TransCore 76007 FHSS TRANSCEIVER MODULE User Manual

TransCore FHSS TRANSCEIVER MODULE M6e Transcore Developer s Guide

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User Manual 3

412.0  Getting Started7.  e millisecond delay box will activate.8.  Set the desired millisecond delay by either using the up or down ar-rows, or by entering a number directly in the box. WizardEnable the user to dene a simple setup that matches and modies a data string. e wizard consist of four dierent parts, Trig, Strip, Re-place, and Add.  It is only intended to be used for very simple tasks. For more advanced tasks, you need to use the scripting language.To start the wizard:1.  Tap on the Wizard button.2. e Wizard – Trig window will open.  In this dialog you can specify zero or more conditions that should be met for a data string before it is edited by the wizard rules. If a data string doesn’t meet the conditions and the check box Filter Data Strings is checked, the data string is ltered. If the check box is cleared, the data string is sent to the receiving application unmodied.  If you specify a length condition, any data strings shorter or longer will not be modied by the wizard rules.  You can enter texts that should be present in the data string. Entering 00 in the At Start eld will check for 00 in the beginning of the data string. en any string that starts with something else will not meet the condition.3.  Click the Next button when you are done.4. e Wizard – Strip window will open.5.  Select one of two choices:• Strippingacertainnumberofcharactersatthestartand/ortheend of the data string, or
422.0  Getting Started• Removingoneormoretextsattheindicatedpositionsofthedatastring.  For example, if 00 is specied in the eld At Start and the data string is 0012345, the resulting output will be 12345. However, if the data string is 9912345, nothing will be removed from the start of the data string.  If all elds are le empty, no text will be stripped from the data string.6.  Tap the Next button.7. e Wizard - Replace window will open.NOTE:  is window allows the user to enter up to three text replace-ments. Enter the text to be replaced in one of the Search for elds, and then enter the text to replace it with in the corre-sponding Replace with eld.8.  Tap the Next button.9. e Wizard – Add window will open.  is window allows the user to enter texts that need to be added to the data string at the start or the end.10. When text entry is complete, click on the Finish button. 11. e Freeoat Link*One Wizard Script window will appear.12. Tap the Yes button to conrm that a wizard script should be created.  e wizard script is a Lua script and can be modied manually af-terwards if, for example, the need to add more advanced conditions or modications arises. NOTE:  e wizard script is overwritten each time the wizard is run.
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Document ID2266873
Application IDA3j7+K0eP0GGQlY5tX95Zw==
Document DescriptionUser Manual 3
Short Term ConfidentialNo
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize327.81kB (4097638 bits)
Date Submitted2014-05-14 00:00:00
Date Available2014-05-14 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-04-23 07:44:14
Producing SoftwareAdobe PDF Library 9.9
Document Lastmod2014-04-23 07:44:21
Document TitleUser Manual 3
Document CreatorAdobe InDesign CS5 (7.0)
FCC ID Filing: FIH76007

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