the INTFC Sub is applied.Item (*2) is selected when the XPIC is applied.Item (*3) is selected when the APS is applied.1 Click on the menu button “Redundancy Setting” and selectcorresponding item.2 Setup can be performed by clicking the menu button to selectsetup item from pull-down menu, clicking setting button orentering values, then click on the “Set” button in Common areato complete and confirm the setup procedure.Redundancy SettingINTFC Main (WORK)Modulation SchemeThe modulation scheme must be setup with relative transmission capacity.Refer to following Transmission Capacity item.Redundancy SettingINTFC Main (WORK)INTFC Sub (PROT) (*1)XPIC Usage (*2)APS Function (*3)Modulation SchemeTransmission CapacityRedundancy Setting 1+0 (Term)1+1 (Hot Standby Term)1+1 (Twinpath Term)  Inserted ModuleINTFC Main (WORK) 2Port LAN PKG (e/w DS1) << Main (WORK) 2Port LAN PKG (e/w DS1)Modulation Scheme QPSK16QAM64QAM128QAM
EQUIPMENT SETUP ROI-S07047-22-Transmission CapacityFor QPSK Modulation Scheme, following pull-down menu is displayed.For 16QAM Modulation Scheme, following pull-down menu is displayed.For 64QAM Modulation Scheme, following menu is displayed.For 128QAM Modulation Scheme, following menu is displayed.Note: Select appropriate Modulation Scheme from pull-down menu forthe required transmission capacity from table below.Transmission Capacity 48 [MB]Transmission Capacity 156 [MB]Transmission Capacity 42 [MB]156 [MB]Transmission Capacity 156 [MB]RF CH Separation Modulation SchemeQPSK 16QAM 64QAM 128QAM10MHz −−42 MB −30MHz −− −156 MB40MHz 48 MB −156 MB −50MHz −156 MB −−
ROI-S07047 EQUIPMENT SETUP-23-TX Frequency and RF Frequency for No.1 and No.2 are displayed inTwinpath configuration.RF FrequencyNotes: 1. Set different values for No.1 TX frequency and No.2 TXfrequency in the Twinpath configuration.2. Depending on the TRP type, there are two modes for the RFfrequency setup.1. When the transmitting frequency is set, the receivingfrequency is automatically assigned. 2. When the transmitting frequency is set, the receivingfrequency is automatically assigned or setting of it inmanual is also available. In this type, change the RFfrequency values which is automatically assigned. The entered TX RF frequency value should be within the Start andStop frequency range of Sub-band which is indicated on the NamePlate of each TRP. For details, refer to the Appendix RADIOFREQUENCY PLAN FOR NLite N in Section 1.Caution: For the 6 GHz band of NHG, the BPF of TX and RX of theTRP are adjusted to each assigned frequency. Then, tochange the RF channel frequency over the variable range,both BPFs replacement and LCT setup are required.Frame IDNote: Click menu button and set the frame ID in order to discriminatethe signal. As a signal with a different ID cannot be received, theID of the opposite station should be set the same. The number ofIDs which can be set up; ID1 through ID 32.TX RF Frequency (No.1) [MHz]TX RF Frequency (No.2) [MHz]RX RF Frequency (No.1) [MHz]RX RF Frequency (No.2) [MHz]Frame ID (No.1)Frame ID (No.2)
EQUIPMENT SETUP ROI-S07047-24-TX Power ControlNotes: 1. When the MTPC is selected, TX output level can becontrolled by 1 dB step within MTPC range.When the ATPC is selected, TX output level is automaticallycontrolled by 1 dB step within ATPC range.2. For the details of ATPC, refer to the Chapter 3.5.3Automatic Transmitter Power Control in Section 2.LAN Port UsageNote: LAN Port Usage may be set when LAN is used. For thedetails, refer to Appendix LAN INTFC (10/100BASE-T(X)) Application and Setting in this Section IV.Note: Settable parameters in the LAN Port Usage, depends onthe Modulation scheme and transmission capacity setting.TX Power Control MTPC   ATPCLAN Port Usage (Main) Not UsedP1:P2=1:0 P1:P2=1:1Best EffortP1=Fixed/P2P1-2 Shared/1Port Only (Main)P1 Only (Main)P1-2 Separated (Main)P1-2 Separated (Main+WS)P1-2 Separated (Main+SC)
ROI-S07047 EQUIPMENT SETUP-25-LAN Capacity1 Notes: 1. LAN Port1 Capacity may be set when LAN is used.2. Selectable LAN Port1 capacity is depending on the mainsignal transmission capacity. For the details, refer toAppendix LAN INTFC (10/100BASE-T(X)) Applicationand Setting in this Section IV. (sample)Note: Settable parameters in the LAN Port# Capacity, dependson the settings in the Modulation scheme, TransmissionCapacity and LAN port Usage.LAN Capacity2 Notes: 1.LAN Port2 Capacity may be set when LAN is used.2.Selectable LAN Port2 Capacity is depending on the mainsignal transmission capacity. For the details, refer toAppendix LAN INTFC (10/100 BASE-T(X)) Applicationand Setting in this Section IV.(sample)Note: Settable parameters in the LAN Port# Capacity, dependson the settings in the Modulation scheme, TransmissionCapacity and LAN port Usage.LAN Capacity1  P1 18Mbps19.5Mbps21Mbps22.5Mbps...37.5Mbps39Mbps40.5Mbps42MbpsLAN Capacity2 P2 1.5Mbps (WS)
EQUIPMENT SETUP ROI-S07047-26-Possible Combinations for LAN Usage parameter settings are shown in below table.Notes: *1: 1.5Mbps steps.3 When every setup has been completed, confirm all setup values.ModulationScheme TransmissionCapacity LAN Port Usage LAN Capacity1 LAN Capacity264QAM 42MB Not Used −−P1-2 Shared/1Port Only (Main) 18Mbps − 42Mbps (*1) −P1 Only (Main) 18Mbps −42MbpsP1-2 Separated (Main) 9Mbps −21MbpsP1-2 Separated (Main+WS) 18Mbps 1.5Mbps (WS)42MbpsP1-2 Separated (Main+SC) 18Mbps 64Kbps42Mbps 128Kbps256KbpsQPSK 48MB Not Used −−P1-2 Shared/1Port Only (Main) 24Mbps − 48Mbps (*1) −P1 Only (Main) 24Mbps −48MbpsP1-2 Separated (Main) 12Mbps −24MbpsP1-2 Separated (Main+WS) 24Mbps 1.5Mbps (WS)48MbpsP1-2 Separated (Main+SC) 24Mbps 64Kbps48Mbps 128Kbps256Kbps16QAM 156MB Not Used −−64QAM P1:P2=1:0 100Mbps −128QAM P1:P2=1:1 63Mbps −75MbpsBest Effort 150Mbps −P1=FIXED/P2 100Mbps 1.5Mbps26Mbps50MbpsP1-2 Separated (Main+WS) 100Mbps 1.5Mbps (WS)
ROI-S07047 EQUIPMENT SETUP-27-TRP FREQ INFO4 Click on the “Set” button in Common area, then “OK” isdisplayed in Progress area when the setup is properly executed.Note: “NG” and error message are displayed in Progress State area,if there is invalid setting in the Equipment Setup.---TRP FREQ INFO---TX Start Frequency (No.1) [MHz]TX Stop Frequency (No.1) [MHz]Frequency Step (No.1) [MHz]Shift Frequency (No.1) [MHz]Upper/Lower (No.1)Sub Band (No.1)TX Start Frequency (No.2) [MHz]TX Stop Frequency (No.2) [MHz]Frequency Step (No.2) [MHz]Shift Frequency (No.2) [MHz]Upper/Lower (No.2)Sub Band (No.2)
INVENTORY ROI-S07047-28-4. INVENTORY1 Click on the “Inventory” button in “LCT Menu” then InventoryLists are displayed. ---TRP---Package Name Code No. Serial No. Date H/W Version F/W VersionNo.1 TRP NWA-034280-030 00004040 2008.10 4B0A 1.10No.2 TRP NWA-034280-030 00004041 2008.10 4B0A 1.10---MDP---Package Name Code No. Serial No. Date H/W Version F/W VersionMODEM No.1 MODEM NWA-037060-004 00001171 2008.10 01.00MODEM No.2 MODEM NWA-037060-004 00001172 2008.10 01.00MDP(CTRL) CTRL NWA-036102-002 00001063 2008.12 01.00 1.0.0INTFC(1) 2P LAN INTFC NWA-036103-001 00001031 2008.10 01.00---FPGA---Name Code No. VersionMODEM No.1 MODEM FPGA NWZ-028710-001 01.00MODEM No.2 MODEM FPGA NWZ-028710-001 01.00CTRL CTRL FPGA NWZ-028706-001 01.00INTFC(1) 2P LAN FPGA NWZ-029791-001 01.00---Modem Parameter Version---No.1 01No.2 01---Network Properties---IP Address Mask Gateway Address xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xxLCT MenuAlarm/StatusEquipment SetupInventoryAUX I/OMaintenanceProvisioningMeteringPMON (History)
ROI-S07047 AUX. I/O-29-5. AUX. I/OSix input (photocoupler) and six output (relay) are provided in the MDPfor external control and alarm outputs of Housekeeping and Cluster.1 Click on the “AUX I/O” button in “LCT Menu”.  LCT MenuAlarm/StatusEquipment SetupInventoryAUX I/OMaintenanceProvisioningMeteringPMON (History) ---Input---ConditionInput1 OpenInput2 OpenInput3 OpenInput4 OpenInput5 OpenInput6 Open---Output---ValueOutput1 OpenOutput2 OpenOutput3 OpenOutput4 OpenOpenClose2 Click menu button of required number of Output.3 Select “Open” or “Close” to decide output mode to apply forevent output.4 Click on the “Set” button in a Common area to execute setup.     Note: From Input 1 to Input 6 can be assigned to HK1 to HK6input.From Input 3 to Input 6 can be used to Cluster In4 toCluster In1.From Output 1 to Output 4 can be assigned to HK Out1to HK Out 4.From Output 1 to Output 4 can be used to Cluster Out 1to Cluster Out 4.Cluster can be used up to 4 and for each Cluster In#corresponding Cluster Out# should be set in the oppositestation.5 Click on the “Set” button in Common area, then “OK” isdisplayed in Progress area when the setup is properly executed.Note: “NG” and error message are displayed in Progress State area, ifthere is invalid setting in the Aux I/O.
MAINTENANCE ROI-S07047-30-6. MAINTENANCE1 Click on the “Maintenance” button in “LCT Menu”. 2 Click on the “Maintenance1” pull-down menu to display controlitems.3 Click on the setting button “On” for Maintenance and Click onthe “Set” button, then value field turns to “On”.Maintenance1 is described in Chapter 6.1 Maintenance1.4 Click on the “Maintenance2” pull-down menu to upload/download program file or reset CPU.Maintenance2 is described in Chapter 6.2 Maintenance2.LCT MenuAlarm/StatusEquipment SetupInventoryAUX I/OMaintenanceProvisioningMeteringPMON (History)Maintenance1Maintenance2---Maintenance1---Item  Value  SettingMaintenance  On  Off On Set
ROI-S07047 MAINTENANCE-31-6.1 Maintenance1Following control items are displayed in Maintenance1 menu (an example).Note: Displayed items vary depending on system configuration.No. 1 and No. 2 are displayed only in 1+1 system.---Maintenance1---Item Value SettingMaintenance Off  Off      On SetTX SW Manual Control Auto  Auto      No.1      No.2 SetRX SW Manual Control Auto  Auto      No.1      No.2 SetRX SW Maintenance Mode ManualATPC Manual Control (No.1) On  Off      On 0dB SetATPC Manual Control (No.2) On  Off      On 0dB SetTX Mute Control (No.1) Off  Off      On SetTX Mute Control (No.2) Off  Off      On SetCW Control (No.1) Off  Off      On SetCW Control (No.2) Off  Off      On SetIF Loopback (No.1) Off  Off      On SetIF Loopback (No.2) Off  Off      On SetMain CH Loopback (Near End) Off SetMain CH Loopback (Far End) Off SetLAN Device Reset --- INTFC(1)-Port1 Set--- Offline Maintenance ---DADEAdjust ---  DADE    Offset DADE    DADE Off SetRF SUB Band select (No.1) --- A SetRF SUB Band select (No.2) --- A SetAntenna Alignment Mode (No.1) Off  Off      On SetAntenna Alignment Mode (No.2) Off  Off      On Set
MAINTENANCE ROI-S07047-32-TX SW Manual Control1 Click on the setting button “On” of the “Maintenance” and clickon the “Set” button, then value field of the Maintenance turnsfrom “Off” to “On”.In Maintenance “On” mode, external parallel alarm outputsexcepts CPU and PS ALM are masked and automatic control isinhibited.Control operation using LCT must be performed inMaintenance “On” condition.2 Click on the setting button “Auto”, “No. 1” or “No. 2” TX SWto select TX SW control mode and click on the “Set” button,then the value field of the corresponding SW manual controlchange to the selected mode.Auto: Normal operation modeNo. 1 or No. 2: Manual control modeATPC Manual Control3 Click on the setting button “On” and enter attenuation valuewithin ATPC range, then click on the “Set” button.---Maintenance1---Item  Value  SettingMaintenance  On  Off On SetTX SW Manual Control  Auto  Auto No.1 No.2 SetRX SW Manual Control  Auto  Auto No.1 No.2 Set---Maintenance1---Item  Value  SettingMaintenance  On  Off On SetATPC Manual Control(No.1)  On  Off  On                [dB] SetATPC Manual Control(No.2)  Off Off On   SetModulationMode Frequency Band(GHz) 5.8L6U611182324 38QPSK ATPC Range 0 to 30 dB 0 to 25 dBMTPC Range 0 to 30 dB 0 to 25 dB16QAM ATPC Range 0 to 24 dBMTPC Range 0 to 24 dB32QAM ATPC Range 0 to 23 dBMTPC Range 0 to 23 dB *10 to 23 dB64QAM ATPC Range 0 to 20 dBMTPC Range 0 to 20 dB *10 to 20 dB128QAM ATPC Range 0 to 20 dBMTPC Range 0 to 20 dB *10 to 20 dBNote:*1 Additional attenuator from 0 to 5 dB can be added.
ROI-S07047 MAINTENANCE-33-TX Mute Control4 Click on the setting button “On” to select TX Mute Control.5 Click on the “Set” button and the value field turns to “On”.Caution: The control affects the radio link connection.CW Control6 Click on the setting button “On” to set CW Control ( ) and clickon the “Set” button, then value field turns to “On”.Caution: The control affects the radio link connection.Note: When set to CW Control “On”, unmodulated RF signal isemitted.IF Loopback7 Click on the setting button “On” for the IF Loopback ( ) andclick on the “Set” button, then value field turns to “On”.Caution: The control affects the radio link connection.Note: The control applies to IF loopback in local MODEM.---Maintenance1---Item  Value  SettingMaintenance  On  Off On SetTX Mute Control (No.1)  Off Off On SetTX Mute Control (No.2)  Off Off On Set---Maintenance1---Item  Value  SettingMaintenance  On  Off On SetCW Control (No.1)  Off Off On SetCW Control (No.2)  Off Off On Set---Maintenance1---Item  Value  SettingMaintenance  On  Off On SetIF Loopback (No.1) Off Off On SetIF Loopback (No.2)  Off Off On Set
MAINTENANCE ROI-S07047-34-Main CH Loopback Control 8 Click on the “Select” button and click on the setting button“On” of the required CH#(s) to be loop back and click the“Execute” button. For all DS1 channel loop back, click on the “Select” button“On” in All Setting menu and click on the “Set” button.Note: The control applies to loopback in each DS1 signal.Caution: Far End Loopback control will be canceled when radio linkfailure occurs under the control has been executed.Note: The Control is available for DS1 channels set to used.---Maintenance1---Item  Value  SettingMaintenance  On  Off On SetMain CH Loopback (Near End) Off  SelectMain CH Loopback (Far End) Off  Select---Main CH Loopback (Near End)---CH01 Off  Off      OnCH02 Off  Off      OnCH03 Off  Off      OnCH04 Off  Off      OnCH05 Off  Off      OnCH06 Off  Off      OnCH07 Off  Off      OnCH08 Off  Off      OnCH09 Off  Off      OnCH10 Off  Off      OnCH11 Off  Off      OnCH12 Off  Off      OnCH13 Off  Off      OnCH14 Off  Off      OnCH15 Off  Off      OnCH16 Off  Off      OnAll Setting Off      On Select Set Close
ROI-S07047 MAINTENANCE-35-Note: The Control is available for DS1 channels set to used.LAN Device Reset9 Select corresponding LAN port is to be reset from pull-downmenu, and click “Set” button. ---Main CH Loopback (Far End)---CH01 Off  Off      OnCH02 Off  Off      OnCH03 Off  Off      OnCH04 Off  Off      OnCH05 Off  Off      OnCH06 Off  Off      OnCH07 Off  Off      OnCH08 Off  Off      OnCH09 Off  Off      OnCH10 Off  Off      OnCH11 Off  Off      OnCH12 Off  Off      OnCH13 Off  Off      OnCH14 Off  Off      OnCH15 Off  Off      OnCH16 Off  Off      OnAll Setting Off      On Select Set Close---Maintenance1---Item Value SettingMaintenance On  Off      On SetLAN Device Reset --- INTFC(1)-Port1 SetINTFC(1)-Port2
MAINTENANCE ROI-S07047-36-DADE Adjust10      Click  on  the  setting  button “DADE”, “Offset DADE” or“DADE Off” and click on the “Set” button.Notes: 1.The DADE control applies in 1+1 configuration to adjust delay time for RX hitlessswitching when the INTFC status is indicated Outphase.2.The DADE adjustment is needed in initial lineup or when the IF CABLE is replaced. Itdoes not require any readjustment when the INTFC status is indicated In-phase. Thesetting conditions are as follows:DADE: Automatically adjust delay time based on either No.1 signal or No.2 signalselected by the RX SW under the outphase condition of the INTFC status. TheDADE control is processed assuring no interruption of traffic.Offset DADE:Automatically adjust delay time based on either No.1 signal or No.2 signalselected by the RX SW under the outphase condition of the INTFC status.Since the offset memory minimizes the latency delay, traffic interruptionoccurs at that moment. This Offset DADE controls the delay timedifference to a minimum value than DADE control. DADE off: Set when DADE function is not used.---Offline Maintenance---Item  Value  SettingMaintenance  On  Off On SetDADE Adjust  --- DADE  Offset DADE  DADE Off Set
ROI-S07047 MAINTENANCE-37-RF SUB Band Select11 Click on the menu button, select required RF Sub-band frompull-down menu, and click on the “Set” button.   Note: This is an offline menu item to be carried out after a Sub-bandBPF change in the TRP. Refer to Appendix Radio Frequency Planin section 1 for details of Sub-band versus Frequency Range.Antenna Alignment Mode12 Click on the setting button “On”, and click on the “Set” button,to apply Antenna Alignment Mode ( ), then value field turns toOn. Notes: 1. For the antenna orientation, set the TX power to therequired level by ATPC Manual Control or MTPC modeat the opposite site.2. The Antenna Alignment Mode is used for extending thedynamic range of the OW/RX LEV MON unit. In orderto measure in high range of AGC V, it is mandatoryrequired to set Antenna Alignment Mode to ON. If notset to ON, the indicated AGC voltage is not guaranteedvalue. 3. No. 1 and No. 2 apply for 1+1 configuration.---Offline Maintenance---Item  Value  SettingMaintenance  On  Off On SetRF Sub Band Select(No.1)  --- A SetRF Sub Band Select(No.2)  --- A SetABCDEFGHJ---Offline Maintenance---Item  Value  SettingMaintenance  On  Off On SetAntenna Alignment Mode(No.1)  Off Off On SetAntenna Alignment Mode(No.2) Off Off On Set
MAINTENANCE ROI-S07047-38-6.2 Maintenance21 Click on the “Maintenance” button in “LCT Menu”. 2 Click on the “Maintenance1” pull-down menu.3 Click on the setting button “On” for Maintenance item and clickon the “Set” button, then value field turns to “On”.4 Click on the “Maintenance” button and select “Maintenance2”pull-down menu.Following control items are displayed in Main area.Check that the “Maintenance” is “On” in the “Summary Status” area.LCT MenuAlarm/StatusEquipment SetupInventoryAUX I/OMaintenanceProvisioningMeteringPMON(History)Maintenance1Maintenance2---Maintenance1---Item  Value  SettingMaintenance  On  Off On Set--- Maintenance2 ------Control---CPU Reset---Download---Configuration FileProgram FileEquipment Config. File---Upload---Configuration FileEquipment Config. File---Date/Time---Date/Time Setting---Password---Password Setting---PMON Clear---PMON Clear
ROI-S07047 MAINTENANCE-39-CPU Reset5 Click on the “CPU Reset” button.6 Click on the control button “CTRL” for MDP or “TRP” and“No. 1 or No. 2” (in 1+1 TRP only), and click “Execute” buttonin CPU Reset dialog box.Caution: The control affects the radio link connection.Check “with ROM (Program) Switching” check box when the programfile for “CTRL” is newly down loaded and existing program file will bereplaced with new one.Note: When Click on the “Execute” button to reset CPU of the “CTRL”,then CTRL restarts, the LCT is disconnected.Access the LCT to the NLite N from the beginning.7 Click on the “Close” button to dismiss the “CPU Reset” dialogbox.PMON Clear8 Click on the “PMON Clear” button.Perform this operation when beginning the service operation todelete all PMON and RMON data that were produced ininstallation.9 Click on the “Execute” button.10 Click on the “Close” button when “OK” is displayed in Progressarea.
MAINTENANCE ROI-S07047-40-Download Configuration File11 Click on the “Configuration File” button “Download” menu.12 Select the file Type “Net Work Config” or “Mib Config”.13 Enter the location of the Configuration file in File field or clickon the “Browser” button to display location in the hard disk orfloppy disk.14 Click on the “Execute” button to start down load. Caution: The control affects the radio link connection.Caution: While data is being transmitted, do not remove theUSB cable connecting the MDP with the PC.15 After download has been completed, click on the “Update”button for the corresponding configuration will be operated withupdated file. 16 Click on the “Close” button to dismiss the “DownloadConfiguration” dialog box.
ROI-S07047 MAINTENANCE-41-Download Program17 Click on the “Program File” of “Download” menu.18 Click on the “CTRL”, “TRP” or “MODEM Parameter” andcorresponding Sub-item control button.19 Enter the location of the Program File in File field or click onthe “Browser” to display location in the hard disk. 20 Click on the “Execute” button to start the download of programfile. Caution: While data is being transmitted, do not remove theUSB cable connecting the MDP with the PC.21 After download of the CTRL Package has been completed, theCPU Reset dialog box appears, then click on the “CPU Reset”button.Caution: The control affects the radio link connection.22 Select on the control button “CTRL” for MDP, check “withROM (Program) Switching” check box and click “Execute”button in CPU Reset dialog box.23 Click on the “Close” button to dismiss the “DownloadConfiguration” dialog box.
MAINTENANCE ROI-S07047-42-Download Equipment24 Click on the “Equipment Config File” of “Download” menu.25 Enter the location of the “Equipment Config File” in File fieldor click on the “Browser” button to display location in the harddisk, floppy disk or MMC, click on the “Execute” button to startthe download.Caution: While data is being transmitted, do not remove theUSB cable connecting the MDP with the PC.26 After download has been completed, click on the “Update”button for the CTRL will be operated with updated config file.Caution: The control affects the radio link connection.27 Click on the “Close” button to dismiss the “DownloadEquipment” dialog box.Upload Configuration File28 Click on the “Configuration File” of “Upload” menu.29 Select the file Type “Net Work Config” or “Mib Config”.30 Enter the directory of the file name where the uploaded file willbe saved.31 Click on the “Execute” button to start the uploading. Caution: While data is being transmitted, do not remove theUSB cable connecting the MDP with the PC.
ROI-S07047 MAINTENANCE-43-32 After Configuration File has been uploaded, click on the“Close” button to dismiss the “Upload Configuration” dialogbox.Upload Equipment Config File33 Click on the “Equipment Config File” of “Upload” menu.34 Enter the directory of the file name where the uploaded file willbe saved.35 Click on the “Execute” button to start the uploading. Caution: While data is being transmitted, do not remove theUSB cable connecting the MDP with the PC.36 After Equipment Config File has been uploaded, click on the“Close” button to dismiss the “Upload Equipment” dialog box.
MAINTENANCE ROI-S07047-44-Date/Time Setting37 Click on the “Date/Time Setting” button of “Network” menu.38 Click on the “Display PC Time” button, then the PC “Date”and“Time” are indicated in the fields.39 Click on the “Execute” button, then Date/Time setting for theCTRL is performed.40 Click on the “Close” button to dismiss the “Date/Time Setting”dialog box.Password Setting41 Click on the “Password Setting” button.42 Enter the current password in “Old Password” entry field.43 Enter the new password in “New Password” entry field.44 Enter the same password written in “New Password” entry fieldin “Confirm new password” entry field. 45 Click on the “OK” button after confirmed “New Password” and“Confirm new password”.46 Click on the Maintenance1, set Maintenance “Off” and click onthe “Set” button, then value field turns to “Off”.
ROI-S07047 PROVISIONING-45-7. PROVISIONING 1 Click on the “Provisioning” button in the “LCT Menu”.2 Continue to Chapter 7.1 Provisioning Setup. LCT MenuAlarm/StatusEquipment SetupInventoryAUX I/OMaintenanceProvisioningMeteringPMON (History)When Click on the “Provisioning” button in “LCT Menu”, Provisioningsetup items are displayed in Main area.Notes:1. Provisioning setup must be performed after every setupitems of the “Equipment Setup” has been completed. If ithas any pending item or improper setting of theEquipment Setup, the “Provisioning Setup” will not becompleted. 2. When setting or changing Equipment Setup, check thesetting values of all the Provisioning items.
PROVISIONING ROI-S07047-46-7.1 Provisioning SetupNote: To execute setup for each item, every time Click on the “Set” button in common area.DS1 Setting1 Click on the “DS1 Setting” button in Provisioning menu.2 Select CH Usage, Line Length, Bipolar Code and Frame Formatfor each channel. Select the CH to be used by placing a checkmark on the “CH Usage” check box.---DS1 Setting---CH Usage Status Line Length Bipolar Code Frame Format CH01 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed CH02 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed CH03 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed CH04 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed CH05 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed CH06 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed CH07 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed CH08 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed CH09 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed CH10 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed CH11 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed CH12 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed CH13 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed CH14 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed CH15 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed CH16 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZS Unframed
ROI-S07047 PROVISIONING-47-Note: DS1 Channel numbers and LAN shares with DS1 varydepending on the Transmission Capacity and LAN Port1Capacity and LAN Port2 Capacity which are set in“Equipment Setup”.Note: 1. Line LengthSetting is based on the cable length of the DS1 signal.2. Bipolar CodeSet the DS1 signal Line Code. Refer to the table below.3. Frame FormatSet the DS1 signal Frame Format. Refer to the table below.All SettingCH Usage  All Set SelectLine Length 0-133ft(0-40m) SelectBipolar Code B8ZS SelectFrame Format Unframed SelectNo. Mode Descriptions1 AMI Alternate mark inversion2 B8ZS Bipolar with eight zero substitutionNo. Mode Descriptions1UnframedUnframedNot applies frame structure.2SF Superframe formatA superframe consists of twelve consecutive frames. 3ESF Extended superframe formatAn extended superframe consists of twenty-four consecutive frames.
PROVISIONING ROI-S07047-48-3 Click on the either setting button for every items shown below.Notes: 1. CH Usage Error Report:Report:When a DS1 signal is applied to a channel which is set as “not used”, analarm is displayed.Not Report:Even when a DS1 signal is applied to a channel which is set as “not used”,an alarm is not displayed.2. AIS Activation ConditionLOF + High BER:When the LOF ALM or High BER has occurred, DS1 AIS signal isgenerated.LOF:When the LOF ALM has occurred, DS1 AIS signal is generated.3. AIS Generated (Received) ReportAIS Generated (Received) Report sets whether AIS Generated (Received)for DS1 is reported or not reported. ---Other Setting---CH Usage Error Report  Not Report  ReportAIS Activation Condition  LOF+High BER  LOFAIS Received Report  Not Report  ReportAIS Received Condition  Alarm  StatusAIS Generated Report  Not Report  Report
ROI-S07047 PROVISIONING-49-WS Setting4 Click on the “WS Setting” button in Provisioning menu.5 Select CH Usage, Line Length and Bipolar Code for eachchannel. Select the CH to be used by placing a check mark onthe “CH Usage” check box.---WS Setting---Note: DS1 Wayside Channel numbers and LAN shares with DS1Wayside vary depending on the Transmission Capacity and LANPort1 Capacity and LAN Port2 Capacity which are set in“Equipment Setup”.Note: 1. Line Lengthetting depends on the cable length of the DS1 Wayside signal2. Bipolar codeSet the DS1 wayside signal Line code. Refer to the table below.6 Click on the either setting button for every items shown below.Note:  AIS Generated (Received) ReportAIS Generated (Received) Report sets whether AIS Generated(Received) for DS1 Wayside is reported or not reported.CH Usage Status Line Length Bipolar Code CH01 0-133ft(0-40m) B8ZSNo. Mode Descriptions1 AMI Alternate mark inversion2 B8ZS Bipolar with eight zero substitution---Other Setting---AIS Received Report  Not Report  ReportAIS Generated Report  Not Report  Report
PROVISIONING ROI-S07047-50-BER Threshold7 Click on the “BER Threshold Setting” sub-menu button in“Provisioning”.8 Click on the control button of required BER threshold level for“High BER Threshold” and “LOW BER Threshold”.SC Assignment9 Click on the “SC Assignment” button in “Provisioning” menuparticulars.10 Click on the menu button of each RS-232C( ) and V-11-( ) andselect item from pull down menu to assign a SC or select Notused. ---BER Threshold Setting---High BER Threshold  1E-3 1E-4 1E-5Low BER Threshold  1E-6 1E-7 1E-8 1E-9---SC Assignment---RS-232C-1 SC1RS-232C-2  SC2V-11-1 SC3V-11-2 SC4V-11-1 Direction Setting  Co-directional  Contra-directionalV-11-2 Direction Setting  Co-directional  Contra-directionalNot UsedSC1 SC2SC3 SC4
ROI-S07047 PROVISIONING-51-LAN Port Setting11 Click on the “LAN Port Setting” sub-menu button in“Provisioning”.12 Click on the setting button of Switching Function.13 Click on the setting button of Port ( ) usage. Note: For the details of setup item of the LAN PORT USAGE, refer to the LAN INTERFACE (10/100BASE T(X) Application and Setting in Section IV.1.  Switching function:This is a setup if the Switch Hub is used between Port1 and Port2 or it doesnot used when the signal domain of the radio link shares with the Port1 andPort2 (It can be used only Shared Mode, or not be used in the SeparatedMode of the Port1 and Port2.) Disabled: No use of Ports for the Switch Hub. (default value)Enabled: Use of Ports for the Switch Hub.2. 1.5M Framing: When the bandwidth of LAN signal is set to 1.5M, simple 1.5M framing ofANSI T1.403 can be applied to the output data of the radio side. This functioncan be used when the LAN signal is to be connected via opposite radio in theDS1 network. 3. Port Usage: Use of LAN Port or no use. (default value is Used)4. Speed & Duplex:Setting for Port speed and Duplex.Referring to the following table, set the Port mode according to theassociated equipment which it is to be connected. Note that if the settingmode differs from associated equipment, it may be caused performancedegradation or link loss. (default value is AUTONEG (Auto MDI/MDIX))5. Flow Control:On: Effective flow control (default value is On)Off: Non-effective flow control. No. Mode Descriptions1Unframed UnframedNot applies frame structure. Every 1.544Mbps data are treated in the LAN data domain.2SF Superframe formatA superframe consists of twelve consecutive frames.Applies frame structure is treated as LAN data domain.3ESFExtended superframe formatAn extended superframe consists of twenty-four consecutive frames. Applies frame structure is treated as LAN data domain.
PROVISIONING ROI-S07047-52-6. Collision Report:In HALF-Duplex mode, it is selected that is reported or not reported aboutcollision conditions at each port. (default value is Not Report)7. Link Loss Forwarding:Setting of the Link Loss Forwarding mode is effective or no effective. (SeeLink Loss Forwarding description in the Section II Operation) (default valueis Disabled)√ : A setup is possible.Note: *: MDI/MDI-X is selected according to the cable type or terminaltype to be used (straight or cross type).External EquipmentSetting PositionAuto Negotiation10BASE-T/Half Duplex10BASE-T/Full Duplex100BASE-TX/Half Duplex100BASE-TX/Full Duplex10BASE-T/Half (FIX)100BASE-TX/Half (FIX)MDP PortSetting PositionAuto Negotiation (Auto MDI/MDI-X) √⎯⎯⎯⎯ √√10BASE-T/Half Duplex (MDI/MDI-X*) ⎯√⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯10BASE-T/Full Duplex (MDI/MDI-X*) ⎯⎯ √⎯⎯⎯⎯100BASE-TX/Half Duplex (MDI/MDI-X*) ⎯⎯⎯ √⎯⎯⎯100BASE-TX/Full Duplex (MDI/MDI-X*) ⎯⎯⎯⎯ √⎯⎯
ROI-S07047 PROVISIONING-53---- LAN Port Setting ---Switching Function  Disabled  Enabled1.5M Framing Unframed--- Port1 ---Port Usage  Not Used  UsedSpeed & Duplex AUTONEG (Auto-MDI/MDIX)Flow Control  Off   OnCollision Report  Not Report       ReportLink Loss Forwarding  Disabled       Enabled--- Port2 ---Port Usage  Not Used  UsedSpeed & Duplex AUTONEG (Auto-MDI/MDIX)Flow Control  Off   OnCollision Report  Not Report       ReportLink Loss Forwarding  Disabled       Enabled
PROVISIONING ROI-S07047-54-TX Power Control14 Click on the “TX Power Control” sub-menu button in“Provisioning”.15 Enter required values in each control entry field within specifiedrange.(1)  ATPC mode in 1+0 or Hot Standby configuration(2)  ATPC mode in Twinpath configuration(3)   MTPC mode in Twinpath configuration Notes: 1. No.1 and No.2 are indicated in Twinpath configuration only.2. For Hot Standby configuration, the TX Power Control effects bothNo. 1 and No. 2 TRPs.3. ATPC/MTPC Range varies depending on RF frequency band andmodulation scheme.4. ATPC Threshold level Range varies depending on modulationscheme and RF signal channel separation.5. ATPC power mode: (output power when ATPC control signal fails)Hold: Maintain the current TX output level at the time of theATPC is malfunction.---TX Power Control--- RangeATPC Threshold Level [dBm] -60 -80 to -30Additional ATT [dB] 0 0 to 5ATPC Range(MAX) [dB] 0 -30 to 0ATPC Range(MIN) [dB] -30ATPC Power Mode  Hold  MAX   MINCOMM Alarm Mode *6  Mute  Hold---TX Power Control--- RangeATPC Threshold Level (No.1) [dBm] -60 -80 to -30ATPC Threshold Level (No.2) [dBm] -60 -80 to -30Additional ATT (No.1) [dB] 0 0 to 5Additional ATT (No.2) [dB] 0 0 to 5ATPC Range(MAX) (No.1) [dB] 0 -30 to 0ATPC Range(MIN) (No.1) [dB] -30ATPC Range(MAX) (No.2) [dB] 0 -30 to 0ATPC Range(MIN) (No.2) [dB] -30ATPC Power Mode  Hold  MAX  MINCOMM Alarm Mode *6  Mute  Hold---TX Power Control--- RangeMTPC TX Power (No.1) [dB] 0 -30 to 0MTPC TX Power (No.2) [dB] 0 -30 to 0ATPC Threshold Level (No.1) [dBm] -60 -80 to -30ATPC Threshold Level (No.2) [dBm] -60 -80 to -30Additional ATT (No.1) [dB] 0 0 to 5Additional ATT (No.2) [dB] 0 0 to 5COMM Alarm Mode *6  Mute  Hold
ROI-S07047 PROVISIONING-55-MAX: Maintain the ATPC maximum TX output level at the timeof the ATPC is malfunction.Recommend to set MAX mode when norminal receivingsignal level is the out of ATPC range.MIN: Maintain the ATPC minimum TX output level at the timeof the ATPC is malfunction.Never beyond –20 dBm of receiver input level in anysettings.6. Select TRP output powermode when the communication failsbetween MDP and TRP due to some problems.When Mute is set, the TRP output power will be muted.(Default)When Hold is set, the TRP output power will be hold.(Should consider neighboring system)Condition for TX/RX SW (only for 1+1 configuration)16 Click on the “Condition for TX/RX SW” sub-menu button in“Provisioning”.17 Click on the control button of required control mode for the TXSW and the RX SW. Notes: 1. TX SW control mode is applied only for Hot Standbyconfiguration.2. For TX and RX SW Priority, select Non Priority for Non-reverting operation when TX or RX alarm condition isrestored.3. “TX SW Lock in Usage” locks the TX switching to preventfrequent switching changes.4. “Reverse function Usage”. Carry out TX Switching uponreceiving a request from the opposite MDP, when it detectsabnormal receiving condition.The TXSW request from own station has higher priority thanabove switching operation.5. Manual mode of RX SW Maintenance Mode disables the RXSW operation when either No. 1 or No. 2 RX route is in alarmstatus.6. Forced mode of RX SW Maintenance Mode enables the RXSW operation even though either or both No.1 and No.2 RXroute is in alarm status.----Condition for TX/RX SW---TX SW Priority  Non Priority  Priority No.1TX SW Lock in Usage  Not Used  UsedTX SW Reverse Function Usage  Not Used  UsedRX SW Priority  Non Priority  Priority No.1RX SW Maintenance Mode  Manual  ForcedRX SW Condition-Early Warning  Included EW  Excluded EW
PROVISIONING ROI-S07047-56-7. RX SW Condition_early warning: whether to consider earlywarning BER as a condition for RX switching or not.18 Click on the “Relay Setting” sub-menu button in “Provisioning”.19 Click on the setting box crossed corresponding item and RL.Note: Display or non-display of Relay Setting items depends on Redundancy Setting.Example:When setting to (1+0) mode, the items of No.2 side become non-display.At this moment, contact information (“Out”) set so far are all cleared regardingthe items which become non-display due to the setting change. Accordingly,users are required to set the setting information again when these items areredisplayed after setting change.Note: When the selected item for RL assignment is invalid, “NG” anderror message are displayed in Progress State area. Cluster1 Input  Disabled  EnabledCluster2 Input  Disabled  EnabledCluster3 Input  Disabled  EnabledCluster4 Input  Disabled  Enabled
ROI-S07047 PROVISIONING-57-The following are assignable items for external Relay output. HK Out1HK Out2HK Out3HK Out4Cluster ALM Out1Cluster ALM Out2Cluster ALM Out3Cluster ALM Out4MAINTMDP CPU ALMPS ALM (No.1)PS ALM (No.2)TRP ALM (No.1)TRP ALM (No.2)TRP CPU ALM (No.1)TRP CPU ALM (No.2)TX PWR ALM (No.1)TX PWR ALM (No.2)TX Input ALM (No.1)TX Input ALM (No.2)APC ALM (No.1)APC ALM (No.2)RX Level ALM (No.1)RX Level ALM (No.2)MDP ALMIF Cable Short ALM (No.1)IF Cable Short ALM (No.2)MOD ALM (No.1)MOD ALM (No.2)DEM ALM (No.1)DEM ALM (No.2)High BER ALM (No.1)High BER ALM (No.2)Low BER ALM (No.1)Low BER ALM (No.2)LOF (No.1)LOF (No.2)Input LOS 01-28AIS Received 01-28AIS Generated 01-28CH Usage Error 01-28LAN Link ALMWS Input ALMSC LAN Link ALM
PROVISIONING ROI-S07047-58-TCN Threshold (15min 1day)20 Click on the “TCN Threshold (15min)” or “TCN Threshold(1day)” or sub-menu button in “Provisioning”.21 Enter required values in threshold OCR (Alarm Occur) andRCVR (Alarm Recover) fields of performance item.Note: Do not mistake the setting such as the OCR ≤ RCVR or RCVR = 0.Notes: OFS: Out of Frame SecondUAS: Unavailable SecondES : Errored SecondSES : Severely Errored SecondBBE: Background Block ErrorsSEP: Severely Errored Period----TCN Threshold (15min)---TotalOccur Recover RangeOFS 900 90 0 to 900UAS 900 90 0 to 900ES 900 90 0 to 900SES 900 90 0 to 900BBE 2970 300 0 to 1031400SEP 900 90 0 to 900----TCN Threshold (1day)---TotalOccur Recover RangeOFS 65534 650 0 to 86400UAS 65534 650 0 to 86400ES 65534 650 0 to 86400SES 65534 650 0 to 86400BBE 285120 28520 0 to 99014400SEP 65534 650 0 to 86400
ROI-S07047 PROVISIONING-59---- CSU Threshold (15min) ---Frame Incoming Incoming OutgoingFormat CV-L CV-P CV-POccur Recover Occur Recover Occur RecoverCH01 SF 416880000 41688000 2160000 216000 2160000 216000CH02 SF 416880000 41688000 2160000 216000 2160000 216000CH03 SF 416880000 41688000 2160000 216000 2160000 216000CH04 SF 416880000 41688000 2160000 216000 2160000 216000CH05 SF 416880000 41688000 2160000 216000 2160000 216000CH06 ESF 416880000 41688000 630000 63000 630000 63000CH07 ESF 416880000 41688000 630000 63000 630000 63000CH08 ESF 416880000 41688000 630000 63000 630000 63000CH09 ESF 416880000 41688000 630000 63000 630000 63000CH10 ESF 416880000 41688000 630000 63000 630000 63000CH11 416880000 41688000CH12 416880000 41688000CH13 416880000 41688000CH14 416880000 41688000CH15 416880000 41688000CH16 416880000 41688000Range 0 to 1389600000 SF: 0 to 7200000ESF: 0 to 2100000
PROVISIONING ROI-S07047-60-Notes:1. CV-L: The number counted depends on the bipolar codesetting.AMI: count and accumulate BPV (bipolar Violations)B8ZS: count and accumulate both BPV (bipolar Violations)and EXZ (Excessive Zeros)2. CV-P: The number counted depends on the Frame Formatsetting.Unframed: not countedSF (Super Frame): count and accumulate frame bit errorsESF (Extended Super Frame) count and accumulate frame biterrors and CRC errors.--- CSU Threshold (1day) ---Frame Incoming Incoming OutgoingFormat CV-L CV-P CV-POccur Recover Occur Recover Occur RecoverCH01 SF 40020480000 4002048000 207360000 20736000 207360000 20736000CH02 SF 40020480000 4002048000 207360000 20736000 207360000 20736000CH03 SF 40020480000 4002048000 207360000 20736000 207360000 20736000CH04 SF 40020480000 4002048000 207360000 20736000 207360000 20736000CH05 SF 40020480000 4002048000 207360000 20736000 207360000 20736000CH06 ESF 40020480000 4002048000 60480000 6048000 60480000 6048000CH07 ESF 40020480000 4002048000 60480000 6048000 60480000 6048000CH08 ESF 40020480000 4002048000 60480000 6048000 60480000 6048000CH09 ESF 40020480000 4002048000 60480000 6048000 60480000 6048000CH10 ESF 40020480000 4002048000 60480000 6048000 60480000 6048000CH11 40020480000 4002048000CH12 40020480000 4002048000CH13 40020480000 4002048000CH14 40020480000 4002048000CH15 40020480000 4002048000CH16 40020480000 4002048000Range 0 to 133401600000 SF: 0 to 691200000ESF: 0 to 201600000
ROI-S07047 PROVISIONING-61-PMON Select22 Click on the “PMON Select” sub-menu button in“Provisioning”.23 Enter required “RX Level TCN Threshold” level in text field.24 Click on the control button of “SES Activation Condition”.---PMON Select---RX Level TCN Threshold [dBm] −82.0SES Activation Condition 30[%]  15[%]
PROVISIONING ROI-S07047-62-In-band Loopback Setting25 Click on the “In-band Loopback Setting” button in Provisioningmenu.26 Click on the either setting button for every items shown below.Note: 1. ModeSet the in-band loop back Mode.Disable: Loopback Mode disabledEnable(Code): Execute Loopback when receiving the Activation codeover (in) the DS1 signal and release the loopbackwhen receiving the Deactivation code. Enable (Messages): Execute Loopback when receiving the ActivateMessage over (in)  the DS1 signal, and release theloopback when receiving the deactivation message.2. Activation codeWhen the selected Mode is Enable(code), set the length of thecode in bits and its specific value to execute the loopback. Donot set the value of the code to all “0” or all “1”.3. Deactivation codeWhen the selected Mode is Enable (Code), set the length of thecode in bits and its specific value to release the Loopback. Donot set the value of the code to all “0” or all “1”.4. ActivationmessageWhen the selected Mode is Enable (messages), set themessage to execute the Loopback. Do not set the value of thecode to all “0” or all “1”.5. Deactivation MessageWhen the selected Mode is Enable (messages), set the messageto release the Loopback. Do not set the value of the code to all“0” or all “1”.--- Near End ---Item Value SettingMode Disable DisableActivation Code 00001 5bit 00001Deactivation Code 001 3bit 001Activation Messages 11111111 01110000 11111111 0??????0 111000Deactivation Messages 11111111 00011100 11111111 0??????0 001110<< Direction of Transmission
ROI-S07047 PROVISIONING-63-Note: When the frame format is set to “ESF”,  Far End Loopback canbe executed. Frame format is set from the provisioning “DS1Setting”.Note: 1. Mode Set the in-band loop back Mode. Disable: Loopback Mode disabledEnable(message): Execute Loopback when receiving the Activationmessage over (in) the DS1 signal and release theloopback when receiving the Deactivation Message. 2. Activation code When the selected Mode is Enable(messages), enter the 6bitvalue to be inserted in the place of  “?” in the 16bit  ActivationMessage to execute the loopback. Do not set the value of thecode to all “0” or all “1”. 3. Deactivation code When the selected Mode is Enable (Message), enter the 6bitvalue to be inserted in the place of “?” in the 16bitDeactivation Message to release the loopback. Do not set thevalue of the message to all “0” or all “1”.Note. When the Mode setting is Enable (Code), and the Activation codebit length and its value is the same as that set in the deactivationcode,  “NG” is indicated at “Code/Messages check status”display. Correct the values and Set again to clear the “NG”indication.Note: When the Mode setting is Enable (Messages) and the Near End/Far End  Activation and deactivation message is the same, “NG”is indicated at “Code/Message check status” display. Correct thevalues and Set again to clear the “NG” indication.--- Far End ---Item Value SettingMode Disable DisableActivation Messages 11111111 00000100 11111111 0??????0 000010Deactivation Messages 11111111 00111000 11111111 0??????0 011100<< Direction of Transmission--- Code/Messages Check Status ---CH 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16STS NG NG NG
PROVISIONING ROI-S07047-64-Others27 Click on the “Others” sub-menu button in “Provisioning”.EOW2 External Setting28 Click on the either “Normal” or “Invert” control button.Alarm Correlation Capability29 Click on the either “On” or “Off” control button.Note: Select “On” when really caused alarm is displayed.Select “Off” when including derived alarm is displayed.30 Click on the “Set” button in Common area to define the setting.---EOW2 External Setting---EOW2 External Setting Normal  Invert---Alarm Correlation Capability---Alarm Correlation Capability Off  On
ROI-S07047 METERING-65-8. METERING1 Click on the “Metering” in “LCT Menu”. 2 Check the values indicated in metering text fields for eachmetering item.Notes: 1. No.1 and No.2 are indicated only for 1+1 configuration.2. Both TX Power values of No.1 and No.2 are indicated inTwinpath configuration only.3. TX Power value * is indicated for standby TRP in HotStandby configuration.4. Power Supply voltage of the TRP DC input variesdepending on IF cable length.5. During total number of erroneous bits and total numberof correctly received bits are calculating, “Calculating”is displayed.LCT MenuAlarm/StatusEquipment SetupInventoryAUX I/OMaintenanceProvisioningMeteringPMON (History)----Metering---No.1 No.2TX Power [dBm] +0.7 *RX Level [dBm] –65.2 –70.0Power Supply [V] –45 –45BER *.*E-10 Calculating
PMON ROI-S07047-66-9. PMON9.1 PMON9.1.1 PMON (History)1 Click on the “PMON (History)” in “LCT Menu”. 2 Click on the “Reload” button in Common area.RX Level (24h/15min)3 Click on the “RX Level (24h/15min)” sub-menu button in“PMON (History)”.LCT MenuAlarm/StatusEquipment SetupInventoryAUX I/OMaintenanceProvisioningMeteringPMON (History)RX Level (24h/15min)RX Level (7days/day)Total (24h/15min)Total (7days/day)CSU (24h/15min)CSU (7days/day)RMON (Line)(24h/15min)RMON (Line)(7days/day)RMON (DMR)(24h/15min)RMON (DMR)(7days/day)---RX Level (15min)--- Maintenance Mode: On : Current TimeDate Time Status MIN (No.1) MAX (No.1) MIN (No.2) MAX (No.2)2006/01/05 15:30-15:45 –59.7 –58.6 –59.3 –58.12006/01/05 15:45-16:00 –59.8 –58.7 –58.7 –58.22006/01/05 16:00-16:15 –59.5 –59.0 –58.7 –58.22006/01/05 16:15-16:30 –59.5 –59.0 –58.7 –58.22006/01/05 16:30-16:45 –59.5 –59.0 –71.2 –58.22006/01/05 16:45-17:00 –74.2 –55.8 –58.8 –54.12006/01/05 17:00-17:15 –59.5 –57.9 –58.8 –58.1
ROI-S07047 PMON-67-RX Level (7days/day)4 Click on the “RX Level (7days/day)” sub-menu button in“PMON (History)”.Total (24h/15min)5 Click on the “Total (24h/15min)” sub-menu button in “PMON(History)”.Total (7days/day)6 Click on the “Total (7days/day)” sub-menu button in “PMON(History)”.---RX Level (day)--- Maintenance Mode: OnDate Status MIN(No.1) MAX(No.1) MIN(No.2) MAX(No.2)2006/01/01 –59.7 –58.6 –59.3 –58.12006/01/02 –59.8 –58.7 –58.7 –58.22006/01/03 –59.5 –59.0 –58.7 –58.22006/01/04 –59.5 –59.0 –58.7 –58.22006/01/05 –59.5 –59.0 –71.2 –58.22006/01/06 –74.2 –55.8 –58.8 –54.12006/01/07 –59.5 –57.9 –58.8 –58.1---Total (15min)---- Maintenance Mode: On : Current TimeDate Time Status OFS SEP BBE ES SES UAS2006/01/05 15:30-15:45 0000002006/01/05 15:45-16:00 0000002006/01/05 16:00-16:15 0000002006/01/05 16:15-16:30 0000002006/01/05 16:30-16:45 0000002006/01/05 16:45-17:00 0000002006/01/05 17:00-17:15 000000---Total (1day)--- Maintenance Mode: OnDate Status OFS SEP BBE ES SES UAS2006/01/01 0 000002006/01/02 0 000002006/01/03 0 000002006/01/04 0 000002006/01/05 0 000002006/01/06 0 000002006/01/07 0 00000
PMON ROI-S07047-68-CSU (24h/15min)7 Click on the “CSU (24h/15min)” sub-menu button in “PMON(History)”.CSU (7day/1day)8 Click on the “CSU (7day/day)” sub-menu button in “PMON(History)”.--- CSU (15min) --- :Maintenance Mode On :Current TimeCH01Date Time Incoming CV-L Incoming CV-P Outgoing CV-PStatus Count Status Count Status Count2009/03/01 09:30-09:45 0 0 02009/03/01 09:45-10:00 0 0 02009/03/01 10:00-10:15 0 0 02009/03/01 10:15-10:30 0 0 02009/03/01 10:30-10:45 0 0 02009/03/01 10:45-11:00 0 0 02009/03/01 11:00-11:15 0 0 0--- CSU (1day) --- :Maintenance Mode OnCH01Date Incoming CV-L Incoming CV-P Outgoing CV-PStatus Count Status Count Status Count2009/03/01 0 0 02009/03/02 0 0 02009/03/03 0 0 02009/03/04 0 0 02009/03/05 0 0 02009/03/06 0 0 02009/03/07 0 0 0
ROI-S07047 PMON-69-9.1.2 RMON (History)RMON (Line) (15min)9 Click on the “RMON (Line) (24h/15min)” sub-menu button in“PMON (History)”.--- RMON (Line) (15min) --- :Maintenance Mode On :Current TimePort1Date Time Status 1 2 3 42009/03/01 00:00-00:15  1: RX Unicast PKTS2009/03/01 00:15-00:30  2: RX Broadcast PKTS2009/03/01 00:30-00:45  3: RX Multicast PKTS2009/03/01 00:45-01:00  4: RX Pause PKTS2009/03/01 01:00-01:15  5: RX CRC Errors2009/03/01 01:15-01:30  6: RX Align Errors2009/03/01 01:30-01:45  7: RX Symbol Errors2009/03/01 01:45-02:00  8: RX Undersize PKTS2009/03/01 02:00-02:15  9: RX Fragments2009/03/01 02:15-02:30  10: RX PKTS 642009/03/01 02:30-02:45  11: RX PKTS 65-1272009/03/01 02:45-03:00  12: RX PKTS 128-2552009/03/01 03:00-03:15  13: RX PKTS 256-5112009/03/01 03:15-03:30  14: RX PKTS 512-10232009/03/01 03:30-03:45  15: RX PKTS 1024-15362009/03/01 04:45-05:00  16: RX PKTS 1537-MAX2009/03/01 05:00-05:15  17: RX Jabbers2009/03/01 05:15-05:30  18: TX Unicast PKTS2009/03/01 05:30-05:45  19: TX Broadcast PKTS2009/03/01 05:45-06:00  20: TX Multicast PKTS2009/03/01 06:00-06:15  21: TX Pause PKTS2009/03/01 06:15-06:30  22: TX Total Collisions2009/03/01 06:30-06:452009/03/01 06:45-07:00
PMON ROI-S07047-70-RMON (Line) (1day)10 Click on the “RMON (Line) (7days/day)” sub-menu button in“PMON (History)”.--- RMON (Line) (1day) --- :Maintenance Mode OnPort1Date Status 123452009/03/01  1: RX Unicast PKTS2009/03/02  2: RX Broadcast PKTS2009/03/03  3: RX Multicast PKTS2009/03/04  4: RX Pause PKTS2009/03/05  5: RX CRC Errors2009/03/06  6: RX Align Errors2009/03/07  7: RX Symbol Errors 8: RX Undersize PKTS 9: RX Fragments 10: RX PKTS 64 11: RX PKTS 65-127 12: RX PKTS 128-255 13: RX PKTS 256-511 14: RX PKTS 512-1023 15: RX PKTS 1024-1536 16: RX PKTS 1537-MAX 17: RX Jabbers 18: TX Unicast PKTS 19: TX Broadcast PKTS 20: TX Multicast PKTS 21: TX Pause PKTS 22: TX Total Collisions
ROI-S07047 PMON-71-RMON (DMR) (15min)11 Click on the “RMON (DMR) (24h/15min)” sub-menu button in“PMON (History)”.--- RMON (DMR) (15min) --- :Maintenance Mode On :Current TimePort1Date Time Status 1 2 3 42009/03/01 00:00-00:15  1: RX Unicast PKTS2009/03/01 00:15-00:30  2: RX Broadcast PKTS2009/03/01 00:30-00:45  3: RX Multicast PKTS2009/03/01 00:45-01:00  4: RX Pause PKTS2009/03/01 01:00-01:15  5: RX CRC Errors2009/03/01 01:15-01:30  6: RX Fragments2009/03/01 01:30-01:45  7: RX PKTS 642009/03/01 01:45-02:00  8: RX PKTS 65-1272009/03/01 02:00-02:15  9: RX PKTS 128-2552009/03/01 02:15-02:30  10: RX PKTS 256-5112009/03/01 02:30-02:45  11: RX PKTS 512-10232009/03/01 02:45-03:00  12: RX PKTS 1024-15362009/03/01 03:00-03:15  13: RX PKTS 1537-MAX2009/03/01 03:15-03:30  14: RX Jabbers2009/03/01 03:30-03:45  15: TX Unicast PKTS2009/03/01 04:45-05:00  16: TX Broadcast PKTS2009/03/01 05:00-05:15  17: TX Multicast PKTS2009/03/01 05:15-05:30  18: TX Pause PKTS2009/03/01 05:30-05:452009/03/01 05:45-06:00
PMON ROI-S07047-72-RMON (DMR) (1day)12 Click on the “RMON (DMR) (7days/day)” sub-menu button in“PMON (History)”.--- RMON (DMR) (1day) --- :Maintenance Mode OnPort1Date Status 1 23452009/03/01  1: RX Unicast PKTS2009/03/02  2: RX Broadcast PKTS2009/03/03  3: RX Multicast PKTS2009/03/04  4: RX Pause PKTS2009/03/05  5: RX CRC Errors2009/03/06  6: RX Fragments2009/03/07  7: RX PKTS 64 8: RX PKTS 65-127 9: RX PKTS 128-255 10: RX PKTS 256-511 11: RX PKTS 512-1023 12: RX PKTS 1024-1536 13: RX PKTS 1537-MAX 14: RX Jabbers 15: TX Unicast PKTS 16: TX Broadcast PKTS 17: TX Multicast PKTS 18: TX Pause PKTS
ROI-S07047 INSTALLATION OF USB-73-10. INSTALLATION OF USBFollowing procedure explains how to install the USB modem driver to awindows XP PC.1 Connect the PC with a USB cable between the LCT port and theUSB port.2 Select “Install from a list or specific location [Advanced]” andClick on the “Next” button.
INSTALLATION OF USB ROI-S07047-74-3 Insert the CD-ROM of the USB driver to the PC and select“Search for the best driver in these locations” and check“Search removal media [floppy, CD-ROM...],” then, Click onthe “Next” button. 4 Click “Continue Anyway” button in the Hardware Installationalert pop-up.
ROI-S07047 INSTALLATION OF USB-75-5 USB driver installation will be started.6 Click “Finish” button in the “Found New Hardware Wizard”after installation has been completed.Note: There is a possibility that the USB connection is dropped during along-duration operation depending on the device type ofcomputer. In the case of a connection failure, please reconnectthe dial-up connection.
DIAL-UP SETTING ROI-S07047-76-11. DIAL-UP SETTING Following procedure explains when the Dial-up is set to the PC onWindows XP.1 Click on “Start”→“Setting”→“Control Panel” and on“Network Connections” icon to start the Dialup setting.2The “Network Connections” window appears. Click on the“Create a new connection” in the Network Tasks category.
ROI-S07047 DIAL-UP SETTING-77-3The “Welcome to the New Connection Wizard” windowappears. Click on the “Next” button to continue.4 Select “Connect to the network at my workplace” and Clickon the “Next” button to continue.
DIAL-UP SETTING ROI-S07047-78-5 Select option “Dial-up connection” and Click on the “Next”button to continue.6On the “New Connection Wizard” window, enter “LCT” inthe “Company Name” entry field and Click on the “Next”button to continue.
ROI-S07047 DIAL-UP SETTING-79-7 Enter phone number in the “Phone number” entry field andClick on the “Next” button to continue.8 Verify that the connection “LCT” has displayed as theconnection registered. You can also create a short-cut on yourdesktop if you need. Click on the “Finish” button.
DIAL-UP SETTING ROI-S07047-80-9On “Connect LCT” dialog, click “Properties”.10 Verify that “Modem-USB Modem Driver [COM(#)]” isdisplayed on the General dialog box connect using check box,and select “Show icon in notification area when connected” inthe LCT Properties dialog. Then, Click on the “Configure”button.
ROI-S07047 DIAL-UP SETTING-81-11 On “Modem Configuration” dialog, check that unchecked allfive boxes, then Click on the “OK” button.12 Retain the default setting on the “Options” tab, click the“Security” tab.
DIAL-UP SETTING ROI-S07047-82-13 Retain the default setting on the “Security” tab, click the“Networking” tab.14 On the Networking tab, verify that PPP... is displayed in the“Type of dial-up server I am calling” setting field, unchecked“File and Printer... and Client for Microsoft....”, “Client forMicrosoft Networks”.
ROI-S07047 DIAL-UP SETTING-83-15 Click “Settings” button, unchecked all the boxes in the “PPPSettings” dialog as shown below. Click “OK” to go back to theprevious window. Point “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and thenclick “Properties”.16 Verify that both “Obtain an IP address automatically” and“Obtain DNS server address automatically” are selected.17 Click on the “Advanced” button,
DIAL-UP SETTING ROI-S07047-84-18 In the “Advanced TCP/IP Settings” dialog, mark check box of“Use default gateway on remote network” and for the PPPlink is unchecked, then Click “OK”. 19 Retain the default setting on the “Advanced” tab and click“OK”.
ROI-S07047 LCT INSTALLATION-85-12.LCT INSTALLATIONThe LCT for NLite N is found in the CD-ROM which is attached to theMDP equipment.LCT InstallationClose LCT Application and other applications that may be running on thePC. (It can be installed wrong when other applications are working on thePC.) When the LCT Application has been installed, uninstall it and perform there-installation. 1 Insert the CD-ROM to the CD-ROM player of the PC used forLCT.2 Double click on the “setup_LCT_NLite_N_rev_2_xx_xxx_Full.exe”icon, then the installer is started up and the installation of the LCT intothe PC is executed. (When “setup_LCT_NLite_N_rev_2_01_001_Full.exe”.)
LCT INSTALLATION ROI-S07047-86-3 The installer progress screen appears, wait for a while. 4“Introduction” appears.5Read “Introduction” and click on the “Next” button tocontinue.6“Choose Installer Folder” appears.
ROI-S07047 LCT INSTALLATION-87-7 Click on the “Next” button when default directory(recommended) is used or enter the folder name for installingdirectory.Note: When the folder name is creating, do not enter spacebetween letters of the directory name.8 When the folder name has been decided, click on the “Next”button to continue.9 Make sure that the installing folder name and empty capacity ofthe hard disk are properly decided, then, click on the “Next”button to continue.
LCT INSTALLATION ROI-S07047-88-10 Wait for a while until installation finishes.11 When the installation has been completed, click on the “Done”button.12 “Information” dialog appears.
ROI-S07047 LCT INSTALLATION-89- 13 Click on the “Done” button to restart the PC.14 Then, following short-cut icon is made on the restarted desktop.15 Click on the short-cut icon or select the “Programs”  →“NEC_LCT” → “LCT For NLite N” from the “start” menu.16 The LCT is started up and “Login” dialog appears.
LCT INSTALLATION ROI-S07047-90-17 Confirm that the LCT Version is “Rev. (for NLite N)”.18 Perform Dial-up access and login to the MDP. Rev. (for NLite N)
ROI-S07047 LCT INSTALLATION-91-LCT UninstallationClose LCT Application and other applications that may be running on thePC. (It can be uninstalled wrong when other applications are working onthe PC.)1 Select the “Programs”  → “NEC_LCT”  → “Uninstall LCTFor NLite N” from the “start” menu for uninstalling LCT.
LCT INSTALLATION ROI-S07047-92-2Read “Introduction” and click on the “Uninstall” button, then,the uninstalling program is started up.3 Wait for a while until uninstallation finishes.
ROI-S07047 LCT INSTALLATION-93-4 When the program has been uninstalled, click on the “Done”button.5 Uninstallation finishes.
FIREWALL SETUP FOR WINDOWS VISTA ROI-S07047-94-13. FIREWALL SETUP FOR WINDOWS VISTAFor operating LCT for NLite N with Windows Vista, setup the windowsfirewall by the following procedure.13.1 Firewall Setup1 Go to Control Panel. => Windows Security Center.2 Click Windows Firewall.
ROI-S07047 FIREWALL SETUP FOR WINDOWS VISTA-95-3 Select Change Settings.4 Select Advanced tab.
FIREWALL SETUP FOR WINDOWS VISTA ROI-S07047-96-5 Remove check mark on connection name.NOTE: Configuring the firewall as above, a security warning icon willappear on the task tray. After terminating LCT, please checkmark on connection name. You will need to re-configure thefirewall each time you startup LCT.
ROI-S07047 FIREWALL SETUP FOR WINDOWS VISTA-97-13.2 Firewall Setup (with Advanced Security)This procedure enables Run LCT with Firewall.1 Click Start => Control Panel and the Administrative Toolsicon to start configuring Firewall.2 Click Windows Firewall with Advanced Security.
FIREWALL SETUP FOR WINDOWS VISTA ROI-S07047-98-3 In the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security. Windowappears Click Inbound Rules and New Rules... on Actions.4 In the Window appears select Custom. And click Next.
ROI-S07047 FIREWALL SETUP FOR WINDOWS VISTA-99-5 Select This program path and Click Browse. Select the LCT on“LCT Install PATH\LCT for NLite N.exe” Click Next. 6 Select Protocol type ICMPv4 and Click Next.
FIREWALL SETUP FOR WINDOWS VISTA ROI-S07047-100-7 Retain the default setting Click Next8 Retain the default setting Click Next.
ROI-S07047 FIREWALL SETUP FOR WINDOWS VISTA-101-9 Retain the default setting. Click Next.10 Input Name filed and Description field and Click Finish.
FIREWALL SETUP FOR WINDOWS VISTA ROI-S07047-102-102 pages(This page is intentionally left blank.)

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