Sanwa Electronic Instrument Co ATX90354 Remote Control Transmitter User Manual RD8AT 002 003 eps
Sanwa Electronic Instrument Co Ltd Remote Control Transmitter RD8AT 002 003 eps
- 1. User Manual Part I
- 2. User Manual Part II
User Manual Part II
EPA (END POINT ADJUSTMENT) G (Landing Gear End Points) The RDS8000 allows you to adjust the “End Point”, or travel limit, for all flight channels. In most cases, (almost all cases in the past) the total servo throw for the landing gear function could not be set by the transmitter, because most retract servos are SWITCHED (non-proportional) servos. With these servos, mechanical adjustment was the only method available to ensure proper operation of the retracts. In general, it is best to use as close to 100% servo throw as possible. This allows for the best possible resolution and centering of control surfaces. However, in some cases it is not possible to use full servo movement, such as where short control horns must be used because of aircraft design considerations, or with fixed-length control horns such as a throttle arm. To use this function, select the EPA function as shown on the previous screen. Press the (CH +) key to scroll across the Channel indicator on the screen until you reach G (Landing Gear). Assume you want to adjust the EPA of the Elevator channel servo. Bring up the STW (stopwatch) screen as previously instructed in INITIAL SETUP. Next, press the FUNCTION down key until the EPA screen appears for the Elevator channel. The EPA of the Elevator channel can be adjusted from 0% to 150%. By moving the elevator stick up and down, you will see the LCD arrow change according to the direction you are moving the stick. To set the UP EPA, move the stick back past the neutral position and release the stick. You can increase or decrease the amount by using the (INC+) or (DEC-) function keys. Note that you must set the value for Up and Down landing gear by use of the INC +/YES and DEC -/NO keys. Activate the Landing Gear toggle switch located on the upper left top of the transmitter when setting the values for the Landing Gear. You can vary each one from 0% to 150%. The default values for Landing Gear are –125% and +125%. To restore the landing gear channel to the default values, press the INC and DEC keys simultaneously. Press the END key to return to the STW screen. Note that you can move across the menu using the (CH+) or (CH-) keys to adjust EPA for all other channels. To adjust the EPA on Gear and Flap channels simply move the toggle switch up or down and adjust the EPA accordingly. 42 43 TRM (TRIM MEMORY) FLAPE (FLAPERONS) The RDS8000 offers the Trim Memory Function on all four of the flight control channels and the Flap Channel. Trim Memory for Elevator, Aileron, Throttle, and Rudder is input by the Digital Trim keys. It can also be set when you use the INC +/YES or DEC -/NO keys to input trim. The Flaperon function can be used to obtain two separate aileron channels with a servo in each wing. It can also be used so strip ailerons act as flaps and deploy in a downward direction to create both lift and drag. In the following example, the ailerons will be programmed to act as flaps that are controlled by the Flap/FL-EL switch. Press the (CH –) or the (CH+) key to select “etc” on the Channel indicator. Any trim that you set while your model is in flight by use of the Digital Trim keys will automatically be stored in memory for that specific channel and model. The Trim value in % that you set during flight is shown on the TRM screen for each Channel. In addition, there are bar graph indicators that show how much trim has been set for Elevator, Aileron, Throttle and Rudder channels. Next, press the FUNCTION down key several times to see the following screen. 3-POSITION FLAPS (FLAP SWITCH) Using channel 6 as a flaps only channel, you are able to adjust the 3 flap positions. Up 0% flaps, 50% flaps and 100% full flaps down. By starting in the default screen, push the function CH+ key to move the curser to the right until you reach the P-F. All of your flap adjustment is done with the CNT and EPA. Now, press the INC +/YES or the DEC -/NO key to set the FLAPE function to Active. The aileron stick will now operate two servos on receiver channels #2 and #6. Press the END key to return to the STW screen at the top of the menu. You will be using your EPA and servo centering to change the percentages of how much flap you would like. First move the 3-position switch to the middle position. This will center the servo. With out using the servo centering feature, install the servo arm so the arm is as close to 90 deg as possible. Now move the 3-position flap switch to the up position and setup your linkage so your flaps will be at 0%. After your linkage is set you can now move the 3-position switch to the middle. This will move your flaps down to the 50% position. Moving the 3-position switch to the last or full down position will give you full 100% flaps down. With the 3-position switch in the mid position, you can adjust the amount of flaps down in this position with the servo centering feature. Remember, changing the servo centering will change both up and down end points. Be sure to readjust both end points after you change the servo centering. Bottom View After adjusting the mid flap position, you can now adjust both the up and full down positions with the EPA feature. Right Wing Channel #6 Left Wing Channel #2 Servo linkage must be on the outer side of the servo when mounted like above example. 44 45 Press the (CH –) key to select P-F on the Channel indicator. ALARMS D/R-A(DUAL RATE ALARM) THROTTLE STICK HIGH The RDS8000 offers an “ALARM” function to warn you if you turn your transmitter on while a Dual Rate Switch is activated, and another to warn you if you turn the transmitter on while the Throttle Stick is in any position other than Full-Low throttle. TH-Hi! Will be displayed on the LCD screen until you place the Throttle stick in the full-low position. To activate the D/R-A (Dual Rate alarm), press the (CH –) or the (CH +) key to select “etc” on the Channel indicator. Use the FUNCTION down key to scroll down to FLAP EPA (endpoint adjust). Note that the default setting is +100%. The range of adjustment is from 0 to 150%. Press either the INC+/YES or the DEC-/NO key to change the value of the function. The three position FLAP/FL-EL switch which is located on the top right of the transmitter activated Flaperons. The normal position for Flaperons at neutral position is with the switch towards you. Note that the Left Aileron channel must be plugged into Channel 2 of your receiver and the Right Aileron into channel 6. To disable the FLAP switch, set all three of the FLAP EPA's to 0%. Press the FUNCTION down key several times to scroll down the menu items and select the D/R-A screen. Use the FLAP TRM (trim) function to fine tune flap operation. Note that FLAP TRIM will affect all three FLAP EPA's. Next, press either the INC +/YES or the DEC -/NO key to set D/R-A to ACTive. If a Dual Rate switch is ON when you turn ON the transmitter, an audio signal of 3 beeps will occur approximately every 15 seconds until you turn off a dual rate switch. You can turn off the Dual Rate alarm by pressing either the INC +/YES or the DEC -/NO key to change D/R-A to INHibit. Note that the High-Throttle Stick alarm is always active. NOTE: The RDS8000 transmitter will also sound an alarm if the power switch is left on with out any movement of the controls for a period of time that exceeds 15 minutes. The screen will show PWR!. 46 47 DELTA (ELEVONS) A>R (AILERON-RUDDER MIX) DELTA mix can be used in a flying-wing type model to provide ELEVON control, where the elevator and aileron functions are combined. The RDS8000 provides the capability to program your aircraft so that Aileron stick deflection will also cause the rudder servo to respond in the same direction, (right aileron=right rudder). This automatic coordination of rudder with aileron is useful in many high-wing/scale models that suffer from adverse yaw with aileron application. Note that the rudder servo will still respond to rudder stick movement as well as with aileron stick movement. To access the DELTA function, use either the (CH –) or the (CH +) key to select the STW screen. To use A>R (aileron-rudder) mixing, first access the AL (aileron) channel on the Channel indicator. Press the FUNCTION down key to scroll down to the DELTA screen. Next, press the FUNCTION down key to select the A>R display. Press the INC +/YES key to adjust the amount of mixing that will occur. Now press the INC + /YES key to change the display to ACT(Active). Note that you cannot have FLAPE (Flaperon) Active when DELTA is Active and vice versa. When DELTA is Active, you will have two channels assigned for ELEVON control. Plug these two servos into channels #1 and #2 of your receiver. The two servos will now respond to movement of the elevator/aileron control stick. End Point Adjustments for elevator and aileron can then be made for the amount of throw required. You can now activate the AL>RU mix switch, located above the throttle/rudder stick assembly, to turn-on or off the AL>RU mix function. Press the INC +/YES and DEC -/NO keys simultaneously if you desire to reset A>RU to 0%. Press the END key to return to the STW screen. 48 49 V-TAIL (RUDDER-ELEVATOR MIX) T>E (THROTTLE-ELEVATOR MIX) The RDS8000 transmitter has the ability to control sailplanes or powered models that use a V-Tail control system. In these aircraft the two tail controls perform both as elevators and as rudders. Two servos and two channels (receiver channels #1 and #4 are required for V-Tail operation). The RDS8000 allows automatic adjustment of Elevator trim as you advance or retard the throttle stick. This is a valuable option as most sailplanes need a change in pitch trim when flaps are deployed. By making this adjustment with an electronic mixer, the pilot does not have to alter the elevator digital trims each time flaps are used, and thus does not have to re-trim the elevators for normal flight. This feature can also be used on an engine-powered model to make small elevator trim corrections as power is applied or reduced. To select the V-Tail operation, first press either the < CH - or the CH + > key to access the “etc” channel indicator. To use the T>E (Throttle-Elevator) mix, press either the (CH –) or (CH +) key to select TH on the CH indicator screen. (Note that you must be on the STW screen to move horizontally across the entire CH indicator screen). Next, press the FUNCTION down key to scroll down to the V-TAIL display. Press the FUNCTION down key to see the following T>E screen. Press the INC +/YES key to see the following screen which will activate the V-TAIL function. If you press the DEC -/NO or the INC +/YES key you can toggle from INH (Inhibit) to ACT (Active). You can use the Rudder and Elevator Servo Rev (Reverse) and EPA (End Point Adjustment) functions to fine tune your set-up. Press the INC +/YES or the DEC -/NO key to set a value for T>E mixing. The range possible is from –100% to +100%. For now in this example, press the INC +/YES key to insert a value of 20% for the T>E mix. Flight testing will always be required to determine the optimum amount of mix. You may use the Aileron>Rudder mixing function to allow operation of the V-Tail rudders with the right aileron control stick. See AL>RU mixing, page 49. Press the INC +/YES and DEC -/NO keys simultaneously to reset T>E mix to the default value of 0%. 50 51 COMPENSATION MIXERS (C-Mix) The RDS8000 has two compensation mixers to handle advanced mixing needs. These are in addition to the predefined mixers. Now use the FUNCTION down key until you reach the (MAS 1:) screen. Next use the INC or DEC keys until the RU (rudder) is selected. This will be your Master channel. A Compensation Mixer allows one transmitter control input to affect two flight functions. A common mix would be Aileron to Rudder to achieve coordinated turns without moving the rudder stick. However, the RDS8000 provides a predefined mixer for this function. Press the (CH+) key to move across the CH indicator and access the “etc” screen. Next press the FUNCTION down key and locate the following screen names in order: MAS 1: EL = (C-Mix #1 Master channel) example EL “Elevator” SLV 1: EL = (C-Mix #1 Slave Channel) example EL “Elevator” E>E 1: 0% = ( C-Mix #1 mixing percentage) Adjust from +150% to -150% example “Elevator to Elevator” MAS 2: EL = (C-Mix #1 Master channel) example EL “Elevator” SLV 2: EL = (C-Mix #1 Slave Channel) example EL “Elevator” E>E 2: 0% = ( C-Mix #1 mixing percentage) Adjust from +150% to -150% example “Elevator to Elevator” Next press the FUNCTION down key once to select (SLV 1:) screen. Now use the INC or DEC keys until you reach EL (elevator). This will be your Slave channel. (AIRCRAFT) Both C-Mix 1 and C-Mix 2 are operated by one switch located on the front upper left side of the transmitter and is marked in red lettering. (HELICOPTER) Both C-Mix 1 and C-Mix 2 can be turned on and off by using the slide switch located on the front upper right area of the transmitter marked in blue lettering C-Mix 1,2. The following example use, C-Mix 1 to mix Rudder to Elevator as may be needed for knife edge flight. Start by pressing the (CH+) key until you reach “etc” . Next press the FUNCTION down key once to select (R>E 1:) screen. By moving the Rudder stick you will see the arrow indicators on the screen change directions according to the direction you move the stick, left and right. You can set the C-Mix for both directions independently. For example, when you are in a knife-edge and you give it right rudder but the plane pulls to the top of the aircraft you can simply moved the stick to the right and press the INC or DEC keys and observe the elevator movement. If increasing the number moves the elevator in the wrong direction, you can decrease the number into the negative side to change the direction of the compensation. Only use a small amount of compensation at first. You can set the left compensation in the same manor if any compensation is needed. When the C-Mix percentages in both directions are at “0”, there will be no compensation mixing. 52 53 ELEVATOR-FLAP MIXING RUDDER-AILERON MIXING This function causes the flaps to deploy when the elevator control stick is moved up or down. It can be used with a separate flap servo with an output on the receivers channel #6 or as flaperons with two aileron servos on channel #2 and #6. This function is most commonly used for aerobatic models where deploying flaps (or flaperons) with elevator control make tighter corners on maneuvers such as the square loop. In order to use this function with the two aileron servo option you must first activate the FLAPERON function. To activate, move the channel selector by pressing the CH+ key until you reach “etc”. Now press the FUNCTION DOWN key several times to reach the “FLAPE” screen and use the YES or NO keys to active. Press the END key 2 times to return to the Main screen. When you use this function you can cause the ailerons to move left and right when the rudder control stick is moved left or right. The purpose of this mixer is to allow one transmitter control input to affect flight functions. A common use would be in knife-edge flight where you need a small correction in aileron to prevent roll coupling. To setup such a mix, use the CH+ key to select RU on the CH indicator. NOTE 1: BASIC must be turned OFF for this feature to operate. NOTE 2: Flap switch must be in the defaut “UP” position. When activating the FLAPE function, if both servos move off center when activating the FLAPE function then move the flap switch down. This will keep the centering of the servos correct. Next press the FUNCTION down key until you reach R>A 0% screen. Now you can add rudder to aileron mix. Adjustment is from 100 to -100%. You can set both left and right rudder to aileron mix separately. By moving the rudder stick you will see the left or right indicator display on the screen. For example you can set left mix at 20% and right at -30% depending on the direction you need for the mix. NOTE 1: BASIC must be turned OFF for this feature to operate. Next press the CH+ key to move to the “EL” indicator. Press the FUNCTION down key until you reach E>F 0% screen. Now you can add elevator to flap amount. Adjustment is from 0 to 100%. CAUTION: Once you activate the R>A mixer by setting in a value, it will be active at all times and the aircraft will respond to all control inputs since you cannot turn it on or off with a switch. You can use a Compensation Mixer feature to use a switch instead. CAUTION: Once you activate the E>F mixer by setting a value, it will be active at all times and the aircraft will respond to all control inputs since you cannot turn it on or off with a switch. You can use a Compensation Mixer feature to use a switch instead. RUDDER-ELEVATOR MIXING Rudder to elevator mixing is used, for example, when in a knife-edge flight, as the aircraft pulls to the belly or canopy when rudder is added. 54 55 FLAP-ELEVATOR MIXING AL-DIF (AILERON DIFFERENTIAL) This feature is used when you deploy the flaps. Normally when you drop the flaps on an aircraft it will start to climb. Adding some down elevator will help reduce it. Adjustment is from (100) to (-100)%. The RDS8000 has the ability to control several aircraft ‘wing’ types, including conventional single aileron servo, dual-aileron servos on individual channels with electronic differential adjustment and delta (or “flying wing”) configurations with Elevons. It is only possible to electronically adjust differential when using TWO CHANNELS for ailerons, with one servo on each side of the wing driving that wing’s aileron. The AL-DIF (aileron differential) function only applies to the DELTA and FLAPE menu functions. NOTE 1: Basic must be turned OFF before this feature will operate. From the Main screen, press the CH+ key until the P-F displays in the CH screen area. Now use the FUNCTION down key to select the F>E screen. Use the INC+/YES or DEC-/NO keys to set the percentages. Differential refers to the ratio of up-to-down movement of each aileron. Many aircraft need more movement from the upward deflecting aileron than from the downward deflecting aileron in order to eliminate unwanted yaw when ailerons are applied. Note that differential for the SPOIR (Spoileron) function, used with sailplanes is controlled by the L-DIF (landing differential) function. AL-DIF has no effect of SPOIR! The following example, assumes you want to have separate servos for aileron control. Since you must have two servos to obtain electronic differential, the first thing to do is activate FLAPE (Flaperons). You now have two channels assigned to the aileron/flaperon function. Plug these servos into CHANNELS #2 and #6 of your receiver. Note that both servos will respond equally when you move the transmitter’s aileron control stick. If you do not want the ailerons to act as flaps, select P-H on the Channel indicator, and disable the FLAP switch by setting FLAP EPA to 0% up and down. SPOIR (SPOILERON) The RDS8000 has the ability to control different fixed-wing aircraft types, including conventional single-aileron servo or dual-aileron servos on individual channels with differential adjustment and wings with flaperons/spoilerons. The Spoileron function is normally used with sailplanes. Press the FUNCTION down key to select the AL-DIF (aileron differential) screen. Use the CH+ key to move the CH indicator to "etc". Now use the FUNCTION down key to display the SPOIR screen. Activate the SPOIR by pressing the INC+/YES or DEC-/NO keys. Next, press the INC +/YES key to set a value for aileron differential. In this example the differential is set to 50%. This means that the downward deflecting aileron will move half as much as does the upward-deflecting aileron. The final adjustments will be determined by actual flight testing. In order to use two separate aileron servo channels and/or have electronic aileron differential, press the INC +/YES key to make the SPOIR read ACT (Active). Note that it is only possible to electronically adjust aileron differential throw, when you choose to use TWO CHANNELS for aileron, with a servo on each side of the wing driving that wing’s servo. Pressing the INC +/YES or the DEC -/NO key will toggle the function between “INH” and “ACT” settings. When SPOIR is ACTIVE, you will have two channels assigned to the aileron/spoileron function. Plug these servos into channels #2 and #6 of your receiver. Note that both servos will respond equally when you move the aileron stick on the transmitter. If AL-DIF (Aileron Differential) is set to 0%, the servos will move equally in response to left and right transmitter aileron stick movement. If a value is inserted for AL-DIF when using the SPOIR function, the FLAP STICK (throttle) will determine when AL-DIF becomes effective for a sailplane. 56 The above display shows the amount of differential that we have presently programmed. The range of adjustment is from –100% to +100%. Default is 0%. If the differential you set is in the wrong direction, i.e., less up-deflection than down-deflection, change the polarity of the value that you programmed by using the INC +/YES or DEC -/NO keys. 57 L-DIF (LANDING DIFFERENTIAL) The L-DIF (landing differential) function enables the ailerons of a sailplane to be effective whenever both the left and right ailerons are raised when CROW or SPOILERON are used in landing. Typical thermal sailplanes require about twice as much up travel as down travel of the ailerons to produce a coordinated turn. The RDS8000 allows you to set the amount of differential aileron travel during the landing mode. To use L-DIF the SPOIR (Spoileron) function must be set to Active. See page 56 and activate the SPOIR function. CR:LA (CROW LEFT AILERON) CR:RA (CROW RIGHT AILERON) In landing mode, the flaps provide a large amount of both lift and drag. This causes the plane to fly very slowly and descend gently. On very light sailplanes the rate of descent may be so slow that the plane tends to “float right past” the landing spot. CROW (both ailerons up) adds quite a bit of drag while decreasing lift. This increases the rate of descent (steepens the glide slope) and improves controllability. The amount of CROW that is used should be adjusted to suit personal preference. In general, higher wing-loading sailplanes require less CROW because the rate of descent will probably already be high enough. In order to program the CROW function you must have previously selected the SPOIR (Spoileron) function and set it to Active. Next, press the FUNCTION down key to scroll to the L-DIF (landing differential) screen. Press the FUNCTION down key to select the CR:LA (Crow left aileron) screen. Now, press the DEC -/NO key to set a value of –50% for L-DIF. Next, press the INC +/YES key to program a value of 25%. Here we have set CROW for the Left Aileron at 25%. The Left Aileron now will raise 25% of its travel upward while the flaps deploy downward while in the Landing Mode. The Landing Mode, Flap deployment and CROW are all controlled by the position of the FLAP (throttle) stick. The range of adjustment for CROW is +100% to –100%. The default value is 0%. Note that the application of Landing Differential is controlled by the position of the FLAP (throttle) stick. As you bring the stick down and deploy your flaps, the aileron landing differential increases to the amount that you programmed. In the above example we set L-DIF to –50%. However, the polarity of the setting depends on your specific servo installation, i.e., the setting can either be positive or negative. Move your aileron stick from side to side and observe the change in the ratio of up to down travel as you bring the FLAP stick down. Now, press the FUNCTION down key to move down to the CR:RA (CROW right aileron) screen. Press the INC +/YES key to set it at 25%. Now both ailerons respond identically to the CROW command. The range of adjustment of L-DIF is from –100% to +100%. To reset L-DIF to the default value of 0%, press both the INC +/YES and DEC -/NO keys simultaneously. Flight testing will be required to determine the optimum setting for your . L-DIF. 58 59 OPTION MENU SCREEN STEP (TRIM STEP) In the advanced programming you have the ability to turn off unused programming screens with the OPTION MENU SCREEN. This is very useful and convenient when one of your models only requires some features. For example, one aircraft is used as a trainer and you do not need to use any C-MIX, CROW, AI-DIF, DELTA, V-TAIL, you can go to the OPT screen and turn them off so they will not display in the normal programming screens. If you decide later that you want to use a feature you have turned off, you can at anytime use the OPT to turn the feature back on. Any trim that you set while your model is in flight by use of the Digital Trim keys will automatically be stored in memory for that specific channel and model, providing that TRM was previously turned OFF in the OPTIONS section of the program. NOTE 1: Turning off the feature only removes it from the programming screen. It will not, however, turn off the feature. Example, you had activated your FLAPE for Flaperons and then in the OPT screen you turned FLAPE off. Your Flaperons will still be active but you will not see the FLAPE screen in the programming menu. NOTE 2: This feature is best used on an aircraft or helicopter after you have set up your “need on all the time” features. For example the swash plate type for a helicopter, once you select the swash plate type you can then turn the swash plate type screen off because you have no adjustments in that screen, and by turning the screen off you will not mistakenly change the swash plate type. The Trim value in % that you set during flight is shown on the TRM screen for each Channel. In addition, there are bar graph indicators on the screen that show how much trim has been set for Elevator, Aileron, Throttle and Rudder channels. The amount that the Trim Function changes every time you press the Digital Trim key i.e., the Trim Authority, is variable, and it can be set by the user. For initial test flights of your model it is recommended that it be set at a value of 7 to allow for maximum ability to trim your model. After your first flight and your aircraft has been trimmed, you can then program a more precise adjustment for trim authority by using the STEP function. To change the Trim Authority, access the STW screen for EL as previously explained. Press the CH + key several times to select the “etc” screen. Now press the FUNCTION down key until you find the following screen that indicates STEP. Before turning off any unused-feature screens, make sure they are at the default setting or do not have any affect on a control surface. Use the CH+ key to move to the "etc" in the CH area of the main screen. Next use the FUNCTION down key until you reach the OPT screen. Now press the YES key, the OPT will now flash 3 times. Now you can use the FUNCTION down key to view all the feature screens that can be turned off. Turning the feature on or off is done by using the YES or NO keys. After selecting YES or NO, you can now press the END key to exit out of the OPT screen. Pressing END 3 times will bring you to the main screen. If you want to change the Trim Authority to a lesser number to make the Digital Trim keys less sensitive for a finer setting, press the DEC -/NO key. If you want to increase the sensitivity to obtain a greater change, press the INC +/ YES key. The maximum value of Trim Authority is 15 and the minimum value is 0. . you do not have any Trim capability. CAUTION: If set to zero, BASIC MENU By default the BASIC aircraft and helicopter programming menu are on, giving you the basic features included in the RD8000. By turning BASIC OFF, you are turning on the ADVANCED aircraft or helicopter programming menu. To turn BASIC OFF, press the CH+ key until you reach “etc” in the CH area on the main screen. Now press the FUNCTION down key until you reach the BASIC ON screen. Press the YES or NO key to turn on the Advanced programming menu. Press the END key 2 times to return to the main screen. 60 61 DUAL ELEVATOR MIXING RDS8000 Transmitter - HELICOPTER Your RDS8000 offers DUAL ELEVATOR MIXING that allows you to use a separate servo for each elevator half. You use Channels 1 and 7 on the receiver for this feature. Activating the Dual Elevator feature will automatically disable your AUX-1 channel 7 switch and will allow channel 7 to be used with the elevator stick. Liquid Crystal Display Digital Hover Pitch INC / DEC Digital Hover Throttle INC / DEC AUX 1 You will be able to set the EPA, REV, CENTER and FAIL safe separately for both channels. Use Channel 1 for your left elevator and use channel 7 for your right elevator. AUX-2 Gyro C-Mix 1, 2 Trainer Switch Throttle Cut Switch Throttle (U/D) Rudder (L/R) Elevator (U/D) Aileron (L/R) Elevator Digital Trim Throttle Digital Trim AUX-1 and AUX-2: Aileron Digital Trim Rudder Digital Trim AUX-1. Press the CH - key to select CH 7 on the Channel Indicator. When AUX -1 (Channel 7) is not used for Dual Elevator (D-EL) control and is inhibited, the function can be turned on and off by the AUX-1 switch which is located above the throttle gimbal. Servo Reverse, Center, and EPA adjustments can be made at the Channel 7 menu. Note that Channel 7 can be mixed with any other channel using the Compensation Mixers. Panel Input Keys AUX-2. Press the CH- key to select CH 8 on the Channel Indicator. The AUX-2, Channel 8 menu provides adjustments for Servo Reverse, Center, and EPA. Channel 8 can be mixed with any other channel using the Compensation Mixers. Flight Mode 3 Main Power Switch Flight Mode Selector Flight Mode N,1,2 (See Page 77 to change F.M. switch locations) (See Page 77 to change F.M. switch locations) 92824Z Receiver Channel Assignments Receiver Slot Number 62 Plug in Servo For: Elevator (F/A) Cyclic Aileron (L/R) Cyclic Throttle Rudder (Tail Rotor) Gyro Collective Pitch AUX 1 AUX 2 / Battery 63 HELICOPTER BASIC MENU STRUCTURE PROGRAMMING FOR HELICOPTER INITIAL SET-UP OF TYP (MODEL TYPE) (Rx Channel) CH EL STW REV D/R CNT EPA AL STW REV D/R CNT EPA TH STW REV CNT EPA CV-PH CV-P3 CV-P2 CV-P1 CV-PL RU STW REV D/R CNT EPA RV.H RV.M RV.L STW REV GYR P/F STW REV CNT EPA CV-PH CV-P3 CV-P2 CV-P1 CV-PL STW REV CNT EPA STW REV CNT EPA etc STW M-SL TYP RST BASIC ON The RDS8000 transmitter is factory-programmed for both fixed-wing aircraft and helicopter models. If you fly only helicopter model aircraft, you can change model’s 1,3,5,7 and 9 to helicopter. Turn the transmitter power ON and press the END key until you come to the default main screen. The inital screen will show AR1 which indicates the aircraft type as well as showing the NiCd battery voltage. HELICOPTER ADVANCED MENU STRUCTURE (Rx Channel) CH EL STW TRM REV D/R EXP CNT EPA AL STW TRM REV D/R EXP CNT EPA TH STW TRM REV CNT EPA CV-PH CV-P3 CV-P2 CV-P1 CV-PL T-CUT RU STW TRM REV D/R EXP CNT EPA RV-H RV-M RV-L STW REV GYR P/F STW REV CNT EPA CV-PH CV-P3 CV-P2 CV-P1 CV-PL STW REV CNT EPA STW REV CNT EPA etc STW M-SL NAM MAS 1 SLV 1 E>E 1 MAS 2 SLV 2 E>E 2 STW set INT set STEP TYP SW-R CPY RST CLK DTM SWH BASIC OFF OPT NOTE: Use the (CH-) and (CH+) keys to move horizontally within the same function. Use the FUNCTION UP and FUNCTION DOWN keys to move vertically within the menu. The small triangles to the left of the function that shows on the LCD screen indicates the direction that you can move horizontally and vertically in the menu. Press the (CH+) key to scroll across the CH (channel) indicator on the screen to “etc”. Press the FUNCTION down Key once to access the TYP (model type) screen. Use the four center buttons in the function panel to navigate through the menus. (UP / DOWN / LEFT / RIGHT) 64 65 PITCH CURVES (FLIGHT MODES) Note that one of the small triangular indicators will be blinking to show that you should press the (CH+) key. Therefore, press the (CH+) key and the screen will change to read HELI with a flashing YES. The RDS8000 allows you to customize four distinct flight modes for each helicopter model. The four pitch curves (flight modes) available for each helicopter model are: N………………………….. Select 1…………………………... Select 2…………………………... Select 3…………………………... Select Curve N -- NORMAL Curve One – IDLE UP 1 Curve Two – IDLE UP 2 Curve Three -- HOLD Selecting a pitch curve is done by activating the two FLIGHT MODE switches located on the top of the transmitter, as shown below. The default positions are as indicted. To confirm the change of aircraft type, press the INC+/YES key. The screen will then change to read OK! As shown on screen below to indicate the model type has been changed to HELI from model #1. Press the END key twice to return to the STW screen. F-Mode 3 or Hold: Switch positioned away from you F-Mode 2: Switch positioned away from you F-Mode 1: Switch positioned in center F-Mode Normal: Switch positioned towards you F-Mode Normal: Switch positioned toward you Note that BOTH F-MODE switches must be positioned toward you to select F-MODE NORMAL. Press the END key twice to return to the STW screen. The same procedure as noted above can be used to change Model #3, 5, 7, 9 from AERO to HELI. CAUTION: Flight Modes 1, 2 and 3. If either one is activated when you turn on the transmitter, an audio alarm will sound. You must always be aware of which flight mode you have selected before starting your engine or attempting flight! NOTE: See page 77 on how to reverse the 2-position and 3-position switches. Normal HELI flying in the U.S.A. has the 3-position switch on the left side of the transmitter. 66 67 The pitch curve for each flight mode has five points that can be adjusted to suit your specific needs. Within each pitch curve these points are referred to as PH (high pitch), P3, P2, P1 and PL (low pitch). The range of values and default settings for each is shown below. To activate P3 and P1, press the YES key when in P3 or P1 screens. To set back to default, press both the YES and NO keys at the same time. FLIGHT MODE Curve Point Minimum Default Maximum Normal PH P3 P2 P1 PL -25% -25% -25% -25% -25% 100% INH 50% INH 0% 125% 125% 125% 125% 125% F. Mode 1 and 2 PH P3 P2 P1 PL -25% -25% -25% -25% -25% 100% INH 50% INH 0% 125% 125% 125% 125% 125% PH P3 P2 P1 PL -25% -25% -25% -25% -25% 0% INH 0% INH 0% 125% 125% 125% 125% 125% F. Mode 3 or Hold Now use the F-MODE switch to select the specific flight mode to adjust. As an example, if you want to adjust CV-P2 in Normal flight mode, press the FUNCTION down key to select CV-P2. The default value for the Normal flight mode of 55% will be shown. Press the INC+/YES key to set an increase in value or press the DEC-/NO key to set a lesser value. Press both INC+/YES and DEC-/NO keys simultaneously to return to the default value. To program your pitch curves, press the (CH –) or (CH +) key to select P-F on the Channel indicator. Fine tuning the Hover Pitch is also available by the HOV-PT digital trim switch located above the throttle stick. NOTE: HOV-PI and HOV-TH trims are used only for adjustment in flight mode N (normal). They have no affect on Flight Mode 1 or 2. Next, press the FUNCTION down key and scroll down to the CV-PH screen. Press the F-MODE (flight mode) switch to toggle through modes 1, 2, 3 and Normal. HOV-PI + Digital Trim HOV-TH + Digital Trim ON POWER In normal operation you will usually set the approximate Hovering Pitch with the software in the Pitch screens then adjust as needed for various weather and flying conditions with the HOV-PI (hover pitch) digital trim switch. 68 69 THROTTLE CURVES (FLIGHT MODES) The throttle curve for each flight mode has five points that can be adjusted to suit your specific needs. Within each throttle curve these points are referred to as PH (high pitch) P3, P2, P1 and PL (low pitch). The range of values and default settings for each is shown below. To activate P3 and P1, press the YES key when in P3 or P1 screens. To set back to default, press both the YES and NO keys at the same time. FLIGHT MODE Curve Point Minimum Default Maximum Normal PH P3 P2 P1 PL -25% -25% -25% -25% -25% 100% INH 50% INH 0% 125% 125% 125% 125% 125% F. Mode 1 and 2 PH P3 P2 P1 PL -25% -25% -25% -25% -25% 100% INH 50% INH 0% 125% 125% 125% 125% 125% F. Mode 3 or Hold PH P3 P2 P1 PL -25% -25% -25% -25% -25% 0% INH 0% INH 0% 125% 125% 125% 125% 125% Press the F-MODE (flight mode) switch to toggle through modes 1, 2, 3 and Normal. Now use the F-MODE switch to select the specific flight mode to adjust. As an example, if you want to adjust CV-P2 in Normal flight mode, press the FUNCTION down key to select CV-P2. The default value for the Normal flight mode of 50% will be shown. To program your throttle curves, press the (CH –) or (CH +) key to select P-F on the Channel indicator. Press the INC+/YES key to set an increase in value or press the DEC-/NO key to set a lesser value. Press both INC+/YES and DEC-/NO keys simultaneously to return to the default value. Next, press the FUNCTION down key and scroll down to the CV-PH screen. Fine tuning of the Hover Throttle is also available by the HOV-TH digital trim switch located above the elevator stick. 70 71 REVOLUTION MIXING GYRO ADJUSTMENT The RDS8000 provides for setting Revolution Mixing for each of the four Flight Modes. Each Flight Mode has its own curve for adjusting tail rotor position in response to the throttle/collective stick movements. The default settings for RV.H (Revolution Mixing High Point), RV.M (Revolution Mixing Mid Point), and RV.L (Revolution Mixing Low Point) are as follows: The RDS8000 allows you to set the Gyro sensitivity of your helicopter’s gyro if it has that capability. The gain of the gyro can be adjusted for all of the four Flight Modes 2 settings for each. In this manner the pilot can adjust the gyro for a suitable level of sensitivity (gain) for one flight mode (for instance, hover), and by changing to a different flight mode alter the sensitivity for more or less stabilization. Note that you must be using a gyro that offers remote sensitivity adjustment. FLIGHT MODE RV.H RV.M RV.L Normal F. Mode #1 F. Mode #2 F. Mode #3 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% -2% -5% 0% -20% -5% -10% 0% Press either the (CH –) or the (CH +) key to select G (Gyro) on the Channel indicator. To program Revolution Mixing, press either the (CH –) or (CH +) key to select RU ( rudder) on the Channel indicator. Next, press the FUNCTION down key to select RV.H, which is the revolution mixing high point. Now, press the FUNCTION down key several times to access the GYR (gyro) screen. The display will look like the following screen when the Normal flight mode is selected. Use the INC +/YES or DEC -/NO key to change the default value if you desire to do so for any of the three flight modes. In this example, we have set RV.H for the Normal flight mode to + 25%. To adjust the gyro sensitivity for a specific flight mode, press either the INC +/YES or DEC- /NO key. Default values are : Normal 100%, F.Mode #1 50%, F.Mode #2 60% and F.Mode #3 100%. The range of adjustment is from – 150% to +150%. Press the Flight Mode switch to change from one flight mode to another. The same procedure can be used to input values for RV.M and RV.L. Press the Flight Mode switch to select the different Flight Modes. Fine-tuning of your gyro sensitivity for the various flight modes can be accomplished by flight tests. 72 73 TRM (TRIM MEMORY) DTM (DYNAMIC TRIM MEMORY) The RDS8000 offers the Trim Memory Function on all four flight control channels. Trim Memory for Elevator, Aileron, Throttle, and Rudder is input by the Digital Trim keys. It can also be set when you use the INC +/YES or DEC -/NO keys to input trim. Any trim that you set while your model is in flight by use of the Digital Trim keys will automatically be stored in memory for that specific channel and model. The Trim value in % that you set during flight is shown on the TRM screen for each Channel. In addition, there are bar graph indicators on the screen that show how much trim has been set for Elevator, Aileron, Throttle and Rudder channels. Dynamic Trim Memory (DTM) is an advanced function that can be used in conjunction with the Flight Mode OPTIONS. When activated, Dynamic Trim Memory allows you to make trim changes while in any flight mode WITHOUT affecting any other flight mode or model. Flight Modes are used to allow activation of the DTM function. The four flight modes are: NORMAL F.M. #1………….IDLE-UP 1 F.M. #2………….IDLE-UP 2 F.M. #3...............THOTTLE HOLD Activating DTM will allow trim changes made in one flight mode to affect ONLY that specific mode. To activate Dynamic Trim Memory, press the (CH +) or the (CH –) key to select “etc” on the Channel indicator. D/R (DUAL RATE) Dual Rate adjustments allow you to switch from your “standard” control deflection to a reduced amount of throw by using your flight mode switches. The actual speed of signal processing and servo movement are not affected by the Dual Rate settings, only the amount of total throw available. Now, press the FUNCTION down key to scroll down the menu to the DTM screen. The RDS8000 allows Dual Rate settings for Aileron, Elevator and Rudder. To access the Dual Rate setting for Elevator when you are on the STW or REV screen, press the FUNCTION down key to reach this screen. The screen tells you the present rate status and the flight mode that you have selected. We are showing an example for the Elevator channel. However, all of the other channels are set in the same way. Press the INC +/YES or the DEC -/NO key to change DTM to ACT (active). Pressing either key will toggle the indication from ACT to INH. Press the END key to return to the STW screen. Dual Rate settings can be varied from 0 to 150% for each flight mode, N, 1, 2 and 3. Default for all flight modes is 100%. Select each flight mode using the “F-MODE” key and set the value for dual rate. An initial setting of 50% is a good starting point and you can tailor it later following a test flight. CAUTION: Prior to taking off your model, check the positions of your flight mode switches and make sure they are in the position you want. 74 Once activated, the Dynamic Trim Memory function is transparent to the pilot. Simply activate a Flight Mode, (for instance “Normal”) and trim the aircraft for stable hover using the digital trim keys. Then, switch to another flight mode, and do the same as desired. Note that when you change flight modes, the servos affected by the DTM function will return to the original neutral position regardless of the value of trim for the previous flight mode. However, the throttle channel is an exception to the rule. The trim that is set for one flight mode will affect all other flight modes. Also be aware that the throttle trim key only affects the low throttle position of the throttle servo. Throttle trim DOES NOT affect the collective pitch servo. 75 SWH (SWASH PLATE TYPE) CHANGING FLIGHT MODE 1 and 2 Switch Locations Your RDS8000 allows you to select the SWH (Swash) mode of operating the main rotor pitch, which is controlled by the Swash Plate moving up or down. When the Swash Mode is selected, the outputs of the Elevator, Aileron and Pitch servos are mixed to control the pitch of the helicopter's main rotor. Cyclic, Collective, Pitch Mixing (CCPM) can only be used on a helicopter that is designed for CCPM. The servos are mounted on the side frames directly under the Swash Plate with a direct linkage connection from the servo arm to the Swash Plate. This installation is designed to eliminate any slop that can occur with multiple linkages and levers. The three servos are mixed in various ways to obtain the control response that is needed for Aileron, Elevator and Pitch control. From the factory, flight mode 1 switch is on the right top toggle and flight mode 2 is on the left top toggle switch. Some flyers prefer flight mode 1 switch on the left top and flight mode 2 on the right top switch. The following will be how to change flight mode 1 and 2 switch locations. The RDS8000 can control the following types: NOR Normal type. The elevator, aileron and pitch servos are independent of each other on the receiver channels. CP3F Three joint balls are located in a triangle. The Elev ball is located in front. CP3B Same as CP3F but Elevator ball is located in the rear or back. CP4F The Elevator ball joint is located at 90 degrees from the Aileron ball joint. The Elevator ball joint is located in the front. CP4B The same as CP4F except the Elevator ball is located in the rear or back. 10 11 12 13 Remove the NiCd battery cover and NiCd battery pack. Remove the antenna by unscrewing it counter clockwise. Remove all 8 screws located on the back of the transmitter. Refer to page 12 for screw locations. Remove both left and right switch retainer nuts located on top of the switches. Cut both left and right wire ties holding the wiring to both switches. With a black marker pen put a dot on the plastic base of the switch to indicate the rear of the switch. This will help to not mistakenly flip the switch over. Remove both switches by sliding them down into the transmitter case and change the locations. Reinstall both switch retainer nuts and secure in place. Arrange both switch wires away from any moving parts and secure with new wire ties, making sure the wires will not get in the way of the antenna as it is being reinstalled. Reinstall the transmitter rear case and be careful when placing it over the NiCd battery connector pins. Reinstall all 8 case screws. Reinstall Antenna by screwing clockwise. Reinstall the NiCd battery and battery cover. Before After Wire Tie locations Wire Tie locations The following drawings illustrate the various types of CCPM available with the RDS8000. CCP3 (F) (CP3F) CCP3 (B) (CP3B) Aileron Aileron 120° 120° Elevator 120° 120° Pitch Pitch Elevator 120° 120° Front Front CCP4 (F) (CP4F) CCP4 (B) (CP4B) Aileron Aileron After you have changed the switches, you can replace the two front switch identifying labels. (new labels are supplied) Use a small screw driver to pry up the old label. Be careful not to damage the plastic transmitter case. Next, peel the backing off the new label and secure in place. New switch location labels Elevator Elevator WARNING: Front 76 Pitch Front Pitch Any modifications made to the transmitter other than changing the flight mode switch locations will void any and all warranties covered by Airtronics Inc. 77 RDS8000 / TYPE: AERO RDS8000 / TYPE: AERO MODEL #............................................................. MODEL NAME.................................................... WING TYPE CH MODEL #............................................................. MODEL NAME.................................................... NORMAL DELTA V-TAIL SPOIRON(GLID) FLAPERON & V-TAIL SPOIRON FLAPERON SPOIRON & V-TAIL(GLID) & DUALELEVATOR & DUALELEVATOR (1) EL (2) A I (3) TH (4) RU FLAPERON (5) G (6) F (7)7 (8)8 FUNCTION TRM % % % % C-MIX DUALELEVATOR (%) 150 (%) 150 100 100 50 50 VALUE % T・CUT VALUE % STW STEP −50 −50 −100 −100 NOR / REV NOR / REV NOR / REV NOR / REV NOR / REV NOR / REV NOR / REV NOR / REV REV % % −150 R/L D/R % % % % % % NEUTRAL MASTER STICK TRAVEL AI-DIF % MAS EL AI TH RU GE FL 7 8 SLV EL AI TH RU GE FL 7 8 SLV EL AI TH RU GE FL 7 8 L-DIF % % % % % % HI % LT % HI % % % % % VALUE % % % TRM REV D/R EXP CNT EPA ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF E→F A→R R→A T→E R→E F→E ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ALL ON UP MIX % RT E→F A→R % 78 % LO % RT R→A % % LO R→E % F→E % % % % % T→E % % % % % EPA % LT NOR / REV L/H EL AI TH RU GE FL 7 8 OPT DN NEUTRAL MAS VALUE % SW・R −150 R/L MASTER STICK TRAVEL EXP CNT L/H : % T・CUT NAM C・M1 C・M2 STW INT ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF STEP TYP SW・R CPY RST CLK ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF FLAPE SPOIR DELTA V-TAIL D・EL ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF L-DIF CR:LA CR:RA D/R・A ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF AI-DIF CR:LA % CR:RA % D/R・A INH / ACT BASIC ON / OFF 79 RDS8000 / TYPE: HELI RDS8000 / TYPE: HELI MODEL #............................................................. MODEL NAME.................................................... TH-CV CP4B FLIGHT MODE (2) A I (3) TH (4) RU (5) G (6)P (7)7 (8)8 DTM ACT % % % % % % % % 3(HOLD) REV D/R 100 100 100 75 75 75 75 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % 3(HOLD) % CNT % % 25 LT % % UP LT % LO RT % 80 HI % % RT % 25 −25 PL −25 PL −25 PL P1 P2 P3 PH P1 PL P1 % P2 P2 P3 PH P1 POINT P3 % PH % PL % P1 % % P2 P2 P3 PH P1 POINT P3 % PH % PL % P1 % % P2 P2 P3 PH P3 PH POINT P3 % PH % PL % % P1 % P2 % % % PI-CV FLIGHT MODE % % % % % HI 3H % % % 3H FLIGHT MODE % LO % % % % FLIGHT MODE (%) 125 100 100 100 100 75 75 75 75 50 50 50 25 25 25 P1 P2 P3 PH −25 PL P1 POINT P1 % P2 % P2 P3 −25 PL PH P1 POINT P3 PH % PL % % P1 % P2 P2 P3 PH −25 PL P1 POINT P3 % % PL PH PL % P1 % % PM P2 3 (HOLD) 50 25 % % (%) 125 RV % FLIGHT MODE (%) 125 % % (%) 125 −25 PL % 25 3 (HOLD) 50 PL DN 50 −25 PL % % EPA 50 POINT % % 50 25 NOR / REV NOR / REV NOR / REV NOR / REV NOR / REV NOR / REV NOR / REV NOR / REV 3(HOLD) EXP 100 % % FLIGHT MODE (%) 125 % (%) 125 VALUE TRM FLIGHT MODE (%) 125 VALUE FUNCTION (%) 125 VALUE (1) EL VALUE CH FLIGHT MODE VALUE CP4F VALUE CP3B VALUE CP3F VALUE SWASH TYPE NORMAL MODEL #............................................................. MODEL NAME.................................................... P2 P3 PH P3 PH POINT P3 % % PH % PL % P1 % P2 % % % PH % % % % % % % % % 3(HOLD) % % % 81 RDS8000 / TYPE: HELI MODEL #............................................................. MODEL NAME.................................................... C-MIX T・CUT 100 100 50 50 VALUE (%) 150 VALUE (%) 150 −50 −100 −100 NEUTRAL L/H NEUTRAL MASTER STICK TRAVEL EL AI TH RU GY PI 7 8 MAS EL AI TH RU GY PI 7 8 SLV EL AI TH RU GY PI 7 8 SLV EL AI TH RU GY PI 7 8 OPT ALL ON % % VALUE SW・R NOR / REV DTM INH / ACT BASIC ON / OFF L/H MAS VALUE : STEP −150 R/L MASTER STICK TRAVEL 82 STW −50 −150 R/L % % % TRM REV D/R EXP CNT EPA ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF TH・C PI・C T・CUT RVL NAM C・M1 ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF C・M2 STW INT STEP TYP SW・R ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF CPY RST CLK DTM SWH ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF ON/OFF 83
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.6 Linearized : No XMP Toolkit : 3.1-702 Modify Date : 2008:01:28 15:42:32+01:00 Create Date : 2008:01:28 15:41:51+01:00 Metadata Date : 2008:01:28 15:42:32+01:00 Creator Tool : Adobe Illustrator(R) 8.0 Format : application/pdf Title : RD8AT-002-003.eps Creator : kuwa hideto Document ID : uuid:fd94a40e-eeee-4afb-81d9-0401d62e5899 Instance ID : uuid:96f21b54-0bda-46ef-b1c2-3e501e0aa1f7 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 5.0.5 for Macintosh Page Count : 21 Author : kuwa hidetoEXIF Metadata provided by