NCR RSD Atlanta 7730GAI Electronic Pricing Transmitter User Manual Manual Chapter 3

NCR Corporation, RSD - Atlanta Electronic Pricing Transmitter Manual Chapter 3

Manual Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware InfrastructureChapter OverviewThis chapter describes how to install the DecisioNet hardwareinfrastructure. This includes the following components:• CBSs• CBS power supplies• Data and power cables• Transmit and receive antennas For information about ordering these parts, refer to Appendix A.After the DecisioNet hardware is installed, the DecisioNet softwaremust be configured and the site must be RF certified. For configurationinformation, refer to "Chapter 6:  Configuring the DecisioNet SystemEnvironment" in this guide and the "Certify RF Infrastructure" sectionof the DecisioNet Implementation Guide (B005-0000-1250).3
3-2 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure Installation Recommendations• The most efficient way to install the DecisioNet hardwareinfrastructure is in one pass through the store. Install the CBSs,antennas, power cables, and data cables all at the same time• Label all cables and document labeling for future reference.• Neatness makes servicing the system much easier.• Allow slack in cables, especially in receive antenna cables.• Test the system as it is being installed. Refer to Chapter 7, "Testingand Troubleshooting," for information on testing.• Provide AC power that meets NCR requirements for the powersupplies.• Test wiring as it is installed. Some installation problems areextremely difficult to diagnose later.• DecisioNet Release 3.0 requires the RF infrastructure to beconnected to the site's DecisioNet Software Controller to test theinfrastructure. Refer to the following for information on testing theinfrastructure and site certification:• DecisioNet Implementation Guide (B005-0000-1250)• DecisioNet RF Certification Utility Guide• Certification/Re-Certification Site Survey Policy (497-0410343)
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-3 General Layout Instructions• The cable length between any two devices (hub to CBS or CBS toCBS) cannot exceed 100 m (328 ft.).• The maximum number of Ethernet levels beyond the primary CBSis three (3).•  The maximum total cable length is as follows: Cable  Maximum Cable Length Ethernet (primary CBS to last CBS inchain)  300 m (984 ft.) Power supply to last CBS in the chain  162 m (532 ft.)• Use only NCR authorized communication cable.• Communication cables must be secure and locked into theirconnectors.• The maximum number of CBSs per store is 40 except for model7730-1013-9090 (Netherlands) which has a maximum of 12 CBSsper store.• If the communication cable is routed through an elevator shaft, itmust be in a conduit and the conduit must be connected to thebuilding ground.• The minimum distance between a communication cable and afluorescent, neon, or incandescent light is 30 cm (12 in.).Note:  The minimum distance from red blown neon-type signs is 9.1 m(30 ft.). See the “Neon Signs” section in Chapter 2 of the DecisioNetImplementation Guide for information.• All communication cable connections must be protected fromelectrical and mechanical deterioration. The deterioration ofcommunication cable connections due to corrosion or electrolysis,especially in a humid or corrosive atmosphere, may result inelectrical noise.
3-4 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure• The minimum distances between a communication cable andelectrical equipment/associated power cables are as follows:  Maximum RatedCircuit Power  Unshielded PowerCables  Shielded PowerCables 1 kVA  30.5 cm (14 in.)  2.54 cm (1 in.) 2 kVA  45.7 cm (18 in.)  5.08 cm (2 in.) 5 kVA  60.9 cm (24 in.)  15.24 cm (6 in.) Over 5 kVA  152.4 cm (60 in.)  30.48 cm (12 in.) • All interconnecting wiring between the Ethernet hub, CBSs, andpower supplies is low voltage wiring. This wiring must conform toall local and national electrical codes for the routing of commercialsignal wire.• Do not route communication cables outside the building. Tools and Supplies DecisioNet infrastructure installers must have access to the toolstypically found in an electrician's tool box. Additional tools andsupplies an installation team may require are shown in the followingtable. Tool/Supply  Quantity Cable ties  10 per CBS RJ45 Modular Jacks  2 per cable plus spares Ideal Modular RJ45 crimp kit  1 Milwaukee 2.4 V low-torque electric screwdriver  1 ESL removal tool  1 per installer Lift truck  1 Ideal LinkMaster CAT5 cable tester  Ideal Cat. No. 62-200  1
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-5CBS Installation The following sections describe the preparation, cabling, andinstallation of the CBS and its related components.CBS Ethernet Cable ConnectionsThe Release 3.0 CBS uses a star topology and has an integratedEthernet hub that can connect to three other CBSs. DecisioNet IIIsupports up to three (3) levels below the primary CBS. This topologyresults in the 40 CBS maximum mentioned in the General LayoutGuidelines section. The following illustration shows an example 40 CBSconfiguration, its Ethernet cable connections, and the maximumnumber of CBSs on each level.Ethernet HubWSWSWSWSLevel 1Level 2Level 3Primary CBSIn Out8765432187654321 8765432187654321Out Out In Out8765432187654321 8765432187654321Out Out In Out8765432187654321 8765432187654321Out OutIn Out8765432187654321 8765432187654321Out OutIn Out8765432187654321 8765432187654321Out Out In Out8765432187654321 8765432187654321Out OutIn Out8765432187654321 8765432187654321Out OutIn Out8765432187654321 8765432187654321Out OutIn Out8765432187654321 8765432187654321Out OutIn Out8765432187654321 8765432187654321Out OutIn Out8765432187654321 8765432187654321Out OutIn Out8765432187654321 8765432187654321Out OutIn Out8765432187654321 8765432187654321Out OutIn Out8765432187654321 8765432187654321Out OutIn Out8765432187654321 8765432187654321Out Out( 3 CBSs)( 9 CBSs)( 27 CBSs)CBS 24-26CBS 1CBS 27-29CBS 40-48 CBS 49-5711 12 1321 22 2331 32 3334 35 3637 38 3918885PowerUplinkD DDDCCCC12 3Ground+24VDC
3-6 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware InfrastructureCBS NumberingCBS’s are identified in the CBS Manager section of the DecisioNet CBSconfiguration file (DNCBSCONFIG.XML) with a unique number (1-99)and a host name or IP address. Using the numbering scheme shown inthe illustration helps identify the level in which the CBS is connected inthe topology when running diagnostic tests and analyzing diagnosticlogs.  This scheme is as follows:• Primary CBS = always 1• Level 1 = CBS 11-13• Level 2  = CBS 21-29• Level 3 = CBS 31-57CBS configuration details are described the “Setting the CBS IPAddress” section of Chapter 6, Configuring the DecisioNet SystemEnvironment.
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-7CBS Power Supply Cable ConnectionsThe CBS Power Supply can support up to five (5) CBSs, however,power requirements in EU/EC countries limit the number of CBSsconnected to a power supply to three (3). The following illustrationshows an example power supply wiring scheme for a 14 CBS non-EU/EC configuration.18886CBS Power SuppliesLevel 1Level 2Primary CBS PowerUplinkDDDDCCCC12 3Ground+24VDCLevel 3
3-8 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware InfrastructureEU/EC InstallationsPower requirements in EU/EC countries limit the number of CBSsconnected to a power supply to three (3). The following illustrationshows power supply cable connections for a 12 CBS configurationusing 4 power supplies. This cabling scheme may be extended tosupport 40 CBSs.18887Level 1Level 2Level 3Primary CBS PowerCBS Power Supplies+24VDCGroundUplinkDDD DCCCC12 3
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-9Sample Store CablingThe following illustration shows a non-EU/EC country store layoutwith 13 CBSs and 3 power supplies. Ethernet and power supply cablesoriginate in the back office and are bundled together to accomplish thisconfiguration.18961BackOfficeProduce  Meat and DeliDairy BakeryCheckout11112132322212425 26272829PS1PS2PS327LegendCBSPowerSupplyCableCablePS1
3-10 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware InfrastructureCBS CablesThe following cables are supplied by NCR.Cable ID(Part Number) Description Lengthm (ft.) Connect From Connect To Comments1424-Cxxx-0018(230-0146539) Transmitantenna cable(plenum rated)1.8 (5.9)CBS transmitantenna connector Transmit antenna TNC screw-onconnector1424-C057-0180(230-0134951) Receiveantenna cable(plenum rated)18 (59) CBS receiveantenna connectorA, B, C, or DReceive antenna BNC connector1416-C520-0150(230-0134953) Receiveantenna cable(plenum rated)15 (49) CBS receiveantenna connectorA, B, C, or DReceive antenna BNC connector1416-C463-9999(497-0413234) CBS powersupply pigtail CBS power supply AWG 14/2 bulkcable Included withpower supply kitCBS power supplypigtail First of up to fiveCBSsBulk cablefromthird-partyPower cableCBS CBSRefer to tables innext sectionCBS CBSBulk cablefromthird-partyData cable Refer to tables innext sectionNote:  All cables conform to type CL2P.
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-11Power and Data CablesThe power and data cables must be purchased in bulk from a thirdparty. NCR recommends using the Belden cables described in thefollowing table. Comparable cables from other manufacturers areacceptable.The wire colors referenced in the text and illustrations that follow areconsistent with the recommended Belden cables. If you are using acomparable cable from another manufacturer, your wire colors may bedifferent. Cable Use Manufacturer ManufacturerPart Number DescriptionPower Belden 6100UE 2 conductor, 14 AWG stranded,unshielded, plenum ratedPower Belden 5100UE 2 conductor, 14 AWG stranded,unshielded, non-plenum ratedData Belden 1585A 4 pair, CAT5, 24 AWG solid,unshielded, plenum ratedData Belden 1583A 4 pair, CAT5, 24 AWG solid,unshielded, non-plenum ratedNote:  When installing into a plenum type ceiling, plenum rated wiremay be required by local or national electrical codes. Most suspendedceilings are considered plenums; open ceilings are not. Plenum ratedwire typically costs twice as much as non-plenum. Choose the correctwire type based on your applicable local and national electrical codes.For general reference, CBS wiring falls under NEC (National ElectricalCode) Class 2 type.
3-12 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware InfrastructurePower Cable ConnectorsEach CBS is shipped with a 4-wire connector that plugs into the 8-wirepower receptacle. The only tool required to install the power cable intothe connector is a small screwdriver.Data Cable ConnectorsAn RJ45 connector is required for each of the CBSs data connectors.The RJ45 connectors must be purchased from a third party. A crimptool is required to install the data cable into the RJ45 connector.The following table provides information about RJ45 connectors andcrimp tools.Manufacturer ManufacturerPart Number Quantity DescriptionAMP 5-557315-15-557315-25-557315-35-557315-410,000 (loose)500 (loose)1,000 (10 boxes of 100)1,000 (40 bags of 25)RJ45, 8-position,unshielded type1AMP 1-231666-1 1 Crimp tool2Ideal 33-652 1 Crimp tool2Ideal 30-560 1 AMP die for Idealcrimp tool31 Use any comparable RJ45 connector compatible with your crimp tool.2 Use any crimp tool compatible with your RJ45 connector.3 Necessary only when using AMP connectors and Ideal crimp tool.
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-13CBS Connectors and Status Lights188778765432112 453678UplinkDDDDCCCC12 3 +24VDCGroundPower87654321 87654321 87654321Data ConnectorsThe CBS has four data connectors:Uplink – used to connect the in-store hub or a higher level CBS hub1, 2 and 3 – used for downlink connections to lower level CBS hubsData connector pin and signal use is as follows:• Pins 1, 2, 3, and 6 carry standard Ethernet transmit and receive databetween the Ethernet Hub and the primary CBS and between allCBS's as defined in ISO/IEC Standard 8802.3 paragraph 14.5.1.• Pins 4, 5, 7, and 8 are used for DecisioNet transmit and receivetiming signals between all CBS’s.Power ReceptacleThe following table provides information about the CBS powerreceptacle.Pins Description Connection Belden Wire Color1, 3, 5, 7 +24 VDC White2, 4, 6, 8 Ground From CBS power supply toprimary CBS, and CBS to CBS Black
3-14 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware InfrastructureCBS Status LightsThe Ethernet status lights (LEDs) are in the top corners of the dataconnectors. The Power status light is a red LED shown to the right ofthe power receptacle in the previous illustration.The CBS status lights indicate the following conditions.LED State MeaningOn OK (power is on)Off PROBLEM (no power)Power (red)Blinking PROBLEM (intermittent power)On OK (good link)Off PROBLEM (no link)C (green)Ethernet linkstatus Blinking PROBLEM (intermittent link)On NOT DEFINEDOff PROBLEM (no receive activity)D (yellow)Ethernetactivity Blinking OK (receive activity)
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-15CBS IdentificationNCR Corporation Made in U.S.AClass:Model:Part Number:Date of Mfg:Serial #:MAC Address:24 VDC 0.5A77301011497-1234567May 200150-123456708000135794219015The CBS product label identifies the model number, serial number, andunique MAC address of the CBS. The last 6 hexadecimal characters ofthe MAC address are used to specify the hostname for each CBS in theCBS Manager section of the DecisioNet CBS Configuration file(DNCBSCONFIG.XML). The hostname format is NCRDNETXXXXXXwhere XXXXXX is the 6 characters from the MAC address.When you complete the RF infrastructure installation, you need toassign IP addresses and verify CBS communications. Refer to "CBSHardware Configuration" section at the end of this chapter for detailsabout assigning CBS addresses in your Ethernet network. How to enterthe CBS configuration information in the CBS Configuration File isdescribed in the “Setting the CBS IP Address” section of Chapter 6,Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment.
3-16 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware InfrastructureCBS InstallationInstall the CBSs at the same time you install the power cables, datacables, and antennas. The most efficient way to install the DecisioNethardware is in one pass through the store.The following table and illustration show the CBS and associatedhardware.1887921453The CBS can be mounted in any position. The mounting bracket anduniversal beam clamps permit a wide variety of installations. Positionthe CBS for easy LED and connector access. The following exampleillustrations show a CBS mounted to a roof truss.Item Quantity Description11 CBS21 CBS mountingbracket3 2 Universal beamclamp42 Lock washer5 2 Screw (¼ -20 x ¼Phillips head)62 Power connector(installed on CBS )
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-1718829ABCDTransmitReceiveWarning:  The CBS must be mounted securely and installed inaccordance with local building codes. The mounting surface must beable to withstand a minimum weight of 2.26 kg (5 lbs.).Caution:  DO NOT install a CBS by placing it on a ceiling tile.The following steps describe a typical installation in which a CBS ismounted to a roof truss as shown in the previous illustration.1. Use the screws and lock washers to secure the clamps to themounting bracket.Caution:  Vibrations could loosen the screws holding the mountingbracket to the clamps. It is extremely important to place the lockwashers on the screws before installing the screws into the clamps.2. Position the clamps on the roof truss and tighten the clamp screws.3. Install the CBS into the mounting bracket.Caution:  To prevent damage to the transmitter, the transmit antennamust be connected to the CBS before power is applied to the CBS.
3-18 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware InfrastructurePreferred CBS Mounting Solution1.ABCDTransmitReceiveABCDTransmitReceive190142.1. Attach the CBS Mounting Bracket to the universal beam clampusing the phillips head screws and the tabs on the side of the CBSMounting Bracket.2. Attach the clamp to the beam.3. Insert the CBS as shown in figures 1 and 2.Connecting Ethernet Data CablesFrom the primary CBS, a data cable connects every secondary CBS inthe system as shown previously in “CBS Ethernet Cable Connections”section. Note that the Uplink data connector is used to connect to ahigher level CBS and the data connectors 1, 2, and 3 are used to connectto lower level CBSs.Connecting the Ethernet Hub to the Primary CBSEach store configuration has only one primary CBS. All other CBSs aresecondary CBSs. The primary CBS is the one connected directly to the
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-19Ethernet Hub.  Standard 4 pair, CAT5, 24 AWG solid, unshielded,plenum rated cables are required for all Ethernet communications.1. Locate the Ethernet hub.2. Cut a length of data cable that is long enough to reach from the hubto the primary CBS.3. On each end of the data cable, install the wires into an RJ45connector as shown in the following illustration and then crimp theconnector onto the cable.18959To Ethernet Hub or CBS III HubTo CBS IIIHub RJ45ConnectorBlue/WhiteOrangeOrange\WhiteGreen RJ45Connector8118Note: Colors shown are for recommended Belden          cables. Your wire colors may be different.Blue/WhiteOrangeOrange\WhiteGreenBlueBlueGreen/WhiteGreen/WhiteBrownBrownBrown/WhiteBrown/WhiteBelden Wire ColorsRJ45 Pin Color RJ45 Pin Color1Orange 5Blue2 Orange/White 6 Green/White3Green 7Brown4 Blue/White 8 Brown/White4. Plug the data cable into the Uplink data connector on the primaryCBS.
3-20 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware InfrastructureConnecting Secondary CBSsFollow these steps to connect the secondary CBSs:1. Cut a length of data cable that is long enough to reach from oneCBS to the next CBS.2. On each end of the data cable, install the wires into an RJ45connector as shown in the previous illustration and then crimp theconnector onto the cable.3. Plug the RJ45 connector into data connector 1, 2 or 3 and into theUplink data connector of the next CBS.4. Repeat steps 1 – 3 until all secondary CBSs are linked by a datacable.
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-21Connecting Power Supply CablesRefer to the illustrations in the “CBS Power Supply Cable Connections”section. Power supply cable routing is store dependent. The powerconnector provides flexibility to connect additional CBSs in series fromone CBS to another or in parallel from a CBS to three other CBSs.Connecting CBS Power Supplies to AC PowerPlace the CBS power supplies with the host computer system, ifpossible. Plug all power supplies into a common power strip so thatyou can power them on and off at the same time for reset purposes.In some cases, cable length restrictions may prevent you frominstalling all power supplies in the same location.  In this case, youneed to install a separately switched AC main circuit so that you canstill control the power supplies at the same time.  If local electricalcodes or special circumstances require you to install more than oneswitched AC main circuit for the power supplies, all the main circuitswitches should be in the same easily accessible location.Do not install the CBS power supply in the ceiling.1. Have an electrician install new AC receptacles if needed.2. Do not plug the CBS power supply into an AC receptacle untilsteps 1 – 6 in the next section are complete and the transmitantenna is connected to the CBS.Connecting CBS Power Supplies to CBSsEach CBS power supply can power up to five CBSs as shownpreviously in the store configuration illustration. The wiring is thesame for each group of up to five CBSs.Follow these steps to connect a CBS power supply to each group of upto five CBSs:1. Cut a length of power cable that is long enough to reach from thepower supply to a CBS.
3-22 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure2. Splice the power cable wires to the pigtail supplied with the powersupply (black to black and red to white) and then install theprovided crimp connectors over the splices.188785RedWhiteBlackBlack213WhiteBlackNote: Colors shown are for recommended Belden          cables. Your wire colors may be different.78463. Plug the connector into the power supply.4. On the CBS, unplug the power connector.5. Install the power cable wires into the connector (white into pin 1, 3,5 or 7 [24 V] and black into pin 2, 4, 6 or 8 [Ground]).  Use pins inpairs: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 for each power cable connection at the CBS.6. Plug the connector back into the CBS.7. Insert the AC power cable into the power supply's AC receptacle.8. Connect the AC plug to the AC power source.Caution:  To prevent damage to the transmitter, the transmit antennamust be connected to the CBS before applying power to the CBS.
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-23CBS Antennas Two types of antennas are available for the CBS:• Transmit• Receive  The transmit and receive antennas look similar, but have the followingdifferences:• The transmit antenna has a screw-on reverse polarity SMAconnector and uses cable 1424-C424-0018 to connect to the CBS. Theother end of this cable has a reverse polarity TNC connector.• The receive antenna has a BNC connector and uses cable1424-C057-0180 to connect to the CBS. This cable has two BNCconnectors.Note:  With 100 mW CBSs, a 15 m (49 ft.) receive antenna cable1416-C520-0150 must be used instead of the usual 18 m (59 ft.)receive antenna cable.Consider the following when installing antennas:• Install the antennas at the same time you are installing the CBSs.• On a dropped ceiling, mount the antennas from the T-bars. In anopen ceiling, hang the antennas from the roof trusses.• When mounting the antenna, face the front of the antenna (the sideopposite the cable connector) towards the ESLs, with as fewobstructions between it and the ESLs as possible.
3-24 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware InfrastructureInstalling CBS AntennasThe transmit antenna and receive antenna kits include the samemounting hardware. The installation procedures for the transmit andreceive antennas are the same.Mounting an Antenna on a T-barNote:  Maintain a minimum distance of 9.2 m (30 ft.) between aCBS's transmit and receive antennas.To install an antenna on a dropped ceiling's T-bar:1. At the desired location, install a T-bar hanger on the T-bar.2. Screw the antenna onto the T-bar hanger.3. Route the antenna cable through a 13 mm (1/2 in.) hole in theceiling tile or route it between the T-bar and the edge of the ceilingtile.Note:  Do not allow debris from the ceiling tile to fall into the antennaconnector.4. Install the cable onto the antenna connector.5. Connect the other end of the antenna cable to the CBS.6. Use cable ties to secure the antenna cable.
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-2517203
3-26 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware InfrastructureSecuring an Antenna to a WallNote:  Maintain a minimum distance of 9.2 m (30 ft.) between aCBS's transmit and receive antennas.To install an antenna on a wall (or other flat object):1. Place the lock washer on the bolt, put the bolt through theappropriate hole in the bracket and screw the bolt into the antenna.2. Screw the bracket into the wall.3. Connect the antenna cable to the antenna.4. Connect the antenna cable to the CBS.5. Use cable ties to secure the antenna cable to the structure.17204
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-27Hanging an Antenna from a Roof TrussNote:  Maintain a minimum distance of 9.2 m (30 ft.) between aCBS's transmit and receive antennas.To hang an antenna from a roof truss (or other object) refer to theillustration on the following page and these instructions:1. Screw the threaded rod into the antenna.2. Connect the antenna cable to the antenna.3. Secure the antenna cable to the threaded rod using three equallyspaced cable ties.4. In the desired location, hold the antenna cable against a roof trussand lower the antenna to the desired height.5. Use a cable tie to hang the antenna cable from the roof truss.Caution:  Antenna cables must be secured to a roof truss as shown inthe following illustration. Do not allow an antenna to hang from aCBS's connector as the connector cannot withstand the weight of thethreaded rod, cable, and antenna.6. Connect the antenna cable to the CBS.7. Use cable ties to secure the antenna cable.Caution:  This device is required to comply with FCC RF exposurerequirements for mobile transmitting devices. A separation of 20 cm (8inches) or more must be maintained between the antenna and allpersons during device operation to satisfy RF exposure compliance.!
3-28 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure17202
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-29CBS Hardware ConfigurationAfter all RF infrastructure components have been installed and theEthernet cabling and power supply cabling has been circuit tested forcontinuity, the system can be powered-up to establish the connectionbetween an Ethernet network and the DecisioNet CBS units.Configure the DHCP ServiceObtain the MAC address from each CBS product label.Use one of the following to obtain IP addresses for the CBS Units.• Dynamic or automatic IP allocation where there exists an automaticDNS link.• Manual IP allocation is there is no automatic DNS link. For thesestores, a block of addresses are assigned to the site. Select a uniqueIP address from the site block to identify each CBS.Manual Allocation on a Windows NT Server1. Start the system and Log in as Administrator.2. Click the Start icon at the bottom left of the screen.3. Select Programs > Administrative Tools (Common) > DHCPManagerThe DHCP Manager (Local) screen displays.
3-30 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure4. Highlight the Server IP address and select Scope > AddReservations.The Add Reserved Clients dialog displays.
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-315. Enter the next available IP Address in the IP Address entry box.6. Enter the MAC address from the CBS serial number label in theUnique Identifier field7. Enter the DecisioNet Host Name in the Client Name field.8. Click the Add button.9. Repeat steps 5 - 8 for each installed CBS.10. When finished with the last CBS, click the Close button.11. On the DHCP Manager screen, highlight the Server IP address andselect Scope > Active Leases.The Active Leases dialog displays showing IP address reserved foryour site.
3-32 Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure12. Click the OK button.13. Enter these IP addresses or host names in the DecisioNet CBSConfiguration file.   Refer to the “Setting the CBS IP Address”section of Chapter 6, Configuring the DecisioNet System Environment.Verify Communication LinksUse the following procedures to verify your communication links.1. Power-up each CBS.2. Verify that each CBS link status LED is lit.3. Use the Ping utility to verify connectivity.4. Use Notepad and view the hosts file in the\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\ directory to determine if allthe CBS IP Addresses and host names are listed in the file.
Chapter 3: Installing the Hardware Infrastructure 3-33Sample HOSTS file:# Copyright (c) 1993-1995 Microsoft Corp.## This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows NT.## This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one# space.## Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.## For example:##          # source server#              # x client host127.0.0.1       localhost172.164.48.3    SERVER172.164.48.10 NCRDNETXXXXXX

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