Pixel Enterprise ROOK-RF-508 Wireless flash trigger User Manual

Pixel Enterprise Limited Wireless flash trigger


User Manual 2

Speedlite flash TTL + Speedlite flash trigger remote control       By using of the TTL off-camera cable to trigger the off-camera flash when the Speedlite TTL flash works.9101112Speedlite flash TTL + Speedlite flash trigger remote control OFF         ON1314 16TransmitterControl shooting * Some Cameras won't shoot if the camera cannot focus even get shooting signal,    so please adjust the camera to “MF”Slightly press the transmitter button. Non-compatible mode using method is same as compatible mode.151. Slightly half-press release button, transmitter    and receiver indicate light as Green, then the    camera starting focus.2. Fully press release button, transmitter    and receiver as Red, then the camera    starting shoot.OFF         ONOFF         ONOFF         ONOFF         ONOFF         ONOFF         ONOFF         ONOFF         ONOFF         ONOFF         ONOFF         ONOFF         ONOFF         ONOFF         ONOFF         ONOFF         ON, transmitter n, then the itter eraSpeedlite flash TTL + off-camera flash trigger remote control      The transmitter supports the Speedlite flash and will not hamper TTL communication of camera. Furthermore, it will send the sync signal and trigger the off-camera flashgun meanwhile.Speedlite flash TTL + Studio light off-camera flash trigger remote control Speedlite flash TTL + Speedlite flash trigger remote control Studio light off-camera flash trigger remote controlSpeedlite flash trigger remote controlUse under incompatible mode When the transmitter is incompatible with the camera, you should use it as below:Remote control Master camera control the slave cameraCamera on top TTL, PC off-camera sync trigger.Off-camera flash remote controlTransmitter installed on camera hot shoe, and trigger the flash light.Figure Explaination Flash grouping remote control     Half-p ress the camera shootin g button, m aster camera a nd all slave camer as starting focus. Fully-pres s the camer a shootin g button and all t he camera s starting shoot.   Now you can start to use incredible PIXEL product. If you have any question,you can contact the local dealer or visit to http://www.pixelhk.com.   This manual information is updated at May 1, 2011. If you want to use this product combined with others, which published after this date; please consult with the PIXEL dealer for further information.*As camera has difference reaction time, then shooting time will be little difference.*Some Cameras won't shoot if the camera cannot focus even get shooting signal, so please adjust the camera to “MF”*The camera cannot focus if the transmitter is not specific for the camera.*The shutter cable should be purchased separately.Speedlite flash TTL + Studio light off-camera flash trigger remote control ddddddddddddllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite flh TTL + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + L + SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSdliSpeedlite flash TTL + Speedlite flash trigger remote control Receiver A、 B、 C will operate when transmitter set at A、 B、 C.  Receiver A、B will operate when transmitter set at A、B.Receiver B will operate when transmitter set at B.Receiver A will operate when transmitter set at A.261121  V10. 0 1Slave CameraMaster CameraReceiver*Camera Shutter cable is purchased separately.Transmitter Input/output trigger off-camera flash and output flash.Transmitter Speedlite TTL, Input/Output synchronous Trigger, off-camera light synchronous Trigger*If the shooting interval time or 2 shooting timesis  longer  than  30s,  you  need to press button again, or it may miss flash.chang es or modif ications not e xpressl y approve d by the party res ponsibl e for compliance could vo id the user 's autho rity to ope rate the equip ment.This de vice comp lies with Part 1 5 of the FCC Ru les. Operation is subje ct to the fol lowing two con ditions : (1) this devic e may not cau se harmful int erferen ce, and (2) this device mus t accept an y interference receiv ed, inclu ding inte rference tha t may cause u ndesire d operation.This eq uipment h as been tested a nd found to c omply with the limits for a C lass B digi tal device, pursuant to P art 15 of the F CC Rules. These lim its are designed to provi de reason able protection again st harmfu l interference in a resi dential i nstallatio n. This equipment g enerate s, uses and can radiate rad io freque ncy energy and , if not insta lled and us ed in accordan ce with the i nstructions, may caus e harmful i nterference to radio commu nicatio ns. However, th ere is no gua rantee that interfere nce will no t occur in a particular ins tallati on.If this e quipment does cause har mful inte rference to radio or tele vision re ception, which can be det ermined b y turni ng the equi pment off and on, the user is encoura ged to try to c orrect the int erferen ce by one or more of the follo wing meas ures:-- Reor ient or rel ocate the rece iving ant enna.-- Incr ease the separation bet ween the eq uipment and receiver.-- Conn ect the equ ipment into an o utlet on a ci rcuit different f rom that to whic h the recei ver is connected.-- Cons ult the dea ler or an experi enced rad io/TV tec hnician for he lp.

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