SABINE SW70-HD3 Handheld Microphone User Manual B1 SWM7000 OpGuide pmd

Sabine, Inc. Handheld Microphone B1 SWM7000 OpGuide pmd

users manual 1b

30Sabine 2.4 GHz Smart Spectrum Wireless (BETA)8.3.3. Bass Guitar SettingsBass players use a variety of techniques, often in the same song, thatcan benefit from compression.  Compressing bass evens out peaksand keeps the bass level in the mix.Ratio: set to 4:1Thresh: set to compress peaks onlyAttack: quick attack, medium release, hard knee; (try various re-lease settings, depending on the speed of notes played)Gain: output boosted slightly8.4. Possible Compression Trouble AreasLike any signal processing, compression can be misused, and im-proper application may cause undesirable side effects in the audio sig-nal.  Some of these problems include:1. Noise.  If the threshold for compression is set too low, and theoutput gain is raised substantially to make up for the gain loss ofcompression, the resulting output signal can be noisy.  This isbecause the overall signal must be raised significantly to producethe same audible level, and the noise floor of your equipment willbe amplified unnecessarily.  This problem will be exaggerated if theinput signal level to the compressor is very low (which will alreadydegrade the signal-to-noise ratio).2. Breathing.  In situations where the compression ratio is high, thethreshold is low, and the release time of the compressor is short,the noise floor will modulate up and down as the audio signal  risesabove and falls below the threshold.3. Over-compression.  Applying too much compression to a mixcan sometimes result in such evened-out dynamics that the “life”of the music or speech has been removed or curtailed.  Dynamicvariation may be a major component of a performer’s message andcommand of the audience; don’t remove dynamics, just controlthem.  This may be particularly true for percussive musical instru-ments such as drums.8.5. Release & Knee SettingsTwo other important compressor variables are release time and knee.Release time adjusts the speed with which compression stops andoutput gain returns to unity with input gain, once the input signal fallsbelow the compression threshold.  Knee refers to the degree with whichthe full ratio of compression is imposed once the input level threshold isapproached and exceeded.  A “hard knee” changes from no compres-sion to maximum compression exactly and immediately at the thresh-old crossing; a “soft knee” gradually imposes the full compression ratioas the input gain approaches and exceeds the threshold.  In Sabineproducts, the “softness” of a knee can vary from 1-40, with the higherlevel representing the “softest” character.  In such a setting, slight com-pression will begin well below the compression threshold, increase asthe input gain crosses the threshold, and reach full compression wellabove the nominal threshold.Values for release time and knee are set at the factory: default releasetime is 400 mSec, and the default knee setting is a “soft” setting of 20.These defaults can be temporarily changed or reprogrammed using theSabine True MobilityTM Remote Software (see Section 13 for details).Compressor Limiter
31 Sabine 2.4 GHz Smart Spectrum Wireless (BETA)B2-SWM7000-OpGuide.pmd - 021022 - hto9. DE-ESSER9.1. De-mystifying De-essersCertain consonant sounds produced by the human voice contain moreenergy than others, and have the potential to overload a microphonecapsule.  This can produce a disproportionately harsh result whenamplified through a sound system, and/or recorded to analog or digitalstorage media.  The most common and obvious of these sounds (inEnglish and many languages) is the “ssss” sound, associated withpronunciation of both “s” and soft “c” consonants, also the consonants“t,” “f,” “x” and sometimes “d.”  The technical term for this particularvocal sound is “sibilance,” and the devices that control such soundsare typically called “de-essers” (or sometimes sibilance controllers).The frequency range of sibilance will vary depending on the singer/speaker, the consonant involved, the orientation to the microphone, themicrophone itself, and the normal variations in human vocalization.Cardioid- pattern condenser microphones are especially susceptible tosibilance problems, but the problem can also occur with other typesand patterns of microphones.  The range of frequencies affected bysibilance starts above 2 KHz, and generally tapers off above 10 KHz; inother words, sibilance is primarily a problem associated with higherfrequencies (though not the upper octave of human hearing).9.2. The Sabine De-EsserThe Sabine De-Esser is essentially a type of frequency-band compres-sor, active in the 2-10 KHz range, and inactive below 2KHz and above10 KHz. Sabine’s algorithm works by dynamically comparing band-specific and associated harmonic energy levels to the total signal en-ergy.  When spikes are detected that correspond to sibilance, a shelv-ing filter is imposed on the appropriate frequency bands, and remainsin place only for the duration of the sibilance.  High frequency energylevels that remain below the comparison threshold do not trigger de-essing, and lows and highs outside the sibilance range are also passedunprocessed and unaffected.  This means the Sabine De-Esser is ef-fective but transparent.9.3. Using the De-esserUsing the Sabine De-Esser is simplicity itself.  Turning the knob la-beled “DE-ESS CUT” counter-clockwise will increase the amount ofsibilance reduction, by increasing the maximum depth of the shelvingfilter. The maximum allowable cut is 24 dB.Fig. 9a: De-esserDe-esser
32Sabine 2.4 GHz Smart Spectrum Wireless (BETA)Fig. 10b10  PROGRAM SAVE & RECALLMost wireless microphone systems provide control of one or two set-tings (RF channel and maybe gain).  With so little to remember, theability to save and recall system settings has not been necessary.With the Sabine SWM7000 series, however, you get a very sophisti-cated processor with a variety of adjustable parameters.  The ability tosave and recall your carefully programmed setups can be a tremen-dous time-saver.  Your SWM7000 allows you to store and recall up to15 different presets.10.1. Saving a PresetTo save a program, press the SELECT button.  The next available loca-tion (numbered 00 - 15) will be shown in the LCD Display.  If you want toreplace an existing program, press SELECT until you reach thatprogram’s number.   Then press the SAVE button.  The function displaywill show “YES?”.  If you are ready to save, immediately press theSAVE button again, and your settings will be saved to that programnumber.  The message SAVED will be shown for four seconds in thetext display to confirm this action, as the LCD Display continues toshow the number (00-09) of the preset.  After four seconds, the LCDDisplay will revert to an indication of the RF channel.10.2. Loading a PresetLoading a program is just as easy.  Press SELECT until you locate theprogram number you wish to load.  Press LOAD. The function displaywill show “YES?”.  Immediately press the LOAD button again and yournew program, including all the parameters, will be loaded for that chan-nel. The message LOADED will appear in confirmation.10.3. Naming a PresetPresets, channels and receivers can be named using the Sabine TrueMobility Remote Software.  Refer to Section 14 for details.Program Save & RecallFig. 10bFig. 10b: Program SAVE YES?Fig. 10b: Program LOAD YES?
33 Sabine 2.4 GHz Smart Spectrum Wireless (BETA)B3-SWM7000-OpGuide.pmd - 021022 - htoMultiple Systems Operation11. MULTIPLE SYSTEMS OPERATION11.1. OverviewIn many circumstances a single wireless microphone system is allthat will be in use at any one time.  Larger applications (church, con-cert hall, theater stage, conference room, etc), however, can often re-quire a large array of wireless microphones, all demanding flawlessuninterrupted simultaneous operation.Multiple system operation presents at least two important operationalchallenges: interference among transmission channels, and setup com-plexity. The Sabine SWM7000 provides powerful solutions to both,particularly the interference problems associated with two or more RFchannels at work at the same time, at the same location.11.1.1. Multiple System InterferenceSabine’s SWM7000 addresses multiple system interference with twostrategies.  First, greater available bandwidth in the 2.4-2.4835 GHzrange means more channels can occupy the band, i.e., the expandedrange can be divided into a greater number of separate transmission/reception bands.  Second, with Smart Spectrum transmission and re-ception, channels are more tolerant of interference. The net result isthat the SWM7000 offers the potential for many more simultaneoustransmission channels than conventional UHF or VHF systems.While such performance benefits are one of the major advantages ofthe SWM7000, more systems working at the same time leads to agreater potential for complexity.  Fortunately, the SWM7000 also offerstools to simplify setup and operation.11.1.2. Setup ComplexityMultiple wireless systems in a large installation are of course morecomplicated than a single transmitter/receiver.  More space is needed,and the sheer quantity of transmitters and receivers that may be in useat a single installation can prove difficult to manage.  The SWM7000series helps manage such potential complexity with four strategiesand/or system accessories:1. First, the SW72 and SW72-NDR receivers offer a 50% space-sav-ing advantage with 2-channel receivers that occupy the same 1Uspace as single channel receivers.  Each channel in a 2-channelsystem shares the true diversity operation of the two antennasconnected to the single receiver chassis.2. Second, the optional SWA6SS (six-system antenna distributionamplifier) greatly reduces the complexities of multiple receiver an-tenna deployment.  Since each receiver has two (diversity) anten-nas, which can be mounted on either the rear or front panel, mul-tiple receivers at one location can potentially create a forest ofantennas protruding from the front or back of a rack.  The SWA6SSAntenna Distributor reduces the number of antennas to as few as1/6 what would otherwise be needed.  An added important advan-tage of using the SWA6SS is its distributed signal boost providedto all the antenna outputs, delivered while maintaining diversity inall attached reception channels.
34Sabine 2.4 GHz Smart Spectrum Wireless (BETA)Multiple Systems Operation3. Third, large installations often entail long distances from transmit-ters to receivers, or the presence of obstacles (walls, for example)in the transmission path that can interfere with clear reception.While the SWM7000 series is designed to minimize these kinds ofproblems without accessories, the SWASS-EXT (set of two exten-sion antennas, shown in figure 12b on next page) may prove helpfulor even necessary in some situations.  In addition to providing re-mote and/or desirable low profile positioning with improved recep-tion, the SWASS-EXT also adds another 18 dB of antenna gain foreven more reliable system performance.  The Extension Antennaand Distribution Amplifier components are also designed to oper-ate in tandem, with the Extension Antenna plugged directly intothe amp, which can then feed (via cable) the antenna inputs of 6receivers.  A combination of 2-channel receivers (SW72-R or SW72-NDR), a set (2 pieces) of SWASS-EXT, and one SWA6SS, wouldreduce the antenna clutter of 12 transmission channels to a singlepair of extension antennas. (See section 12 for more informationabout setup and use of the SWASS-EXT).4. Fourth, software control for the ND series receivers allows up to 70receiver channels to be controlled from a single computer.  Thisquick and powerful control methodology means you can monitorand change transmission channels, mic modeling, compressionand de-essing — in short, all front panel controls — from a remotelaptop or desktop.  In addition to simplifying multiple unit operationwith remote front panel controls, the remote software provides ad-ditional features and functions not available from front panel con-trol.  (See Section 13 for more information about setup and use ofthe Remote Software). SWA6SS Antenna Distribution AmplifierSabine’s optional accessory SWA6SS Antenna Distribution Amplifieris ideal for simplifying antenna set up when multiple receivers are used,by using a single pair of antennas to replace pairs for up to 6 differentreceivers.  Standard equipment packed with each Antenna Distributorincludes an AC power cable, and 6 pairs of 1-meter long jumper cables(RG-58 AU foam core) for connecting the Antenna Distributor to receiv-ers (2 cables provide true diversity reception to each receiver).For best results, the Antenna Distribution Amplifier should be positionedclose enough to the receivers to minimize cable runs.  In most applica-tions, you can use the standard Sabine 2.4 GHz antennas suppliedwith any of the receivers to connect to the terminals on the AntennaDistributor, and then connect (in matching pairs) the jumpers to all yourreceiver antenna connections (up to 6 receivers, 1 pair per receiver).Care should be exercised when using longer cables, due to possibletransmission signal loss (approximately 1.7 dB/meter).  Using the “rule-of-thumb” that a signal loss no greater than 6 dB will prove acceptablein many circumstances, you may be able to use RG-58 cable up to 3meters or so in length.  However, a better strategy than moving theFig. 12a SWA6SS Antanna Distributor
35 Sabine 2.4 GHz Smart Spectrum Wireless (BETA)B3-SWM7000-OpGuide.pmd - 021022 - htoMultiple Systems OperationAntenna Distributor to a better position, and risking excessive trans-mission loss back to the receivers or requiring an upgrade to moreexpensive cable, is to utilize a pair of Sabine Extension Antennas(SWASS-EXT Kit).  These will connect to the antenna inputs of theAntenna Distributor, and offer increased range; better rear-source RFrejection; an expanded 180 degree forward sensitivity; flexible mount-ing options; and signal boost (see Section 12).For more details regarding specifications and operation of the SWA6SSAntenna Distribution Amplifier, please refer to the operating guide in-cluded with that product.Mounting Receiver Antennas: These should be mounted so they facethe transmitters. For example, if the antennas are mounted on the rearof the receiver, then the back of the receiver should face the transmit-ters. Use the optional SWA700 Front-to-Rear antenna mounting kit tomount the antennas on the front of the receiver if necessary.Stacking Receivers:  Avoid stacking receivers with antennas mountedto each one. Antennas from various receivers in close proximity canincrease the likelihood for interference. Mount your receivers with atleast QQQ space between them, or use the SW6SS Antenna Distribu-tion Amplifier to rout the signal from one pair of antennas to up to sixreceivers.Extension Antennas:  If the receivers must be mounted a so theycannot "see" the transmitters, then use the SWASS-EXT ExtensionAntennas (sold as a pair) in a position that allows a line of sight be-tween transmitters and the antennas. The SWASS-EXT provide thefollowing benefits:•Wall mount or mic-stand mount•Straight and right angle TNC connectors•1800  reception pattern•+18 dB boost in RF•Matched pairs•Wood-tone finish•Phantom-powered from either the receiver or the distribution ampAntenna Distribution:  For best results when using many receivers inone location use the SWA6SS Antenna Distribution Amplifier. The RFsignal from one pair of antennas can be routed to up to 6 receivers, or12 channels. This improves RF performance because the interactionfrom many receiver antennas is eliminated, and you get a much "cleaner"looking installation. Each SWA6SS comes with the cables to rout thesignal from the distribution amp to the receivers.  For best RF perfor-mance use the Extension Antennas with the distribution amp ratherthan the standard receiver antennas.
36Sabine 2.4 GHz Smart Spectrum Wireless (BETA)12. EXTENSION ANTENNASSabine’s SWM7000 series receivers are designed for easy interfacewith Sabine’s SWA-SSEXT Extension Antenna Kit (figure 12b). Thistriangular, attractive wood-grained unit is designed to mount easily andunobtrusively on a wall (allowing either a through-the-wall or out-the-bottom connection), or (by threading) atop a microphone stand for amore portable or temporary positioning.  Each package contains 2 Ex-tension Antennas, all necessary mounting hardware (screws and micstand thread connectors), both right-angle and straight connectors formating with RG-58 cable (for connections to a receiver or Antenna Dis-tribution Amplifier), and an adapter to allow connection to thicker, lesslossy cables such as RG-8 (which allow a greater cable run from an-tenna to receiver).While an extension antenna affords the opportunity to increase thedistance from transmitter to receiver, there is a loss of signal in theinterconnecting cable that limits that distance.  The maximum connec-tion length is determined by the type of cable used, and the degree ofsignal attenuation acceptable.Cable TypeBelden # Insulation Center Conductor 900 MHz 1.8 GHz 2.4 GHz 900 MHz 1.8 GHz 2.4 GHzRG58 9203 Polyethelene #20 Stranded -10.00 -14.35 -16.29 22 15 14RG58/AU 9311 Foam Polyethelyne #20  Stranded -7.64 -9.88 -11.10 29 22 20RG212/U 9861 Polyethelene #15.5 solid, -3.83 -5.34 -6.11 57 41 36silver platedRG8/U 9913 semi-solid Polyethelyne #10 solid -1.40 -2.00 -2.50 157 110 88RG142 83242 Teflon #18 solid, -4.10 -5.72 -6.54 54 38 34silver plated10 Meter Attenuation Maximum PracticalDistance Using SWASS-EXT(in meters)Coaxial Cable Attenuation TableFig. 12c  Coaxial Cable Attenuation TableLet’s presume that an acceptable degree of loss over the total cablerun is 6 dB.   Without external signal boosts, the different cables shownin the table would then allow maximum lengths ranging from less than4 M (RG-58) to 24 M (RG8/U).  Thus, for a passive extension antenna,your choices are to limit the cable run, or increase your budget and buythe more expensive, thicker cable.Fortunately, Sabine’s SWASS-EXT Active Extension Antenna offers afar better, more cost-effective solution, due to its built-in active 18 dBsignal boost.  In the case of low-cost RG-58 cable, adding an SWASS-EXT to your setup increases the acceptable maximum cable run bymore than 4 times, to 14 meters.  With RG-8 cable, the maximumlength is extended to 88 meters!Power for the Extension Antenna is delivered from any Sabine SWM7000series receiver or SWA6SS Antenna Distribution Amplifier (see Section11).An additional advantage of using Sabine’s SWASS-EXT Extension An-tenna stems from its more focused, directional nature.  Sabine receiver’scoaxial dipole antennas (standard equipment that mount directly onthe front or rear panels of the receiver or SWA6SS) are more omni-directional in nature.  In contrast, the Sabine’s Extension Antenna isExtension AntennasFig. 12b  SWASS-EXT Mic-stand mount and wall-mount extension antennas
37 Sabine 2.4 GHz Smart Spectrum Wireless (BETA)B3-SWM7000-OpGuide.pmd - 021022 - htosensitive to RF reception in a 180-degree arc in front of its mountedposition.  It extends sensitivity to the front and off-axis side locationsas it increases rear RF rejection.The multiple functions (relocation of antenna, boost of signal, direc-tional sensitivity) of Sabine’s Extension Antenna mean there are manyapplications in which its addition to your system can greatly enhanceperformance.  Here’s a short list of such applications:1. Antenna repositioning.  Provides solutions when receiver place-ment options are limited or challenging.  Sabine’s ExtensionAntenna’s multiple mounting options allow higher placement (wallmount or microphone stand mount).2. Barriers interrupting transmission.  Anytime a barrier interfereswith transmission and reception, Sabine’s SWA-SSEXT can bemounted on the transmitter side of the barrier with cable connec-tions made on the receiver side.  Perhaps the most common situ-ation of this nature would arise when receiver and transmitter arelocated in separate rooms.3. Expanded or directional sensitivity required.  Sabine’s Exten-sion Antenna picks up in a 180-degree arc, focused towards thefront.  Reception in this arc is enhanced.4. Rear RF rejection required.  Because Sabine’s Extension An-tenna is less sensitive to signals received from the rear, it can bepositioned to reject any such directional RF interference.5. Extended operational range.  Given a potential maximum cablelength of almost 100 meters from Extension Antenna to receiver,Sabine’s SWASS-EXT allows more options for extending the dis-tance between transmitter and receiver.  (It should be noted thatthe typical range of Sabine’s SWM7000 series systems withoutthe Extension Antenna is already 100 meters in typical circum-stances).  Consider that RF signal strength through the air is di-minished by the square of the distance (twice as far away = ¼ thesignal strength), while signal loss through cable is (roughly) in-versely proportional (twice as far away = ½ the signal).  That meansyou can use an extension antenna to replace transmission-through-air with transmission-through-cable, to help minimize signal loss.Extension Antennas

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