ASUSTeK Computer P505 PDA phone User Manual Appendix 1 P505 UserMan

ASUSTeK Computer Inc PDA phone Appendix 1 P505 UserMan

Manual 4

Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-13To capture a photo for an MMS message:To capture a photo for an MMS message:To capture a photo for an MMS message:To capture a photo for an MMS message:To capture a photo for an MMS message:The Pocket PC closes theCamera application, then opensMessagingMessagingMessagingMessagingMessaging. The capturedphoto appears in the photo/video clip field.4. Compose the MMS messagefollowing the instructions on theprevious chapter, then send.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E You can also use the single shot mode popup menu toautomatically insert a captured photo to an MMS message.See the previous section for details.1. Put the Pocket PC in cameramode, then set the cameracapture mode to MMSMMSMMSMMSMMS  .2. Point the camera to yoursubject, then adjust the camerasettings, if necessary.3. When finished, tap   orpress the joystick to capture theimage.
7-14P505 Pocket PCTo capture multiple photos:To capture multiple photos:To capture multiple photos:To capture multiple photos:To capture multiple photos:1. Put the Pocket PC in camera mode, then set the camera capturemode to BurstBurstBurstBurstBurst .2. Point the camera to your subject, then adjust the camerasettings, if necessary.3. When finished, tap   orpress the joystick to startcapturing the images.The camera captures tensuccessive photos in fixedintervals, then saves the photosin the Photo Album.The camera returns to activemode when finished.4. Tap the Photo Album button to view the captured photos.Refer to the Photo AlbumPhoto AlbumPhoto AlbumPhoto AlbumPhoto Albumsection for details.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E The Burst Mode is best used when capturing action orsequential photos.
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-15To add a frame to the photo:To add a frame to the photo:To add a frame to the photo:To add a frame to the photo:To add a frame to the photo:1. Put the Pocket PC in cameramode, then set the cameracapture mode to composition.2. The screen displays the availableframes. Tap a frame to selectand display to the previewwindow.Otherwise, tap CancelCancelCancelCancelCan cel to returnto the camera display.5. Tap the Photo Album button  , then locate the capture to view.3. Point the camera to yoursubject, then adjust the camerasettings, if necessary.4. When finished, tap   or pressthe joystick to capture theimage.
7-16P505 Pocket PCTo add a photo to your contacts:To add a photo to your contacts:To add a photo to your contacts:To add a photo to your contacts:To add a photo to your contacts:1. Put the Pocket PC in cameramode, then set the cameracapture mode to caller ID mode.2. Point the camera to the person,then adjust the camera settings,if necessary.3. When finished, tap   or pressthe joystick to capture theimage.4. Select and tap the contact toattach the captured photo.The photo appears in the screeneverytime you place a call to orreceive a call from the person.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E You can use the PhotoContacts application toremove or replace thecontact photo.The Pocket PC closes theCamera application, then opensPhoto ContactsPhoto ContactsPhoto ContactsPhoto ContactsPhoto Contacts.
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-17Capturing videoCapturing videoCapturing videoCapturing videoCapturing videoThe camera is capable of capturing video in ASF, 3GP, and MP4formats and supports three capture resolutions.To capture video:To capture video:To capture video:To capture video:To capture video:1. Put the Pocket PC in camera mode, then set the camera capturemode to VideoVideoVideoVideoVideo .2. Tap the video format button to select.3. Tap the capture resolutionbutton to select. The previewarea changes when you select acapture resolution.4. When finished, point the camerato the subject, then tap   orpress the joystick to startcapturing.5. Tap   or press the joystickto stop capturing. A pop-upmenu appears.6. Tap an option from the menu.To save the recording, tap KeepKeepKeepKeepKeep.Otherwise, tap AbortAbortAbortAbortAbo rt to ignore.To preview the recording, tapPlayPlayPlayPlayPl a y. The video capture plays onscreen.Tap Send as E-mail Send as E-mail Send as E-mail Send as E-mail Send as E-mail to sendthe video capture to an e-mailrecipient.Tap to selectthe file formatTap to select thecapture resolution
7-18P505 Pocket PC7. Open the Photo Albumapplication, then locate thevideo capture file in thespecified folder.8. Tap the video capture file topreview. Pause or stop thepreview by tapping thecorresponding button on thebottom of the screen.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E Refer to the Photo Album section for details on previewingvideo capture files.
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-19Using the Camera in phone modeUsing the Camera in phone modeUsing the Camera in phone modeUsing the Camera in phone modeUsing the Camera in phone modeNOTESNOTESNOTESNOTESN O T E S Take note of the following when using the Camera Captureapplication while the Pocket PC is on phone mode:• The preview area is fixed at 240x180 pixels.• The display does not support landscape mode. You mustset the preview orientation to PortraitPortraitPortraitPortraitPortrait mode before youclose the phone flip.To launch Camera when the flip is open:1. Tap  .2. Tap ProgramsProgramsProgramsProgramsPrograms.3. Tap the CameraCameraCameraCameraCamera icon.4. The CameraCameraCameraCameraCamera screen appears. Close the phone flip to display theCamera screen. The illustration below shows the Cameraapplication in phone mode.To launch Camera when the flip is closed:Press the Camera button on the left side of the Pocket PC.Zoom levelStorage location andremaining memoryDisplays the capture modeand flash statusCapture mode iconFlash icon Environment settings iconCamera screen in phone modeCamera screen in phone modeCamera screen in phone modeCamera screen in phone modeCamera screen in phone mode
7-20P505 Pocket PCChanging the settings in phone modeChanging the settings in phone modeChanging the settings in phone modeChanging the settings in phone modeChanging the settings in phone modeYou can the camera settings when in phone mode using the joystick,side buttons, and the phone keypad buttons.SettingsSettingsSettingsSettingsSettings Can be changed byCan be changed byCan be changed byCan be changed byCan be changed byCapture modeCapture modeCapture modeCapture modeCapture mode pressing the camera button camera button camera button camera button c a mera   b u t t o n  located on the side of thePDA. The capture mode is set to Single Shot by default.Press the camera button once to change to MMS mode,press twice to Burst mode, and so on. The screen brieflydisplays the selected capture mode.FlashFlashFlashFlashFlash pressing the record button record button record button record button r e c o r d   b u t t o n  located on the side of thePDA. The flash turns on or off when you press the recordbutton. The screen briefly displays the flash status.EnvironmentEnvironmentEnvironmentEnvironmentEnvironment pressing the voice command voice command voice command voice command voice  command on the side of the PDA. Thecamera is set to Auto by default. Press the voice commandbutton once to change to Outdoor setting, press twice toFlourescent setting, and so on.ZoomZoomZoomZoomZoom pressing the   button on the PDA keypad. Press thearrow up button to increase the zoom level, or the arrowdown to decrease the zoom level.You can adjust other camera settings when the camera application isopened while in PDA mode.Taking photos in phone modeTaking photos in phone modeTaking photos in phone modeTaking photos in phone modeTaking photos in phone mode1. Select the capture mode by pressing the camera button locatedon the side of the PDA.2. Adjust the camera settings, if necessary, then point the camerato your subject. See the previous section for details on changingthe camera settings.3. Press the joystick to start capturing. For video captures, press thejoystick to stop recording.4. Depending on the capture mode, the camera:• saves the photo or video in the specified folder (Single shot,Burst, Composition, and Video modes). To view the capture,open the flip, then launch the Photo Album Photo Album Photo Album Photo Album Photo Album application.• instructs you to open the flip, then launches the MessagingMessagingMessagingMessagingMessagingapplication (MMS mode), or Photo Contacts Photo Contacts Photo Contacts Photo Contacts Photo Contacts application(Caller ID mode).
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-21Photo AlbumPhoto AlbumPhoto AlbumPhoto AlbumPhoto AlbumThe Photo Album application allows you view, edit, and managemultimedia files, including stock and captured photos, videos,animations, and clips.Launching the Photo AlbumLaunching the Photo AlbumLaunching the Photo AlbumLaunching the Photo AlbumLaunching the Photo AlbumTo launch Photo Album from Today screen:To launch Photo Album from Today screen:To launch Photo Album from Today screen:To launch Photo Album from Today screen:To launch Photo Album from Today screen:1. Tap   .2. Tap ProgramsProgramsProgramsProgramsPrograms.3. Tap the Photo Album Photo Album Photo Album Photo Album Photo Album icon toopen the application.To launch Photo Album from the Vodafone Menu:To launch Photo Album from the Vodafone Menu:To launch Photo Album from the Vodafone Menu:To launch Photo Album from the Vodafone Menu:To launch Photo Album from the Vodafone Menu:NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E Make sure that the Vodafone Menu is activated. Refer toChapter 5 for details.1. Open the phone flip to displaythe Vodafone Menu2. Tap the Photo AlbumPhoto AlbumPhoto AlbumPhoto AlbumPhoto Album icon toopen the application.
7-22P505 Pocket PCTo launch Photo Album from Camera:To launch Photo Album from Camera:To launch Photo Album from Camera:To launch Photo Album from Camera:To launch Photo Album from Camera:Tap the Photo Album button on the bottom of the screen.Photo Album main screenPhoto Album main screenPhoto Album main screenPhoto Album main screenPhoto Album main screenNOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E By default, the Photo Album main screen displays the photosand videos saved in the My Album My Album My Album My Album My Album folder.Tap to sort the files byname, date, size, or typeTap to change theviewing settingsTap to select a file, view theoptions, and application informationTap to select anotherfolder or locationTap to select the fileTap to open the CameraTap to start a slideshowof the filesTap and hold a file todisplay a pop-up menu
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-23Finding files and customising your viewFinding files and customising your viewFinding files and customising your viewFinding files and customising your viewFinding files and customising your viewTo find your photos or video clips:To find your photos or video clips:To find your photos or video clips:To find your photos or video clips:To find your photos or video clips:1. If the file you want to view oredit is not on the list, tap ShowShowShowShowShowor My Album My Album My Album My Album My Album then selectanother location (Flash Disk orSD Card).The screen shows the contentsof the selected location.2. If the file you want to view oredit is in another folder, tapViewViewViewViewVi e w, then tap Select aSelect aSelect aSelect aSelect aFolderFolderFolderFolderFold er to display all otherfolders.3. Locate the folder. The lowersection of the screen shows themedia filed inside the selectedfolder.4. After selecting the folder, tapthe OKOKOKOKO K  button to display thecontents in the main screen.
7-24P505 Pocket PCTo view a thumbnail of the files:To view a thumbnail of the files:To view a thumbnail of the files:To view a thumbnail of the files:To view a thumbnail of the files:2. Select and tap a thumbnailsetting from the popup menu.1. Tap ViewViewViewViewView > ThumbnailsThumbnailsThumbnailsThumbnailsThumbnails.The files are displayed basedon your thumbnail settings.3. Tap ViewViewViewViewView > Show NameShow NameShow NameShow NameShow NameUnder ThumbnailsUnder ThumbnailsUnder ThumbnailsUnder ThumbnailsUnder Thumbnails todisplay the file names.
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-25To view a file list:To view a file list:To view a file list:To view a file list:To view a file list:The screen displays a list ofthe files.Tap ViewViewViewViewView > ListListListListList.
7-26P505 Pocket PCManaging photos and videosManaging photos and videosManaging photos and videosManaging photos and videosManaging photos and videosTo delete photos or videos:To delete photos or videos:To delete photos or videos:To delete photos or videos:To delete photos or videos:2. Select Delete this MediaDelete this MediaDelete this MediaDelete this MediaDelete this Media.3. Tap OKOKOKOKO K  when a confirmationwindow appears. The selected fileis deleted.To delete multiple photos or video files:To delete multiple photos or video files:To delete multiple photos or video files:To delete multiple photos or video files:To delete multiple photos or video files:1. Check the box at the bottomleft corner of the files youwant to delete.1. Tap and hold a file to displaya popup menu.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E If you want to deleteall photos and videofiles in a folder, tapToolsToolsToolsToolsTools > Check AllCheck AllCheck AllCheck AllCheck AllMediaMediaMediaMediaM e d i a  to select allfiles.
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-272. Tap ToolsToolsToolsToolsTo ols, then selectDelete Checked MediaDelete Checked MediaDelete Checked MediaDelete Checked MediaDelete Checked Mediafrom the popup menu.3. Tap OKOKOKOKO K  when a confirmationwindow appears to delete thefiles.2. Tap ToolsToolsToolsToolsTo ols, then selectRename/Move Media Rename/Move Media Rename/Move Media Rename/Move Media Rename/Move Media fromthe popup menu.1. Check the box at the bottomleft corner of the files youwant to move to anotherlocation.To move photos and videos to another folder:To move photos and videos to another folder:To move photos and videos to another folder:To move photos and videos to another folder:To move photos and videos to another folder:
7-28P505 Pocket PC2. Tap ToolsToolsToolsToolsTo ols, then selectRename/Move Media Rename/Move Media Rename/Move Media Rename/Move Media Rename/Move Media fromthe popup menu.1. Check the box at the bottomleft corner of the file youwant to rename.To rename a photo or video file:To rename a photo or video file:To rename a photo or video file:To rename a photo or video file:To rename a photo or video file:3. Select the folder and locationwhere you want the files moved.4. Tap   to move the files.Otherwise, tap CancelCancelCancelCancelCancel to returnto the previous screen.
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-294. Display the file names bytapping View > ShowView > ShowView > ShowView > ShowView > ShowName Under ThumbnailsName Under ThumbnailsName Under ThumbnailsName Under ThumbnailsName Under Thumbnailsto view the new file name.3. Enter the new file name usingthe soft keyboard.Select a new folder and locationif you want to move the fileafter renaming it, then click .....2. The screen displays the fileinformation including name.format, size, depth, etc.1. Tap and hold a file, thenselect InformationInformationInformationInformationInformation from thepopup menu.To view a file information:To view a file information:To view a file information:To view a file information:To view a file information:3. Tap   to close the window and return to the previous screen
7-30P505 Pocket PCEditing photosEditing photosEditing photosEditing photosEditing photosThe Photo Album comes with several photo editing features that lets you:• rotate, flip, crop, and warp photos• add text, sounds, and cliparts to photos• create funhouse photos and photo greetingsBefore you can edit a photo, you must tap a photo file to display.To rotate or flip a photoTo rotate or flip a photoTo rotate or flip a photoTo rotate or flip a photoTo rotate or flip a photo1. Tap EditEditEditEditEdit > Rotate/Flip/CropRotate/Flip/CropRotate/Flip/CropRotate/Flip/CropRotate/Flip/Crop.Current zoom levelTap to view thephoto editing menuTap to adjust the view settingTap to delete the fileTap to start a slideshowof the filesTap to display the fileinformationTap to zoom outTap to zoom inTap to open picture toolsTap to display the  previous photoTap to display the next photoPreview window
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-312. Tap the corresponding button to rotate or flip the photo. Refer tothe illustrations below.Tap to crop photoTap to flip photohorizontallyTap to flip the photoverticallyTap to rotate the photocounterclockwiseTap to rotate the photoclockwiseRotatecounterclockwiseRotateclockwiseFlip verticalFliphorizontal
7-32P505 Pocket PCTo crop a photo:To crop a photo:To crop a photo:To crop a photo:To crop a photo:1. Tap EditEditEditEditEdit > Rotate/Flip/Crop Rotate/Flip/Crop Rotate/Flip/Crop Rotate/Flip/Crop Rotate/Flip/Crop. 2. The application prompts youto specify the crop area withthe stylus. Tap   to continue.3. Drag the stylus over the areayou wish to retain aftercropping.4. Tap   to crop the photo,then tap ToolsToolsToolsToolsTools to save.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E If you want to revert to the original photo after cropping, tapToolsToolsToolsToolsTools > Revert to SavedRevert to SavedRevert to SavedRevert to SavedRevert to Saved.
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-33To warp a photo:To warp a photo:To warp a photo:To warp a photo:To warp a photo:1. Tap EditEditEditEditEdit > Warp Warp Warp Warp Warp. 2. Tap WarpWarpWarpWarpWa r p, then choose thewarping size.3. Drag the stylus over the areayou want to warp. Forexample, start from thecenter of the lioness’ lip uptowards the chin.4. Warp other areas of thephoto as desired, then tap  .Tap ToolsToolsToolsToolsTools to save.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E If you want to revert to the original photo after warping, tapToolsToolsToolsToolsTools > Revert to SavedRevert to SavedRevert to SavedRevert to SavedRevert to Saved.
7-34P505 Pocket PCTo add a recording to a photo:To add a recording to a photo:To add a recording to a photo:To add a recording to a photo:To add a recording to a photo:1. Tap EditEditEditEditEdit > Edit Sound Edit Sound Edit Sound Edit Sound Edit Sound. Therecording bar appears at thebottom of the screen.2. Tap the record button tostart recording. Tap the stopbutton to stop recording.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E Make sure to place the audio source near the devicemicrophone to achieve clearer recordings.Play buttonStop buttonRecord buttonRecording sliderFast forwardRewind3. When finished, playback therecording by tapping the play,rewind, or fast forward buttons.4. Tap   to save the recording.
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-35To add a drawing to a photo:To add a drawing to a photo:To add a drawing to a photo:To add a drawing to a photo:To add a drawing to a photo:1. Tap EditEditEditEditEdit > Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw. 2. Tap the line weight button,then select from the list.3. Tap the line color button toselect the line color. Tap thecolor of choice.4. Use the stylus to draw objectsor texts over the photo, thentap ToolsToolsToolsToolsTools to save.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E If you want to revert to the original photo after drawing, tapToolsToolsToolsToolsTools > Revert to SavedRevert to SavedRevert to SavedRevert to SavedRevert to Saved.
7-36P505 Pocket PCTo add texts to a photo:To add texts to a photo:To add texts to a photo:To add texts to a photo:To add texts to a photo:1. Tap EditEditEditEditEdit > Add Text Add Text Add Text Add Text Add Text. 2. Use the soft keyboard to typethe text, then tap  .3. The text is inserted in thephoto. Tap   to change thetext font, size, color, andstyle.4. Change the text settings fromthis window, then tap   tosave the changes.Tap to underline textTap to italicised textTap to boldface text
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-37NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E If you want to edit the inserted text, tap TextTextTextTextText > EditEditEditEditEditCurrent Text Current Text Current Text Current Text C u r r e n t   T e x t  to display the Add/Edit Text window. Editthe text using the soft keyboard, then tap  .5. Move the text block to thedesired location, then tap  .6. To add another text block,tap TextTextTextTextText > Add New TextAdd New TextAdd New TextAdd New TextAdd New Text.Follow the same instructionsto insert another text block.To add a clipart to a photo:To add a clipart to a photo:To add a clipart to a photo:To add a clipart to a photo:To add a clipart to a photo:1. Tap EditEditEditEditEdit > Add Clip Art Add Clip Art Add Clip Art Add Clip Art Add Clip Art.The cliparts appear.2. Select and tap a clipart toinsert.
7-38P505 Pocket PCNOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E The Photo Album comes with two clipart categories:emoticonsemoticonsemoticonsemoticonsemoticons and fun clipsfun clipsfun clipsfun clipsf u n   c l i p s. You can switch categories bytapping the clipart category displayed on the top left cornerof the display.3. Tap emoticonsemoticonsemoticonsemoticonsemoticons, then selectfun clips fun clips fun clips fun clips fun clips to change theclipart directory. Select andtap a clipart to insert.4. The clipart appears over thephoto. Drag the clipart to thedesired location using the stylus.Tap  to save the changes.Tap to rotate theclipart clockwiseTap to rotate the clipartcounterclockwise5. Tap Clip Art Clip Art Clip Art Clip Art Clip Art to add a newclipart, change or delete aselected clipart, or arrangethe clipart position.
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-39To add a Funhouse effect to a photo:To add a Funhouse effect to a photo:To add a Funhouse effect to a photo:To add a Funhouse effect to a photo:To add a Funhouse effect to a photo:1. Tap EditEditEditEditEdit > Funhouse Funhouse Funhouse Funhouse Funhouse. TheBobble heads effects appear.2. Select and tap a Bobble headeffect you want to apply tothe photo.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E The Photo Album comes with two Funhouse categories:Bobble heads Bobble heads Bobble heads Bobble heads Bobble heads and Fun GamesFun GamesFun GamesFun GamesF u n   G a m e s. You can switch categoriesby tapping the Funhouse category displayed on the top leftcorner of the display.3. Select and tap the Funhouseeffect you want to apply tothe photo.4. Adjust the photo size, angle,and position to match theeffect.
7-40P505 Pocket PC5. Tap TemplateTemplateTemplateTemplateTemplate to change theFunhouse effect. Selectanother effect to apply.6. When finished, tap   to savethe changes.To create a photo greeting:To create a photo greeting:To create a photo greeting:To create a photo greeting:To create a photo greeting:1. Tap EditEditEditEditEdit > Photo Photo Photo Photo PhotoGreetingGreetingGreetingGreetingGreeting. The PhotoGreeting frames appear.2. Select and tap a frame youwant to apply to the photo.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E The Photo Album comes with two Photo Greeting categories:Just for Fun Just for Fun Just for Fun Just for Fun Just for Fun and OccassionsOccassionsOccassionsOccassionsO c c a s s i o n s. You can switch categoriesby tapping the Photo Greeting category displayed on the topleft corner of the display.
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-413. After changing categories,select and tap a frame youwant to apply to the photo.4. Adjust the photo size, angle,and position to match theframe.5. Tap TemplateTemplateTemplateTemplateTemplate to change thePhoto Greeting frame. Selectanother frame to apply.6. When finished, tap   to savethe changes.
7-42P505 Pocket PCSaving photosSaving photosSaving photosSaving photosSaving photosTo save the photo:To save the photo:To save the photo:To save the photo:To save the photo:1. Tap ToolsToolsToolsToolsTools > Save Picture Save Picture Save Picture Save Picture Save PictureAsAsAsAsAs. The Save As Save As Save As Save As Save As windowappears.2. Use the soft keyboard to typea file name for the photo.3. Select the folder and locationwhere you want to save thephoto.4. Select the photo file type.You can save a photo in .jpgor .bmp format.5. Tap OKOKOKOKO K  to save the photo.
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-43Sharing photosSharing photosSharing photosSharing photosSharing photosThe Photo Album lets you share photos to other PDAs using infraredand Bluetooth™, next generation mobile phones via MMS and WAP,and notebooks/PCs via e-mail.To send a photo via MMS:To send a photo via MMS:To send a photo via MMS:To send a photo via MMS:To send a photo via MMS:1. From the Photo Album mainscreen, tap a photo todisplay.2. Tap ToolsToolsToolsToolsTools > Send viaSend viaSend viaSend viaSend viaMMSMMSMMSMMSMMS. The MessagingMessagingMessagingMessagingMessagingwindow appears.3. The photo becomes an MMSobject. Compose the MMSmessage following theinstructions on Chapter 6.4. When finished, send the MMSmessage.
7-44P505 Pocket PCTo send a photo via e-mail:To send a photo via e-mail:To send a photo via e-mail:To send a photo via e-mail:To send a photo via e-mail:1. From the Photo Album mainscreen, tap a photo todisplay.2. Tap ToolsToolsToolsToolsTools > Send viaSend viaSend viaSend viaSend viaE-mailE-mailE-mailE-mailE-mail. The MessagingMessagingMessagingMessagingMessagingwindow appears.3. The photo becomes an e-mailattachment. Compose thee-mail message following theinstructions in Chapter 6.4. When finished, send thee-mail message.
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-45To send a photo via e-mail:To send a photo via e-mail:To send a photo via e-mail:To send a photo via e-mail:To send a photo via e-mail:1. From the Photo Album mainscreen, tap a photo todisplay.2. Tap ToolsToolsToolsToolsTools > Beam PictureBeam PictureBeam PictureBeam PictureBeam Picture.3. The Pocket PC searches forthe IR port of the recipient’sdeviceBeam the photo following theinstructions in Chapter 10.
7-46P505 Pocket PCPicturesPicturesPicturesPicturesPicturesThe Pictures application allows you view and manage photos, andcreate slideshows from photos saved in the Pocket PC.Launching the PicturesLaunching the PicturesLaunching the PicturesLaunching the PicturesLaunching the PicturesTo launch Pictures:To launch Pictures:To launch Pictures:To launch Pictures:To launch Pictures:1. Tap   .2. Tap ProgramsProgramsProgramsProgramsPrograms.3. Tap the PicturesPicturesPicturesPicturesPictur e s icon to open the application.Pictures main screenPictures main screenPictures main screenPictures main screenPictures main screenNOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E By default, the Pictures main screen displays the photossaved in the My Pictures My Pictures My Pictures My Pictures My Pictures folder.Tap to sort the files byname, date, size, or typeTap to access theapplication optionsTap to start a slideshowTap to select anotherfolder or locationTap and hold a file todisplay a pop-up menuTap to display the picturessaved in the My PicturesfolderTap to display the picturessaved in the SD card
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-47Editing photos using PicturesEditing photos using PicturesEditing photos using PicturesEditing photos using PicturesEditing photos using PicturesTo adjust the photo brightness and contrast:To adjust the photo brightness and contrast:To adjust the photo brightness and contrast:To adjust the photo brightness and contrast:To adjust the photo brightness and contrast:1. From the Pictures mainscreen, tap a photo to display,then tap EditEditEditEditEdit > BrightnessBrightnessBrightnessBrightnessBrightnessand Contrastand Contrastand Contrastand Contrastand Contrast.2. Adjust the photo brightnessand contrast by tapping theappropriate buttons.3. Tap DoneDoneDoneDoneDon e to save yourchanges.Decrease brightnessIncrease brightnessDecrease contrastIncrease contrast
7-48P505 Pocket PCTo rotate the photo:To rotate the photo:To rotate the photo:To rotate the photo:To rotate the photo:1. From the Pictures mainscreen, tap a photo to display.2. Tap the rotate button torotate the photo 90ºcounterclockwise.3. Tap   to save the changes.Tap to rotateTo rotate the photo:To rotate the photo:To rotate the photo:To rotate the photo:To rotate the photo:1. From the Pictures mainscreen, tap a photo to display,then tap the crop button.2. Use the stylus to select thephoto area you want to retainafter cropping.Crop button
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-493. When prompted, tap insidethe crop to crop the photo.4. The screen displays thecropped photo. Tap   to savethe changes.To zoom in/out a photo:To zoom in/out a photo:To zoom in/out a photo:To zoom in/out a photo:To zoom in/out a photo:1. From the Pictures mainscreen, tap a photo to display,then tap the zoom button.2. From the zoom navigatorwindow, tap the zoom in or outbutton to magnify the photo.Tap to zoom in/outNOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E Use the stylus to drag the red square inside the navigatorwindow to the area you want to zoom.Zoom outZoom inFit in screen view
7-50P505 Pocket PCStarting a photo slide showStarting a photo slide showStarting a photo slide showStarting a photo slide showStarting a photo slide showTo adjust the slide show settings:To adjust the slide show settings:To adjust the slide show settings:To adjust the slide show settings:To adjust the slide show settings:1. From the Pictures main screen,tap Tools > OptionsTools > OptionsTools > OptionsTools > OptionsTools > Options.2. Tap the Slide Show tab todisplay the slide show settings.3. Adjust the slide show settings from this window, then tap   toeffect your changes.To start a photo slide show:To start a photo slide show:To start a photo slide show:To start a photo slide show:To start a photo slide show:1. From the Pictures mainscreen, tap the slide showbutton to begin the slideshow.
Chapter 7: Multimedia Features7-512. During the slide show, tap thescreen to display the slideshow control buttons. Referto the illustration below forthe button description.Stop slideshowNext photoPrevious photoPlay slideshowPause slide showChangeorientation** Portrait or landscapeUsing the Tools menuUsing the Tools menuUsing the Tools menuUsing the Tools menuUsing the Tools menuThe Tools menu allows you to share photos via e-mail or beam, setthe photo as wallpaper, or revert to the original photo.To access the Tools menu:To access the Tools menu:To access the Tools menu:To access the Tools menu:To access the Tools menu:1. From the Pictures main screen,tap a photo to display, thenToolsToolsToolsToolsTools.2. Select from the availableoptions, then follow screeninstructions to continue.
7-52P505 Pocket PCAuto-launching PicturesAuto-launching PicturesAuto-launching PicturesAuto-launching PicturesAuto-launching PicturesYou can auto-launch Pictures everytime you insert a digital camera SDcard to the Pocket PC SD card slot.To auto-launch Pictures:To auto-launch Pictures:To auto-launch Pictures:To auto-launch Pictures:To auto-launch Pictures:1. From the Pictures main screen,tap ToolsToolsToolsToolsTools > Options > Options > Options > Options > Options.2. Tap the GeneralGeneralGeneralGeneralGeneral tab, thencheck the option DetectDetectDetectDetectDetectdigital camera storagedigital camera storagedigital camera storagedigital camera storagedigital camera storagecardscardscardscardscards.3. Tap   to save your settings.
Chapter 8Using Companion ApplicationsThis chapter includes basicinformation on how to usePocket Word, Pocket Excel,MSN Messenger, and WindowsMedia Player for Pocket PC.
8-2P505 Pocket PCChapter summaryChapter summaryChapter summaryChapter summaryChapter summary•••••Companion applicationsCompanion applicationsCompanion applicationsCompanion applicationsCompanion applications ................................................................................................................................................................ 8-38-38-38-38-3•••••Pocket WordPocket WordPocket WordPocket WordPocket Word ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8-38-38-38-38-3Creating Pocket Word documents .................................... 8-3Modes of entering information ......................................... 8-4Saving Pocket Word documents ...................................... 8-8Opening an existing Pocket Word document .................. 8-10•••••Pocket ExcelPocket ExcelPocket ExcelPocket ExcelPocket Excel ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................8-118-118-118-118-11Creating Pocket Excel documents .................................. 8-11Saving Pocket Excel documents ..................................... 8-12Securing your Excel document ....................................... 8-14Tips for working in Pocket Excel ..................................... 8-16•••••MSN MessengerMSN MessengerMSN MessengerMSN MessengerMSN Messenger ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................8-178-178-178-178-17Signing up ...................................................................... 8-18Working with contacts ................................................... 8-19Chatting with contacts .................................................. 8-20•••••Windows Media Player for Pocket PCWindows Media Player for Pocket PCWindows Media Player for Pocket PCWindows Media Player for Pocket PCWindows Media Player for Pocket PC .................................................................8-218-218-218-218-21Using the Windows® Media Player library ........................ 8-22•••••Voice CommanderVoice CommanderVoice CommanderVoice CommanderVoice Commander ...................................................................................................................................................................................................8-258-258-258-258-25Changing the Voice Commander settings ...................... 8-25Creating voice tags ........................................................ 8-26Digit training .................................................................. 8-28Adjusting the advanced settings ................................... 8-30Using the Voice Commander .......................................... 8-31
Chapter 8: Using Companion Applications8-3Companion applicationsCompanion applicationsCompanion applicationsCompanion applicationsCompanion applicationsThe companion applications consist of Microsoft® Pocket Word,Microsoft® Pocket Excel, MSN Messenger, Windows Media™ Player forPocket PC, Microsoft® Internet Explorer, and Voice Commander.To switch to a companion program on your device, tap  , then selectProgramsProgramsProgramsProgramsPrograms. Tap the icon of the program that you want to open.Pocket WordPocket WordPocket WordPocket WordPocket WordPocket Word works with Microsoft® Word on your desktop computerto give you easy access to copies of your documents. You can createnew documents on your device, or you can copy documents fromyour desktop computer to your device. Synchronise documentsbetween your desktop computer and your device so that you havethe most up-to-date content in both locations.Use Pocket Word to create documents, such as letters, meetingminutes, or trip reports.Creating Pocket Word documentsCreating Pocket Word documentsCreating Pocket Word documentsCreating Pocket Word documentsCreating Pocket Word documentsTo create a new Word document:To create a new Word document:To create a new Word document:To create a new Word document:To create a new Word document:1. Tap  , tap ProgramsProgramsProgramsProgramsPrograms, tapPocket WordPocket WordPocket WordPocket WordPocket Word to launch theapplication.If you have existing Microsoft®Word or Pocket Worddocuments in your device, alist of the documents appears.
8-4P505 Pocket PC2. Tap NewNewNewNewNe w  to display a blank document.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E Tap on ToolsToolsToolsToolsTools, then OptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsO p t i o n s  to change the format of blankdocuments.3. Use any of the input modes to enter your text. Refer to thesection “Modes of entering information” for details.Type your text hereTap to select an input methodTap to show or hidethe input panelTap to show or hidethe formatting toolbarTap to save and close your documentFormatting toolbarModes of entering informationModes of entering informationModes of entering informationModes of entering informationModes of entering informationYou can enter information in Pocket Word in one of four modes(typing, writing, drawing, or recording), which are displayed on theViewViewViewViewVi ew menu. Each mode has its own toolbar that you can show orhide by tapping the Show/Hide ToolbarShow/Hide ToolbarShow/Hide ToolbarShow/Hide ToolbarShow/Hide Toolbar button on the commandbar.If you are opening a Word document created on a desktop computer,select Wrap to WindowWrap to WindowWrap to WindowWrap to WindowWrap to Window on the ViewViewViewViewVi ew menu so that you can seethe entire document.To change the zoom magnification:To change the zoom magnification:To change the zoom magnification:To change the zoom magnification:To change the zoom magnification:1. Tap ViewViewViewViewVi e w, then tap ZoomZoomZoomZoomZoom.2. Select your desired percentage.Select a higher percentage to enter text and lower one to seemore of your document.
Chapter 8: Using Companion Applications8-5Typing ModeTyping ModeTyping ModeTyping ModeTyping ModeUsing the input panel, enter typed text into the document. For moreinformation on entering typed text, see Chapter 2.To find and replace text:To find and replace text:To find and replace text:To find and replace text:To find and replace text:1. Highlight the text you wish to change by dragging the stylusacross the text.2. Press the Back bar to removethe text and enter new text.ORORORORORTap EditEditEditEditEdit > Find/Replace.Find/Replace.Find/Replace.Find/Replace.Find/Replace.3. Tap ReplaceReplaceReplaceReplaceReplace or FindFindFindFindFind, thenfollow screen instructions tocontinue.
8-6P505 Pocket PCWriting modeWriting modeWriting modeWriting modeWriting modeIn writing mode, use your stylus to write directly on the screen. Ruledlines are displayed as a guide, and the zoom magnification is greaterthan in typing mode to allow you to write more easily. For moreinformation on writing and selecting writing, see Chapter 2.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E • If you cross three ruled lines in a single stylus stroke, thewriting becomes a drawing, and can be edited andmanipulated as described in the next section.• Written words are converted to graphics (metafiles) whena Pocket Word document is converted to a Worddocument on your desktop computer.Write your text hereClick on the Space button, then tap on thescreen at the point at which you want toinsert space, dragging the arrow thatappears to move to the text to a new line.Pen buttonTap to show or hide thewriting/formatting toolbarTap to display the menuTap to display zoom percentagesTap to wrap text to screenSpace button
Chapter 8: Using Companion Applications8-7Drawing modeDrawing modeDrawing modeDrawing modeDrawing modeIn drawing mode, use your stylus to draw on the screen. Gridlinesappear as a guide. When you lift your stylus off the screen after thefirst stroke, you will see a drawing box indicating the boundaries ofthe drawing.Every subsequent stroke within or touching the drawing bounding boxbecomes part of the drawing. For more information on drawing andselecting drawings, see Chapter 2.Resize an object bydragging the selectionhandlesTap an arrow to display the optionsPen buttonDrawing toolbarTap to show or hide the drawing toolbarTap to select the formatting optionsRecording modeRecording modeRecording modeRecording modeRecording modeIn recording mode, you can embeda recording into your document.Recordings are saved as .wav.wav.wav.wav.wavfiles. For more information onrecording, see Chapter 2.Embeddedrecording
8-8P505 Pocket PCSaving Pocket Word documentsSaving Pocket Word documentsSaving Pocket Word documentsSaving Pocket Word documentsSaving Pocket Word documentsTo save a Pocket Word document:To save a Pocket Word document:To save a Pocket Word document:To save a Pocket Word document:To save a Pocket Word document:When you have finished editingyour document, tap  .NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E If you do not specify afile name for thedocument using thesteps below, then thefirst line of thedocument is used asthe file name.To name a file:To name a file:To name a file:To name a file:To name a file:1. With the document open, tapToolsToolsToolsToolsTools.2. From the pop-up menu, tapFileFileFileFileF il e, then tap SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveDocument As...Document As...Document As...Document As...Document As... option. TheSave As Save As Save As Save As Save As window appears.
Chapter 8: Using Companion Applications8-9To change a file name:To change a file name:To change a file name:To change a file name:To change a file name:1. Hold the stylus down on the name of the file in the document list,then select Rename/Move from the pop-up menu.2. Enter the new name of the file, then tap  .5. Tap the down arrow in the TypeTypeTypeTypeTypefield to select a file format.You can save the document youcreate or edit in a variety of fileformats including:• Pocket Word Document (.psw)• Rich Text Format (.rtf)• Plain Text (.txt)• Word 97/2000 Template• Word 97/2000 Document6. Tap the down arrow in theLocationLocationLocationLocationLocation field to indicate thelocation of your saved file, either in the main memory of yourdevice, or in a storage card, if available.7. Tap OKOKOKOKOK when done.3. Change the file name by typinga new one in the NameNameNameNameNam e field.4. Tap the down arrow in theFolderFolderFolderFolderFolder  field to select a folderwhere you want to save the file.
8-10P505 Pocket PCOpening an existing Pocket Word documentOpening an existing Pocket Word documentOpening an existing Pocket Word documentOpening an existing Pocket Word documentOpening an existing Pocket Word documentPocket Word contains a list of the files stored on your device. Tap afile in the list to open. To delete, make copies of, and send files, tapand hold a file in the list, then select the appropriate action on thepop-up menu.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E You can open only one Pocket Word document at a time;when you open a second document, you will be asked to savethe first.Tap to select the folder you want to displayTap to change thesort order of the listTap to open a document; tap andhold to display a pop-up menuTap to create a new documentTap to change document settingsTap an option fromthe pop-up menu
Chapter 8: Using Companion Applications8-11Pocket ExcelPocket ExcelPocket ExcelPocket ExcelPocket ExcelUse Pocket Excel to create spreadsheets such as expense reports andmileage logs. You can transfer spreadsheets between your device anddesktop computer and vice versa. You can also synchronisespreadsheets between your desktop computer and your device sothat you have the most up-to-date contents in both locations.Pocket Excel contains a list of the files stored on your device. Tap afile in the list to open. To delete, make copies of, and send files, tapand hold a file in the list, then select the appropriate action on thepop-up menu.Pocket Excel provides basic spreadsheet tools such as formulas,functions, sorting, and filtering. To display the toolbar, tap ViewViewViewViewView,then tap ToolbarToolbarToolbarToolbarToolbar.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E Some Excel spreadsheets may be too complex for viewing andediting in Pocket Excel.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E You can open only one Pocket Excel document at a time;when you open a second document, you will be asked to savethe first.Creating Pocket Excel documentsCreating Pocket Excel documentsCreating Pocket Excel documentsCreating Pocket Excel documentsCreating Pocket Excel documentsTo create a new Excel document:To create a new Excel document:To create a new Excel document:To create a new Excel document:To create a new Excel document:1. Tap   , tap ProgramsProgramsProgramsProgramsPrograms, tapPocket ExcelPocket ExcelPocket ExcelPocket ExcelPocket Excel.
8-12P505 Pocket PCSaving Pocket Excel documentsSaving Pocket Excel documentsSaving Pocket Excel documentsSaving Pocket Excel documentsSaving Pocket Excel documentsTo save an Excel document:To save an Excel document:To save an Excel document:To save an Excel document:To save an Excel document:1. When you have finished editingyour document, tap  .2. Tap NewNewNewNewNe w  to display a blank document.If you selected a template for new documents in the OptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsOptionsdialog box, that template appears with the appropriate text andformatting already provided.3. A blank worksheet appears. Enter texts, numbers, and formulasusing the soft keyboard and the application buttons.Cell contents appear here as you type,or when you select the cellTap to select an input methodTap to show or hidethe input panelTap to save and close your documentFormatting toolbarTap to auto-sum selected cellsTap to navigate worksheetsTap to show or hidethe formatting toolbar
Chapter 8: Using Companion Applications8-13To specify save options:To specify save options:To specify save options:To specify save options:To specify save options:1. With the document open, tapToolsToolsToolsToolsTools.2. From the pop-up menu, tapFileFileFileFileF il e, then tap SaveSaveSaveSaveSaveWorkbook As...Workbook As...Workbook As...Workbook As...Workbook As... to displaythe Save AsSave AsSave AsSave AsSave As screen.3. Change the file name by simplytyping a new one in the NameNameNameNameNamefield.4. Tap the down arrow in theFolderFolderFolderFolderFolder field to select a folderwhere you wish to place thefile.5. Tap the down arrow in the TypeTypeTypeTypeTypefield to select a file format.You can save the document youcreate or edit in a variety offormats:• Pocket Excel Workbook (.pxl)• Pocket Excel 1.0 Workbook (.xls)• Pocket Excel Template• Excel 97/2000 Workbook• Excel 97/2000 Template2. By default, your spreadsheetwill be saved with the file nameBook1Book1Book1Book1Bo ok 1. You can change thefile name to one that is moredescriptive of your document.See next section for savingoptions.
8-14P505 Pocket PC6. Tap the down arrow in theLocationLocationLocationLocationLocation field to indicate thelocation of your saved file,either in the main memory ofyour device, or in a storagecard, if available.7. Tap OKOKOKOKOK when done.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E If you do not wish to save your workbook to a differentformat, but would like to change the file name, folder, andlocation of your document, simply tap and hold the file fromthe File Explorer window, then tap Rename/Move...Rename/Move...Rename/Move...Rename/Move...Rename/Move... fromthe pop-up menu to make your changes.Securing your Excel documentSecuring your Excel documentSecuring your Excel documentSecuring your Excel documentSecuring your Excel documentIf your workbook contains sensitive or confidental information, youcan protect it with a password.To set a password for your workbook:To set a password for your workbook:To set a password for your workbook:To set a password for your workbook:To set a password for your workbook:1. Open the workbook.2. Tap EditEditEditEditEd it  from the commandbar, then tap Password...Password...Password...Password...Password... todisplay the password settingscreen.
Chapter 8: Using Companion Applications8-153. Type a password in thePasswordPasswordPasswordPasswordPassword field.4. Re-type the password in theVerify PasswordVerify PasswordVerify PasswordVerify PasswordVerify Password field.5. Tap   when done.If you have set a password for yourworkbook, a password screen appearsasking you to type your passwordwhenever you try to open theworkbook.Type your password, then tap OKOKOKOKO K. Ifyou type in a wrong password, amessage appears telling you so.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E DO NOT forget your password! You cannot open yourworkbook unless you type in the correct password.
8-16P505 Pocket PCTips for working in Pocket ExcelTips for working in Pocket ExcelTips for working in Pocket ExcelTips for working in Pocket ExcelTips for working in Pocket ExcelTake note of the following when working in large worksheets inPocket Excel:•View in full-screen modeView in full-screen modeView in full-screen modeView in full-screen modeView in full-screen mode to see as much of your worksheetas possible. Tap ViewViewViewViewVi e w, then tap Full ScreenFull ScreenFull ScreenFull ScreenFull Screen. To exit full-screenmode, tap RestoreRestoreRestoreRestoreRestore.•Show and hide window elements.Show and hide window elements.Show and hide window elements.Show and hide window elements.Show and hide window elements. Tap ViewViewViewViewVi e w, then tap theelements to show or hide.•Freeze panes on a worksheet.Freeze panes on a worksheet.Freeze panes on a worksheet.Freeze panes on a worksheet.Freeze panes on a worksheet. First select the cell where youwant to freeze panes. Tap ViewViewViewViewVi e w, then tap Freeze PanesFreeze PanesFreeze PanesFreeze PanesFreeze Panes. Youmight want to freeze the top and leftmost panes in a worksheetto keep row and column labels visible as you scroll through asheet.•Split panes Split panes Split panes Split panes Split panes to view different areas of a large worksheet. TapViewViewViewViewVi e w, then tap SplitSplitSplitSplitSp lit. Drag the split bar to where you want it. Toremove the split, tap ViewViewViewViewVi e w, then tap Remove SplitRemove SplitRemove SplitRemove SplitRemove Split.•Show and hide rows and columns.Show and hide rows and columns.Show and hide rows and columns.Show and hide rows and columns.Show and hide rows and columns. To hide a row or column,select a cell in the row or column that you want to hide. TapFormatFormatFormatFormatFormat, then tap RowRowRowRowRow or ColumnColumnColumnColumnColu mn, and tap HideHideHideHideHide. To show ahidden row or column, tap ToolsToolsToolsToolsTo ols, then tap Go ToGo ToGo ToGo ToGo  T o, and type areference that is in the hidden row or column. Tap FormatFormatFormatFormatFormat, thentap RowRowRowRowRow or ColumnColumnColumnColumnColu mn, and tap UnhideUnhideUnhideUnhideUnhide.For more information on using Pocket Excel, tap   , then tap HelpHelpHelpHelpHelp.
Chapter 8: Using Companion Applications8-17MSN MessengerMSN MessengerMSN MessengerMSN MessengerMSN MessengerMSN Messenger on your device is an instant messaging program thatallows you to:• See online friends and colleagues• Send and receive instant messages• Have instant message conversations with groups of contactsTo use MSN Messenger:To use MSN Messenger:To use MSN Messenger:To use MSN Messenger:To use MSN Messenger:You must have a Microsoft Passport™ accountMicrosoft Passport™ accountMicrosoft Passport™ accountMicrosoft Passport™ accountMicrosoft Passport™ account or a MicrosoftMicrosoftMicrosoftMicrosoftMicrosoftExchange e-mail accountExchange e-mail accountExchange e-mail accountExchange e-mail accountExchange e-mail account.You must have a Passport to use the MSN Messenger Service. If youhave a Hotmail® or MSN account, you already have a passport. Onceyou have obtained either a Microsoft Passport or Microsoft Exchangeaccount, you are ready to set up your account.Sign up for a Microsoft Passport account athttp://www.passport.comhttp://www.passport.comhttp://www.passport.comhttp://www.passport.com a free Microsoft Hotmail e-mail address at launch MSN Messenger:To launch MSN Messenger:To launch MSN Messenger:To launch MSN Messenger:To launch MSN Messenger:1. Tap   , then tap ProgramsProgramsProgramsProgramsPrograms.2. Tap MSN MessengerMSN MessengerMSN MessengerMSN MessengerMSN Messenger.
8-18P505 Pocket PCSigning upSigning upSigning upSigning upSigning upTo sign in to MSN Mesenger service:To sign in to MSN Mesenger service:To sign in to MSN Mesenger service:To sign in to MSN Mesenger service:To sign in to MSN Mesenger service:NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E If you already use MSN Messenger on your desktop computer,your contacts will show up on your device without beingadded again.2. In the sign-in screen, enteryour e-mail address andpassword, then tap Sign InSign InSign InSign InSign In.1. Tap ToolsToolsToolsToolsTool s then tap ... from the menu.ORORORORORSimply tap the screen.
Chapter 8: Using Companion Applications8-19Working with contactsWorking with contactsWorking with contactsWorking with contactsWorking with contactsThe MSN Messenger window shows all of your messenger contacts ata glance, divided into OnlineOnlineOnlineOnlineOnline and Not OnlineNot OnlineNot OnlineNot OnlineNot Online categories. From thisview, while connected, you can chat, send an e-mail, block thecontact from chatting with you, or delete contacts from your listusing the pop-up menu.To see others online without being seen, tap My StatusMy StatusMy StatusMy StatusMy Status in theToolsToolsToolsToolsTools menu and select Appear OfflineAppear OfflineAppear OfflineAppear OfflineAppear Offline.If you block a contact, you will appear offline but will remain on theblocked contact’s list. To unblock a contact, tap and hold thecontact, then tap UnblockUnblockUnblockUnblockUnblock on the pop-up menu.
8-20P505 Pocket PCChatting with contactsChatting with contactsChatting with contactsChatting with contactsChatting with contactsTap a contact name to open a chat window. Enter your message inthe text entry area at the bottom of the screen, or tap My TextMy TextMy TextMy TextMy Text toenter a preset message, then tap SendSendSendSendSe n d. To invite another contact toa multi-user chat, tap InviteInviteInviteInviteInvite in the ToolsToolsToolsToolsToo ls menu, then tap thecontact that you want to invite.NOTENOTENOTENOTEN O T E To switch back to the main window without closing a chat,tap the ContactsContactsContactsContactsC o n t a c t s button. To go back to your chat window,tap ChatsChatsChatsChatsC h a t s and select the person whom you were chattingwith.To know if the contact you are chatting with is responding, look forthe message under the text entry area. For more information onusing MSN Messenger, tap   , then tap HelpHelpHelpHelpHelp.

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