Thrane and Thrane A S IPHANDSET Wireless VoIP Handset User Manual VoIP UM

Thrane & Thrane A/S Wireless VoIP Handset VoIP UM

Manual 2

Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
The menu system 59
Operating the IP Handset
Creating a new WLAN profile
Normally a new profile is automatically created when you connect to an access
If you need to define a profile for an access point that is not currently within
reach, do as follows:
1. From the WLAN list, select Options (left select).
2. Select Manage.
3. Select Add profile.
4. Type in the SSID of the access point.
5. Select OK.
A new profile is now created
6. Enter the security information for the
access point. For further information, see
Editing a WLAN profile on page 57.
To see memory usage in the list of WLAN profiles
To see the number of stored profiles and the
maximum allowed number of profiles, do as
1. From the WLAN list, select Options (left
2. Select Manage.
3. Select Memory usage.
Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
60 The menu system
Selecting the IP mode
You can select whether or not the IP Handset should use DHCP to obtain a
dynamic IP address. We recommend using DHCP.
Do as follows:
1. From the main menu, select Network.
2. Select IP mode.
3. Do one of the following:
If the IP Handset should use DHCP to
automatically obtain an IP address,
check the box next to Automatic IP
(DHCP) and select Back or press on
hook to exit completely.
If the IP address is to be a static IP
address, uncheck the box next to
Automatic IP (DHCP) and continue to
the next step.
4. If you selected not to use DHCP, scroll
down to IP address.
5. Click Edit, type in the IP address and
select OK.
6. Continue to Subnet mask, Gateway,
Primary DNS and Secondary DNS and
enter them in the same way.
7. S ele ct Back or press on hook to exit.
The handset will now use the static
information you entered, in stead of
using DHCP.
Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
The menu system 61
Operating the IP Handset
To access the Settings menu, select Settings
from the main menu.
To adjust the sounds of the handset, do as follows:
1. From the Settings menu, select Sound.
2. Move to the sound you want to adjust.
3. For Keypad click, select Edit to change
the setting.
4. For the other settings, use the keys
and to change the setting, or
select Edit, select the setting you want
and select OK.
Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
62 The menu system
Stealth mode is used when the IP Handset should not be noticed. You can
select stealth for sound, for light, or for both.
Do as follows:
1. From the Settings menu, select Stealth.
2. Move to Suppress audio and/or
Suppress backlight and select Edit to
change the setting.
3. Move to Use stealth and press Edit to
check/uncheck the box.
4. When stealth is set up in this menu you
can activate and deactivate it from the
main screen by selecting Options >
Note These settings are only activated
when Use stealth is checked.
Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
The menu system 63
Operating the IP Handset
Call services
To enable/disable Noise cancellation and Echo cancellation, do as follows:
1. From the Settings menu, select Call
2. Move to Noise cancellation and/or Echo
cancellation and use Select to change
the setting.
Echo cancellation should normally
be checked (on).
Noise cancellation should only be
checked when the handset is used in
a noisy environment.
Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
64 The menu system
You can select whether the handset should detect the cradle or not. Do as
1. From the Settings menu, select Cradle.
2. To have the handset detect whether or
not it is in the cradle, check the box.
This is the default mode. The function is
as follows:
You can answer calls by removing
the handset from the cradle, and
terminate a call by putting the
handset back in the cradle.
The handset automatically changes
to hands-free when you make or
answer a call with the handset in the
If you take the handset from the cradle during the call, it automatically
changes back to hand-held.
In hand-held mode, when you put the handset in the cradle, the call is
In hands-free mode, when you put the handset in the cradle the call is
not affected.
3. To make the handset independent of the cradle, uncheck the box.
This means you must always use or # and to start and end calls,
and you can only enable or disable hands-free operation by using the
Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
The menu system 65
Operating the IP Handset
To change the display settings, do as follows:
1. From the Settings menu, select Display.
2. Move to the setting you want to change.
3. For the backlight settings, use the keys
and to change the percentage.
Standby backlight can be set to maximum
50%, and the Standby backlight cannot
be set higher than the Active backlight.
4. For the remaining settings, select Edit to
check/uncheck the box.
The backlight is on for 15 seconds after the
last key press.
The screensaver is activated 1 minute after the last key press.
Web server
To enable or disable the built-in web server of the handset, do as follows:
1. From the Settings menu, select Web
2. Select Edit to enable or disable the web
server. The default settings is enabled
For information on the web server, see Using
the web server on page 75.
Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
66 The menu system
Date and time
To set the date and time, do as follows:
1. From the Settings menu, select Date and
2. If your handset is connected to a BGAN
terminal and you want to use the UTC
time received from the BGAN satellite,
select Use BGAN time. Then leave the
3. If you want to set the date and time
manually, uncheck the Use BGAN time
box. Then continue to the following
4. To change the time, move to Time: and
press Edit. Then type in the new time and
select OK. The new time is activated immediately.
5. To change the date, move to Date: and press Edit. Then type in the new
date and select OK.
6. To switch the time format between 24h and 12h, use the keys and , or
select Edit and select the wanted format.
7. To change the time zone, use the keys and , or select Edit and select
the wanted time zone.
This setting is for future use. Only English language is available at this time.
Note The date and time is only maintained as long as the handset is
Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
The menu system 67
Operating the IP Handset
Factory default
To return to factory default for all settings, do as follows:
1. From the Settings menu, select Factory
2. Select Yes.
All settings and status information are
now changed to factory default settings.
Note that in some cases this operation
may take up to 30 seconds.
Important All settings and status
information are lost when
you accept this setting!
Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
68 The menu system
The handset communicates using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). The profile
used for communication depends on your subscription.
To activate a profile
The default profile is the BGAN profile, which is used when the IP Handset is
connected to a BGAN terminal.
To activate a profile, do as follows:
1. From the main menu, select SIP.
2. Move to the profile you want to use for
communication, and select Connect.
Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
The menu system 69
Operating the IP Handset
To add a new SIP profile
The handset can hold up to 10 profiles.
Do as follows:
1. In the SIP menu, select Options (left
select key).
2. Select Add.
3. Type in the name to use for the new
profile and select OK.
4. Move to SIP server and select Edit.
5. At Server name / IP:, select Edit again.
6. Type in the server name (URL) or IP
address and select OK.
7. Type in the port number for the SIP
server and select OK.
8. Select Back.
Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
70 The menu system
9. Continue through the items in the list,
selecting Edit, typing in the information
and entering with OK.
The items are:
User name
When connecting to a BGAN terminal,
the user name should be the same as
the local number for the handset.
When connecting to a BGAN terminal,
the password must match the handset
password entered in the terminal.
Codec priority
Select the codec type that should have the highest priority. You may
select G.711 or G.729 A/B.
10. When you have made your changes, select Back.
11. If you want to connect immediately with the new profile, select Connect. If
not, select Back to leave the menu.
To edit a profile
1. In the list of profiles, go to the profile you want to change and select
Options > Edit/View.
2. Edit the settings as described in the previous section.
Note For the BGAN profile, only the user name and password can be
changed. The default user name and password are 0501 and 0501.
Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
The menu system 71
Operating the IP Handset
To delete a profile
Do as follows:
1. In the SIP menu, move to the profile you want to delete and select Options.
2. Select Delete.
3. Select Yes.
To delete all profiles
Do as follows:
1. From the SIP settings menu, select
Options (left select key).
2. Select Manage.
3. Select Delete all.
4. Select Yes.
To see memory usage in the list of SIP profiles
To see the number of profiles in the list and the maximum allowed number of
profiles, do as follows:
1. From the SIP settings menu, select Options (left select key).
2. Select Manage.
3. Select Memory usage.
Important All profiles except BGAN
are deleted - this means
that you will only be able
to connect your handset
using the BGAN profile.
Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
72 The menu system
When the IP Handset is connected to a BGAN terminal, the handset provides a
dedicated BGAN menu for the terminal. The following sections describe this
To see the BGAN status
Do as follows:
1. From the menu system select BGAN.
2. Select Status.
The status menu shows the following
UMTS status shows the status of the
BGAN connection, for example
Ready or Registering.
CNo shows the signal strength of the
BGAN connection.
PIN status shows status of the PIN,
for example whether the terminal is
waiting for a PIN.
Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
What’s next? 73
Operating the IP Handset
To enter the PIN for the BGAN terminal
Note that this menu item is only available if the BGAN terminal is waiting for a
Do as follows:
1. From the BGAN menu select Enter PIN
2. Type in the Administrator user name for
the terminal and select OK.
For information on how to type text in
the handset, see Writing text in the
handset on page 47.
3. Type in the Administrator password for
the terminal and select OK.
4. Type in the PIN for the terminal and
select OK.
What’s next?
This chapter has described the basics of how to use the IP Handset.
The following chapter, Using the web server, describes how to use the built-in
web server of the IP Handset.
Chapter 3: Operating the IP Handset
74 What’s next?
Chapter 4
Using the web server
Using the web server 4
In this chapter
This chapter describes how to use the web server in your IP Handset system.
The web server
The web server is built into the IP Handset and is primarily used for uploading
software and for editing contacts.
You can access the web server from a computer connected to the BGAN
terminal you are using for your handset. Use a standard Internet browser.
Internet Explorer 6.0 and 7.0 on Windows, Firefox 2.0 on Windows, Firefox on
Linux and Safari on MAC have been tested successfully with the web server.
You may be able to use other browser versions as well.
Browser settings
The Proxy server settings in your browser must be disabled before accessing
the web server.
Most browsers support disabling of the Proxy server settings for one specific IP
address, so you can disable Proxy server settings for the web server only, if
you wish. Consult your browser help for information.
Chapter 4: Using the web server
76 Introduction
To disable the use of a Proxy server completely, do as follows:
1. In Microsoft Internet Explorer, select Tools > Internet Options >
Connections > LAN Settings.
2. Uncheck the box labeled Use a proxy server for your LAN.
3. Click OK.
When the proxy server settings are disabled, close your browser.
You may need to change this setting back on return to your Internet
Note The following description is for Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you are
using a different browser, the procedure may be different.
Chapter 4: Using the web server
Introduction 77
Using the web server
Accessing and navigating the web server
Accessing the web server
To access the web server from a computer, do as follows:
1. Start up your computer, the BGAN terminal and the IP Handset.
2. Connect your computer to the BGAN terminal using a standard LAN cable.
3. Connect your IP Handset to the BGAN terminal as described in Getting
started on page 7.
4. Open your browser on the computer and enter the IP address of the
IP Handset.
You can find the IP address in the handset menus under Status > Network
Chapter 4: Using the web server
78 Introduction
Overview of the web server
The web server consists of the following sections.
•The navigation pane holds the main menu. Clicking an item in the menu
opens a submenu in the navigation pane or a new page in the contents
•The icon bar shows a LAN icon when the handset is connected using the
LAN interface.
•The contents section shows the page selected in the navigation pane. This
section is used for viewing or changing settings, or for performing actions.
Icon Bar
Contents Section
Chapter 4: Using the web server
Pages in the web server 79
Using the web server
Pages in the web server
The Home page
The web server starts up on the Home page. To go back to the Home page
from another location in the web server, select Home from the left navigation
The Home page shows properties and network settings of the handset. The
page is automatically updated every 5 seconds.
Chapter 4: Using the web server
80 Pages in the web server
The web server gives access to the Contacts list of the handset.
Select CONTACTS from the left navigation pane. The page shows the name and
number of all contacts in the handset.
You can sort the list by name or number by clicking Name or Number in the
heading row of the list.
To add a new contact, type in the name and number at the top of the page
and click Create. The Contacts list can hold 100 entries.
To delete a contact, click next to the contact you want to delete.
To edit a contact, click next to the contact you want to edit, and make
your corrections.
Chapter 4: Using the web server
Pages in the web server 81
Using the web server
Call log
To display the call log of the handset, select CALL LOG from the left navigation
For each call the CALL LOG page shows date and time, phone number,
duration and whether the call was incoming, outgoing or missed. If the phone
number is in the Contacts list, the name of the contact is shown with the
The latest calls are listed first.
If you only want to see a subset of the calls, select one of the sub-groups at
the top of the page. You can select Received calls, Outgoing calls or Missed
Chapter 4: Using the web server
82 Pages in the web server
SIP settings
The handset communicates using SIP (Session Initiation Protocol).
To view the SIP settings of the handset, select SIP SETTINGS from the left
navigation pane.
The page shows the settings for the current SIP profile.
Chapter 4: Using the web server
Pages in the web server 83
Using the web server
To add a new profile
The list of SIP profiles can hold maximum 10 profiles.
To add a new profile, do as follows:
1. Click New profile at the top of the page.
2. Fill in the list.
You may not need to fill in all items in the list. Mandatory fields are
marked with .
3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
To edit a profile
Do as follows:
1. From the Profile scroll list select the profile you want to edit.
2. Change the settings according to your needs.
3. Click Save at the bottom of the page.
To delete a profile
Do as follows:
1. From the Profile scroll list select the profile you want to delete.
2. Click Delete at the bottom of the page.
Note For the BGAN profile, you can only change the user name and
password. Be careful if you change these - the user name is also
the local phone number.
Chapter 4: Using the web server
84 Pages in the web server
Uploading firmware
You can use the web server to upload firmware from your computer to the
IP Handset.
Do as follows:
1. Select UPLOAD FIRMWARE from the left navigation pane.
2. Click Browse and locate the firmware you want to upload to the
IP Handset.
3. CLick Upload firmware.
The handset initiates firmware upload, showing the progress in the
display. When upload is done, the handset automatically restarts with the
new firmware.
Chapter 4: Using the web server
Pages in the web server 85
Using the web server
Import/Export settings
You can import settings to your handset from a file, or export settings from the
handset to a file. Using the settings files you can easily copy settings from one
handset to another.
Select IMPORT/EXPORT from the left navigation pane.
Exporting settings
You may export a subset of the settings to a file as follows:
1. In the IMPORT/EXPORT page, click a button under EXPORT to create a
settings file. You may export Contacts, SIP settings or Phone settings.
2. Click Save, browse to the location where you want the settings file, and
click Save again.
The file is now saved in the location you specified.
Chapter 4: Using the web server
86 Pages in the web server
Importing settings
There are three types of settings file, each containing a subset of the handset
settings. The name of the file indicates which settings are included in the file.
1. Click Browse.
2. Browse to the location where the settings file is saved and select the file
you want to import.
3. Click Open.
4. Click Import.
The settings in question are now replaced by the imported settings.
Chapter 4: Using the web server
Pages in the web server 87
Using the web server
If you are reporting an error with your IP Handset, you may be asked to
generate a diagnostics report. The diagnostics report includes information
that can be very useful for a service technician.
To generate a diagnostics report, do as follows:
1. Select HELP from the left navigation pane.
2. Click Generate report.
Chapter 4: Using the web server
88 What’s next?
3. If your service technician needs specific information included in the report,
click Advanced and select the items needed. Then click Generate report.
What’s next?
This chapter has described how to use the built-in web server of the
IP Handset.
The following chapter, Troubleshooting, describes how to troubleshoot errors
in the handset, and how to get support if necessary.
Chapter 5
Troubleshooting 5
In this chapter
This chapter gives guidelines for troubleshooting,
Getting support
If this manual does not provide the information required to solve your
problem, you may want to contact your Airtime Provider or your supplier.
Handset support
If you need assistance with problems caused by the IP Handset, please call a
distributor in your area. You may be asked to generate a diagnostics report.
For information on how to generate a report, see Help on page 87.
An updated list of distributors is available on Thrane & Thrane’s web site:
Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
90 Troubleshooting guide
Troubleshooting guide
The below table provides information on some of the problems that might
occur, including possible causes and remedies to solve the problems.
Problem Possible Cause Remedy
The handset is
not responding
to any keys
An error occurred
in the software.
Press and hold the on hook key
for at least 10 seconds to cause a
hardware reset of the handset.
No connection
to the BGAN
1) The PIN code
has not been
entered in the
BGAN terminal,
2) There is an error
in the terminal or
the BGAN network.
1) Enter the menu system of the
handset and select BGAN > Enter
PIN code. For information on how
to enter the PIN, see Establishing
a connection using BGAN
terminal on page 21.
2)See the manuals for the BGAN
terminal for information on how
to troubleshoot errors.
The handset
shows “SIP
No SIP profile is
selected, the
selected SIP profile
is invalid, or the
user name or
password is
Enter the menu system and select
SIP to see the selected profile.
Change the profile or select
another profile if necessary. For
further information, see SIP on
page 68.
Appendix A
Technical specifications
Technical specifications A
In this appendix
This appendix contains specifications and outline drawings for the wireless
IP Handset and cradle and the wired IP Handset and cradle.
Appendix A: Technical specifications
92 IP Handset, wireless
IP Handset, wireless
Item Specification
Type TT-3672B Thrane IP Handset, wireless
Dimensions (L x B x H) 152 mm x 55 mm x 26.5 mm
Weight 175 g ±20 g
Display 2.2", 240 x 320 pixel TFT color LCD
Operating temperature 0°C to +45°C
Storage temperature Long term (>6 months) -20°C to +25°C
Short term (<6 months) -25°C to +45°C
Temperature, transport -25°C to +55°C
Humidity Up to 95% without condensation
Protection category IP55, dust proof and splash proof
Air pressure, transport 4572m AMSL
Battery Li-Ion 1900 mAh
Charge power (in cradle) 12-24 VDC, 6 Watt max
Standby time Up to 72 hours
Talk time Up to 4 hours
Appendix A: Technical specifications
IP Handset, wireless 93
Technical specifications
WLAN interface According to 802.11b/g
Network Protocol Internet Protocol (IP)
VoIP Protocol SIP v2 Session Initiation Protocol
(RFC3261), SDP (RFC2327)
Voice Codecs G.711 and G.729 A/B
Physical interfaces Headset 2.5 mm jack
Mini USB (charging only)
Certifications FCC, CE, EN60950
Item Specification
Appendix A: Technical specifications
94 IP Handset, wired
IP Handset, wired
Item Specification
Type TT-3672A Thrane IP Handset, wireless
Dimensions (L x B x H) 152 mm x 55 mm x 26.5 mm
Weight 175 g ±20 g
Display 2.2", 240 x 320 pixel TFT color LCD
Operating temperature -25°C to +45°C
Storage and transport
-25°C to +55°C
Humidity Up to 95% without condensation
Air pressure, transport 4572 m AMSL
Power Power over Ethernet (PoE) class 2
(Alternative B of IEEE802.3af is not supported.)
Power consumption Max. 7 Watt
Protection category IP55, dust proof and splash proof
LAN interface 10/100 Mbps
Network Protocol Internet Protocol (IP)
VoIP Protocol SIP v2 Session Initiation Protocol
(RFC3261), SDP (RFC2327)
Appendix A: Technical specifications
IP Handset, wired 95
Technical specifications
Voice Codecs G.711 and G.729 A/B
Physical interfaces RJ-45 male connector on fixed cable
Not currently used: Headset 2.5 mm jack and Mini
Certifications FCC, CE, EN60950-1
Item Specification
Appendix A: Technical specifications
96 IP Handset, wireless, outline dimensions
IP Handset, wireless, outline dimensions
Appendix A: Technical specifications
IP Handset, wireless, outline dimensions 97
Technical specifications
IP Handset, wireless, outline dimensions, continued (side view and back
Appendix A: Technical specifications
98 IP Handset, wired, outline dimensions
IP Handset, wired, outline dimensions
Appendix A: Technical specifications
IP Handset, wired, outline dimensions 99
Technical specifications
IP Handset, wired, outline dimensions, continued (side view and back view).
Appendix A: Technical specifications
100 IP cradle outline dimensions
IP cradle outline dimensions
Appendix A: Technical specifications
IP cradle outline dimensions 101
Technical specifications
IP cradle outline dimensions, continued (front and side).
Appendix A: Technical specifications
102 IP cradle outline dimensions
Appendix B
Conformity B
Thrane IP Handset, wireless
The Thrane IP Handset, wireless, is in the process of being CE certified (R&TTE
directive). The “Declaration of Conformity with R&TTE Directive” will be
enclosed in copy at the end of this section when ready.
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for
a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
See also the FCC/IC Notice on the next page.
Appendix B: Conformity
104 Thrane IP Handset, wireless
FCC/IC Notice
To comply with FCC radiation exposure requirements, use of this device for
head body operational configurations is limited to tested configurations and
approved by Thrane & Thrane A/S.
Your wireless device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed and
manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to
radiofrequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of
the U.S. Government. These limits are part of comprehensive guidelines and
establish permitted levels of RF energy for the general population. The
guidelines are based on standards that were developed by independent
scientific organizations through periodic and thorough evaluation of scientific
studies. The standards include a substantial safety margin designed to assure
the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.
The exposure standard for wireless devices employs a unit of measurement
known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is
1.6W/kg. Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions
specified by the FCC with the device transmitting at its highest certified power
level in all tested frequency bands. Although the SAR is determined at the
highest certified power level, the actual SAR level of the device while
operating can be well below the maximum value. Before a device model is
available for sale to the public, it must be tested and certified to the FCC that it
does not exceed the limit established by the government-adopted requirement
for safe exposure. The tests are performed in positions and locations (e.g.,
next to the head and body) as required by the FCC for each model. The FCC has
granted an Equipment Authorization for this model device with all reported
SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF emission guidelines.
SAR information on this model device is on file with the FCC and can be found
under the Display Grant section after searching
Appendix B: Conformity
Thrane IP Handset, wireless 105
Thrane IP Handset, wireless.
Appendix B: Conformity
106 Thrane IP Handset, wired
Thrane IP Handset, wired
The Thrane IP Handset, wired, is CE certified (R&TTE directive). as stated in the
“Declaration of Conformity with R&TTE Directive”, enclosed in copy on the next
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for
a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when
the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment gen-
erates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and
used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interfer-
ence to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential
area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be re-
quired to correct the interference at his own expense.
Chapter B: Conformity
Thrane IP Handset, wired 107
Thrane IP Handset, wired.
Chapter B: Conformity
108 Thrane IP Handset, wired
Glossary A
BGAN Broadband Global Area Network. A mobile satellite service that
offers high-speed data up to 492 kbps and voice telephony. BGAN
enables users to access e-mail, corporate networks and the
Internet, transfer files and make telephone calls.
CE Conformitée Européenne. This term signifies that a CE certified
product conforms to European health, environmental, and safety
regulations. In short, it makes the product legal to be sold in the
European Union.
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A protocol for assigning
dynamic IP addresses to devices on a network. With dynamic
addressing, a device can have a different IP address every time it
connects to the network.
DNS Domain Name Server. A system translating server names (URLs)
to server addresses.
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE is a non-
profit organization and the world’s leading professional
association for the advancement of technology.
IMSO International Maritime Satellite Organisation. An
intergovernmental body established to ensure that Inmarsat
continues to meet its public service obligations, including
obligations relating to the GMDSS.
IP Internet Protocol. The method or protocol by which data is sent
from one computer to another on the Internet.
LAN Local Area Network
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
MAC Media Access Control address. A hardware address that uniquely
identifies each node of a network.
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PIN Personal Identification Number. A secret numeric password
shared between a user and a system, used to authenticate the
user to the system.
PoE Power over Ethernet. A standard for combining power supply with
transmission of data over the Ethernet. The source unit "injects"
power into the Ethernet cable and the power is "picked up" at the
connected device.
PUK PIN Unblocking Key. An eight-digit code used to unblock a SIM
card after three incorrect PINs have been entered. The PUK code
is supplied with the SIM card.
QVGA Quarter Video Graphics Array. A popular term for a computer
display with 320 × 240 resolution. QVGA displays are often seen
in mobile phones, PDAs and some handheld game consoles.
SIM Subscriber Identity Module.The SIM provides secure storing of the
key identifying a mobile phone service subscriber but also
subscription information, preferences and storage of text
SIP Session Initiation Protocol. An application-layer control
(signaling) protocol for creating, modifying, and terminating
sessions with one or more participants. Used e.g. for Internet
TFT Thin Film Transistor. A display type using a number of individual
display cells, each controlled by its own transistor.
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System. One of the third-
generation (3G) cell phone technologies, standardized by the
URL Uniform Resource Locator. A name used to describe the address
of a specific resource on the internet.
USB Universal Serial Bus. A serial bus standard to interface devices.
VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol. The routing of voice conversations
over the Internet or through an IP-based network.
Index A
backlight, 65
call using, 43
enter PIN, 73
menu, 72
ending or rejecting, 42
from BGAN terminal, 43
making, 41
receiving, 42
call log, 50, 81
call services, 63
CE compliance, 103
wired handset, 106
wireless handset, 103
charging the wireless handset, 11
conformity, 103
connecting the handset, 16
connectors, 15
contact information, 89
Contacts, 52, 80
detection, 64
dimensions, 100
installing, 18
outline, 100
date and time setting, 66
Declarations of Conformity, 105, 107
DHCP setting, 60
diagnostics report, 87
cradle, 100
handset, 98
icons, 35
night colors, 46
overview, 33
settings, 65
document number
this manual, i
Echo cancellation, 63
factory default, 67
FCC compliance, 103
wired handset, 106
wireless handset, 103
features, 5
uploading, 84
connecting, 16
connecting to BGAN terminal, 19
dimensions, 98
features, 5
outline, 98
hands-free operation, 45
icons in display, 35
identification of the handset, 54, 79
import/export settings, 85
IP address setting, 60
IP handset
getting to know, 2
alpha-numeric keys, 30
control keys, 28
description, 27
locking, 46
shortcuts, 32
locking the keypad, 46
document number, i
menu overview, 49
microphone, muting, 45
IP address setting, 60
network information, 54, 79
network settings, 55
night mode, 46
Noise cancellation, 63
cradle, 100
handset, 98
phone book, 52, 80
Phone settings, 61
power, 20
PUK code, 23
restore factory settings, 67
safety summary, iii
screensaver, 38, 65
SIP profiles, 68, 82
activating, 68
adding, 69, 83
deleting, 71, 83
editing, 70, 83
software upload, 84
software version of the handset, 54, 79
sound settings, 61
specifications, 91
status, 54, 79
stealth mode
quick setting, 46
setting up, 62
support, 89
diagnostics report, 87
technical specifications, 91
text, writing in display, 47
transparency, 65
troubleshooting guide, 90
typography used in this manual, v
uploading firmware, 84
user interfaces, 39
volume, adjusting during call, 45
web server
accessing, 77
browser settings, 75
call log, 81
Contacts, 80
enabling/disabling, 65
Home, 79
import/export settings, 85
introduction, 75
overview, 78
SIP settings, 82
using, 75
wired handset
getting started, 15
wireless handset
getting started, 7
connecting, 55
editing profile, 57
writing text in display, 47

Navigation menu