Samsung Electronics Co SLM3015DW Printer User Manual Part 6
Samsung Electronics Co Ltd Printer Users Manual Part 6
Users Manual Part 6
Wireless network setup Select Wireless network connection on the Printer Connection Type screen. Then, click Next. Select Using a USB cable on the Select the Wireless Setup Method screen. Then, click Next. On the Are you setting up your printer for the first time? screen, select Yes, I will set up my printer's wireless network. Then, click Next. After searching, the window shows the wireless network devices. Select the name (SSID) of the access point you want to use and click Next. If your printer is already connected on the network, select No, my printer is already connected to my network. If you cannot find the network name you want to choose, or if you want to set the wireless configuration manually, click Advanced Setting. • Enter the wireless Network Name: Enter the SSID of the access point (SSID is case-sensitive). • Operation Mode: Select Infrastructure. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 121 Wireless network setup • Authentication: Select an authentication type. Open System: Authentication is not used, and encryption may or may not be used, depending on the need for data security. Shared Key: Authentication is used. A device that has a proper WEP key can access the network. WPA Personal or WPA2 Personal: Select this option to authenticate the print server based on a WPA Pre-Shared Key. This uses a shared secret key (generally called Pre Shared Key pass phrase), which is manually configured on the access point and each of its clients. If your printer supports Wi-Fi Direct, the following screen appears. Click Next. • Encryption: Select the encryption (None, WEP64, WEP128, TKIP, AES, TKIP AES). • Network Password: Enter the encryption network password value. • Confirm Network Password: Confirm the encryption network password value. • WEP Key Index: If you are using WEP Encryption, select the appropriate WEP Key Index. • Wi-Fi Direct option appears on the screen only if your printer supports this feature. • Can start to build Wi-Fi Direct by using Samsung Easy Printer Manager (see "Setting up Wi-Fi Direct" on page 138). The wireless network security window appears when the access point has security settings. • Wi-Fi Direct Name: The default Wi-Fi Direct Name is the model name and the maximum length is 23 characters. Enter the Network Password of the access point (or router). • Password setting is the numeric string, and the size is 8 ~ 64 characters. 10 When the wireless network set up is completed, disconnect the USB cable between the computer and machine. Click Next. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 122 Wireless network setup 11 12 Select the components to be installed. Follow the instructions in the installation window. Access point without a USB cable (recommended) Creating the infrastructure network Turn on your computer, access point, and machine. Insert the supplied software CD into your CD-ROM drive. Items to prepare • WiFi-enabled PC running Windows 7 or higher and an access point (router) • Software CD that was provided with your machine • A machine installed with a wireless network interface If the installation window does not appear, click Start > All programs > Accessories > Run. X:\Setup.exe replacing “X” with the letter, which represents your CDROM drive and click OK. While setting the wireless network, the machine uses PC's wireless LAN. You might not be able to connect to the Internet. • For Windows 8, If the installation window does not appear, from Charms, select Search > Apps and search for Run. Type in X:\Setup.exe, replacing “X” with the letter that represents your CD-ROM drive and click OK. If “Tap to choose what happens with this disc.” pop-up window appears, click the window and select Run Setup.exe. Review and accept the installation agreements in the installation window. Then, click Next. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 123 Wireless network setup Select Wireless network connection on the Printer Connection Type screen. Then, click Next. On the Are you setting up your printer for the first time? screen, select Yes, I will set up my printer's wireless network. Then, click Next. Select Using a direct wireless connection on the Select the Wireless Setup Method screen. Then, click Next. If your printer is already connected on the network, select No, my printer is already connected to my network. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 124 Wireless network setup Ad hoc via USB cable Even if your computer is running Windows 7 or higher, you cannot use this feature if your PC does not support wireless network. Set the wireless network using a USB cable (see "Access point via USB cable" on page 120). If below screen appears, press the panel within 2 minutes. If you do not have an access point (AP), you may still connect the machine wirelessly to your computer by setting up an ad-hoc wireless network by following the simple steps below. (WPS) button from the control Items to prepare • Network-connected computer • Software CD that was provided with your machine • A machine installed with a wireless network interface • USB cable When the wireless network set up is completed, click Next. Follow the instructions in the installation window. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 125 Wireless network setup Creating the ad hoc network in Windows Select Wireless network connection on the Printer Connection Type screen. Then, click Next. On the Are you setting up your printer for the first time? screen, select Yes, I will set up my printer's wireless network. Then, click Next. Turn on your computer and the wireless network machine. Insert the supplied software CD into your CD-ROM drive. If the installation window does not appear, click Start > All programs > Accessories > Run. X:\Setup.exe replacing “X” with the letter, which represents your CDROM drive and click OK. • For Windows 8, If your printer is already connected on the network, select No, my printer is already connected to my network. If the installation window does not appear, from Charms, select Search > Apps and search for Run. Type in X:\Setup.exe, replacing “X” with the letter that represents your CD-ROM drive and click OK. If “Tap to choose what happens with this disc.” pop-up window appears, click the window and select Run Setup.exe. Review and accept the installation agreements in the installation window. Then, click Next. Select Using a USB cable on the Select the Wireless Setup Method screen. Then, click Next. After searching the wireless networks, a list of wireless networks your machine has searched appears. Click Advanced Setting. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 126 Wireless network setup • Enter the wireless Network Name: Enter the SSID name you want (SSID is case-sensitive). • Operation Mode: Select ad hoc. • Channel: Select the channel. (Auto Setting or 2412 MHz to 2467 MHz). • Authentication: Select an authentication type. Open System: Authentication is not used, and encryption may or may not be used, depending on the need for data security. Shared Key: Authentication is used. A device that has a proper WEP key can access the network. • Encryption: Select the encryption (None, WEP64, WEP128). • Network Password: Enter the encryption network password value. • Confirm Network Password: Confirm the encryption network password value. • WEP Key Index: If you are using WEP Encryption, select the appropriate WEP Key Index. The wireless network security window appears when the ad hoc network has security enabled. Select Open System or Shared Key for the authentication and click Next. • WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a security protocol preventing unauthorized access to your wireless network. WEP encrypts the data portion of each packet exchanged on a wireless network using a 64-bit or 128-bit WEP encryption key. Before entering the IP address for the machine, you must know the computer’s network configuration information. If the computer’s network configuration is set to DHCP, the wireless network setting should also be DHCP. Likewise, if the computer’s network configuration is set to Static, the wireless network setting should also be Static. If your computer is set to DHCP and you want to use the Static wireless network setting, you must contact the network administrator to get the static IP address. • For the DHCP method If the IP address assignment method is DHCP, check if DHCP is shown in the Wireless Network Setting Confirm window. If it shows Static, click Change TCP/IP to change the assignment method to Receive IP address automatically (DHCP). • For the Static method If the IP address assignment method is Static, check if Static is shown in the Wireless Network Setting Confirm window. If it shows DHCP, click Change TCP/IP to enter the IP address and other network configuration values for the machine. For example, If the computer’s network information is as shown follows: - IP address: - Subnet Mask: Then, the machine’s network information should be as below: - IP address: - Subnet Mask: (Use the computer’s subnet mask.) The window showing the wireless network setting appears. Check the settings and click Next. - Gateway: 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 127 Wireless network setup 10 11 The Wireless Network Setting Complete window appears. Click Next. When the wireless network settings are completed, disconnect the USB cable between the computer and machine. Click Next. Make sure that the machine is connected to your computer and powered on. Insert the supplied software CD into your CD-ROM drive. Double-click the CD-ROM icon that appears on your Mac desktop. Follow the instructions in the installation window. 15 Setup using Mac Access point via USB cable • Items to prepare • Access point • Network-connected printer • Software CD that was provided with your machine • A machine installed with a wireless network interface • USB cable For Mac OS X 10.8, double-click the CD-ROM that appears on Finder. Double-click the MAC_Installer folder > Installer OS X icon. Click Continue. Read the license agreement and click Continue. Click Agree to agree to the license agreement. Click Install. All components necessary for machine operations will be installed. If you click Customize, you can choose individual components to install. Enter the password and click OK. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 128 Wireless network setup 10 Select Configuration of Wireless network on the Printer Connection Type and click Continue. 11 If Wireless Settings screen appears, select Using a USB cable and click Next. If the screen does not appear, go to step 15. 12 After searching, the window shows the wireless network devices. Select the name (SSID) of the access point you want to use and click Next. When you set the wireless configuration manually, click Advanced Setting. • Enter the wireless Network Name: Enter the SSID of the access point (SSID is case-sensitive). • Operation Mode: Select Infrastructure. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 129 Wireless network setup • Authentication: Select an authentication type. Open System: Authentication is not used, and encryption may or may not be used, depending on the need for data security. Shared Key: Authentication is used. A device that has a proper WEP key can access the network. WPA Personal or WPA2 Personal: Select this option to authenticate the print server based on the WPA Pre-Shared Key. This uses a shared secret key (generally called Pre Shared Key pass phrase) that is manually configured on the access point and each of its clients. • Wi-Fi Direct Name: The default Wi-Fi Direct Name is the model name and the maximum length is 23 characters. • Password setting is the numeric string, and the size is 8 ~ 64 characters. 14 15 The Wireless Network Setting Complete window appears. Click Next. When the wireless network settings are completed, disconnect the USB cable between the computer and machine. Click Next. • Encryption: Select the encryption. (None, WEP64, WEP128, TKIP, AES, TKIP, AES) • Network Password: Enter the encryption network password value. • Confirm Network Password: Confirm the encryption network password value. • WEP Key Index: If you are using WEP Encryption, select the appropriate WEP Key Index. 13 Access point without a USB cable (recommended) Items to prepare • The wireless network security window appears when the access point has security enabled. WiFi-enabled Mac running Mac OS 10.7 or higher and an access point (router) • Software CD that was provided with your machine Enter the Network Password of the access point (or router). • A machine installed with a wireless network interface The window showing the wireless network setting appears. Check the settings and click Next. • Wi-Fi Direct option appears on the screen only if your printer supports this feature. Make sure that the machine is connected to your computer and powered on. Insert the supplied software CD into your CD-ROM drive. • Can start to build Wi-Fi Direct by using Samsung Easy Printer Manager (see "Setting up Wi-Fi Direct" on page 138). 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 130 Wireless network setup Double-click the CD-ROM icon that appears on your Mac desktop. • For Mac OS X 10.8, double-click the CD-ROM that appears on Finder. 10 Select Configuration of Wireless network on the Printer Connection Type and click Continue. Double-click the MAC_Installer folder > Installer OS X icon. Click Continue. Read the license agreement and click Continue. Click Agree to agree to the license agreement. Click Install. All components necessary for machine operations will be installed. If you click Customize, you can choose individual components to install. Enter the password and click OK. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 131 Wireless network setup 11 If Wireless Settings screen appears, select Using a direct wireless connection and click Next. If below screen appears, press the If the screen does not appear, go to step 13. within 2 minutes. 12 13 (WPS) button from the control panel When the wireless network set up is completed, click Next. After the installation is finished, click Close. Ad hoc via USB cable If you do not have an access point (AP), you may still connect the machine wirelessly to your computer by setting up an ad hoc wireless network by following these simple directions. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 132 Wireless network setup Items to prepare • Network-connected computer • Software CD that was provided with your machine • A machine installed with a wireless network interface • USB cable Creating the ad hoc network in Mac Make sure that the machine is connected to your computer and Read the license agreement and click Continue. Click Agree to agree to the license agreement. Click Install. All components necessary for machine operations will be installed. If you click Customize, you can choose individual components to install. 10 Enter the password and click OK. 11 After searching the wireless networks, a list of wireless networks your machine has searched appears. Click Advanced Setting. Select Configuration of Wireless network on the Printer Connection Type and click Continue. powered on. Insert the supplied software CD into your CD-ROM drive. Double-click the CD-ROM icon that appears on your Mac desktop. • For Mac OS X 10.8, double-click the CD-ROM that appears on Finder. Double-click the MAC_Installer folder > Installer OS X icon. Click Continue. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 133 Wireless network setup • Enter the wireless Network Name: Enter the SSID name (SSID is casesensitive). • Operation Mode: Select ad hoc. • Channel: Select the channel (Auto Setting or 2412 MHz to 2467 MHz). • Authentication: Select an authentication type. Open System: Authentication is not used, and encryption may or may not be used, depending on the need for data security. Shared Key: Authentication is used. A device that has a proper WEP key can access the network. • Encryption: Select the encryption (None, WEP64, WEP128). • Network Password: Enter the encryption network password value. • Confirm Network Password: Confirm the encryption network password value. • WEP Key Index: If you are using WEP Encryption, select the appropriate WEP Key Index. The wireless network security window appears when the ad hoc network has security setting. Select Open System or Shared Key for the authentication and click Next. • WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) is a security protocol preventing unauthorized access to your wireless network. WEP encrypts the data portion of each packet exchanged on a wireless network using a 64-bit or 128-bit WEP encryption key. Before entering the IP address for the machine, you must know the computer’s network configuration information. If the computer’s network configuration is set to DHCP, the wireless network setting should also be DHCP. Likewise, if the computer’s network configuration is set to Static, the wireless network setting should also be Static. If your computer is set to DHCP and you want to use Static wireless network setting, you must contact the network administrator to get the static IP address. • For the DHCP method If the IP address assignment method is DHCP, check if DHCP is shown in the Wireless Network Setting Confirm window. If it shows Static, click Change TCP/IP to change the assignment method to Receive IP address automatically (DHCP). • For the Static method If the IP address assignment method is Static, check if Static is shown in the Wireless Network Setting Confirm window. If it shows DHCP, click Change TCP/IP to enter the IP address and other network configuration values for the machine. For example, If the computer’s network information is shown as follows: - IP address: - Subnet Mask: Then, the machine’s network information should be as shown below: - IP address: - Subnet Mask: (Use the computer’s subnet mask.) 12 The window showing the wireless network settings appears. Check the settings and click Next. - Gateway: 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 134 Wireless network setup 13 When the window that tells you that the network cable connection is confirmed appears, disconnect the network cable and click Next. • After completing the wireless network connection, you need to install a machine driver to print from an application (see "Installing driver over the network" on page 106). If the network cable is connected, it may have trouble finding the machine when configuring the wireless network. 14 15 • See your network administrator, or the person that set up your wireless network, for information about your network configuration. The wireless network connects according to the network configuration. Wireless network set up is completed. After installation is finished, click Quit. After completing the wireless network connection, you need to install a machine driver to print from an application (see "Installation for Mac" on page 95). Items to prepare • Access point • Network-connected computer • Software CD that was provided with your machine • A machine installed with a wireless network interface • Network cable 16 Using a network cable Printing a network configuration report Machines that do not support the network port will not be able to use this feature (see "Rear view" on page 18). Your machine is a network compatible machine. To enable your machine to work with your network, you will need to perform some configuration procedures. You can identify the network settings of your machine by printing a network configuration report. See "Printing a network configuration report" on page 101. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 135 Wireless network setup IP setting using SetIP Program (Windows) This program is used to manually set the network IP address of your machine using its MAC address to communicate with the machine. The MAC address is the hardware serial number of the network interface and can be found in the Network Configuration Report. Check whether or not the network cable is connected to the machine. If not, connect the machine with a standard network cable. Start a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Safari, or Firefox and enter your machine’s new IP address in the browser window. For example, See "Setting IP address" on page 101. Configuring the machine’s wireless network Before starting you will need to know the network name (SSID) of your wireless network and the network key if it is encrypted. This information was set when the access point (or wireless router) was installed. If you do not know about your wireless environment, please ask the person who set up your network. Click Login on the upper right of the SyncThru™ Web Service website. Type in the ID and Password then click Login. We recommend you to change the default password for security reasons. • ID: admin • Password: sec00000 To configure wireless parameters, you can use SyncThru™ Web Service. When the SyncThru™ Web Service window opens, click Network Settings. Using SyncThru™ Web Service Click Wireless > Wizard. Before starting wireless parameter configuration, check the cable connection status. Wizard will help you setup the wireless network configuration. However, if you want to set the wireless network directly, select Custom. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 136 Wireless network setup Select the one Network Name(SSID) in the list. • SSID: SSID (Service Set Identifier) is a name that identifies a wireless network, access points, and wireless devices attempting to connect to a specific wireless network must use the same SSID. The SSID is case sensitive. • Operation Mode: Operation Mode refers to the type of wireless connections (see "Wireless network name and network password" on page 113). Ad-hoc: Allows wireless devices to communicate directly with each other in a peer-to-peer environment. Disconnect the network cable (standard or network). Your machine should then start communicating wirelessly with the network. In case of Ad-hoc mode, you can use a wireless LAN and wired LAN simultaneously. 10 Insert the supplied software CD into your CD-ROM drive, and follow the instructions in the window to set up the wireless network. 17 Turning the Wi-Fi network on/off Infrastructure: Allows wireless devices to communicate with each other through an access point. If your machine has a display, you can also turn on/off the Wi-Fi from the machine’s control panel using the Network menu. If your network’s Operation Mode is Infrastructure, select the SSID of the access point. If the Operation Mode is Ad-hoc, select the machine’s SSID. Check whether the network cable is connected to the machine. If not, connect the machine with a standard network cable. Start a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Safari, or Firefox and enter your machine’s new IP address in the browser window. Click Next. If the wireless security setting window appears, enter the registered password (network password) and click Next. For example, The confirmation window appears, please check your wireless setup. If the setup is right, click Apply. Click Login on the upper right of the SyncThru™ Web Service website. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 137 Wireless network setup If it’s your first time logging into SyncThru™ Web Service you need to log-in as an administrator. Type in the below default ID and password. We recommend you to change the default password for security reasons. • ID: admin • Password: sec00000 When the SyncThru™ Web Service window opens, click Network Settings. Click Wireless > Custom. You can also turn the Wi-Fi network on/off. • You cannot connect your mobile device to the internet through the printer’s Wi-Fi Direct. • The supported protocol list may differ from your model, Wi-Fi Direct networks do NOT support IPv6, network filtering, IPSec, WINS, and SLP services. • The maximum number of devices that can be connected via Wi-Fi Direct is 3. Setting up Wi-Fi Direct You can enable Wi-Fi Direct feature by one of the following methods. 18 Setting the Wi-Fi Direct for mobile printing Wi-Fi Direct is an easy-to-setup peer-to-peer connection method between the Wi-Fi Direct certified printer and a mobile device that provides a secure connection and better throughput than ad hoc mode. With Wi-Fi Direct, you can connect your printer to a Wi-Fi Direct network while concurrently connecting to an access point, You can also use a wired network and a Wi-Fi Direct network simultaneously so multiple users can access and print documents both from Wi-Fi Direct and from a wired network. From the USB cable-connected computer(recommended) After the driver installation is complete, Samsung Easy Printer Manager can be used to change Wi-Fi Direct settings. Samsung Easy Printer Manager is Available for Windows and Mac OS users only. • From the Start menu, select Programs or All Programs > Samsung Printers > Samsung Easy Printer Manager > Device Settings > Network. Wi-Fi Direct On/Off: Select On to enable. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 138 Wireless network setup Device Name: Enter the printer’s name for searching for your printer on a wireless network. By default, the device name is the model name. IP Address: Enter the IP address of the printer. This IP address is used only for the local network and not for the infrastructure wired or wireless network. We recommend using the default local IP address (the default local IP address of the printer for Wi-Fi Direct is ) Group Owner: Activate this option to assign the printer the Wi-Fi Direct group’s owner. The Group Owner acts similar to a wireless access point. We recommend activating this option. Network Password: If your printer is a Group Owner, a Network Password is required for other mobile devices to connect to your printer. You can configure a network password yourself, or can remember the given Network Password that is randomly generated by default. From the network-connected computer If your printer is using a network cable or a wireless access point, you can enable and configure Wi-Fi Direct from SyncThru™ Web Service. • Access SyncThru™ Web Service, select Settings > Network Settings > Wireless > Wi-Fi Direct. • Enable or disable Wi-Fi Direct and set other options. • For Linux OS users, - Print an IP network configuration report to check the output (see "Printing a network configuration report" on page 101). - Access SyncThru Web Service, select Settings > Network Settings > Wireless > Wi-Fi Direct. - Enable or disable Wi-Fi Direct. From the machine (Machines with a display screen) • Select Network > Wireless > Wi-Fi Direct from the control panel. • Enable Wi-Fi Direct. Setting up the mobile device • After setting up Wi-Fi Direct from the printer, refer to the user manual of the mobile device you are using to set its Wi-Fi Direct. • After setting up Wi-Fi Direct, you need to download the mobile printing application (For example: Samsung Mobile printer) to print from your smartphone. From the machine (Machines without a display screen) • Press and hold the (WPS) button on the control panel for about 10- 15 seconds. Wi-Fi Direct feature turns on. • Press and hold the (WPS) button on the control panel for more than 15 seconds. Wi-Fi Direct feature turns off. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 139 Wireless network setup Connecting Failure - SSID Not Found • When you have found the printer you want to connect to from your mobile device, select the printer and the printer's LED will blink. Press the WPS button on the printer and it will be connected to your mobile device. • If your mobile device does not support WPS, you need to enter the "Network Key" of a printer instead of pushing the WPS button. • The machine is unable to find the network name (SSID) you have selected or entered. Check the network name (SSID) on your access point and try connecting again. • Your access point is not turned on. Turn on your access point. 19 Troubleshooting Problems during setup or driver installation Printers Not Found • Your machine may not be turned on. Turn on your computer and the machine. • USB cable is not connected between your computer and machine. Connect the machine to your computer using the USB cable. • The machine does not support wireless networking. Check the machine's user's guide included on the software CD supplied with your machine and prepare a wireless network machine. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 140 Wireless network setup Connecting Failure - Invalid Security the product's IP address and the printer port's IP address. • How to compare: Security is not configured correctly. Check the configured security on your access point and machine. Connecting Failure - General Connection Error • Your computer is not receiving a signal from your machine. Check the USB cable and your machine’s power. 1 Print the network information report of your printer, and then check the IP address (see "Printing a network configuration report" on page 101). 2 Check the printer port's IP address from your computer. a Click the Windows Start menu. • For Windows 8, from the Charms, select Search > Settings. b For Windows XP/Server 2003, select Printer and Faxes. Connecting Failure - Connected Wired Network • For Windows Server 2008/Vista, select Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Printers. • • For Windows Server 2008 R2, select Control Panel > Hardware > Devices and Printers. Your machine is connected with a wired network cable. Remove the wired network cable from your machine. Connecting Failure - Assigning the IP address • Cycle the power for the access point (or wireless router) and machine. PC Connection Error • The configured network address is unable to connect between your computer and machine. For a DHCP network environment The machine receives the IP address automatically (DHCP) when computer is configured to DHCP. If the printing job is not working in DHCP mode, the problem may be caused by the automatically changed IP address. Compare the IP address between • For Windows 7/ Windows 8, select Control Panel > Devices and Printers. c Right-click your machine. d For Windows XP/2003/2008/Vista, press Properties. For Windows 7/ Windows 8 or Windows Server 2008 R2, from context menus, select the Printer properties. If Printer properties item has ► mark, you can select other printer drivers connected with selected printer. e Click Port tab. f Click Configure Port.. button. g Check if Printer Name or IP Address: is the IP address on the network configuration Sheet. 3 Change the printer port's IP address if it is different from the network information report's. If you want to use the software installation CD to change the port IP, connect to a network printer. Then reconnect the IP address. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 141 Wireless network setup For a Static network environment • Check the wireless reception around the machine. If the router is far from the machine or there is an obstacle, you might have difficulty receiving the signal. • Cycle the power for the access point (or wireless router), machine, and computer. Sometimes cycling the power can recover network communication. • Check whether firewall software (V3 or Norton) is blocking the communication. The machine uses the static address when the computer is configured to static address. For example, If the computer’s network information is as shown below: ▪ IP address: ▪ Subnet Mask: Then the machine’s network information should be as below: ▪ IP address: ▪ Subnet Mask: (Use the computer’s subnet mask.) ▪ Gateway: Other problems If the computer and the machine are connected on the same network and it cannot be found when searching, firewall software might be blocking the communication. Refer to the user's guide for the software to turn it off and try searching for the machine again. • Check whether the machine's IP address is allocated correctly. You can check the IP address by printing the network configuration report. • Check whether the access point (or wireless router) has a configured security (password). If it has a password, refer to the access point (or wireless router) administrator. • Check the machine's IP address. Reinstall the machine driver and change the settings to connect to the machine on the network. Due to the characteristics of DHCP, the allocated IP address could change if the machine is not used for a long time or if the access point has been reset. If problems occur while using the machine on a network, check the following: For information on the access point (or wireless router), refer to its own user's guide. • You cannot enable wired and wireless networks at the same time. • Your computer, access point (or wireless router), or machine may not be turned on. Register the product's MAC address when you configure the DHCP server on the access point (or wireless router). Then you can always use the IP address that is set with the MAC address. You can identify the Mac address of your machine by printing a network configuration report (see "Printing a network configuration report" on page 101). 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 142 Wireless network setup • Check the wireless environment. You might not be able to connect to the network in the infrastructure environment where you need to type in a user's information before connecting to the access point (or wireless router). • This machine only supports IEEE 802.11 b/g/n and Wi-Fi. Other wireless communication types (e.g., Bluetooth) are not supported. • When using the ad hoc mode, in operating systems such as Windows Vista, you might need to set the wireless connection setting every time you use the wireless machine. • You cannot use infrastructure mode and ad hoc mode at the same time for Samsung wireless network machines. • The machine is within the range of the wireless network. • The machine is located away from obstacles that could block the wireless signal. • If Wi-Fi Direct is ON, this machine only supports IEEE 802.11 b/g. • If the access point is set to work with the 802.11n standard only, it may not connect to your machine. Remove any large metal objects between the access point (or wireless router) and the machine. Make sure the machine and wireless access point (or wireless router) are not separated by poles, walls, or support columns containing metal or concrete. • The machine is located away from other electronic devices that may interfere with the wireless signal. Many devices can interfere with the wireless signal, including a microwave oven and some Bluetooth devices. • Whenever the configuration of your access point (or wireless router) changes, you must do the product's wireless network setup again. • The maximum number of device that can be connected via Wi-Fi Direct is 3. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 143 Samsung Mobile Print 20 22 Supported Mobile OS What is Samsung Mobile Print? Samsung Mobile Print is a free application that enables users to print photos, documents, and web pages directly from your smartphone or tablet. Samsung • Android OS 2.3 or higher • iOS 4.0 or higher Mobile Print is not only compatible with your Android and iOS smart phones but also with your iPod Touch and tablet PC. It connects your mobile device to a network connected Samsung printer or to a wireless printer through a Wi-Fi access point. Installing a new driver or configuring network settings isn’t necessary – just simply install the Samsung Mobile Print application, and it will automatically detect compatible Samsung printers. Besides printing photos, web pages, and PDFs, scanning is also supported. If you have a Samsung multifunction printer, scan any document into a JPG, PDF, or PNG format for quick and easy viewing on your mobile device. 21 Downloading Samsung Mobile Print To download Samsung Mobile Print, go to the application store (Samsung Apps, Play Store, App Store) on your mobile device, and just search for “Samsung Mobile Print.” You can also visit iTunes for Apple devices on your computer. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 144 Using the NFC feature The NFC(Near Field Communication) printer allows you to directly print from your cellphone just by holding your cellphone over the NFC tag on your printer. It does not require installing print driver or connecting to an access point. You just need NFC supported cellphone. In order to use this feature, Samsung Mobile Print app needs to be installed on your cellphone. 23 Requirements • • Depending on the material of the mobile device cover, NFC recognition may not work properly. Only Android OS 4.1 or higher will automatically enable the Wi-Fi Direct feature on your mobile device when you enable the NFC feature. We recommend you to upgrade your mobile device to Android OS 4.1 or higher to use the NFC feature. • Depending on the mobile device you are using, the transmission speed may differ. • This feature is available only for the model with a NFC tag (see "Machine overview" on page 16). • Using a cover or a battery other than the ones that came with the mobile device, or a metal cover/sticker can block NFC. NFC and Wi-Fi Direct enabled, Samsung Mobile Print app installed mobile device with Android OS 4.0 or higher. • Wi-Fi Direct feature enabled printer (see "Setting up Wi-Fi Direct" on page 138). • If NFC devices keep failing to communicate, remove and reinstall the battery from the mobile device, then try again. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 145 Using the NFC feature 24 Printing Check that NFC and Wi-Fi Direct features are enabled on your mobile device and Wi-Fi Direct feature is enabled on your printer (see "Setting the Wi-Fi Direct for mobile printing" on page 138). Select print mode. Select the content you want to print. If necessary, change the print option by pressing the Tag the NFC tag on your mobile device (usually located on the back of the mobile device) over the NFC tag( ) on your printer. Tag the NFC tag on your mobile device (usually located on the back of the mobile device) over the NFC tag( ) on your printer. Wait few seconds for the mobile device to connect to the printer. Wait few seconds for the Samsung Mobile Print app to start. • For some mobile devices, NFC tag might not be located at the back of the mobile device. Check the location of the NFC antenna on your mobile device before tagging. • For some mobile devices, NFC tag might not be located at the back of the mobile device. Check the location of the NFC antenna on your mobile device before tagging. • If error message about changed PIN number appears, enter a changed PIN number and press OK. Follow the instruction on the app screen to update the PIN number. • If error message about changed PIN number appears, enter a changed PIN number and press OK. Follow the instruction on the app screen to update the PIN number. • If your do not have Samsung Mobile Print app installed on your mobile devices, it automatically connects to Samsung Mobile Print app download page. Download the app and try again. The printer starts printing. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 146 Using the NFC feature 25 Registering Google Cloud Printer Check that NFC and Wi-Fi Direct features are enabled on your mobile device and Wi-Fi Direct feature is enabled on your printer. Tag the NFC tag on your mobile device (usually located on the back of the mobile device) over the NFC tag( ) on your printer. Select device status icon. Select Google Cloud Print > Register Google Cloud Printer. Tag the NFC tag on your mobile device (usually located on the back of the mobile device) over the NFC tag( ) on your printer. Wait a few seconds for the mobile device to connect to the printer. Wait a few seconds for the Samsung Mobile Print app to start. • For some mobile devices, NFC tag might not be located at the back of the mobile device. Check the location of the NFC antenna on your mobile device before tagging. • For some mobile devices, NFC tag might not be located at the back of the mobile device. Check the location of the NFC antenna on your mobile device before tagging. • If error message about changed PIN number appears, enter a changed PIN number and press OK. Follow the instruction on the app screen to update the PIN number. • If your do not have Samsung Mobile Print app installed on your mobile devices, it automatically connects to Samsung Mobile Print app download page. Download the app and try again. • If error message about changed PIN number appears, enter a changed PIN number and press OK. Follow the instruction on the app screen to update the PIN number. Confirm your printer in pop-up window. Now your printer is registered with Google Cloud Print™ service 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 147 Supported Mobile Apps 26 27 Available Apps • • • Samsung Mobile Print: Samsung Mobile Print is a free application that enables users to print, scan(Only users with multi-functional printers), or fax(Only users with multi-functional printers) photos, documents, and web pages directly from your smartphone or tablet. Samsung Mobile Print is not only compatible with your Android and iOS smart phones but also with your iPod Touch and tablet PC. It connects your mobile device to a network connected Samsung printer or to a wireless printer through a Wi-Fi access point. Installing a new driver or configuring network settings isn’t necessary – just simply install the Samsung Mobile Print application, and it will automatically detect compatible Samsung printers. Besides printing photos, web pages, and PDFs, scanning is also supported. If you have a Samsung multifunction, scan any document into a JPG, PDF, or PNG format for quick and easy viewing on your mobile device (see "Using the Samsung Mobile Print App" on page 162). Samsung Mobile Print Pro: Helps users to get an authentication easily. This app provides one way of getting a user authentication using your mobile device (see "Using the Samsung Mobile Print Pro App" on page 157). Samusng Mobile Print Manager: Enables users to use cloning and wireless setup features using your mobile device (see "Using the Samsung Mobile Print Manager App" on page 159, "Wireless Setup" on page 161). Downloading Apps To download apps, go to the application store (Play Store, App Store) on your mobile device, and just search for “Samsung Mobile Print /Samsung Mobile Print Pro/Samusng Mobile Print Manager.” You can also visit iTunes for Apple devices on your computer. • • Samsung Mobile Print Android: Search for Samsung Mobile Print from Play Store, and then download the app. iOS: Search for Samsung Mobile Print from App Store, and then download the app. Samsung Mobile Print Pro/Samusng Mobile Print Manager Android: Search for Samsung Mobile Print Pro or Samusng Mobile Print Manager from Play Store, and then download the app. 28 Supported Mobile OS • • Samsung Mobile Print Android OS 2.3 or higher iOS 5.0 or higher Samsung Mobile Print Pro/Samusng Mobile Print Manager NFC and Wi-Fi Direct enabled, supported mobile apps installed mobile device with Android 4.0 or higher 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 148 Mopria™ Only Mopria-certified machines can use the Mopria feature. Check the box that your machine came in for the Mopria-certified logo. Mopria™ Print Service is a mobile printing solution that enhances the new print functionality on any Android phone or tablet (Android version 4.4 or later). With this service, you can connect and print to any Mopria-certified printer on the same network as your mobile device without additional set-up. Many native Android apps support printing, including Chrome, Gmail, Gallery, Drive and Quickoffice. Click Login in the top right corner of the SyncThru™ Web Service website. Type in your ID and Password and select the Domain. then click LOGIN. Use the same login ID, password, and domain as when your log in from the machine (see "Using SyncThru™ Web Service" on page 213.) If you want to create a new user or change the password, see "Security tab" on page 214. When the SyncThru™ Web Service window opens, click Settings > Network Settings > Standard TCP/IP, LPR, IPP > IPP. Then, select Enable. Click Settings > Network Settings > mDNS. Then, select Enable. 29 Setting up the machine for Mopria printing Bonjour(mDNS) and IPP protocols are required on your machine to use the Mopria feature. Perform the following steps to enable the Mopria feature. Ensure that the machine is connected to the network. On your computer, open a web browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, or Firefox) and type the IP address of the machine in the address bar. Then, press Enter. For example, Click Security > System Security > Feature Management > Mopria. Then, select Enable. 30 Setting up Mopria on your mobile device If you do not have Mopria Print Service app installed on your mobile device, open to the app store (Play Store, App Store) on your mobile device, search for,Mopria Print Service, and then download and install the app. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 149 Mopria™ In the Settings menu of your Android device, tap Printing. The location of this option may differ depending on your mobile device. If you cannot locate the Printing option, refer to the user's manual for your mobile device. Under Print Services, tap Mopria Print Service. Tap the On/Off slider to enable the Mopria Print Service. 31 Printing via Mopria To print via Mopria on an Android device: Open the email, photo, web page, or document that you want to print. Tap Print on the menu in the app. Select your printer, and then configure the print options. Touch Print again to print the document. To cancel a print job: Select and delete the document from the print queue in the Notification Bar. 2. Using a Network-Connected Machine 150
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