Delta Electronics orporated DN-715 NoteBook User Manual MANUAL CHAP 1

Delta Electronics Incorporated NoteBook MANUAL CHAP 1


CChhaapptteerr  11  Getting StartedThis chapter provides abrief description of allthe major componentsof your notebook
1-1IntroductionCongratulations on your purchase of this powerful notebook computer. Thishigh-end system runs a powerful Intel Pentium III processor that is designed todeliver smooth multimedia and lighting-fast performance.This chapter will introduce the steps you should follow to get the notebook upand running as quickly as possible.Unpacking the NotebookYour notebook comes securely packaged in a sturdy cardboard shippingcarton. Upon receiving your notebook, open the carton and carefully removethe contents. In addition to this User’s Manual, the shipping carton shouldcontain the following items:! Notebook Computer! AC adapter and AC power cord! Li-ion Battery Pack! User’s Manual! Utility CDCarefully inspect each component to make sure nothing is missing ordamaged. If any of these items is missing or damaged, notify your dealerimmediately. Be sure to save the shipping materials and carton in case youneed to ship or store the notebook in the future.A Quick Tour of the NotebookBefore you continue, please take a moment to become familiar with thelocating and purpose of controls, the status panel and indicators, andconnectors and ports, which are illustrated in the figures below.
1-2Opening the notebookYou can find a latch at the front edge of the notebook. To open the screencover, slide the latch toward the right to and then lift the cover.Figure 1-1: Opening the CoverAround the Front of the SystemWhen the screen cover is opened, the main working area of the notebook isvisible.Built-in ScreenStatus IndicatorsPower SwitchVolume ButtonsKeyboardBatteryPower IndicatorsScreen LatchCooling VentTouchpadSpeakerSpeakerMicrophoneFigure 1-2: Working Area
1-3Built-in ScreenThis notebook is installed with color LCD (Liquid Crystal Displays). The LCDmeasures 14.1” diagonally. Screen use a TFT active matrix display thatdelivers a bright, high-contrast picture. The screen resolutions are XGA (1024x 768). XGA resolution puts the maximum information on the display, withoutmaking the text and icons too small to be legible.Power SwitchThe power switch is located just above the keyboard in the middle, and is usedto turn the notebook on and off. Press the switch down and hold it down untilthe indicator LEDs flash. Hold the switch down again for over 4 seconds toturn the system off.Volume ButtonsThe volume buttons are located just abovethe keyboard, next to the power switch.Pressing the top button increases thevolume of the internal sound system,pressing the lower button decreases thevolume level.Cover-close / Suspend-resume Micro SwitchThe cover-close micro switch is pressed whenever the screen cover has beenclosed. When this happens, the system will either turn off the built-in screen orsuspend the system, the response is defined by the system setup utility (Seechapter 4 for information on the cover close response.)Microphone and SpeakersYour notebook has a built-in stereo audio system. The speakers are located inthe front side of the notebook. The microphone is located below the LCD inthe cover of the notebook.Status IndicatorsThe status indicators are located above the keyboard. When the system isturned on, the indicator LEDs show the status of the system and the majorcomponents.Figure 1-3: Volume buttons
1-4Figure 1-4: Status IndicatorsThe green LED next to this icon turns on when the notebook isreading from a disc in the CD-ROM drive.The green LED next to this icon turns on when the notebook isreading from or writing to the built-in hard disk drive.The green LED next to this icon turns on when the notebook isreading from or writing to a diskette in the floppy disk drive.The green LED next to this icon turns on when the keyboard is inNum Lock mode.The green LED next to this icon turns on when the keyboard is inCaps Lock mode.The green LED next to this icon turns on when the keyboard is inScroll Lock mode.Power IndicatorsThe power indicators are located on the front edge of the notebook, below thebuttons of the touchpad. When the system is turned on, these indicators LEDsshow the power and charging status of the system and internal battery. Thepower indicator LEDs are visible at all time, even when the notebook cover isclosed.Figure 1-5: Power IndicatorsThe green LED next to this icon turns on when the notebook isusing power from the AC adapter.
1-5The green LED next to this icon turns on when the notebook ispowered on. When the system is suspended to RAM, the LEDflashes. When the system is suspended to disk, or when thesystem is powered down, the LED turns off.The LED next to this icon turns on green when the battery insidethe notebook is fully charged. When the battery is charging theLED turns amber. When there is less than 3 minutes of batterycapacity left, the LED turns red and flashes, while an audiblewarning beep sounds.KeyboardMost versions of the built-in keyboard use 86 keys. Some non-Englishkeyboards may have one or two extra keys. Some keys are embedded withseveral keystrokes so that the keyboard can duplicate all the keystrokes of astandard desktop AT or PS/2 keyboard with 101/102 keys. The keyboard isoptimized for Windows and has two kinds of special Windows keys. On top ofthese standard desktop keyboard functions, the notebook keyboard also has hotkeys to give the user direct access to a series of often-used functions (Seechapter 2 for more information on the keyboard.)TouchpadThe touchpad is your notebook’s pointing device. In a graphical environmentlike Windows, the touchpad surface acts like a representation of the built-inscreen. When you move your fingertip over the touchpad surface, the pointeron the screen moves in the same direction. (See chapter 2 for more informationon the touchpad.)
1-6Right SideThe right side of the notebook is the location of the CD-ROM drive, theinfrared port, The AC adapter plug and also the anchor for the security lockingcable. Lock Anchor CD-ROM Drive AC Adapter Jack Infrared Port Figure 1-6: Right-side ComponentsCD-ROM DriveThis drive bay is either installed with a CD-ROM or drive. This option isfactory installed and cannot be easily switched. You can use this drive to readfrom CD data discs, videodiscs, and audio discs.AC Adapter JackYou can plug the DC power cable into the AC adapter in order to power yournotebook from the AC adapter.Infrared PortThe infrared (IR) port allows you to connect to another system using IRtechnology. You must place the port within four feet (1 m) and a 30° angle ofthe other IR port for proper communication.Lock AnchorThe lock anchor is a rectangular hole on the right side of the back edge of thenotebook. You can use this hole to attach a security locking cable (such as aKensington Micro Saver) to your notebook.
1-7Left-sideThe left side of the notebook is the location of the PS/2 connector, the PC cardslot compartment, and also the floppy disk.Floppy disk/LS-120 drivePS/2 PortPC Card Slot CompartmentCooling VentFigure 1-7: Left-side ComponentsPS/2 PortYou can use the mini-DIN PS/2 port to connect your computer to an externalPS/2 device, such as a keyboard or a pointing device. When you connect anexternal keyboard or mouse, the internal equivalent remains active.PC Card SlotsThe PC card compartment reveals two PC card slots. These slots accept TypeII, III PC cards, or I. Eject buttons for both slots are placed at the left side ofthe slots.Floppy DiskThis drive bay is installed with a floppy disk. The floppy disk drive can beused to read from and write to 3.5” floppy disks with capacities of 720 K or1.4 MB. Your notebook identifies the floppy disk drive as drive A.
1-8Rear SideThe rear side of the notebook has a series of connectors. Some of theseconnectors are located inside a separate compartment. Each compartment has apull-down door to protect the ports inside the compartments. The illustrationand list below identifies the function of each of the connectors.Figure 1-8: Connector CompartmentsTo access the covered compartments, pull down the doors. The door of theexpansion connector compartment flaps away underneath the notebook.TV-out PortFax/ModemExpansion ConnectorAudio JacksUSB PortMonitor PortParallel PortSerial PortCooling VentFigure 1-9: Rear-side connectorsFax/ModemThe fax/modem line-in jack provides the connection for the internalfax/modem device. If your notebook did not come with this factory-installedoption, the access to this jack will be blocked with a cap. The jack does notprovide a pass-through option for connecting a phone to this same line, butyou can obtain optional adapters that allow you to do this.
1-9Expansion ConnectorThe expansion connector is used for connecting your notebook to proprietaryoptional expansion modules, such as a port replicator.Audio JacksAudio Input JackYou can use thisjack to input stereosound from otherdevices, such as aradio or taperecorder, into yournotebook.External Microphone JackYou can use this jack to input sound from an external microphone into yournotebook. When an external microphone is connected to this jack, the built-inmicrophone is automatically disabled.Audio Output JackYou can use this jack to output sound generated by your notebook to anexternal device, such as stereo loudspeakers or headphones. When an externaldevice is connected, the built-in speakers are automatically disabled.USB PortThe USB (Universal Serial Bus) port can be used to connect to USB devices.Monitor PortThe monitor port can be used to connect to an external monitor.Serial PortThe serial port COM1 can be used to connect to serial devices such as a mouseor a fax/modem.Parallel PortThe parallel port LPT1 can be used to connect to parallel devices such as aprinter.Audio InputAudio OutputExternal MicrophoneFigure 1-10: Audio Jacks
1-10TV-out PortThe RCA video jack can be used to output video to devices that use RCAplugs such as most TV receivers.Around the Bottom of the SystemIf you close the screen cover and turn the unit over, you can locate thecomponents installed on the base of the unit.BIOS CMOSCompartmentFootFootBatteryMemoryCompartmentExpansionCompartmentDoor HideawayFigure 1-1: Base ComponentsBatteryThe notebook contains a removable, rechargeable Lithium ion (Li-Ion) batterypack that provides power when you are away from an AC outlet. You canrecharge it many times.Ergonomic FeetThere are two feet located at the back of the base of the notebook. Openingthese feet allows the notebook to slightly tilt forward towards you, to make thekeyboard more easily accessible.BIOS CMOS CompartmentThis compartment gives access to the BIOS chip that holds the SystemConfiguration Utility information. We recommend not to open thecompartment, and never to remove the chip from the notebook.
1-11Hard Disk Drive and System MemoryIt can’t identify these two items by exploring your notebook because they areinternal items installed inside the system case. However, they are veryimportant components, which store the software and data that your computeruses.Hard Disk DriveThe notebook is installed with a hard disk drive, which can store from 3 to 6 ormore gigabytes (GB) of software and data. Over time, new hard disk driveswith higher capacities will appear, so if you feel that you need more hard diskspace, you can ask your vendor about upgrades. The hard disk drive provideslong-term storage, because the software and data is held intact even when thecomputer is turned off.  That’s why, before you turn off your computer, youmust always make sure that the data or files held in the system memory, aresecurely saved to disk.System MemoryThe notebook is usually installed with 32 megabytes (MB) of system memory.This is plenty of memory for most kind of computer applications. However, ifyou feel that you need more memory, you can ask your system vendor toupgrade the memory. System memory stores applications and data while thesystem is turned on. When the system is turned off, all the data stored insystem memory is lost.

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