Nedap N V X2 Anti-Pilferage Device User Manual 03

N. V. Nederlandsche Apparatenfabriek NEDAP Anti-Pilferage Device 03


User Manual 03

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EQ 45-F
February 07, 2012 Part#: 9886168
This information is furnished for guidance, and with no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness;
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© N.V. Nederlandsche Apparatenfabriek “Nedap”
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1 Make a hole in the floor 1810mm x 710mm with a depth of 74 mm.
Equalize the surface with fluid concrete or another material to equalize the surface.
2 Fit the antenna in the hole and mark the drill holes to drill 8 holes with a diameter of 10mm deep
3 Place the Antenna assembly 9886168 in the hole and fix the antenna assembly so that the surfaces
from the floor and antenna are equal.
4 Fix the Antenna construction with the fisher screws article Fisher Hammerfix article 50347
5 After mounting the antenna assembly the rest holes can be filled with fluid concrete or another fill
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