Alvarion Technologies BMAX-OR-25 BreezeMax 4Motion Broadband Wireless System User Manual 4Motion System Manual

Alvarion Technologies Ltd. BreezeMax 4Motion Broadband Wireless System 4Motion System Manual

Manual 3

Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing AUs4Motion 482  System ManualDisplay Format(for each existing AU object if requested for all AUs)SlotNo.                                           :<value>ReservedParameter1                                :<value>ReservedParameter2                                :<value>ReservedParameter3                                :<value>ReservedParameter4                                :<value>ReservedParameter5                                :<value>ReservedParameter6                                :<value>ReservedParameter7                                :<value>ReservedParameter8                                :<value>ReservedParameter9                                :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 483  System Manual4.6 Managing ODUsUp to 28 ODU objects can be created and configured, corresponding to up to 28 ODUs that can be installed. Up to four ODU Ports, numbered 1 to 4, can be created and configured for each ODU. However, for a 1by1 ODU only port number 1 is meaningful. For a 2by1 ODU only ports 1 and 2 are meaningful.This section include:“Configuring ODUs”, Section 4.6.1“Configuring ODU Ports”, Section Configuring ODUs1Enable the ODU configuration mode for the selected ODU (refer to Section can now execute any of the following tasks:»Configure one or more of the parameters tables of the ODU (refer to Section»Restore the default values of parameters in one or more of the parameters tables of the ODU (refer to Section the ODU configuration mode (refer to Section addition, you can, at any time, display configuration and status information for each of the parameters tables of the ODU (refer to Section or delete an existing ODU object (refer to Section Enabling the ODU Parameters Configuration Mode\Creating an ODU ObjectTo configure the parameters of an ODU, first enable the ODU parameters configuration mode for the specific ODU. Run the following command to enable the ODU parameters configuration mode for an existing ODU object:npu (config)# odu-params <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)>To configure an ODU:
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 484  System ManualTo create a new ODU object, the mandatory required-odu-type parameter must be specified. Run the following command to create a new ODU object and enable the parameters configuration mode for this ODU:npu (config)# odu-params <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> required-odu-type   {oDU23002360000N361by1N0 | oDU24962602000N361by1N0 | oDU25902690000N361by1N0 | oDU24962602000N382by1N0 | oDU25902690000N382by1N0 | oDU34003455000N341by1N0 | oDU34453500000N341by1N0 | oDU35003555000N341by1N0 | oDU35453600000N341by1N0 | oDU24962602000N384by2N0 | oDU25902690000N384by2N0 | oDU34003600000N372by1N0 | oDU36003800000N372by1N0 | oDU34003600000N374by2N0 | oDU36003800000N374by2N0 | oDU23052360000N361by1Y0 | oDU24962602000N392by1N0 | oDU25902690000N392by1N0 | oDU24962602000N394by2N0 | oDU25902690000N394by2N0}A new ODU object is created with default values for all parameters except to the mandatory required-odu-type parameter.For example, to create an ODU 1 object and enable the parameters configuration mode for this ODU, where the required odu type is oDU23002360000N361by1N0, run the following command:npu (config)# odu-params 1 required-odu-type oDU23002360000N361by1N0After enabling the parameters configuration mode for an ODU you can execute any of the following tasks:Configure one or more of the parameters tables of the ODU (refer to SectionRestore the default values of parameters in one or more of the parameters tables of the ODU (refer to Section executing the above tasks, you can terminate the ODU parameters configuration mode (refer to Section and return to the global configuration mode.IMPORTANTAn error may occur if you provide an invalid value for any of these parameters. Refer the syntax description for more information about the appropriate values and format for configuring these parameters.
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 485  System ManualCommand Syntaxnpu (config)# odu-params <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> [required-odu-type   {oDU23002360000N361by1N0 | oDU24962602000N361by1N0 | oDU25902690000N361by1N0 | oDU24962602000N382by1N0 | oDU25902690000N382by1N0 | oDU34003455000N341by1N0 | oDU34453500000N341by1N0 | oDU35003555000N341by1N0 | oDU35453600000N341by1N0 | oDU24962602000N384by2N0 | oDU25902690000N384by2N0 | oDU34003600000N372by1N0 | oDU36003800000N372by1N0 | oDU34003600000N374by2N0 | oDU36003800000N374by2N0 | oDU23052360000N361by1Y0 | oDU24962602000N392by1N0 | oDU25902690000N392by1N0 | oDU24962602000N394by2N0 | oDU25902690000N394by2N0}Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values<(1 to 28 StepSize 1)>The ODU numberMandatory N/A 1-28
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 486  System ManualODU Type = oDUAAAABBBBZZZWPPRbyTCS, where: AAAA = Lower bound of frequency band in MHz, rounded up to the nearest integer. required-odu-type   {oDU23002360000N361by1N0 | oDU24962602000N361by1N0 | oDU25902690000N361by1N0 | oDU24962602000N382by1N0 | oDU25902690000N382by1N0 | oDU34003455000N341by1N0 | oDU34453500000N341by1N0 | oDU35003555000N341by1N0 | oDU35453600000N341by1N0 | oDU24962602000N384by2N0 | oDU25902690000N384by2N0 | oDU34003600000N372by1N0 | oDU36003800000N372by1N0 | oDU34003600000N374by2N0 | oDU36003800000N374by2N0 | oDU23052360000N361by1Y0 | oDU24962602000N392by1N0 | oDU25902690000N392by1N0 | oDU24962602000N394by2N0 | oDU25902690000N394by2N0}The required ODU type (see details below).Mandatory for a new ODU objectN/A oDU23002360000N361by1N0oDU24962602000N361by1N0oDU25902690000N361by1N0oDU24962602000N382by1N0oDU25902690000N382by1N0oDU34003455000N341by1N0oDU34453500000N341by1N0oDU35003555000N341by1N0oDU35453600000N341by1N0oDU24962602000N384by2N0oDU25902690000N384by2N0oDU34003600000N372by1N0oDU36003800000N372by1N0oDU34003600000N374by2N0oDU36003800000N374by2N0oDU23052360000N361by1Y0oDU24962602000N392by1N0oDU25902690000N392by1N0oDU24962602000N394by2N0oDU25902690000N394by2N0Command ModesGlobal configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 487  System ManualBBBB = Upper bound of frequency band in MHz, rounded down. ZZZ = 000 in TDD systems.W = N in TDD systems. PP = maximum transmit power in dBm, rounded down. R = number of receive channels. T = number of transmit channels. C = Y if cavity filter is present, N if not. S = Reserved (0).The currently available ODUs are:  Tx4.6.1.2 Configuring ODU ParametersAfter enabling the ODU parameters configuration mode you can configure the following parameters tables:General (refer to Section 4-27: Currently Available Single Port ODU TypesODU Type in CLI ODU Marketing Nane Frequency Band (MHz) Max Tx Power (dBm)oDU23002360000N361by1N0 BMAX-AU-ODU-HP-2.3 2300-2360 36oDU24962602000N361by1N0 BMAX-AU-ODU-HP-2.5A 2496-2602 36oDU25902690000N361by1N0 BMAX-AU-ODU-HP-2.5B 2590-2690 36oDU34003455000N341by1N0 BMAX-AU-ODU-HP-TDD-3.4a 3400-3455 34oDU34453500000N341by1N0 BMAX-AU-ODU-HP-TDD-3.4b 3445-3500 34oDU35003555000N341by1N0 BMAX-AU-ODU-HP-TDD-3.5a 3500-3555 34oDU35453600000N341by1N0 BMAX-AU-ODU-HP-TDD-3.5b 3545-3600 34Table 4-28: Currently Available 4Rx x 2Tx ODU TypesODU Type in CLI ODU Marketing Nane Frequency Band (MHz) Max Tx Power (dBm)oDU24962602000N384by2N0 ODU-2496-2602-000N-38-4x2-N-0 2496-2602 38oDU25902690000N384by2N0 ODU-2590-2690-000N-38-4x2-N-0 2590-2690 38oDU34003600000N374by2N0 ODU-3400-3600-000N-37-4x2-N-0 3400-3600 37oDU36003800000N374by2N0 ODU-3600-3800-000N-37-4x2-N-0 3600-3800 37NOTEThe following examples are for odu-1 parameters configuration mode.
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 488  System ManualReserved (refer to Section Configuring General ODU ParametersThe general table enables configuring the main properties of the required ODU.To configure the general ODU parameters, run the following command:npu(config-odu-params-1)# odu-general [heater-existence {TRUE | FALSE} ] [external-cavity-filter-existence {TRUE | FALSE} ] [required-odu-type {oDU23002360000N361by1N0 | oDU24962602000N361by1N0 | oDU25902690000N361by1N0 | oDU24962602000N382by1N0 | oDU25902690000N382by1N0 | oDU34003455000N341by1N0 | oDU34453500000N341by1N0 | oDU35003555000N341by1N0 | oDU35453600000N341by1N0 | oDU24962602000N384by2N0 | oDU25902690000N384by2N0 | oDU34003600000N372by1N0 | oDU36003800000N372by1N0 | oDU34003600000N374by2N0 | oDU36003800000N374by2N0 | oDU23052360000N361by1Y0 | oDU24962602000N392by1N0 | oDU25902690000N392by1N0 | oDU24962602000N394by2N0 | oDU25902690000N394by2N0} ]NOTEYou can display configuration information for the ODU general parameters. For details, refer to Section error may occur if you provide an invalid value for any of these parameters. Refer the syntax description for more information about the appropriate values and format for configuring these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-odu-params-1)# odu-general [heater-existence {TRUE | FALSE} ] [external-cavity-filter-existence {TRUE | FALSE} ] [required-odu-type {oDU23002360000N361by1N0 | oDU24962602000N361by1N0 | oDU25902690000N361by1N0 | oDU24962602000N382by1N0 | oDU25902690000N382by1N0 | oDU34003455000N341by1N0 | oDU34453500000N341by1N0 | oDU35003555000N341by1N0 | oDU35453600000N341by1N0 | oDU24962602000N384by2N0 | oDU25902690000N384by2N0 | oDU34003600000N372by1N0 | oDU36003800000N372by1N0 | oDU34003600000N374by2N0 | oDU36003800000N374by2N0 | oDU23052360000N361by1Y0 | oDU24962602000N392by1N0 | oDU25902690000N392by1N0 | oDU24962602000N394by2N0 | oDU25902690000N394by2N0} ]
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 489  System Manual4. Configuring ODU Reserved ParametersAs the name implies, the reserved parameters table enables configuring up to 9 parameters that are reserved for possible future use. In the current release none of the reserved parameters is being used.To configure the ODU reserved parameters, run the following command:npu(config-odu-params-1)# odu-reserved [reserved-1 <string (32)>] [reserved-2 <string (32)>] [reserved-3 <string (32)>] [reserved-4 <string (32)>] [reserved-5 <string (32)>] [reserved-6 <string (32)>] [reserved-7 <string (32)>] [reserved-8 <string (32)>] [reserved-9 <string (32)>].Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[heater-existence {TRUE | FALSE}]Informational parameter indicating whether a heater for the ODU exists. Optional FALSE TRUEFALSE[external-cavity-filter-existence {TRUE | FALSE}]Informational parameter indicating whether an external cavity filter for the ODU exists. Optional FALSE TRUEFALSE[required-odu-type {...} ]The required ODU type. For more details refer to Section The previously configured valuwFor details refer to Section Modesodu-params configuration modeCommand Syntaxnpu (config-odu-params-1)# odu-reserved [reserved-1 <string (32)>] [reserved-2 <string (32)>] [reserved-3 <string (32)>] [reserved-4 <string (32)>] [reserved-5 <string (32)>] [reserved-6 <string (32)>] [reserved-7 <string (32)>] [reserved-8 <string (32)>] [reserved-9 <string (32)>]
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 490  System Manual4.6.1.3 Restoring Default Values for ODU Configuration ParametersAfter enabling the ODU parameters configuration mode you can restore the default values for parameters in the following parameters tables:General (refer to SectionReserved (refer to Section Restoring the Default Values of General ParametersTo restore one or all of the general parameters to their default value (excluding the mandatory required-odu-type parameter), run the following command:npu(config-odu-params-1)# no odu-general [heater-existence] [external-cavity-filter-existence]You can restore only one parameter to its default value by specifying only that parameter. For example, to restore only the heater-existence to the default value (FALSE), run the following command:npu(config-odu-params-1)# no odu-general heater-existenceThe parameter will be restored to its default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all general parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-odu-params-1)# no odu-generalPrivilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[reserved-N <string (32)>] (N=1-9)Reserved parameter number NOptional null (an empty string)A string of 32 printable characters.Command Modesodu-params configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 491  System Manual4. Restoring the Default Values of ODU Reserved ParametersTo restore the ODU Reserved parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-odu-params-1)# no odu-reserved [reserved-1] [reserved-2] [reserved-3] [reserved-4] [reserved-5] [reserved-6] [reserved-7] [reserved-8] [reserved-9]You can restore only selected parameters to their default value by specifying only those parameter. For example, to restore only the reserved-1 parameter to its default values, run the following command:npu(config-odu-params-1)# no odu-reserved reserved-1This parameter will be restored to the default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-odu-params-1)# no odu-reservedNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-odu-params-1)# no odu-general [heater-existence] [external-cavity-filter-existence]Privilege Level10Command Modesodu-params configuration modeNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-odu-params-1)# no odu-reserved [reserved-1] [reserved-2] [reserved-3] [reserved-4] [reserved-5] [reserved-6] [reserved-7] [reserved-8] [reserved-9]
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 492  System Manual4.6.1.4 Terminating the ODU Parameters Configuration ModeRun the following command to terminate the ODU Parameters configuration mode:npu(config-odu-params-1)# exit4.6.1.5 Deleting an ODU ObjectRun the following command to delete an ODU object:npu(config)# no odu-params <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)>Privilege Level10Command Modesodu-params configuration modeCommand Syntaxnpu(config-odu-params-1)# exitPrivilege Level10Command Modesodu-params configuration modeIMPORTANTAn associated ODU (specified in a Sector Association) cannot be deleted.Command Syntaxnpu(config)# no odu-params <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)>Privilege Level10
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 493  System Manual4.6.1.6 Displaying Configuration and Status Information for ODU ParametersYou can display the current configuration and (where applicable) additional status information for the following parameters tables:General (refer to SectionReserved (refer to Section Displaying Configuration and Status Information for ODU General ParametersTo display configuration and status information for the general parameters of a specific or all ODU objects, run the following command: npu# show odu-general [odu-no <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)>]Specify the ODU number (1-28) if you want to display configuration and status information for a particular ODU. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to view configuration and status information for all existing ODU objects.Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> The ODU number  Mandatory N/A 1-28Command ModesGlobal configuration modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show odu-general [odu-no <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 494  System ManualIn addition to the configurable parameters, the following status parameters are also displayed:Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values[odu-no <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> ]The number of the ODU Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the general parameters of a specific ODU. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the general parameters of all ODUs.Optional N/A 1-28Display Format(for each existing ODU object if requested for all ODUs)ODUNo.                          :<value>HeaterExistence                 :<value> or (0) if object does not existExternalCavityFilterExistence   :<value> or (0) if object does not existRequiredODUType                 :<value> or (0) if object does not existInstalledODUType                :<value> or (0) if ODU is not installedSerialNumber                    :<value> or null if ODU is not installedCommand ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 495  System ManualParameter Description Possible ValuesInstalledODUType The installed ODU Type. oDU23002360000N361by1N0 (1)oDU24962602000N361by1N0 (2)oDU25902690000N361by1N0 (3)oDU24962602000N382by1N0 (4)oDU25902690000N382by1N0 (5)oDU34003455000N341by1N0 (6)oDU34453500000N341by1N0 (7)oDU35003555000N341by1N0 (8)oDU35453600000N341by1N0 (9)oDU24962602000N384by2N0 (10)oDU25902690000N384by2N0 (11)oDU34003600000N372by1N0 (12)oDU36003800000N372by1N0 (13)oDU34003600000N374by2N0 (14)oDU36003800000N374by2N0 (15)oDU23052360000N361by1Y0 (16)oDU24962602000N392by1N0 (17)oDU25902690000N392by1N0 (18)oDU24962602000N394by2N0 (19)oDU25902690000N394by2N0 (20)odunotDetected (97)odutypeUnknown (98)odunotAssociated to sector (0)SerialNumber The ODU serial number <number>
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 496  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for ODU Reserved ParametersTo display configuration information for the reserved parameters of a specific or all ODU objects, run the following command: npu# show odu-reserved [odu-no <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)>]Specify the ODU number (1-28) if you want to display configuration for a particular ODU. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to view configuration for all existing ODU objects.Command Syntaxnpu# show odu-reserved [odu-no <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values[odu-no <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> ]The number of the ODU Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the reserved parameters of a specific ODU. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the reserved parameters of all ODUs.Optional N/A 1-28
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 497  System Manual4.6.2 Configuring ODU PortsUp to four ODU Ports, numbered 1 to 4, can be created and configured for each ODU. However, for a 1by1 ODU only port number 1 is meaningful. For a 2by1 ODU only ports 1 and 2 are meaningful.1Enable the ODU Port configuration mode for the selected ODU Port (refer to Section can now execute any of the following tasks:»Configure one or more of the ODU Port parameters (refer to Section»Restore the default value of the txpower-onoff parameter (refer to Section the ODU Port configuration mode (refer to Section addition, you can, at any time, display configuration and status information for each or all of the ODU Ports (refer to Section or delete an existing ODU Port (refer to Section Display Format(for each existing ODU object if requested for all ODUs)ODUNo.                                            :<value>ReservedParameter1                                :<value>ReservedParameter2                                :<value>ReservedParameter3                                :<value>ReservedParameter4                                :<value>ReservedParameter5                                :<value>ReservedParameter6                                :<value>ReservedParameter7                                :<value>ReservedParameter8                                :<value>ReservedParameter9                                :<value>Command ModesGlobal command modeTo configure an ODU Port:
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 498  System Manual4.6.2.1 Enabling the ODU Port Configuration Mode\Creating an ODU PortTo configure the parameters of an ODU Port, first enable the ODU Port configuration mode for the specific ODU Port. Run the following command to enable the ODU Port configuration mode for an existing ODU Port:npu (config)# odu-port <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> <(1 to 4 StepSize 1)>To create a new ODU Port, the mandatory txpower parameter must be specified. Run the following command to create a new ODU Port and enable the configuration mode for this ODU Port:npu (config)# odu-port <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> <(1 to 4 StepSize 1)> txpower <(0 to 46 StepSize 0.1)>A new ODU Port is created with default values for the txpower-onoff parameter. For example, to create Port 1 in ODU 1 with a configured Tx Power of 34 dBm, and enable the parameters configuration mode for this ODU Port run the following command:npu (config)# odu-port 1 1 txpower 34After enabling the configuration mode for an ODU Port you can execute any of the following tasks:Configure one or more of the parameters of the ODU Port (refer to SectionRestore the default value of the txpower-onoff parameter (refer to Section executing the above tasks, you can terminate the ODU Port configuration mode (refer to Section and return to the global configuration mode.Command Syntaxnpu (config)# odu-port <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> <(1 to 4 StepSize 1)> [txpower  <(0 to 46 StepSize 0.1)>]Privilege Level10
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 499  System Manual4.6.2.2 Configuring ODU Port ParametersAfter enabling the ODU Port configuration mode you can configure the transmit power parameters of the port.To configure the ODU Port parameters, run the following command:npu(config-odu-port-1-1)# params [txpower <(0 to 46 StepSize 0.1)> ] [txpower-onoff {on | off} ]Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values<(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> The ODU number Mandatory N/A 1-28<(1 to 4 StepSize 1)> The Port number. Mandatory N/A 1-4[txpower  <(0 to 46 StepSize 0.1)>]The required tx power at the specified ODU Port, in dBm.The actually available range depends on ODU Type: The upper limit is set by the Maximum Tx Power supported by the ODU (see “Currently Available Single Port ODU Types” on page 487). The control range for all ODUs is 10dBm, except to the following ODUs whose control range is 6dBm: oDU23002360000N361by1N0, oDU24962602000N361by1N0, oDU25902690000N361by1N0, oDU23052360000N361by1Y0Mandatory for a new ODU PortN/A 0 to 46 in increments of 0.1Command ModesGlobal configuration modeNOTEThe following examples are for odu-1, port-1 configuration mode.NOTEYou can display configuration information for the ODU Port parameters. For details, refer to Section
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 500  System Manual4.6.2.3 Restoring Default Values for ODU Port ParametersAfter enabling the ODU Port configuration mode you can restore the default values for the txpower-onoff parameter:To restore the default values for the txpower-onoff parameter, run the following command:npu(config-odu-port-1-1)# no paramsIMPORTANTAn error may occur if you provide an invalid value for any of these parameters. Refer the syntax description for more information about the appropriate values and format for configuring these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-odu-port-1-1)# params [txpower <(0 to 46 StepSize 0.1)>] [txpower-onoff {on | off} ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[txpower <(0 to 46 StepSize 0.1)>]The transmit power at the ODU Port, in dBm. Optional As configured previouslu0 to 46 in increments of 0.1Actual range depends on ODU type.[txpower-onoff {on | off} ]Enables or disables transmissions on this port. Optional on onoffCommand Modesodu-port configuration modeIMPORTANTAn error may occur if you provide an invalid value for any of these parameters. Refer the syntax description for more information about the appropriate values and format for configuring these parameters.
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 501  System ManualThe txpower-onoff parameter will be restored to its default value (on), while the mandatory txpower parameter will remain unchanged. Terminating the ODU Port Configuration ModeRun the following command to terminate the ODU Port configuration mode:npu(config-odu-port-1-1)# exit4.6.2.5 Deleting an ODU PortRun the following command to delete an ODU Port:npu(config)# no odu-port <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> <(1 to 4 StepSize 1)>Command Syntaxnpu(config-odu-port-1-1)# no paramsPrivilege Level10Command Modesodu-port configuration modeCommand Syntaxnpu(config-odu-port-1-1)# exitPrivilege Level10Command Modesodu-port configuration modeIMPORTANTAn associated ODU Port (specified in a Sector Association) cannot be deleted.Command Syntaxnpu(config)# no odu-params <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> <(1 to 4 StepSize 1)>
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 502  System Manual4.6.2.6 Displaying Configuration and Status Information for ODU PortsTo display configuration and status information of a specific or all ODU Ports, run the following command: npu# show odu-port [odu-no <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> port-no <(1 to 4 StepSize 1)>]Specify the ODU number (1-28) and Port number (1-4) if you want to display configuration and status information for a particular ODU Port. Do not specify values for these parameters if you want to view configuration and status information for all existing ODU Ports.Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> The ODU number  Mandatory N/A 1-28<(1 to 4 StepSize 1)> The Port number  Mandatory N/A 1-4Command ModesGlobal configuration modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show odu-port [odu-no <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> port-no <(1 to 4 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 503  System ManualSyntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values[odu-no <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> ]The number of the ODU Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the parameters of a specific ODU Port. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the general parameters of all ODU Ports.Optional N/A 1-28[port-no <(1 to 4 StepSize 1)> ]The number of the Port Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the parameters of a specific ODU Port. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the general parameters of all ODU Portss.Optional N/A 1-4Display Format(for each existing ODU Port if requested for all ODU Ports)ODUNo.                                            :<value>ODUPortNo                                         :<value>TxPower(dBm)                                      :<value>TxEnable                                          :<value>HWVersion                                         :<value>HWRevision                                        :<value>HPACard                                           :<value>HPAHWVersion                                      :<value>HC08SWVersion                                     :<value>CPLDSWVersion                                     :<value>SerialNumber                                      :<value>txpower-status                                    :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing ODUs4Motion 504  System ManualIn addition to the configurable parameters, the following status parameters are also displayed:Parameter Description Possible ValuesHWVersion HW version no. of ODU basic card connected to this port<number>HWRevision HW revision no. of ODU basic card connected to this port<number>HPACard Indicates whether the port is connected to an HPA cardinstalled (1)notInstalled (0)HPAHWVersion HW version no. of HPA connected to this port (relevant only if HPACard is installed)<number>HC08SWVersion SW version of HC08 controlling card connected to this port<string>CPLDSWVersion SW version of CPLD controlling card connected to this port<string>SerialNumber Serial number of ODU basic card connected to this port<number>txpower-status The operation status of the port <enabled/disabled>
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing Antennas4Motion 505  System Manual4.7 Managing AntennasUp to 28 Antenna objects, identified by the Antenna number (1-28), can be created and configured.1Enable the Antenna configuration mode for the selected Antenna (refer to Section 4.7.1)2You can now execute any of the following tasks:»Configure one or more of the Antenna parameters (Section 4.7.2)»Restore the default value of some or all of the Antenna parameters (refer to Section 4.7.3)3Terminate the Antenna configuration mode (refer to Section 4.7.4)In addition, you can, at any time, display configuration information for one or all of the Antennas (refer to Section 4.7.6) or delete an existing Antenna (refer to Section 4.7.5). 4.7.1 Enabling the Antenna Configuration Mode\Creating an AntennaTo configure the parameters of an Antenna, first enable the Antenna configuration mode for the specific Antenna. Run the following command to enable the Antenna configuration mode for an existing Antenna:npu (config)# antenna <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)>To create a new Antenna, the mandatory heading parameter must be specified. Run the following command to create a new Antenna and enable the configuration mode for this Antenna:npu (config)# antenna <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> heading <(0 to 359 StepSize 1)>A new Antenna is created with default values for all other parameters.To configure an Antenna:
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing Antennas4Motion 506  System ManualFor example, to create Antenna 1 with a configured heading of 90 degrees and enable the parameters configuration mode for this Antenna, run the following command:npu (config)# antenna 1 heading 90After enabling the configuration mode for an Antenna you can execute any of the following tasks:Configure one or more of the parameters of the Antenna (refer to Section 4.7.2)Restore the default value of the non-mandatory parameters parameter (refer to Section 4.7.3)After executing the above tasks, you can terminate the Antenna configuration mode (refer to Section 4.7.4) and return to the global configuration mode.IMPORTANTAn error may occur if you provide an invalid value for any of these parameters. Refer the syntax description for more information about the appropriate values and format for configuring these parameters.CAUTIONWhen an antenna is associated to a sector, the antenna heading must be the same as the sector heading for every antenna associated to the sector.Command Syntaxnpu (config)# antenna <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> [heading  <(0 to 359 StepSize 1)>]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values<(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> The ODU number Mandatory N/A 1-28
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing Antennas4Motion 507  System Manual4.7.2 Configuring Antenna ParametersAfter enabling the Antenna configuration mode you can configure the Antenna parameters.To configure the Antenna parameters, run the following command:npu(config-antenna-1)# params [antenna-type <string (32)>] [no-of-ports <(1 to 8 StepSize 1)>] [gain <(0 to 60 StepSize 0.1)>] [mechanical-downtilt <(-90 to 90 StepSize 0.1)>] [electrical-downtilt <(-90 to 90 StepSize 0.2)>] [electrical-azimuth-adjustment <(-90 to 90 StepSize 0.3)>] [longitude <longitude>] [latitude <latitude>] [tower-height <(0 to 500 StepSize 1)>] [altitude <(-500 to 10000 StepSize 1)>] [heading <(0 to 359 StepSize 1)>] [beamwidth <(0 to 359 StepSize 1)>] [cable-loss <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)>][heading  <(0 to 359 StepSize 1)>]Indicates the azimuth angle (in degrees) between the center of the horizontal antenna beamwidth and the true north; counting clockwise.Mandatory for a new AntennaN/A 0 to 359Command ModesGlobal configuration modeNOTEThe following examples are for antenna-1 configuration mode.Command Syntaxnpu(config-antenna-1)# params [antenna-type <string (32)> ] [no-of-ports <(1 to 8 StepSize 1)> ] [gain <(0 to 60 StepSize 0.1)> ] [mechanical-downtilt <(-90 to 90 StepSize 0.1)> ] [electrical-downtil <(-90 to 90 StepSize 0.2)> ] [electrical-azimuth-adjustment <(-90 to 90 StepSize 0.3)> ] [longitude <longitude> ] [latitude <latitude> ] [tower-height <(0 to 500 StepSize 1)> ] [altitude <(-500 to 10000 StepSize 1)> ] [heading <(0 to 359 StepSize 1)> ] [beamwidth <(0 to 359 StepSize 1)> ] [cable-loss <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]Privilege Level10
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing Antennas4Motion 508  System ManualSyntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[antenna-type <string (32)> ]Antenna type to be populated manually for inventory information onlyOptional N/A String (up to 32 printable characters)[no-of-ports <(1 to 8 StepSize 1)> ]The number of antenna ports Optional 1 1-8[gain <(0 to 60 StepSize 0.1)> ]Antenna Gain (in dB) Optional 17 0-60 in steps of 0.1[mechanical-downtilt <(-90 to 90 StepSize 0.1)> ]Downwards mechanical tilt of the antenna (in degrees) as opposed to the electrical tilt already integrated in the antenna (and thus taken as reference; instead of the horizontal plane)Optional 0  -90.0 to 90.0in steps of 0.1[electrical-downtil <(-90 to 90  StepSize 0.1)> ]Downwards electrical tilt of the antenna, in degreesOptional 0  -90.0 to 90.0in steps of 0.1[electrical-azimuth-adjustment <(-90 to 90 StepSize 0.1)> ]Electrical azimuth adjustment of the antenna, in degrees (in a clockwise direction)Optional 0 -90.0 to 90.0in steps of 0.1[longitude <longitude> ]The longitude of the antenna.The recommended format is lll.mmm.a where lll.mmm is the longitude in degrees (lll - between 000 and 180, mmm - between 000 and 999), a is E (East) or W (West).Optional 000.000;EString[latitude <latitude> ]The latitude of the antenna. The recommended format is lll.mmm.a where lll.mmm is the longitude in degrees (lll - between 000 and 90, mmm - between 000 and 999), a is N (North) or S (South).Optional 000.000;EString[tower-height <(0 to 500 StepSize 1)> ]Defines the  height of the antenna above the ground in meters.Optional 0 0-500
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing Antennas4Motion 509  System Manual4.7.3 Restoring Default Values for Antenna ParametersAfter enabling the Antenna configuration mode you can restore the default values for some or all of the parameters (excluding the mandatory heading parameter).To restore one or several Antenna parameters do their default value, run the following command:npu(config-antenna-1)# no params [antenna-type] [no-of-ports] [gain] [mechanical-downtilt] [electrical-downtil] [electrical-azimuth-adjustment] [longitude] [latitude] [tower-height] [altitude] [beamwidth] [cable-loss][altitude <(-500 to 10000 StepSize 1)> ]Absolute altitude of  the sector (above sea level) in meters.Optional -500 to 10000[heading <(0 to 359 StepSize 1)> ]Indicates the azimuth angle (in degrees) between the center of the horizontal antenna beamwidth and the true north; counting clockwise.Optional 0-359[beamwidth <(0 to 359 StepSize 1)> ]Beamwidth of the antenna in degreesOptional 60 0-359[cable-loss <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]The attenuation (in dB) of the cable between the ODU port and antenna port (informative only)Optional 0.5 0-20 in steps of 0.1Command Modesantenna configuration modeNOTEYou can display configuration information for the Antenna parameters. For details, refer to Section 4.7.6.IMPORTANTAn error may occur if you provide an invalid value for any of these parameters. Refer the syntax description for more information about the appropriate values and format for configuring these parameters.
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing Antennas4Motion 510  System ManualYou can restore one or several parameters to the default value(s) by specifying only those parameter. For example, to restore only the mechanical-downtilt and electrical-downtilt to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-antenna-1)# no params mechanical-downtilt electrical-downtilThe mechanical-downtilt and electrical-downtilt will be restored to their default values, while all other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-antenna-1)# no params4.7.4 Terminating the Antenna Configuration ModeRun the following command to terminate the Antenna configuration mode:npu(config-antenna-1)# exitNOTERefer to Section 4.7.2 for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-antenna-1)# no params [antenna-type] [no-of-ports] [gain] [mechanical-downtilt] [electrical-downtil] [electrical-azimuth-adjustment] [longitude] [latitude] [tower-height] [altitude] [beamwidth] [cable-loss]Privilege Level10Command Modesantenna  configuration mode Command Syntaxnpu(config-antenna-1)# exitPrivilege Level10
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing Antennas4Motion 511  System Manual4.7.5 Deleting an AntennaRun the following command to delete an Antenna:npu(config)# no antenna <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> 4.7.6 Displaying Configuration Information for AntennasTo display configuration information of a specific or all Antennas, run the following command: npu# show antenna [antenna-no <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)>]Specify the Antenna number (1-28) if you want to display configuration information for a particular Antenna. Do not specify values for this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing Antennas.Command Modesantenna configuration modeIMPORTANTAn associated Antenna (specified in a Sector Association) cannot be deleted.Command Syntaxnpu(config)# no antenna <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> The Antenna number  Mandatory N/A 1-28Command ModesGlobal configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing Antennas4Motion 512  System ManualCommand Syntaxnpu# show antenna [antenna-no <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)>]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values[antenna-no <(1 to 28 StepSize 1)> ]The number of the Antenna Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the parameters of a specific Antenna. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the parameters of all Antennas.Optional N/A 1-28Display Format(for each existing Antenna if requested for all Antennas)AntennaNo.                                        :<value>AntennaType                                       :<value>No.ofPorts                                        :<value>Gain(dB)                                          :<value>MechanicalDownTilt(degrees)                       :<value>ElectricalDownTilt(degrees)                       :<value>ElectricalAzymuthAdjustment(degrees)              :<value>Longtitude                                        :<value>Latitude                                          :<value>TowerHeight(meters)                               :<value>Altitude(meters)                                  :<value>AntennaHeading(degrees)                           :<value>AntennaBeamWidth(degrees)                         :<value>CableLoss(dB)                                     :<value>
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing Antennas4Motion 513  System ManualCommand ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 514  System Manual4.8 Managing BSsUp to 28 different BSs can be defined.The full configuration of each BS includes multiple components (tables). Many of these tables include one or more mandatory parameters (parameters with no default value). The creation of a new BS is not completed until all mandatory parameters have been configured.For each table that has only optional (non-mandatory) parameters, at least one parameter must be configured explicitly (even if not changed from the default value) when creating a new BS.Due to the complicated structure of the BS object and the high number of mandatory parameters in different tables, a special apply command must be executed for properly completing the configuration of certain tables. The apply command must be executed before exiting the applicable configuration mode. Failure to execute the apply command will result in loss of the newly configured parameters. Wherever required, the need to use the apply command will be indicated in the manual.The following table lists the tasks for configuring a BS, indicating the applicable mandatory parameters and the need to execute the apply command where applicable. When configuring a new BS, verify that all mandatory parameters have been configured (otherwise a trial to associate the BS to a Sector will fail): Table 4-29: Tasks for Configuring a BSTask Mandatory Parameters apply required“Enabling the BS Configuration Mode\Creating a BS Object” on page 518bs id No“Managing BS General Parameters” on page 520No“Managing BS Services” on page 523 service name (type) Yes
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 515  System Manual“Managing Service Mapping Rules” on page 529service mapping rule indexsrvc (service-name)orderr1 profile parameters:datadelivery-typeprioritymircirjitterlatencysdu-sizegrant-intervalYes“Managing Power Control Levels and Policies” on page 548Yes“Managing BS Feedback Allocation Parameters” on page 580max-cqi No“Managing Neighbor Advertisement Parameters” on page 584No“Managing Triggers Parameters” on page 587No“Managing Trigger Setup Parameters” on page 591No“Managing Scan Negotiation Parameters” on page 595No“Managing Handover Negotiation at SBS Parameters” on page 599NoTable 4-29: Tasks for Configuring a BSTask Mandatory Parameters apply required
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 516  System Manual“Managing Neighbor BSs” on page 606 General Parameters:eirpbwfeedbackzone-permbaseucd-configchangecountdcd-configchangecountfrequencyrestartcountpreamble-idxYes“Managing UCD Parameters” on page 629No“Managing DCD Parameters” on page 633No“Managing the RF Frequency Parameter” on page 637frequency No“Managing the Baseband Bandwidth Parameter” on page 640bandwidth NoTable 4-29: Tasks for Configuring a BSTask Mandatory Parameters apply required
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 517  System Manual“Managing Airframe Structure Parameters” on page 642General Parameters:cell-idsegmentframe-offsetul-dl-allocationMap Zone Parameters:majorgrpsUplink Feedback Zone Parameters:permbaseDownlink Data Zone:subchannelspermbaseUplink Data Zone:subchannelsYes“Managing Rate Adaptation Parameters” on page 683No“Managing BS Bearer Interface Parameters” on page 692ip-addressip-subnetmaskdflt-gwNo“Managing Authentication Relay Parameters” on page 695dflt-auth-ip-address No“Managing Handover Control Parameters” on page 700No“Managing Bearer Traffic QoS Marking Rules” on page 704enable-srvcflow-mediaflowtypesrvcflow-mediaflowtype (if enable-srvcflow-mediaflowtype is set to True)Yes“Managing Control Traffic QoS Marking Rules” on page 712YesTable 4-29: Tasks for Configuring a BSTask Mandatory Parameters apply required
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 518  System Manual4.8.1 Enabling the BS Configuration Mode\Creating a BS ObjectTo configure the parameters of a BU, first enable the BS configuration mode for the specific BS. Run the following command to enable the BS configuration mode. You can also use this command to create a new BS object. Note that for a new object this command only defines the BS ID, and that the BS is not fully created until completing configuration of all mandatory parameters.The BS ID is the unique identifier of the BS in the access network. The BS ID used in the system is in the format A.B.C where A, B, C are from 0 to 255. The BS ID used in the CLI is an integer that is calculated by the formula A*65536+B*256+C. For example, a BS ID of 1.2.5 is translated to 1*65536+2*256+5=66053.npu(config)# bs <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>For example, to configure BS 66053, run the following command:npu (config)# bs 66053If you use this command to create a new BS, the configuration mode for this BS is automatically enabled, after which you can execute any of the following tasks:Configure one or more of the parameters tables of the BS“Managing BS Management Alarm Thresholds Parameters” on page 721No“Managing ID-IP Mapping Parameters” on page 724nw-node-id (Next Hop BS ID)nw-node-ipNo“Managing Ranging Parameters” on page 728Yes“Managing Alarm Threshold Parameters” on page 750No“Managing BS Reserved Parameters” on page 756No“Managing the BS Keep-Alive Functionality” on page 760NoIMPORTANTAn error occurs if you specify BS ID that is not in the range, 1-16777215.Table 4-29: Tasks for Configuring a BSTask Mandatory Parameters apply required
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 519  System ManualRestore the default values for the non-mandatory parameters of one or more of the parameters tables of the BSAfter executing the above tasks, you can terminate the BS configuration mode (refer to Section 4.5.4) and return to the global configuration mode. From the global configuration mode you can delete an existing BS (refer to). You can display configuration information for selected tables from the global command mode.4.8.2 Deleting a BSRun the following command to delete a BS:npu(config)# no bs <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> Command Syntaxnpu(config)# bs <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The unique ID (BSIDLSB) of the BS. Must be unique in the radio access network. A number in the range from 1 to 16,777,215 (a 24-bit value that can be represented as A.B.C where A, B, C are from 0 to 255).Mandatory N/A 1 to 16777215Command ModesGlobal configuration mode NOTEThe following examples are for bs configuration mode for bs-66053 .IMPORTANTAn associated bs (specified in an associated sector) cannot be deleted.
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 520  System Manual4.8.3 Managing BS General ParametersThe general parameters of a BS include the Operator ID and the BS Name.After enabling the BS configuration mode, you can execute the following tasks:Configure one or more of the general parameters (refer to SectionRestore the default values of one or all of the general parameters (refer to Section can display configuration information for the general parameters of a selected or all existing BSs (refer to Section Configuring BS General ParametersFrom the BS configuration mode, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# general [operator-id <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>] [bs-name <string (32)>]Command Syntaxnpu(config)#  no bs <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The unique ID (BSIDLSB) of the BS. Mandatory N/A 1 to 16777215Command ModesGlobal configuration modeTo configure the BS General Parameters:
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 521  System Manual4.8.3.2 Restoring Default Values for BS General ParametersAfter enabling the BS configuration mode you can restore the default values for one or all of the general BS parameters.To restore one or all general BS parameters do their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no general [operator-id] [bs-name]You can restore one parameter to its default value by specifying only that parameter. For example, to restore only the operator-id to its default value, run the following command:IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the BS General parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# general [operator-id <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ] [bs-name <string (32)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[operator-id <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]A unique operator identifier. The same Operator ID must be used throughout the radio access network. (a 24-bit value that can be represented as A.B.C where A, B, C are from 0 to 255)Optional 16773929 1 to 16777215[bs-name <string (32)>] BS name Optional empty stringA string of up to 32 printable characters.Command Modesbs configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 522  System Manualnpu(config-bs-66053)# no general operator-idThe operator-id will be restored to its default value, while the bs-name parameter will remain unchanged.To restore all parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no general4.8.3.3 Displaying Configuration Information for BS General ParametersTo display configuration information of the general parameters of a specific or all BSs, run the following command:npu# show general bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID (1-16777215) of an existing BS if you want to display configuration information for a particular BS. Do not specify values for this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs.NOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# no general [operator-id] [bs-name]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs configuration modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show general bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 523  System Manual4.8.4 Managing BS ServicesThe BS Service parameters affect the properties of the HARQ mechanism for each Service. Enabling the BS Service Configuration Mode\Creating a BS ServiceTo configure the parameters of a BS Service, first enable the BS service configuration mode for the specific service. Run the following command to enable the BS service configuration mode. You can also use this command to create a new service with default values. npu(config-bs-66053)# service <(string (32))>For example, to define a new service named video, or to enable the configuration mode for an existing service named video, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# service videoSyntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values[<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the general parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the general parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                        :<value>OperatorID                     :<value>BSName                         :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 524  System ManualIf you use this command to create a new service, the configuration mode for this service is automatically enabled, after which you can execute any of the following tasks:Configure the parameters of the service (refer to SectionRestore the default values for the non-mandatory parameters of the service (refer to Section executing the above tasks, you can terminate the BS Service configuration mode (refer to Section and return to the BS configuration mode. From the BS configuration mode you can delete an existing service (refer to Section You can display configuration information for BS services from the global command mode (refer to Section that for properly completing the configuration of a service the apply command must be executed prior to exiting the BS Service configuration mode. Configuring Service ParametersFrom the BS configuration mode, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-service-video)# def [max-dl-rtx <(0 to 15 StepSize1)> ] [max-ul-rtx <(0 to 15 StepSize 1)> ] [max-subburst Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# service <(string (32))>Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values<(string (32))> The Service name (type). Mandatory N/A A string of 1 to 32 characters.Command Modesbs configuration mode To configure the BS Service Parameters:
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 525  System Manual<(0 to 1500 StepSize 1)> ] [trgt-err-rate <(0.1 to 10 StepSize 0.1)> ] Restoring Default Values for BS Service ParametersAfter enabling the BS Service configuration mode you can restore the default values for some or all of the non-mandatory parameters.IMPORTANTWhen creating a new Service, at least one of the Service parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-service-video)# def [max-dl-rtx <(0 to 15 StepSize1)> ] [max-ul-rtx <(0 to 15 StepSize 1)> ] [max-subburst <(0 to 1500 StepSize 1)> ] [trgt-err-rate <(0.1 to 10 StepSize 0.1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[max-dl-rtx <(0 to 15 StepSize1)> ]The maximal number of downlink retransmissions of an HARQ sub-burst for this servicOptional 5 0 -15i[max-ul-rtx <(0 to 15 StepSize 1)> ]The maximal number of uplink retransmissions of an HARQ sub-burst for this serviceOptional 5 0 - 15[max-subburst <(0 to 1500 StepSize 1)> ]The maximal size of a sub-burst in bytes for this serviceOptional 600 0 - 1500[trgt-err-rate <(0.1 to 10 StepSize 0.1)>]The target sub-burst error rate for this serviceOptional 1 0.1 to 10 in steps of 0.1Command Modesbs service configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 526  System ManualTo restore one or several BS Service parameters do their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-service-video)# no def [max-dl-rtx ] [max-ul-rtx ] [max-subburst ] [trgt-err-rate ]You can restore one or several parameters to the default value(s) by specifying only those parameter. For example, to restore only the max-dl-rtx and max-ul-rtx parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-service-video)# no def max-dl-rtx max-ul-rtxThe max-dl-rtx and max-ul-rtx parameters will be restored to their default values, while all other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-service-video)# no def4.8.4.4 Terminating the BS Service Configuration ModeRun the following command to terminate the BS Service configuration mode:npu(config-bs-66053-service-video)# exitNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-service-video)# no def [max-dl-rtx ] [max-ul-rtx ] [max-subburst ] [trgt-err-rate ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs service  configuration mode IMPORTANTDo not forget to execute the apply command before terminating the BS Service configuration mode:npu(config-bs-66053-service-video)# apply
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 527  System Manual4.8.4.5 Deleting a BS ServiceRun the following command from the BS configuration mode to delete a BS Service:npu(config-bs 66053)# no service <string (32)> Displaying Configuration Information for BS ServiceTo display configuration information of a specific or all BS Services, run the following command: npu# show service bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> service-name <string (32)>]Specify the BS ID and Service name if you want to display configuration information for a particular Service. Do not specify values for these parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BS Services.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-service-video)# exitPrivilege Level10Command Modesbs service configuration modeCommand Syntaxnpu(config-bs 66053)#  no service <string (32)> Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<string (32)> The Service name  Mandatory N/A StringCommand Modesbs service configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 528  System ManualCommand Syntaxnpu#  show service bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> service-name <string (32)>]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the parameters of a specific BS Service. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the parameters of all BS Services.Optional N/A 1-16777215<string (32)> The Service name Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the parameters of a specific BS Service. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the parameters of all BS Services.Optional N/A StringDisplay Format(for each existing Antenna if requested for all Antennas)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>ServiceName                                       :<value>MaximumDownlinkRetransmissions                    :<value>MaximumUplinkRetransmissions                      :<value>MaximumSub-BurstSize(bytes)                       :<value>TargetPacketErrorRate(%)                          :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 529  System Manual4.8.5 Managing Service Mapping RulesUp to 255 Service Mapping Rule may be defined. 1Enable the BS Service Mapping Rule configuration mode for the selected Service Mapping Rule (refer to Section can now execute any of the following tasks:»Configure one or more of the parameters tables of the Service Mapping Rule (refer to Section»Restore the default values of parameters in one or more of the parameters tables of the Service Mapping Rule (refer to Section» Terminate the Service Mapping Rule configuration mode (refer to Section addition, you can, at any time, display configuration information for each of the parameters tables of the Service Mapping Rule (refer to Section or delete an existing Service Mapping Rule (refer to Section Enabling the Service Mapping Rule Configuration Mode\Creating a Service Mapping RuleTo configure the parameters of a Service Mapping Rule, first enable the BS Service Mapping Rule configuration mode for the specific Service Mapping Rule. Run the following command to enable the BS Service Mapping Rule configuration mode. You can also use this command to create a new Service Mapping Rule. Note that for a new Service Mapping Rule this command only defines the Service Mapping Rule index, and that the Service Mapping Rule is not fully created until completing configuration of all mandatory parameters and executing the apply command (must be executed before exiting the BS Service Mapping Rule configuration mode). Also when updating an existing Service Mapping Rule, the apply command must be executing prior to termination the Service Mapping Rule configuration mode.npu(config-bs-66053)# srvcmaprule <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)For example, to define a new Service Mapping Rule index 1, or to enable the configuration mode for Service Mapping Rule 1, run the following command:To configure a Service Mapping Rule:
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 530  System Manualnpu(config-bs-66053)# srvcmaprule 1If you use this command to create a new Service Mapping Rule, the configuration mode for this Service Mapping Rule is automatically enabled, after which you can execute any of the following tasks:Configure one or more of the parameters tables of the Service Mapping Rule (refer to SectionRestore the default values of parameters in one or more of the parameters tables of the Service Mapping Rule (refer to Section executing the above tasks, you can terminate the Service Mapping Rule configuration mode (refer to Section and return to the BS configuration mode.Note that for properly completing the configuration of a Service Mapping Rule the apply command must be executed prior to exiting the BS Service Mapping Rule configuration mode.For example, to define Service Mapping Rule 1 for BS 66053, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# srvcmaprule 1Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# srvcmaprule <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)>Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Valuessrvcmaprule <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)>The Service Mapping Rule indexMandatory 1 - 255Command ModesBS configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 531  System Manual4.8.5.2 Configuring Service Mapping Rule ParametersAfter enabling the Service Mapping Rule configuration mode you can configure the following parameters tables:General (refer to SectionOrder (refer to SectionR1 Profile (refer to SectionR6 Profile (refer to Section Configuring General Service Mapping Rule ParametersThe General Service Mapping Parameters table enables associating the Service Mapping Rule to a specific Service.To configure the General Service Mapping Rule parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# general srvc <string (32)>NOTEThe following examples are for BS Service Mapping Rule configuration mode for bs-66053, service mapping rule (srvcmaprule)-1.IMPORTANTAfter completing the Service Mapping Rule configuration,do not forget to execute the apply command before exiting the BS Service Mapping Rule configuration mode:npu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# applyIMPORTANTWhen creating a new Service Mapping Rule, the mandatory srvc parameters must be configured.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# general srvc <string (32)>Privilege Level10
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 532  System Manual4. Configuring the Order ParametersThe Order Parameters table enables configuring the look-up-order parameter that defines the order in which conceptual rows of the table are checked to find a match.To configure the Order parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# order look-up-order <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)>Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[srvc <string (32)> ] The service type to which the connection will be mapped.Must be the same as the name (type) configured for the relevant service (refer to Section 4.8.4).All service a certain data delivery type (see Section must use the same service type (same HARQ properties).Mandatory A string of 1 to 32 printable characters.Command Modesbs service mapping rule configuration mode IMPORTANTWhen creating a new Service Mapping Rule, the mandaory order parameter must be configured.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# order [look-up-order <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] Privilege Level10
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 533  System Manual4. Configuring R1 Profile ParametersTo configure mapping rules to R1 Profile parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# r1prof [modify-serviceqos {TRUE | FALSE} ] [dfltpriority <(0 to 7 StepSize 1)> ] [datadeliverytype {uGS | rTVR | nRTVR | bE | eRTVR} ] [priority <(0 to 7 StepSize 1)> ] [mir <(0 to 20000 StepSize 1)> ] [cir <(0 to 20000 StepSize 1)> ] [jitter <(0 to 5000 StepSize 1)> ] [latency <(0 to 5000 StepSize 1)> ] [sdu-length {fixed | variable} ] [sdu-size <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [grant-interval <(0 to 5000 StepSize 1)> ]Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[look-up-order <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]Defines the order in which the conceptual rows of  the table are checked to find a match.Note: The value of this parameter must be different for each conceptual row instanceMandatory 1 to 255Command Modesbs service mapping rule configuration mode IMPORTANTWhen creating a new Service Mapping Rule, all mandatory parameters must be configured.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# r1prof [modify-serviceqos {TRUE | FALSE} ] [dfltpriority <(0 to 7 StepSize 1)> ] [datadeliverytype {uGS | rTVR | nRTVR | bE | eRTVR} ] [priority <(0 to 7 StepSize 1)> ] [mir <(0 to 20000 StepSize 1)> ] [cir <(0 to 20000 StepSize 1)> ] [jitter <(0 to 5000 StepSize 1)> ] [latency <(0 to 5000 StepSize 1)> ] [sdu-length{fixed | variable} ] [sdu-size <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [grant-interval <(0 to 5000 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level10
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 534  System ManualSyntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[modify-serviceqos {TRUE | FALSE} ]Indicates whether to modify service QoS parameters using internal R1 profile parameters.Optional FALSE TRUEFALSE[dfltpriority <(0 to 7 StepSize 1)> ]Relevant only if modify-serviceqos is FALSE. Indicates the traffic priority to be used when it is missing in R6 request.Optional 0 0 to 7[datadeliverytype {uGS | rTVR | nRTVR | bE | eRTVR} ]Relevant only if modify-serviceqos is TRUE. An internal R1 profile parameter, specifying the type of data delivery (service type).(RTVR and NRTVR are not applicable for current release)Mandatory when creating a new Service Mapping Rule.N/A uGSrTVRnRTVRbEeRTVR[priority <(0 to 7 StepSize 1)> ]Relevant only if modify-serviceqos is TRUE and the datadeliverytype is rTVR, nRTVR, eRTVR or bE. An internal R1 profile parameter specifying the traffic priority.Mandatory when creating a new Service Mapping Rule.N/A 0 to 7[mir <(0 to 20000 StepSize 1)> ]Relevant only if modify-serviceqos is TRUE and the datadeliverytype is  bE or eRTVR. An internal R1 profile parameter specifying the maximum sustained traffic rate in Kbps.Mandatory when creating a new Service Mapping Rule.N/A 0 - 20000[cir <(0 to 20000 StepSize 1)> ]Relevant only if modify-serviceqos is TRUE and the datadeliverytype is uGS or eRTVR. An internal R1 profile parameter specifying the minimum reserved traffic rate in Kbps.Mandatory when creating a new Service Mapping Rule.N/A 0 - 20000
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 535  System Manual[jitter <(0 to 5000 StepSize 1)> ] Relevant only if modify-serviceqos is TRUE and the datadeliverytype is uGS or eRTVR. An internal R1 profile parameter specifying maximum tolerated  jitter in milliseconds.Mandatory when creating a new Service Mapping Rule.N/A 0 - 5000[latency <(0 to 5000 StepSize 1)> ]Relevant only if modify-serviceqos is TRUE and the datadeliverytype is uGS or eRTVR. An internal R1 profile parameter specifying maximum latency in milliseconds.Mandatory when creating a new Service Mapping Rule.N/A 0 - 5000[sdu-length{fixed | variable} ]Relevant only if modify-serviceqos is TRUE and the datadeliverytype is uGS. An internal R1 profile parameter specifying whether SDU length is fixed or variable. In the current release only fixed length is supported.Optional fixed fixedvariable (not supported in current release)[sdu-size <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]Relevant only if modify-serviceqos is TRUE,  the datadeliverytype is uGS and the sdu-length is fixed. An internal R1 profile parameter specifying the SDU size in bytes.Mandatory when creating a new Service Mapping Rule.N/A 1 - 255[grant-interval <(0 to 5000 StepSize 1)> ] Relevant only if modify-serviceqos is TRUE and the datadeliverytype is uGS or eRTVR. An internal R1 profile parameter specifying the grant interval in milliseconds.Mandatory when creating a new Service Mapping Rule.N/A 0 - 5000Command Modesbs service mapping rule configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 536  System Manual4. Configuring R6 Profile ParametersTo configure mapping rules to R6 Profile parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# r6prof [datadeliverytype {uGS | rTVR | nRTVR | bE | eRTVR | any} ] [priority <(-1 to -1 StepSize 1) | (0 to 7 StepSize 1)> ] [mediaflowtype <string (32)> ] [use-mediaflowtype {TRUE | FALSE} ] [mir <(-1 to -1 StepSize 1) | (0 to 20000 StepSize 1)> ] [cir <(-1 to -1 StepSize 1) | (0 to 20000 StepSize 1)> ] [latency <(-1 to -1 StepSize 1) | (0 to 5000 StepSize 1)>].IMPORTANTNote that when creating a new Service Mapping Rule all mandatory parameters must be configured, including those that may not be relevant for the Service Mapping Rule.IMPORTANTWhen creating a new Service Mapping Rule, at least one of the R6 Profile parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-2)# r6prof [datadeliverytype {uGS | rTVR | nRTVR | bE | eRTVR | any} ] [priority <(-1 to -1 StepSize 1) | (0 to 7 StepSize 1)> ] [mediaflowtype <string (32)> ] [use-mediaflowtype {TRUE | FALSE} ] [mir <(-1 to -1 StepSize 1) | (0 to 20000 StepSize 1)> ] [cir <(-1 to -1 StepSize 1) | (0 to 20000 StepSize 1)> ] [latency <(-1 to -1 StepSize 1) | (0 to 5000 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 537  System Manual[datadeliverytype {uGS | rTVR | nRTVR | bE | eRTVR | any} ]An R6 parameter  entry in the lookup table specifying the data delivery type (service type).Optional any uGSrTVRnRTVRbEeRTVRany[priority <(-1 to -1 StepSize 1) | (0 to 7 StepSize 1)> ]An R6 parameter entry in the lookup table specifying the traffic priority. A value of -1 means any.Optional -1 -10 - 7[mediaflowtype <string (32)> ]An R6 parameter entry in the lookup table that is relevant only if the use-mediaflowtype parameter is defined as TRUEOptional blank string A string of 32 printable characters.[use-mediaflowtype {TRUE | FALSE} ]If  this parameter has a value TRUE,  the service lookup function will try to match the R6 media flow type with the mediaFlowType entry in the table. If FALSE the service lookup function will ignore the R6 media flow type.Optional FALSE TRUEFALSE[mir <(-1 to -1 StepSize 1) | (0 to 20000 StepSize 1)> ]An R6 parameter entry in the lookup table specifyingthe maximum sustained traffic rate in Kbps. A value of -1 means any.Optional -1 -10 - 20000[cir <(-1 to -1 StepSize 1) | (0 to 20000 StepSize 1)> ]An R6 parameter  entry in the lookup table specifying the minimum reserved traffic rate in Kbps. A value of -1 means any.Optional -1 -10 - 20000[latency <(-1 to -1 StepSize 1) | (0 to 5000 StepSize 1)> ]An R6 parameter entry in the lookup table specifying tolerated latency in milliseconds. A value of -1 means any.Optional -1 -10 - 5000
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 538  System Manual4.8.5.3 Restoring Default Values for Service Mapping Rule Configuration ParametersAfter enabling the Service Mapping Rule configuration mode you can restore the default values for non-mandatory parameters in the following parameters tables:R1 Profile (refer to SectionR6 Profile (refer to Section Restoring the Default Values of RI Profile ParametersTo restore some or all of R1 Profile non-mandatory parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# no r1prof [modify-serviceqos ] [dfltpriority ]You can restore only one or several parameters to the default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the dfltpriority to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# no r1prof dfltpriorityThe parameter will be restored to its default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all R1 Profile non-mandatory parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# no r1profCommand Modesbs service mapping rule configuration modeNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# no r1prof [modify-serviceqos ] [dfltpriority ]Privilege Level10
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 539  System Manual4. Restoring the Default Values of R6 Profile ParametersTo restore some or all of R6 Profile parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# no r6prof [datadeliverytype ] [priority ] [mediaflowtype ] [use-mediaflowtype] [mir ] [cir ] [latency ]You can restore only one or several parameters to the default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the mir and cir to the default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# no r6prof mir cirThese parameter will be restored to their default values, while all other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all R6 Profile parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# no r6prof4.8.5.4 Terminating the Service Mapping Rule Configuration ModeRun the following command to terminate the Service Mapping Rule configuration mode:Command Modesbs service mapping rule configuration modeNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# no r6prof [datadeliverytype ] [priority ] [mediaflowtype ] [use-mediaflowtype] [mir ] [cir ] [latency ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs service mapping rule configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 540  System Manualnpu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# exit4.8.5.5 Deleting a Service Mapping RuleRun the following command from the BS configuration mode to delete a Service Mapping Rule:npu(config-bs 66053)# no srvcmaprule <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)> IMPORTANTDo not forget to execute the apply command before terminating the BS Service Mapping Rule configuration mode:npu(config-bs-66053-srvcmaprule-1)# applyCommand Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-servmaprule-1)# exitPrivilege Level10Command Modesbs service mapping rule configuration modeCommand Syntaxnpu(config-bs 66053)#  no srvcmaprule <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)> Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 255 StepSize 1)>The Service Mapping Rule index Mandatory N/A 1-255Command Modesbs configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 541  System Manual4.8.5.6 Displaying Configuration Information for Service Mapping RulesYou can display the current configuration information for the following parameters tables:General (refer to SectionOrder (refer to SectionR1 Profile (refer to SectionR6 Profile (refer to SectionAll (refer to Section Displaying Configuration Information for General Service Mapping Rule ParametersTo display configuration for the general parameters of a specific or all Service Mapping Rules, run the following command:npu# show srvcmaprule-general bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> rule-index <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID and Service Mapping Rule index if you want to display configuration for a particular Service Mapping Rule. For example, to display the General parameters of Service Mapping Rule 1 in BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show srvcmaprule-general bs 66053 rule-index 1Do not specify these parameters if you want to view configuration information for all existing Service Mapping Rules. To display information for all Service Mapping Rules, run the following command:npu# show srvcmaprule-general bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show srvcmaprule-general bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> rule-index <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 542  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Service Mapping Rule Order ParametersTo display configuration for the order parameters of a specific or all Service Mapping Rules, run the following command:npu# show srvcmaprule-order bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> rule-index <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)>]Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the general parameters of a specific Service Mapping Rule. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the general parameters of all Service Mapping Rules.Optional N/A 1-16777215rule-index <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]The Service Mapping Rule index. To be used only  if you want to display the general parameters of a specific Service Mapping Rule.Optional N/A 1-255Display Format(for each existing Service Mapping Rule if requested for all Service Mapping Rules)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>MappingRuleIndex                                  :<value>ServiceName                                       :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 543  System ManualSpecify the BS ID and Service Mapping Rule index if you want to display configuration for a particular Service Mapping Rule. For example, to display the order parameters of Service Mapping Rule 1 in BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show srvcmaprule-order bs 66053 rule-index 1Do not specify these parameters if you want to view configuration information for all existing Service Mapping Rules. To display information for all Service Mapping Rules, run the following command:npu# show srvcmaprule-order bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show srvcmaprule-order bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> rule-index <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the order parameters of a specific Service Mapping Rule. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the order parameters of all Service Mapping Rules.Optional N/A 1-16777215rule-index <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)>]The Service Mapping Rule index. To be used only  if you want to display the order parameters of a specific Service Mapping Rule.Optional N/A 1-255
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 544  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Service Mapping Rule R1 Profile ParametersTo display configuration for the R1 Profile parameters of a specific or all Service Mapping Rules, run the following command:npu# show srvcmaprule-r1prof bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> rule-index <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID and Service Mapping Rule index if you want to display configuration for a particular Service Mapping Rule. For example, to display the R1 Profile parameters of Service Mapping Rule 1 in BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show srvcmaprule-r1prof bs 66053 rule-index 1Do not specify these parameters if you want to view configuration information for all existing Service Mapping Rules. To display information for all Service Mapping Rules, run the following command:npu# show srvcmaprule-r1prof bsDisplay Format(for each existing Service Mapping Rule if requested for all Service Mapping Rules)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>MappingRuleIndex                                  :<value>LookUpOrder                                       :<value>Command ModesGlobal command modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show srvcmaprule-r1prof bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> rule-index <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 545  System ManualSyntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the R1 Profile parameters of a specific Service Mapping Rule. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the R1 Profile parameters of all Service Mapping Rules.Optional N/A 1-16777215rule-index <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)>]The Service Mapping Rule index. To be used only  if you want to display the R1 Profile parameters of a specific Service Mapping Rule.Optional N/A 1-255Display Format(for each existing Service Mapping Rule if requested for all Service Mapping Rules)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>MappingRuleIndex                                  :<value>ModifyServiceQoSParameters                        :<value>DefaultPriority                                   :<value>DataDeliveryTypeR1Profile                         :<value>PriorityR1Profile                                 :<value>MIRR1Profile                                      :<value>CIRR1Profile                                      :<value>Jitter                                            :<value>LatencyR1Profile                                  :<value>SDULength                                         :<value>SDUSize                                           :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 546  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Service Mapping Rule R6 Profile ParametersTo display configuration for the R6 Profile parameters of a specific or all Service Mapping Rules, run the following command:npu# show srvcmaprule-r6prof bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> rule-index <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID and Service Mapping Rule index if you want to display configuration for a particular Service Mapping Rule. For example, to display the R6 Profile parameters of Service Mapping Rule 1 in BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show srvcmaprule-r6prof bs 66053 rule-index 1Do not specify these parameters if you want to view configuration information for all existing Service Mapping Rules. To display information for all Service Mapping Rules, run the following command:npu# show srvcmaprule-r6prof bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show srvcmaprule-r6prof bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> rule-index <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the R6 Profile parameters of a specific Service Mapping Rule. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the general parameters of all Service Mapping Rules.Optional N/A 1-16777215
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 547  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for All Service Mapping Profile ParametersTo display all configuration parameters of a specific or all Service Mapping Rules, run the following command:npu# show srvcmaprule-all bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> rule-index <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID and Service Mapping Rule index if you want to display configuration for a particular Service Mapping Rule. For example, to display all parameters of Service Mapping Rule 1 in BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show srvcmaprule-all bs 66053 rule-index 1Do not specify these parameters if you want to view configuration information for all existing Service Mapping Rules. To display information for all Service Mapping Rules, run the following command:npu# show srvcmaprule-all bsrule-index <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)>]The Service Mapping Rule index. To be used only  if you want to display the R6 Profile parameters of a specific Service Mapping Rule.Optional N/A 1-255Display Format(for each existing Service Mapping Rule if requested for all Service Mapping Rules)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>MappingRuleIndex                                  :<value>DataDeliveryTypeR6Profile                         :<value>PriorityR6Profile                                 :<value>MediaFlowType                                     :<value>UseMediaFlowType                                  :<value>CIRR6Profile                                      :<value>MIRR6Profile                                      :<value>LatencyR6Profile                                  :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 548  System Manual4.8.6 Managing Power Control Levels and Policies1Enable the Power Control configuration mode (refer to Section Syntaxnpu# show srvcmaprule-all bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> rule-index <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)>]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display all parameters of a specific Service Mapping Rule. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display all parameters of all Service Mapping Rules.Optional N/A 1-16777215rule-index <(1 to 255 StepSize 1)>]The Service Mapping Rule index. To be used only  if you want to display all parameters of a specific Service Mapping Rule.Optional N/A 1-255Command ModesGlobal command modeTo configure a the Power Control Levels and Policies:
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 549  System Manual2You can now execute any of the following tasks:»Configure one or more of the Power Control parameters tables (refer to Section»Restore the default values of parameters in one or more of the Power Control parameters tables (refer to Section» Terminate the Power Control configuration mode (refer to Section addition, you can, at any time, display configuration information for each of the parameters tables (refer to Section Enabling the Power Control Configuration ModeTo configure the Power Control parameters, first enable the Power Control configuration mode. Run the following command to enable the Power Control configuration mode. Note that for properly completing the configuration the apply command must be executed prior to exiting the Power Control configuration mode.npu(config-bs-66053)# pwrctrlThe Power Control configuration mode is enabled, after which you can execute any of the following tasks:Configure one or more of the Power Control parameters tables (refer to SectionRestore the default values of parameters in one or more of the parameters tables (refer to Section executing the above tasks, you can terminate the Power Control configuration mode (refer to Section and return to the BS configuration mode.Note that for properly completing the Power Control configuration the apply command must be executed prior to exiting the Power Control configuration mode.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# pwrctrl
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 550  System Manual4.8.6.2 Configuring Power Control ParametersAfter enabling the Power Control configuration mode you can configure the following parameters tables:Target Noise and Interference Level (refer to SectionMaximum EIRP (refer to SectionRequired C/N Level (refer to SectionOpen Loop Correction Policy (refer to SectionOpen Loop Correction Range (refer to SectionClosed Loop - Unstable MS (refer to SectionClosed Loop - MS in Network Entry (refer to SectionClosed Loop Correction Range (refer to Section Configuring Power Control Target Noise and Interference Level ParametersThe Target Noise and Interference Level table enables defining the target limits for various noise and interference levels.To configure the Target Noise and Interference Levels, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# nilevels [cqi-ack-ranging <(-150 to -22.5 StepSize 0.5)>] [pusc <(-150 to -22.5 StepSize 0.5)>]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs configuration modeIMPORTANTAfter completing the Power Control configuration,do not forget to execute the apply command before exiting the Power Control configuration mode:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# apply
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 551  System Manual4. Configuring the Power Control Maximum EIRPThe maxeirxp parameter enables defining the maximum effective isotropic received power at the BS for Initial ranging.To configure the maxeirxp, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# maxeirxp <(-140 to -40 StepSize 1)>IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Power Control Target Noise and Interference Level parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# nilevels [cqi-ack-ranging <(-150 to -22.5 StepSize 0.5)> ] [pusc <(-150 to -22.5 StepSize 0.5)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[cqi-ack-ranging <(-150 to -22.5 StepSize 0.5)> ]>Target Noise and interference level for the CQI, ACK  and periodic ranging regions, in dBm.Optional -128 -150 to -22.5 in steps of 0.5[pusc <(-150 to -22.5 StepSize 0.5)> ]Target Noise and interference level for the PUSC zone, in dBmOptional -128 -150 to -22.5 in steps of 0.5Command Modesbs power control configuration mode IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, the maxeirxp parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 552  System Manual4. Configuring the Power Control Required C/N Level ParametersThe Required C/N Levels table enables defining the Carrier to Noise Ratios required for various types of transmissions.To configure the Required C/N Levels, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# requiredcnr [ack <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [cqi <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [cdma <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qpsk-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qpsk-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qam16-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qam16-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qam64-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qam64-2by3 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qam64-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qam64-5by6 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>]Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# maxeirxp <(-140 to -40 StepSize 1)>Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Valuesmaxeirxp <(-140 to -40 StepSize 1)>The maximum effective isotropic received power at the BS for Initial ranging, in dBm.Optional -124 -140 to -40Command Modesbs power control configuration mode IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Power Control Required C/N Level parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 553  System ManualCommand Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# requiredcnr [ack <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [cqi <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [cdma <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qpsk-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qpsk-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qam16-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qam16-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qam64-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qam64-2by3 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qam64-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qam64-5by6 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[ack <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for sending ACK, reported to the MS for  power control purposes.Optional 7 -20 to 50[cqi <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for sending CQI, reported to the MS for power control purposes.Must be in the range from requiredcnr-ack - 8 to requiredcnr-ack + 7 (see ack parameter above)Optional 0 -20 to 50 [cdma <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting CDMA, reported to the MS for power control purposes.Must be in the range from requiredcnr-cqi - 8 to requiredcnr-cqi + 7 (see cqi parameter above)Optional 0 -20 to 50[qpsk-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting using QPSK 1/2, reported to the MS for power control purposes.Must be in the range from requiredcnr-cdma - 16 to requiredcnr-cdma + 14 (see cdma parameter above)Optional 14 -20 to 50
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 554  System Manual[qpsk-3by4<(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting using QPSK 3/4, reported to the MS for power control purposes.Must be in the range from requiredcnr-qpsk-1by2 - 16 to requiredcnr-qpsk-1by2 + 14 (see qpsk-1by2 parameter above)Optional 16 -20 to 50[qam16-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting using 16QAM 1/2, reported to the MS for power control purposes.Must be in the range from requiredcnr-qpsk-3by4 - 8 to requiredcnr-qpsk-3by4 + 7 (see qpsk-3by4 parameter above)Optional 18 -20 to 50[qam16-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting using 16QAM 3/4, reported to the MS for power control purposes.Must be in the range from requiredcnr-qam16-1by2 - 16 to requiredcnr-qam16-1by2 + 14 (see qam16-1by2 parameter above)Optional 22 -20 to 50qam64-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting using 64QAM 1/2, reported to the MS for power control purposes.Must be in the range from requiredcnr-qam16-3by4 - 16 to requiredcnr-qam16-3by4 + 14 (see qam16-3by4 parameter above)Optional 23 -20 to 50[qam64-2by3 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting using 64QAM 2/3, reported to the MS for power control purposes.Must be in the range from requiredcnr-qam64-1by2 - 8 to requiredcnr-qam64-1by2 + 7 (see qam64-1by2 parameter above)Optional 23 -20 to 50
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 555  System Manual4. Configuring the Power Control Open Loop Correction Policy ParametersTo configure the Open Loop Correction Policy parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# olpolicy [positivecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)>] [negativecoefficient<(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)>] [max-positivecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)>] [max-negativecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)>][qam64-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting using 64QAM 3/4, reported to the MS for power control purposes.Must be in the range from requiredcnr-qam64-2by3 - 8 to requiredcnr-qam54-2by3 + 7 (see qam54-2by3 parameter above)Optional 23 -20 to 50[qam64-5by6 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]he C/N in dB required for transmitting using 64QAM 5/6, reported to the MS for power control purposes.Must be in the range from requiredcnr-qam64-3by4 - 8 to requiredcnr-qam64-3by4 + 7 (see qam64-3by4 parameter above)Optional 23 -20 to 50Command Modesbs power control configuration mode IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Power Control Open Loop Correction Policy parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# olpolicy [positivecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)> ] [negativecoefficient<(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)> ] [max-positivecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ] [max-negativecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]Privilege Level10
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 556  System Manual4. Configuring the Power Control Open Loop Correction Range ParametersTo configure the Open Loop Correction Range parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# olrange [lowthrshld-linear <(-20 to 0 StepSize 0.1)>] [lowthrshld-constant <(-20 to 0 StepSize 0.1)>] [highthrshld-linear <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)>] [highthrshld-constant <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)>]Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[positivecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)> ]Correction coefficient for open loop when giving positive correctionsOptional 0.7 0 to 1 in steps of 0.05[negativecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)> ]Correction coefficient for open loop when giving negative correctionsOptional 0.7 0 to 1 in steps of 0.05[max-positivecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]Maximum positive power correction (in dB) for open loopOptional 8 0 to 20 in steps of 0.1[max-negativecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]Maximum negative power correction (in dB) for open loopOptional 8 0 to 20 in steps of 0.1Command Modesbs power control configuration mode IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Power Control Open Loop Correction Range parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# olrange [lowthrshld-linear <(-20 to 0 StepSize 0.1)> ] [lowthrshld-constant <(-20 to 0 StepSize 0.1)> ] [highthrshld-linear <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ] [highthrshld-constant <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]Privilege Level10
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 557  System Manual4. Configuring the Power Control Closed Loop - Unstable MS Correction Policy ParametersTo configure the Closed Loop - Unstable MS Correction Policy parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# clunstable [positivecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)>] [negativecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)>] [max-positivecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)>][max-negativecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)>]Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[lowthrshld-linear <(-20 to 0 StepSize 0.1)> ]The open loop correction range threshold (in dB) below which linear corrections are made.Cannot be lower than olrange-lowthrshld-constant (see below)Optional -18 -20 to 0 in steps of 0.1[lowthrshld-constant <(-20 to 0 StepSize 0.1)> ]The open loop correction range threshold (in dB) below which constant corrections are made.Optional -19 -20 to 0 in steps of 0.1[highthrshld-linear <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]The open loop correction range threshold (in dB) above which linear corrections are made.Optional 18 0 to 20 in steps of 0.1[highthrshld-constant <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]The open loop correction range threshold (in dB) above which constant corrections are made.Cannot be lower than olrange-highthrshld-linear (see above)Optional 19 0 to 20 in steps of 0.1Command Modesbs power control configuration mode IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Power Control Closed Loop - Unstable MS parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 558  System Manual4. Configuring the Power Control Closed Loop - MS in Network Entry Correction Policy ParametersTo configure the Closed Loop - MS in Network Entry Correction Policy parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# clne [positivecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)>] [negativecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)>] [max-positivecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)>] [max-negativecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)>]Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# clunstable [positivecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)> ] [negativecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)> ] [max-positivecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ][max-negativecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[positivecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)> ]Correction coefficient for problematic MS in a closed loop when giving positive correctionsOptional 0.8 0 to 1 in steps of 0.05[negativecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)> ]Correction coefficient for problematic MS in a closed loop when giving negative correctionsOptional 0.7 0 to 1 in steps of 0.05[max-positivecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]Maximum positive power correction (in dB) for problematic MS in a closed loopOptional 3 0 to 20 in steps of 0.1[max-negativecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]Maximum negative power correction (in dB) for problematic MS in a closed loopOptional 8 0 to 20 in steps of 0.1Command Modesbs power control configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 559  System Manual4. Configuring the Power Control Closed Loop Correction Range ParametersTo configure the Closed Loop Correction Range parameters, run the following command:IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Power Control Closed Loop - MS in Network Entry parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# clne [positivecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)> ] [negativecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)> ] [max-positivecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ] [max-negativecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[positivecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)> ]Correction coefficient for network entry in closed loop when giving positive correctionsOptional 0.7 0 to 1 dB in steps of 0.05[negativecoefficient <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.05)> ]Correction coefficient for network entry in closed loop when giving negative correctionsOptional 0.7 0 to 1 dB in steps of 0.05[max-positivecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]Maximum positive power correction (in dB) for network entry in closed loopOptional 8 0 to 20 in steps of 0.1[max-negativecorrection <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]Maximum negative power correction (in dB) for network entry in closed loopOptional 8 0 to 20 in steps of 0.1Command Modesbs power control configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 560  System Manualnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# clrange [lowthrshld-linear <(-20 to 0 StepSize 0.1)>] [lowthrshld-constant <(-20 to 0 StepSize 0.1)>] [highthrshld-linear <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)>] [highthrshld-constant <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)>]IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Power Control Closed Loop Correction Range parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# clrange [lowthrshld-linear <(-20 to 0 StepSize 0.1)> ] [lowthrshld-constant <(-20 to 0 StepSize 0.1)> ] [highthrshld-linear <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ] [highthrshld-constant <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[lowthrshld-linear <(-20 to 0 StepSize 0.1)> ]Closed loop correction range threshold (in dB) below which linear corrections are made.Cannot be lower than clrange-lowthrshld-constant (see below)Optional -2 -20 to 0 in steps of 0.1lowthrshld-constant <(-20 to 0 StepSize 0.1)> ]Closed loop correction range threshold (in dB) below which constant corrections are made.Optional -8 -20 to 0 in steps of 0.1[highthrshld-linear <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]Closed loop correction range threshold (in dB) above which linear corrections are made.Optional 2 -20 to 0 in steps of 0.1[highthrshld-constant <(0 to 20 StepSize 0.1)> ]Closed loop correction range threshold (in dB) above which constant corrections are made.Cannot be lower than clrange-highthrshld-linear (see above)Optional 8 -20 to 0 in steps of 0.1
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 561  System Manual4.8.6.3 Restoring Default Values for Power Control Configuration ParametersAfter enabling the Power Control configuration mode you can restore the default values for parameters in the following parameters tables:Noise and Interference Level (refer to SectionMaximum EIRP (refer to SectionRequired C/N Level (refer to SectionOpen Loop Correction Policy (refer to SectionOpen Loop Correction Range (refer to SectionClosed Loop - Unstable MS (refer to SectionClosed Loop - MS in Network Entry (refer to SectionClosed Loop Correction Range (refer to Section Restoring the Default Values of Power Control Target Noise and Interference Level ParametersTo restore one or all of the Target Noise and Interference Level parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no nilevels [cqi-ack-ranging] [pusc]You can restore only one parameter to its default values by specifying only that parameter. For example, to restore only the pusc to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no nilevels puscThe parameter will be restored to its default value, while the other parameter will remain unchanged.To restore all Target Noise and Interference Level parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no nilevelsCommand Modesbs power control configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 562  System Manual4. Restoring the Default Values of the Power Control Maximum EIRP ParameterTo restore the maxeirxp parameter to its default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no maxeirxp4. Restoring the Default Values of Power Control Required C/N Level ParametersTo restore some or all of the Required C/N Levels parameters to their default values, run the following command:NOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no nilevels [cqi-ack-ranging ] [pusc]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs power control configuration modeNOTERefer to Section for a description and default value of this parameter.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no maxeirxpPrivilege Level10Command Modesbs power control configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 563  System Manualnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no requiredcnr [ack] [cqi] [cdma] [qpsk-1by2] [qpsk-3by4] [qam16-1by2] [qam16-3by4] [qam64-1by2] [qam64-2by3] [qam64-3by4] [qam64-5by6]You can restore only some parameters to their default values by specifying only those parameter. For example, to restore only the ack and cqi parameters to the default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no requiredcnr ack cqiThese parameters will be restored to their default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all Required C/N Levels parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no requiredcnr4. Restoring the Default Values of Power Control Open Loop Correction Policy ParametersTo restore some or all of the Open Loop Correction Policy parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no olpolicy [positivecoefficient] [negativecoefficient] [max-positivecorrection] [max-negativecorrection]You can restore only some parameters to their default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the positivecoefficient and negativecoefficient parameters to the default values, run the following command:NOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no requiredcnr [ack ] [cqi ] [cdma ] [qpsk-1by2 ] [qpsk-3by4 ] [qam16-1by2 ] [qam16-3by4 ] [qam64-1by2 ] [qam64-2by3 ] [qam64-3by4 ] [qam64-5by6 ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs power control configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 564  System Manualnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no olpolicy positivecoefficient negativecoefficientThese parameters will be restored to their default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all Open Loop Correction Policy parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no olpolicy4. Restoring the Default Values of Power Control Open Loop Correction Range ParametersTo restore some or all of the Open Loop Correction Range parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no olrange [lowthrshld-linear] [lowthrshld-constant] [highthrshld-linear] [highthrshld-constant]You can restore only some parameters to their default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the highthrshld-linear and highthrshld-constant parameters to the default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no olrange highthrshld-linear highthrshld-constantThese parameters will be restored to their default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.NOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no olpolicy [positivecoefficient ] [negativecoefficient ] [max-positivecorrection ] [max-negativecorrection ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs power control configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 565  System ManualTo restore all Open Loop Correction Range parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no olrange4. Restoring the Default Values of Power Control Closed Loop - Unstable MS Correction Policy ParametersTo restore some or all of the Open Loop - Unstable MS Correction Policy parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no clunstable [positivecoefficient] [negativecoefficient] [max-positivecorrection] [max-negativecorrection]You can restore only some parameters to their default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the positivecoefficient and negativecoefficient parameters to the default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no clunstable positivecoefficient negativecoefficientThese parameters will be restored to their default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all Open Loop - Unstable MS parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no clunstableNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no olrange [lowthrshld-linear ] [lowthrshld-constant ] [highthrshld-linear ] [highthrshld-constant ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs power control configuration modeNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 566  System Manual4. Restoring the Default Values of Power Control Closed Loop - MS in Network Entry Correction Policy ParametersTo restore some or all of the Open Loop - MS in Network Entry Correction Policy parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no clne [positivecoefficient] [negativecoefficient] [max-positivecorrection] [max-negativecorrection]You can restore only some parameters to their default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the positivecoefficient and negativecoefficient parameters to the default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no clne positivecoefficient negativecoefficientThese parameters will be restored to their default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all Open Loop - MS in Network Entry parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no clneCommand Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no clunstable [positivecoefficient ] [negativecoefficient ] [max-positivecorrection ] [max-negativecorrection ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs power control configuration modeNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no clne [positivecoefficient ] [negativecoefficient ] [max-positivecorrection ] [max-negativecorrection ]
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 567  System Manual4. Restoring the Default Values of Power Control Closed Loop Correction Range ParametersTo restore some or all of the Closed Loop Correction Range parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no clrange [lowthrshld-linear] [lowthrshld-constant] [highthrshld-linear] [highthrshld-constant]You can restore only some parameters to their default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the highthrshld-linear and highthrshld-constant parameters to the default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no clrange highthrshld-linear highthrshld-constantThese parameters will be restored to their default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all Closed Loop Correction Range parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no clrangePrivilege Level10Command Modesbs power control configuration modeNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# no clrange [lowthrshld-linear ] [lowthrshld-constant ] [highthrshld-linear ] [highthrshld-constant ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs power control configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 568  System Manual4.8.6.4 Terminating the Power Control Configuration ModeRun the following command to terminate the Power Control configuration mode:npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# exit4.8.6.5 Displaying Configuration Information for Power Control ParametersYou can display the current configuration information for the following parameters tables:Noise and Interference Level (refer to SectionMaximum EIRP (refer to SectionRequired C/N Level (refer to SectionOpen Loop Correction Policy (refer to SectionOpen Loop Correction Range (refer to SectionClosed Loop - Unstable MS (refer to SectionClosed Loop - MS in Network Entry (refer to SectionClosed Loop Correction Range (refer to SectionAll (refer to Section not forget to execute the apply command before terminating the Power Control configuration mode: npu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# applyCommand Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-pwrctrl)# exitPrivilege Level10Command Modesbs power control configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 569  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Power Control Target Noise and Interference Level ParametersTo display configuration for the Power Control Target Noise and Interference Level parameters, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-nilevels bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Power Control Target Noise and Interference Level parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-nilevels bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-nilevels bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show pwrctrl-nilevels bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Target Noise and Interference Level parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Target Noise and Interference Level parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 570  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Power Control Maximum EIRPTo display configuration for the Power Control Maximum EIRP parameter, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-maxeirxp bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Power Control Maximum EIRP parameter of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-maxeirxp bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-maxeirxp bsDisplay Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>NoiseandInterferenceLevelforCQI&ACKRegion         :<value>NoiseandInterferenceLevelforPUSCZone              :<value>Command ModesGlobal command modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show pwrctrl-maxeirxp bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 571  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Power Control Required C/N Level ParametersTo display configuration for the Power Control Required C/N Level parameters, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-requiredcnr bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Power Control Required C/N Level parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-requiredcnr bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-requiredcnr bsSyntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Maximum EIRP parameter of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Maximum EIRP parameter of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>MaxEIRxP                                          :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 572  System ManualCommand Syntaxnpu# show pwrctrl-requiredcnr bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Required C/N Level parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Required C/N Level parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>RequiredCNRforACK                                 :<value>RequiredCNRforCQI                                 :<value>RequiredCNRforCDMA                                :<value>RequiredCNRforQPSK1/2                             :<value>RequiredCNRforQPSK3/4                            :<value>RequiredCNRfor16QAM1/2                            :<value>RequiredCNRfor16QAM3/4                            :<value>RequiredCNRfor64QAM1/2                            :<value>RequiredCNRfor64QAM2/3                            :<value>RequiredCNRfor64QAM3/4                            :<value>RequiredCNRfor64QAM5/6                            :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 573  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Power Control Open Loop Correction Policy ParametersTo display configuration for the Power Control Open Loop Correction Policy parameters, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-olpolicy bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Power Control Open Loop Correction Policy parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-olpolicy bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-olpolicy bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show pwrctrl-olpolicy bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Open Loop Correction Policy parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Open Loop Correction Policy parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 574  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Power Control Open Loop Correction Range ParametersTo display configuration for the Power Control Open Loop Correction Range parameters, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-olrange bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Power Control Open Loop Correction Range parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-olrange bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-olrange bsDisplay Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>OpenLoopPositiveCorrectionCoefficient             :<value>OpenLoopNegativeCorrectionCoefficient             :<value>OpenLoopMaximumPositivePowerCorrection(dB)        :<value>OpenLoopMaximumNegativePowerCorrection(dB)        :<value>Command ModesGlobal command modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show pwrctrl-olrange bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 575  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Power Control Closed Loop - Unstable MS Correction Policy ParametersTo display configuration for the Power Control Closed Loop - Unstable MS Correction Policy parameters, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-clunstable bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Power Control Closed Loop - Unstable MS parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-clunstable bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-clunstable bsSyntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Open Loop Correction Range parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Open Loop Correction Range parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>OpenLoopLowerThresholdforLinearCorrection(dB)     :<value>OpenLoopLowerThresholdforConstantCorrection(dB)   :<value>OpenLoopHigherThresholdforLinearCorrection(dB)    :<value>OpenLoopHigherThresholdforConstantCorrection(dB)  :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 576  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Power Control Closed Loop - MS in Network Entry Correction Policy ParametersTo display configuration for the Power Control Closed Loop - MS in Network Entry Correction Policy parameters, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-clne bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Power Control Closed Loop - MS in Network Entry parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:Command Syntaxnpu# show pwrctrl-clunstable bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Closed Loop - Unstable MS parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Closed Loop - Unstable MS parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>ClosedLoopUnstableMSPositiveCorrectionCoefficient :<value>ClosedLoopUnstableMSNegativeCorrectionCoefficient :<value>ClosedLoopUnstableMSMaximumPositivePowerCorrection(dB):<value>ClosedLoopUnstableMSMaximumNegativePowerCorrection(dB):<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 577  System Manualnpu# show pwrctrl-clne bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-clne bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show pwrctrl-clne bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Closed Loop - MS in Network Entry parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Closed Loop - MS in Network Entry parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                            :<value>ClosedLoopNetworkEntryPositiveCorrectionCoefficient:<value>ClosedLoopNetworkEntryNegativeCorrectionCoefficient:<value>ClosedLoopNetworkEntryMaximumPositivePowerCorrection(dB):<value>ClosedLoopNetworkEntryMaximumNegativePowerCorrection(dB):<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 578  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Power Control Closed Loop Correction Range ParametersTo display configuration for the Power Control Closed Loop Correction Range parameters, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-clrange bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Power Control Closed Loop Correction Range parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-clrange bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-clrange bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show pwrctrl-clrange bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Closed Loop Correction Range parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Closed Loop Correction Range parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 579  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for All Power Control ParametersTo display configuration for all Power Control parameters, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-all bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display all Power Control parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-all bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show pwrctrl-all bsDisplay Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                            :<value>ClosedLoopLowerThresholdforLinearCorrection(dB)   :<value>ClosedLoopLowerThresholdforConstantCorrection(dB) :<value>ClosedLoopHigherThresholdforLinearCorrection(dB)  :<value>ClosedLoopHigherThresholdforConstantCorrection(dB):<value>Command ModesGlobal command modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show pwrctrl-all bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level10
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 580  System Manual4.8.7 Managing BS Feedback Allocation ParametersAfter enabling the BS configuration mode, you can execute the following tasks:Configure one or more of the Feedback Allocation parameters (refer to SectionRestore the default values of one or all of the Feedback Allocation parameters (refer to Section can display configuration information for the Feedback Allocation parameters of a selected or all existing BSs (refer to Section Configuring Feedback Allocation ParametersFrom the BS configuration mode, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# feedbackalloc [pr-cdma <(0 to 12000 StepSize 1)> ] [ir-cdma <(0 to 12000 StepSize 1)> ] [max-cqi <(0 to 29 StepSize 1)> ] [ert-poll-enable {true | false} ]Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display all Power Control parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display all Power Control parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Command ModesGlobal command modeTo configure the Feedback Allocation Parameters:
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 581  System Manual* The default value for the mandatory max-cqi parameter is be 7 for bw=5MHz and 19 for bw=7 or 10 MHz.IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, the mandatory max-cqi parameter must be configured. Typically it should be configured to 7 for bandwidth=5MHz and 19 for bandwidth=7 or 10 MHz.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# feedbackalloc [pr-cdma <(0 to 12000 StepSize 1)> ] [ir-cdma <(0 to 12000 StepSize 1)> ] [max-cqi <(0 to 29 StepSize 1)> ] [ert-poll-enable {true | false} ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[pr-cdma <(0 to 12000 StepSize 1)> ]The period of PR CDMA allocations, in frames.Cannot be higher than ir-cdma (see below)Optional 5 0 - 12000[ir-cdma <(0 to 12000 StepSize 1)> ]The period of IR CDMA allocations, in framesOptional 20 0 - 12000[max-cqi <(0 to 29 StepSize 1)> ]The maximum size allowed  for the CQI region, in subchannels.Mandatory when creating a new BS.N/A* 0-11 for bw=5MHz 0-29 for bw=7 or 10 MHz[ert-poll-enable {true | false} ]Defines the BS's behavior (whether polling is enabled or not) upon reception of zero size BW requests.Optional true trueFalseCommand Modesbs configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 582  System Manual4.8.7.2 Restoring the Default Values of Feedback Allocation ParametersTo restore one or all of the Feedback Allocation non-mandatory parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no feedbackalloc [pr-cdma] [ir-cdma] [ert-poll-enable]You can restore only some parameters to their default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the pr-cdma and ir-cdma parameters to the default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no feedbackalloc pr-cdma ir-cdmaThese parameters will be restored to their default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all Feedback Allocation non-mandatory parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no feedbackalloc4.8.7.3 Displaying Configuration Information for Feedback Allocation ParametersTo display configuration information for Feedback Allocation parameters, run the following command:npu# show feedbackalloc bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)NOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# no feedbackalloc [pr-cdma ] [ir-cdma ] [ert-poll-enable]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 583  System ManualSpecify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Feedback Allocation parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show feedbackalloc bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show feedbackalloc bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show feedbackalloc bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display Feedback Allocation parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display Feedback Allocation parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>PRCDMAAllocationsPeriod(frames)                   :<value>IRCDMAAllocationsPeriod(frames)                   :<value>MaximumCQIRegionSize(subchannels)                 :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 584  System Manual4.8.8 Managing Neighbor Advertisement ParametersAfter enabling the BS configuration mode, you can execute the following tasks:Configure one or more of the Neighbor Advertisement parameters (refer to SectionRestore the default values of one or all of the Neighbor Advertisement parameters (refer to Section can display configuration information for the Neighbor Advertisement parameters of a selected or all existing BSs (refer to Section Configuring Neighbor Advertisement ParametersFrom the BS configuration mode, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# nbradvertise [mininterval-normalload <(0 to 100 StepSize 0.1)>] [mininterval-highload <(0 to 100 StepSize 0.1)>] [triggersetup <(0 to 100 StepSize 0.1)>]To configure the Neighbor Advertisement Parameters:IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Neighbour Advertisement parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# nbradvertise [mininterval-normalload <(0 to 100 StepSize 0.1)> ] [mininterval-highload <(0 to 100 StepSize 0.1)> ] [triggersetup <(0 to 100 StepSize 0.1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 585  System Manual4.8.8.2 Restoring the Default Values of Neighbor Advertisement ParametersTo restore one or all of the Neighbor Advertisement parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no nbradvertise [mininterval-normalload] [mininterval-highload] [triggersetup]You can restore only some parameters to their default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the mininterval-normalload parameters to the default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no nbradvertise mininterval-normalloadThis parameter will be restored to its default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all Neighbor Advertisement parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no nbradvertise[mininterval-normalload <(0 to 100 StepSize 0.1)> ]The minimum interval (in seconds) between NBRADV transmissions in normal load state.Optional 0.5 0 -100 in steps of 0.1[mininterval-highload <(0 to 100 StepSize 0.1)> ]The minimum interval (in seconds) between NBRADV transmissions in high load state.Optional 4 0 -100 in steps of 0.1[triggersetup <(0 to 100 StepSize 0.1)> ]The periodic NBRADV transmission interval, in secondsOptional 10 0 - 100 in steps of 0.1Command Modesbs configuration modeNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# no nbradvertise [mininterval-normalload] [mininterval-highload] [triggersetup]
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 586  System Manual4.8.8.3 Displaying Configuration Information for Neighbor Advertisement ParametersTo display configuration information for Neighbor Advertisement parameters, run the following command:npu# show nbradvertise bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Neighbor Advertisement parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show nbradvertise bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show nbradvertise bsPrivilege Level10Command Modesbs configuration modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show nbradvertise bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 587  System Manual4.8.9 Managing Triggers ParametersAfter enabling the BS configuration mode, you can configure one or more of the Triggers parameters (refer to Section can display configuration information for the Triggers parameters of a selected or all existing BSs (refer to Section Configuring Triggers ParametersFrom the BS configuration mode, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# triggers-<trigger-name> <trigger-range>Each Trigger is configured separately. This is the general structure of the command.Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display Neighbour Advertisement parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display Neighbour Advertisement parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>MinimumInterval-NormalLoad                        :<value>MinimumInterval-HighLoad                          :<value>PeriodicInterval                                  :<value>Command ModesGlobal command modeTo configure the Triggers Parameters:
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 588  System ManualIMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Triggers parameters must be configured explicitly.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# triggers-<trigger-name> <trigger-range>Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values<trigger-name> The Trigger name. Mandatory N/A See Table 4-30 below<trigger-value> Defines the threshold value for the Trigger. Mandatory N/A See Table 4-30 belowCommand Modesbs configuration modeTable 4-30: Trigger Names and Possible Value RangesTrigger Name  Trigger Condition Action Possible Valuestriggers-scnreq-cinr-min The C/N at the Serving BS is below the Trigger threshold (in dB)Scan Request -64 to 63.5 in steps of 0.5triggers-scnreq-rssi-min The RSSI at the Serving BS  is below the Trigger thresholdd (in Bm)-103.75 to -40 in steps of 0.25triggers-scnreq-rtd-max The Serving BS distance from the MS  (calculated by measuring the round trip delay) is above the Trigger threshold (in meter)0-3400 in steps of 50 if BS BW is 10 MHz, 0-6800 in steps of 50 if BS BW is 5 MHz, 0-4800 in steps of 50 if BS BW is 7 MHz
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 589  System Manual4.8.9.2 Displaying Configuration Information for Triggers ParametersTo display configuration information for Triggers parameters, run the following command:npu# show triggers bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> TrigName {scnReqCinrMin | scnReqRssiMin | scnReqRtdMax | hoReqCinrMaxNbs | hoReqRssiMaxNbs | hoReqCinrMargin | hoReqRssiMargin | hoReqRtdMax | hoReqCinrMinSbs | hoReqRssiMinSbs}]Specify the BS ID and Trigger name if you want to display configuration for a particular Trigger. For example, to display the scnReqCinrMin parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show triggers bs 66053 TrigName scnReqCinrMintriggers-horeq-cinr-margin The C/N at the Neighbour BS minus the C/N at the Serving BS is above the Trigger threshold (in dB)Handover Request-64 to 63.5 in steps of 0.5triggers-horeq-cinr-max The C/N at the Neighbour BS is above the Trigger threshold (in dB)-64 to 63.5 in steps of 0.5triggers-horeq-cinr-min The C/N at the Serving BS is below the Trigger threshold (in dB)-64 to 63.5 in steps of 0.5triggers-horeq-rssi-margin The RSSI at the Neighbour BS minus the RSSI at the Serving BS is above the Trigger threshold (in dBm)-32 to 31.75 in steps of 0.25triggers-horeq-rssi-max The RSSI at the Neighbour BS is above the Trigger threshold (in dBm)-103.75 to -40 in steps of 0.25triggers-horeq-rssi-min The RSSI at the Serving BS is below the Trigger threshold (in dBm)-103.75 to -40 in steps of 0.25triggers-horeq-rtd-max The Serving BS distance from the MS  (calculated by measuring the round trip delay) is above the Trigger threshold (in meter)0-3400 in steps of 50 if BS BW is 10 MHz, 0-6800 in steps of 50 if BS BW is 5 MHz, 0-4800 in steps of 50 if BS BW is 7 MHzTable 4-30: Trigger Names and Possible Value RangesTrigger Name  Trigger Condition Action Possible Values
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 590  System ManualDo not specify these parameters if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show triggers bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show triggers bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> TrigName {scnReqCinrMin | scnReqRssiMin | scnReqRtdMax | hoReqCinrMaxNbs | hoReqRssiMaxNbs | hoReqCinrMargin | hoReqRssiMargin | hoReqRtdMax | hoReqCinrMinSbs | hoReqRssiMinSbs} ]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display a specific Trigger of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display all Triggers parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215TrigName {scnReqCinrMin | scnReqRssiMin | scnReqRtdMax | hoReqCinrMaxNbs | hoReqRssiMaxNbs | hoReqCinrMargin | hoReqRssiMargin | hoReqRtdMax | hoReqCinrMinSbs | hoReqRssiMinSbs} ]The Trigger name Specify only if you want to display a specific Trigger of a specific BS. Do not specify if you want to display all Triggers parameters of all BSsscnReqCinrMinscnReqRssiMinscnReqRtdMaxhoReqCinrMaxNbshoReqRssiMaxNbshoReqCinrMarginhoReqRssiMarginhoReqRtdMaxhoReqCinrMinSbshoReqRssiMinSbs}
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 591  System Manual4.8.10 Managing Trigger Setup ParametersAfter enabling the BS configuration mode, you can execute the following tasks:Configure one or more of the Trigger Setup parameters (refer to SectionRestore the default values of one or all of the Trigger Setup parameters (refer to Section can display configuration information for the Trigger Setup parameters of a selected or all existing BSs (refer to Section Configuring Trigger Setup ParametersFrom the BS configuration mode, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# triggersetup [hysteresismargin <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [timetotrigger <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [avgduration-rssi <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [avgduration-cinr <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [avgduration-rtd <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>]Display Format(for a selected Trigger)BSIDLSB                              :<value>scnReqRssiMin                        :<value>Command ModesGlobal command modeTo configure the Trigger Setup Parameters:IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Trigger Setup parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 592  System ManualCommand Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# triggersetup [hysteresismargin <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [timetotrigger <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [avgduration-rssi <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [avgduration-cinr <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [avgduration-rtd <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[hysteresismargin <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]The CINR hysteresis in dB for adding or deleting neighbors. The hysteresis margin is used by the MS in the decision whether to include a neighbor BS in a list of possible target BSs.Optional 5 0 - 255[timetotrigger <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]The minimum time in milliseconds between adding or deleting a neighbor.  It is the time that the MS takes to decide whether to select a neighbor BS as a possible target BS and is applicable only for HHO.Optional 50 0 - 255[avgduration-rssi <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]The default RSSI average duration for triggers, in millisecondsOptional 50 0 - 255[avgduration-cinr <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]The default CINR average duration for triggers, in millisecondsOptional 50 0 - 255[avgduration-rtd <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]The default RTD average duration for triggers, in millisecondsOptional 50 0 - 255Command Modesbs configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 593  System Manual4.8.10.2 Restoring the Default Values of Trigger Setup ParametersTo restore one or all of the Trigger Setup parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no triggersetup [hysteresismargin] [timetotrigger] [avgduration-rssi] [avgduration-cinr] [avgduration-rtd]You can restore only some parameters to their default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the hysteresismargin parameter to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no triggersetup hysteresismarginThis parameter will be restored to its default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all Trigger Setup parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no triggersetup4.8.10.3 Displaying Configuration Information for Trigger Setup ParametersTo display configuration information for Trigger Setup parameters, run the following command:npu# show triggersetup bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)NOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# no triggersetup [hysteresismargin ] [timetotrigger ] [avgduration-rssi] [avgduration-cinr] [avgduration-rtd ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 594  System ManualSpecify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Trigger Setup parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show triggersetup bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show triggersetup bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show triggersetup bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display Trigger Setup parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display Trigger Setup parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>HysteresisMargin(dB)                              :<value>TimetoTrigger(msec)                               :<value>AverageDurationofDefaultRSSI(msec)                :<value>AverageDurationofDefaultCINR(msec)                :<value>AverageDurationofDefaultRTD(msec)                 :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 595  System Manual4.8.11 Managing Scan Negotiation ParametersAfter enabling the BS configuration mode, you can execute the following tasks:Configure one or more of the Scan Negotiation parameters (refer to SectionRestore the default values of some or all of the Scan Negotiation parameters (refer to Section can display configuration information for the Scan Negotiation parameters of a selected or all existing BSs (refer to Section Configuring Scan Negotiation ParametersFrom the BS configuration mode, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# scanning [max-attempts <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [interval <(0 to 100 StepSize 0.1)>] [enable-autoaccept {TRUE | FALSE}] [enable-modify {TRUE | FALSE}] [min-interval <(2 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [max-duration <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [min-degradationfactor <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.1)>] [honegotiation-sbs <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>]To configure the Scan Negotiation Parameters:IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Scan Negotiation parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# scanning [max-attempts <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [interval <(0 to 100 StepSize 0.1)> ] [enable-autoaccept {TRUE | FALSE} ] [enable-modify {TRUE | FALSE} ] [min-interval <(2 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [max-duration <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [min-degradationfactor <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.1)> ] [honegotiation-sbs <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level10
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 596  System ManualSyntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[max-attempts <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]The maximum allowed number of consecutive MOB_SCN-REQs .Optional 10 0 - 255[interval <(0 to 100 StepSize 0.1)> ]The measuring interval for counting MOB_SCN-REQs abuse. Optional 1 0 to 100 secs in steps of 0.1[enable-autoaccept {TRUE | FALSE} ]Determine whether all scan profiles requested by MSs  will be accepted automatically.Note: If TRUE all scan request will be automatically accepted.Optional TRUE  TRUEFALSE[enable-modify {TRUE | FALSE} ]Determines whether the BS will modify unfeasible scan profiles requested by MSs.Note: If TRUE the BS will modify unfeasible scan profile requests and if FALSE the BS will deny the requests. Optional TRUE  TRUEFALSE[min-interval <(2 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]The minimum interleaving interval permitted to the MS in the scan profile (in frames)Optional 2 0 - 255[max-duration <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]The maximum duration of a scan permitted to the MS in the scan profile (in frames).Optional 255 0 - 255 [min-degradationfactor <(0 to 1 StepSize 0.1)> ]The minimum bandwidth degradation factor allowed in the scan profileOptional 0 0 to 1 in steps of 0.1[honegotiation-sbs <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]The minimum value (in frames) for the start frame in the scan profile.  Optional 0 0 - 255Command Modesbs configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 597  System Manual4.8.11.2 Restoring the Default Values of Scan Negotiation ParametersTo restore some or all of the Scan Negotiation parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no scanning [max-attempts] [interval] [enable-autoaccept] [enable-modify][min-interval] [max-duration] [min-degradationfactor] [honegotiation-sbs]You can restore only some parameters to their default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the max-attempts parameter to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no scanning max-attemptsThis parameter will be restored to its default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all Scan Negotiation parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no scanning4.8.11.3 Displaying Configuration Information for Scan Negotiation ParametersTo display configuration information for Scan Negotiation parameters, run the following command:npu# show scanning bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)NOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# no scanning [max-attempts ] [interval ] [enable-autoaccept ] [enable-modify ][min-interval ] [max-duration ] [min-degradationfactor ] [honegotiation-sbs ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 598  System ManualSpecify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Scan Negotiation parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show scanning bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show scanning bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show scanning bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display Scan Negotiation parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display Scan Negotiation parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>MaximumAttempts                                   :<value>MeasuringInterval(sec)                            :<value>EnableAutoAcceptProfile                           :<value>EnableModifyProfile                               :<value>MinimumInterleavingInterval(frames)               :<value>MaximumScanDuration(frames)                       :<value>MinimumBandwidthDegradationFactor                 :<value>MinimumStartFrame(frames)                         :<value>
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 599  System Manual4.8.12 Managing Handover Negotiation at SBS ParametersAfter enabling the BS configuration mode, you can execute the following tasks:Configure one or more of the Handover Negotiation at SBS parameters (refer to SectionRestore the default values of some or all of the Handover Negotiation at SBS parameters (refer to Section can display configuration information for the Handover Negotiation at SBS parameters of a selected or all existing BSs (refer to Section Configuring Handover Negotiation at SBS ParametersFrom the BS configuration mode, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# honegotiation-sbs [selectcoefficient <(0 to 10 StepSize 0.1)>] [max-tbs <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [min-actiontime <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [max-actiontime <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>]Command ModesGlobal command modeTo configure the Handover Negotiation at SBS Parameters:IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Handover Negotiation at SBS parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# honegotiation-sbs [selectcoefficient <(0 to 10 StepSize 0.1)> ] [max-tbs <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [min-actiontime <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [max-actiontime <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level10
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 600  System Manual4.8.12.2 Restoring the Default Values of Handover Negotiation at SBS ParametersTo restore some or all of the Handover Negotiation at SBS parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no honegotiation-sbs [selectcoefficient] [max-tbs] [min-actiontime] [max-actiontime]You can restore only some parameters to their default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the max-tbs parameter to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no honegotiation-sbs max-tbsThis parameter will be restored to its default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all Handover Negotiation at SBS parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no honegotiation-sbsSyntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[selectcoefficient <(0 to 10 StepSize 0.1)> ]The coefficient for selection of Target BSs for MOB_BSHO-RSPOptional 0.3 0 to 10 in steps of 0.1[max-tbs <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]The naximum number of Target BSs to which to send HO-REQ message through the backbone.Optional 255 0 - 255[min-actiontime <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]The minimum acceptable action time in the Serving BS (in frames)Optional 1 0 - 255[max-actiontime <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]The maximum acceptable action time in the Serving BS (in frames)Optional 255 0 - 255Command Modesbs configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 601  System Manual4.8.12.3 Displaying Configuration Information for Handover Negotiation at SBS ParametersTo display configuration information for Handover Negotiation at SBS parameters, run the following command:npu# show honegotiation-sbs bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Handover Negotiation at SBS parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show honegotiation-sbs bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show honegotiation-sbs bsNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# no honegotiation-sbs [selectcoefficient ] [max-tbs ] [min-actiontime ] [max-actiontime ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs configuration modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show honegotiation-sbs bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 602  System Manual4.8.13 Managing Handover Negotiation at TBS ParametersAfter enabling the BS configuration mode, you can execute the following tasks:Configure one or more of the Handover Negotiation at TBS parameters (refer to SectionRestore the default values of some or all of the Handover Negotiation at TBS parameters (refer to Section can display configuration information for the Handover Negotiation at TBS parameters of a selected or all existing BSs (refer to Section Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display Handover Negotiation at SBS parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display Handover Negotiation at SBS parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 603  System Manual4.8.13.1 Configuring Handover Negotiation at TBS ParametersFrom the BS configuration mode, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# honegotiation-tbs [defaultactiontime <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [fastrangingalloc <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>]To configure the Handover Negotiation at TBS Parameters:IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Handover Negotiation at TBS parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# honegotiation-tbs [defaultactiontime <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [fastrangingalloc <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Valuesdefaultactiontime <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>The number of frames until allocation of non-contention based ranging opportunity at target BS.Optional 3 0 - 255fastrangingalloc <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>The number of consecutive fast ranging opportunities the target BS will allocate to an incoming HO MS.Optional 2 0 - 255Command Modesbs configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 604  System Manual4.8.13.2 Restoring the Default Values of Handover Negotiation at TBS ParametersTo restore some or all of the Handover Negotiation at TBS parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no honegotiation-tbs [defaultactiontime] [fastrangingalloc]You can restore only one parameter to the default values by specifying only that parameters. For example, to restore only the fastrangingalloc parameter to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no honegotiation-tbs fastrangingallocThis parameter will be restored to its default value, while the other parameter will remain unchanged.To restore all Handover Negotiation at TBS parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no honegotiation-tbs4.8.13.3 Displaying Configuration Information for Handover Negotiation at TBS ParametersTo display configuration information for Handover Negotiation at TBS parameters, run the following command:npu# show honegotiation-tbs bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)NOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# no honegotiation-stbs [defaultactiontime ] [fastrangingalloc ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 605  System ManualSpecify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Handover Negotiation at TBS parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show honegotiation-tbs bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show honegotiation-tbs bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show honegotiation-tbs bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display Handover Negotiation at TBS parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display Handover Negotiation at TBS parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>DefaultActionTime(frames)                         :<value>FastRangingallocations                            :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 606  System Manual4.8.14 Managing Neighbor BSs1Enable the Neighbour BS configuration mode for the selected Neighbour BS (refer to Section can now execute any of the following tasks:»Configure one or more of the parameters tables of the Neighbor BS (refer to Section»Restore the default values of parameters in one or more of the parameters tables of the Neighbor BS (refer to Section» Terminate the Neighbor BS configuration mode (refer to Section addition, you can, at any time, display configuration information for each of the parameters tables of the Neighbour BS (refer to Section or delete an existing Neighbor BS (refer to Section Enabling the Neighbor BS Configuration Mode\Creating a Neighbor BSTo configure the parameters of a Neighbour BS, first enable the Neighbour BS configuration mode for the specific Neighbour BS. Run the following command to enable the Neighbour BS configuration mode. You can also use this command to create a new Neighbour BS. npu(config-bs-66053)# nbr <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>Note that for a new Neighbour BS this command only defines the Neighbour BS ID, and that the Neighbour BS is not fully created until completing configuration of all mandatory parameters and executing the apply command (must be executed before exiting the Neighbour BS configuration mode). Also when updating an existing Neighbour BS, the apply command must be executing prior to termination the Neighbour BS configuration mode.For example, to define a new Neighbour BS with a BS ID 66055, or to enable the configuration mode for Neighbour BS 66055, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# nbr 66055To configure a Neighbor BS:
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 607  System ManualIf you use this command to create a new Neighbour BS, the configuration mode for this Neighbour BS is automatically enabled, after which you can execute any of the following tasks:Configure one or more of the parameters tables of the Neighbour BS (refer to SectionRestore the default values of parameters in one or more of the parameters tables of the Neighbour BS (refer to Section executing the above tasks, you can terminate the Neighbour BS configuration mode (refer to Section and return to the BS configuration mode.Note that for properly completing the configuration of a Neighbour BS the apply command must be executed prior to exiting the Neighbour BS configuration mode.For example, to define Neighbor BS 66055 for bs-68000, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# nbr 68000Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# nbr <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Valuesnbr <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID (BSIDLSB) of the Neighbour BSMandatory 1 - 16777215Command Modesbs configuration modeNOTEThe following examples are for Neighbour BS configuration mode for bs-66053,  neighbour bs (nbr) 68000.
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 608  System Manual4.8.14.2 Configuring Neighbor BS ParametersAfter enabling the Neighbor BS configuration mode you can configure the following parameters tables:General (refer to SectionRequired C/N Level (refer to SectionTrigger Setup (refer to SectionTriggers (refer to Section Configuring General Neighbor BS ParametersThe General Neighbor BS Parameters table enables defining the general parameters of the Neighbor BS.To configure the General Neighbor BS parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# general [syncind {unsynchronized | timeSynchronized | timeAndFrequencySynchronized}] [eirp <(-128 to 127 StepSize 1)>] [srvcsupport <hex-string>] [bw {fiveMHz | tenMHz | sevenMHz}] [feedbackzone-permbase <(0 to 69 StepSize 1)>] [ucd-configchangecount <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [dcd-configchangecount <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [eirx-pir-max <(-140 to -40 StepSize 1)>] [frequency <(2302.5 to 2357.5 StepSize 0.125) | (2498.5 to 2687.5 StepSize 0.125) | (3402.5 to 3597.5 StepSize 0.125) | (3602.5 to 3797.5 StepSize 0.125)>] [restartcount <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [preamble-idx <(0 to 113 StepSize 1)>] IMPORTANTAfter completing the Neighbour BS configuration,do not forget to execute the apply command before exiting the Neighbour BS configuration mode:npu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# applyIMPORTANTWhen creating a new Neighbour BS, all mandatory Neighbour BS General parameters must be configured.
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 609  System ManualCommand Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# general [syncind {unsynchronized | timeSynchronized | timeAndFrequencySynchronized} ] [eirp <(-128 to 127 StepSize 1)> ] [srvcsupport <hex-string>] [bw {fiveMHz | tenMHz | sevenMHz} ] [feedbackzone-permbase <(0 to 69 StepSize 1)> ] [ucd-configchangecount <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [dcd-configchangecount <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [eirx-pir-max <(-140 to -40 StepSize 1)> ] [frequency <(2302.5 to 2357.5 StepSize 0.125) | (2498.5 to 2687.5 StepSize 0.125) | (3402.5 to 3597.5 StepSize 0.125) | (3602.5 to 3797.5 StepSize 0.125)> ] [restartcount <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [preamble-idx <(0 to 113 StepSize 1)> ] Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[syncind {unsynchronized | timeSynchronized | timeAndFrequencySynchronized} ]Time/Frequency synchronization indicator.In the current release should always be set to timeAndFrequencySynchronized.Optional timeAndFrequencySynchronizedunsynchronizedtimeSynchronizedtimeAndFrequencySynchronized[eirp <(-128 to 127 StepSize 1)> ]Neighbour BS EIRP Mandatory When creating a new Neighbour BS.N/A -128 to 127
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 610  System Manual[srvcsupport <hex-string>] Scheduling Service Support. Two hexadeximal digits that can be presented as 8 bits where tbits 5-7 are always 0. Bits 0-4 indicate whether specific services are supported, where a value of 1 means that the service is supported: UGS (0), RT-PS(1), NRT-PS(2), BE(3), ERT-PS(4).Should be taken from the displayed information for Handover Control (hoctrl) in the relevant BS (see Section c8(11001000, meaning that the BS supports UGS, RT-PS and ERT-PS scheduling services).Two hexadecimal digits.[bw {fiveMHz | tenMHz | sevenMHz} ]The bandwidth of neighbour BS.Should be taken from Baseband bandwidth  parameter of the relevant BS (see Section When creating a new Neighbour BS.N/A fiveMHztenMHzsevenMHz[feedbackzone-permbase <(0 to 69 StepSize 1)> ]The  first uplink zone permutation base of the neighbor BS.In current release this equals the feedback zone permutation base (see Section When creating a new Neighbour BS.N/A 0 - 69[ucd-configchangecount <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>]UCD configuration change count of neighbor BSShould be taken from displayed UCD information for the relevant BS (see Section When creating a new Neighbour BS.N/A 0 - 255
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 611  System Manual[dcd-configchangecount <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] DCD configuration change count of neighbor BSShould be taken from displayed DCD information for the relevant BS (see Section When creating a new Neighbour BS.N/A 0 - 255eirx-pir-max <(-140 to -40 StepSize 1)>The required effective isotropic received power at the Neighbor BS for Initial ranging, in dBm.Should be taken from Power Control maxeirxp (see Section -124 -140 to -40[frequency <(2302.5 to 2357.5 StepSize 0.125) | (2498.5 to 2687.5 StepSize 0.125) | (3402.5 to 3597.5 StepSize 0.125) | (3602.5 to 3797.5 StepSize 0.125)> ]Downlink center frequency of neighbor BS.Should be taken from RF frequency  parameter of the relevant BS (see Section When creating a new Neighbour BS.N/A 2302.5 to 2357.5 in steps of 0.125)2498.5 to 2687.5 in steps of 0.1253402.5 to 3597.5 in steps of 0.1253602.5 to 3797.5 in steps of 0.125restartcount <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]This value is incremented by one whenever the neighbor BS restarts.Should be taken from displayed DCD information for the relevant BS (see Section When creating a new Neighbour BS.N/A 0 - 255
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 612  System Manual4. Configuring the Neighbor BS Required C/N Level ParametersThe Neighbor BS Required C/N Levels table enables defining the Carrier to Noise Ratios required for various types of transmissions. The configured values should be the same as those defined for the applicable Power Control Required C/N Level parameters (see Section in the neighbor BS.To configure the Neighbor BS Required C/N Levels, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# requiredcnr [ack <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [cqi <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [cdma <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qpsk-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qpsk-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qam16-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qam16-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qam64-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qam64-2by3 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qam64-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>] [qam64-5by6 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)>][preamble-idx <(0 to 113 StepSize 1)> ]Neighbour BS Preamble Index.Should be the same as preamble-idx in displayed information of Airframe General parameters of the relevant BS (see Section When creating a new Neighbour BS.N/A 0 - 113Command Modesbs neighbour bs configuration mode IMPORTANTWhen creating a new Neighbour BS, at least one of the Neighbour BS Required C/N Level parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# requiredcnr [ack <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [cqi <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [cdma <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qpsk-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qpsk-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qam16-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qam16-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qam64-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qam64-2by3 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qam64-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ] [qam64-5by6 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 613  System ManualPrivilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[ack <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for sending ACK, reported by the Neighbour BS to the MS for  power control purposes.Optional 7 -20 to 50[cqi <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for sending CQI, reported by the Neighbour BS to the MS for power control purposes.Optional 0 -20 to 50 [cdma <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting CDMA, reported by the Neighbour BS to the MS for power control purposes.Optional 0 -20 to 50[qpsk-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting using QPSK 1/2, reported by the Neighbour BS to the MS for power control purposes.Optional 14 -20 to 50[qpsk-3by4<(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting using QPSK 3/4, reported by the Neighbour BS to the MS for power control purposes.Optional 16 -20 to 50[qam16-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting using 16QAM 1/2, reported by the Neighbour BS to the MS for power control purposes.Optional 18 -20 to 50[qam16-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting using 16QAM 3/4, reported by the Neighbour BS to the MS for power control purposes.Optional 22 -20 to 50
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 614  System Manual4. Configuring Trigger Setup ParametersTo configure the Neighbor BS Trigger Setup parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# triggersetup [hysteresismargin <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [timetotrigger <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [avgduration-rssi <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [avgduration-cinr <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>] [avgduration-rtd <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)>]The configured values should be the same as those defined for the applicable Trigger Setup parameters (see Section in the neighbor BS. qam64-1by2 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting using 64QAM 1/2, reported by the Neighbour BS to the MS for power control purposes.Optional 23 -20 to 50[qam64-2by3 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting using 64QAM 2/3, reported by the Neighbour BS to the MS for power control purposes.Optional 23 -20 to 50[qam64-3by4 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]The C/N in dB required for transmitting using 64QAM 3/4, reported by the Neighbour BS to the MS for power control purposes.Optional 23 -20 to 50[qam64-5by6 <(-20 to 50 StepSize 1)> ]he C/N in dB required for transmitting using 64QAM 5/6, reported by the Neighbour BS to the MS for power control purposes.Optional 23 -20 to 50Command Modesbs neighbour bs configuration mode IMPORTANTWhen creating a new Neighbour BS, at least one of the Neighbour BS Trigger Setup parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 615  System Manual4. Configuring Neighbor BS Triggers ParametersTo configure the Neighbor BS Triggers parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# triggers-<trigger-name> <trigger-range>Each Trigger is configured separately. This is the general structure of the command.The configured trigger names and values should be the same as those defined for the applicable Triggers parameters (see Section in the neighbor BS. Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# triggersetup [hysteresismargin <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [timetotrigger <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [avgduration-rssi <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [avgduration-cinr <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ] [avgduration-rtd <(0 to 255 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Refer to Section Modesbs neighbour bs configuration modeIMPORTANTWhen creating a new Neighbour BS, at least one of the Neighbour BS Trigges parameters must be configured.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# triggers-<trigger-name> <trigger-range>Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 616  System Manual4.8.14.3 Restoring Default Values for Neighbor BS Configuration ParametersAfter enabling the Neighbor BS configuration mode you can restore the default values for non-mandatory parameters in the following parameters tables:General (refer to SectionRequired C/N Level (refer to SectionTrigger Setup (refer to Section Restoring the Default Values of Neighbor BS General ParametersTo restore one or all of the Neighbor BS non-mandatory General parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# no general [syncind] [srvcsupport] [eirx-pir-max]You can restore only some parameters to the default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the syncind to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# no general syncindThe parameter will be restored to its default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all non-mandatory parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# no general<trigger-name> The Trigger name. Mandatory N/A See Table 4-30<trigger-value> Defines the threshold value for the Trigger. Mandatory N/A See Table 4-30Command Modesbs neighbour bs configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 617  System Manual4. Restoring the Default Values of Neighbor BS Required C/N Level ParametersTo restore some or all of the Neighbor BS Required C/N Levels parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-bs-68000)# no requiredcnr [ack] [cqi] [cdma] [qpsk-1by2] [qpsk-3by4] [qam16-1by2] [qam16-3by4] [qam64-1by2] [qam64-2by3] [qam64-3by4] [qam64-5by6]You can restore only some parameters to their default values by specifying only those parameter. For example, to restore only the ack and cqi parameters to the default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# no requiredcnr ack cqiThese parameters will be restored to their default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all Neighbor BS Required C/N Levels parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# no requiredcnrNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# no general [syncind ] [srvcsupport][eirx-pir-max ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs neighbour bs configuration modeNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# no requiredcnr [ack ] [cqi ] [cdma ] [qpsk-1by2 ] [qpsk-3by4 ] [qam16-1by2 ] [qam16-3by4 ] [qam64-1by2 ] [qam64-2by3 ] [qam64-3by4 ] [qam64-5by6 ]
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 618  System Manual4. Restoring the Default Values of Neighbor BS Trigger Setup ParametersTo restore some or all of the Neighbor BS Trigger Setup parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# no triggersetup [hysteresismargin] [timetotrigger] [avgduration-rssi] [avgduration-cinr] [avgduration-rtd]You can restore only some parameters to their default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the hysteresismargin parameter to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# no triggersetup hysteresismarginThis parameter will be restored to its default value, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all Neighbor BS Trigger Setup parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# no triggersetupPrivilege Level10Command Modesbs neighbour bs configuration modeNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# no triggersetup [hysteresismargin ] [timetotrigger ] [avgduration-rssi] [avgduration-cinr] [avgduration-rtd ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs neighbour bs configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 619  System Manual4.8.14.4 Terminating the Neighbor BS Configuration ModeRun the following command to terminate the Neighbor BS configuration mode:npu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# exit4.8.14.5 Deleting a Neighbor BSRun the following command from the BS configuration mode to delete a Neighbor BS:npu(config-bs 66053)# no nbr <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> IMPORTANTDo not forget to execute the apply command before terminating the Neighbour BS configuration mode: npu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# applyCommand Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-nbr-68000)# exitPrivilege Level10Command Modesbs neighbour bs configuration modeCommand Syntaxnpu(config-bs 66053)#  no nbr <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The Neighbour BS ID (bs-id-lsb) Mandatory N/A 1-16777215
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 620  System Manual4.8.14.6 Displaying Configuration Information for Neighbor BS ParametersYou can display the current configuration information for the following Neighbor BS parameters tables:General (refer to Section Required C/N Level (refer to SectionTrigger Setup (refer to SectionTriggers (refer to SectionAll (refer to Section Displaying Configuration Information for Neighbor BS General ParametersTo display configuration for the Neighbor BS General parameters, run the following command:npu# show nbr-general bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> bs-id-lsb <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID and the Neighbor BS ID (bs-id-lsb) if you want to display configuration for a particular Neighbor BS in a particular BS. For example, to display the General parameters of Neighbor BS 68000 in BS 66503, run the following command:npu# show nbr-general bs 66053 bs-id-lsb 68000Do not specify these parameters if you want to view configuration information for all existing Neighbor BSs in all existing BSs. To display information for all Neighbor BSs in all BSs, run the following command:npu# show nbr-general bsCommand Modesbs configuration modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show nbr-general bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> bs-id-lsb <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 621  System ManualPrivilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the General parameters of a specific Neighbour BS in a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the General parameters of all Neighbour BSs in all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215bs-id-lsb <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> The Neighbour BS ID.Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the General parameters of a specific Neighbour BS in a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the General parameters of all Neighbour BSs in all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 622  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Neighbor BS Required C/N Level ParametersTo display configuration for the Neighbor BS Required C/N Level parameters, run the following command:npu# show nbr-requiredcnr bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> bs-id-lsb <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID and the Neighbor BS ID (bs-id-lsb) if you want to display configuration for a particular Neighbor BS in a particular BS. For example, to display the Required C/N Level parameters of Neighbor BS 68000 in BS 66503, run the following command:npu# show nbr-requiredcnr bs 66053 bs-id-lsb 68000Do not specify these parameters if you want to view configuration information for all existing Neighbor BSs in all existing BSs. To display information for all Neighbor BSs in all BSs, run the following command:npu# show nbr-requiredcnr bsDisplay Format(for each existing Neighbour BS in each of the existing BSs if requested for all)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>NeighborBSIDLSB                                   :<value>SynchronizationIndicator                          :<value>EIRP                                              :<value>SchedulingServiceSupport                          :<value>Bandwidth(MHz)                                    :<value>UplinkFeedbackZonePermutationBase                 :<value>UplinkDataZoneSub-ChannelsAllocated               :<value>UCDConfigurationChangeCount                       :<value>DCDConfigurationChangeCount                       :<value>IsotropicRecPwrForInitialRanging                  :<value>CenterFrequency(MHz)                              :<value>RestartCount                                      :<value>PreambleIndex                                     :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 623  System ManualCommand Syntaxnpu# show nbr-requiredcnr bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> bs-id-lsb <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Required C/N Level parameters of a specific Neighbour BS in a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Required C/N Level parameters of all Neighbour BSs in all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215bs-id-lsb <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> The Neighbour BS ID.Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Required C/N Level parameters of a specific Neighbour BS in a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Required C/N Level parameters of all Neighbour BSs in all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 624  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Neighbor BS Trigger Setup ParametersTo display configuration for the Neighbor BS Trigger Setup parameters, run the following command:npu# show nbr-triggersetup bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> bs-id-lsb <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID and the Neighbor BS ID (bs-id-lsb) if you want to display configuration for a particular Neighbor BS in a particular BS. For example, to display the Trigger Setup parameters of Neighbor BS 68000 in BS 66503, run the following command:npu# show nbr-triggersetup bs 66053 bs-id-lsb 68000Do not specify these parameters if you want to view configuration information for all existing Neighbor BSs in all existing BSs. To display information for all Neighbor BSs in all BSs, run the following command:npu# show nbr-triggersetup bsDisplay Format(for each existing Neighbour BS in each of the existing BSs if requested for all)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>NeighborBSIDLSB                                   :<value>RequiredCNRforACK                                 :<value>RequiredCNRforCQI                                 :<value>RequiredCNRforCDMA                                :<value>RequiredCNRforQPSK1/2                             :<value>RequiredCNRforQPSK3/4                             :<value>RequiredCNRfor16QAM1/2                            :<value>RequiredCNRfor16QAM3/4                            :<value>RequiredCNRfor64QAM1/2                            :<value>RequiredCNRfor64QAM2/3                            :<value>RequiredCNRfor64QAM3/4                            :<value>RequiredCNRfor64QAM5/6                            :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 625  System ManualCommand Syntaxnpu# show nbr-triggersetup bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> bs-id-lsb <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Trigger Setup parameters of a specific Neighbour BS in a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Trigger Setup parameters of all Neighbour BSs in all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215bs-id-lsb <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> The Neighbour BS ID.Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Trigger Setup parameters of a specific Neighbour BS in a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Trigger Setup parameters of all Neighbour BSs in all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 626  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Neighbor BS Triggers ParametersTo display configuration information for Neighbor BS Triggers parameters, run the following command:npu# show nbr-triggers bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> bs-id-lsb <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> TrigName {scnReqCinrMin | scnReqRssiMin | scnReqRtdMax | scnRepCinrMaxNbs | scnRepRssiMaxNbs | scnRepCinrMargin | scnRepRssiMargin | scnRepRtdMax | scnRepCinrMinSbs | scnRepRssiMinSbs | hoReqCinrMaxNbs | hoReqRssiMaxNbs | hoReqCinrMargin | hoReqRssiMargin | hoReqRtdMax | hoReqCinrMinSbs | hoReqRssiMinSbs}]Specify the BS ID, Neighbour BS ID (bs-id-lsb) and Trigger name if you want to display configuration for a particular Trigger. For example, to display the scnReqCinrMin parameters of BS Neighbour 68000 in BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show nbr-triggers bs 66053 bs-id-lsb 68000 TrigName scnReqCinrMinDo not specify these parameters if you want to view configuration information for all existing Neighbour BSs in all BSs. To display information for all Neighbour BSs in all BSs, run the following command:npu# show nbr-triggers bsDisplay Format(for each existing Neighbour BS in each of the existing BSs if requested for all)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>NeighborBSIDLSB                                   :<value>HysteresisMargin(dB)                              :<value>TimetoTrigger(msec)                               :<value>AverageDurationofDefaultRSSI(msec)                :<value>AverageDurationofDefaultCINR(msec)                :<value>AverageDurationofDefaultRTD(msec)                 :<value>Command ModesGlobal command modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show nbr-triggers bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> bs-id-lsb <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> TrigName {scnReqCinrMin | scnReqRssiMin | scnReqRtdMax | hoReqCinrMaxNbs | hoReqRssiMaxNbs | hoReqCinrMargin | hoReqRssiMargin | hoReqRtdMax | hoReqCinrMinSbs | hoReqRssiMinSbs} ]
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 627  System ManualPrivilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display a specific Trigger in a specific Neighbour BS of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Triggers of all Neighbour BSs  in all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215bs-id-lsb <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> The Neighbour BS ID.Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display a specific Trigger in a specific Neighbour BS of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Triggers of all Neighbour BSs  in all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 628  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for All Neighbour BS ParametersTo display configuration for the all Neighbour BS parameters, run the following command:npu# show nbr-all bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> bs-id-lsb <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID and the Neighbour BS ID (bs-id-lsb) if you want to display configuration for a particular Neighbour BS in a particular BS. For example, to display all parameters of Neighbour BS 68000 in BS 66503, run the following command:npu# show nbr-all bs 66053 bs-id-lsb 68000Do not specify these parameters if you want to view configuration information for all existing Neighbour BSs in all existing BSs. To display information for all Neighbour BSs in all BSs, run the following command:TrigName {scnReqCinrMin | scnReqRssiMin | scnReqRtdMax | hoReqCinrMaxNbs | hoReqRssiMaxNbs | hoReqCinrMargin | hoReqRssiMargin | hoReqRtdMax | hoReqCinrMinSbs | hoReqRssiMinSbs} ]The Trigger name Specify only if you want to display a specific Trigger of a specific Neighbour BS in a specific BS. Do not specify if you want to display all Triggers parameters of all Neighbour BSs in all BSsscnReqCinrMinscnReqRssiMinscnReqRtdMaxhoReqCinrMaxNbshoReqRssiMaxNbshoReqCinrMarginhoReqRssiMarginhoReqRtdMaxhoReqCinrMinSbshoReqRssiMinSbs}Display Format(for a selected Trigger)BSIDLSB                              :<value>BSIDLSB                              :value>scnReqCinrMin                        :value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 629  System Manualnpu# show nbr-all bs4.8.15 Managing UCD ParametersAfter enabling the BS configuration mode, you can execute the following tasks:Command Syntaxnpu# show nbr-all bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> bs-id-lsb <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Trigger Setup parameters of a specific Neighbour BS in a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Trigger Setup parameters of all Neighbour BSs in all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215bs-id-lsb <(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> The Neighbour BS ID.Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Trigger Setup parameters of a specific Neighbour BS in a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Trigger Setup parameters of all Neighbour BSs in all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 630  System ManualConfigure one or more of the UCD parameters (refer to SectionRestore the default values of some or all of the UCD parameters (refer to Section can display configuration and status information for the UCD parameters of a selected or all existing BSs (refer to Section Configuring UCD ParametersFrom the BS configuration mode, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# ucd [interval <(1 to 10000 StepSize 1)>] [transition <(20 to 1000 StepSize 1)>]To configure the UCD Parameters:Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# ucd [interval <(1 to 10000 StepSize 1)> ] [transition <(20 to 1000 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[interval <(1 to 10000 StepSize 1)> ]The time in milliseconds between transmission of Uplink Channel Descriptor messages.Optional 1000 1 - 10000
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 631  System Manual4.8.15.2 Restoring the Default Values of UCD ParametersTo restore the default values of some or all of the UCD parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no ucd [interval] [transition]You can restore only one parameter to the default values by specifying only that parameters. For example, to restore only the interval parameter to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no ucd intervalThis parameter will be restored to its default value, while the other parameter will remain unchanged.To restore all UCD parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no ucd[transition <(20 to 1000 StepSize 1)> ]The number of frames from the end of the frame carrying the Uplink Channel Descriptor message that the BS should wait after repeating an Uplink Channel Descriptor message with an increment  of the configuration change count before issuing a UL-MAP message referring to Uplink_Burst_ProfilesOptional 100 20 - 1000Command Modesbs configuration modeIMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the UCD parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).NOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 632  System Manual4.8.15.3 Displaying Configuration and Status Information for UCD ParametersTo display configuration and status information of UCD parameters, run the following command:npu# show ucd bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Specify the BS ID if you want to display information for a particular BS. For example, to display the UCD parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show ucd bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show ucd bsCommand Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# no ucd [interval ] [transition ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs configuration modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show ucd bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 633  System ManualIn addition to the configurable parameters, the following status parameter is also displayed:4.8.16 Managing DCD ParametersAfter enabling the BS configuration mode, you can execute the following tasks:Configure one or more of the DCD parameters (refer to SectionRestore the default values of some or all of the DCD parameters (refer to Section Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display UCD parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display UCD parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>UCDConfigurationChangeCount                       :<value>UCDInterval(msec)                                 :<value>UCDTransition(frames)                             :<value>Command ModesGlobal command modeParameter Description Possible ValuesUCDConfigurationChangeCount Incremented by one (modulo 256) by the BS whenever any of the values of the Uplink Channel Descriptor changes.0-255
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 634  System ManualYou can display configuration and status information for the DCD parameters of a selected or all existing BSs (refer to Section Configuring DCD ParametersFrom the BS configuration mode, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# dcd [interval <(1 to 10000 StepSize 1)>] [transition <(20 to 1000 StepSize 1)>]To configure the DCD Parameters:Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# dcd [interval <(1 to 10000 StepSize 1)> ] [transition <(20 to 1000 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[interval <(1 to 10000 StepSize 1)> ]The time in milliseconds between transmission of Downlink Channel Descriptor messages.Optional 1000 1 - 10000[transition <(20 to 1000 StepSize 1)> ]The number of frames from the end of the frame carrying the Downlink Channel Descriptor message that the BS should wait after repeating a Downlink Channel Descriptor message with an increment  of the configuration change count before issuing a DL-MAP message referring to Downlink_Burst_ProfilesOptional 100 20 - 1000
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 635  System Manual4.8.16.2 Restoring the Default Values of DCD ParametersTo restore the default values of some or all of the DCD parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no dcd [interval] [transition]You can restore only one parameter to the default values by specifying only that parameter. For example, to restore only the interval parameter to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no dcd intervalThis parameter will be restored to its default value, while the other parameter will remain unchanged.To restore all DCD parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# no dcdCommand Modesbs configuration modeIMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the DCD parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value).NOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# no dcd [interval ] [transition ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 636  System Manual4.8.16.3 Displaying Configuration and Status Information for DCD ParametersTo display configuration and status information of DCD parameters, run the following command:npu# show dcd bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Specify the BS ID if you want to display information for a particular BS. For example, to display the DCD parameters of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show dcd bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show dcd bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show dcd bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display DCD parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display DCD parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 637  System ManualIn addition to the configurable parameters, the following status parameters are also displayed:4.8.17 Managing the RF Frequency ParameterAfter enabling the BS configuration mode, you can configure the RF frequency parameter (refer to Section can display configuration information for the RF frequency parameter of a selected or all existing BSs (refer to Section Configuring the RF Frequency ParameterFrom the BS configuration mode, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# rf [frequency <(2302.5 to 2357.5 StepSize 0.125) | (2498.5 to 2687.5 StepSize0.125) | (3402.5 to 3597.5 StepSize 0.125) | (3602.5 to 3797.5 StepSize 0.125)>]Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>DCDConfigurationChangeCount                       :<value>RestartCount                                      :<value>DCDInterval(msec)                                 :<value>DCDTransition(frames)                             :<value>Command ModesGlobal command modeParameter Description Possible ValuesDCDConfigurationChangeCount Incremented by one (modulo 256) by the BS whenever any of the values of the Downlink Channel Descriptor changes.0-255RestartCount Iincremented by one (modulo 256) whenever BS restarts. The value is needed to populate neighbouring BSs neighbour tables.0-255To configure the RF frequency parameter:
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 638  System ManualCommand Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# rf [frequency <(2302.5 to 2357.5 StepSize 0.125) | (2498.5 to 2687.5 StepSize0.125) | (3402.5 to 3597.5 StepSize 0.125) | (3602.5 to 3797.5 StepSize 0.125)>]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[frequency <(2302.5 to 2357.5 StepSize 0.125) | (2498.5 to 2687.5 StepSize0.125) | (3402.5 to 3597.5 StepSize 0.125) | (3602.5 to 3797.5 StepSize 0.125)>]The center of the frequency band in which the BS will transmit, in MHz.Must be within the valid range of the relevant ODU.The indicated Possible Values are for a bandwidth of fiveMhz. For a different bandwidth, the actually valid values are from f1+1/2BW to f2-1/2BW, where f1 is the lowest frequency of the ODU’s radio band (see “Currently Available Single Port ODU Types” on page 487. Note that oDU23052360000N361by1Y0 (16) includes two bands: 2305-2320, 2345-2360 MHz.), f2 is the highest frequency of the ODU’s band, and BW is the configured bandwidth (see “Configuring the Baseband Bandwidth Parameter” on page 640). Mandatory N/A 2302.5 to 2357.5 in steps of 0.1252498.5 to 2687.5 in steps of 0.1253402.5 to 3597.5 in steps of 0.1253602.5 to 3797.5 in steps of 0.125Command Modesbs configuration modeIMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, the mandatory frequency parameter must be configured.
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 639  System Manual4.8.17.2 Displaying Configuration Information for the RF Frequency ParameterTo display configuration information of the RF frequency parameter, run the following command:npu# show rf bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Specify the BS ID if you want to display information for a particular BS. For example, to display the RF frequency of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show rf bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show rf bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show rf bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the RF frequency parameter of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the RF frequency parameter of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>Frequency                                         :<value>
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 640  System Manual4.8.18 Managing the Baseband Bandwidth ParameterAfter enabling the BS configuration mode, you can configure the Baseband bandwidth parameter (refer to Section can display configuration information for the Baseband bandwidth parameter of a selected or all existing BSs (refer to Section Configuring the Baseband Bandwidth ParameterFrom the BS configuration mode, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053)# baseband [bandwidth {fiveMHz | tenMHz | sevenMHz}]Command ModesGlobal command modeTo configure the Baseband bandwidth parameter:Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# baseband [bandwidth {fiveMHz | tenMHz | sevenMHz} ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[bandwidth {fiveMHz | tenMHz | sevenMHz} ]BS channel bandwidthMandatory N/A fiveMHztenMHzsevenMHz Command Modesbs configuration modeIMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, the mandatory frequency parameter must be configured.
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 641  System ManualNote that the valid value ranges (and in some cases also default value) of certain parameters are affected by the value configured for the bandwidth parameter. If you change the bandwidth, verify that these parameters are configured properly: Displaying Configuration Information for the Baseband Bandwidth ParameterTo display configuration information of the Baseband bandwidth parameter, run the following command:npu# show baseband bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)Specify the BS ID if you want to display information for a particular BS. For example, to display the Baseband bandwidth of BS 66053, run the following command:npu# show baseband bs 66053Do not specify this parameter if you want to view information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show baseband bsTable ParametersRF (see Section frequencyAirframe Structure, General (see Section Structure, Map Zone (see Section Structure, Uplink Feedback Zone (see Section Structure, Downlink Data Zone (see Section Structure, Uplink Data Zone (see Section Allocation (see Section max-cqiTriggers (see Section triggers-scnreq-rtd-maxtriggers-horeq-rtd-maxCommand Syntaxnpu# show baseband bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 642  System Manual4.8.19 Managing Airframe Structure Parameters1Enable the Airframe configuration mode (refer to Section Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Baseband bandwidth parameter of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Baseband bandwidth parameter of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing BS if requested for all BSs)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>Bandwidth                                         :<value>Command ModesGlobal command modeTo configure Airframe Structure parameters:
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 643  System Manual2You can now execute any of the following tasks:»Configure one or more of the Airframe parameters tables (refer to Section»Restore the default values of parameters in one or more of the Airframe parameters tables (refer to Section» Terminate the Airframe configuration mode (refer to Section addition, you can, at any time, display configuration information for each of the Airframe parameters tables (refer to Section Enabling the Airframe Configuration ModeTo configure the Airframe parameters, first enable the Airframe configuration mode. Run the following command to enable the Airframe configuration mode.npu(config-bs-66053)# airframeAfter enabling the Airframe configuration mode, you can execute any of the following tasks:Configure one or more of the Airframe parameters tables (refer to SectionRestore the default values of parameters in one or more of the Airframe parameters tables (refer to Section executing the above tasks, you can terminate the Airframe configuration mode (refer to Section and return to the BS configuration mode.Note that for properly completing the Airframe configuration the apply command must be executed prior to exiting the Airframe configuration mode.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053)# airframePrivilege Level10Command Modesbs configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 644  System Manual4.8.19.2 Configuring Airframe ParametersAfter enabling the Airframe configuration mode you can configure the following parameters tables:General (refer to SectionMap Zone (refer to SectionDownlink Diversity (refer to SectionCyclic Delay (refer to SectionLinear Delay (refer to SectionMapping (refer to SectionReceive (refer to SectionUplink Feedback Zone (refer to SectionDownlink Data Zone (refer to SectionUplink Data Zone (refer to SectionDynamic Permutation (refer to Section Configuring Airframe General ParametersTo configure the Airframe General parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# general [cell-id <(0 to 31 StepSize 1)>] [preamble-grp <(1 to 2 StepSize 1)>] [segment <(0 to 2 StepSize 1)>] [frame-offset <(0 to 15 StepSize 1)>] [enable-ul-scrotation {TRUE | FALSE}] [ul-dl-allocation <(3 to 7 StepSize 1)>]IMPORTANTAfter completing the Airframe configuration,do not forget to execute the apply command before exiting the Airframe configuration mode:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# apply
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 645  System ManualIMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, all mandatory Neighbor BS General parameters must be configured.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# general [cell-id <(0 to 31 StepSize 1)> ] [preamble-grp <(1 to 2 StepSize 1)>] [segment <(0 to 2 StepSize 1)> ] [frame-offset <(0 to 15 StepSize 1)> ] [enable-ul-scrotation {TRUE | FALSE} ] [ul-dl-allocation <(3 to 7 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[cell-id <(0 to 31 StepSize 1)> ]The Cell ID (IDCell) used for preamble selection. Mandatory when creating a new BS.N/A 0 - 31[preamble-grp <(1 to 2 StepSize 1)>]The preamble group. A value of 2 is available only for the following combinations of segment and cell-id values:segment=0, cell-id=0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15.segment=1, cell-id=1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16.segment=2, cell-id=2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17.Optional 1 1 - 2
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 646  System Manual4. Configuring Airframe Map Zone ParametersTo configure the Airframe Map Zone parameters, run the following command:[segment <(0 to 2 StepSize 1)> ]The segment (BS) number in a three sector BS (0-2). This number influences the preamble selection and the major group used for the FDC transmission.Mandatory when creating a new BS.N/A 0 - 2[frame-offset <(0 to 15 StepSize 1)> ]Controls the offset applied between the internal frame count and the reported frame numberMandatory when creating a new BS.N/A 0 - 15[enable-ul-scrotation {TRUE | FALSE} ]Controls the uplink sub channel rotation functionality.If TRUE uplink sub channel rotation is enabled.Optional FALSE TRUEFALSE[ul-dl-allocation <(3 to 7 StepSize 1)> ]The total duration of the uplink in a frame, in slots. (one slot equals 3 symbols).The range is 4-7 for bandwidth = 5 or 10MHz, 3-5 for bandwidth = 7MHz. To avoid BS-BS interference, the ul-dl-allocation must be identical in all BSs in a geographical region.Mandatory when creating a new BS.N/A 3 - 7Command Modesbs airframe configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 647  System Manualnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# mapzone [size <(-1 to -1 StepSize 1) | (2 to 16 StepSize 2)>] [majorgrps <hex-string>] [repetition <(1 to 1 StepSize 1) | (2 to 6 StepSize 2)>]IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, the mandatory Airframe Map Zone majorgrps parameter must be configured.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# mapzone [size <(-1 to -1 StepSize 1) | (2 to 16 StepSize 2)> ] [majorgrps <hex-string>] [repetition <(1 to 1 StepSize 1) | (2 to 6 StepSize 2)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Valuessize <(-1 to -1 StepSize 1) | (2 to 16 StepSize 2)>The map zone size in symbols. A value of "-1" means the map zone size will be dynamic.Optional 6 -1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16.
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 648  System Manual4. Configuring the Airframe Downlink Diversity Mode ParameterTo configure the Airframe Downlink Diversity mode parameter, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# dldiversity [mode <{none | matrixA]>]majorgrps <hex-string>The Major groups allocated to the BS for maps transmission.Two hexadecimal numbers representing 8 bits numbered 0 to 7 (left to right). Bits 0 to 5 indicate whether Subchannel Groups 0 to 5 (respectively) are allocated. Bit 6 and 7 are set to 0.If BW=5 MHz, bits 1, 3 and 5 are not relevant ("don't care").If segment (see Section = 0, then bit #0 should be set.If segment = 1, then bit  #2 should  be set. If segment = 2, then bit #4 should be set.Mandatory when creating a new BS.N/A a string of two hexadecimal nubers.repetition <(1 to 1 StepSize 1) | (2 to 6 StepSize 2)>The basic repetition used in the transmission of the mapsOptional 6 1, 2, 4, 6Command Modesbs airframe configuration mode IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, the Airframe Downlink Diversity mode parameter must be configured (even if configured to the default value).Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# dldiveraity [mode <{none | matrixA ]>]
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 649  System Manual4. Configuring Airframe Cyclic Delay ParametersTo configure the Airframe Cyclic Delay parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# cyclicdelay [channel-1 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)>] [channel-2 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)>] [channel-3 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)>] [channel-4 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)>]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Valuesmode <{none | matrixA ]>The diversity mode used in downlink transmissions: None or MIMO Matrix A.Note that the value configured for the dldiversity mode affects the valid options for Cyclic Delay (see Section, Linear Delay (see Section and Mapping (see Section parameters.Optional none nonematrixACommand Modesbs airframe configuration mode IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Airframe Cyclic Delay parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value). configured.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# cyclicdelay [channel-1 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ] [channel-2 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ] [channel-3 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ] [channel-4 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ]
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 650  System Manual4. Configuring Airframe Linear Delay ParametersTo configure the Airframe Linear Delay parameters, run the following command:Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[channel-1 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ] Controls the cyclic delay (in microseconds) applied to PHY physical channel #1 of the Downlink Data Zone.Not relevant if dldiversity mode (see Section is “none”)Optional 0 0 to 4 in steps of 0.01[channel-2 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ]Controls the cyclic delay (in microseconds) applied to PHY physical channel #2 of the Downlink Data Zone.Not relevant if dldiversity mode (see Section is “none”)Optional 0 0 to 4 in steps of 0.01[channel-3 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ]Controls the cyclic delay (in microseconds) applied to PHY physical channel #3 of the Downlink Data Zone.Not relevant if dldiversity mode (see Section is “none”)Optional 0 0 to 4 in steps of 0.01[channel-4 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ]Controls the cyclic delay (in microseconds) applied to PHY physical channel #4 of the Downlink Data Zone.Not relevant if dldiversity mode (see Section is “none”)Optional 0 0 to 4 in steps of 0.01Command Modesbs airframe configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 651  System Manualnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# lineardelay [channel-1 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)>] [channel-2 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)>] [channel-3 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)>] [channel-4 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)>]IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Airframe Linear Delay parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value). configured.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# lineardelay [channel-1 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ] [channel-2 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ] [channel-3 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ] [channel-4 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[channel-1 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ] Controls the linear delay (in microseconds) applied to PHY physical channel #1 of the Downlink Data Zone.Not relevant if dldiversity mode (see Section is “none”)Optional 0 0 to 4 in steps of 0.01[channel-2 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ]Controls the linear delay (in microseconds) applied to PHY physical channel #2 of the Downlink Data Zone.Not relevant if dldiversity mode (see Section is “none”)Optional 0 0 to 4 in steps of 0.01[channel-3 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ]Controls the linear delay (in microseconds) applied to PHY physical channel #3 of the Downlink Data Zone.Not relevant if dldiversity mode (see Section is “none”)Optional 0 0 to 4 in steps of 0.01
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 652  System Manual4. Configuring Airframe Mapping ParametersTo configure the Airframe Mapping parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# mapping [channel-1 {l1 | l1slashL2 | Silence}] [channel-2 {l1 | l1slashL2 | Silence}] [channel-3 {l1 | l1slashL2 | Silence}] [channel-4 {l1 | l1slashL2 | Silence}][channel-4 <(0 to 4 StepSize 0.01)> ]Controls the linear delay (in microseconds) applied to PHY physical channel #4 of the Downlink Data Zone.Not relevant if dldiversity mode (see Section is “none”)Optional 0 0 to 4 in steps of 0.01Command Modesbs airframe configuration mode IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Airframe Mapping parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value). configured.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# mapping [channel-1 {l1 | l1slashL2 | Silence} ] [channel-2 {l1 | l1slashL2 | Silence} ] [channel-3 {l1 | l1slashL2 | Silence} ] [channel-4 {l1 | l1slashL2 | Silence} ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 653  System Manual[channel-1 {l1 | l1slashL2 | Silence} ]Defines which logical stream is mapped to physical channel #1:l1: Logical Stream 1.l1slashL2: Logical Streams 1 and 2.Silence: NoneIf the ODU port associated to port 1 of the AU associated to this BS is "rx only" (port-2 or port-4), the only valid value is Silence.If dldiversity mode (see Section is “none”), valid options are l1 and Silence.Optional l1 l1l1slashL2Silence[channel-2 {l1 | l1slashL2 | Silence} ]Defines which logical stream is mapped to physical channel #2.l1: Logical Stream 1.l1slashL2: Logical Streams 1 and 2.Silence: NoneIf the ODU port associated to port 2 of the AU associated to this BS is "rx only" (port-2 or port-4), the only valid value is Silence.If dldiversity mode (see Section is “none”), valid options are l1 and Silence.Optional l1 l1l1slashL2Silence
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 654  System Manual4. Configuring Airframe Receive ParametersTo configure the Airframe Receive parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# rx [adminchannel-1 {TRUE | FALSE}] [adminchannel-2 {TRUE | FALSE}] [adminchannel-3 {TRUE | FALSE}] [adminchannel-4 {TRUE | FALSE}][channel-3 {l1 | l1slashL2 | Silence} ]Defines which logical stream is mapped to physical channel #3.l1: Logical Stream 1.l1slashL2: Logical Streams 1 and 2.Silence: NoneIf the ODU port associated to port 3 of the AU associated to this BS is "rx only" (port-2 or port-4), the only valid value is Silence.If dldiversity mode (see Section is “none”), valid options are l1 and Silence.Optional l1 l1l1slashL2Silence[channel-4 {l1 | l1slashL2 | Silence} ]Defines which logical stream is mapped to physical channel #4.l1: Logical Stream 1.l1slashL2: Logical Streams 1 and 2.Silence: NoneIf the ODU port associated to port 4 of the AU associated to this BS is "rx only" (port-2 or port-4), the only valid value is Silence.If dldiversity mode (see Section is “none”), valid options are l1 and Silence.Optional l1 l1l1slashL2SilenceCommand Modesbs airframe configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 655  System Manual4. Configuring Airframe Uplink Feedback Zone ParametersTo configure the Airframe Uplink Feedback Zone parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# ulfeedbackzone [subchannels <(1 to 35 StepSize 1)>] [permbase <(0 to 69 StepSize 1)>]IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, at least one of the Airframe Receive parameters must be configured explicitly (even if configured to the default value). configured.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# rx [adminchannel-1 {TRUE | FALSE} ] [adminchannel-2 {TRUE | FALSE} ] [adminchannel-3 {TRUE | FALSE} ] [adminchannel-4 {TRUE | FALSE} ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[adminchannel-1 {TRUE | FALSE} ]The desired status of  channel 1 in the modem receiver. A value of TRUE means enabled.Optional TRUE TRUEFALSE[adminchannel-2 {TRUE | FALSE} ]The desired status of  channel 2 in the modem receiver. A value of TRUE means enabled.Optional FALSE TRUEFALSE[adminchannel-3 {TRUE | FALSE} ]The desired status of  channel 3 in the modem receiver. A value of TRUE means enabled.Optional FALSE TRUEFALSE[adminchannel-4 {TRUE | FALSE} ]The desired status of  channel 4 in the modem receiver. A value of TRUE means enabled.Optional FALSE TRUEFALSECommand Modesbs airframe configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 656  System Manual4. Configuring Airframe Downlink Data Zone ParametersTo configure the Airframe Downlink Data Zone parameters, run the following command:IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, the Airframe Structure Uplink Feedback Zone mandatory permbase parameter must be configured.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# ulfeedbackzone [subchannels <(11 to 35 StepSize 1)> ] [permbase <(0 to 69 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[subchannels <(1 to 35 StepSize 1)> ]The number of subchannels used in the uplink feedback zone.If bandwidth=7MHz or 10MHz, valid range is 11-35. If bandwidth=5MHz, valid range is 11-17. The default for bandwidth=5MHz should be 17.Must be higher than or equal to the value of max-cqi (see Section 35 11-35[permbase <(0 to 69 StepSize 1)> ]The permutation base used in the feedback zoneMandatory when creating a new BS.N/A 0 - 69Command Modesbs airframe configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 657  System Manualnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# dldatazone [subchannels <(1 to 30 StepSize 1)>] [permbase <(0 to 31 StepSize 1)>] Configuring Airframe Uplink Data Zone ParametersTo configure the Airframe Uplink Data Zone parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# uldatazone [permbase <(0 to 69 StepSize 1)>] [startallocation <(0 to 209 StepSize 1)>] [subchannels-number <(1 to 35 StepSize 1)>]IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, the Airframe Uplink Feedback Zone mandatory parameters must be configured.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# dldatazone [subchannels <(1 to 30 StepSize 1)> ] [permbase <(0 to 31 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[subchannels <(1 to 30 StepSize 1)> ]The number of subchannels used in thedownlink data zone.If bandwidth=7MHz or 10MHz, valid range is 1-30. If bandwidth=5MHz, valid range is 1-15.Mandatory when creating a new BS.N/A 1-30[permbase <(0 to 31 StepSize 1)> ]The permutation base used in the downlink data zoneMandatory when creating a new BS.N/A 0 - 31Command Modesbs airframe configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 658  System Manual4. Configuring Airframe Dynamic Permutation ParametersTo configure the Airframe Dynamic Permutation parameters, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# dynamicperm [dl-permbase {TRUE | FALSE}] [ul-permbase {TRUE | FALSE}]]IMPORTANTWhen creating a new BS, the Airframe Structure Uplink Data Zone mandatory permbase parameter must be configured.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# uldatazone [permbase <(0 to 69 StepSize 1)> ] [startallocation <(0 to 209 StepSize 1)> ] [subchannels-number <(1 to 35 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Values[permbase <(0 to 69 StepSize 1)> ]The permutation base used in the uplink datazoneOptional 0 to 69 in steps of 1[startallocation <(0 to 209 StepSize 1)> ]The start allocation for the uplink datazone  in slotsOptional 0 0 to 209 in steps of 1[subchannels-number <(1 to 35 StepSize 1)> ]The number of subchannels used in the uplink datazone.If bandwidth=7MHz or 10MHz, valid range is 1-35. If bandwidth=5MHz, valid range is 1-17. The default for bandwidth=5MHz should be 17.Optional 35default value=35 (7 , 10 MHz) or 17 (5MHz)1- 35Command Modesbs airframe configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 659  System Manual4.8.19.3 Restoring Default Values for Airframe Configuration ParametersAfter enabling the Airframe configuration mode you can restore the default values for non-mandatory parameters in the following parameters tables:General (refer to SectionMap Zone (refer to Section creating a new BS, the Airframe Dynamic Permutation mandatory permbase parameter must be configured.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# dynamicperm [dl-permbase {TRUE | FALSE} ] [ul-permbase {TRUE | FALSE} ]Privilege Level10Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default Value Possible Valuesdl-permbase {TRUE | FALSE}The Downlink Permutation Base. If TRUE we use the same Permutation Base over all frames (Static). If FALSE the Permutation Base changes from frame to frame (Dynamic).Optional True TRUEFALSEul-permbase {TRUE | FALSE}The Uplink Permutation Base. If TRUE we use the same Permutation Base over all frames. If FALSE the Permutation Base changes from frame to frame.Optional True TRUEFALSECommand Modesbs airframe configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 660  System ManualDownlink Diversity (refer to SectionCyclic Delay (refer to SectionLinear Delay (refer to SectionMapping (refer to SectionReceive (refer to SectionUplink Feedback Zone (refer to SectionUplink Data Zone (refer to SectionDynamic Permutation (refer to Section Restoring the Default Values of Airframe General ParametersTo restore one or all of the Airframe non-mandatory General parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no general [preamble-grp] [enable-ul-scrotation]You can restore only one parameter to the default value by specifying only that parameter. For example, to restore only the preamble-grp to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no general preamble-grpThe parameter will be restored to its default value, while the other parameter will remain unchanged.To restore all non-mandatory parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no generalNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no general [preamble-grp ] [enable-ul-scrotation ]
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 661  System Manual4. Restoring the Default Values of Airframe Map Zone ParametersTo restore one or all of the Airframe Map Zone non-mandatory parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no mapzone [size] [repetition]You can restore only one parameter to the default value by specifying only that parameter. For example, to restore only the size parameter to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no mapzone sizeThe parameter will be restored to its default value, while the other parameter will remain unchanged.To restore all non-mandatory parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no mapzonePrivilege Level10Command Modesbs airframe configuration modeNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no mapzone  [size ] [repetition ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs airframe configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 662  System Manual4. Restoring the Default Value of Airframe Downlink Diversity Mode ParameterTo restore the Airframe Downlink Diversity mode parameter to its default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no dldiversity modeSince the Downlink Diversity table contains a single parameter, it is sufficient to run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no dldiversity4. Restoring the Default Values of Airframe Cyclic Delay ParametersTo restore one or all of the Airframe Cyclic Delay parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no cyclicdelay [channel-1] [channel-2] [channel-3] [channel-4]You can restore only one or several parameters to the default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the channel-1 and channel-2 parameters to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no cyclicdelay channel-1 channel-2These parameters will be restored to their default values, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no cyclicdelayNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no dldiversity  [mode ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs airframe configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 663  System Manual4. Restoring the Default Values of Airframe Linear Delay ParametersTo restore one or all of the Airframe Linear Delay parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no lineardelay [channel-1] [channel-2] [channel-3] [channel-4]You can restore only one or several parameters to the default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the channel-1 and channel-2 parameters to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no lineardelay channel-1 channel-2These parameters will be restored to their default values, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no lineardelayNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no cyclicdelay  [channel-1 ] [channel-2 ] [channel-3 ] [channel-4 ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs airframe configuration modeNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no lineardelay  [channel-1 ] [channel-2 ] [channel-3 ] [channel-4 ]Privilege Level10
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 664  System Manual4. Restoring the Default Values of Airframe Mapping ParametersTo restore one or all of the Airframe Mapping parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no mapping [channel-1] [channel-2] [channel-3] [channel-4]You can restore only one or several parameters to the default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the channel-1 and channel-2 parameters to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no mapping channel-1 channel-2These parameters will be restored to their default values, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no mapping4. Restoring the Default Values of Airframe Receive ParametersTo restore one or all of the Airframe Receive parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no rx [adminchannel-1] [adminchannel-2] [adminchannel-3] [adminchannel-4]Command Modesbs airframe configuration modeNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no mapping  [channel-1 ] [channel-2 ] [channel-3 ] [channel-4 ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs airframe configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 665  System ManualYou can restore only one or several parameters to the default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the adminchannel-1 and adminchannel-2 parameters to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no rx adminchannel-1 adminchannel-2These parameters will be restored to their default values, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no rx4. Restoring the Default Value of Airframe Uplink Feedback Zone Subchannels ParameterTo restore the Airframe Uplink Feedback Zone non-mandatory subchannels parameter to its default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no ulfeedbackzone subchannelsSince the Downlink Diversity table contains a single non-mandatory parameter, it is sufficient to run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no ulfeedbackzoneNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no rx  [adminchannel-1 ] [adminchannel-2 ] [adminchannel-3 ] [adminchannel-4 ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs airframe configuration modeNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no ulfeedbackzone [subchannels ]
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 666  System Manual4. Restoring the Default Values of Airframe Uplink Data Zone ParametersTo restore one or all of the Airframe Uplink Data Zone parameters to their default values, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no uldatazone [startallocation] [subchannels-number]You can restore only one or several parameters to the default values by specifying only those parameters. For example, to restore only the startallocation parameters to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no uldatazone startallocationThis parameter will be restored to the default values, while the other parameters will remain unchanged.To restore all parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no uldatazone4. Restoring the Default Values of Airframe Dynamic Permutation ParametersTo restore one or all of the Airframe Dynamic Permutation parameters to their default values, run the following command:Privilege Level10Command Modesbs airframe configuration modeNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no uldatazone [startallocation ] [subchannels-number ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs airframe configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 667  System Manualnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no dynamicperm [dl-permbase] [ul-permbase]You can restore only one parameter to the default value by specifying only that parameter. For example, to restore only the dl-permbase to the default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no dynamicperm dl-permbaseThe parameter will be restored to its default value, while the other parameter will remain unchanged.To restore all non-mandatory parameters to their default value, run the following command:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no dynamicperm4.8.19.4 Terminating the Airframe Configuration ModeRun the following command to terminate the Airframe configuration mode:npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# exitNOTERefer to Section for a description and default values of these parameters.Command Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# no dynamicperm [dl-permbase ] [ul-permbase ]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs airframe configuration modeIMPORTANTDo not forget to execute the apply command before terminating the Airframe configuration mode: npu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# applyCommand Syntaxnpu(config-bs-66053-airframe)# exit
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 668  System Manual4.8.19.5 Displaying Configuration Information for Airframe ParametersYou can display the current configuration information for the following Airframe parameters tables:General (refer to SectionMap Zone (refer to SectionDownlink Diversity (refer to SectionCyclic Delay (refer to SectionLinear Delay (refer to SectionMapping (refer to SectionReceive (refer to SectionUplink Feedback Zone (refer to SectionDownlink Data Zone (refer to SectionUplink Data Zone (refer to SectionDynamic Permutation (refer to SectionAll (refer to Section Displaying Configuration Information for Airframe General ParametersTo display configuration for the Airframe General parameters, run the following command:npu# show airframe-general bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Privilege Level10Command Modesbs airframe configuration mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 669  System ManualSpecify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Airframe General parameters of BS 66503, run the following command:npu# show airframe-general bs 66053 Do not specify the BS ID if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show airframe-general bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show airframe-general bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe General parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe General parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing Neighbour BS in each of the existing BSs if requested for all)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>CellID                                            :<value>PreambleGroup                                     :<value>SegmentNumber                                     :<value>FrameNumberOffset                                 :<value>EnableUplinkSubchannelRotation                    :<value>Uplink-DownlinkAllocation(%)                      :<value>
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 670  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Airframe Map Zone ParametersTo display configuration for the Airframe Map Zone parameters, run the following command:npu# show airframe-mapzone bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Airframe Map Zone parameters of BS 66503, run the following command:npu# show airframe-mapzone bs 66053 Do not specify the BS ID if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show airframe-mapzone bsCommand ModesGlobal command modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show airframe-mapzone bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Map Zone parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Map Zone parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 671  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Airframe Downlink Diversity ParametersTo display configuration for the Airframe Downlink Diversity parameters, run the following command:npu# show airframe-dldiversity bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Airframe Downlink Diversity parameters of BS 66503, run the following command:npu# show airframe-dldiversity bs 66053 Do not specify the BS ID if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show airframe-dldiversity bsDisplay Format(for each existing Neighbour BS in each of the existing BSs if requested for all)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>MapZoneSize(symbols)                              :<value>MapMajorGroups                                    :<value>BasicMapRepetitions                               :<value>Command ModesGlobal command modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show airframe-mapzone bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 672  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Airframe Cyclic Delay ParametersTo display configuration for the Airframe Cyclic Delay parameters, run the following command:npu# show airframe-cyclicdelay bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Airframe Cyclic Delay parameters of BS 66503, run the following command:npu# show airframe-cyclicdelay bs 66053 Do not specify the BS ID if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Downlink Diversity parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Downlink Diversity parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing Neighbour BS in each of the existing BSs if requested for all)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>DownlinkDataDiversityMode                         :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 673  System Manualnpu# show airframe-cyclicdelay bs4. Displaying Configuration Information for Airframe Linear Delay ParametersTo display configuration for the Airframe Linear Delay parameters, run the following command:Command Syntaxnpu# show airframe-cyclicdelay bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Cyclic Delay parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Cyclic Delay parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing Neighbour BS in each of the existing BSs if requested for all)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>CyclicDelayChannel1(microseconds)                 :<value>CyclicDelayChannel2(microseconds)                 :<value>CyclicDelayChannel3(microseconds)                 :<value>CyclicDelayChannel4(microseconds)                 :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 674  System Manualnpu# show airframe-lineardelay bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Airframe Linear Delay parameters of BS 66503, run the following command:npu# show airframe-lineardelay bs 66053 Do not specify the BS ID if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show airframe-lineardelay bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show airframe-lineardelay bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Linear Delay parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Linear Delay parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing Neighbour BS in each of the existing BSs if requested for all)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>LinearDelayChannel1(microseconds)                 :<value>LinearDelayChannel2(microseconds)                 :<value>LinearDelayChannel3(microseconds)                 :<value>LinearDelayChannel4(microseconds)                 :<value>
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 675  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Airframe Mapping ParametersTo display configuration for the Airframe Mapping parameters, run the following command:npu# show airframe-mapping bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Airframe Mapping parameters of BS 66503, run the following command:npu# show airframe-mapping bs 66053 Do not specify the BS ID if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show airframe-mapping bsCommand ModesGlobal command modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show airframe-mapping bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Mapping parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Mapping parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 676  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Airframe Receive ParametersTo display configuration for the Airframe Receive parameters, run the following command:npu# show airframe-rx bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Airframe Receive parameters of BS 66503, run the following command:npu# show airframe-rx bs 66053 Do not specify the BS ID if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show airframe-rx bsDisplay Format(for each existing Neighbour BS in each of the existing BSs if requested for all)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>LogicalStramMappingChannel1                       :<value>LogicalStramMappingChannel2                       :<value>LogicalStramMappingChannel3                       :<value>LogicalStramMappingChannel4                       :<value>Command ModesGlobal command modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show airframe-rx bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 677  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Airframe Uplink Feedback Zone ParametersTo display configuration for the Airframe Uplink Feedback Zone parameters, run the following command:npu# show airframe-ulfeedbackzone bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Airframe Uplink Feedback Zone parameters of BS 66503, run the following command:npu# show airframe-ulfeedbackzone bs 66053 Do not specify the BS ID if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show airframe-ulfeedbackzone bsSyntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Receive parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Receive parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing Neighbour BS in each of the existing BSs if requested for all)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>AdminStatusChannel1                               :<value>AdminStatusChannel2                               :<value>AdminStatusChannel3                               :<value>AdminStatusChannel4                               :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 678  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Airframe Downlink Data Zone ParametersTo display configuration for the Airframe Downlink Data Zone parameters, run the following command:npu# show airframe-dldatazone bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Command Syntaxnpu# show airframe-ulfeedbackzone bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Uplink Feedback Zone parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Uplink Feedback Zone parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing Neighbour BS in each of the existing BSs if requested for all)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>ULFeedbackZoneNumberofSub-Channels                :<value>ULFeedbackZonePermutationBase                     :<value>Command ModesGlobal command mode
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 679  System ManualSpecify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Airframe Downlink Data Zone parameters of BS 66503, run the following command:npu# show airframe-dldatazone bs 66053 Do not specify the BS ID if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show airframe-dldatazone bsCommand Syntaxnpu# show airframe-dldatazone bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Downlink Data Zone parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Downlink Data Zone parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215Display Format(for each existing Neighbour BS in each of the existing BSs if requested for all)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>DLDATAZoneNumberofSub-Channels                    :<value>DLDATAZonePermutationBase                         :<value>
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 680  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Airframe Uplink Data Zone ParametersTo display configuration for the Airframe Uplink Data Zone parameters, run the following command:npu# show airframe-uldatazone bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Airframe Uplink Data Zone parameters of BS 66503, run the following command:npu# show airframe-uldatazone bs 66053 Do not specify the BS ID if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show airframe-uldatazone bsCommand ModesGlobal command modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show airframe-uldatazone bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1Syntax Description Parameter Description Presence Default ValuePossible Values<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>The BS ID Specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Uplink Data Zone parameters of a specific BS. Do not specify a value for this parameter if you want to display the Airframe Uplink Data Zone parameters of all BSs.Optional N/A 1-16777215
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration Using the CLI Managing BSs4Motion 681  System Manual4. Displaying Configuration Information for Airframe Dynamic Permutation ParametersTo display configuration for the Airframe Dynamic Permutation parameters, run the following command:npu# show airframe-dynamicperm bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)>]Specify the BS ID if you want to display configuration for a particular BS. For example, to display the Airframe Dynamic Permutation parameters of BS 66503, run the following command:npu# show airframe-dynamicperm bs 66053 Do not specify the BS ID if you want to view configuration information for all existing BSs. To display information for all BSs, run the following command:npu# show airframe-dynamicperm bsDisplay Format(for each existing Neighbour BS in each of the existing BSs if requested for all)BSIDLSB                                           :<value>ULDATAPermutationBase                             :<value>StartAllocation(Slots)                            :<value>ULDATAZoneNumberofSub-Channels                    :<value>Command ModesGlobal command modeCommand Syntaxnpu# show airframe-dynamicperm bs [<(1 to 16777215 StepSize 1)> ]Privilege Level1

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