Nokia Solutions and Networks INLITERU-01 InLite Dual Band Enhancer Remote Unit User Manual Installation

Nokia Solutions and Networks InLite Dual Band Enhancer Remote Unit Installation


D N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 1 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialInstallation
Installation2 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusT he information in this docum ent is subject to chang e without notice and describes only the product def ined in the introduction of  this docum entation. This docum ent is intended for the use of  N okia Networks' custom ers only for the purposes of  the ag reem ent under which the docum ent is subm itted, and no part of  it may be reproduced or transm itted in any  form or m eans without the prior written permis s ion of  N o kia Networks. T he docum ent has been prepared to be used by  prof essional and properly trained personnel, and the custom er assum es full responsibility w hen using it. N o kia Networks welcom es custom er com m ents as part of  the process of continuous developm ent and improvem ent of  the docum entation.T he information or statem ents given in this docum ent concerning  the suitability, capacity, or perform ance of  the m entioned hardw are or sof tware products cannot be considered binding  but shall be def ined in the ag reem ent m ade betw een N okia Networks and the custom er. H ow ever, N ok ia Networks has m ade all reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructions contained in the docum ent are adequate and free of  material errors and om issions. N okia Networks will, if necessary, ex plain issues which may not be covered by  the docum ent.N o kia Networks' liability for any  errors in the docum ent is limited to the docum entary correction of  errors. N okia Networks W ILL NOT BE  RESPONSIBLE IN ANY EVENT FOR ERRORS IN THIS D OCUMENT OR FOR ANY D AMAGES, INCID E NTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL (IN CL U D IN G  MONETARY LOSSE S), that might arise from  the use of  this docum ent or the information in it.This docum ent and the product it describes are considered protected by  copy right according  to the applicable law s.NOK IA log o is a reg istered tradem ark of  N okia Corporation.Other product nam es m entioned in this docum ent may be tradem arks of  their respective com panies, and they  are m entioned for identification purposes only.C opy right © N okia Corporation 2001. All rights reserved.Hereby , N okia Corporation, declares that this N okia InL ite is in com pliance with the essential requirem ents and other relevant provisions of  Directive:  1999/5/EC.T he product is marked with the CE  marking and Notified Body  num ber according to the Directive 1999/5/ECFCC FCC §15.21 - Information to user - T he N okia InL ite is used as an intentional radiated equipm ent and any  chang es or m odifications on the equipm ent without any  approval by  N okia could void the user's authority to operate the equipm ent.FCC §15.27 b) - Special Accessories - If a device requiring  special accessories is installed by  or under the supervision of  the party marketing the device, it is the responsibility of  that party to install the equipm ent using the special accessories. For equipm ent requiring  prof essional installation, it is not necessary for the responsible party to market the special accessories with the equipm ent. H ow ever, the need to use the special accessories m ust be detailed in the instruction m anual, and it is the responsibility of  the installer to provide and to install the required accessories.0523
D N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 3 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialFCC §15.105 - Information to user - T his equipm ent has been tested and f ound to com ply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the F CC Rules. T hese limits are desig ned to provide reasonable protection ag ainst harm ful interference in a residential installation. This equipm ent g enerates, uses and can radiate radio frequency  energy  and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harm ful interference to radio com m unications. H ow ever, there is no g uarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipm ent does cause harm ful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by  turning  the equipm ent off and on, the user is encourag ed to try to correct the interference by  one or more of  the follow ing m easures:• R eorient or relocate the receiving  antenna.•Increase the separation betw een the equipm ent and receiver.• C onnect the equipm ent into an outlet on a circuit different from  that to which the receiver is connected.• C onsult the dealer or an ex perienced radio/TV technician for help.
Installation4 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusHistoryDate Version Author Details22-5-2000 D raf t1N. T. T hom as C om pilation of  a first draf t of  the U ser M anual: installation13-10-2000 D raf t 2T N William s D raft u p dated to include RF team  com m ents.12 - 01 - 2001 D raf t 3 I ndi Liepa D raf t u p dated to include custom er support com m ents.29 - 01 - 2001 D raf t 4 I ndi Liepa U pdated to include T ekm ar com m ents and review  by  Harri.9 - 02 - 2001 D raf t 5 I ndi Liepa R eordered and rew ritten after I nstallation observations in Greece by  Harri.23 - 02 -2001 Issue 1Brian S earle I nsertion of  review  team  com m ents and editorial chang es18 - 07 - 2001 Issue 2, Draf t 1Tom Dumic Included US T y pe A pproval information22 - 08 - 2001 Issue 2Tom DumicRelease for Product v1.0.105 - 09 - 2001 Issue 2, Draf t 1Tom DumicDraft for Product v2
A bout this docum entD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 5 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf idential1About this documentThis document provides comprehensive details for installing thSystem. These include procedures to verify that the Nokia Inlitinstalled correctly and is functional.The information in the document has been arranged in a manner installation of a Nokia Inlite System is carried out with optiActions requiring specific attention have been suitably highliThe document content is organised as follows:• Contents of delivery in Chapter 2• Work order in Chapter 3• Unpacking in Chapter 4• Installation procedures in Chapter 5Throughout the document, warnings, cautions and notes are giveappropriate. However, it is most important that before startingWarnings and Cautions and Product Description associated with tare carefully read.
Installation6 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en Status
C ontents of  deliveryD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 7 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialNote2Contents of deliveryThe Nokia InLite System is delivered in a number of packages. Tof packages is determined by the number of Local Units and Remoneeded to ensure optimum cellular capacity within the buildingThe packages are:• MU package and accompanying smaller package• Remote Unit package (comprising two boxes)• Local Unit package (comprising two boxes)• Package containing optional items.  The Remote Unit and Local Unit packages are usually delivered icontaining five unit packages.2.1 Main Unit 2.1.1  Main Unit packageThe contents of the MU package is: Item description QuantityH ousing1C over 1Backplate1Splice cassette box  (containing eight cassettes) 1C able cover 1C able cover support1Fix ed pow er supply cable without plug , 2 meters long 1
Installation8 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusT able 1. C ontents of  MU packag e2.1.2  Main Unit smaller packageThe contents of the MU smaller package is:Screw  for C able cover support1Switch Matrix1C ontrol Unit1Power supply units2M ounting kit com prising: 1•T-shaped m ounting fram e with U-plate1•Allen screw s M4x20mm for fixing the MU to the m ount-ing fram e (B1, B2) 2•Allen “ off set” screw s M6x25mm for fixing the MU L-beam  to the m ounting fram e U-plate (B3, B4) 2•Screw s M6x40mm for wall m ounting the m ounting fram e 4• L ock and key  for MU cover 1Pole m ounting accessories:•Front bracket blocks 2• Back bracket blocks 2•Allen screw s M6x20mm for fixing the m ounting fram e to the brackets4• M 8x 120 bolts to fix front and back brackets tog ether 4• W ashers for bolts 4• S quare nuts, 20x 20x 4m m , used with bolts4•Metal bands, each 1010m m  long  (39.8 in)2• L ocking  devices (scruseal clam ps) 2Item description QuantityItem description QuantityCD -ROM: InL ite S upervisor Software version 1.0.0 or 1.0.11
C ontents of  deliveryD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 9 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialT able 2. C ontent of  Main Unit sm aller packag e2.2 Local Unit2.2.1  Local Unit packageThe contents of the Local Unit package is:T able 3. C ontents of  L ocal Unit packag e2.2.2  Local Unit package (US)The contents of the Local Unit package (US) is:CD -ROM: InL ite U ser M anual for release 1.01C able connection kit:• RF J um per cables R G 223, 2 meters long , Right-ang led N(m)-ty pe connectors each end 8• LMP-cable, 2 meters long 1•Alarm cable, 4 meters long , D(m)-ty pe 9-pins connector fix ed in one end 1•Alarm connector (Metrosite fam ily), mini D(m)-ty pe 26-pins1•Alarm connector (Talk fam ily), D(m)-ty pe 37-pins 1Item description QuantityContents QuantityL ocal Unit E-G S M 900/G S M 1800, plug -in, 8 x SC/APC fem ale optical connectors1Fibre optical jum pers, 8 m long  with SC/APC male connectors each end.Note: • T he person carrying out the splicing should cut the cables in the m iddle using the splicer to m ake 8 pigtails, each 4 m long . • T he pigtails are connected to the L ocal Unit at one end. T he other end is spliced to the core fibre optical cables connected to the Remote Unit.4
Installation10 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusT able 4. C ontents of  L ocal Unit packag e (US)2.3 Remote Unit2.3.1  Remote Unit packageThe contents of the Remote Unit package is:Contents QuantityL ocal Unit 800A M P S , 800C D M A /1900G S M , 1900C D M A , plug-in, 8 x SC/APC fem ale optical connectors1Fibre optical jum pers, 8 m long  with SC/APC male connectors each end.Note: • T he person carrying out the splicing should cut the cables in the m iddle using the splicer to m ake 8 pigtails, each 4 m long . • T he pigtails are connected to the L ocal Unit at one end. T he other end is spliced to the core fibre optical cables connected to the Remote Unit.4Item description QuantityRemote Unit E-G S M 900/G S M 1800, 2 x SC/APC fem ale optical connectors, pow er connection either 110/220V A C  or – 48V D C  150 Ohm termination, N(m)-type 1Power supply connector:•IEC 320-ty pe fem ale connector for VAC• Bay onet-ty pe fem ale connector for VD C1Fibre optical jum per, 4 meters long  with SC/APC male connectors each end.Note: • T he person carrying out the splicing should cut the cables in the m iddle using the splicer to m ake 8 pigtails, each 4 m long . • T he pigtails are connected to the Remote Unit at one end. T he other end is spliced to the core fibre optical cables connected to the L ocal Unit.1
C ontents of  deliveryD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 11 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialT able 5. C ontents of  Remote Unit package2.3.2  Remote Unit package (US)The contents of the Remote Unit package (US) is:T able 6. C ontents of  Remote Unit package (US)2.3.3  Remote Unit Installation KitThe contents of the Remote Unit Installation Kit package is:Item description QuantityRemote Unit 800A M P S , 800C D M A /1900G S M , 1900C D M A , 2 x SC/APC fem ale optical connectors, pow er connection either 110/220VAC or – 48V D C  250 Ohm termination, N(m)-type 2Power supply connector:•IEC 320-ty pe with notch fem ale for VAC• Bay onet-ty pe fem ale for VD C2Fibre optical jum per, 4 meters long  with SC/APC male connectors each end.Note: • T he person carrying out the splicing should cut the cables in the m iddle using the splicer to m ake 8 pigtails, each 4 m long . • T he pigtails are connected to the Remote Unit at one end. T he other end is spliced to the core fibre optical cables connected to the L ocal Unit.1Item description QuantityM ounting rack 1Splice tray  and cover (attached to m ounting rack) 1Splice holder 1M3 x 10 mm screw s to fix the splice holder on the splice tray  (one spare) 2M3 x 20 mm screw s to close splice tray  (one spare) 2M6 x 40 mm wall m ounting screw s 4
Installation12 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusNoteT able 7. C ontents of  Remote Unit I nstallation Kit  Usually FO jumpers/pigtails used with LU and RU connections are togseparate packages.2.4  Optional items packageThis package contains optional items ordered from Nokia such as indantennas.M3 x 8 mm screw s to m ount the rem ote unit on the m ounting rack 5C able cover 1M3 x 20 mm screw s for cable cover 4C able ties 75 x 2.2 mm 2C able ties 100 x 2.5 mm 3Item description Quantity
Work orderD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 13 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialNoteNoteNoteWARNING3Work orderThe installation of a Nokia InLite System is described in detachapters which are presented in a sequence deemed for optimum completion of installation, the Nokia Inlite System is configurequirements. The work must be planned in advance.  Prior to installation, it is most important that the installatifamiliarise themselves with the installation instructions and cautions.  Prior to installation, ensure that the site is fully prepared. prepare the site is provided in Nokia InLite: Requirements for Operation anInstallation.Installing the Nokia Inlite System  All fibre optic related work activities must only be performed qualified and approved personnel.1. Unpack the delivery close to the point of installation and against the checklist included in each package.2. Inspect the contents of the packages visually.3. Ensure that all the tools needed for installation are preslaptop PC with Nokia Supervisor Software Version 1.0.0 or higher) .4. Install fibre optic cables between the MU and RU locations
Installation14 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusNote5. Install the MU in its allocated location. 6. Install the LUs into the MU.7. Check the MU power supply.8. Identify the RU locations and drill the holes for the RU mountscrews. 9. Arrange the power supply at the RU locations.10. Install the antennas.11. Arrange/splice the FO pigtails 4 m long to the FO cables betweeRUs at the LU end.12. Arrange/splice the FO pigtails 2 m long to the FO cables betweeRUs at the RU end.13. Test the FO cables.14. Label the FO cables at the RU and LU ends.15. Mount the RU mounting racks to the supports and mount the RUs.16. Connect the FO cables to the LUs and RUs.17. Connect RF antenna cables between the antennas and the RUs.18. Connect the RF jumper cables to the MU.19. Connect power supply to the RUs.20. Switch on the mains power to the MU.21. Connect the LMP cable between MU and the local management laptoand start the Nokia Inlite System Supervisor Software.22. Complete the MU and RU placing tables in the Nokia Supervisor S23. Start the commissioning process as described in the Nokia InLite: Commissioning document.24. Fit the cable cover and the MU cover. Splicing is not required if used jumpers.
U npackingD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 15 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialWARNINGC autionC autionNoteNote4UnpackingPrior to unpacking the transportation packages, move them closinstallation area to avoid any unnecessary activity.  Ensure that all safety precautions are observed when moving thetransportation packages and lifting items of equipment.   Take care when removing items from their transportation packagdamaging them or sustaining personal injury.  Lift the MU by the backplate. Do not lift the MU by the splice care not to damage the open door switch. Ensure that the delivered packages are in accordance with the Unpacking the transportation packages:1. Carefully remove the plastic wrapping from around the pack2. Ensure that the package is correctly orientated for remova3. Open the package and carefully remove the contents of the the items on the plastic wrapping to avoid scratching them  Do not remove the LUs from their anti-static packaging until yinstall them in the MU. This reduces the risk of ESD damage.
Installation16 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en Status4. Using the checklist contained in the package, ensure that all present.5. Carefully inspect each item for signs of damage.6. If there are signs of damage or an item(s) is missing, immediathese findings to your local Nokia representative.7. Repeat steps 1 to 6 inclusive for all other packages as and whe
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 17 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialC autionNote5InstallationThis chapter details the installation of the MU and Remote UniFigure  shows the block diagram of the InLite system.The conversion factors used in this document are:1 mm = 0.03937 inch; 1 inch = 25.4 mm1 Nm = 0.7376 lbf ft; 1 lbf ft = 1.356 Nm  Care must be taken when installing the Nokia Inlite System. Comdamaged and cause damage if not handled with care. Observe thewhich items are installed.   Installation of the Nokia InLite System must be carried out bypersonnel who have completed the Nokia training course on Nokiainstallation or have an equivalent understanding of the system
Installation18 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusWARNINGFigure 1. N okia InL ite System  block diag ram  5.1  Installing the fibre optic cables  All fibre optic related work activities must only be performed by squalified and approved personnel.The installers require an accurate and up-to-date RF planning documout the installation. The planning document provides detailed inforthe FO cables are to be routed in the site.5.1.1  Guidelines for fibre optic cable installationRefer to site RF planning document at all times and respect the folguidelines:• It is always recommended to provide extra FO cable lengthBT SBT SD ual BandRFM odule 1D ual BandRFM odule 2D ual BandRFM odule 3D ual BandRFM odule 4SwitchMatrix (8: 4)eooooooooeeeeeeeUp to 32Remote Units    AirInterf ace   BT SInterf aceN okia InL iteL ocal Unite = electrical sig nalso = optical sig nalsMain UnitUp to 64antennasRF jum per cablesFibre optic cablesAntennacables
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 19 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialC autionNote• The common (and recommended) method is to run the FO cableconnectors and splice short pre-connectorised pigtails ontavoid damaging connectors in the cable-running process. Thithat adequate length is available at each end for correct relief.• Optical connectors cannot be fitted in the field due to theprocess required. There is no significant loss in performaof using fusion splices.•  The optical cable must not be stressed, as this can causeloss and could create internal micro fractures. • It is important not to squeeze the cable by, for example, ocable ties.5.2  Installing the Main UnitThe installation location and position is predefined.  Always use the antistatic wrist strap when handling plug-in un5.2.1  Removal of the plastic cover and associated partsPrior to removal of the plastic cover of the MU, move the assemblocation for installation.Figure  shows the MU chassis assembly, cover and cable cover.  The MU is delivered with the Switch Matrix/Dual Band RF module,and Power Supply Units already installed. Figure  does not showin units.
Installation20 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusFigure 2. Main Unit chassis assem bly, cover and cable coverTo remove the plastic and cable covers1. Unlock the plastic cover using the key provided.C ablecoversupportC ablecoverBackplateUnitbackplaneC overN-ty pe (Female)TRX  portRF connectorboardFO(Fibre optical)cable org aniserLMP port9-way 'D' typeconnector(male)Alarm port9-way'D' typeconnector(fem ale)S pace for C ontrol UnitS pace forL ocal UnitsSplice C assetteBoxS pace for Switch MatrixPower S upplyUnitsO pen doorsw itch
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 21 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf idential2. Holding the cover firmly and against the chassis assembly,upwards until the cover locking guides are free of the bac3. Carefully pull the cover off the chassis assembly and storuntil required again. 4. Remove the cable cover by carefully lifting until the lockclear of the retention recesses on the cable cover supportStore in a safe place.5. Pull the plastic cable cover support downwards to disengagbackplate.6. Remove the cable cover support and store it in a safe plac5.2.2  Main Unit mounting frameThe mounting frame is used in both wall and pole installations base for the MU assembly.Screw holes and dimensions of the mounting frame are presentedScrew holes R1, R2, R3 and R4 are intended for fixing the mouna wall or onto a pole bracket. The upper MU fixing screws are iholes B1 and B2.
Installation22 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusC autionFigure 3. Main Unit m ounting fram e5.2.3 Wall mounting  If a ladder is required to attain the height at which the MU is beigreat care when using the ladder.To fix the Main Unit to a wall.1. Position the mounting frame in the correct location on the walllevel to check that the mounting frame is in the straight posi2. Mark the fixing points on the wall using the anchor screw holeR3 and R4 in Figure ) on the mounting frame.194 (7.64)678.5(26.7)B1 B2R1 R2R3 R4Note:  Dim ensions in mm (inch)
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 23 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf idential3. Drill the holes in the wall and clean them out. Insert ancwall, depending on the wall material.4. Install the mounting frame from the upper anchor screw holin Figure ) onto the wall. Use appropriate anchor screws. the screws (6.3 x 38) supplied by Nokia, use a 6 mm hexagotighten.5. Position the U-plate (refer to Figure ) onto the second lowholes (R3 and R4). Make sure the U-plate is in the correctlarger holes on the U-plate must be facing downwards as prFigure .6. Screw the anchor screws through the U-plate and anchor scrand R4 into the wall.7. Insert the M4 x 20 mm Allen screws to the upper fixing holthe mounting frame (B1 and B2 in Figure ).8. Hang the MU on the upper fixing screws. Do not tighten yet9. Position the L-beam on the back of the MU into the U-plate ).10. Tighten the upper MU fixing screws (B1 and B2 in Figure ).11. Tighten the two offset screws (B3, B4) M6 x 25mm on the L-bU-plate from the underside. Tighten to 24 Nm. Refer to Fig
Installation24 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusFigure 4. Wall m ounting the Main Unit5.2.4 Pole mountingThe MU can be mounted on a pole in two different ways depending ondiameter. If the pole diameter is between 60 - 120 mm (2.4 - 4.7 inEnclosureAttaching the main unitand the m ounting fram e,side viewL-beam  on the backof  the cabinetU-plateM ounting fram eR4R1T-shaped m ounting fram eR3R2B1B2U-plateB3 and B4B4B3O ffset fixing screwattached to the L-beam ,(2 pcs)B1B2
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 25 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialNotemounting blocks (front and back) are used exclusively; if the between 120 - 300 mm (4.7 - 11.8 in) adjustable straps are usedwith the front mounting blocks. Prior to mounting the MU to a pole it is necessary to prepare brackets. Pre-assemble the mounting blocks before taking them up the polPole mounting of the Main Unit on a 60-120 mm diameter poleFigure  shows one set of pole brackets.Figure 5. Front and back blocks of  the pole bracketFront blockBack blockU se inner bolt holesfor    60-90 (2.4-3.5) poleU se outer bolt holesfor    90-120 (3.5-4.7) poleNote:  Dim ensions in mm (inch)
Installation26 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusNote  To pre-assemble the pole brackets:  If the diameter of the pole is 60-90 mm (2.4-3.5 in), use the inner pole diameter is 90-120 mm (3.5-4.7 in), use the outer holes.To pre-assemble the pole brackets:Figure 6. Pre-assem bling the pole brackets1324D N 00280689
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 27 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialNoteNote1. Insert the assembly bolts with washers into the bolt holesblocks. Refer to 1 in Figure .2. Attach the square nuts to the ends of the bolts. Screw theto prevent them from falling off from the ends of the boltFigure .3. Slide one bolt with the square nut to the slot at the sideRefer to 3 in Figure .4. Screw the bolt on enough to prevent the bolt and the nut ffrom the side of the back block. Refer to 4 in Figure .To install the pole brackets and the mounting frame onto a   Before taking the mounting frame up the pole, carry out the tas1 to 3 inclusive.Figure  shows the installation configuration for mounting the bmounting frame on a pole.1. Insert the two M4 x 20 mm fixing screws to the uppermost sthe mounting frame (B1 and B2 in Figure ). Tighten the scrbear the weight of the MU.2. Position the U-plate onto the screw holes R3 and R4 on theframe. Refer to Figure . The larger holes on the U-plate must be facing down. Refer to 3. To fix the U-plate and the lower pole bracket to the mountithe M6 x 20 mm Allen screws through the U-plate and throughR3 and R4 into the lower front block. Refer to Figure . Usewith a 6 mm Allen bit to tighten securely.4. Position the pre-assembled upper pole bracket on the pole.the holes for screws R1 and R2 are on the upper edge of thRefer to Figure .5. Rotate the back block of the upper pole bracket so that theinserted with the square nut into the slot at the side of 6. Tighten the bolts evenly to fix the upper pole bracket to torque socket spanner/wrench with an 8 mm Allen bit to tig(8.85 ft/lb.).7. Attach the mounting frame to the upper bracket from fixingR2 with M6 x 20 mm Allen screws. Refer to Figure . Use a twith a6 mm Allen bit to tighten.
Installation28 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en Status8. Fix the mounting frame to the pole with the lower bracket. Fixbracket in the same manner as the upper bracket. Tighten to 12 ft/lb.).
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 29 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialFigure 7. I nstalling the m ounting fram e on a poleTo mount the Main Unit on a 60-120 mm diameter pole:Figure  shows the manner in which a MU is mounted on a pole usinR3R4R1R2B1B2U-plateT-shapedM ounting rackNote:  Make sure that the upper brackets are installed so that thethree adjacent screw  holes are onthe low er edg e of  the bracket block.
Installation30 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusC autionframe.  If a ladder is required to attain the height at which the MU is beigreat care when using the ladder.1. Bring the MU to the mounting frame and position the L-beam on tof the cabinet into the U-plate.2. Hang the MU on the two upper MU M4 x 20mm fixing screws (B1 andshown in Figure ).3. Tighten the upper fixing screws (B1 and B2 shown in Figure ) s4. Tighten the two M6 x 25 mm offset screws (B3 and B4 shown in Fon the L-beam into the U-plate from the underside. Use a torquspanner/wrench with a 6 mm Allen bit and an 80 mm extension toto 12 Nm (8.85 ft/lb).
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 31 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialNoteFigure 8. M ounting the N okia InL ite Main Unit on the m ounting fram ePole mounting of a Main Unit on a 120-300 mm diameter poleFigure  shows the preparation of the bands and Figure shows thMU on a pole. Only the front blocks are required for this operation.B1B1T-shaped m ounting fram eAttach the Main Unit to the m ounting fram ewith off set screw s at the Main Unit back sideB2B2
Installation32 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusTable  shows the relationship between the pole diameters and band lenT able 8. Band leng ths for different pole diam etersTo pre-assemble the pole brackets1. Assemble the locking device. Insert the end of the rack into thhousing just enough to engage the rack. Make sure that the worSIDE UP on the rack can be seen.2. Cut the metal band to the appropriate length according to the poRefer to Table  for the different pole diameters / band lengths3.  Route the metal band through the holes in the top front block4. Bend one end of the metal band about 30 mm (1.2 in) towards the to form a hook.5. Insert the hook into the slot at the end of the locking rack.6. Bend the other end of the metal band about 30 mm (1.2 in) towaunderside to form a hook. Leave it free for now.Pole Diameter (mm) Band Length (mm)140 580160 630180 680200 740220 790240 850260 900280 950300 1010
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 33 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialC autionNoteFigure 9. Pole bracket pre-assem bled with metal bandTo install the pole bracket and mounting frame onto a poleFigure  shows the manner in which a mounting frame is installemm diameter pole.  If a ladder is required to attain the height at which the MU isgreat care when using the ladder.  Before taking the mounting frame up the pole, carry out the tas1 to 3 inclusive1. Insert the two M4 x 20mm MU fixing screws into the uppermoholes on the mounting frame (B1 and B2 shown in Figure ). enough to bear the weight of the MU.WormScrew  Worm ScrewH ousingL ockingR ackMetal Band
Installation34 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusNote2. Position the U-plate onto the second lowest screw holes R3 and to Figure . The larger holes on the U-plate must be facing downwards.3. To fix the U-plate and the lower pole bracket to the mounting fthe M6 x 20 mm Allen screws through the U-plate and through scrR3 and R4 into the screw holes on the lower bracket. Refer to Fa torque driver with a 6 mm Allen bit to tighten securely.4. Position the pre-assembled upper bracket on the pole. Make surholes for the screws R1 and R2 are on the upper edge of the frRefer to Figure .5. Wrap the metal band tightly around the pole.6. Insert the hook-shaped free end of the band into the band slot screw housing.7. Tighten the worm screw to 10 Nm (7.4 ft-lb) with an 8 mm hexago8. Attach the mounting frame to the upper bracket from the fixingand R2 with M6 x 20 mm Allen screws. Refer to Figure . Use a tdriver with a 6 mm Allen bit to tighten the screws.9. Fix the mounting frame to the pole with the lower bracket. Fixbracket in the same manner as the upper bracket.
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 35 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialFigure 10. I nstalling the m ounting fram e on a poleTo install the Main Unit onto the mounting frameR3R4R1R2B1B2U-plateT- shaped M ounting rackD N 00280723
Installation36 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en Status1. Bring the MU to the mounting frame and position the L-beam on tof the cabinet onto the U-plate.2. Hang the MU securely on the upper M4 x 20 mm MU fixing screws and B2 shown in Figure  ).3. Tighten the upper MU fixing screws (B1 and B2 shown in Figure securely.4. Tighten the two offset screws (B3 and B4) M6 x 25 mm on the L-bethe U-plate from the underside. Use a torque socket spanner/wre6 mm Allen bit, tighten to 12 Nm (8.85 ft/lb).
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 37 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialFigure 11. Pole m ounting of a Main Unit on a 120-300 mm poleT-shaped m ounting fram eAttach the Main Unit to the m ounting fram ewith offset screw s at the Main Unit back side.B1B2B1 B2
Installation38 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusNote5.3  Installing the Local UnitsCheck the RF Plan documents to find out how many RUs are to be conneach LU. This information is needed to set the jumpers in the LUs Before installing the LUs, check that the jumpers are in the correc5.3.1  Configuration of four RUsWhen four RUs are to be connected to an LU, there is no need to chjumper settings; just make sure that the jumper settings are correctLU into its location in the MU.Figure 12. I nstalling a L ocal Unit5.3.2  Configuration of less than four RUsWhen less than four RUs are connected to the same LU, any unused rmust be disconnected. This can be done by changing the position of appropriate jumper in the LU.  Installing the LUs - configuration less than four RUs1. Check which RX and TX optical port are not used. For example, ioptical connector RX1 corresponds to RX1 switch in Figure
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 39 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialFigure 13. Optical connector panelFigure 14. L ocal Unit jum pers in ON position2. Move the appropriate jumper to the OFF position by moving onto the two left-hand pins of the jumper connector (see FRX  1RX  2RX  4RX  3TX  1TX 2TX  3TX 4
Installation40 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusNoteNoteFigure 15. L ocal Unit jum per in the OFF position3. Go to the Main Unit and Remote Unit placing window of the SupeSoftware. Add a note against each unused RU to indicate that tunused.  If the Supervisor software is not running at this time, make a noteremember to record this information at the first available opportunAdding more RUs to an LU1. Check which Rx and TX optical ports are used.2. Move the appropriate jumper to the ON position by moving the jonto the right-hand two pins of the jumper connector.3. Go to the Main Unit and Remote Unit placing window of the SupeSoftware. Remove the existing note against the RU which indicatRX was unused.  If the Supervisor software is not running at this time, make a noteremember to record this information at the first available opportun
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 41 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialTip5.4  Preparing to install the RUsDrill the holes for the RU mounting rack screws in the allocatto the RF planning document for the site for detailed informatof the RUs. Do not mount the RU mounting rack at this stage.5.5  Installing the antennasIndoor panel or omni antennas can be used with the Nokia InLitFigure 16. P anel antenna
Installation42 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusWARNINGFigure 17. Omni antennaTo install the antennas1. Install the panel or omni antennas at their allocated locationRF planning document for the site for detailed information on tof the antennas5.6  Splicing the fibre optic pigtails   All fibre optic related work activities must only be performed by squalified and approved personnel.Splicing is normally required at both the MU and RU ends of the FO A splice is a permanent joint that perfectly aligns two fibre opticFigure ).
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 43 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialFigure 18. Example of a perfect splice5.6.1  When splicing is requiredSplices are required for the following reasons:•  The cable runs are too long for one straight cable pull• You need to mix a number of different types of cable• You need to connect a buried cable.5.6.2  Types of splicing Fibre splicing is accomplished by one of the following method• Mechanical• FusionMechanical splicingMechanical splicing employs a splicing machine intended to vissingle fibre and then mechanically join the two fibre ends. Thein a relatively small enclosure which is typically pre-loaded The index matching gel is placed in the splice to achieve high low loss.Mechanical splices are best used for multimode fibres.
Installation44 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusFusion splicingIn fusion splicing the ends of the fibres are aligned either manuamanipulators and a microscope system for viewing the splice, or auteither using cameras or by measuring the light transmitted through adjusting the positions of the fibres to optimise the transmission.The ends of the fibre are then melted together using a gas flame orcommonly an electric arc. There are two types of fusion splicing methods in use throughout thtoday:• Mass fusion• Single fusion.Mass fusion splicing is for splicing multiple fibres, such as ribbonin one operationSingle fusion splicing joins the fibres one at a time. Near perfect splices can be obtained with losses as low as 0.02 dB mechanical splice 0.2 dB).Fusion splices give very low back reflections and are preferred fofibres.Fusion splicing uses expensive equipment and provides cheap splicesmechanical splicing uses less expensive equipment but provides moresplices.5.6.3 Splicing defectsSplicing defects are illustrated in FigureFigure 19. Splicing def ects
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 45 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialNote5.6.4  Testing the fibre optic cablesUsing a Power Meter, the power that arrives to the far end of tmeasured. This measurement is used to determine the total attenfibre optic link.Backscattering is the more complete method for fibre optic tracharacteristics diagnostics and for the anomaly entity and posdetermination. The instrument used is called the OTDR.A periodic optic pulse sequence is injected into the fibre optinstrument determines the retro-diffuse power percentage.The instrument is used to:• Measure the total attenuation• Verify the attenuation trend along the fibre optic cable aconcentrated loss points.• Show the loss results on the reflectometric diagram as a povariation.If the measured optical connector attenuation is greater than attenuation is greater than 0.1 dB, the connections should be replaced.  Appendix B provides detailed information on how to test the fiinstallation.5.6.5  Cleaning the optical cablesOptical connectors are similar to eyeglass lenses and thereforecan be degraded by dust particles, finger grease and scratchesconnector ferrule can be inspected by means of a microscope.To clean the optical cables1. Open the connectors.Figure 20. SC/APC male connector
Installation46 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusNoteNote2. Apply a drop of cleaning liquid (pure alcohol) to the edge of then clean and dry it with a clean tissue,using a circular movAlways use a clean tissue for each cleaning activity.3. Remove any residue particles by using a cean dry air source.4. Before reinserting the connectors, clean the adapter applying cleaning liquid into its center hole and removing it immediateclean dry air supply.5. Reinsert the connectors into the adapter, avoiding any physicathe ferrules with fingers or with any other surface.5.7  Connecting the cables to the Main UnitThe site will have been configured in accordance with the site requlocation of the Remote Units (RUs) within the building complex and optic cables associated with each RU are identified.  Do not remove fibre optic cable connector covers until required to   Do not bend the fibre optic cables beyond the recommended bend angensures that the cables are not stressed or damaged in any way.Figure  shows the location of the MU cable connectors and the organoptical fibre cables.
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 47 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialWARNINGFigure 21. RF connector panel and fibre optic cable org aniser5.7.1  Connecting the fibre optic cables  All fibre optic related work activities must only be performed qualified and approved personnel. ConfigurationsTwo configurations are possible:RF connector panelFibre opticcable org aniserO pen door sw itch
Installation48 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusWARNINGNote• Point-to-point• Point-to-multipoint.Point-to-point modeThe MU is installed in the centre of the building. Twin fibre opticeach RU to the MU.Point-to-multipoint modeThe main fibre optic cable contains up to 64 optical fibres. An RU by separating the fibres from the main cable using a distribution b5.7.1.2  Connecting the fibres between the Local Unit and the Remote Unit  All fibre optic related work activities must only be performed by squalified and approved personnel.Figure  shows the MU fibre optic cable channeling.   Pigtails are used between the Local Units (LUs) and the splice casssplices are arranged in the splice cassette box.In the case of RUs, pigtails are used between the RU and the splicearranged inside the splice holder.To connect the fibre optic cables:1. Locate the fibre optic cables from the RUs. Check the following:• Each cable has an identifying label.• The cables are long enough for the splicing operation.2. Check that the splicing tools are available and arrange the sparea.3. Check that every LU is correctly plugged into the MU.4. Starting from the LU at the top of the MU (LU 1), select the colabelled pigtail. Remove the connector cap. 5. Clean the optical connector and connect the pigtail to the corrthe LU.
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 49 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialFigure 22. Arrang ing the pigtails in the fibre optic cable org aniser6. Arrange the pigtail in the correct cable channel in the fiorganiser. If required, cut the pigtail to the correct leng7. Locate the corresponding fibre from the RU. Splice the fibpigtail.8. Open the splice cassette box by levering open the plastic the top of the cassettes using a screwdriver. Shown in Fig
Installation50 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusNoteNoteFigure 23. O pening the splicing cassettes  The splice cassette box contains eight cassettes. The box can be opby cassette. 9. Arrange the splice and the loose fibre into the first cassette cassette box. Leave extra fibre, so that the cassette can be ea  Each cassette holds the splices for one LU. For each LU there are usplices.10. Repeat steps 4 to 9 for the remaining pigtails and the fibres Figure  provides an example of how the fibres are arranged.
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 51 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialFigure 24. C onnection of  the optical fibre cablesPSU1PSU2LU2LU3LU4LU5LU6LU7LU8C ontrol UnitSwitch MatrixTx 1Tx 2Tx 3Tx 4Rx1Rx2Rx3Rx4Area of  coverag e 1Back plateof  MULU3LU4LU5LU6LU7LU28 x C assettesLU8Fibre opticpigtailsLU1R ear view  from  back of  L ocal Unit (side of  InL ite)Splice C assette BoxArea of  coverag e 2Area of  coverag e 3Area of  coverag e 4DownlinkUplinkLU1
Installation52 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en Status5.8  Installing the RUs5.8.1 Pre-installation actionsPrior to installing the RUs, it is important that the site has beensufficiently to accommodate the equipment. Particular attention shoto the following:• Fibre optic cable lengths and type. The cables should be of a weight, suitable bend radius and capable of withstanding tensioinstallation. The length of the cables will be determined by tcoverage attainable by the strategic location of the RUs withincomplex.• Fibre optic cable terminations. These can be supplied suitably(cable lengths need to be known in this case) or cables can be terminations and then, by cable splicing, short cables provideconnectors can be attached.• The fibre optic cable connectors used must be angle-polished tconnectors. Fusion splices to connect fibres are also suitable• RU locations. The most efficient manner for locating RUs is thminimum number of RUs for optimum cell coverage. The position RUs must ensure the maintenance of their operating temperature• Power supply availability.• All cables must be clearly labelled.• The system configuration must be adequately documented.5.8.2  RU IP41 InstallationFigure , shows the external interfaces of the RU.
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 53 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialFigure 25. Remote Unit (RU)Figure  shows a typical installation configuration within a buT op ViewFront ViewOpticalIN OpticalOUTRF Port(x2)External AlarmC onnector(x2)AC m ains
Installation54 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusFigure 26. N okia Inlite System  conf iguration within a building  com plex  (typical)The MU and the RUs do not have to be co-located in the same buildinshows a typical example of this type of installation configurationRUsM obileP honeFiberOpticalC ablesBT SMain UnitAntennaRU
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 55 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialNoteFigure 27. Main Unit and RUs installed in different buildings.Installing the RU IP41, mounting rack and antennas:  It is most important that the documentation showing the layout cable identification is consulted at all times.1. Locate the holes drilled for the mounting of the RU or locpole.Main UnitBuilding Complex BuildingFiber opticalcable ductingNote:  Maximum distance betw een Main Unit and Remote Unit  is 1.5 kmBT SM obileP honeFiberOpticalC ablesAntennaRUsRU
Installation56 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusFigure 28. Remote Unit m ounting rack 2. Remove the four M3 x 20 mm screws (3) holding the mounting rackcover in place and remove the cable cover.3 33 3
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 57 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialFigure 29. Remote Unit m ounting rack and m ounting accessories3. Fix the mounting rack to the wall at the designated positiM6 x 20 mm Fisher screws4. Open the splice tray cover and fix the splice holder usingscrews (2).Figure 30. Remote Unit, splice holder5. Arrange the optical splices in the splice holder and closeM6 x 20m mM3 x 10m m12M3 x 20m m44M3 x 8m m4(I nside Splicer Box )2111133333
Installation58 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusNoteNoteNote6. Fix the Remote Unit into the mounting rack using the five M3 xscrews provided.7. Connect the antenna cable between the antenna and the RU. Up tantennas can be connected to the RU. Ensure that the antenna cneatly routed and secured.  If only one antenna is connected, use a 50 ohm termination for the uconnector.  Do not over-tighten the connectors. If N-type connectors are used, hand is sufficient.8. Connect the FO cables (uplink and downlink) to the RU.9. Connect the power cable to the RU.10. Screw the mounting rack cable cover in place, using the four M3(3) provided.5.8.3  RU IP53 InstallationInstalling the RU IP53, mounting rack, mounting rack cover and antennas  It is most important that the documentation showing the layout of tcable identification is consulted at all times.1. Locate the holes drilled for the mounting of the RU or locate tpole.
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 59 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialFigure 31. Remote Unit m ounting rack 3 33 3
Installation60 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusFigure 32. Remote Unit m ounting rack and m ounting accessories2. Remove the cover of the mounting rack.3. Fix the mounting rack to the wall at designated position using x 40 mm Fisher screws provided.4. Open the splice tray cover and fix the splice holder.5. Arrange the optical splices in the splice holder and close the6. Fix the RU into the mounting rack using the five M3 x 8 mm scrprovided.M6 x 20m mM3 x 10m m12M3 x 20m m44M3 x 8m m4(I nside Splicer Box )2111133333
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 61 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialNoteNoteNote7. Connect the antenna cable between the antenna and the RU. antennas can be connected to the RU. Ensure that the antenneatly routed and secured.  If only one antenna is connected, use a 50 ohm termination for connector.  Do not over-tighten the connectors. If N-type connectors are uhand is sufficient.8. Connect the FO cables (uplink and downlink) to the RU.9. Connect the power cable to the RU.10. Screw the mounting rack in place, using the four M3 x 20 m11. Insert the enclosure cover by sliding it downwards from tobackplate along the bars on both sides of the backplate.12. Secure the cover to the wall using one M6 x 40 Fisher scre5.8.4  RU IP64 InstallationInstalling the RU IP64  It is most important that the documentation showing the layout cable identification is consulted at all times.1. Locate the holes drilled for the mounting of the RU or locpole.2. Remove the ten M5 x 16 screws from front of the RU cover thcover to the enclosure and open the cover.3. Fix the enclosure backplate to the wall at designated positM6 x 40 mm Fisher screws provided.4. Open the splice tray cover and fix the splice holder.5. Draw the optic cables very carefully into the enclosure thdevoted to them.6. Arrange the optical splices in the splice holder and close7. Connect the FO cables (uplink and downlink) to the RU.
Installation62 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusNoteNote8. Connect the antenna cable between the antenna and the RU. Up tantennas can be connected to the RU. Ensure that the antenna cneatly routed and secured.  If only one antenna is connected, use a 50 ohm termination for the uconnector.  Do not over-tighten the connectors. If N-type connectors are used, hand is sufficient.9. Connect the power cable to the RU.10. Close the enclosure cover and secure it to the backplate using screws provided.
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 63 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialNoteNote5.9  Connecting the RF cablesTo connect the RF jumper cables The RF connectors on the MU connector panel are numbered (1-8)  Do not connect the RF jumper cables to the BTSs until required Inlite System commissioning phase. For more information, refer Nokia InLite: Commissioning.1. Obtain the appropriate number of RF jumper cables (eight matheir transportation package. The connectors have angled ctype).2. Connect the RF jumper cable to the MU and connect it to thRF connector on the RF panel. Take care not to over bend thtighten the connector. 3. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the remaining RF jumper cables.Figure  shows two RF cables connected to the RF panelFigure 33. RF jum per cables connected to the Main UnitRF jum percableTo/fromBT SMain UnitRF connector panel
Installation64 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusNote5.10  Connecting the powerMore information on the power connections is provided in Nokia InLite: Requirements for Installation and Operation. For more information on the power cable requirements, refer to Nokia InLite: Product Description.5.10.1 Remote UnitThe RU can be supplied by a central power supply (-48 VDC) or a loc(110 VAC or 220 VAC). Connect or switch on the power to the RUs.5.10.2 Main UnitThe Main Unit has a fixed power cable for 110 VAC or 220 VAC power The appropriate plug should be connected. For more information abouthe power supply cable, refer to the Nokia document InLite Product Description.Switch the Main Unit power on.5.11  Connecting the local management PC5.11.1  Connecting the PCTo connect the PC and start the Supervisor Software1. Connect the LMP cable to the LMP connector of the Main Unit andlaptop PC.2. Start the PC and the Supervisor Software.  For more information about the Supervisor software, refer to the Nok Commissioning5.11.2  Checking the alarm statusIf the FO cable connections between the RU and MU have been made cthe only alarm which should be active when the software is started door alarm. This alarm can be deactivated by manually operating thealarm switch (see Figure ) the alarm should then be cancelled.
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 65 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialNoteNoteIf other alarms are active, refer to Alarm Description.   It is possible at powerup, the BkUp alarm will be active. If tclick the BkUp button in the main window of the Supervisor soffthe BkUpwindow. The alarm should now be cancelled.5.11.3  Recording RU and MU placingRecord the location of the MU and RUs in the Main Unit and RemPlacing window of the Supervisor Software.More information on the software is provided in Nokia InLite: Commissioning.5.12  Labelling the fibre optic cablesLabel every FO cable at the RU and LU ends.The label at each end should provide the following information• Floor/building where the RU is located• RU number• Downlink or uplink.5.13  Fitting the Main Unit cover  This procedure is carried out after the Nokia Inlite System hacommissioned.The assembly comprises:• Cable cover• Cable cover support• MU cover• Plastic cover lock
Installation66 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusThe main cover and cable cover are shown in Figure .To fit the Main Unit cable cover support, cable cover and cover1. Obtain the cable cover support and secure to the bottom right-hthe MU backplate using the M4 nut and shakeproof washer providecable cover support is located via a stud on the backplate.2. Obtain the cable cover and holding the cables such as to allowcover to pass over them, push the cable cover back then down unin position on the cable cover support.3. Lift the MU plastic cover and carefully slide it over the enclosame time ensure that the cable cover locking pieces are alignrecesses on the backplate.4. Ensure that no cables are trapped between the unit and the bac5. Press the cover in position onto the MU backplate.6. Push the cover down from the top and at the same time keeping firmly pressed against the backplate, make sure that the all cpieces are securely located in the backplate recesses.7. Insert the locking assembly in position as shown in Figure . Uprovided, lock the plastic cover in position.
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 67 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialFigure 34. Main Unit cover and cable coverC ablecoversupportC ablecoverBackplateUnitbackplaneC overN-ty pe (Female)TRX  portRF connectorboardFO(Fibre optical)cable org aniserLMP port9-way 'D' typeconnector(male)Alarm port9-way'D' typeconnector(fem ale)S pace for C ontrol UnitS pace forL ocal UnitsSplice C assetteBoxS pace for Switch MatrixPower S upplyUnitsO pen doorsw itch
Installation68 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusFigure 35. L ocking the cover5.14 Installation checksTo check that installation of the Nokia Inlite System has been satisfactorily completed:Check the following:1. The RUs were installed in accordance with this document.2. The MU was installed in accordance with this document.3. The fibre optic cables have been correctly installed.4. All FO cables have been tested.5. There are no alarms in the LU and RU windows of the SupervisorSoftware.D N 00280774
InstallationD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 69 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf idential6. The cables between the RUs and LUs of the MU have been conaccording to this document.7. All fibre optic and RF cables have been correctly labelled8. Information for the Main Unit and Remote Unit Placing windrecorded and entered.
Installation70 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusAppendix A Technical instructions for optic fibre installation testingA.1  ScopeThis Appendix describes the test procedure to be performed after thof fibre optic cables. A.2 AcronymsT able 9. List of acronymsA.3  Test activities definitionTest activities on fibre optic cabling are required in order to verinstallation procedures and relevant optical material fulfil all threquirements and are compliant with the aims of the optical distribfor which it is designed.Installation tests shall check the optical system performances and carried out following these steps:• Test Measurements• Compliance Declarations.Acronym MeaningSM Single M odeOTD R Optical Time Domain Reflectom eterTPA Two-Point Attenuation M easurem entM TAV M aximum Total Attenuation ValueACR Attenuation Compliance R equirem entUL UplinkDL DownlinkRL Return L oss
T echnical instructions for optic fibre installation testingD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 71 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialTest measurements results are required for fibre optic attenuaevaluation; for any other specification, the Subcontractor hasdeclaration of compliance referring to each technical constraiSection 5 of this Appendix.A.4  Installation Test MeasurementsThis section describes the optical tests to be carried out duriverify the compliance of the system with the technical requireSection 5 of this Appendix.The Subcontractor has to perform measurements on 100% of fibre in the system.The optical signal at 3rd window (1550nm) has to be assumed as value for each measurement to be performed:• Optical Attenuation Evaluation• Optical Length Evaluation• Back-reflected Power Diagram.Section 6 of this Appendix shows a measurement report model boattenuation and length evaluation; a copy of back-reflection dincluded in the installation test documentation.The technique used is the Two-Point Attenuation measurement (Tas illustrated in Figure .
Installation72 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusFigure 36. I nstallation testing of optical fibre using Optical Time Domain Reflectom eter (OTD R)A.4.1 Optical Attenuation MeasurementThe Subcontractor has to provide a report on optical attenuation meorder to guarantee that the attenuation of each fibre optic is not value due to theoretical evaluation (MTAV) based on acceptance paraMeasurements, carried out by means of OTDR using the back-reflectedtechnique, have to be as required for single-mode fibre. Two fibresT3OTD RT1G1G4TerminationSplicesG3G2T2
T echnical instructions for optic fibre installation testingD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 73 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialNoteat least, called “launching fibres”) must be connected with botso that connector attenuation is included in the measurement r  The measurement must be performed as follows:1. Connect OTDR to one end of the fibre optic cable and perfomeasurement.2. Connect the OTDR to the other end of the fibre optic cable measurement.3. Average the two measurement results to obtain the real optiThe MTAV reference value is determined basing on the followingFigure 37. M TAV formulaM TAV = [ ( a x L) + (S n x Sa) + (C n x Ca) ]   (dB)Where ... Represents  ValueαFibre optic specific attenuation, ref erred to the reference w aveleng th (1550nm ) dB/KmL L eng th of  the fibre optic under evaluation (UL+D L) KmSnN um ber of splices -SaReference splice attenuation provided in  dBCnN um ber of connectors-CaReference connector attenuation dB
Installation74 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusT able 10. M TAV formulaFigure 38. Optical attenuation m easurem ent result (OTD R display )A.4.2 Optical length measurementPower back-reflection technique has to be assumed as the reference computing the fibre optic length.The Subcontractor has to carry out an end-to-end measurement reportoptic length using the model shown in Section 6, which has to be ininstallation test documentation. A.4.3 Back reflected power diagramFibre optic attenuation has to be uniformly spread without any highper the technical specification described in Section 5. The condititested and reported by means of the back-reflected power diagram ininstallation documentation.A.4.4 Optical link checkIn order to verify installation activities and tests not to cause abetween uplink and downlink, a link check by means of a visible optrequired, even if no test report must be provided by the SubcontracFigure  shows how to connect the Optical Source and the Power Meterperform the link check for uplink and downlink.T1T2T3 L aunching FibreMarkerMarkerG1 G2G3 G4L aunching Fibre
T echnical instructions for optic fibre installation testingD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 75 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialFigure 39. C onnection of  the optical source and pow er meterA.5  CompliancesA declaration of compliance is required from the Subcontractortechnical specifications included in this chapter. All the activities are supposed to be compliant with specificaSubcontractor is responsible also for all of them, even if no tSplices on fibre optic cables have to be carried out by means semiautomatic devices, so that to provide efficiency of the optper the technical specification included in this appendix. Installation procedures, materials and equipment must be complrequirement concerning the adoption of the fusion splicing tecHowever, a preliminary agreement with the Project Manager is nthese aspects.Definition Attenuation Compliance Requirement is the maximum avalue due to a single component in the optical connection.T1G1 G2VisibleOpticalS ourceTerminationSplicesDownlinkT3G4 G3VisibleOpticalS ourceUplink
Installation76 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusA.5.1 Fibre opticT able 11. Fibre optic specifications and valuesA.5.2 Splice and connectorT able 12. Splice and connector specifications and valuesA.5.3 Measurement parametersTime-domain impulse to perform back-reflected power technique meashas to be chosen in connection with the fibre optic length, in ordemeasurement result reliability (See Table 10).Specification ValueFibre optic type SM -R (9/125  µm)W aveleng th (nm ):II w indow 1310 ± 10III w indow   1550 ± 10S pecific attenuation (dB/Km):II w indow 0.40III w indow 0.22High loss spot (dB) ≤0.1Specification ValueSplice ACR (dB/item ) < 0.2C onnector ACR (dB/item ) <0.5C onnector RL (dB) ≥ 55
T echnical instructions for optic fibre installation testingD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 77 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialSpecification ValueRefractive index  [n]1.4675W aveleng th (nm ) [l] 1550
Installation78 (79) ©  N okia Corporation D N 00203719N okia Proprietary and C onf idential I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en StatusT able 13. M easurem ent param eters specifications and valuesA.6  Installation test document (example)
T echnical instructions for optic fibre installation testingD N 00203719 ©  N okia Corporation 79 (79)I ssue 2 D RAFT 1 - en N okia Proprietary and C onf identialFigure 40. Optical test

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