Delta Electronics orporated DN-715 NoteBook User Manual CHAP 6

Delta Electronics Incorporated NoteBook CHAP 6


CChhaapptteerr  66  Expanding your NotebookThis chapter gives shortdescriptions of how toadd devices to yourcomputer using theports and connectorsof the notebook
6-1Upgrading and OptionsYour notebook is designed to provide the best technology currently available,but recognizing that computer hardware and software change quickly, yournotebook can easily be upgraded and expanded to meet your changingcomputing needs.Nowadays, many devices support Plug and Play technology. This means thatWindows can automatically detect the device when it is connected to yoursystem. If the device requires a driver, Windows will load it automatically. IfWindows does not have the device driver stored on your notebook, it will askyou to supply either the original Windows disc or diskettes, or a disc ordiskettes from the device manufacturer so that the device driver can beinstalled.Troubleshooting DevicesIf you have problems getting a device to operate, it may be because the devicerequires resources that are already being used by another device, for examplean IRQ (interrupt request) or an address space.1. You can identify this kind of problem by running Windows DeviceManager.2. Click on the Start button. Point to Settings and click on Control Panel.3. Double-click the System icon and then select the Device Manager tab inthe System Properties window.4. Click on the device that you are interested in, and then click on theProperties button.5. For many items, the Properties window will have tabs for Drivers andResources. You can use these windows to identify if the device isconflicting with resources used by other devices, and perhaps resolve theproblem.6. You may be able to resolve some conflicts my making changes to the portconfigurations by using the System Configuration Utility (see Chapter 3).NOTE: If you want to install a new device into system but the systemresource(for example : IRQ) is not enough, you should stop or releasethe installed device.
6-2I/O PortsThe rear and left side of your notebook have a full range of I/O ports thatallow you to connect a variety of peripheral devices to your system. We willdiscuss here the ports that are not already covered in a previous part of themanual.PrinterWhether you purchase a portable computer or a desktop model, you willprobably connect the printer to the computer via the parallel cable. You mightalso connect to a printer via a USB connection, a network connection, a serialconnection, or via the IR (infrared) port. See Chapter 5 for more informationon using the infrared port option. Whatever the nature of the connection, youwill need to set up the necessary drivers for the printer. You can vary the portconnection, or network setup, at the step it is required.Installing Your PrinterWhen you first boot your notebook, you will be offered the opportunity to setup your printer. If you did not set up your printer at that time, or if you haveadded a printer to your system, you can follow the steps below to prepare yourprinter for use in Windows.Select Start/Settings/Printers and then Add Printer. In the “Add PrinterWizard” click on Next. Scroll through the list of manufacturers and printers tofind yours. If your model is not listed here, check your printer documentationfor a compatible printer to use as a source of the printer driver. The programwill then ask you to identify the connection for that printer, usually LPT 1.You will then be prompted for a name for this printer. You can accept thedefault, but you can choose any name you want. If you are going to work in anenvironment where there might be more than one printer of the same model,the names become an important way of distinguishing your printers from eachother. On the same screen you are also asked whether this will be your defaultprinter.You will then be asked if you want to print a test page. This would be a goodidea if this is a new printer, or the first printer that you have set up for yournotebook.When Windows has finished loading your printer drivers, you will be returnedto the Printers window. You should now see your printer listed there. Youmay also see some other drivers, e.g. for fax software.
6-3You may have noticed that there is a fax driver in your printer choices. Youcan select the fax program as a printer device for any Windows-baseddocument that you are running in Windows. The document will be sent to thefax program just as it would be sent to the printer.Other Parallel DevicesYour parallel port can also be used with other parallel devices, e.g.. Yourparallel port is capable of supporting enhanced EPP and ECP transfer modes.EPP transfer mode provides significant performances increases for transfer to1-way parallel devices, such as printers. ECP transfer mode provides increasedperformance for 2-way transfers such as those used to link another computer toyour notebook system for file transfer. You might need to check thedocumentation of your device to determine the modes supported. If you needto change the transfer mode of your printer, you can do so in the SystemConfiguration Utility. See Chapter 3 for information on the SystemConfiguration Utility.Parallel PortFigure 6-1: Parallel PortBe sure to shut down your system before connecting the device to yournotebook to prevent damage to your system and the parallel device.External Pointing DeviceYou can connect a serial mouse to your notebook. If you use a serial mouse,connect the mouse to the serial port located on the backside of your notebook.
6-4Serial PortFigure 6-2: Serial PortIf your serial mouse is Windows compliant, the notebook should detect newhardware and take you through the process of installing the hardware. IfWindows does not recognize your serial mouse, you will need to use Windowsto Add New Hardware (Start/Settings/Control Panel/Add New Hardware).You can have Windows search for the mouse, or if you know the correctsettings, you can set up the mouse manually. If Windows does not have driversfor your mouse, you can use a standard driver, or use a disk provided by themouse manufacturer.Serial DevicesThe Communications Ports on your notebook allow you to connect externaldevices such as a mouse, a modem, a printer, a scanner, or another computer tothe notebook.Devices connected after the notebook is powered up may not work reliable.Connect devices to the serial port while the system is turned off. This not onlyhelps to protect your notebook from damage, but turning on the notebook afterconnecting an external device to the port allows the computer to prepare itselfand the device to operate together.USB PortsThe notebook is equipped with one USB port, which allows you to takeadvantage of a high-speed connection to newer devices. A USB port allowsyou to connect up to 127 devices through a single port, at very high transferrates of up to 12 Mbps. Devices can be connected through a USB hub, anexternal device that provides power and connection for other USB devices, orconnected one to the other in a chain. Your notebook will automatically checkthe USB port to determine what devices are attached. If they are new to yoursystem, the Plug-and-Play interface will detect the new equipment. The
6-5constant communication between the USB port and your devices allows you toconnect and disconnect devices without shutting down first.USB PortFigure 6-3: USB PortYou can connect a USB device by plugging the USB cable into the USB porton the left side of the notebook.The system should automatically detect the new device and make it availablefor you. If the device is not immediately recognized, check the documentationfor the device.The USB port not only provides a connection between your notebook and theexternal devices, but they are also capable of providing electrical current torun those devices. If you make considerable use of your notebook underbattery power, you should consider how USB devices might drain your batteryor slow battery charging. If you have a USB device that has its own electricalpower source, you should consider using this device as a hub for your otherdevices. These devices can then draw power through the hub device, leavingyour notebook free to conserve or recharge battery power.Using the PS/2 PortThe PS/2 port on the left side of the notebook lets you connect an externalkeyboard to your system, such as a full size AT-enhanced keyboard, or anexternal pointing device to your system, such as a mouse or a trackball. ThePS/2 device must have a mini-DIN PS/2 connector. If your device uses a largerAT DIN connector or a 9-pin serial connector, you can easily get an adapter tochange it to a mini-DIN PS/2 connector.
6-6PS/2 PortFigure 6-4: PS/2 PortYou can plug in, and unplug an external keyboard even when your system isturned on. When you connect the external keyboard to your system, the built-in keyboard remains active and you can enter data through either keyboard.When you use this port for connecting an external PS/2 pointing device toyour system, such as a mouse or a trackball, you can plug in, and unplug, theexternal pointing device even when your system is turned on. When youconnect the device to your system, the built-in touchpad remains active andyou can control the screen pointer with either the touchpad or the externalpointing device.Using the other PortsThe use of the infrared port is explained in Chapter 4.The use of the AC adapter is explained in Chapter 4.The use of the telephone jack is explained in Chapter 4.The use of the audio jacks is explained in Chapter 5.The use of the external monitor port and the TV-out port is explained inChapter 5.
6-7Using the Optional Port ReplicatorThe optional port replicator duplicates most of the ports of your notebook. Ifyou usually connect your notebook to a number of peripheral devices, such asa printer, a monitor, a mouse, a scanner, and so on, you can permanentlyconnect the devices to the port replicator. When you dock your notebook intothe port replicator, you will have immediate access to the devices connected tothe replicator.NOTE: The ports on the back of the notebook are no longer accessiblewhen you connect the port replicator to the notebook. These ports are allduplicated on the replicator, including one extra Game, one S-video, andtwo PS/2 ports.Port Replicator ComponentsPorts duplicated on the port replicator:! Serial Port, explained earlier in this chapter.! Parallel Port, explained earlier in this chapter.! External Monitor Port, explained in Chapter 5.! Line out/Line in/Microphone in - audio jacks, explained in Chapter 5.! PS/2 Ports (Two), for simultaneous connection of a keyboard and a mouse.Usage is explained earlier in this chapter.! USB Ports (Two), explained earlier in this chapter.! TV-out Port, explained in Chapter 5.The use of these ports is explained elsewhere in this manual, as indicated.New ports included on the replicator:GameThe 15-pin Game port can be used to connect your computer to an IBM-compatible joystick or similar device. The notebook will automatically detectif you are connecting a joystick device.S-videoThe S-video jack can be used to output video to devices that use S-video plugssuch as camcorders.
6-8Installing MemoryThis notebook has a memory compartment, which contains two sockets forindustry standard SODIMMS (small outline dual in-line memory modules).These modules are readily available from numerous third-party manufacturers.The memory compartment is located in the base of the notebook. Install extramemory as follows:1. Before you begin, turn off your computer, disconnect the AC adapter, andremove the internal battery.2. Take precautions to prevent static electricity causing damage to yourmemory card as follows:• If you can, wear a grounding wrist strap that’s connected to a safelygrounded connection during the installation.• Discharge any accumulated static electricity by touching the metalcase of a safely grounded device before beginning the installation.• Leave all electronic components inside their static-proof packaginguntil they are required for the installation.• Handle all circuit boards and electronic components carefully. Holdboards by the edges only. Do not flex or stress circuit boards.3. Locate the memory compartment cover and remove the locking screw.Figure 6-5: Removing the Memory Compartment Cover4. Inside the memory compartment, you will see two sockets for theSODIMMs. In some configurations of this notebook, a 32 or 64 MBmodule will occupy one of the sockets. You can install the second socketwith another SODIMM. You can install any size of SODIMM from 8 MBup to 128 MB in any of the free sockets.
6-95. If both sockets are occupied by SODIMMs, and you want to change one orboth of the SODIMMs for a higher capacity module, locate the lockinglatches at each side of the socket. Pull these locking latches outwards. Thiswill allow the socket and module to pop up to an angle of about 20degrees. You can then slide the module out of the SODIMM socket.Figure 6-6: Removing a Memory Module6. Hold the new module at the same angle as the socket and slide the edgeconnector side of the module into the socket. The edge connector has acutout and the socket has a notch so that it can only be installed in thecorrect way. Press the module into the socket until you can no longer seethe gold-teeth of the edge connector.Figure 6-7: Inserting a Memory Module7. Press the module down into the memory compartment so that the lockinglatches on either side of the socket engage, and hold the card down flatinside the compartment.8. Replace the memory compartment cover and secure it with the lockingscrew.
6-109. Reconnect the AC adapter and/or replace the internal battery. Restart yournotebook. When the system POST (power on self test) appears, you canverify that the system has automatically recognized the new memoryconfiguration.NOTE: Please note that your notebook has a preinstalled suspend-to-disk partition to support the amount of memory that was factoryinstalled in your notebook. If you expand the memory beyond thecapacity of the original suspend-to-disk partition, you will need to createa larger partition on your hard disk drive. This may involve reorganizingyour complete hard disk drive. Please refer to a certified technicianfamiliar with this notebook if you are not familiar with this procedure.ModemInside the memory compartment there is also space for the optional internalfax/modem device. The fax/modem is a factory-installed option. If yournotebook did not originally come with this option, and you want to expandyour notebook with a modem, contact your vendor for more information.Modem compartmentFigure 6-8: Modem Compartment

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