Schneider Electric Systems Canada EB450-XXF01 Remote Radio Data Modem Base/Repeater User Manual temp warning E Series R3

Trio Datacom Pty Ltd (a wholly owned company of Schneider Electric) Remote Radio Data Modem Base/Repeater temp warning E Series R3

Users Manual 1of 2

User Manual
E Series Data Radio
ER450 Remote Data Radio
EB450 Base Station
EH450 Hot Stand-by Base Station
Issue 4: May 2003
Page 2
E Series Data Radio – User Manual
© Copyright 2002 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.
All equipment supplied by Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd. is warranted against
faulty workmanship and parts for a period of twelve (12) months from
the date of delivery to the customer. During the warranty period Trio
DataCom Pty. Ltd. shall, at its option, repair or replace faulty parts or
equipment provided the fault has not been caused by misuse,
accident, deliberate damage, abnormal atmosphere, liquid immersion
or lightning discharge; or where attempts have been made by
unauthorised persons to repair or modify the equipment.
The warranty does not cover modifications to software. All equipment
for repair under warranty must be returned freight paid to Trio DataCom
Pty. Ltd. or to such other place as Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd. shall
nominate. Following repair or replacement the equipment shall be
returned to the customer freight forward. If it is not possible due to the
nature of the equipment for it to be returned to Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.,
then such expenses as may be incurred by Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd. in
servicing the equipment in situ shall be chargeable to the customer.
When equipment for repair does not qualify for repair or replacement
under warranty, repairs shall be performed at the prevailing costs for
parts and labour. Under no circumstances shall Trio DataCom Pty.
Ltd.’s liability extend beyond the above nor shall Trio DataCom Pty.
Ltd., its principals, servants or agents be liable for the consequential
damages caused by the failure or malfunction of any equipment.
Important Notice
© Copyright 2002 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd. All Rights Reserved
This manual covers the operation of the E Series of Digital Data
Radios. Specifications described are typical only and are subject to
normal manufacturing and service tolerances.
Trio DataCom Pty Ltd reserves the right to modify the equipment, its
specification or this manual without prior notice, in the interest of
improving performance, reliability or servicing. At the time of
publication all data is correct for the operation of the equipment at
the voltage and/or temperature referred to. Performance data
indicates typical values related to the particular product.
This manual is copyright by Trio DataCom Pty Ltd. All rights
reserved. No part of the documentation or the information supplied
may be divulged to any third party without the express written
permission of Trio DataCom Pty Ltd.
Same are proprietary to Trio DataCom Pty Ltd and are supplied for
the purposes referred to in the accompanying documentation and
must not be used for any other purpose. All such information
remains the property of Trio DataCom Pty Ltd and may not be
reproduced, copied, stored on or transferred to any other media or
used or distributed in any way save for the express purposes for
which it is supplied.
Products offered may contain software which is proprietary to Trio
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and services does not include or infer any transfer of ownership of
such proprietary information and as such reproduction or reuse
without the express permission in writing from Trio DataCom Pty
Ltd is forbidden. Permission may be applied for by contacting Trio
DataCom Pty Ltd in writing.
Part A - Preface
Warning :- RF Exposure
The radio equipment described in this user manual emits low level
radio frequency energy. The concentrated energy may pose a health
hazard depending on the type of antenna used. In the case of a non-
directional antenna do not allow people to come within 0.5 metres of
the antenna when the transmitter is operating. In the case of a
directional antenna do not allow people to come within 6 metres of the
antenna when the transmitter is operating.
Related Products
ER450 Remote Data Radio
EB450 Base/Repeater Station
EH450 Hot Stand-by Base Station
Other Related Documentation
and Products
Quick Start Guide
TVIEW+ Management Suite
Digital Orderwire Voice Module (EDOVM)
Stream Router/Multiplexer (95MSR)
Revision History
Issue 1 July 2002 Intitial Release
Issue 2 August 2002 Added EH450 Quick Start Section
and Specifications Section
Issue 3 November 2002 Major Edits to TVIEW and minor edits
to quick start sections.
Part A Preface
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E Series Data Radio – User Manual
© Copyright 2002 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.
Part A Preface 2
Warranty 2
Important Notice 2
Related Products 2
Other Related Documentation and Products 2
Revision History 2
Part B E Series Overview 4
Definition of E Series Data Radio 4
E Series Product Range 4
E Series – Features and Benefits 4
Model Number Codes 6
Standard Accessories 7
Part C Applications 8
Generic Connectivity 8
Application Detail 8
Systems Architecture 9
Part D System Planning and Design 11
Understanding RF Path Requirements 11
Examples of Predictive Path Modelling 12
Selecting Antennas 14
Data Connectivity 15
Power Supply and Environmental Considerations 18
Physical Dimensions of the Remote Data Radio 19
Physical Dimensions of the Base Station 20
Physical Dimensions of the Hot Standby Base Station 21
Part E  Getting Started 22
ER450 Quick Start Guide 22
EB450 Quick Start Guide 28
EH450 Quick Start Guide 31
Part F - Operational Features 36
Multistream functionality (SID codes) 36
Collision Avoidance (digital and RFCD based) 36
Digipeater Operation 36
TVIEW+ Diagnostics 36
Part G Commissioning 37
Power-up 37
LED Indicators 37
Data Transfer Indications 37
Antenna Alignment and RSSI Testing 37
Link Establishment and BER Testing 37
VSWR Testing 37
Part H Maintenance 38
Routine Maintenance Considerations 38
Part I TVIEW+ Management Suite -
Programmer 40
Introduction 40
Installation 40
TVIEW+ Front Panel 41
Programmer 41
Part J TVIEW+ Management Suite -
Remote Diagnostics & Network
Controller 53
Introduction 53
System Description 53
Operating Instructions 55
Interpreting Poll Results 66
Part K Appendices 67
Appendix A - Application and Technical Notes 67
Appendix B - Slip Protocol 67
Appendix C - Firmware Updates 68
Part L Specifications 69
Part M  Support Options 70
Website Information 70
E-mail Technical Support 70
Telephone Technical Support 70
Contacting the Service Department 70
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E Series Data Radio – User Manual
© Copyright 2002 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.
Part B E Series Overview
Definition of E Series Data Radio
The E Series is a range of wireless modems designed for the
transmission of data communications for SCADA, telemetry, and
any other information and control applications that utilise ASCII
messaging techniques. The E Series uses advanced “digital”
modulation and signal processing techniques to achieve
exceptionally high data throughput efficiency using traditional
licensed narrow band radio channels.
The products are available in many frequency band and regulatory
formats to suit spectrum bandplans in various continental regions.
The range is designed for both fixed point to point (PTP), and
multiple address (MAS) or point to multipoint (PMP) systems.
E Series Product Range
The E Series range consists of the basic half duplex “Remote”
radio modem, an extended feature full duplex Remote radio
modem, and ruggedised Base Station variants, including an
optional Hot Standby controller to control two base station units in
a redundant configuration.
Frequency band variants are indicated by the band prefix and
model numbering. (See Model Number Codes)
Part B  E Series Overview
E Series  Features and Benefits
Common Features and Benefits of the E
Series Data Radio
Up to 19200bps over-air data rates using programmable
DSP based advanced modulation schemes
Designed to various International regulatory requirements
including FCC, ETSI and ACA
Superior receiver sensitivity
Fast data turnaround time <10mS
Flash upgrade-able firmware – insurance against obsolescence
Multi-function bi-colour Tx/Rx data LEDS showing Port activity
(breakout box style), as well as LEDs indicating Tx, Rx, RF
Signal, Data Synchronisation and DC Power status of the
Rugged N type antenna connectors on all equipment
High temperature transmitter foldback protection
Two independent configurable data ports and separate system
Higher port speeds to support increased air-rate (up to
76800bps on Port A and 38400bps on Port B)
Independent system port for interruption free programming and
diagnostics (in addition to two (2) user ports)
9600bps in 12.5 kHz radio channels with ETSI specifications
Remote over-the-air configuration of any radio from any location
Multistream™ simultaneous data streams allows for multiple
vendor devices / protocols to be transported on the one radio
Flexible data stream routing and steering providing optimum
radio channel efficiency – complex data radio systems can be
implemented with fewer radio channels
The ability to duplicate data streams – that is, decode the same
off-air data to two separate ports.
Multi-function radio capable of dropping off one stream to a port
and forward on or repeat (store and forward) the same or other
Stand-alone internal store and forward operation – buffered store
and forward operation even in the ER remote units
Unique integrated C/DSMA collision avoidance technology
permits simultaneous polling and spontaneous reporting
operation in the same system
Digital receiver frequency tracking for long term data reliability
Network wide non intrusive diagnostics which runs
simultaneously with the application
ER450 Remote Radio
EB450 Base / Repeater Station
EH450 Hot Standby Base Station
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E Series Data Radio – User Manual
© Copyright 2002 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.
Part B  E Series Overview
Network wide diagnostics interrogation which can be
performed from anywhere in the system including any remote
Diagnostics will route its way to any remote or base / repeater
site regardless of how many base / repeater stations are
Full range of advanced features available within Network
Management and Remote Diagnostics package – BER testing,
trending, channel occupancy, client / server operation, etc.
On board memory for improving user data latency – increased
user interface speeds
Full CRC error checked data – no erroneous data due to
squelch tails or headers
Radio utilises world standard HDLC as its transportation
Various flow control and PTT control mechanisms
Configurable backward compatibility with existing D Series
modulation scheme for use within existing networks
Digital plug in order wire option for commissioning and
occasional voice communications without the need to inhibit
users application data
Features and Benefits of ER450 Remote
Data Radio
Optional full duplex capable remote – separate Tx and Rx ports
for connection to an external duplexer
New compact and rugged die cast case with inbuilt heatsink
Low power consumption with various sleep modes
Rugged N type antenna connectors
In-line power supply fuses
Data Port “breakout box” style flow LEDs for easier
Features and Benefits of EB450 Standard
Base / Repeater Station
Competitively priced high performance base
Incorporates a rugged 5W power amplifier module
External input for higher stability 10MHz reference – GPS
Features and Benefits of EH450 Hot Standby
Base / Repeater Station
Individual and identical base stations with separate control logic
changeover panel
ALL modules are hot swapable without any user downtime
Flexible antenna options – single, separate Tx & Rx, two Tx
and two Rx
Increased sensitivity with receiver pre-amplifier
Both on-line and off-line units monitored regardless of active
External input for higher stability 10MHz reference – GPS
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E Series Data Radio – User Manual
© Copyright 2002 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.
Model Number Codes
D, E & S Series Data Radios - Part Number Matrix = Tyxxx-aabbb-cd
T y xxx-aa bbb-cd
Options - Base Stations* Options - Remote Antenna Connector*
0= No Options 0= No Options (Standard)
1= 450MHz Band Reject
N= N Connector (D Series only)
2= 450MHz Band Reject
(<9MHz split)[DUPLX450BR/5]
S= SMA Connector (SR450 only)
3= 450MHz Band Pass
4= 900MHz Band Reject
5= 900MHz Band Pass
6= 900MHz Band Pass
(76MHz split)[DUPLX852/930]
Note: Specify Internally or Externally fitted. Externally fittered duplexes require feeder tails.
0= No Options
D= Diagnostics - [DIAGS/D, DIAGS/DH, DIAGS/E or DIAGS/EH] (D & E Series Only)
H= Extended Temp Option [HITEMP]
N= Remote Fitted into NEMA Enclosure [NEMA 4/R]
F= Full Duplex Operation [ERFD450] (ER450 only)
X= Full Duplex Operation [ERFD450 & DIAGS/E] (ER450 only)
RF Channel Data Rate & Bandwidth (Internal Modem
D Series E Series
A01 = ACA 4800bps in 12.5kHz A01 = ACA 4800
/ 9600bps in 12.5Hz 001 = 12.5kHz (No Modem Fitted)
A02 = ACA 9600bps in 25kHz A02 = ACA 9600
/ 19k2bps in 25kHz 002 = 25kHz (No Modem Fitted)
F01 = FCC 9600bps in 12.5kHz F01 = FCC 9600
/ 9600bps in 12.5kHz 241 = 2400bps in 12.5kHz [24SR]*
F02 = FCC 19k2bps in 25kHz 242 = 2400bps in 25kHz [24SR]*
E01 = ETSI 9600bps in 12.5kHz 482 = 4800bps in 25kHz [48SR]*
E02 = ETSI 19k2bps in 25kHz
Frequency (200 & 400 MHz range) Frequency (900 MHz range) (D & S Series Only)
39 = 208 to 240MHz (Tx & Rx) 07 = (Tx) 847 to 857MHz (Rx) 923 to 933MHz (D Series only, 1W Full Duplex)
50 = 403 to 417MHz (Tx & Rx) 10 = (Tx) 848 to 858MHz (Rx) 920 to 934MHz
58 = (Tx) 406 to 421MHz (Rx) 415 to 430MHz 06 = (Tx) 923 to 933MHz (Rx) 847 to 857MHz (D Series only, 1W Full Duplex)
59 = (Tx) 415 to 430MHz (Rx) 406 to 421MHz 11 = (Tx) 920 to 934MHz (Rx) 848 to 858MHz
56 = 418 to 435MHz (Tx & Rx) 12 = 855 to 860MHz (Tx & Rx)
57 = 428 to 443MHz (Tx & Rx) 14 = (Tx) 925 to 943MHz (Rx) 906 to 924MHz
55 = 436 to 450MHz (Tx & Rx) 15 = (Tx) 904 to 922MHz (Rx) 925 to 943MHz
51 = 450 to 465MHz (Tx & Rx) 16 = 924 to 944MHz (Tx & Rx)
52 = 465 to 480MHz (Tx & Rx)
53 = 480 to 494MHz (Tx & Rx) Note: Other frequency bands available upon request.
54 = 505 to 518MHz (Tx & Rx)
27 = (Tx) 511 to 515MHz (Rx) 501 to 505MHz
48 = 395 to 406MHz (Tx & Rx)
Generic Frequency Band
200 = 208 to 245MHz (D & S Series only) NOTES:
450 = 400 to 518MHz (E & S Series only) * Additional charges apply. Must be ordered seperately. Please refer to price list.
900 = 800 to 960MHz (D & S Series only)
Provides compatibility with D Series radio
Items in [ ] parenthesis refer to actual Trio part numbers
Unit Type
R= Remote Station
B= Base / Repeater Station Standards: ACA - Australian Communications Authority
S= Standard Base / Repeater Station (D Series Only) FCC - Federal Communications Commission
H= Hot Standby Base / Repeater (D & E Series Only) ETSI - European Telcommunication Standards Institute
Model Type
D= D Series Family
E= E Series Family
S= S Series Famil
E R 450-51 A02-D0
The above example specifies: E Series, Remote Radio, generic 450MHz band, with a specific frequency of 450MHz to 465MHz,
a 96/19.2kbps modem, with a bandwidth of 25kHz, diagnostics and standard N type connector.
Version: 11/02
S Series
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E Series Data Radio – User Manual
© Copyright 2002 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.
Part B  E Series Overview
Part Number Description
DUPLX450BR Duplexer BAND REJECT 400-520 MHz for use
with Base / Repeater / Links. For Tx / Rx
frequency splits >9MHz. (Fitted Externally for a
Link, Intenally or Externally for Base / Repeater)
DUPLX450BR/5 Duplexer BAND REJECT 400-520 MHz for use
with Base / Repeater / Links. For Tx / Rx
frequency splits <9MHz. (Fitted Externally for a
Link, Intenally or Externally for Base / Repeater)
DUPLX450BP Duplexer PSEUDO BAND PASS Cavity 400-
520 MHz for External use with Base / Repeater
/ Links.
1. Frequencies must be specified at time of order.
2. Interconnecting (Feeder Tail) cables must be ordered
separately for Externally fitted Duplexers.
ANT450/9A Antenna Yagi 6 Element 9dBd Aluminium 400-
520 MHz c/w mtg clamps
ANT450/9S Antenna Yagi 6 Element 9dBd S/Steel 400-520
MHz c/w mtg clamps
ANT450/13A Antenna Yagi15 Element 13dBd Aluminium 400-
520 MHz c/w mtg clamps.
ANT450/13S Antenna Yagi 15 Element 13dBd S/Steel 400-
520 MHz c/w mtg clamps.
ANTOMNI/4 Antenna Omni-directional Unity Gain Side
Mount Dipole 400-520 MHz c/w galv. clamp
ANT450/D Antenna Omni-directional Unity Gain Ground
Independant Dipole 400-520 MHz c/w 3m
cable, mounting bracket & BNC connector
ANT450/6OM Antenna Omni-directional 6dBd 400-520 MHz
c/w mtg clamps
ANT450/9OM Antenna Omni-directional 9dBd 400-520 MHz c/
w mtg clamps
1. Frequencies must be specified at time of order.
Power Supplies
PS13V82A Power Supply 13.8V 2A 240VAC
PS13V810A Power Supply Switch Mode 240VAC 13.8V 10A
for Base Stations – Battery Charge Capability
Part Number Description
RF Cables and Accessories
NM/NM/TL Feeder Tail - N Male to N Type Male 50cm fully
sweep tested
NM/NM/TLL Feeder Tail - N Male to N Type Male 1 metre
fully sweep tested
RFCAB5M 5.0m RG-58 type Antenna Feeder Cable
terminated with N type Male Connectors
RFCAB5M2 5.0m RG-213 type Antenna Feeder Cable
terminated with N type Male Connectors
RFCAB10M 10.0m RG-213 type Antenna Feeder Cable
terminated with N type Male Connectors
RFCAB20M 20.0m RG-213 type Antenna Feeder Cable
terminated with N type Male Connectors
RFCAB20M4 20.0m LDF4-50 type (1/2" foam dialectric)
Antenna Feeder Cable terminated with N type
Male Connectors
LGHTARRST Lightning Surge Arrestor In-line N Female to N
95MSR/6 Multiplexer/Stream Router – 6 Port with RS-232
I/faces and Manual
95MSR/9 Multiplexer/Stream Router – 9 Port with RS-232
I/faces and Manual
Network Management Diagnostics
DIAGS/E Network Management and Remote Diagnostics
Facilities per Radio – E Series
DIAGS/EH Network Management and Remote Diagnostics
Facilities – E Series for EH450
TVIEW+ Configuration, Network Management and
Remote Diagnostics Software
NEMA 4 /R Stainless Steel Enclosure for Remote Site
Equipment.Size 600mm (h) x 600mm (d) x
580mm (w) – Room for Third Party RTU / PLC
equip. (Approx. 400(h) x 600(d) x 580mm(w)
HITEMP Extended Temperature Option for S, D and E
Series Radios -30 to +70C
EDOVM Digital Order Wire Voice Module
ERFD450 ER450…. Conversion to Full Duplex Operation
(N Type – Tx Port, SMA - Type Rx Port)
Note: Requires external duplexer
ERFDTRAY 19" Rack Tray for Mounting of ER450 Full Duplex
Radio and External Band Reject Duplexer
Standard Accessories
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E Series Data Radio – User Manual
© Copyright 2002 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.
Part C Applications
Part C  Applications
Generic Connectivity
The E Series has been designed for SCADA and telemetry
applications, and any other applications that use an ASCII
communications protocol, and which connect physically using the
RS232 interface standard (although converters can be used to
adapt other interfaces such as RS422/485, RS530/V35, G703 etc).
Any protocol that can be displayed using a PC based terminal
program operating via a serial comm port is suitable for
transmission by the E Series radio modems.
An ASCII protocol is any that consists of message strings formed
from ASCII characters, that being defined as a 10 or 11 bit block
including start and stop bits, 7 or 8 data bits and optional parity
bit(s). Port set-up dialog that includes the expressions “N,8,1”, or
E,7,2” or similar indicate an ASCII protocol.
Most of the dominant telemetry industry suppliers utilise proprietary
ASCII protocols, and also common “open standard” industry
protocols such as DNP3, MODBUS, TCP/IP, and PPP. These are
all ASCII. based protocols.
Industries and Applications
The E Series products are widely used in point-to-point and point-
to-multipoint (multiple access) applications for remote
interconnection of PLC’s, RTU’s, dataloggers, and other data
monitoring and control devices including specialist utility devices
(such as powerline ACR’s). In addition, other applications such as
area wide security and alarm systems, public information systems
(traffic flow and public signage systems) and environmental
monitoring systems.
Application Detail
SCADA Systems
This is where one or more centralised control sites are used to
monitor and control remote field devices over wide areas.
Examples include regional utilities monitoring and controlling
networks over entire shires or a greater city metropolis’. Industry
sectors include energy utilities (gas and electricity distribution),
water and sewerage utilities, and catchment and environment
groups (rivers, dams, and catchment management authorities).
Telemetry Systems
Dedicated telemetry control systems interconnecting sequential
devices where cabling is not practical or distances are
Examples include ore conveyor or slurry pipeline systems, simple
water systems (pump and reservoir interlinking), broadcast industry
(linking studio to transmitter) etc.
Information Systems
Public Information systems such as freeway vehicle flow and travel
time monitoring, and feedback signage, parking signage systems,
meteorological stations etc.
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E Series Data Radio – User Manual
© Copyright 2002 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.
Part C Applications
Systems Architecture
This simple system architecture provides a virtual connection
between the two points, similar to a cable. Dependant of the
hardware chosen, it is possible to provide a full duplex connection
(i.e. data transfer in both directions simultaneously) if required.
Point-to-Multipoint Systems
In a multiple access radio system, messages can be broadcast
from one (master) site to all others, using a half duplex radio
system, or from any site to all others, using a simplex radio
Half duplex systems often utilise a full duplex master, to make the
system simpler, and to operate faster.
In either case, it will be necessary for the application to support an
addressing system, since the master needs to be able to select
which remote device it wishes to communicate to. Normally, the
radio system is allowed to operate “transparently”, allowing the
application’s protocol to provide the addressing, and thus control
the traffic. Where the application layer does not provide the
addressing, the E Series can provide it using SID codes™. (See
Part F - Operational Features)
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E Series Data Radio – User Manual
© Copyright 2002 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.
Part C Applications
Digipeater Systems
This configuration is used where all sites are required to
communicate via a repeater site. A repeater site is used because it
has a position and/or height advantage and thus provides superior
or extended RF coverage. The radio modem at the repeater does
not have to be physically connected to the application’s master
site. Information from the application’s master is transmitted to the
repeater via radio, and the repeater then relays this information to
the other field sites. In this scenario, the repeater is the master
from an RF point of view, and the application master is effectively a
“remote” from an RF point of view, even though it is controlling the
data transfer on the system.
Store and Forward Systems
Store and forward is used as a way of extending RF coverage by
repeating data messages from one site to another.
This can be done globally using the inbuilt data repeating functions, or
selectively using intelligent address based routing features available in
some PLC/RTU protocols.
In this case it is necessary for all units on the system to operate in
half duplex mode (only key-up when transmitting data), so that
each site is free to hear received signals from more than one
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E Series Data Radio – User Manual
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Part D  System Planning and Design
Part D  System Planning and Design
Understanding RF Path
A radio modem needs a minimum amount of received RF signal to
operate reliably and provide adequate data throughput.
In most cases, spectrum regulatory authorities will also define or
limit the amount of signal that can be transmitted, and the
transmitted power will decay with distance and other factors, as it
moves away from the transmitting antenna.
It follows, therefore, that for a given transmission level, there will be
a finite distance at which a receiver can operate reliably with
respect to the transmitter.
Apart from signal loss due to distance, other factors that will decay
a signal include obstructions (hills, buildings, foliage), horizon
(effectively the bulge between two points on the earth), and (to a
minimal extent at UHF frequencies) factors such as fog, heavy
rain-bursts, dust storms, etc.
In order to ascertain the available RF coverage from a transmitting
station, it will be necessary to consider these factors. This can be
done in a number of ways, including
(a) using basic formulas to calculate the theoretically
available signal - allowing only for free space loss due to
(b) using sophisticated software to build earth terrain models
and apply other correction factors such as earth curvature
and the effects of obstructions, and
(c) by actual field strength testing.
It is good design practice to consider the results of at least two of
these models to design a radio path.
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E Series Data Radio – User Manual
© Copyright 2002 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.
Part D  System Planning and Design
Examples of Predictive Path
Clear line of site
Radio path with good signal levels, attenuated only by free space
Obstructed Radio Path
This path has an obstruction that will seriously degrade the signal
arriving at the field site.
Major Repeater Si
Field Si
Elevation (m
030 43 55.92
030 56 24.00
150 38 49.51
150 38 48.00
Antenna Typ
Antenna Height (m
Antenna Gain (dB
Antenna Gain (dBd
TX Line Typ
TX Line Length (m
TX Line Unit Loss (dB/100 m
TX Line Loss (dB
Connector Loss (dB
Frequency (MH
Path Length (km
Free Space Loss (dB
Diffraction Loss (dB
Net Path Loss (dB
Radio Type Mod
TX Power (watt
TX Power (dBW
ffective Radiated Power (watt
ffective Radiated Power (dBW
RX Sensitivity Level (uv
RX Sensitivity Level (dBW
RX Signal (uv
RX Signal (dBW
RX Field Strength (uv/m
Fade Margin (dB
Raleigh Service Probability (%
Major Repeater Si
Field Si
Elevation (m
031 04 37.49
030 56 24.00
150 57 26.34
150 38 48.00
Antenna Typ
Antenna Height (m
Antenna Gain (dB
Antenna Gain (dBd
TX Line Typ
TX Line Length (m
TX Line Unit Loss (dB/100 m
TX Line Loss (dB
Connector Loss (dB
Frequency (MH
Path Length (km
Free Space Loss (dB
Diffraction Loss (dB
Net Path Loss (dB
Radio Type Mod
TX Power (watt
TX Power (dBW
ffective Radiated Power (watt
ffective Radiated Power (dBW
RX Sensitivity Level (uv
RX Sensitivity Level (dBW
RX Signal (uv
RX Signal (dBW
RX Field Strength (uv/m
Fade Margin (dB
Raleigh Service Probability (%
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E Series Data Radio – User Manual
© Copyright 2002 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.
Part D  System Planning and Design
Effect of Earth Curvature on Long Paths
This path requires greater mast height to offset the earth curvature
experienced at such a distance (73km).
Repeater Si
Far Field Si
Elevation (m
032 01 21.63
032 33 00.00
142 15 19.26
141 47 00.00
Antenna Typ
Antenna Height (m
Antenna Gain (dB
Antenna Gain (dBd
TX Line Typ
TX Line Length (m
TX Line Loss (dB
Connector Loss (dB
Frequency (MH
Path Length (km
Free Space Loss (dB
Diffraction Loss (dB
Net Path Loss (dB
Radio Type Mod
TX Power (watt
TX Power (dBW
ffective Radiated Power (watt
ffective Radiated Power (dBW
RX Sensitivity Level (uv
RX Sensitivity Level (dBW
RX Signal (uv
RX Signal (dBW
RX Field Strength (uv/m
Fade Margin (dB
Raleigh Service Probability (%
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E Series Data Radio – User Manual
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Part D  System Planning and Design
Antenna Gain
By compressing the transmission energy into a disc or beam, the
antenna provides more energy (a stronger signal) in that direction,
and thus is said to have a performance “gain” over a basic omni
antenna. Gain is usually expressed in dBd, which is referenced to
a standard folded dipole. Gain can also be expressed in dBi, which
is referenced to a theoretical “isotropic” radiator. Either way, if you
intend to send and receive signals from a single direction, there is
advantage in using a directional antenna - both due to the
increased signal in the wanted direction, and the relatively
decreased signal in the unwanted direction (i.e. “interference
rejection” properties).
Tuning the Antenna
Many antennas are manufactured for use over a wide frequency
range. Typical fixed use antennas such as folded dipoles and yagis
are generally supplied with the quoted gain available over the
entire specified band range, and do not require tuning. Co-linear
antennas are normally built to a specific frequency specified when
With mobile “whip” type antennas, it is sometimes necessary to
“tune” the antenna for the best performance on the required
frequency. This is usually done by trimming an antenna element
whilst measuring VSWR, or simply trimming to a manufacturer
supplied chart showing length vs frequency. These antennas would
normally be supplied with the tuning information provided.
Antenna Placement
When mounting the antenna, it is necessary to consider the
following criteria:
The mounting structure will need to be solid enough to withstand
additional loading on the antenna mount due to extreme wind, ice
or snow (and in some cases large birds).
For omni directional antennas, it is necessary to consider the effect
of the mounting structure (tower mast or building) on the radiation
pattern. Close in structures, particularly steel structures, can alter
the radiation pattern of the antenna. Where possible, omni
antennas should always be mounted on the top of the mast or pole
to minimise this effect. If this is not possible, mount the antenna on
a horizontal outrigger to get it at least 1-2m away from the
structure. When mounting on buildings, a small mast or pole (2-4m)
can significantly improve the radiation pattern by providing
clearance from the building structure.
For directional antennas, it is generally only necessary to consider
the structure in relation to the forward radiation pattern of the
antenna, unless the structure is metallic, and of a solid nature. In
this case it is also prudent to position the antenna as far away from
the structure as is practical. With directional antennas, it is also
necessary to ensure that the antenna cannot move in such a way
that the directional beamwidth will be affected. For long yagi
antennas, it is often necessary to instal a fibreglass strut to
stablilise the antenna under windy conditions.
Alignment of Directional Antennas
This is generally performed by altering the alignment of the
antenna whilst measuring the received signal strength. If the signal
is weak, it may be necessary to pre-align the antenna using a
compass, GPS, or visual or map guidance in order to “find” the
wanted signal. Yagi antennas have a number of lower gain “lobes”
centred around the primary lobe. When aligning for best signal
strength, it is important to scan the antenna through at least 90
degrees, to ensure that the centre (strongest) lobe is identified.
When aligning a directional antenna, avoid placing your hands or
body in the vicinity of the radiating element or the forward beam
pattern, as this will affect the performance of the antenna.
Selecting Antennas
There are basically two types of antennas – omni directional, and
Omni directional antennas are designed to radiate signal in a 360
degrees segment around the antenna. Basic short range antennas
such as folded dipoles and ground independent whips are used to
radiate the signal in a “ball” shaped pattern. High gain omni
antennas such as the “co-linear” compress the sphere of energy
into the horizontal plane, providing a relatively flat “disc” shaped
pattern which goes further because all of the energy is radiated in
the horizontal plane.
Directional antennas are designed to concentrate the signal into
“beam” of energy for transmission in a single direction (ie for point-
to-point or remote to base applications).
Beamwidths vary according to the antenna type, and so can be
selected to suit design requirements. The most common UHF
directional antenna is the yagi, which offers useable beam widths
of 30-50 degrees. Even higher “gain” is available using parabolic
“dish” type antennas such as gridpacks.
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Part D  System Planning and Design
Common Cable Types Loss per meter Loss per 10m
@ 450MHz @ 450MHz
RG58C/U 0.4426dB 4.4dB
RG213/U 0.1639dB 1.6dB
FSJ1-50 (¼” superflex) 0.1475dB 1.5dB
LDF4-50 (1/2” heliax) 0.0525dB 0.52dB
LDF5-50 (7/8” heliax) 0.0262dB 0.3dB
Data Connectivity
The V24 Standard
The E Series radio modems provide two asynchronous V24
compliant RS232 ports for connection to serial data devices.
There are two types of RS232 interfaces – DTE and DCE.
DTE stands for data terminal equipment and is generally applied to
any intelligent device that has a need to communicate to another
device via RS232. For example: P.C. Comm ports are always DTE,
as are most PLC and RTU serial ports.
DCE stands for data communication equipment and is generally
applied to a device used for sending data over some medium
(wires, radio, fibre etc), i.e. any MODEM.
The standard interface between a DTE and DCE device (using the
same connector type) is a straight through cable (ie each pin
connects to the same numbered corresponding pin at the other end
of the cable).
The “V24” definition originally specified the DB25 connector
standard, but this has been complicated by the emergence of the
DB9 (pseudo) standard for asynch devices, and this connector
standard has different pin assignments.
The wiring standard is “unbalanced”, and provides for three basic
data transfer wires (TXD, RXD, and SG – signal ground).
Hardware Handshaking
Hardware handshake lines are also employed to provide flow
control, however (in the telemetry industry) many devices do not
always support all (or any) flow control lines.
For this reason, the E Series modems can be configured for full
hardware flow control, or no flow control at all (simple 3 wire
Note: that when connecting devices together with differing
handshake implementations, it is sometimes necessary to “loop”
handshake pins in order to fool the devices handshaking
In telemetry applications (particularly where port speeds can be set
to the same rate as the radio systems over-air rate) then flow
control, and therefore handshaking, is usually NOT required. It
follows that any devices that CAN be configured for “no flow
control” should be used in this mode to simplify cabling
Handshaking lines can generally be looped as follows:
DTE (terminal) – loop RTS to CTS, and DTR to DSR and DCE.
DCE (modem) - loop DSR to DTR and RTS (note-not required for
E Series modem when set for no handshaking).
RF Feeders and Protection
The antenna is connected to the radio modem by way of an RF
feeder. In choosing the feeder type, one must compromise
between the loss caused by the feeder, and the cost, flexibility, and
bulk of lower loss feeders. To do this, it is often prudent to perform
path analysis first, in order to determine how much “spare” signal
can be allowed to be lost in the feeder. The feeder is also a critical
part of the lightning protection system.
All elevated antennas may be exposed to induced or direct
lightning strikes, and correct grounding of the feeder and mast are
an essential part of this process. Gas discharge lightning arresters
should also be fitted to any site that stands elevated or alone,
particularly in rural areas.
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Part D  System Planning and Design
Cable Wiring Diagrams
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Part D  System Planning and Design
RS232 Connector Pin outs (DCE)
Port A and B, Female DB9
Cable Wiring Diagrams
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Part D  System Planning and Design
Power Supply and Environmental
When mounting the equipment, consideration should be given to
the environmental aspects of the site. The cabinet should be
positioned so that it is shaded from hot afternoon sun, or icy cold
wind. Whilst the radios are designed for harsh temperature
extremes, they will give a longer service life if operated in a more
stable temperature environment. In an industrial environment, the
radio modems should be isolated from excessive vibration, which
can destroy electronic components, joints, and crystals.
The cabinet should provide full protection from moisture, dust,
corrosive atmospheres, and other aspects such as ants and small
vermin (who’s residues can be corrosive or conductive). The radio
modem will radiate heat from the in-built heatsink, and the higher
the transmitter duty cycle, the more heat will be radiated from the
heatsink. Ensure there is sufficient ventilation in the form of
passive or forced air circulation to ensure that the radio is able to
maintain quoted temperature limits.
Power Supply
The power supply should provide a clean, filtered DC source. The
radio modem is designed and calibrated to operate from a
13.8VDC regulated supply, but will operate from 10-15 volts
(filtered) DC.
The power supply must be able to supply sufficient current to
provide clean filtered DC under the full current conditions of the
radio modem (ie when transmitting full RF power). The current
requirement is typically 120mA (230mA for EB450) in receive
mode, and will vary in transmit mode according to RF output power
level (typically 0.5-1.5 amps, 1.3-2.5 amps for EB450).
Solar Applications
In solar or battery-backed installations, a battery management unit
should be fitted to cut off power to the radio when battery levels fall
below the minimum voltage specification of the radio. In solar
applications, a solar regulation unit MUST ALSO be fitted to ensure
that the radio (and battery) is protected from excessive voltage
under full sun conditions.
When calculating solar and battery capacity requirements, the
constant current consumption will be approximately equal to the
transmit current multiplied by the duty cycle of the transmitter, plus
the receive current multiplied by the (remaining) duty cycle of the
The Tx/Rx duty cycle will be entirely dependent on the amount of
data being transmitted by the radio modem, unless the device has
been configured for continuous transmit, in which case the
constant current consumption will be equal to the transmit current
only (at 100% duty cycle).
Site Earthing
The radio must not be allowed to provide a ground path from
chassis to (DB9) signal ground or (-) battery ground. Ensure that
the chassis mounting plate, power supply (-) earth, RTU terminal
device, and lightning arrester (if fitted), are all securely earthed to a
common ground point to which an earth stake is attached. Please
pay particular attention to 24VDC PLC systems using DC-DC
converters to supply 13.8Vdc.
Caution: There is NO internal replaceable fuse, and
therefore the radio modem MUST be externally fused with
the fuse holder provided (ER450: 3 amp slo-blow fuse,
EB450: 5 amp fast-blow fuse).
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Physical Dimensions of the Remote Data Radio - ER450
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Physical Dimensions of the Base Station - EB450
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E Series Data Radio – User Manual
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Physical Dimensions of the Hot Standby Base Station - EH450
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Part E  Getting Started - ER450
Part E  Getting Started
ER450 Quick Start Guide
Welcome to the ER450 Quick Start Guide. This guide provides
step-by-step instructions, with simple explanations to get you up-
Mounting and Environmental
The ER450 radio comes complete with a mounting cradle and is
attached to a panel or tray by means of screws or bolts, using the hole
slots provided.
Note: In high power or high temperature applications, it is desirable to
mount the radio with the heatsink uppermost to allow ventalation for
the heatsink.
The radio should be mounted in a clean and dry location, protected
from water, excessive dust, corrosive fumes, extremes of
temperature and direct sunlight. Please allow sufficient passive or
active ventilation to allow the radio modem’s heatsink to operate
Typical Radio Setup
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Part E  Getting Started - ER450
ER450 Connections Layout
Connecting Antennas and RF Feeders
The RF antenna system should be installed in accordance with the
manufacturers notes.
The RF connector used on the E Series radios are N Type female
connectors. Always use good quality low loss feeder cable,
selected according to the length of the cable run. Ensure all
external connections are waterproofed using amalgamating tape.
Preset directional antennas in the required direction using a
compass, GPS, or visual alignment and ensure correct polarisation
(vertical or horizontal).
Communications Ports
System Port  RJ45
The System Port (available front and rear on EB/EH450) is a multi-
function interface used for:
Programming / Configuration of the radio
Remote Diagnostics connections
To access these functions use the standard E Series System Cable
assembly (RJ45 Cable and RJ45 to DB9 Adaptor).
System Port pinout assignments:
Pin 1 System port data out (RS232)
Pin 2 System port data in (RS232)
Pin 3 Not used
Pin 4 Shutdown
Pin 5 Not used
Pin 6 Not used
Pin 7 Ground
Pin 8 External PTT
Special user pinouts:
Shutdown (Pin 4) - Active low for power save function
External PTT (Pin 8) - Provides a manual PTT override
facility for enabling the transmitter. For testing this can be
activated by connecting PTT (Pin 8 ) to Gnd (Pin 7).
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Part E  Getting Started - ER450
User Interfaces  Ports A & B
Each user port (A & B) is wired as a RS232 DCE, configurable for no
handshaking (3-wire) interface, or for hardware or software (X-on/X-off)
flow control. In most systems flow control is not required, in which
case only 3 wires need to be connected between the radio and the
application device.
Typical pins used:
Pin 2 (RxD) - data output from the radio modem,
Pin 3 (TxD) - data input to the radio modem,
Pin 5 (SG) - signal ground.
See Part D – System Planning and Design - Data Connectivity, for
further details of other cable configurations.
RS232 Connector Pin outs (DCE)
Port A and B, Female DB9
Activating the Transmitter
In most systems, the transmitter by default is controlled
automatically by the radio when it has data to transmit.
In some systems, such as full duplex point-to-point links or full
duplex point-to-multipoint base stations, it is desirable to run the
transmitter all the time (hot keyed).
Two mechanisms are provided to do this:
the radio modem can be configured to transmit continuously
whenever powered, or
the radio modem can be configured to transmit whenever an
external RTS signal (Pin 7) is applied to one (or either) user
ports. (To simulate an external RTS input, loop pins 6 to 7).
To operate in these modes, the radio must be configured via the
programming software.
Caution: When the radio is configured to transmit
continuously, ensure an RF load is present BEFORE
applying power to the unit.
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Part E  Getting Started- ER450
Power Supply Requirements
The E Series radio modem is designed and calibrated to operate from
a filtered 13.8Vdc regulated supply, but will operate from a 10-16Vdc
(11-16Vdc for EB450 & EH450) range.
The current requirement is typically 120mA (230mA for EB450) in
receive mode, and will vary in transmit mode according to RF
output power level (typically: ER450 0.5-1.5 amps, EB450 1.3-2.5
amps, EH450 2-3.2 amps).
Caution: There is NO internal replaceable fuse, and therefore
the radio modem MUST be externally fused with the fuse
holder provided (ER450: 3 amp slo-blow fuse, EB450: 5
amp fast-blow fuse).
The radio is designed to self protect, and will blow the external
fuse if the voltage exceeds 16Vdc, or if reverse polarity is applied.
The radio modem can also be damaged if there is any potential
difference between the chassis-ground, RS232 signal ground,
power (-) input, or antenna coaxial shield. Before connecting any
wiring, ensure all components are earthed to a common ground
point (please pay particular attention to 24V PLC power systems
where converters are used).
Connect the antenna and RS 232 plugs BEFORE applying power
to the unit.
Lastly, before inserting the power plug, please re-check that the
polarity and voltage on the power plug is correct using a
TVIEW+ Management Suite
Radio Configuration
This TVIEW+ Management Suite allows a number of features
including: Configuration (Local - serial, or Remote - over-the-air),
Remote Diagnostics Facilities and Firmware Upgrades.
The configuration wizard can be used to provide Quick Start
generic templates for the types of systems architecture you wish to
Example: Local configuration session –
1 Attach the programming cable from the PC to the System
Port of the radio
2 Launch TVIEW+ & Select “Programmer”
3 Select “Read” the radio
4 Change the configuration as required
5 Select “Write” the parameters back to the radio
Refer to Parts I & J – TVIEW+ Management Suite for detailed
operation of advanced features.
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Part E  Getting Started- ER450
Optimising the Antenna for VSWR and
best RX signal
Once the unit is operational, it is important to optimise the antenna
In the case of a directional antenna, it will be necessary to align the
antenna for the best received signal.
This can be done by using the (0-5Vdc) output on Pin 9 of Port B to
indicate signal strength (RSSI). This voltage can be converted to
dBm using the chart below.
VSWR testing is achieved by activating the radio’s transmitter
a) An RTS loop
b) A system port PTT plug
See Part G - Commissioning for further details.
LED Indicators & Test Outputs
Radio is Powered
If all the LEDs are off, no power is reaching the radio modem.
Successful power-up is indicated by the “PWR” LED indicating a
continuous (healthy) GREEN state. Note that this LED is turned
RED when the transmitter is active.
Voltage Error
If the voltage is too high(>16Vdc) or too low(<10Vdc), an error
message will be displayed on the staus LED’s by illuminating all four
Hardware Error
A hardware error is indicated on any one of the status LED’s by
illuminating solid RED. In the case of a hardware error, the unit must
be returned to the service point for repair. Record the result with the
service return information.
LED Legend
Analog RSSI Output Characteristics - E Series Data Radio
RF Level (dBm)
RSSI (DC Volts
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Part E  Getting Started- ER450
Received Signal Indicator
The “RX/SYNC” LED is used to indicate the state of the receiver.
If the LED is off, no signal is being received.
A RED indication shows that an RF carrier is being received, but no
data stream can be decoded. This will briefly happen at the very start
of every valid received transmission or may indicate the presence of
interference, or another user on the channel.
A continuous GREEN indication shows that the modem is locked and
synchronised to the incoming signal, and has excellent Bit Error
Rate (BER). Any losses of synchronisation (BER errors) are shown
as a visible RED flicker of the LED.
Note: This might only be apparent on a PTMP slave when only
Verifying Operational Health
It is possible to verify the operation of the radio modem using the
indicators provided by the unit. The state of the transmitter and
receiver, and data flow can be interpreted by the indicator LEDs (see
Note: Port A and Port B’s RxD and TxD will be Active on Data Flow
Data Flow breakout LEDs
There are also two LEDs to indicate data flow into and out of the two
user ports.
Input data to be transmitted is shown as a RED flash, and received
data to be output to the port is shown as a GREEN flash.
If data is alternately flowing in and out quickly, then the indicator
appears orange.
Full Duplex – PTMP Master Tx
Half Duplex – Master or Slave (Tx)
Half Duplex – PTMP Slave Rx
Half Duplex – Master or Slave (Rx)
Full Duplex – PTP Master or Slave
LED Legend
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Part E  Getting Started - EB450
EB450 Quick Start Guide
Welcome to the Quick Start Guide for the EB450 Base / Repeater
Data Radio. This guide provides step-by-step instructions, with
simple explanations to get you up-and-running.
Mounting and Environmental
The EB450 Base Station is housed in a 2RU 19” rack enclosure.
The 4 mounting holes on the front panel should be used to secure
the unit to the rack.
The radio should be mounted in a clean and dry location, protected
from water, excessive dust, corrosive fumes, extremes of
temperature and direct sunlight. Please allow sufficient passive or
active ventilation to allow the radio modem’s heatsink to operate
All permanent connections are made at the rear of the unit. This
includes: Power, Antenna, Communications Ports, Digital I/O and
System Port. The front panel has an additional System Port
connection point for easy access.
Full Duplex Considerations
The EB450 is designed for continuous full duplex transmission. An
automatic thermostatically controlled fan will operate whenever the
internal temperature exceeds 50 degrees Celsius.
External Duplexer Considerations
The EB450 is normally supplied with seperate Tx and Rx ports for
connection to an external duplexing system.
Depending on the frequency band of operation and the Tx/Rx
frequency split, internal band reject duplexers are available.
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Part E  Getting Started - EB450
Connecting Antennas and RF Feeders
See ER450 Quick Start Guide
Communications Ports
See ER450 Quick Start Guide Section
Power Supply and Protection
See ER450 Quick Start Guide Section
TVIEW+ Management Suite - Radio
See ER450 Quick Start Guide Section
Optimising the Antenna for VSWR and
best RX signal
See ER450 Quick Start Guide Section
LED Indicators & Test outputs
Radio is Powered
If all the LEDs are off, no power is reaching the radio modem.
Successful power-up is indicated by the “PWR” LED indicating a
continuous (healthy) GREEN state. Note that this LED is turned
RED when the transmitter is active.
Typical Radio Setup
LED Legend
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Bar Graph Indicators
The bar graph indicators on the front panel provide variable
information regarding the performance of the Base Station. To
enable / disable the bar graph display depress the Display ON /
OFF button. The display will turn off automatically after 5 minutes.
DC Supply:
Indicates the supply input voltage at the exciter module. Typically
Indication: <10Vdc no LED’s on, 10-10.9Vdc LED’s RED, 11-
15.6Vdc All LED’s GREEN, >=15.7Vdc last LED RED.
Tx Power:
Indicates forward RF power output as measured at the TX antenna
port. Typically +37dBm.
Indication: <20dBm no LED’s on, 20-40.6dBm (11.5W) LED’s
GREEN, >=40.7dBm last LED RED.
Tx Drive:
Indicates exciter drive level. Typically +20dBm.
Indication: <10dBm no LED’s on, 10.0-25.9dBm LED’s GREEN,
>=26.0dBm last LED RED.
Rx Sig:
Indicates receive signal strength. Typically -85 to -65dBm.
Indication: <-120dBm no LED’s on, -120 to -110.1dBm LED’s RED,
>=-110dBm LED’s GREEN.
RxFreq. Offset:
Indicates offset of receiver AFC - useful in determining frequency
drift. Typically 0kHz.
Indication: Single GREEN LED to indicate current value, <-3.6kHz
or >+3.6kHz LED is RED. No signal, all LED’s OFF. Note: 5 second
peak hold circuitry.
Part E  Getting Started - EB450
Test Mode
The Bar Graph indicators have a Test Mode, which cycles all LED’s
for correct operation (before returning to their normal operation). To
activate this mode, simply depress the ON / OFF button while
applying power to the unit.
Voltage Error
If the voltage is too high(>16Vdc) or too low(<10Vdc), an error
message will be displayed on the status LED’s by illuminating all four
(4) LED’s RED.
Hardware Error
A hardware error is indicated on any one of the status LED’s bu
illuminating solid RED. In the case of a hardware error, the unit must
be returned to the service point for repair. Record the result with the
service return information.
Received Signal Indicator
The “RX/SYNC” LED indicates the state of the receiver.
If the LED is off, no signal is being received.
A RED indication shows that an RF carrier is being received, but no
data stream can be decoded. This will briefly happen at the very start
of every valid received transmission or may indicate the presence of
interference, or another user on the channel.
A continuous GREEN indication shows that the modem is locked and
synchronised to the incoming signal, and has excellent Bit Error
Rate (BER). Any losses of synchronisation (BER errors) are shown
as a visible RED flicker of the LED.
Note: This might only be apparent on a PTMP slave when only
Data Flow breakout LEDs
There are also two LEDs to indicate data flow into and out of the
two user ports.
Input data to be transmitted is shown as a RED flash, and received
data to be output to the port is shown as a GREEN flash.
If data is aternately flowing in and out quickly, then the indicator
appears orange.
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EH450 Quick Start Guide
Welcome to the Quick Start Guide for the EH450 Hot Standby Base /
Repeater Station. This section provides additional step-by-step
instructions to install, commission and operate the EH450 Hot
Standby Base Station. This document should be read in conjunction
with the EB450 Base Station Quick Start Guide.
The EH450 is a fully redundant, hot standby digital data radio base /
repeater station providing automatic changeover facilities.
The EH450 is designed as a modular solution, comprising 2 identical
EB450 base station units (standard) linked to a central, fail-safe
monitoring and change-over controller (Hot Standby Controller). Either
base station may be taken out for maintenance without the need for
any system down time. The automatic change-over is triggered by out
of tolerance (alarm) conditions based on either RF and/or user data
throughput paramaters.
Part E  Getting Started - EH450
Features and Benefits
Individual and identical base stations with separate control logic
changeover panel
Modules are hot swapable without user downtime
Flexible antenna options – single, separate Tx & Rx, two Tx
and two Rx
Increased sensitivity with receiver pre-amplifier
Both on-line and off-line units monitored regardless of active
External input for higher stability 10MHz reference – GPS
Also refer to the common Features and Benefits list of the E
Series Data Radio
Base / Repeater Unit
Hot Standby Controller Unit
Base / Repeater Unit
EH450 Hot Standby Base / Repeater Unit
NOTE: RF connectors not used or ETSI version Rear View
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Operational Description
The Hot Standby Controller (HSC) unit is a 1RU rack mounted
module that interfaces to two physically separate base stations (each
2RU rack mounted modules) via a number of RF and data cables.
Both base stations are operating simultaneously and both units are
constantly receiving signals, however only data from one base
station, the “online” base station is directed to the user equipment. The
online base station is the only base station transmitting at any time.
The Hot Standby Controller has the following functions:
Diplex the transmit and receive paths (Assuming internal
duplexer fitted), TX Only.
Amplify and split the incoming signal two ways so both base
stations receive at once.
Monitor status reports from both base stations to identify faults
and swap over the online base station if required.
Switch the antenna via internal coaxial relay duplexer to the
online base station transmitter and inhibit the offline base station
from transmitting.
Switch the User A and B data ports through to the online base
An optocoupler based switch in the base station controller directs data
to and from ports A and B on the rear panel directly to ports A and B on
the on-line base station without any involvement from the Hot Standby
controller microcontrollers (apart from selecting the on-line base). This
provides protection of the system from failure of the microcontroller.
As well as ports A and B, each base has a system port. The system
port of each base station is interfaced to the microcontroller on the Hot
Standby controller. This allows the microcontroller in charge of
selecting the base station to receive diagnostic messages from each
base station to decide their health.
The base station has it’s own system port on the rear panel and this is
interfaced to the Hot Standby Contruller Module. The HSC will route
diagnostics at the rear panel system port to and from the system ports
of the base stations.
Mounting and Environmental
The EH450 Hot Standby Base Station is housed as a 5RU 19” rack
mounted set, encompassing 2 x 2RU Base Station units and 1 x 1RU
Hot Standby Controller unit. The mounting holes on the front panels
should be used to secure the units to the rack.
The unit should be mounted in a clean and dry location, protected from
water, excessive dust, corrosive fumes, extremes of temperature and
direct sunlight. Please allow sufficient passive or active ventilation to
allow the radio modem’s heatsink to operate efficiently.
All permanent connections are made at the rear of the unit. This
includes: Power, Antenna, Communications Ports, Digital I/O and
System Port. The front panel has an additional System Port
connection point for easy access.
The Base Station front panel system ports must not be used while in
this config.
Part E  Getting Started - EH450
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Communications Ports
The A & B Data Ports and System Ports of each Base Station
connect directly to the Hot Standby Controller units corresponding
ports with the cables provided. Ensure all clamping screws on the
Data Port cables are firmly secured and the System Port cables are
clipped in correctly. See figure below for further details.
Note: Only the front or rear User System Port can be used at any
one time on the HSC.
Power Supply and Protection
The EH450 has facilities for dual power supplies to provide for a
redundant system. A separate power supply should be used for each
of the Base Station units. The Hot Standby Controller unit has
connections for dual power supplies and it is recommended that the
power supplies from each of the Base Stations also be used to power
the Hot Standby Controller unit. See Figure below for further details.
See ER450 Quick Start Guide Section for detailed wiring information.
The Hot Standby Controller units A & B Data Ports connect directly to
you application device and the System Port connects directly to your
local PC. See ER450 Quick Start Guide Section for further details.
Part E  Getting Started - EH450
Note: RF Connectors not used for ETSI version
Note: RF Connectors not used for ETSI version
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E Series Data Radio – User Manual
© Copyright 2002 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.
Connecting Antennas and RF Feeders
There are 3 primary antenna connection options. All connectors used
are standard N Type sockets. See figures below for further details.
See ER450 Quick Start Guide for detailed wiring information.
Part E  Getting Started - EH450
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E Series Data Radio – User Manual
© Copyright 2002 Trio DataCom Pty. Ltd.
Front Panel Operation
Select Switch
The 3 position switch (1 / Auto / 2) on the front panel provides the
following functionality:
Position 1: base station 1 is forced into operation
Position Auto: changeover hardware will select the online base
Position 2: base station 2 is forced into operation
The select switch is also used to identify the target base station for
configuration programming.
Adjacent to the select switch are two LEDs: These LEDs indicate the
current active base station.
Select LED’s
Green - Auto Mode
Red - Remote Force
Amber - Local Force
2 Green Firmware Download
2 Amber Test Mode
2 Red Fatal Error - refer user manual
Reset Switch
This is a momentary close switch which when depressed will reset all
LED alarm indications.
System Port
There are two system port connection points, one on the rear panel
and one on the front panel. Both have the same functionality and can
be used for local diagnostics, firmware front panel downloads and hot
standby controller testing. To access the system port use the
diagnostic/programming cable supplied.
Note: Wnen connection is made to front panel system rear system
port is disabled.
Alarm Status LEDs
There are 10 alarm LEDs on the fron panel, five for base 1 and five for
base 2. These LEDs provide a general indication of base station
status. More detailed base station status information is available by
using the diagnostic utility software.
The indicated alarms for each base station are:
Freq. => Frequency Error
RxSig => Receive Signal (RF) Error
Data => Receive Data Error
TxPower => Transmit Power (RF) Error
Supply => DC Voltage Error
The status of each alarm is represented as follows:
Green => No Error
Red => Current (active) Error condition
Amber => Recovered Error condition
Any active or recovered error LEDs will turn to green after the reset
alarms switch has been pushed or remotely reset.
Part E  Getting Started - EH450

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