Sirius XM Radio SA10101B XM Satellite RX with FM Transmitter User Manual 11109xm skyfi2 user eng

Sirius XM Radio Inc. XM Satellite RX with FM Transmitter 11109xm skyfi2 user eng

Users Guide Revised

GuideUserSKYFi2™RadioSatelliteReceiverWarning: This manual and the SKYFi2 Installation Guide contain important safety andoperating information. Please read and follow the instructions in these manuals. Failure to do socould result in personal injury, death, and/or damage to your SKYFi2 Receiver, accessories,and/or to your vehicle or other property.
Please note that the power cable that has been supplied with yourdevice is supplied with permanently attached ferrite beads. It isthe responsibility of the user to use the power cable with the fer-rite beads.The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expresslyapproved by XM Satellite Radio Inc. can void the user’s authorityto operate this device.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation issubject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.(2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the lim-its for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequencyenergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstallation instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interferencewill not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment doesWelcomeThank you for purchasing a DelphiXM SKYFi2 Satellite Radio Receiver.Your SKYFi2 gives you access to over170 XM Satellite Radio channels ofmusic, news, and information fromcoast to coast.*2*XM subscription required for reception of XM service.Not available in Alaska or Hawaii.cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by oneor more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna of theaffected receiver.- Increase the separation between the XM equipmentand the affected receiver.- Connect the XM equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the affected receiveris connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Important: The FCC and FAA have not certified theDelphi XM SKYFi2 Satellite Radio Receiver for use inany aircraft (neither portable nor permanent installation).Therefore, Delphi cannot support this type of applica-tion or installation.
SKYFi2 improves upon the award-winning SKYFi Satellite Radio Receiverby offering these new features:•Builtin FM modulator. Listen to XMthrough any vehicle FM radio.•30Minute Replay. Pause andreplay up to 30 minutes of liveXM broadcast.•TuneSelect. Find your favoritesongs by song title or artist nameif they’re currently playing on anyXM channel.•Personalized stock and sportstickers. Track your favorite stocksand sports scores on your SKYFi2’sdisplay while listening to yourfavorite music.•A brighter, white LED backlit displayfor even better visibility.•More versatile vehicle mountingoptions than previous model.To use the SKYFi2 Satellite RadioCaution: Your SKYFi2 must be used with the enclosed connecting devices or other approved accessoriesto ensure maximum performance. Do not modify or alter wires or connections in any way. Shorteningwires or connections may prevent proper functioning of the electrical circuit, which may damage yourreceiver and will void your warranty.3Receiver, you must have a VehicleAdapter Kit (SA10102), HomeAdapter Kit (SA10103), or MarineAdapter Kit (SA10046), or Delphiportable audio system (each soldseparately). We do not recom-mend using the old SKYFi VehicleAdapter Kit (SA10002) with theSKYFi2 Receiver since the SA10102has been designed to maximizethe performance of SKYFi2.
About DelphiDelphi is a worldwide leader inmobile electronics, vehicle compo-nents, and audio technology. Delphicreated the first in-dash car radio in1936 and continues its strong traditionof innovation in the audio industry.Now Delphi technology has helpedmake satellite radio a reality, andDelphi continues to expand its in-vehicleand consumer electronics technolo-gies. With its exciting line of satelliteradio products, Delphi offers a broadportfolio of products to answer a widevariety of information and entertain-ment needs in the vehicle, home,office, or virtually anywhere.About XMXM is America's number one satelliteradio service with more than 7 mil-lion subscribers. Broadcasting livedaily from studios in Washington,DC, New York City, the Country MusicHall of Fame in Nashville, Torontoand Montreal, XM's 2006 lineupincludes more than 170 digital chan-nels of choice from coast to coast:the most commercial-free musicchannels, sports, talk, comedy, chil-dren's and entertainment program-ming; and the most advanced trafficand weather information.XM, the leader in satellite-deliveredentertainment and data services forthe automobile market through part-nerships with General Motors,*To receive the XM service, you must subscribe toXM. Available in the continental United States andCanada only. Satellite radio reception depends onthe ability of the antenna to receive a signal. Thesignal may not be available in buildings or ifobstructed (e.g., by mountains, trees, bridges, etc).4Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, Nissan,Subaru, Suzuki and Porsche, is avail-able in more than 140 different vehi-cle models for 2006. XM's industry-leading products are available at con-sumer electronics retailers nation-wide. For more information about XMhardware, programming and partner-ships, please visit
5ContentsGetting StartedActivating Your SKYFi2 . . . . . . . . . 6SKYFi2 ReceiverControls .....................7Display Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Remote Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Basic OperationsTurning SKYFi2 On and Off . . . . . 10Selecting Channels . . . . . . . . . . . 10Changing the Display . . . . . . . . . 12Memorizing Song Information . . 13Advanced FeaturesListening to XM Using YourVehicle’s FM Radio . . . . . . . . . . 14Adjusting the Audio Level . . . . . . 15Auto-On ....................16Adjusting theBrightness and Contrast . . . . . 16Auto-Off and Sleep Timer . . . . . . 16Aiming the Home Antenna . . . . . 17TuneSelect ..................18StockTicker ..................19InfoExtras ..................2030-Minute Replay . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Recall Last Channel . . . . . . . . . . . 21DirectTune ..................22Search ......................22Skipping Channels WhileTuning . 24Setting the Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Restoring Factory Defaults . . . . . 25Setting the Display Screen Mode . . 26ReferenceCare of Your SKYFi2 . . . . . . . . . . . 27Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Contacting Technical Supportand Customer Service . . . . . . . 30Technical Information . . . . . . . . . 30WarrantyDelphi Limited ConsumerWarranty ..................30
6Warning: Failure to properly follow allinstallation instructions could result in personalinjury, death, and/or damage to your SKYFi2Receiver, accessories, and/or to your vehicle orother property.Warning: When using this product it isalways important to keep your eyes on the roadand your hands on the wheel. Failure to do socould result in personal injury, death, and/ordamage to your SKYFi2 Receiver, accessories,and/or to your vehicle or other property.Getting St art edGetting StartedActivating Your SKYFi2To quickly begin enjoying XM SatelliteRadio with your SKYFi2,follow these simple steps:1. Set up your SKYFi2 Receiver usingthe installation instructions includedin the SKYFi Home Adapter Kit,SKYFi Vehicle Adapter Kit, DelphiXM SKYFi Marine Adapter Kit, anyof the available audio systems, orwith the help of a professionalinstaller.2. Press to turn on your SKYFi2and verify that it is playing channel1, the XM Preview channel.3. Select channel 0. The receiver’seight-character XM Satellite RadioID will appear on the display. Writethe ID here:Note: Carefully check your XM Radio ID.The letters I, O, S, and F are not used.4. Activate your XM Satellite Radioservice. To subscribe, make sureyou have your XM Satellite RadioID and a major credit card. ContactXM at http://activate.xmradio.comor by calling 1.800.XM.RADIO(1.800.967.2346).5. After subscribing, make sure youkeep your receiver on for at leastone hour in order to complete theactivation process. The process iscomplete when you can access thefull channel lineup on your SKYFi2.
7SKYFi2 Rec eiv erFigure 1. SKYFi2 Receiver.SKYFi2 ReceiverReceiver ControlsUse your SKYFi2 control buttonsto operate various functions.30Minute Replay buttonsPause and replay up to 30 minutesof live XM broadcast.Number keysEnter a channel directly orselect your favorite presets.Jump buttonSwitches between currentand previous channel.Search buttonChanges search modebetween search bycategory or search byscanning.Preset/direct buttonSelects between direct channelentry or up to 30 presets.Menu buttonSelects and changesconfiguration options.Memory buttonSaves and recalls songinformation such as artistand song title.Display buttonDisplays additionalinformation on screensuch as stocks or sportsscores.Power buttonPowers SKYFi2 on and off.XM buttonConfirms selected channel ormenu option.Scroll wheelPreviews channels; alsoselects various menu options.
8SKYFi2 Rec eiv erDisplay ScreenWhile tuned to an XM channel, theSKYFi2 default display containsinformation about that channel andthe SKYFi2 settings. See figure 2.Your SKYFi2 display can becustomized. See the Basic Operationssection, beginning on page 10.Figure 2. SKYFi2 Receiver display screen.Signal strengthindicator(zero to three bars)Mode (DIRECT, Preset A,Preset B, or Preset C)Additionalinformation(such as stocks orsports tickers)Artist nameSong titleChannel numberChannel nameCategory nameor clockIndicates that internal FM modulator isturned on and set to an FM frequency
9SKYFi2 Rec eiv erRemote ControlFigure 3. SKYFi2 Remote Control.Power buttonPowers SKYFi2 on and off.30Minute Replay buttonsPause and replay up to 30 minutes of liveXM broadcast.Channel buttonPreviews channels; also selects various menuoptions.XM buttonConfirms selected channel or menu option. Pushand hold to select song or artist forTuneSelect.Search buttonChanges search mode between search by categoryor search by scanning.Mute buttonMutes the audio.+ buttonsImmediately select a different channel (andcontrol volume in some audio systems).Jump buttonSwitches between current and previous channel.Preset/direct buttonSelects between direct channel entry or up to30 presets.Number keysEnter a channel directly or select your favoritepresets.Memory buttonSaves and recalls song information such as artistand song title.Display buttonChanges the display mode, providing a differentappearance and additional information such asstocks or sports scores.
10Basic Oper ati onsWarning: When using this product it isalways important to keep your eyes on the roadand your hands on the wheel. Failure to do socould result in personal injury, death, and/ordamage to your SKYFi2 Receiver, accessories,and/or to your vehicle or other property.Basic OperationsTurning SKYFi2 On and Off1. To turn on: press .2. To turn off: press and hold for2 seconds.If SKYFi2 is installed in a vehicle, youmay use the ignition key to powerSKYFi2 on or off. This will not affectSKYFi2 in any way.Selecting ChannelsYou may select channels by using thescroll wheel, by pushing one of the pre-set buttons, or by keying in the channelnumber directly.You can also use theequivalent buttons on the remote control.Using the Scroll Wheel1. Turn the scroll wheel.2. When you find your desiredchannel, press the “XM” buttonto select it.You can also set up SKYFi2 so that youdo not have to press the “XM” buttonto select a channel. See “Direct Tune”(page 22).
11Basic Oper ati onsDirect Entry1. Press the “preset/direct” but-ton until the “DIRECT” iconappears in the display.2. Press the number keys corre-spond-ing to the channelnumber. For example, forchannel 31, press “3”followed by “1.” You canselect the channel faster bypressing the “XM” buttonafter entering the channelnumber.Using PresetsThere are 30 presets in all: Eachbank (A, B, and C) holds 10 presets.Press the “preset/direct” button toselect the proper bank. Use thesebanks to organize your favorite chan-nels or to create separate presetbanks for additional users to enjoy.To set a channel preset:1. Tune to the desired channel.2. Press the “preset/direct” buttonuntil the appropriate “Preset”icon (preset bank A, B, or C)appears in the display.3. Press and hold the number keythat corresponds to the presetyou would like to set. SKYFi2beeps when the channel isstored.To select a stored preset:1. Press the “preset/direct” buttonuntil the appropriate “Preset”icon (preset bank A, B, or C)appears in the display.2. Press one of the number keys.SKYFi2 will tune to that channel.Note: If a number key is pressed thathas not been assigned to a favoritechannel, SKYFi2 will automatically tuneto channel 1 or the XM Preview channel,reminding you to make a selection.
12Basic Oper ati onsChanging the DisplayPress the “display” button to selectany one of four screens.Display Option 4Large display of artist and song titleDisplay Option 3Scrolls information extras at bottom of screenDisplay Option 2Scrolls stock ticker at bottom of screenDisplay Option 1Default displayFigure 4. SKYFi2 screen displays.
13Basic Oper ati onsMemorizing Song InformationSKYFi2 can remember the artist nameand title of the song or programmingyou are currently listening to.1. Press and release the “memory”button to save the information ofthe current song or program.SKYFi2 can remember up to 20entries, after which any new infor-mation that is saved will replace theoldest entry in memory.2. To recall saved information, pressand hold the “memory” button for3 seconds. Turn the scroll wheel oruse the up and down buttons onthe remote to view the entire list ofsongs or programs.
14Advanced F eat ure sAdvanced FeaturesListening to XM UsingYour Vehicle’s FM RadioSKYFi2 has a built-in FM modulatorthat transmits the XM audio signal toany vehicle FM radio.You can use theFM modulator in your vehicle cradleonly.You will first need to determine if yourinstallation will require the use of theFM modulator or the use of the cassetteadaptor. If your vehicle’s radio does nothave a cassette player, you will need touse either the Professional wired FM orthe self install XM SureConnect methodof installation. Please read the XMSureConnect installation guide beforeinstalling.1. Turn on your vehicle’s FM radio.2. Tune the FM radio to each of thefollowing FM frequencies:88.1, 88.3, 88.5, 88.7, 88.9, 106.7,106.9, 107.1, 107.3, 107.5, 107.7, and107.9.3. Note the frequency that has no FMstation or the least amount ofinterference.4. Turn on your SKYFi2.5. Press the “menu” button.6. Use the scroll wheel to select“FM Frequency.” Press the “XM”button to confirm.7. Use the scroll wheel to select thefrequency noted in step 4. Pressthe “XM” button to confirm.8. Press the “menu” button toreturn to the main menu andthen again to return to theplay screen.9. You should now hear XM pro-gramming over your vehicle’sFM radio. If the sound is notclear or you hear interferenceor static, try another frequen-cy by repeating the processabove.Note: If you are not using the FM modu-lator, set the FM frequency to “FM Off”for the best audio quality.
15Advanced F eat ure sNote: If you are traveling long dis-tances, you may need to repeat this pro-cedure periodically if you hear interfer-ence from local FM stations.This is dueto the differences in the strength of FMstations being broadcast in these areas,and not to any problems associatedwith your SKYFi2.In the rare situation that you can-not find an acceptable open FMfrequency, consult a professionalaudio installer.You may improvethe audio quality by using theDelphi FM Direct Adapter(SA10112), sold separately.Adjusting the Audio LevelThe factory default setting shouldwork well in most situations.However, if you hear distortion,you should decrease the audiolevel. If the XM audio level is toolow compared to other sourcessuch as CD, cassette, or other FMstations, you may want toincrease the audio level.1. Press the “menu” button.2. Use the scroll wheel (orremote) to select “AudioLevel.” Press the “XM” buttonto confirm.3. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) toselect the desired level. Press the“XM” button to confirm selection.4. Press the “menu” button to returnto the main menu and then againto return to normal operation.Note: This is not a volume control. This fea-ture should be used to better match theSKYFi2 audio level with the other audiosources in the receiver. Set the volumeusing the audio system or FM radio con-nected to your SKYFi2.
16Advanced F eat ure sAutoOnNormally, SKYFi2 turns on wheneverit receives power. If SKYFi2 is wiredto a power source that is always on,you should disable the “Auto-On”option:1. Press the “menu” button.2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) toselect “Auto-On.” Press the “XM”button to confirm selection.3. Select “Off.” Press the “XM”button to confirm selection.4. Press the “menu” button to returnto the main menu and then againto return to normal operation. Youmust now use the button toturn SKYFi2 on or off.Adjusting the Brightnessand Contrast1. Press the “menu” button.2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) toselect “Brightness” or “Contrast.”Press the “XM” button.3. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) toselect the desired level. Press the“XM” button to confirm.4. Press the “menu” button to returnto the main menu and then againto return to normal operation.AutoOff and Sleep TimerYou can set SKYFi2 to automati-cally shut off between 15 min-utes to three hours after yourlast input or action. Use this fea-ture if SKYFi2 continues toreceive power even after youremove the ignition key; settingAuto-Off prevents SKYFi2 fromdraining the vehicle battery. Youmay also use Auto-Off as a“sleep” feature to turn SKYFi2off automatically after a period oftime.
17Advanced F eat ure sTo set AutoOff:1. Press the “menu” button.2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) toselect “Auto-Off/Sleep Timer.”Press the “XM” button to confirmselection.3. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) toselect the time period. Press the“XM” button to confirm selection.4. Press the “menu” button to returnto the main menu and then againto return to normal operation.Aiming the Home AntennaFor the best reception possible, aimthe home antenna using the follow-ing method:1. Press the “menu” button.2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) toselect “Antenna Aiming.” Press the“XM” button to confirm selection.3. Slowly turn and tilt the antenna.The “Satellite” and “Terrestrial”signal bars will change. Find theposition that gives the strongestsignal strength on either“Satellite” or “Terrestrial.”4. Press the “menu” button to returnto the main menu and then againto return to normal operation.
18Advanced F eat ure sTuneSelectTuneSelect notifies you when afavorite song or artist is playing on achannel other than the one you arecurrently listening to.You can chooseto search for songs either by song titleor by the artist name, configurable inthe menu underTuneSelect.To add a song to the TuneSelect list:1. Press the “menu” button and selectthe “TuneSelect” option. You canchoose “Select by Song” (factorydefault) or “Select by Artist.” Pressthe “menu” button to return to nor-mal operation.2. While the song is playing, press andhold the “XM” button for 2 seconds.SKYFi2 will beep anddisplay “Artist/Song Selected.”SKYFi2’sTuneSelect feature canremember up to 20 songs or artists(not both); when the list is full, anynew entry will replace the oldestsong or artist in the list.3. When any song in the list playson any channel, SKYFi2 beepsand displays “Artist/SongFound” and the name of thesong.4. While the “Artist/Song Found”message is displayed, press the“XM” button to switch to thechannel playing the song.
19Advanced F eat ure sTo delete a song from theTuneSelect list:1. Press the “menu” button.2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) tochoose “TuneSelect.” Press the“XM” button to confirm selection.3. You may erase all songs or artistsin the list, or erase individualsongs or artists. Use the scrollwheel (or remote) and “XM” but-ton to select the desired optionand follow the instructions on theSKYFi2 display.4. Press the “menu” button to returnto the main menu and then againto return to normal operation.Stock TickerSKYFi2 can track up to 20 of yourfavorite stock symbols, displayingthe price and daily movement onthe screen.*To add a stock symbol:1. Press the “menu” button.2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote)to select “Stock Ticker.” Press the“XM” button to confirm.3. Select “Add Stocks.”4. Use the scroll wheel (or remote)to select each letter in the desiredstock symbol. Press the “XM”button after each letter.Note: SKYFi2 has an embedded list ofmore than 9,000 regularly traded stocksymbols that helps complete partialentries and prevents you from enteringa non-existent symbol.5. Press the “XM” button to con-firm and save the stock symbolin memory.6. Press the “menu” button toreturn to the main menu andthen again to return to normaloperation.7. Press the “display” button toselect mode 2 to view yourpersonal Stock Ticker.*You can track any stock and most indices listed on the NYSE, AMEX, or NASDAQ. Marketinformation is delayed approximately 25 minutes. Stock data provided by ComStock, Inc.
20Advanced F eat ure sTo delete a stock symbol:1. Press the “menu” button.2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) toselect “Stock Ticker.” Press the“XM” button to confirm.3. Select “Erase Stocks.”4. SKYFi2 gives you a choice ofdeleting individual or all symbols.Use the scroll wheel (or remote)and the “XM” button to makeyour choice.5. Press the “menu” button to returnto the main menu and then againto return to normal operation.Info ExtrasXM Satellite Radio will broadcast addi-tional information such as sports scoresand other useful information featuresthroughout the time you own and useyour SKYFi2.To view the most recent listof available information, press the“menu” button and select “Info Extras.”Then just follow the instructions on thedisplay to choose the type of Info Extrasyou are interested in, personalize it toview as little or as much as you like, andlook for new information that has beenadded.30Minute Replay30-Minute Replay gives users theopportunity to finally “hear that songagain.” This feature applies to thecurrent listening session only.Turningyour SKYFi2 off removes all songsfrom the up-to-30-minute buffer.
21Advanced F eat ure sTo rewind to the beginning of a song:1. Press the button. If a song hasbeen playing for less than 5 seconds,SKYFi2 rewinds to the beginning ofthe previous song. If the song hasbeen playing for longer than 5seconds, SKYFi2 rewinds to thebeginning of the current song.2. Pressing the button again skipsbackward to previous songs in theorder they played. SKYFi2 allowsyou to access up to 30 minutes ofpreviously listened to live broadcast.3. Pressing the button skipsforward.4. To exit 30-Minute Replay andreturn to the live XM broadcast,press and hold the buttonuntil SKYFi2 displays “LIVE” atthe top of the screen.To pause a song:1. Press the button. The word“PAUSE” appears in the display.2. To resume playback from whereyou had paused, press thebutton again.3. To return to the live XM broad-cast, press and hold thebutton until SKYFi2 beeps anddisplays “LIVE” at the top of thescreen.Recall Last ChannelPress the “jump” button to switchto the channel that was previouslybeing listened to. Pressing the“jump” button more than onceallows you to switch between twochannels at a time.
22Advanced F eat ure sDirect TuneNormally, you can use the scrollwheel (or the remote’s up and downbuttons) to preview the artists andsong titles on other channels. Youmust press the “XM” button to tuneto the desired channel. To changethis so that you do not have to pressthe “XM” button and SKYFi2behaves like an FM radio or televi-sion, change the “Direct Tune”option to “On.”1. Press the “menu” button.2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote)to select “Direct Tune.” Press the“XM” button to confirm.3. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) toselect “On.” Press the “XM” buttonto confirm.4. Press the “menu” button to returnto the main menu and then againto return to normal operation.SearchSKYFi2 allows you to search channelsby category, scan through all presets,or scan through all channels. Selectthe search method through the menu.To search by category:1. Press the “menu” button. Select“Search Mode,” then select“Search by Category.” Return tonormal operation by pressing the“menu” button. (“Search byCategory” is the factory default.)2. Press the “search” button to entercategory mode.3. Press the “search” button repeatedlyuntil you find the desired category.4. Turn the scroll wheel to viewchannels within that category.Press the “XM” button to select achannel.
23Advanced F eat ure sTo scan all presets:1. Press the “menu” button. Select“Search Mode,” then select“Search by Scanning.” Return tonormal operation by pressing the“menu” button.2. Press the “preset/direct” buttonto select one of the preset banks.3. Press the “search” button.SKYFi2 plays each preset channelfor 5 seconds, then advances tothe next preset.4. Press the “search” button again tostop scanning.To scan all channels:1. Press the “menu” button. Select“Search Mode,” then select“Search by Scanning. Return tonormal operation by pressing the“menu” button.2. Press the “preset/direct” buttonto select direct mode.3. Press the “search” button. SKYFi2each channel for 5 seconds,then advances to the next channel.4. Press the “search” button again tostop scanning.Note: When searching, SKYFi2 does notplay any channel that you skipped usingthe “Channel Skip/Add” feature. You canalways tune to these channels using thescroll wheel or by direct entry.
24Advanced F eat ure sSkipping ChannelsWhile TuningYou can choose to skip over certainchannels when using the scroll wheel.1. Press the “menu” button.2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) toselect “Channel Skip/Add.” Pressthe “XM” button to confirm.3. SKYFi2 displays a list of channels.In front of each channel is a “+”(meaning the channel is notskipped) or a “-“ (meaning thechannel is skipped).4. To skip a channel, use the scrollwheel (or remote) to highlight thatchannel. Press the “XM” button tochange the “+” to a “-.“5. To add a channel back, use the scrollwheel (or remote) to highlight thatchannel. Press the “XM” button tochange the “-“ to a “+.”6. Press the “menu” button to returnto the main menu and then again toreturn to normal operation.Note: You can still tune to skipped channelsby entering the channel number (in directentry mode) or by pressing a preset (in pre-set mode) if that channel has already beenstored.This is not considered an appropri-ate method for performing “parental con-trol.”To completely block access to any XMchannel, contact XM Listener Care at1.800.XM.RADIO (1.800.967.2346).
25Advanced F eat ure sSetting the Clock1. Press the “menu” button.2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) toselect “Set Clock.” Press the “XM”button to confirm.3. You can use a 12-hour or 24-hour(“military” time) format. Use thescroll wheel (or remote) and “XM”button to make your choice.4. Use the scroll wheel (or remote) tochoose your local time zone.Youcan also choose whether or not toadjust settings for daylight-savingtime. Press the “XM” button toconfirm. XM automatically setsthe minutes.5. Press the “menu” button to returnto the main menu and then againto return to normal operation.Restoring Factory DefaultsThis feature erases all of your person-al settings in the presets, TuneSelect,memory, Stock Ticker, and SportsTicker, and resets all other settings tothe original factory configuration.1. Press the “menu” button.2. Using the scroll wheel (or remote),select “Set Factory Defaults.” Pressthe “XM” button to confirm.3. Select “Yes” to restore the factorydefault settings. Press the “XM”button to confirm. Otherwise,press the “menu” button to returnto the main menu and then againto return to normal operation.
26Advanced F eat ure sSetting the DisplayScreen ModeYou may change the appearance of thedisplay to suit your preference, or toimprove visibility in bright sunlight orcold weather by disabling the scrollingtext to allow information to be viewedwithout scrolling.1. Press the “menu” button.2. Use the scroll wheel (or remote)to select “Display Screen Mode.”Press the “XM” button to confirm.3. You may select between whitecharacters on black backgroundor black characters on whitebackground (using “BackgroundMode”) or scrolling versus non-scrolling (using “Scrolling Mode”).4. Press the “menu” button to returnto the main menu and then againto return to normal operation.Warning: Failure to follow these instructionscould result in personal injury, death, and/ordamage to your SKYFi2 Receiver, accessories,and/or to your vehicle or other property.Caution: Refrain from consuming or storingfood or drinks near your SKYFi2. Spilling foodor drink on the unit could damage it. Improperlyinstalling the antenna cable could cause leaksthat can damage your SKYFi2, accessories,vehicle, or other property.
27Referenc eAccessories (sold separately)There are various accessoriesavailable for your SKYFi2. Consultyour local retailer for availability.Vehicle Adapter Kit by Delphi (SA10102)Use the Vehicle Kit to install SKYFi2 inanother vehicle. Includes an antenna, 12Vpower adapter, cradle, and variousmounts.Home Adapter Kit by Delphi (SA10103)Allows you to use SKYFi2 in your homeor office. Includes a high-gain homeantenna, an AC power adapter, homestand, and audio cable.Marine Adapter Kit by Delphi (SA10046)Allows you to use SKYFi2 on a boat.Includes a splash-proof case, marineantenna, mount, and FM modulator.Antenna Extension Cable forXM Home Antenna (SA10006)Extends the antenna cable by 50 feet.Includes all necessary cables andconnectors.FM Direct Adapter by Delphi (SA10112)For geographic areas with many FM sta-tions and few open FM channels, theDelphi FM Direct Adapter minimizesinterference. A professional installer canadvise you whether this adapter is suit-able for your vehicle and driving condi-tions.You may require additional anten-na cable adapters depending on yourvehicle; consult your installer.ReferenceCare of Your SKYFi2Important:• Use only a soft, dry cloth to cleanthe outside of your SKYFi2, anyperipherals, and any accessories.• Do not use any solvents, chemicals,or cleaning solutions containingalcohol, ammonia, or abrasives.• Do not allow liquids to spill onthe unit.• Do not use sprays near your SKYFi2.• It is best to keep SKYFi2 out of directsunlight or other sourcesof extreme heat.• Avoid placing SKYFi2 in places whereair cannot circulate around the unit.
28ReferenceTroubleshootingSKYFi2 is designed and built toprovide you with trouble-free per-formance without the need forservicing. If it does not appear tobe functioning properly, followthese troubleshooting steps firstto try to remedy the situationyourself:1. Attach all connections firmlyand securely.2. Make sure the cigarettelighter/auxiliary power socketis clean and free of corrosion.3. If you have installed SKYFi2 in avehicle and it does not power on,check the 12V adapter fuse byunscrewing the ribbed end of the12V adapter. If required, replaceIf you see this on the display:NO SIGNALCause: the XM signal is beingblocked.ANTENNACause: the XM antenna is notplugged into SKYFi2.OFF AIRCause: the channel selected isnot currently broadcasting.You should:Move SKYFi2’s antenna away from the obstruct-ed area, e.g., an underground garage. Make surethe vehicle antenna is mounted outside the vehi-cle or the home antenna is positioned near asouth-facing window.Make sure the antenna is correctly attached toSKYFi2 and that the cable is not damaged orkinked. Turn SKYFi2 off, then on, to reset thismessage.Tune to another channel.with a 1-amp fuse only. If the 12Vadapter does not have a remov-able end-cap, it has an internalfuse that resets itself after it is leftunplugged for a period of time.
29Referenc eIf this happens:You do not receive all XM channelsyou have subscribed to.Audio sounds distorted.Audio is too soft.You cannot tune to a channel.No song title or artist namedisplayed.Audio has static while listeningthrough your vehicle’s FM radio.Audio on XM instant traffic andweather channels sounds differentfrom other XM channels.You should:Contact XM Satellite Radio (see page 6).Reduce audio output level (see page 15).Increase audio output level (see page 15).Check that you have not chosen to skip that channel (see page 24). If the problem persists, contactXM Satellite Radio at 1.800.967.2346. Verify that you are authorized to receive that channel as partof your XM subscription, and that you have not asked XM Satellite Radio to block that channel.Nothing is wrong with your SKYFi2. That information may be in the process of being updated.On some sports and news channels, there is no title or artist information.Change to another FM frequency (see page 14). If the problem persists and you are using theFM modulator in a vehicle, change to a hard-wired FM modulator (see page 15, page 27).Nothing is wrong with your SKYFi2. These channels use a different audio technology than theother XM channels.
Delphi Limited Consumer WarrantyDelphi Product and Service Solutions(“Delphi”) warrants all Portable XMSatellite Radio Accessory Products soldby Delphi (each “Product”) to be free ofdefects in material and workmanship,subject to the following conditions:The duration of Delphi’s warranty withrespect to each Product is limited to one(1) year from the date of sale to the originalconsumer purchaser.No other express warranties are made withrespect to any Product. All implied warranties,including warranties of merchantability andfitness for a particular purpose are limitedto the warranty period set forth above. Thiswarranty is not transferable and appliesonly to the original consumer purchaser ofthe Product.Delphi will, as its sole obligation under thiswarranty, replace or repair, at its option,30ReferenceContacting Technical Supportand Customer ServiceFor additional information in solvingproblems with your SKYFi2, contactDelphi at 1.877.GO DELPHI(1.877.463.3574).• Customer Service: Monday—Friday,8:00 a.m.—4:30 p.m. Eastern Time• Technical Support: Monday—Friday,8:00 a.m.—8:00 p.m. Eastern TimeCustomer service and technical supportare also available at InformationDimensionsSKYFi2 Receiver: 4.65 in. W x 2.91 in. H x1.26 in. D (118 mm x 74 mm x 32 mm)SKYFi2 Remote Control: 1.58 in.W x 4.65 in.H x .87 in. D (40 mm x 118 mm x 22 mm)WeightSKYFi2 Receiver: 5.20 oz. (147 g)SKYFi2 Remote Control: 1.60 oz. (45 g)Inputs and Outputs (when connected to carcradle or home stand)Antenna: 1 RF SMB connectorPower: 6V, 1000 mA maximum current,P13 connector, positive polarityAudio output: 3.5 mm diametermini-stereo jack
any Product that does not conform to thiswarranty. Products may be repaired orreplaced with new or with refurbisheditems. This limited warranty does not coverdefects in appearance, cosmetic or decora-tive items, including any non-operativeparts. Under no circumstances will Delphibe liable for any incidental or consequentialdamages under this warranty or anyimplied warranties. These remedies are thecustomer’s exclusive remedies for breachof warranty.This limited warranty onlyextends to customers who purchase theProducts in the United States.Delphi will not be responsible for damageresulting from any (i) deviation fromDelphi’s operating instructions as printed inDelphi’s catalog or on any packaging,labels, or other literature provided with aProduct, (ii) installation of a Product in amanner which is inconsistent with Delphi’swritten instructions, (iii) alteration ormodification of a Product, (iv) misuse,(v) neglect, (vi) abuse, (vii) accident, (viii)normal wear and tear, (ix) commercial use,(x) improper storage, (xi) environmentalconditions, including excessive temperatureor humidity, (xii) service by anyone otherthan a Delphi authorized repair facility,(xiii) other improper application, installationor operation of the Product, or (xiv) defectsor malfunctions of which Delphi is notadvised within ten (10) days of the expirationof the limited warranty period.How you (the Customer) can get service:To obtain warranty service, you must returnthe defective Product with the originalreceipt to the original place of purchase. Iffurther clarification or additional informationis required from Delphi, you may call Delphiat 1.877.GO DELPHI (1.877.463.3574). If war-ranty service is needed at any time duringthe warranty period, the purchaser willbe required to furnish a salesreceipt/proof of purchase indicating thedate of purchase, amount paid, andplace of purchase. Customers who failto provide such proof of purchase willbe charged for the repair/replacementof any Product.How state law relates to the warranty:Some states do not allow limitations onthe duration of implied warranties, orthe exclusion or the limitation of inci-dental or consequential damages. Sothe above limitations or exclusions maynot apply to you. This warranty givesyou specific legal rights. You may alsohave other rights that may vary fromstate to state. NO PERSON IS AUTHOR-IZED BY DELPHI TO MODIFY OR ADD TOTHIS LIMITED WARRANTY.31Warranty
Delphi Corporation1441 West Long Lake RoadTroy, Michigan 48098-5090U.S.A.Customer Service: [1] 877.GO DELPHIwww.delphi.comPrinted on Recycled Paper©2006 Delphi Corporation. All rights reserved.DPSS-06-E-060The SKYFi2 name, XM name, and related logos aretrademarks of XM Satellite Radio Inc.

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