ParkerVision CM008 Remote Camera Controller User Manual cover page to page 5

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Date Submitted1999-10-12 00:00:00
Date Available1999-10-29 00:00:00
Creation Date1999-10-11 09:20:18
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Document Lastmod1999-10-11 09:50:37
Document Titleuser manual cover page to page 5
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

1-CCD Camera Control Keypad
Operations Manual
“sibly Benet!“
Table Of Contents
l mu You am W
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' "mun 050ml” .......
V Mans mi hank .......
VCMi-gwmkypm ............................... .3
VOle'flnglherAnws ........
7 Minimum wma Ecnl'wafion
v wrung; was“ ........
Vlewflzm .....
Vvtwfivgvfmmfim has .............................. m
Vanlnclsrw ................................ 11-12
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V milk Mun-math] and swam-n . , . .
V Mm Gums n: Fatmy Mail: ............
mmvsmm,msf, in! MN”. m! mm'adindmamut
MM bliuflleunhd smmmmmamumumnmmm
Medians ‘m niriwdimo‘mim. Funllmpmhbiswymmmdi meal
Mummmmmsa-d hp;
1?! "walnut: mm: the r gm an mug! spedfiufiuns and mum; a am fine what
wine at align".
W ul Warmly an: Sen-vb»; In the hrhv’fiscn [cums Elmer inn: in me had! of n:
inmafimmd unem'cns manual the: cm aim ml CauraMin amen.
Nu menu's mud may be (an 011mm Manama-awn mum cl
Parked/am mc 0 BS! rmvw, Inr.
DWHLO is a aimed wads-aid Niall m
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hriscmile. F. 32256
9347374 357 mm
”EMS 1a
wmwwfis‘mlm Mal
hmflwmmmfimmr mm
(rennin' KID Camus {maul qud Opem'ms Mm‘ - 91m Mama, Inc
Congratulations On Your Purchase
mix manual mm the common (onl'quraliun, and use of ywr new (amera Carrol Your 1-60) Camera Control Krypad should
Keypad. Hypo have qualms rtqaling the imldauon or operation of your (ameraMan I- include the“ (olrrponents:
(CD General Parvrrlt 0mm, please ruler u: 111: insularion and operations mama! induoed
my, 1h! 0mm - One lCCD Camera Cnnlrnl Krypad
- One KCD Camera (mu Keypad Operaions Manual
Vou MI see Me inons Murmur this manual: . 0m Kemd Qu'dr Mum Card
n ThkirmalrnsywroirmrtmmuinrleomfimaMmrinmmol
your Camera Control Keypad.
u TNslmndmsyoum finsormmrlrysrgguflwimltowathn waor
mainrmm of your Camera Cnnrrol (mad
9 msmmrmymmm rmwmammmmomm
Produtt Dmripfion
mpamtamas lhekeypadanbemedeklwhfiw‘nmmmpmwleeulsll
b 1993 Parkter'un, Inc. - Meet Your (am Eomrnl Keypad pm f§
and IMAGE, ind tn mu up to 99 lomion mt;
V Carma Balm » Jsed to
selen between multide
V Zocn won Runons - Ustd camevas lsae pay! 6]
la contml tle ungms ol the
CINE" 't|l'W
V WAT-E Imam [Bngwtnm/Da'msxj -
Lm w cvighten ard amen m nlnu'e
- ‘Jshtl'c sun hiqhten theinage
, Push me moor J darken the vme
"AV 'CN'Li;1t Um:
luv mual ‘ecdbcxk c‘
V aurcl'wGEBufrnfl lmllo cmirkeypa:
snaNc wen u: 31ij he ‘um cm
magmas: automattallg lav
93m mmera view ‘ -~ .,
V Pan/fill Anon; — m to
control the mum's up/dwm
V EMU - L391 [0 en‘. and lel‘jnght nwmml
dam Dv marge 5
came banon
V lurat‘nr Pveset [canal Buttons {0—9} —
Used ta flare and wall up in 99
locat'on assets
fammlflan’ I CED Carma Cmucl Kr/pad Operators Manual - Z! MB hrkn'hxm, In:
Takt a look at thefmnt ul your Carma (antral Keypad. Here. you will find all the humus remind la control the pan. till. zoom
Val Camera (or-trot Keypad is designed to be used either in Mules; or had-wired mode. The wireless made emues you to
treely move around the room The hind-wired nude enahls you to mm! tire arr-n fmm greater dlmnmg For either mode.
Step 1: Aq’ux'. the KEVPAD ADDRESS rotary swrtth (kxated n the battery tempera-tent cf
the Ire/pan] The seeced setting must be the 3m: as the wring 01 the BASE UNIT
ADDRESS switch no. rne hair 5‘ the Camera.
n Fnr muzrue were apdmms, refer to pages
For intntmaton on hrm to set the Base Lrnrt Address w your CameraMan
car-m, reter tn the 1-CCD CameraMarr M50" and (beam Mama!
Step}: Configure the kPlpad fur the derived mode
Install the suppticr: AA battens rn rte (1mm r ontro Keypad I7, remwng the
battervoumpanment dam and nm‘ng the Menu
> Reptate the hattey erent door.
. Pres me o“ the PAMmtT arrows at the keypad am: verity l’tr't! the [ED m 1}: front
01 the Ire-man itumnatea Th's indicates M the batters are minted property.
t! the Ighl does not rI‘umnate. the batteries may be ‘mtaled hadrwards name
the way the batteries are hinted, and try am It a battery wth a ‘wr dwge
n ”mm the keypaé MI‘ emrt a lcng beep
tfzhe mares are rnsened r'mpmpedy, '1wi| not damage the Its/pad. tsirroty
wil' not work
rammed Made (up ram Inmlmeters):
- Connect rte (maVen Keypad (able to the U1! type jxk Iomted in the battery
cumpartrren'. ol the quin.
- (mm the other end at the (ante to the WI COM port an the CameraMan tarneta.
n than the system is powered or. the light on the keypad should ilurnrnate
rmrrentarih and been Mme, bdrmt'ng the keypad is ready 10' math". The
ight located score tte W1 covt port on rte were inmates mmun‘m’m
n You do not need to insull bamies in the Camera (antral Keypad wtm us'rtg it
in heme-red rnode
n Using I able other than a Patten/eon sappled «the (at the WI COM part may
uuse carnage
Connecting Your Keypad
btmtakert'uiamnc - (onrmYaurerera Cantrell/2M
Mimi Mi'vss
wry with
tun in t:- tern
wed MW:
Orienting The Pan Arrows
W "Q You an mrfigure your banner: (MM Keypad lo peer U! ml rm molding to your sp-i'rr lwlkafion. Tlrefollvwing s-diorr
" 7? " explins how to understand. eonfiwe. and ma fire earnen'i panning moliorr
Understanding The Panning Motion
[angles 1 and 2 depin inflames when you might want to remiiqure the pan m on
you (arnera (uroo' Keypad. bangle l {Default wrung): Fac’ng (ward Ihe tamera
The delurlt serrng, shown rn Example 1, isdes'qned m operate while you are faring me
(tramway camera. Some examples of applcalions 1M world benefit lronr rm delau:
wrongs are:
- D'srance Leaning were you are zhe instrum,
- Prmlatims whee you are lhe presenter and rm audiente members are watching
you or a monitor.
- Yummnlerentes where you are an Mm panio'pan:
. My olher appiralun were you, lhe camera (onlmller. need to be enamels.
here are awliuliom. homer, in Mridr you do not need to lace he mmera (example 2} In
these silualbnsd the delarrl! with; world work These awltal'ons reqra're 1M you modern
the PM arrows isee below). Some ewrples of awications rhar might hernfnlrom lh's
reorienrafim we:
- Preserrrathrs Mere you are mr lire prewar, but a! corrtnrllng rm ramera's
- Vrdeoconlerems where you are a mderator. hm not arr Mm panirlpant
- Applicafions where you are tmuollm near-rm Iran a mtrol room.
- ArvoderamialbnmreyouMeammmnummonmmmhemmi
Neonenling The Pan Arrows
2. Pres anrr hold the ENTER and armIMME muons sinUhruonly
3. Lisren fora beep, indminq that in: reversal is cmleie.
4 Release the burlom smulramously.
5 Vrrilyrhar me orienmion has charged
CameraMan' I-CED Camera Control Keypad Cperafiorrs Manual - 0 1995 Parked/aim. Inc
Maximum Pan/Tilt Configuration
Iiwnimyw'vehamdMumhmmtnmmapplufion’smdzynn an mmirmlnmwmia hon
ml (amtmml Keypad writ: withyuur umrallan system
Maximum Pan/Tilt Travel
Gm! the (amenMM Came-a kindled. yuu ran (unliguie fl! PAN/TIL! min; to 5m 1m:
apflimiw. The [amaMan arm has a maxim“ pan tinge 01359‘.hu1mvm
pmgimed with Mary Mann settings for maximum paw‘nit sm'ngsoi 190V Pm and a
25’ ufTIlT. Us! he following pomduvt to mange 151! minimum pmiiim sem'rqs:
1. Seize he camera you want to adiusl (see page 6, Muiiuia (amen Keypad Usage].
2. Pics; and hold me ENTER button.
1m: huid'll; lie EMfli bum, us! we PAN/TILT mews to mm on men in the
maxim desired pos'fiun in one direction.
a. mm the [Km button to sum: Mmum daizd pusitim for that (radian.
s. Lkmnhmhmivflufimdmmemfimwmfiimmflflifim
has bun set.
6. Hdefirdmpeilstzmlimiiiaiimnimmpcmfmm mam Wham
7. lines'nd, upset flan; |~6ior addlimal alum
180‘ Default Maxim Pan Settings 50' Default Muimum Th Seflings 159" Maximum m Range
01998 Pam-mum. - mqmevmmucmrqw pm

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File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
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Modify Date                     : 1999:10:11 09:50:37-04:00
Create Date                     : 1999:10:11 09:20:18-04:00
Creator                         : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
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Page Count                      : 7
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