TransCore 76007 FHSS TRANSCEIVER MODULE User Manual

TransCore FHSS TRANSCEIVER MODULE M6e Transcore Developer s Guide

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User Manual 4

795.0  UPC TypesNOTE:  To minimize the risk of invalid data transmission, we rec-ommend selecting whether to read or ignore supplemental characters.5.1.7  Decode UPC/EAN Supplementals :  Parameter # 0x10Supplementals are appended characters (2 or 5) according to specic code format conventions (e.g., UPC A+2, UPC E+2).  To enable or disable EAN-13, scan the appropriate bar code below.:• If Decode UPC/EAN with Supplemental characters is selected, thescanner does not decode UPC/EAN symbols without supplemental characters.• IfIgnoreUPC/EANwithSupplementalcharactersisselected,andtheSE-955 is presented with a UPC/EAN symbol with a supplemental, the scanner decodes the UPC/EAN and ignores the supplemental characters.• IfAutodiscriminateUPC/EAN Supplementals is selected, scanDe-code UPC/EAN Supplemental Redundancy on page 8-25, then select a value from the numeric bar codes beginning on page 8-71. A value of 5 or more is recommended.• Select Enable378/379 Supplemental Mode to enablethe SE-955 toidentify supplementals for EAN-13 bar codes starting with a ‘378’ or ‘379’ prex only. All other UPC/EAN bar codes are decoded immedi-ately and the supplemental characters ignored.Decode UPC/EAN With Supplementals(0x01)Autodiscriminate UPC/EAN Supplementals(0x02)Enable 378/379 Supplemental Mode(0x04)*Ignore UPC/EAN With Supplementals(0x00)• SelectEnable978SupplementalModetoenabletheSE-955toiden-tify supplementals for EAN-13 bar codes starting with a ‘978’ prex only. All other UPC/EAN bar codes are decoded immediately and the supplemental characters ignored.• SelectEnableSmartSupplementalModetoenabletheSE-955toiden-tify supplementals for EAN-13 bar codes starting with a ‘378’, ‘379’, or ‘978’ prex only. All other UPC/EAN bar codes are decoded immedi-ately and the supplemental characters ignored.Enable 978 Supplemental Mode(0x05)Enable Smart Supplemental Mode(0x03)Decode UPC/EAN Supplemental Redundancy(Default: 7)5.1.8  Decode UPC/EAN Supplemental Redun-dancy : Parameter # 0x50With Autodiscriminate UPC/EAN Supplementals selected, this option adjusts the number of times a symbol without supplementals will be de-coded before transmission. e range is from 2 to 30 times. Five or above is recommended when decoding a mix of UPC/EAN symbols with and without supplementals, and the autodiscriminate option is selected.Scan the bar code below to select a decode redundancy value. Next scan two numeric bar codes beginning on page 8-71. Single digit numbers must have a leading zero. To change the selection or cancel an incorrect entry, scan the Cancel bar code on page 8-72.
805.0  UPC Types5.1.9  Transmit UPC-A Check Digit : Parameter # 0x28Scan the appropriate bar code below to transmit the symbol with or without the UPC-A check digit.5.1.10  Transmit UPC-E Check Digit : Parameter # 0x29Scan the appropriate bar code below to transmit the symbol with or without the UPC-E check digit.*Transmit UPC-A Check Digit(0x01)*Transmit UPC-E Check Digit(0x01)Do Not Transmit UPC-A Check Digit(0x00)Do Not Transmit UPC-E Check Digit(0x00)5.1.11  Transmit UPC-E1 Check Digit : Parameter # 0x2AScan the appropriate bar code below to transmit the symbol with or without the UPC-E1 check digit.5.1.12  UPC-A Preamble : Parameter # 0x22Preamble characters (Country Code and System Character) can be transmitted as part of a UPC-A symbol. Select one of the following op-tions for transmitting UPC-A preamble to the host device: transmit sys-tem character only, transmit system character and country code (“0” for USA), or transmit no preamble.*Transmit UPC-A Check Digit(0x01)No Preamble(<DATA>)(0x00)Do Not Transmit UPC-A Check Digit(0x00)*System Character(<SYSTEM CHARACTER> <DATA>)(0x01)System Character & Country Code(< COUNTRY CODE> <SYSTEM CHARACTER> <DATA>)(0x02)5.1.13  UPC-E Preamble : Parameter # 0x23Preamble characters (Country Code and System Character) can be transmitted as part of a UPC-E symbol. Select one of the following op-tions for transmitting UPC-E preamble to the host device: transmit sys-tem character only, transmit system character and country code (“0” for USA), or transmit no preamble.No Preamble(<DATA>)(0x00)*System Character(<SYSTEM CHARACTER> <DATA>)(0x01)System Character & Country Code(< COUNTRY CODE> <SYSTEM CHARACTER> <DATA>)(0x02)
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Document ID2266874
Application IDA3j7+K0eP0GGQlY5tX95Zw==
Document DescriptionUser Manual 4
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize241.72kB (3021438 bits)
Date Submitted2014-05-14 00:00:00
Date Available2014-05-14 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-04-23 07:45:12
Producing SoftwareAdobe PDF Library 9.9
Document Lastmod2014-04-23 07:45:18
Document TitleUser Manual 4
Document CreatorAdobe InDesign CS5 (7.0)
FCC ID Filing: FIH76007

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