user manual 3 of 7

NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-21NAVIGATION SYSTEM(a) By category Searches for facilities nearby the currentposition or from the city center.Press the  button.Press the  button tosearch for facilities nearby the currentposition, or press the button to search for facilities in the nearcity center. (a-1) Near current position Searches for facilities within a 30 mi (45km)radius of the current position. Press the desired main category menu. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Find nearest POI"[Find nearest POI], page 4-20.Press the desired sub category menu. Select the desired menu button. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Near city centerNear current positionCategory
3-22 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEM(a-2) Near city center Searches for facilities from the city center. Input the city name and press thebutton. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the city listscreen will be displayed automatically. Press the desired city menu. Press the desired main category. Press the desired sub category.Select the desired menu button. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. INFORMATIONThe distance on each POI item button refersto the distance from the city center.Listi
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-23NAVIGATION SYSTEM(b) By namePress the  button.Input the name of the POI and press thebutton. If the number of matches with the inputis less than 4 results, then the facilities listscreen will be displayed automatically. Select the desired POI menu. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. INFORMATIONWhen necessary,  the search conditions forthe city and category can be changed bypressing the  button. Changing City Press the  button.Input the city name and press the button.Select the desired city name.Changing CategoryPress the  button.Select the desired main category menu. Select the desired sub category menu. (c) By phone numberPress the  button.Phone #CategoryListCityAdvancedListNamei
3-24 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMInput the phone number and Press thebutton to complete. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Destination POI by Phone Number"[Destination POI by phone number],page 4-22.Searching from Address bookPress the  key.Press the  button.Select the desired address book (user)menu. INFORMATIONThis system provides 5 address books. Eachaddresses book can hold up to 200 entries.Select the desired address name fromthe list. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. [Registering new address in addressbook], page 3-43.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Destination by address book"[Destination by address book], page 4-24.Address bookDESTDonei
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-25NAVIGATION SYSTEMSearching for Emergency facilitiesPress the  key.Press the  button.Select the desired facility category. Select the desired facility. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Find emergency <Category>"[Find emergency <Category>], page 4-23.Searching your HomePress the  key.Press the  button. The Home position will be displayed onthe map. INFORMATIONIf the Home address is not registered, then thebutton will be displayed. [Registering home address], page 3-48.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Go home"[Go home], page 4-25.HOMEHOMEDESTEmergencyDESTi
3-26 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMSearching favorite placesPress the  key.Select the desired button from  ~  .The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. INFORMATIONIf the address of the Favorite place is notregistered, then the  ~  buttonswithout registered addresses will be disabled.[Registering favorite place], page 3-49.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Destination by memory point <1 to 5>"[Destination by memory point <1 to 5>],page 4-25.Searching from MAP Position the scroll mark at the destinationby scrolling the map on the map screen. Searching POI by local POI listPress the  button on the mapscreen. Press the  button.Press the  button.Select the desired POI menu. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Find nearest <POI name>"[Find nearest <POI name>], page 4-21.Local POI listsOthersPOI 5151DESTi
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-27NAVIGATION SYSTEMOperating after searching adestination Changing destination position : Changes the position of the destination byscrolling the map. [Scrolling map], page 3-11.Setting as Destination / waypoint :Sets the position as the destination orwaypoint. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Start guidance" (Sets the position of the scroll mark as thedestination and begins route guidance.)Adding to address book : Saves the position in the address book. [Registering new address in addressbook], page 3-43. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Store Marked Location to <text tag>"
3-28 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMOperating after setting adestination Starting Route Guidance Press the  button. RouteGuidance will start. Route simulationIf the  button is pressedand held for over 0.8  second, then theroute simulation will start. If the  key on the control panel ispressed during route simulation, thenroute simulation will be terminated.Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Time to destination" "Distance to destination"Route guidance screenSymbol guidance mode : If the button is pressed, then the followingroute guidance screen will be displayed. Turn-List mode : If the  button ispressed, then the following routeguidance screen will be displayed. MAPStart GuidanceStart Guidance
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-29NAVIGATION SYSTEMHighway mode : If the  button ispressed, then the following routeguidance screen will be displayed.Intersection zoom mode : This routeguidance screen is automatically displayedduring guidance at an intersection. Once guidance at the intersection iscomplete, the screen will automaticallydisappear and the previous guidancescreen will be restored. Highway junction mode : This routeguidance screen is automaticallydisplayed during guidance at highwayjunctions. Once guidance at a highway junction iscomplete, this screen will automaticallydisappear and the previous guidancescreen will be restored. Selecting other routePress the  button. Other routes can be selected by pressingthe or buttons. Others
3-30 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMRoute guidance Route menu screen and functionsPress the  key on the control panel. The ROUTE menu screen will be displayed. Cancel Route: Deletes destination,waypoints and terminates routeguidance. [Finishing route guidance], page 3-30 .Route Overview: Displays the entireroute and route detailed.[Route overview], page 3-31 .Route Option: The route option can bechanged. [Changing Route option], page 3-32 .Edit Waypoint: Waypoints can beadded/deleted and the order can bechanged. [Editing waypoints], page 3-32 .Detour: Searches detour routes. [Setting detour distance], page 3-35 .Avoid Streets: Searches routes whichavoid the selected streets. [Setting avoid streets on route], page3-35.Finishing route guidance (DeleteDestination)Press the  key.Press the  button. Press the  button. The destination and waypoints aredeleted and the route guidance isterminated.[Finishing route guidance], page 3-30 .YesCancel RouteROUTEROUTE
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-31NAVIGATION SYSTEMVoice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Cancel route"(Terminates route guidance and deletes theset destination and waypoints.)Route overview (View Entire Route)Press the  key.Press the  button.Press the  button.INFORMATIONIf the  button is pressed,route guidance screen is displayed.The detailed route information can beviewed.Return to GuidanceTurn by turnRoute OverviewROUTEi
3-32 NAVIGATION SYSTEMPART 3   NAVIGATION SYSTEMChanging Route optionPress the  key.Press the  button.Press the button for the desired routeguidance method. Guidance will be restarted afterrecalculating the route with the selectedguidance method. Voice Command1. Press the  key on the steering wheelremote controller.2. After the beep sound, say a command.  "Replan recommended route""Replan shortest route""Replan minimize freeway route""Replan minimize toll road route"Editing waypointsAdding waypointsThere are 2 ways to add waypoints - (a)searching for POI nearest to the route, (b)using advanced search.Press the  key.Press the  button.Press the button.Press to add new waypointEdit WaypointROUTERoute OptionROUTE
NAVIGATION SYSTEM    3-33NAVIGATION SYSTEM(a) Searching POI lists near route Press the  button. Select the desired category. Select the desired sub category from list. Select the desired POI from the list. The corresponding position will bedisplayed on the map. Press the  button. Press the  button to complete. Guidance will restart after recalculatingthe route. DoneAdd as WaypointNear POI lists on Route

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