Radwin RW2030 Outdoor radio unit operating in 3.65 GHz band User Manual STW

Radwin Ltd. Outdoor radio unit operating in 3.65 GHz band STW

Revised User manual part 2

RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-1
Chapter 6
Site Configuration
The Site Configuration dialog panels are used to configure parameters,
which may differ between both sides of the link.
The parameters configured using the Site Configuration dialog panels
include (among others):
System settings
Air interface - Transmit (Tx) power and antenna
Network management including VLAN
Security settings
Date and time
Hub or Bridge mode
In addition, the Link Site Configuration panels include several information
Inventory - link hardware and software model details
External alarms indicators
The Operations dialog offers a “doorway” to jump into installation mode
reverting to factory settings.
The Site Configuration dialog has its own main menu with the following
extra functionality:
Backup configuration parameters to a text file
Restore configuration from a previously backed up configuration file
Enable/disable the site ODU buzzer
Jump back into installation mode keeping current configuration set-
Configuring the Site
Editing the Configuration Parameters by Site
You can edit the configuration parameters for each site individually. The fol-
lowing functions are available from the left side of the dialog box.
Editing the Configuration Parameters by Site Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-2
Figure 6-1: Configuration Dialog Box
Functions on the left of the dialog box:
Functions at the top of the dialog box:
System Edit the contact person and location details.
View the system details
Air Interface Change the transmit power, cable loss, antenna
type and settings
Inventory View the hardware and software inventory
(release numbers, model identification, MAC
Management Configure the IP address, Subnet Mask, Default
Gateway, the Trap Destination and VLAN
Security Change the Community Values and the Link
Date and Time Set the date and time of the link from an NTP
servers otherwise
Advanced Choose Hub or Bridge ODU mode, set the
Ethernet ports configuration, set the external
alarm inputs, restore factory settings
Backup Save the current configuration to an .ini file
Restore Restore the link configuration from the .ini file
created by the backup
Viewing Air Interface Details Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-3
To edit the Configuration Parameters:
1. Click the required site button on the main tool bar of the RADWIN Man-
Click Configuration from the main menu and choose a site to config-
The Configuration dialog box opens (see figure 6-1 above).
2. Choose the appropriate item in the left hand list to open a dialog box.
3. Click Apply to save changes.
In subsequent instructions, we will simply say “Choose a site to configure”
on the understanding that the foregoing procedure is implied.
Viewing Air Interface Details
Click the Air Interface item in the left hand list. A window similar to the fol-
lowing appears:
Figure 6-2: Air interface details
Mode Return to Installation Mode for the entire link.
Selecting the Mute check box before clicking
the Install Mode button mutes the Beeper.
Mute Mutes the alignment tone in installation mode.
Reactivate the beeper during alignment.
Changing the Transmit Power Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-4
Changing the Transmit Power
Each site can have a different transmit power level.
To change the Transmit Power:
1. Choose a site to configure.
The Configuration dialog box opens.
2. Choose Air Interface (see figure 6-3).
3. Choose the required Transmit (Tx) Power Level.
4. Click Apply to save the changes.
Figure 6-3: Changing the Transmit Power
Site Management: IP Address and VLAN
Configuring the ODU Address
Each site must be configured separately, first site A then site B.
To define the Management Addresses:
1. Choose a site to configure.
The same considerations apply here as were noted in the Installation
procedure on page 4-23.
Configuring VLAN Settings Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-5
The Configuration dialog box opens:
Figure 6-4: Management Addresses - Site Configuration dialog box
5. Choose Management.
6. Enter the IP address of the ODU in the IP Address field.
7. Enter the Subnet Mask.
8. Enter the Default Gateway.
9. Enter the Trap Destination. This could be the IP address of the managing
computer. The events log will be stored at this address.
10.Click Apply to save the changes.
Configuring VLAN Settings
VLAN Management enables separation of user traffic from management
traffic whenever such separation is required. It is recommended that both
sides of the link be configured with different VLAN IDs for management traf-
To enable VLAN management:
1. Click Configuration from the main menu.
If performing configuration from the RADWIN Manager, the IP address is
that entered from the login screen.
Configuring VLAN Settings Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-6
2. Choose a site to configure. If you are configuring both sites, choose site
B first.
3. Choose Management.
4. Open the VLAN tab.
5. Check the Enabled box.
6. Enter a VLAN ID. Its value should be between 1 and 4094.
After entering the VLAN ID, only packets with the specified VLAN ID are
processed for management purposes by the ODU. This includes all the
protocols supported by the ODU (ICMP, SNMP, TELNET and NTP). The
VLAN priority is used for the traffic sent from the ODU to the managing
computer. Using VLAN for management traffic affects all types of man-
agement connections (local, network and over the air).
7. Enter a Priority number between 0 and 7.
8. Change the VLAN ID and Priority of the managing computer NIC to be
the same as those of steps 6 and 7 respectively.
9. Click Apply or OK.
Figure 6-5: Configuring management traffic VLAN Settings
Changing this parameter causes the RADWIN Manager to immediately
disconnect.To avoid inconvenience, you should verify the change by
setting the VLAN only to one ODU, and only after verifying proper
management operation, change the other ODU VLAN setting.
Setting the Date and Time Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-7
Lost or forgotten VLAN ID
If the VLAN ID is forgotten or there is no VLAN traffic connected to the
ODU, then reset the relevant ODU.
During the first two minutes of connection to the ODU uses management
packets both with and without VLAN. You may use this period to reconfigure
the VLAN ID and priority.
Setting the Date and Time
The ODU maintains a date and time. The date and time should be synchro-
nized with any Network Time Protocol (NTP) version 3 compatible server.
During power-up the ODU attempts to configure the initial date and time
using an NTP Server. If the server IP address is not configured or is not
reachable, a default time is set.
When configuring the NTP Server IP address, you should also configure the
offset from the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). If there is no server
available, you can either set the date and time, or you can set it to use the
date and time from the managing computer. Note that manual setting is not
recommended since it will be overridden by a reset, power up, or synchroni-
zation with an NTP Server.
To set the date and time
1. Determine the IP address of the NTP server to be used.
2. Test it for connectivity using the command (Windows XP), for example:
w32tm /stripchart /computer:
You should get a continuous response of times, each a few seconds
3. Choose a site to configure.
The Configuration dialog box opens.
4. Choose Date & Time:
The NTP uses UDP port 123. If a firewall is configured between the ODU
and the NTP Server this port must be opened.
It can take up to 8 minutes for the NTP to synchronize the ODU date and
Setting the Date and Time Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-8
Figure 6-6: Date and Time Configuration
5. If entering an IP address for the NTP Server, click Clear, and then enter
the new address.
6. Set your site Offset value in minutes ahead or behind GMT1.
7. To manually set the date and time, click Change and edit the new values.
Figure 6-7: Change Date and Time
If you used an NTP Server, you will see a window like this:
1. Greenwich Mean Time
Ethernet Properties Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-9
Figure 6-8: Date and Time configured from an NTP Server
8. Click OK to return to the Configuration dialog.
Ethernet Properties
Configuring the Bridge
Bridge configuration is required in various network topologies, such as pro-
tection (1+1) and ring applications. The bridge configuration parameters
are located under the Advanced tab of the Site Configuration dialog box:
Configuring the Bridge Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-10
Figure 6-9: Bridge Configuration - Site Configuration dialog box
ODU Mode
This parameter controls the ODU mode with two optional values,
Hub Mode - in Hub mode the ODU transparently forwards all packets
over the wireless link.
Bridge Mode - In Bridge mode the ODU performs both learning and
aging, forwarding only relevant packets over the wireless link. The
aging time of the ODU is fixed at 300 seconds.
IDU Aging time
This parameter controls the IDU aging time.
The aging time parameter controls the time after which each MAC address
is dropped from the MAC address learning table.
The default value is 300 seconds.
Changing these modes requires system reset.
Any change to these parameters is effective immediately.
Each side of the link can be configured separately.
Configuring Ethernet Ports Mode Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-11
The following table shows the appropriate configuration for several common
scenarios. Both link sites must be configured with the same parameter:
Configuring Ethernet Ports Mode
The ODU Ethernet port is configured to auto-detect by default and may not
be changed.
The ODU Ethernet port mode is configurable for line speed (10/100BaseT)
and duplex mode (half or full duplex).
An Auto Detect feature is provided, whereby the line speed and duplex
mode are detected automatically using auto-negotiation. Use manual con-
figuration when attached external equipment does not support auto-negoti-
ation. The default setting is Auto Detect.
To configure the Ethernet Mode:
1. From the Configuration menu, choose the site to reconfigure.
The Site Configuration dialog box opens.
2. Click Advanced | Ethernet.
3. In the Ethernet Ports Configuration pane, use the drop-down menu to
choose the configuration.
Table 6-1: ODU mode configuration for common
Scenario ODU
Mode IDU Aging
Standard (Default) Configuration for
Ethernet Applications Bridge 300 sec
Rapid network topology changes
where fast aging is required Hub 1 sec
Ethernet Hub Hub N/A
Ethernet Bridge Bridge N/A
You should not reconfigure the port that is used for the managing computer
connection, since a wrong configuration can cause a management
disconnection or Ethernet services interruption.
Setting the Maximum Information Rate Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-12
4. Click Apply to save the changes.
Setting the Maximum Information Rate
The maximum Ethernet throughput of the link can be limited. The default
setting is Not Limited (see figure 6-9 above), where the highest informa-
tion rate available for the link conditions and settings is used.
To limit the Ethernet information rate:
1. From the Configuration menu, choose the site to reconfigure.
2. Click Advanced | Ethernet
The Configuration dialog box opens.
3. In the Information Rate pane, use the drop-down menu to choose the
maximum Information Rate.
4. Choose Other to define the throughput with 1 Kbps resolution
5. Choose Not Limited for the highest information rate possible for the
link conditions and settings
6. Click Apply to save the changes.
Displaying the Inventory
To view the inventory data
1. Choose a site from the main menu.
The Configuration dialog box opens.
2. Choose Inventory (figure 6-10).
It is possible to close the Ethernet service by disconnecting the Ethernet
If you close the port, you may subsequently be unable to access the
device. If this should occur, a workaround is as follows:
Connect the system from the remote site
Connect via other Ethernet port (of the IDU)
Power down the equipment and connect immediately after power
up (the fastest way is to enter install mode)
Security Features Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-13
Figure 6-10: Inventory Screen
Security Features
The Security dialog enables you to change the Link Password and the SNMP
Communities details:
Changing the Link Password Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-14
Figure 6-11: Available security features
Changing the Link Password
This item is only available when the link is down. Otherwise, it works the
same way as the corresponding item on page 4-16.
RADWIN Manager Community Strings
The ODU communicates with the application using SNMPv1 protocol. The
protocol defines three types of communities:
Read-Only for retrieving information from the ODU
Read-Write to configure and control the ODU
Trap used by the ODU to issue traps.
The Community string must be entered at login. The user must know the
password and the correct Community string to gain access to the system. A
user may have read-only privileges.
It is not possible to manage the ODU if the read-write or the read Commu-
nity values are forgotten. A new Community value may be obtained from
RADWIN Customer Support for the purpose of setting new Community; the
serial number or the MAC address of the ODU must be supplied.
The RADWIN Manager uses the Read Community strings public for the site
Al ODU and public-remote for the site B ODU. It uses Write Community
strings netman for the site A ODU and netman-remote for the site B
ODU. These are the factory defaults.
RADWIN Manager Community Strings Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-15
The read-write Community strings and read-only Community strings have a
minimum of five alphanumeric characters. (bru1 and bru4097 are not per-
mitted). Changing the trap Community is optional and is done by clicking
the check box.
Editing Community Strings
The Community change dialog box is available from the Configuration |
Security tab. Both read-write and read-only communities must be defined.
On logging on for the first time, use the following as the current Commu-
For Read-Write Community, use
For Read-Only Community, use
For Trap Community, use
To change a Community string:
1. From the Configuration dialog box, choose the Security tab.
2. Type the current read-write Community (default is
3. Choose the communities to be changed by clicking the check box.
4. Type the new Community string and re-type to confirm.
5. Click OK to save.
RADWIN Manager Community Strings Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-16
Figure 6-12: Changing the Community String
Forgotten Community string
If the read-write Community string is unknown, an alternative Community
key can be used. The alternative Community key is unique per ODU and can
be used only to change the Community strings. The alternative Community
key is supplied with the product, and should be kept in a safe place.
If both the read-write Community and the alternative Community key are
unavailable, then an alternative Community key can be obtained from RAD-
WIN Customer Support using the ODU serial number or MAC address. The
serial number is located on the product label. The serial number and the
MAC address are displayed in the Site Configuration inventory tab.
When you have the alternative Community key, click the Forgot Commu-
nity button and enter the Alternative Community key (figure 6-13). Then
change the read-write Community string.
Muting the alignment tone Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-17
Figure 6-13: Alternative Community Dialog box
Muting the alignment tone
The ODU alignment tone becomes audible as soon as power is supplied,
and continues until the ODUs are aligned and the link established.
It is possible to mute the tone during regular operation of the link. It must
be enabled when performing the alignment procedure.
To mute the alignment tone:
1. Choose a site.
2. The Configuration dialog box opens.
3. In the Configuration dialog box, click the Buzzer button. The button tog-
gles between on and off.
The tone is disabled.
To restore the alignment tone:
1. Choose a site.
The Configuration dialog box opens.
2. In the Configuration dialog box, click the Buzzer button. The button tog-
gles from on to off. The tone is enabled.
Setting External Alarm Inputs
The IDU-C has two external alarm inputs and two external alarm outputs in
the form of dry-contact relays. The Alarm interface is located on the front
panel of the IDU-C and is a 25-pin D-type female connector. see IDU-C
Alarm Connector on page B-3, for wiring specifications and pinout. The
user enables or disables each of the alarms and can configure the alarm
Managing Configuration Files Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-18
description text that appears in the alarm trap. The ODU sends the alarm
within less than a second from actual alarm trigger.
To set the external alarm inputs:
1. Open the Site Configuration Alarms configuration by clicking Configura-
tion | Advanced.
Figure 6-14: External Alarm Configuration
2. Choose an alarm and set its mode to Enabled or Disabled
3. Enter a description of the alarms in the text field.
4. Click Apply to save.
5. Click OK to exit from the dialog.
Managing Configuration Files
Backup Configuration to a File
RADWIN Manager allows you to backup configuration parameters of the
local and remote units to the managing computer as .ini files. Each site is
backed up in a separate .ini file.
To save the configuration in a file:
1. Choose a site to back up.
The Configuration dialog box opens.
Restoring a Configuration File Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-19
2. Click Backup.
3. In the Save As dialog box, indicate in which folder and under what name
configuration file is to be saved, and click Save.
Restoring a Configuration File
Configuration files (*.ini) can be uploaded from the managing computer.
Such configuration files can be distributed to other units that use the same
To restore a configuration file:
1. Choose a site to restore (from a previous backup).
The Configuration dialog box opens.
2. Click Restore.
3. From the Open dialog box choose *.ini file to upload and click OK.
You may reset the link, preserving the current configuration, or reset to fac-
tory defaults.
To reset the link preserving current configuration:
1. From Maintenance on the main window, reset the remote unit.
2. From Maintenance on the main window, reset the local unit.
To reset to Factory Defaults
1. Choose either of the sites.
The Configuration dialog box opens.
2. Choose Operations in the Configuration dialog box.
3. Click the Restore Defaults button.
A message box asking if you want to restore factory default appears.
4. Click the check box if you want to keep the current IP address settings.
5. Click Yes to continue.
Backup files are specific to a site (IDU / ODU pair and Link ID).
Do not restore a backup configuration file to a site other than that from
which it was originally taken.
Resetting the link causes service disconnection.
To maintain the connection between the managing computer and
the link, first reset Site B.
Configuration with Telnet Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-20
Configuration with Telnet
A Telnet terminal can be used to configure and monitor the RADWIN 1000/
To start a Telnet session, use telnet <manager IP>.
For example, if you run Telnet as follows,
you will be asked for a user name and password.
The login user name/password is identical to the Community strings; Read
allows display only, Read/Write allows display and set commands.
Supported Telnet commands are shown in table 6-2. Note that some of the
commands are model-specific. For example, TDM commands will not apply
to Ethernet only and PoE based links.
Table 6-2: Telnet Commands
Command Explanation
display inventory Displays ODU product name, Name, Location, hardware
and software revisions, uptime, MAC address, IDU product
name, IDU software and hardware revisions
display management Displays IP, Subnet, Gateway, Traps table
display link Displays State, Link ID, Channel BW, RSS, TSL,
Frequency/ACS, DFS, Rate/ARA, Distance
display Ethernet Displays Bridge Mode, Aging time, Port table (State, Status
and action)
display tdm Displays Clock Mode, Master Clock Mode, Current Clock,
Quality[1], TDM table (Line status, Error Blocks)
display ntp Displays Time, Server and Offset
set ip <ipaddr> <subnetMask>
<gateway> Set the ODU IP address, subnet mask and gateway
The user must reset the ODU after the command
display PM
Shows the performance monitor tables for each interface
according to user defined monitoring intervals
set trap <index:1-10> <ipaddr>
<port:0-65535> Set a specific trap from the traps table (set trap 3 162)
set readpw <oldpasswd> <passwd> Set the read access password (Read Community)
set writepw <oldpasswd> <passwd> Set the read-write access password (Read-Write
set trappw <oldpasswd> <passwd> Set the trap Community string
set buzzer <mode:0=OFF,1 =ON> Toggle the buzzer mode (0 – off, 1 – on)
Configuration with Telnet Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-21
set tpc<power:Value between minimal
TX power, and maximal TX power> Set the ODU transmit power. If a wrong value is entered,
both min and max values shall be displayed in the error
set bridge <mode:0=Bridging OFF,1=
Bridging ON > Set the ODU bridge mode (0 – off, 1 – on)
set name <new name> Set the name of the link
set location <new location> Set the name of the location
Set contact <new contact> Set the name of the site manager
set Ethernet <>port:MNG,LAN1,LAN2>
Set the mode and speed of each ethernet port
Reboot Reset both the IDU and the ODU. The user shall be
prompt that the command will reset the card and that he
has to reconnect the telnet session after TBD seconds.
Help Displays the available commands
Table 6-2: Telnet Commands (Continued)
Command Explanation
Configuration with Telnet Chapter 6
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 6-22
figure 6-15, below, shows the available Telnet commands via the Help
Hello admin, welcome to ODU Management CLI!
Software Revision 2.1.00_b2070_Jun 5 2008
admin@> Type "help" for help.
admin@> help
display inventory
display management
display link
display ethernet
display tdm
display ntp
display PM <interface:AIR,LAN1,LAN2,TDM1,TDM2,TDM3,TDM4>
set ip <ipaddr> <subnetMask> <gateway>
set trap <index:1-10> <ipaddr> <port:1-65535>
set readpw <writePasswd> <newPasswd>
set writepw <writePasswd> <newPasswd>
set trappw <writePasswd> <newPasswd>
set buzzer <mode:0=OFF,1=ON>
set tpc <power:Value between minimal TX power, and maximal TX power>
set bridge <mode:0=Bridging OFF,1=Bridging ON>
set name <new name>
set location <new location>
set contact <new contact>
set ethernet <port:MNG,LAN1,LAN2> <mode:AUTO,10H,10F,100H,100F,DISABLE>
Command "help" finished OK.
Figure 6-15: Telnet Management Screen
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-1
Chapter 7
Monitoring and
The RADWIN Manager application enables you to monitor the link, as well
as perform diagnostic operations such as loopback tests.
This chapter covers:
Retrieving link information
Link compatibility issues
Reinstalling and realigning a link
Performance monitoring
• Troubleshooting
•Replacing an ODU
Restoring to factory setup
Retrieving Link Information (Get Diagnostics)
The Get Diagnostics feature collects and writes all link and Manager infor-
mation (from both sites) into a text file. The file information can be used for
diagnostics and should be sent to RADWIN Customer Support to speed up
Retrieving Link Information (Get Diagnostics) Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-2
The following table lists link and system information that can be monitored.
To get diagnostics
1. On the Help menu, choose Get Diagnostic Information.
Figure 7-1: Get Diagnostics Dialog Box
2. Select or deselect the data options. If the file is to be sent to RADWIN
Customer Support leave all options checked.
3. Click File Path to specify the folder in which you want to save the file
and then click Start to save the information.
The file is saved in the specified folder as Diagnostics Informa-
Table 7-1: Get Diagnostics Data and Description
Data Description
System Data General information about the system
Link Information Information about the link properties
Events Log List of recent system events
Site Configuration Data about the site parameters
Active Alarms List of active alarms
Performance Monitor Network performance data over defined time periods
Monitor Detailed event data record
Link Compatibility Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-3
Link Compatibility
Link Compatibility indicates the version compatibility using software traps.
As new hardware or software is added to existing networks compatibility
issues may arise. An incompatibility issue is indicated to the user by a
change of color of the Link Status box on the Main Menu screen. Trap mes-
sages in the events Log indicate the problems or limitations and suggest
upgrades when appropriate.
The following Link Status messages are given:
fullCompatibility - different software versions were detected that are fully
compatible. The message indicates that an upgrade is available.
restrictedCompatibility - different software versions were detected that
operate correctly. However, new features are not supported
softwareUpgradeRequired - different software versions were detected allow-
ing limited operation. The message is, that a software upgrade required.
versionsIncompatibility - different software versions were detected that are
incompatible. You need to perform local upgrades.
Reinstalling and Realigning a Link
It may be necessary to reinstall the link if the ODUs need to be realigned.
Table 7-2: Link Compatibility Trap Messages
Link State Link State
Link Status
fullCompatibility Active Green SW Upgrade
Available Yellow Green
restrictedCompatibility Active - SW
Version mis-
(Same as
SW Upgrade
Recommended Yellow Magenta
(Same as
softwareUpgradeRequired Active – SW
(Major) SW Upgrade
Required Yellow Brown (Major)
versionsIncompatibility Not Active -
Red Local SW
Yellow Red
Activating Install Mode causes both sites to go into install mode, causing
disruption in service for approximately fifteen seconds.
The Link Budget Calculator Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-4
To reinstall the link:
1. Choose a site.
The Configuration dialog box opens.
2. In the Configuration dialog box, click the Install Mode button.
A message box asking if you want to enter install mode appears.
3. Click Yes to continue.
The system enters Install mode and the alignment tone becomes audi-
4. Realign the ODUs and start the Installation wizard (see chapter 4).
The Link Budget Calculator
The Link Budget Calculator is part of the RADWIN Manager software and is
found in the Help menu. This useful utility enables you to calculate the
expected performance of the wireless link and the possible configurations
for a specific link range including antenna size, cable loss and climate condi-
tions. For full details, see appendix D.
Performance Monitoring
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 Performance Monitoring constantly monitors traf-
fic over the radio link and collects statistics data for the air interface and
Ethernet ports. It does so continuously, even when the RADWIN Manager is
not connected.
Two types of logs are recorded:
Monitor Log that records statistics on traffic rate and radio signal
Events Log that records when the rates fall above or below a pre-
defined threshold.
Both the statistics Monitor log and events log can be saved as TXT files.
The Monitor Log
The Monitor Log records performance statistics for predefined intervals. You
can save the monitor log to a text file, as well as display the information in
an on-screen report.
Saving the Monitor Log
You can save the recorded Monitor Log statistics to a text file.
To save the monitor log:
1. From the Tools menu, choose Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box appears:
The Monitor Log Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-5
Figure 7-2: Preferences dialog box
2. Click the Monitor Tab.
3. Select the file to save.
4. Click the check box to open the file for saving.
5. Click the button and in the Select File dialog box indicate in which
folder and under what name the monitor log file is to be saved.
6. Set the time interval for adding data to the file.
7. Click OK to save the file.
Viewing Performance Reports
The Performance Monitor Report displays performance views of each of the
To obtain performance monitoring reports:
1. From the main menu, choose Tools | Performance Monitoring
Report ...
You are presented with the following window:
1. Ethernet performance is not collected from PoE devices.
The Monitor Log Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-6
Figure 7-3: Basic Performance Monitoring Report
2. Choose a report type from the left panel and click the Get Data toolbar
button. For example, if you choose Site A, Air and Current, you will be
offered a report looking like this:
Figure 7-4: A typical Performance Monitoring Report
You can click the Selection Pane icon to toggle the side panel on or off.
The other reports look similar. Here is a detailed description of the reports
and their fields:
The Monitor Log Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-7
Several performance data occurrences are collected for each of the inter-
faces (ES, SES, and UAS), as well as Specific data per Interface type (e.g.,
TX and RX bytes for Ethernet). For the Air Interface, user defined thresholds
data are collected. Refer to table 7-3 and table 7-4, in Performance
Monitoring Report Toolbar below.
Data is collected and selectively displayed based on three time intervals as
selected by the Interval radio buttons:
Current (t=0)
15 minutes Intervals
• Daily
The Monitor Log Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-8
Table 7-3: Explanation of performance data
Data type Reported Value Explanation
Generic PM Data
UAS – Unavailable
Seconds Seconds in which the interface was out of service.
ES – Errored Sec-
onds The number of seconds in which there was at least
one error block. Note that the notation of an error
block is different per interface.
SES – Severe Errored
Seconds The number of seconds in which the service quality
was low (the quality is different per type of inter-
face and determined by the BBER threshold per
BBE – Background
Block Error The number of errored blocks in an interval.
Integrity A flag indicating that the data was valid. Note that
the Performance Monitoring data is not valid if not
all the values were stored (e.g., due to clock
changes within the interval or power up reset).
Air Interface PM
Max RSL The maximum of the receive signal level (mea-
sured in dBm).
Min RSL The minimum of the receive signal level (measured
in dBm).
Max TSL The maximum of the transmit signal level (mea-
sured in dBm).
Min TSL The minimum of the transmit signal level (mea-
sured in dBm).
RSL Threshold 1 The number of seconds in which the RSL was
below the specified threshold.
RSL Threshold 2 The number of seconds in which the RSL was
below the specified threshold.
TSL Threshold The number of seconds in which the RSL was
above the specified threshold.
BBER Threshold The BBER Threshold value counts the number of
seconds in which the Background Block Error Ratio
(BBER) exceeded the specified threshold.
Ethernet Interface
PM Data
Received Bytes The number of Megabytes received at the specified
port within the interval
Transmitted Bytes The number of Megabytes transmitted at the spec-
ified port within the interval.
The Monitor Log Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-9
Performance Monitoring Report Toolbar
You can use the toolbar to perform the actions described in the following
Setting Air Interface Thresholds
Use the Thresholds button on the Monitoring Performance Report toolbar to
set the Air Interface Thresholds:
Figure 7-5: Threshold configuration dialog box
BBER Threshold
This parameter counts the seconds during which the radio performance is
below a user specified threshold. The threshold is measured as a percent-
age. The threshold can be set from 0.1% up to 50%.
For links with Ethernet only service, 8% threshold is recommended. If there
are no problems during the interval, then for that threshold, the recom-
mended BBER value should be 0. Since the system provides a lossless
Ethernet service, there is throughput degradation in case of interference.
The degradation is proportional to the BBER.
RSL Threshold
RSL Threshold can also be used as an indicator of problems in the radio
channel. You can check the RSS by from the Link Budget Calculator results
Table 7-4: Action of the toolbar buttons
Command Button Action
Get Data Gathers current performance monitoring data.
Save Save current performance monitoring data to a file
Clear Clear current performance monitoring data.
Thresholds Set Air Interface Thresholds
Close Closes the active alarm window.
The Events Log Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-10
during installation. A value of -5dB from the current RSS is recommended as
a threshold.
The Events Log
The Events Log records system failures, loss of synchronization, loss of sig-
nal, compatibility problems and other fault conditions and events.
Alarms (traps) are displayed in the Events Log in the lower panel of the
main window. The Events Log may be saved as a text file.
The Events Log includes the following fields:
Sequential number (ID)
Date and time stamp
Trap source
IP address of the ODU that initiated alarm.
For complete information about traps and alarms see appendix G, MIB
Reference, table G-3.
The events are displayed in the Events Log in the lower part of the RADWIN
Manager main window:
Figure 7-6: Events Log Display
RADWIN Manager Traps Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-11
RADWIN Manager Traps
The RADWIN Manager application issues traps to indicate various events,
displayed in the Wvents Log.
Table 7-5: RADWIN Manager Trap Messages
Trap Message Severity Remarks
Error loading trap catcher. Port 162 is already in use. Warning NMS will not catch any
traps from target, some
other application has
grabbed this port
Device unreachable! Error Check connectivity to target
Connected to <site_name> Information
<site_name> Site will be reset. Information
Restore Factory Default Settings in process on Site
<site_name> Information
Factory Settings: The process was not finished due to
connection issues. Warning Factory setting failed due to
connectivity problem to tar-
Reset: The process was not finished due to connec-
tion issues. Warning Factory setting failed due to
connectivity problem to tar-
get - Target will not be reset
Cannot Write to Monitor file. There is not enough
space on the disk. Warning Free some space on disk
and retry
Windows Error: <error_ID>. Cannot Write to Monitor
file. Warning Operating System error
TDM Counters were cleared for both sides Information
Identical IP addresses at <local_site_name> and
<remote_site_name> Warning Set up a different IP to each
The Product is not identified at the
<local_site_name> site. Warning NMS is incompatible with
the target release
The Product is not identified at the
<remote_site_name> site. Warning
The Product is not identified at both sites. Warning
Product Not Identified! Warning
The Manager identified a newer ODU release at the
<remote_site_name> site. Warning ODU release is newer than
NMS release. Wizards are
not available. NMS will be
used just for monitoring.
Upgrade the NMS. (You will
get this message as a pop
The Manager identified a newer ODU release at both
sites. Warning
RADWIN Manager Traps Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-12
Setting the Events Preferences
You can define a color for the traps to be displayed in the Event Log win-
dow, according to the severity of the event. The severity is predefined.
To set the trap color:
1. From the Tools menu, choose Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box appears.
2. Click the Events Tab:
Figure 7-7: Preferences dialog box
The Manager identified a newer ODU release at the
<local_site_name> site. Warning
Newer Version identified at the <local_site_name>
site. Warning ODU release is newer than
NMS release. Wizards are
not available. NMS will be
used just for monitoring.
Upgrade the NMS
Newer Version identified at the <remote_site_name>
site. Warning
Newer Version Identified! Warning
Table 7-5: RADWIN Manager Trap Messages
Trap Message Severity Remarks
RADWIN Manager Traps Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-13
3. Select the event type and click on the button.
A color chart opens.
4. Select the desired color.
5. Repeat for all of the event types.
To set the trap background color:
Click Background Color to change the text background.
To reset the event colors:
• Click Reset Settings to return to the default color settings.
Saving the Events Log
You can save recorded events in an Events Log text file. New alarms are
automatically added to the text file, as they enter the Events Log.
To save the Events Log:
1. From the Tools menu, choose Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box appears
2. Click the Events Tab.
3. Select the file to save.
4. Click the check box to open the file for saving.
Click the button and in the Select File dialog box indicate in which folder
and under what name the Events Log file is to be saved, and click OK.
Reverting Alarm Messages
Alarm messages can be reverted to their default values by choosing the
Advanced tab from the Preferences dialog:
To store the Events Log, first define the IP address, subnet mask, default
gateway and trap address of the managing computer (see Configuring
the ODU Address on page 6-4 for details).
RADWIN Manager Traps Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-14
Just click the Restore Defaults button, followed by OK.
Active Alarms
Upon setting a trap destination, applicable events are reported as active
alarms to the user. The active alarms are saved and can be viewed in the
Active Alarms window.
To view summary of saved alarms:
From the Tools menu, choose Active Alarm Summary.
The Active Alarms Summary window opens:
RADWIN Manager Traps Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-15
Figure 7-8: Active Alarms Summary
The following table provides an explanation of the command buttons
Remote Power Fail Indication
Remote power fail indication indicates to one side that the other side has
had a power failure. The failed site sends a final trap indication about the
power loss just before powering off.
A “Dying-Gasp” circuit identifies the power failure at a minimum interval of
20 milliseconds before the ODU or IDU powers off. During that interval a
message notifying the power failure is sent to Site B. Alarm output number
4 indicates power failure at Site B.
Table 7-6: Active Alarms command buttons
Command Action
Save Saves the alarms in CSV or text format for further analysis.
Refresh Reads the alarms from the ODU.
Site Selects site for the active alarms.
Close Closes the active alarm window.
Troubleshooting Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-16
Use the following table to troubleshoot LED fault indications:
Use the following table to troubleshoot faults in the system:.
Replacing an ODU
Prior to any action ensure that both ODUs have the same software version.
You can see this on the inventory panels for each site.
For Site A, click Site A | Inventory and note the ODU software version.
Repeat this for Site B using Site B | Inventory.
If either ODU has an old software version, perform a software upgrade. It is
important to configure the new ODU exactly the same as the old ODU to
avoid configuration mismatches, which will disrupt the link.
An ODU may be reconfigured in several ways.
Use the backup Configuration
If a backup of the configuration is available, restore that configura-
tion using Site A| Restore.
Table 7-7: LED fault indicators
LED Status Remedy
PWR Off Check that AC adapter is connected to the IDU-E and the AC
power outlet.
IDU Orange Check that the IDU/ODU cable is properly wired and connected.
ODU Red Check that the IDU/ODU cable is properly wired and connected.
AIR I/F Orange Complete the installation procedure from the management soft-
Red Check the ODU Antenna alignment. Check that the radio configu-
ration of both site A and site B units are the same (channel and
Link ID).
Table 7-8: Troubleshooting
Symptom Remedy
No power Ensure that power is connected to the IDU.
Ensure that the ODU cable is properly wired and connected.
No signal Complete the installation procedure from the RADWIN Manager
Check the ODU alignment. Check that the radio configuration of both site A
and site B units are the same (channel and Link ID.
Weak signal
received Check the ODU alignment, reconfigure the link.
Check the alignment tone sounds the Best Signal sequence.
Restoring Factory Setup Chapter 7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 7-17
Manual Configuration
The new ODU can be configured manually according to the link con-
figuration. Remember to use the same settings for Link ID, chan-
nels, link password, IP addresses, and names.
Restoring Factory Setup
To restore factory setup:
1. Set the remaining ODUs back to the factory setup by using the Site A
|Advanced option.
2. Activate the second ODU and carry out a new Installation.
Online Help
Online help can be accessed from the Help menu on the main screen of the
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 Manager.
Figure 7-9: Online Help for RADWIN 1000/2000/5000
Customer Support
Customer support for this product can be obtained from the local VAR, Inte-
grator or distributor from whom it was purchased.
For further information, please contact the RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 dis-
tributor nearest to you or one of RADWIN's offices worldwide (see RAD-
WIN Worldwide Offices at the beginning of this manual).
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 A-1
Appendix A
Technical Specifications
ODU: Outdoor Unit with Integrated Antenna or Connector-
ized for External Antenna
IDU: Indoor Unit for service interfaces or PoE device for
Ethernet only
IDU to ODU Interface Outdoor CAT-5e cable; Maximum cable length: 100 m
Up to 270Mbps at 40MHz channel bandwidth in the 5.3/5.4
IC and 5.8 GHz spectrum bands
Up to 130Mbps at 20MHz channel bandwidth in the 3.5/3.6
GHz spectrum bands
Range Up to 120 km / 75 miles
Channel Bandwidth 5, 10, and 20 MHz
40 MHz in the 5.3/5.4 IC and 5.8 GHz spectrum bands
Radio Appendix A
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 A-2
Frequency Bands
Band Regulations
5.725 – 5.850 GHz FCC / IC
5.725 – 5.825 GHz FCC(UNII)/IC
5.250 – 5.350 GHz (exclud-
ing 40 MHz channel band-
width and 6dBi antenna
assembly gain)
5.250 – 5.350 GHz (including
40 MHz channel bandwidth
and 6dBi antenna assembly
5.470 – 5.725 GHz (exclud-
ing 40 MHz channel band-
width and 6dBi antenna
assembly gain)
5.470 – 5.725 GHz (including
40 MHz channel bandwidth
and 6dBi antenna assembly
4.940 – 4.990 GHz
FCC2.400 – 2.4835 GHz
3.650 – 3.700 GHz
3.475 – 3.650 GHz IC
Band Max Tx Power Antenna
5.725 – 5.850 GHz
29.95 dBm 28 dBi Dish
29.95 dBm 24 dBi Integral Flat
29.95 dBm 23 dBi External Flat
23 dBm 14 dBi External Flat
20 dBm 16.5 dBi External Flat
28 dBm 8 dBi assembly
Radio Appendix A
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 A-3
5.250 – 5.350 GHz
1.9 dBm 28 dBi Dish
6.5 dBm 23.5 dBi Integral Flat
7.5 dBm 22.5 dBi External Flat
23.5dBm 6 dBi assembly
7.4 dBm 14 dBi External Flat
7.4 dBm 15.5 dBi External Flat
23.5 dBm 6 dBi assembly
5.470 – 5.725 GHz
1.6 dBm 28 dBi Dish
6.3 dBm 23.5 dBi Integral Flat
7.3 dBm 22.5 dBi External Flat
23.7 dBm 6 dBi assembly
7.2 dBm 14 dBi External Flat
7.2 dBm 16.5 dBi External Flat
23.7 dBm 6 dBi assembly
5.725 – 5.825 GHz
23.8 dBm 28 dBi Dish
26.4 dBm 22.5 dBi Integral Flat
26.4 dBm 23.5 dBi External Flat
29.4 dBm 6 dBi assembly
24.4 dBm 14 dBi External Flat
24 dBm 16.5 dBi External Flat
29.3 dBm 6 dBi assembly
4.940 – 4.990 GHz 31 dBm
21 dBi Integral Flat
21 dBi External Flat
28 dBi Dish
14 dBi External Flat
15 dBi External Flat
2.400 – 2.4835 GHz
25.5 dBm(*) 20 dBi External Flat
25.5 dBm(*) 17.5 dBi Integral Flat
23.7 dBm 20 dBi External Flat
23.7 dBm 17.5 dBi Integral Flat
3.475 – 3.650 GHz 26 dBm
21 dBi Integral Flat
22 dBi External Flat
24 dBi Dish
13 dBi External Flat
Band Max Tx Power Antenna
Radio Appendix A
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 A-4
(*) Relevant for RADWIN 1000 RW-1020-0150 / RADWIN 2000 RW-2020-
0150 models only
3.650 – 3.700 GHz
26 dBm 13.5 dBi assembly
13 dBi External Flat
20 dBm 21 dBi Integral Flat
22 dBi External Flat
17 dBm 24 dBi Dish
24 dBm 17 dBi assembly
Channel Bandwidth 5, 10, and 20 MHz, (10MHz not supported in the 5.8 GHz
Radio Modulation 2x2 MIMO-OFDM (BPSK/QPSK/16QAM/64QAM)
Adaptive Modulation &
Coding Supported
Automatic Channel Selection Supported
Radio Regulation FCC 47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C, E, Part 90 Subpart Y, Z
IC (Canada) RSS-210, RSS-111, RSS-192, RSS-197
Duplex Technology TDD
Error Correction FEC k = 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6
Encryption AES 128
Rate – Single Antenna
[Mbps] 6.5 13 19.5 26 39 52 58.5 65
Rate – Single Antenna in the
5.8 GHz spectrum band
[Mbps] 13.5 27 40.5 54 81 108 121.5 135
Rate – Dual Antenna [Mbps] 13 26 39 52 78 104 117 130
Rate –Dual Antenna in the
5.8 GHz spectrum band
[Mbps] 27 54 81 108 162 216 243 270
Modulation BPSK QPSK 16QAM 64QAM
FEC [k=] 1/2 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 2/3 3/4 5/6
Max Tx Power [dBm] 25 24 21 19 18
Sensitivity (dBm) @BER
<10e-11 (20MHz) -88 -86 -83 -81 -80 -72 -70 -67
Band Max Tx Power Antenna
Ethernet Interface Appendix A
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 A-5
Ethernet Interface
Throughput Up to 270Mbps in the 5.3/5.4 IC and 5.8 GHz spectrum
Number of Ethernet ports IDU-C and E: 2; PoE Device: 1
Type 10/100BaseT with Auto-Negotiation (IEEE 802.3u)
Framing/Coding IEEE 802.3
Line Impedance 100
VLAN Support Transparent
Connector RJ-45
Maximum Frame Size 2048 Bytes
Bridge Layer 2, self-learning of up to 2047 MAC addresses (IEEE
802.1Q), hub/Bridge selectable mode
Latency 3 msec (typical)
Management Application RADWIN Manager
Protocol SNMP and Telnet
ODU with Integrated Antenna: 37.1/14.84(W) x 37.1/
14.84(H) x 9.00/3.6(D) cm/in; 3.5 kg / 7 lbs
ODU Connectorized: 18.0/7.2(W) x 27.0/10.8(H) x 5.5/
2.2(D) cm/in; 1.5 kg / 3.0 lbs
IDU-C: 43.6/17.2(W) x 4.5/1.7(H) x 21/8.3(D) cm; 1.5 kg /
3.3 lbs
IDU-E: 22/8.7(W) x 4.4/1.7(H) x 17/6.7(D) cm/in; 0.5 Kg /
1.1 lbs
Power Feeding Dual feeding, -20 to -60 VDC (AC/DC converter is available)
Power Consumption < 35 W (IDU+ODU)
Operating Temperatures ODU: -35°C to +60°C / -31°F to +140°F
IDU-C: 0°C to +50°C / 32°F to +122°F
IDU-E: -5°C to 45°C / 32°F to 122°F
Humidity ODU: Up to 100% non-condensing, IP67
IDU: 90% non-condensing
Safety Appendix A
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 A-6
Air Interface
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 is available in several different frequency band
ranges that comply with ETSI, FCC and IC regulations.
The RADWIN 1000 RW-1020-0150 / RADWIN 2000 RW-2020-0150 is avail-
able only in the 2.4GHz frequency band range that complies with FCC and
IC regulations.
The RADWIN 1000 3GHz Band / RADWIN 2000 3GHz Band / RADWIN 5000
3GHz Band support the 3.5 / 3.6 GHz frequency bands and comply with FCC
and IC regulations.
FCC/IC (cTUVus) UL 60950-1, CAN/CSA 60950-1 C22.2
ETSI EN/IEC 60950-1
FCC CFR47 Class B, Part15, Subpart B
ETSI EN 300 386 (2005), EN 301 489-1 (2001), EN 301 489-4
AS/NZS CISPR 22:2002
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 B-1
Appendix B
Wiring Specifications
The ODU-IDU cable is shielded/outdoor class CAT-5e, 4 twisted-pair 24
AWG terminated with RJ-45 connectors on both ends. A cable gland on the
ODU side provides hermetic sealing.
The following table shows the connector pinout:
User Port Connectors
LAN Port
The LAN 10/100BaseT interface terminates in an 8-pin RJ-45 connector,
wired in accordance to table B-2.
Table B-1: ODU-IDU Connector Pinout
Function Color IDU RJ-45 ODU
Ethernet (RxN) White/Green 1 twisted
2 pair 1
Ethernet (RxT) Green 2
Ethernet (TxT) White/Orange 3 twisted
6 pair 3
Ethernet (TxN) Orange 6
Power (+) Blue 4 twisted
5 pair 4
Power (+) White/Blue 5
Power () White/Brown 7 twisted
8 pair 7
Power ()Brown 8
LAN Port Appendix B
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 B-2
Table B-2: Fast Ethernet Connector Pinout
Pin Signal Function
1 TD (+) Transmit Data
2 TD (–) Transmit Data
3 RD (+) Receive Data
6 RD (–) Receive Data
IDU-C Alarm Connector Appendix B
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 B-3
IDU-C Alarm Connector
The IDU-C Alarm interface is a 25 pin D type female connector. Its pinout is
listed in table B-3.
The following diagram describes how to connect external input and output
Table B-3: IDU-C Alarm Connector (Dry-Contact)
I/O Description Pin
Input 1 Positive 14
Input 1 Negative 15
Input 2 Positive 16
Input 2 Negative 17
Input 3 Positive 18
Input 3 Negative 19
Input 4 Positive 20
Input 4 Negative 21
Output 1 Normally Open 1
Output 1 Common 2
Output 1 Normally
Closed 3
Output 2 Normally Open 4
Output 2 Common 5
Output 2 Normally
Closed 6
Output 3 Normally Open 7
Output 3 Common 8
Output 3 Normally
Closed 9
Output 4 Normally Open 10
Output 4 Common 11
Output 4 Normally
Closed 12
IDU-C Alarm Connector Appendix B
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 B-4
Figure B-1: Example for connecting the alarm connector
DC Power Terminal
Use an external current limit resistor to limit the current at the output
relays to 1 Ampere. Such resistor is not required if the equipment
connected to the IDU supports current limiting to 1 Amp.
The voltage of the input alarm must be within the range of -10 to -50
Table B-4: Terminal Block 3-pin -48VDC
Function Pin
Chassis Center
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 C-1
Appendix C
Pole and Wall Installation
ODU Mounting Kit Contents
Table C-1: Bill of Materials: ODU mounting kit
Item Qty
Large Clamp (see figure C-1)1
Small Clamp (see figure C-2)1
Arm (see figure C-3)1
Screw hex head M8x40 4
Screw hex head M8x70 2
Washer flat M8 4
Washer spring M8 3
M8 Nuts 2
Figure C-1: Large Clamp Figure C-2: Small Clamp Figure C-3: Arm
Mounting RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 on a pole Appendix C
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 C-2
Mounting RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 on a pole
Figure C-4: Mounting on a pole
Mounting RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 on a Wall Appendix C
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 C-3
Mounting RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 on a Wall
Figure C-5: Mounting on a Wall
Mounting an External Antenna
Optional external antennas can be mounted on a pole. The external mount-
ing kit varies according to the specific antenna.
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 D-1
Appendix D
Link Budget Calculator
The Link Budget Calculator is a utility for calculating the expected perfor-
mance of the RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 wireless link and the possible con-
figurations for a specific link range.
The utility allows you to calculate the expected RSS of the link, and find the
type of services and their effective throughput as a function of the link
range and deployment conditions.
User Input
You are required to enter or choose the following parameters. Depending
on the product, some of the parameters have a default value that cannot be
Product (or Regulation and Band)
Channel Bandwidth (fixed to 20 MHz for RADWIN 1000/2000/5000)
Tx Power (maximum Tx power per modulation is validated)
Antenna Type (cannot be changed for ODU with integrated antenna)
Antenna Gain per site (cannot be changed for integrated antenna)
Cable Loss per site (cannot be changed for integrated antenna)
Required Fade Margin
Rate (and Adaptive check box)
Service Type (Ethernet Only for RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 version
Required Range
Link Budget Calculator Internal Data
For each product (or Regulation and Band) the calculator stores the follow-
ing data required for link budget calculations:
Maximum Transmit power (per modulation)
Receiver Sensitivity (per modulation) for Ethernet service and for
TDM services at various BER
Calculations Appendix D
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 D-2
Maximum linear input power (used to calculate minimum distance)
Antenna gain and cable loss for ODU with integrated antenna
Available Channel Bandwidths
Expected RSS and Fade Margin
Site A is the transmitting site
Site B is the receiving site
PathLoss is calculated according to the free space model,
where Sensitivity is dependent on air-rate.
Min and Max Range
MinRange is the shortest range for which
per air-rate.
MaxRange (with Adaptive checked) is the largest range for which
, at the highest air-rate for which this relation-
ship is true. In a link with adaptive rate this will be the actual behavior.
MaxRange (for a given air-rate) is the largest range for which
The Ethernet throughput is calculated according to internal product algo-
The Service Availability calculation is based on the Vigants Barnett method
which predicts the downtime probability based on a climate factor (C fac-
EIRP TxPower AntennaGainSiteA CableLossSiteA
PathLoss 32.45 20 frequencyMHz
20 RequiredRangeKm
ExpectedFadeM inarg Sensitivity ExpectedRSS=
ExpectedRSS MaxInputPower
ExpectedRSS Sensitivity
ExpectedRSS Sensitivity RequiredFadeM inarg+
Antenna Height Appendix D
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 D-3
Antenna Height
The recommended antenna height required for line of sight is calculated as
the sum the Fresnel zone height and the boresight height. See About the
Fresnel Zone below.
The Fresnel zone height is calculated as:
The boresight clearance height is calculated as:
where .
Running the Link Budget Calculator
The Link Budget Calculator is supplied on the RADWIN Manager CD. It may
be run stand-alone from the CD or from the RADWIN Manager application.
To run the Link Budget Calculator from the CD:
1. Insert the RADWIN Manager CD into the drive on the managing com-
puter. In the window which opens, click the Link Budget Calculator
2. If the CD autorun application does not start by itself, then point your
browser to
Z:\RADWIN\Setup\DATA\Link Budget Calculator.htm
where Z should be replaced with your own CD drive name.
To run the Link Budget Calculator from the RADWIN Manager:
•Choose Help | Link Budget Calculator from the main menu of the
RADWIN Manager as in the following figure:
Availability 610
ExpectedFadeM inarg10
----------------------------------- ExpectedRange
----------------------------------------- 2
----------------------------------------- ExpectedRange
R2Maean ExpectedRange
----------------------------------------- 2
RMean 6367.4425Km=
Running the Link Budget Calculator Appendix D
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 D-4
Figure D-1: Accessing the Link Budget Calculator
However invoked, your browser displays the following page:
Running the Link Budget Calculator Appendix D
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 D-5
Figure D-2: Link Budget Screen
Running the Link Budget Calculator Appendix D
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 D-6
To use the Link Budget Calculator for RADWIN 1000/2000/5000:
1. Choose a product from the drop-down list (or choose a Regulation and
Microsoft Internet Explorer users may see a warning message like
Click the yellow bar and follow the instructions to allow blocked
Mozilla FireFox and Google Chrome users may see a warning mes-
sage like this:
You may ignore it and continue.
Running the Link Budget Calculator Appendix D
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 D-7
Figure D-3: Product selector
2. Enter the radio details. Note that Rate is chosen from a drop-down list:
Running the Link Budget Calculator Appendix D
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 D-8
Figure D-4: Rate selector
The Rate shown, defines the air-interface rate in Mbps. The system
operates in TDD mode and has the overhead of the air-interface pro-
toco.l Thus, the Ethernet actual throughput is provided by the Ethernet
The Fade margin is the minimum required for LOS conditions. For
degraded link conditions, a larger Fade margin should be used.
The EIRP is given in dBm and Watts.
3. If the required range between the two link sites is known, you may enter
it directly. Alternatively, you may enter the latitude and longitude of each
site in the link, in which case the distance between them will be calcu-
lated and displayed.
For a given air-rate, Ethernet throughput will decrease with increasing range
due to propagation delay.
Running the Link Budget Calculator Appendix D
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 D-9
Figure D-5: Calculation of distance from site coordinates
Running the Link Budget Calculator Appendix D
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 D-10
4. Located to the right of the green Coordinates button is a dropdown list of
Climactic C Factor values.
Figure D-6: Climactic C Factors
For help about what these mean, click the ? button to the right of the list
in figure D-6.
Running the Link Budget Calculator Appendix D
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 D-11
Figure D-7: Climactic C Factor description
In figure D-8 we display a map of the world showing C Factor contours:
Running the Link Budget Calculator Appendix D
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 D-12
Figure D-8: World map showing C Factor contours
5. Click Calculate to obtain the required performance estimate.
The Expected Performance parameters are calculated and displayed:
Expected RSS - the expected RSS that the RADWIN Manager
shows when the RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 ODUs are optimally
Ethernet Rate - maximum throughput available for the chosen
parameter combination
Antenna height for LOS – the minimum antenna height required
for line-of-sight operation. It is the sum of the height required for
boresight clearance due to the earth’s curvature plus the height
required to clear the Fresnel zone
If the expected performance is not suitable for your application, try different
parameters and repeat the calculation.
Placing the cursor in any other calculated field will also update the
calculated results.
About the Fresnel Zone Appendix D
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 D-13
About the Fresnel Zone
The Fresnel zone (pronounced "frA-nel", with a silent “s”) is an elliptically
shaped conical zone of electromagnetic energy that propagates from the
transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna. It is always widest in the
middle of the path between the two antennas.
Figure D-9: Fresnel zone
Fresnel loss is the path loss occurring from multi-path reflections from
reflective surfaces such as water, and intervening obstacles such as build-
ings or mountain peaks within the Fresnel zone.
Radio links should be designed to accommodate obstructions and atmo-
spheric conditions, weather conditions, large bodies of water, and other
reflectors and absorbers of electromagnetic energy.
The Fresnel zone provides us with a way to calculate the amount of clear-
ance that a wireless wave needs from an obstacle to ensure that the obsta-
cle does not attenuate the signal.
There are infinitely many Fresnel zones located coaxially around the center
of the direct wave. The outer boundary of the first Fresnel zone is defined
as the combined path length of all paths, which are half wavelength (1/2 )
of the frequency transmitted longer than the direct path. If the total path
distance is one wavelength (1 ) longer than the direct path, then the outer
boundary is said to be two Fresnel zones. Odd number Fresnel zones rein-
force the direct wave path signal; even number Fresnel zones cancel the
direct wave path signal.
About the Fresnel Zone Appendix D
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 D-14
The amount of the Fresnel zone clearance is determined by the wavelength
of the signal, the path length, and the distance to the obstacle. For reliabil-
ity, point-to-point links are designed to have at least 60% of the first Fresnel
zone clear to avoid significant attenuation.
The concept of the Fresnel zone is shown in figure D-9 above. The top of
the obstruction does not extend far into the Fresnel zone, leaving 60% of
the Fresnel zone clear; therefore, the signal is not significantly attenuated.
For more about Fresnel zone, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 E-1
Appendix E
Lightning Protection and
Grounding Guidelines
Meticulous implementation of the guidelines in this appendix will provide
best protection against electric shock and lightning.
The RADWIN 1000/2000/5000™ Lightning protection system consists of the
following components:
Grounding for the antenna coax cable
Grounding for each IDU and ODU
External Primary Surge Suppressor units and grounding for the out-
door cable
Internal ESD protection circuits over the Power/Telecom lines
Grounding for Antenna Cable
A Grounding Kit must be connected to the coax antenna cable and reliably
grounded as shown in Figure X. The grounding kit is an Andrew Type
223158-2 (www.andrew.com). See figure E-1 below.
100% protection is neither implied nor possible.
This appendix is at best a guide. The actual degree of lightning protection
required depends on local conditions and regulations.
Grounding for Indoor/Outdoor Units Appendix E
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 E-2
Figure E-1: Grounding antenna cables
Grounding for Indoor/Outdoor Units
ODU Grounding
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000™ uses a Shielded CAT-5e cable to interconnect
the Outdoor (ODU) and Indoor (IDU) units.
However, this shielding does not provide a good Lightning Discharge path,
since it can not tolerate the high Lightning Current surges.
To provide an alternate Lightning Discharge path, the ODU and antenna
grounding posts should be connected to ground point by a 10 AWG short
copper wire.
The device should be permanently connected to ground.
IDU Grounding
The IDUs grounding post should be connected to the internal ground point,
using a grounding wire of at least 10 AWG. The grounding wire should be
connected to a grounding rod or the building grounding system.
External Lightning Surge Suppressors and Grounding Appendix E
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 E-3
The device should be permanently connected to ground.
External Lightning Surge Suppressors and Grounding
A Grounding Kit and Surge Arrestor Unit must be located near the ODU and
properly grounded as illustrated in figure E-2 and figure E-3 below:
Figure E-2: Grounding a typical pole installation
External Lightning Surge Suppressors and Grounding Appendix E
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 E-4
Figure E-3: Grounding a typical wall installation
The next figure shows a close-up of the rear of grounded ODU:
Figure E-4: ODU Surge Suppressor and grounding
External Lightning Surge Suppressors and Grounding Appendix E
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 E-5
The Transtector protection circuits shown in figure E-5 below, utilize silicon
avalanche diode technology. The unit consists of an outdoor rated NEMA 3R
type enclosure with easy mounting flanges, ground stud attachment and
easy wiring.
The ALPU-POE features RJ-45 protection circuits for the ODU-IDU data pairs
(pins 1,2 & 3,6) and DC power (pins 4,5 & 6,7 with the pairs bonded).
The unit is designed to be wall mounted. An optional set of bracket is avail-
able to allow a wide range of pole mount applications. A dedicated ground
stud is provided inside the unit that must be bonded to the nearest ground-
ing system (or Master Ground bar) for proper surge protection.
The system wiring is installed with RJ-45 type connectors that can feed
directly into the chassis without having to cut, splice or route through awk-
ward strain relief holes.
Figure E-5: Transtector’s Surge Suppressor
To mount the lightning protection devices:
1. Mount the device as close to the ODU as possible. Mount the unit so that
the cable connectors are at the bottom (to prevent water from penetrat-
ing), with the strain reliefs facing the ground.
2. Remove the cover by unscrewing the front of the unit.
3. Mount the unit to an outside surface using the two mounting holes.
4. Connect the ODU-IDU cable using the RJ-45 jack.
5. Connect one cable between the ODU and the suppressor using an RJ-45
6. Connect the suppressor’s ground stud to a grounding point. Use the
appropriate wire gauge and type, keeping the wire as short as possible,
less than 1m (3’), between the stud and the site grounding point.
External Lightning Surge Suppressors and Grounding Appendix E
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 E-6
7. Replace the cover.
A second Surge Arrestor Unit should be mounted at the building entry point
and must be grounded, as shown in figure E-3 above.
To mount the lightning protection at the building entry point:
1. Mount the device outside the building, located as near as possible to the
entrance of the CAT-5e ODU-IDU cable. Mount the unit so that the cable
connectors are at the bottom (to prevent water from penetrating), with
the strain reliefs facing the ground.
2. Remove the cover by unscrewing the front of the unit.
3. Mount the unit to an outside surface using the two mounting holes.
4. Connect the ODU-IDU cable using the RJ-45 jack.
5. Connect one cable between the IDU and the suppressor using an RJ-45
6. Connect the suppressor’s ground stud to a grounding point. Use the
appropriate wire gauge and type, keeping the wire as short as possible,
less than 1m (3’), between the stud and the site grounding point.
7. Replace the cover
There may also be regulatory requirements to cross bond the ODU-IDU CAT-
5e cable at regular intervals up the mast. This may be as frequent as every
10 meters (33 feet).
Internal ESD Protection circuits Appendix E
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 E-7
Figure E-6: Surge Suppressor and grounding at building entry point
Internal ESD Protection circuits
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000™ is designed to meet the ETSI/FCC/Aus/NZ/CSA
EMC and Safety requirements. To fulfill these requirements, the system's
Telecom lines at the ODU/IDU are Transformer-isolated and include internal
ESD (Electro-Static-Discharge) Protection circuits.
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 F-1
Appendix F
FCC/IC DFS Installation
FCC/IC 5.4/5.3 GHz Links: Background
The FCC/IC regulation for 5.4/5.3 GHz allows unlicensed wireless data
equipment, provided that it does not interrupt radar services. If radar activ-
ity is detected, the equipment must automatically change frequency chan-
nel. This feature is termed Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS). According
to the standard, a channel with active radar is prohibited from use for 30
minutes. Before using a channel for transmission, the radio equipment must
probe it for radar signals for a period of 60 seconds.
RADWIN radio products support DFS as well as ACS.
An immediate consequence of the FCC/IC regulation for 5.4/5.3 GHz is that
the standard method of link installation using a single default fixed installa-
tion channel, cannot be used.
Instead of the installation procedure of Chapter 4, a link activation
method is used. The ODUs do not transmit until they are both configured
and in place. An activation button may be found by navigating to
Site:Location|Air Interface.
The FCC/IC regulations for 5.4 GHz band requires the frequency range
5600 – 5650 MHz to be banned from use. The FCC regulation for 5.4 GHz
band requires that within 35 km radius from any (Terminal Doppler
Weather Radars) TDWR location the frequency range 5570 – 5680 MHz
shall be banned from use.
Follow the instructions in the last section of this chapter.
FCC/IC 5.4/5.3 GHz Link Activation Appendix F
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 F-2
The ODUs are either supplied from the factory ready for use at 5.4 GHz or
5.3 GHz FCC/IC or alternatively, they can be set up for these bands using
the RADWIN Manager.
FCC/IC 5.4/5.3 GHz Link Activation
To Activate a FCC/IC 5.4/5.3 GHz Link:
1. Install RADWIN Manager software as usual.
2. Connect the PC to the IDU-ODU pair to be used as the local site.
3. Run the RADWIN Manager and log in as Installer. You will see the follow-
ing window:
Figure F-1: Activating an ODU - Inactive link
When the Manager Main Screen is displayed it appears with the Link Sta-
tus label red and showing Inactive.
4. Click Site:Location | Air Interface for the logged in site.
5. The Air Interface dialog box opens:
The following procedure is generic to all relevant RADWIN radio products.
What you see on your running RADWIN Manager may differ in some details
from the screen captures used to illustrate this chapter.
FCC/IC 5.4/5.3 GHz Link Activation Appendix F
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 F-3
Figure F-2: Air Interface dialog box
6. Enter the Link ID and note it for use with the second site of the link.
7. Check the Master radio button.
8. Click OK. The following window appears:
FCC/IC 5.4/5.3 GHz Link Activation Appendix F
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 F-4
Figure F-3: The local ODU after activation - Probing
Notice that the Link ID is shown in the Link details pane (circled).
9. Repeat the above procedure for the remote ODU, ensuring that in the Air
Interface window, that you enter exactly the same Link ID, but this time
that you check the Slave radio button.
If both ODUs are powered up, after a minute or so a link will be estab-
lished. If you are still connected to the remote site (from the previous
steps), the window of figure F-3 will look like this:
FCC/IC 5.4/5.3 GHz Link Configuration Appendix F
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 F-5
Figure F-4: Both sites activated and awaiting configuration
FCC/IC 5.4/5.3 GHz Link Configuration
The Configuration procedure may be carried out from either site using the
Configuration wizard as shown in Chapter 5.
The only difference is in the Channel Settings window:
Both sites in a FCC/IC 5.4/5.3 GHz Link must be configured
FCC/IC 5.4/5.3 GHz Link Configuration Appendix F
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 F-6
Figure F-5: Channel Select dialog box - ACS permanently enabled
Upon completion of the wizard, the Site configuration dialogs can be used in
the usual way. Once operational, the RADWIN Manager window is the same
as for other radio equipment models.
Here is the RADWIN Manager main window upon completion of the wizard:
ACS cannot be disabled.
FCC 5.4GHz Device Registration Appendix F
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 F-7
Figure F-6: FCC/IC 5.4/5.3 GHz operational
FCC 5.4GHz Device Registration
The FCC requires that devices installed within 35 km of any TDWR location
should be registered in the voluntary WISPA sponsored database.
The FCC has published a TDWR Location Information table that lists the
exact location of all TDWR towers (see table F-1 at the end of the chap-
1. When installing a 5.4 GHz device define your exact location (latitude and
2. Use the TDWR Location Information table to determine if the distance
between the device and any TDWR tower is less than 35 km.
3. If the distance is less than 35 km then register the device in the
voluntary WISPA sponsored database (following section)
4. Disable the frequencies between 5570 – 5680 MHz from the available
channels list.
5. The frequency range between 5.600 to 5.650 GHz is not included in the
available channels list.
Registering the Device Appendix F
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 F-8
Registering the Device
To register a device:
1. Enter the website http://www.spectrumbridge.com/udia/home.aspx and
follow the instructions.
At your first entry into the site, you will be required to register as a user:
2. Click the User Registration button to enter the registration page.
Registering the Device Appendix F
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 F-9
3. Fill in the registration page and click Register.
4. To complete device registration enter the Register Device tab as shown:
Registering the Device Appendix F
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 F-10
You are offered this:
5. Fill in the required information in the preceding web page and click the
Register Device button.
TDWR Table Appendix F
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 F-11
TDWR Table
The following table contains the latitude and longitude locations of Terminal
Doppler Weather Radars (TDWR). Use this table to determine if the Master
or Client device installed is within 35 km radius of a TDWR location. If one
of the installed devices is within 35 km radius of any TDWR location then
disable all frequencies between 5570 – 5680 MHz from the available chan-
nels list.
Table F-1: Latitude and longitude locations of TDWRs
(MSL) [ft]
AZ PHOENIX W 112 09 46 N 33 25 14 5610 MHz 1024 64
CO DENVER W 104 31 35 N 39 43 39 5615 MHz 5643 64
FL FT LAUDERDALE W 080 20 39 N 26 08 36 5645 MHz 7 113
FL MIAMI W 080 29 28 N 25 45 27 5605 MHz 10 113
FL ORLANDO W 081 19 33 N 28 20 37 5640 MHz 72 97
FL TAMPA W 082 31 04 N 27 51 35 5620 MHz 14 80
FL WEST PALM BEACH W 080 16 23 N 26 41 17 5615 MHz 20 113
GA ATLANTA W 084 15 44 N 33 38 48 5615 MHz 962 113
IL MCCOOK W 087 51 31 N 41 47 50 5615 MHz 646 97
IL CRESTWOOD W 087 43 47 N 41 39 05 5645 MHz 663 113
IN INDIANAPOLIS W 086 26 08 N 39 38 14 5605 MHz 751 97
KS WICHITA W 097 26 13 N 37 30 26 5603 MHz 1270 80
KY COVINGTON CINCINNATI W 084 34 48 N 38 53 53 5610 MHz 942 97
KY LOUISVILLE W 085 36 38 N 38 02 45 5646 MHz 617 113
LA NEW ORLEANS W 090 24 11 N 30 01 18 5645 MHz 2 97
MA BOSTON W 070 56 01 N 42 09 30 5610 MHz 151 113
MD BRANDYWINE W 076 50 42 N 38 41 43 5635 MHz 233 113
MD BENFIELD W 076 37 48 N 39 05 23 5645 MHz 184 113
MD CLINTON W 076 57 43 N 38 45 32 5615 MHz 249 97
MI DETROIT W 083 30 54 N 42 06 40 5615 MHz 656 113
MN MINNEAPOLIS W 092 55 58 N 44 52 17 5610 MHz 1040 80
MO KANSAS CITY W 094 44 31 N 39 29 55 5605 MHz 1040 64
MO SAINT LOUIS W 090 29 21 N 38 48 20 5610 MHz 551 97
MS DESOTO COUNTY W 089 59 33 N 34 53 45 5610 MHz 371 113
NC CHARLOTTE W 080 53 06 N 35 20 14 5608 MHz 757 113
NC RALEIGH DURHAM W 078 41 50 N 36 00 07 5647 MHz 400 113
NJ WOODBRIDGE W 074 16 13 N 40 35 37 5620 MHz 19 113
NJ PENNSAUKEN W 075 04 12 N 39 56 57 5610 MHz 39 113
TDWR Table Appendix F
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 F-12
NV LAS VEGAS W 115 00 26 N 36 08 37 5645 MHz 1995 64
NY FLOYD BENNETT FIELD W 073 52 49 N 40 35 20 5647 MHz 8 97
OH DAYTON W 084 07 23 N 40 01 19 5640 MHz 922 97
OH CLEVELAND W 082 00 28 N 41 17 23 5645 MHz 817 113
OH COLUMBUS W 082 42 55 N 40 00 20 5605 MHz 1037 113
OK AERO. CTR TDWR #1 W 097 37 31 N 35 24 19 5610 MHz 1285 80
OK AERO. CTR TDWR #2 W 097 37 43 N 35 23 34 5620 MHz 1293 97
OK TULSA W 095 49 34 N 36 04 14 5605 MHz 712 113
OK OKLAHOMA CITY W 097 30 36 N 35 16 34 5603 MHz 1195 64
PA HANOVER W 080 29 10 N 40 30 05 5615 MHz 1266 113
PR SAN JUAN W 066 10 46 N 18 28 26 5610 MHz 59 113
TN NASHVILLE W 086 39 42 N 35 58 47 5605 MHz 722 97
TX HOUSTON INTERCONTL W 095 34 01 N 30 03 54 5605 MHz 154 97
TX PEARLAND W 095 14 30 N 29 30 59 5645 MHz 36 80
TX DALLAS LOVE FIELD W 096 58 06 N 32 55 33 5608 MHz 541 80
TX LEWISVILLE DFW W 096 55 05 N 33 03 53 5640 MHz 554 31
UT SALT LAKE CITY W 111 55 47 N 40 58 02 5610 MHz 4219 80
VA LEESBURG W 077 31 46 N 39 05 02 5605 MHz 361 113
WI MILWAUKEE W 088 02 47 N 42 49 10 5603 MHz 820 113
Table F-1: Latitude and longitude locations of TDWRs (Continued)
(MSL) [ft]
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-1
Appendix G
MIB Reference
About the MIB
The RADWIN MIB is a set of APIs that enables external applications to con-
trol RADWIN equipment.
The MIB is divided into public and a private API groups:
Public: RFC-1213 (MIB II) variables, RFC-1214 (MIB II) System and
Interfaces sections
Private: Controlled by RADWIN and supplements the public group.
This appendix describes the public and private MIB used by RADWIN.
The following terms are used in this appendix.
In addition, the MIB uses internally, the older notions of Local site and
Remote site where this manual would use site A and site B.
To avoid burdening the reader, this appendix will follow the MIB usage.
Interface API
Control Method
The RADWIN Manager application provides all the means to configure and
monitor a RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 link, communicating with the SNMP
agent in each ODU. Each SNMP agent contains data on each of the IDUs
Term Meaning
MIB Management Information Base
API Application Programming Interface
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
Community String Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-2
and ODUs in the link. Both agents communicate with each other over the air
using a proprietary protocol.
To control and configure the device using the MIB, you should adhere to the
following rules:
The connection for control and configuration is to the local site, over
any SNMP/UDP/IP network.
All Parameters should be consistent between both of the ODUs. Note
that inconsistency of air parameters can break the air connection. To
correct air parameters inconsistency you must reconfigure each of
the ODUs.
Common practice is to configure the remote site first and then to
configure the local site.
For some of the configuration parameters additional action must be
taken before the new value is loaded. Please refer to the operation
in the parameters description.
Some of the MIB parameters values are product dependent. It is
strongly recommend using the RADWIN Manager Application for
changing these values. Setting wrong values may cause indetermi-
nate results.
Community String
To control a link, all SNMP requests should go to the local site IP address.
The RADWIN Manager uses the Read Community strings
for the
local ODU and
for the remote ODU. It uses Write Commu-
nity strings
for the local ODU and
for the
remote ODU. These are the factory defaults.
Private MIB Structure
The sections in the private RADWIN MIB and its location in the MIB tree are
shown in figure G-1 below:
Each ODU has a single MAC address and a single IP address.
Private MIB Structure Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-3
Figure G-1: Top Level Sections of the private MIB
The products MIB section contains the definition of the Object IDs for the
two form factors of the ODU, Integrated Antenna and Connectorized
(referred in the MIB as external antenna):
The ODU MIB contains the sections: Admin, Service, Ethernet, Bridge, Air,
PerfMon and Agent.
The IDU MIB contains the sections: Admin, Service, Ethernet, Bridge and
The general MIB include a single generic parameter that is used by all traps
as a trap description parameter.
MIB Parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-4
MIB Parameters
The following section describes all of the MIB parameters. The MIB parame-
ters follow the following naming convention:
<winlink1000><Section 1>...<Section n><Parameter Name>
For each of the configuration and control parameters (parameters with
read-write access), the “Description” column describes when the new value
is effective. It is recommended that you perform the appropriate action to
make the values affective immediately after any change. Where a change is
required on both sides of the link, it is recommended that you change both
sides of the link first and then perform the action.
Supported Variables from the RFC 1213 MIB
Table G-1: Supported RFC 1213 Variables (Sheet 1 of 2)
Name OID Type
ifIndex . RO A unique value for each interface.Its value ranges
between 1 and the value of ifNumber.The value for
each interface must remain constant at least from
one re-initialization of the entity's network
management system to the next re-initialization.
ifDescr . DisplayString RO A textual string containing information about the
interface.This string should include the name of
the manufacturer, the product name and the
version of the hardware interface.
ifType . Integer RO The type of interface, distinguished according to
the physical/link protocol(s) immediately `below'
the network layer in the protocol stack.
ifSpeed . Gauge RO An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in
bits per second.For interfaces which do not vary in
bandwidth or for those where no accurate
estimation can be made, this object should ontain
the nominal bandwidth.
ifPhysAddress . Phys-Address RO The interface's address at the protocol layer
immediately `below' the network layer in the
protocol stack. For interfaces which do not have
such an address (e.g., a serial line), this object
should contain an octet string of zero length.
ifAdminStatus . Integer RW The desired state of the interface. The testing(3)
state indicates that no operational packets can be
ifOperStatus . Integer RO The current operational state of the interface. The
testing(3) state indicates that no operational
packets can be passed.
ifInOctets . Counter RO The total number of octets received on the
interface, including framing characters.
ifInUcastPkts . Counter RO The number of subnetwork-unicast packets
delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
ifInNUcastPkts . Counter RO The number of non-unicast (i.e., subnetwork-
broadcast or subnetwork-multicast) packets
delivered to a higher-layer protocol.
MIB Parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-5
MIB Parameters
ifInErrors . Counter RO The number of inbound packets that contained
errors preventing them from being deliverable to a
higher-layer protocol.
ifOutOctets . Counter RO The total number of octets transmitted out of the
interface, including framing characters.
ifOutUcastPkts . Counter RO The total number of packets that higher-level
protocols requested be transmitted to a
subnetwork-unicast address, including those that
were discarded or not sent.
ifOutNUcastPkts . Counter RO The total number of packets that higher-level
protocols requested be transmitted to a non-
unicast (i.e., a subnetwork-broadcast or
subnetwork-multicast) address, including those
that were discarded or not sent.
a. x is the interface ID
Table G-2: Private MIB Parameters (Sheet 1 of 14)
Name OID Type
winlink1000OduAdmProductType DisplayString RO ODU configuration description.
winlink1000OduAdmHwRev DisplayString RO ODU Hardware Version.
winlink1000OduAdmSwRev DisplayString RO ODU Software Version.
winlink1000OduAdmLinkName DisplayString RW Link Name. A change is effective immediately.
winlink1000OduAdmResetCmd Integer RW Reset Command. A set command with a value of 3
will cause a device reset. The read value is always
winlink1000OduAdmAddres IpAddress RW ODU IP address. A change is effective after reset.
The parameter is kept for backward compatibility.
Using the alternative parameter:
winlink1000OduAdmIpParamsCnfg is
winlink1000OduAdmMask IpAddress RW ODU Subnet Mask. A change is effective after
reset. The parameter is kept for backward
compatibility. Using the alternative parameter:
winlink1000OduAdmIpParamsCnfg is
winlink1000OduAdmGateway IpAddress RW ODU default gateway. A change is effective after
reset. The parameter is kept for backward
compatibility. Using the alternative parameter:
winlink1000OduAdmIpParamsCnfg is
winlink1000OduAdmBroadcast Integer RW This parameter is reserved for the Manager
application provided with the product.
winlink1000OduAdmHostsTable N/A Trap destinations table. Each trap destination is
defined by an IP address and a UDP port. Up to 10
addresses can be configured.
winlink1000OduAdmHostsEntry N/A Trap destinations table entry.
winlink1000OduAdmHostsIndex RO Trap destinations table index.
winlink1000OduAdmHostsIp IpAddress RW Trap destination IP address. A change is effective
Table G-1: Supported RFC 1213 Variables (Sheet 2 of 2)
Name OID Type
MIB Parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-6
winlink1000OduAdmHostsPort Integer RW UDP port of the trap destination. A change is
effective immediately.
winlink1000OduBuzzerAdminState Integer RW This parameter controls the activation of the
buzzer while the unit is in install mode. A change is
effective immediately. The valid values are:
disabled (0) enabled (1).
winlink1000OduProductId DisplayString RO This parameter is reserved for the Manager
application provided with the product.
winlink1000OduReadCommunity DisplayString RW Read Community String. This parameter always
returns ***** when retrieving its value. It is used by
the Manager application to change the Read
Community String. The SNMP agent accepts only
encrypted values.
winlink1000OduReadWriteCommunity DisplayString RW Read/Write Community String. This parameter
always returns ***** when retrieving its value. It is
used by the Manager application to change the
Read/Write Community String. The SNMP agent
accepts only encrypted values.
winlink1000OduTrapCommunity DisplayString RW Trap Community String. This parameter is used by
the Manager application to change the Trap
Community String. The SNMP agent accepts only
encrypted values.
winlink1000OduAdmSnmpAgentVersion Integer RO Major version of the SNMP agent.
winlink1000OduAdmRemoteSiteName DisplayString RO Remote site name. Returns the same value as
sysLocation parameter of the remote site.
rsion Integer RO Minor version of the SNMP agent.
winlink1000OduAdmLinkPassword DisplayString RW Link Password. This parameter always returns
***** when retrieving its value. It is used by the
Manager application to change the Link Password.
The SNMP agent accepts only encrypted values.
winlink1000OduAdmSiteLinkPassword DisplayString RW Site Link Password. This parameter always returns
***** when retrieving its value. It is used by the
Manager application to change the Link Password
of the site. The SNMP agent accepts only
encrypted values.
winlink1000OduAdmDefaultPassword Integer RO This parameter indicates if the current Link
Password is the default password.
winlink1000OduAdmConnectionType Integer RO This parameter indicates if the Manager
application is connected to the local ODU or to the
remote ODU over the air. A value of 'unknown'
indicates community string mismatch.
ngsCmd Integer RW Back to factory settings Command. A change is
effective after reset. The read value is always 0.
winlink1000OduAdmIpParamsCnfg DisplayString RW ODU IP address Configuration. The format is:
winlink1000OduAdmVlanID Integer RW VLAN ID. Valid values are 1 to 4094. Initial value is
0 meaning VLAN unaware.
winlink1000OduAdmVlanPriority Integer RW VLAN Priority. 0 is lowest priority 7 is highest
winlink1000OduAdmSN DisplayString RO IDU Serial Number
winlink1000OduSrvMode Integer RW System mode. The only value that can be set is
installMode; normalMode reserved to the Manager
application provided with the product. A change is
effective after link re-synchronization.
Table G-2: Private MIB Parameters (Sheet 2 of 14)
Name OID Type
MIB Parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-7
winlink1000OduSrvBridging Integer RO Bridging Mode. Valid values are: disabled (0)
enabled (1).
winlink1000OduEthernetRemainingRate Integer RO Current Ethernet bandwidth in bps.
winlink1000OduEthernetIfTable N/A ODU Ethernet Interface table.
winlink1000OduEthernetIfEntry N/A ODU Ethernet Interface table entry.
winlink1000OduEthernetIfIndex Integer RO ODU Ethernet Interface Index.
winlink1000OduEthernetIfAddress DisplayString RO ODU MAC address.
winlink1000OduEthernetIfAdminStatus Integer RW Required state of the interface.
winlink1000OduEthernetIfOperStatus Integer RO Current operational state of the interface.
winlink1000OduEthernetIfFailAction Integer RW Failure action of the interface.
winlink1000OduEthernetNumOfPorts Integer RO Number of ODU network interfaces.
winlink1000OduBridgeBasePortTable N/A ODU Bridge Ports table.
winlink1000OduBridgeBasePortEntry N/A ODU Bridge Ports table entry.
winlink1000OduBridgeBasePortIndex RO ODU Bridge Port Number.
winlink1000OduBridgeBaseIfIndex RO IfIndex corresponding to ODU Bridge port.
winlink1000OduBridgeTpMode Integer RW ODU bridge mode. A change is effective after
reset. Valid values: hubMode (0) bridgeMode (1).
winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortTable N/A ODU Transparent Bridge Ports table.
winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortEntry N/A ODU Transparent Bridge Ports table entry.
winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortIndex RO ODU Transparent Bridge Port Number.
winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortInFrames Counter RO Number of frames received by this port.
winlink1000OduBridgeTpPortOutFrames Counter RO Number of frames transmitted by this port.
Counter RO Number of bytes received by this port.
Counter RO Number of bytes transmitted by this port.
winlink1000OduAirFreq Integer RW Installation Center Frequency. Valid values are
product dependent. A change is effective after link
winlink1000OduAirDesiredRate Integer RW Deprecated parameter actual behavior is read-
only. Required Air Rate. For Channel Bandwidth of
20 10 5 MHz divide the value by 1 2 4 respectively.
winlink1000OduAirSSID DisplayString RW Reserved for the Manager application provided
with the product.
winlink1000OduAirTxPower Integer RW Required Transmit power in dBm . This is a
nominal value while the actual transmit power
includes additional attenuation. The min and max
values are product specific. A change is effective
winlink1000OduAirSesState Integer RO Current Link State. The value is active (3) during
normal operation.
winlink1000OduAirMstrSlv Integer RO This parameter indicates if the device was
automatically selected into the radio link master or
slave. The value is undefined if there is no link.
winlink1000OduAirResync Integer RW Setting this parameter to 1 will cause the link to
restart the synchronization process.
winlink1000OduAirRxPower Integer RO Received Signal Strength in dBm.
winlink1000OduAirTotalFrames Counter RO Total Number of received radio frames.
winlink1000OduAirBadFrames Counter RO Total number of received radio frames with CRC
winlink1000OduAirCurrentRate Integer RO Deprecated parameter. Actual rate of the air
interface in Mbps. For Channel Bandwidth of 20 10
5 MHz divide the value by 1 2 4 respectively.
Table G-2: Private MIB Parameters (Sheet 3 of 14)
Name OID Type
MIB Parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-8
winlink1000OduAirCurrentRateIdx Integer RO Index of current air rate.
winlink1000OduAirTxPower36 Integer RW Deprecated parameter. Actual behavior is read-
winlink1000OduAirTxPower48 Integer RW Deprecated parameter. Actual behavior is read-
winlink1000OduAirCurrentTxPower Integer RO Current Transmit Power in dBm. This is a nominal
value while the actual transmit power includes
additional attenuation.
winlink1000OduAirMinFrequency Integer RO Minimum center frequency in MHz.
winlink1000OduAirMaxFrequency Integer RO Maximum center frequency in MHz.
winlink1000OduAirFreqResolution Integer RO Center Frequency resolution. Measured in MHz if
value < 100 otherwise in KHz.
winlink1000OduAirCurrentFreq Integer RO Current Center Frequency. Measured in MHz if
center frequency resolution value < 100 otherwise
in KHz.
winlink1000OduAirNumberOfChannels Integer RO Number of channels that can be used.
winlink1000OduAirChannelsTable N/A Table of channels used by automatic channels
selection (ACS).
winlink1000OduAirChannelsEntry N/A ACS channels table entry.
winlink1000OduAirChannelsIndex Integer RO Channel Index.
winlink1000OduAirChannelsFrequency Integer RO Channel frequency in MHz.
winlink1000OduAirChannelsOperState Integer RW Channel state. Can be set by the user. Automatic
Channel Selection uses channels that are
AirChannelsOperState enabled and
AirChannelsAvail enabled. A change is effective
after link re-synchronization. Valid values: disabled
(0) enabled (1).
winlink1000OduAirChannelsAvail Integer RO Channel state. Product specific and cannot be
changed by the user. Automatic Channel Selection
uses channels that are AirChannelsOperState
enabled and AirChannelsAvail enabled. Valid
values: disabled (0) enabled (1).
winlink1000OduAirDfsState Integer RO Radar detection state. Valid values: disabled (0)
enabled (1).
State Integer RO Deprecated parameter. Indicating Automatic
Channel Selection availability at current channel
bandwidth. Valid values: disabled (0) enabled (1).
winlink1000OduAirEnableTxPower Integer RO Indicating Transmit power configuration enabled or
winlink1000OduAirMinTxPower Integer RO Minimum Transmit power in dBm.
winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPowerTable N/A Table of Maximum transmit power per air rate in
winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPowerEntry N/A Maximum Transmit power table entry.
winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPowerIndex Integer RO Air interface rate index.
winlink1000OduAirMaxTxPower Integer RO Maximum Transmit power in dBm.
winlink1000OduAirChannelBandwidth Integer RW Channel bandwidth in KHz. A change is effective
after reset.
winlink1000OduAirChannelBWTable N/A Channel Bandwidths table.
winlink1000OduAirChannelBWEntry N/A Channel Bandwidth table entry.
winlink1000OduAirChannelBWIndex Integer RO Channel Bandwidth index.
winlink1000OduAirChannelBWAvail Integer RO Channel Bandwidth availability product specific.
Options are: Not supported supported with manual
channel selection supported with Automatic
Channel Selection.
Table G-2: Private MIB Parameters (Sheet 4 of 14)
Name OID Type
MIB Parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-9
winlink1000OduAirRFD Integer RO Current radio frame duration in microseconds.
winlink1000OduAirRatesTable N/A Air Rate indexes table for current channel
winlink1000OduAirRatesEntry N/A Air Rate indexes table entry.
winlink1000OduAirRatesIndex Integer RO Air Rate index.
winlink1000OduAirRatesAvail Integer RO Air Rate availability depending on air interface
winlink1000OduAirDesiredRateIdx Integer RW Required Air Rate index. 0 reserved for Adaptive
Rate. A change is effective immediately after Set
operation to the master side while the link is up.
winlink1000OduAirLinkDistance Integer RO Link distance in meters. A value of -1 indicates an
illegal value and is also used when a link is not
winlink1000OduAirLinkWorkingMode Integer RO Link working mode as a result of comparing
versions of both sides of the link. Possible modes
are: Unknown - no link Normal - versions on both
sides are identical with full compatibility with
restricted compatibility or versions on both sides
are different with software upgrade or versions
winlink1000OduAirMajorLinkIfVersion Integer RO Major link interface version
winlink1000OduAirMinorLinkIfVersion Integer RO Minor link interface version
winlink1000OduAirHssDesiredOpState Integer RW Required Hub Site Synchronization operating
winlink1000OduAirHssCurrentOpState Integer RO Current Hub Site Synchronization operating state.
winlink1000OduAirHssSyncStatus Integer RO Hub Site Synchronization sync status.
winlink1000OduAirHssExtPulseStatus Integer RO Hub Site Synchronization external pulse detection
winlink1000OduAirHssExtPulseType Integer RO Hub Site Synchronization external pulse type.
ype Integer RW Hub Site Synchronization required external pulse
type. Valid values for read write: {typeA(2)
typeB(3) typeC(4) typeD(5)}. Valid value for read
only: {notApplicable(1)}.
winlink1000OduAirHssRfpTable N/A ODU Radio Frame Patterns (RFP) Table.
winlink1000OduAirHssRfpEntry N/A ODU RFP Table entry.
winlink1000OduAirHssRfpIndex Integer RO ODU RFP Table index. The index represent the
Radio Frame Pattern: typeA(2) typeB(3) typeC(4)
W5MHz Integer RO Represents the compatibility of Ethernet service
under Channel BW of 5MHz in the specific Radio
Frame Pattern.
W5MHz Integer RO Represents the compatibility of TDM service under
Channel BW of 5MHz in the specific Radio Frame
W10MHz Integer RO Represents the compatibility of Ethernet service
under Channel BW of 10MHz in the specific Radio
Frame Pattern.
W10MHz Integer RO Represents the compatibility of TDM service under
Channel BW of 10MHz in the specific Radio Frame
W20MHz Integer RO Represents the compatibility of Ethernet service
under Channel BW of 20MHz in the specific Radio
Frame Pattern.
W20MHz Integer RO Represents the compatibility of TDM service under
Channel BW of 20MHz in the specific Radio Frame
Table G-2: Private MIB Parameters (Sheet 5 of 14)
Name OID Type
MIB Parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-10
winlink1000OduAirLockRemote Integer RW This parameter enables locking the link with a
specific ODU. The following values can be set:
Unlock (default) - The ODU is not locked on a
specific remote ODU. Unlock can only be
performed when the link is not connected. Lock -
The ODU is locked on a specific remote ODU.
Lock can only be performed when the link is
winlink1000OduAirAntennaGain Integer RW Current Antenna Gain in 0.1 dBi resolution. User
defined value in case of external antenna. Legal
winlink1000OduAirFeederLoss Integer RW Current Feeder Loss in 0.1 dBm resolution. User
defined value in case of external antenna.
winlink1000OduAirMaxAntennaGain Integer RO Maximum allowed Antenna Gain in 0.1 dBi
winlink1000OduAirMinAntennaGain Integer RO Minimum allowed Antenna Gain in 0.1 dBi
winlink1000OduAirMaxEIRP Integer RO Maximum EIRP value as defined by regulation in
0.1 dBm resolution.
pport Integer RO Antenna Gain Configurability options are product
specific: supported not supported.
winlink1000OduAirAntennaType Integer RW External Antenna Type: Monopolar or Bipolar.
winlink1000OduAirRssBalance Integer RO RSS balance. Relation between RSS in radio 1
and RSS in radio 2.
winlink1000OduAirTotalTxPower Integer RO Total Transmit Power in dBm. This is a nominal
value While the actual transmit power includes
additional attenuation.
winlink1000OduPerfMonCurrTable N/A This table defines/keeps the counters of the
current 15 min interval.
winlink1000OduPerfMonCurrEntry N/A This is an entry in the Current Interval Table.
winlink1000OduPerfMonCurrUAS Gauge RO The current number of Unavailable Seconds
starting from the present 15 minutes period.
winlink1000OduPerfMonCurrES Gauge RO Current number of Errored Seconds starting from
the present 15 minutes period.
winlink1000OduPerfMonCurrSES Gauge RO Current number of Severely Errored Seconds
starting from the present 15 minutes period.
winlink1000OduPerfMonCurrBBE Gauge RO Current number of Background Block Errors
starting from the present 15 minutes period.
winlink1000OduPerfMonCurrIntegrity Integer RO Indicates the integrity of the entry.
winlink1000OduPerfMonIntervalTable N/A This table defines/keeps the counters of the
current 15 min interval.
winlink1000OduPerfMonIntervalEntry N/A This is an entry in the Interval Table.
winlink1000OduPerfMonIntervalIdx RO This table is indexed per interval number. Each
interval is of 15 minutes and the oldest is 96.
winlink1000OduPerfMonIntervalUAS RO The current number of Unavailable Seconds per
winlink1000OduPerfMonIntervalES RO Current number of Errored Seconds per interval.
winlink1000OduPerfMonIntervalSES RO Current number of Severely Errored Seconds per
winlink1000OduPerfMonIntervalBBE RO Current number of Background Block Errors per
winlink1000OduPerfMonIntervalIntegrity RO Indicates the integrity of the entry per interval.
Table G-2: Private MIB Parameters (Sheet 6 of 14)
Name OID Type
MIB Parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-11
winlink1000OduPerfMonDayTable N/A This table defines/keeps the counters of the
current 15 min interval.
winlink1000OduPerfMonDayEntry N/A This is an entry in the Days Table.
winlink1000OduPerfMonDayIdx RO This table is indexed per interval number. Each
interval is of 24 hours and the oldest is 30.
winlink1000OduPerfMonDayUAS RO The current number of Unavailable Seconds per
interval of 24 hours.
winlink1000OduPerfMonDayES RO Current number of Errored Seconds per interval of
24 hours.
winlink1000OduPerfMonDaySES RO Current number of Severely Errored Seconds per
interval of 24 hours.
winlink1000OduPerfMonDayBBE RO Current number of Background Block Errors per
interval of 24 hours.
winlink1000OduPerfMonDayIntegrity RO Indicates the integrity of the entry per interval of 24
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirCurrTable N/A This table defines/keeps the counters of the
current 15 min interval.
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirCurrEntry N/A This is an entry in the Current Interval Table.
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirCurrMinRSL Integer RO Current Min Received Level Reference starting
from the present 15 minutes period.
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirCurrMaxRSL Integer RO Current Max Received Level Reference starting
from the present 15 minutes period.
sh1Exceed Gauge RO Number of seconds Receive Signal Level
exceeded the RSL1 threshold in the last 15
sh2Exceed Gauge RO Number of seconds Receive Signal Level
exceeded the RSL2 threshold in the last 15
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirCurrMinTSL Integer RO Current Min Transmit Signal Level starting from
the present 15 minutes period.
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirCurrMaxTSL Integer RO Current Max Transmit Signal Level starting from
the present 15 minutes period.
sh1Exceed Gauge RO Number of seconds Transmit Signal Level
exceeded the TSL1 threshold in the last 15
esh1Exceed Gauge RO Number of seconds Background Block Error Ratio
exceeded the BBER1 threshold in the last 15
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirIntervalTable N/A This table defines/keeps the counters of the
current 15 min interval.
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirIntervalEntry N/A This is an entry in the Interval Table.
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirIntervalIdx RO This table is indexed per interval number. Each
interval is of 15 minutes and the oldest is 96.
RO Current Min Received Level Reference per
RO Current Max Received Level Reference per
RO Number of seconds Receive Signal Level
exceeded the RSL1 threshold per interval.
Number of seconds Receive Signal Level
exceeded the RSL2 threshold ACCESS read-only
per interval.
RO Current Min Transmit Signal Level per interval.
Table G-2: Private MIB Parameters (Sheet 7 of 14)
Name OID Type
MIB Parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-12
RO Current Max Transmit Signal Level per interval.
RO Number of seconds Transmit Signal Level
exceeded the TSL1 threshold per interval.
RO Number of seconds Background Block Error Ratio
exceeded the BBER1 threshold per interval.
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirDayTable N/A This table defines/keeps the counters of the
current 15 min interval.
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirDayEntry N/A This is an entry in the Days Table.
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirDayIdx RO This table is indexed per Day number. Each Day is
of 15 minutes and the oldest is 96.
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirDayMinRSL RO Current Min Received Level Reference per Day.
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirDayMaxRSL RO Current Max Received Level Reference per Day.
RO Number of seconds Receive Signal Level
exceeded the RSL1 threshold per Day.
RO Number of seconds Receive Signal Level
exceeded the RSL2 threshold per Day.
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirDayMinTSL RO Current Min Transmit Signal Level per Day.
winlink1000OduPerfMonAirDayMaxTSL RO Current Max Transmit Signal Level per Day.
RO Number of seconds Transmit Signal Level
exceeded the TSL1 threshold per Day.
RO Number of seconds Background Block Error Ratio
exceeded the BBER1 threshold per Day.
winlink1000OduPerfMonEthCurrTable N/A This table defines/keeps the counters of the
current 15 min interval.
winlink1000OduPerfMonEthCurrEntry N/A This is an entry in the Current Interval Table.
s Gauge RO Current RX Mega Bytes starting from the present
15 minutes period.
s Gauge RO Current Transmit Mega Bytes starting from the
present 15 minutes period.
winlink1000OduPerfMonEthIntervalTable N/A This table defines/keeps the counters of the
current 15 min interval.
winlink1000OduPerfMonEthIntervalEntry N/A This is an entry in the Interval Table.
winlink1000OduPerfMonEthIntervalIdx RO This table is indexed per interval number. Each
interval is of 15 minutes and the oldest is 96.
RO Current RX Mega Bytes per interval.
RO Current Transmit Mega Bytes per interval.
winlink1000OduPerfMonEthDayTable N/A This table defines/keeps the counters of the
current 15 min interval.
winlink1000OduPerfMonEthDayEntry N/A This is an entry in the Days Table.
winlink1000OduPerfMonEthDayIdx RO This table is indexed per Day number. Each Day is
of 15 minutes and the oldest is 96.
RO Current RX Mega Bytes per day.
RO Current Transmit Mega Bytes per day.
winlink1000OduPerfMonTdmCurrTable N/A This table defines/keeps the counters of the
current 15 min interval.
winlink1000OduPerfMonTdmCurrEntry N/A This is an entry in the Current Interval Table.
Table G-2: Private MIB Parameters (Sheet 8 of 14)
Name OID Type
MIB Parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-13
RO Parameter indicating whether the TDM service
was active. Under TDM backup link the parameter
indicates whether the backup link was active.
N/A This table defines/keeps the counters of the
current 15 min interval.
N/A This is an entry in the Interval Table.
winlink1000OduPerfMonTdmIntervalIdx RO This table is indexed per interval number. Each
interval is of 15 minutes and the oldest is 96.
RO Parameter indicating whether the TDM service
was active. Under TDM backup link the parameter
indicates whether the backup link was active.
winlink1000OduPerfMonTdmDayTable N/A This table defines/keeps the counters of the
current 15 min interval.
winlink1000OduPerfMonTdmDayEntry N/A This is an entry in the Days Table.
winlink1000OduPerfMonTdmDayIdx RO This table is indexed per Day number. Each Day is
of 15 minutes and the oldest is 96.
RO Parameter indicating whether the TDM service
was active. Under TDM backup link the parameter
indicates whether the backup link was active.
winlink1000OduPerfMonTxThresh1 Integer RW When the Transmit power exceeds this threshold a
performance monitoring TSL1 counter is
winlink1000OduPerfMonRxThresh1 Integer RW When the RX power exceeds this threshold a
performance monitoring RSL1 counter is
winlink1000OduPerfMonRxThresh2 Integer RW When the RX power exceeds this threshold a
performance monitoring RSL2 counter is
winlink1000OduPerfMonBBERThresh1 Integer RW When the BBER exceeds this threshold a
performance monitoring BBER counter is
incremented. The units are 1/10 of a percent.
winlink1000OduAgnGenAddTrapExt Integer RW If 'yes' is chosen the ifIndex Unit Severity Time_T
and Alarm Id from the
winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTable will be bind to
the end of each private trap.
P IpAddress RW IP address of the server from which the current
time is loaded.
omUTC Integer RW Offset from Coordinated Universal Time (minutes).
Possible values: -1440..1440.
Table G-2: Private MIB Parameters (Sheet 9 of 14)
Name OID Type
MIB Parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-14
winlink1000OduAgnRealTimeAndDate OctetString RW This parameter specifies the real time and date
A date-time specification:
field octets contents range
------ ------- ----------- --------
1 1-2 year 0..65536
2 3 month 1..12
3 4 day 1.. 31
4 5 hour 0..23
5 6 minutes 0..59
6 7 seconds 0..60
(use 60 for leap-second)
7 8 deci-seconds 0..9
For example Tuesday May 26 1992 at 1:30:15
PM EDT would be displayed as:
07 c8 05 1a 0d 1e 0f 00
( 1992 -5 -26 13:30:15 )
e Integer RO This counter is initialized to 0 after a device reset
and is incremented upon each change in the
winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTable (either an
addition or removal of an entry).
winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTable N/A This table includes the currently active alarms.
When a RAISED trap is sent an alarm entry is
added to the table. When a CLEAR trap is sent the
entry is removed.
winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmEntry N/A Entry containing the details of a currently RAISED
winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmCounter RO A running counter of active alarms. The counter is
incremented for every new RAISED trap. It is
cleared after a device reset.
winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmSeverity RO Current Alarm severity.
winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmId RO Unique Alarm Identifier (combines alarm type and
interface). The same AlarmId is used for RAISED
and CLEARED alarms.
winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmIfIndex RO Interface Index where the alarm occurred. Alarms
that are not associated with a specific interface will
have the following value: 65535.
winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmUnit RO Unit associated with the alarm.
winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTrapID RO ID of the raised trap that was sent when this alarm
was raised.
winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmTimeT RO Timestamp of this alarm. This number is in
seconds from Midnight January 1st 1970.
winlink1000OduAgnCurrAlarmText RO Alarm display text (same as the text in the sent
winlink1000IduAdmProductType DisplayString RO IDU configuration description.
winlink1000IduAdmHwRev DisplayString RO IDU Hardware Revision.
winlink1000IduAdmSwRev DisplayString RO IDU Software Revision.
mIn Integer RO Indicates the number of currently available
External Alarm Inputs.
winlink1000OduAdmExternAlarmInTable N/A This is the External Alarm Inputs table.
winlink1000OduAdmExternAlarmInEntry N/A Entry containing the elements of a single External
Alarm Input.
Table G-2: Private MIB Parameters (Sheet 10 of 14)
Name OID Type
MIB Parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-15
winlink1000OduAdmExternAlarmInIndex Integer RO This value indicates the index of the External
Alarm Input entry.
winlink1000OduAdmExternAlarmInText DisplayString RW This field describes the External Alarm Input. It is
an optional string of no more than 64 characters
which will be used in the event being sent as a
result of a change in the status of the External
Alarm Input. DEFVAL {Alarm Description}
State Integer RW This value indicates if this External Alarm Input is
enabled or disabled.
winlink1000OduAdmExternAlarmInStatus Integer RO This value indicates the current status of the
External Alarm Input.
winlink1000IduAdmSN DisplayString RO Idu Serial Number
winlink1000IduSrvDesiredTrunks Integer RW Required trunks bitmap. Note that the number of
possible trunks that can be configured may vary
based on the IDU hardware configuration the
selected air interface rate and the range of the
installation. The provided Manager application
enables the user to select only available
configurations. A change is effective immediately if
applied to a master unit and the link is in service
winlink1000IduSrvServices ObjectID RO This parameter is reserved to the Manager
application provided with the product.
winlink1000IduSrvActiveTrunks Integer RO A bitmap describing the currently open TDM
winlink1000IduSrvAvailableTrunks Integer RO A bitmap describing the number of TDM trunks
that can be opened in the current configuration.
The values take into account the IDU hardware
configuration the air rate and the installation range.
winlink1000IduSrvPossibleServicesTable N/A IDU Possible Services table.
winlink1000IduSrvPossibleServicesEntry N/A IDU Services table entry.
winlink1000IduSrvPossibleServicesIndex Integer RO Table index Rate index of the air interface.
winlink1000IduSrvPossibleTdmServices Integer RO Deprecated parameter. A bitmap describing the
TDM trunks that can be opened in the
corresponding Air Rate.
winlink1000IduSrvPossibleEthServices Integer RO Deprecated parameter. This parameter describes
if the Ethernet Service can be opened in the
corresponding Air Rate. The valid values are:
disabled (0) enabled (1).
winlink1000IduSrvRemainingRate Integer RO Current Ethernet bandwidth in bps per air rate.
winlink1000IduSrvTrunkCost Integer RO Cost of the TDM Service in bps.
winlink1000IduSrvAvailServicesTable N/A ODU Possible TDM Services table.
winlink1000IduSrvAvailServicesEntry N/A ODU TDM Services table entry.
winlink1000IduSrvAvailServicesIndex Integer RO Table index. The index is the bit mask of the TDM
winlink1000IduSrvAvailServicesState Integer RO Represents the TDM service availability.
dx Integer RO Minimum rate index of the air interface which make
the service possible.
dx Integer RO Maximum rate index of the air interface which
make the service possible.
Table G-2: Private MIB Parameters (Sheet 11 of 14)
Name OID Type
MIB Parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-16
winlink1000IduSrvAvailServicesReason Integer RO Information about the TDM Service availability. -
Not Applicable if the service is available. The
reasons for TDM Service unavailability: - The
available throughput isn't sufficient for Service
demands; - The IDU HW doesn't support the
service; - A Link Password mismatch was
detected; - The external pulse type detected is
improper for TDM services; - A Software versions
mismatch was detected.
winlink1000IduSrvEthActive Integer RO Represents the Ethernet service activation state.
winlink1000IduSrvEthAvailable Integer RO Represents the Ethernet service availability state.
winlink1000IduSrvEthThroughput Gauge RO Current available Ethernet service throughput in
winlink1000IduSrvEthMaxInfoRate Integer RW Holds the maximum bandwidth (kbps) to be
allocated for Ethernet service. Value of zero
means that Ethernet service works as best effort.
The maximum value is product specific. Refer to
the user manual.
winlink1000IduEthernetIfTable N/A IDU Ethernet Interface table.
winlink1000IduEthernetIfEntry N/A IDU Ethernet Interface table entry.
winlink1000IduEthernetIfIndex RO If Index corresponding to this Interface.
winlink1000IduEthernetIfAddress DisplayString RO IDU MAC address.
winlink1000IduEthernetNumOfLanPorts Integer RO Number of LAN interfaces in the IDU.
winlink1000IduBridgeTpAging Integer RW Timeout in seconds for aging. Note that for this
parameter to be effective the ODU must be
configured to HUB mode. A change is effective
winlink1000IduTdmTxClockAvailStates Integer RO Available states of the TDM Transmit Clock
Control each input status is represented by a bit.
When the state is available the bit value is 1. When
the state is unavailable the bit value is 0. The
available states are: bit 2 = Transparent. bit 3 =
Local Loop Timed. bit 4 = Remote Loop Timed. bit
5 = Local Internal. bit 6 = Remote Internal.
winlink1000IduTdmTxClockDesiredState Integer RW Required state of the TDM Transmit Clock Control.
A change is effective after re-activation of the TDM
winlink1000IduTdmTxClockActualState Integer RO Actual state of the TDM Transmit Clock Control.
ons Integer RO Available options of the TDM Master Clock Control
each input status is represented by a bit. When the
option is available the bit value is 1. When the
option is unavailable the bit value is 0. The
available options are: bit 2 = Automatic. bit 3 =
Trunk #1. bit 4 = Trunk #2. bit 5 = Trunk #3. bit 6 =
Trunk #4. When no options are available the
returned value is: 1
winlink1000IduTdmMasterClockDesired Integer RW Required TDM Master Clock. A change is effective
after re-activation of the TDM service.
winlink1000IduTdmMasterClockActual Integer RO Actual Trunk used for TDM Master Clock.
winlink1000IduTdmConfigTable N/A IDU TDM Links Configuration table.
winlink1000IduTdmConfigEntry N/A IDU TDM Links Configuration table entry.
winlink1000IduTdmConfigIndex RO Table index.
winlink1000IduTdmIfIndex RO Link index in the interface table.
Table G-2: Private MIB Parameters (Sheet 12 of 14)
Name OID Type
MIB Parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-17
winlink1000IduTdmLineCoding Integer RW This parameter applies to T1 trunks only. The
parameter controls the line coding. Setting the
value to each of the indices applies to all. A
change is effective after the next open of the TDM
winlink1000IduTdmLoopbackConfig Integer RW Loop back configuration table. Each of the trunks
can be set Normal Line loop back or Reverse line
loop back. A change is effective immediately.
winlink1000IduTdmLineStatus Integer RO Line status.
winlink1000IduTdmCurrentTable N/A IDU TDM Links Statistics table.
winlink1000IduTdmCurrentEntry N/A IDU TDM Links Statistics table entry.
winlink1000IduTdmCurrentIndex RO Table index (Same as
winlink1000IduTdmCurrentBlocks Counter RO Number of correct blocks transmitted to the line.
winlink1000IduTdmCurrentDrops Counter RO Number of error blocks transmitted to the line.
winlink1000IduTdmCurrentTxClock Integer RW TDM Transmit Clock. A change is effective after
re-activation of the TDM service.
winlink1000IduTdmCurrentBlocksHigh Counter RO High part of the 64 bits counter Current Blocks
winlink1000IduTdmRemoteQual Integer RO Estimated average interval between error second
events. The valid values are 1-2^31 where a value
of -1 is used to indicate an undefined state.
winlink1000IduTdmRemoteQualEval Integer RO Estimated average interval between error second
events during evaluation process. The valid values
are 1-2^31 where a value of -1 is used to indicate
an undefined state.
winlink1000IduTdmSrvEval Integer RW Evaluated TDM service bit mask. Setting this
parameter to value that is bigger than the activated
TDM service bit mask will execute the evaluation
process for 30 seconds. Setting this parameter to
0 will stop the evaluation process immediately.
winlink1000IduTdmBackupAvailableLinks Integer RO Number of TDM backup trunks.
winlink1000IduTdmBackupTable N/A IDU TDM Links Statistics table.
winlink1000IduTdmBackupEntry N/A IDU TDM Links Statistics table entry.
winlink1000IduTdmBackupIndex Integer RO Table index.
winlink1000IduTdmBackupMode Integer RW TDM backup mode: Enable or Disable where the
main link is the air link or the external link.
Changes will be effective immediatly.
Link Integer RO TDM backup current active link: N/A air link is
active or external link is active.
winlink1000IduTdmJitterBufferSize Integer RW TDM Jitter Buffer Size. The value must be
between the minimum and the maximum TDM
Jitter Buffer Size. The units are 0.1 x millisecond.
e Integer RO TDM Jitter Buffer Default Size. The units are 0.1 x
winlink1000IduTdmJitterBufferMinSize Integer RO TDM Jitter Buffer Minimum Size. The units are 0.1
x millisecond.
winlink1000IduTdmJitterBufferMaxSize Integer RO TDM Jitter Buffer Maximum Size. The units are 0.1
x millisecond.
winlink1000IduTdmJitterBufferSizeEval Integer RW TDM Jitter Buffer Size for evaluation. The value
must be between the minimum and the maximum
TDM Jitter Buffer Size. The units are 0.1 x
winlink1000IduTdmType Integer RW TDM Type (The value undefined is read-only).
winlink1000IduTdmTypeEval Integer RW TDM Type for evaluation.
winlink1000IduTdmLineStatusStr RO Line status.
Table G-2: Private MIB Parameters (Sheet 13 of 14)
Name OID Type
MIB Traps Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-18
MIB Traps
Each ODU can be configured with up to 10 different trap destinations. When
the link is operational, each ODU sends traps originating from both Site A
and Site B.
The source IP address of the trap is the sending ODU. The trap originator
can be identified by the trap Community string or by the trap description
text. The public Community string is used for Site Al ODU traps and public-
remote (as set by the user) is used for Site B ODU traps.
Each trap contains a trap description and additional relevant information
such as alarm severity, interface index, time stamp and additional parame-
ters. See table G-3 for additional information.
Trap parameters
winlink1000GeneralTrapDescription DisplayString RO Trap's Description. Used for Trap parameters.
winlink1000GeneralTrapSeverity Integer RO Trap's Severity. Used for Trap parameters.
winlink1000GeneralCookie DisplayString RW Reserved for the Manager application provided
with the product used for saving user preferences
affecting ODU operation.
winlink1000GeneralEcChangesCounter Integer RO This counter is initialized to 0 after a device reset
and is incremented upon each element constant
write operation via SNMP or Telnet.
Table G-3: MIB Traps (Sheet 1 of 4)
Name ID Severity Description
trunkStateChanged 1 normal Indicates a change in the state of one of the TDM trunks. Raised by both
sides of the link. Contains 3 parameters: 1 - Description: TDM Interface
%n - %x. 2 - %n: Is the trunk number. 3 - %x: Is the alarm type and can
be one of the following: Normal, AIS, LOS, Loopback.
linkUp 2 normal Indicates that the radio link is up. Contains a single parameter, which is
its description: 1 - Description: Radio Link - Sync on channel %n GHz. %n
Is the channel frequency in GHz.
linkDown 3 critical Indicates that the radio link is down. Contains a single parameter, which
is its description: 1 - Description: Radio Link - Out of Sync. The reason is:
%s. %s Is the reason.
detectIDU 4 normal Indicates that the IDU was detected. Raised by both sides of the link.
Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: IDU
of Type %s was Detected. %s Is the type of the IDU.
disconnectIDU 5 major Indicates that the IDU was disconnected. Raised by both sides of the link.
Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: IDU
mismatchIDU 6 major Indicates a mismatch between the IDUs. Raised by the master only.
Contains a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description:
IDUs Mismatch: One Side is %s and the Other is %s. %s Is the type of
the IDU.
Table G-2: Private MIB Parameters (Sheet 14 of 14)
Name OID Type
Trap parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-19
openedServices 7 normal Indicates that services were opened. Raised by the master only. Contains
3 parameters: 1 - Description: %n2 out of %n1 Requested TDM Trunks
have been Opened. 2 - %n1: Is the requested number of TDM truncks. 3
- %n2: Is the actual number of TDM trunks that were opened.
closedServices 8 normal Indicates that services were closed. Raised by the master only. Contains
a single parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: TDM Service
has been closed. The reason is: %s. %s Is the reason.
incompatibleODUs 9 critical Indicates that the ODUs are incompatible. Contains a single parameter,
which is its description: 1 - Description: Incompatible ODUs.
incompatibleIDUs 10 major Indicates that the IDUs are incompatible. Contains a single parameter,
which is its description: 1 - Description: Incompatible IDUs.
incompatibleOduIdu 11 major Indicates that the ODU and IDU are incompatible. Contains a single
parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: The IDU could not be
loaded. The reason is: %s. %s Is the incompatibility type.
probingChannel 12 normal Indicates that the ODU is monitoring radar activity. Contains a single
parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Monitoring for radar
activity on channel %n GHz. %n is the channel frequency in GHz.
radarDetected 13 normal Indicates that radar activity was detected. Contains a single parameter,
which is its description: 1 - Description: Radar activity was detected in
%s, on channel %n GHz. %s Is the site name. %n Is the channel
frequency in GHz.
transmittingOnChannel 14 normal Indicates that the ODU is transmitting on channel. Contains a single
parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Transmitting on
channel %n GHz. %n Is the channel frequency in GHz.
scanningChannels 15 normal Indicates that the ODU is scanning channels. Contains a single
parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: Channel scanning in
incompatiblePartner 16 critical Indicates that configuration problem was detected and that link
installation is required to fix it. Contains a single parameter, which is its
description: 1 - Description: Configuration problem detected. Link
installation required.
timeClockSet 17 normal Indicates that the ODU time clock was set. Contains a single parameter,
which is its description: 1 - Description: The time was set to: %p. %p Is
the date and time.
configurationChanged 18 normal Indicates that the ODU was recovered from an error, but there are
configuration changes. Contains two parameters: 1 - Description:
Configuration changed. Error code is: %n. 2 - %n number.
vlanModeActive 22 normal Indicates to non-VLAN PC that after 2 minutes the system will support
only VLAN tag on management interface. Contains a single parameter,
which is its description: 1 - Description: VLAN Mode is active. Non-VLAN
traffic will be blocked in 2 minutes.
tdmServiceAlarm 100 major Indicates that TDM Service is in alarm state. Contains a single parameter,
which is its description: 1 - Description: TDM Service - Alarm.
ethServiceClosed 101 major Indicates that Ethernet Service is closed. Contains a single parameter,
which is its description: 1 - Description: Ethernet Service is closed.
ethServiceNotPermitted 102 major Indicates that Ethernet Service is not permitted. Contains a single
parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: A valid Idu could not
be detected at %s. Please check your configuration. %s - Is the Local Site
name or Remote Site name or both sides of the Link.
encryptionAlarm 103 major Indicates an encryption key mismatch. Contains a single parameter which
is its description: 1 - Description: Encryption Status - Failed. No Services
are available.
changeLinkPasswordAlarm 104 major Indicates that a failure has occurred while attempting to change the Link
Password. Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 -
Description: Failed to change the Link Password at/on: %s. %s - Is the
Local Site name or Remote Site name or both sides of the Link.
Table G-3: MIB Traps (Sheet 2 of 4)
Name ID Severity Description
Trap parameters Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-20
externalAlarmInPort1Alarm 105 major The trap is sent every time an alarm occurs in the External Alarm Input of
port #1. Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 -
Description: External Alarm 1 - <User Text> - Alarm.
externalAlarmInPort2Alarm 106 major The trap is sent every time an alarm occurs in the External Alarm Input of
port #2. Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 -
Description: External Alarm 2 - <User Text> - Alarm.
bitFailedAlarm 107 critical The trap is sent in case there is no way to recover from the situation.
Contains two parameters: 1 - Description: ODU power up built in test
failed. Error code is: %n. 2 - %n number.
wrongConfigurationLoadedAlarm 108 major The trap is sent in case there is a way to recover from the situation.
Contains two parameters: 1 - Description: Wrong configuration loaded.
Error code is: %n. 2 - %n number.
lanPort1DisconnectedAlarm 109 major Indicates the LAN port 1 status changed to disconnected. Contains a
single parameter which is its description: 1 - Description: LAN port 1
status changed to disconnected.
lanPort2DisconnectedAlarm 110 major Indicates the LAN port 2 status changed to disconnected. Contains a
single parameter which is its description: 1 - Description: LAN port 2
status changed to disconnected.
mngPortDisconnectedAlarm 111 major Indicates the management port status changed to disconnected.
Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 - Description:
Management port status changed to disconnected.
externalAlarmInPort3Alarm 112 major The trap is sent every time an alarm occurs in the External Alarm Input of
port #3. Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 -
Description: External Alarm 3 - <User Text> - Alarm.
externalAlarmInPort4Alarm 113 major The trap is sent every time an alarm occurs in the External Alarm Input of
port #4. Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 -
Description: External Alarm 4 - <User Text> - Alarm.
swVersionsMismatchFullCompatibilityAlarm 114 warning The trap is sent in case SW versions mismatch with full link functionality.
Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 - Description:
Software versions mismatch - full link functionality
swVersionsMismatchRestrictedCompatibilityAlarm 115 minor The trap is sent in case SW versions mismatch with restricted link
functionality. Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 -
Description: Software versions mismatch - restricted link functionality
swVersionsMismatchSoftwareUpgradeRequired 116 major The trap is sent in case SW versions mismatch and SW upgrade is
required. Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 -
Description: Software versions mismatch - Software upgrade required
swVersionsIncompatible 117 critical The trap is sent in case SW versions are incompatible. Contains a single
parameter which is its description: 1 - Description: SW Versions
tdmBackupAlarm 121 major Indicates that the TDM backup link was activated. Contains a single
parameter, which is its description: 1 - Description: TDM backup alarm -
backup link was activated.
linkLockUnautorizedRemoteODU 122 major Indicates that the remote ODU is unautorized. Contains a single
parameter which is its description: 1 - Description: Unauthorized remote
ODU connection rejected.
linkLockUnautorizedODU 123 major Indicates that the ODU is unautorized. Contains a single
parameter which is its description: 1 - Description: Unauthorized ODU
connection rejected.
tdmServiceClear 200 normal Indicates that TDM Service fault is cleared. Contains a single parameter,
which is its description: 1 - Description: TDM Service - Normal.
ethServiceOpened 201 normal Indicates that Ethernet Service has been opened. Contains a single
parameter,3 which is its description: 1 - Description: Ethernet Service has
been opened.
encryptionClear 203 normal Indicates that encryption is OK. Contains a single parameter which is its
description: 1 - Description: Encryption Status - Normal.
Table G-3: MIB Traps (Sheet 3 of 4)
Name ID Severity Description
RADWIN Manager Traps Appendix G
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 G-21
RADWIN Manager Traps
The RADWIN Manager application issues traps to indicate various events.
These traps are shown in the RADWIN Managerr Events Log.
A list of Trap Messages as displayed by the RADWIN Manager is shown in
table 7-5.
changeLinkPasswordClear 204 normal Indicates that the Link Password was changed successfully. Contains a
single parameter which is its description: 1 - Description: Link Password
has been changed at/on: %s. %s - Is the Local Site name or Remote Site
name or both sides of the Link.
externalAlarmInPort1Clear 204 normal This Trap is sent every time an External Alarm Input fault of port # 1 is
cleared. Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 -
Description: External Alarm 1 - <User Text> - Alarm Cleared.
externalAlarmInPort2Clear 206 normal This Trap is sent every time an External Alarm Input fault of port # 2 is
cleared. Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 -
Description: External Alarm 2 - <User Text> - Alarm Cleared.
lanPort1Clear 209 normal Indicates the LAN port 1 status changed to connected. Contains two
parameters: 1 - Description: LAN port 1 status changed to connected -
%s. 2 - %s Is the Eth. mode (speed & duplex).
lanPort2Clear 210 normal Indicates the LAN port 2 status changed to connected. Contains two
parameters: 1 - Description: LAN port 2 status changed to connected -
%s. 2 - %s Is the Eth. mode (speed & duplex).
mngPort2Clear 211 normal Indicates the management port status changed to connected. Contains
two parameters: 1 - Description: Management port status changed to
connected - %s. 2 - %s Is the Eth. mode (speed & duplex).
externalAlarmInPort3Clear 211 normal This Trap is sent every time an External Alarm Input fault of port # 3 is
cleared. Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 -
Description: External Alarm 3 - <User Text> - Alarm Cleared.
externalAlarmInPort4Clear 213 normal This Trap is sent every time an External Alarm Input fault of port # 4 is
cleared. Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 -
Description: External Alarm 4 - <User Text> - Alarm Cleared.
swVersionsMatchFullCompatibilityClear 214 normal The trap is sent in case SW versions match. Contains a single parameter
which is its description: 1 - Description: Software Versions compatible
swVersionsMatchRestrictedCompatibilityClear 215 normal The trap is sent in case SW versions match and link functionality is not
restricted. Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 -
Description: Software Versions compatible
swVersionsMatchSoftwareUpgradeRequiredClear 216 normal The trap is sent in case SW versions match and SW upgrade is
successful. Contains a single parameter which is its description: 1 -
Description: Software Versions compatible
swVersionsCompatibleClear 217 normal The trap is sent in case SW versions compatible Contains a single
parameter which is its description: 1 - Description: Software Versions
tdmBackupClear 221 normal
linkLockAutorizedODU 223 normal Indicates that the ODU is autorized. Contains a single parameter which
is its description: 1 - Description: Authorized ODU connection permitted.
linkAuthenticationDisabled 224 normal Indicates that the Link Lock is disabled. Contains a single parameter
which is its description: 1 - Description: Link Authentication has been
Table G-3: MIB Traps (Sheet 4 of 4)
Name ID Severity Description
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 H-1
Appendix H
External Alarms
External Alarms Specification
The IDU-C supports external input and output alarms through a standard
DB25 pin female connector.
Input alarms
The input alarms are raised by events from external equipment, such as
a fire warning, door open or air conditioner failure.
Output alarms
Output alarms are generated through dry contact relays to indicate vari-
ous system events according to the following table. An alarm is raised if
at least one of the conditions is met.
Table H-1: Output Alarms Pinout
Alarm Description Alarm On Conditions Alarm Off Condition
Output 1 Air interface Alarm •Link is down
Link in installation mode
Link authentication prob-
Link is up
Output 2 Equipment Alarm Built in Test (BIT) error
No connection to the ODU
Incompatible software
Both ODU and IDU are in
operational state
Output 3 Service Alarm at Site B N/A Permanently off
Output 4 Power Failure at Site B Link Loss due to Power Failure
at Site B Link is up or down with-
out power failure indica-
tion within the last two
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 I-1
Appendix I
Combo Configuration Tool
What is the Combo Configuration Tool?
The RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 is supplied preconfigured to a default fre-
quency band and regulation. The user may however, reconfigure it to use
any one of the supported frequency bands shown in the following example:
The Combo Configuration Tool is a software utility supplied by RADWIN to
change the link frequency band. It runs as familiar Windows Wizard.
This appendix will walk you through the Wizard. It also provides help for
common problems encountered during the configuration.
Who may use the Combo Configuration Tool
The Combo Configuration Tool is a password protected utility intended for
the use of RADWIN accredited personnel at the user’s site, RADWIN Cus-
tomer Support Engineers or Professional Installers conversant with FCC
Caveat to the use of the Combo Configuration Tool
It is the user’s responsibility to operate the system according to local regula-
tions and to acquire the relevant permits or licenses for the frequency band
selected, if applicable.
Product Default Band
FCC/IC 5.8 GHz
FCC/IC 5.3 GHz
FCC/IC 5.4 GHz
FCC/IC 4.9 GHz
FCC/IC 2.4 GHz
Prerequisites to using the Combo Configuration Tool Appendix I
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 I-2
Prerequisites to using the Combo Configuration Tool
To use the Tool, you need a PC running Windows 2000 or Windows XP Pro
to be connected to the RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 link.
Operating the Combo Configuration Tool
The tool is supplied as an executable called ComboConfigurationTool.exe. It
should be copied to a convenient directory on a hard disk from where it can
be run from a command line, or placed on the desktop and opened with a
double click.
The Combo Configuration Tool is a Wizard, which guides you through the
process of changing the frequency band.
Before using the Combo Configuration Tool
Before starting:
Obtain the IP address of both the local ODU and remote ODUs of
the link
Make a note of the correct required frequency band
If the link uses external antennas, ensure that they support your
required frequency band
Also, note that
1. The procedure below must be carried out for both ODUs in the link.
2. Changing the frequency band may affect the available Link Budget and
system performance.
Using the Combo Configuration Tool
To change the link frequency band:
1. Open the Tool from a command line or double clicking it on the desktop.
The following Welcome screen appears:
Using the Combo Configuration Tool Appendix I
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 I-3
2. Click Next. The window below is displayed:
3. Enter the ODU IP address and password.
4. Click Next. The following progress panel is displayed:
Using the Combo Configuration Tool Appendix I
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 I-4
Upon completion the following screen is displayed:
The checked item is the currently configured frequency band.
5. Check the box with the required frequency band. If you do not see the
required frequency band in the above window, click Cancel and consult
RADWIN Customer Support.
Using the Combo Configuration Tool Appendix I
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 I-5
6. Otherwise, click Next. The following window is displayed:
7. If the legal notice is acceptable, click the “I accept” radio button, and
then click Next. Two successive progress panels are displayed. The con-
figuration may take several minutes.
If you receive an error message Appendix I
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 I-6
Upon successful completion of the configuration process, the following
termination window is displayed:
8. Click Finish to exit the Wizard as shown.
9. Repeat the whole process for the second ODU in the link.
If you receive an error message
The last stage above may terminate unsuccessfully due to an error. Error
messages are posted to a window like this:
If you receive an error message Appendix I
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 I-7
The following table sets out possible errors:
The only items requiring explanation are errors 940 and 1020.
Error 940 may arise as a result of an ODU firmware problem. Error 1020 will
appear for any reason not caught by the other entries in the table. In all
such cases, you should consult with RADWIN Customer Support.
Error Number
(nn) Error Text Message
Common mes-
sage preamble: The Configure procedure has failed with the following error: ERROR nn
120 Failed to communicate with the ODU. Please verify the existence of a sta-
ble IP connection and try again.
940 Product is not identified.
1040 The ODU is not a Combo product.
1020 A configuration problem detected. Aborting.
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 J-1
Appendix J
Regional Notice: French
Procédures de sécurité
Avant de manipuler du matériel connecté à des lignes électriques ou de
télécommunications, il est conseillé de se défaire de bijoux ou de tout autre
objet métallique qui pourrait entrer en contact avec les éléments sous ten-
Mise à la terre
Tous les produits RADWIN doivent être mis à la terre pendant l'usage cou-
rant. La mise à la terre est assurée en reliant la fiche d'alimentation à une
prise de courant avec une protection de terre. En outre:
La cosse de masse sur l'IDU-C doit être constamment connectée à
la protection de terre, par un câble de diamètre de 18 AWG ou plus.
Le matériel monté sur rack doit être installé seulement sur des racks
ou armoires reliés à la terre
Une ODU doit mise à la terre par un câble de diamètre de 12 AWG
ou plus
Il ne doit pas y avoir de fusibles ou d'interrupteurs sur la connection
à la terre
De plus:
Il faut toujours connecter la terre en premier et la déconnecter en
Il ne faut jamais connecter les câbles de télécommunication à du
matériel non à la terre
Il faut s'assurer que tous les autres câbles sont déconnectés avant
de déconnecter la terre
Protection contre la foudre Appendix J
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 J-2
Protection contre la foudre
L'utilisation de dispositifs de protection contre la foudre dépend des exi-
gences réglementaires et de l'utilisateur final. Toutes les unités extérieures
RADWIN sont conçues avec des circuits de limitation de surtension afin de
minimiser les risques de dommages dus à la foudre. RADWIN conseille l'util-
isation d'un dispositif de parafoudre supplémentaire afin de protéger le
matériel de coups de foudre proches.
Matériel supplémentaire requis
L'équipement requis pour l'installation du matériel est le suivant:
Pince à sertir RJ-45 (si un câble pré-assemblé ODU/IDU n'est pas
Perceuse (pour le montage sur mur seulement)
Câbles de terre IDU et ODU
Clef 13 mm (½)
Câble ODU - IDU si non commandé (type extérieur, CAT-5e, 4 paires
torsadées, 24 AWG)
Colliers de serrage
Ordinateur portable avec Windows 2000 ou Windows XP.
Précautions de sécurité pendant le montage de ODU
Avant de connecter un câble à l'ODU, la borne protectrice de masse (visse)
de l'ODU doit être connectée à un conducteur externe protecteur ou à un
pylône relié à la terre. Il ne doit pas y avoir de fusibles ou d'interrupteurs
sur la connection à la terre.
Seulement un personnel qualifié utilisant l'équipement de sécurité approprié
doit pouvoir monter sur le pylône d'antenne. De même, l'installation ou le
démontage de ODU ou de pylônes doit être effectuée seulement par des
professionnels ayant suivi une formation.
Pour monter l'ODU:
1. Vérifier que les supports de fixation de l'ODU sont correctement mis à la
2. Monter l'unité ODU sur le pylône ou sur le mur; se référer à la Installa-
tion sur pylône et mur au dessous.
3. Connecter la câble de terre au point de châssis sur l'ODU.
4. Relier le câble ODU-IDU au connecteur ODU RJ-45.
5. Visser les presses-étoupe de câbles pour assurer le scellement hermé-
tique des unités ODU.
6. Attacher le
câble au pylône ou aux supports en utilisant des colliers clas-
és UV.
7. Répéter la procédure sur le site distant.
Connecter la terre à IDU-C Appendix J
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 J-3
Connecter la terre à IDU-C
Connecter un câble de terre de 18 AWG à la borne de masse de l'appareil.
L'appareil doit être constamment connecté à la terre.
Ne pas se placer en face d'une ODU sous tension.
Les appareils sont prévus pour être installés par un personnel de ser-
Les appareils doivent être connectés à une prise de courant avec une
protection de terre.
Le courant CC du IDU-C doit être fourni par l'intermédiaire d'un dis-
joncteur bipolaire et le diamètre du câble doit être de 14 mm avec un
conduit de 16 mm.
Installation sur pylône et mur Appendix J
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 J-4
Installation sur pylône et mur
L' ODU ou l'O-PoE peuvent être montés sur un pylône ou un mur.
Contenu du kit de montage ODU
Le kit de montage ODU comprend les pièces suivantes:
une grande clame (voir figure J-1)
petite clame
(voir figure J-2)
un bras (voir figure J-3)
quatre visses hex tête M8x40
deux visses hex tête M8x70
quatre rondelles plates M8
trois rondelles élastiques M8
deux écrous M8.
Figure J-1:
grande clame
Figure J-2:
petite clame
Figure J-3:
Montage sur un pylône Appendix J
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 J-5
Montage sur un pylône
Figure J-4: Montage sur un pylône
Montage sur un mur Appendix J
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 J-6
Montage sur un mur
Figure J-5: Montage sur un mur
Montage d'une antenne externe Appendix J
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 J-7
Montage d'une antenne externe
L'antenne externe optionnelle peut être montée sur un pylône.
Contenu du kit de montage d'une antenne externe
Le kit de montage d'une antenne externe comprend les pièces suivantes
Douze rondelles plates
Huit rondelles élastiques
Huit écrous hex
•Quatre boulons
•Un support en U
Un support à pivotement
Deux courroies de fixation en métal
Pour installer une antenne externe sur un pylône:
1. Attacher le support en U à l'arrière de l'antenne en utilisant quatre ron-
delles plates, quatre rondelles élastiques et quatre écrous hex.
2. Attacher le support à pivotement au support en U en utilisant huit ron-
delles plates, quatre rondelles élastiques, quatre écrous hex et quatre
3. Passer les deux courroies de fixation par les fentes verticales dans le sup-
port à pivotement.
4. Attacher l'antenne au pylône en utilisant les deux courroies de fixation .
Ajuster l'inclinaison nécessaire en utilisant l'échelle angulaire et serrer tous
les boulons et écrous à la position requise.
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion 2.6.50p1 Index 1
Index A
AAR 1-4
ACS 4-17, 6-20, G-8, G-8
aging time, ODU Bridge Mode 6-10
Air Interface 1-12, 1-12
Technical Specifications, general A-1
Active 7-9
summary 7-14
Connector B-3
External , specification H-1
Align with beeper 3-13
Aligning 3-13
bipolar 3-13
Buzzer signals 3-14
monopolar 3-14
Cable, grounding E-1
Connecting 3-13
Described 1-10
Mounting 3-7
Package Contents 3-5
External, Mounting C-3
Flat panel 1-11
Parabolic Dish 1-12
Settings 4-19, 5-18
types 1-8
Broadband Access 1-2
IP Backhaul 1-2
Private Networks 1-3
WiMAX 1-2
Automatic Adaptive Rate, see AAR 1-4
Automatic Channel Selection, see ACS
Automatic Repeat Request 1-4
configuration file 6-2
ODU replacement 7-16
mute 6-17
muting and restoring 6-3
restore 6-17
Bridge mode,Telnet commands 6-21
Buzzer, see Beeper
Changing link password 4-16
Channel, selecting 4-17, 5-12
Community Strings
Changing 6-16
Editing 6-15
Factory Default 6-14, G-2
Forgotten passwords 6-16
passwords 4-4
Read-Only 6-14
Read-Write 6-14
Trap 6-14
Configuration Parameters 6-3
Advanced 6-2, 6-9, 6-11, 6-12, 6-18
Air Interface 6-2
Air interface 5-1
Bridge mode 6-1
Community values. 6-1
contact person 6-2
Date and Time 6-2
Ethernet mode 6-1
Frequency channel 5-1
Security 6-2
Service parameters 5-1
System 6-2
System parameters 5-1
Transmit power 6-1
View Inventory 6-2
Connecting user equipment 4-17, 5-12
Customer Support 7-17
Date and time, setting 6-2, 6-7
Default log on password 4-4
Configuration F-5
Link Activation F-2
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion2.6.50p1 Index 2
color codes 7-12
log 7-2, 7-4
priority 7-13
Factory Defaults 6-14, G-2
Reset to 6-19
Factory Setup
Restoring 7-17
FCC/IC DFS Installation Procedure F-1
FEC 4-21, 4-22, A-4, A-4
Forward Error Correction, see FEC
Gateway 6-2
Telnet display 6-20
IDUAging time 6-10
aging time, ODU Bridge Mode 6-10
Connecting to ODU 3-12
described 1-8
Alarm Connector B-3
Connectors B-4
Front panel 1-9
Described 3-10
LEDs 3-10, 3-11, 4-2
Mounting 3-8
Power connections 3-11, 3-12
Package Contents 3-4
Products 1-8
Indoor Unit, see IDU
Menu and Toolbar Functionality 4-10
Post Configuration main window 5-22
Post Installation main window 4-27
see Link, Installation
Installation Mode 6-3, 6-3, 6-12
Inventory 6-16
Displaying 6-12
IP address 6-2
Telnet display 6-20
Key Features of Radio Link
Advanced Air Interface 1-4
Capacity 1-3
Combo Frequency Products 1-4
Installation and management 1-4
Range performance 1-4
Security 1-5
Spectral Efficiency 1-3
Transmission (Tx) power 1-4
LBC 7-4
Browser warnings D-6
Calculations D-2
Climactic C Factors D-10
described D-1
Fresnel Zone, described D-13
Internal data D-1
Running D-3
User input D-1
Lightning and Grounding Guidelines E-1
LinkBudget Calculator, see LBC
Configuration 5-1
Overview 5-10
Step 1 - Start Wizard 5-11
Step 2- System Parameters 5-11
Step 3 - Channel Settings 5-12
Step 4 - Tx Power and Antenna Settings
Step 5 - Services 5-20
Step 6 - Summary and exit 5-21
default frequency 4-18
default Settings 4-9
Information 7-1
Air Interface Thresholds
BBER Threshold 7-9
RSL Threshold 7-9
Air Interface Thresholds, setting 7-9
Active summary 7-14
Error detection and 7-14
output 7-15
saved 7-14
Compatibility 7-3
Trap messages 7-3
Events Log 7-4
Events log
Events references
trapbackground color 7-13
default colors 7-13
foreground color 7-12
Preferences 7-12
saving 7-13
Monitor log 7-4, 7-4
saving 7-4
Online Help 7-17
Performance data, explained 7-8
Performance monitoring 7-4
Performance Reports 7-5
Remote Power Fail Indication 7-15
“Dying-Gasp” circuit 7-15
Troubleshooting 7-16
Installation 4-7
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion2.6.50p1 Index 3
Mast and Wall C-1
Overview 4-13
Step 1 - Start Wizard 4-14
Step 2 - System Parameters 4-14
Step 3 - Channel Settings 4-17
Step 4 - Tx Power and Antenna Settings
Background 4-20
Step 5 - Services 4-25
Step 6 - Summary and Exit 4-26
Link ID 4-9, 4-15, 6-20, 7-16, 7-16, 7-17
Login 4-3
Login Errors
Incorrect IP Address 4-6
Incorrect password 4-6
Unsupported Device 4-5
Login showing Community Options 4-5
Manager Software 4-2
Name 4-15
Password 1-5, 7-17
changing 4-16
Post Configuration main window 5-22
Post Installation main window 4-27
Reinstalling/Realigning 7-3
Site names 4-15
Link Budget Calculator, see LBC 7-4
Link ID 4-9, 4-15, 6-20, 7-16, 7-16, 7-17
Link Site
Planning 2-1
Survey 2-1
Stage 1 - Preliminary Survey 2-2
Stage 2 - Physical Survey 2-3
Additional Indoor Site Requirements
Additional Outdoor Site Requirements
Stage 3 - RF Survey 2-4
Login Errors
Incorrect IP Address 4-6
Incorrect password 4-6
Unsupported Device 4-5
Addresses 6-4
and trap addresses 6-1
Configuring the Site 6-2
Screen, Telnet 6-22
Manager Software
Change log on password 4-7
Events Log 5-8
Installing 4-1
Main window 5-1
Details pane 5-6
Main menu 5-3
Toolbar 5-2
main window 4-5
Monitor pane 5-7
Ethernet Service
Radio Interface, 5-7
Radio signal strength 5-7
Off-line functionality 4-6
Status Bar 5-9
Chapters by Audience 1-14
Conventions 1-16
Terminology 1-14
MIBAbout G-1
Community String G-2
Interface API G-1
Parameters G-4
Private G-2
Private Parameters G-5
Reference G-1
Supported Variables from the RFC 1213 G-4
Terminology G-1
Traps G-18
Parameters G-18
ODU 1-7
Bridge Mode
aging time 6-10
Connectorized 1-6, 1-7
described 1-6
form factors 1-7
Installation, Mast and Wall C-1
Integrated Antenna 1-6, 1-7
Mounting Kit C-1
Package Contents 3-2
Products 1-8
Replacing 7-16
With integrated antenna 1-10
Package, contents of 3-2
Community 4-4, 4-4
Default 4-4
default log on 4-4
Link 1-5, 7-17
PC, Minimum Requirements 4-1
Monitor 7-2
Performance Monitoring, set time interval 7-4
PoEDescribed 1-9
PoE device, see PoE
Power over Ethernet, see PoE
External Lightning Surge Suppressors E-3
RADWIN 1000/2000/5000 User ManualVersion2.6.50p1 Index 4
Antenna cable E-1
IDUs E-2
ODUs E-2
Internal ESD Protection circuits E-7
Radio Link
Accessories 1-13
Additional Tools and Materials Required 3-5
Connecting user equipment 3-12
Described 1-5
Documentation set 1-13
Hardware Installation
External Antennas 3-7
Indoor 3-8
Lightning protection 3-7
Mounting U 3-8
ODU 3-6
Outdoor 3-6
Outdoor connections 3-8
Sequence 3-5
Package Contents 3-2
IDU 3-4
ODU 3-2
Package contents
External Antennas 3-5
Transmission rates 4-22
Radio Outdoor Unit, see ODU
Replacing an ODU 7-16
restore configuration file 6-2
Safety Practices 3-1
Grounding 3-1
Preventing overexposure to RF energy 3-1
Selecting channel 4-17, 5-12
Configuration Files 6-18
backup to 6-18
Configuration files
restore from 6-19
Configuration with Telnet 6-20
Change Tx Power 6-4
Ethernet Properties 6-9
Bridge 6-9
Maximum information rate 6-12
Ports Mode 6-11
Ethernet PropertiesIDU Aging time 6-
Functions 6-2
Inventory 6-12
Menu bar 6-2
Setting the date and time 6-7
View Air Iinterface details 6-3
VLAN Settings 6-5
Lost or forgotten VLAN ID 6-7
Priority number 6-6
External Alarm Inputs 6-17
Reset site 6-19
Reset site to factory defaults 6-19
Reset site, preserve current configuration
Security Features 6-13
Community Strings 6-14
Editing 6-15
Forgotten paswwords 6-16
Initial log on defaults 6-15
Default Gateway 6-5
IP address 6-5, 6-5
Trap Destination 6-5
Technical Specifications
Air Interface A-6
Air Interface, general A-1
Configuration A-1
Environmental A-5
Ethernet Interface A-5
Management A-5
Mechanical A-5
Power A-5
Safety A-6
Trap messages 7-3
typical installation 3-5
User equipment, connecting 4-17, 5-12
Wiring Specifications B-1
User Port B-1
LANPorts B-1
ODU-IDU Cable B-1
User Port Connectors B-1

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