Cambium Networks XN12 WIRELESS LAN ARRAY User Manual


D Pages 351 to 496 from ArrayGuide Rel4 SS Dec02 2008 Small 5

Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 331filter The  filter command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config-filter)#] is used to manageprotocol filters and filter lists.Command Descriptionadd Add a filter.FORMAT:filter add [name]add-list Add a filter list.FORMAT:filter add-list [name]del Delete a filter.FORMAT:filter del [name]del-list Delete a filter list.FORMAT:filter del-list [name]edit Edit a filter.FORMAT:filter edit [name type]edit-list Edit a filter listFORMAT:filter edit-list [name type]enable Enable a filter list.FORMAT:filter enable move Change a filter priority.FORMAT:filter move [name priority]
Wi-Fi Array332 The Command Line Interfaceoff Disable a filter list.FORMAT:filter offon Enable a filter list.FORMAT:filter on reset Delete all protocol filters and filter lists.FORMAT:filter resetCommand Description
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 333fips The  fips command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# fips] is used to set theparameter values required for FIPS 140-2, Level 2 security. For more information,see Appendix D: Implementing Security Standards. Command Descriptiondisable Reverts FIPS settings to the values they had before performing a fips on command. FORMAT:fips disableenable Set FIPS security on the Array. Remembers the values of parameters prior to setting them.FORMAT:fips enableoff Reverts FIPS settings to the values they had before performing a fips on command. FORMAT:fips offon Set FIPS security on the Array. Remembers the values of parameters prior to setting them.FORMAT:fips on
Wi-Fi Array334 The Command Line Interfacegroup The group command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# group] is used to create andconfigure user groups. User groups allow administrators to assign specificnetwork parameters to users through RADIUS privileges rather than having tomap users to a specific SSID. Groups provide flexible control over user privilegeswithout the need to create large numbers of SSIDs. For more information, see“Groups” on page 245. hostname The  hostname command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# hostname] is used tochange the hostname used by the Array.Command Descriptionadd Create a new user group. FORMAT:group add [group-name]del Delete a user group.FORMAT:group del [group-name]edit Set parameters values for a group. FORMAT:group edit [group-name]reset Reset the group.FORMAT:group resetCommand Descriptionhostname Change the hostname of the Array.FORMAT:hostname [name]
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 335https The https command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# https] is used to enable ordisable the Web Management Interface (https), which is enabled by default. It alsoallows you to establish a timeout for your Web management session.Command Descriptiondisable Disable the https feature.FORMAT:https disableenable Enable the https feature.FORMAT:https enableoff Disable the https feature.FORMAT:https offon Enable the https feature.FORMAT:https ontimeout Define an elapsed period (in seconds) after which the Web Management Interface will time out.FORMAT:https timeout 5000
Wi-Fi Array336 The Command Line Interfaceinterface The interface command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# interface] is used to selectthe interface that you want to configure. To see a listing of the commands that areavailable for each interface, use the ? command at the selected interface prompt.For example, using the ? command at the Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config-gig1}#prompt displays a listing of all commands for the gig1 interface.Command Descriptionconsole Select the console interface. The console interface is used for management purposes only.FORMAT:interface consoleeth0 Select the Fast Ethernet interface. The Fast Ethernet interface is used for management purposes only.FORMAT:interface eth0Note: To configure a static route for management traffic, next enter:static-route addr [ip-addr]static-route mask [subnet-mask]gig1 Select the Gigabit 1 interface.FORMAT:interface gig1gig2 Select the Gigabit 2 interface.FORMAT:interface gig2iap Select an IAP.FORMAT:interface iap
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 337load The  load command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# load] loads a configurationfile.location The location command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# location] is used to set thelocation for the Array.Command Descriptionfactory.conf Load the factory settings configuration file. FORMAT:load [factory.conf]lastboot.conf Load the configuration file from the last boot-up. FORMAT:load [lastboot.conf][myfile].conf If you have saved a configuration, enter its name to load it. FORMAT:load [myfile.conf]saved.conf Load the configuration file with the last saved settings. FORMAT:load [saved.conf]Command Description<cr> Set the location for the Array.FORMAT:location [newlocation]When you enter the location, simply hit the Enter key <cr> to input the new location.
Wi-Fi Array338 The Command Line Interfacemanagement The management command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# management] entersmanagement mode, where you may configure console management parameters.more The more command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# more] is used to turn terminalpagination ON or OFF.Command Description<cr> Enter management mode.FORMAT:management <cr>Command Descriptionoff Turn OFF terminal pagination.FORMAT:more offon Turn ON terminal pagination.FORMAT:more on
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 339netflowThe netflow command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config-netflow)#] is used to enableor disable, or configure sending IP flow information (traffic statistics) to thecollector you specify.Command Descriptiondisable Disable netflow.FORMAT:netflow disableenable Enable netflow.FORMAT:netflow enableoff Disable netflow.FORMAT:netflow offon Enable netflow.FORMAT:netflow oncollector Set the netflow collector IP address or fully qualified domain name (host.domain). Only one collector may be set. If port is not specified, the default is 2055. FORMAT:netflow collector host {<ip-addr> | <domain>} [port <port#>]
Wi-Fi Array340 The Command Line Interfaceno The no command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# no] is used to disable a selectedelement or set the element to its default value.Command Descriptionacl Disable the Access Control List.FORMAT:no acldot11a Disable all 802.11a(n) IAPs (radios).FORMAT:no dot11adot11bg Disable all 802.11bg(n) IAPs (radios).FORMAT:no dot11bghttps Disable https access.FORMAT:no httpsintrude-detect Disable intrusion detection.FORMAT:no intrude-detectmanagement Disable management on all Ethernet interfaces.FORMAT:no managementmore Disable terminal pagination.FORMAT:no morentp Disable the NTP server.FORMAT:no ntp
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 341snmp Disable SNMP features.FORMAT:no snmpssh Disable ssh access.FORMAT:no sshsyslog Disable the Syslog services.FORMAT:no syslogtelnet Disable Telnet access.FORMAT:no telnetETH-NAME Disable the selected Ethernet interface (eth0, gig1 or gig2). You cannot disable the console interface. with this command.FORMAT:no eth0 (gig1 or gig2)Command Description
Wi-Fi Array342 The Command Line Interfacepci-audit The  pci-audit command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# pci-audit] checks theconfiguration of the Array for conformance with PCI DSS standards. When youenter the pci-audit command, it lists any settings that violate PCI DSSrequirements. In addition, if pci-audit is on (enabled), the Array will warn you ifyou change any parameters in a way that violates PCI DSS requirements. Forexample, if you enable pci-audit and then set encryption to none on an SSID (inthe CLI or the WMI), a warning will be displayed and a Syslog message will beissued. For more information, see Appendix D: Implementing Security Standards. Command Descriptiondisable The Array will not check configuration changes for PCI DSS violations. FORMAT:pci-audit disableenable The Array reports any current settings that violate PCI DSS, and will warn you and issue a Syslog message if you make configuration changes that that violate PCI DSS. FORMAT:pci-audit enableoff The Array will not check configuration changes for PCI DSS violations. FORMAT:pci-audit offon The Array reports any current settings that violate PCI DSS, and will warn you and issue a Syslog message if you make configuration changes that that violate PCI DSS. FORMAT:pci-audit on
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 343quit The  quit command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# quit] is used to exit theCommand Line Interface.radius-server The  radius-server command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config-radius-server)#] isused to configure the external and internal RADIUS server parameters.Command Description<cr> Exit the Command Line Interface.FORMAT:quitIf you have made any configuration changes and your changes have not been saved, you are prompted to save your changes to Flash.At the prompt, answer Yes to save your changes, or answer No to discard your changes.Command Descriptionexternal Configure an external RADIUS server.FORMAT:radius-server externalTo configure a RADIUS server (primary, secondary, or accounting server, by IP address or host name), and the reporting interval use:radius-server external accountinginternal Configure the external RADIUS server.FORMAT:radius-server internaluse Choose the active RADIUS server (either external or internal).FORMAT:use external (or internal)
Wi-Fi Array344 The Command Line Interfacereboot The reboot command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# reboot] is used to reboot theArray. If you have unsaved changes, the command will notify you and give you achance to cancel the reboot. reset The  reset command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# reset] is used to reset allsettings to their default values then reboot the Array.Command Description<cr> Reboot the Array.FORMAT:rebootdelay Reboot the Array after a delay of 1 to 60 seconds.FORMAT:reboot delay [n]Command Description<cr> Reset all configuration parameters to their factory default values.FORMAT:resetThe Array is rebooted automatically.preserve-ip-settings Preserve all ethernet and VLAN settings and reset all other configuration parameters to their factory default values.FORMAT:reset preserve-ip-settingsThe Array is rebooted automatically.
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 345run-tests The run-tests command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(run-tests)#] is used to enter run-tests mode, which allows you to perform a range of tests on the Array.Command Description<cr> Enter run-tests mode.FORMAT:run-tests iperf  Execute iperf utility.FORMAT:run-tests iperfkill-beacons Turn off beacons for selected single IAP.FORMAT:run-tests kill-beacons [off | iap-name] kill-probe-responses  Turn off probe responses for selected single IAP.FORMAT:run-tests kill-probe-responses [off | iap-name] led  LED test.FORMAT:run-tests led [flash | rotate] memtest  Execute memory tests.FORMAT:run-tests memtestping  Execute ping utility.FORMAT:run-tests ping [host-name | ip-addr]
Wi-Fi Array346 The Command Line Interfaceradius-ping  Special ping utility to test the connection to a RADIUS server.FORMAT:run-tests radius-ping [external | ssid <ssidnum>] [primary | secondary] user <raduser> password <radpasswd> auth-type [CHAP | PAP]run-tests radius-ping [internal | server <radserver> port <radport> secret <radsecret> ] user <raduser> password <radpasswd> auth-type [CHAP | PAP]You may select a RADIUS server that you have already configured (ssid or external or internal) or specify another server (server). rlb  Run manufacturing radio loopback test.FORMAT:run-tests rlb {optional command line switches}self-test  Execute self-test.FORMAT:run-tests self-test {logfile-name (optional)]site-survey  Enable or disable site survey mode.FORMAT:run-tests site-survey [on | off | enable | disable] ssh  Execute ssh utility.FORMAT:run-tests ssh [hostname | ip-addr] [command-line-switches (optional)] tcpdump  Execute tcpdump utility to dump traffic for selected interface or VLAN. FORMAT:run-tests tcpdumpCommand Description
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 347security The  security command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config-security)#] is used toestablish the security parameters for the Array.telnet  Execute telnet utility.FORMAT:run-tests telnet [hostname | ip-addr] [command-line-switches (optional)] traceroute  Execute traceroute utility.FORMAT:run-tests traceroute [host-name | ip-addr]Command Descriptionwep Set the WEP encryption parameters.FORMAT:security wepwpa Set the WEP encryption parameters.FORMAT:security wpaCommand Description
Wi-Fi Array348 The Command Line Interfacesnmp The  snmp command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config-snmp)#] is used to enable,disable, or configure SNMP.ssh The ssh command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# ssh] is used to enable or disablethe SSH feature. The Array only allows SSH-2 connections, so be sure that yourSSH client is configured to use SSH-2.  Command Descriptionv2 Enable SNMP v2.FORMAT:snmp v2v3 Enable SNMP v3.FORMAT:snmp v3trap Configure traps for SNMP. Up to four trap destinations may be configured, and you may specify whether to send traps for authentication failure. FORMAT:snmp trap Command Descriptiondisable Disable SSH.FORMAT:ssh disableenable Enable SSH.FORMAT:ssh enable
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 349off Disable SSH.FORMAT:ssh offon Enable SSH.FORMAT:ssh ontimeout Set the SSH inactivity timeout.FORMAT:ssh timeout 300 (in seconds)Command Description
Wi-Fi Array350 The Command Line Interfacessid The ssid command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config-ssid)#] is used to establish yourSSID parameters.standby The  standby command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config-ssid)#] sets this Array tofunction as a standby unit for another Array.Command Descriptionadd Add an SSID.FORMAT:ssid add [newssid]del Delete an SSID.FORMAT:ssid del [oldssid]edit Edit an existing SSID.FORMAT:ssid edit [existingssid]reset Delete all SSIDs and restore the default SSID.FORMAT:ssid resetCommand Descriptionmode Enable or disable standby mode on this Array.FORMAT:standby mode [disable|enable|off|on]target Specify the MAC address of the target Array to be monitored for failure.FORMAT:standby target [AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF]
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 351syslog The syslog command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config-syslog)#] is used to enable,disable, or configure the Syslog server.Command Descriptionconsole Enable or disable the display of Syslog messages on the console, and set the level to be displayed. All messages at this level and lower (i.e., more severe) will be displayed.FORMAT:syslog console [on/off] level [0-7]disable Disable the Syslog server.FORMAT:syslog disableemail Disable the Syslog server.FORMAT:syslog email from [email-from-address] level [0-7]password [email-acct-password]server [email-server-IPaddr] test [test-msg-text]to-list [recipient-email-addresses]user [email-acct-username]enable Enable the Syslog server.FORMAT:syslog enablelocal-file Set the size and/or severity level (all messages at this level and lower will be logged).FORMAT:syslog local-file size [1-500] level [0-7]no Disable the selected feature.FORMAT:syslog no [feature]
Wi-Fi Array352 The Command Line Interfacetelnet The telnet command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# telnet] is used to enable ordisable Disable the Syslog server.FORMAT:syslog offon Enable the Syslog server.FORMAT:syslog onprimary Set the IP address of the primary Syslog server and/or the severity level of messages to be logged.FORMAT:syslog primary [] level [0-7]secondary Set the IP address of the secondary (backup) Syslog server and/or the severity level of messages to be logged.FORMAT:syslog primary [] level [0-7]Command Descriptiondisable Disable Telnet.FORMAT:telnet disableenable Enable Telnet.FORMAT:telnet enableCommand Description
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 353off Disable Telnet.FORMAT:telnet offon Enable Telnet.FORMAT:telnet ontimeout Set the Telnet inactivity timeout.FORMAT:telnet timeout 300 (in seconds)Command Description
Wi-Fi Array354 The Command Line Interfaceuptime The uptime command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# uptime] is used to displaythe elapsed time since you last rebooted the Array. vlan The vlan command [Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config-vlan)#] is used to establish yourVLAN parameters.Command Description<cr> Display time since last reboot.FORMAT:uptimeCommand Descriptionadd Add a VLAN.FORMAT:vlan add [newvlan]default-route Assign a VLAN for the default route (for outbound management traffic).FORMAT:vlan default-route [defaultroute]delete Delete a VLAN.FORMAT:vlan delete [oldvlan]edit Modify an existing VLAN.FORMAT:vlan edit [existingvlan]native-vlan Assign a native VLAN (traffic is untagged).FORMAT:vlan native-vlan [nativevlan]
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 355no Disable the selected feature.FORMAT:vlan no [feature]reset Delete all existing VLANs.FORMAT:vlan resetCommand Description
Wi-Fi Array356 The Command Line InterfaceSample Configuration TasksThis section provides examples of some of the common configuration tasks usedwith the Wi-Fi Array, including:z“Configuring a Simple Open Global SSID” on page 357.z“Configuring a Global SSID using WPA-PEAP” on page 358.z“Configuring an SSID-Specific SSID using WPA-PEAP” on page 359.z“Enabling Global IAPs” on page 360.z“Disabling Global IAPs” on page 361.z“Enabling a Specific IAP” on page 362.z“Disabling a Specific IAP” on page 363.z“Setting Cell Size Auto-Configuration for All IAPs” on page 364z“Setting the Cell Size for All IAPs” on page 365.z“Setting the Cell Size for a Specific IAP” on page 366.z“Configuring VLANs on an Open SSID” on page 367.z“Configuring Radio Assurance Mode (Loopback Tests)” on page 368.To facilitate the accurate and timely management of revisions to this section, theexamples shown here are presented as screen images taken from a Secure Shell(SSH) session (in this case, PuTTY). Depending on the application you are usingto access the Command Line Interface, and how your session is set up (forexample, font and screen size), the images presented on your screen may bedifferent than the images shown in this section. However, the data displayed willbe the same.Some of the screen images shown in this section have been modified for clarity.For example, the image may have been “elongated” to show all data without theneed for additional images or scrolling. We recommend that you use the AdobePDF version of this User’s Guide when reviewing these examples—a hard copydocument may be difficult to read.As mentioned previously, the root command prompt is determined by the hostname assigned to your Array.
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 357Configuring a Simple Open Global SSIDThis example shows you how to configure a simple open global SSID.Figure 163. Configuring a Simple Open Global SSID
Wi-Fi Array358 The Command Line InterfaceConfiguring a Global SSID using WPA-PEAPThis example shows you how to configure a global SSID using WPA-PEAPencryption in conjunction with the Array’s Internal RADIUS server.Figure 164. Configuring a Global SSID using WPA-PEAP
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 359Configuring an SSID-Specific SSID using WPA-PEAPThis example shows you how to configure an SSID-specific SSID using WPA-PEAP encryption in conjunction with the Array’s Internal RADIUS server.Figure 165. Configuring an SSID-Specific SSID using WPA-PEAP
Wi-Fi Array360 The Command Line InterfaceEnabling Global IAPsThis example shows you how to enable all IAPs (radios), regardless of thewireless technology they use.Figure 166. Enabling Global IAPs
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 361Disabling Global IAPsThis example shows you how to disable all IAPs (radios), regardless of thewireless technology they use.Figure 167. Disabling Global IAPs
Wi-Fi Array362 The Command Line InterfaceEnabling a Specific IAPThis example shows you how to enable a specific IAP (radio). In this example, theIAP that is being enabled is a1 (the first IAP in the summary list).Figure 168. Enabling a Specific IAP
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 363Disabling a Specific IAPThis example shows you how to disable a specific IAP (radio). In this example,the IAP that is being disabled is a2 (the second IAP in the summary list).Figure 169. Disabling a Specific IAP
Wi-Fi Array364 The Command Line InterfaceSetting Cell Size Auto-Configuration for All IAPsThis example shows how to set the cell size for all enabled IAPs to be auto-configured (auto). (See “Fine Tuning Cell Sizes” on page 53.) The auto_cell optionmay be used with global_settings, global_a_settings, or global_bg_settings. Itsets the cell size of the specified IAPs to auto, and it launches an auto-configuration to adjust the sizes. Be aware that if the intrude-detect feature isenabled on abg(n)2, its cell size is unaffected by this command. Also, any IAPsused in WDS links are unaffected. Auto-configuration may be set to run periodically at intervals specified byauto_cell period (in seconds) if period is non-zero. The percentage of overlapallowed between cells in the cell size computation is specified by auto_celloverlap (0 to 100). This example sets auto-configuration to run every 1200 secondswith an allowed overlap of 5%. It sets the cell size of all IAPs to auto, and runs acell size auto-configure operation which completes successfully. Figure 170. Setting the Cell Size for All IAPs
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 365Setting the Cell Size for All IAPsThis example shows you how to establish the cell size for all IAPs (radios),regardless of the wireless technology they use. Be aware that if the intrude-detectfeature is enabled on abg(n)2 the cell size cannot be set globally—you must firstdisable the intrude-detect feature on abg(n)2.In this example, the cell size is being set to small for all IAPs. You have the optionof setting IAP cell sizes to small, medium, large, or max. See also, “Fine TuningCell Sizes” on page 53.Figure 171. Setting the Cell Size for All IAPs
Wi-Fi Array366 The Command Line InterfaceSetting the Cell Size for a Specific IAPThis example shows you how to establish the cell size for a specific IAP (radio). Inthis example, the cell size for a2 is being set to medium. You have the option ofsetting IAP cell sizes to small, medium, large, or max (the default is max). Seealso, “Fine Tuning Cell Sizes” on page 53.Figure 172. Setting the Cell Size for a Specific IAP
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 367Configuring VLANs on an Open SSIDThis example shows you how to configure VLANs on an Open SSID.Figure 173. Configuring VLANs on an Open SSID#Setting the default routeenables the Array to sendmanagement traffic, such asSyslog messages and SNMPinformation to a destinationbehind a router.
Wi-Fi Array368 The Command Line InterfaceConfiguring Radio Assurance Mode (Loopback Tests)The Array uses the built-in monitor radio, IAP abg(n)2, to monitor other radios inthe Array. Tests include sending probes on all channels and checking for aresponse, and checking whether beacons are received from the other radio. If aproblem is detected, corrective actions are taken to recover. Loopback modeoperation is described in detail in “Array Monitor and Radio AssuranceCapabilities” on page 408. The following actions may be configured: zalert-only—the Array will issue an alert in the Syslog. zrepair-without-reboot—the Array will issue an alert and reset radios atthe Physical Layer (Layer 1) and possibly at the MAC layer. The resetshould not be noticed by users, and they will not need to reassociate. zreboot-allowed—the Array will issue an alert, reset the radios, andschedule the Array to reboot at midnight (per local Array time) ifnecessary. All stations will need to reassociate to the Array. zoff—Disable IAP loopback tests (no self-monitoring occurs). RadioAssurance mode is off by default.This is a global IAPs setting—abg(n)2 will monitor all other radios according tothe settings above, and it cannot be set up to monitor particular radios. Radioassurance mode requires Intrusion Detection to be set to Standard.The following example shows you how to configure a loopback test.
Wi-Fi ArrayThe Command Line Interface 369Figure 174. Configuring Radio Assurance Mode (Loopback Testing)
Wi-Fi Array370 The Command Line Interface
Wi-Fi Array371Appendices
Wi-Fi Array372Page is intentionally blank
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi Array 373Appendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi ArrayThis appendix contains procedures for servicing the Xirrus Wi-Fi Array, includingthe removal and reinstallation of major hardware components. Topics include:z“Removing the Access Panel” on page 375.z“Reinstalling the Access Panel” on page 378.z“Replacing the FLASH Memory Module” on page 380.z“Replacing the Main System Memory” on page 382.z“Replacing the Integrated Access Point Radio Module” on page 384.z“Replacing the Power Supply Module” on page 387.!!!Always disconnect the power source from the Array before attempting to remove or replace components. Never work on the unit with the power connected.You must be grounded and the work surface must be static-free.Caution! The Array contains a battery which is not to be replaced by the customer. Danger of Explosion exists if the battery is incorrectly replaced. Figure 175. Disconnecting Power from the Array#Most service activities are performed with the Array placed face-down on aflat work surface. To avoid damaging the finished enclosure, we recommendusing a protective material between the work surface and the unit (a cleansheet of paper will do the trick).Power switchAC power cord receptacle
Wi-Fi Array374 Appendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi ArraySee AlsoReinstalling the Access PanelRemoving the Access PanelReplacing the FLASH Memory ModuleReplacing the Integrated Access Point Radio ModuleReplacing the Main System MemoryReplacing the Power Supply Module
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi Array 375Removing the Access PanelUse this procedure when you want to remove the system’s access panel. You mustremove this panel whenever you need to service the internal components of theArray.1. Turn OFF the Array’s main power switch (XS-3900 and XS-3700 only). 2. Disconnect the AC power cord or Ethernet cable supplying power fromthe Array.3. Place the Array face-down on a flat surface. Avoid moving the unit toreduce the risk of damage (scratching) to the finished enclosure.4. Remove the screws (3 places) that secure the access panel to the mainbody of the Array.Figure 176. Removing the Access Panel ScrewsScrewScrewScrew
Wi-Fi Array376 Appendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi Array5. Lift up the access panel to reveal the main system board.Figure 177. Removing the Access Panel6. Disconnect the connectors to the power supply and the fan.Figure 178. Disconnecting the Power Supply and Fan7. The access panel can now be safely removed.Lift up the access panelPower supply connectorFan connector
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi Array 377See AlsoReinstalling the Access PanelReplacing the FLASH Memory ModuleReplacing the Integrated Access Point Radio ModuleReplacing the Main System MemoryReplacing the Power Supply ModuleAppendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi Array
Wi-Fi Array378 Appendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi ArrayReinstalling the Access PanelUse this procedure when you need to reinstall the access panel after servicing theArray’s internal components.1. Reconnect the fan and power supply.Figure 179. Reconnecting the Fan and Power Supply2. Reinstall the access panel and secure the panel with the three screws.Figure 180. Reinstalling the Access PanelPower supply connectorFan connectorScrew!Do not overtightenScrew!Do not overtightenScrew!Do not overtighten
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi Array 3793. Reconnect the power source and turn ON the main power switch (ifapplicable).See AlsoRemoving the Access PanelReplacing the FLASH Memory ModuleReplacing the Integrated Access Point Radio ModuleReplacing the Main System MemoryReplacing the Power Supply ModuleAppendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi Array
Wi-Fi Array380 Appendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi ArrayReplacing the FLASH Memory ModuleUse this procedure when you want to replace the system’s FLASH memorymodule.1. Remove the system’s access panel. Refer to “Removing the Access Panel”on page 375.2. Remove the FLASH memory module, taking care not to “wiggle” themodule and risk damaging the connection points.Figure 181. Removing the FLASH Memory Module3. The removal procedure is complete. You can now reinstall the FLASHmemory module (or install a new module).FLASH memory module
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi Array 3814. Reinstall the access panel (refer to “Reinstalling the Access Panel” onpage 378).See AlsoReinstalling the Access PanelRemoving the Access PanelReplacing the Integrated Access Point Radio ModuleReplacing the Main System MemoryReplacing the Power Supply ModuleAppendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi Array
Wi-Fi Array382 Appendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi ArrayReplacing the Main System MemoryUse this procedure when you want to replace the main system memory.1. Remove the access panel (refer to “Removing the Access Panel” onpage 375).2. Remove the DIMM memory module, taking care not to “wiggle” themodule and risk damaging the connection points.Figure 182. Removing the DIMM Memory Module3. The removal procedure is complete. You can now reinstall the DIMMmemory module (or install a new module). Ensure that the DIMMmemory module is seated evenly and the locking tabs are in the uprightposition. The DIMM memory module is keyed to fit in its socket in onedirection only.4. Reinstall the access panel (refer to “Reinstalling the Access Panel” onpage 378).See AlsoReinstalling the Access PanelRemoving the Access PanelReplacing the FLASH Memory ModuleDIMM memory modulePush down on the two locking tabs to release the DIMM memory module
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi Array 383Replacing the Integrated Access Point Radio ModuleReplacing the Power Supply ModuleAppendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi Array
Wi-Fi Array384 Appendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi ArrayReplacing the Integrated Access Point Radio ModuleUse this procedure when you want to replace the integrated access point radiomodule.1. Remove the access panel (refer to “Removing the Access Panel” onpage 375).2. Remove the locking screws (8 places) that secure the chassis cover to themain body of the Wi-Fi Array.Figure 183. Removing the Chassis Cover Screws3. Lift and remove the chassis cover.Figure 184. Removing the Chassis CoverScrews (8 places)Remove the chassis cover
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi Array 3854. Lift the edge of the integrated access point module.Figure 185. Lifting the Integrated Access Point Module5. Slide the integrated access point module away from the unit to disconnectit from the main system board.Figure 186. Disconnect the Integrated Access Point Module6. The removal procedure is complete. You can now reinstall the integratedaccess point module (or install a new module).Lift here (do not force)Disconnect the module
Wi-Fi Array386 Appendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi Array7. Reinstall the chassis cover (see warnings).8. Reinstall the locking screws (8 places) to secure the chassis cover inplace—do not overtighten.9. Reinstall the access panel (refer to “Reinstalling the Access Panel” onpage 378).See AlsoReinstalling the Access PanelRemoving the Access PanelReplacing the FLASH Memory ModuleReplacing the Main System MemoryReplacing the Power Supply ModuleAppendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi Array!!When reinstalling the chassis cover, take care to align the cover correctly to avoid damaging the antenna modules. Do not force the chassis cover onto the body of the unit.Do not overtighten the locking screws.
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi Array 387Replacing the Power Supply ModuleUse this procedure when you want to replace the power supply module.1. Remove the access panel (refer to “Removing the Access Panel” onpage 375).2. Because the power supply unit is molded into the access panel, you mustinstall a new access panel assembly (with the power supply attached).Refer to “Reinstalling the Access Panel” on page 378.Figure 187. Installing a New Access Panel (with Power Supply)See AlsoReinstalling the Access PanelRemoving the Access PanelReplacing the FLASH Memory ModuleReplacing the Integrated Access Point Radio ModuleReplacing the Main System MemoryAppendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi ArrayAccess panel (with power supply and fan)
Wi-Fi Array388 Appendix A: Servicing the Wi-Fi ArrayUse this Space for Your Notes
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix B: Quick Reference Guide 389Appendix B: Quick Reference GuideThis section contains product reference information. Use this section to locate theinformation you need quickly and efficiently. Topics include:z“Factory Default Settings” on page 389.z“Keyboard Shortcuts” on page 396.Factory Default SettingsThe following tables show the Wi-Fi Array’s factory default settings.Host NameNetwork InterfacesSerialSetting Default ValueHost name Xirrus-WiFi-ArraySetting Default ValueBaud Rate 115200Word Size 8 bitsStop Bits 1Parity No parityTime Out 10 seconds
Wi-Fi Array390 Appendix B: Quick Reference GuideGigabit 1 and Gigabit 2Fast EthernetSetting Default ValueEnabled YesDHCP Bind YesDefault IP Address IP Mask Gateway NoneAuto Negotiate OnDuplex FullSpeed 1000 MbpsMTU Size 1504Management Enabled YesSetting Default ValueEnabled YesDHCP Bind YesDefault IP Address IP Mask Gateway NoneAuto Negotiate OnDuplex FullSpeed 100 Mbps
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix B: Quick Reference Guide 391Integrated Access Points (IAPs)MTU Size 1500Management Enabled YesSetting Default ValueIAP abg2 Defaults EnabledMode = MonitorChannel = MonitorCell Size = ManualAntenna = Internal-OmniEnabled (Radio State) NoModezXS16, XS-3900zXS12zXS8, XS-3700zXS4, XS-3500802.11a for a1 to a12802.11bg for abg1 to abg4802.11a for a1 to a8802.11bg for abg1 to abg4802.11a for a1 to a4802.11bg for abg1 to abg4802.11bg for abg1 to abg4Channel AutoCell Size MaxMaximum Transmit Power 20Antenna Selected InternalSetting Default Value
Wi-Fi Array392 Appendix B: Quick Reference GuideServer SettingsNTPSyslogSNMPSetting Default ValueEnabled NoPrimary time.nist.govSecondary pool.ntp.orgSetting Default ValueEnabled YesLocal Syslog Level InformationMaximum Internal Records 500Primary Server NonePrimary Syslog Level InformationSecondary Server NoneSecondary Syslog Level InformationSetting Default ValueEnabled YesRead-Only Community String xirrus_read_onlyRead-Write Community String xirrusTrap Host null (no setting)
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix B: Quick Reference Guide 393DHCPDefault SSIDTrap Port 162Authorization Fail Port OnSetting Default ValueEnabled NoMaximum Lease Time 300 minutesDefault Lease Time 300 minutesIP Start Range End Range DisabledIP Gateway NoneDNS Domain  NoneDNS Server (1 to 3) NoneSetting Default ValueID xirrusVLAN NoneEncryption OffEncryption Type NoneQoS 2Enabled YesSetting Default Value
Wi-Fi Array394 Appendix B: Quick Reference GuideSecurity Global Settings - Encryption   External RADIUS (Global) Broadcast OnSetting Default ValueEnabled YesWEP Keys null (all 4 keys)WEP Key Length null (all 4 keys)Default Key ID 1WPA Enabled NoTKIP Enabled YesAES Enabled YesEAP Enabled YesPSK Enabled NoPass Phrase nullGroup Rekey DisabledSetting Default ValueEnabled YesPrimary Server NonePrimary Port 1812Setting Default Value
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix B: Quick Reference Guide 395Internal RADIUSPrimary Secret xirrusSecondary Server null (no IP address)Secondary Port 1812Secondary Secret null (no secret)Time Out (before primary server is retired) 600 secondsAccounting DisabledInterval 300 secondsPrimary Server NonePrimary Port 1813Primary Secret xirrusSecondary Server NoneSecondary Port 1813Secondary Secret null (no secret)Setting Default ValueEnabled NoThe user database is cleared upon reset to the factory defaults. For the Internal RADIUS Server you have a maximum of 1,000 entries.Setting Default Value
Wi-Fi Array396 Appendix B: Quick Reference GuideAdministrator Account and PasswordManagementKeyboard ShortcutsThe following table shows the most common keyboard shortcuts used by theCommand Line Interface.Setting Default ValueID adminPassword adminSetting Default ValueSSH OnSSH timeout 300 secondsTelnet OffTelnet timeout 300 secondsSerial OnSerial timeout 300 secondsManagement over IAPs Offhttp timeout 300 secondsAction ShortcutCut selected data and place it on the clipboard. Ctrl + XCopy selected data to the clipboard. Ctrl + C
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix B: Quick Reference Guide 397See AlsoAn OverviewPaste data from the clipboard into a document (at the insertion point). Ctrl + VGo to top of screen. Ctrl + ZCopy the active window to the clipboard. Alt + Print ScreenCopy the entire desktop image to the clipboard. Print ScreenAbort an action at any time.  EscGo back to the previous screen. bAccess the Help screen. ?Action Shortcut
Wi-Fi Array398 Appendix B: Quick Reference GuideUse this Space for Your Notes
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix C: Technical Support 399Appendix C: Technical SupportThis appendix provides valuable support information that can help you resolvetechnical difficulties. Before contacting Xirrus, review all topics below and try todetermine if your problem resides with the Wi-Fi Array or your networkinfrastructure. Topics include:z“General Hints and Tips” on page 399z“Frequently Asked Questions” on page 400z“Array Monitor and Radio Assurance Capabilities” on page 408z“Upgrading the Array via CLI” on page 411z“Power over Gigabit Ethernet Compatibility Matrix” on page 416z“Contact Information” on page 419General Hints and TipsThis section provides some useful tips that will optimize the reliability andperformance of your Wi-Fi Arrays.zThe Wi-Fi Array requires careful handling. For best performance, unitsshould be mounted in a dust-free and temperature-controlledenvironment.zIf using multiple Arrays in the same area, maintain a distance of at least100 feet (30m) between Arrays if there is direct line-of-sight between theunits, or at least 50 feet (15 m) if a wall or other barrier exists between theunits.zKeep the Wi-Fi Array away from electrical devices or appliances thatgenerate RF noise. Because the Array is generally mounted on ceilings, beaware of its position relative to lighting (especially fluorescent lighting).zIf using AC power, each Wi-Fi Array requires its own dedicated ACpower outlet. Do not attempt to “piggy-back” AC power to multipleunits. To avoid needing to run separate power cables to one or moreArrays, consider using Power over Gigabit Ethernet.
Wi-Fi Array400 Appendix C: Technical SupportzIf you are deploying multiple units, the Array should be oriented so thatthe  abg(n)2 radio is oriented in the direction of the least requiredcoverage, because when in monitor mode the abg(n)2 radio does notfunction as an AP servicing stations.zThe Wi-Fi Array should only be used with Wi-Fi certified client devices.See AlsoContact InformationMultiple SSIDsSecurityVLAN SupportFrequently Asked QuestionsThis section answers some of the most frequently asked questions, organized byfunctional area.Multiple SSIDsQ. What Are BSSIDs and SSIDs?A. BSSID (Basic Service Set Identifier) refers to an individual access pointradio and its associated clients. The identifier is the MAC address of theaccess point radio that forms the BSS.A group of BSSs can be formed to allow stations in one BSS tocommunicate to stations in another BSS by way of a backbone thatinterconnects each access point.The Extended Service Set (ESS) refers to the group of BSSIDs that aregrouped together to form one ESS. The ESSID (often referred to as SSID or“wireless network name”) identifies the Extended Service Set. Clientsmust associate to a single ESS at any given time. Clients ignore trafficfrom other Extended Service Sets that do not have the same SSID.Legacy access points typically support one SSID per access point. XirrusWi-Fi Arrays support the ability for multiple SSIDs to be defined andused simultaneously.
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix C: Technical Support 401Q. What would I use SSIDs for?A. The creation of different wireless network names allows systemadministrators to separate types of users with different requirements. Thefollowing policies can be tied to an SSID:zMinimum security required to join this SSID.zThe wireless Quality of Service (QoS) desired for this SSID.zThe wired VLAN associated with this SSID.As an example, one SSID named accounting might require the highestlevel of security, while another SSID named guests might have lowsecurity requirements.Another example may define an SSID named voice that supports voiceover Wireless LAN phones with the highest possible Quality of Service(QoS) definition. This type of SSID might also forward traffic to specificVLANs on the wired network.Q. How do I set up SSIDs?A. Use the following procedure as a guideline. For more detailedinformation, go to “SSIDs” on page 233.1. From the Web Management Interface, go to the SSID Management page.2. Select Yes to make the SSID visible to all clients on the network. Although the Wi-Fi Array will not broadcast SSIDs that are hidden, clients can still associate to a hidden SSID if they know the SSID name to connect to it.3. Select the minimum security that will be required by users for this SSID.4. If desired (optional), select a Quality of Service (QoS) setting for this SSID. The QoS setting you define here will prioritize wireless traffic for this SSID over other SSID wireless traffic.5. If desired (optional), select a VLAN that you want this traffic to be forwarded to on the wired network.
Wi-Fi Array402 Appendix C: Technical Support6. If desired (optional), you can select which radios this SSID will not be available on—the default is to make this SSID available on all radios.7. Click on the Apply button to apply your changes to this session.8. Click on the Save button to save your changes.9. If you need to edit any of the SSID settings, you can do so from the SSID Management page.See AlsoContact InformationGeneral Hints and TipsSecuritySSIDsSSID ManagementVLAN SupportSecurityQ. How do I ensure that an Array meets FIPS requirements?A. To meet the Level 2 security requirements of FIPS 140-2, follow theinstructions in Appendix D: Implementing Security Standards.Q. How do I ensure that an Array meets PCI DSS requirements?A. To meet PCI DSS requirements, follow the instructions in Appendix D:Implementing Security Standards.Q. How do I know my management session is secure?A. Follow these guidelines:zAdministrator passwordsAlways change the default administrator password (the defaultis  admin), and choose a strong replacement password. Whenappropriate, issue read only administrator accounts.zSSH versus Telnet
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix C: Technical Support 403Be aware that Telnet is not secure over network connections andshould be used only with a direct serial port connection. Whenconnecting to the unit’s Command Line Interface over a networkconnection, you must use a Secure SHell (SSH) utility. The mostcommonly used freeware providing SSH tools is PuTTY. TheArray only allows SSH-2 connections, so your SSH utility mustbe set up to use SSH-2. zConfiguration auditingDo not change approved configuration settings. The optionalXirrus Management System (XMS) offers powerful managementfeatures for small or large Wi-Fi Array deployments, and canaudit your configuration settings automatically. In addition,using the XMS eliminates the need for an FTP server.Q. Which wireless data encryption method should I use?A. Wireless data encryption prevents eavesdropping on data beingtransmitted or received over the airwaves. The Wi-Fi Array allows you toestablish the following data encryption configuration options:zOpenThis option offers no data encryption and is not recommended,though you might choose this option if clients are required to usea VPN connection through a secure SSH utility, like PuTTy.zWEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)This option provides minimal protection (though much betterthan using an open network). An early standard for wireless dataencryption and supported by all Wi-Fi certified equipment, WEPis vulnerable to hacking and is therefore not recommended foruse by Enterprise networks.zWPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)This is a much stronger encryption model than WEP and usesTKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) with AES (AdvancedEncryption Standard) to prevent WEP cracks.
Wi-Fi Array404 Appendix C: Technical SupportTKIP solves security issues with WEP. It also allows you toestablish encryption keys on a per-user-basis, with key rotationfor added security. In addition, TKIP provides Message IntegrityCheck (MIC) functionality and prevents active attacks on thewireless network.AES is the strongest encryption standard and is used bygovernment agencies; however, old legacy hardware may not becapable of supporting the AES mode (it probably won’t work onolder wireless clients). Because AES is the strongest encryptionstandard currently available, it is highly recommended forEnterprise networks.Any of the above encryption modes can be used (and can be used atthe same time).Q. Which user authentication method should I use?A. User authentication ensures that users are who they say they are. Forexample, the most obvious example of authentication is logging in with auser name and password. The Wi-Fi Array allows you to choose betweenthe following user authentication methods:zPre-Shared KeyUsers must manually enter a key (pass phrase) on the client sideof the wireless network that matches the key stored by theadministrator in your Wi-Fi Arrays.zRADIUS 802.1x with EAP802.1x uses a RADIUS server to authenticate large numbers ofclients, and can handle different EAP (Extensible AuthenticationProtocol) authentication methods, including EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS and EAP-PEAP. The RADIUS server can be internal(provided by the Wi-Fi Array) or external. An external RADIUSserver offers more functionality and is recommended for largeEnterprise deployments.When using this method, user names and passwords must beentered into the RADIUS server for user authentication.
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix C: Technical Support 405zMAC Address ACLs (Access Control Lists)MAC address ACLs provide a list of client adapter MACaddresses that are allowed or denied access to the wirelessnetwork. Access Control Lists work well when there are a limitednumber of users—in this case, enter the MAC addresses of eachuser in the Allow list. In the event of a lost or stolen MACadapter, enter the affected MAC address in the Deny list.Q. Why do I need to authenticate my Wi-Fi Array units?A. When deploying multiple Wi-Fi Arrays, you may need to define whichunits are part of which wireless network (for example, if you areestablishing more than one network). In this case, you need to employ theXirrus Management System (XMS) which can authenticate your Arraysautomatically and ensure that only authorized units are associated withthe defined wireless network.Q. What is rogue AP (Access Point) detection?A. The Wi-Fi Array has a dedicated radio, IAP abg(n)2, which constantlyscans the local wireless environment for rogue APs (non-Xirrus devicesthat are not part of your wireless network), unencrypted transmissions,and other security issues. Administrators can then classify each rogue APand ensure that these devices do not interrupt or interfere with thenetwork.See AlsoContact InformationGeneral Hints and TipsMultiple SSIDsVLAN SupportVLAN SupportQ. What Are VLANs?A. VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks) are a logical grouping of networkdevices that share a common network broadcast domain. Members of a
Wi-Fi Array406 Appendix C: Technical Supportparticular VLAN can be on any segment of the physical network butlogically only members of a particular VLAN can see each other.VLANs are defined and implemented using the wired network switchesthat are VLAN capable. Packets are tagged for transmission on aparticular VLAN according to the IEEE 802.1Q standard, with VLANswitches processing packets according to the tag.Q. What would I use VLANs for?A. Logically separating different types of users, systems, applications, orother logical division aids in performance and management of differentnetwork devices. Different VLANs can also be assigned with differentpacket priorities to prioritize packets from one VLAN over packets fromanother VLAN.VLANs are managed by software settings—instead of physicallyplugging in and moving network cables and users—which helps to easenetwork management tasks.Q. What are Wireless VLANs?A. Wireless VLANs allow similar functionality to the wired VLANdefinitions and extend the operation of wired VLANs to the wireless sideof the network.Wireless VLANs can be mapped to wireless SSIDs so that traffic fromwired VLANs can be sent to wireless users of a particular SSID. Thereverse is also true, where wireless traffic originating from a particularSSID can be tagged for transmission on a particular wired VLAN.Sixteen SSIDs can be defined on your Wi-Fi Array, allowing a total ofsixteen VLANs to be accessed (one per SSID).As an example, to provide guest user access an SSID of guest might becreated. This SSID could be mapped to a wired VLAN that segregatesunknown users from the rest of the wired network and restricts them toInternet access only. Wireless users could then associate to the wirelessnetwork via the guest SSID and obtain access to the Internet through the
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix C: Technical Support 407selected VLAN, but would be able to access other privileged networkresources.See AlsoContact InformationGeneral Hints and TipsMultiple SSIDsSecurity
Wi-Fi Array408 Appendix C: Technical SupportArray Monitor and Radio Assurance CapabilitiesAll models of the Wi-Fi Array have a monitor radio, abg(n)2, that checks that theArray’s radios are functioning correctly, and acts as a dedicated threat sensor todetect and prevent intrusion from rogue access points. Enabling Monitoring on the ArrayIAP abg(n)2 may be set to monitor the Array or to be a normal IAP radio. In orderto enable the functions required for intrusion detection and for monitoring theother Array radios, you must configure abg(n)2 on the IAP Settings window asfollows:zCheck the Enabled checkbox.zSet Mode to Monitor.zSet Channel to Monitor.The settings above will automatically set the Antenna selection toInternal-Omni., also required for monitoring. See the “IAP Settings” on page 254for more details. The values above are the factory default settings for the Array. How Monitoring WorksWhen the monitor radio abg(n)2 has been configured as just described, itperforms these steps continuously (24/7) to check the other radios on the Arrayand detect possible intrusions:1. The monitor radio scans all channels with a 200ms dwell time, hitting allchannels about once every 10 seconds.2. Each time it tunes to a new channel it sends out a probe request in anattempt to smoke out rogues.3. It then listens for all probe responses and beacons to detect any rogueswithin earshot.4. Array radios respond to that probe request with a probe response.Intrusion Detection is enabled or disabled separately from monitoring. See Step 1in “Advanced RF Settings” on page 275. Note that the Advanced setting is onlyused with the optional Xirrus Defense Module (XDM) software package.
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix C: Technical Support 409Radio AssuranceThe Array is capable of performing continuous, comprehensive tests on its radiosto assure that they are operating properly. Testing is enabled using the RadioAssurance Mode setting on the Advanced RF Settings window (Step 5 in“Advanced RF Settings” on page 275). When this mode is enabled, IAP abg(n)2performs loopback tests on the Array. Radio Assurance Mode requires IntrusionDetection to be set to Standard (See Step 1 in “Advanced RF Settings” onpage 275). When Radio Assurance Mode is enabled:1. The Array keeps track of whether or not it hears beacons and proberesponses from the Array’s radios. 2. After 10 minutes (roughly 60 passes on a particular channel by themonitor radio), if it has not heard beacons or probe responses from one ofthe Array’s radios it issues an alert in the Syslog. If repair is allowed (see“Radio Assurance Options” on page 410), the Array will reset andreprogram that particular radio at the Physical Layer (PHY—Layer 1).This action takes under 100ms and stations are not deauthenticated, thususers should not be impacted.3. After another 10 minutes (roughly another 60 passes), if the monitor stillhas not heard beacons or probe responses from the malfunctioning radioit will again issue an alert in the Syslog. If repair is allowed, the Array willreset and reprogram the MAC (the lower sublayer of the Data Link Layer)and then all of the PHYs. This is a global action that affects all radios. Thisaction takes roughly 300ms and stations are not deauthenticated, thususers should not be impacted.4. After another 10 minutes, if the monitor still has not heard beacons orprobe responses from that radio, it will again syslog the issue. If reboot isallowed (see “Radio Assurance Options” on page 410), the Array willschedule a reboot. This reboot will occur at one of the following times,whichever occurs first:•When no stations are associated to the Array•Midnight
Wi-Fi Array410 Appendix C: Technical SupportRadio Assurance OptionsIf the monitor detects a problem with an Array radio as described above, it willtake action according to the preference that you have specified in the RadioAssurance Mode setting on the Advanced RF Settings window (see Step 5page 278):zFailure alerts only—The Array will issue alerts in the Syslog, but will notinitiate repairs or reboots.zFailure alerts & repairs, but no reboots—The Array will issue alerts andperform resets of the PHY and MAC as described above. zFailure alerts & repairs & reboots if needed—The Array will issue alerts,perform resets of the PHY and MAC, and schedule reboots as describedabove. zDisabled—Disable IAP loopback tests (no self-monitoring occurs).Loopback tests are disabled by default.
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix C: Technical Support 411Upgrading the Array via CLIIf you are experiencing difficulties communicating with the Array using the WebManagement Interface, the Array provides lower-level facilities that may be usedto accomplish an upgrade via the CLI and the Xirrus Boot Loader (XBL).1. Download the latest software update from the Xirrus FTP site using yourEnhanced Care FTP username and password. If you do not have an FTPusername and password, contact Xirrus Customer Service for assistance( The software update is provided as a zip file.Unzip the contents to a local temp directory. Take note of the extracted filename in case you need it later on—you may also need to copy this fileelsewhere on the network depending on your situation.2. Install a TFTP server software package if you don't have one running. Itmay be installed on any PC on your network, including your desktop orlaptop. The Solar Winds version is freeware and works well. TFTP install process creates the TFTP-Root directory on your C:drive, which is the default target for sending and receiving files. This maybe changed if desired. This directory is where you will place the extractedXirrus software update file(s). If you install the TFTP server on the samecomputer to which you extracted the file, you may change the TFTPdirectory to C:\xirrus if desired. You must make the following change to the default configuration of theSolar Winds TFTP server. In the File/Configure menu, select Security,then select Transmit only and click OK.3. Determine the IP address of the computer hosting the TFTP server. (Todisplay the IP address, open a command prompt and type ipconfig)4. Connect your Array to the computer running TFTP using a serial cable,and open a terminal program if you haven't already. Attach a networkcable to the Array’s GIG1 port, if it is not already part of your network.
Wi-Fi Array412 Appendix C: Technical SupportBoot your Array and watch the progress messages. When Press space barto exit to bootloader: is displayed, press the space bar. The rest of thisprocedure is performed using the bootloader. The following steps assume that you are running DHCP on your localnetwork. 5. Type  dhcp and hit return. This instructs the Array to obtain a DHCPaddress and use it during this boot in the bootloader environment. 6. Type dir and hit return to see what's currently in the compact flash. 7. Type del and hit return to delete the contents of the compact flash. 8. Type  update server <TFTP-server-ip-addr> xs-3.x-xxxx.bin (the actualXirrus file name will vary depending on Array model number andsoftware version—use the file name from your software update) and hitreturn. The software update will be transferred to the Array's memoryand will be written to the it’s compact flash card. (See output below.)9. Type  reset and hit return. Your Array will reboot, running your newversion of software. Sample Output for the Upgrade Procedure:The user actions are highlighted in the output below, for clarity.Username: adminPassword: *****Xirrus-WiFi-Array# configureXirrus-WiFi-Array(config)# rebootAre you sure you want to reboot? [yes/no]: yesArray is being rebooted.Xirrus Boot Loader 1.0.0 (Oct 17 2006 - 13:11:42), Build: 2725Processor  | Motorola PowerPC, PVR=80200020 SVR=80300020Board      | Xirrus MPC8540 CPU BoardClocks     | CPU : 825 MHz   DDR : 330 MHz   Local Bus: 41 MHz
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix C: Technical Support 413L1 cache   | Data:  32 KB    Inst:  32 KB    Status   : EnabledWatchdog   | Enabled (5 secs)I2C Bus    | 400 KHzDTT        | CPU:34C  RF0:34C  RF1:34C  RF2:27C  RF3:29CRTC        | Wed 2007-Nov-05  6:43:14 GMTSystem DDR | 256 MB, Unbuffered Non-ECC (2T)L2 cache   | 256 KB, EnabledFLASH      |   4 MB, CRC: OKFPGA       |   2 Devices programmedPacket DDR | 256 MB, Unbuffered Non-ECC, EnabledNetwork    | Mot FEC    Mot TSEC1 [Primary]  Mot TSEC2IDE Bus 0  | OKCFCard     | 122 MB, Model: Hitachi XXM2.3.0Environment|   4 KB, InitializedIn:    serialOut:   serialErr:   serialPress space bar to exit to bootloader: XBL>dhcp[DHCP  ] Device  : Mot TSEC1 1000BT Full Duplex[DHCP  ] IP Addr :>dir[CFCard] Directory of /    Date      Time      Size     File or Directory name----------- --------  --------   ---------------------------2007-Nov-05  6:01:56        29   lastboot2007-Apr-05 15:47:46  28210390   xs-3.1-0433.bak2007-Mar-01 16:39:42             storage/2007-Apr-05 15:56:38  28210430   xs-3.1-0440.bin2007-Mar-03  0:56:28             wpr/3 file(s), 2 dir(s)
Wi-Fi Array414 Appendix C: Technical SupportXBL>del * [CFCard] Delete  : 2 file(s) deletedXBL>update server xs-3.0-0425.bin[TFTP  ] Device  : Mot TSEC1 1000BT Full Duplex[TFTP  ] Client  :[TFTP  ] Server  :[TFTP  ] File    : xs-3.0-0425.bin[TFTP  ] Address : 0x1000000[TFTP  ] Loading : ##################################################[TFTP  ] Loading : ##################################################[TFTP  ] Loading : ###### done[TFTP  ] Complete: 12.9 sec, 2.1 MB/sec[TFTP  ] Bytes   : 27752465 (1a77811 hex)[CFCard] File    : xs-3.0-0425.bin[CFCard] Address : 0x1000000[CFCard] Saving  : ############################################### done[CFCard] Complete: 137.4 sec, 197.2 KB/sec[CFCard] Bytes   : 27752465 (1a77811 hex)XBL>reset[RESET ]Xirrus Boot Loader 1.0.0 (Oct 17 2006 - 13:11:42), Build: 2725Processor  | Motorola PowerPC, PVR=80200020 SVR=80300020Board      | Xirrus MPC8540 CPU BoardClocks     | CPU : 825 MHz   DDR : 330 MHz   Local Bus: 41 MHzL1 cache   | Data:  32 KB    Inst:  32 KB    Status   : EnabledWatchdog   | Enabled (5 secs)I2C Bus    | 400 KHzDTT        | CPU:33C  RF0:32C  RF1:31C  RF2:26C  RF3:27CRTC        | Wed 2007-Nov-05  6:48:44 GMTSystem DDR | 256 MB, Unbuffered Non-ECC (2T)
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix C: Technical Support 415L2 cache   | 256 KB, EnabledFLASH      |   4 MB, CRC: OKFPGA       |   2 Devices programmedPacket DDR | 256 MB, Unbuffered Non-ECC, EnabledNetwork    | Mot FEC    Mot TSEC1 [Primary]  Mot TSEC2IDE Bus 0  | OKCFCard     | 122 MB, Model: Hitachi XXM2.3.0Environment|   4 KB, InitializedIn:    serialOut:   serialErr:   serialPress space bar to exit to bootloader: [CFCard] File    : xs*.bin[CFCard] Address : 0x1000000[CFCard] Loading : ############################################### done[CFCard] Complete: 26.9 sec, 1.0 MB/sec[CFCard] Bytes   : 27752465 (1a77811 hex)[Boot  ] Address : 0x01000000[Boot  ] Image   : Verifying checksum .... OK[Boot  ] Unzip   : Multi-File Image   .... OK[Boot  ] Initrd  : Loading RAMDisk Image[Boot  ] Initrd  : Verifying checksum .... OK[Boot  ] Execute : Transferring control to OSInitializing hardware ........................................ OKXirrus Wi-Fi ArrayArrayOS Version 3.0-425Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Xirrus, Inc.http://www.xirrus.comUsername:
Wi-Fi Array416 Appendix C: Technical SupportPower over Gigabit Ethernet Compatibility MatrixThe Xirrus Power over Gigabit Ethernet (PoGE) solution includes differentmodules to be used with particular Array models. The following two tablesindicate the proper PoGE injector/splitters to use with each Array. X indicatesproducts are INCOMPATIBLE. NA=Not Applicable.Table 1: Current PoGE Injectors/Splitters#IMPORTANT NOTE: Only use -H versions of injectors/splitters together,and use non-H versions of injectors/splitters together - do not mix or matchthe two types.Array Model Compatible Xirrus Injector/SplitterXP1-MSI-XInjectorXP8-MSIInjectorXP1-MSIInjectorXP1-SPLSplitterXN4, XS4 Works with any PoGE injector/splitter3333XS8 Works with any PoGE injector, no splitter required333NAXN16/XN12/XN8, XS16/XS12 Works with two injector options, no splitter required33 XNAXS-3500-4 Works with any PoGE injector/splitter3333XS-3700-8, DC (modified)11. To see whether an Array is modified, see Figure 189 on page 418.Works only with legacy injector/splitter models, see Table 2.X X  XXXS-3900-16, DC (modified)1X X  XXXS-3700-8, DC (unmodified) DO NOT connect unmodified XS-3700/3900 with -H or -HX injectors or splitter.  X333XS-3900-16, DC (unmodified)  X333
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix C: Technical Support 417Table 2: Legacy PoGE ModelsAdditional Note: The 8-port XP8-MSI-H and XP8-MSI injectors each power up to eight 4-port or 8-portArrays; or four 16-port Arrays.Array ModelCompatible Xirrus Injector/SplitterXP1-MSI-HInjectorXP1-MSI-HXInjectorXP8-MSI-HInjectorXP1-SPL-HSplitterXS4 Works with any PoGE injector/splitter3333XS8 Works with any PoGE injector, no splitter required333NAXS16/XS12  Works with two injector options, no splitter required  X33NAXS-3500-4 Works with any PoGE injector/splitter3333XS-3700-8, DC (modified)1Works only with -H version injector/splitters3333XS-3900-16, DC (modified)1Works only with -HX or XP8 version injector/splitters  X333XS-3700-8, DC (unmodified) DO NOT connect unmodified XS-3700/3900 with -H or -HX injectors or splitter.  X X X XXS-3900-16, DC (unmodified)  X X X X
Wi-Fi Array418 Appendix C: Technical SupportDetermining If an XS-3700 or XS-3900 is Modified for PoGEThe following pictures show how different Array power supply types look. Onthe XS-3700/XS-3900 Arrays, it is VERY important to note the yellow sticker(Figure 189 on page 418) that differentiates between modified and unmodifiedDC power versions. Figure 188. XN8/XN12/XN16 and XS8/XS12/XS16 Support PoGE without a SplitterFigure 189. Determining if XS-37000/3900 is modifiedConnect Data OUTto Gig1 or Gig2 portwith short cableConnect Cat 5e(from PoGE Injector) to IN portModified XS-3700/XS-3900 (DC Version)Accepts XP1-SPL-H splitter outputMust have yellow labelUnmodified XS-3700/XS-3900 (DC Version)Accepts XP1-SPL splitter outputHas no yellow label
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix C: Technical Support 419Contact InformationXirrus, Inc. is located in Thousand Oaks, California, just 55 minutes northwest ofdowntown Los Angeles and 40 minutes southeast of Santa Barbara.Xirrus, Inc.2101 Corporate Center DriveThousand Oaks, CA 91320USATel: 1.805.262.16001.800.947.7871 Toll Free in the USFax:
Wi-Fi Array420 Appendix C: Technical Support
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix D: Implementing Security Standards 421Appendix D: Implementing Security StandardsThis Appendix discusses two security standards which are supported by theWi-Fi Array, and discusses their implementation.zImplementing PCI DSS on the Wi-Fi ArrayzImplementing FIPS Security on the Wi-Fi ArrayImplementing PCI DSS on the Wi-Fi ArrayThe Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) was developedby major credit card companies to help those that process credit card transactions(or cardholder information) in order to secure cardholder information and protectit from unauthorized access, fraud and other security issues. It lays out a set ofrequirements that must be met in order to provide adequate security for sensitivedata. Implementation of PCI DSS on the Wi-Fi Array is described in the Xirrus WhitePaper,  PCI Data Security Standard, available on the Xirrus web site. Thisdocument:zLists the specific requirements of PCI DSS for wireless networking. zDescribes how these requirements are satisfied by the Wi-Fi Array.zProvides a Checklist of the exact steps that must be taken in order todeploy the Array in accordance with PCI DSS.The pci-audit CommandThe Array provides a CLI command, pci-audit, that will check whether theArray’s configuration satisfies PCI DSS wireless requirements. This commanddoes not change any parameters, but will inform you of any violations that exist.Furthermore, the command pci-audit enable will monitor changes that you maketo the Array’s configuration in CLI or the WMI, and warn you (and issue a Syslogmessage) if the change violates PCI DSS requirements. Use this command inconjunction with the Xirrus Array Configuration Checklist in the White Paper toensure that you are using the Array in accordance with the PCI DSS requirements.
Wi-Fi Array422 Appendix D: Implementing Security Stan-The pci-audit command checks the following items:zTelnet is disabled.zAdmin RADIUS is enabled (admin login authentication is via RADIUSserver).zAn external Syslog server is in use. zAll SSIDs must set encryption to WPA or better (which also enforces802.1x authentication)Sample output from this command is shown below. Figure 190. Sample output of pci-audit commandImplementing FIPS Security on the Wi-Fi ArrayOn the Wi-Fi Array Wi-Fi Arrays may be configured to satisfy the requirementsfor Level 2 of Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140-2.The procedure in this section lists simple steps that must be followed exactly toimplement FIPS 140-2, Level 2. The procedure includes physical actions, andparameters that must be set in Web Management Interface (WMI) windows in theSecurity section and in other sections.The following topics are discussed:z“To implement FIPS 140-2, Level 2 using WMI” on page 423.z“To check if an Array is in FIPS mode:” on page 428z“To implement FIPS 140-2, Level 2 using CLI:” on page 428SS-Array(config)# pci-auditPCI audit failure: telnet enabled.PCI audit failure: admin RADIUS authentication disabled.PCI audit failure: SSID ssid2 encryption too weak.PCI audit failure: SSID ssid3 encryption too weak.PCI audit failure: SSID ssid4 encryption too weak.PCI audit failure: SSID ssid5 encryption too weak.PCI audit failure: SSID ssid6 encryption too weak.
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix D: Implementing Security Standards 423To implement FIPS 140-2, Level 2 using WMI1. Apply the supplied tamper-evident seals to the unit as indicated in thefigures below. The procedure is slightly different, depending on themodel.•Before you apply the tamper-evident seal, clean the area of anygrease, dirt, or oil. We recommend using alcohol-based cleaning padsfor this. •Each seal must be applied to straddle both sides of an opening so thatit will show if an attempt has been made to open the Array. •XS16, XS12, XS8, XS-3900, or XS-3700—Apply two seals, one on eitherside of the Array about 180° apart from each other, as shown. Apply athird seal to the access panel opening, as shown. IMPORTANT:Make sure that each seal straddles a seam. Figure 191. Applying Three Seals to the XS16/XS12/XS8 or XS-3900/XS-3700123
Wi-Fi Array424 Appendix D: Implementing Security Stan-•XS4 or XS-3500—Apply two seals, one on either side of the Arrayabout 180° apart from each other, as shown. IMPORTANT: Makesure that each seal straddles a seam. Figure 192. Applying Two Tamper-evident seals to the XS4 or XS-35002. Enable HTTPS using the CLI if it is not already enabled, using thefollowing command:Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config)# https onThis allows the Web Management Interface to be used for the rest of thisprocedure. HTTPS is enabled on Arrays by default. 12
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix D: Implementing Security Standards 4253. Select the SSIDs/SSID Management window. Set Encryption Type toWPA2 (Figure 193 ). Click Modify, then Save. Make sure that this is setfor each SSID. Figure 193.  SSID Management Window
Wi-Fi Array426 Appendix D: Implementing Security Stan-4. In the Security/Global Settings window, select No for TKIP Enabled andYes for AES Enabled. Click Apply, then Save. Figure 194. Security/Global Settings Window
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix D: Implementing Security Standards 4275. In the Security/Management Control window, select Yes for EnableManagement over SSH. Select No for Enable Management over Telnetand for Enable Management over IAPs. Click Apply, then Save. Figure 195. Security/Management Control Window6. In the Services/SNMP window, select No for Enable SNMP. Click Apply,then Save. Figure 196. Services/SNMP Window
Wi-Fi Array428 Appendix D: Implementing Security Stan-7. In the IAPs/Global Settings window, select Off for Fast Roaming. ClickApply, then Save. Figure 197. IAPs/Global Settings ScreenTo check if an Array is in FIPS mode: You may determine whether or not the Array is running in FIPS mode byverifying that the settings described in the previous procedure are in effect. To implement FIPS 140-2, Level 2 using CLI: 1. The following CLI command will perform all of the settings required toput the Array in FIPS mode:. Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config}# fips on This command remembers your previous settings for FIPS-relatedattributes. They will be restored if you use the fips off command. Use the save command to save these changes to flash memory.2. Use the fips off command if you would like to revert the FIPS settingsback to the values they had before you entered the fips on command. Xirrus_Wi-Fi_Array(config}# fips off Use the save command to save these changes to flash memory.
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix D: Implementing Security Standards 429See AlsoThe Web Management InterfaceThe Command Line Interface
Wi-Fi Array430 Appendix D: Implementing Security Stan-
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix E: Notices 431Appendix E: NoticesThis appendix contains the following information:z“Notices” on page 431z“EU Directive 1999/5/EC Compliance Information” on page 434z“Safety Warnings” on page 442z“Translated Safety Warnings” on page 443z“Software Warranty and License Agreement” on page 444z“Hardware Warranty Agreement” on page 451NoticesFCC NoticeThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules, with operation subject to thefollowing two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference thatmay cause unwanted operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class Adigital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residentialinstallation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate RF energy and, if notinstalled and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment doescause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try tocorrect the interference by one or more of the following safety measures:zReorient or relocate the receiving antenna.zIncrease the separation between the equipment and the receiver.zConsult the dealer or an experienced wireless technician for help.Use of a shielded twisted pair (STP) cable must be used for all Ethernetconnections in order to comply with EMC requirements.
Wi-Fi Array432 Appendix E: NoticesRF Radiation Hazard WarningTo ensure compliance with FCC RF exposure requirements, this device must beinstalled in a location where the antennas of the device will have a minimumdistance of at least 25 cm (9.84 inches) from all persons. Using higher gainantennas and types of antennas not certified for use with this product is notallowed. The device shall not be co-located with another transmitter.Non-Modification StatementUnauthorized changes or modifications to the device are not permitted. Use onlythe supplied internal antenna, or external antennas supplied by the manufacturer.Modifications to the device will void the warranty and may violate FCCregulations. Please go to the Xirrus Web site for a list of all approved antennas.Indoor UseThis product has been designed for indoor use. Operation of channels in the5150MHz to 5250MHz band is permitted indoors only to reduce the potential forharmful interference to co-channel mobile satellite systems.Cable Runs for Power over Gigabit Ethernet (PoGE)If using PoGE, the Array must be connected to PoGE networks without routingcabling to the outside plant—this ensures that cabling is not exposed to lightningstrikes or possible cross over from high voltage.Battery WarningCaution! The Array contains a battery which is not to be replaced by the customer.Danger of Explosion exists if the battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only withthe same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of usedbatteries according to the manufacturer's instructions.Power CordIf you will be using the Array with a power cord, you must use a UL-Approvedcord (supplied with the unit). Order new power cords from the Xirrus productlist—Xirrus supplies only UL-approved power cords.
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix E: Notices 433Maximum Antenna GainCurrently, the maximum antenna gain for external antennas is limited to 5.2dBifor operation in the 2400MHz to 2483.5MHz, 5150MHz to 5250MHz and5725MHz to 5825MHz bands. The antenna gains must not exceed maximum EIRPlimits set by the FCC / Industry Canada.High Power RadarsHigh power radars are allocated as primary users (meaning they have priority) inthe 5150MHz to 5250MHz and 5650MHz to 5850MHz bands. These radars couldcause interference and/or damage to LELAN devices used in Canada.Industry Canada Notice and MarkingThis Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe A est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.The term “IC:” before the radio certification number only signifies that IndustryCanada technical specifications were met.To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gainshould be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is notmore than that required for successful communication.
Wi-Fi Array434 Appendix E: NoticesEU Directive 1999/5/EC Compliance InformationThis section contains compliance information for the Xirrus Wi-Fi Array family ofproducts, which includes the XN16, XN12, XN8, XN4, XS16, XS12, XS8, XS4, XS-3900, XS-3700 and XS-3500. The compliance information contained in this sectionis relevant to the European Union and other countries that have implemented theEU Directive 1999/5/EC.Declaration of ConformityCesky [Czech] Toto zahzeni je v souladu se základnimi požadavky aostatnimi odpovidajcimi ustano veni mi Směrnice1999/5/EC.Dansk [Danish] Dette udstyr er i overensstemmelse med devæsentlige krav og andre relevante bestemmelser iDirektiv 1999/5/EF.Deutsch [German] Dieses Gerat entspricht den grundlegendenAnforderungen und den weiteren entsprechendenVorgaben der Richtinie 1999/5/EU.Eesti [Estonian] See seande vastab direktiivi 1999/5/EU olulistelenöuetele ja teistele as jakohastele sätetele.English This equipment is in compliance with the essentialrequirements and other relevant provisions ofDirective 1999/5/EC.Español [Spain] Este equipo cump le con los requisitos esenciales asicomo con otras disposiciones de la Directiva 1999/5/CE.Ελληνυκη [Greek] Αυτόζ ο εξοπλτσμόζ είναι σε συμμόρφωση με τιζουσιώδειζ απαιτήσειζ και ύλλεζ σχετικέζ διατάξειζ τηζΟδηγιαζ 1999/5/EC.Français [French] Cet appareil est conforme aux exigences essentielleset aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la Directive1999/5/EC.
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix E: Notices 435ĺslenska [Icelandic] Þetta tæki er samkvæmt grunnkröfum og öðrumviðeigandi ákvæðum Tilskipunar 1999/5/EC.Italiano [Italian] Questo apparato é conforme ai requisiti essenziali edagli altri principi sanciti dalla Direttiva 1999/5/CE.Latviski [Latvian] Šī iekārta atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajāprasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem.Lietuvių [Lithuanian] Šis  įrenginys tenkina 1995/5/EB Direktyvosesminius reikalavimus ir kitas šios direktyvosnuostatas.Nederlands [Dutch] Dit apparant voldoet aan de essentiele eisen enandere van toepassing zijnde bepalingen van deRichtlijn 1995/5/EC.Malti [Maltese] Dan l-apparant huwa konformi mal-htigiet essenzjaliu l-provedimenti l-ohra rilevanti tad-Direttiva 1999/5/EC.Margyar [Hungarian] Ez a készülék teljesiti az alapvetö követelményeketés más 1999/5/EK irányelvben meghatározottvonatkozó rendelkezéseket.Norsk [Norwegian] Dette utstyret er i samsvar med de grunnleggendekrav og andre relevante bestemmelser i EU-direktiv1999/5/EF.Polski [Polish] Urządzenie jest zgodne z ogólnymi wymaganiamioraz sczególnymi mi warunkami określony miDyrektywą. UE:1999/5/EC.Portuguès [Portuguese] Este equipamento está em conformidade com osrequisitos essenciais e outras provisões relevantes daDirectiva 1999/5/EC.Slovensko [Slovenian] Ta naprava je skladna z bistvenimi zahtevami inostalimi relevantnimi popoji Direktive 1999/5/EC.
Wi-Fi Array436 Appendix E: NoticesAssessment CriteriaThe following standards were applied during the assessment of the productagainst the requirements of the Directive 1999/5/EC:zRadio: EN 301 893 and EN 300 328 (if applicable)zEMC: EN 301 489-1 and EN 301 489-17zSafety: EN 50371 to EN 50385 and EN 60601CE MarkingFor the Xirrus Wi-Fi Array (XN16, XN12, XN8, XN4XS16, XS12, XS8, XS4, XS-3900,XS-3700 and XS-3500), the CE mark and Class-2 identifier opposite are affixed tothe equipment and its packaging: Slovensky [Slovak] Toto zariadenie je v zhode so základnýmipožadavkami a inými prislušnými nariadeniamidirektiv: 1999/5/EC.Suomi [Finnish] Tämä laite täyttää direktiivin 1999/5//EY olennaisetvaatimukset ja on siinä asetettujen muiden laitettakoskevien määräysten mukainen.Svenska [Swedish] Denna utrustning är i överensstämmelse med deväsentliga kraven och andra relevanta bestämmelseri Direktiv 1999/5/EC.
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix E: Notices 437WEEE CompliancezNatural resources were used in the productionof this equipment.zThis equipment may contain hazardoussubstances that could impact the health of theenvironment.zIn order to avoid harm to the environment andconsumption of natural resources, weencourage you to use appropriate take-backsystems when disposing of this equipment.zThe appropriate take-back systems will reuseor recycle most of the materials of thisequipment in a way that will not harm theenvironment.zThe crossed-out wheeled bin symbol (inaccordance with European Standard EN 50419)invites you to use those take-back systems andadvises you not to combine the material withrefuse destined for a land fill.zIf you need more information on collection, re-use and recycling systems, please contact yourlocal or regional waste administration.zPlease contact Xirrus for specific informationon the environmental performance of our
Wi-Fi Array438 Appendix E: NoticesNational RestrictionsIn the majority of the EU and other European countries, the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHzbands have been made available for the use of Wireless LANs. The following tableprovides an overview of the regulatory requirements in general that areapplicable for the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands.*Dynamic frequency selection and Transmit Power Control is required in thesefrequency bands.**France is indoor use only in the upper end of the band.The requirements for any country may change at any time. Xirrus recommendsthat you check with local authorities for the current status of their nationalregulations for both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz wireless LANs.The following countries have additional requirements or restrictions than thoselisted in the above table:BelgiumThe Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) must be notified of any outdoor wireless link having a range exceeding 300 meters. Xirrus recommends checking at for more details.Draadloze verbindingen voor buitengebruik en met een reikwijdte van meer dan 300 meter dienen aangemeld te worden bij het Belgisch Instituut voor postdiensten en telecommunicatie (BIPT). Zie voor meer gegevens.Frequency Band (MHz)Max Power Level (EIRP) (mW) Indoor  Outdoor 2400–2483.5 100 X X**5150–5350* 200 X N/A5470–5725* 1000 X X
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix E: Notices 439Les liasons sans fil pour une utilisation en extérieur d’une distance supérieure à 300 mèters doivent être notifiées à l’Institut Belge des services Postaux et des Télécommunications (IBPT). Visitez pour de plus amples détails.FranceThe use of the band from 5470 MHz to 5725 MHz is not allowed in France. The band from 5150 MHz to 5350 MHz can only be used indoors. If the product is used outdoors, the use of any 5 GHz frequency is not allowed, and power output is restricted in some portions of the 2.4 GHz band. Refer to the following table or go to for more details.L’utilisation de la bande 5470 MHz à 5725 MHz n’est pas autorisée en France. La bande de 5150 MHz à 5350 MHz ne peut être utilisée qu’ à l’intérieur d’un bâtiment. Dans le cas d’une utilisation en extérieur aucune fréquence dans le bandes des 5 GHz n’est permise, tandis que la puissance est limitée dans certaines parties de la bande des 2.4 GHz. Reportez-vous à la suivre table ou visitez pour de plus amples détails.The following table shows the applicable power levels for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz in France (Puissances utilisables dans les bandes 2.4 GHz et 5 GHz en France).Location Frequency Range (MHz) Power (EIRP)Indoor(Intérieur) 2400–2483.55150–53505470–5725100 mW (20 dBm)200 mW (23 dBm)Not allowed (Interdit)Outdoor(Extérieur) 2400–24542454–2483.55150–53505470–5725100 mW (20 dBm)10 mW (10 dBm)Not allowed (Interdit)Not allowed (Interdit)
Wi-Fi Array440 Appendix E: NoticesGreeceA license from EETT is required for the outdoor operation in the 5470 MHz to 5725 MHz band. Xirrus recommends checking for more details.Η δη ιουργβάικτ ωνεξωτερικο ρουστη ζ νησυ νοτ των 5470–5725 ΜΗz ε ιτρ ετάιωνο ετάά όάδειά της ΕΕΤΤ, ου ορηγεβτάι στερά ά ό σ φωνη γν η του ΓΕΕΘΑ. ερισσότερες λε τομ ρειεωστο www.eett.grItalyThis product meets the National Radio Interface and the requirements specified in the National Frequency Allocation Table for Italy. Unless this wireless LAN product is operating within the boundaries of the owner’s property, its use requires a “general authorization.” Please check with for more details.Questo prodotto é conforme alla specifiche di Interfaccia Radio Nazionali e rispetta il Piano Nazionale di ripartizione delle frequenze in Italia. Se non viene installato all’interno del proprio fondo, l’utilizzo di prodotti wireless LAN richiede una “autorizzazione Generale.” Consultare per maggiori dettagli.Norway, Switzerland and LiechtensteinAlthough Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein are not EU member states, the EU Directive 1999/5/EC has also been implemented in those countries.Calculating the Maximum Output Power The regulatory limits for maximum output power are specified in EIRP (radiatedpower). The EIRP level of a device can be calculated by adding the gain of theantenna used (specified in dBi) to the output power available at the connector(specified in dBm).
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix E: Notices 441AntennasThe Xirrus Wi-Fi Array employs integrated antennas that cannot be removed andwhich are not user accessible. Nevertheless, as regulatory limits are not the samethroughout the EU, users may need to adjust the conducted power setting for theradio to meet the EIRP limits applicable in their country or region. Adjustmentscan be made from the product’s management interface—either Web ManagementInterface (WMI) or Command Line Interface (CLI).Operating FrequencyThe operating frequency in a wireless LAN is determined by the access point. Assuch, it is important that the access point is correctly configured to meet the localregulations. See National Restrictions in this section for more information.If you still have questions regarding the compliance of Xirrus products or youcannot find the information you are looking for, please contact us at:Xirrus, Inc.2101 Corporate Center DriveThousand Oaks, CA 91320USATel: 1.805.262.16001.800.947.7871 Toll Free in the USFax:
Wi-Fi Array442 Appendix E: NoticesSafety WarningsTranslated safety warnings appear on the following page. !Safety WarningsRead all user documentation before powering this device. All Xirrusinterconnected equipment should be contained indoors. This product isnot suitable for outdoor operation. Please verify the integrity of thesystem ground prior to installing Xirrus equipment. Additionally,verify that the ambient operating temperature does not exceed 50°C.!Explosive Device Proximity WarningDo not operate the XN16/XN12/XN8/XN4/XS16/XS12/XS8/XS4/XS-3900/XS-3700/XS-3500 unit near unshielded blasting caps or in anexplosive environment unless the device has been modified to beespecially qualified for such use.!Lightning Activity WarningDo not work on the XN16/XN12/XN8/XN4/XS16/XS12/XS8/XS4/XS-3900/XS-3700/XS-3500 or connect or disconnect cables duringperiods of lightning activity.!Circuit Breaker WarningThe XN16/XN12/XN8/XN4/XS16/XS12/XS8/XS4/XS-3900/XS-3700/ XS-3500 relies on the building’s installation for over currentprotection. Ensure that a fuse or circuit breaker no larger than 120 VAC,15A (U.S.) or 240 VAC, 10A (International) is used on all current-carrying conductors.
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix E: Notices 443Translated Safety WarningsAvertissements de Sécurité!SécuritéLisez l'ensemble de la documentation utilisateur avant de mettre cetappareil sous tension. Tous les équipements Xirrus interconnectésdoivent être installés en intérieur. Ce produit n'est pas conçu pour êtreutilisé en extérieur. Veuillez vérifier l'intégrité de la terre du systèmeavant d'installer des équipements Xirrus. Vérifiez également que latempérature de fonctionnement ambiante n'excède pas 50°C.!Proximité d'appareils explosifsN'utilisez pas l'unité XN16/XN12/XN8/XN4/XS16/XS12/XS8/XS4/XS-3900/XS-3700/XS-3500 à proximité d'amorces non blindées ou dansun environnement explosif, à moins que l'appareil n'ait étéspécifiquement modifié pour un tel usage.!FoudreN'utilisez pas l'unité XN16/XN12/XN8/XN4/XS16/XS12/XS8/XS4/XS-3900/XS-3700/XS-3500 et ne branchez pas ou ne débranchez pas decâbles en cas de foudre.!DisjoncteurL'unité XN16/XN12/XN8/XN4/XS16/XS12/XS8/XS4/XS-3900/XS-3700/XS-3500 dépend de l'installation du bâtiment pour ce qui est de laprotection contre les surintensités. Assurez-vous qu'un fusible ou qu'undisjoncteur de 120 Vca, 15 A (États-Unis) ou de 240 Vca, 10 A(International) maximum est utilisé sur tous les conducteurs decourant.
Wi-Fi Array444 Appendix E: NoticesSoftware Warranty and License AgreementTHIS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (THE “AGREEMENT”) IS A LEGALAGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU (“CUSTOMER”) AND LICENSOR (AS DEFINEDBELOW) AND GOVERNS THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE INSTALLED ON THEPRODUCT (AS DEFINED BELOW). IF YOU ARE AN EMPLOYEEbo OR AGENTOF CUSTOMER, YOU HEREBY REPRESENT AND WARRANT TO LICENSORTHAT YOU HAVE THE POWER AND AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT AND TOBIND CUSTOMER TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT(INCLUDING ANY THIRD PARTY TERMS SET FORTH HEREIN). IF YOU DONOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT RETURN THEPRODUCT AND ALL ACCOMPANYING MATERIALS (INCLUDING ALLDOCUMENTATION) TO THE RELEVANT VENDOR FOR A FULL REFUND OFTHE PURCHASE PRICE THEREFOR. CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES THAT USE OF THE SOFTWARESHALL BE DEEMED AN AGREEMENT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONSGOVERNING SUCH SOFTWARE AND THAT CUSTOMER IS BOUND BY ANDBECOMES A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT.1. Definitions1.1 “Documentation” means the user manuals and all other alldocumentation, instructions or other similar materials accompanying theSoftware covering the installation, application, and use thereof.1.2 “Licensor” means XIRRUS and its suppliers.1.3 “Product” means a multi-radio access point containing four or moredistinct radios capable of simultaneous operation on four or more non-overlapping channels.1.4 “Software” means, collectively, each of the application and embeddedsoftware programs delivered to Customer in connection with thisAgreement. For purposes of this Agreement, the term Software shall bedeemed to include any and all Documentation and Updates providedwith or for the Software. 1.5 “Updates” means any bug-fix, maintenance or version release to theSoftware that may be provided to Customer from Licensor pursuant tothis Agreement or pursuant to any separate maintenance and supportagreement entered into by and between Licensor and Customer.
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix E: Notices 4452. Grant of Rights2.1 Software. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Licensorhereby grants to Customer a perpetual, non-exclusive, non-sublicenseable, non-transferable right and license to use the Softwaresolely as installed on the Product in accordance with the accompanyingDocumentation and for no other purpose.    2.2 Ownership. The license granted under Sections 2.1 above with respect tothe Software does not constitute a transfer or sale of Licensor's or itssuppliers' ownership interest in or to the Software, which is solelylicensed to Customer. The Software is protected by both national andinternational intellectual property laws and treaties. Except for theexpress licenses granted to the Software, Licensor and its suppliers retainall rights, title and interest in and to the Software, including (i) any and alltrade secrets, copyrights, patents and other proprietary rights therein orthereto or (ii) any Marks (as defined in Section 2.3 below) used inconnection therewith. In no event shall Customer remove, efface orotherwise obscure any Marks contained on or in the Software. All rightsnot expressly granted herein are reserved by Licensor. 2.3 Copies. Customer shall not make any copies of the Software but shall bepermitted to make a reasonable number of copies of the relatedDocumentation. Whenever Customer copies or reproduces all or any partof the Documentation, Customer shall reproduce all and not efface anytitles, trademark symbols, copyright symbols and legends, and otherproprietary markings or similar indicia of origin (“Marks”) on or in theDocumentation.2.4 Restrictions. Customer shall not itself, or through any parent, subsidiary,affiliate, agent or other third party (i) sell, rent, lease, license orsublicense, assign or otherwise transfer the Software, or any ofCustomer's rights and obligations under this Agreement except asexpressly permitted herein; (ii) decompile, disassemble, or reverseengineer the Software, in whole or in part, provided that in thosejurisdictions in which a total prohibition on any reverse engineering isprohibited as a matter of law and such prohibition is not cured by the factthat this Agreement is subject to the laws of the State of California,Licensor agrees to grant Customer, upon Customer's written request toLicensor, a limited reverse engineering license to permit interoperabilityof the Software with other software or code used by Customer; (iii) allowaccess to the Software by any user other than by Customer's employeesand contractors who are bound in writing to confidentiality and non-userestrictions at least as protective as those set forth herein; (iv) except asexpressly set forth herein, write or develop any derivative software orany other software program based upon the Software; or (v) use any
Wi-Fi Array446 Appendix E: Noticescomputer software or hardware which is designated to defeat any copyprotection or other use limiting device, including any device intended tolimit the number of users or devices accessing the Product. 3. Limited Warranty and Limitation of Liability3.1 Limited Warranty & Exclusions. Licensor warrants that the Software willperform in substantial accordance with the specifications therefor setforth in the Documentation for a period of ninety [90] days afterCustomer's acceptance of the terms of this Agreement with respect to theSoftware (“Warranty Period”). If during the Warranty Period theSoftware does not perform as warranted, Licensor shall, at its option,correct the relevant Software giving rise to such breach of performance orreplace such Software free of charge. THE FOREGOING ARECUSTOMER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES FOR BREACH OFTHE FOREGOING WARRANTY. THE WARRANTY SET FORTHABOVE IS MADE TO AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF CUSTOMER ONLY.The warranty will apply only if (i) the Software has been used at all timesand in accordance with the instructions for use set forth in theDocumentation and this Agreement; (ii) no modification, alteration oraddition has been made to the Software by persons other than Licensor orLicensor's authorized representative; and (iii) the Software or Product onwhich the Software is installed has not been subject to any unusualelectrical charge.3.2 DISCLAIMER. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS SECTION 3,ALL ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS, ANDWARRANTIES, WHETHER IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE,INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIESOR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, ACCURACY,AGAINST INFRINGEMENT OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OFDEALING, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE, ARE HEREBYDISCLAIMED BY LICENSOR AND ITS SUPPLIERS. THIS DISCLAIMERSHALL APPLY EVEN IF ANY EXPRESS WARRANTY AND LIMITEDREMEDY OFFERED BY LICENSOR FAILS OF ITS ESSENTIALPURPOSE. ALL WARRANTIES PROVIDED BY LICENSOR ARESUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY SET FORTH IN THISAGREEMENT. 3.3 HAZARDOUS APPLICATIONS. THE SOFTWARE IS NOT DESIGNEDOR INTENDED FOR USE IN HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTSREQUIRING FAIL SAFE PERFORMANCE, SUCH AS IN THEOPERATION OF A NUCLEAR FACILITY, AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION ORCOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLS OR OTHER
Wi-Fi Array448 Appendix E: Notices4. Confidential Information4.1 Generally. The Software (and its accompanying Documentation)constitutes Licensor's and its suppliers' proprietary and confidentialinformation and contains valuable trade secrets of Licensor and itssuppliers (“Confidential Information”). Customer shall protect thesecrecy of the Confidential Information to the same extent it protects itsother valuable, proprietary and confidential information of a similarnature but in no event shall Customer use less than reasonable care tomaintain the secrecy of the Confidential Information. Customer shall notuse the Confidential Information except to exercise its rights or performits obligations as set forth under this Agreement. Customer shall notdisclose such Confidential Information to any third party other thansubject to non-use and non-disclosure obligations at least as protective ofa party's right in such Confidential Information as those set forth herein. 4.2 Return of Materials. Customer agrees to (i) destroy all ConfidentialInformation (including deleting any and all copies contained on any ofCustomer's Designated Hardware or the Product) within fifteen (15) daysof the date of termination of this Agreement or (ii) if requested byLicensor, return, any Confidential Information to Licensor within thirty(30) days of Licensor's written request. 5. Term and Termination5.1 Term. Subject to Section 5.2 below, this Agreement will take effect on theEffective Date and will remain in force until terminated in accordancewith this Agreement.5.2 Termination Events. This Agreement may be terminated immediatelyupon written notice by either party under any of the followingconditions: (a) If the other party has failed to cure a breach of any material term orcondition under the Agreement within thirty (30) days after receipt ofnotice from the other party; or(b) Either party ceases to carry on business as a going concern, eitherparty becomes the object of the institution of voluntary orinvoluntary proceedings in bankruptcy or liquidation, whichproceeding is not dismissed within ninety (90) days, or a receiver isappointed with respect to a substantial part of its assets.
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix E: Notices 4495.3 Effect of Termination. (a) Upon termination of this Agreement, in whole or in part, Customershall pay Licensor for all amounts owed up to the effective date oftermination. Termination of this Agreement shall not constitute awaiver for any amounts due. (b) The following Sections shall survive the termination of thisAgreement for any reason: Sections 1, 2.2, 2.4, 3, 4, 5.3, and 6. (c) No later than thirty (30) days after the date of termination of thisAgreement by Licensor, Customer shall upon Licensor's instructionseither return the Software and all copies thereof; all Documentationrelating thereto in its possession that is in tangible form or destroy thesame (including any copies thereof contained on Customer'sDesignated Hardware). Customer shall furnish Licensor with acertificate signed by an executive officer of Customer verifying thatthe same has been done.6. MiscellaneousIf Customer is a corporation, partnership or similar entity, then the license tothe Software and Documentation that is granted under this Agreement isexpressly conditioned upon and Customer represents and warrants toLicensor that the person accepting the terms of this Agreement is authorizedto bind such entity to the terms and conditions herein. If any provision of thisAgreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, it will be enforced to theextent permissible and the remainder of this Agreement will remain in fullforce and effect. During the course of use of the Software, Licensor maycollect information on your use thereof; you hereby authorize Licensor to usesuch information to improve its products and services, and to disclose thesame to third parties provided it does not contain any personally identifiableinformation. The express waiver by either party of any provision, conditionor requirement of this Agreement does not constitute a waiver of any futureobligation to comply with such provision, condition or requirement.Customer and Licensor are independent parties. Customer may not export orre-export the Software or Documentation (or other materials) withoutappropriate United States, European Union and foreign government licensesor in violation of the United State's Export Administration Act or foreignequivalents and Customer shall comply with all national and internationallaws governing the Software. This Agreement will be governed by andconstrued under the laws of the State of California and the United States asapplied to agreements entered into and to be performed entirely withinCalifornia, without regard to conflicts of laws provisions thereof and theparties expressly exclude the application of the United Nations Conventionon Contracts for the International Sales of Goods and the Uniform Computer
Wi-Fi Array450 Appendix E: NoticesInformation Transactions Act (as promulgated by any State) to thisAgreement. Suits or enforcement actions must be brought within, and eachparty irrevocably commits to the exclusive jurisdiction of, the state andfederal courts located in Ventura County, California. Customer may notassign this Agreement by operation of law or otherwise, without the priorwritten consent of Licensor and any attempted assignment in violation of theforegoing shall be null and void. This Agreement cancels and supersedes allprior agreements between the parties. This Agreement may not be variedexcept through a document agreed to and signed by both parties. Any printedterms and conditions contained in any Customer purchase order or in anyLicensor acknowledgment, invoice or other documentation relating to theSoftware shall be deemed deleted and of no force or effect and any additionaltyped and/or written terms and conditions contained shall be foradministrative purposes only, i.e. to identify the types and quantities ofSoftware to be supplied, line item prices and total price, delivery schedule,and other similar ordering data, all in accordance with the provisions of thisAgreement.
Wi-Fi ArrayAppendix E: Notices 451Hardware Warranty AgreementPLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THISPRODUCTBY USING THIS PRODUCT, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READAND UNDERSTOOD ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THISAGREEMENT AND THAT YOU ARE CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY THISAGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THISAGREEMENT, RETURN THE UNUSED PRODUCT TO THE PLACE OFPURCHASE FOR A FULL REFUND.LIMITED WARRANTY. Xirrus warrants that for a period of one year from thedate of purchase by the original purchaser (“Customer”): (i) the Xirrus Equipment(“Equipment”) will be free of defects in materials and workmanship undernormal use; and (ii) the Equipment substantially conforms to its publishedspecifications. Except for the foregoing, the Equipment is provided AS IS. Thislimited warranty extends only to Customer as the original purchaser. Customer'sexclusive remedy and the entire liability of Xirrus and its suppliers under thislimited warranty will be, at Xirrus' option, repair, replacement, or refund of theEquipment if reported (or, upon request, returned) to the party supplying theEquipment to Customer. In no event does Xirrus warrant that the Equipment iserror free or that Customer will be able to operate the Equipment withoutproblems or interruptions. This warranty does not apply if the Equipment (a) has been altered, except byXirrus, (b) has not been installed, operated, repaired, or maintained in accordancewith instructions supplied by Xirrus, (c) has been subjected to abnormal physicalor electrical stress, misuse, negligence, or accident, or (d) is used in ultra-hazardous activities. DISCLAIMER. EXCEPT AS SPECIFIED IN THIS WARRANTY, ALL EXPRESS ORIMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS, AND WARRANTIESINCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OFMERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE,NONINFRINGEMENT OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE,OR TRADE PRACTICE, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED TO THE EXTENTALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW. IN NO EVENT WILL XIRRUS OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSTREVENUE, PROFIT, OR DATA, OR FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT,CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES HOWEVERCAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY ARISING OUTOF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE EQUIPMENT EVEN IF XIRRUSOR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCHDAMAGES. In no event shall Xirrus' or its suppliers' liability to Customer,
Wi-Fi Array452 Appendix E: Noticeswhether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, exceed the pricepaid by Customer.The foregoing limitations shall apply even if the above-stated warranty fails of itsessential purpose. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATION OREXCLUSION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTALDAMAGES. The above warranty DOES NOT apply to any evaluation Equipment madeavailable for testing or demonstration purposes. All such Equipment is providedAS IS without any warranty whatsoever. Customer agrees the Equipment and related documentation shall not be used inlife support systems, human implantation, nuclear facilities or systems or anyother application where failure could lead to a loss of life or catastrophic propertydamage, or cause or permit any third party to do any of the foregoing. All information or feedback provided by Customer to Xirrus with respect to theProduct shall be Xirrus' property and deemed confidential information of Xirrus.Equipment including technical data, is subject to U.S. export control laws,including the U.S. Export Administration Act and its associated regulations, andmay be subject to export or import regulations in other countries. Customeragrees to comply strictly with all such regulations and acknowledges that it hasthe responsibility to obtain licenses to export, re-export, or import Equipment.This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the lawsof the State of California, United States of America, as if performed wholly withinthe state and without giving effect to the principles of conflict of law. If anyportion hereof is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining provisions ofthis Warranty shall remain in full force and effect. This Warranty constitutes theentire agreement between the parties with respect to the use of the Equipment. Manufacturer is Xirrus, Inc.  2101 Corporate Center Drive Thousand Oaks, CA91320
Wi-Fi ArrayGlossary of Terms 453Glossary of Terms802.11aA supplement to the IEEE 802.11 WLAN specification that describes radiotransmissions at a frequency of 5 GHz and data rates of up to 54 Mbps.802.11bA supplement to the IEEE 802.11 WLAN specification that describes radiotransmissions at a frequency of 2.4 GHz and data rates of up to 11 Mbps.802.11dA supplement to the Media Access Control (MAC) layer in 802.11 to promoteworldwide use of 802.11 WLANs. It allows Access Points to communicateinformation on the permissible radio channels with acceptable power levels foruser devices. Because the 802.11 standards cannot legally operate in somecountries, 802.11d adds features and restrictions to allow WLANs to operatewithin the rules of these countries.802.11gA supplement to the IEEE 802.11 WLAN specification that describes radiotransmissions at a frequency of 2.4 GHz and data rates of up to 54 Mbps.802.11nA supplement to the IEEE 802.11 WLAN specification that describesenhancements to 802.11a/b/g to greatly enhance reach, speed, and capacity.802.1QAn IEEE standard for MAC layer frame tagging (also known as encapsulation).Frame tagging uniquely assigns a user-defined ID to each frame. It also enables aswitch to communicate VLAN membership information across multiple (andmulti-vendor) devices by frame tagging.AES(Advanced Encryption Standard) A data encryption scheme that uses threedifferent key sizes (128-bit, 192-bit, and 256-bit). AES was adopted by the U.S.government in 2002 as the encryption standard for protecting sensitive butunclassified electronic data.
Wi-Fi Array454 Glossary of TermsauthenticationThe process that a station, device, or user employs to announce its identify tothe network which validates it. IEEE 802.11 specifies two forms of authentication,open system and shared key.bandwidthSpecifies the amount of the frequency spectrum that is usable for data transfer. Inother words, it identifies the maximum data rate a signal can attain onthe medium without encountering significant attenuation (loss of power).beacon intervalWhen a device in a wireless network sends a beacon, it includes with it a beaconinterval, which specifies the period of time before it will send the beacon again.The interval tells receiving devices on the network how long they can wait in lowpower mode before waking up to handle the beacon. Network administrators canadjust the beacon interval—usually measured in milliseconds (ms) or itsequivalent, kilo-microseconds (Kmsec).bit rateThe transmission rate of binary symbols ('0' and '1'), equal to the total number ofbits transmitted in one second.BSS(Basic Service Set) When a WLAN is operating in infrastructure mode, each accesspoint and its connected devices are called the Basic Service Set.BSSIDThe unique identifier for an access point in a BSS network. See also, SSID.CDP(Cisco Discovery Protocol) CDP is a layer 2 network protocol which runs on mostCisco equipment and some other network equipment. It is used to shareinformation with other directly connected network devices. Information such asthe model, network capabilities, and IP address is shared. Wi-Fi Arrays can bothadvertise their presence by sending CDP announcements, and gather and displayinformation sent by neighbors.
Wi-Fi ArrayGlossary of Terms 455cellThe basic geographical unit of a cellular communications system. Servicecoverage of a given area is based on an interlocking network of cells, each with aradio base station (transmitter/receiver) at its center. The size of each cell isdetermined by the terrain and forecasted number of users.channelA specific portion of the radio spectrum—the channels allotted to one ofthe wireless networking protocols. For example, 802.11b and 802.11g use 14channels in the 2.4 GHz band, only 3 of which don't overlap (1, 6, and 11). In the 5GHz band, 802.11a uses 8 channels for indoor use and 4 for outdoor use, none ofwhich overlap. In the U.S., additional channels are available, to bring the total to24 channels. CoS(Class of Service) A category based on the type of user, type of application,or some other criteria that QoS systems can use to provide differentiated classes ofservice.default gatewayThe gateway in a network that a computer will use to access another network ifa gateway is not specified for use. In a network using subnets, a default gatewayis the router that forwards traffic to a destination outside of the subnet ofthe transmitting device.DHCP(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) A method for dynamically assigning IPaddresses to devices on a network. DHCP issues IP addresses automaticallywithin a specified range to client devices when they are first powered up.DHCP leaseThe DHCP lease is the amount of time that the DHCP server grants to the DHCPclient for permission to use a particular IP address. A typical DHCP server allowsits administrator to set the lease time.
Wi-Fi Array456 Glossary of TermsDNS(Domain Name System) A system that maps meaningful domain names withcomplex numeric IP addresses. DNS is actually a separate network—if one DNSserver cannot translate a domain name, it will ask a second or third until a serveris found with the correct IP address.domainThe main name/Internet address of a user's Internet site as registered withthe InterNIC organization, which handles domain registration on the Internet. Forexample, the “domain” address for Xirrus is:, brokendown as follows:zhttp:// represents the Hyper Text Teleprocessing Protocol used by all Webpages.zwww is a reference to the World Wide Web.zxirrus refers to the company.zcom specifies that the domain belongs to a commercial enterprise.DTIM(Delivery Traffic Indication Message) A DTIM is a signal sent as part of a beaconby an access point to a client device in sleep mode, alerting the device to a packetawaiting delivery.EAP(Extensible Authentication Protocol) When you log on to the Internet, you're mostlikely establishing a PPP connection via a remote access server. The password,key, or other device you use to prove that you are authorized to do so is controlledvia PPP’s Link Control Protocol (LCP). However, LCP is somewhat inflexiblebecause it has to specify an authentication device early in the process. EAP allowsthe system to gather more information from the user before deciding whichauthenticator to use. It is called extensible because it allows more authenticatortypes than LCP (for example, passwords and public keys).
Wi-Fi ArrayGlossary of Terms 457EDCF(Enhanced Distributed Coordinator Function) A QoS extension which usesthe same contention-based access mechanism as current devices but adds “offsetcontention windows” that separate high priority packets from low prioritypackets (by assigning a larger random backoff window to lower priorities than tohigher priorities). The result is “statistical priority,” where high-priority packetsusually are transmitted before low-priority packets.encapsulationA way of wrapping protocols such as TCP/IP, AppleTalk, and NetBEUI inEthernet frames so they can traverse an Ethernet network and be unwrappedwhen they reach the destination computer.encryptionAny procedure used in cryptography to translate data into a form that can bedecrypted and read only by its intended receiver.Fast EthernetA version of standard Ethernet that runs at 100 Mbps rather than 10 Mbps.FCC(Federal Communications Commission) US wireless regulatory authority.The FCC was established by the Communications Act of 1934 and is charged withregulating Interstate and International communications by radio, television, wire,satellite and cable.FIPSThe Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140-2 establishesa computer security standard used to accredit cryptographic modules.The standard is a joint effort by the U.S. and Canadian governments. frameA packet encapsulated to travel on a physical medium, like Ethernet or Wi-Fi. If apacket is like a shipping container, a frame is the boat on which the shippingcontainer is loaded. Gigabit 1The primary Gigabit Ethernet interface. See also, Gigabit Ethernet.
Wi-Fi Array458 Glossary of TermsGigabit 2The secondary Gigabit Ethernet interface. See also, Gigabit Ethernet.Gigabit EthernetThe newest version of Ethernet, with data transfer rates of 1 Gigabit (1,000 Mbps).GroupA user group, created to define a set of attributes (such as VLAN, traffic limits,and Web Page Redirect) and privileges (such as fast roaming) that apply to allusers that are members of the group. This allows a uniform configuration to beeasily applied to multiple user accounts. The attributes that can be configured foruser groups are almost identical to those that can be configured for SSIDs. host nameThe unique name that identifies a computer on a network. On the Internet,the host name is in the form If there is only one Internet sitethe host name is the same as the domain name. One computer can have more thanone host name if it hosts more than one Internet site (for example, In this case, comp and home are the host names and isthe domain name.IPsecA Layer 3 authentication and encryption protocol. Used to secure VPNs.MAC address(Media Access Control Address) A 6-byte hexadecimal address assigned by amanufacturer to a device.Mbps(Megabits per second) A standard measure for data transmission speeds (forexample, the rate at which information travels over the Internet). 1 Mbps denotesone million bits per second.
Wi-Fi ArrayGlossary of Terms 459MTU(Maximum Transmission Unit) The largest physical packet size—measured inbytes—that a network can transmit. Any messages larger than the MTU aredivided into smaller packets before being sent. Every network has a differentMTU, which is set by the network administrator. Ideally, you want the MTU to bethe same as the smallest MTU of all the networks between your machine anda message's final destination. Otherwise, if your messages are larger than one ofthe intervening MTUs, they will get broken up (fragmented), which slows downtransmission speeds.NTP(Network Time Protocol) An Internet standard protocol (built on top of TCP/IP)that ensures the accurate synchronization (to the millisecond) of computer clocktimes in a network of computers. Running as a continuous background clientprogram on a computer, NTP sends periodic time requests to servers, obtainingserver time stamps and using them to adjust the client's clock.packetData sent over a network is broken down into many small pieces—packets—bythe Transmission Control Protocol layer of TCP/IP. Each packet contains theaddress of its destination as well the data. Packets may be sent on any number ofroutes to their destination, where they are reassembled into the original data. Thissystem is optimal for connectionless networks, such as the Internet, where thereare no fixed connections between two locations.PLCP(Physical Layer Convergence Protocol) Defined by IEEE 802.6, a protocolspecified within the Transmission Convergence layer that defines exactly howcells are formatted within a data stream for a particular type of transmissionfacility.PoGE This refers to the optional Xirrus XP1 Power over Gigabit Ethernet modules thatprovide DC power to Arrays. Power is supplied over the same Cat 5e or Cat 6cable that supplies the data connection to your gigabit Ethernet switch, thuseliminating the need to run a power cable. See “Power over Gigabit EthernetCompatibility Matrix” on page 416 for a list of Xirrus PoGE modules and themodules that are compatible with each Array.
Wi-Fi Array460 Glossary of TermspreamblePreamble (sometimes called a header) is a section of data at the head of a packetthat contains information that the access point and client devices need whensending and receiving packets. PLCP has two structures, a long and a shortpreamble. All compliant 802.11b systems have to support the long preamble.The short preamble option is provided in the standard to improve the efficiencyof a network's throughput when transmitting special data, such as voice, VoIP(Voice-over IP) and streaming video.private keyIn cryptography, one of a pair of keys (one public and one private) that are createdwith the same algorithm for encrypting and decrypting messages and digitalsignatures. The private key is provided only to the requestor and never shared.The requestor uses the private key to decrypt text that has been encrypted withthe public key by someone else.PSK(Pre-Shared Key) A TKIP passphrase used to protect your network traffic in WPA.public keyIn cryptography, one of a pair of keys (one public and one private) that are createdwith the same algorithm for encrypting and decrypting messages and digitalsignatures. The public key is made publicly available for encryption anddecryption.QoS(Quality of Service) QoS can be used to describe any number of ways in whicha network provider prioritizes or guarantees a service's performance.RADIUS(Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) A client-server security protocol,developed to authenticate, authorize, and account for dial-up users. The RADIUSserver stores user profiles, which include passwords and authorization attributes.RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indicator) A measure of the energy observed by anantenna when receiving a signal.
Wi-Fi ArrayGlossary of Terms 461SDMA(Spatial Division Multiple Access) A wireless communications mode thatoptimizes the use of the radio spectrum and minimizes cost by taking advantageof the directional properties of antennas. The antennas are highly directional,allowing duplicate frequencies to be used for multiple zones.SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol) A standard protocol that regulatesnetwork management over the Internet.SNTP(Simple Network Time Protocol) A simplified version of NTP. SNTP can be usedwhen the ultimate performance of the full NTP implementation described in RFC1305 is not needed or justified.SSH(Secure SHell) Developed by SSH Communications Security, Secure Shell is aprogram to log into another computer over a network, to execute commands in aremote machine, and to move files from one machine to another. The Array onlyallows SSH-2 connections. SSH-2 provides strong authentication and securecommunications over insecure channels. SSH-2 protects a network from attacks,such as IP spoofing, IP source routing, and DNS spoofing. Attackers who hasmanaged to take over a network can only force SSH to disconnect—they cannot“play back” the traffic or hijack the connection when encryption is enabled. Whenusing SSH-2's slogin (instead of rlogin) the entire login session, includingtransmission of password, is encrypted making it almost impossible for anoutsider to collect passwords. Be aware that your SSH utility must be set up to useSSH-2. SSID(Service Set IDentifier) Every wireless network or network subset (such as a BSS)has a unique identifier called an SSID. Every device connected to that part of thenetwork uses the same SSID to identify itself as part of the family—when it wantsto gain access to the network or verify the origin of a data packet it is sending overthe network. In short, it is the unique name shared among all devices in a WLAN.
Wi-Fi Array462 Glossary of Termssubnet maskA mask used to determine what subnet an IP address belongs to. An IP addresshas two components: (1) the network address and (2) the host address. Forexample, consider the IP address Assuming this is part of a ClassB network, the first two numbers (150.215) represent the Class B network address,and the second two numbers (017.009) identify a particular host on this network.TKIP(Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) Provides improved data encryption byscrambling the keys using a hashing algorithm and, by adding an integrity-checking feature, ensures that the encryption keys haven’t been tampered with.transmit powerThe amount of power used by a radio transceiver to send the signal out. Transmitpower is generally measured in milliwatts, which you can convert to dBm.User groupSee Group. VLAN(Virtual LAN) A group of devices that communicate as a single network, eventhough they are physically located on different LAN segments. Because VLANsare based on logical rather than physical connections, they are extremely flexible.A device that is moved to another location can remain on the same VLANwithout any hardware reconfiguration.VLAN tagging(Virtual LAN tagging) Static port-based VLANs were originally the only way tosegment a network without using routing, but these port-based VLANs couldonly be implemented on a single switch (or switches) cabled together. Routingwas required to transfer traffic between unconnected switches. As an alternativeto routing, some vendors created proprietary schemes for sharing VLANinformation across switches. These methods would only operate on that vendor'sequipment and were not an acceptable way to implement VLANs. With theadoption of the 802.11n standard, traffic can be confined to VLANs that exist on
Wi-Fi ArrayGlossary of Terms 463multiple switches from different vendors. This interoperability and trafficcontainment across different switches is the result of a switch's ability to use andrecognize 802.1Q tag headers—called VLAN tagging. Switches that implement802.1Q tagging add this tag header to the frame directly after the destination andsource MAC addresses. The tag header indicates:1. That the packet has a tag.2. Whether the packet should have priority over other packets.3. Which VLAN it belongs to, so that the switch can forward or filter itcorrectly.WDS (Wireless Distribution System)WDS creates wireless backhauls between arrays. These links between arrays maybe used rather than having to install data cabling to each array. WEP(Wired Equivalent Privacy) An optional IEEE 802.11 function that offers frametransmission privacy similar to a wired network. The Wired Equivalent Privacygenerates secret shared encryption keys that both source and destination stationscan use to alter frame bits to avoid disclosure to eavesdroppers.Wi-Fi AllianceA nonprofit international association formed in 1999 to certify interoperability ofwireless Local Area Network products based on IEEE 802.11 specification. Thegoal of the Wi-Fi Alliance's members is to enhance the user experience throughproduct interoperability.Wi-Fi ArrayA high capacity Wi-Fi networking device consisting of multiple radios arrangedin a circular array.WPA(Wi-Fi Protected Access) A Wi-Fi Alliance standard that contains a subset of theIEEE 802.11i standard, using TKIP as an encryption method and 802.1x forauthentication.
Wi-Fi Array464 Glossary of TermsWPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) WPA2 is the follow-on security method to WPA forwireless networks and provides stronger data protection and network accesscontrol. It offers Enterprise and consumer Wi-Fi users with a high level ofassurance that only authorized users can access their wireless networks. LikeWPA, WPA2 is designed to secure all versions of 802.11 devices, including802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n, multi-band and multi-mode.Xirrus Management System (XMS)A Xirrus product used for managing large Wi-Fi Array deployments from acentralized Web-based interface.XP-3100The Xirrus XP Power System (XP-3100) is a discontinued Xirrus product thatprovides distributed DC power to multiple XS-3900 units.XP1 and XP8—Power over Gigabit Ethernet modulesSee PoGE.XPS—Xirrus Power System A family of optional Xirrus products that provides power over Gigabit Ethernet.See PoGE.
Wi-Fi ArrayIndex 465IndexNumerics11n see IEEE 802.11n 594.9 GHz Public Safety Band 282802.11a 7, 8, 254, 266802.11a/b/g 48802.11a/b/g/n 17802.11a/n 17, 107, 238802.11b 7, 8, 269802.11b/g 254, 269802.11b/g/n 17, 107, 238, 273802.11e 19802.11g 7, 8, 269802.11i 8, 112, 174802.11nsee IEEE 802.11n 59802.11p 19802.11q 19802.1x 8, 70, 79, 112, 174, 402Aabg(n)nomenclature 4abg(n)2intrusion detection 277self-monitoringradio assurance (loopbackmode) 278AC power 69, 81, 83, 375, 378Access Control List 207Access Control Lists 402access control lists (ACLs) 221Access Panel 375, 378, 387access panelreinstalling 378removing 375ACLs 70, 207, 402Address Resolution Protocolwindow 138Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)263Admin 402Admin ID 213admin IDauthentication via RADIUS 214Admin Management 213admin RADIUS accountif using Console port 214admin RADIUS authentication 214administration 112, 174, 207Administrator Account 396Advanced Encryption Standard 70,402advanced intrusion detection 277AES 8, 18, 70, 79, 112, 174, 394, 402allow trafficsee filters 289approvedsetting rogues 147APs 79, 147, 231, 402rogues, blocking 276APs, roguesee rogue APs 275ARP filtering 263ARP table window 138Array 50, 86, 94, 95, 107, 120, 174, 181connecting 86dismounting 95mounting 86powering up 107securing 94Web Management Interface 120associated users 50assurance (radio loopback testing) 275authentication 18of admin via RADIUS 214
Wi-Fi Array466 Indexauthoritycertificate 211, 219auto negotiate 181auto-blockingrogue APs 276auto-configuration 112, 259, 266, 269channel and cell size 275Bbackhaulsee WDS 76backup unitsee standby mode 275band association 238beacon interval 259Beacon World Mode 259beam distribution 17benefits 16blockingrogue APs 276blocking rogue APs 275broadcast 264fast roaming 264browsercertificate error 211, 219BSS 400BSSID 147, 400buttons 124Ccdp 322CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol)settings 189cdp CLI command 322cell sharp cell 275cell size 50, 254, 391auto-configuration 275cell size configuration 275certificateabout 211, 219authority 211, 219error 211, 219install Xirrus authority 219X.509 211, 219channelauto-configuration 275configuration 275list selection 275public safety 275channels 50,  147,  254,  259,  266,  269,391factory default 280non-overlapping 18character restrictions 126Chassis Cover 384chassis cover 384Cisco Discovery Protocolsee cdp 322Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) 189CLI 8, 79, 83, 110, 307using to upgrade software image411CLI commandssee commands 322Command Line Interface 8, 75, 83, 107,110, 307, 402configuration commands 320getting help 309getting started 309inputting commands 309sample configuration tasks 356SSH 308top level commands 311commandsacl 320admin 321cdp 322clear 323configure 312
Wi-Fi ArrayIndex 467contact-info 324date-time 325dhcp-server 326dns 327file 328filter 331fips 333group 334hostname 334https 335interface 336load 337location 337management 338more 338netflow 339no 340pci-audit 342quit 343radius-server 343reboot 344, 354reset 344run-tests 345security 347show 315snmp 348ssh 348ssid 350standby 350statistics 318syslog 351telnet 352vlan 354Community String 392configuration 173, 402express setup 174configuration changesapplying 126connectiontracking window 139Console portlogin via 214Contact Information 419contact information 419coverage 50, 83extended 17coverage patterns 8critical messages 123CTS/RTS 266, 269Ddata rate 266, 269DC power 69, 83default gateway 112, 181default settings 389Default Value 393, 394DHCP 393Delivery Traffic Indication Message259deny trafficsee filters 289deployment 48, 57, 75, 79, 83, 402ease of 19examples 57scenarios 57DHCP 50, 110, 112, 174, 181, 392default settings 393leases window 139DHCP Server 191DIMM 382DIMM Memory Module 382DIMM modulereplacing 382DNS 112, 174, 188DNS domain 188DNS server 188Domain Name System 188DTIM 259DTIM period 259duplex 181
Wi-Fi Array468 Indexdynamic VLANoverridden by group 248EEAP 394, 402EAP-MDS 18EAP-PEAP 402EAP-TLS 18, 70, 402EAP-TTLS 18, 70, 402EDCF 259Encryption 394, 402encryption 18encryption methodrecommended (WPA2 with AES)209setting 209support of multiple methods 209encryption method (encryption mode)Open, WEP, WPA, WPA2, WPA-Both 208encryption standardAES, TKIP, both 209setting 209End User License Agreement 81Enterprise 2, 7, 402WLAN 7Enterprise Class Management 8Enterprise Class Security 8ESS 400ESSID 400Ethernet 83, 86, 94, 107, 110, 112, 174EULA 81event logsee system log 171event messages 123Express Setup 94, 112, 174express setup 112, 174Extended Service Set 400Extensible Authentication Protocol 402external RADIUS server 802.1x 47Ffactory default settings 389factory defaults 391, 392, 393, 394, 396DHCP 393fail-overstandby mode 275failover 67, 79Fan 375, 378FAQs 400Fast Ethernet 83, 110, 174, 181, 389fast roaming 19, 136, 264about 253features 16, 75, 181, 194, 195, 259, 402Federal Information Processing Stan-dard (FIPS)see FIPS 422feedback 124filter list 290filter name 291filters 289, 290, 291statistics 169FIPSCLI command 333FIPS 140-2 Security 422firewall 289and port usage 72FLASH 380FLASH memoryreplacing 380FLASH Memory Module 380fragmentation threshold 266, 269frequently asked questions 400FTP 402FTP server 47GGeneral Hints 399getting startedexpress setup 174Gigabit 83, 110, 112, 174, 181, 389
Wi-Fi ArrayIndex 469global settings 259, 266, 269glossary of terms 453Groupmanagement 247group 245CLI command 334VLAN overrides dynamic VLAN248Group Rekey 394HHelp button 120help button 124host name 112, 120, 174, 188HTTPScertificate, see certificate 219HyperTerminal 46, 83IIAP 50,  107,  112,  174,  254,  266,  269,283, 391fast roaming 253naming 4settings 254IAP LED 107, 283IAP LED settings 283IAPsdefault channels 280IEEE 7, 112, 174IEEE 802.11ndeployment considerations 59WMI page 273IEEE 802.1Q 405implementing Voice over Wi-Fi 48,203, 235installation 45, 80, 86, 371installing the MCAP-3616 83mounting the unit 86requirements 45unpacking the unit 81workflow 80installation workflow 80Integrated Access Point Module 384integrated radio modulereplacing 384interfaces 174Web 119Internet Explorer 46intrusion detection 147, 277configuration 275setting as approved or known 147IP Address 50, 112, 120, 126, 147, 174,181, 188, 195, 198, 295, 392IP Subnet Mask 112Kkey features 16Keyboard Shortcuts 396keyboard shortcuts 396knownsetting rogues 147LLayer 3fast roaming 253lease 392Lease Time 392leases, DHCPviewing 139LEDs 107sequence 107settings 283list, access controlsee access control list 221list, MAC accesssee access control list 221location information 112, 120, 174log, system (event)viewing window 171logging in 110, 126
Wi-Fi Array470 IndexLogin 126loginvia Console port 214long retry limit 259loopbacksee radio assurance 368loopback testingradio assurance mode 275MMAC 70, 110, 400, 402MAC Access Control Lists 70MAC Access List 221MAC address 221, 400, 402Main System Memory 382Management 396, 402maximum lease 392Maximum Lease Time 392Megabit 112Message Integrity Check 402MIC 18, 402monitoringintrusion detection 147see intrusion detection 277mounting 86mounting plate 86, 94, 95mounting the unit 86MTU 181size 181NNATtable - see connection tracking 139Netflow 194netflowCLI command 339Netscape Navigator 45, 46networkinterfaces 180settings 181network connections 83, 126, 402network installation 45, 371network interface ports 110network interfaces 181, 389network statusARP table window 138connectiontracking window 139routing table window 138viewing leases 139Network Time Protocol 112, 174, 192nomenclature 4non-overlapping channels 18NTP 112, 174, 192, 392NTP Server 192OOpen (encryption method) 208optimization, VLAN 264overview 8Ppassphrase 70, 112, 174Password 396, 402password 126Payment Card Industry Data SecurityStandardsee PCI DSS 421PCI DSS 421CLI command 342pci-auditCLI command 342PDF 81PEAP 18, 287performance 16Ping 295planning 67, 69, 70, 75failover 67network management 75port failover 67
Wi-Fi ArrayIndex 471power 69security 70switch failover 67WDS 76PoGE 12, 45see Power over Gigabit Ethernet 12port failover 67port requirements 72power cord 375power distribution 12power outlet 45Power over Gigabit Ethernet 3, 12, 21,27, 35, 40, 45, 69, 84compatibility with Array models416Power over Gigabit Ethernet (PoGE) 12power planning 69Power Supply 375, 378, 387power supplyreplacing 387power switch 375pre-shared key 70, 79, 402Print button 120print button 124probesee Netflow 194product installation 45, 371product overview 8product specifications 20, 27, 34, 39PSK 79, 394public safety band 282public safety channels 275PuTTY 45, 75, 112, 174, 402PuTTy 46QQoS 19, 238, 393, 400, 460conflicting values 237levels defined 239, 248priority 238SSID 234, 239about setting QoS 401default QoS 393user group 248Quality of Service 19see QoS 239, 248Quick Install Guide 81quick reference guide 389quick startexpress setup 174Rradioassurance (self-test) 278radio assurance (loopback testing) 275radio assurance (loopback) mode 278radio distribution 16radiosdefault channels 280naming 4RADIUS 8,  45,  70,  79,  207,  221,  392,402admin authentication 214RADIUS Server 392RADIUS server 47README file 81reauthentication 259registration card 81remote DC power 12Reset 295, 392RF intrusion detection 275spectrum management 275RF configuration 275RF managementsee channel 275RF resilience 275RFprotect, see XDM 277roaming 19, 136, 264roaming, fast 253
Wi-Fi Array472 IndexRogue AP 8, 75, 147, 231, 402rogue APblocking 276Rogue AP List 147rogue APsblocking 275Rogue Control List 231rogue detection 17roguessetting as known or approved 147root command prompt 311routing table window 138RSSI 147RTS 266, 269RTS threshold 266, 269SSave button 120scalability 7scheduleauto channel configuration 275Secondary Port 392Secondary Server 392secret 392Secure Shell 46secure Shell 45SecurityFIPS 422PCI DSS 421security 8, 18, 207, 400, 402certificate, see certificate 219see group 245self-monitoring 277radio assurance 368radio assurance options 278self-testradio assurance mode 278serial port 46, 110, 402server, VTunsee VTun 206Service Set Identifier 112Services 191, 375, 378, 400servicing 373servicing the unit 371settings 174setup, express 174sharp cell 275setting in WMI 280short retry limit 259SNMP 8,  13,  112, 174,  181,  191, 198,392required for XMS 198, 199software imageupgrading via CLI 411Software Upgrade 295specifications 20, 27, 34, 39spectrum (RF) management 275speed 7, 110, 18111 Mbps 754 Mbps 7SSH 45, 46, 75, 112, 174, 181, 208, 396,402SSH-2 208SSID 8,  112,  120,  147,  174,  231,  238,393, 400, 405about usage 401QoS 234, 239about using 401QoS, about usage 401SSID Management 238, 393, 400standby mode 275static IP 112, 174, 181station timeout period 259Stations 400stationsrogues 147statistics 169statistics per station 170statistics 174filters 169
Wi-Fi ArrayIndex 473netflow 194per-station 170stations 169WDS 168status bar 120, 124submitting comments 124subnet 45, 67, 112, 181switch failover 67synchronize 112, 174, 192Syslog 112, 120, 174, 191, 195, 392time-stamping 112Syslog reporting 195Syslog Server 195System Configuration Reset 295System Log 195system logviewing window 171system memoryreplacing 382System Reboot 295System Tools 295TT-bar 86T-bar clips 86TCPport requirements 72technical supportcontact information 419frequently asked questions 400Telnet 208, 396, 402Temporal Key Integrity Protocol 402Time Out 392time zone 112, 174, 192timeout 259, 295Tips 399TKIP 18, 70, 79, 112, 174, 394, 402Tools 295, 402trafficfiltering 289transmit power 50, 391Trap Host 392trap port 198, 392tunneledfast roaming 264tunnelssee VTun 203, 206UUDPport requirements 72Unit 86attaching 86mounting 86unknownsetting rogues 147unpacking the unit 81upgrading software imagevia CLI 411UPS 45, 79user group 245QoS 248user interface 119utility buttons 124Vvirtual tunnelssee VTun 206VLAN 8, 79, 238, 393, 400, 405broadcast optimization 264dynamicoverridden by group 248group (vs. dynamic VLAN) 248VLAN ID 238voicefast roaming 253implementing on Array 48,  203,235Voice-over IP 269VoIP 269
Wi-Fi Array474 IndexVoWLAN 19VPN 112, 174, 402VTSVirtual Tunnel Server 203, 206VTunspecifying tunnel server 203, 206understanding 203Wwall thickness considerations 48warning messages 123WDS 285, 287about 76planning 76statistics 168WDS Client Links 287Web interface 119structure and navigation 123Web Management Interface 75,  94,107, 110, 126, 400WEP 18,  70,  112,  174,  207,  238,  394,402WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)encryption method 209Wi-Fi Protected Access 8, 70, 112, 174,402Wired Equivalent Privacy 112, 402Wireless Distribution System 285wireless LAN 7wireless security 174WLAN 174WMI 8, 75, 79, 110, 254certificate error 211, 219workflow 80WPA 8, 79, 112, 174, 207, 238, 394, 402WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) andWPA2encryption method 209WPA2 8XX.509certificate 211, 219Xirruscertificate authority 219Xirrus Defense Module (XDM) 277Xirrus Management System 9, 13, 19,47SNMP required 198, 199Xirrus Power over Gigabit Ethernet 45Xirrus Power over Gigabit Ethernet(PoGE) 12Xirrus Remote DC Power System 2, 45,83Xirrus Roaming Protocol 19, 136, 264Xirrus Wireless Management System2, 45, 75, 402XM-3300 2, 8, 45, 75, 79, 198, 402XMS 9, 13, 19, 47port requirements 72setting IP address of 198SNMP required 198, 199XN Arrayssee also IEEE 802.11n 59XP1, XP8see Power over Gigabit Ethernet 12XP-3100 2, 45, 79, 83XPS 45XRP 19, 136, 264XS16management 127, 173, 295XS-3500 2, 8XS-3700 2, 8XS-3900 2, 8, 50, 70, 238, 259, 384, 400,402, 405management 127, 173, 295

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