UBS Axcera 325A 500-Watt VHF Low-band Television Transmitter User Manual Chapter 1

UBS-Axcera 500-Watt VHF Low-band Television Transmitter Chapter 1

Chapter 1

500-Watt VHF Low Band Transmitter                                 Chapter 1, Introduction325A, Rev. 0 1-1Chapter 1IntroductionThis manual explains the installation,setup, alignment, and maintenanceprocedures for the 325A 500-watt solidstate VHF Low Band transmitter. It isimportant that you read all of theinstructions, especially the safetyinformation in this chapter, before youbegin to install or operate the unit.1.1 Manual OverviewThis instruction manual is divided intofive chapters and supporting appendices.Chapter 1, Introduction, containsinformation on the assembly numberingsystem used in the manual, safety,maintenance, return procedures, andwarranties. The second chapter describesthe transmitter and includes discussionson system control and status indicatorsand remote control connections. Chapter3 contains a detailed discussion of thecircuits and boards that make up the325A transmitter. Chapter 4 explainshow to unpack, install, setup, andoperate the transmitter. Chapter 5,Detailed Alignment Procedures, providesinformation on adjusting the system toachieve peak operation of theassemblies. The appendices contain asample log sheet, assembly andsubassembly drawings and parts list, andsystem specifications.1.2 Assembly Designation ProcedureAxcera has assigned assembly numbers,such as Ax (x=1,2,3…), to all assemblies,trays, and boards that are referenced inthe text of this manual and shown on theblock diagrams and interconnectdrawings provided in the appendices.These supporting documents arearranged in increasing numerical order inthe appendices. Section titles in the textfor assembly or tray descriptions oralignment procedures also indicate theassociated drawing(s) and the relevantappendix that contains the drawing.Sections describing vendor-supplieditems, such as meters and powersupplies, do not contain this information.1.3 SafetyThe VHF transmitters manufactured byAxcera are designed to be easy to useand repair while providing protectionfrom electrical and mechanical hazards.Listed throughout the manual are notes,cautions, and warnings concerningpossible safety hazards that may beencountered while operating or servicingthe transmitter. Please review thesewarnings and familiarize yourself with theoperation and servicing proceduresbefore working on the transmitter.Read All Instructions – All of theoperating and safety instructions shouldbe read and understood before operatingthis equipment.Retain Manuals – The manuals for thetransmitter should be retained at thetransmitter site for future reference. Weprovide two sets of manuals for thispurpose; one set can be left at the officewhile one set can be kept at the site.Heed all Notes, Warnings, andCautions – All of the notes, warnings,and cautions listed in this safety sectionand throughout the manual must befollowed.Follow Instructions – All of theoperating and use instructions for thetransmitter should be followed.Cleaning – Unplug or otherwisedisconnect all power from the equipmentbefore cleaning. Do not use liquid oraerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth forcleaning.
500-Watt VHF Low Band Transmitter                                 Chapter 1, Introduction325A, Rev. 0 1-2Ventilation – Openings in the cabinetsand tray front panels are provided forventilation. To ensure reliable operationof the transmitter, and to protect the unitfrom overheating, these openings mustnot be blocked.Servicing – Do not attempt to servicethis product yourself until becomingfamiliar with the equipment. If in doubt,refer all servicing questions to qualifiedAxcera service personnel.Replacement Parts – Whenreplacement parts are used, be sure thatthe parts have the same functional andperformance characteristics as theoriginal part. Unauthorized substitutionsmay result in fire, electric shock, or otherhazards. Please contact the AxceraTechnical Service Department if you haveany questions regarding service orreplacement parts.1.4 MaintenanceThe 325A is designed with componentsthat require little or no periodicmaintenance except for the routinecleaning of the fans and the front panelsof the trays.The amount of time between cleaningsdepends on the conditions within thetransmitter room. While the electronicshave been designed to function even ifcovered with dust, a heavy buildup ofdust, dirt, or insects will affect thecooling of the components. This couldlead to a thermal shutdown or prematurefailure of the affected trays.When the front panels of the traysbecome dust covered, the top coversshould be removed and any accumulatedforeign material should be removed. Avacuum cleaner, utilizing a small wand-type attachment, is an excellent way tosuction out the dirt. Alcohol and othercleaning agents should not be usedunless you are certain that the solventswill not damage components or the silk-screened markings on the trays andboards. Water-based cleaners can beused, but do not saturate thecomponents. The fans and heatsinksshould be cleaned of all dust or dirt topermit the free flow of air for coolingpurposes.It is recommended that the operatingparameters of the transmitter berecorded from the meters on the traysand the system metering control panel atleast once a month. It is suggested thatthis data be retained in a rugged folderor envelope. A sample format for a logsheet is provided in Appendix B.Photocopies of the log sheet should bemade to allow you to make continueddata entries.1.5 Material Return ProcedureTo insure the efficient handling ofequipment or components that have beenreturned for repair, Axcera requests thateach returned item be accompanied by aMaterial Return Authorization Number(MRA#).An MRA# can be obtained from anyAxcera Field Service Engineer bycontacting the Axcera Field ServiceDepartment at (724) 873-8100 or by faxat (724) 873-8105. This procedureapplies to all items sent to the FieldService Department regardless ofwhether the item was originallymanufactured by Axcera.Note: To prevent damage to theproduct during shipping, Axcerasupplies a shipping container to thecustomer at no cost.When equipment is sent to the field onloan, an MRA# is included with the unit.The MRA# is intended to be used whenthe unit is returned to Axcera. Inaddition, all shipping material should beretained for the return of the unit toAxcera.
500-Watt VHF Low Band Transmitter                                 Chapter 1, Introduction325A, Rev. 0 1-3Replacement assemblies are also sentwith an MRA# to allow for the properrouting of the exchanged hardware.Failure to close out this type of MRA# willnormally result in the customer beinginvoiced for the value of the loaner itemor the exchange assembly.When shipping an item to Axcera, pleaseinclude the MRA# on the packing list andon the Axcera-provided shippingcontainer. The packing slip should alsoinclude contact information and a briefdescription of why the unit is beingreturned.Please forward all MRA items to:Axcera, LLC103 Freedom DriveP.O. Box 525Lawrence, PA 15055-0525  USAFor more information concerning thisprocedure, call the Axcera Field ServiceDepartment.Axcera can also be contacted through e-mail at and on theWeb at Warranty for Axcera Products –Limited One-Year WarrantyAxcera warrants each new product thatit has manufactured and sold againstdefects in material and workmanshipunder normal use and service for aperiod of one (1) year from the date ofshipment from Axcera's plant, whenoperated in accordance with Axcera'soperating instructions.This warranty shall not apply to tubes,fuses, batteries, or bulbs.Warranties are valid only when and if(a) Axcera receives prompt writtennotice of breach within the period ofwarranty, (b) the defective product isproperly packed and returned by thebuyer (transportation and insuranceprepaid), and (c) Axcera determines, inits sole judgment, that the product isdefective and not subject to any misuse,neglect, improper installation,negligence, accident, or (unlessauthorized in writing by Axcera) repairor alteration. Axcera's exclusive liabilityfor any personal and/or propertydamage (including direct, consequential,or incidental) caused by the breach ofany or all warranties, shall be limited tothe following: (a) repairing or replacing(in Axcera's sole discretion) anydefective parts free of charge (F.O.B.Axcera’s plant) and/or (b) crediting (inAxcera's sole discretion) all or a portionof the purchase price to the buyer.Equipment furnished by Axcera, but notbearing its trade name, shall bear nowarranties other than the special hours-of-use or other warranties extended byor enforceable against the manufacturerat the time of delivery to the buyer. NOWARRANTIES, WHETHERSTATUTORY, EXPRESSED, ORIMPLIED, AND NO WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FORANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ORFREEDOM FROM INFRINGEMENT,OR THE LIKE, OTHER THAN ASSPECIFIED IN PATENT LIABILITYARTICLES, AND IN THIS ARTICLE,SHALL APPLY TO THE EQUIPMENTFURNISHED HEREUNDER.

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