GuangZhou Walkera Technology DEVO-10 2.4GHz Transmitter User Manual part 7of8

GuangZhou Walkera Technology Co., Ltd 2.4GHz Transmitter Users Manual part 7of8

Users Manual part 7of8

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Document ID1672945
Application IDmiIxliB/5/p2AAVCIgjBWQ==
Document DescriptionUsers Manual part 7of8
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize414.63kB (5182895 bits)
Date Submitted2012-04-10 00:00:00
Date Available2012-04-10 00:00:00
Creation Date2012-03-23 16:09:25
Document Lastmod2012-03-26 12:18:27
Document TitleUsers Manual part 7of8

Welcome to use the DEVO—1O transmitter
(4.5) Switch Selectlon
When the item Throttle Stick is set in Inhibit, it is possible to switch between Pos 0 and Pos 1 by Switch
Press UP or DN te select ‘Switch" Press ENT to enter into Switch selection interface, press UP or DN te
choose desired item. Press ENT, the desired item whose left side will be changed into "1" from “U" lltwa or
more items are selected. the item And should be chosen, whose left side should be changed into “1" from
“0" Press EXT afler finished it
Thrclttln fiurfe
T—hmttle Sticl
8' tilt h
3.7 Dif'erential
it want to use this function. Flapergn. DELTA, gr 4-Ailemn should be previously selected in Wing Type of
Model Menu. Referto "2.11 Wing Type".
(1) Aileron differential setting
Press ENT to enter into Main menu: press UP or DN to choose Function menu Press ENT to enter into
Function menu; press UP or DN to choose Differential, press ENT to enter interface of Differential, illustration
as below
Dlfiere ntlal
f». _ - Mounting serves in left and right ailerons are a must if
Id h Ell-l rl El using this lunclioh. The following interface will be shown
”8 I'D n after Flaperon, DELTA, or 4-Ailer0n selected in Wing
Type Refertc “2 11 Wing Type"
Pas: D
(1 1) Channel
Current setting channel is Aileron System default can not be Set
(1.2) Setting for Pos 0
Press up or DN to choose Pas 0. press R or L to increase or decrease differential value, respectively. The
adjustable range is a 10m.
(1 3) Setting for Pos 1
Press UP nr DN to choose Post, press R or L to increase or decrease differential value, respectively The
adjustable range is a 1mm
Differential Differential
Channel P08 El
F‘n Li Piaf-3 l
(1.2) Setting for Pos 0 (1.3) Setting tor Pas 1
Deva-1 0—55
Welcome to use the DEVO-10 transmitter
(1.4) Switch selection
it is possible to switch by Setting Switch when differential is in use
Press UP or DN to choose Switch, press ENT to enter interface of Switch selection, press UP or DN to choose
desired item Press ENT‘ the desired item whese left side wil be changed into ‘1' from "0“ If two or more
items are selected. the item And should be chosen, whose left side should be changed into “1 " from "0". Press
EXT after finished it
P05 i
8 ii iii: h
F' [I S [I
(2) Rudder differential setting
V—Tail should be previously set in Wing Type of Model Menu if the rudder differential function is activated.
Refer to "2.11 Wing Type". And then the following interface will be shown:
D lilE re I'iil Bi (2 1) Setting fer Pos 0
a Press UP cr UN to choose PBS 0, press R or L In increase
[ liar rt El - - , »
4 I ordecrease driferenttal value, respectively The adjustable
ran 9 is t 100"/
Fl u l:l lj er 9 , °
P F U (2 2) Setting fer Pos 1
U D _ Press UP er DN to choose Pcsi, press R or L to increase
|_|% ordecrease differential value. respectively The adjustable
range is e 100%
(z 3) Switch selection
it is possible to switch by Setting Switch when diiferential is in use
Press UP or DN to choose Switch. press ENT to enter interface of Switch selection. press UP or DN to choose
desired item Press ENT, the desired item whose left side wil be changed into "1" fmm "Q'. If two or more
items are selected. the Item And should be chosen, whose lefl sice should be changed into “1 " from "0". Press
EXT afler finished it
P043 1 lmfitncl
fit FM Cl D [I
' J
(a) Flap difierential setting
it should be previously set the flap dual channel function in Wing Type of Model Menu (refer to “2 11 Wing
Type“) in order to activate the menu at Flap Differential
Differential (3.1) Setting tor Pcso
—'———"C ii a Pl Press UP or DN to choose Pos 0, press R or L to increase
H l"! a or decrease differential value, respectively The adjustable
(a 2) Setting tor Poe 1
P D S D Press UP er UN to cheese Pest, press R or L to increase
or decrease differential value. respectively The adjustable
range is e 100%.
Welcome to use the DEVO—1O transmitter
(3-3) Switch selection
It is possible to switch by Setting Switch when differential is in use
Press UP or DN to choose Switch, press ENT to enter interface cl Switch selection, press UP or DN lo choose
desired item Press ENT. the desired item whese left side wil be changed into ‘1' from "0" If Me or mere
items are selected, the item And should be chosen, whose lefl sice should be changed into “1" from "0" Press
EXT after finished it
P08 I
3.8 Balance
This function can adjust the parameters clihe two servos whloh are used in the dual channels it should be
previously activated one ot the these wing types of Plaperon. DELTA. 4 Aileron. and v Tail in Wing Type at
Model Menu. Refer to "2.11 Wing Type".
8 al an t: e l:
l L 8
Press ENT to enter into Main Menu, press uP or DN to ”ll in F] l
choose Function. Press ENT to enter into Function menu, .t ll U I’D Fl
press UP or DN to cheese Balance. Press ENT to enter ’
interface oi Balance setting, picture as below:
Setting method:
(1) Channel: currenl setting channel is Aileron. Syslem deleult can ncl be sel
(2) Point parameter adjustment B a] an i" E
Point< Right Selling: Press UP or DN to choose ‘
"Poinl< Right". it need to adjust the value, press L - ' -
(0% means no adjusting) A minus value means the P 0 ml " Fl l El l-ll
amending direction is downward; press R to adjusl
value(0”/o means no adjusting). A plus value means
the amending direction is upward. The adjustable
range is e100%. 3
Poinl-Righl Setting: Press UP or DN to choose "Point-Right". Press R or L to inhibil or aci. If nee to adjust
please act it There will be expanded value adjustment item Press UP or DN to choose "ow ll need to adjust
the value, press L (0% means no adjusting) A minus value means the amending direction is downward; press
R to adjust value (on/s means no adjusting). A plus value means the amending direction is upward. The
adjustable range is 100%.
Balance ml Balance
Point - Right Point — Fiighl
Irll'lltlit Mil“
Press UP cr DN. there have setting for Point-1. Point-2, Point-3, Point-Left, Pcint>Left, refer to the setting
method as above. Press EXT afler finished it.
DEVD-‘l 0—57
Aeuen‘hon— Welcome to use the DEVO-10 transmitler
3.9 Gyro sensor
This function otters the gain adjustment for gyro sensor, which can he manually set through D/R switches or
Flight mode Witch. and also is possible to be automatically sWitcned among various gains through (light mode
switch (The fllghl mode should be activated Refer to “2 9 Device Select")
Setting method:
Press ENT to enter Main menu; Press UP or DN to choose
G'—_______54ri.i Serif“ IZII
Function menu. Press ENT to enter Function menu. Press r—____...._.\Il“ Dd _
UP or DN to choose Gyro setting. press ENT to enter the
setting interlace of Gyro setting. an U a]
(1) Manual Setting Ch an n p]
(1 1) Manual SellIng Under Gyro setting interface,
press UP or DN to choose Mode, press R or L to get
Manual setting or Automatic Setting (Automatic setting
can be activated it Flight mode is act, refer to “2.9 Device selection" )- Choose "Manual Semng"
(1 2) Channel The default setting is AUX 2 it is possible to alter into other channels by choosing in the item
of Device Output (reter to “2 10 Device Output").
(1 a) SWitch selection Under Gyro setting interface press UP or DN to choose Swnch press R or L to expand
into six articles: FMOD sw. MIX sw. ELEV D/R. AlLE DR. and RUDD D/R . GEAR sw Choose the desired
switch tor Manual control
(1 4) Galn Setting lf the sWitch selection is three level the gain settings of Pos 0. Pos 1, and Pos 2 can be
setted respectively. ltthe switch selection is two level, then only Pos 0 and Pos 1 can be setted individually
(t 4 1) Status turn the setting gyro control switchthe
t t c -
'“ l I—‘ F' F! u If status items will display the current switch status position.
._'i W“; h (1 4 2) Pos 0:Press UP or DN to move the navigational
.' J , mark to Pos 0 and press R or L to increase or decrease.
E LE ti E .‘ Fl respectively the the gyro used has two modes
at“ a of NOR and Avcs. NOR will he activated when the value
is less Ihan 50 0% in NOR mode, the smaller the value
is, the bigger the gyro sensor gain will he The tactory
setting is so u%.
(1 4 3)“Pos1""Pos z" are the same setting way as above “Pos 0"
(2) Automatic setting
UP or DN to select the item ot Mode. press R/L to select film] In
Manual or Automatic options Select Automatic
(2 2) Channel The default setting is AUX 2 It is possible
to alter into other channels in the interface of Device Dutput
(Refer to "2 10 Device Output").
(2 3) Switch The switch tuncation lsn'l available under Automatic setting
(2 4) Status turn the SWitch “F MOD"or “throttle hold‘xthe status set display present tlight mode position There
are “Flight Mode 0"."l=light Mode 1"."Plight Mode 2"."Throttle hold" sets."throttle hold" need to start that can
ettect.(reler to “3.5 throttle hold")
(2 5) Plight Mode 0: Press UP or UN to select Plight
Mode 0. press R/L can increase or decrease the value
indivtdually. If the gyro used has two modes ot NOR and
AVCS NOR will be activated when the value Is less than '. i i ' " r
50 o% In NOR mode. the smaller the value is, the blgger F] | 3m M U U E -|
the gyro sensorgain will he The factory setting is 50 o% F” g m r\,i’1f_'ld P n
(2.6) Flight mode might mode 2,Throttle hold settings
reler to “Flight Mode 0" After finishing the SELpress EXT
to exit
(2 1)Autcmatic Settin : in the Gyro Sensor interlacepress M UUE fiI
Welcome to use the DEVO—tO transmitter
3.10 Governor
Before setup this function, “Governof‘ should be set and activated in ”Device output" interface (Referto 2 to
Device Output)
The control proportion ofgovernor can be separately set in various flight modes Forthe absolute revolution
amount. please set in external governor. The amount shown in DEVOr‘iD governor is )ust a percentage for
reference The actual revolution should be read in the external governor.
Setting Method
Press “ENT’ to enterthe ”Main menu" intertaoeiPress ”UPIDN"
to make the navigation mark to seiect “Function menu" Press
“ENT” to “Funcatlon menu".Press UPIDN to choose ’
‘Govemor‘lhen press‘ENT‘keyto enlerthe Governorsetting Fi Qi'li M dEEI I
interfacewhich display the options of Status and channels, ii dI'I HE|
Press UP/DNthere are options of t"FIlght Mode 0". "Flight ‘ '
Mode 1". “Fiight Mode 2". “Throme Hold" and so on. " H,U 4
(t) Status
Turn the Fiight lvlode or Thottle hold switch.the status display present flight mode position There are “Fiight
Mode 0". " Fiight Mode 1“.“Fiight lvlode 2". “Throttle Hold" and so on Thottle hold can be available when the
it has been activated(referto 3.5 Throttle hold")
(2) Channel: The setted channels Will display in "2m Device output" (refer to 2.l0 Devtce Output)
(3) Flight Mode 0 H Hm or
Press “UPIDN” to make the navigation choose the “Flight . _ _
Mode 0"set. press RIL to increase/decrease the value.The Fi I9 hi i"."i I] Ci H U
tactnry default value is 0% .adjustabie range e my...
(4) "Flight Mode t","Fiigh| Mode 2”,”Thmttle hold "settings « . _
refer to “Flight Mode 0". Fl | 9 m M U CI 8 i
Press EXT to exlt afterflnlshed
3.11 Ailercn to Rudder Mix
This tunctiori is pOSSlbie to execute the Mix of aiiernn to rudden which is controiled by switch
Setting method:
Press ENT enterto Main menu, press UP or DN to seieot Funetlon menu. Press ENT enterto Function menu.
Press UP or DN seiect Aiieron to rudder mix,press ENT enter to Aiierun to Rudder mix setting interface
i'irl ti] FIIJijEI
PD J U LEii (l) Pos 0 Setting leftward setting
Press UP or DN select leftward mix value. press R or L
to leftward mix value of aileron to rudder Will be changed
F 3 q n H i q m The rnix direction will be revised by changing the sign of
' ' r 0 plus or minus before the value The ad)ustable range is
(2) Pos 0 Setting rightward setting
Press UP or DN select rightward mix value, press R or L rightward mix value of aileron to rudder vvill be
changed. The rnix direction Will be revised by changing the sign of plus or minus before the value. The
adjustable range is 1125"/o
(3) Pos l settingThe setting is same as above.
(4) Throttle stiCK setting
The switch between Pos 0 and Pos 1 can be reaiized by setting the position oi throttle stick. Press UP or
DN of Throttie Stick to set the position amount oi throttie stick. The deiault setting Is inhibit. The adjustabie
range is 0 0-100 0°/o
DEvOr'i D 7 59
M— Welcome to use the DEVO-1D transmitter
(5) Switch setting
The switch will display the current swilch position press UP or DN to selecl lhe desired item press ENT lo
the setting interface and '0' before the item will be changed into “1" lt two or more items are selected, the
item And should be selected Press EXT to exit after finished
litilerlzlrl to Rudder... mi
Thrlzltile Stick.
inhihit lFi-i'lUD D
Switch FirtDD 1
ul Fill-i El [ll 2
3.12 Elevator to flap mix
This function is used to execute the mix of elevator to flap
Press ENT enter to main menu,press press UP or UN to select function menu Press ENT enter to function
menu Press UP or DN select Elevator to flap mix,press ENT enter to Elevator to flap mix setling interface
ElE aiEIFiD Flap ilfii
PUB DUI? (1)PosouPsettlng
Press UP or UN to move the navigational mark to select
item Pos 0 UP. press R or L upward mix value at Elevator
F'EIEG I] DO '.-i."l'i to llap mix will he changed. The mix direction will be
- E, , revised by changing the sign of plus or minus before the
Uc’o value. The adjustable range is t125°/n.
(2) Pcs 0 Down setting
Press UP or UN to move the navigational mark to select item Pos 0 Down, press R or L downward mix value
of Elevator to flap mix will be changed The mix direction will be revised by changing the sign elplus or minus
before the value The adjustable range is t125‘7/u
(3) Pos 1 settingThe setting is same as above.
(4) Throttle stick setting
The switch between Pos 0 and Pos 1 can be realized by setting the position of throttle stick Press UP or
DN of Throttle Stick to set the position amount of throttle stick The default setting is inhibit The adjustable
range is 0.0—100 0%.
(5) Switch setting
The switch will display the current switch position press UP or DN to select the desired item press ENT to
the setting interface and "0" before the item will be changed into “1". if two or more items are selected, the
item And should be selected Press EXT to exit after finished
Eievaturtlzl Flap @
Thrhttie Stick.
Welcome to use the DEVO—m transmitter
3.13 Rudder to aileronlelevalor mix
This function is used to execute the mix of rudder lo aileron/elevator it will help eliminate waver or shake
caused by rudder stick operation
Setting method:
Press ENT to enter Main Menu In the main interfaceand
press up or DN to make the navigation mark choose
"Function Menu".Press ENT to enter “Function Menu",then
press up or DN to choose ‘Rudder to aileron/elevator mix"
and press ENT to enter “Rudder to aileron/elevator mix“
setting interlace.
(t) Elevator setting
(1.1) Elevator Pos 0 Leftward setting
Press up or UN to make the navigation mark choose "Elevator Pas o Leltward setting"item,arld press R or
L to change the value and the Elevator mix amount when operating Rudder lettward The mix direction will
be rewsed by changing the sign of plus or minus beiore the value.The adiustabie range is t125%.
(1.2) Elevator Pos 0 Rightward setting
Press UP or DN to make the navigation mark choose “Elevator Pos 0 Rightward settinghtemand press R or
L to change the value and the Elevator mix amount when operating Rudder rightward .The mix direction will
be rewsed by changing the sign of plus or minus beiore the value.The adiustabie range is t125%.
(1.3) Elevator Pos 1 setting:reter to "1.1 Elevator Pos 0"se|tlrlg
(z) Aiieron setting
(2 t) Pos 0 setting referto “t t Elevator P05 D"setting
(2.2) Pos i setting: referto "1 .i Elevator Pos o"setting
(3) Throttle stick setting
The switch between Pos 0 and Pos 1 can be realized by the position or Throttle Slickthen press R or L to
change the value or inhibit Change the value can set the Thottle stick position The default setting is “lnhibit‘xthe
adjustabie range is from 0.0 to wow,
(4) Switch setting
Swltch item will dlsplay the Current Swltch pasitlon Press UP or DN to make the navigatlorl mark choose
“Switch"itemand ENT to enter the seiectable switch Interlacepress UP or DN to make the navigatlcn mark
choose the desired Switch Press ENT to confirm and change the iefl Sign from “0" into “1" If two or more items
are seiected,the item And shuuld be seieded and then the ielt Sign "0" wiH be changed intu ”1" Press EXT
to exit after finished
3.14 Flap System
This function can modily some eflects on is possible to set 3 statuses of elevator and 3 statuses
of tiap systemrespectivelythrough 3rway tiap control switch.
Setting method:press ENT to enter Main Menu in the main interfaceithen press UP or DN to make the navigation
mark Choose ”Function Menu".press ENT to enter Function Menu.Press UP or DN to choose “Fiap System"
and then ENT to enter Its setting Interlace
DEch a —7‘i
DEvD-1 [1
Welcome to use the DEVO-10 transmitler
(1) Elevator setting
__ .‘,__ _ .
Fl dF‘ S . btlil'll _.... There are 3 options:0:Nermai.1 Midpclm and 2 Land.
ElE'v'dmr U- “mm (1 1)Elevatorowormaipositien
pass up or an a mate in navigation mark semi
__ , . A _ “Elevator 0:Ncrmai".and press R or L to change the
E| E‘i'dICll I - Ml Eli: LI 1 I'll elevalor mix amuunt it is possible to change the direction
,- by altering u or D before the amount The default setting
is o%.ano the adiusiable range is u125% - D125%.
(1 .2) Midpoint position:Please reler lo "1 1 Elevator 0:Normal"setling
(1 .3) Land position: Please reier to "1.1 Elevator o:Normal"setting
(2) Flap setting:the setting icrflap is same as elevator.
(3) status
Press UP or DN to make the navigation mark choose "Status",tnen vibrating the flap switch(reier to 2 9 Device
select) will display current position
(4) Auto land
(4.1) Throttle stick setting
Press UP or DN to make the navigation mark choose"Throltle stick"item,and press R or L to change value
or lnhioitlt is possible to settne position when changing the value.The default setting is "innipit",and adjustable
range is lrom c o to 100 0%
Stature Throttle Stick
2: Land
Thrcil'lle Fiticl; Flight Mode l]
(4 z) Flighl mode 0 setting
it is possible to set a certain tlignl mooe svvitch automaticly alter automatic land When on this you must come
to "Wing type" setting interface under the Model Menu and make correspond Wing type seiting.Reter to 2.11
Wing type.
Press uP or DN to make the navigation mark choose “Plight Flap E: ”STE! l'i'i
made D"item,and press R or L to 3 options: 0:N0rmal;1
Midpoint and 2:Land it is Mannul Conlrol when choose Fllght rdalje [I
"Switch",but Automalic Control when Choose Flight mode
swilch position _
(4.3) Flight mode 1 setting refer to "(4 2)Fligm mode 0 setting" Fl | 9 m M D ‘j E I
.-. ~ a
(4.4) Flight mode 2 setting: refer to ”(4.2)Flight mode 0 setting" Cu WITL l'l
Press EXT 10 exit afler finished.
3.15 Aileron to flap mix
The iunction aims at mixing liap when operating aileron stick, and can set sWitch. The ilap ouai channels
should also be prewousiy activated at wing Type in Mode Menu(reier Io"2.11 wing Type”)
All er h h
Selling methud ‘ -
Pns U Left
Press‘ENT" to enter into“maln menu"; press UP or DN (0 ,
mate anger)n mark sneer Maren menu western-ii,
enler inlu“iunction menu". press UP or DN In select "Ailemri P D 9 D F: l q ht
la flap mix" press"ENT" lo "Ailerori to flap mix"designed
Welcome to use the DEVO—m transmitter
(i) Pas o to ieflward setting
Press uP or DN to make navigation mark seiect" Pos 0 o ieftward setting",press R or L to change the ieftward
mix value at aiiren to tiapthe mix direction Will be revised by changing the sign or plus or minus before the
valueilhe ad)ustable range is e125%
(2) Pos 0 to rightward setting
press uP ar DN to make navigation mark seiect“ Pas o o rightward setting",press R or L to change the rightward
mix value or aiiren to tiapthe mix direction wiil be revised by changing the sign or plus or minus before the
value.the ad)ustable range is t125“/a
(3) Pos 0 to iettward setting: reler above "(t) pos o to ielt setting"
(4) Pos 0 to rightward setting reler above“(2) pos u to right setting"
(5) Throttle stick setting
The Swilch between Pas o and Pas 1 can be reaiized by setting the position of throttle stick Press UP or
DN to make navigation mark select "throttle stick setting". press R or L to change the value or inhabit. Change
value can set throttle stick postion.The delault setting is “inhabit". The ad)ustable range is trom 0.0% to 100 o%
(5) Switch setting
Press UP or DN to make navigation mark select ”switch" setting, prss ENT enter into useabie switch intertaoe,
press UP or DN to make navigation mark select desired switch setting.Press ENT to contirm.make Iei‘t sign
{ram "0" to "1". It two or mere items are selectableithe item Arid should be seiected.t0 make iett sign {ram
"0" tr) “1"i Press EXT to exit after tinished.
S'v‘a'iil: h
3.16 Program mix
There are total eight sets or Program Mix. it is possible to lreeiy set th channels and amounts which you
want to select and amendrespectively
Setting method:
press" ENT" enter to “main menu”: press UP or DN to make
navigation mark select“tunction menu",press"ENT" to enter
into"runction menu", press UP or DN to seiect" program
mix ".press"ENT" enter into"program mix", shown"program
mix 1" and settabie status(the factury default setting is
inhibit).Take program Mix 1 as an example. 1 U I"-.-'E!
(t) Setting method tor Normal in Program Mix.
Press up or DN to make the navigation mark choose "Normai" item,and press ENT then expands up an
enquery “All Servos Hoid? Choose “OK" tor all the servos wiil be locked at the current statuses;chaose
“Cancel" ror unlocked Enter the next intenace after choosing.
(1.1) Master Channel setting
Press UP or DN to make the navigation mark choose “Master Channel"item.and press ENT tn enterthe Master
Channei setting InterfacePress UP or UN to Choose the desired Channel.ther| press ENT to Confirm the mark
"V before choosed channei nameipress ENT to return the Program Mix 1 Interlace
(1.2) Siave Channel setting
Press UP or DN to make the navigation mark choose'SIEVe Channei "itemarld press ENT to enter the Slave
Channei setting Interfaee Press UP or DN to chouse the desired Channel vand press ENT to confirm the mark
"v"before the Siave Channel .and “EXT" In return Program Mix 1 interface
Dzvcm D 773

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Navigation menu