Sirius XM Radio XMCK20 XM Satellite RX and FM TX User Manual Layout 1

Sirius XM Radio Inc. XM Satellite RX and FM TX Layout 1

Quick Guide

The XM antenna contains a strong magnet, allowing it to
stick to any metal parts of your vehicle.
Step 1: Mounting the XM Antenna
Mount the XM antenna to the roof or trunk of the vehicle. During installation,
make sure you are outdoors and the antenna is not obstructed by tall buildings.
For best results mount the XM antenna to the outside of your vehicle. Below are
the recommended options
PPoowweerr BBuuttttoonn
Changes the way content is
viewed on the display.
t a
d R
t A
Search for channels by category.
55--wwaayy NNaavviiggaattiioonn KKnnoobb
Previews channels; also se-
lects various menu options.
Access advanced features
and configuration options.
XXMM BBuuttttoonn
Confirms selection for channel
and menu items also press and
hold to TuneSelect.
Selects between direct channel
entry and up to 30 presets.
Switches between
current channel and
previous channel.
Displays either your
personal stock or info
extras information.
NNuummbbeerr KKeeyyss
Enter a channel di-
rectly or select your
favorite preset.
Toggle right Toggle left Toggle up Toggle downPress center button
(XM Button)
Using the 5-way Navigation Knob
Vehicle Installation
option 1
option 2
Keep excess cable
behind or under
the dashboard.
Step 2: Installing the Vent Mount or Swivel Mount
Installing the vent mount
To install the vent mount, find a horizon-
tal vent that is strong enough to hold
your XpressRand car cradle. To remove
the vent mount, push it into the vent and
lift upwards slightly to release the
mount’s hooks from the vent vane.
Some parts of the vent mount can be adjusted to better suit
your vehicles vent.
1. Clean the mounting surfaces with
the surface preparation kit.
adhesive liner
2. Peel away the adhesive liner and firmly press the swivel mount to
the surface for 30 seconds. Allow 24 hours before using the
Step 3: How to receive XM through your car stereo
There are several methods of receiving XM through your car stereo
Cassette Adapter: Use the cassette adapter if your vehicle’s audio system has a built in cassette
player. The cassette adapter will provide the best audio quality.
XM SureConnect: You can listen to your XpressRthrough your car stereo by using XpressRs built-in
FM modulator and the XM SureConnect. Simply find an unused FM frequency on the stereo and set
your XpressRto transmit on that same frequency. For XM SureConnect install, please see your XM
SureConnect installation guide.
Professional Wired: The third option is the FM Direct Adapter (sold separately). We recommend
professional installation if you choose to use this method of install.
Audio input: Some vehicles come with an audio input jack. If your vehicle has this type of input
you can simply use a mini audio cable (sold separately).
XM Antenna
Power Adapter
XM SureConnect
Cassette Adapter
You can use either the XM Sure-
Connect, the cassette adapter,
or a mini audio cable (not in-
cluded) in the line out.
XpressRCar Cradle
Plug the antenna, the power adapter, and either the cassette adapter or the XM SureConnect into the
car cradle as shown. The FM Direct Adapter is not pictured.
Once you have all of the cables correctly connected you can lock your XpressRinto the car cradle.
1. Unlock the car cradle locking mechanism 2. Slide your XpressRinto the car cradle
until it is in place.
3. Slide the locking mechanism into place. This
ensures that your XpressRalways stays in place.
4. If you haven’t already done so, hook the
car cradle to the mount.
You can adjust the tension of the
mount with a screwdriver
If you need to remove the mount, carefully lift the adhesive pad with your fingers
or a spoon. Warming with a hair dryer for several minutes will help soften the ad-
hesive. Your swivel mount comes with an extra adhesive pad.
You can orient your swivel different ways to accommodate the space available in your vehicle.
Installing the swivel mount
To install the swivel mount, first find a suitable location. The swivel mount’s adhesive is very
strong and may be difficult to remove. Do not install this mount on leather surfaces and
make sure the air temperature is at least 60°F (15°C).
info menu
jump p/d
Car Cradle
Car Power Adapter
Remote Control
XM Car Antenna
XM SureConnect
Cassette Adapter
Swivel Mount
Vent Mount
Swivel Mount Preparation Kit
IWhen using this product it is always important to keep your eyes on the road and hands on the
wheel. Not doing so could result in personal injury, death, and/or damage to your XpressRReceiver,
accessories, and/or to your vehicle or other property.
IXpressRshould be placed in your vehicle where it will not interfere with the function of safety fea-
tures, e.g., deployment of airbags. Failure to correctly place XpressRmay result in injury to you or
others if the unit becomes detached during an accident and/or obstructs the deployment of an
What’s in the Box?
3300--MMiinnuuttee RReeppllaayy BBuuttttoonnss
Pause and replay up to 30
minutes of live XM broadcast.
The knob not only rotates, but it toggles. To toggle the knob, press on the edge and in the
direction you want to toggle.
quick guide
FCC Statement
Please note that the power cable that has been supplied with your device is supplied with perma-
nently attached ferrite beads. It is the responsibility of the user to use the power cable with the fer-
rite beads.
The user is cautioned that changes or modifications not expressly approved by XM Satellite Radio
Inc. can void the user’s authority to operate this device.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two condi-
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the installation instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio com-
munications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installa-
tion. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can
be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna of the affected receiver.
- Increase the separation between the XM equipment and the affected receiver.
- Connect the XM equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the affected
receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Warning: The FCC and FAA have not certified this Satellite Radio Receiver for use in any aircraft
(neither portable nor permanent installation). Therefore, XM Satellite Radio cannot support this
type of application or installation
910 11
12 13 14 15
Basic Controls
Turn on your XpressR. Subscribe to XM if you haven’t done so already.
SSeelleeccttiinngg CChhaannnneellss
Rotate knob to scroll through the list of channels. Press the “XM” button to select that channel. You
can also set up XpressRso that you do not have to press the “XM” button to select a channel. See
“Direct Tune” in your user guide.
- OR –
Press the number keys on your XpressRor the remote that correspond to the channel number.
- OR –
If you have channels assigned to presets, press a number key and XpressRwill tune to the channel
assigned to that number.
DDiirreecctt EEnnttrryy
1. Press the p/d button until the word “Direct appears in the display.
2. Press the number keys corresponding to the channel number. For example, for channel 31, press
3followed by 1. You can select the channel faster by pressing the XM button after entering the
channel number.
UUssiinngg PPrreesseettss
There are 30 presets in all; each bank (A, B, and C) holds 10 presets. Press the “p/d” button to select
the proper bank. Use these banks to organize your favorite channels or to create separate preset
banks for additional users to enjoy. To set a channel to a preset:
1. Tune to the desired channel.
2. Press the p/d button until the appropriate “Preset” bank (Preset A, B, or C) appears in the display.
3. Press and hold the number key that corresponds to the preset you would like to set. XpressR
beeps when the channel is stored.
To select a stored preset:
1. Press the p/d button until the appropriate “Preset” bank (Preset A, B, or C) appears in the display.
2. Press one of the number keys. XpressRwill tune to that channel.
Press the display button to change the way you view the content on the display. There are 4
different display modes.
Display mode 2 (single channel)
Display mode 3 (split screen with 6 channels)
XM Cafe 45
XM Cafe 45
Fred 44
Ethel 47
Top Tracks 46
XM Cafe XMU 43
Direct All Channels5:14
Display mode 4
(split screen with previous channel)
Display mode 1
(single channel large font)
Take it Home
B.B. King
Direct Previous Channel5:15
45XM Cafe
XM Cafe 45
3300--MMiinnuuttee RReeppllaayy
30-Minute Replay gives you the opportunity to “hear that again. This feature applies to the current
listening session only. Turning your XpressRoff removes all tracks from the up-to-30 minute buffer.
Both display modes 3 and 4 display a list of replayed tracks. To navigate through the "replay list", you
can either rotate the knob and press the XM button or press the replay buttons to make a
Navigating Replay
1. Press the button. If a track has been playing for less than 5 seconds, XpressR
rewinds to the beginning of the previous track. If the track has been playing for
longer than 5 seconds, XpressRrewinds to the beginning of the current track. Upon
entering the replay buffer, XpressRwill display “Replay” on the display.
2. Pressing the button again skips backward to previous track in the order they
played. XpressRallows you to access up to 30 minutes of previously listened to live
broadcast. Press and hold for 3 seconds to skip to the beginning of your replay list.
3. Pressing the button skips forward in the track list.
4. To exit 30-Minute Replay and return to the live XM broadcast, press and hold the
button for 3 seconds; XpressRwill display “LIVE” on the display.
To Pause a Track
1. Press the button. The pause icon appears in the display.
2. To resume playback from where you had paused, press the button again.
3. To return to the live XM broadcast, press and hold the button until XpressRbeeps and
displays “LIVE” on the screen.
MMeennuu OOppttiioonnss
When your XpressRis in the car cradle (and using either SureConnect or FM Direct accessory to
transmit audio), and you press Menu, your display will look like this:
Change Display
Change Display
FM Modulator
Factory Defaults Set Time
Antenna Aiming
Channel Access
Info Extras
Edit Alerts
Note: pressing the Menu or toggling the knob left, allows you to back out of any menu.
For more information on Menu Options, please refer to your XpressRuser guide.
CCuussttoommeerr SSuuppppoorrtt
Activate your XM subscription online or by phone
1 800 XM RADIO (1-800-967-2346 )
If your XpressRdoes not work the way you expect, first consult the troubleshooting section of
your XpressRuser guide. If the problem persists please contact Listener Care at 1 800 XM RADIO
(1-800-967-2346 ).
Step 4: Making your Vehicle’s FM Radio an XM radio.
Your XpressRcontains a built-in FM modulator that transmits the XM audio signal to your vehicles
FM radio.
First, turn on your car stereo. You will need to find a suitable FM frequency in order to get the best
sound. A suitable FM frequency is an unused frequency or weak station that is not located near a
strong FM station in your area.
Next, power on your XpressR. Be sure all of your cables are properly connected. Go to channel 1, this
is the preview channel. You will not hear any sound through your car stereo until you have chosen
an FM Frequency.
Press Menu ¨FM Modulator ¨FM Frequency.
Match the frequency to the frequency you see on
your car’s FM radio
FM Modulator > FM Freq
Now you should be able to hear your XpressRthrough your FM stereo. If you can’t hear any sound
please check all of your connections and be sure your XM antenna is not obstructed
Display mode 2 (single channel)
XM Cafe 45
3:11 3:35
Displays elapsed time of
current track within the re-
play buffer.
Displays total time of
current track within the
replay buffer.
Space between white bars represents
tracks within total replay session.
Display updates as
new track begins.
Replay Status Bar represents
the total replay session

Navigation menu