Delta Electronics orporated DN-715 NoteBook User Manual MANUAL CHAP 3

Delta Electronics Incorporated NoteBook MANUAL CHAP 3


CChhaapptteerr  33  Configuring the NotebookThis chapter providesan overview of theSystem ConfigurationUtility program, whichallows you to adjust thebasic notebook settingsto your needs
3-1System Configuration UtilityThe System Configuration Utility lets you use the firmware installed on thenotebook to configure your system according to the kind of hardware that youinstall. Using setup, you can set timing parameters for the memory andprocessor, define drive specifications, control power management, and so on.Using the System Configuration UtilityYou can only display the setup utility by pressing the [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [s] keycombination shortly after the system is turned on. A prompt appears on thescreen that reads “<CTRL – ALT – S> to enter System Configuration Utility”.When you see this prompt, press the key combination and the setup utility willdisplay the main page of the System Configuration Utility program.NavigatingThe main screen of the utility program is divided in three major sections. Thetop section holds a menu bar, the middle section shows three windows, i.e.Devices, System and Memory. These windows provide a quick overview of thecurrent setup settings of your system. Some values are detected automatically;
3-2other values are set to a default value and can be changed through the menubar at the top of the screen. The third section, at the bottom of the screen,displays hints and help messages relevant to the topic highlighted at themoment.Press the [Alt] key to activate menus. Use the cursor arrow keys to move thehighlight through the header list of setup windows. When the option you needis highlighted, [Enter] key to select an option. Use the [Esc] key to cancel thecurrent action, to close a menu, to go back to the main menu, and/or to exit theSystem configuration Utility program.Startup, Memory, Disks, Components, Power, and Exit are the principaloptions in the main menu bar for system configuration. When you select oneof these options, the screen displays a list of items in a drop down menu. Someitems you can only enable or disable. Others bring up a separate dialog boxonce you select them.The items that can only be enabled or disabled will either have an  _ or mark in front of them, marking that they are currently disabled or enabled.Items that hide a separate dialog box will have a ! symbol behind them.Within a dialog box you can use the [Tab] key to select a control. Use the[OK] button or the [Enter] key to confirm an entry, and the [Cancel] or [Esc]key to cancel an entry. To change a value of a field, use the cursor keys,spacebar, and/or numeric keys.At any given point, you can use the [Alt] key in combination with a letter,highlighted red, and use it as a shortcut to jump directly to that function.
3-3StartupThis option displays basic information about your system and hardware.Date and TimeWhen you select this option, a dialog box will pop up allowing you tocustomize the date and time to be used by the system clock.Fast BootYou can either enable or disable this option. If enabled you allow the systemto boot fast without first testing all functions.Boot DeviceWhen you select this option, a dialog box will pop up allowing you tocustomize the order of devices the system tries to boot from consecutively.You can choose from three devices: Hard disk C, CD-ROM Drive, andDiskette A. Set the most important boot device in the 1st Boot Device box, andcontinue with the second and third box. The system will only move on to thealternative boot devices after a previous one failed.Boot PasswordWhen you select this option, a dialog box will pop up allowing you to set orcustomize a boot password.Enter old Power-On PasswordThis field will be available if you return to this dialog box after previouslyhaving set a boot password. You will need to confirm your old password againbefore you can change it to a new one.
3-4Enter new Power-On PasswordThis field allows you to enter a new password to be used every time thesystem starts. The password can be up to eight characters long, consisting ofboth letters and numbers.Verify new Power-On PasswordAfter you have entered a new password, you’ll need to retype it in this field toconfirm it.Enable Password to Power-OnAfter you have set a password in the previous fields, you can either enable ordisable it. If this field is enabled, you need to type in the password every timethe computer is turned on. If you do not type the correct password, thecomputer does not start.SCU PasswordWhen you select this option, a dialog box will pop up allowing you to set orcustomize a password to enter the System Configuration Utility programEnter old Setup PasswordThis field will be available if you return to this dialog box after previouslyhaving set a SCU password. You will need to confirm your old password againbefore you can change it to a new one.Enter new Setup PasswordThis field allows you to enter a new password to be used every time one triesto enter the System Configuration Utility. The password can be up to eightcharacters long, consisting of both letters and numbers.Verify new Setup PasswordAfter you have entered a new password, you’ll need to retype it in this field toconfirm it.Enable Setup PasswordAfter you have set a password in the previous fields, you can either enable ordisable it. If this field is enabled, you need to type in the password every timeyou try to enter the System Configuration Utility. If you do not type thecorrect password, you will not be able to enter the System ConfigurationUtility program.
3-5MemoryCache SystemsWhen you select this option, a dialog box will pop up allowing you tocustomize the system’s use of Cache memory.L1 Cache/L2 CacheThese boxes allow you to enable (Write Back) or disable Level 1 and/or Level2 Cache.BIOS ShadowThis field allows you to enable or disable BIOS shadow memory caching.Video ShadowThis field allows you to enable or disable Video shadow memory caching.DisksInternal FDCYou can either enable or disable this option. Set this option to enable in orderto use the internal floppy disk drive.
3-6Diskette DrivesWhen you select this option, a dialog box will pop up allowing you to set thetypes of diskette drives used with your system. You can set the diskette drivetype to None, 1.44 MB, or 2.88 MB. The internal diskette drive is by defaultreferred to as Drive A.Internal HDCYou can either enable or disable this option. Set this option to enable in orderto use the internal hard disk drive.IDE SettingsWhen you select this option, a dialog box will pop up allowing you to set theIDE settings for the internal hard disk drive.HDD TimingThis box allows you to select the speed of the internal hard disk drive. Leavethis item at the default value, unless you change the internal hard disk drive. Inthat case, refer to the documentation that comes with the new disk drive to findthe proper value for this item.I/O 32 bit transferThis field allows you to enable or disable 32 bits transfer mode while readingand writing to the internal hard disk drive.HDD Block transferThis field allows you to enable or disable block transfer while reading andwriting to the internal hard disk drive.
3-7ComponentsUse the components item on the menu bar to configure some of the peripheraldevices found in your notebook.COM PortsWhen you select this option, a dialog box will pop up allowing you toenable/disable and to modify the settings of the different serial (COM) ports.COM A I/O SettingsThis option box allows you to enable or disable (None) serial port COM A. Ifyou decide to enable this serial port you should allocate a serial and interruptaddress to it.COM B I/O SettingsThis option box allows you to enable or disable (None) serial port COM B, bydefault used for the infrared port. If you decide to enable this serial port youshould allocate a serial and interrupt address to it.Mode Setting for COM BThis option box allows you set an infrared mode for serial port COM B.DMA Setting For Fast IRThis option box allows you to allocate a DMA address to COM B when usingFast IR mode. If you are not using this infrared mode, this box will be grayedout.0LPT PortWhen you select this option, a dialog box will pop up allowing you tocustomize the parallel port located on the rear of the notebook.
3-8Port AddressThis option box allows you to enable/disable (None) the parallel port in theback of the notebook. If you decide to enable the parallel port you shouldallocate an LPT and interrupt address to it. If you disable the parallel port, allother boxes on this page will be grayed out.Port DefinitionThis option box allows you to set a port mode for parallel communications.Interrupt SettingThis option box allows you to change the IRQ address for the parallel port.DMA Setting For ECP ModeThis option box allows you to allocate a DMA address to the parallel portwhen using ECP mode. If you are not using ECP mode, this box will begrayed out.Keyboard Num LockYou can either enable or disable this option. If enabled the keyboard NumLock function will always be on by default when you start the system.Keyboard RepeatWhen you select this option, a dialog box will pop up allowing you tocustomize the keyboard auto repeat rate and repeat delay. These options set thereaction speed of your keyboard to your typing.
3-9PowerUse the power item on the menu bar to define the progressive power reductionof your computer when it is not being used.Enable Power SavingYou can either enable or disable this option, which acts like a master switchfor all the other power down functions on this menu. If you disable this field,none of the other system power downs in the setup program will function andwill thus be grayed out. If it is enabled, you are able to set more specific powersaving functions through the other options on the menu.Low Power SavingYou can either enable or disable this option, which will be grayed out if theEnable Power Saving option above is not enabled. Enabling this option willset the power saving function of your system to a preset level that allowsmaximum performance and minimum power saving management.Medium Power SavingYou can either enable or disable this option, which will be grayed out if theEnable Power Saving option above is not enabled. Enabling this option willset the power saving function of your system to a preset level that strikes abalance between performance and power saving management.High Power SavingYou can either enable or disable this option, which will be grayed out if theEnable Power Saving option above is not enabled. Enabling this option will
3-10set the power saving function of your system to a preset level that allowsmaximum power saving. If you take your notebook on the road, it isrecommended you use this aggressive level of power saving to ensure thelongest possible battery life.CustomizeWhen you select this item, a dialog box will pop up allowing you to manuallycustomize some power down timeouts.Video TimeoutSince the screen of your notebook consumes a lot of power, this field allowsyou to set a separate timeout value for the screen. You can set this field toeither Always On, or a timeout between 30 seconds and 10 minutes. Thescreen will blank if the system has been idle for the selected period of time.Screen activity will be restored immediately when system activity is detected.Disk TimeoutSince the hard disk of your notebook consumes a lot of power, this fieldallows you to set a separate timeout value for the hard disk. You can set thisfield to either Always On, or a timeout between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. Thehard disk will be powered down if there has not been any disk access for theselected period of time. Hard disk power will be restored immediately whenthe disk is accessed again.Global TimeoutThis field allows you to set a timeout value for whole system to shut downpower consumption. You can set this field to either Always On, or a timeoutbetween 1 and 16 minutes. System power will be restored when systemactivity is detected.Monitor Video ActivityYou can either enable or disable this option. If enabled, the system willmonitor if there is any activity on the video screen and allow this to interruptthe video timeout countdown.Suspend ControlsWhen you select this item, a dialog box will pop up allowing you to manuallycustomize some suspend timeouts.Power Button FunctionThis field is used to set the activity linked to pressing the power button. If thefield is set to Suspend/Resume, pressing the power button will suspend/resume
3-11the system to/from the Suspend Type set below. If the field is set to PowerOn/Off, pressing the power button will actually power up/down the system.Lid Switch FunctionThis field is used to set the activity linked to pressing the lid switch, as inclosing the notebook screen cover. If the field is set to Suspend/Resume,closing/opening the screen cover will suspend/resume the system to/from theSuspend Type set below. If the field is set to Blank LCD, closing the screencover will merely blank the video screen.Suspend TypeThis box allows you to choose the type of suspend mode the system shouldenter when a suspend event or demand occurs.! Suspend To Disk – This is really another way of turning off yourcomputer. When you suspend to disk, the contents of your computer’smemory are copied to your hard disk drive as a file. When the contents ofthe memory have been safely stored to disk, your computer turns off. Thenext time the computer is turned on after a Suspend to disk, the file on thehard disk is quickly read back into memory. In just a few moments, yourcomputer appears exactly as it was when you last suspended to disk.! Suspend To RAM – In a suspend to RAM, the contents of yourcomputer’s memory are held intact, while practically all the rest of thecomponents in your computer turn off completely, or reduce powerconsumption to a minimum. In a Suspend to RAM, your computer remainsactive but with the minimum possible power consumption. You can returnthe computer to full power by pressing the Space Bar. If you are operatingyour computer on battery power, a fully-charged battery can maintain asuspend to RAM for many hours.Suspend TimeoutThis value sets the timeout for the system suspend mode. If the system hasbeen idle for the selected period of time, the system will enter the user definedsuspend mode. The value can be set to either Never, or to a value ranging from1 to 30 minutes.Resume TimerWhen you select this item, a dialog box will pop up allowing you to set aspecific date and time for the system to wake up from suspend mode.
3-12Alarm ResumeYou can either enable or disable this option. If this field is enabled, the systemwill wake up from suspend mode at the date and time set below. If the field isset to disabled, the date and time set in the fields below will have no effect.Resume Day/Resume Hour/Resume MinuteThese fields allow you to set a specific date and time for the system to wakeup from suspend mode.
3-13ExitWhen you have made changes to the setup utility, either press the [Esc] key, orhighlight the Exit option on the menu bar.Save and ExitWhen you select this item, a dialog box will pop up asking you to confirmyour choice to save the changes you just made and restart the computer. Thisdialog box will also appear if you press the [Esc] key in the main screen areaof the system configuration utility.Exit (No Save)When you select this option, a dialog box will pop up asking you to confirmyour choice to discard any changes you just made and restart the computer.The computer will then restart using the old values.Default SettingsWhen you select this option, a dialog box will pop up asking you to confirmyour choice to load the default values for all fields. The computer does notrestart. You must use the Save and Exit option above to restart the computerusing the default values.Restore SettingsWhen you select this option, a dialog box will pop up asking you to confirmyour choice to restore the current setup values to the original custom values.The computer does not restart. You must use the Save and Exit option aboveto restart the computer using the default values.
3-14Version InfoWhen you select this option, a dialog box will pop up informing you about theversion of the System Configuration Utility you are using.

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