ParkerVision CM008 Remote Camera Controller User Manual installation and operations manual page 4 to 8

ParkerVision Inc Remote Camera Controller installation and operations manual page 4 to 8

installation and operations manual page 4 to 8

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Document ID63183
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Document Descriptioninstallation and operations manual page 4 to 8
Short Term ConfidentialNo
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize50.06kB (625787 bits)
Date Submitted1999-10-12 00:00:00
Date Available1999-10-29 00:00:00
Creation Date1999-10-11 10:49:45
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod1999-10-11 11:00:03
Document Titleinstallation and operations manual page 4 to 8
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

(Q 3? More conmning musing you hiding ling pod/age. m I mom to ham about the various him-is sw‘ndu, and jab.
Pam Padr
V iRACKlNE RNG FOR? - Use: is calmed
' T'Mirg R w; to pm»- uad (Ste page 13)
' cmrec Ihe nc-t'mai aun'liar/ mar; pad
minimum 156 be: sage M].
V POWER INDKMOR LIGi-TS - 1's ycu knw
men p:wev 15 0“ {m1} ard when baliEIiES are
[UH {Man},
7 POWER SWITCH - Used 10 um water pm and .....
Tracmq Rn; on ard CH.
y we swncu - m: ~n m Tvatk'ng img‘s' ‘ "
mansions m and of
' (KAREN >O1T~ Used in cmrec battevy dialga
to vowel M
v POWER PACK BELT C‘JP - Jsed to connect flattery
thaw a: me new pm be» (01 one: new,
1 if CHANNEL SWTCH — Used in se'ed Ihe if
channel the power pack wil we fly mmmme .
w'th the Dixiim; Slaliun (should be 1119 same as
the Docking Swim].
Ext Sensor - MAsembi/
G'm pun/a
punk m bah as
’ shown
Hm! Sensnv/Mnc '
Timing Rim Pun
CmeaVan' lCCD ”flank" (wave Syslem hmlbron and Upevan'ms Manual , G 1938 Paflxefl’nsim‘ In
Tracking System Keypad
Next, late: look M the from M m Truking 5mm szpad. It is Illa (antral ante! In! your Pusan?" (imam System and
contains the IoIImuIng futures.
. V '0N' LIGHT ' mates Key-zed IS m
V sumscr rosmou romou - dscd
In finmne the minor vI twc swim
‘ wflle in moTIIACK nods
to veil mint Itxa‘ms
my; . V TRACKING FRESH - Used In dnmgegt
. ' wloIRAEKA ard Iueeze he rarrere‘s
' mama VIMS - Lse-I Lu mange mm moment.
1m pcxilor and pawn-Ital the .. .. ‘
psenm in "A! video frame wmIe ' V SETUP ' Jsed n (mluncnm Mm care
be»; tradm: by Ihe (meta (dmse (cnlmls Iu maxed (undiarvs,
bemren 1'th Vida, lIIgnL and
LeIt) mm mm " ' ‘ V IMAGE CONTROLS ’ User: to um Md
dose we ivs
_ .. V mIMAGE — Used In alwme mm b:
v ZOOM III/DUI - mm In lghten m ..... altar-aural»- art-u“ 1m brightness an:
and wden II‘e men's Wm ,. dames; fat each aidec pimm
"fl" 1 PAN/TILT — Used In (untrds zIe
‘ tamra'sup/wm‘ am wngm
Jae of the PAWTILT amv button
raMan‘ wil 415919339 1h aumTZAG mm
V FOCUS ' Umi to V MUFOCUS ‘ Used In
manual', adjm u'xual allow £19 (Ania In
' dar'ny oI the video autmafimly aq’us: Ihe
Clam Used wfih vim (Iarty at th". video
SETUP mm In pm?
unease and dam
Q 1998 aarkervh'on, Inc - Meet You MED Framer Came S‘me'r ‘ pa“ 5
Installing the Camera System
”W you can begin mnneetlng them to your (armremn nmera.
Removing the CameraMan Connector Block (Upgrade only)
n it you are pedorming hilial nstallalbn cl a system padtage, as opposed ta m
upgraoe, this wll not be necessary.
to remove the tannin-n (onneetor Blade
1. Yum 0" the FOWEI switdi on the hatkol the Carma
7. Dkornert all tables lrorn the baelt pl rte camera.
3. Rerwre the screws whith hold tle connector block in place,
4. ml ournard on the connector bloek, um|quirl1 rtlror-r the 0837 cunnecrnr. the
Main Docking Station tattle wit plug irno this port.
Mounting the Main Docking Station
The Man Docking Station an he mounted with any urientatlon. but it must be mounted
within 10 ol the autoTllACK camera (use only the supplied Earnerahfan table to (tanned the
two urits] Mount the Main Dock'ng Station using the ldlm'ng guidelines:
t tht the Main Dodu'ng StatLun in the defied location. Be sure to leave sufficient
space tor access in the mmecriuns on tl'e bark pane'
2. VerilymattheMWMtllelrontolmeMainDodnrgSmionistumedOFl
i Mounlor place the Cameraan Power Supply 'n a mmenient loathn new the
atoll/lot Dock'ng station
4. Plug the 55mm lemale mmectnr from the power supply (17rd itto the oc POWEI
in in the had at the ooco'ng station.
5. Plug the utherend cl the pattern-why into a 120W: outlet
5 Comm the amemas to the appropriate rumors and position ten so tint they
both point in a mini tiredon tor optimum perturnanne.
H For best perlormartte, locate the antennae in tree space, at least 6‘ tram the
camera. or any wires, metal surtares, wall etc
9 See the Main Docking Station clearante diagram on page 28.
Multi- Camera Appitatlcns
In a mult‘mnera appliratton where n is desired to network multipe (auras wetter, reler tn
the multhwa mien at the 1m General Pan/lit Installation and Operations
Mar-rel. Follow the appnrp'iate procedure, using tte MS oonneaions on thehadr at the
Man Dating Stafion instead ol the comerturrs on the heft at the Canera.
“W a? M that you’ve identfied the MN of your Presenter Carr-n System. as well as their ind'widull hum. ports. and jath,
mm meant
lnstallrv; two Tracking System ‘n tte sane area wrll
cause unpredk‘able results.
(ameraMan' 1&0 Presenter (amen System Insulation and Operatic-rs Manual - 0 1998 ParkeNs'un, Ire
Connecting to the Main Docking Station
Nouryeu can begin mnnecting your Main Docking Station to your CumnMan camera 5mm and your amen eerttmt dairies
Conneeting the CameraMan Cable
The automcx (amen connects to the Main Docking Station us‘ng the suppied (areaMart lu‘
muitkmductur cabte with 0617 (meters on both ends.
I It is ‘t'rw‘am to ver'fy that the FOWEI switch on tie front of the Man Ducting Station is
turned OFF before making this correction.
1. Conrtectt'te 0337 atabconrectortnttebackdtheCarneraM-tmeraandmrethe
connection using the two (ortrector screws located on the (ahb menu. The veil ensure
that tie tattle wtl not become nitiodoed titetothemotion oi thetarneraManam.
3. Eortrect the other and hi the CameraMan table tn the MS! Uttrl' cartttectoron the bad
01 the Main Dodring Station,
8 Verity that :he CameraMat (ante is supported it such a manner thatt'te -mxl does
not drag the cattle as it m. tithe camera drags the cattle. then the perturrrtame of
the aynern may he mmprorrrised,
Connecting a Keypad/Controller
it desired, the Tracking System Keypad an be Matt/tree In the Main Dudn'ng Station who a
CametaMan Kmart (able (my-idea separate”.
1 ertefloneertderttecatdetotheRJ-it typejadt bmedinthebattetycompamnerttni
the keypad.
1. (mttteathererdotttecaberoztem-tt typejadtm the MattheMairt Doctrine
Stahtm, labehd PVI COM.
3, Look a: the iig'ti an the keypad, nh'ch s’tuuH itutn'nate memity, itd‘rat'ng that the
keypad is ready int ooerau’on.
n Usitg Ihle enter that a untied cable tor the WI COM pttrt may cause damage. the
Tradt'rtg System “mad can be turnm'red m in a tit-rum distance at zscr. rtttlikttndtctvtabh
Emmi)" up tatcr
Correcting to the 523! Port
The Presenter Carrier: System writes for him commuticat‘otta utitv; the has jack on the bad "moi
oi the Mm Ming Stah'on hinted 5-82. This RSBZ pm at it used to control the fameraMan Wm"
camera item external devices Sttdl at a K or other vertdorcontrol ryttern (i.e.: AML Ctestmrr]. em,
(utnect to this port tang a standard computer cable vn'th a 059 connector. This part operates at
9600 baud [191200 with (anteraMart snot Director], no Parity, and mite-are hardehak‘ng using
mush Highttetabatr at East: patents (High wetsuit; artywith snot Diem). The tght
lotated above the its-131 putt is used to imitate comrmarticathn actirity,
n Verity that prottami a being used b] death; the rectum mm
[suitrit bartlt B — m'tdt I) on the bark tri the (mmtaMan camera.
For more “rttmnation on setting the protocol on your CarneraMan camera. see Ute
Iraniat'ott attd Operations Martial that came with the meta.
e 199! Parkerifs'dn Int: . Connect Vat: 1((D Preterm Carma System
’ or or
y amen loltms you Mid the room.
Tracking Ring Power Pack Assembly
Using the tip on the uscit, mm the trot-tow; Ping Power Pack either directly to your dottting
by cipprrg it to you wasllire or run or to 1M Tracking Kn; Perrier Pack Belt.
n The Trritting it»; Power Pack must be mm so that the antenna hangs loosely. Do
not date the Power Padt ‘n your poorer Th's interferes with the If signal and my
aflect the audio and trading mpabiity,
Tracking Ring Sensors
I. Idenfiy the sensors:
- Front Serscrr emipped PM a butt in microphone and trading sensor. It is cht'fied
by the main connector to the Power Pack.
- Hack Senior equ'pped Mn the builtin trading sensor min
I, Slip the Tracking Ring nrwrrd your neck.
3. tip the Tracking Ring strap dosed to form a comptete drde storm you Md.
4 Vefly that the Front Sensor ix hire; list and centered. jrtt more d’st level, aid that the
Bad: Sermr is lying fist on the back at your colar.
5.P|ug the main connector me the port on the topol the Track'ng Ping M1?“
n The ‘rum and Bani Sensors requ’m a direct hedoyhtlink w'nh the carriers 119
presenter must exercise caution to enwre that no clothing or Mr (Mrs eil'ier
Aboulthe sensors
madman pedmnanoe islets T‘re autoTRACK node ‘srn endis'rre Paths’nn leamre that
matter he the men to tied: automtialiythe mum-g tlelrrdo'rg Eng Portage,
n Since the tracking Sensors rewire a rlrect linen/fight link with the camera. the
subject ms: exercise cantim to ensue that no ciothng or Mr never; the Sensors.
This wil ensure mum mmrnmkation with the CammMan were
The Front Sm should be lying rm m1 mm on the my, just aim men level, The
BadtSensorshauld l’ellatagdnsttlebaftultlemllarmnedtmhenaofsentermrm
around zn point to attache-1, for current. the Back Sewer (ont'nues to recn've the intraed
tracking 5an from the amere
With the armor whim of he sensors. the CznereMxi amen prov'dfi JGD' ofoooerage
for the paenne wearing he Treating ltnq Packager
Tracking Ring Power Pack Assembly
llwr you are ready to assemble the Inciting Mg Package end learn how to weer It properlyto ennre that your (menu
enema sharia
tang loosely
Ewe Wt no heir or
arm is! nomg (overs
the Trading Sensors
Front Sensor
CameraMan' ICCB hammer Earnera System Insta‘ll'jonann Operations MaNal - C 1998 ParkerVrslon, Inc

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File Type                       : PDF
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PDF Version                     : 1.3
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Modify Date                     : 1999:10:11 11:00:03-04:00
Create Date                     : 1999:10:11 10:49:45-04:00
Creator                         : Acrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
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Page Count                      : 5
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