ParkerVision CM008 Remote Camera Controller User Manual installation and operations manual pages 24 to 28

ParkerVision Inc Remote Camera Controller installation and operations manual pages 24 to 28

installation and operations manual pages 24 to 28

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Document ID63192
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Document Descriptioninstallation and operations manual pages 24 to 28
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize42.53kB (531588 bits)
Date Submitted1999-10-12 00:00:00
Date Available1999-10-29 00:00:00
Creation Date1999-10-11 11:33:12
Producing SoftwareAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows
Document Lastmod1999-10-11 11:40:43
Document Titleinstallation and operations manual pages 24 to 28
Document CreatorAcrobat 4.0 Scan Plug-in for Windows

Setting Up Gen Lock with Your Tracking System Keypad
Gen Lad: Setup (without the overlay card)
The lollowing promduz wll emhb yuu to enlist Gm Lad wings without 111! can Lad:
Smp why turd
I, Puss and laid down he Sam and Imag- lvigMen 1mm After 23 semis, you
will hear a beep,
2. latest lhe Setup m1 Image lyiglllzn bum; TM Gen lat Setup menu
n To met the menu item to the nelault values. pm me wows km
3 ”less |he up and down PAM/TILT alvws to me the arrow 0mm and to select
the ittm you want to (hangs.
4. Pass held! and fight PAN/ml mm In mange xhe value for hfnlwing
mm Iillfi
MODE AUTO 01 Ilfl’ fimemil)
WAS! 89 to M
SC-MASE 0 0! 1M
5. To save you changes, press the molmii blmnn.
n lllhe KtDmn'ssmolummmaank I. fipm'ldfl. posilkrl
UP), than the SC-IMBE setting wi| mm to 1m SC-PHASE dip wild! [Swim Ball
A, dip 9mm 1 posit‘urs: DWIN - 0‘ and UP- 1m sm'rg on lhemm ah
nmmeamera insulted "the 1((D mvaissetloloulmdelwldlsmk
l. dip sm'zm 2. omen DOWN). 1m the MASS selling wil not b! mminen
each mm 9: camera is waned.
a Press and help snur em me lm was Wm) mm m cull.
Caranan' lCCJ mm Gama Syxlm Insulation and Opmllm: Manual - 0 lm Pafxerv‘uicn. lnt.
if you have any problem with your Qmenllan Prmrner (amen symrn, please try in resolve tlnm us'ng the blowing
irlormmim liynu slil hm quesliom men plum comm your wlhoriaed Parkerlfsion reseler, or all Parkenllslon dim m
(mm) mm 1149“) 737-1357.
I Is he POWER ligm on the meraMan's front panel lIu-ninatedi
- ll ilis llummalco, protect! to sing I2
- Will; not ilum‘mlzd, make sure on Main Dodo'ng Sla't‘ohis
Blogged h old as POWER sw'lch lowed on the from pane' is
rrwed to the Oil pusi'jonv lhe POWER I‘ghl on We (rank ol Me
Win Dudrirrg swoon sharia he llumina'edl
2 Is Ill.» TRACKING UNIT STATUS light on the camera'; lmnl panel
» rl'r sOll. amazed mm B,
~ fluorinrakewrethelmking lirgMerPadfispmredtll.
- l‘itissliIIOFf,dedihekmerywwllghlmlhempolme
Tratkng Ring Pow Padn ll the lonely LOW thl k
ilurnmteo, their the battery is low and neers to be recharged.
- Ilbolh the Oil lighl 3rd lhe [UN lighten the top oi the Power
Pack are no! fllurninaleu. then the battery m] be corrde'ltly
fixharged and needs in he filly rediarged.
- I! the battery is fully charged and the mount: UNIT STATUS
lgnt is sill OFF, then verily the] lie at mm. mm on the
out 01 the Mail Docking Slafion names the positional the If
CHANNEL with on the bark of me Tradong Hing Vow Pack
3, ls In! eulomACK fight on the name's dkplay pant ilurrinaleo or
- NEON. proteedloslegM.
~ Il'n'sOFF, melheTratking SflemKe/pad wseledmeolthe
lmr mm Vivi buttons
4. Kile POWER and the mtllllli Ulll'l STATUS lgh's are
ilminaled. am lhe thIACK light "a blinking.
- check in make sire vial m tracking ling 5mm are
anachod newly and are not roared b; ha‘ror dmhhg.
- Be sure lhatyou are flaming in lhe fielc'ofvim of the men.
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
arm Sm Sven?
urowmw hmm Mummy.
cm Ulrsmos rmsmcr
9 1998 Parka/Non. |ll(. - Awendkes
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
hobbit TbeCammManCam‘rathoperaobnisM
Solution i. (hm ue Battery LOW I'gl: on the top of the Tradung Rib; Potter emery
Pack. lithe light is ilu'ninated. he Battery ‘s ltw ant! reeds to be
2T ltthe battery ‘5 rhygeti you may now to (tranqe tn: HF trams/en
Matt the (amevaMan “5 (mainly operat‘ng Tu do Pris, d'tange the
poshiun 01 he RF ClMNNEstntzhon the bark vi the Mair Dodu'ng
Station and on ‘he bank of the Trading liinq Power Padttothe
opoos'ne set'n‘ng (both wildt pusmons 1mm trawl].
3 inspect the (arteraMn camera's ltxat‘or to verity that no
obstruflions, am asthe man powe' rank. are inpedng its ahiity zo
treely pan hit and right or to tilt up ant} mm
4 Vevity t'tal but-i antmme are summed tn tie Main Docking Station
and max nu wires or metal alien: are whit; elm amm.
5, (led its battery in the tratlmq System Keypad
n TneKeypadtakest batterieswi‘malflmanoitmto
tree rmllts Nth average m. The Keypad Mates that in
may IS Itm wth a long beep wlen any button 3 pressed.
isolate the flattery at that w,
Prubtzm: mrmdmgmummmrm
Sonnion: t. Orecktnmam wt! that fl’eAUDIOrvatmksetthH postion
2. Checr tie top cl the Trading Ring Power Pant to mine sure the
Tracking Rim; lS phoned into the port matted TRACKING KING.
3 (halt to see it the AUDIO lighten the back at tn: thk'ng Station
ilunimte: when m mtromnne 35 receiving antic
the i911 val only “urinate nhle ipeakhg into the Trading
Rn; mlaupfntta.
4. If the AUDIO Iqht on the bask at he Main Docking Station
illuminates and ya: are stilt mt tecevng auu‘u. you may have a wring
ptottlem lrurr rt: Main Doom; Station to the antin system. If tnir 's
the rase, please cmtatt you QMBVEH System Imatter.
EamEfaMar' KC) Pmntt't (meta System Irstdlator and 0mm Manual - 9 1995 Parlerilitim, In:
i. Venti- ttat no batteries are “mild in the keypad propfliy
2. Verify that he 5215195 rratth Ioi ‘Jw BASE IIIIIT ADDIESS with on
the hm oi tie aumiRAO< (new and tin IASE UIIH' muss
mikh in the battery (moan-went of the xeypal
Veif; m: the HF tomnd switth on the hack oi the autoIRAKK
(arms 5 set to ENABLE.
d Veity ua‘. the tip: on is Item oi the fitting System Keypad
iltmmates Icv a Yew mrdx when tie hattrry is f m irstzlled
1. VailythaztietamMan (alpadCaNeixtormmtImtInM
ti! may mmpartmcnt o‘thetradmg Systzmklypau
2. Does the Sgt: on the trcnt oi the kqpad llminate Int 3 ten/seconds
when m keypad is fast plugged in? it not, Ii!" rapier! the table with
a ’adio'i/|simsunfltec catie out,
i way that the VIJEO SELECT with on the bxk oi the autoTRACK
Camera is set property
2 Verify :hat the appropriate v'deo mmmion is be'wg used on the badt
of the Mn Jodmg Statim, eittm SVIIID cr COMPOSITE VIDEO
OUT (see page 31
3, Vwfly that in» is a sol‘vJ ronmtion oi the Camelot-tan take to bolt
he Mair. Dodo'ng Staten and m autoTWK (amen.
M) mmnwm'ahls Ihmgh the EFBIIM.
to Verity that its raNe being meet 5 w'mt windy.
2 item that the FIOIOCOI. SMCI’ mild in the bank 01 1h:
outnTRAEK Carma is sat propedy
3 Does the (OM tight abwe f’l! Its—Bl putt on the tart at In: Main
Dumng Sut‘on b‘ilk when you amid : mmano through tiis pun?
- timt,t‘nenc‘1ange:ie riots mo mm.
A tin), than veri‘y “tat tne BASE UNIT ADDIIESS is «Mate.
‘.' 5 am} —~
Appendix A. Troubleshooting ‘
m w
C 1993 ParitNVlsim, Inf. - Appeuticm
Appendix 8: Specifications and Clearance Diagram
. 7 1h following mediation: we in! me min finding Sulion. Tmtlng ling Mag; and trading system lip/pad For
' spldfiwlions on you (manual can-n. idem the Irmlhtigns and Gwalior: Manual that (me with your camera
Specifimions (lemma Diagram
Dun Mlng Station
video on (15m); (mpcsizw when
V: VS 1.0 Vpp Sync negati'e (: Buns! 0.236 Vpg
VllS: LD Vpn (0mm
V: Lpr Sync negal'ne C: Susi 0300 Vw
VBS: 1.0 Vpp (manila
.,..Ba|antrd (XLR) hm 5m ulvng Urluhrud (MA) in: 40K ulvns
. flawlmzedm Unhahmdl
. .4ND¢(B¢Ianmd only)
. . m (female) mm:
LIS: 12W, SOHIAK WWW. INTl: 1mm. 50m AC
“11 W mninum mmfion
A. . armour;
... 11,64'L16.§§'W12.6‘H
H ill ha
“HGD’imm MainDock'ng
...Siznda|1 NB: 209.3MH2/2125MH1
5mm Ulla 20111 MHz/Ill} MHz
8 lmr minty balmy (optional)
60 lm amnMK (men (twin!)
i 250' from mm (men (We!)
.(1)AA ovum. mum
CarmM-an' lCCD mm (mm System Insidlalion and Opmlions Manual - O 1998 Mam "K.

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Modify Date                     : 1999:10:11 11:40:43-04:00
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