Thomson 2-7923A 900MHz cordless telephone base User Manual USERS MANUAL 2
Thomson Inc. 900MHz cordless telephone base USERS MANUAL 2
Thomson >
DELETING THE CURRENT RECORD 1. When th! Cllllr ID “card (how! in (h! dlsplly, we“ the CHAN/delete hunnn. The display shows DELE‘IE fill in? 2 Press CHAN/dame bunott again to oonttrm.You wili hear a conturneiion tone, the display shows DELETED, then the next Caller ID record appears in the dtspiay. DELE’nNG ALL RECORDS 1, Press the VOL/CID lien or right arrowl buoon until a Caller ID record is displayed. 2. Press and hold CHAN/delete until unit beepe.The display shows DELETEALL? a. Press CHAN/delete am to erase all rdcordEVau will hear a confirmation tone, and the display shows Nu CALLS STORING CALLER 1D REcoRns IN MEMORY N0 Caller ID rt-rotd should lie (men tonne. tor dtaltngas Ixard oamtet hr changed uII(:I s stored in mcmm'ylntalm t. Pressthevoucm (ielt o displayed. 2. Press the MEMORY bunon. 3. Press a number toe) to store the dleled number in that memory location. You will hear a confirmation tona. Example, press the number t key to store the record in memory location t. To REPLACE AN OLD MEMORY mm A NEW CALLER 1D RECORD: t. Repeat steps t through 3 in Transterring Caller lO Records to Memory, Alter entering the memory location, HEPLACE MEMO? shows in the display. 1, Press the MEMORY bunon again. and the new Caller ID record replaces the old memory in that location. You will hear a oonfinrietion tone. DIAuNG A CALLER ID NUMBER t. Make sure the phone is OFF (not inmk model. 2 Use thevouch llelt or right errowl button to displaythe desired Caller iD record. 3 Press theTAth/oalibadt htmon to dial the number. CHANGING THE NUMBER FORMAT l'he FORMAY button lets you change the former or the displayed number. The available tourists are as lollows. High “High so it area code 4 7-digit telephone number, ht arrow] bunon until the desired Caller ID record is 7—dtgil telephone number. il~digit long distance code ‘1' t isdlgh area code t 7-digit telephone number. t. Use the VOL/CID (Ml or right arrow] button to scroll to the number you went to call back. I. ll the number does not dial as shown, press the FORMAT button Report if necessary, until the correct number oi digru shows in the dlapl , 3. PreaetheTALK/callbedt button. MEMORY Store upto ten udlgit numbers in memory lor ouidt dialingrlhis memory leetum is in addition to the An Caller lD records that can be stored in memory. STORING A NAME AND NUMBER IN MEMORY l Make sure the phone is OFF (not remit model. 1, Press the MEMORY bunon. a. Press a number lo-v) to store the dialed number in that memory location. if the memory location is occu the memory location and stored name and numhor app 1 on the semen NOTE: ii' the ttioittosy location is empty rum-appears m Ihr: display 4, Press the MEMORY button again the display shows ENTER NAME NOTE: tryott don't want to calls! the name. skip stop 5 5, Use the handset number keypad to enter a name (up to ts dieracterel. More than one letter is stored in each at the number keys For example, to enter sill Smith, press the 2 key twice torthe lener a, Press the 4 key 1 times lorthe letter i. Press the 5 key 3 times lor the lener L. end wait lor l second. Press the 5 y a limu tor the second letter L, and press the l key to insert a space between the lirst and last name. Prlu th 7 key 4 times for the lener S; push the 5 key Oncl tor the letter M; preset 4 key 3 times for the lettar I; press the R key tor the intern press the A key twice lor the letter N. o. Press the MEMORY button again to save the neme,The display shows ENTER TEL NUMER. 7, Use the handset number keypad to enterthe telephone number (up to 24 digi , including pauses) and press the MEMORY butmn eg to save the number. The unit beepsto confirm. e. To enter another name and number in a dittorent memory location, return to stop 1 and repeat the process. STORING A REOIAI. NUMBER |, Repeat eteos | through a in Storing a Nlm 2. Press the REOiAt button. a, Pratt the MEMORY button to store the numbecvou will hear a confirmation tone. rid Numberin Memory. To REPLACE AN 0L!) MEMORY WITH A NEW RENAL NUMBER l. Repeat steps t through a in Storing a Name and Number in Memory 2 Press the REDIAL button. 3 Press lhl MEMORY button, and REPLACE MEMl77 Shnws in the dually. 4. Press the MEMORY button to replace the old memory with the new redial number. You will hear a confirmation (one, CHANGING A STORED NUMBER t. Repeat steps l through 7 in Storing a Name and Number in Memory. REPLABE MEMO7 shows in the display. 2. Press the MEMORY button to store the number.You wril hear a confirmation tone. DIAuNG A STORED NUMBER |. Make sure the phone is on by pressing theTALK/cailhadt bunon. 1. Press the MEMORY lemon. 3. Press the lumbar «est iortne desired memory tooetion.the number dials automattcally. OR 1. Make sure the phone is OFF lnot inTALK mode). 2. Press the MEMORY button 3, Use theVOL/CID ilelt or right arrow] button to am" through the numbers stored in memory unti he desired number is shown. A, PruslTALK/mlibddtlhl number dials automatically CHAIN DIAuNC FROM MEMORY use this toatura to make calls which reoo aouence oi numbers. soar as using a calling card tor a rreouently called long distance number You simply dial each pen or the number sequence rrom memory.the lollowing example shows how you can use chain dleling to make a call through a long distance service: The Number For Memory Location Long distance access number 7 Authorization code a Ereguently celled long distance number s t. Make sure the phone is on by pressing theTALK/callbibk button. 1. Press the MEMORY button and then prose the 7 key. 3. When you hear ihn access tone. orese mem again and then press the a key. 4. At the nest accessions. press main and then the 9 key. Tm Wait [or the arrest tones ltetote pressing the MEMORY lruiron, or your tall might not, enough. INSERTING A PAUSE IN THE DIALING SEQUENCE Pun the e PAUSE button once to insert a delay in the dialing sequence oi a stored telephone numbnn A pause is needed to wait for a di tone (for example her you dial “or an outside line orto weittor a computer ecc tone), PAUSE shows on the display A! n Pu ch pews counts as l digit in the dialing sequence. it you need a longer peu ,p It the ttPAUsE htmnh rw‘roa. REVIEWING AND DELETING STORED NUMBERS t. Press the MEMORY button. 2, Use the VOL/CID lien or right arrow) bunon to wall to the desired memory location or press the destrad memory location (o-el. 3, Whilethe entry is displayed. press the CHAN/delete bunon to delete the entry. The display shawl DELETE7. A, Plus CHAN/delete again to confirm.The display shows DELETED. You will hear a oortlinriation tone. ANSWERING SYSTEM SETUP This section shows you how to set up your answering system to record incoming calls elore you begin the setup. you must turn on the llttwevillg system. - Press the ans oniotl button to turn the answering system on and ornhe MESSAGES indicator lights when the answering system is on.The indicator eitern ly llashes between CI. lolodtl and 0. indicating day/time programming is n dad and 0 messages are stored, Non: Thr: storming syhlcm displays wltrn II is air. VOICE TIME /DAIl STAMP 1. Press and hold the day/meat button to set the day oi the w k and then relnese. 2 Press the hour button to set the hour (am. or pm). 3. Press the min button to set the minutes when you press and hold the min button. the time advances in 5»rrtirtul| InllNaht A Press and release the dny/dledt button to review the day and time settings. SPEAKER VOLUME use the volume ielt or right bunons to adilm speaker uoiumeto a comlonable level. Press the right arrow to increase the volume and the ion arrow to dlcluse the volume. L3 is the maximum and L1 iame minimum la VOICE INSTRUCTIONS it you n d dditional assistance. press the review art arrow) button when you plug in the lnswering lynml Ind lbllnw (no value irmrlmlona. RECORDING TEE OUTGOING ANNOUNCEMENT For best mum when recording, you should be about him Indie: tram tho mic irnicrophonei opening to eliminate as much oadtground noise as possible. i. Press end hold the announce button. Hold the button down until you linish tho annuunumlm. 1. Begin speaking otter you hearthe beep.Vou have up to two minutes of recording time, 3. Release the poison when you finish your announcement. it you choose not to record an outgoing ennounoernent, e deleuit announcement is played instee Tn return to the deteuit ennouncemerrt alter you how recorded your own outgo g announcement. press the ennounce bunon enu release it when you hear the beep, or press the erase truoton while the announcement is playing. SAMPLE OUTGOING ANNOUNCEMENT lit, run u (017qu "mm ml, 1 turt't runner llulillinv ugh! rrtru mph“! leurrr jlmr run-e. nrrsrlrrr mi rr trite/Mug» a/ier Ila ism, rtrrrl "I‘M bruit 10an 7hnrtkt REVIEWING TI-IE ANNOUNCEMENT - Press and release the announce button to reytew your outgoing announcement. RING SELECT Set the KING SELEct switch on the beak of the unit to choose the number ol times you want the phone to ring errors the system answers the eeil.Vou may amuse 3 rings or 5 rings. ANSWERING SYSTEM OPERATION This suction prll s “t. bunmu Ind futures nlthl ttswarlng svnum. MESSAGES INDICATOR The MESSAGES lndicet r shows you how many messages you have. it blinks it there new messages. The enswer onion ounon must he on in ordertor the MESSAGES rndientor to work. SCREENING CALIS PROM TIIE BASE Vou may sore lnoomin calls by waiting lorthe call-r to begin loavtng m sage (to ear who isi, than plot up the handset, and preosTAWcaiilo-ott to to the call. The neweririg system automaticalty nope recording when you octiyete the handset or plot up an extension phone. TIP: Mako one the volume on Lil: bark- is set lotnl snottgn tor you to hear your interning silk, MESSAGE PLAYEACII The messages rndieetor lets you khnw when you have mess-geeto play messages, press ploy/atop. while a message is playing, you can do the following: a Press pleylsrobto stop the message playback . Prets end release review to resran the entrant mnnua; continue to press and release review to go to previous messages, - Press and release sltip to go to the next message a Press the volume arrow button to adjust the playback volume. MEMORY FULL When the memory ll full, the system ansmrs alter W l'lngs.Yl7ll should erase some messages so the answering system all reeord new messegeflhe memory has a total recording time ol 15 minutes ithis includes the outgoing ennounoement. ihmming messages, end voiee tune/date stempj. ERASING MESSAGES You may erese messages three weya: rest ploy/stop on the base, and press end release the erese bunon on the ties. to erase the message ounently playing - Ta e ee eii tsvillmd messages, pre nd hold the erase ounon on the base he unit beeps. - To erase a message using the handset: |. Press FORMAT/answerer outton on the handset 2, Press playlstop on the handset. a Press the erase button on the handset to sdmouogessutnotbetotro rt raterutwltott tnstu reatuttttssugt ssrtartottrupt LEAVING A MEMO Use the memo feature to ieeve a message. i. Press and hold the memo ouoon Hold the button down umil you linish reoording the message. 2. Begin speaking after you heerthe been 3 Release the memo button when you are finished. REMOTE ACCESS This section explains two types at remote eccess. using the handset to accessthe answering system and lmessing the answering System trom enother phon The handset contains integrated buttons thet enable you aousa the answering maoh'rn- with the handset. you can also aoerss your Imwurinn syn-in horn any phonetn Stone-dill compatible by entering a 3-digk security code eher you hear e outgoing innouncamehthe lollnwirlg voice mlltll mam guide; you through i“ Dllhe prooedures. VOICE MENU SYSTEM To Press this Puoon Raviaw mfiunu | Play book message 2 Stop messege piey boot 2 Erase mestege u ldurtng message playbadt) Skip message 3 Turn oft/on answering system 4 Review voice menu options 7 USING THE HAanET Press the FDRMATIanswerer button to aocets the answering system from the cordless handset Alter you eooess the answering system, use the merited he set keys jun as it you w resstng the conesponding ounons on the hiss lse nswering System Operetion:).the luncttene are listed on the hendset above eedt number For exemple, to play messages: t. Press the FORMAT/answer" hummThu display shows ANSWERER REMOTE. 2. Press 2 (ploy/stool or tellow the Voice Menu wnum. 3. When you are finished listening to your messages, press FORMAT/answunt egern. SCREENING CALLS PROM THE HANDSET Use the handset to screen calls even when you cen't heertne ansynrnng system. When tn newering system airs up the line: | Press the FORMAYlansw er button to Iminho answering system. I. krstsn as the caller leaves a message. a, Press lheTALK/ull bedt button [0 speak to the person or press roman answerer to stop screening the cetl, MEMORY FULL wnen tn nswering system memory istutl, the system answers etter to nngs, beeps an wens tor you to enter the 3~digit security code. it you don’t enter the seourity cod within to seconds eltertire unn beeps, the phone hertgs up.irou should erese eeme messages so the answering system can record new messages. a to sttnyett All: utet tlt t gtt rt ts nnttett Tu asst-ts u. res yotu Mtgtt trmrtty code otter you hear the lxrp ACCESSING TI-IE ANSWERING SYSTEM PROM ANOTHER LOCATION Vou can access your onew-nng system lrom e touch-tone phone by entering your Jodiqlt security code after you heerthe outgoing announcement. i, Dial the phone numb-riot the answering system. 2. When the answering systems answers. allow the outgoing message to play to the end, listen tanhe tone, and then enter your strourity eode. 3. Follow the voice menu to usethe answering system remote functions. The remote leature enables you to pertorm the the previously Iinsd Votoe Menu System luncfions: TIP. nu (7m hypatu rite otttgoittg announcement by pressing any numbercd key on the ktypzd while the annonnc rtettt is playing. Then, yott an mtrr your sssrntry code to mess the attswertttg system CHANGING TIIE SECURITY CODE "ll deleult security code for ECG-Ming the answerer trom another location iel 2 3.You must III: the handset to drenge the ecurlty codo With the phone on, tollow these SIBDL |. Press FORMAT/answerer button, 2. Press ”TDNEIcarlwI. 1. Enter the three numbers to be used as the new Ilcutlly code, 4. Press ‘ToNE/cenoel again. 5. You will hear the new ssCurilv code being repeated to confirm the change, HEADSET AND BELT CLIP OPERATION CONNECTING AN OPTIONAL HEADSET TO THE HANDSET For ltends fin Oporetten: 1. Connect the headset to the HEADSETiSdt an the attic 01 the handset.The handset receiver and microphone are disabled when the headset is contracted, 1. Adjust the headset to rest eomlonebiy on top ol your heed and over your ear Move the microphone to appraximn-ly two to three inehes lrorn your mouth. 3. Press theTALK/calluaur button to answer a call or make calls using the headset, 4, To return to normal operation, unplug the heedset lront the jade CONNECTING THE BELT CLIP TD illifii (ha hell clip, insert ”is lid” OHM lull tllfl lull) the slim all "d! side or the hands“, Snap (he and: n' lhd bell clip into place. CHANGING THE BA'rI-Emt Make eure the telephone is arr belore you replece battery. 1. Remove lhB hail-N compenment unar- 2. Disconnect the battery plug item the jedt inside the bauery compartment and remove the beuery padt from the handset. a. lnsen the new bauery padt end connectthe bemery plug into the leek inside the handset battery cnmpanrnent. 4. Put the battery compenment door bank on. 5. Place handset in the base to charge. Ncm:- irilir battery is new nra||erl nr pmprfly rnlttteflt—ll lrl'ldr rhr halrrty (mupflntttern. the handset annoys wn MWTRY'whrtt is phcnd on the base cIadIr 6. Allow the handset battery to properly charge lror lz hours) prior to first use or when you install a new battery padt. if you do not properly charge the phone, battery performance will be wmprorrlisdd. CAUTION: Tu terse-Le the ink ot the m pfliuud injury. use u|||y rho barrnyhsrerl in the trim Guide. BA'rrErtY SAFETY PRECAUTIONS - Do not burn. disassemble, mutilate, nr puncture. Like other baneries oithts type, toxic mate is could be released which can cause injury. - To reduce the risk of fire or personal injury, use only the battery listed in the User's Guid . Keep batteries out or the reech of driloren. . Remove beneiies ii storing over an oeys. - illsltt: ml on uie halluylrscd in your lsA, Inc. pmdttn indtclrci that we on— partinpanngrn s progmn us (ulkcl and Imyd: Ntzkd militate... itsnctm dilultgltum Lhc Uxmctl Slam Please (all l-BUMBAT'lmh-rr intonnetion trimaran yum |nfn| reryr ing rmirr. GENERAL PRODUCT CARE To kadp your telephone working and looking good, follow these guidelines: ~ Avoid puuing the phone n r heating appliances and devices that generete electrical noise iror e mpi- motors or fluorescent lempsl. - Do NOT expose to direct sunlight or moisture - Avoid dropping the unit and other rough treatment, - Clean with a salt cloth. - Never use a strong eleernng agent or abreeive powder bee-use this will demege the finish. - Retsih the origtnei pedtaging in can you need to shipthe phone at a later dete. ' Periodically clean the marge contacts on the handset and base with a soil cloth HAanE'r Soutm SrGNALs Signal Meaning A long mrbling tone lwith ringer on) Three snort beeps lseveral times) Single beep eyeiy 7 seconds Signele en incoming cell Page signel Low banery wemlng DISPLAY AND CALLER ID MESSAGES The lollow tort shew rue pi e messa . ANSWEREN REMOTE indicates the answering machine is being aceeeeed remotely. BLOCKED arm the person is ceiling horn a number that has been blodted lrorn transmission, BLOCKED NAME the persons neme ls blodted hem trensrnission. BLOCKED NUMBER The person is calling lrorn e number tnet has been blodtee lrem trenernieslon CALLWAH’ING lndioater e cell is weiong on the line. DELETE ALL? Prompt "king if you wan! lo Brass 2" Caller ID records DELL-ts CALL ID? Prompt esking ilveu went to ereee e seller ID record. DELETED Prompt confirming the Caller in record is erased. mm indicates e memory location is vacant. sun or ust indicates thetthere is no edditional inlorrnation in Caller ID memory. EMER NAME Prumpl telling you to enterthe name for an. aide 10 memory locations. sNtERTEL NUMBR Prempttelling you to enter the telephone number lot one or the to memory locations. INCOMPLETE DATA Cellar Infanrlllion has bu imervumld during irlrlsmlnlon or lhl tllephan! line is lxululvelv noisy. LOW EA'ITERV Irid'lull the hmlrv pldt it mlsslng or not properly inst-lied in the the bettery companment. NEW indicates cell or cells have not been reviewed No BAHERV iridicutes the battury pick is missing or not properly installed in the the be ry compartment ND cAu.S indicates no cells have been received NO DATA No collar "3 information was received. mama The PAGE button has been pressed on the base. FRESSTALK KEV lndibalas the CID number is a Direct Dial Number (DDNI and cannot be formatted. Rm Repeat call message. Indicates that a new call irom the some number was received more than once. The lnooming cell is horn an area not serviced by Caller ID or the inioimetion was not sent, ANSWERING SYSTEM DISPLAY MESSAGES The following indicator! Show the smut ohlla anlwlring midtirte. UNKNOWN NAME! cAuER/NUMHER - , Answerer oil. use Total number of meeeeges. An lhlirkingl Currently answering e eell. CL thinking) The voieetlmelday etemp nende eet. rlblinlo'ngl Mnrnoiyisrull. u lune Access] External line remote answerer, Six bees lulnldngl Recording a memo or announcement. mnmLESHooTING GumE CORDLESS PHONE SoLu‘nONs No dial tone - Cheek installation: Make sure the base power cord is cunnemd to a working electrical outlet Male to inetelephone line cord is connected to the base unit and me well phone iedt. c connect another phone to the same modular ledt; iithe second phone doesn't work. the problem might be with yourwiring or local service. - The handset may be out or range or the bese. Move closer to the base. ~ Make sure the battery is properly diary-d (tot l2 hours). - Ensure the bsuery pedt is installed correctly. e Did the handset beep when you pressed theTALK/callbedt button? Didthe diergehn use indicator come on7The battery may need to be merged. - Place the handset in the beseior at least 20 s ends Handset does not rig - Make sure the RINGER switdi on the handset is turned ON, - Mdve closer to the base.The handset mey be out or range. - You mey have too ineny emlnilon phones on your line.Trv unplugging some phones. . chedtiors dieltone. you eneerience static, noise. or lading in end out - Chenge channels. - Move closer to beee.The hundm might be out of range. - Relocate the base. Make sure bone is not plugged into an electrical outlet write another household appliance. - charge the beauty. unit beeps e Plaoe handset in base for 10 seconds; it it still beeps, charge battery lot lz hours. - clean the merging contacts on handset and base with a soil clull’l. - s solutionsror “Nd dial tone." ~ Replace the battery, Memory Dlaling doesn't work . Make sure you progrnrnrneo the memory location keys correctly. - Did you follow proper rig sequencer Phone diels in pulse with lone service c Make sure phone is tone d ling rnode Phone wnn‘l ai out th pulse service ~ Make sure phone is in pulse dialing mode. CALLER 1D SOLUTIONS No Display 0 "1! battery must h- hilly timothy twining the Emmy.
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