Thomson >
MARS TECH LIMITED ATLINKS/27933XXX-A [Base Unit] FCC ID: G9H2-7923A Marswch Report No. 24283D EXHIBIT B [FCC Refl 2.1033(b)(3)] "Installation and Operating Instructions Furnished to the User" EXHIBIT B 40 Channel 2.4 GHz CordlessTelephone System User’s Guide it?) We bring guotl things to life EQUIPMENT APPROVAL INFORMATION Vour teleohon pmeirt wrwed ior donned on to the Pub] SWiwhedTelophnna Network and is in comptlnnce with part: t5 lrid 68, FCC Rule! and Regulation: and the Technical Requirements torTlllphone'ierrnlnll Equipment Wbllahdd WACTA. | Notification to tho LociT-Iaphnna Company On the bottom orthit equipmemi I l-trei indiceling, lrnonn other iniormttion, the us nurntrer and Ringer Eouivtienoe Number (nan) iorthe oouipmem,¥ou must, upon ruounL provide thit inionnetlon to your telephone company, The REM is useiui in determining the number oi device: you may conned to your telephone lin and till! have all or these devices rinfl when your telephone number ll called. In mm (but not all) true, the sum ofthe REN: on" device: connected to one line ahouid not exceed alto be certain oi the numborofdevieel you may oonnectto your line to determined by the REN, vou thould contact your iocul telephone company. A plug and iodt uted to connectthi: equipment to the premim wiring and telephone networlt mutt comm with the eppile-ue FCC Pen as rules tnd requirement: adopted by the amt. A compliant ttiephone oord tnd modular plug it prwldld with thit oroduot. it it daily d re he oonneeted to e compatibll modular itot thtt is also compiitnt. See lnrllllartrori instruction: rer details. ANN“ USA, he. , lot West lizard Strut Model ZIQJ) Indium 04k. IN 461“ 00003191 (M “km E) 0 IBM ATlfiiKS USA. Inc, M.“ g . hldmlkll) 0 Red rod Printed in Chino Mlmlsb Refllfludlh) Not-e - Thia equipment may not he used on coin "Moe provided by the televhond company. 0 Party Ilnss are subject to state tariffs, and therefore, vou may nut be able to uni your own telephone equipment if you are on I party line. chedi with your local telephon- company. notioe mutt be given to the telephone comptny upon permtneni disconnection of your televnond train your line, if your home not tpecielry wtred alarm equipment connect-d to the telephone line, anture lite imull ion oi thit product doet not diselrio your alarm equipment. ii you hive questions lbwt what will dlublo lllrm equipment, consult your telephone company or t qualified inualler. 2 High“ of til-Telethon. Cotriplllv Should your eouiern-nt cause trouble on your line whid't may rm the telephone networio theta phone company sir-ii, where pncticeltie, notiiy you th tempo ry diotontinutnce oiotrnrioe may to. required. Where prior notice is not practiclhla and the cireurnmnoeo wtntnt eudt tetion, the telephone oompeny mey ionrportrtiy dimniiriul eerviet mmedittely. In one oreueh temporary discontinuance. this tlllvhomi complnv "run: (I) orommly notify you of Sufi: temporary diceontinutnoe; (2) riroro you the opportunity to correct the oilurtion; and (CI Morin you of your right to bring ! oomplnirrt to the Commiulon puriulnt to procedure: totionh in strep-rt E or Part so, too Rules and atouletione The telephone company may muko changes in in communication tuilltles, aquipmem, op one or proo-duree when such action il rouuireo inlhe operation oi its utineu d not inoontistant with rcc ituiet and Regulations, it then dung-l ail otpeoted to eiieet the use or perionnono. oi yourlolephone equipment, the telephone eompeny must give you ed-ouale notice, in writing, to oliowyou to maintain uninterrupted service. lrinrtmlaticc Intro-lemme Thil device wmpliu with Part l5 of the FOC Rules. Opertflon in subject to the following two conditio . “This device may not cause harmful imertdrlnce; and (2) This device must ecoept any interi-renoe received, including interior-nceihet my mum undesired operation. Thix dquipnient nal been tested And found to conioly with the limit! tor a Class B digital device, pursuant to P-n15 rthe FCC RuleoJ'hesei its are design provide reason-hie protection a mi harmful imeriurenoe in a residential inmiietion, Thit equipmem generates, um, and can raditte radio liequuncy energy and, ii not installed and used in accordance wr h the nttructiont, mw cauto hernriul interterenoe to radio commu cations. however, there is no guarantee that interierence will not noon in a panieui-r lnrteiittion. lftnit equipment don cause htrmiui lnoerierence to mdio or teleyition reception, which can be determined by turningtnt equipment oil and on, the user is encouraged to try to oorroctthe interferenco by one or rnor- erote following metturot: ' Reorlent or relocate tli- waiving antenna (Ihut is, the antenna for radio or television that it ‘receivinp' the utterance). - Reorierit or relocate a crane tho upauilon patween tnl telecommunicetione equipment end recoivlnq enteriru. - Connectth Ilmmmuniutiont eouinmem lnto an outlet on u cirnult dlflerunt irolri menu which the receiving menu. in connected. "lit! manure: do not climinlta the intefldrlnur Din“ consult your dc at or an up. ced rldioltllwitlon technician for diilonll muuefilons. Alto, the Fedeul Communication: Commiulon hal prepara helpful bookln. "HowTo Id-nitliv and Rusolvn Radio/TV Interference Pro mtf’Th booklet In available iroin the U5. Gw-rnmom Printing Miami/“wing“, DC. 20402. Flute mcifv new number 004- 000003454 whan ordering copies. HEARlNG Am Comm-ruin“ HAG Th telephone system meets FCC mnderds for Hearing Aid Compatibility. US Number is located on the cabinet bottom REM number is located on the cabinet bottom tNE iliirnulrid “(E Exclamation mind to htDutHNE WARNING:T0 summit ”Mitt "mm" PREVENTF'RWR mutilate. ”nonwo‘ initiator ELECTR|°AL SHOCK Alerrrlnov uor KERN srivlclii luromiir “Am“ °° NW it... "Hi“ hiiiiiiii. sézgaw4g RAJN msrnnnucr. WE riiiinlm: OR MOISTURE. SEE MAKKI'W flN BOYIOM I HACK BF VRVDIICY FCC ID: G9HZ-7923A Mustech Report No. 2mm EXHtBIT Bu) INTRODUCTION instruction; that should always be followed. Rcier to the IMPORTANT smiYINmUcnoNs provided with this product and five them for lutttre reference. r. r _ r designed to give you tlexltu in use and high quality pedormanoe.To get the moat lrmn your new cordless telephone system, we suggest that you take a low minutes right now to read through this instruction manualrhls telephone is a multiltrrrctlon product tor use with the Call Waiting and Caller ID services eyailahle lrom your local telephone company.Vour Caller ID CallWaidng phone allows you to: - Vrewtha name and telephone number ota caller [call Waiting Caller ID], - identity callers belore you answer the phone. - Wewtho time and date ol eeotr inoomlng cell. - hecord up to 40 Caller ID meeeeges sequentially. - Know who called while you are on the other line or when you were away. - Screen unwanted calls, eliminate harasament 1mm annoying calla, or to get prepared before answering a cell. IMPORTANT: in order to rise all orthe ream-es otth‘e telephone, you mint mbscr-ibe to lwoaepannc services available from your local telephone company: the trandard Name/Number Caller ID Service to know who it calling when the phone mg; and Caller m with Call Waning Service to knawwho is calling while you are on rhe phone. Because (ordlcu phones operate on electricity, you should have at least one phone in your home that iln'l rordlets. in case rhe power in your home goes out. BEFORE YOU BE PARTS CHECKLIST Make sure your pudrege includes the heme shown here. Ac pmrer Ban converter nett clip Handset battery Line cord TELEPHONE JACK REQUIREMENTS To use this phone, you need an RJ11C type modular Wt“ PM telephone terse whidl might look like the one pictured 0 here, installed in your home. it you don't have a modular ° lack, clll your local phone company to find out how {Muir u . - elephrnr get one installed. “Mm 3 DIGITAL SECURITY SYSTEM Your cordlaxe phone use: e digital security system to protect against false ringing, unauthorised access, and charges to your phone line, When you place me handset in the base, the unit verifies its security code. Met a power outage or battery replacement. you should place “to handset in the base for about 20 ascends to reset the code. INSTALIATION NmTa Some cordless telephones operate at frequencies that may rse or receite rnterterenrc with neartry Tvts microwave ouens. and van. To mi mire or prevent such interference. the lam ot the eordlett telephone ahotlld not he placed near or on top ota TV, mierowave oven, or van lrsrreh intertercrrce continues. move the cordless telephone farther away from there appliancet. terrain other communications devices may also me the 2.4 GHz frequency for communication. and, ir not properly set, these devices may inrertere with each other and/or your new telephone. ltyou are concerned with interference. please rere the owner's manual for rhere devices on now to properly tetchannets to are. interference. Typical devices that may use the 2.4 GHz frequency for communication inchrrae wireless audio/video tenders, Wireless computer hemorka. mtllIHtmdxet cordless telephone systems. and some Imagrrange cordless rele rhone rye-ems. - Never lnetall telephone no during e rghtnrng storm. - Never install telephone pots in wet locations unless the Jack is specifically designed for we! locations. ' Never (midi unlnwlated talephone wire; or Iarminalt, unless the telephone lins has bun diaoonnectad at the network interlace. - Use caution when installing or modilying telephone llnes. - Temporarily disconnect any equlpment connected to the phone such es taxes. other phones, or modems. INSTALLING 11m PHONE Vour cordless telephone system should b laced on s level surlaoe audt as a dealt or tabletop, aryou can mount It on a wall, INSTALLING TH! HANDSET BAmRv NOTE Von must. connett the handset bindery before me. |. Looms battery and bltiery door which are pldtlged together inside . blaatic his and ar- erlte from fits handsoL z. Locale the battery compartment on the belt or the handset. 3. Plug the battery pack cord into lhc ildt inllde tha oomptrtment. Nm lt it important to maintain the polarity (black and red wirul to thejuk inside the wrnpallmenL To ensure proper battery installation, the connector is l and can be Imcncd on] one N: r RATrle RED WIRE mess DOWNfi PmMLv BLACK WIRE 4. Insert the battery pack. 5, Close the battery compartment by pushing thl door up until it snaps into place. FL Place the ham-1381 In the margins cradle, CONNEcrINr; THE AC (ELEchICAL) POWER Plug the power supply cord irno the power jadt on the bottom ol the beta and the other end into an electrical oudet.1‘he in use/charge indlcator (on the base) turns on to indicate the battery Ia merging when the handset is on the ctedle. Nam If the battery it not installed or property connected inside the battery compartment. the handset displays wo BATHERV'whcn it is placed on the hose cndle. Allow the phone to charge for lz hours prior to first rm. it you don't properly eh- pllonl, bmry adamant: it com - lolnla CAUTION: Use only the ATLINKS USA. inc. power supply 52616 tblacki A or no" (say) power supply that came with this unit. Using other power . the unit. CONNECTING TB]: TELEPHONE LINE 1. Plug one end fifths lalephatta line card Into tha jack on the bottom ol ths base called TEL LINE and ma other and Into your home's modular phone ladta 1 Set the ringer Switdl (on the handset) to ON, and placa file handset in the cradle on the base. WALL MOUNTING ll you want to mount me phone on a wall, slip the mounting holes (on the basil or the base) over the wall plate pass, and slide the unit down into place. (Wall plate not included.) HANDSET LAYOUT TAI-K/flllbefjl (button) VOL/Cm - or t lhottottl “mo“ (button) Rmm. PAusm Wont (btntnut TONl'lutt (bullon) mer/ptogmn (bi-lion) CHAN/delete (ht-non) ringer/own tfli'flhl TELEPHONE SETUP PROGRAMMABLE MENUS There are live programmable menus available: Language, Local Area Code, RIngerTone,Tone/Pulsa and Factory betauit. When you program these settings, make sure the phone is OFF (not in talk rnod Pressing IhaTONE'/axit button will remove you train the menu aelemion prams without changing the feature you are in. DISPLAY LANGUAGE ll Press the FLASH/program button until lENG mm 355? shows in the display. 2, Use the CIDNOL (Ieh or right arrow) button or the handset number pad to select 1 (English), 2 (French), or 3 (Spanishifiie default setting is ‘75NG,’ 3, Press the FLASH/program button to confirm and to advance to the next menu feature. LOCAL AREA CODE lfyou enter your local 3-digit area code in the area code menu, your local area code does not display on the Caller lD (CID) list. Instead, you only see the local 7rdigit number. Calls received from oultlde your local area code will display the full 10-digil number, 1. Press the FLASH/pro Ilm button until AREA CODE The default setting ls - ' 2. Use the handset number pad to enteryour adigit area code. NOTE iyou make a Ill take. press the CHAN/delete button [0 elm Lhc chl‘l‘tcl are: code and I a [ale 3. Press the FLASH/program button to confirm d to advance to the next menu feature. RINGER TONE 1. Press the FLASH/program btttton until niNGERmNEshows in the display. 2. Use theVOL/CID (left or right arrow) button or the handset number pad (1-3) to enter your selecfion tram RingerTone i, Z, or lThe default setting is “RINGER TONE 7.’ 3, Press the FLASH/program button to confirm and to advance to the next rnenu feature. TONE /PUISE 1, Press the FLASH/program button until 1 mus: PULSE shows in the display. 1 use the CIDNOL (Iell or right arrow} button orthe handset number pad to enter your selectionJhe default setting is ‘l TUNE? 3. Press the FLASH/program button to confirm and to advance to the next menu teaiure. shown in the display, FACTORY DEFAULT This reantra allows you to restore the unit‘s original ieatures, l. Press the FLASH/program button until DEFAULTsncrws In the display. 2. Use the chNoL (Ieh or right arrow) button to scroll to VES.Tne derault setting is ‘NO,’ 3. Press FLASH/program to confirm.Vou will hear a confirmation tone. CORDLESS PHONE BASICS MAKING A CALL 1. Press the TALK/callback bulton and dial the desired number. on» To perform preview dial, dial the number first then press theTALK/callhack button. 1. To hang up, press lheTALK/callbadt button or place the handset in the bass cradle, Mom-ANT; because cordless phones operate on electnctty, you should have at least one phone in your home that isn't cordiest. in ease the power in your home goes out REnIAL Press the REDIAL button to quietly dial the last number you called (up to 32 digital. ll you get a busy signal, and went to keep dialing the number, press redial to dial the number directly. RECEIVING A CALL I. To answer a call Dress theTALK/clllbaok button on me handset before you begin speaking, 2. To hang up, preu tneTALKIcaIIbadt buuon or place the handset In the base cradle, IN USE INDICATOR When the in use/charge ind stor on the base is lit, the handset is either in use or charging.The in useldtarge tn Icator on the base flashes when you receive a can. FLAst-I uyou subscribe to the combined Ca“ Waiting Caller [0 service from your local telephone company you will receive Caller ID inlormatioo lil available] on call We g calls. During a phone can, you will hear a beep to indicate another call is war he on the line and Caller ID intorrnatiott lor the waiting call shows on the handset displayro connect the waiting call, press the FLASH/program button on the handset end your original call is put on hold.You may switch back and iotth between the two calls by pressing die FLASH/program bunon. TIP DO not use eTALK/callbzck bullorl in a: be custom all 1 ha" VoLUME When the phone is on. press the CiDNDL (hit or right arrow) on the handset to adjust the volume or the handsets earpiece.There are four settings. Press the right arrow to increase the volume and left anew to decrease the volums.Vou will I the volume setting on the handset display.VOL 4 it the maximum andVOLt is the minimum. CHANNEL BUTTON While talking on the phone, you might need to manually change the drannei in order to reduce static caused by appliances, suoh as baby monitors, garage door openers, microwave ovens, or other cordless phones. Press and release the CHAN/delete button to move to the next clear channel. TEMPORARY TONE This lecture is useful only nyou have pulse (rotary) service. TemporarvTona Dialing enables pulse lroteryl setytoo phone users to access toudnone services oilered by hunks, credit card companies. etc. For example, when you call your bank you may need to enter your bank account number.Temporlrily switching to touahtons mode allows you to send your number, I. Dial the telephone number and wait lot the line to connect 2, When your call is answered, press morons-rem button on the handset to temporarily change horn pulse dialing to tone dialing. 3. Follow the automated instructions to get the intormarion you need, 4, Hang up the handset and the phone automatically returns to pulse (rotary) dialing mode. EXIT Press ihoTONE'Iexit button to cancel any command you initiated. RINGER SWITCH The RINGER switdn must be ON lor the handset to ring during incoming calls. PAGING ‘I'H'E HANDSET This feature helps to locate a misplaced hantiset. Press the page button on the beseJhe handset will beep lor about two minutes or un ' you p saTALK/callback on the handset or press the page button on the base. non: oucanm pagethehandu fthe ngcr dead, Lhel’ gfezture CALLER ID FEATURES Caller ID (CID) is a service available from your local telephone company. For Caller ID to work on this system, you must subscribe to Caller ID service. To receive Caller ID intormation (or a Call Waiting call. you must subscribe to the combined Caller ID CaIIWaiting servioe.The unit can store up to 40 calls for later review. When your telephone rings, and you are subscribed to Caller ID Call Waiting servioe, you will receive intormation (it available) transmitted by your local telephone compeny.Vou will also receive Caller ID information from Call Waiting calla, If you receive an inooming call and you are already on the phone, a beep indicates the presence of a Call Waiting Call on the line, and Caller ID lnlormatiorl tor the Call Waiting call shows on the displayThis informatlon may include the phone number, date and time; or the name, phone number, and date and time, “mt Due Runner 0! edit turned olf If the battery is 70:23.- 10/2!) an was 317-555-1234 Callee'IDplm-udur Merlin-lie RECEIVING AND STORING CALLS When you receive a call, the information is transmitted by the phone company to your Caller ID telephone between the first and second ring, - RTAN’I‘: The Caller ID feature ofthit pro ucl requires a Jublcripu'on to Caller ID service from your telephone com .. ny. When the phone's memory is full, a new call automatically replaces the oldest call in memory. NEW appears in the displav for calls received that have not been reviewed. ~- : cc wti your or: p onecompattyrcgattngttameumceavat all! . REVIEWING ALLER ll RECORDS As calls are received and stored, the display is updated to let you know how many cells have been received. ' Make sure the phone is OFF (not inTALK mode). 0 Press the CIDNOL (left arrowl button to scroll through the call records from the most reoent to the oldest. - Press the CIDNOL (right arrow) button to scroll through the call records front the oldest to the newest. DELE'nNc. THE CURRENT RECORD 1. When the Caller ID record shows in the display, press the CHAN/delete button. The display shows DELETE FALL ID? 2. Press CHAN/delete button again to oontirnt. You will hear a confirmation tone, the display shows DELETED, than the next Caller ID reoord appears in the display. DELETING ALL RECORDS I. Press the CIDNOL (Ielt or right arrow) button until a Caller ID record is displayed. 2, Pros! and hold CHAN/delete until unit beeps. The display shows DELETEALU 3. Press CHAN/delete again to erase all records.You will hear a oonfinnation tone, and the display shows N0 CALLS STORING CALLER ID RECORDS lN MEMORY coma format for gurecord cannot stored memory iacatt n 1. Press the CIDNOL (left or rlght arrow) button until the desired Caller ID record is displayed. 2. Press the MEMORY button, 3. Press is number (09) to store the dialed number in that memory location. You will hear a oonfinnation tone, Example, press the number 1 key to store the record in memory location 1, To REPLACE AN OLD MEMORY WITH A New CALLER 1D RECORD 1. Repeat steps l through 3 inTransferring Caller ID Record! to Memory. Aher entering the memory meatloriv REPLACE MEMD7 shows in the dlsplly. 2. Press the MEMORY button again, and the new Caller "7 record replaces the old memory In thlt location.Vou will hear a confirmation tone, DIALlNG A CALLER ID NUMBER to Make sure the phone is OFF [not inTALK mode]. 1. Use the CIDNOL (lelt or right arrow) button to display the desired Caller "3 record. 3. Press theTALK/callbedt button to dial the number. CHANGING rm: NUMBER FORMAT The FORMAT button lets you change the format oi the displayed number. The available formats are as follows. High 7
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