TransCore 76007 FHSS TRANSCEIVER MODULE User Manual

TransCore FHSS TRANSCEIVER MODULE M6e Transcore Developer s Guide

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User Manual 2

182.0  Getting Started2.5.6  Navigating the Display2.5.6.1  The Task Bare Task bar at the bottom of the screen displays the icon, an icon for the active program, the current time, and system icons for utilities loaded in memory. e Task bar includes menu names, buttons, and the keyboard icon, which opens and closes the so input panel (SIP). e Task bar al-lows the user to launch and close programs.  The Onscreen Keyboarde Onscreen Keyboard can be used to enter data using the stylus. 1.  Tap the Keyboard icon in the Task Bar.2.  e onscreen keyboard will appear.  Entering the DataTo select and open programs, tap Start > All Programs from the task bar to open a list of available programs. Or if the program has an icon on the desktop, double-tap it to open it.ere are several ways to enter data on the unit once in an application:• Usethestylusonthetouchscreen.• Tohighlightthedesiredtext,dragthestylusacrossthedesiredtext,or double-tap to select one word or triple-tap to select an entire line or paragraph.• Usethestyluswiththeonscreenkeyboard.Referto2.5.4 Enter-ing Data.• ConnectakeyboardtotheUSBportonthetopoftheunit.Referto2.5.4 Entering Data.• Usethebarcodescannertoenterdata.PresstheTrigger to initiate a scan. e scanned data will enter the current application’s open window. Refer to 2.7.5 Reading 1D laser barcodes.For more information on factory installed applications, Refer toSection  3.0 Operating the Unit on page 63.
192.0  Getting Started2.6  DAP Conguration CenterTo launch the DAP Conguration Center, double-tap the desktop icon:2.6.1  System Infois window provides all poertinent system information for the unit.2.6.2  Display OptionsAllows the user to adjust the screen brightness.Tap the Tablet PC Settings button to congure the unit.2.6.3  Tablet PC SettingsAllows the user to adjust, congure, and calibrate the unit’s display.  Display Tab – CongureAllows the user to identify the unit’s screen as the touchscreen.1.  Tap the Setup button.2.  Tap the screen when prompted with “Touch this screen to identify it as the touchscreen.”3.  Tap the OK button to save changes.  Display Tab – CalibrateAllowsw user to calibrate the touchscreen.1.  Tap the Calibrate button.
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Document ID2266872
Application IDA3j7+K0eP0GGQlY5tX95Zw==
Document DescriptionUser Manual 2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize378.26kB (4728235 bits)
Date Submitted2014-05-14 00:00:00
Date Available2014-05-14 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-04-23 07:41:11
Producing SoftwareAdobe PDF Library 9.9
Document Lastmod2014-04-23 07:41:17
Document TitleUser Manual 2
Document CreatorAdobe InDesign CS5 (7.0)
FCC ID Filing: FIH76007

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