ParkerVision CM008 Remote Camera Controller User Manual users manual page 12 to back cover page
ParkerVision Inc Remote Camera Controller users manual page 12 to back cover page
- 1. user manual cover page to page 5
- 2. user manual page 6 to 11
- 3. users manual page 12 to back cover page
- 4. installation and operations manual cover page to page 3
- 5. installation and operations manual page 4 to 8
- 6. installation and operations manual pages 9 to 13
- 7. installation and operations manual pages 14 to 18
- 8. installation and operation manual pages 19 to 23
- 9. installation and operations manual pages 24 to 28
- 10. installation and operations manual page 29 to back cover
users manual page 12 to back cover page
Setting Up Gen Lock with Your Control Keypad You can adjust the Gen lock uttirqs tn vyndnunlze al video was based on the syn: pulmfrnrn one source, surh as a remote camera. When you MM between arr-m. yw may mm a litter on your monitor. Ad‘mtlnq the Gen lock settings enable you to remove the Rider for smooth umilim between anions. Plat! the Gen lurk Mode Setup an: over the Keypad when admin; Gen lock I: pro-ids the Extractions below and tightens the 11mm! you wit use. Gen Lock Setup (with the overlay card) The tuirming procedure m'l emote you to adrurt Gen lock settings with the Gen lock Soup matey ram I. Pressmd holddunntlebtlmlabrltdfienlodamMAherZ-S strands, youwllhearaheep, 1, ReleaselheGonLorlandeuttomTleGenlodemwm. n To reset the menu hens to the delzult va‘ues, pres: the button labeled met 3. Prestheupanddownllem Ed'narrmsromthearmor—wmirdto seledtheiternyoumttothange. 4. Presileltltandliflrtulnutdltaflmtomartgethevahetorthelnllwing hm: "Ml—"fl ram MODE AUTO m m (inrerraj ME 9! to 099 “PHASE ll (1 m SCFIHE 4! in ’49 5. To save your thugs, press the button aheled Sm. n lfthelCCDammksettolummodeMldramkl,dbthm1,pmidnn lP)‘ lhenll! SOHMSEsztfnq N] ddiuktotheSC—mdip ”kl-[Mm Bank Adipmitdrl pondord‘DGWN-O'anc UP-tmmng anti-(amen oath fimfieammkmatedJlmelcmameramettomi trademark I, dip switch 7. pm" now-r), mm the sums: setting wil not he mm eathfimhemera'srmned ' 6. Prss and hold Gen loll atfl MODE to exit. Carma‘ldan' KO Carers Conuo' Keypad Operations Manual - 0 1998 Portal-fusion, Inc. Setting Up Gen Lock with Your Control Keypad Gen Lodr Serup (without the weriay card) The inIm/im; promdure wil enable you to bdrm Gen Lurk whirgsw‘thom 1h! Gen M Setup owe, m1 1 Press and Wu dmm human numbers 03nd! Alter 2-3 seconds. you wll hear a beer, 2. Release the n and I buttons The Gen loot Setup menu Appears. n Teresexflmemeru'narsmthedelauzms,pressbumnmmbar. l Pru 1h: up and down I'm/TILT mm m we the mow mum and to select the Hem you mm to flange. 4 Dress he Iehandrijn PAH/Tuarmwsm dung: menu: for he fulwirg item: Mm Hm M002 AUTOormflinlln-ral) WAS! 49 (049! SEMASE B or 10 $0710! 4! lo 4” 5. To save your charges. pres human nutter 2. n mmm SGMASEsem; wildehmtnlhe SC-PHASE dipwmfiwitdl iirfi Lammzpasmm-vmur-mjmmxrumnm iirmfleama'sresmeillhflcmwmraissellolodrmdefim‘tdrnam r, 69 with L pmih'on no“). then rh mus! setfing will rm be moan earh time the mmisratamd. EA Press and hold a 1nd 0 to flit. Appendix A : Troubleshooti ng and Specifications W‘ A lyou have mpohlmwiih yourtxrren Como! Keypad, pieue reiemmirallnwing fruitleshooflrrg union. Ifyou have questions or prohlems aim mm pm (flotsam wit-mixed hrhrfin'on reselier. or mm Parkervision Prodm Support directly or sum-1367. Troubleshooting Bobbin" HreCameraConvqupadflmromtrdMeQmMan mm Mien usedin the m RF rmde. Sdutim' 1, Variy traithe barrery is installed in the keypad properly. (See Sumiorr: p19: Bi 2, Vsiiy rrrat he BASE UNIT ADDRESS with on the bad oi tire CamaMarr rarrrera. and the EASE JNIT ADDRESS swildt in the battery oumpn'reni of (we keypad are set to the same sentry (see page 33, 3. Verify that me RF currrmard swiidr on tie bark oi the CamaMan Camera 5 set to [mm (see you KCD Gunman inshhtbn and opmmm. 4 Verifymattteliqhtonti’reiwmofiiretama (1;dequ ilum'rrate: for a imsemrdr who the balm is first piuggrd in it sue for. you have presed tie mum SELECI human on the Camera [ennui Keypad that (orresponds m the camera you wan: to mzroi. (see page 6] ii oniy using one carrier: mm to press CAMERA SEIECT 1. Tire Omen (mo/Keypadwilm commime with the CmmMan Camerar'n fireharMedm ‘; Verifyum IheCarreraMll Keypadtaiie‘seomefledirom’ie WimMpodoniiebadtotthemuamranjadtinthe nanny (armament oi the Carma 0.1on Keypad (See page 3]. 2 Verii'y'Jlat the BASE UNITADDRESS mm on tire Indra! the mm“ ram, and the 3ka UN" ADDRESS sm'tzh in the hatterymmpamremclt‘re keypadhaverhesarnemt'ng (we me it 3. Dostleliginmtheirontolthekeypadtomeorrinraim mind: when lit keypad is first mugged in? Ii not refine the raHe with a ParkeMsionvaplied rabie arty. 4. Be sure that you have pressed the warm SELECI human on the Camera [arrival Keypad that corresponds in the camera you warn to contra [we page 6). I’ uni] rang are (men he xrre in press CAMEIA min 1. . Widen“ i-CCD Speditations Wills! Mode: ..,.50 iL/18t26 m iron- carrrera {typical} Mr....t_.(1)MDUNACEI.L®bat1ery US: 7.01 it NOW 1 0,85'H Nn: 17.78trn La 5,59:m W x 2.16ern -i Return To Default The Mum to dual“ remand resets the mm Mir-rum part/fit position and pan/tit orientat'on to their iamrysetrirrgundteaslomiorrhesetsm. and} tmmwrrmrbe met) Heaternvdvrrzum Returning to lire Factory Default: 1 Flex and hold the IMAGE (um) bunm ard bu‘ltur nrarber 3 for approximately one semnd. 2. Release the hitters. 3. tr orlantzr, the (arrrera wit return ro the default home posir‘tm. QiM’arkeMsann: - Appendices 01998 Parkzflsim Inc. - MmYuuv Cmn (mun! Keypad PARKERVISION' Valium." 0 lm Parnfi'dan, lm: [imam PM Mum MOM him 8
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