Texas Instruments FPTVEH Radio Frequency Identification Transponder User Manual 11 09 05 701

Texas Instruments Inc Radio Frequency Identification Transponder 11 09 05 701


Software Specification

A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S   I N S T R U M E N T S Originator:INFORMATION Phillip LaCroixT I R I S Effective Date:Internal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O N July 14, 1999Revision: Date:Approval: Approval: Approval:Function: Engineering Function: Operations Function: SoftwareName: Loek D’Hont Name: Paul Angelo Name: Krishna D.Date: Date: DateRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 1 of 16 11-09-05-701Software SpecificationforLUHF Vehicle Transponder (U.S.)RI-TRP-VUSAPRINTED COPIES OF THIS SPECIFICATIONARE NOT CONTROLLED DOCUMENTS.VERIFY THEIR CORRECT REVISION BEFORE USING.
A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S  I N S T R U M E N T SINFORMATION Revision:T I R I SInternal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O NRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 2 of 16 11-09-05-701TABLE OF CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………….  11.1 SCOPE........................................................................................................................... 41.2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................ 41.3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................. 42. PROTOCOL   …………………………………………………………………………………………52.1 DOWNLINK ..................................................................................................................... 52.1.1 Downlink Formats....................................................................................................................... 52.1.2 Downlink Messages Ending ....................................................................................................... 62.1.3 Downlink Messages ................................................................................................................... Identification (Type 0)..................................................................................................... Authentication (Type 1) .................................................................................................. Account Data (Type 2).................................................................................................... Reserved for Future Use (Types 3-7).............................................................................. 72.1.4  Customer Page ......................................................................................................................... 72.1.5  Encryption Key .......................................................................................................................... 72.2 UPLINK .................................................................................................................................. 72.2.1 Uplink formats ............................................................................................................................ 72.2.2 Uplink Message Beginning......................................................................................................... 82.2.3 Uplink Messages........................................................................................................................ Identification (Type 0)............................................................................................................. Authentication (Type 1) .......................................................................................................... Account Data (Type 2).................................................................................................... Reserved for Future Use (Types 3 - 15) .......................................................................... 93. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS…………………………………………………………….…..103.1 SOFTWARE OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................103.1.1  WAKE-UP................................................................................................................................ 123.1.2  WAIT........................................................................................................................................ 123.1.3  RECEIVE................................................................................................................................. 123.1.4  MESSAGE PROCESSING...................................................................................................... 133.1.5  RESPONSE ............................................................................................................................ VCO Control .................................................................................................................133.1.6  DST ENCODER ...................................................................................................................... 133.1.7  SLEEP..................................................................................................................................... 144MICROCONTROLLER HARDWARE INTERFACE   …………………………………………..155QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS   ………………………………………………………..16
A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S  I N S T R U M E N T SINFORMATION Revision:T I R I SInternal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O NRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 3 of 16 11-09-05-701
A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S  I N S T R U M E N T SINFORMATION Revision:T I R I SInternal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O NRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 4 of 16 11-09-05-7011. INTRODUCTION1.1 SCOPEThis document describes the LUHF Vehicle Transponder Software Specification definition toimplement the TIRIS Automatic Recognition of Consumers (ARC) system.  The scope of thisdocument extends from the Vehicle Transponder Hardware Specification.  The interrelationships andinterfaces between the Vehicle Transponder Hardware Specification and this software specificationare defined in detail.  The relationships of this software specification within the ARC system arecontained in the higher-level specifications (see 1.2 Applicable Documents, below).If anything in this document is ambiguous or incorrect, it should be immediately reported to theProject Managers for the Texas Instruments ARC Team, and corrected.  This document is a TIinternal document only.1.2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTSThe hierarchy of documentation pertaining to this specification is depicted below.DocumentNumber Document Title06-01-02-700 ARC System Specification (U.S)11-09-05-700 Hardware Specification for LUHF Vehicle Transponder11-09-05-701 Software Specification for LUHF Vehicle Transponder24-09-05-012 TIRIS Digital Signature Transponder Algorithm and Software RequirementTQM TIRIS QUALITY MANUAL1.3 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, AND ABBREVIATIONSARC Automatic Recognition of ConsumersCRC Cyclic Redundancy CheckDownlink RF Data Transmission from Dispenser to Transponder (134 kHz Carrier)LSB Least Significant BitLUHF Low / Ultra High FrequencyMSB Most Significant BitPLL Phase-Locked LoopRFU Reserved for Future UseTIRIS Texas Instruments Registration and Identification SystemUplink RF Data Transmission from Transponder to Dispenser (902.8 MHz Carrier)VCO Voltage-Controlled Oscillator
A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S  I N S T R U M E N T SINFORMATION Revision:T I R I SInternal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O NRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 5 of 16 11-09-05-7012. PROTOCOLThe protocol to be used by the transponder is as follows:Downlink Message Downlink Type DownlinkFormat Uplink Message UplinkType UplinkFormatIdentification 0 1 Identification 0 1Authentication(first challenge) 1 2 none -1Authentication(second & subsequent) 1 2 Authentication 1 1Account Data 2 2 Account Data 2 1Reserved for FutureUse 3-7 -none - -The Downlink messages are defined in section 2.1 and the Uplink messages are defined in section 2.22.1 DOWNLINKThe  Downlink Messages or Polls shall conform to the defined message types and its associatedmessage format.  The messages shall be transmitted most significant bit first.2.1.1 Downlink FormatsFormat 1Data Field Length DescriptionPreamble 12 bits Always E1A16Message type 3 bits Always 0002 : Type 0 – IdentificationCustomer Page 5 bits Transponder must have corresponding Customer Flag andCustomer Mask enabled to answer.Station 3 bits Station NumberDispenser ID 4 bits Dispenser ID NumberDispenser Side 1 bit 0 : SIDE A1 : Side BCRC 8 bits CRC-8 polynomial (x8 + x2 + x1 + 1) over entire message,excluding preamble.  Start value = 0xFF          MSB sent firstTotal 36 bits
A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S  I N S T R U M E N T SINFORMATION Revision:T I R I SInternal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O NRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 6 of 16 11-09-05-701Format 2Data Field Length DescriptionPreamble 12 bits Always E1A16MESSAGE TYPE 3 bits 0012 : Type 1 - Authentication0102 : Type 2 - Account DataCustomer Page 5 bits Transponder must have corresponding Customer Flag andCustomer Mask enabled to answer.Station 3 bits Station NumberDispenser ID 4 bits Dispenser ID NumberDISPENSER SIDE 1 bit 0 : Side A1 : Side BVariable data 40 bits Content depends on message typeCRC 8 bits CRC-8 polynomial (x8 + x2 + x1 + 1) over entire message,excluding preamble.  Start value = 0xFF          MSB sent firstTotal 76 bits2.1.2 Downlink Messages EndingUpon completion of the last data bit of the defined downlink message, the transmitter shall transitionthe output and maintain this state for >1/2 bit periods.  This 1/2 bit period guard time shall not beconsidered as part of the message and all timing is reference to this transition at the end of the last bit.2.1.3 Downlink Messages2.1.3.1 Identification (Type 0)Poll message type 0 requests only the identification number from the transponder. The CustomerPage is set to indicate what transponder Customer this dispenser will accept. The Station/dispenser IDuniquely identifies a dispenser at a single installation. Authentication (Type 1)Poll message type 1 requests the identification number and corresponding authentication data fromthe transponder. The Customer Page is set to indicate what transponder customer this dispenser willaccept. The Station/dispenser ID uniquely identifies a dispenser at a single installation. The variabledata is set to a random number that serves as the cryptographic challenge. Account Data (Type 2)Poll message type 2 requests the identification number and account data from the transponder. TheCustomer Page is set to indicate what transponder customer this dispenser will accept. TheStation/dispenser ID uniquely identifies a dispenser at a single installation.
A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S  I N S T R U M E N T SINFORMATION Revision:T I R I SInternal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O NRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 7 of 16 11-09-05-7012.1.3.4 Reserved for Future Use (Types 3-7)Poll message types 3 through 7 shall be reserved for future use.  The transponder shall not respond tothese message types.2.1.4 Customer PageEach transponder shall have one default Customer Page, Page 0, and 31 unique Customer Pages.Each of the 31 unique Customer Pages and the one default Customer Page shall have both a CustomerFlag and a Customer Mask.  The transponder shall respond to a downlink message only if themessage's Customer Page has both the corresponding Customer Flag and the Customer Mask enabled.The Customer Flag shall reside in the unlocked memory portion of the microcontroller, which willalways be readable and programmable.  This will allow a Customer Flag to be enabled at either theinitial activation or anytime in the future at a programming station.  Once the Customer Flag has beenenabled it can never be disabled.  The Customer Mask shall reside in the locked memory portion ofthe microcontroller, which can not be read or changed after the memory lock bit has been set at aprogramming station.Assignment of customer specific or customer requested pages, masks and/or flags shall be done byTIRIS - Texas Instruments.Transponders for demonstration and pilot programs will typically use Customer Page 31. DemoTransponders will have Customer Mask 31 enabled and Customer Flag 31 enabled.2.1.5 Encryption KeyEach transponder shall have at least one Encryption Key and may have up to 2 different EncryptionKeys.  The Encryption Key(s) shall reside in the locked memory portion of the microcontroller whichcan not be read or changed after the memory lock bit has been set at a programming station.  Each ofthe 32 different Customer Pages will map to a corresponding Encryption Key. The default CustomerPage (Page 0) shall use Encryption Key 0. The remaining Customer Pages (Pages 1 through 31) shallall use Encryption Key 1.  For processing type 1 Authentication messages, the correspondingEncryption Key shall be used as one of the inputs into the DST Encryption Algorithm.  Customerspecific encryption keys and their format shall be determined by TIRIS - Texas Instruments.Demonstration transponders will typically have only one Encryption Key used for Customer Page 31.2.2 UPLINKThe Uplink Messages or Responses shall conform to the defined message types and its associatedmessage format.  The messages shall be transmitted most significant bit first.2.2.1 Uplink formatsFormat 1Data Field Length DescriptionPreamble 12 bits Always AAC16MESSAGE TYPE 4 bits 0002 : Type 0 - Identification0012 : Type 1 - Authentication0102 : Type 2 - Account Data
A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S  I N S T R U M E N T SINFORMATION Revision:T I R I SInternal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O NRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 8 of 16 11-09-05-701Station 3 bits Station NumberDispenser ID 4 bits Dispenser ID NumberDISPENSER SIDE 1 bit 0 : Side A1 : Side BTransponder ID 32 bits Identification code programmed into transponderVariable data 24 bits Contents depends on message typeCRC 16 bits CRC-CCITT polynomial (x16 + x12 + x5 + 1) overentire message, excluding preamble.  start value =0x0FFF, MSB sent firstTotal 96 bits2.2.2 Uplink Message BeginningThe microcontroller shall activate the output FSK no less than 500 uS prior to the start of the firstdata bit.  The microcontroller shall output a data '1' (positive frequency deviation) during initial partof the activation period. The microcontroller shall output a series of 8 Manchester-encoded onesduring the 400 uS period immediately before the first data bit.  Refer to the Vehicle TransponderHardware Specification, 11-09-05-700, for uplink FSK Oscillator Startup time.  During normaloperation, the uplink message shall start 1.2 mS +/- 5% after the end of the downlink message.  Thefirst uplink after wake-up is used to initialize the PLL frequency settings. During frequencyinitialization, the uplink message shall start 1.45 mS +/- 5% after the end of the downlink message.All timing is referenced to the beginning of the first transmitted data bit in the uplink message.2.2.3 Uplink Messages2.2.3.1 Identification (Type 0)Response message type 0 is used to respond to a poll message type 0.  If the transponder has both aCustomer Flag and Customer Mask enabled for the corresponding Customer Page in the downlinkmessage, this response is generated. The variable data shall contain the Service Table data.Format of the Service Table:(MSB) aaa bbb nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn nnn (LSB)1Field ‘aaa’: Message type 1 capabilities (authentication)Value Capability Poll Format Variable Data Response Format Variable Data111 No Authentication None None No response None110 DST 2DST Challenge 1DST Response101-000 RFU RFU RFU RFU RFU
A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S  I N S T R U M E N T SINFORMATION Revision:T I R I SInternal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O NRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 9 of 16 11-09-05-701Field ‘bbb’: Message type 2 capabilities (Fleet Identification)Value Capability Poll Format Variable Data Response Format Variable Data111 No Data None None No response None110Pre-loaded ApplicationData 2 0 1 Application Data101-000 RFU RFU RFU RFU RFUField ‘nnn’: Future capabilitiesValue Capability Poll Format Variable Data Response Format Variable Data111 No AdditionalCapability None None No response None110-000 RFU RFU RFU RFU RFUNotes:1) The default bit value in the service table is a '1', indicating no additional capability.Since a '1' is the un-programmed value in the microcontroller, this allows the servicetable to be updated if a capability is added.  For example, a Fleet Account Identifiercould be programmed into the transponder after delivery.  In this case, the value forfield 2 would be changed from '111' to '110' to indicate the newly added capability.  Ingeneral, new capabilities will not be added to an existing transponder since it will likelyrequire additional software.2) Additional entries are available in the service table.  This allows future extensions formessage types and capabilities not yet defined for the existing transponder. Authentication (Type 1)Response message type 1 is used to respond to a poll message type 1. If the transponder has both aCustomer Flag and Customer Mask enabled for the corresponding Customer Page in the downlinkmessage, a response is generated or a pre-calculation is initiated. The variable data is set to thecryptographic response calculated from the challenge and the selected Encryption key.The transponder shall compare the received challenge and Customer Page to the most recentchallenge and Customer Page received.  If they are identical, the transponder shall respond with thepre-calculated response data.  If they are different, the transponder shall not respond and shallcalculate and save the cryptographic response. Account Data (Type 2)Response message type 2 is used to respond to a poll message type 2. If the transponder has both aCustomer Flag and Customer Mask enabled for the corresponding Customer Page in the downlinkmessage, a response is generated. The variable data consists of the 24 bit account data field. Reserved for Future Use (Types 3 - 15)Response message types 3 through 15 shall be reserved for future use.  These message types shall notbe transmitted by the transponder.
A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S  I N S T R U M E N T SINFORMATION Revision:T I R I SInternal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O NRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 10 of 16 11-09-05-7013. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTSWhen the Vehicle Transponder Software is programmed into the Vehicle Transponder'smicrocontroller, the software provides the functionality required to:- Wake-up on DL Data pin transition.- Decode a 1 kbps, FM0, poll message.- Process the received poll message and generate a response message.- Transmit a 20 kbps, Manchester encoded response.- Go into a low power sleep mode when transmission ceases.3.1 SOFTWARE OVERVIEWA top-level overview of the Vehicle Transponder Software is depicted in Figure 3-1 below.  Themajor blocks of the software are the Wake-up, Wait, Receive, Message Processing, Response, andDST Encoder.  The interrelationships of these subsystems are shown in Figure 3-1.
A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S  I N S T R U M E N T SINFORMATION Revision:T I R I SInternal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O NRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 11 of 16 11-09-05-701Type6Sleep1Wake-Up2Wait3Receive4Message Processing5DST Encoder9Response8> 5 SecondsTransitionTransitionInvalid or Undefined Msg or Invalid CRC Invalid FM01st DST7DSTYesNon DSTNoValid    MessageFigure 3-1.  Software Flow Diagram.
A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S  I N S T R U M E N T SINFORMATION Revision:T I R I SInternal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O NRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 12 of 16 11-09-05-7013.1.1 WAKE-UPThe microcontroller shall transition from a low power sleep mode to an initialized active mode within150 mS of any transition on the DL Data pin.  Upon completion of the initialization, the transpondershall then enter a wait mode.3.1.2 WAITThe microcontroller shall enter the wait mode after exiting any of the following modes: Wake-up,Receive mode with invalid poll, DST calculation, or Response mode.  The microcontroller shalltransition to the Receive mode on a transition on the DL Data pin or exit to Sleep mode if there are notransitions within 5 s +/- 15%.3.1.3 RECEIVEThe microcontroller shall enter the Receive Mode after an DL Data pin transition from the Waitmode.  In this mode, the microcontroller shall be capable of processing the downlink data with theprotocol as defined in section 2 with the characteristics defined in Doc. No. 11-09-05-700 with thefollowing additional constraints:- Less than 100 uS transition time from high to low level input.- Less than 50 uS transition time from low to high level input.- FM0 modulation asymmetrical waveform as shown below.  This asymmetry is caused by thetransponder detector circuitry, and is not allocated to the Downlink Transmitter.FM0 Modulation AsymmetryInput Data Level Minimum Maximum0Low 0.15 mS 0.65 mS *0High 0.35 mS 0.85 mS *1Low 0.65 mS * 1.20 mS1High 0.85 mS * 1.35 mS* Note: Interrelated  - Data 0 low maximum <=> Data 1 low  minimumData 0 high maximum <=> Data 1 high minimumThe microcontroller shall exit the Receive mode under one of the following conditions: Invalid Data,complete reception of a valid Poll, or the end of DL Data pin transitions for greater than 1.5 bitperiods.  At any time the microcontroller receives downlink data characteristics that do not conformto the defined requirements, the microcontroller shall return back to the Wait mode within 100 uS.As the downlink message begins, the microcontroller must first identify the last four bits of thepreamble (synch).  Upon identifying the synch, the message length is set to minimum message length,and the 8 bit CRC is preloaded with 0xFF.  As the message continues, the received data bits aredecoded and stored, and the CRC value is updated with each bit.  When the full Message Type hasbeen received, the message length counter will be updated and control when the full message hasbeen received.    If DL Data pin transitions stop for greater than 1.5 bit periods prior to receiving thefull message, the microcontroller shall exit to Wait mode.  When the full message has been received,the microcontroller shall proceed to the Message Processing mode within 100 uS.
A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S  I N S T R U M E N T SINFORMATION Revision:T I R I SInternal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O NRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 13 of 16 11-09-05-7013.1.4 MESSAGE PROCESSINGThe microcontroller shall complete processing of all received poll information within 400 uS andtransition into one of the following Modes: Wait,  Response, or DST Encoder.  The receiveddownlink message shall be checked for the following: CRC is zero; valid Message Type; andCustomer Page has both the Customer Flag and Customer Mask enabled.  If any of these are invalidor inactive, the microcontroller shall exit to Wait mode.  The Customer Page, Station, Dispenser ID,Side, and Variable Data fields received shall be saved for use in both processing and uplink datamessage.If an Authentication Poll is received, the Customer Page, Station, Dispenser ID, Side, and Challenge(from Variable Data) fields are compared with the stored values from the last DST Encoded fields.  Ifthe fields are different, the microcontroller shall exit to DST Encoder mode.  If the fields match, themicrocontroller will then create the appropriate response message array using the Uplink formatdefined in section 2 and exit to Response Mode.If either an Identification or Account Data Poll is received, the microcontroller shall create theappropriate response message array using the Station, Dispenser ID, and Side, received in thedownlink message.  The Uplink format shall be as defined in section 2 and exit to Response Mode.3.1.5 RESPONSEThe microprocessor shall first activate the VCO in accordance with paragraph 2.2.2 beforetransmitting the data on the UL Data pin.  The transmit data consists of the response message arraycreated during the Message processing mode followed by the calculated CRC.  The protocol usedshall be as defined in section 2.  The transmitted data parameters shall be as specified in the VehicleTransponder Hardware Specification, 11-09-05-700, with the following additional requirements.Parameter RequirementData Rate 20 kbps +/- 4%Duty Cycle 50 +/- 0.5 % VCO ControlThe uplink frequency of the transponder is governed by a PLL and VCO combination. A programmedtransponder will contain the appropriate constants to initialize the PLL to the desired uplinkfrequency. In order to operate the transmitter during an uplink, the VCO and PLL must be placed inan active, or powered, state. This is accomplished by setting a program-controlled output of the PLLto a logic high. When the uplink is complete, the PLL and VCO are set to an inactive, or off, state.This is accomplished by setting a program-controlled output of the PLL to a logic low. Themicrocontroller sets the state of the program-controlled output by sending a serial command messageto the PLL.3.1.6 DST ENCODERThe microcontroller shall use the DST algorithm as specified in TIRIS Digital Signature TransponderAlgorithm and Software Requirement, #24-09-05-012, to encode the received message.   Themicrocontroller shall create the encoded response using the challenge data in the variable data field inthe received message and the appropriate Encryption Key stored in the microcontroller lockedmemory area.  The encoded DST response along with the original Challenge, Customer Page, Station,
A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S  I N S T R U M E N T SINFORMATION Revision:T I R I SInternal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O NRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 14 of 16 11-09-05-701Dispenser ID, and Side from the received message will then be stored in the DST challenge data area.The microcontroller must complete the full DST encoding routine and return to the Wait mode within200 mS.  The DST Algorithm will use the 8 msb's of the Transponder ID as the Manufacturer's Codespecified in the DST specification.3.1.7 SLEEPThe microcontroller shall enter into a low power sleep mode within 100 uS of the start of the sleepmode processing.
A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S  I N S T R U M E N T SINFORMATION Revision:T I R I SInternal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O NRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 15 of 16 11-09-05-7014.  MICROCONTROLLER HARDWARE INTERFACEThe Microchip PIC12C509 microcontroller interface pin definition from the RF detector and to thePLL and RF FSK transmitter is as follows:Name Description Type Pin NumberVbat Positive Supply Power 1Gnd Ground Ground 8OSC1 Oscillator Input I2OSC2 Oscillator Input I3VPP /DL_DATA Programming Power /Downlink Data  I 4PLL_LE PLL Latch Enable I/O 5PLL_CLK/UL_DATAPLL Serial Clock / UplinkData / ProgrammingClockI/O 6PLL_DATAPLL Serial Data /Programming Data I/O 7Absolute MaximumsSignal Minimum MaximumVcc 0 V 7.0 VDL_DATA,UL_DATA,PLL_LE,PLL_DATA,OSC1, OSC2Gnd –0.6 V Vcc + 0.6 VVpp Gnd – 0.6 V 13.5 VDigital Voltage LevelDigitalValue Minimum Maximum00 V 0.2 * Vcc10.2 * Vcc+ 1V VccCritical System ParametersParameter Minimum MaximumVoh, Ioh=3mA Vcc - 0.7 V -Vol, Iol = -3mA -0.6 VInput Leakage -1 uA +1 uAInput Capacitance -10 pF
A92FPTVEH – Attachment 3TI PROPRIETARY T E X A S  I N S T R U M E N T SINFORMATION Revision:T I R I SInternal Data S P E C I F I C A T I O NRI-TRP-VUSA – Software Specification Page 16 of 16 11-09-05-7015.   QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONSThe Vehicle Transponder Software shall be designed, controlled, and tested in accordance with the TQM.

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