Salto Systems S L WRDBK BLE capable wall RFID card reader User Manual Installation Guide WRDx0A4 224899
Salto Systems S.L BLE capable wall RFID card reader Installation Guide WRDx0A4 224899
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- 2. Installation Guide_WRDx0A4Y_225144
- 3. Installation Guide_WRDx0E4_221543
- 4. Installation Guide_WRDx0E4Y_221547
- 5. Users Manual_Note
Installation Guide_WRDx0A4_224899
![All contents current at time of publication.SALTO Systems S.L. reserves the right to change availability of anyitem in this catalog, its design, construction, and/or materials.224899 -ED0 -11/03/2016European view©2015 SALTO Syst ems S.L. 1/4 WRDx0A4x WRDx0A4xK Series WRDB0A4x Installation GuideGuide d'installation WRDB0A4xGuía de instalación WRDB0A4xInstallationsanleitung WRDB0A4xInstallatiehandleiding WRDB0A4xInstallationsguide WRDB0A4xEngDeuEspFra NedSve1232a2b2a2b4X 4X 2X3-3/4" (95,5mm)5-9/16" (141mm)1-5/32"(29,5mm) 3- 9/32"[83.3 mm]5-9/16" (141mm)3-3/4" (95,5mm)3-9/32"(83.3mm)29/32"(23mm)GANG ELECTRICAL STANDARD BOXPLOTS D'ENCASTREMENT STANDARDMODULO CAJA ELECTRICA ESTANDARDSTANDARD SCHALTERDOSE STANDAARD ELEKTRISCHE INBOUWDOOS ELEKTRISK STANDARD BOXEngEspDeuNedSveFra](