Rohde and Schwarz NV830X UHF 1.8kW maximum Digital TV transmitter User Manual 32 SLX8000 12 12 07 01 00

Rohde & Schwarz Inc UHF 1.8kW maximum Digital TV transmitter 32 SLX8000 12 12 07 01 00


User Manual Part 2

Broadcasting Division2095.7346.32 - 5.0 - E-1CHAPTER 5OPERATINGPrinted in Germany
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.01 - E-2CONTENTS1 Operating Options  ........................................................................... 11.1 Local Operation  ..............................................................................................11.1.1 Menu Keys  ...................................................................................................11.1.2 Operating Structure ...................................................................................... Navigation in Menu System ................................................................................ Selecting and Editing Entries  ............................................................................. Context Menu  ..................................................................................................... 71.2 Remote Operation or Remote Control ..........................................................81.2.1 Installation and Configuration .......................................................................81.2.2 Browser-Based Operation .......................................................................... End of Session  ................................................................................................. 161.3 User Administration  .....................................................................................171.3.1 Creating, Changing and Deleting Users .....................................................191.3.2 Closing Active Sessions .............................................................................201.4 Monitoring and Control via SNMP  ..............................................................211.4.1 Installation .................................................................................................. Settings on Transmitter Side  ............................................................................ Settings on Manager Side  ................................................................................ Testing SNMP Communication  ........................................................................ Configuration .................................................................................................... 262 Menus of R&S NetCCU800 ............................................................ 302.1 Overview of Menus .......................................................................................302.2 Login ..............................................................................................................322.3 Status Menu  ..................................................................................................342.3.1 Tx Status Menu Window ............................................................................352.3.2 RF Status Menu Window ............................................................................362.3.3 Device Status Menu Window  .....................................................................362.4 Logbook Menu ..............................................................................................372.4.1 Summary Menu Window  ............................................................................382.5 Operation Menu Window  .............................................................................392.6 Setup Menu  ...................................................................................................402.6.1 Tx Setup Menu Window  .............................................................................402.6.2 Option Keys Menu ......................................................................................422.6.2.1 Status Menu Window  ....................................................................................... 43
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.02 - E- Install Menu Window  ........................................................................................ 442.6.2.3 Deactivations Menu Window  ............................................................................ 442.6.3 NetCCU Setup Menu ..................................................................................452.6.3.1 Common Menu Window ................................................................................... 452.6.3.2 Date/Time Menu Window ................................................................................. 462.6.3.3 System Menu Window ...................................................................................... 472.6.3.4 SW Maintenance Menu Window  ...................................................................... 482.6.3.5 SW Backup/Restore Menu Window  ................................................................. 492.6.3.6 Network Submenu ............................................................................................ 512.6.3.7 Network > Front Ethernet Menu Window  ......................................................... 512.6.3.8 Network > Rear Ethernet Menu Window .......................................................... 522.6.3.9 Services Submenu  ........................................................................................... 532.6.3.10 Services > SNMP > General Menu Window  .................................................... 532.6.3.11 Services > SNMP > Manager Menu Window  ................................................... 542.6.3.12 Services > SNMP > Alarmsinks Menu Window ................................................ 542.6.3.13 Services > NTP Menu Window ......................................................................... 552.6.3.14 Services > RS232 Menu Window ..................................................................... 562.6.4 ParIO Cards Order Menu Window  .............................................................572.6.5 General Purpose ParIO Menu Window ......................................................592.7 RF Probe Antenna Menu ..............................................................................602.7.1 RF Probe Forward Menu Window ..............................................................602.7.2 RF Probe Reflected Menu Window ............................................................612.8 Device Info Menu ..........................................................................................622.8.1 NetCCU Menu Window  ..............................................................................632.8.2 Mainboard Menu Window ...........................................................................632.9 Parameter Set Menu Window  ......................................................................633 Menus of Exciter A/B ..................................................................... 663.1 Overview of Menus .......................................................................................663.2 Status Menu  ..................................................................................................703.2.1 Status Displays, Warnings, and Error Messages .......................................723.3 Logbook Menu ..............................................................................................723.3.1 Logbook > Summary/Status/Warning/Fault ...............................................733.3.2 Logbook Context Menu  ..............................................................................733.4 Setup Menu  ...................................................................................................743.4.1 Setup > Tx Setup  .......................................................................................743.4.1.1 Setting Transmitter Operating Mode  ................................................................ 753.4.2 Setup > Option Keys Submenu ..................................................................763.4.2.1 Setup > Option Keys > Status .......................................................................... 773.4.2.2 Setup > Option Keys > Install ........................................................................... 773.4.2.3 Setup > Option Keys > Deactivations ............................................................... 78
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.03 - E-23.4.3 Setup > Exciter Setup > Common ..............................................................793.5 Operation Menu  ............................................................................................803.6 Input Menu  ....................................................................................................813.6.1 Input > Input Config ....................................................................................813.6.1.1 Checking Measured Data Rate  ........................................................................ 823.6.2 Input > Input Automatic  ..............................................................................833.6.2.1 Automatic Input Switchover .............................................................................. 843.6.2.2 Behavior with Defective Input Signal ................................................................ 853.7 Precorrection Menu ......................................................................................853.7.1 Precorrection > Linear ................................................................................853.7.2 Precorrection > Nonlinear  ..........................................................................873.8 RF Menu  ........................................................................................................883.8.1 RF > Synthesizer ........................................................................................883.8.1.1 Reference Frequency Source  .......................................................................... 893.8.1.2 Holdover Mode (if reference frequency fails)  ................................................... 903.8.2 RF > Output ................................................................................................903.8.2.1 Output Level Control  ........................................................................................ 913.8.3 RF > IQ Adjust ............................................................................................913.8.4 RF > Limiter ................................................................................................933.9 Reference Menu ............................................................................................933.10 Device Info Menu ..........................................................................................954 Adjustment of I/Q Modulator ........................................................ 975 Menus of Outputstage A/B ............................................................ 985.1 Overview of Menus .......................................................................................985.2 Status Menu  ..................................................................................................995.2.1 OS Status Menu Window  .........................................................................1005.2.2 Status/Rack Controller Menu Window ......................................................1015.2.3 Status/Amplifier x Menu Window ..............................................................1025.3 Logbook Menu ............................................................................................1035.3.1 Logbook Menu Window ............................................................................1035.4 Output Power Menu ....................................................................................1045.4.1 Output Power Menu Window ....................................................................1045.5 Setup Menu  .................................................................................................1055.5.1 OS Setup Menu Window ..........................................................................1055.5.2 Rack Setup > Rack Order Menu Window  ................................................1065.5.3 Rack Setup > Rack x > Rack Controller Menu Window ...........................1075.5.4 Rack Setup > Rack x > Amplifier Order Menu Window ............................108
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.04 - E-25.6 Measured Values Menu ..............................................................................1085.6.1 Measured Values/Rack Controller Menu Window ....................................1095.6.2 Measured Values/Amplifier x Menu Window ............................................1095.7 Device Info Menu ........................................................................................1105.7.1 Device Info/Rack Controller Menu Window ..............................................1115.7.2 Device Info/Amplifier x Menu Window ......................................................1116 Other Menus ................................................................................. 1136.1 TxTool Menu: Saving Transmitter Information ........................................1136.1.1 Functions in LogBooks Window  ...............................................................1146.2 SW Backup/Restore Menu: Backing Up Complete System ....................1156.3 Storage Menu: Saving Exciter Data ..........................................................1166.3.1 Saving Parameter Data ............................................................................1176.3.2 Recalling Parameter Data  ........................................................................118
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.1 - E-21 Operating OptionsThe transmitter is controlled using the R&S NetCCU800. The R&S NetCCU800 can be op-erated in the following ways:– Local operation via the display and menu keys on the front panel of the R&SNetCCU800– Operation via the web browser– Monitoring and control via SNMPIf the unit is operated via the web browser of a connected PC/client computer, two modesare possible:– Remote operation via a directly connected PC (connector on front panel)– Remote control via a remotely connected network client (connector on rear panel)1.1 Local Operation1.1.1 Menu KeysFig. 1 Menu operationKey Meaning / functionMENU Starts the menu control function (activation from the system overview); calls a context menu (activation from menu)BACK Cancels an entered value if not confirmed with OK; used to move one step back in the menuHOME Used to return from the menu tree to the system overview.FUNCTION Calls a context menu for the current menu entryOK Confirms an entry or selection
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.2 - E-21.1.2 Operating Structure1.1.2.1 Navigation in Menu SystemNote Different entry screens and menus are displayed depending on whether the R&SNetCCU800 is used as a NetCCU (transmitter control) or as an NCU/NSU (control of low-power transmitters / control of n+1 systems).This is how you navigate within the menu system: 1. Press the MENU key.The menu is called. Note When you access the menu system for the first time, you are logged on by default underthe user ID Operation which authorizes you to make settings that directly affect trans-mitter operation. 2. Select the required menu and confirm with OK. The overview for the selected menu is then opened (here NetCCU).STATUS Displays the system logbook (when activated from the sys-tem overview); displays the status screen for a system com-ponent (when activated after selecting a system component from the menu)CURSOR KEYSUsed to move through the menu structure and to highlight menu elements; used to select entriesKey Meaning / function
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.3 - E-21) Window and title bar for higher-level menus2) Window and title bar for lower-level menus (submenus of the main menu selected in the window at the left)3) Window and title bar with explanation of currently selected menu4) Menu contains additional submenus (no arrow symbol: a menu window will open)5) Not all available menus are displayed (use cursor keys to scroll up/down)3. Using the cursor keys in the left/right part of the window, select a menu and confirm withOK. If additional submenus are available, the higher-level menus are shown in the left-handwindow and the lower-level menus are shown in the right-hand window.4. Using the cursor keys (up/down), select another menu or menu window from the rightside of the window and confirm with OK. Using the cursor keys (up/down), select an entry in the menu window and confirm withOK.1) The entry can be edited.2) The entry cannot be edited (no authorization (logon) or setting not possible in this constellation)By using the MENU or FUNCTION key, you can call up a context menu from any position. Use the BACK key to go back one step in the menu structure (even from the Help win-dows); you can also use BACK to cancel an entered value as long as you have not alreadyconfirmed it with OK.Use the HOME key to exit the menu structure and return to the system overview.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.4 - E- Selecting and Editing EntriesThe possibility of changing settings is controlled by a user administration facility with autho-rization system (see the section "User Administration") and a local/remote concept which isvalid for the entire transmitter.Local and Remote operating modesLocal means the transmitter can be configured onsite. Local access is available via the dis-play on the front panel of the R&S NetCCU800 or by PC via the local Ethernet port.Remote means the transmitter can be configured offsite. Remote access is available via theremote port on the transmitter.Since local and remote operation are mutually exclusive, configuration work carried out on-site cannot collide with settings entered remotely. However, it is always possible to viewtransmitter settings.The Local key on the R&S NetCCU800 is used to switch between the local and remote op-erating modes.Locked and variable settingsDepending on the user rights concerned and the type of access (local or remote access)some or all processing parameters can be locked. These include restrictions arising fromthe actual constellation chosen. An appropriate symbol in front of the parameter valueshows whether or not a parameter can be changed at this time.Examples:Symbol MeaningThe present user can change the setting. A change takes effect straight away.The present user can change the setting. For the change to take effect, a restart of the R&S NetCCU800  a) (and possibly the exciter  b)) must be carried out.a) To restart the R&S NetCCU800, run the Restart command in the SW Maintenance context menu.b) If the parameter identified in this way is a setting for the exciter (Exciter ..... menu path), the exciter must be restarted and then the R&S NetCCU800. To restart the exciter, run the Reboot Tx command in the Tx Setup context menü (Exciter menu).The setting cannot be changed at the present time. Possible reasons:– The user does not have the necessary rights.  c)– Access is via the remote port when the R&S NetCCU800 is in local mode.– Access is local when the R&S NetCCU800 is in remote mode.c) The Info command from the context menu gives information on the necessary user rights among other things.Setting is not possible in this constellation.- none - This parameter value is for a display; it cannot be set.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.5 - E-21) Setting can be changed, but the R&S NetCCU800 needs to be restarted2) Setting can be changed; a change takes effect straight away1) Due to insufficient user rights, the selected parameter cannot be changed at this time2) Operation access rights are needed in order to change this settingSelecting entriesThe Edit ... selection window is displayed as soon as you click OK to confirm a field thatprovides a choice.1) The entry can be edited.2) The entry cannot be edited (no authorization (logon) or setting not possible in this constellation)1. Using the cursor keys (up/down), select an entry in the Edit ... selection window.2. Confirm the selection with OK.Your selection is saved and the Edit ... selection window closes.Use the HOME key to finish editing the menu.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.6 - E-2Editing entriesThe editor is displayed as soon as you click OK to confirm a field that can be used to entercustomized text or numbers.Note The "Selectable characters" area of the editor only ever offers you the characters neededfor the box you selected (e.g. only numbers and a point for entering an Ethernet address).1) Entry line2) Selectable characters3) Command lineEntering characters:1. Use the arrow keys to place the cursor at the desired position on the "entry line".2. Using the cursor keys, select the required character from the "Selectable characters"area and confirm with the OK key.The selected character appears in the "entry line".Deleting characters:1. Use the arrow keys to place the cursor at the desired position on the "entry line".2. Use the cursor keys to select Del Char from the "command line" and confirm with OK.Characters in the "entry line" are deleted starting at the cursor position and going fromright to left.Saving or rejecting changes:1. To save changes (current entry in the entry line), use the cursor keys to select Enter textfrom the "command line" and confirm with OK.Your changes are saved and the editor closes.Note If you want the editor to stay open after saving (e.g. when testing settings), select FixEditor from the context menu. The editor then stays open until you close it by pressingthe Back key.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.7 - E-2or To close the editor without saving the changes, use the cursor keys to select Discardfrom the "command line" and confirm with the OK key.The editor closes and your changes are not saved.Use the HOME key to finish editing the menu. Context MenuThe context menu contains function- and content-oriented commands which can be appliedto the currently displayed menu.The context menu can be called from any position using the MENU key.You can find the content-oriented commands in the description for the menu window con-cerned. The function-oriented commands are listed and described below:Command ExplanationChange User Used to change the user profileInfo Help text for the menu window or menu entry concerned; also, in the case of menu entries, information on which user rights are needed in order to make changesOpen Used to open a menu/menu window (alternative to the OK key)Edit Used to edit a menu item (alternative to the OK key)Submit Changes Used to save changes made offlineEdit Online Used to edit a menu item online; standard setting which can only be changed by selecting Edit OfflineEnter Text In editor only: Used to save entries (alternative to the 'Enter text' com-mand in the editor command line)Discard In editor only: Used to discard entries (alternative to the 'Discard' com-mand in the editor command line)
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.8 - E-21.2 Remote Operation or Remote ControlRemote control (e.g. via a network) and remote operation (e.g. via a PC) both require a webbrowser.Note Depending on their rights, logged-on users can monitor the transmitter in question or con-trol all of its functions. There is no difference between remote operation and remote controlwith respect to this functionality.As standard, the R&S NetCCU800 contains the necessary components for remote opera-tion and remote control:Network connector (10/100 Mbit)Network card (RJ-45)RJ-45 crossover cable1.2.1 Installation and ConfigurationConnecting a PC/network client1. Using an RJ-45 crossover cable, connect the Ethernet socket on the front panel of theR&S NetCCU800 to a local PC.Fig. 2 Ethernet link using a crossover cable connectionFix Editor In editor only: The editor remains open for further editing after entries have been saved or discardedAdd to bookmarks The current menu window is saved as a bookmark; the menu windows can be opened directly using the menu item "Bookmarks" in the Status windowBookmarks (in Sys-tem Overview only)In System Overview only: Menu windows saved as bookmarks can be opened directlyTrigger Used to trigger a change (same as OK key)Function Menu Used to display the Status > Tx Status menuCommand Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.9 - E-2or Using an RJ45 1:1 cable, connect the X100A socket on the transmitter roof to the stationnetwork.Network clients can communicate with the transmitter via the NETLINK interface (X5),which is connected to X100A, on the rear panel of the R&S NetCCU800.Fig. 3 Link to a network using an RJ-45 1:1 cable connectionEntering IP address at R&S NetCCU800Before you can use a browser to connect to the R&S NetCCU800 via the connector on therear panel of the R&S NetCCU800, you must enter the IP address required for communi-cation directly via the front panel of the R&S NetCCU800 or have the IP address assignedautomatically. To permit this, the R&S NetCCU800 must be set to local mode (press the Lo-cal key so that the appropriate LED lights up).The parameters for connection to the front panel of the R&S NetCCU800 are preset andcannot be changed.Note The R&S NetCCU800 has an integrated DHCP client to allow automatic address assign-ment. For automatic integration into a network, the network must contain a DHCP server.1. Select the menu NetCCU > Setup > NetCCU Setup > Network > Rear Ethernet at thefront panel of the R&S NetCCU800.Fig. 4 Entering IP address data2. From the context menu, select the Edit Offline mode.3. To assign the required IP address data automatically, select the ON switch position un-der DHCP Client.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.10 - E-2or  (for manual entry)Select the OFF switch position under DHCP Client and enter the parameters IP Ad-dress, Subnet Mask and Gateway.4. In the context menu, select Submit Changes.The changes will be made.Configuring the browserBefore you can operate the R&S NetCCU800 via your browser, the following conditionsmust be satisfied: – Javascript must be enabled.– "Java Platform Standard Edition" must be installed and activated.Note If you are still using an older software version on the R&S NetCCU800, you may sometimeshave to enable setting of cookies. From version 1.11.0 and higher, however, this is no longernecessary.The next section uses Microsoft Internet Explorer to explain how you can check whetherthese conditions have been met or what changes you need to make. Note Please note that the settings described here need not necessarily match your currentbrowser settings one hundred percent. The necessary changes and settings can be found in the Tools > Internet Options menuon your Internet Explorer. Checking and adapting the settings for Java Applets1. Select the Security tab.2. For the Internet zone select the Custom Level option. 3. In the tree structure go to Scripting > Scripting of Java applets and select the Enableoption. Installing Java (Sun) JRE if necessary; checking and adapting the settings1. Select the Advanced tab.2. Check whether the entry Java (Sun) JRE ... is present and enabled. 3. If necessary, download and install (standard installation) the Java Runtime Environmentfrom the Sun website "". 4. Then select the Internet Explorer's Advanced tab again and check whether the softwareis installed and enabled. ATTENTION!Please note that the modified settings described here may adversely affect the security of your Internet connections.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.11 - E-2Launching programNote To be able to operate the R&S NetCCU800 via a PC connected to the front panel, the R&SNetCCU800 must be set to local mode (press the Local key so that the appropriate LEDlights up).1. Start the browser on your PC or client.2. Enter the same IP address as you entered at the R&S NetCCU800.The login screen appears. 3. Log on using the ID you require and confirm with OK.The corresponding entry screen appears.Factory-set user IDsNote The IDs Superuser and Guest are only available for the web browser.Can't log on?Logging on can fail for the following reasons:User ID Authorization PasswordConfiguration Allows you to set basic transmitter parameters; e.g. setup 1234Maintenance Allows you to perform maintenance tasks; e.g. software update1234Operation Allows you to make settings that directly affect transmitter operation1234Query Read-only authorization 1234Guest Read-only authorization – see Query 1234Config-Engl Same as Configuration authorization; this ID also changes the menu language to English (irrespective of the preset language, e.g. Chinese)1234Superuser For configuring, creating and deleting user profiles, and for displaying and deleting active sessions; no authoriza-tion for setting transmitter parameters – see Query1234
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.12 - E-2– Three other users already logged on via the web browser. The maximum permitted num-ber of simultaneous sessions has been reached. On the other hand it is always possibleto log on as Superuser.– Incorrect ID and/or password entered.After three failed attempts at logging on, the requesting IP address is prevented fromlogging on for 30 minutes.1.2.2 Browser-Based OperationWhen you log on, the following entry screen will appear: 1) System Overview: current transmitter status2) Measure Values: display of the forward and reflected power3) Navigator: display and navigation through the transmitter menus4) Menu window: displays the menus selected in the navigator5) Control panel: Elements for navigating within the menu system and displaying and editing menu entries6) Context menu (in this example the remotely logged on user cannot run any commands (key symbol), sincethe R&S NetCCU800 is in local mode)7) Transmitter name display8) User name display (according to login details)9) Group membership display (authorization level)10) Session type display: In the case of "Session is remote" the user logged on via the remote Ethernet port; inthe case of "Session is local" the user logged in via the local Ethernet port11) Total number of users logged on via web browserSystem OverviewThe System Overview window provides an overview showing the current status of thetransmitter and its components.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.13 - E-2Measure ValuesThe current forward power and reflected power are displayed in the Measure Values win-dow. NavigatorThe Navigator shows the menus of all transmitter components. You can open individualfolders or menus under Transmitter by double-clicking them. The selected menus are dis-played in the menu window.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.14 - E-2You can also call up the following functions in the Navigator:Menu windowThe menu selected in the Navigator window is displayed in the menu window.Function ExplanationBookmarks Display of all bookmarks: you can go directly to the selected menu win-dow by double-clicking or by selecting Open in the context menuTransmitter Starts operation of the transmitter menuPrecorrection Initiates calibration of the excitersStorage Saves and imports the parameter settingsBackup / Restore Externally backs up and restores the system settings (including operat-ing system)User Administration Calls up the user administration functionSNMP Downloads and saves MIBsLanguage Properties Downloads, installs and uninstalls customer-specific language versions Visit R&S Website Link to the R&S websiteLegal Notices Information regarding license agreementsTxTool Calls up the TxTool
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.15 - E-21) Double-arrow symbol: The entry can be changedControl panelYou can use the control panel to navigate within the menu structure and menus and tochange settings in the menu window. You can activate the individual control elements withthe mouse or keyboard. 1) For switching between menu entries, for accessing editable values and for entering numerical values; eachclick on the cursor keys (up/down) increments or decrements the number (corresponding to the cursor keyson the keyboard)2) For editing (change to editing mode) and confirming settings (corresponds to the enter key on the keyboard)3) Corresponds to the UP and DOWN cursor keys4) Used for quickly switching between menu items, for quickly accessing editable values and for quickly enteringnumeric values; can be rotated using the mouse5) Generally used to move one level back in the menu structure; also used to cancel settings that have not yetbeen confirmed with OK6) Return to home menu 7) Displays the context menus for the current menu window or menu item (standard context menus: Info: helptexts together with, in the case of menu items, information on which user rights are needed in order to makechanges; Open: opens a menu or menu item; Edit: for editing an entry; Edit Offline: the item can be editedwithout the change being applied immediately; Submit Change: submits an item edited offline); see also Con-text Menu under Local Operation8) Not enabled in this software versionLocked and variable settingsDepending on the user rights concerned and the type of access (local or remote access)some or all processing parameters can be locked. These include restrictions arising fromthe actual constellation chosen. An appropriate symbol in front of the parameter valueshows whether or not a parameter can be changed at this time.Symbol MeaningThe present user can change the setting. A change takes effect straight away.The present user can change the setting. For the change to take effect, a restart of the R&S NetCCU800  a) (and possibly the exciter  b)) must be carried out.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.16 - E-2Examples:1) Setting can be changed, but the R&S NetCCU800 needs to be restarted2) Setting can be modified; any change will take effect immediately1) The selected parameter cannot be modified at this time (due to insufficient user authorization)2) Operation rights are needed to modify the setting1.2.2.1 End of SessionUse the Logoff button to log off from the system correctly. If you close the browser windowwithout logging off, the session is automatically terminated after two minutes at most.If the present connection was cut (e.g. because the unit was restarted), a popup windowtells you that you need to log on again. Logging on again opens a new session.The setting cannot be changed at the present time. Possible reasons:– The user does not have the necessary rights.  c)– Access is via the remote port when the R&S NetCCU800 is in local mode.– Access is local when the R&S NetCCU800 is in remote mode.Setting is not possible in this constellation.- none - This parameter value is for a display; it cannot be set.a) To restart the R&S NetCCU800, run the Restart command in the SW Maintenance context menu.b) If the parameter identified in this way is a setting for the exciter (Exciter ..... menu path), the exciter must be restarted and then the R&S NetCCU800. To restart the exciter, run the Reboot Tx command in the Tx Setup context menü (Exciter menu).c) The Info command from the context menu gives information on the necessary user rights among other things.Symbol Meaning
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.17 - E-2Note The IP address displayed in the popup window can vary depending on the system and set-ting.1.3 User AdministrationThe user administration facility is available in conjunction with browser-based operation.The settings that you make in the user administration facility are (provided that no passwordis required) also valid for menu access via local operation. You can use the user administration facility to– change user profiles (users and access rights)– create new user profiles– delete user profiles– close active sessionsThe ID Superuser with the factory-set password 1234 gives you extensive user adminis-tration rights. 1. Log on as Superuser.2. Select User Administration in the Navigator window. The processing options and a list of existing users are displayed.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.18 - E-2The following users are factory-set. Only the password can be changed for these users. Display MeaningSelect Selects the user to be processedName User IDLogged on The user is not logged on (No) or is logged on once/several times (X times) at the system Web browser The user ID and authorization permit operation via the web browser (Yes, No)Front panel The user ID and authorization permit local operation (Yes, No)Access right Authorization to access transmitter parametersIs Admin Additional user administration authorization (configuration, creation and deletion of user profiles)User ID Authorization PasswordConfiguration Allows you to set basic transmitter parameters; e.g. setup 1234Maintenance Allows you to perform maintenance tasks; e.g. software update1234Operation Allows you to make settings that directly affect transmitter operation1234
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.19 - E-21.3.1 Creating, Changing and Deleting UsersCreating users1. Select Add new user. 2. Create the required user profile. Query Read-only authorization 1234Guest Read-only authorization – see Query 1234Config-Engl Same as Configuration authorization; this ID also changes the menu language to English (irrespective of the preset language, e.g. Chinese)1234Superuser For configuring, creating and deleting user profiles, and for displaying and deleting active sessions; no authoriza-tion for setting transmitter parameters – see Query1234Entry/selection ExplanationName:  User ID (case-sensitive)Password: Must be at least 6 characters in length (case-sensitive)Retype password:  Enter the password again (case-sensitive)Web browser The user ID permits menu access via the web browserFront panel The user ID permits local operationUser ID Authorization Password
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.20 - E-23. Confirm your entries with Add user; clicking Reset discards your entries.Changing usersNote All users have the right to change their own password.1. Mark the required user.2. Select Change selected user.3. Change the user profile in the way described under "Creating users". 4. Confirm your changes with Change User; clicking Reset discards your changes.Deleting users1. Mark the required user.2. Select Delete selected user.The user is deleted.1.3.2 Closing Active SessionsIf you are logged on as Superuser, you can view detailed information on logged-on usersand close active sessions.1. After logging on, select Show session list. Access right Selects a factory-set authorization levelIs admin The user is also given user administration rights (configuration, cre-ation and deletion of users; no access to the user profiles Super-user and Guest)Entry/selection Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.21 - E-22. Mark the session (the user) that you want to close.3. Select Delete selected session.The marked session is closed.4. Return to the previous browser window by clicking Show user list.1.4 Monitoring and Control via SNMPSNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is used for monitoring and controlling awide variety of different units in a network. Detailed information about this topic can befound under A description of the unit - the MIB (Management Information Base) - must be loaded in thecentral unit ("manager") from which the transmitters are monitored. A monitored unit contains a program ("agent") which can answer queries from the managerand execute commands. Furthermore, the agent may of its own accord generate a mes-sage and send it to the manager. In this way, the central unit can be informed of a fault. 1.4.1 InstallationThe MIBs required for monitoring and controlling a transmitter are stored as a ZIP archivedirectly in the transmitter control unit and can be downloaded from there using any network-compatible unit. All of the information required for configuration is contained in the MIBsthemselves.When the transmitter is put into operation, both the agent in the transmitter and the manag-er must be configured. Additional steps may be necessary if the transmitter is connectedvia routers, firewalls or similar devices as they may block data packets.The XX8000 transmitter family supports the versions SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c.Alarms can be sent as v1Traps, v2Traps or v2Informs.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.22 - E-2Several destinations can be set for fault messages (alarm sinks).Several communities can be set with Read Only authorization and Read/Write authori-zation. Settings on Transmitter SideYou can make settings yourself via the local display (if available), the web server or SNMP.The menu windows of the SNMP menu contain all the settings that are required for access-ing a transmitter.Note Changes to these settings are adopted immediately. The device does not need to be re-started.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.23 - E-2Note Detailed information about the individual parameters can be found in the descriptions of therespective menu windows. Settings on Manager SideTo be able to monitor and control a transmitter with SNMP, the MIB of the device and a pro-gram which can interpret the MIB must be available on the manager side. You can load all available MIBs from any device using a web browser. 1. Log on using the web browser and select the SNMP Administration menu.MIBs from Rohde&Schwarz and IRT are available. MIBs from IRT allow transmitters tobe linked using SNMP irrespective of the manufacturer. They are, however, limited withrespect to their functionality. When using IRT MIBs, you can select the "Inhibit Status"for local operation (in the same way as for the parallel contacts). If this function is acti-vated, no alarms/traps are sent when the transmitter is in local mode. You can activate/deactivate this function using Inhibit Status in the SNMP > General menu window.The MIBs have the naming convention RS-XX8000-<TV/Radio Standard>-<StandbyConcept/Option>-MIB. An example is RS-XX8000-ATV-TX-MIB for signal transmittersfor analog TV. Examples of MIBs and contents:MIB DescriptionRS-COMMON-MIB Contains general Rohde&Schwarz definitionsRS-XX8000-COM-MON-MIBContains definitions which all XX8000 transmitters fulfill (e.g. type plate, configuration)RS-XX8000-DVB-TX-MIBContains definitions for DVB single transmitters, passive exciter standby, active and passive output-stage standbyRS-XX8000-DVB-NP1-MIBContains definitions for DVB n+1 systemsRS-XX8000-DVB-NTX-MIBContains definitions that an R&S NetCCU800 provides as access for n different, independent DVB transmittersRS-XX8000-DVB-TX-REC-MIBContains definitions for the optional DVB receiver in a transmitterRS-XX8000-DVB-NP1-REC-MIBContains definitions for the optional DVB receiver(s) in an n+1 sys-tem RS-XX8000-FM-TX-MIBContains definitions for FM single transmitters with passive exciter standby and active and passive output-stage standby RS-XX8000-FM-NP1-MIB Contains definitions for FM n+1 systemsRS-XX8000-ATV-TX-MIBContains definitions for analog TV single transmitters with passive exciter standby and active and passive output-stage standby
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.24 - E-22. Save the required ZIP file to your PC.3. Load the following MIBs:a) RS-COMMON-MIBb) RS-XX8000-COMMON-MIBc) MIB of the standby concept or optionA detailed description of the MIBs, the information that they contain and the associated op-tions is given below. Testing SNMP CommunicationSNMP communications is properly set up if you have loaded the MIBs in your program andyou are using the correct IP address of the transmitter and the correct community. For que-ries and settings you must set the SNMP version in your manager; the transmitters detectthe used protocol automatically.The following query can be used as a simple test:In the example above, a transmitter with the IP address queries the OID (Ob-jectIdentifier: unique designation of a data point) serialNumber(. The reply from the agent is 100111.RS-XX8000-ATV-NP1-MIB Contains definitions for analog TV n+1 systemsMIB Description
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.25 - E-2Using a further test, you can check whether the transmitter sends an alarm message in theevent of an error and whether this message reaches the alarm destinations. To do so, setan OID sendTestTrap (. to the value 2, which triggersa testTrap (. This alarm is sent to all receivers whichhave been entered for the alarms (Trapsinks, see above). This type of fault message functions in a slightly different way than that used for queryingand setting values (default: UDP Port 161 for SET/GET and UDP Port 162 for alarms).The following illustration shows that the testTrap has been received correctly by the unitwith the serial number 100111. Known problemsIf querying the data does not work or if you do not receive an alarm, check the following:
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.26 - E-2– Has the network been connected correctly? Does the SNMP connection function exclu-sively via the remote Ethernet interface of the device (R&S NetCCU800: X5 – NETLINK,R&S Sx800/SX801: X2, R&S xLx8000: X32 – ETHERNET REMOTE)?– Are the network settings (IP address, gateway) correct?– Has the correct Community been entered for accessing the manager and the transmitter(case-sensitive)?– Is a PC firewall blocking incoming SNMP packets?– Has the program which receives alarms been started and correctly configured?– In large networks: Is a router or firewall blocking the SNMP packets?– Is message suppression (Inhibit Status in the SNMP > General menu) activated? ConfigurationThis chapter provides an overview of the available properties. RS-XX8000-COMMON-MIBThis MIB contains general data that supports every unit:– Type plate: serial number, software version, etc– SNMP configuration: table for alarm destinations and alarm versions– Triggering of a test trap– Counter for counting the transmitted traps– List of the alarm messages last transmitted– Parameters which are used in several other MIBsThis information always applies to the instrument that is being monitored via SNMP.RS-XX8000-DVB-TX-MIBThis MIB contains the parameters for:– the standby concepts "single transmitter", "passive exciter standby", "active output-stage standby" and "passive output-stage standby"– all power classes (low-power, medium-power and high-power)– air-cooled and liquid-cooled transmittersDifferent parameters are available depending on the system being queried. For example,cmdTxOpModeExcAutomatic (. gives the replyNoSuchName if you query a single transmitter since this transmitter does not have an au-tomatic exciter function. It is easy to find out which parameters are valid by checking the"module compliances" (e.g. under . DVB configuration, passive exciter standby, medium power, optional DVB receiv-er module with two inputs. Valid MIBs:
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.27 - E-2– RS-COMMON-MIB– RS-XX8000-COMMON-MIB– RS-XX8000-DVB-TX-MIB– RS-XX8000-DVB-TX-REC-MIBThe valid OIDs for the transmitter are contained in the "Module Compliance" path. The OIDcontains references to the individual groups. Fig. 5 RS-XX8000-DVB-TX-MIB1) Name and OID for DualDrive MediumPower2) Reference to groupEvents - Reference to groupDualDriveMP - Reference to groupAlarmDualDriveMP - 6 List of parameters (excerpt) for groupDualDriveMP1) Name and OID for DualTuner2) Reference to groupDualTuner - 3) groupAlarmDualTuner - groups contain all valid OIDs. The valid OIDs for the receiver module are contained inthe "Module Compliance" path of the RS-XX8000-DVB-TX-REC-MIB. The OID containsreferences to the individual groups. The groups contain all valid OIDs.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.28 - E-2RS-XX8000-DVB-NP1-MIBThis MIB contains all the parameters required for any DVB n+1 system, irrespective of thefollowing features of the individual transmitter:– variant– power class– cooling systemOnce again, unavailable parameters receive the reply NoSuchName, e.g. parameters fromthe transmitter A8 if only a 4+1 system is available (see module compliances under. alarmsThe transmitter-specific alarms offer an extensive range of configuration possibilities. Depending on the available system, it is possible to set detailed alarms: for example, forevery item of status information in every amplifier in every rack of every transmitter in a me-dium-power n+1 system. In addition, it is also possible to assign a freely selectable priorityand to check the current status.In the illustration above, the following information is contained in the highlighted row (de-pending on the used MIB; here: DVB n+1 medium-power system):Tab. 1 "Instance" column ( in numeric orderPosition of code number Meaning of position Value Meaning of value1 Transmitter 1 Transmitter TxB2 Output stage 1 Output stage A3 Transmitter rack 1 Transmitter rack No. 14 Amplifier 4 Amplifier No. 45 Event 84 Amplifier ON/OFFColumn Meaning Value ExplanationeventTxName(6) Designation of event txAmpPowerOn(84) Amplifier ON/OFFeventTxMask(7) Message for event disable(2) No alarm is sent
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.29 - E-2Tab. 2 Meaning of other columnsThe columns containing the value Not accessible are "index" columns (identified by IDX).OIDs of these columns cannot be queried; they are used for internal purposes only.Example: DVB, N+1, low powerValid MIBs: – RS-COMMON-MIB– RS-XX8000-COMMON-MIB– RS-XX8000-DVB-NP1-MIBValid OIDs in "Module Compliance" path for N+1 low power: – Name: rsXx8000DVBNplus1LP– OID: – groupNsuLP -– groupAlarmNsuLP" -– groupTxLP -– groupAlarmTxLP -– groupEvents - Priority for event Value freely selectable by customerDefault setting when supplied: 1eventTxEvent(9) Current status of amplifieractive(1)(inactive(2))Amplifier ON (Amplifier OFF)Column Meaning Value Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.30 - E-22 Menus of R&S NetCCU8002.1 Overview of MenusR&S NetCCU800 menu structureLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5StatusTx StatusRF StatusDevice StatusLogbookSummaryStatusWarningFaultOperationSetupTX SetupOption KeysStatusInstallDeactivation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.31 - E-2NetCCU SetupCommonDate / TimeSystemSW MaintenanceSW Backup/RestoreNetworkFront EthernetRear EthernetServicesSNMPGeneralManagerAlarmsinksNTPRS232ParIO Cards OrderGeneral Purpose ParIORF Probe AntennaRF Vision  a)RF Sound a)RF Probe ForwardRF Probe ReflectedDevice InfoR&S NetCCU800 menu structureLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.32 - E-22.2 LoginVarious authorization levels protect against nondeliberate access of critical system settingsfrom the home menu. When you start local operation via the keypad and display of the R&SNetCCU800, your user ID is Operation by default. Note If you have the appropriate authorization, you can change, create or delete user profiles us-ing the user administration facility (called up via the web browser). You can change your user ID in any menu using the Change User context menu. No pass-word is required to change the user ID under local control (according to the factory default).You can also protect access via the front panel by entering a password.You can select a user profile by clicking Select user from list. NetCCUMainboardParameter Seta) Analog TV onlyR&S NetCCU800 menu structureLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.33 - E-2 The following factory-default user profiles are available for local operation: Change of user via the front panel by entering a password (example)In the following example a user profile "Schmidt" has been set up in user administration.The user has obtained authorization for local control, but must enter a password.1. From the context menu, call the Change User command.2. Go to Select user from list and select the user Schmidt <pw>.The "<pw>" in angle brackets tells you that a password is needed.3. Select the Type password command.User ID Authorization Password  a)a) By default the password (factory setting: 1234) is needed only for browser-based operation. Every user can change his/her own password via the user administration program.Configuration Allows you to set basic transmitter parameters; e.g. setup1234Maintenance Allows you to perform maintenance tasks; e.g. software update1234Operation Allows you to make settings that directly affect transmit-ter operation1234Query Read-only authorization 1234Config-Engl Same as Configuration authorization; this ID also changes the menu language to English (irrespective of the preset language, e.g. Chinese)1234
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.34 - E-24. Enter the password in the editor.5. Use the Logon command from the context menu to log on.User "Schmidt" is then logged on:2.3 Status MenuThe Status menu provides an overview of faults, warnings and status messages relating tothe individual components and functions of the transmitter.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.35 - E-22.3.1 Tx Status Menu WindowThe TX Status menu window provides an overview of faults, warnings and status messag-es relating to the communication and standby status of the transmitter. The TX Status menu window is divided into the following three sections (from top left to bot-tom right): – Sum fault / sum warning / local mode– Status messages relating to automatic exciter switchover function– Status messages relating to automatic amplifier-stage switchover functionFunction ExplanationFault Red: Sum message "Fault"; a fault has occurred in the transmitter sys-temWarning Yellow: Sum message "Warning"; a warning message has been output in the transmitter systemLocal Yellow: R&S NetCCU800 has been switched over to local modeExciterAuto Ready Green: Automatic exciter switchover function is readyYellow: Automatic exciter switchover function is not readyAuto Chan. Yellow: Switchover to standby exciter; Auto Ready indicator is yellowAuto Fault Red: A fault occurred during switchover to the standby exciterComm Ex. A Red: Communication error between R&S NetCCU800 and exciter A Comm. Ex. B Red: Communication error between R&S NetCCU800 and exciter BOutputstageAuto Ready Green: Automatic output-stage switchover function is readyYellow: Automatic output-stage switchover function is not ready
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.36 - E-22.3.2 RF Status Menu WindowThe RF Status menu window provides an overview of the transmitter's RF status.2.3.3 Device Status Menu WindowThe Device Status menu window provides an overview of faults, warnings and status mes-sages relating to the R&S NetCCU800.Auto Chan. Yellow: Switchover to standby output stage; Auto Ready indicator is yel-lowAuto Fault Red: A fault occurred during switchover to the standby output stageComm. OS. A Red: Communication error between R&S NetCCU800 and output stage AComm OS. B Red: Communication error between R&S NetCCU800 and output stage BFunction ExplanationRF On Green: Antenna output power above the set fault thresholdRF OK Green: Antenna output power above the set warning thresholdReduced RF (ATV only)Yellow: Transmitter has reduced its output powerLoop Program Green: Closed operation loopYellow: Open operation loopLoop Dummyload Green: Closed operation loopYellow: Open operation loopFunction Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.37 - E-22.4 Logbook MenuYou can use the Logbook menu to query status and error messages relating to the R&SNetCCU800, to delete these messages and to restore deleted messages. The menu win-dows of the logbook provide an overview of the status, warning and error messages relatingto the R&S NetCCU800.Note You can call up logbook entries in the windows Summary, Status, Warning and Fault. Thestructure of the four windows is identical.Function DescriptionPower Supply Red: Internal power supply of the R&S NetCCU800 has failed; other-wise greenRight: Displays the check value of the internal voltage supply; the cor-rect value is in the range 1.86 to 2.28 V Device Temp. Red: Temperature inside the R&S NetCCU800 is too high; otherwise greenRight: Displays the current temperatureFan Yellow: Fan of the R&S NetCCU800 has failed; otherwise green
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.38 - E-22.4.1 Summary Menu WindowFig. 7 Logbook > Summary windowThe following table explains the meaning of the columns:The arrows in the second column have the following meaning:Using the context menu, you can delete (Clear logbook) and restore (Restore logbook)status and error messages.Column ExplanationNo Consecutive entry numberMessage MessageTime Time at which the message was receivedDate Date on which the message was receivedArrow direc-tion Arrow color ExplanationUp The event has just occurred.Down The event is no longer current or relevant.Red FaultYellow WarningGreen Status
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.39 - E-22.5 Operation Menu WindowIn the Operation menu window you can make settings for the standby behavior and for theexciter and amplifier. Function ExplanationClear logbook Clears all entries in the current logbook; clearing individual logbook entries is not possible. When you clear the complete logbook, the partial logbooks are also cleared. A Reset Fault is triggered at the same time.Restore logbook Restores the cleared entries in the current logbook.When you restore the complete logbook, the partial logbooks are also restored.Function ExplanationTx-OperationProgram On/Off ON/OFF command for transmitter (exciter and output stage); corre-sponds to the hard key on the front panelReserve On/Off ON/OFF command for standby transmitter(all components that are not connected to an antenna)PreselectionExciter A/B Used to select the active exciterOutputstage A/B Used to select the active output stageAutomatic
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.40 - E-22.6 Setup MenuYou can use the Setup menu to configure the transmitter system's hardware.2.6.1 Tx Setup Menu WindowIn the Tx Setup menu window you can define the standby behavior and enter additionalsystem-specific settings.Exciter On/Off  Used to switch the automatic exciter switchover function to active or not activeReady Status of the automatic exciter switchover function:Green: Automatic switchover function is ready for operationYellow: Automatic switchover function is ready for operationChanged Yellow: Main exciter has been switched over to the standby exciter; Ready indicator is yellowDelay Delay before a switchover occurs so that a brief fault does not immedi-ately trigger a switchover.Outputstage On/Off (only with passive output-stage standby = passive PA)Used to switch the automatic amplifier switchover function to active or not activeReady Status of the automatic amplifier switchover function:Green: Automatic switchover function is ready for operationYellow: Automatic switchover function is not ready for operationChanged Yellow: Main amplifier has been switched over to the standby amplifier; Ready indicator is yellowDelay Delay before a switchover occurs so that a brief fault does not immedi-ately trigger a switchover.Automatic ready after changeover (with standby systems only)If this function is activated, the automatic function can assume the "Ready" state again following switchover. Switchover is then possible again.Reset on program off If this function is activated, the OFF command also executes a reset fault (see below).Reset Fault (context menu)Used to reset fault indicatorsThe function has the same effect as the RESET FAULT key on the front panel of the exciter and also belongs to the range of functions available for remote operation via the R&S NetCCU800.Function Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.41 - E-2Function ExplanationTx Mode Used to select the transmitter standard– NoExciter: R&S NetCCU800 is operated as a standalone instrument (e.g. in combination with the DVB-T receiver module option)– Multi: Both exciters in a transmitter use different standards– FM: Analog sound broadcasting standard– ATV: Analog TV standard– ATSC: Digital TV standard (USA)– DAB: Digital audio broadcasting standard– DVB: Digital TV standard (Europe)– DTMB: Digital TV standard (South America, Asia, Europe)– MediaFLO™: Digital TV standard (USA)– ISDB-T: Digital TV standard (Brazil, Japan)ATV Mode Selection only possible if ATV is set under Tx Mode– Comb Single: Vision signal and sound signal are transmitted via one amplifier (same channel) (single = 1 sound carrier)– Comb Dual: Vision signal and sound signal are transmitted via one amplifier (same channel) (dual = 2 sound carriers)Power Mode Used to set the power class– Low– Medium– HighCooling System Used cooling systemThe following setting is preset for Power Mode "Low" or "Medium":– Air: Air coolingThe following settings can be selected for Power Mode "High":– Liquid: Transmitter is connected to an external cooling system which is used to cool the entire station– Liquid PUC: Transmitter has its own cooling system (R&S ZK810)Tx Type Used to set the standby behavior: – Single TX: Standby system (see below)– Dual Drive: Standby system (see below)– Passive PA: Standby system (see below)– Active PA: Standby system (see below)
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.42 - E-2Basic setup of transmitter standby systems2.6.2 Option Keys MenuCertain features of the device are activated using the Option Keys mechanism. Each available software option can be enabled by installing a valid activation key. If a soft-ware option is later no longer required, activation can be canceled again by installing a de-activation key.Note The deactivation mechanism allows software options which are no longer required to be"returned" to Rohde & Schwarz.Option keys are available from your local Rohde & Schwarz sales partners.Installing option keysOption keys can be installed in three ways:Power Switch Used to set the hardware configuration for antenna switchover. The fol-lowing options are available:– "Manual" for manual antenna switchover– "Automatic" for electronic antenna switchoverAntenna Type Country-specific setting for the antenna type; the default setting is FullTransmitter standby system Setting:Tx Type Setting:Power SwitchSingle transmitter system (without standby) Single Tx Manual2 exciters / 1 output stage;if one exciter fails, switchover to second exciterDual Drive Manual2 exciters / 2 output stages;if one exciter or output stage fails, switchover to other exciter or output stagePassive PA Automatic2 exciters / 2 output stages;if one output stage fails, transmission at half power (failure of an exciter has no negative consequences)Active PA Manual / AutomaticFunction Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.43 - E-2– Automatic installation of one or more activation keys using the Software DistributorThe procedure is the same as for performing software updates (see the chapter "Main-tenance").– Installation of an option key by means of a web browserWith this method, the option key can be transferred from, for example, a received mailusing the copy/paste function.– Installation of an option key directly at the displayWith this method, a 30-digit code is entered using the keyboard.The two last methods use the installation menu Setup > Option Keys > Install describedbelow. Status Menu WindowThe Setup > Option Keys > Status menu window lists the available software options withtheir respective activation status.List column ExplanationK The K material number and stock number of the device are used to order an option key to activate a software option from Rohde & Schwarz sales partners.Name Name of the software option— Status of a software option:– Green (OK): Option has been activated– Gray: Option has not been activatedValidity Validity period of an installed option key:– Permanent: Option activated for an unlimited period (standard license)– "Expiry date": Option remains activated until the displayed expiry date (e.g. as a test license)If the activation mechanism is not supported by the hardware, all soft-ware options are activated automatically (status = OK). In this case, no validity period is displayed in the Validity column.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.44 - E- Install Menu WindowThe Setup > Option Keys > Install menu window is used to install option keys manually. Deactivations Menu WindowThe Setup > Option Keys > Deactivations menu window lists software options whichwere once active, but have been deactivated again using a deactivation key.Setting item DescriptionOption Key Used to enter a 30-digit code to activate (or deactivate) a software option. Entry of the code is completed with Enter or OK.Display DescriptionStatus – Status = OK: The mechanism used to activate/deactivate software options is supported by the hardware. To be able to use a software option, the associated option key must be installed.– No key Required: The mechanism used to activate/deactivate soft-ware options is not supported by the hardware. All available software options can be used without installing option keys.Message Dialog box with the following messages:– Please enter a key: Prompt to enter a key– Key OK: Key entered successfully (the display changes back to "Please enter a key" after a few moments)– Key deactivated: Deactivation key entered successfully (the display changes back to "Please enter a key" after a few moments)– Invalid format: Invalid key entered
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.45 - E-22.6.3 NetCCU Setup MenuYou can make basic system settings in the NetCCU Setup menu. Common Menu WindowIn the Common menu window, general settings for the system can be made. Column ExplanationK The K material number and stock number of the device are used for ordering an option key to activate a software option from Rohde & Schwarz sales partners.Name Name of the software optionResponse Acknowledgment code as a system response to a deactivationTo prove that a software option has been deactivated, the acknowledg-ment code must be sent to the Rohde & Schwarz sales partner (e.g. by e-mail).
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.46 - E- Date/Time Menu WindowThe date and precise time are required to make correct logbook entries. This information issupplied by the internal clock of the R&S NetCCU800. If necessary, the time and date canbe corrected in the Date/Time menu window.Function ExplanationDisplay Timeout Time in minutes after which the display switches off (standby)LED Local Color of the Local LED on the front panel of the R&S NetCCU800 (yel-low, green)LED On Color of the ON LED on the front panel of the R&S NetCCU800 (yellow, green)Fan Control Used to switch the fan monitoring function on and off; the fan monitoring function must be switched off for instruments without fans.Tx Name User-definable name for the transmitter; is displayed in the login screen and in the browser windowSetting item ExplanationDate Used to set the current dateLocal Time Used to set the local timeThe local time is the time of day or zone time applicable at the station.Unlike universal time (UTC = universal time coordinated), there is a pos-itive offset for time zones east of Greenwich or a negative offset for time zones west of Greenwich.This offset is determined by the time zone and is always a multiple of a full hour or sometimes of a half hour.In some countries, the clock is set forward by 1 hour in summer (daylight saving time). The time offset relative to UTC then changes correspond-ingly.UTC Time Offset Used to enter the time offset between local time and UTC
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.47 - E-2Using NTPYou can change directly to the NTP menu window from the context menu. With NTP, thelocal time is determined via NTP and a time set manually under Local Time is overwritten. System Menu WindowYou can use the System menu window to make settings which determine how the R&SNetCCU800 is used. Depending on the selected setting, a different entry screen and differ-ent menus are displayed after the R&S NetCCU800 is booted.Function ExplanationSetup NTP Used to change directly to the NTP menu windowFunction ExplanationVariant Use of the R&S NetCCU800 as – NetCCU for low power (Tx NetCCU SV)– NetCCU for medium/high power (Tx NetCCU NX)– NSU for a 1+1 system without transmitter connection panels (1+1 w/o TCB)– NSU for an N+1 system (n+1 NetCCU)– NCU for several low-power transmitters (nTx NetCCU)Number of Tx Number of main transmitters in the transmitter system (only relevant if the R&S NetCCU800 is used as an NSU/NCU)TX Mode Used to select the TV/sound broadcasting standard
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.48 - E- SW Maintenance Menu WindowIn the SW Maintenance menu window you can perform software updates for the R&SNetCCU800 and the connected exciters. To perform a software update, you must connect the R&S NetCCU800 to a PC which hasthe required updates and update software. Before you call the update software on the PC, you must set the R&S NetCCU800 to Up-date mode using the Start NetCCU Update context menu. When you call the update soft-ware on the PC, the software automatically analyzes which updates need to be installed.The update procedure is started from the PC by means of the update software. Updates for the R&S NetCCU800 are installed straight away. In a further step, updates forthe exciter(s) must be started from the R&S NetCCU800 via the Start Exciter A/B Updatecontext menu. Note The entire update procedure is described in detail in the chapter "Maintenance" in the R&SNetCCU800 manual.RS232 Application Used to determine whether the internal RS-232-C interface is used (if a DVB-T receiver module is installed, the external interface is deactivated by means of jumpers)– Not present: RS232 interface is deactivated– DVB RCV / tcm: RS232 interface is used for DVB receivers (from other manufacturers) – DVB RCV / rus: RS232 interface is used for DVB receivers (R&S instruments) – BitBus Slave: The R&S NetCCU800 can be controlled via the RS232 interface using the BitBus protocol– BitBus Master: Another BitBus-compatible instrument can be con-trolled via the RS232 interfaceBitBus Slave TCP PortPort address for BitBus slave: For remote control via Ethernet using the serial interfaceBitBus Slave CRC Used to activate/deactivate BitBus slave CRC: Activation for remote control via Ethernet using the serial interfaceRemote Control ParIOUsed to activate/deactivate the parallel remote interface of the transmit-ter (connector X9); for selecting a parallel remote interface card with 80/32 (standard) or 12/9 (mini) outputs/inputsGeneral Purpose ParIOThis option makes it possible to use a ParIO board (R&S material num-ber 5302.3830.02) to connect external devicesInhibit Status For local mode, the messages from the transmitter are activated/deacti-vated; with message suppression activated, all traps with the exception of the local mode trap are suppressedAnt. Measuring Point Antenna test point present and in use (only for low power with R&S NetCCU800)Function Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.49 - E- SW Backup/Restore Menu WindowYou can use the SW Backup/Restore menu to save the software and all R&S NetCCU800settings as a backup file and to restore the information from this file in full. All information isbacked up to the R&S NetCCU800 flash card.Note The backup file can also be copied to another storage medium and copied back to the flashcard from there.Function ExplanationSW MaintenanceRestart NetCCU The R&S NetCCU800 is restarted.SW Update OperationStatus Displays the progress of the software update installation.Start Used to start installation of a new software update.SW Update ConfigurationMode – Manual: Software update is started manually with Start.– Permanent: Software update is started automatically as soon as an update is available.Device Name User-definable name for the R&S NetCCU800; during the software update, the installation software lists the R&S NetCCU800 under this name. Device Group Displays the group in large networks (e.g. department) for which the software update is being performed.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.50 - E-2Display DescriptionBackup For backing up the current state of the software and settingsRestore For restoring the backup (a restore is only possible if the backup con-cerned is valid; see the Backup Information part of the window)Status Status of the Backup/Restore procedure– Ready: The Backup/Restore function is ready– Check in progress: The backup file concerned is being checked. The result will be displayed in the Backup Information part of the window– Restore in progress: A restore procedure is running– Backup in progress: A backup procedure is running– Upload in progress: The backup file is being uploaded to the R&S NetCCU800 from external medium– Download in progress: The backup file is being transferred to external mediumFile Status  Status of the backup file– Unknown: The status cannot be determined– Backup OK: The backup is valid– No backup available: There is no backup in the device– Invalid backup: The backup is invalid– Invalid checksum: A checksum error has been detected. The backup is not consistent– Invalid device: The backup is not compatible with the NetCCU800Device R&S name of the device for which software and settings have been backed upPart Number R&S part number of the device for which software and settings have been backed upSerial Number R&S serial number of the device for which software and settings have been backed upDate  Date of the backupTime Local time of the backupSW Version Version of the software contained in the backupTx Name Tx name at the time of the backup
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.51 - E- Network SubmenuIn the menu windows of the Network menu you can make the settings required when con-necting the R&S NetCCU800 to a PC/laptop or LAN/WAN.The network settings for the front Ethernet interface are preset. You can configure the set-tings for the rear interface manually or have them assigned automatically by a DHCP serverin the network.Menu windowsThe Network menu branches to the following menu windows:–Front Ethernet (connection of a PC/laptop using a cross cable): display of the networksettings for the front interface ETHERNET–Rear Ethernet (connection to a LAN/WAN): display and configuration of the networksettings for the rear Ethernet interface NETLINK (X5) Network > Front Ethernet Menu WindowDisplay ExplanationIP Address IP address of the network cardNetwork Mask Subnet mask of the network cardSpeed Mode Speed and duplexFactory setting: 10 Mbit / half duplexAutosensing Autonegotiation ON/OFFFactory setting: OnAutonegotiation = Automatic determination of the settings for the net-work cardMAC Address Unique ID of the network card
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.52 - E-2NotesAll settings for the front Ethernet interface are preset. If a PC/laptop is to be connected, thenetwork interface on the PC/laptop must be configured accordingly:– IP address (PC): First three segments same as those for IP Address of the R&SNetCCU800 (see above); a value below 250 must be entered for the last segment– Subnet mask (PC): Same settings as under Network Mask (see above) Network > Rear Ethernet Menu WindowSetting/display ExplanationIP Address IP address of the network cardNetwork Mask Subnet mask of the network cardGateway Gateway address (specified by the network administrator)DHCP Client Switch used to activate/deactivate the DHCP client:– On: The network settings for IP address, subnet mask and gateway are retrieved automatically by a DHCP server– Off: The network settings for IP address, subnet mask and gateway must be entered manually (see above)Speed Mode  a)a) Caution: Only change the settings for Speed Mode and Autosensing in exceptional cases where there are problems with the network connection.Speed and duplexFactory setting: 100 Mbit / full duplexAutosensing a) Autonegotiation ON/OFFFactory setting: OnAutonegotiation = Automatic determination of the settings for the net-work cardMAC Address Unique ID of the network card
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.53 - E-2Notes– Manual settings for remote connection should only be entered in offline mode (contextmenu: Edit Offline) and then activated with Submit Changes (context menu).– The IP address must not be in the same network as the front ETHERNET interface.– To allow automatic integration in a network (DHCP Client activated), the network mustcontain a DHCP server. Services SubmenuIn the menu windows of the Services menu, you can make settings for the SNMP, RS232and NTP communication interfaces. Services > SNMP > General Menu WindowFunction ExplanationPort SET/GET UDP port for SNMP SET/GETDefault setting: 161Inhibit Status Switch for message suppression in Local mode– Off: Traps (alarm messages) are sent in both operating modes (Remote and Local)– On: No traps are sent in Local mode but the alarms are stored; excep-tion: trap for Local ModeDefault setting: OffIf OIDs are polled with message suppression active, the return value is 0 (undefined). In this operating state, SNMP commands (SET) are not executed but simply confirmed.When the Remote mode is reactivated, all stored alarms are sent once. The polling of OIDs again returns current values.Max. not transmitted Number of alarms to be stored if message suppression is activeDefault setting: 255
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.54 - E- Services > SNMP > Manager Menu Window2.6.3.12 Services > SNMP > Alarmsinks Menu WindowFunction ExplanationAccess Level [1 … 5] Used to select access authorization for one of five user groups– Read Only: For GET (only read access to the agent)– Read / Write: For SET (read and write access to the agent)Community [1 … 5] Used to set the SNMP community string (a type of password) for a user groupDefault setting: "public" for read only (GET) and "broadcast" for read / write (SET)Case-sensitive!Enable Used to activate (On) or deactivate (Off) a communityThe Off setting is used for configuration purposes and for testing.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.55 - E- Services > NTP Menu WindowIn the NTP (Network Time Protocol) menu window, you can set up synchronization for thetransmitter system. This ensures that the time settings of all system components are syn-chronized via a common time server.Function ExplanationAlarmsink Used to select one of 5 alarm sinks for configurationEnable Used to activate (On) or deactivate (Off) a selected alarm sinkThe Off setting is used for configuration purposes and for testing.IP Address IP address of the alarm sink to which alarms are to be sentPort UDP port for the SNMP alarmsDefault setting: 162Alarm Version SNMP version in which the alarm is to be sent (v1 Trap, v2c Trap or v2c Inform)Traps are sent once only; Informs, however, are repeated several times until confirmation of the alarm sink is received.Community Used to select the community (access protection) The community set here must also be used on the manager side. A dis-tinction is made between upper-case and lower-case characters.Communities are configured in the SNMP > Manager menu.Inform Retry Number of repetitions of an Inform (with v2c Inform only)If after the final repetition of an Inform no confirmation of the alarm sink is received , this alarm is no longer sent.Inform Timeout Time which is to elapse before an inform is sent again (with v2c Inform only)Inform Unack’d Number of unconfirmed alarms which can be stored by the agent (with v2c Inform only)
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.56 - E- Services > RS232 Menu WindowIn the RS232 menu window, you can make settings for the RS-232-C interface.Function ExplanationNTP mode Used to deactivate NTP synchronization (disabled) or to activate NTP synchronization in step mode; the time is synchronized at the interval which is set under NTP sync-time (e.g. every 3 minutes)NTP status Used to set the current status (active/not active)NTP sync-time Used to set the interval at which the device time (client) is synchronized with the time of the time serverNTP server IP address or name of the time serverLast sync date Date of the last successfull synchonizationLast sync time Time of the last successfull synchonizationSetup Date/Time (context menu)Direct change to the Date/Time menu window
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.57 - E-22.6.4 ParIO Cards Order Menu WindowYou can use the ParlO Cards Order menu window to identify and assign parallel remotecontrol interface cards. You need to do this when installing one or more new remote controlinterface cards.Note The window is only displayed if the use of a parallel remote control interface card has beenenabled (see below).Function ExplanationBaudrate – As required; If DVB Receiver protocol is selected: setting occurs automaticallyIf bitbus is used: 19200Databits Number of data bits of the serial interface (5 to 8)Stopbits Number of stop bits of the serial interface (1 / 1.5 / 2)Parity Parity settingFunction DescriptionNo. Position number of the parallel remote control interface card; the num-ber is directly linked to the remote control interface card displayed at SerialnumberFunction Function to which the remote control interface card is assigned Link Displays whether the remote control interface card is enabledSerialnumber Displays the available remote control interface cardsIdentify Identifies a remote control interface card (required when more than one remote control interface card is installed, or to check for activation)
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.58 - E-2Assigning and identifying parallel remote control interface cardsParallel remote control interface cards can be used for the following applications and ad-ministered and controlled with the NetCCU:– Remote control of a transmitter (RemoteCtrl)– Integration and control of transmitters from the NX7000 series or from other manufac-turers into an n+1 system (SimpleTx)– Integration and control of third-party equipment (General Purpose ParIO).– Control of an antenna standby (Antenna Redundancy)For the respective function (under Function) to be displayed, one or several of the followingsettings must be enabled:For Remote Ctrl:– NetCCU: NetCCU > Setup > NetCCU Setup > System > Remote Control ParIO >standard (80/32) or mini (12/9)–NSU: Switch over Unit > Setup > NSU Setup > Remote Control ParIO > enabled–NCU: Tx Control Unit > Setup > NCU Setup > Remote Control ParIO > enabledFor Simple Tx:–NSU: Switch Over Unit > Setup > Tx Setup > Tx A1 to Tx An or Tx B > Variant >Simple TX ParIO–NCU: Tx Control Unit > Setup > Tx Setup > Tx A1 to Tx An or Tx B > Variant > Sim-ple TX ParIOFor General Purpose ParIO:– NetCCU: NetCCU > Setup > NetCCU Setup > System > General Purpose ParIO >enabled–NSU: Tx Control Unit > Setup > NSU Setup > System > General Purpose ParIO >enabled–NCU: Switch Over Unit > Setup > NCU Setup > System > General Purpose ParIO >enabledFor Antenna Redundancy:–NSU: Switch Over Unit > Setup > NSU Setup > System > Antenna Redundancy >Main + Reserve or Upper + LowerThe Function of the respective parallel interface card is displayed in a box highlighted inlight or dark blue. Light-blue highlight for CAN Bus A, dark-blue highlight for CAN Bus B. When a new parallel remote control interface card is installed, it is detected and displayedat a random position in the Serial number column. When more than one parallel remotecontrol interface card is installed, it is usually necessary to identify the real card concerned.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.59 - E-2To identify a card displayed in Serial number, highlight IdentifyStart in the column onthe right and confirm with OK. Click the relay of the card selected, and the card can be identified via this sound. Note If the card cannot be identified in this way, a helpful alternative is to install the cards oneafter another and to identify each card as soon as it is installed, labeling it appropriately. Each parallel remote control interface card displayed in a random row in the Serial numbercolumn after installation must then be assigned to a function. This is done by means of theposition number (No. column) in the row in which the card is displayed. 1. Double click the position number (No.) of the displayed card.2. From the editor, select the position number of the row in which the desired function isdisplayed (e.g. the No. next to RemoteCtrl) and click OK to confirm. The selected parallel remote control interface card is assigned to the correspondingfunction (the function and card are in the same row).2.6.5 General Purpose ParIO Menu WindowIn the General Purpose ParIO menu window you can control and monitor third-party equip-ment (e.g. a generator or smoke detector) that is connected via a parallel remote controlinterface card.Note The window is only displayed if the use of a parallel remote control interface card for Gen-eral Purpose ParIO in the NetCCU > Setup > NetCCU Setup > Remote Control ParIOmenu is enabled.Depending on the remote control interface cards used, you now have 12 command (set)and 9 acknowledge (get) or 80 command (set) and 32 acknowledge (get) pins available.Note For technical reasons, the ratio of the available get and set ports is exactly the reverse com-pared to remote control interface cards used for controlling transmitters.Function ExplanationLink Indicator is green when the parallel remote control interface card has been identified and activated.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.60 - E-22.7 RF Probe Antenna MenuYou can use the RF Probe Antenna menu to enter and read off the measurement valuesfor the transmitter system, standby system and output power.2.7.1 RF Probe Forward Menu WindowIn the RF Probe Forward menu window you can define the nominal values for the outputpower and determine the lowest level of deviation at which fault messages are to be output.Two test points are available for measuring the RF power (RF Probe Forward and RF ProbeReflection). Each test point has two RF rectifiers so that you can measure both the forwardand reflected power. The forward power is always measured using the first test point (RFProbe Forward). In the R&S NetCCU800 status screen, the forward power (Forward) is displayed in the left-hand window and the reflected power (Reflection) in the right-hand window on the basis ofthe values entered here.Get Indicator is green when a port acknowledgment has been sent (e.g. gen-erator is started)Set Sends (On) a request to the connected equipment (e.g. start of a gener-ator)Function ExplanationMeasured Values Measurement displayPower Current forward powerVoltage Currently measured DC voltage of the test pointFunction Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.61 - E-22.7.2 RF Probe Reflected Menu WindowIn the RF Probe Reflected menu window you can define the nominal values for the outputpower and determine the lowest level of deviation at which fault messages are to be output.Two test points are available for measuring the RF power (RF Probe Forward and RF ProbeReflection). Each test point has two RF rectifiers so that you can measure both the forwardand reflected power. The reflected power is always measured using the second test point(RF Probe Reflection). In the R&S NetCCU800 status screen, the forward power (Forward) is displayed in the left-hand window and the reflected power (Reflection) in the right-hand window on the basis ofthe values entered here.Configuration Definition and setting of a nominal value for forward power. Setting of upper and lower thresholds for forward power; warnings and fault mes-sages are issued if these thresholds are violated.Nominal Value Used to enter the nominal value, determined if necessary by external measurement of the forward powerRF Fail Limit Used to select a dB value referenced to the set nominal power for for-ward power; a fault message is issued if the actual value drops below the nominal value.RF Warning Limit Used to select a dB value referenced to the set nominal power for for-ward power; a warning is issued if the actual value drops below the nominal valueTimeout RF Fail Con-trolUsed to select the time that the lower threshold for the forward power (specified as the RF Fail Limit) must be violated for before a fault mes-sage is output. For example, if a value of 3 dB has been entered as the RF Fail Limit and the actual value drops below that level for 8 seconds (typical setting for Timeout for RF Fail Control), a fault message will be output.Calibration Execution of calibration and display of the results.Gain Internal measurement value of the nominal valueOffset Deviation from the zero value of the power displaySet Gain Used to calibrate the internal measurement system. Set Gain assigns the currently measured DC voltage to the nominal value for transmitter power.Set Offset Used to calibrate the zero point as of which the externally measured power is displayed. Set Offset calibrates the zero point.Function Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.62 - E-22.8 Device Info MenuUsing the Device Info menu, you can have detailed product information displayed for everyhardware and software component of the R&S NetCCU800.Function ExplanationMeasured Values Measurement displayPower Current reflected powerVoltage Currently measured DC voltage of the test pointConfiguration Setting of a warning threshold for the reflected powerNominal Value Forward power/50 (corresponds to the maximum reflected power)Warning Limit Used to select a dB value for the warning threshold referenced to the reflection switch-off threshold which is at a return loss of -17 dB (corre-sponding to a reflected power/forward power ratio of 1/50)Calibration Execution of calibration and display of the resultsGain Internal measurement value of the nominal valueOffset Deviation from the zero value of the power displaySet Gain Used to calibrate the internal measurement system. Set Gain stores the internal measurement value for the entered (measured) nominal value.Set Offset Used to calibrate the zero point as of which the externally measured power is displayed. Set Offset calibrates the zero point.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.63 - E-22.8.1 NetCCU Menu WindowThe NetCCU menu window displays general information about the hardware and softwareof the R&S NetCCU800.2.8.2 Mainboard Menu WindowThe Mainboard menu window displays information about the hardware and software of theR&S NetCCU800.2.9 Parameter Set Menu WindowIn the Parameter Set menu window, you can create, load and save parameter sets for thesettings of the R&S NetCCU800 and the components it controls. If the operating environ-ment changes (e.g. change of frequency) you can access complete parameter sets insteadof having to set each individual value. You have eight memory locations available in additionto the active memory location (for the parameter set loaded).A parameter set consists of the following parameters:
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.64 - E-2– Settings for the test points (RF Probes), display value at nominal power (Nominal Val-ue), calibration values (Gain and Offset) for the power displays– Reference voltage for the forward power– Virtually all exciter settings, with the exception of instrument-specific parameters (for de-tailed information, refer to the exciter manual, "Operation" section)Function DescriptionParameter SetLoad settings from For selecting a parameter set as the current parameter set; the currently loaded parameter set acts as an independent copy of the stored param-eter set. Save settings to For saving the currently active settings to the chosen memory location.Copy set x to y For selecting a parameter set x, the content of which you wish to save to another memory location y. To start the copying procedure, select Copy and confirm with OK.Swap set x and y For selecting two parameter sets x and y, the content of which you wish to swap. To start the swap procedure, select Swap and confirm with OK.StateLoaded Set Displays the active (i.e. loaded) parameter setOperation State Display showing the status of the action that is being carried out (Ready, Loading, Saving, Copying)
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.65 - E-2Current Set Changed Yellow: The device settings have been changed and no longer match the settings of the loaded parameter set.NamesParameter Set 1 Name to describe the parameter set (e.g. intended use)Parameter Set 2 See aboveParameter Set 3 See aboveParameter Set 4 See aboveParameter Set 5 See aboveParameter Set 6 See aboveParameter Set 7 See aboveParameter Set 8 See aboveFunction Description
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.66 - E-23 Menus of Exciter A/BYou can use the Exciter A/B menus to operate and configure the exciter concerned and tocall up information.Note The Exciter B menus and menu windows are identical to the Exciter A menus and menuwindows.3.1 Overview of MenusLevel 1 > Level 2 > Level 3 > Level 4 > ParameterStatus > Displays:– Sum Fault–RF–Exciter– Loop– Input– Input 1 connect– Input 2 connect– Reference– Option Key–Sum Warning– Output Terminated–Self Test– Temperature–Fan– Active Input– Datarate–Mute– Test signalLogbook > Summary > Logged information:– No (consecutive numbering)– Message–Time–Date– Set or Reset (for warnings and error messages only)Status >Warning >Fault >
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.67 - E-2Setup > Tx Setup > Setting items:–Tx Mode–Tx NameSetup > Option Keys > Status > Displays:–K–Name– Status: activated/not activated– ValiditySetup > Option Keys > Install > Setting items:– Option KeyDisplays:–Status– MessageSetup > Option Keys > Deactivation > Displays:–K–Name– ResponseSetup > Exciter Setup > Common > Setting items:– Digital StandardDisplays:– Amplifier ControlSetup > Exciter Setup > Date / Time > Setting items:–Date–TimeSetup > Exciter Setup > Ethernet > Setting items/dis-plays for the rear Eth-ernet interface:– IP Address– Subnet Mask– GatewayDisplays for the Front Ethernet port:– IP Address– Subnet Mask–MACSetup > Exciter Setup > BitBus >  a) Setting items:– BitBus Protocol–TCP Port– ChecksumDisplays:– ConnectedContext menu:– ReconnectSetup > Exciter Setup > SNMP > a) General > a) Setting items:– Port SET/GET– Inhibit Status– Max. not transmit-tedSetup > Exciter Setup > SNMP > a) Manager > a) Setting items:– Access Level [1 to 5]– Community [1 to 5]– Enable [1 to 5]Level 1 > Level 2 > Level 3 > Level 4 > Parameter
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.68 - E-2Setup > Exciter Setup > SNMP > a) Alarmsinks > a) Setting items:–Alarmsink– Enable– IP Address–Port– Alarm Version– CommunityOperation > Setting items:– Program– Carrier– Reset on program offContext menu:– Reset FaultInput > Input Config > Setting items for Input 1 or Input 2:– Presel. ModeDisplays for Input 1 or Input 2:– Packet Length– Meas. Data Rate– Req. Data Rate– Active ModeInput > Input Automatic > Setting items:– Preselect Input– Autoswitch–Priority– Check Time For-ward– Check Time Back– On Input Loss– Type of Loss of Input– Fail Delay TimePrecorrection > Linear > Setting items:– Linear Correction– Automatic (ADE)  b)– Max Amplitude Ripple b)– Max Group Delay Ripple b)Displays:– Amplitude Ripple b)–Group Delay Rip-ple b)– Input Level b)– Automatic b)Precorrection > Nonlinear > Setting items:– Nonlinear Correc-tion– Automatic (ADE) b)– Threshold Shoul-ders b)Displays:– Shoulder Left b)– Shoulder Right b)– Input Level b)– Automatic b)Level 1 > Level 2 > Level 3 > Level 4 > Parameter
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.69 - E-2RF > Synthesizer > Setting items:– Frequency– Reference–OCXO AdjustRF > Output > Setting items:– RF Output– Regulation– Manual RF Level– Output Attenuation–RF Slope– Modulation SlopeDisplays:– AGC RegulationRF > IQ Adjust > Setting items:– Auto I/Q Adjust (Start/Break)– I/Q Test Signal– Bias Coarse [I/Q]– Bias Fine [I/Q]– Gain [I/Q]– PhaseDisplays– Auto I/Q Adjust (Adjusted/Not Adjusted/In Progress)– LO1 FrequencyRF > Limiter > Setting points for main limiter:–State– LevelAmplifier >  c) Setup > c) Setting items:– Ref Voltage– Nominal Power– RF Fail LimitDisplays:– RF Fail–Amplifier– Actual PowerAmplifier > c) Calibration > c) Setting items:– Ref Voltage– Nominal Power– CalibrationDisplays:– Actual Power– Calibration Power– Calibration OffsetReference > Setting items– Reference–OCXO Adjust– Mute on PPS Fail– Mute on Ref. Fail– Fail Delay TimeLevel 1 > Level 2 > Level 3 > Level 4 > Parameter
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.70 - E-23.2 Status MenuThe Status menu summarizes the current status of the exciter. Color coding (green, yellowand red) is used to indicate status information, warnings and error messages. In addition,some basic settings are shown.Device Info > Exciter > Displays:– Part Number– Model– Product index– Serial Number– Product Date– Software Number– Software Version– Operating hours– Power up cyclesDevice Info > Boards > Mainboard > Displays:– Part Number– Model– Product index– Serial Number– Product Date– BIOS version (mainboard only)– Operating hours– Power up cyclesInput Interface >RF Board >Synth 1 >  d)Synth 2 > d)Synth 3 >  e)a) The menu window is only displayed in the Single Low Power mode.b) The parameter displayed depends on the instrument model (variant) and/or ADE option.c) The menu window is only displayed in the low-power operating modes of the exciter.d) The menu window is displayed only for instrument models (variants) 60 and 61.e) The menu window is displayed only for instrument model 61 (with ADE option).Display/LED Color DescriptionSum Fault Red Sum-fault signal: One or more errors occurredLevel 1 > Level 2 > Level 3 > Level 4 > Parameter
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.71 - E-2RF Green The RF level at the exciter output is OKRed There is no RF level at the exciter output even though the RF output is enabled- OFF - There is no RF level at the exciter output since the RF output is not enabled ("manually" disabled)Exciter Green RF output of the exciter is enabledThere are several options for enabling the RF output:– using the RF Output setting item in the RF menu– on the R&S NetCCU800 via the ON key– on the exciter via the ON key (if a R&S NetCCU800 is not present or is inactive)Loop Yellow RF interlock loop not closedGreen RF interlock loop closedInput Green Valid transport stream present on the active inputYellow Invalid transport stream on the active input (connected with the setting Type of Loss of Input = Warning, see the section "Input > Input Automatic")Red Invalid transport stream on the active input (connected with the setting Type of Loss of Input = Fault, see the section "Input > Input Automatic")Input 1 connect Green Input signal present at input TS 1 IN- OFF - No input signal on input TS 1 INInput 2 connect Green Input signal present at input TS 2 IN- OFF - No input signal on input TS 2 INReference Green External reference frequency present and OKYellow External reference frequency not OKRed External reference frequency is not OK and the fail delay time set in the Reference menu has expired- OFF - External reference frequency not present, but not actually neededOption Key Green All options required for the current transmitter operating mode are installedYellow A temporarily installed option will expire shortlyRed An important option for the current transmitter operating mode is missingSum Warning Yellow One or more warnings are activeDisplay/LED Color Description
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.72 - E-23.2.1 Status Displays, Warnings, and Error MessagesWhen warnings and error messages occur, this usually means that transmission operationis impaired. Different signal colors are used to distinguish the severity of an impairment orthe "quality" of the defect. The following applies:Note This type of LED signaling using colors and abbreviations (OK, W, F, etc) is identical for thecomplete menu.Indications with and without memory effectStatus displays (green) and warnings (yellow) always reflect the current status of the excit-er. On the other hand, error messages (red) remain active even after the reason for the errorhas passed or the error has been corrected. If the error has been corrected, you can resetthe error display with the RESET key.3.3 Logbook MenuThe logbook is used to record changes in state (events) of the exciter. Output TerminatedRed The cable-break sensor has reported that the RF output is not terminatedSelf Test Red A hardware fault has occurred in one or more modules of the exciter; detailed information about the fault is recorded in the log-bookTemperature Red At least one module is overheatingFan Yellow A fan has failed; there is a possibility of overheatingRed Both fans have failed; there is an acute risk of overheating Datarate Yellow Wrong data rate on the active inputMute Yellow Output signal from signal processing disabledTest signal Yellow Exciter is set to test modeStatus display green [OK] Transmission is not impaired.Warning yellow [W] Although the exciter is functional, external influ-ences may impair transmission or transmission operation.Error message red [F] A severe error has occurred so that transmission operation is generally not possible.Display/LED Color Description
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.73 - E-2Menu windowsThe Logbook menu branches to the following menu windows:–Summary: Complete logbook with all recorded data–Status: Partial logbook with recorded status changes–Warning: Partial logbook with recorded occurrences of warnings–Fault: Partial logbook with recorded occurrences of error messages3.3.1 Logbook > Summary/Status/Warning/FaultThe complete logbook and the partial logbooks are uniformly structured. The messages arenumbered sequentially and contain the following information: – Identification for occurrence  or disappearance  of an event– Message: Brief description of the event– Time: Time of day of the event– Date: Date of the eventNote Up to 256 entries can be saved in every partial logbook. The most current 128 entries of thepartial logbook will be grouped in the complete logbook.3.3.2 Logbook Context MenuAdditional context functions are available in the menu windows for the complete logbookand the partial logbooks:Function ExplanationClear logbook Clears all entries in the current logbook; clearing individual logbook entries is not possible. When you clear the complete logbook, the partial logbooks are also cleared. A Reset Fault is triggered at the same time.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.74 - E-23.4 Setup MenuThe menu windows in the SETUP menu are used to make basic settings for transmissionoperation, signal processing and operating the exciter.Menu windowsThe Setup menu branches to the following menu windows and menu paths:–Tx Setup: Used to set the transmitter operating mode–Option Keys > Status: Status of the available software options–Option Keys > Install: Used to activate or, if necessary, deactivate software options–Option Keys > Deactivations: Displays deactivated software options–Exciter Setup > Common: Used to enter the basic settings for signal processing–Exciter Setup > Date/Time: Used to enter the current date and time (only required for"Single Low Power" transmitter operating mode)–Exciter Setup > Ethernet: Used to configure the Ethernet interface of the exciter (onlypossible in the "Single Low Power" transmitter operating mode)–Exciter Setup > BitBus: Used to activate and configure the BitBus communication viaEthernet (only possible in the "Single Low Power" transmitter operating mode)–Exciter Setup > SNMP menu path: Used to configure the SNMP connection (only pos-sible in the "Single Low Power" transmitter operating mode)Note Only the menu windows relevant to medium-power and high-power transmitters (i.e. TxSetup, Exciter Setup > Common and Option Keys > ...) are described below.3.4.1 Setup > Tx SetupThe Tx Setup menu window is used to set the exciter software to the appropriate transmit-ter operating mode.Restore logbook Restores the cleared entries in the current logbook.When you restore the complete logbook, the partial logbooks are also restored.Function Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.75 - E- Setting Transmitter Operating ModeThe exciter can be used in either a medium/high-power transmitter or a low-power trans-mitter.Setting item ExplanationTx Mode Used to set the transmitter operating modeThe options are as follows:– Med./High Power with NetCCU: Operation in a medium-power or high-power transmitter with an R&S NetCCU800 as the operator sta-tion and control unit– Low Power with NetCCU: Operation in a low-power transmitter with an R&S NetCCU800 as the operator station– Low Power 1+1: Operation in a 1+1 standby system for low-power transmitters with an R&S NetCCU800 switchover unit (NSU) as the higher-level switching unit and operator station– Low Power N+1: Operation in an N+1 standby system for low-power transmitters with an R&S NetCCU800 switchover unit (NSU) as the higher-level switching unit and operator station– Single Low Power: Operation in a low-power transmitter; operated via a connected PC and web browserIn order to switch between two transmitter operating modes, the exciter must be rebooted  a). The associated user interface is loaded.a) To reboot the exciter, disconnect it briefly from the AC power supply or execute the Reboot Tx command in the Tx Setup context menu.Tx Name Used to set an address to allow the NSU to identify the low-power trans-mitter within an N+1 standby systemThe options are as follows:– Tx A1 to Tx A8: Address range for a main transmitter– Tx B: Address for the standby transmitterThe setting item "Tx Name" is only active in the transmitter operating mode "Low Power N+1".
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.76 - E-2In the first case a R&S NetCCU800 assumes control of the power amplifiers connected tothe rack controller. In the case of a low-power transmitter the amplifiers are connected tothe exciter, which also delivers the control signals.Each version requires slightly different setup options. These can be enabled with the aid ofthe Tx Mode parameter. In the case of low power, a further distinction is made between twosingle transmitter modes and two standby modes (see table).On delivery from the factory, the Med./High Power w. NetCCU operating mode is presetas standard. When a low-power transmitter is brought into use for the first time, its operatingmode must therefore be changed. The settings do not take effect until the exciter has beenrebooted.1Note Depending on the configuration of the instruments concerned, it may no longer be possibleto operate the exciter after having changed the operating mode via R&S NetCCU800 orNSU. This problem can be solved as follows:a) Configure the operating mode appropriately in the R&S NetCCU800/NSU menu or b)correct incorrect settings via the web interface of the exciter.3.4.2 Setup > Option Keys SubmenuCertain features of the device are activated using the Option Keys mechanism. Each available software option can be enabled by installing a valid activation key. If a soft-ware option is later no longer required, activation can be canceled again by installing a de-activation key.Note The deactivation mechanism allows software options which are no longer required to be"returned" to Rohde & Schwarz.Option keys are available from your local Rohde & Schwarz sales partners.Installing option keysOption keys can be installed in three ways:– Automatic installation of one or more activation keys using the Software DistributorThe procedure is the same as for performing software updates (see the chapter "Main-tenance").– Installation of an option key by means of a web browserWith this method, the option key can be transferred from, for example, a received mailusing the copy/paste function.– Installation of an option key directly at the displayWith this method, a 30-digit code is entered using the keyboard.The two last methods use the installation menu Setup > Option Keys > Install describedbelow.1 To reboot, briefly disconnect the exciter from the AC power supply.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.77 - E- Setup > Option Keys > StatusThe Option Keys > Status menu window lists the available software options with their re-spective activation status.Note There must be (at least) one software option activated for the TV standard in order that theexciter can generate an RF signal at the output. Setup > Option Keys > InstallThe Option Keys > Install menu window is used to install option keys manually.List column ExplanationK The K material number and stock number of the device are used to order an option key to activate a software option from Rohde & Schwarz sales partners.Name Name of the software option— Status of a software option:– Green (OK): Option has been activated– Gray: Option has not been activatedValidity Validity period of an installed option key:– Permanent: Option activated for an unlimited period (standard license)– "Expiry date": Option remains activated until the displayed expiry date (e.g. as a test license)If the activation mechanism is not supported by the hardware, all soft-ware options are activated automatically (status = OK). In this case, no validity period is displayed in the Validity column.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.78 - E- Setup > Option Keys > DeactivationsThe Option Keys > Deactivations menu window lists software options which were onceactive, but have been deactivated again using a deactivation key.Setting item DescriptionOption Key Used to enter a 30-digit code to activate (or deactivate) a software option. Entry of the code is completed with Enter or OK.Display DescriptionStatus – Status = OK: The mechanism used to activate/deactivate software options is supported by the hardware. To be able to use a software option, the associated option key must be installed.– No key Required: The mechanism used to activate/deactivate soft-ware options is not supported by the hardware. All available software options can be used without installing option keys.Message Dialog box with the following messages:– Please enter a key: Prompt to enter a key– Key OK: Key entered successfully (the display changes back to "Please enter a key" after a few moments)– Key deactivated: Deactivation key entered successfully (the display changes back to "Please enter a key" after a few moments)– Invalid format: Invalid key entered
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.79 - E-23.4.3 Setup > Exciter Setup > CommonThe Exciter Setup > Common menu window is used to enter the default settings for signalprocessing.Column ExplanationK The K material number and stock number of the device are used for ordering an option key to activate a software option from Rohde & Schwarz sales partners.Name Name of the software optionResponse Acknowledgment code as a system response to a deactivationTo prove that a software option has been deactivated, the acknowledg-ment code must be sent to the Rohde & Schwarz sales partner (e.g. by e-mail).
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.80 - E-23.5 Operation MenuThe Operation menu window provides functions used to switch the program on and off andto deactivate an RF carrier loop.The context menu also provides a function used to reset fault indicators.Setting item DescriptionDigital Standard Selection of the digital TV standard: DVB-T, DVB-H or ATSCTo switch over from DVB-T or DVB-H to ATSC you need to reboot  a) the exciter. At the same time signal processing is switched over and the associated user interface is loaded.a) To reboot the exciter, disconnect it briefly from the AC power supply or execute the Reboot Tx command in the Tx Setup context menu.Display DescriptionAmplifier Control Status display for amplifier controlIn R&S low-power transmitters, the exciter takes over amplifier control.Setting item ExplanationProgram Used to enable (ON) or disable (OFF) the RF outputThe function has the same effect as the ON key on the front of the exciter and, like this key, is only intended for use with the Single Low Power mode only.As soon as an R&S NetCCU800 or NSU takes control of the transmitter, the function has no effect.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.81 - E-23.6 Input MenuThe menu windows in the INPUT menu can be used to configure up to two input channels.Menu windowsThe Input menu leads to the following menu windows:–Input Config: Configure input data streams, and display of data format, packet length,and data rate–Input Automatic: For preselecting operating input, configuring automatic input switcho-ver, and setting behavior in the event of input signal failure3.6.1 Input > Input ConfigCarrier Control command for an R&S NetCCU800With the switch set to Unlock, an RF carrier loop initiated by the R&S NetCCU800 can be removed in certain service situations.These service situations include:– replacement of the exciter– Failure of the R&S NetCCU800 in standby systemsAs soon as an R&S NetCCU800 or NSU takes control of the transmitter, the function has no effect.Reset on program off In the ON switch position, a Reset Fault is automatically triggered when the RF output is locked (Program = OFF).Reset Fault (context menu)Used to reset fault indicatorsThe function has the same effect as the RESET FAULT key on the front panel of the exciter and also belongs to the range of functions available for remote operation via the R&S NetCCU800.Setting item Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.82 - E- Checking Measured Data RateBy comparing the Meas. Data Rate [bps] and Req. Data Rate [bps], it is possible to checkthat the input buffers (FIFOs) are neither overflowing nor underflowing (both cases wouldresult in transmission interruptions).Maximum data processing rateFirst, all null packets are removed from the transport stream. The associated useful datarate is measured and displayed under Measured Data Rate. Trouble-free operation is pos-sible provided that this measurement value remains below the value for Required DataRate.Note After the useful data rate has been measured, stuffing to the required data rate is per-formed, i.e. the difference between Required Data Rate and Measured Data Rate is com-pensated by inserting null packets.Setting item ExplanationPresel. Mode[Input 1/Input 2]Sets the data format for the two data streams (main and standby sig-nals) on inputs TS 1 IN or TS 2 IN.The options are as follows:– AUTO: The data format is recognized automatically– ASI: Manual setting for an ASI transport stream– SMPTE: Manual setting for an SMPTE transport streamDisplay ExplanationPacket Length[Input 1/Input 2]Displays the packet length detected at the respective inputMeas.Data Rate [bps][Input 1/Input 2]Displays the data rate measured at the respective input without null packetsReq. Data Rate [bps][Input 1/Input 2]Display for checking the measured data rate. The maximum data pro-cessing rate is displayed.Active Mode Displays the data format detected or set at the respective input:– ASI: As described– SMTPE: As described– AUTO: Auto is selected and there is no data stream
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.83 - E-23.6.2 Input > Input AutomaticSetting item DescriptionPreselect Input Preselection of inputs– INPUT 1: Operating input is TS 1 IN.– INPUT 2: Operating input is TS 2 IN.Autoswitch Activates and deactivates automatic input switchoverIn the event of a failure on the active operating input, automatic switcho-ver to the standby input takes place. The automatic switchover mode is defined by the following parameter settings.Priority Selects the priority mode– EQUAL: The preselected operating input and standby input have the same priority. Once a switchover has taken place the system does not normally switch back to the previously faulty operating input.– PRIO: The preselected operating input is the priority input. Once a switchover has taken place the system switches back to the prese-lected operating input as soon as the signal reappears. Check Time Forward For setting a delay time (0 to 60 s) which must elapse before the switchover to the standby input takes place in the event of a failure on the operating inputCheck Time Back For setting a delay time (0 to 60 s) which must elapse before switching back to the preselected operating input after switching over from the standby input (which is no longer active)The function has no effect if the priority mode is set to EQUAL.On Input Loss For setting the behavior in the event of a defective input signal (synchro-nization error)– No Mute: The output signal is not suppressed (only effective with MFN)– Mute: The output signal is suppressed if the data rate is incorrect (rec-ommended for SFN)
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.84 - E- Automatic Input SwitchoverThe exciter has a circuit for automatic switchover from one input to the other following a sig-nal failure, provided that a valid signal is present at the second input. Before a failure oc-curs, the preselected input is active.The mode of this automatic switchover circuit is defined by the following factors:– Automatic: ON or OFF (Autoswitch)– Delay times until switchover (Check Time Forward and Check Time Back)– Priority mode: Inputs have equal priority or the preselected input has priority (Priority)Automatic input switchover ON/OFFIf automatic switchover is OFF, the preselected input remains active even if the input signalfails.If automatic switchover is ON and there is a failure at the preselected input, switchover tothe associated standby input takes place.Priority mode PRIO (input priority)Following a switchover of the preselected input, the automatic system switches back to thispriority input as soon as a signal reappears. Switchover is delayed for the set delay times.If the signal fails at both the operating input and the standby input, the priority input remainsactive.Priority mode EQUAL (equal input priority)Following a switchover of the preselected input, the standby input with the same priority re-mains active until the input signal fails on this input also. The automatic system switchesback to the preselected input, but only if a signal is present on it once again. Switchover isdelayed for the set delay times.Note Selecting this operating mode keeps to a minimum the number of switchover operationsand in certain cases the number of breaks in transmission (in the case of unsynchronizedinput streams).Type of Loss of Input Selection:– Warning: If the input signal fails, only a warning will be generated.– Fault: If the input signal fails, an additional sum fault will be generated after the time set under Fail Delay Time has elapsed. In the case of transmitters with exciter standby, switchover to the second exciter occurs.Fail Delay Time For setting a delay time which must elapse after an input signal dropout before a general fault is generated.Setting item Description
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.85 - E- Behavior with Defective Input SignalThe behavior in the event of a defective input signal can be influenced by the On InputLoss switch as follows:–Mute: The output signal of the exciter is suppressed as soon as synchronization with theinput signal (from the operating input and standby input) is no longer possible.–No Mute: The output signal of the exciter is not suppressed even though the input signalis defective. Only null packets are transmitted.3.7 Precorrection MenuUsing the menu windows in the Precorrection menu, you can activate or deactivate linearand nonlinear precorrectors individually without having to call up the precorrector GUI (seethe section "Introduction to Precorrector Operation" in the chapter "Operating" of the excitermanual).If the software option "ADE" (K05) has been activated, additional functions for the automaticmode are available. The switch settings (On/Off) correspond to the related settings in theprecorrector GUI.Menu windowsThe Precorrection menu branches to the following menu windows:– Linear: Switches linear precorrection on or off completely; settings for the ADE option (ifavailable)– Nonlinear: Switches nonlinear precorrection on or off completely; settings for the ADEoption (if available)3.7.1 Precorrection > Linear
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.86 - E-2Note Further information on how to operate the precorrector can be found in the section "SettingLinear Precorrection" in the chapter "Operating" of your exciter manual.Setting item  a)a) Except for the first setting item, the other setting items are only displayed if the exciter is equipped with the option "automatic precorrection" (ADE).ExplanationLinear Correction Switches the entire linear precorrection on or off.Automatic (ADE) Sets the operating mode:– Manual: linear precorrection is performed manually– Adaptive: linear precorrection is performed in the automatic modeMax Amplitude Ripple Sets a limit value for the permitted amplitude ripple in dB; setting range: 0.1 to 2 dBIf the set value is exceeded, a new characteristic is calculated and set.Max Group Delay RippleSets a limit value for the permitted group delay ripple in ns; setting range: 10 to 500 nsIf the set value is exceeded, a new characteristic is calculated and set.Display  a)a) All display fields are only displayed if the exciter is equipped with the option "automatic precorrection" (ADE).DescriptionAmplitude Ripple Displays the residual ripple in the amplitude frequency response attained by the circuit for automatic switchoverGroup Delay Ripple Displays the residual ripple in the group delay attained by the circuit for automatic switchoverInput Level Status of RF input level:– OK: RF level on channel RF2 is within operating range– Failure: channel RF2 is not connected– Too Low: the RF level in the RF2 channel is too low – increase input level– Too High: the RF level in the RF2 channel is too high – decrease input levelAutomatic Status of automatic switchover circuit:– Active: the automatic switchover circuit and the precorrection are switched on and wait for the system to be enabled for the next precor-rection cycle– Measure: the automatic switchover circuit is in the measurement cycle and determines the measured values– Calculate: the automatic switchover circuit calculates the new charac-teristics based on the measured values and sets them.– Disabled: the automatic switchover circuit is activated; the precorrec-tor is still switched off
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.87 - E-23.7.2 Precorrection > NonlinearSetting item  a)a) Except for the first setting item, the other setting items are only displayed if the exciter is equipped with the option "automatic precorrection" (ADE).ExplanationNonlinear Correction Switches the entire nonlinear correction on or off.Automatic (ADE) Sets the operating mode:– Manual: nonlinear precorrection is performed manually– Adaptive: nonlinear precorrection is performed in the automatic modeThreshold Shoulders Sets a limit value for the permitted shoulder attenuation in dB; setting range: 20 to 40 dBIf the set value is underrun, a new characteristic is calculated and set.Display  a) DescriptionShoulder Left Displays the shoulder attenuation to the left of the signal spectrum attained by the automatic switchover circuitShoulder Right Displays the shoulder attenuation to the right of the signal spectrum attained by the automatic switchover circuitInput Level Status of RF input level:– OK: RF level on channel RF1 is within operating range– Failure: channel RF1 is not connected– Too Low: the RF level in channel RF1 is too low – increase input level– Too High: the RF level in channel RF1 is too high – decrease input level
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.88 - E-2Note Further information on how to operate the precorrector can be found in the section "SettingNonlinear Precorrection" in the chapter "Operating" of your exciter manual.3.8 RF MenuThe menu windows in the RF menu are used to make the settings for frequency generation,modulation and RF monitoring.The menu windowsThe RF menu leads to the following menu windows:–Synthesizer: Set pilot frequency and reference frequency source–Output: Used to enable the RF output, to activate output level control or set the levelmanually, or to correct the amplitude frequency response of subsequent components–IQ Adjust: Used to adjust the modulator–Limiter: Used to suppress signal peaks in the output spectrum and/or baseband3.8.1 RF > SynthesizerAutomatic Status of automatic switchover circuit:– Active: the automatic switchover circuit and the precorrection are switched on and wait for the system to be enabled for the next precor-rection cycle– Measure: the automatic switchover circuit is in the measurement cycle and determines the measured values– Calculate: the automatic switchover circuit calculates the new charac-teristics based on the measured values and sets them.– Disabled: the automatic switchover circuit is activated; the precorrec-tor is still switched offa) All display fields are only displayed if the exciter is equipped with the option "automatic precorrection" (ADE).Display  a) Description
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.89 - E- Reference Frequency SourceThe basis for frequency generation is a 10 MHz oven-controlled crystal oscillator (OCXO).This OCXO can be operated in different modes:"Internal" modeThe OCXO runs in uncontrolled mode.It obtains its control voltage via a D/A converter which can be set using the OCXO adjustsetting item. The OCXO can be adjusted via the 10 MHz MONITORING test output (frontpanel of exciter)."External 5 MHz" and "External 10 MHz" modesThe OCXO runs in controlled mode.Due to the control, the control voltage generated by the D/A converter is adapted on an on-going basis so that the 10 MHz frequency of the OCXO is synchronized with the externallysupplied 5 MHz or 10 MHz reference frequency."External 1pps" modeThe OCXO runs in controlled mode.The 10 MHz frequency of the OCXO is synchronized with the external seconds pulse. Inthis mode, for example, SFN operation is possible without separate feed of a 10 MHz ref-erence.Setting item ExplanationFrequency Setting of the pilot frequencyReference Selecting the reference source for stabilization of the frequency pro-cessing (reference frequency source). The following settings are possi-ble:– Internal: Operation without external reference frequency source– External 5 MHz: Operation with external 5 MHz reference– External 10 MHz: Operation with external 10 MHz reference– External 1pps: Operation with external time reference (1 pps)The same setting options can be found in the RF > Reference menu window.OCXO Adjust Used to adjust an internal OCXO frequency (for operating mode "Inter-nal")The same setting options can be found in the RF > Reference menu window.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.90 - E- Holdover Mode (if reference frequency fails)As soon as a failure of the external reference frequency is detected, the control voltage forthe OCXO is no longer modified. The result of this is that the RF generation is now basedon the stability of the OCXO.As soon as the external reference frequency is restored, the control voltage on the OCXOwill be controlled again with the externally supplied reference frequency.3.8.2 RF > OutputSetting item DescriptionRF Output Enables (On) or disables (Off) the RF output.Regulation Activates (On) or deactivates (Off) the output level control. During trans-mission operation, control must be enabled.The current status of the related level adjuster is displayed as a percent-age under RF > RF Monitor > AGC Exciter.Manual RF Level Manual setting of the output level; the setting has an effect only if output level control is deactivated.The current status of the related level adjuster is displayed as a percent-age under RF > RF Monitor > AGC Exciter.Output Attenuation For level adaptation purposes, an integrated attenuator with a value of 3 dB, 6 dB or 9 dB can be connected. This has no influence on the level control.RF Slope Correction of a slope of the amplitude frequency response in the spec-trum for equalizing subsequent components (output stage, filter).Modulation Slope Correction of a curvature of the amplitude frequency response in the spectrum for equalizing subsequent components (output stage, filter).
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.91 - E- Output Level ControlThe output power delivered by the exciter is set to the nominal output level of 13 dBm bymeans of a controller.For test purposes, this controller can be deactivated. The output level is then set via theManual RF Level control element.Note If Manual RF Level is set too low, the RF FAIL fault will be generated.3.8.3 RF > IQ AdjustWhen the exciter is delivered, the I/Q modulator is factory-adjusted so that no customer in-tervention is normally required. If a further I/Q adjustment is needed at a later time, themenu window RF > IQ Adjust offers the associated setting options.Note In the section "Maintenance" (exciter manual), you will find a description of how to performthe I/Q adjustment.The I/Q adjustment depends on the automatically selected intermediate frequency LO1. Ac-cordingly, it applies only to the intermediate frequency displayed under LO1 Frequency.Note The following table shows the relationship between the set vision carrier frequency and in-termediate frequency LO1:Display DescriptionAGC Regulation Displays the level of the output level controlVision carrier frequency Intermediate frequency47 MHz fB < 510 MHz LO1 = 2160 MHz510 MHz fB < 580 MHz LO1 = 1920 MHz580 MHz fB < 680 MHz LO1 = 2160 MHz680 MHz fB < 860 MHz LO1 = 1920 MHz
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.92 - E-2Setting item/Dis-plays ExplanationAuto I/Q-Adjust Automatic I/Q adjustmentThe switch offers the following options:– Start: starts the automatic I/Q adjustment. The calculation takes approx. 1 minute. During this time (display Calc), the RF output signal is suppressed.– Break: immediately stops the adjustment. The modulator must then be adjusted again in any case.Important: Before performing the I/Q adjustment, make sure that the exciter has been in operation for at least 30 minutes. During adjustment, transmitter parameters must not be changed.The values for the actuators Bias Coarse, Bias Fine, Gain and Phase determined during automatic I/Q adjustment are displayed under the setting items of the same name for manual adjustment.The values are valid only for the intermediate frequency displayed under LO1 Frequency and can, if required, be checked and optimized with a manual I/Q adjustment (see section "Adjustment of I/Q modulator").I/Q Test Signal Switches a test signal on or off to manually perform the I/Q adjustment.Bias Coarse [I/Q] For coarse setting and display of an actuator for suppressing the undes-ired center carrier; setting range: -1023 to +1023Bias Fine [I/Q] For fine setting and display of an actuator for suppressing the undesired center carrier; setting range: -32767 to + 32767Gain [I/Q] For setting and display of an actuator for suppressing the undesired car-rier in the sideband; setting range: 0 to 255Phase For setting and display of an actuator for suppressing the undesired car-rier in the sideband; setting range: -14 to +14Display ExplanationAuto I/Q Adjust Status display of automatic I/Q adjustment:– In Progress: an adjustment has been started; the calculation is cur-rently being performed.– Adjusted: After completion of the adjustment, the display changes from "In Progress" to "Adjusted". This status is valid until a new and automatic I/Q adjustment is carried out. The "Adjusted" display does not necessarily mean that the modulator is (currently still) adjusted.– Not Adjusted: An error has occurred during the last adjustment. The automatic I/Q adjustment has to be repeated. If the automatic I/Q adjustment is still not functioning after several attempts, contact tech-nical support.LO1 Frequency Display of the intermediate frequency LO1 which is automatically set in the modulator (1.92 GHz or 2.16 GHz)The adjustment values of the above actuators are only valid for the dis-played intermediate frequency.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.93 - E-23.8.4 RF > Limiter3.9 Reference MenuA reference source for stabilization of the frequency processing (reference frequencysource) can be selected via the Reference menu window.In addition, the behavior of the exciter can be set for frequency processing if the referencesource fails.Setting item/display ExplanationMain Limiter The main limiter suppresses signal peaks across the entire output spec-trum of the exciter.State Used to activate (Enable) or deactivate (Disable) the Main Limiter Status display: Active/OffLevel Used to set an operating point for the main limiterIf 100% is set, the limiter is deactivated (like State = Off). If 0% is set, the useful signal is suppressed completely. This leads to RF Fail. Typical setting: 50%
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.94 - E-2Setting item ExplanationReference Selects the reference frequency source. The following settings are pos-sible:– Internal: operation without external reference frequency source– External 5 MHz: operation with external 5 MHz reference on– External 10 MHz: Operation with an external 10 MHz reference– External 1pps: Operation with an external time reference (1 pps)The same setting options are available in menu window RF > Synthe-sizer.OCXO Adjust Setting for adjusting an internal OCXO frequency (for operating mode "Internal")The same setting options are available in menu window RF > Synthe-sizer.Mute on PPS Fail For setting the behavior in SFN mode in the event of failure of the exter-nal time reference. The following settings are possible:– off: The output signal is not suppressed.– only at startup: the output signal is suppressed at startup until a valid 1 pps signal is recognized; if the 1 pps signal fails after successful synchronization, the output signal is no longer suppressed.– after fail delay time: The output signal is suppressed if the 1-pps sig-nal fails for longer than the period specified at Fail Delay TimeThis is the recommended setting for operation in SFN mode.Mute on Ref. Fail For setting the behavior in SFN and MFN mode in the event of failure of the external reference frequency source. The following settings are pos-sible:– off: The output signal is not suppressed.– only at startup: the output signal is suppressed at startup until a valid reference source is detected; if the reference source fails after a suc-cessful synchronization, the output signal is no longer suppressed– after fail delay time: The output signal is suppressed if the reference source fails for longer than the period specified at Fail Delay TimeThis is the recommended setting for operation in SFN mode.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.95 - E-23.10 Device Info MenuThe menu windows under Device Info contain the electronic type plates for the exciter as awhole as well as for the individual modules or elements in the exciter:– Exciter (complete device)– Boards (modules)– Mainboard– Input interface– RF board– Synth 1 (only with device variants 60 and 61)– Synth 2 (only with device variants 60 and 61)– Synth 3 (only with device variant 61)The structure of the individual type plates is more or less identical. The information whichis displayed is explained below using the exciter type plate as an example:Device Info > ExciterFail Delay Time If a reference source fails, it takes the time given here before the output signal is suppressed. The setting is only effective if the behavior after fail delay time is set under Mute on PPS Fail or Mute on Ref. Fail.Selection: 0 to 24 hours; 0 hours = no delay timeDisplay DescriptionPart Number Part numberVariant Device or module variant (model)Product Index Product modification indexSetting item Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.96 - E-2The information saved here is used for troubleshooting purposes. In case servicing is re-quired, this information allows you to precisely identify the defective component and ordera replacement.Serial Number Serial numberProduct Date Date of productionSoftware Number Part number for the softwareSoftware Version Version number for the softwareOperating hours Number of operating hoursPower up cycles Number of times device has been switched on/offDisplay Description
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.97 - E-24 Adjustment of I/Q ModulatorNote Before performing the adjustment, make sure that the exciter has been in operation for atleast 30 minutes.ObjectiveIf quadrature modulation were optimal (theoretically possible), the residual carrier would becompletely suppressed. In actual practice, however, residual carriers arise (e.g. due tocrosstalk). They must be suppressed using suitable correction carriers.The objective of I/Q adjustment is to suppress the undesired center carrier and undesiredcarrier in the sideband with respect to a test carrier by better than 60 dB.Two methods are availableTwo methods are available to perform the I/Q adjustment: setting and testing actuatorsmanually or via a convenient automatic process.The automatic method will usually meet the requirements. Yet, it may sometimes be usefulto test the automatically determined values for the actuators and to improve them.Note How to perform I/Q adjustment is described in the chapter "Maintenance" of your excitermanual.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.98 - E-25 Menus of Outputstage A/BYou can use the Outputstage A/B menus to operate and configure the transmitter rack andthe amplifier and to call up information.Note The Outputstage B menus and menu windows are identical to the Outputstage A menusand menu windows.5.1 Overview of MenusOutputstage A menu structureLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4StatusOS StatusRack StatusRack 1Rack ControllerAmplifier 1 to 4LogbookSummaryStatusWarningFault
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.99 - E-25.2 Status MenuThe Status menu provides an overview of faults, warnings and status messages relating tothe individual output stage components. Output PowerSetupOS SetupRack SetupRack OrderRack 1Rack ControllerAmplifier OrderMeasured ValuesRack Measured Val-uesRack 1Rack ControllerAmplifier 1 to 4Device InfoRack 1Rack ControllerAmplifier 1 to 4Outputstage A menu structureLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.100 - E-25.2.1 OS Status Menu WindowOutputstage A > Status > OS StatusThe OS Status menu window provides an overview of faults, warnings and status messag-es relating to the output stage components. The following table explains the meaning of the individual display fields:Display ExplanationRF Fail  Red: Antenna output power is below the set fault thresholdReflection  Red: Antenna reflected power is above the set fault thresholdAC  Red: AC supply voltage fault (e.g. phase absent)Communication Red: Communication to the output stage has been interruptedCooling Red: Cooling system faultPossible causes:both fans have failedFault Red: Output stage sum faultWarning Yellow: Output stage sum warningNo Input Yellow: No input signal sent to the amplifiersRF Warning Yellow: Antenna output power is below the set warning thresholdReflection Yellow: Antenna reflected power is above the set warning thresholdRack Yellow: There is a fault at at least one transmitter rack Cooling Yellow: There is a fault in the cooling system
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.101 - E-25.2.2 Status/Rack Controller Menu WindowOutputstage A > Status > Rack Status > Rack x > Rack ControllerThe Status/Rack Controller menu window provides status information about the rack con-troller.The following table explains the meaning of the individual display fields:RF OK Green: Antenna output power is above the set warning limitRF On Green: Antenna output power is above the set fault thresholdReduced RF Yellow: Reduced RF power (only applies to ATV)Display ExplanationFault Red: Transmitter rack sum faultWarning Yellow: Transmitter rack sum warningLink Ok Green: There is a communication link with the transmitter rackRack On Green: ON command at the rack is activeCooling Fault Red: Cooling system sum faultGPI Status GPI stands for General Purpose Input. Displays the status of a user-configurable pin at the rack controller.Abs. 1 Fault Red: Fault at absorber 1Display Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.102 - E-25.2.3 Status/Amplifier x Menu Window Outputstage A > Status > Rack Status > Rack x > AmplifierThe Status/Amplifier menu window provides status information about the amplifiers.The following table explains the meaning of the individual display fields:Abs. 2 Fault Red: Fault at absorber 2AC Fault Red: AC power supply fault (e.g. phase absent)DC Fault Red: Fault at auxiliary power supply unitAmplifier Yellow: Amplifier sum fault (at least one amplifier is indicating a fault)Temperature Red: Exhaust air temperature is above the set fault thresholdFan 1 Yellow: Fault at fan 1Fan 2 Yellow: Fault at fan 2Red.Ref.Exc.A Only applies to ATVRed.Ref.Exc.B Only applies to ATVDisplay ExplanationFault Red: Amplifier x sum faultWarning Yellow: Amplifier x sum warningLink OK Green: There is a communication link to amplifier xAmplifier ON Green: Amplifier ONDisplay Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.103 - E-25.3 Logbook MenuYou can use the Logbook menu to query status and error messages about the outputstage.5.3.1 Logbook Menu WindowOutputstage A > LogbookYou can use the Logbook menu to query status and fault messages about the output stage.The Logbook menu windows provide an overview of status messages, warning messagesand fault messages about the output stage.Note You can call up logbook entries in the Summary, Status, Warning and Fault windows.The following table explains the meaning of the columns:RF In Fail Yellow: No RF input signal at the amplifierBlower Fail Not active for this amplifier typePower Fail Red: Forward power is below the fault thresholdReflection Red: Reflected power at the amplifier VSWR >1.6Transistor Fail Red: At least one transistor of the amplifier is faultyTemperature Fail Red: Heat sink temperature > 85 °C ± 4 KDC OK Green: Internal DC power supply is OKAC OK Green: External AC power supply is OKDisplay Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.104 - E-2The arrows in the second column have the following meaning:5.4 Output Power MenuYou may use the Output Power menu to access the Output Power window. 5.4.1 Output Power Menu WindowOutputstage A > Output PowerIn the Output Power menu window you can set the output power of the transmitter.Column ExplanationNo Consecutive entry numberMessage MessageTime Time at which the message was receivedDate Date on which the message was receivedArrow direc-tion Arrow color ExplanationUp The event has just occurred.Down The event is no longer current or relevant.Red FaultYellow WarningGreen Status
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.105 - E-2The following table explains the meaning of the individual settings:5.5 Setup MenuYou may use the Setup menu to access the OS Setup window. 5.5.1 OS Setup Menu WindowOutputstage A > Setup > OS SetupIn the OS Setup menu window you can make basic settings for the output stage.Setting/display ExplanationRef. Voltage Vision Used to set the transmitter output powerValue: 0% to 100%Forward Power Current reading of the transmitter-internal power displayThe displayed value is only valid after the transmitter power has been entered under the parameter "Nominal Value" and the power display has been calibrated.Amplifiers’ Power SupplyDC supply voltage of the amplifierValue: 31% to 100%100% corresponds to a nominal DC supply of 32 V.31% corresponds to a nominal DC supply of 12 V.The efficiency can be improved by reducing the DC supply voltage.Large changes in the DC supply voltage are only permitted if the ampli-fier is operated below the nominal power. Caution: Current limiting
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.106 - E-2The following table explains the meaning of the individual settings:5.5.2 Rack Setup > Rack Order Menu WindowNote This menu window is not relevant for single-rack transmitters.Setting ExplanationRacks per OS Number of racks belonging to the output stageOutlet Temp. Fault Switch-off threshold with overtemperatureIf this threshold is exceeded, the rack controller shuts down the transmit-ter rack.Value: 45 °C to 65 °CNominal value: 65 °COutlet Temp. Warning Warning threshold for overtemperatureA warning is generated if this threshold value is exceeded.Sum Probe at Rack Used to select the transmitter rack (rack controller) to which the test points for forward/reflected power of the entire output stage are con-nectedOnly with active and passive output-stage standbyIndependent Racks Possibility of dividing the output stage logically into independent racks– no: All racks of the output stage are controlled together and all act on the same RF output (default setting).– yes: The racks of the output stage can have separate RF outputs and can be controlled individually (e.g. ON/OFF command).
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.107 - E-25.5.3 Rack Setup > Rack x > Rack Controller Menu WindowThe Rack Controller menu window is used to inform the rack controller, for example, howmany amplifiers are installed in the rack and whether the rack has its own measurementsystem.Setting ExplanationNumber of Amplifiers Used to enter the number of amplifiers installed in the rack Value: 1 to 4RF event signaling – yes: If the minimum or maximum limits for forward and reflected power (RF Fail Limit, RF Warning Limit) are violated at the test points of the rack, warnings or fault messages are output (default setting).– no: Output of RF warnings and fault messages at the test points of the rack is suppressed.General purpose inputAssignment of a free line on the rack controller for customer-specific purposes:– unused: Line is not used.– door open: Line is reserved for indicating when door contacts are open.– ext. cooling wng: Line is reserved for warnings from an external cool-ing system.– ext. cooling flt: Line is reserved for fault messages from an external cooling system.RFProbe present – yes: A measurement system is connected to the rack controller of the rack. Only with active or passive output-stage standby if the measurement system is connected to this rack.– no: No measurement system is connected to the rack controller of the rack. Correct setting in all other cases.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.108 - E-25.5.4 Rack Setup > Rack x > Amplifier Order Menu WindowAfter the transmitter system has been put into operation, entries for the amplifiers (of a par-ticular rack) are displayed in the menu path for the output stage with consecutive numbering(Amplifier 1 to max. Amplifier 4). Since the numbering is derived from the chronologicalsequence in which the amplifiers can be detected on the CAN bus, it does not always cor-respond to the sequence in which the amplifiers are physically arranged from top (= 1) tobottom (= n) in the rack.The Amplifier Order menu window is used to change the menu items for the amplifiers withrespect to the installation positions in the rack.5.6 Measured Values MenuYou can use the Measured Values menu to read off measurement values. Setting/display ExplanationDevice Order number x (= 1 to n) of an amplifier; this number describes the position of the associated amplifier menu in the menu pathBy setting the order numbers correctly, it is possible to synchronize the menu items (1 to n) and the associated installation positions (from top to bottom).Link Green: Amplifier is installed in the rackSerial number Serial number of the amplifier (as indicated on the electronic type plate)Identify Identification of an amplifier in the rackIf the Start switch is activated, the LEDs of the associated amplifier in the rack flash.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.109 - E-25.6.1 Measured Values/Rack Controller Menu WindowOutputstage A > Measured Values > Rack Measured Values > Rack x > Rack Control-lerThe Measured Values/Rack Controller menu window displays the intake and exhaust airtemperatures and the control voltage of the transmitter rack.The following table explains the meaning of the fields:5.6.2 Measured Values/Amplifier x Menu WindowOutputstage A > Measured Values > Rack Measured Values > Rack x > Amplifier xThe Measured Values/Amplifier x menu window displays the measurement values for aselected amplifier.Display ExplanationInlet Temperature Inlet temperature of the cooling medium (intake air)Outlet Temperature Outlet temperature of the cooling medium (exhaust air)Aux Power Supply Control voltage of the internal auxiliary power supply for the transmitter rackThe value must be approx. 12 V.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.110 - E-2The following table explains the meaning of the fields:5.7 Device Info MenuYou can use the Device Info menu to call for information on the transmitter rack. Display ExplanationI[xA] Module current of an output stage module, x = 1 to 4 a)a) With the amplifier type R&S VH8300A1, the measured current values I[4A] and I[1B] to I[4B] are not dis-played.I[xB] Module current of an output stage module, x = 1 to 4 a) b) c)b) With the amplifier type R&S VH8200A1, the measured current values I[1B] and I[4B] are not displayed.c) With the amplifier type R&S VM8530A1, the measured current values I[3B] and I[4B] are not displayed. The displayed measurement values correspond to the individual transistor currents.I[Drv] Current of the driver stageU[DC] Supply voltage of the amplifierI[DC] Total DC currentU[DC_CTRL] Reference voltage of the amplifierU[REG] AGC voltage of the amplifierPWR[A] Detector voltage of the power detector DET_APWR[B] Detector voltage of the power detector DED_BPWR[Out] Forward voltage of the output-power detectorPWR[Refl] Reflected voltage of the reflected-power detectorPWR[Ref] Reference voltage of the output-power detector
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.111 - E-25.7.1 Device Info/Rack Controller Menu WindowOutputstage A > Device Info > Rack x > Rack ControllerYou can use the Device Info/Rack Controller menu to call for information on the transmit-ter rack.The following table explains the meaning of the display fields:5.7.2 Device Info/Amplifier x Menu WindowOutputstage A > Device Info > Rack x > Amplifier xThe Device Info/Amplifier x menu window provides device information for an amplifier.Display DescriptionPart Number R&S stock numberVariant Model (basic model = 02)Product Index Hardware amendment indexSerial Number Serial numberProduct Date Date of productionSW/FW/BIOS Number R&S stock number for software, firmware or BIOSSW/FW/BIOS Version Version number of software, firmware or BIOS
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.112 - E-2The following table explains the meaning of the display fields:Display ExplanationPart Number R&S stock numberVariant Model (basic model = 02)Product index Hardware change indexSerial Number Serial numberProduct Date Date of productionSW/FW/BIOS Number R&S stock number for software, firmware or BIOSSW/FW/BIOS Version Version number of software, firmware or BIOS
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.113 - E-26 Other Menus6.1 TxTool Menu: Saving Transmitter InformationIn order to improve clarity and for archiving purposes, you can save transmitter data select-ed via the web browser (such as logbook or device information, measurement values or pa-rameters) to an ASCII or HTML file. You can also delete and restore logbook entries of thetransmitter components.1. Select TxTool in the browser window.A security query appears first of all.Note Execution of the TxTool requires write rights to the file system of the computer. To grantthese rights you must confirm the security query.If you select Always trust content from this author, the security query will not be dis-played the next time the TxTool is called.2. Confirm the security query with Run.The TxTool window used to display and save transmitter data appears.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.114 - E-2The window is initially empty when opened. The required settings must be selected beforethe data is read out.Reading out data1. Select (top left) the data that is to be displayed.Different windows containing additional functions are displayed depending on the typeof data you select. Depending on the selected tab, the window will still be empty (e.g.LogBooks) or the appropriate data will be displayed (e.g. DeviceInfo).2. Select (depending on the window) which data is to be displayed (see the table under"Functions in Logbooks Window").3. Start the readout of the data with Read.Saving dataDifferent options and formats are available for saving the data.1. Under Output Format, select the file format in which the data is to be saved.2. In the Output menu, select whether the data is to be saved as a file (Write to File) orcopied to the clipboard (Copy to Clipboard).Depending on your selection, you can save the data in a file using the Windows Savecommand or copy it to the clipboard and then use it in other applications.Note If the data is to be evaluated in a spreadsheet application (e.g. Microsoft Excel) it is ad-visable to copy the data to the clipboard in HTML format. If the clipboard is then copiedto an (empty) worksheet, the values are separated in tabular form.6.1.1 Functions in LogBooks WindowThe following additional functions are available in the Logbooks window:Function ExplanationMessage Type Used to select the type of messages which are to be listed (more than one option can be selected)Device Used to select the transmitter components for which message data is to be displayed (more than one option can be selected)Content Type Filter Used to select the parameters or values which are to be displayedDisplay Used to show and hide the columns Counts (shows the number of mes-sages of this message type) and Source (shows the transmitter compo-nent to which the message is assigned)Last/First On Top Sorts the displayed messages according to the time at which they occurredClear (Real) deletion of the logbook entries (identical to deleting the logbook entries using the context menu of the Logbook menu window)
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.115 - E-26.2 SW Backup/Restore Menu: Backing Up Complete SystemYou can create a data/system backup file on the flash card of the R&S NetCCU800 andsave it on an external medium or restore it to the flash card by using the SW Backup/Re-store browser menu. Note You can create the data/system backup file in the SW Backup/Restore menu window ofthe R&S NetCCU800 and from there also read it directly back into the R&S NetCCU800. Select Backup / Restore in the browser window.The SW Backup/Restore - Web Interface window is displayed.The window displays the current status of the tool (Status) as well as the backup information(Backup Information) related to the data/system backup file that is stored on the flashcard.Copy the data/system backup file from the flash card to an external medium1. Click on Download Backup file from the Device. Restore (Real) restoration of the logbook entries (identical to restoring the log-book entries using the context menu of the Logbook menu window)Read Used to read out / update the displayed messagesFunction Explanation
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.116 - E-22. In the Windows dialog boxes that follow, select the desired file name and where youwant to save it.The file will be saved at the selected location.Copy the data/system backup file from an external medium to the flash card1. Click on Browse.2. Select the desired file in the Windows dialog boxes that follow.The selected file is shown in the display area of the Upload window segment.3. Click Upload selected file to the Device.The file is saved on the R&S NetCCU800 flash card and can then be loaded into theR&S NetCCU800 via the SW Backup/Restore menu window.6.3 Storage Menu: Saving Exciter DataYou can use the R&S NetCCU800 to save parameter data of the exciter to an external me-dium and to recall this data again when required.Note This function is only available via the web browser.The exciter must be connected to the R&S NetCCU800 and must be in remote mode.Select Storage in the browser window.The start window to save and recall exciter parameter data is displayed.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.117 - E-26.3.1 Saving Parameter Data1. In the start window, select Save parameter settings into file.A window opens from which you can select the parameter data you want to save.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.118 - E-22. Select the required exciter and the parameter data set that you want to save.3. Enter a unique comment about the selected parameter set to help you recognize thecontent of the set or its intended use.4. Click Save.Use the Windows Save file as command to save the parameter set to a file.6.3.2 Recalling Parameter Data1. In the start window, select Recall parameter settings into file.A window appears in which you can select which saved parameter data you want to re-call to which exciter.Note It is possible to import the parameter data of an exciter to a second exciter of the sametype.2. Click Browse and select the required file.3. Click Upload selected file to load the file.A window is opened in which you can select the exciter to which the parameter data isto be copied.ATTENTION!When parameter data is recalled, the current parameters of the selected exciter are over-written without a warning message being displayed.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.119 - E-24. Select the exciter to which the parameter data is to be copied, and confirm with Recall.The parameter data is copied to the selected exciter. The exciter is then automaticallyrebooted.
Chapter 5 Operating2098.0720.72 - 5.120 - E-2

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