Thrane and Thrane A S 6300B Sailor 6366 TU MF/HF 150W DSC Class A FCC User Manual S6000B MFHF Service Interface Manual 03

Thrane & Thrane A/S Sailor 6366 TU MF/HF 150W DSC Class A FCC S6000B MFHF Service Interface Manual 03


Service interface manual

 SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface   User Manual          Document number: 97-147768-A  Release Date: 31 August 2015
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  2  Disclaimer Any responsibility or liability for loss or damage in connection with the use of this product and the accompanying documentation is disclaimed by Thrane & Thrane A/S. The information in this manual is provided for information purposes only, is subject to change without notice and may contain errors or inaccuracies. Manuals issued by Thrane & Thrane A/S are periodically revised and updated. Anyone relying on this information should acquire the most current version e.g. from, Service and support, or from the distributor. Thrane & Thrane A/S is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any translations or reproductions, in whole or in part, of this manual from any other source. In the event of any discrepancies, the English version shall be the governing text.  Thrane & Thrane A/S is trading as Cobham SATCOM.  Copyright © 2015 Thrane & Thrane A/S. All rights reserved.   Record of revisions Rev. Description Release Date Initials A Initial August 2015 JTR A Review Comments from BLN, DAV, CMA, RSH, JKR, TOP and JHO  August 2015  JHO A Comments from CMA+TOP August 2015 JHO
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  3  Table of contents  1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Precautions using the service tool ........................................................................................... 4 2 Connecting to the service tool ........................................................................................... 4 2.1 Connecting to the service without a network .......................................................................... 4 2.2 Connecting to the service tool through a network................................................................... 4 3 Overview of functionality ................................................................................................. 6 3.1 Open access functionality ....................................................................................................... 6 3.1.1 STATUS .............................................................................................................................. 6 3.1.2 LOGS .................................................................................................................................. 8 3.1.3 NMEA ................................................................................................................................. 8 3.2 Protected access functionality ................................................................................................ 9 3.2.1 CHANNELS ........................................................................................................................ 10 3.2.2 CONFIG .......................................................................................................................... 12 3.2.3 TOOLS ............................................................................................................................... 17
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  4  1 Introduction The service tool for the S6000 radio series MF/HF devices is made available by a built-in web server in the radio. The service tool can be accessed from a computer connected to a LAN shared with  the device and is displayed in an  internet  browser  with no  additional installation  of  software  required.  Currently  we  do  not  guarantee  full  support  for Microsoft Internet Explorer, but most HTML5 enabled browsers are supported. Screenshots in this manual were done using Google Chrome. 1.1 Precautions using the service tool WARNING:   While  using  the  service  tool  the  network  cable  should  not  be  removed  or disconnected from neither the PC nor the radio. WARNING:   While using the service tool, power to the radio should not be switched off.  Violation of the precautions above can result in a defect radio, which only can be repaired by the manufacturer.  WARNING: The Service agent is responsible for all changes made with the service tool. Changes must be in conformance with radio specifications and regulations. 2 Connecting to the service tool 2.1 Connecting to the service without a network The service tool for the radio can be accessed directly without use of a network, by use of a PC with automatic network configuration and an internet browser. Connect the radio to the computer using the Ethernet interface and type the IP address of the radio in the address field of an internet browser to access the  service tool. This will open the radio status page of the service tool and the radio can now be configured. The radio’s current IP  address  is  visible  in  the  SYSTEM  SETUP  menu  on  the  radio  control  unit  or  in  the radio’s entry in the TMA tool as seen in Figure 1 below. 2.2 Connecting to the service tool through a network The  service  tool  can  be  accessed  through  a  LAN  from  a  PC  with  an  internet  browser. Type the IP address of the radio in the address field of an internet browser to access the service tool. This will open the radio status page of the service tool and the radio can now be configured. The radio’s current IP address is visible in the SYSTEM SETUP menu on the radio control unit or in the radio’s entry in the TMA tool as seen in Figure 1 below.
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  5   Figure 1: TMA tool page for the radio displaying IP address, etc.
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  6  3 Overview of functionality The service tool is used to perform updates to the firmware and various settings of the radio. This section describes each feature of the service tool in turn. The tool will show information  about  firmware,  status  of  the  radio  and  data  from  the  logs  for  all  users without administrator rights, covered in section 3.1. For administrators the service tool provides functionality for configuration of radio settings and tools for administration of firmware, covered in section 3.2. 3.1 Open access functionality The open access information of the service tool is divided into three tab pages, described in the following three subsections.  3.1.1 STATUS The STATUS tab page can be seen below in Figure 2.   Figure 2: Status tab. The status tab is used to show the current platform and hardware configuration of the radio. The field Hardware tracking ID is used in service of the transceiver unit.
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  7  If  the  main  board  of  the  radio  is  replaced,  a  new  serial  number  can  be  applied  in  the Current serial field. When no serial number is programmed, the ‘current serial’ field will display  a  10-digit  tracking  number.  This  means  that  it  is  possible  to  input  the  serial number of the system .   Note:  updating  the  serial number can  only performed one  time and that updating the field requires logging in (described in section 3.2).
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  8  3.1.2 LOGS The LOGS tab can be seen in Figure 3 below. Figure 3: LOGS tab. This  tab  includes  four  side-bar  buttons,  where  each  displays  the  respective  logs  over Received Distress Calls, Received DSC Calls, Transmitted DSC Calls and one button for the System Log. Each log can be downloaded as a .tar.gz file. 3.1.3 NMEA The NMEA tab pane displays a stream of NMEA data collected over SERIAL and/or LAN. The data can be downloaded as a compressed file of the format .tar.gz and will contain more lines than displayed on the screen. See example printout in Figure 4 below.   Figure 4: NMEA tab. Note:  Several  tools  are  capable  of  unpacking  tar.gz  files,  including  7zip,  Winrar, Winzip, etc.
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  9  3.2 Protected access functionality Protected  administrator  access  to  the  service  tool  is  obtained  by  logging  in  using  the button in the upper right corner of the service tool (see Figure 5 below).  Figure 5: Login button.   By pressing the LOGIN button a pop-up will show.   Figure 6: Login pop-up. To get administrator access enter the following into the two fields: • Username: admin • Password: sailorsailor When logged in to the protected part of the service tool the radio is disabled and the tab pages CHANNELS, CONFIG and TOOLS become accessible. These tabs are described in the following sub sections.
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  10  3.2.1 CHANNELS An example of the CHANNELS tab can be seen in Figure 7 below.  Figure 7: CHANNELS tab. This tab has a side-bar button for various ITU channel bands and for private channels. The user must click on a channel row on the page to select a channel for configuration. When selecting channel 241 the following configuration page for the channel appears (Figure 8):
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  11   Figure 8: Configuration of Channel 241. Channel settings  Description Allowed? Select this tag to show the channel in the channel table and make it available via the control unit. Remove the  tag  to  remove  the  channel from  the  channel table  and from the  control  unit.  This  can  also  be  done  for channels which  are normally included from the factory (ITU channels). RX frequency Specify receive frequency. TX frequency Specify transmission frequency. TX Block Select this tag in order to block transmitting on this channel. Scan Select this tag to include this specific channel in the scanning table. Note  that  tagging all channels  to  be  scanned  will increase  the  time between scanning each separate channel.  To configure the channel fill in the respective fields and click the Submit button.
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  12  3.2.2 CONFIG The CONFIG tab contains two side-bar buttons and each are described in turn:  Figure 9: CONFIG tab – Configuration side-bar page. Configuration Description MMSI Enter or change the MMSI number of the radio. Call ID or MMSI This is the 5-digit Telex call id. If there is no 5-digit call id allocated you can use the 9-digit MMSI or leave the field empty. Abbreviated ID This is used for Telex identification and is part of the answer back string. The abbreviated ID is usually 4 ASCII letters, e.g. ‘abcd’.  Slave delay This is the slave delay used during Telex ARQ calls. Default value is 10. ATU available? Deselect this tag if the system does not have an ATU (Antenna Tuning Unit) connected. The option is used for dedicated antenna on specific frequency or dummy load. Note: Wrong selection may damage the ATU. PSU Monitor enabled If the radio’s power supply is a SAILOR 6081 you can enable the Power Supply Monitor in the radio. Primary station Select this tag if you want this radio to have priority over a duplicate MF/HF installation.
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  13  The MMSI, Call-id and abbreviated ID are used to construct the telex answer back string. The rule for creating a valid answerback string is: • Figure shift • Carriage return • Line feed • 9-digit MMSI (or 5-digit call ID) • Letter shift • Space • Abbreviated ID • Space • X • Letter shifts to bring the total length up to 20 characters The service tool will automatically add the figure shifts, letter shifts, spaces and the letter ‘x’  where  appropriate.  It  is  strongly  recommended  to  check  the  telex  settings  on  the SAILOR  6006  Message  Terminal  (Telex)  when  the  settings  above  have  been  modified and the radio has been power cycled.
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  14    Figure 10: CONFIG tab – Configuration side-bar page continued. Options Description Enter code to enable telex  Enter the option code to enable telex. After entering, the option can be removed again by de-checking the check box D6 option De-select check box to disable D6 (6 channel watch keeping receiver). To re-enable, input the option code. Low Power Mode Only Transmit is only allowed at low output power. External modem enabled If the radio is used in connection with external modem, enable this option to achieve correct power output. Enable active antenna Check this option to enable supply current for active antenna (12VDC max 60mA).  Scan hang time Hang time, in seconds, to wait on a channel with signal, before resuming the scan.
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  15  *)  As for telex, the user must enter the code delivered with the system to enable D6. The field D6 option in Figure 10 above depicts how the field appears when the activation code has already been entered to the field. Before deselecting options, the service tool issues a warning (see Figure 10, D6 option for example). AUX Pin Settings: Frequency [Hz] Select the frequency for which the AUX pin is active. Mode Choose between Off, Squelch open (as in Figure 10) or On Channel.  Coast Station Mode: Switch RX and TX freq? Swaps duplex frequencies when used as a ship counterpart. Also GPS alarms and leading 00 in MMSI are allowed.  When all desired configurations are entered to the fields, click Submit.
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  16   Figure 11: CONFIG tab – Watch Keeping Receiver side-bar button. On the Watch Keeping Receiver page it is possible to program 6 DSC frequencies into the watch receiver or disable frequencies. These custom frequencies will also be available for routine DSC transmissions. If the programmed frequencies are required for a custom distress  network  (for  distress,  safety  and  urgency  calls),  the  following  option  key  is required: ABCD-1234-COBH-2014 WARNING:  changing  these  frequencies  WILL  alter  the  ability  to  send  and  receive  distress  to/from  established  GMDSS  coast  stations.  Non-default  programming  of  the 2MHz frequency also needs the special options key as this will void MF-DSC capability.  WARNING: HF DSC functionality requires watch receiver option, enabled scanning on at least 2MHz band, 8MHz band and at least one other band. Click Submit when desired configuration has been reached.
97-147768-A   SAILOR 6300B MF/HF Service Interface User Manual  17  3.2.3 TOOLS  Figure 12: TOOLS tab. • The FW Update button lets the operator upload new firmware to the radio. Only files issued by Cobham shall be used in the .tiif format. • The  Factory  Reset  button  can  be  used  if  the  operator  wants  to  return  to  the default  configuration  of  the  radio.  This  means  removing  all  settings  in  the channel tables, configurations, MMSI etc. Option codes for radio telex and watch keeping receiver will not be affected. • Save Configuration downloads a .tar.gz file with all configurations done to the radio through the service tool. • Load  Configuration  is  used  to  load  configurations  from  a  .tar.gz  file  made previously on the current radio or another similar radio.  3.3 Logout Access the option menu in the upper right corner and choose to log out to do so. Upon logging  out,  the  radio  will  reboot  utilizing  the  new  settings  and  be  ready  for  normal operation.

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