TransCore 76007 FHSS TRANSCEIVER MODULE User Manual 3


User Manual 3

412.0  Getting Started7.  e millisecond delay box will activate.8.  Set the desired millisecond delay by either using the up or down ar-rows, or by entering a number directly in the box. WizardEnable the user to dene a simple setup that matches and modies a data string. e wizard consist of four dierent parts, Trig, Strip, Re-place, and Add.  It is only intended to be used for very simple tasks. For more advanced tasks, you need to use the scripting language.To start the wizard:1.  Tap on the Wizard button.2. e Wizard – Trig window will open.  In this dialog you can specify zero or more conditions that should be met for a data string before it is edited by the wizard rules. If a data string doesn’t meet the conditions and the check box Filter Data Strings is checked, the data string is ltered. If the check box is cleared, the data string is sent to the receiving application unmodied.  If you specify a length condition, any data strings shorter or longer will not be modied by the wizard rules.  You can enter texts that should be present in the data string. Entering 00 in the At Start eld will check for 00 in the beginning of the data string. en any string that starts with something else will not meet the condition.3.  Click the Next button when you are done.4. e Wizard – Strip window will open.5.  Select one of two choices:• Strippingacertainnumberofcharactersatthestartand/ortheend of the data string, or
422.0  Getting Started• Removingoneormoretextsattheindicatedpositionsofthedatastring.  For example, if 00 is specied in the eld At Start and the data string is 0012345, the resulting output will be 12345. However, if the data string is 9912345, nothing will be removed from the start of the data string.  If all elds are le empty, no text will be stripped from the data string.6.  Tap the Next button.7. e Wizard - Replace window will open.NOTE:  is window allows the user to enter up to three text replace-ments. Enter the text to be replaced in one of the Search for elds, and then enter the text to replace it with in the corre-sponding Replace with eld.8.  Tap the Next button.9. e Wizard – Add window will open.  is window allows the user to enter texts that need to be added to the data string at the start or the end.10. When text entry is complete, click on the Finish button. 11. e Freeoat Link*One Wizard Script window will appear.12. Tap the Yes button to conrm that a wizard script should be created.  e wizard script is a Lua script and can be modied manually af-terwards if, for example, the need to add more advanced conditions or modications arises. NOTE:  e wizard script is overwritten each time the wizard is run.
432.0  Getting StartedTap the OK button to save all changes.  Misc Tab2.  Use Log File If all the internal messages and events in Link*One are to be written to a log, check the setting Use Log File, and enter a valid path and lename in the edit box. e log le is mostly used for troubleshooting a script.• TohideLink*One’smainwindowonstartup,checkOn Startup in the Hide Window area.• TohideLink*One’smainwindowwhenserialdataisreceived,checkOn Incoming Data in the Hide Window area.When a value greater than 0 is entered into onTimer Interval, the script method onTimer() will be called once during the specied time interval. For example: if you enter the value 3000, onTimer() will be called once every third second. Please take care when choosing a value here, if 1 ms is entered, onTimer() will be called 1000 times per sec-  Edit ScriptOpens the Link*One script. e name of the script le is Script.txt and it is opened in the associated program, normally Notepad. To edit a script:1.  Tap the Edit Script button.2. A Notepad window will open.3.  Edit the script as desired.4.  When nished, tap File > Save to save the script.Alternatively, the text editor SciTE knows the syntax of Lua. It might be useful when writing Link*One scripts.  Browse Script FolderOpens Windows Explorer in the folder that contains the script, con-guration, and the license le.  For more information about scripting in Link*One, see the topic Link*One Scripting.
442.0  Getting Startedond. is could make a PC unresponsive. Of course this will be highly dependant on what code the onTimer() method contains.When the option Autostart is checked, Link*One will start automati-cally when Windows is launched. Link*One will then be started with the prole for which Autostart was activated .  If there are two pro-les—one serving COM1 and the other serving COM2—Autostart can be checked for each of those proles.  One instance of Link*One will be started at login for every prole that has Autostart checked.  Set Password Allows the user to set a password that is required when exiting Link*One and when clicking on the Settings... button in the main window.To set a password:1.  Tap the Set Password button.2.  Enter a password into the Password box.3.  Tap the OK button to save the password.To remove a password:1.  Tap the Set Password button to open the Set Password window.2.  Delete the text in the Password box.3.  Tap the OK button.  Settings Location A Link*One conguration consist of mainly two parts, the settings (se-rial port conguration, hot keys, etc.) and the script le(s).e settings are le-based to enable dierent users on the same PC to share the same Link*One conguration. e conguration is stored in the le Cong.dat.  Do not edit this le manually.To determine where script and conguration les are located, click on the Browse Script Folder button in the Data Editing tab of the Settings window.
452.0  Getting Started2.10 Link*One Scripting2.10.1 OverviewLink*One has an embedded script language called Lua. When Link*One receives data from a device, a hot key is pressed etc. certain methods in the script are called. e code in these scripts determines what action is taken.e name of the script le is Script.txt and is placed in the Link*One application data folder. e location of this folder varies depending on what operating system you are using. If you need to make a backup of the script or copy it to another PC, click on the Browse Script Folder... on the Misc tab in the Settings dialog. Windows Explorer is opened and displays the contents of the script folder.When you edit the script, remember to restart Link*One to recompile the script or use the faster alternative of entering the Settings dialog and then exiting it.If you make a mistake, for example create a syntax error, an error mes-sage is displayed when the script is compiled:Also, some errors can appear when the script is running, so called run-time errors. Here are a couple of examples:2.10.2  Lua LanguageFrom is a powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language.Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics.Putsimply,LuaiswhatmakesdataprocessinginLink*Oneveryexibleand powerful.  e reference manual for Lua can be found at the Lua site:ere is also a printed book on the Lua language, called Programming in Lua, which is more accessible than the reference manual.Apart from Lua and its built-in language, Link*One exposes a number of useful methods to the script.2.10.3  Script EventsWhen things happen in Link*One, for example a hot key or a data string is received on the serial port, an event is generated. is results in a script method being called. e methods called when events happen are called event methods.e table below is an overview and short description of all the dier-ent event methods. For a more detailed explanation, see the topic Event Methods below.Event Handler When CalledonStart Link*One is startedonEnd Link*One is exitedonData A data string is received on the serial portonHotKey A hot key is pressedonKeyboardCapture A data string is received from a HID deviceonExternalData A data string is received from an external applicationonTimer The timer interval has elapsedonCTS Status change on CTSonDSR Status change on DTRonRI Status change on RIonDCD Status change on DCD2.10.4  Event MethodsIn this topic all the event methods are explained in detail. onStart( )is method is called when Link*One is started. It is also called when you exit the Settings dialog.is method receives no arguments.Example: Beep on start2.10.4.2 onEnd()Called when Link*One is exited. It is also called when you enter the Settings dialog.is method receives no arguments.Example: Beep on exit2.10.4.3  onData(data, length)Called when a data string is received from the serial port.is method receives the data string in data and the length of the string in length.Data may contain binary characters including the null character.Please note that if the Data String Termination is set to be a charac-ter and that character does not match the terminator used by the serial device, this method is never called.
462.0  Getting StartedExample: Hex dump of serial dataTo test the above example, copy and paste the code into the script re-placing the default implementation of onData(). Use Timeout as the Data String Terminator. Connect a serial device to the serial port and make it generate some data. Below is the output when reading a barcode containing “W1711010814107013621” using a serial barcode reader:e last character 0d (hexadecimal) is the same as 13 in decimal nota-tion. e ASCII character with code 13 is carriage return. is means the barcode reader is using carriage return (<cr>) as its data string ter-minator. onHotKey(name)is method is called when you press a hot key.e argument to this method is the name of the hot key that was pressed.Example: Message box displaying the hot key’s nameWhen executed, the above method will display a message box with the name of the hot key:  onKeyboardCapture(name, data)Called when a keyboard capture string has been received.e arguments to this method are the name of the keyboard capture and the data.Example:  Display the name and data of a keyboard cap-ture eventIf you have a keyboard captured dened called My USB Scanner and it captures the string 73105541 the method in the above example will display this dialog:  onExternalData(data, length)Called when an external application sends data to Link*One.e arguments are the received data and the length of it.External applications can send data to Link*One. ey do it by nding the window handle of Link*One’s window and then send a WM_COPY-DATA message to the window.Example:  Display data and length sent to Link*One from an external applicationis feature makes it possible to create an application that integrates tightly with Link*One. For example, the code in onExternalData() could relay the data to a scanner to make it beep, initiate a scan, congure it etc. onTimer()Called periodically at the specied timer interval.is method receives no arguments.
472.0  Getting StartedIn the example above, the onTimer Interval has been set to 3000 mil-liseconds (3 seconds). is means that the onTimer() script method will be called once every three seconds.is method can be used for adding timeout logic to a solution.Example:  Output a time stamp to the active application at the onTimer interval2.10.4.8 onCTS(status)is method is called when the hardware handshake signal changes state.e argument status is true when the signal goes high and false when the signal goes low.is description also applies to onDSR, onRI, and onDCD.Example:  Outputs the state of CTS when it is changed2.10.5  Script MethodsLua is a generic script language and has methods to manipulate string, tables, les, and so on.  However, it does not contain any methods to re-trieve the title of a window, simulate keys etc.  So in order to activate an application window, send key strokes and similar operations, a number of internal methods in Link*One have been exposed to the embedded Lua script engine.e tables below oers an overview of the methods. e methods have been grouped into areas of interest for easier reference. Below the tables there is a reference section with a detailed description of each method.When these methods are used in a script, you need to prex them with “app.”, for example app.sleep( 100 ).Output/User FeedbackMethod Descriptionbeep Beeps with the internal PC speakerblinkIcon Changes the color of the notication area iconlog Writes a text line to a log lemessageBox Displays a message boxplaySound Plays a sound leplaySystemSound Plays a sound associated with a system eventsend Sends keyboard datasendSerialData Sends serial data to the COM-portsendSubscriberData Sends data to subscribersWindowsMethod DescriptionenumWindows Enumerates all windowsndWindow Finds a window with the specied title and/or classgetForegroundWindow Gets the handle of the foreground windowgetWindowClass Gets the class name of a windowgetWindowText Gets the title of a windowsetForegroundWindow Sets a window to be the foreground win-dowsetWindowText Sets the title of a windowwindowOperation Executes a window operationClipboardMethod DescriptiongetClipboardData Gets the text on the clipboardsetClipboardData Sets the text on the clipboardApplication LaunchMethod DescriptioncloseAppHandle Closes the application handleisAppRunning Determines if an application is still runningrun Starts a programSerial PortMethod DescriptionclosePort Closes the serial portgetDTR Gets the status of the DTR signalgetRTS Gets the status of the RTS signalopenPort Opens the serial portsetDTR Sets the status of the DTR signalsetRTS Sets the status of the RTS signalMiscellaneousMethod Descriptionean128 Parses the contents of a GS1-128/UCC/EAN-128 codeexit Exits Link*OneexitWindows Either logs off the current user, shuts down the PC, or shuts down and restarts the PCgetProle Gets the current Link*One prolegetTickCount Gets the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system was startedlockWorkStation Locks WindowssetProle Sets the current prolesetTimer Sets the script timersleep Delays the script for some time
482.0  Getting Started2.10.6  Output/User Feedback2.10.6.1  beep(frequency, duration) DescriptionMakes the internal PC speaker beep with the specied frequency and duration. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionfrequency Number The frequency of the beep in Hertz.duration Number The duration of the beep in milliseconds. Returnstrue if successful, false otherwise. Constantstrue if successful, false otherwise. Example2.10.6.2  blinkIcon(icon, duration) DescriptionChanges the notication icon color for the specied duration. Aer the duration has elapsed the icon will return to the default color grey.e operation is asynchronous, in other words, if blinkIcon is called again before the duration for the rst call has elapsed, the new icon is set immediately by the second call. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionicon Number The icon color index.duration Number The duration in milliseconds the color should be displayed before restoring the default color. ReturnsNothing. Constants2. ExamplePlease note the delay in the loop is needed to display each icon color for half a second.  log(lename, message) DescriptionWrites the message to the specied log le. Note that logging with this method from the script is separate from the built-in logging facility. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionlename String The path and name of the log le to write to.message String The log message to write. ReturnsNothing. Example2.10.6.4  messageBox(title, message, type) DescriptionDisplays a message box with the specied title and message. e type argument species the number and type of buttons used. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptiontitle String The message box title.message String The message to be displayed.type Number, optionalThe type of buttons to use. ReturnsA value from the constants in mbResults (see below) indicating the but-ton clicked. ConstantsUse one of the following constants for the type argument:e possible return values are:
492.0  Getting Started2. Example2.10.6.5  playSound(lename, options) DescriptionPlays the sound specied by the lename argument. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionlename String The path and lename of the sound le.options Number Species the behavior for the sound play-back. Use the constants in soundOptions. Returnstrue if successful, false otherwise. Constants2. Example2.10.6.6  playSystemSound(systemEvent, op-tions) DescriptionPlays the sound specied by the given system event. Dierent system events can be mapped to sound les in the Control Panel. ArgumentsArgument Type DescriptionsystemEvent Number The ID of the system event.options Number Species the behavior for the sound play-back. Use the constants in soundOptions. Returnstrue if successful, false otherwise. ConstantsUse one of the following values for the systemEvent argument:e possible values of the options argument: Example2.10.6.7 send(data) DescriptionSends keyboard data. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptiondata String The data to send.e argument data is a string consisting of text, key names, and Unicode characters.Argument Type Descriptiontext “Rob was here”Regular characters.Key Name “{Enter}” Key names corresponds to the keys dened in the dialog Key Settings.Unicode “{65}” Character in Unicode decimal notation.Unicode “{0x0041}” Character in Unicode hexadecimal notation. ReturnsNothing. ConstantsNone.
502.0  Getting Started2. ExampleNote:• Whenyouwantsend()tosendthecharacters\ and{youneedto escape those with a backslash. ere is a helper method called escapeData() in the supplied le extra.lua.• Ifyouspecifyakeynameforakeythatisnotdened,itwillbeignored.• Whensendingdatatocertainapplicationstheymightmisskeypresses if the key events are sent too fast or too early. You may need to increase the setting Interkey Delay and/or intersperse calls to send() with calls to sleep() or ndWindow() depending on the situation.  sendSerialData(data, length) DescriptionSends serial data to the COM-port.Note that Link*One needs to be congured to use a COM-port for this method to work. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptiondata String The data to send to the COM-port.length Number The number of characters of data that should be sent. ReturnsNothing. ConstantsNone. Example2.10.6.9  sendSubscriberData(data, length) DescriptionSends data to subscribers.If there are no subscribers, calling this method has no eect. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptiondata String The data to send to the COM-port.length Number The number of characters of data that should be sent. ReturnsNothing. ConstantsNone. Example
512.0  Getting Started2.10.7 Windows2.10.7.1 enumWindows(handle) DescriptionEnumerates all windows. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionhandle Number The handle to the window whose child windows should be enumerated. Specify null (0) to enumerate all top level win-dows. ReturnsA table containing all the window handles of the enumerated windows. ConstantsNone. Example2.10.7.2  ndWindow(title, class) DescriptionFinds a window with the specied title and class. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptiontitle String The title of the sought window.class String, optionalThe window class of the sought window. Returnse window handle if the window is found or null otherwise. ConstantsNone. Example2.10.7.3 getForegroundWindow() DescriptionGets the handle of the foreground window. ArgumentsNone. Returnse window handle of the foreground window. In special circumstances this can be null so you need to check the return value before further use of it. ConstantsNone. Example2.10.7.4 getWindowClass(handle) DescriptionGets the class name of the specied window. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionhandle Number The handle of the window. ReturnsA string containing the class name of the window or an empty string if the class name couldn’t be retrieved. ConstantsNone. Example
522.0  Getting Started2.10.7.5 getWindowClass(handle) DescriptionGets the title of the specied window. is method also works on child windows such as buttons, edit boxes, and similar controls. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionhandle Number The handle of the window. ReturnsA string containing the window title of the window or an empty string if the window text couldn’t be retrieved. ConstantsNone. Example2.10.7.6 getWindowText(handle) DescriptionGets the title of the specied window. is method also works on child windows such as buttons, edit boxes, and similar controls. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionhandle Number The handle of the window. ReturnsA string containing the window title of the window or an empty string if the window text couldn’t be retrieved. ConstantsNone. Example2.10.7.7 setForegroundWindow(handle) DescriptionSets the specied window to be the foreground window. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionhandle Number The handle of the window. ReturnsNothing. ConstantsNone. Example2.10.7.8  getWindowText(handle, text) DescriptionSets the title of the specied window. is method also works on child windows such as buttons, edit boxes, and similar controls. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionhandle Number The handle of the window.text String The title to set. Returnstrue if successful, false otherwise. ConstantsNone. Example
532.0  Getting Started2.10.7.9  windowOperation(handle, operation) DescriptionExecutes a window operation. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionhandle Number The handle of the window.operation Number The operation to perform on the window. ReturnsNothing. Constantse following constants dene the possible values of the operation argu-ment: Example2.10.8 Clipboard2.10.8.1 getClipboardData( ) DescriptionGets the text from the clipboard. ArgumentsNone. Returnse text contents on the clipboard as a string and the length of the data. If the call fails or the clipboard doesn’t have any text, an empty string and zero length is returned. Note that the terminating null is counted. ConstantsNone. Example2.10.8.2 setClipboardData(text) DescriptionSets the text on the clipboard. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptiontext String The text to set. ReturnsNothing. ConstantsNone. Example
542.0  Getting Started2.10.9  Application Launch2.10.9.1 closeAppHandle(handle) DescriptionCloses the application handle. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionhandle Number The application handle. ReturnsNothing. ConstantsNone. ExampleSee the run() method. isAppRunning(handle) DescriptionDetermines if an application is still running. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionhandle Number The application handle. ReturnsNothing. Constantstrue if the application is still running, false otherwise. ExampleSee the run() method.  run(program, argument, delay) DescriptionDisplays a message box with the specied title and message. e type argument species the number and type of buttons used. ArgumentsThe full path to the executable.Type Descriptionprogram String The full path to the executable.argument String The command line argument string.delay Number, optionalThe number of milliseconds to wait until the started application is waiting for user input. If this argument isn’t specied, the default wait time is 10000 ms. Returnse application handle. Note that this handle needs to be closed with the method closeAppHandle() to avoid memory leaks.If the application couldn’t be started, a runtime error occurs. ConstantsNone. Example
552.0  Getting Started2.10.10  Serial Port2.10.10.1 closePor t( ) DescriptionCloses the serial port. ArgumentsNone. ReturnsNothing. ConstantsNone. ExampleSee the openPort() method. getDTR( ) DescriptionGets the status of the DTR signal of the serial port. DTR is an output signal. ArgumentsNone. ReturnsA boolean which indicates the DTR signal status (true = high, false = low). ConstantsNone. Example2.10.10.3 getRTS( ) DescriptionGets the status of the RTS signal of the serial port. RTS is an output signal. ArgumentsNone. ReturnsA boolean which indicates the RTS signal status (true = high, false = low). ConstantsNone. ExampleSee the getDTR() method. openPor t( ) DescriptionOpens the serial port.openPort() and closePort() can be used when you need to release the serial port, start an application that uses the port for a while, and then reopen the port. ArgumentsNone. ReturnsA boolean indicating if the port could be opened. If the port is being held open by another application a call to this method will return false. ConstantsNone. ExampleNote:  is is only a code fragment.
562.0  Getting Started2.10.10.5 setDTR(status) DescriptionSets the status of the DTR signal. DTR is an output signal. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionstatus Boolean The status to set, (true = high, false = low). ReturnsNothing. ConstantsNone. ExampleSee the getDTR() method. setRTS(statu s) DescriptionSets the status of the RTS signal. RTS is an output signal. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionstatus Boolean The status to set, (true = high, false = low). ReturnsNothing. ConstantsNone. ExampleSee the getRTS() method.2.10.11 Miscellaneous2.10.11.1  ean128(data, strict) DescriptionParses the contents of a GS1-128 code (earlier called UCC-128 or EAN-128). For variable length elds followed by another eld, the data must be delimited by a Group Separator (GS, ASCII 29, hex 1D).Please refer to for information about GS1 Ap-plication Identiers. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptiondata String The GS1-128 data to be parsed and split into separate elds.strict Boolean In strict mode, spaces are not allowed in alphanumeric elds. ReturnsA table where the keys are the Application Identiers (AIs) and the val-ues are the contents of the elds. If the parsing fails, a nil value is re-turned. e parsing can fail if the code is not a GS1 code or if the code doesn’t follow the standard. ConstantsNone. Example2.10.11. 2 exit( ) DescriptionExits Link*One. Please note that the exit is not immediate, Link*One will exit as soon as the current script has nished executing. ArgumentsNone. ReturnsNothing. ConstantsNone. Example
572.0  Getting Started2.10.11.3 exitWindows(options) DescriptionEither logs o the current user, shuts down the PC, or shuts down and restarts the PC. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionoptions Number, optionalType of action to be performed. ReturnsNothing. Constantse following constants dene the type of action to be performed:Please note that the default value for options is Logo (0). e Force (4) value must be used in combination with Logo (0), Shutdown (1), Reboot (2), or Powero (8). Use Force (4) with care since it will end ap-plications without asking the user to save data. Example2.10.11. 4 get Prole( ) DescriptionGets the current Link*One prole. ArgumentsNone. ReturnsA string containing the name of the current prole. ConstantsNone. Example2.10.11.5 getTickCount( ) DescriptionGets the number of milliseconds elapsed since the system was started. is method can for example be used to take time between events in Link*One. ArgumentsNone. Returnse number of milliseconds elapsed since the system was started. ConstantsNone. Example2.10.11.6 lockWorkStation() DescriptionLocks Windows. ArgumentsNone. Returnstrue if successful, false otherwise. ConstantsNone. Example
582.0  Getting Started2.10.11.7 setProle(prole) DescriptionSets the current prole in Link*One.Please note that a prole change reinitializes the Lua script engine and because of this, any information held in global variables will be lost. If you need any information to survive over a prole switch, you will need to store it in a le.e actual switch is delayed until the script has nished executing the current method. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionprole String The name of the prole to switch to. ReturnsNothing. ConstantsNone. Example2.10.11.8 setTimer(interval) DescriptionSets the script timer to the specied interval. is is the same setting as on the Misc tab in the Settings dialog. To turn o the timer, specify zero as the interval. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptioninterval Number The timer interval to set. ReturnsNothing. ConstantsNone. Example2.10.11.9 sleep(duration) DescriptionDelays the script for the specied time. ArgumentsArgument Type Descriptionduration Number The time to wait. ReturnsNothing. ConstantsNone. Example2.10.12  Notication Area IconWhen started, Link*One adds an icon to the notication area (also called the Systray sometimes). It is used to indicate dierent states and events. Please note that the icon can also be modied by a script.Appearance ExplanationLink*One is idle.Data was received from the serial port.Data was sent to the serial port.A serial hardware pin event was triggered.ORData was received through a keyboard capture denition.The serial port specied in the prole could not be opened.
592.0  Getting Started2.10.13  Migration guide WLinq 3.x to Link*OneLink*One is based on the earlier product called WLinq. Many functions present in WLinq (3.x) has been removed in Link*One. e reason for this is to simplify Link*One and to avoid confusion if there are more than one way to achieve a task.is guide is meant to ease the transition from WLinq 3.x data formats to the new script based approach in Link*One. Other types of features that has been aected are also explained in this chapter.  Duplicate String Filtere Duplicate String Filter function has been removed from the Communications tab in the Settings window.  e equivalent function can be achieved in a script:  Case Settinge Case Setting function has been removed from the Keyboard tab in the Settings window.  To achieve the same in a script, use the appropriate sample from below:  Character TranslationIn WLinq 3.x, the only way to have WLinq press special keys like Home, Page Down, and similar was awkward. First you had to choose a char-acter position, then redene that position to map the character to for example the Home key. en in the data output format, you had to use that character in the output string, for example: Input() + “\x81”.Link*One has no character translation table, instead you can record a custom key sequence and give it a name.  See Section Key Settings for instructions on creating a custom key sequence.e key name can then be used as an expression in the string passed to the send() method:  Send Pre- and Postx Keysis feature mainly existed for the integration of WLinq to FreeoatAccess*One. When activated, the key sequence Ctrl + Alt + 1 was sent before the data string and Ctrl + Alt + 2 was sent aer the data string. It enabled Access*One to distinguish between keyboard and barcode data. To achieve the same result, record the key sequences and given them the names{Prex}and{Postx}andthenusetheminanexpression:  Lock Output Windowe Lock Output Window function can be implemented in a script. e following script only sends data to a window who’s title contain the text “- Notepad”:  Initialization Stringe Initialization String can be used for sending a command to for example a barcode scanner that needs some enabling or conguration command at startup.In Link*One, the following script could instead be used to send com-mands to the equipment attached to the serial port:Note: onStart() is called when a prole is activated. is happens when Link*One starts but also when you click OK in the Set-tings dialog. Similarly, onEnd() is called when Link*One is exited and also when the Settings dialog is entered by clicking the Settings button in the main window.  Filter Unknown Data StringsIn WLinq 3.x, if no data editing format matched the input data, the op-tion Filter Unknown Data Strings determined whether the input data should be discarded or let through unmodied. e same eect can eas-ily be implemented in a Link*One script:.
602.0  Getting Startede above script makes Link*One lter all input data that doesn’t start with the characters K06.  Input Data Replacementse replacement function in earlier WLinq versions was quite easy to use.Butitlackedpowerandexibility.Belowisanexampleofasimplesubstring replacement. It replaces all occurrences of the character K with the character X.Multiple replacements can be done by storing the result in a string vari-able and repeat the process. Here K is replaced with X and A is replaced with TEST. CriteriaIn the previous WLinq generation, a data format was activated for a data string when the criteria of the data format matched. Two types of crite-ria were supported, length and pattern.In Link*One the same function as a length criteria is implemented using an if-statement.An alternative approach could be:A pattern criteria like the one above could be implemented using the string.nd() pattern matching method:e format used for patterns in string.nd() and the format in WLinq 3.x is dierent. Please refer to the Lua documentation for the Lua pat-tern format.A big advantage with scripting in Link*One is that more complex deci-sions can be made, for example mixing length and pattern matching, something that was not possible in WLinq 3.x.  Multiple criteria used in WLinq 3.x can be implemented by chaining if-elseif-statements:  Data Format Out putIn a WLinq 3.x data format, expressions was entered into the data format output edit box and combined with plus (+). In Link*One, all the string operations are using the facilities of the embedded script language. To make Link*One simulate a possibly modied string as keyboard output, you need to pass the string to the method app.send().Use the table below as a guide for converting expressions in WLinq 3.x to Link*One. Most string operations in WLinq 3.x operated on the data input string implicitly. In Link*One, the data string is an argument sent to the script methods onData(), onKeyboardCapture(), and on-ExternalData().Constant StringWLinq 3.x Link*One“ABC” “ABC”Extract a substring from the start of the stringWLinq 3.x Link*OneLeft( 3 ) string.sub( data, 1, 3 )string.sub( data, -3 )WLinq 3.x Link*OneRight( 3 ) string.sub( data, -3 )Extract characters from position three up to position four.Please note the difference in parameters!WLinq 3.x Link*OneMid( 3, 2 ) string.sub( data, 3, 4 )From the rst A in the string, extract ve characters includ-ing the AWLinq 3.x Link*OneMid( “A”, 5 ) string.gsub( data, “.*(A....).*”, “%1” )Extracts characters from position six to the end of the stringWLinq 3.x Link*OneMid( 6 ) string.sub( data, 6 )Scans for the rst string and extracts all characters up to the second string.23 and CD is not included in the result.WLinq 3.x Link*OneSubStr( “23”, “CD” ) string.gsub( data, “.*23(.*)CD.*”, “%1” )The entire data stringWLinq 3.x Link*OneInput() dataInserts the current date in the specied formatWLinq 3.x Link*OneDate( “%Y-%m-%d” ) “%Y-%m-%d” )
612.0  Getting StartedInserts the current time in the specied formatWLinq 3.x Link*OneTime( “%H:%M” ) “%H:%M” )Concatenations of expressionsWLinq 3.x Link*One“X” + Left( 2 ) + Right( 2 )“X” .. string.sub( data, 1, 2 ) .. string.sub( data, -2 )Control charactersWLinq 3.x Link*One“<cr>< tab>” “{13}{9}”“\x09” “{9}”“\d013” “{13}Combining text and key pressesWLinq 3.x Link*OneInput() + “<tab>1<cr>” data .. “{Tab}1{Enter}”Reboot WindowsWLinq 3.x Link*OneReboot() app.exitWindows( exitWindowsOpts[“REBOOT”] )Reboot Windows (forced)WLinq 3.x Link*OneRebootForced() app.exitWindows( exitWindowsOpts[“FORCE”] )Starts the specied programWLinq 3.x Link*OneRunApp( “notepad.exe” )h = “notepad.exe” )closeAppHandle( h )Please note that the Link*One sample code below more realistically demonstrates what is needed when switching to another application. A small delay is needed before sending input to the activated window or characters may be lost. Also the example avoids an unnecessary delay when the target window already is the foreground window.Activates the rst window that has a caption that matches the window caption patternWLinq 3.x Link*OneSetFocus( “*Notepad” )ere is no direct equivalent function for the WLinq 3.x WaitForWin-dow. Below is a full example of a script which waits for a Notepad win-dow to appear, activates the window, and aer a small delay sends the data to the window.Some common situations where you need to wait for a window are when waiting for an Open dialog to appear (aer sending Ctrl+O) or when you have launched an application with and need to wait for it to be ready to receive input.Wait for a window to appearWLinq 3.x Link*OneWaitForWindow(“*Notepad”, 3000 )No direct equivalent function for WaitForAppExit() exists in Link*One. e same result can be achieved by using app.isAppRunning().Even though the sample below demonstrates a script that pauses until you exits Notepad, Link*One is not intended to have a script that inter-act with the user (except for app.messageBox()) since there may be side e is intended to be used to synchronize the script with an external application that does its job and then exits.Wait for a window to appearWLinq 3.x Link*OneWaitForAppExit( 30000 )If a script calls app.closePort(), the script can start an external ap-plication that uses the same serial port. When that external application is exited, the script can re-open the serial port by calling
622.0  Getting StartedOpen the serial portWLinq 3.x Link*OneOpenPort() app.openPort()Close the serial portWLinq 3.x Link*OneClosePort() app.closePort()Send data to the serial portWLinq 3.x Link*OneSendData( “abc” ) data = “abc”app.sendSerialData( data, data:len() )Note:  e prole switch is performed when the script has nished its execution.Switch proleWLinq 3.x Link*OneSetProle( “Prole2” ) app.setProle( “Prole2” )2.10.14  Support for Thin Clients, Java Applications, and Flash Applica-tionsNormally, Link*One uses a Windows API function called SendInput to simulate key presses to the active application. is API is recommended by Microso because it takes care of dierences between dierent key-board locales. For example, on a French keyboard, the letter A is posi-tioned where the letter Q is on a US/UK keyboard layout.However, this technique of simulating keys doesn’t work with all envi-ronments and applications used on the Windows platform. So far, prob-lems have been spotted with thin clients (Terminal Services or Citrix), Java applications, and Flash applications.To address this issue, key sequences for digits, lower case and upper case letters has been recorded and is present in the default conguration of Link*One. Script functions for translating digits and letters to key se-quences are provided in extra.lua. Also, the function sendData in the default script.txt contains information about how to activate this feature.Please note that the key sequences are tailored for the most common keyboard layouts, QWERTY with non-shied keys for digits. You need to modify some of these key sequences to make it work on for example AZERTY (French) and QWERTZ (German) keyboard layouts.2.10.15  Lua CopyrightCopyright © 1994-2008, PUC-Rio.Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this soware and associated documentation les (the “So-ware”), to deal in the Soware without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Soware, and to permit persons to whom the Soware is furnished to do so, subject to the following condi-tions:e above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Soware.THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FIT-NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHER-WISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFT-WAR E.2.10.16  Version HistoryVersion Changes Date5.0 Major upgrade, product name changed, and OEM version created.2008 -11-265.1 Changed name of Lua DLL le to make it compatible with a Lua addon.Fixed problem with empty hot key sequences.2009-03-065.2 Added the wizard.Updates to the manual.2009-04-025.3 When“{65}”wasusedasacharacternotationtherewas a bug in the parser that sometimes made the character disappear.On slow systems with a single CPU core there could be a race condition between the main program mod-ule and the licenser module.2009-10-295.4 Added 30-day trial period.Added scan codes for all default key sequence deni-tions. is was done to  avoid problems sending Tab and similar keys in a thin-client environment.2010-10-055.5 OEM version released for testing. 2010-12-225.6 OEM version with extra tab in Settings dialog for easier conguration of scanner key.2011-05-055.7 Nowblockskeysequencesnamed{numbers}sincetheywon’twork.ereasonisthatthesyntax{num-ber}isusedasaformattospecifytheASCII/Unicodecode for characters in the string sent to app.send().Added built-in support for applications/environ-ments not supporting the way Link*One simulates most keys. Added appendix that explains how this feature is activated and how it works.2011-05-105.8 Removed remnants of code for overlapped I/O that wasn’t used. It made third-party serial drivers upset and caused Link*One to hang. is problem was noticed when trying to use Link*One together with BlueSoleil Bluetooth soware.2011-11-01
633.0  Operating the Unit3.0  Operating the Unit3.1  GPS Instructions3.1.1 Requirements:e WWAN module of the M9010 includes a GPS.3.1.2  Set up to use the GPSTo use the GPS, the WWAN module must be either fully turned on, or in airplane mode.To ensure WWAN is ON or in Airplane Mode:1.  Open DAP Conguration Center2.  Select the Power Options tab3.  Ensure you are in one of the following combinations:• GlobalairplanemodeisOFF and WWAN is ON or in Airplane Mode• Global airplane mode is ON and WWAN was either ON or in Airplane ModeHere are some acceptable settings:4.  Open the GPS monitor (Fn + F6), and click on the ‘play’ button:You’ll get Session started, waiting for x…5.  To get more detailed information:a. Run Fastrax GPS Workbench available from the desktopb. Select File > Connect:6. Select Sierra Wireless NMEA Port (COM12), then OK.  e fol-lowing screenshot shows 2 satellites are detected (not enough):  Once the GPS is able to get a x (enough satellites), Fastrax shows something like:  e GPS Monitor shows:7.  Clicking on the third button shows a map.8.  GPS is now ready.
643.0  Operating the Unit3.1.3  Integration to Windows 7e GPS is handled as a standard sensor in Windows 7:If the Weather gadget is opened, it will update with a city nearby.DAP-Imager uses the same method to get the current position in order to geotag images.3.2  DAP-Imager Instructions3.2.1  What is DAP-ImagerDAP-Imager allows taking pictures using the built-in camera.  It also features a barcode decoding engine to read 1D and 2D barcodes, usually used with ScannerManager.3.2.2  Selecting the Right Modee upper right icon (or lower le if unit is in portrait) is used to select the mode:e portrait, landscape and macro modes are used to take pictures, whereas barcode mode is used to read barcodes.  Mode settings are de-ned in the INI le.  Refer to that section for more details.3.2.3 Pictures3.2.3.1  How to Take a PictureTo take a picture, press and release the trigger button on the back of the unit.  Alternatively, you can click on Capture. Flasheashcanbeturnedonorousingtheashmenu.Noautomaticashissupportedatthistime.
653.0  Operating the Unit3.2.3.3 Geotagginge geotagging menu allows enabling the feature and showing a map centered on the current position.  e current coordinates are written at the bottom of the menu.Once a picture has been taken, the current location is saved as an EXIF metadata in the JPEG le (GPS sub-IFD).  How to enable the GPSDAP-Imager has been built to work with the standard location sensors supported by Windows 7.  e WWAN module is equipped with a GPS, which maps to “Sierra Wireless NMEA Port” in the “Location and Oth-er Sensors” section of the control panel.  You may also use the “Geosense Location Sensor” that retrieves the current position by looking to the WLAN used.Refer to Section 3.1 GPS Instructions for more information.Once a x is available, DAP-Imager should show the current position in the geotagging menu.Refer to the GPS section of the user’s manual for more information on troubleshooting the GPS.  How to View Geotagging DataTo view the location where the picture has been taken, you may use any geotagging soware.  For example, the “geotag” soware is an open source java program that can be run from the web (open, then click on “Run it now”).e coordinates are shown on top aer having added the le to the list.  How to Locate a Saved PictureTo open the folder where images are saved, choose “Actions > Show Im-age Folder” from the ‘more’ menu.  General OptionsTo access the general options, choose “Options > General…” from the ‘more’ menu:Option screen:e le name and target folder templates can be changed here.  ey dene where the image is to be saved.  e list of variables can be found in the TargetFolder option of the [General] section.e default camera mode is the mode chosen when opening DAP-Im-ager.e ash light duration is the number of milliseconds the ash lightremains lit when pressing the <Flash Light> button.3.2.4 BarcodesDAP-Imager supports the following barcode symbologies:1D:  Code 11, Code 39 (+extended), Code 93, Interleaved 2 of 5, Codabar, Code 128, EAN13, EAN8, PatzchCode, UPC-A and UPC-E.2D:  PDF417, DataMatrix, QR Code and MicroQR CodePostal:  AustrialiaPost, IntelligentMail, Planet, Postnet and RM4SCC
663.0  Operating the UnitDAP-Imager can be used as a standalone application, or used in con-junction with ScannerManager.  In both cases, you will probably want to leave the application hidden to wedge barcodes.  How to Scan BarcodesTo scan barcodes, rst ensure DAP-Imager is in barcode mode.  To do that, open the application (double click the icon in the notication area) and select Barcode from the mode menu.e main window shows a preview and a text box with the results scanned.  At this point we can start scanning to test the capabilities.Steps:• Pressandholdthetrigger.• Movetheunitsothatitisalmostperpendiculartothebarcode.ebarcode should ll 30% to 75% of the preview window, depending on the density of the barcode.• Iftheimageisnotonfocus,moveunittoforceanautomaticfocus.• Itusuallytakesaround1secondtodecodeabarcode.Onasuccessfuldecode attempt, the barcode is surrounded by a green box and a single beep is heard.  Two beeps indicate failure.Close DAP-Imager with the top right Xbutton;theprogramremainsinbackground.  Using ScannerManagerNormally you will want to use ScannerManager, like in the following screen:ScannerManager congures DAP-Imager automatically and takes care of the wedging.When DAP-Imager is in background, it shows a live preview as long as the trigger is held down.  It helps ensuring the focus, position and distance are correct.  As soon as the barcode can be decoded, Scanner-Manager receives the data and wedge it (if the output is set to Keyboard Wedge).  Using DAP-Imager as a Stand-Alone ApplicationDAP-Imager can be used without ScannerManager.  In that case, Scan-nerManager must not be running, so that the trigger will be used exclu-sively for DAP-Imager.  NOTE:  If you have used ScannerManager before, the keyboard wedge will have been disabled.  To enable it, turn “KbWedge” ON in the INI le.  Check the “.INI Conguration File” section for more information.You can scan barcodes the same way it’s done in ScannerManager even if using DAP-Imager separately.  Decoder Conguratione  Symbols button shows the decoder properties conguration screen.  It allows enabling or disabling specic barcode types and set-ting advanced parameters.Double click on an item to change its value.  If it’s an ON/OFF value, the change is applied immediately.  For other value types, set the value in the “Value” eld, and then click on Apply.An asterisk (*) indicates default values.Enabling all barcode types will make decoding slower.  You may start the conguration by selecting a preset (Presets button).e Options button pops up the Decoder Options screen.ese parameters should not be changed, except if suggested by a DAP technical support representative.3.2.5  .INI Conguration FileDAP-Imager uses a .INI conguration le located, by default, in C:\ProgramData\DAP-Imager\DAP-Imager.iniBefore changing it, you must unload DAP-Imager by clicking its icon in the notication area and choosing Quit.  Otherwise, the program rewrites the INI le when it quits.If no DAP-Imager.ini le is found in the directory, a new one is auto-matically created with default values.
673.0  Operating the Unit3.2.6 [General]  TargetFolder = %PICTURES%\%YEAR%-%MONTH%-%DAY%To scan barcodes, rst ensure DAP-Imager is in barcode mode.  To do that, open the application (double click the icon in the notication area) and select “Barcode” from the mode menu.Species the path where the picture is to be taken. Supported variables:VariablesName Description%YEAR% 4-digit year%MONTH% 2-digit month%DAY% 2-digit day of month%DAYOFWEEK% Name of the week day%HOUR% Hour%MINUTE% 2-digit minute%SECOND% 2-digit second%INDEX% Sequential index, incremented each time a picture is taken.  The number is saved in “C:\Pro-gramData\DAP-Imager\NextImageIndex.txt”.%PICTURE% Path of the default Windows folder to save pic-tures (C:\Users\username\Pictures)  FileNameTemplate = %HOUR%h%MINUTE%m%SECOND%sSpecies the le name of images taken.  Supports the same variables than TargetFolder.  DefaultImagerMode = PortraitName of the imager mode to be selected when DAP-Imager starts.  Notice that if ScannerManager is present, it starts DAP-Imager in barcode mode.Default supported values: Portrait, Landscape, Macro, Barcodeey correspond to the name of the corresponding section [ImagerMode:XXXX].  FlashLightDurationMs = 10000Numberofmillisecondsthe ash light remainslitwhen itsbutton isclicked(anycameramode).eashlightisautomaticallyturnedoaer a delay to save power.  Func1VirtualKey = 135Virtual key code used for the main trigger key.  For the integration with ScannerManager to work, you must use the default value (corresponds to the trigger on back of the unit).For other virtual-key codes, refer to the “Virtual-Key Codes” section of the Windows Application UI Development guide.  Notice that the codes here are in DECIMAL.  Func2VirtualKey = 117Sets the key used to force an autofocus.For other virtual-key codes, refer to the “Virtual-Key Codes” section of the Windows Application UI Development guide.  Notice that the codes here are in DECIMAL.  Func1KeyModiers = 0Determines the key that must be pressed in combination with Func-1VirtualKey.  Func2KeyModiers = 0Determines the key that must be pressed in combination with Func-2VirtualKey.  Use the key modiers shown for Func1VirtualKey.  Func1KeySystemWide = 1When set to 1, the main trigger key is registered as a global hotkey, so that DAP-Imager captures it even if another application has the focus.  Func2KeySystemWide = 0When set to 1, the second trigger key is registered as a global hotkey, so that DAP-Imager captures it even if another application has the focus.3.2.7 [Camera]Options specic to the camera modes that take a picture.  InactiveTimeBeforeStandbyLevel1 = 10000Number of milliseconds before the camera is stopped when the applica-tion is in background.  Waking up the camera takes a few seconds.  If you use the camera oen, you may want to increase this value.  Decrease it to save power.  ActivateDapImagerOnTrigger = OFFWhen in a camera mode (portrait, landscape or macro), the trigger key is never global, except if this option is set.  If set and Func1KeySystem-Wide is 1, pressing the trigger will show up DAP-Imager.  Pressing an-other time takes a picture.  ShowImageNameOnPreview = OFFWhen ON, the image le path is written on the image when the picture is taken. 3.2.8 [Barcodes]Options specic to the barcode mode.  EnableAutoPreview = ONWhen ON, DAP-Imager shows the camera preview in a top level win-dow while the trigger key is pressed.  PreviewWndRect = 0 0 320 240Size of the auto preview window.  Should not be changed.  UIPolicy = LegacySets the way the trigger key is handled.  Only the “Legacy” UI policy is ocially supported, but you may experiment with the other modes. UIPolicyName DescriptionLegacy Works like a regular handheld scanner: press and hold the trigger key to decode, release to cancel.Standard Press and release the trigger key to decode.   DAP-Imager makes MaxNbrAttempts decoding attempts.DecTrigUp Attempts to decode when the trigger key is released.
683.0  Operating the Unit3.2.8.4  DefaultFocus = 3733Not used in this version of DAP-Imager.  Aimer = ONNot used in this version of DAP-Imager.  DecodeAfterAutofocus = ONNot used in this version of DAP-Imager.  MaxNbrResults = 1When several barcodes are visible in an image, the decoder can return more than one result.  Set this value to the maximum number of results that are considered.  If 1, the rst result is returned and the others are discarded.  DecodeTimeoutMs = 1500Maximum duration of a decode operation, in milliseconds.  If the de-code operation takes longer, it is cancelled.  Using a small timeout won’t allow decoding most barcodes.  Using a higher value may have an im-pact on the user interface responsiveness.  MaxNbrAttempts = 1In the Standard or DecTrigUp UI policies, number of attempts DAP-Imager tries to decode before returning NO READ.  InactiveTimeBeforeStandbyLevel1 = 10000Numberofmillisecondsbeforetheashlightisturnedo.  InactiveTimeBeforeStandbyLevel2 = 10000Number of milliseconds before the camera is stopped when the trigger is not pressed.  Waking up the camera takes a few seconds.  If you scan barcodes oen, you may want to increase this value.  Decrease it to save power.  KbWedge = OFFSet this option to ON if you don’t use ScannerManager and want to wedge barcodes.  AddTab = OFFWhen KbWedge is ON and a barcode is wedged, simulates a TAB key aer the barcode data.  AddEnter = ONWhen KbWedge is ON and a barcode is wedged, simulates a RETURN key aer the barcode data.  Preamble = When KbWedge is ON and a barcode is wedged, this value is prexed to the barcode data.  Postamble = When KbWedge is ON and a barcode is wedged, this value is appended to the barcode data.  InterCharDelay = 0When KbWedge is ON and a barcode is wedged, sets the delay between each key that is simulated, in milliseconds.  MaxGainWithoutMVLight = 2500Not used in this version of DAP-Imager.  MinGainWithMovieLight = 1000Not used in this version of DAP-Imager.  MaxGain = 4000Not used in this version of DAP-Imager.  GainStep = 200Not used in this version of DAP-Imager.  IdealGain = 2000Not used in this version of DAP-Imager.  FlashIntensityStep = 100Not used in this version of DAP-Imager.  MaxFlashIntensity = 100Not used in this version of DAP-Imager.  MaxShutter = 4000Not used in this version of DAP-Imager.  ShutterStep = 260Not used in this version of DAP-Imager.  IdealShutter = 575Not used in this version of DAP-Imager.  AppendSymbology = OFFWhen ON, DAP-Imager will wedge the name of the symbology aer the barcode data.  It can be used to nd out the symbology of a barcode.3.2.9 [OCR]OCR not yet supported in this version of DAP-Imager.3.2.10 [ImagerModes]  ModeList = Portrait,Landscape,Macro,Barcode,Lists the modes that appear in the camera mode menu.  e modes spec-ied here must be dened in the sections that follow.3.2.11 [ImagerMode:XXXX]is sections denes a given imager mode (XXXX), as listed in ModeL-ist.Notallvaluesareused;itdependsontheModeTypeoption.  ModeType = 0A value of 0 indicates that it’s a mode to take pictures.  A value of 1 is for barcode decoding.  IconID = 142Resource ID of the icon to be shown in the mode menu.  You can use a resource editor to view the icons that are available (for example:  SelectionButtonImageFileName = res\button-mode-portrait80.pngFile path of the image shown when the mode is selected (mode button).
693.0  Operating the Unit3.2.11.4  Enabled = ONON if the mode is enabled.  If disabled, it will be grayed out in the mode menu.  AutoFlash = ONNot used in this version of DAP-Imager.  GpsReportTypes = 1Set this option to 1 to enable geotagging, or 0 to disable it.  PreviewWidth = 640Size of the image preview.  Should not be changed.  PreviewHeight = 480Size of the image preview.  Should not be changed.  StillWidth = 1600Width of the images captured (resolution).  StillHeight = 1200Height of the images captured (resolution).  ColorSpace = 16Not used, leave unchanged.  FrameRate = 30.000000Not used, leave unchanged.  Shutter = 10000Exposition duration, when AutoExposure is OFF.  e value must be between 0 and 10000.  Brightness = 5000Brightness level.   It shis pixel values so that the image is either lighter or darker.  e value must be between 0 and 10000 (higher is lighter).  GlobalGain = 0Not yet supported by the camera.  Exposure = 5000Not yet supported by the camera.  FlipMode = 1Not supported.  AutoExposure = ONWhen ON, the camera nds the best exposition and gain for the cur-rent lighting conditions.  Using OFF allows setting Shutter manually, but since the camera doesn’t support the GlobalGain option, it should not be used.  LightingMode = 00: Flash (light pulse)1:Continuouslighting(ashlight)  LightingPower = 0e lighting power must be 0 (turned o) or 100 (turned on).  Aimer = OFFNot supported by the camera.  Compression = ONSet to ON to preview in JPEG format, or OFF to preview in YUV format.  CompressionRatio = 13Not supported by the camera.  FocusPosition = 500Denes where to focus (0: innite, 10000: closest position).  Not used when Autofocus is ON.  Autofocus = ONEnables or disables continuous autofocus.  When the camera is moved, it automatically tries to autofocus.  WhiteBalancePreset = 0Denes how colors are balanced.VariablesName Description0Automatic1Fluorescent2Incandescent3Sunny4Cloudy5Movie Light6Flash7Hybrid3.2.11.27  ManualWhiteBalance = OFFSet to ON to use WhiteBalanceKelvin.  Otherwise, WhiteBalancePreset applies.  WhiteBalanceKelvin = 8267Whitebalancevalue;0isthecoldest(bluish),10000isthewarmest.  PreviewToWindow = ONSet to ON to have DirectShow paint the preview (improves performanc-es).  Should not be ON in barcode mode.3.2.12 [Permissions]  Option(More) = 3Set this value to 0 to prevent a user from accessing the “more” menu aer the geotagging icon.  When clicked, it simply shows the About box.A value of 3 grants all permissions.
703.0  Operating the Unit3.3  Command-Line OptionsDAP-Imager includes several commands to control it from an external application.3.3.1 SyntaxDAP-Imager [congFilePath] [-b] [-q] [-NextImageFilePath FilePath] [-OneShotCapture] [-SelectMode \”modeName\”] [-SetAutoFlash state] [-WaitUntilWndClosed] [-SetTopMost]Command-Line ArgumentsArgument DescriptioncongFilePath .ini le to load (optional; default path is C:\ProgramData\DAP-Imager\DAP-Imager.ini).-b Execute in background-q  Quit any instance already running-NextImageFilePath Sets the path of the next image le saved (one-shot).  Normally used with “-OneShot-Capture”.-OneShotCapture Shows the preview, let the user press the trigger and take a picture.  When taken, DAP-Imager hides.  Can be used with “-Nex-tImageFilePath” to allow a user taking a picture that is then retrieved by an external application.-SelectMode The next parameter is the name of the mode to select (Portrait, Landscape, Macro, Barcode)-ResetOptions: Ignores DAP-Imager.ini and use the default settings-WaitUntilWndClosed Shows DAP-Imager and do not return before it’s hidden
714.1  Bar Code Parameter Menusis chapter describes the programmable parameters, provides bar codes for programming, and hexadecimal equivalents for host param-eter programming through SSI.Operational Parameterse SE-955 is shipped with the factory default settings shown in Table 8-1 on page 8-5. ese factory default values are stored in non-volatile memory and are preserved even when the scanner is powered down. Changes to the factory default values can be stored as custom defaults. ese values are also stored in non-volatile memory and are preserved even when the scanner is powered down.To change the parameter values:• Scan the appropriate bar codes included in this chapter. e newvalues replace the existing memory values. To set the new values as Parameter Parameter Number (Hex) Factory Default Section Number  Set Factory Default  All Defaults 4.2.1  Beeper Volume  0x8C  Medium 4.2.2  Beeper Tone  0x91  Medium Frequency 4.2.3  Beeper Frequency Adjustment  0xF0 0x91  2500 Hz 4.2.4  Laser On Time  0x88  3.0 sec 4.2.5  Aim Duration  0xED  0.0 sec 4.2.6  Scan Angle  0xBF  Medium (46°) 4.2.7  Power Mode  0x80  Low Power 4.2.8  Trigger Mode  0x8A  Level 4.2.9  Time-out Between Same Symbol  0x89  1.0 sec 4.2.10  Beep Aer Good Decode 0x38  Enable 4.2.11  Transmit “No Read” Message  0x5E  Disable 4.2.12  Parameter Scanning  0xEC  Enable 4.2.13  Linear Code Type Security Levels  0x4E 14.2.14  Bi-directional Redundancy  0x43 Disable 4.2.15UPC/EAN 5.1 UPC-A  0x01 Enable 5.1.1 UPC-E  0x02  Enable  5.1.2 UPC-E1  0x0C  Disable  5.1.3 EAN-8  0x04  Enable  5.1.4 EAN-13  0x03  Enable  5.1.5  Bookland EAN  0x53  Disable  5.1.6  Decode UPC/EAN Supplementals  0x10  Ignore  5.1.7  Decode UPC/EAN Supplemental Redundancy  0x50 7  8-25 5.1.8  Transmit UPC-A Check Digit  0x28  Enable  5.1.9  Transmit UPC-E Check Digit  0x29  Enable  5.1.10  Transmit UPC-E1 Check Digit  0x2A  Enable  5.1.11  UPC-A Preamble  0x22  System Character  5.1.12  UPC-E Preamble  0x23  System Character  5.1.13  UPC-E1 Preamble  0x24  System Character  5.1.14custom defaults, scan the Write to Custom Defaults bar code. e fac-tory default or custom default parameter values can be recalled by scanning the SET FACTOR DEFAULT bar code or the RESTORE DE-FAULTS bar code on page 8-10.– or –• Send the parameterthroughthe scanengine’sserial portusingtheSSI command PARAM_SEND. Hexadecimal parameter numbers are shown in this chapter below the parameter title, and options appear in parenthesis beneath the accompanying bar codes. Instructions for changing parameters using this method are found in Chapter 9, Sim-ple Serial Interface.e table below lists the factory defaults for all parameters. To change any option, scan the appropriate bar code(s).4.0  Programming the Unit
724.0  Programming the UnitParameter Parameter No. (Hex) Factory Default Page Number  Convert UPC-E to A  0x25  Disable  5.1.15  Convert UPC-E1 to A  0x26  Disable  5.1.16  EAN-8 Zero Extend  0x27  Disable  5.1.17  Convert EAN-8 to EAN-13 Type  0xE0  Type is EAN-13  5.1.18  UPC/EAN Security Level  0x4D  0  5.1.19  UCC Coupon Extended Code  0x55  Disable  5.1.20Code 128  5.2 Code-128  0x08  Enable  5.2.1 UCC/EAN-128  0x0E  Enable  5.2.2  ISBT 128  0x54  Enable  5.2.3Code 39  5.3  Code 39  0x00  Enable  5.3.1  Trioptic Code 39  0x0D  Disable  5.3.2  Convert Code 39 to Code 32  0x56  Disable  5.3.3  Code 32 Prex  0xE7  Disable  5.3.4  Set Length(s) for Code 39  0x120x132-55  5.3.5  Code 39 Check Digit Verication  0x30  Disable  5.3.6  Transmit Code 39 Check Digit  0x2B  Disable  5.3.7  Code 39 Full ASCII Conversion  0x11  Disable  5.3.8Code 93  5.4  Code 93  0x09  Disable  5.4.1  Set Length(s) for Code 93  0x1A0x1B4-55  5.4.2Code 11  5.5  Code 11  0x0A  Disable  5.5.1  Set Lengths for Code 11  0x1C0x1D4 to 55  5.5.2  Code 11 Check Digit Verication  0x34  Disable  5.5.3  Transmit Code 11 Check Digit(s)  0x2F  Disable  5.5.4Interleaved 2 of 5  5.6  Interleaved 2 of 5  0x06  Enable  5.6.1  Set Length(s) for I 2 of 5  0x160x1714  5.6.2  Interleaved 2 of 5 Check Digit Verication  0x31 Disable  5.6.3  Transmit Interleaved 2 of 5 Check Digit  0x2C Disable  5.6.4  Convert Interleaved 2 of 5 to EAN 13  0x52 Disable 5.6.5Discrete 2 of 5  5.7  Discrete 2 of 5  0x05  Disable  5.7.1  Set Length(s) for Discrete 2 of 5  0x140x1512  5.7.2Chinese 2 of 5  5.8  Chinese 2 of 5  0xF0 0x98  Disable  5.8.1
734.0  Programming the UnitParameter Parameter No. (Hex) Factory Default Page NumberCodabar 5.9 Codabar  0x07  Disable  5.9.1  Set Lengths for Codabar  0x180x195-55  5.9.2  CLSI Editing  0x36  Disable  5.9.3  NOTIS Editing  0x37  Disable  5.9.4MSI 5.10 MSI  0x0B  Disable  5.10.1  Set Length(s) for MSI  0x1E0x1F6-55  5.10.2  MSI Check Digits  0x32  One  5.10.3  Transmit MSI Check Digit  0x2E  Disable  5.10.4  MSI Check Digit Algorithm  0x33  Mod 10/Mod 10  5.10.5RSS 5.11 RSS-14  0xF00x52Disable  5.11.1 RSS-Limited  0xF00x53Disable  5.11.2 RSS-Expanded  0xF00x54Disable  5.11.3Data Options  5.12  Transmit Code ID Character  0x2D  None  5.12.1  Prex/Sux Values  Prex  Sux 1  Sux 20x690x680x6ANULLLFCR5.12.2  Scan Data Transmission Format  0xEB Data as is 5.12.3Serial Interface  5.13  Baud Rate  0x9C  9600  5.13.1 Parity  0x9E  None  5.13.2  Soware Handshaking  0x9F  Enable  5.13.3  Decode Data Packet Format  0xEE  Unpacketed  5.13.4  Host Serial Response Time-out  0x9B  2 sec  5.13.5  Stop Bit Select  0x9D  1  5.13.6  Intercharacter Delay  0x6E  0  5.13.7  Host Character Time-out  0xEF  200 msec  5.13.8Event Reporting*  5.14  Decode Event 0xF0  0x00  Disable  5.14.1  Boot Up Event 0xF0  0x02  Disable  5.14.2  Parameter Event 0xF0  0x03  Disable  5.14.3Numeric Bar Codes  5.15 Cancel 5.15.1*See Table 9-9 on page 9-20 for formatting of any parameter whose number is 0x100 or greater.
744.0  Programming the Unit4.2  Bar Code Settings4.2.1  Set Default Parametere SE-955 can be reset to two types of defaults: factory defaults or cus-tom defaults. Scan the appropriate bar code below to reset the SE-955 to its default settings and/or set the scanner’s current settings as the cus-tom default.• Restore Defaults - Scan this bar code to reset all default parameters as follows.–  If custom defaults were set by scanning Write to Custom De-faults, scan Restore Defaults to retrieve and restore the scan-ner’s custom default settings.–  If no custom defaults were set, scan Restore Defaults to restore the factory default values.Restore DefaultsSet Factory DefaultsWrite to Custom DefaultsLow (0x02)*Medium (0x01)High (0x00)4.2.2  Beeper VolumeParameter # 0x8CTo select a decode beep volume, scan the appropriate bar code.• Set Factory Defaults - Scan this bar code to restore the factory de-fault values. If custom defaults were set, they are eliminated.• Write to Custom Defaults - Scan this bar code to store the current scanner settings as custom defaults. Once custom default settings are stored, they can be recovered at any time by scanning Restore De-faults.Low Frequency (0x02)*Medium Frequency (0x01)High Frequency (0x00)4.2.3  Beeper ToneParameter # 0x91To select a decode beep frequency (tone), scan the appropriate bar code.Beeper Frequency Adjustment(Default: 2500 Hz)4.2.4  Beeper Frequency AdjustmentParameter # 0xF0 0x91is parameter adjusts the frequency of the high beeper tone from the nominal 2500 Hz to another frequency matching the resonances of the installation. It is programmable in 10 Hz increments from 1220 Hz to 3770 Hz.To increase the frequency, scan the bar code below, then scan three numeric bar codes in Section 5.5 on page 95 that correspond to the desired frequency adjustment divided by 10. For example, to set the fre-quency to 3000 Hz (an increase of 500 Hz), scan numeric bar codes 0, 5, 0, corresponding to 50, or (500/10).To decrease the frequency, scan the bar code below, then scan three numeric bar codes in Section 5.5 on page 95 that correspond to the value (256 - desired adjustment/10). For example, to set the frequency to 2000 Hz (a decrease of 500 Hz), scan numeric bar codes 2, 0, 6, cor-responding to 206, or (256 - 500/10).To change the selection or cancel an incorrect entry, scan the Cancel bar code in Section 5.5.1 on page 95.
754.0  Programming the Unit4.2.5  Laser On TimeParameter # 0x88is parameter sets the maximum time decode processing continues during a scan attempt. It is programmable in 0.1 second increments from 0.5 to 9.9 seconds.  To set a Laser On Time, scan the bar code below. Next scan two numeric bar codes in Section 5.5 on page 95 that correspond to the desired on time. Single digit numbers must have a leading zero. For example, to set an on time of 0.5 seconds, scan the bar code below, then scan the “0” and “5” bar codes. To change the selection or cancel an incorrect entry, scan the Cancel bar code in Section 5.5.1 on page 95.Laser On Time(Default: 3.0 sec.)4.2.6  Aim DurationParameter # 0xEDWhen a scanner with an aim mode (see Table 9-10 on page 9-22) is trig-gered either by a trigger pull, or a START_DECODE command, this pa-rameter sets the duration the aiming pattern is seen before a a scan attempt begins. It does not apply to the aim signal or the AIM_ON command. It is programmable in 0.1 second increments from 0.0 to 9.9 seconds. No aim pattern is visible when the value is 0.0. To set an aim duration, scan the bar code below. Next scan two numeric bar codes beginning on page 8-71 that correspond to the desired aim duration. Single digit numbers must have a leading zero. For example, to set an aim duration of 0.5 seconds, scan the bar code below, then scan the “0” and “5” bar codes. To change the selection or cancel an incorrect entry, scan the Cancel bar code in Section 5.5 on page  Scan AngleParameter # 0xBFis parameter sets the scan angle to narrow, medium or wide.Aim Duration(Default: 0.0 sec.)Narrow Angle (35°)(0x05)*Medium Angle (46°)(0x06)Wide Angle (53°)(0x07)4.2.8  Power ModeParameter # 0x80is parameter determines the power mode of the engine.In Low Power mode, the scanner enters into a low power consumption Sleep power state whenever possible (provided all WAKEUP commands have been released).In Continuous Power mode, the scan engine remains in the Awake state aer each decode attempt.e Sleep and Awake commands can be used to change the power state in either the Low Power mode or the Continuous Power mode.Continuous Power (0x00)Low Power (0x01)
764.0  Programming the Unit4.2.9  Triggering ModesParameter # 0x8AChoose one of the options below to trigger the scan engine. Bar codes and option numbers are on the following page.• Scan (Level) - A trigger pull activates the laser and decode process-ing. e laser remains on and decode processing continues until a trigger release, a valid decode, or the Laser On Time-out is reached.• Scan (Pulse) - A trigger pull activates the laser and decode process-ing. e laser remains on and decode processing continues until a valid decode or the Laser On Time-out is reached.• Continuous - e laser is always on and decoding.• Blink - is trigger mode is used for triggerless operation. Scanning range is reduced in this mode. is mode cannot be used with scan-ners that support an aim mode.• Host - A host command issues the triggering signal. e scan engine interprets an actual trigger pull as a Level triggering option.*Level (0X00)4.2.10  Time-out Between Same SymbolParameter # 0x89When in Continuous triggering mode, this parameter sets the mini-mum time that must elapse before the scanner decodes a second bar code identical to one just decoded. is reduces the risk of accidently scanning the same symbol twice. It is programmable in 0.1 second in-crements from 0.0 to 9.9 seconds.To set a time-out between same symbol, scan the bar code below. Next scan two numeric bar codes beginning on page 8-71 that correspond to the desired time-out. Single digit values must have a leading zero. For example, to set a time-out of 0.5 seconds, scan the bar code below, then scan the “0” and “5” bar codes. To change the selection or cancel an incorrect entry, scan the Cancel bar code in Section 5.5.1 on page  Beep After Good DecodeParameter # 0x38Scan this symbol to set the scanner to beep aer a good decode.Scan this symbol to set the scanner not to beep aer a good decode. e beeper still operates during parameter menu scanning and indicates er-ror conditions.Time-out Between Same Symbol(Default: 1.0 sec.)Do Not Beep After Good Decode(0x00)*Beep After Good Decode(0x01)4.2.12  Transmit “No Read” MessageParameter # 0x5EEnable this option to transmit “NR” if a symbol does not decode during the timeout period or before the trigger is released. Any enabled prex or suxes are appended around this message.When disabled, and a symbol cannot be decoded, no message is sent to the host.*Disable No Read(0x00)Enable No Read(0x01)Pulse (0X02)Continuous (0X04)Host (0X08)Blinking (0X07)
774.0  Programming the Unit4.2.13  Parameter ScanningParameter # 0xECTo disable decoding of parameter bar codes, scan the bar code below. e Set Defaults parameter bar code can still be decoded. To enable de-coding of parameter bar codes, either scan *Enable Parameter Scanning (0x01), Set Factory Defaults or set this parameter to 0x01 via a serial command.*Enable Parameter Scanning (0x01)Disable Parameter Scanning (0x00)4.2.14  Linear Code Type Security LevelParameter # 0x4Ee SE-955 oers four levels of decode security for linear code types (e.g. Code 39, Interleaved 2 of 5). Select higher security levels for decreasing levels of bar code quality. As security levels increase, the scanner’s ag-gressiveness decreases. Select the security level appropriate for your bar code quality.Linear Security Level 1e following code types must be successfully read twice before being decoded:*Linear Security Level 1 (0x01)Linear Security Level 2(0x02)Linear Security Level 3(0x03)Linear Security Level 2All code types must be successfully read twice before being decoded.Linear Security Level 3Code types other than the following must be successfully read twice before being decoded. e following codes must be read three times:Code Type LengthMSI 4 or lessD 2 of 5 8 or lessI 2 of 5 8 or lessCode Type LengthCodabar AllMSI 4 or lessD 2 of 5 8 or lessI 2 of 5 8 or lessLinear Security Level 4(0x04)Linear Security Level 4All code types must be successfully read three times before being de-coded.4.2.15  Bi-directional RedundancyParameter # 0x43Enable this option to transmit “NR” if a symbol does not decode during the timeout period or before the trigger is released. Any enabled prex or suxes are appended around this message.When disabled, and a symbol cannot be decoded, no message is sent to the host.*Disable Bi-directional Redundancy(0x00)Enable Bi-directional Redundancy(0x01)
785.0  UPC Types5.1  UPC / EAN5.1.1  Enable/Disable UPC-A :  Parameter # 0x01To enable or disable UPC-A, scan the appropriate bar code below.5.1.2  Enable/Disable UPC-E :  Parameter # 0x02To enable or disable UPC-E, scan the appropriate bar code below.*Enable UPC-A(0x01)*Enable UPC-E(0x01)Disable UPC-A(0x00)Disable UPC-E(0x00)5.1.3  Enable/Disable UPC-E1 :  Parameter # 0x0CTo enable or disable UPC-E1, scan the appropriate bar code below.Enable UPC-E1(0x01)*Disable UPC-E1(0x00)NOTE:  UPC-E1 is not a UCC (Uniform Code Council) approved symbology.5.1.4  Enable/Disable EAN-8 :  Parameter # 0x04To enable or disable EAN-8, scan the appropriate bar code below.*Enable EAN-8(0x01)Disable EAN-8(0x00)5.1.5  Enable/Disable EAN-13 :  Parameter # 0x03To enable or disable EAN-13, scan the appropriate bar code below.*Enable EAN-13(0x01)Disable EAN-13(0x00)NOTE:  UPC-E1 is not a UCC (Uniform Code Council) approved symbology.5.1.6  Enable/Disable Bookland EAN :  Parameter # 0x53To enable or disable EAN Bookland, scan the appropriate bar code be-low.Enable Bookland EAN(0x01)*Disable Bookland EAN(0x00)5.0  UPC Types

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