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Document ID | 63182 |
Application ID | khS4c8QkfUCGYXY+8v8nBg== |
Document Description | installation and operations manual cover page to page 3 |
Short Term Confidential | No |
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Document Type | User Manual |
Display Format | Adobe Acrobat PDF - pdf |
Filesize | 36.76kB (459539 bits) |
Date Submitted | 1999-10-12 00:00:00 |
Date Available | 1999-10-29 00:00:00 |
Creation Date | 1999-10-11 10:38:27 |
Producing Software | Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows |
Document Lastmod | 1999-10-11 10:47:51 |
Document Title | installation and operations manual cover page to page 3 |
Document Creator | Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows |
l-CCD Presenter Camera System
Installation and Operations Manual
Vlsibly Better.m
Table Of Contents
V (simulations on your Mime ...................... 1
“mom Carma-ems ........................ , ..... 1
VMainDoddemanadstSMmhes,.. .. .,.3
VTucking ling vmgomwmammn ,. .. 4
v [refining System Kmad Buttons ....................... s
ll Com YW Plum 51mm
Vlnstdhgchetimemswmm ................. .6
- Mum-gunman!“ Emma Black
- MwnfimhMainDatkhg Smiun
Vammfing lathe Va'n Boring Swim ................. 7
- CnmdrqfloeCmananfzh’e
- CommingmheRSBZPm
Ill. uflfigln Your mm System
V Corfiguv‘nq m Main Undoing sum-o AAAAA
. Trading System Ksymd
- umusmning the naming Motion
- lemming the Pan Alums
V Otter (mfigmfiw .............................. IZ
~ Madman Pan/m 11m!
- amnTRACK Mnduws
No Usflm Pruemu 5mm
VSysnemStarHJp ...................... m4
- Iridn'ng an; Path);
. Wearable Bmvy
- Optional Amilwybamry m
- Audio Smith
VUn'ngamoW/KL ...... H .,,,.15
V Using anMCK Mm .,o. ............ 1648
VUsingmeSuhiede‘fimaMFamNmMm .,..19
VlkhgauloFINDandlmiilgFrm ,.10
1 Using Lotation was .................. 21
V tunneling M low, Focus and MM! .............. 22
' Gen Lack qu) .............................. 2344
VkTmbleshooling... ,. ........ 1527
V B: Spedfirafiora and (lemme Diagram . . . . 18
V C: Pinwt Mm .......................... 19
v mm: mm mop .............. 31)
V E: Gowoi Tums ..................... 31
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~ (anuaMM' KtD Puma (amen Systm Imul‘m'on and Operation-s Mama‘ - 0 1998 ram/m Inc
Your new Fariervislon Drum: Camera 51mm uses proven mm: finding my no impmu ymrdstame lean-"q,
ulerrurldno, and videooofiererrrirg lpriulions. Use llr's mar-n! with rlre 1-CCD Genera Pan/Tilt Omen Sm Insulalion and
Operations Manual llral um wilt your Cunenmn rm amen.
Tl‘is manual (wars the mruretlim, torrl'quraliun, and usage of your new Presenter Camera
System Along with bask pan rill, 1m. and IMAGE mm! nl your CameraMan arr-err. the
Prusenler Camera System boasts mm features and firmiomhy. The system owner with
m input/output Mair. Darling Salim, lhe Trotting ling PM Mr brim nicmplm,
arm the wireless RF (or hardwired) Tricking 57mm (mad lrmn min autoTRACK Vera and
chef tricking llmtficns are mntruled. All ae mred in this manual.
ll you have question regarding 1h! inmlhn‘m or operafion 01 your CameraMin ICCD
Genera! Parr/Ti: meta. refer lo tle Irmalhlion and Cpmrions Mamal Included whir the
You vn'l see three irons ll‘muglnut this manual:
miskon amrwmmnmmmnrmmmw rra’rnenanceol
your Camera Conuol Keynad.
maimenanoe 04qu Camera Control Keypad
Thisimnrelersvoumme rccoamruuufimummmm
lhe lam; Willy Heller, IMAGE, and D'gilal If 903, are rog'slered mam: ol ParteMslun.
lot in (he United 5m ol Arm-rite, The lerrrs CmmMin and ParleNsiun are regiflered
logos in the Urited States of Armin. Federal law nrolrh'ns my numeral use of he!
reo'slered trademarks and logo;
The manufacturer reserves the right 10 Grange spur-Imam md warrantyat arr; time vn'lhoul
nature or ohigat‘on.
Refer all Waranry and Sem'drrg to 1b! Pmuun Produr! Suppofl lsred in ll! back «I the
lnrzhl'on and Operations Manual rm an! mill: ywr CamenMan arm
Fatal/aim, hi. 6 1998P1rkerVrs'nn. h:
DURALELL' "5 a register!“ "Merrill M Duracell, |ll(.
Congratulations On Your Purchase!
' f!
Your l-CCD Premier Camera System should ‘mdurle
these components:
. One rco Main Doddng srar‘rm
. One 10' Main Docking Shim Cable
~ Omlracking R'lrg Prmer Park
- One Tracking Eng Serum
‘ One Tradéng Ring Bell
‘ One PmrPadr Charger
- One 1ch rm 91mm Keypad
~ One 1 (CD Premnler Camera sysrern Overniors Mama!
- Um KCD Trxh‘ng K'rg Padrage om Reference Card
9 1998 PMrsion. ht.
- Meet Your lCCD Presenter Camera 5mm
Presenter System Components
The Presenter Camera Sym corner with various pieces that use both infrared and ll? autoTNACK homology to enable me
Tamerauan us Toll»: you alum the room mutiuly. I you have weaned this as an wade. your podraqe wfll "arelude i
the necessary components meet the camera
Produet Desrription
The Presenter Camera Syste'r tursis‘s ol toe following mmporlents.
Main pacing sum
Tle Man Doddng Staten is he y'l) renter cl your ’resenier Camera System. limes
sundard with two RF lreqrrenaes [alternate mannels are araiahe {or spe
Source Exif Data:
File Type : PDF
File Type Extension : pdf
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PDF Version : 1.3
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Modify Date : 1999:10:11 10:47:51-04:00
Create Date : 1999:10:11 10:38:27-04:00
Creator : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Producer : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Page Count : 5
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