Nokia Solutions and Networks WTFA-01 GSM 800 Transciever User Manual dn98621958x3x0xen

Nokia Solutions and Networks GSM 800 Transciever dn98621958x3x0xen

Warnings and cautions

Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base StationDN98621958 © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy 1 (30)Issue 3-0 en Nokia Proprietary and ConfidentialWarnings and Cautions
Warnings and Cautions2 (30) © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy DN98621958Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 3-0 enThe information in this documentation is subject to change without notice and describes onlythe product defined in the introduction of this documentation. This documentation is intendedfor the use of Nokia's customers only for the purposes of the agreement under which thedocumentation is submitted, and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form ormeans without the prior written permission of Nokia. The documentation has been prepared tobe used by professional and properly trained personnel, and the customer assumes fullresponsibility when using it. Nokia welcomes customer comments as part of the process ofcontinuous development and improvement of the documentation.The information or statements given in this documentation concerning the suitability, capacity,or performance of the mentioned hardware or software products cannot be considered bindingbut shall be defined in the agreement made between Nokia and the customer. However, Nokiahas made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructions contained in the documentationare adequate and free of material errors and omissions. Nokia will, if necessary, explain issueswhich may not be covered by the documentation.Nokia's liability for any errors in the documentation is limited to the documentary correction oferrors. NOKIA WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE IN ANY EVENT FOR ERRORS IN THISDOCUMENTATION OR FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL(INCLUDING MONETARY LOSSES), that might arise from the use of this documentation orthe information in it.This documentation and the product it describes are considered protected by copyrightaccording to the applicable laws.NOKIA logo is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation.Other product names mentioned in this documentation may be trademarks of their respectivecompanies, and they are mentioned for identification purposes only.Copyright © Nokia  Corporation 2002. All rights reserved.
DN98621958 © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy 3 (30)Issue 3-0 en Nokia Proprietary and ConfidentialHereby, Nokia Corporation, declares that this product is in compliance with theessential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive: 1999/5/EC.The product is marked with the CE marking and Notified Body number according to theDirective 1999/5/ECFCC FCC §15.21 - Information to user - This product is used as an intentional radiatedequipment and any changes or modifications on the equipment without any approvalby Nokia could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.FCC §15.105 - Information to user - This equipment has been tested and found tocomply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCCRules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, thereis no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which canbe determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try tocorrect the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which thereceiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.0523
Warnings and Cautions4 (30) © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy DN98621958Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 3-0 en
DN98621958 © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy 5 (30)Issue 3-0 en Nokia Proprietary and ConfidentialContentsContents 5List of tables 6List of figures 71 About this document 111.1 Safety guidelines 112  Warnings 132.1 Personnel 132.2 Dangerous voltage 132.3 Weight 162.4 High temperatures 162.5 Toxic hazards 172.5.1 Beryllium oxide 172.6 Electromagnetic fields and RF power 182.6.1 General guidelines 182.6.2 Formula for minimum safety distances 192.6.3 Safety distance calculation examples 193 Cautions 233.1 Handling the BTS 233.1.1 Storage and transportation 233.1.2 Weight 233.1.3 Heat management 243.1.4 Grounding 243.1.5 Electro-static discharge protection 243.2 BTS power supply 263.2.1 AC and DC connectors 263.2.2 Grounding of AC power supply units 27Index 29
Warnings and Cautions6 (30) © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy DN98621958Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 3-0 enList of tablesTable 1. Description for distance calculations in controlled and uncontrolledenvironments 20Table 2. Safety distance calculation example 20
DN98621958 © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy 7 (30)Issue 3-0 en Nokia Proprietary and ConfidentialList of figuresFigure 1. Dangerous voltage symbol 14Figure 2. Stand-by symbol on the power supply unit 15Figure 3. Hot surface symbol 17Figure 4. Beryllium Oxide label 17Figure 5. Hot surface label 24Figure 6. Electro-static sensitive device label 25Figure 7. Using the antistatic wrist strap 26
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DN98621958 © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy 9 (30)Issue 3-0 en Nokia Proprietary and ConfidentialSummary of ChangesVersion 1, 12th November 1999.Version 2, 2nd June 2000:• added GSM references to the title and body text• added EC marking• changed maximum power in Table 2 to 5WVersion 3, 30th June 2001:• updated for EDGE
Warnings and Cautions10 (30) © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy DN98621958Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 3-0 en
About this documentDN98621958 © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy 11 (30)Issue 3-0 en Nokia Proprietary and ConfidentialWARNINGCaution1About this documentThis document details the safety precautions to be followed when working withthe Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station. The instructions in Nokia MetroSiteEDGE Base Station: Installation and Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station:Maintenance must be followed when installing the Nokia MetroSite EDGE BaseStation and performing any maintenance on it. Failure to follow these instructionsmay be dangerous to the installation and maintenance personnel.1.1 Safety guidelinesThe safety guidelines are designed as follows:• Warnings alert the reader to dangers which may cause loss of life, physicalinjury or ill health. The symbol denoting a warning is presented below.This is a warning!• Cautions are used to denote possible damage to equipment but not dangersto personnel. The symbol denoting a caution is presented below.This is a caution!
Warnings and Cautions12 (30) © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy DN98621958Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 3-0 en
WarningsDN98621958 © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy 13 (30)Issue 3-0 en Nokia Proprietary and ConfidentialWARNING2 Warnings2.1 PersonnelInstallation, commissioning and maintenance measures for any Nokia BaseStation (BTS) may be performed only by trained and authorized personnel. TheNokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station must be installed so that only authorizedpersonnel have access to its sensitive parts.Always prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing the Nokia MetroSiteEDGE Base Station.2.2 Dangerous voltagePotentially lethal voltages are present within this system. For more informationon grounding and on the power supply, refer to Nokia MetroSite EDGE BaseStation: Requirements for Installation and Operation.The symbol shown in Figure 1 denotes dangerous voltage. The Nokia MetroSiteEDGE Base Station is labelled with this symbol.
Warnings and Cautions14 (30) © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy DN98621958Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 3-0 enWARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNINGFigure 1. Dangerous voltage symbolMake sure that applicable high voltage safety precautions are taken beforeattempting to work on the system with the power connected!Potentially lethal voltages can be induced if the equipment is not groundedcorrectly. Ensure that all ground connections are secure and non-removable!An electrical plug with a ground connection is not sufficient as it can bepulled off. There is a possibility of surge voltage through the transmissionlines in the case of lightning.Connect the Nokia MetroSite BTS to the main grounding busbar of the site!Electrical currents from power and communication cables is dangerous.
WarningsDN98621958 © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy 15 (30)Issue 3-0 en Nokia Proprietary and ConfidentialWARNINGWARNINGWARNINGEnsure that the ground connection is established before an AC or DC poweroutlet is connected to the BTS! Ensure that the ground connection isremoved only after the AC or DC power outlet is disconnected!The power switch of the Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station does notdisconnect it from the power network (AC/DC). The power switch of theNokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station power supply unit has two positions:ON and stand-by.A separate main switch on the site is considered to be the disconnect devicefor safety and service purposes.The symbol shown in Figure 2 is used to denote the stand-by position of the powersupply unit power switch.Figure 2. Stand-by symbol on the power supply unitDo not rely on the power switch alone to isolate a supply. When switchingOFF the Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station, make sure that the powersupply is completely isolated by setting the power switch to OFF (includingthe site mains power switch), disconnecting all relevant connectors, andremoving all relevant fuses!
Warnings and Cautions16 (30) © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy DN98621958Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 3-0 enWARNINGWARNINGWARNINGThe site mains power switch must be turned OFF before connecting themains power cable to the Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station!Do not disconnect the antenna connectors when the Nokia MetroSite EDGEBase Station is powered ON!When using an external synchronisation source, make sure that the ground for theNokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station and for the device supplying thesynchronisation signal are at the same ground potential. If this is not the case,make sure that the synchronisation cable shield is capacitively grounded at thesupply end.2.3 WeightThe Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station weighs 28 to 40 kg (62 to 88 lb)depending on the number of TRXs. Lifting of the fully equipped BTSrequires at least two people.2.4 High temperaturesThe symbol shown in Figure 3denotes a hot surface. Equipment whose surfacereaches high temperatures is labelled with this symbol.
WarningsDN98621958 © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy 17 (30)Issue 3-0 en Nokia Proprietary and ConfidentialWARNINGFigure 3. Hot surface symbolDuring operation, the interior of the Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Stationreaches a temperature of 60° to 70°C (140° to 158°F).2.5 Toxic hazards2.5.1 Beryllium oxideThe Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station uses beryllium oxide (BeO), which canbe harmful to human health.Beryllium oxide is used in:• Power amplifiers• RF transistors (isolator internal load)The equipment containing BeO carries a Beryllium Oxide label, as shown inFigure 4.Figure 4. Beryllium Oxide labelBERYLLIUM OXIDE(TOXIC) IS USEDIN SOME COMPONENTS.REFER TO MANUAL.
Warnings and Cautions18 (30) © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy DN98621958Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 3-0 enWARNINGWARNINGWARNINGWARNINGPersonnel who handle, use or dispose of components containing BeO shouldbe aware of its nature and of the necessary safety precautions. Berylliumoxide is released into the air if the components containing it are damaged.The sub assemblies or components in units containing BeO must not underany circumstances be subjected to mechanical strain that might damage thecomponents and thereby release beryllium oxide into the air.The components containing BeO must never be thrown out with general ordomestic waste. Dispose of the equipment in the manner appropriate tochemical or special waste, and according to the local regulations!2.6 Electromagnetic fields and RF powerThe Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station generates electromagnetic radiation.This can exceed safety levels very close to the antennas. Personnel must observethe general guidelines presented in Section 2.6.1, and apply the minimumdistance calculation formula presented in Section General guidelinesThis equipment generates electromagnetic radiation which can exceed safetylevels when a person is working in very close proximity to the antennas.Observe the minimum distance precautions shown in Table 1 when workingin close proximity to antennas operating at full power!
WarningsDN98621958 © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy 19 (30)Issue 3-0 en Nokia Proprietary and ConfidentialWARNINGWARNINGDo not install the Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station or its antennas inareas where there is a potential risk for interference with inadequatelyshielded medical equipment, such as life supporting devices, hearing aids orother electrically or magnetically sensitive devices!When installing the Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station or its antennas, theemission of other antennas nearby must be known beforehand so thatambient emissions can be managed properly.2.6.2 Formula for minimum safety distancesThis section presents the formula for calculating the minimum safety distancesusing the specifications of the particular antenna.Equation 1. Formula for calculating minimum safety distance (rmin)Equation 1 refers to the following factors:• G is the antenna gain (in dB) compared to isotropically radiating antenna• P is the power delivered to the antenna (W)• L is the total loss (in dB) between the transmitter and the antenna input• N is the number of transmitters combined to the antenna• S is the maximum allowed power density in air (W/m2)2.6.3 Safety distance calculation examplesTable 1 describes how the minimum distances for controlled and uncontrolledenvironments have been calculated.rmin=N10 P(G-L)10S4
Warnings and Cautions20 (30) © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy DN98621958Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 3-0 enUsing the formula for minimum safety distances and the appropriate informationfor each factor, safety distances can be calculated as in the following calculations(Table 2) for a particular environment.Table 1. Description for distance calculations in controlled and uncontrolledenvironmentsLimit DescriptionMinimum Distance in ControlledEnvironments*The minimum distances are calculatedusing the reference levels for power densityas presented in the CENELECprestandard; f/40 W/m2, in the frequencyrange 400 to 2000 MHz, averaged over any6 min. time interval. This is in agreementwith other guidelines (IEEE/ANSI, IRPA,NCRP, FCC) or stricter.Minimum Distance in UncontrolledEnvironments*The minimum distances are calculatedusing the reference levels for power densityas presented in the CENELECprestandard; f/200 W/m2, in the frequencyrange 400 to 2000 MHz, averaged over any6 min. time interval. This is in agreementwith other guidelines (IEEE/ANSI, IRPA,NCRP, FCC) or stricter.* Controlled environments refer to locations where there is exposure to persons awareof the potential exposure. Uncontrolled environments refer to locations where there isexposure to persons not aware of the potential exposure and who have no control overit.Table 2. Safety distance calculation exampleFactor Unit GSM/EDGE900GSM/EDGE1800GSM/EDGE 1900Frequency f [MHz] 900 1800 1900Maximum TX power Pout [W] 5 5 5Minimum losses: cable L [dB] 1 1 1Maximum antenna gain (dependent on userchoices)G [dB] 10 10 10* CENELEC prestandard ENV50166-2
WarningsDN98621958 © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy 21 (30)Issue 3-0 en Nokia Proprietary and ConfidentialMaximum number of TRXs/antenna (dependenton user choices)N 222Power Density / Controlled environment* S [W/m2]22.50 45 47.5Power Density / Uncontrolled environment* S [W/m2]4.5 9 9.5Safety distance / Controlled environment rmin [m] 0.3 m 0.2 m 0.2 m(0.66 ft)Safety distance / Uncontrolled environment rmin [m] 0.6 m 0.4 m 0.4 m(1.32 ft)Table 2. Safety distance calculation example  (Continued)Factor Unit GSM/EDGE900GSM/EDGE1800GSM/EDGE 1900* CENELEC prestandard ENV50166-2
Warnings and Cautions22 (30) © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy DN98621958Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 3-0 en
CautionsDN98621958 © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy 23 (30)Issue 3-0 en Nokia Proprietary and ConfidentialCautionCautionCaution3Cautions3.1 Handling the BTS3.1.1 Storage and transportationDuring storage and transportation, the Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station mustremain in its original package in order to:• avoid mechanical damage• maintain traceability• protect the units against static electricityHandle the Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station with care. Do not drop the basestation or the package containing it.3.1.2 WeightPersons in charge of the transportation and installation of the Nokia MetroSiteEDGE Base Station must note that a fully equipped Nokia MetroSite base stationweighs 28 to 40 kg (62 to 88 lb).
Warnings and Cautions24 (30) © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy DN98621958Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 3-0 enCautionCautionCaution3.1.3 Heat managementDuring operation, the interior of the Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station mayreach high temperatures (60° to 70°C).The power supply unit of the Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station carries a hotsurface label, as shown in Figure 5.Figure 5. Hot surface label3.1.4 GroundingThe Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station may receive damaging over voltagesthrough the antenna equipment, communication cables or power supply lines.Sufficient protective grounding is required. An electrical power plug with groundconnection is not sufficient: the grounding of the Nokia MetroSite EDGE BaseStation must be based on a fixed grounding cable.3.1.5 Electro-static discharge protectionAlways wear a close-fitting antistatic wrist strap around your uncovered wristwhen handling the Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station!
CautionsDN98621958 © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy 25 (30)Issue 3-0 en Nokia Proprietary and ConfidentialThe Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station contains electro-static sensitivedevices, which means that they may be permanently damaged by electro-staticdischarges encountered in routine handling, testing and transportation. The NokiaMetroSite EDGE Base Station is labelled with an electro-static sensitive devicesymbol as shown in Figure 6.Figure 6. Electro-static sensitive device labelElectro-static discharges are caused by direct contact or by an electro-static field.If a charged body approaches an electrically conducting surface, the acquiredpotential is discharged. An equalizing current can then flow in the associatedcircuitry and generate permanently damaging voltages by induction. The humanbody should be grounded at the same potential as the component or equipmentbeing handled. A wrist strap creates an equipotential electrical connectionbetween the object and the human.The Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station has a grounding point (ESD stud) towhich a wrist strap must be connected. The wrist strap should be used andconnected to the ESD stud as shown in Figure 7.
Warnings and Cautions26 (30) © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy DN98621958Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 3-0 enCautionCautionFigure 7. Using the antistatic wrist strap3.2 BTS power supply3.2.1 AC and DC connectorsEnsure the correct polarity. Incorrect polarity causes damage to the equipment.The Nokia MetroSite BTS power switch does not disconnect the base station fromthe power network (AC or DC). The separate main switch on the site is consideredto be the power disconnect device for safety and service purposes.ESD studto ESD studWrist strap
CautionsDN98621958 © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy 27 (30)Issue 3-0 en Nokia Proprietary and ConfidentialCautionCautionDo not connect AC or DC power until you have verified that the line voltage iscorrect!3.2.2 Grounding of AC power supply unitsEnsure that the Nokia MetroSite EDGE Base Station is connected to a groundedpower outlet!
Warnings and Cautions28 (30) © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy DN98621958Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 3-0 en
DN98621958 ©Nokia Corporation Internal Copy 29 (30)Issue 3-0 en Nokia Proprietary and ConfidentialIndexBberyllium oxide 17Ddangerous voltage 13Eelectromagnetic radiation 18electro-static discharge (ESD) protection 24Ggrounding 24Hheat control 24Ppower switch 15Ssafety distance calculation 19safety distances 19stand-by mode 15storage 23Ttoxic hazards 17transportation 23
Warnings and Cautions30 (30) © Nokia Corporation Internal Copy DN98621958Nokia Proprietary and Confidential Issue 3-0 en

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