Sirius XM Radio SA10101B XM Satellite RX with FM Transmitter User Manual SKYFi2 install guide layout

Sirius XM Radio Inc. XM Satellite RX with FM Transmitter SKYFi2 install guide layout

Install Guide

GuideInstallationSKYFi2™Home and Vehicle KitsContents:SKYFi2Vehicle Adapter Kit Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . 2SKYFi2Installation ........................7XMAntennaSetup ........................12SKYFi2 Home Adapter Kit Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Warranty .................................17Warning: This manual and the SKYFi2Satellite Radio Receiver User Guide containimportant safety and operating information.Please read and follow the instructions inthese manuals. Failure to do so could resultin personal injury, death, and/or damage toyour SKYFi2 Receiver, accessories, and/or toyour vehicle or other property.English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 2
Important: See page 19 for importantFCC information.2Cassette audioadapterSKYFi2 Cradle12V power adapterXM Vehicle AntennaFigure 1. SKYFi2 Vehicle Adapter Kit components.Your kit also includes:• Extra adhesive pad• Surface preparationcleaning kit• Alcohol prep pad• Cable wrap• Adhesive-backedVelcro®padsSKYFi2 Vehicle Adapter Kit (SA10102) SetupYour Delphi XM®SKYFi2™Vehicle Adapter Kit contains the following components:Nokia®style buttonmount converterXM SureConnectSwivel and Vent MountsEnglish Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 3
3Hooking up Your SKYFi2 Receiver CradleFigure 2. Connect accessories to your SKYFi2 Cradle as shown.Caution: Connect only appropriate input devicesto the SKYFi2 Vehicle Adapter Kit. Connecting anyincorrect input devices may damage the system and/or the external electronic device. It is recommendedthat you use only the 12V to 6V conversion poweradapter that came with your SKYFi2 Vehicle Adapter Kit.If you choose to use the self install method using theXM SureConnect please see the XM SureConnect Installguide for more information.English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 4
4After connecting the power andantenna jacks into the car cradle, theincluded organizer can be used toimprove the appearance of the instal-lation. See figure 3.The cable twist ties that were provid-ed with the power adapter and carantenna cables can be reused togather, bundle, twist tie, and secureany excess cable. Excess cable can begathered under the dash, between theseat or console, or under the mat so itis not in the way.Figure 3.When using the FM modulator, secur-ing and tie-wrapping the excess cablereduces background hissing noise.Check movement of doors and trunksas well as seats so they do not dam-age excess cable.English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 5
The SKYFi2 Vehicle Adapter Kitoffers you many ways of connectingyour SKYFi2 to your vehicle’s radio.All options provide excellent soundquality and stereo separation.Review and consider your ownunique situation when choosingfrom the three options.5English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 6
6Cassette AdapterFor vehicles with a built-in cassetteplayer. Due to its superior audio quality,this configuration is recommendedover the professionally wired or selfinstall XM SureConnect configurationsif a cassette slot is available in thevehicle.Professional Wired FMA wired FM installation kit is availablefrom your retailer for professionalinstallation. See your retailer fordetails. This solution is recommendedif you cannot get acceptable perform-ance with the FM modulator.Self Install (XM SureConnect)The XM receiver is equipped with anFM modulator, which can transmit theXM audio to your car’s FM radio. Seethe XM SureConnect InstallationGuide for more information.The factory default setting for the FMmodulator is turned off. See theSKYFi2 Satellite Radio Receiver UserGuide for more details.English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 7
Note: If using the XM SureConnect or theprofessional wired (Delphi FM DirectAdapter), set the SKYFi2 Receiver and thevehicle’s FM radio to the same frequency. SeetheSKYFi2 User Guidesection on Listeningto XM using your vehicle’s FM Radio.SKYFi2 InstallationBecause every vehicle is different, theseinstructions are provided as a generalguideline only. If you need help, consulta professional installer.1. Decide which method (cassetteadapter, professional wired FM, orself install (XM SureConnect) ismost appropriate for your vehicleand where you live.2. Verify the system is working bycompleting a test. Before installingthe system, connect the XM Antenna,(If you are using the XM SureConnectInstallation you will need to install theXM SureConnect before you will beable to hear audio on you vehicle’s FMRadio) 12V power adapter, andaudio connector or cassette adapter(if used) to the SKYFi2 VehicleAdapter cradle with the SKYFi2Receiver inserted. Plug the 12Vpower adapter into the cigarettelighter and place the XM Antennaon the roof of your vehicle. Makesure you are outdoors and not sur-rounded by tall buildings or trees.Turn on both your vehicle’s radioand SKYFi2 Receiver.Tune theSKYFi2 Receiver to XM channel 1.You should be able to hear the XMPreview channel. If not, check allconnections.Warning: Do not install the mount where itor SKYFi2 could block your vision or usage ofcontrols, or interfere with any safety devicessuch as airbags. Failure to correctly placeSKYFi2 could result in injury to you or others ifthe unit becomes detached during an accidentand/or obstructs the deployment of an airbag.7English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 8
83. Turn off the radio and SKYFi2Receiver. Disconnect all cables.4. Find a place where you can mountyour SKYFi2 vehicle cradle whereit is most convenient for you touse. It should be mounted to ahard, flat surface below the top ofthe dash within easy reach.5. The SKYFi2 Vehicle Adapter Kithas three mounting options: flatmount, vent mount or swivelmount.a. Flat mount: Use the includedVelcro pads or extra adhesivepad, attaching them to the backof the SKYFi2 vehicle cradleand then to a flat surface inyour vehicle. Do not install themount on a leather surface.b. Vent mount: Assemble themount (if not assembled) byinserting the two clips intothe main piece. Clip theassembly onto the vent, andthen position the pivotingkickstand atthe bottom. Theorientation of the clips mustmatch each other and mayneed to be rotated in one oftwo possible orientationsdepending on the design ofthe air vent being used. Becareful when installing andremoving the vent mountclips to prevent damagingthe vent fins.English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 9
c. Swivel mount:This mount allows youto adjust the angle of your SKYFi2Vehicle Adapter after it is installed.This mount uses a strong adhe-sive that is not easily repositionedwhen installed, so use care whenchoosing the location of and placingthe mount. Do not install this mounton a leather surface. Install themount only if the temperature is atleast 60°F.– Clean the mounting surface withthe enclosed surface preparationcleaning kit. Wipe the towelettein one direction only. Do notwipe the surface in a circularon. Remove the liner from theadhesive pad and adhere to thevehicle’s surface. Make sure youaccurately place the pad on thefirst try since in many cases it willbond almost immediately. Forbest results, do not touch or applypressure to the vehicle mount for72 hours.motion or back and forth. Dry thearea with a clean, dry cloth.Repeat the cleaning process.Allow to air dry thoroughly.– Clean the same surface with theenclosed alcohol prep pad. Wipein one direction only. Dry thearea with a clean, dry cloth.Allow to air dry thoroughly.– Warm the vehicle mount adhesivepad by using a hair dryer or byplacing the vehicle mount on topof the vehicle’s defrost outlet forseveral minutes with the heater9English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 10
10 6. Clip the SKYFi2 vehicle cradleonto the swivel mount (figure 4).7. Reassemble the system as in step 2.8. Attach the antenna as explainedon page 12 and route the antennacable as described on page 13.To vehicledashboardFigure 4. Attach vehicle mount to back ofSKYFi2 as shown.Figure 3. Installing the vent mount to yourvehicle’s air vent.English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 11
Removing swivel mountfrom your dashboardYou can remove the swivel mountfrom your dashboard by followingthese steps:1. Lift one edge of the adhesive padgently with fingers or the roundededge of a spoon. Once enough ofthe edge is loosened to grip withyour fingers, pull the pad gentlyfrom the mounting surface at a90-degree angle. Do not usesharp tools that could damagethe vehicle’s interior.2. If the pad fails to loosen, warm itwith a hair dryer for 2 to 3 minutesto soften the adhesive. Be carefulnot to apply too much heat, whichcould damage the mountingsurface. Repeat step 1.3. If any adhesive remains on thedashboard surface, the adhesivecan easily be removed by rubbingyour thumb or finger across it.4. As necessary, use a mild householdcleaner to clean the dashboardsurface.Caution: Never use a commercial heat gun ora paint-stripping gun. This can damage theunit or your vehicle.11English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 12
12 Important: Do not install antenna inside thevehicle passenger compartment. An antennamounted on the dashboard or on the rear windowdeck area of the vehicle will likely experience signalinterruption issues and must be avoided. Mountingthe antenna on a nonmetallic surface will alsoresult in severe degradation in reception.Warning: Failure to properly install theantenna may result in injury to you or others if itbecomes detached during an accident.XM Antenna SetupFor best reception, the XM Antennashould be placed either:– In front of the rear window (option1)– Behind the windshield (option 2)When deciding which location tochoose, keep in mind:– The antenna will perform best if ithas an unobstructed view of theopen sky.– If the vehicle has roof racks or skidribs, the antenna can be mountedoff-center.– Trunk mounting is an alternative forhard- or soft-top convertibles withnonmetallic rooftops, though recep-tion may not be as good.English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 13
13Routing the CableOption 1When using option 1, route the cableinto the trunk as shown in figure 6.Always cross the weather seal at thelowest part of the trunk to reducewater leaks. From the trunk, route thecable into the passenger compart-ment through available wire channelsand then along the floor under thedoor jamb trim or under the carpet tothe front of the passenger compart-ment. Do not leave the cable loose inthe passenger compartment where itis likely to be damaged.Option 2When using option 2, route thecable along the door jamb andinto the vehicle as shown in figure6. Route the cable across theweather seal near the bottom ofthe door to reduce water leaks.Figure 6.English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 14
14Audio cableXM HighgainIndoor/OutdoorHome Antennawith 25 ft. cable6V AC poweradapterSKYFi2 Home StandFigure 7. SKYFi2 Home Adapter Kit components.SKYFi2 HomeAdapter Kit (SA10103) SetupYour Delphi XM SKYFi2 Home AdapterKit contains the following components:Hooking up YourSKYFi2 Receiver Home StandNote: See SKYFi2 User Guide for importantuser information.Caution: Connect only the appropriate inputdevices to the SKYFi2 Home Adapter Kit jacks.Connecting any incorrect input device maydamage the system and/or the external elec-tronic device. It is recommended that you useonly the AC power adapter that came withyour SKYFi2 Home Adapter Kit. If you need touse a different adapter, it must be a 6V, 1000mA DC adapter and must contain a unifiedpolarity-type jack, identified by thesymbol.English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 15
15Installation instructions:1. Turn off both your SKYFi2Receiver and home stereo.2. Connect cables as illustrated infigure 8.3. Position the XM Antenna so that itis facing south. Ideally, it shouldpoint through a window.4. Turn on your SKYFi2 Receiver andthe stereo.Tune to XM channel 1.Youshould be able to hear the XMPreview channel. If not, check allconnections.Note: The Delphi SA10006 AntennaExtension Cable (sold separately) isdesigned to work with the SKYFi2 HomeAdapter Kit and provides an additional 50feet of cable length to the standard XMHome Antenna.Figure 8. Connect the SKYFi2 Home Stand to power, antenna, and home stereo as shown.English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 16
16 Aiming the XM Home AntennaFor best reception, aim the homeantenna by following theseinstructions:1. Press the “menu” button on theSKYFi2 Receiver.2. Use the scroll wheel to select the“Antenna Aiming” option. Pressthe “XM” button to confirm selection.3. This display will remain on untilyou press the “menu” buttonagain, so you have plenty of timeto aim the antenna. Slowly turnand tilt the antenna.The “satellite”and “terrestrial” signal bars willchange. Find the position that givesthe strongest signal strength (atleast two bars) on either “satellite”or “terrestrial.”4. Once you are convinced you havedetermined the proper position toreceive the best possible signal,press the “menu” button to returnto normal operation.Figure 9. Signal strength indicator.English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 17
17Delphi Limited Consumer WarrantyDelphi Product and Service Solutions(“Delphi”) warrants all Portable XMSatellite Radio Accessory Products sold byDelphi (each “Product”) to be free ofdefects in material and workmanship,subject to the following conditions:The duration of Delphi’s warranty withrespect to each product is limited to one(1) year from the date of sale to the originalconsumer purchaser.No other express warranties are made withrespect to any Product. All implied warranties,including warranties of merchantability andfitness for a particular purpose are limitedto the warranty period set forth above. Thiswarranty is not transferable and appliesonly to the original consumer purchaser ofthe Product.Delphi will, as its sole obligation under thiswarranty, replace or repair, at its option,any Product that does not conform to thiswarranty. Products may be repaired orreplaced with new or with refurbisheditems. This limited warranty does not coverdefects in appearance, cosmetic or decora-tive items, including any non-operativeparts. Under no circumstances will Delphibe liable for any incidental or consequentialdamages under this warranty or anyimplied warranties. These remedies are thecustomer’s exclusive remedies for breachof warranty. This limited warranty onlyextends to customers who purchase theProducts in the United States.Delphi will not be responsible for damageresulting from any (i) deviation fromDelphi’s operating instructions as printed inDelphi’s catalog or on any packaging,labels, or other literature provided with aProduct, (ii) installation of a Product in amanner which is inconsistent with Delphi’swritten instructions, (iii) alteration ormodification of a Product, (iv) misuse,(v) neglect, (vi) abuse, (vii) accident, (viii)normal wear and tear, (ix) commercial use,(x) improper storage, (xi) environmentalconditions, including excessive temperatureor humidity, (xii) service by anyone otherthan a Delphi authorized repair facility,(xiii) other improper application, installationor operation of the Product, or (xiv) defectsor malfunctions of which Delphi is notadvised within ten (10) days of the expirationof the limited warranty period.English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 18
18 How you (the Customer) can get service:To obtain warranty service, you must returnthe defective Product with the originalreceipt to the original place of purchase. Iffurther clarification or additional informationis required from Delphi, you may call Delphiat: 1.877.GO DELPHI (1.877.463.3574). If war-ranty service is needed at any time duringthe warranty period, the purchaser will berequired to furnish a sales receipt/proof ofpurchase indicating the date of purchase,amount paid and place of purchase.Customers who fail to provide such proofof purchase will be charged for therepair/replacement of any Product.How state law relates to the warranty:Some states do not allow limitations on theduration of implied warranties, or theexclusion or the limitation of incidental orconsequential damages. So the above limi-tations or exclusions may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific legalrights. You may also have other rights thatmay vary from state to state. NO PERSONIS AUTHORIZED BY DELPHI TO MODIFY ORADD TO THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 19
19FCC StatementPlease note that the power cable that hasbeen supplied with your device is suppliedwith a permanently attached ferrite bead. It isthe responsibility of the user to use the cablewith the ferrite bead.The user is cautioned that changes or modifi-cations not expressly approved by XMSatellite Radio, Inc. can void the user’sauthority to operate this device.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCCrules. Operation is subject to the followingtwo conditions: (1)This device may not causeharmful interference, and (2) this device mustaccept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesiredoperation.This equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reason-able protection against harmful interferencein a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses, and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interferenceto radio communications. However, there isno guarantee that interference will not occurin a particular installation. If this equipmentdoes cause harmful interference to radio ortelevision reception, which can be deter-mined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct theinterference by one or more of the followingmeasures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between theequipment and the receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on acircuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experiencedradio/TV technician for help.Warning:The FCC and FAA have not certifiedXM Satellite Radio Receivers for use in anyaircraft (neither portable nor permanentinstallation).Therefore, XM Satellite RadioInc. cannot support this type of applicationor installation.English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 20
Delphi Corporation1441 West Long Lake RoadTroy, Michigan 48098-5090U.S.A.Customer Service: [1] 877.GO DELPHIwww.delphi.comPrinted on Recycled Paper©2006 Delphi Corporation. All rights reserved.DPSS-06-E-061The SKYFi2 name, XM name, and related logosare trademarks of XM Satellite Radio Inc. Allother trademarks are the property of theirrespective owners.English Skyfi2 install guide:SKYFi2 install guide layout  9/21/2006  12:09 PM  Page 1

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