ASUSTeK Computer P505 PDA phone User Manual Appendix 1 P505 UserMan

ASUSTeK Computer Inc PDA phone Appendix 1 P505 UserMan

Manual 5

Chapter 8: Using Companion Applications8-21Windows Media Player for Pocket PCWindows Media Player for Pocket PCWindows Media Player for Pocket PCWindows Media Player for Pocket PCWindows Media Player for Pocket PCUse Microsoft® Windows Media Player for Pocket PC to play digitalaudio and video files that are stored on your device or on a network.You can use Microsoft® Windows Media Player on your desktopcomputer to copy digital audio and video to your Pocket PC. You canplay Windows® Media and MP3 files on your Pocket PC.To launch the WindowsTo launch the WindowsTo launch the WindowsTo launch the WindowsTo launch the Windows®®®®® Media Player for Pocket PC: Media Player for Pocket PC: Media Player for Pocket PC: Media Player for Pocket PC: Media Player for Pocket PC:1. Tap  .2. Tap Programs.Programs.Programs.Programs.Programs.3. Tap the Windows MediaWindows MediaWindows MediaWindows MediaWindows Mediaicon.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E For more informationon using WindowsMedia Player for PocketPC, tap  , then tapHelpHelpHelpHelpHelp.Windows Media Player main screenWindows Media Player main screenWindows Media Player main screenWindows Media Player main screenWindows Media Player main screenIndicates the volume levelTap to play theprevious track/filein the playlistTap to increase volumeTap to play the next track/file in the playlistTap to play or pause track/fileTap to display track optionsTap to close the applicationDisplays the first track orfile in the selected playlistTap to open websitePreview windowTrack/file numberSlide to fast forward orrewind the track/fileTap to open a video filein full screen mode Tap to decrease volumeTap to mute soundTap to open theplaylist window
8-22P505 Pocket PCUsing the WindowsUsing the WindowsUsing the WindowsUsing the WindowsUsing the Windows®®®®® Media Player library Media Player library Media Player library Media Player library Media Player libraryThe Windows® Media Player library stores the links to audio and videofiles saved in your device, whether these are saved in the devicememory or SD card. The library allows you to sort your audio or videofiles according to criteria such as artist’s name, album title, genre, oractor.To open an audio/video file from the library:To open an audio/video file from the library:To open an audio/video file from the library:To open an audio/video file from the library:To open an audio/video file from the library:1. From the Windows® Media Playerplayback screen, tap MenuMenuMenuMenuMenu, thenselect Library...Library...Library...Library...Library...The LibraryLibraryLibraryLibraryLibrary screen appears.2. Tap on a library (i.e. My Music)to display the library criterion.3. Tap on a library criteria todisplay the audio/video file(s)in that criteria, if any.
Chapter 8: Using Companion Applications8-234. Tap on an audio or video filefrom the list, then tap thePlayPlayPlayPlayPlay button.The selected file is played onthe playback screen.Tap to play the fileTo update the library:To update the library:To update the library:To update the library:To update the library:Everytime you copy, save, or add an audio or video file to your devicememory or SD card, Windows® Media Player automatically updatesthe library. However, you may need to update the library to makesure that recently added audio/video files are properly linked in thelibrary. To do this:1. From the LibraryLibraryLibraryLibraryLibrary screen, tapMenuMenuMenuMenuM en u, then select,2. Tap SearchSearchSearchSearchSearch to beginsearching newly-addedaudio/video files.
8-24P505 Pocket PC3. The audio/video files areautomatically added to the library.When all files are added, tap DoneDoneDoneDoneDoneto close the window.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E For more information on using Windows Media Player forPocket PC, tap  , then tap HelpHelpHelpHelpHelp.
Chapter 8: Using Companion Applications8-25Voice CommanderVoice CommanderVoice CommanderVoice CommanderVoice CommanderVoice Commander is a speech recognition technology that allows thePocket PC to launch applications and dial contact numbers via voicecommands. Voice Commander is speaker-independent because itautomatically creates a default voice tag for each of your contacts andinstalled applications. You can, however, customise these voice tagsusing the Voice Commander Settings menu. Press the voice commandbutton at the right side of the Pocket PC to launch the application.The Voice Commander interprets your voice commands or you canteach it your own voice commands, for example to call “Mum” who hasbeen saved as a contact Anne Smith.Changing the Voice Commander settingsChanging the Voice Commander settingsChanging the Voice Commander settingsChanging the Voice Commander settingsChanging the Voice Commander settingsTo launch the Voice Commander settings:To launch the Voice Commander settings:To launch the Voice Commander settings:To launch the Voice Commander settings:To launch the Voice Commander settings:1. Tap  .2. Tap Settings.Settings.Settings.Settings.Settings.3. Tap the Voice CommanderVoice CommanderVoice CommanderVoice CommanderVoice CommanderSettingSettingSettingSettingSetting icon.
8-26P505 Pocket PC4. When prompted, repeat thevoice tag.3. Use the headphone or thedevice microphone to record avoice tag for the selectedcontact.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E An automatic (hidden) voice tag is attached to all contactsand applications. You can listen to these tags by tapping theplay button.1. Select a contact using thestylus.2. Tap the Voice Tag Voice Tag Voice Tag Voice Tag Voice Tag button tostart recording.Creating voice tagsCreating voice tagsCreating voice tagsCreating voice tagsCreating voice tagsTo create a voice tag for a contact:To create a voice tag for a contact:To create a voice tag for a contact:To create a voice tag for a contact:To create a voice tag for a contact:Voice tagrecord buttonPlay button
Chapter 8: Using Companion Applications8-27NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E A message appears if the device fails to recognise the voicetag. Try speaking more loudly or move to a quieter locationfor making the recording.6. Follow the same instructionswhen creating voice tags forother contacts.5. A voice tag icon appears afterthe contact to indicate thatthe voice tag has been saved.Tap to displayother tabs
8-28P505 Pocket PCNOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E An automatic (hidden)voice tag is attached toall contacts andapplications. You canlisten to these tags bytapping the play button.1. Tap the ApplicationApplicationApplicationApplicationApplication tab todisplay all applications.2. Select an applicaton using thestylus, then check the boxpreceding the application toactivate voice command.3. Follow the instructions in theprevious section to create avoice tag for an application.To create a voice tag for an application:To create a voice tag for an application:To create a voice tag for an application:To create a voice tag for an application:To create a voice tag for an application:Voice tagrecord buttonPlay buttonDigit trainingDigit trainingDigit trainingDigit trainingDigit trainingThe Digit Training Digit Training Digit Training Digit Training Digit Training tab trains you on pronouncing digits when usingthe Digit Dial feature of the Voice Commander. The device uses thedigit model adaptation recording to recognise your voice tone andpronunciation speed.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E Since Digit Trainingserves as the VoiceCommander calibration,it is recommended thatyou record in a quietenvironment foraccurate recognition.Record button
Chapter 8: Using Companion Applications8-29ToToToToTo teach the device to recognise teach the device to recognise teach the device to recognise teach the device to recognise teach the device to recognise digitdigitdigitdigitdigitsssss:::::Record button2. Say the first numbersequence on the DigitDigitDigitDigitDigitmodel adaptation model adaptation model adaptation model adaptation model adaptation field.1. Tap the Digit Training Digit Training Digit Training Digit Training Digit Training tab,then tap the record buttonto start.3. The device plays back therecording, then confirms ifthe recording is correct. TapYesYesYesYesY es  to record, or NoNoNoNoNo torepeat recording.4. Record the next digit modeladaptation until all 10 arerecorded. Tap   when done.
8-30P505 Pocket PCAdjusting the advanced settingsAdjusting the advanced settingsAdjusting the advanced settingsAdjusting the advanced settingsAdjusting the advanced settingsTo adjust the advanced settings:To adjust the advanced settings:To adjust the advanced settings:To adjust the advanced settings:To adjust the advanced settings:1. Tap the AdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvancedSettingsSettingsSettingsSettingsSettings to display theoptions.2. Assign the length of thephone number in the firstthree fields.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E By default, the Voice Commander application recognises threephone number lengths based on your settings. Tap the NoNoNoNoNoconstraintconstraintconstraintconstraintc o n s tra i n t option to support unlimited number of phonenumber digits.3. Select the voice commandsensivity, then tap   to saveyour changes.
Chapter 8: Using Companion Applications8-31Using the Voice CommanderUsing the Voice CommanderUsing the Voice CommanderUsing the Voice CommanderUsing the Voice CommanderTo launch and use the Voice Commander:To launch and use the Voice Commander:To launch and use the Voice Commander:To launch and use the Voice Commander:To launch and use the Voice Commander:1. Press the Voice Commanderbutton on the right side of thedevice to launch theapplication.2. Say a voice command providingthe relevant details asprompted for between the < >.For example, say “CallCallCallCallCallAmandaAmandaAmandaAmandaAmanda”, “Start ExplorerStart ExplorerStart ExplorerStart ExplorerStart Explorer”.IMPORTANTIMPORTANTIMPORTANTIMPORTANTI M P O R T A N T For details on each voice command function and otherapplication features, launch the Voice Commander application,then say “What can I say?” to display the Voice Commanderhelp menu.3. When multiple numbers are detected, the application will ask youwhich number to call. Say “mobilemobilemobilemobilemobile” to call the mobile number.4. The application associated with the command will open. Followscreen instructions to continue.5. Tap   to close.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E If you use your voicetags, make sure youuse the same phrase asrecorded. “Call Mandy”would not berecognised if yourecorded “Amanda”.
8-32P505 Pocket PC
Chapter 9Using Pocket Internet ExplorerThis chapter givesinformation on usingPocket Internet Explorerand the Mobile Favoritesfolder.
9-2P505 Pocket PCChapter summaryChapter summaryChapter summaryChapter summaryChapter summaryIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9-39-39-39-39-3Pocket Internet ExplorerPocket Internet ExplorerPocket Internet ExplorerPocket Internet ExplorerPocket Internet Explorer ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9-39-39-39-39-3Using Pocket Internet Explorer ......................................... 9-3Changing View settings ................................................... 9-4Browsing the Internet ...................................................... 9-5Mobile Favorites folderMobile Favorites folderMobile Favorites folderMobile Favorites folderMobile Favorites folder ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9-69-69-69-69-6Favorite links ................................................................... 9-6Mobile Favorites ............................................................... 9-6Viewing mobile favourites and channels ........................... 9-8Adding/Deleting mobile favourites and folders ................ 9-8
Chapter 9: Using Pocket Internet Explorer9-3IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionYou can view web or WAP pages by connecting to the Internet viaGPRS or your local area network. See Chapter 10 for information oncreating a connection.When connected to an ISP or network, you can also download filesand programs from the Internet or intranet.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E Your mobile phone operator may charge for Internet/WAPaccess. Contact them for details.Pocket Internet ExplorerPocket Internet ExplorerPocket Internet ExplorerPocket Internet ExplorerPocket Internet ExplorerYou can use Pocket Internet Explorer to browse mobile favourites andchannels that have been downloaded to your device withoutconnecting to the Internet. You can also connect to the Internetthrough an ISP or a network connection to surf the Web.Using Pocket Internet ExplorerUsing Pocket Internet ExplorerUsing Pocket Internet ExplorerUsing Pocket Internet ExplorerUsing Pocket Internet ExplorerTo launch Pocket Internet Explorer:To launch Pocket Internet Explorer:To launch Pocket Internet Explorer:To launch Pocket Internet Explorer:To launch Pocket Internet Explorer:1. Tap  , then InternetInternetInternetInternetInternetExplorerExplorerExplorerExplorerExplorer to display the PocketInternet Explorer home page.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E Internet surfing through WAP or GPRS may incur charges.Inquire the applicable rate(s) with your phone operator.You can copy the links to your favourite pages from your desktopcomputer to the P505 or vice versa using ActiveSync. In InternetExplorer, copy those links you wish to use on the P505 into theMobile Favourites sub-folder. These links are listed the next time yousynchronise the device with the desktop computer.
9-4P505 Pocket PC2. Tap the HomeHomeHomeHomeHo me button to display the Pocket Internet Explorerwelcome screen with links to some useful Web sites.3. Tap any of the Web site buttons to go to a specific site.Changing View settingsChanging View settingsChanging View settingsChanging View settingsChanging View settingsTo change View settings:To change View settings:To change View settings:To change View settings:To change View settings:1. Tap ViewViewViewViewVi ew to display a pop-upmenu.2. Tap Address BarAddress BarAddress BarAddress BarAddress Bar to display theWeb site address bar.4. Tap and hold Text SizeText SizeText SizeText SizeText Size to displayanother pop-up menu with a textsize selection. Select your desiredtext size for the screen.Tap to launch FavoritesTap to go to the homepageTap to go back to previous pageTap to stop/refreshTap to open theVodafone homepagePocket Internet Explorer home pagePocket Internet Explorer home pagePocket Internet Explorer home pagePocket Internet Explorer home pagePocket Internet Explorer home page
Chapter 9: Using Pocket Internet Explorer9-5Browsing the InternetBrowsing the InternetBrowsing the InternetBrowsing the InternetBrowsing the InternetTo browse the Internet:To browse the Internet:To browse the Internet:To browse the Internet:To browse the Internet:1. To browse pages you must have a valid connection established. Thismay be automatic or require configuration. See Chapter 10 for details.2. Do one of the following to connect and start browsing:•TapViewViewViewViewView > AddressAddressAddressAddressAddressBarBarBarBarB a r. Enter the address ofthe website that you wantto visit using the softkeyboard, then tap GoGoGoGoGo.•Tap the FavoritesFavoritesFavoritesFavoritesFavoritesbutton, then tap thefavourite that you wish toview.3. Use the stylus to move the browser slides up/down or left/rightto browse the web page.4. Tap   to close the browser.
9-6P505 Pocket PCMobile Favorites folderMobile Favorites folderMobile Favorites folderMobile Favorites folderMobile Favorites folderOnly items stored in the Mobile Favorites sub-folder in the Favoritesfolder in the desktop PC Internet Explorer will be synchronised withyour device. The Mobile Favorites folder is automatically createdwhen you installed ActiveSync®.Favorite linksFavorite linksFavorite linksFavorite linksFavorite linksDuring synchronisation, any links in your computer’s Mobile Favoritesfolder will be synchronised with Pocket Internet Explorer on yourdevice. Both computers are updated with changes made to either listeach time you synchronise. Unless you mark the favourite link as amobile favourite, only the link will be downloaded to your device, andyou will need to connect to your ISP or network to view the content.For more information on synchronisation, see ActiveSync® Help onthe desktop computer.Mobile FavoritesMobile FavoritesMobile FavoritesMobile FavoritesMobile FavoritesIf you are using Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.0 or later on yourdesktop computer, you can download mobile favourites to yourdevice. Synchronising mobile favourites downloads Web content toyour device so that you can view pages while you are disconnectedfrom your ISP and desktop computer.Use the Internet Explorer plug-in installed with ActiveSync® to quicklycreate mobile favourites.To create a mobile favourite:To create a mobile favourite:To create a mobile favourite:To create a mobile favourite:To create a mobile favourite:1. In Internet Explorer on yourdesktop computer, click ToolsToolsToolsToolsToolsthen Create Mobile FavoriteCreate Mobile FavoriteCreate Mobile FavoriteCreate Mobile FavoriteCreate Mobile Favorite.2. To change the link name, enter anew name in the NameNameNameNameName box.3. Select your desired updateschedule in UpdateUpdateUpdateUpdateUpd ate. This isoptional.4. Click OKOKOKOKO K. Internet Explorer downloads the latest version of thepage to your desktop computer.
Chapter 9: Using Pocket Internet Explorer9-75. If you want to download the pagesthat are linked to the mobilefavourite you just created, inInternet Explorer on the desktopcomputer, right-click the mobilefavourite, then click PropertiesPropertiesPropertiesPropertiesProperties. Inthe DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload tab, specify thenumber of links deep you want todownload. To conserve devicememory, go only one level deep.6. Synchronise your device and yourdesktop computer. Mobilefavourites that are stored in theMobile Favorites in Internet Explorerare downloaded to your device.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E • If you did not specify an update schedule in step 3, youwill need to manually download content to keep theinformation updated on your desktop computer anddevice. Before synchronising with your device, in InternetExplorer on your desktop computer, click ToolsToolsToolsToolsTools thenSynchronizeSynchronizeSynchronizeSynchronizeS y n c h ron i z e. You will see the last time content wasdownloaded to the desktop computer, and you canmanually download content if needed.• You can add a button to the Internet Explorer toolbar forcreating mobile favourites. In Internet Explorer on yourdesktop  computer, click ViewViewViewViewView, ToolbarsToolbarsToolbarsToolbarsT o o l b a r s, andCustomizeCustomizeCustomizeCustomizeCustomize.Saving device memorySaving device memorySaving device memorySaving device memorySaving device memoryMobile favourites take up storage memory on your device. Tominimise the amount of memory used:• In the settings for the Favorites information type in ActiveSync®options, turn off pictures and sounds, or stop some mobilefavourites from being downloaded to the device. For moreinformation, see ActiveSync® Help.• Limit the number of downloaded linked pages. In Interner Exploreron your desktop computer, right-click the mobile favourite youwant to change, then click PropertiesPropertiesPropertiesPropertiesProperties. In the DownloadDownloadDownloadDownloadDownload tab,specify 0 or 1 for the number of linked pages you want todownload.
9-8P505 Pocket PCViewing mobile favourites and channelsViewing mobile favourites and channelsViewing mobile favourites and channelsViewing mobile favourites and channelsViewing mobile favourites and channelsTo view mobile favourites and channels:To view mobile favourites and channels:To view mobile favourites and channels:To view mobile favourites and channels:To view mobile favourites and channels:1. Tap   to display your list of favourites.2. Tap a Favorites page that you wish to view.You will see the page that was downloaded the last time yousynchronised with your desktop computer. If the page is not onyour device, the favourite is dimmed. You need to synchronisewith your desktop computer again to download the page to yourdevice, or connect to the Internet to view the page.Adding/Deleting mobile favourites andAdding/Deleting mobile favourites andAdding/Deleting mobile favourites andAdding/Deleting mobile favourites andAdding/Deleting mobile favourites andfoldersfoldersfoldersfoldersfoldersTo add a favourite:To add a favourite:To add a favourite:To add a favourite:To add a favourite:1. Tap   to display your list offavourites.2. Tap the Add/DeleteAdd/DeleteAdd/DeleteAdd/DeleteAdd/Delete buttonto display the FavoritesFavoritesFavoritesFavoritesFavoritesscreen.3. Tap the Add...Add...Add...Add...Add ... button toshow the Add FavoriteAdd FavoriteAdd FavoriteAdd FavoriteAdd Favoritescreen.Tap the favourite thatyou wish to viewTap to add or delete afolder or favourite link
Chapter 9: Using Pocket Internet Explorer9-94. Type a name for the favourite thatyou wish to add in the NameNameNameNameName field.5. Type in the URL address in theAddress (URL)Address (URL)Address (URL)Address (URL)Address (URL) field.6. Select a folder to place the favouritefrom the Create in:Create in:Create in:Create in:Create in: box.7. Tap AddAddAddAddAdd to return to the Favoritesscreen, which now shows thefavourite that you added.To delete a favourite:To delete a favourite:To delete a favourite:To delete a favourite:To delete a favourite:1. Tap   to display your list offavourites.2. Tap the Add/DeleteAdd/DeleteAdd/DeleteAdd/DeleteAdd/Delete button todisplay the FavoritesFavoritesFavoritesFavoritesFavorites screen.3. Select the favourite that you wish todelete, then tap DeleteDeleteDeleteDeleteDelete.4. When prompted to permanentlydelete the favourite, tap YesYesYesYesYes.
9-10P505 Pocket PCTo add a folder:To add a folder:To add a folder:To add a folder:To add a folder:1. Tap   to display your list of favourites.2. Tap the Add/DeleteAdd/DeleteAdd/DeleteAdd/DeleteAdd/Delete button to display the FavoritesFavoritesFavoritesFavoritesFavorites screen.3. Tap the New FolderNew FolderNew FolderNew FolderNew Folder button.4. Type a name for the folder that you wish to create.5. Tap AddAddAddAddAdd to return to the Favorites screen, which now shows thefolder that you added.To delete a folder:To delete a folder:To delete a folder:To delete a folder:To delete a folder:1. Tap   to display your list offavourites.2. Tap the Add/DeleteAdd/DeleteAdd/DeleteAdd/DeleteAdd/Delete buttonto display the FavoritesFavoritesFavoritesFavoritesFavoritesscreen.3. Select the folder that you wishto delete, then tap DeleteDeleteDeleteDeleteDelete.4. When prompted to permanentlydelete the folder, tap YesYesYesYesYes.
Chapter 10Getting ConnectedThis chapter provides theprocedures for connecting tothe Internet, intranet, and fortransferring data using infrared(IR).
10-2P505 Pocket PCChapter summaryChapter summaryChapter summaryChapter summaryChapter summary•••••IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10-310-310-310-310-3•••••My ISP connectionsMy ISP connectionsMy ISP connectionsMy ISP connectionsMy ISP connections .........................................................................................................................................................................................10-410-410-410-410-4Creating an Internet connection ..................................... 10-4•••••My Work connectionsMy Work connectionsMy Work connectionsMy Work connectionsMy Work connections ..........................................................................................................................................................................10-910-910-910-910-9Creating a VPN connection .......................................... 10-10Adjusting the proxy server settings ............................. 10-12Network card connections ........................................... 10-13•••••Set up a WAP gatewaySet up a WAP gatewaySet up a WAP gatewaySet up a WAP gatewaySet up a WAP gateway ......................................................................................................................................................10-1510-1510-1510-1510-15•••••Using dialing rulesUsing dialing rulesUsing dialing rulesUsing dialing rulesUsing dialing rules ....................................................................................................................................................................................10-1710-1710-1710-1710-17•••••Ending a connectionEnding a connectionEnding a connectionEnding a connectionEnding a connection ..........................................................................................................................................................................10-1810-1810-1810-1810-18•••••Infrared (IR) connectionInfrared (IR) connectionInfrared (IR) connectionInfrared (IR) connectionInfrared (IR) connection ............................................................................................................................................10-1810-1810-1810-1810-18Sending information ..................................................... 10-19Receiving information .................................................. 10-20
Chapter 10: Getting Connected10-3IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroductionThe connection settings tell the device how you want it to connect toservice/network to browse the Internet, send and receive e-mail,SMS, MMS, etc.Connections can be made using a modemmodemmodemmodemmodem, wireless networkwireless networkwireless networkwireless networkwireless network, ornetwork (Ethernet) cardsnetwork (Ethernet) cardsnetwork (Ethernet) cardsnetwork (Ethernet) cardsnetwork (Ethernet) cards. A modem connection can be used toset up connections with an external modem, or with the mobile phonenetwork using a cellular line (WAP or GPRS).Your device has two groups of connection settings: My ISPMy ISPMy ISPMy ISPMy ISP and MyMyMyMyMyWork NetworkWork NetworkWork NetworkWork NetworkWork Network. My ISP settings are used to connect to the Internet,and My Work Network settings can be used to connect to any privatenetwork, such as a corporate network you use at work. Simply fill inthe settings and get ready to start connecting. For more information,see the sections “Connect to the Internet” or “Connect to Work.”You may also establish connection to the Internet wirelessly throughanother device with infrared (IR) or Bluetooth® features. For moreinformation, see sections “Infrared (IR) connection” or “Bluetooth®connection.”To view the Connections window:To view the Connections window:To view the Connections window:To view the Connections window:To view the Connections window:1. Tap  .2. Tap SettingsSettingsSettingsSettingsSettings.3. Tap the ConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnections tab.4. Tap a connection to use orconfigure.
10-4P505 Pocket PCConnectionConnectionConnectionConnectionConnection Information requiredInformation requiredInformation requiredInformation requiredInformation requiredCellular Line (WAP)Cellular Line (WAP)Cellular Line (WAP)Cellular Line (WAP)C el l u l ar  L i ne  ( W A P) server phone number, user name, password,domain, port settings, TCP/IP settings, specificserver addressesCellular Line (GPRS)Cellular Line (GPRS)Cellular Line (GPRS)Cellular Line (GPRS)C el l u l ar  L i n e  ( G P RS) access point name, user name, password, domain,TCP/IP settings, specific server addressesGeneric IrDAGeneric IrDAGeneric IrDAGeneric IrDAG e n e r i c  I r D A server phone number, user name, password,domain, Baud rate, port settings, TCP/IP settings,specific server addressesHayes-compatible modemHayes-compatible modemHayes-compatible modemHayes-compatible modemHayes-compatible modem server phone number, user name, password,domain, Baud rate, port settings, TCP/IP settings,specific server addressesCreating an Internet connectionCreating an Internet connectionCreating an Internet connectionCreating an Internet connectionCreating an Internet connectionTo create a Cellular Line (WAP) connection:To create a Cellular Line (WAP) connection:To create a Cellular Line (WAP) connection:To create a Cellular Line (WAP) connection:To create a Cellular Line (WAP) connection:1. From the ConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnections tab,tap ConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnections.2. In My ISP, tap Add a newAdd a newAdd a newAdd a newAdd a newmodem connectionmodem connectionmodem connectionmodem connectionmodem connection.My ISP connectionsMy ISP connectionsMy ISP connectionsMy ISP connectionsMy ISP connectionsYou can connect to the Internet using your Pocket PC cellular line(WAP), GPRS, generic IrDA, or Hayes-compatible modem. Refer to thefollowing sections on how to set up your Internet connection.Your device is pre-configured to automatically connect to Vodafone’sservices, provided you have subscription. Contact the operator fordetails of specific charges and services.To create a different connection, you need the following informationto set up the device.
Chapter 10: Getting Connected10-53. Type a name for theconnection, then selectCellular Line Cellular Line Cellular Line Cellular Line Cellular Line from themodem list. Tap NextNextNextNextNext whenfinished.4. Use the soft keyboard to typethe number of the phonenetwork server, then tapNextNextNextNextNext.5. Type the user name,password, and domain for theconnection, then tapAdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvanced. Otherwise, tapFinishFinishFinishFinishFin ish to create theconnection.6. Adjust the ConnectionConnectionConnectionConnectionConnectionPreferencesPreferencesPreferencesPreferencesPreferences and TerminalTerminalTerminalTerminalTerminalsettings from this tab, thentap the TCP/IPTCP/IPTCP/IPTCP/IPTCP/IP tab.
10-6P505 Pocket PC7. Adjust the TCP/IP settingsfrom this window, then tapthe ServersServersServersServersServers tab.8. Adjust the specific serveraddress from this window,then tap  .9. The device creates theconnection. To verify, returnto the ConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnections mainwindow, then tap ManageManageManageManageManageexisting connectionsexisting connectionsexisting connectionsexisting connectionsexisting connections.10.The connection appears inthe list of networkconnections. Launch InternetExplorer to test theconnection.
Chapter 10: Getting Connected10-7To create a Cellular Line (GPRS) connection:To create a Cellular Line (GPRS) connection:To create a Cellular Line (GPRS) connection:To create a Cellular Line (GPRS) connection:To create a Cellular Line (GPRS) connection:1. Follow steps 1 to 2 of the previous section.2. Type a name for theconnection, then selectCellular Line (GPRS) Cellular Line (GPRS) Cellular Line (GPRS) Cellular Line (GPRS) Cellular Line (GPRS) fromthe modem list. Tap NextNextNextNextNext.3. Use the soft keyboard to typethe GPRS access point nameof the phone network server,then tap NextNextNextNextNext.4. Follow steps 5, 7 to 10 of the previous section to create theGPRS connection.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E To view additional information for any screen in the wizard orwhile changing settings, tap  .
10-8P505 Pocket PCTo create an IR or Hayes-compatible modemTo create an IR or Hayes-compatible modemTo create an IR or Hayes-compatible modemTo create an IR or Hayes-compatible modemTo create an IR or Hayes-compatible modemconnection:connection:connection:connection:connection:1. Follow steps 1 to 2 of the section on creating a cellular line (WAP)connection on page 10-4.2. Type a name for theconnection, then selectGeneric IrDA Generic IrDA Generic IrDA Generic IrDA Generic IrDA orHayes-compatible onHayes-compatible onHayes-compatible onHayes-compatible onHayes-compatible onCOM1:COM1:COM1:COM1:COM 1: from the modem list.Tap NextNextNextNextNext.3. Use the soft keyboard to typethe number of phone networkserver, then tap NextNextNextNextNext.4. Follow step 5 of the section on creating a cellular line (WAP)connection on page 10-5.5. Set the Baud Rate Baud Rate Baud Rate Baud Rate Baud Rate for theconnection using the GeneralGeneralGeneralGeneralGeneraltab.6. Follow steps 6 to 10 of thesection on creating a cellular line(WAP) connection on page 10-5to 10-6 to create theconnection.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E To view additionalinformation for any screenin the wizard or whilechanging settings, tap  .
Chapter 10: Getting Connected10-9My Work connectionsMy Work connectionsMy Work connectionsMy Work connectionsMy Work connectionsUse My Work connections to connect to a Local Area Network (LAN),virtual private  network (VPN), and edit the firewall proxy settings.using the device or a network card (Ethernet card). Refer to thefollowing sections on how to set up your work connections.Before you proceedBefore you proceedBefore you proceedBefore you proceedBefore you proceedBefore setting up your Internet connection in the My Work group,obtain the following information from your network administrator.ConnectionConnectionConnectionConnectionConnection Information requiredInformation requiredInformation requiredInformation requiredInformation requiredGeneric IrDAGeneric IrDAGeneric IrDAGeneric IrDAG e n e r i c  I r D A server phone number, user name, password,domain, Baud rate, port settings, TCP/IP settings,specific server addressesHayes-compatible modemHayes-compatible modemHayes-compatible modemHayes-compatible modemHayes-compatible modem server phone number, user name, password,domain, Baud rate, port settings, TCP/IP settings,specific server addressesVirtual Private NetworkVirtual Private NetworkVirtual Private NetworkVirtual Private NetworkVirtual Private Network host name/IP, VPN type, VPN authentication orcertificate, user name, password, domain, TCP/IPsettings, specific server addressesNOTESNOTESNOTESNOTESN O T E S • Refer to the previous sections when setting up modemconnections in My Work.• To change modem connection settings in either My ISPMy ISPMy ISPMy ISPMy ISPor My Work NetworkMy Work NetworkMy Work NetworkMy Work NetworkMy Work Network, tap Manage existingManage existingManage existingManage existingManage existingconnectionsconnectionsconnectionsconnectionsc o n n e c tio n s. Select the desired modem connection,tap SettingsSettingsSettingsSettingsS e t t i n g s, and follow the instructions on the screen.• To view additional information for any screen in the wizardor while changing settings, tap  .
10-10P505 Pocket PCCreating a VPN connectionCreating a VPN connectionCreating a VPN connectionCreating a VPN connectionCreating a VPN connectionTo create a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection:To create a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection:To create a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection:To create a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection:To create a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection:1. From the ConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnections tab,tap ConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnections.2. In My Work Network, tap AddAddAddAddAdda new VPN servera new VPN servera new VPN servera new VPN servera new VPN serverconnectionconnectionconnectionconnectionconnection.3. Type the VPN name using thesoft keyboard.4. Enter the host name/IPaddress, then select the VPNtype. Tap NextNextNextNextNext whenfinished.
Chapter 10: Getting Connected10-115. Select the VPNauthentication, then tapNextNextNextNextNe xt to continue.6. Type the user name,password, and domain for theconnection, then tapAdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvanced. Otherwise, tapFinishFinishFinishFinishFin ish to create theconnection.7. The created VPN network isdisplayed in the My WorkMy WorkMy WorkMy WorkMy WorkNetworkNetworkNetworkNetworkNetwork list. Tap   toclose the window.8. Launch Internet Explorer totest the connection.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E To view additionalinformation for anyscreen in the wizardor while changingsettings, tap  .
10-12P505 Pocket PCAdjusting the proxy server settingsAdjusting the proxy server settingsAdjusting the proxy server settingsAdjusting the proxy server settingsAdjusting the proxy server settingsIf you are connected to your ISP or private network duringsynchronization, your mobile device should download the properproxy settings from your PC. If these settings are not on your PC orneed to be changed, ask your ISP or network administrator for theproxy server name, server type, port, type of Socks protocol used,and your user name and password.To change proxy server settings:To change proxy server settings:To change proxy server settings:To change proxy server settings:To change proxy server settings:3. Select This networkThis networkThis networkThis networkThis networkconnects to the Internetconnects to the Internetconnects to the Internetconnects to the Internetconnects to the Internetand This network uses aThis network uses aThis network uses aThis network uses aThis network uses aproxy server to connectproxy server to connectproxy server to connectproxy server to connectproxy server to connectto the Internetto the Internetto the Internetto the Internetto the Internet.4. In the Proxy serverProxy serverProxy serverProxy serverProxy server box,enter the proxy server name.2. Tap Edit my proxy serverEdit my proxy serverEdit my proxy serverEdit my proxy serverEdit my proxy server.1. From the ConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnections tab,tap ConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnections.
Chapter 10: Getting Connected10-135. Tap the AdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvanced button tochange the port number, proxyserver type, and other advancedproxy settings.6. Tap   to save your changes.Network card connectionsNetwork card connectionsNetwork card connectionsNetwork card connectionsNetwork card connectionsUse a network (Ethernet) card to connect directly to a network. Onceconnected, you can view the Internet or intranet, download e-mail orsend and receive MMS messages. You do not need to create a newconnection on your device. Your network administrator can providedetails of the network settings.IMPORTANTIMPORTANTIMPORTANTIMPORTANTI M P O R T A N T Make sure to purchase and configure a network card that iscompatible with your device.To set up a network card:To set up a network card:To set up a network card:To set up a network card:To set up a network card:1. Obtain the network settingsfrom your networkadministrator.2. Insert the network card intoyour device.3. The Network Settings windowappears the time you insert thecard so you can configure itimmediately. If it does notappear, or to change thesettings later, tap  >SettingsSettingsSettingsSettingsSettings > Connections tabConnections tabConnections tabConnections tabConnections tab>Connections > NetworkConnections > NetworkConnections > NetworkConnections > NetworkConnections > NetworkCardsCardsCardsCardsCards.
10-14P505 Pocket PC4. If you need to enter specificserver information, tap theappropriate adapter. Mostnetworks use DHCP, so youshould not have to change thesesettings unless your networkadministrator instructs youotherwise.5. If necessary, connect thenetwork card to the network byusing a network cable. Forinformation, refer to thedocumentation that came withyour network card.6. To start a connection, insert the network card, and begin using adesired program. For example, switch to Pocket InternetPocket InternetPocket InternetPocket InternetPocket InternetExplorerExplorerExplorerExplorerExplorer and browse a Web pageWeb pageWeb pageWeb pageWeb pag e. Your device automaticallystarts connecting.If you use your network card with two networks, such as a privatenetwork at work and one at home for the Internet, you need tochange the network to which the network card connects.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E • You may need proxy server and VPN connection settings.Inquire the network settings with your networkadministrator.• To view additional information for any screen in the wizardor while changing settings, tap  .
Chapter 10: Getting Connected10-15Set up a WAP gatewaySet up a WAP gatewaySet up a WAP gatewaySet up a WAP gatewaySet up a WAP gatewayYour device is pre-configured to automatically connect to Vodafone’sservices, provided you have subscription. Contact the operator fordetails of specific charges and services.If you lose these automatic settings, and do not want to reset your devicecompletely, then you need the following information to set up the device:ISP server phone number, user name password, WAP gateway servername, and port number.To access WAP sites through Pocket InternetTo access WAP sites through Pocket InternetTo access WAP sites through Pocket InternetTo access WAP sites through Pocket InternetTo access WAP sites through Pocket InternetExplorer:Explorer:Explorer:Explorer:Explorer:2. Tap Edit my proxy serverEdit my proxy serverEdit my proxy serverEdit my proxy serverEdit my proxy server.1. From the ConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnections tab,tap ConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnections.
10-16P505 Pocket PC6. In the Secure WAP Secure WAP Secure WAP Secure WAP Secure WAP box,enter the Secure WAPSecure WAPSecure WAPSecure WAPSecure WAPgateway server namegateway server namegateway server namegateway server namegateway server name,then specify the port number.7. Tap   to save your changes.4. Tap the AdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvanced buttonto access the WAP gatewaysettings.5. In the WAPWAPWAPWAPW AP box, enter theWAP gateway serverWAP gateway serverWAP gateway serverWAP gateway serverWAP gateway servernamenamenamenamena m e, then specify the portnumber.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E The most common WAP port number is 9201.
Chapter 10: Getting Connected10-17Using dialing rulesUsing dialing rulesUsing dialing rulesUsing dialing rulesUsing dialing rulesDepending upon where you use the P505, you may have to dialadditional numbers, for example 0 or 9 to dial out of an exchange, ora particular prefix. The device automatically uses these numberswhen the dialing rule is selected. You can create as many dialinglocations as you require. Three are already created: Home, Mobile,and Work, edit these to your requirements.To change the dialing rules:To change the dialing rules:To change the dialing rules:To change the dialing rules:To change the dialing rules:1. Tap   > SettingsSettingsSettingsSettingsSettings >Connections tabConnections tabConnections tabConnections tabConnections tab >ConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnections > AdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvancedtab.2. Tap the Dialing Rules Dialing Rules Dialing Rules Dialing Rules Dialing Rules button.3. Tap Use dialing rulesUse dialing rulesUse dialing rulesUse dialing rulesUse dialing rules.4. Select a location.•HomeHomeHomeHomeHo m e - Dials the number asa local call without a numberprefix.•MobileMobileMobileMobileMobile - Dials the numberwith the mobile phoneoperator designated prefix.•WorkWorkWorkWorkW or k - Dials the number aslocal call with a numberprefix.5. Tap   to save your changes.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E To create a new location, tap New and follow the directions onthe screen. To view additional information at any time, tap  .
10-18P505 Pocket PCInfrared (IR) connectionInfrared (IR) connectionInfrared (IR) connectionInfrared (IR) connectionInfrared (IR) connectionBy default, your device detects incoming infrared (IR) beams andprompts you to accept them. If you do not want your device todetect or receive beams, clear the Receive all incoming beamsReceive all incoming beamsReceive all incoming beamsReceive all incoming beamsReceive all incoming beamscheck box.To set the Beam options:To set the Beam options:To set the Beam options:To set the Beam options:To set the Beam options:1. Tap  , then SettingsSettingsSettingsSettingsSettings.2. Tap the ConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnectionsConnections tab.3. Tap the BeamBeamBeamBeamBeam icon to displaythe Settings screen.Ending a connectionEnding a connectionEnding a connectionEnding a connectionEnding a connectionUse the following methods to end a network connection.• When connected via modem or VPN, tap  on the navigationbar, then tap DisconnectDisconnectDisconnectDisconnectDisconnect.• When connected via cable or cradle, detach your device from thecable or cradle.• When connected via Infrared, move the device away from theother computer or device.• When connected via a network (Ethernet) card, remove the cardfrom your device.• When connected via a wireless network, switch off theconnection.
Chapter 10: Getting Connected10-194. Tap the option Receive allReceive allReceive allReceive allReceive allincoming beamsincoming beamsincoming beamsincoming beamsincoming beams, then tapthe Receive an infraredReceive an infraredReceive an infraredReceive an infraredReceive an infraredbeambeambeambeambe am link to receive beamsfrom this screen.The device automaticallylooks for another device usinginfrared.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E Turning off the Receive all incoming beam Receive all incoming beam Receive all incoming beam Receive all incoming beam Receive all incoming beam optionssaves battery power.Sending informationSending informationSending informationSending informationSending informationTo beam a contact:To beam a contact:To beam a contact:To beam a contact:To beam a contact:1. In ContactsContactsContactsContactsContacts, highlight the contactname to beam.2. Select Tools > Beam Contacts.3. Align the IR ports of the P505 andthe device to which you are beaming(the devices should be in close rangeof each other and have clearline-of-sight).
10-20P505 Pocket PCNOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E You can also send items, but not folders, from File Explorer.Tap and hold the item that you want to send, then tap BeamBeamBeamBeamBeamFileFileFileFileF i l e on the pop-up menu.To beam a file:To beam a file:To beam a file:To beam a file:To beam a file:1. Go to the program associated withthe file you want to transfer, andselect it from the list.2. Align the IR ports of the P505 andthe device to which you are beaming(the devices should be in close rangeof each other and have clear line-of-sight).3. Tap and hold the item, then tapBeam File... Beam File... Beam File... Beam File... Beam File... on the pop-up menu.Receiving informationReceiving informationReceiving informationReceiving informationReceiving informationTo receive information:To receive information:To receive information:To receive information:To receive information:1. Align the IR ports of the devices (the devices should be in closerange of each other and have clear line-of-sight).2. Have the owner of the other device send the information to you.Your device automatically receives the information, provided thebeaming option is set to receive incoming beams. See previouspage for details.
Chapter 11Using BluetoothThis chapter providesinformation on how to use thePocket PC Bluetooth® feature.
11-2P505 Pocket PCChapter summaryChapter summaryChapter summaryChapter summaryChapter summary•••••Introducing BluetoothIntroducing BluetoothIntroducing BluetoothIntroducing BluetoothIntroducing Bluetooth®........................................... 11-311-311-311-311-3Bluetooth icon ............................................................... 11-3•••••Bluetooth settingsBluetooth settingsBluetooth settingsBluetooth settingsBluetooth settings ..............................................................................................................................................................................................11-411-411-411-411-4•••••Bluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth Manager ..............................................................................................................................................................................................11-611-611-611-611-6Bluetooth connection wizard ......................................... 11-7•••••BluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetooth®®®®® services services services services services ....................................................................................................................................................................................11-811-811-811-811-8Wireless serial port ........................................................ 11-8Dial-up networking ......................................................... 11-9Send via Bluetooth....................................................... 11-10Bluetooth Personal Area Network ................................ 11-12
Chapter 11: Using Bluetooth®®®®®11-3Introducing BluetoothIntroducing BluetoothIntroducing BluetoothIntroducing BluetoothIntroducing Bluetooth®®®®®Bluetooth® is a short-range wireless communications technology.Devices with Bluetooth® capabilities can exchange information over adistance of about 10 meters (30 feet) without requiring a physicalconnection.Unlike infrared, you do not need to line up the devices to exchangeinformation via Bluetooth®. The devices only need to be within arange of about 10 meters. You can even exchange information to adevice in a different room, as long as it is within the specified range.The Bluetooth® technology allows your Pocket PC to:• Locate other Bluetooth devices within the vicinity• Discover the services that those devices offer• Connect to, use, and disconnect from those services• Enable or disable individual services• Use security features including authentication, authorisation, andencryptionBluetooth iconBluetooth iconBluetooth iconBluetooth iconBluetooth iconThe Bluetooth icon is located on the lower right corner of the Todayscreen.When Bluetooth is enabled (turned ON),the icon is blue   , and the Bluetooth LEDon the upper left side of the device blinksblue.When Bluetooth is disabled (turnedOFF), the icon has a red X on its lowerright corner  .Tapping the icon displays a menu thatallows you to:• turn Bluetooth on or off• launch the Bluetooth Manager• change the Bluetooth SettingsBluetooth icon
11-4P505 Pocket PCBluetooth settingsBluetooth settingsBluetooth settingsBluetooth settingsBluetooth settingsTo configure the Bluetooth settings:To configure the Bluetooth settings:To configure the Bluetooth settings:To configure the Bluetooth settings:To configure the Bluetooth settings:1. Tap   from the lower rightcorner of the Today screen todisplay the Bluetooth menu.2. Tap Bluetooth SettingsBluetooth SettingsBluetooth SettingsBluetooth SettingsBluetooth Settings.3. Tap one of the tabs at thebottom of the BluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetoothSettingsSettingsSettingsSettingsSettings window to makeyour desired changes.GeneralGeneralGeneralGeneralGeneralAllows you to:• select the user profile• see the Bluetooth status(ON/OFF)• turn Bluetooth ON or OFF• tap a link to the BluetoothManagerAccessibilityAccessibilityAccessibilityAccessibilityAccessibilityAllows you to:• set the device name• see the Bluetooth DeviceAddress (BDA)• select the remote devices youwish to connect• set whether to allow remotedevices to see your device
Chapter 11: Using Bluetooth®®®®®11-5ServicesServicesServicesServicesServicesAllows you to:• enable/disable availableBluetooth services• change the advanced settingsof Bluetooth services• set authentication and specifyencryption settings forBluetooth servicesThe available service settings areenabled when you select aBluetooth service.Select a service from the list toestablish its settings (enabled, authorisation and authentication).Other options can be accessed by tapping on AdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvanced and aredescribed below:Bluetooth ServiceBluetooth ServiceBluetooth ServiceBluetooth ServiceBluetooth Service DescriptionDescriptionDescriptionDescriptionDescriptionFile TransferFile TransferFile TransferFile TransferF i l e  Tr a n s f e r Set the highest level directory on your device thatremote devices can access.Information ExchangeInformation ExchangeInformation ExchangeInformation ExchangeI nf o r m ati o n   Ex c h a ng e Set the default business card.Serial PortSerial PortSerial PortSerial PortS e r i a l   P o r t Displays the port addresses. This cannot bechanged.Personal Network ServerPersonal Network ServerPersonal Network ServerPersonal Network ServerPersonal Network Server Allows you to customise the service settings foryour personal network server.Hands FreeHands FreeHands FreeHands FreeH a n d s   F r e e Enable telephone and/or audio profile.Dial-up Networking ServerDial-up Networking ServerDial-up Networking ServerDial-up Networking ServerDial-up Networking Server Allows you to enable and/or authenticateconnection to the dial-up network server.
11-6P505 Pocket PCBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerThe Bluetooth Manager allows you to create, manage, and useBluetooth® to connect to remote devices.To launch the Bluetooth Manager:To launch the Bluetooth Manager:To launch the Bluetooth Manager:To launch the Bluetooth Manager:To launch the Bluetooth Manager:1. Tap and hold the Bluetoothicon in the Today screen.2. Tap Bluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth Manager.3. The My ShortcutsMy ShortcutsMy ShortcutsMy ShortcutsMy Shortcuts screendisplays a list of pre-configuredconnections, if any.Tap to make a new connectionTap to add or remove paired devicesTap to set view optionsTap to launch the Bluetooth connection wizard
Chapter 11: Using Bluetooth®®®®®11-7Bluetooth connection wizardBluetooth connection wizardBluetooth connection wizardBluetooth connection wizardBluetooth connection wizardThe Bluetooth connection wizard helps you set up connections withremote Bluetooth® devices.To launch the Bluetooth connection wizard:To launch the Bluetooth connection wizard:To launch the Bluetooth connection wizard:To launch the Bluetooth connection wizard:To launch the Bluetooth connection wizard:1. Tap   from the Bluetooth Manager command bar. The BluetoothConnection Wizard screen appears.2. Select a type of connectionthat you wish set up, then tapNextNextNextNextNext.Tap CancelCancelCancelCancelCancel  to terminate theconnection process.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E Refer to the deviceonline help for otherinformation onBluetooth®connections.4. Tap the Active ConnectionsActive ConnectionsActive ConnectionsActive ConnectionsActive Connectionstab to display the activeincoming and outgoingconnections.
11-8P505 Pocket PCBluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetooth®®®®® services services services services servicesWireless serial portWireless serial portWireless serial portWireless serial portWireless serial portUsing a Bluetooth® serial port is equivalent to using a physical cableserial port connection between two devices. As with a physicalconnection, you have to configure the application that will use theserial port.To configure the Bluetooth Serial Port:To configure the Bluetooth Serial Port:To configure the Bluetooth Serial Port:To configure the Bluetooth Serial Port:To configure the Bluetooth Serial Port:1. Tap the Bluetooth icon   fromthe Today screen to displaythe Bluetooth menu.2. Tap Bluetooth SettingsBluetooth SettingsBluetooth SettingsBluetooth SettingsBluetooth Settings,then tap the ServicesServicesServicesServicesServices tab.3. Select Serial PortSerial PortSerial PortSerial PortSerial Port from theavailable services, then tap theAdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvancedAdvanced button.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E Refer to the application’sdocumentation for moreinformation aboutconfiguring your application’sOutbound COM port.4. Note the assigned Outbound COMPort 6, then assign the sameOutbound COM port to theapplication that will use theBluetooth serial port.5. Tap   to close the screen.
Chapter 11: Using Bluetooth®®®®®11-9To use the wireless serial port:To use the wireless serial port:To use the wireless serial port:To use the wireless serial port:To use the wireless serial port:1. Create a connection to the device that uses the wireless serial port(i.e. Bluetooth GPS). See the section “Bluetooth connection wizard”on page 11-7.2. Tap and hold the Bluetooth icon on the Today screen, then tapBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth Manager.3. In My Shortcuts screen, tap and hold the device connectionshortcut, then select ConnectConnectConnectConnectConnect from the pop-up menu.4. Enter the required information on the succeeding screens tocomplete the connection process.5. When the connection is active, you can exchange, share, andbrowse data and files or launch applications from the remoteBluetooth device.
11-10P505 Pocket PCDial-up networkingDial-up networkingDial-up networkingDial-up networkingDial-up networkingThe Dial-up Networking feature allows you to connect to a remotecomputer through a phone line. Once connected, you can browse theInternet, check or read emails, etc.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E The remote Bluetooth device that will provide the Dial-upNetworking service should have access to a telephonesystem, either a hard-wired or a cellular connection, andcapable of answering a call.Devices that may provide a Dial-up Networking service:• Bluetooth-enabled cellular telephones• Bluetooth-enabled desktop computers attached to a telephone system• Bluetooth modemsTo use Dial-up Networking:To use Dial-up Networking:To use Dial-up Networking:To use Dial-up Networking:To use Dial-up Networking:1. Create a connection to the device that will provide telephone access.See the section “Bluetooth connection wizard” on page 11-7.2. Tap and hold the Bluetooth icon on the Today screen, then tapBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth Manager.3. In My Shortcuts screen, tap and hold the Dial-up NetworkingDial-up NetworkingDial-up NetworkingDial-up NetworkingDial-up NetworkingConnectionConnectionConnectionConnectionConnection shortcut, then select ConnectConnectConnectConnectConnect from the pop-upmenu.4. On the first Bluetooth: Dial-up Connection screen, double-tap NewNewNewNewNewConnection...Connection...Connection...Connection...Connection... OR select New ConnectionNew ConnectionNew ConnectionNew ConnectionNew Connection, then tap OKOKOKOKOK.5. Key-in the following information on the second Bluetooth: Dial-upConnection screen:• Name for a connection• Country code (if dialing outside the default country setting)• Area code (if dialing outside the default area code setting)• Phone number to be dialed6. Tap  .7. Enter the required information on the succeeding screens tocomplete the connection process.8. When the connection is active, open a web browser from thedevice.
Chapter 11: Using Bluetooth®®®®®11-11Send via BluetoothSend via BluetoothSend via BluetoothSend via BluetoothSend via BluetoothYou can conveniently send your Pocket Outlook contacts, calendaritems, and tasks individually or collectively to the remote device viaBluetooth.To send data via Bluetooth:To send data via Bluetooth:To send data via Bluetooth:To send data via Bluetooth:To send data via Bluetooth:1. Tap   , then open eitherContactsContactsContactsContactsContacts, CalendarCalendarCalendarCalendarCalendar, or TasksTasksTasksTasksTasks.2. Highlight an item that you wish tosend to the remote device.3. Tap and hold the item, then tapSend via BluetoothSend via BluetoothSend via BluetoothSend via BluetoothSend via Bluetooth from thepop-up menu.ORORORORORTap ToolsToolsToolsToolsToo ls from the command bar,then select Send via BluetoothSend via BluetoothSend via BluetoothSend via BluetoothSend via Bluetooth.
11-12P505 Pocket PCThe device searches and displaysremote Bluetooth® device(s) in yourlocation.4. Tap the destination of the file, thentap  to send.
Chapter 11: Using Bluetooth®®®®®11-13BluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetooth®®®®® Personal Area Network Personal Area Network Personal Area Network Personal Area Network Personal Area NetworkA Bluetooth® personal area network is a private, temporary, ad-hocnetwork of up to eight (8) devices. A Bluetooth® personal areanetwork allows you to easily exchange information that normallyrequires a TCP/IP network. Most chat utilities, multi-player games,etc. are fully functional in a Bluetooth® personal area networkenvironment.Bluetooth® private area networks are subject to the same securitysettings (service availability, authorisation, authentication, andencryption) that govern other Bluetooth® communications.One Bluetooth® device must be the host of the personal areanetwork. Other Bluetooth® devices join the network as clients. Thehost can accept and reject clients on an individual basis.To set up a Bluetooth personal area network:To set up a Bluetooth personal area network:To set up a Bluetooth personal area network:To set up a Bluetooth personal area network:To set up a Bluetooth personal area network:NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E Adding devices is optional. You do not have to add devices tothe personal network while configuring the host. You can letother devices join the personal network later.2. On the wizard screen, selectHost a personal networkHost a personal networkHost a personal networkHost a personal networkHost a personal network,then tap NextNextNextNextNex t. The devicescans for Bluetooth® devices.1. From the BluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetoothBluetoothManagerManagerManagerManagerManager, tap NewNewNewNewNew > Join Join Join Join Joina personal networka personal networka personal networka personal networka personal network. TapNextNextNextNextNext.
11-14P505 Pocket PC3. Tap the remote devices you wantto add to the personal network,then tap NextNextNextNextNext.To join a personal network:To join a personal network:To join a personal network:To join a personal network:To join a personal network:1. From the Bluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth ManagerBluetooth Manager, tap NewNewNewNewNew > Join a personal Join a personal Join a personal Join a personal Join a personalnetworknetworknetworknetworknetwork. Tap NextNextNextNextNext.2. On the wizard screen, select Join a personal networkJoin a personal networkJoin a personal networkJoin a personal networkJoin a personal network, thentap NextNextNextNextNex t. The Bluetooth browser appears.3. Select the host of the personal network, then tap NextNextNextNextNext toestablish a connection to the personal area network.If you are asked to enter the IP network settings, select UseUseUseUseUseserver-assigned IP addressserver-assigned IP addressserver-assigned IP addressserver-assigned IP addressserver-assigned IP address, then tap  .4. Add remote devices to theBluetooth personal network, ifdesired.a. Tap the AddAddAddAddAdd button, thenselect the device that you wantto add.b. Add other devices, if desired.You can add up to eightdevices, including the host.5. After adding devices, tap OKOKOKOKOK tocomplete the setup and close thewizard.
A-2P505 Pocket PCChapter summaryChapter summaryChapter summaryChapter summaryChapter summary•••••Federal Communications CommissionFederal Communications CommissionFederal Communications CommissionFederal Communications CommissionFederal Communications CommissionStatementStatementStatementStatementStatement .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................A-3A-3A-3A-3A-3•••••Canadian Department ofCanadian Department ofCanadian Department ofCanadian Department ofCanadian Department ofCommunications StatementCommunications StatementCommunications StatementCommunications StatementCommunications Statement .....................................................................................................................................................................A-3A-3A-3A-3A-3•••••UL Safety NoticesUL Safety NoticesUL Safety NoticesUL Safety NoticesUL Safety Notices ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................A-4A-4A-4A-4A-4
NoticesA-3Federal Communications CommissionFederal Communications CommissionFederal Communications CommissionFederal Communications CommissionFederal Communications CommissionStatementStatementStatementStatementStatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject tothe following two conditions:1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and2) This device must accept any interference received, including interferencethat may cause undesired operation.This device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating inconjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for aClass B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits aredesigned to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radiofrequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance withmanufacturer’s instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined byturning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correctthe interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that towhich the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.WARNING!WARNING!WARNING!WARNING!W A R N I N G ! The use of shielded cables for connection of the monitor tothe graphics card is required to assure compliance with FCCregulations. Changes or modifications to this unit notexpressly approved by the party responsible for compliancecould void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.Canadian Department of CommunicationsCanadian Department of CommunicationsCanadian Department of CommunicationsCanadian Department of CommunicationsCanadian Department of CommunicationsStatementStatementStatementStatementStatementThis digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noiseemissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio InterferenceRegulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.This class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
A-4P505 Pocket PCUL Safety NoticesUL Safety NoticesUL Safety NoticesUL Safety NoticesUL Safety NoticesRequired for UL 1459 covering telecommunications (telephone) equipmentintended to be electrically connected to a telecommunication network thathas an operating voltage to ground that does not exceed 200V peak, 300Vpeak-to-peak, and 105V rms, and installed or used in accordance with theNational Electrical Code (NFPA 70).When using the Pocket PC, basic safety precautions should always befollowed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and injury to persons,including the following:•Do not useDo not useDo not useDo not useDo not  u s e the Pocket PC near water, for example, near a bath tub,wash bowl, kitchen sink or laundry tub, in a wet basement or near aswimming pool.•Do not useDo not useDo not useDo not useDo not  u s e the Pocket PC during an electrical storm. There may be aremote risk of electric shock from lightning.•Do not useDo not useDo not useDo not useDo not use the Pocket PC in the vicinity of a gas leak.Required for UL 1642 covering primary (non-rechargeable) and secondary(rechargeable) lithium batteries for use as power sources in products. Thesebatteries contain metallic lithium, or a lithium alloy, or a lithium ion, and mayconsist of a single electrochemical cell or two or more cells connected inseries, parallel, or both, that convert chemical energy into electrical energyby an irreversible or reversible chemical reaction.•Do not Do not Do not Do not Do   n ot  dispose the Pocket PC battery pack in a fire, as they mayexplode. Check with local codes for possible special disposal instructionsto reduce the risk of injury to persons due to fire or explosion.•Do not Do not Do not Do not Do   not  use power adapters or batteries from other devices to reducethe risk of injury to persons due to fire or explosion. Use only UL certifiedpower adapters or batteries supplied by the manufacturer or authorizedretailers.
NoticesA-5Replaceable batteriesReplaceable batteriesReplaceable batteriesReplaceable batteriesReplaceable batteriesIf an equipment is provided with a replaceable battery and if replacement byan incorrect type could result in an explosion (e.g. with some lithiumbatteries), the following applies:– if the battery is placed in an OPERATOR ACCESS AREA, there shall be amarking close to the battery or a statement in both the operating andthe servicing instructions;– if the battery is placed elsewhere in the equipment, there shall be amarking close to the battery or a statement in the servicing instructions.The marking or statement shall include the following or similar text:CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONRISK OF EXPLOSION IF BATTERY IS REPLACEDBY AN INCORRECT TYPE.DISPOSE OF USED BATTERIES ACCORDINGTHE INSTRUCTIONSCompliance is checked by inspection.CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTIONC A U T I O N Use only with the battery listed in the user manual.Operator access with a toolOperator access with a toolOperator access with a toolOperator access with a toolOperator access with a toolIf a TOOL is necessary to gain access to an OPERATOR ACCESS AREA, eitherall other compartments within that area containing a hazard shall beinaccessible to the OPERATOR by the use of the same TOOL, or suchcompartments shall be marked to discourage OPERATOR access.An acceptable marking for an electric shock hazard is (ISO 3864, No. 5036).Equipment for restricted access locationsEquipment for restricted access locationsEquipment for restricted access locationsEquipment for restricted access locationsEquipment for restricted access locationsFor equipment intended only for installation in a RESTRICTED ACCESSLOCATION, the installation instructions shall contain a statement to thiseffect.
 4RF Exposure Information (SAR)  This model phone meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves. This phone is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government.      The exposure standard for wireless mobile phones employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR.    The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg.  *Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the phone transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands.    Although the SAR is determined at the highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the phone while operating can be well below the maximum value.    This is because the phone is designed to operate at multiple power levels so as to use only the poser required to reach the network.  In general, the closer you are to a wireless base station antenna, the lower the power output.  The highest SAR value for the model phone as reported to the FCC when tested for use at the ear is 0.633 W/kg and when worn on the body, as described in this user guide, is 0.703 W/kg.  (Body-worn measurements differ among phone models, depending upon available enhancements and FCC requirements.)  While there may be differences between the SAR levels of various phones and at various positions, they all meet the government requirement.  The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this model phone with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines.    SAR information on this model phone is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of after searching on FCC ID: MSQ-P505.  For body worn operation, this phone has been tested and meets the FCC RF exposure guidelines for use with an accessory that contains no metal and the positions the handset a minimum of 1.5 cm from the body.  Use of other enhancements may not ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines.   If you do no t use a body-worn accessory and are not holding the phone at the ear, position the handset a minimum of 1.5 cm from your body when the phone is switched on.

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