Thrane and Thrane A S TU5160 Sailor System 5000 150W GMDSS MF/HF SSB DSC NBDP User Manual TT98 125586 0 PMD
Thrane & Thrane A/S Sailor System 5000 150W GMDSS MF/HF SSB DSC NBDP TT98 125586 0 PMD
user manual 2


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1 Introduction........................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 General information ................................................................................ 1-1
Radiotelex system .................................................................................. 1-1
GMDSS .................................................................................................. 1-1
Communication concept......................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Terminology ............................................................................................ 1-2
General telex terms ................................................................................ 1-2
Radiotelex terms .................................................................................... 1-3
2 Operation .............................................................................................. 2-1
2.1 Introduction............................................................................................. 2-1
Forms and fields ..................................................................................... 2-1
Function keys ......................................................................................... 2-2
General functions ................................................................................... 2-3
Fast keys ................................................................................................ 2-3
Password ................................................................................................ 2-4
2.2 Terminals ................................................................................................ 2-4
2.3 Terminal function keys............................................................................ 2-5
Function keys when ‘standby’................................................................. 2-5
Function keys when not ‘standby’ .......................................................... 2-7
2.4 Backups .................................................................................................. 2-8
To make a backup .................................................................................. 2-8
Background information on backups...................................................... 2-8
Backup policy ......................................................................................... 2-8
Radiotelex on hard disk.......................................................................... 2-9
2.5 Transmission .......................................................................................... 2-9
2.6 Scanning................................................................................................. 2-10
2.7 Message handling .................................................................................. 2-11
Import of message ................................................................................. 2-12
Export of message ................................................................................. 2-12
2.8 Subscriber handling ............................................................................... 2-12
Subscriber edition in general ................................................................. 2-13
Subscriber parts ..................................................................................... 2-13
Hiding and recovering subscribers ........................................................ 2-14
2.9 VIEW function......................................................................................... 2-14
2.10 Distress .................................................................................................. 2-15
Distress mode ........................................................................................ 2-16
Distress Transmission ............................................................................ 2-17
Distress SCAN function ......................................................................... 2-17
Distress VIEW function .......................................................................... 2-17
2.11 Status messages .................................................................................... 2-18

3 Installation and configuration............................................................. 3-1
3.1 Installation .............................................................................................. 3-1
System wirings ....................................................................................... 3-1
Modem setup.......................................................................................... 3-3
Factory reset .......................................................................................... 3-6
Printer setup ........................................................................................... 3-6
Ship name .............................................................................................. 3-6
Setting up subscribers ........................................................................... 3-6
Hiding subscribers and coast stations ................................................... 3-6
Backup installation ................................................................................. 3-7
3.2 Configuration .......................................................................................... 3-7
Coast station setup ................................................................................ 3-7
Coast station edition............................................................................... 3-8
TELEX print setup .................................................................................. 3-10
TELEX tape puncher setup .................................................................... 3-10
TELEX log setup .................................................................................... 3-10
TELEX TTY setup................................................................................... 3-11
TELEX retry setup .................................................................................. 3-11
TELEX secret reception setup ............................................................... 3-11
FEC TTY setup ....................................................................................... 3-12
Printer setup ........................................................................................... 3-12
Fast key setup ........................................................................................ 3-12

RADIOTELEX 1 Introduction
1 Introduction
1.1 General information
Radiotelex system
Radiotelex is a communication system that handles the transmission and
reception of telex messages over radio. Basically the system consists of the
Radiotelex software and a Radiotelex module (modem). The Radiotelex
software runs on a computer of one of the following types:
• a marine PC,
• a communication computer, or
• an ordinary PC not using
Radiotelex has been designed in accordance with relevant IMO, CCIR, and
ETSI recommendations/specifications. It has been approved for shipboard
installations to operate within the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
(GMDSS). The solid state disk of the computer is used for storing the system
software as required by the GMDSS.
Communication concept
Radiotelex supports worldwide ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore, and shore-to-ship
communication. Often a coast station acts as the relay between Radiotelex
and an end receiver without any Radiotelex capabilities. Ship and coast
stations have unique call codes; Radiotelex supports both 4- and 5-digit
selcalls and 9-digit MMSI numbers.

1 Introduction
1.2 Terminology
General telex terms
Master The master is the calling station (not necessarily the
transmitting station but the one that actually initiated the
Slave The slave is the called station (not necessarily the receiv-
ing station).
ISS Information Sending Station: The station transmitting
IRS Information Receiving Station: The station receiving char-
ARQ Automatic Repetition reQuest.
A telex mode where the ISS transmits three characters at
a time. Between each three characters the IRS transmits
one character telling the ISS to send three new characters
or to repeat the last three. Only two stations can com-
municate when using ARQ. Other stations cannot read
the communication.
FEC Forward Error Correction.
A telex mode where the ISS transmits three characters at
a time and repeats them immediately. FEC telex is one-
way communication; the transmitter of the receiver is not
used at all.
broadcast A broadcast FEC transmission can be received by all
stations. FEC broadcast is primarily used for coast station
traffic lists and news and in distress situations.

RADIOTELEX 1 Introduction
selective A selective FEC transmission can only be received by one
particular station, just like ARQ traffic. Not used very
often, FEC selective may be useful if the ship is in port
where it is not allowed to transmit. On its way into the port,
the ship can call the coast station to inform them that all
messages for the ship must now be sent in selective FEC.
Thus reception is possible without using the transmitter.
Free signal Coast stations often transmit a so-called free signal when
a frequency is vacant. This enables Radiotelex to detect
when a transmission can begin without interrupting on-
going traffic between the coast station and another ship.
Radiotelex terms
Subscriber A ship or an office that is not a coast station.
Coast station A radio station that sends out free signals or has the
capability of being used as a link between a ship and a
Procedure A procedure specifies how Radiotelex has to communi-
cate with a specific coast station in order to carry out a
transmission, e.g. an unattended store-and-forward telex
transmission of a message.
Station A station is either a subscriber or a coast station.
Radio station A coast station or a subscriber with a radio.
Ship A subscriber with a radio.
Operation Methods that can be used to get a message to the
destination. Examples are store-forward telefax or direct
Telex In Radiotelex, TELEX means ARQ telex.

1 Introduction

RADIOTELEX 2 Operation
2 Operation
2.1 Introduction
Forms and fields
Radiotelex operates with two basic data entry concepts called forms and
fields. As an example of a form, we shall look at the EDIT SHIP TELEX
SUBSCRIBER form. To find this:
1. Switch on, and Radiotelex starts up automatically.
2. Press
3. Select New subscriber.
4. Type in the subscriber name, e.g. ‘M/S MARY’.
5. Select
Ship telex.
A form consists of one of more fields. In the EDIT SHIP TELEX SUBSCRIBER
form, there are three, each line being one field:

2 Operation
Function keys
Radiotelex uses function keys as a means of selection. Each form contains
a number of function keys which may or may not be present in other forms.
Below we shall have a look at the function keys in the EDIT SHIP TELEX
SUBSCRIBER form shown above. Also, we shall see how some function keys
always have the same function. Finally, a later chapter will show that the
TELEX and FEC terminals have two sets of function keys – ‘standby’/not
For now, let us once again turn to the EDIT SHIP TELEX SUBSCRIBER form,
which contains the following function keys:
Below the function of each key is described:
Returns to the previous screen.
Modify field By pressing
, a list of possible values for the current field
will pop up. An appropriate value can then be selected
from the list.
Save Pressing this key saves the form. When pressing
a form which has been edited and whose values have
changed, the radiotelex system asks if the changes should
be saved.
Delete Generally deletes the whole field if this contains the
Modify field function.

RADIOTELEX 2 Operation
Advanced and
Procedures These keys are found in some coast station and sub-
scriber forms. Altering the values of Advanced and Pro-
cedures requires a password.
Default This function may be found in other forms. It inserts default
values in the fields where such values are appropriate.
General functions
A few keys always have the same function(s):
Selects in a list or menu, or modifies a field. In most cases,
right arrow
key can be used instead of
Returns to the previous screen, or – from the TELEX and
FEC terminals – exits Radiotelex. In most cases, the
key can be used instead of
Space bar
Corresponds to the
right arrow
keys in selection
lists (e.g. a list of messages).
In addition to the information in this manual, Radiotelex
offers detailed on-line help information. To get help at any
time, press either
in the relevant field.
Fast keys
Fast keys are key combinations of the
key and a function key, e.g.
Pressing the
key pops up a table of fast keys. Fast keys may be changed
in the setup part of Radiotelex.
There are also a few short cuts assigned to the
key. For instance,
takes you to the TELEX terminal or FEC terminal dependent
on which part of Radiotelex was used previously.
The function of the
key is always the same. The function of the
however, depends on the situation. Thus, when communication is taking
toggles logging.

2 Operation
As already mentioned, certain areas of Radiotelex are protected by a
password. Such areas can only be altered by technicians who know the
password. Still, even though the user of the system cannot change the data
of the program, these can always be viewed.
The system will tell you when a password is required to change some data:
To continue without a password
View only.
2.2 Terminals
The TELEX and FEC terminals are the centres of Radiotelex. From them, the
various functions of the system can be reached:
To swap between the TELEX and FEC terminals
3. The appropriate terminal.

RADIOTELEX 2 Operation
The terminals simulate the printer paper of an old-style TELEX terminal. Thus,
characters that have been received or transmitted are shown. Radiotelex has
a terminal for both ARQ (called TELEX in the Radiotelex terminology) and
FEC traffic. The TELEX and FEC terminals are operated in the same way, and
the differences are few.
The terminals are the centres where all transmissions and receptions are
initiated, and all actions are chosen.
The FEC terminal, however, will probably not be used much. It is recom-
mended that FEC scans to catch news broadcasts and traffic lists are set up
Rx in the TELEX terminal. The news and traffic lists are normally
printed, while FEC transmissions are rarely used.
2.3 Terminal function keys
The terminals operate with two sets of function keys. Which set is used
depends on whether Radiotelex is ‘standby’ (not receiving, calling or transmit-
ting), or NOT ‘standby’. Only the TELEX terminal is described below, but the
FEC terminal is very similar.
Function keys when ‘standby’

2 Operation
functions A window with the ‘standby’ function keys pops up. Unlike the
other function keys,
Terminal functions is the same whether
‘standby’ or not. It is useful when Radiotelex is not ‘stand-by’
since the function keys on the screen shown above are then the
not ‘standby’
function key set (shown below). You can select
among the following:
Distress Distress mode.
TX Transmission-related functions
(setting up, deleting, table of scheduled
transmissions etc.).
Rx Receive-related functions (setting up an Rx
session, enabling/disabling Rx etc.).
Messages Message handling (creating, copying,
deleting etc.).
Messages not logged.
Subscriber Subscriber handling (creating, copying,
deleting etc.).
View Selects between the following views:
• TELEX connection
• TELEX errors
• System status
• Current scanning
• Logged TELEX messages
• Traffic history
Menus Selects between the following menus:
• Mode
• Setup
• Service
• Guidance
to DOS Exits Radiotelex, performing a backup if wanted.

RADIOTELEX 2 Operation
Function keys when not ‘standby’
functions The ‘standby’ function keys, described above, become
available in a pop-up window.
Bell Transmits the special symbol bell.
Time Transmits the current time.
Date Transmits the current date.
Message Transmission of a message.
WRU ‘Who are you?’ The other station is asked to transmit its
answer back.
De Transmits your own answer back.
Over Changes direction.
Break Breaks the connection.
The above function keys are active dependent on the situation. If Radiotelex
is the IRS (Information Receiving Station), the keys involving transmission
) are not available.

2 Operation
2.4 Backups
To make a backup
1. From one of the terminals, leave Radiotelex by pressing
2. Start up again.
Backups can only be made when leaving Radiotelex. When you press
the terminal to leave Radiotelex, you will be prompted to make a backup.
Furthermore, when starting up, Radiotelex will ask whether or not previously
backed-up data are to be restored.
Background information on backups
In order to meet the GMDSS safety requirements, Radiotelex is always
delivered on a non-volatile board like an EPROM board or flash EPROM
board. This ensures that the Radiotelex program and its initial settings cannot
be lost due to power failure or power off. Furthermore these data cannot be
erased by accident.
Data (e.g. messages) cannot be saved on this board. In order to save data
temporarily, Radiotelex creates a RAM disk. A RAM disk is used exactly like
a normal disk drive, but is a volatile medium: The contents are erased in case
of power failure and when the power is switched off.
The RAM disk only provides temporary storage. Therefore, before the power
is switched off, it is necessary to perform backups to ensure that data are not
lost but saved on the backup diskette.
The non-volatile board on which Radiotelex is delivered, ensures that it is
always possible to communicate using Radiotelex. So even if a backup
diskette that is lost or out of order is an inconvenience, it does not enforce a
communication breakdown.
Backup policy
Backups should be made regularly, e.g. once every 24 hours. Backups should
always be made when subscribers have been created, the setup has been
changed, or anything else of importance has taken place.
In order to keep the backup as short as possible, it is advisable to check the
logged messages (both TELEX and FEC) and the traffic history before making

RADIOTELEX 2 Operation
the backup. Then, delete the logged messages that you do not consider
important. Also, delete the traffic history unless it contains important informa-
tion to be kept.
Radiotelex on hard disk
The Radiotelex software can be installed on a hard disk as a supplement to
the non-volatile board. The hard disk delivered from the factory is suitable for
use in a maritime environment. However, as a hard disk cannot be completely
reliable, the non-volatile board is always necessary.
Data are stored on the hard disk automatically. Therefore, when the Radio-
telex program is executed from the hard disk, backup procedures are not
necessary. However, since the hard disk could crash, it is recommended to
make a backup to a diskette at an initial stage when relevant subscribers have
been created and setup changes have been performed.
2.5 Transmission
Radiotelex only supports manual transmissions. There is no scanning of a
free signal but Radiotelex sets up the transmitter frequency enabling you to
hear when the channel is vacant and the transmission can be initiated.
Furthermore you have to type in the call code yourself.
The manual transmission form consists of the following fields:

2 Operation
Call code Call code of the destination.
Channel type Choose between the following options:
• ITU intership channel
• ITU coast station channel
• Frequencies
• ITU distress and safety frequencies.
Channel Type the channel number. Not available when ‘Frequen-
cies’ has been chosen as channel type.
RX frequency Type the RX frequency. Only available when ‘Frequen-
cies’ has been chosen as channel type.
TX frequency Type the TX frequency. Only available when ‘Frequen-
cies’ has been chosen as channel type.
When channel or frequency fields have been filled with valid values, the
transceiver is set up with these frequencies. Thus listening to the TX
frequency is enabled. Simply alter the channel or frequency fields until a free
channel has been located.
2.6 Scanning
In order to receive an incoming telex call you have to set up an Rx session.
Radiotelex only supports a single manually initiated Rx session and it only
supports scanning of a single frequency. The method for setting up an Rx
session is very similar to performing a manual transmission. The first step to
do is to press F4 Rx in the terminal.
The Rx window will list the current Rx session (if any). To create a new session
(or modify the existing session) press F1 Modify Receiving. In the next
window just select the station or subscriber of interest and the channel to scan.
Note that only a single frequency can be selected.
Press F2 Save when you have selected the station/subscriber and the
frequency. Radiotelex will scan the selected channel continuously until the
scheduled Rx is either deleted or manually disabled (in the F5 Rx control

RADIOTELEX 2 Operation
Note that a manual transmission has higher priority than the Rx session. This
implies that the Rx session will be “disabled” during the transmission session.
The Rx will be restarted once the transmission session is terminated.
You may need to update or create a new station/subscriber if the default
stations provided by Radiotelex does not list the frequency of interest (the two
default stations “ITU Ship Station Channels” and “ITU Coast Station Channels”
only show a subset of the valid ITU channels).
2.7 Message handling
‘Message handling’ is used to type in messages before transmission, possibly
in order to perform an automatic transmission.
To go to the ‘Message handling’ form
In the terminal, press
To write a new message
select ‘New message’.
To modify an existing message
select the relevant message.
An existing message can be edited, copied, deleted, renamed and printed.
Also, as explained in the following, messages can be imported and exported:

2 Operation
Import of message
To import a DOS text file to the Radiotelex message system, select
The DOS file is specified by browsing the DOS directories.
Export of message
It is also possible to export – i.e. copy to a DOS file – an existing message.
The exported file can e.g. be imported by a word processor or copied to
another computer. Selecting
Export allows you to specify directory and
DOS file name for the selected message,.
2.8 Subscriber handling
To see a list of existing subscribers
at the terminal.
Radiotelex distinguishes between coast stations and subscribers. A sub-
scriber is a station without coast station capabilities, e.g. a land telex station
or a ship.
To create a new subscriber
select ‘New subscriber’.
To modify an existing subscriber
move the cursor bar to the relevant subscriber and select

RADIOTELEX 2 Operation
Subscriber edition in general
A subscriber may consist of several parts, e.g. a land telex part or a ship telex
part. As some subscriber parts are more complex than others, the edition of
a subscriber part has been divided into three sections where appropriate.
These sections are:
General partThese general values will always have to be filled in. When a
subscriber part has been chosen, the general values are accessed in a form.
Advanced This is a set of default values that will rarely have to be changed.
ProceduresProcedures are used to perform automatic transmissions. A
procedure provides a list of instructions on how to communicate to a specific
station in special cases. Normally no procedures are defined for a subscriber.
Advanced and Procedures are accessed from the form containing the
general values. Furthermore, Advanced and Procedures are password-
protected. Still, the contents can always be viewed.
Subscriber parts
A subscriber consists of several parts. The following subscriber parts can be
defined: Land telex, ship telex, telefax, telephone modem, voice phone, voice
bank phone, Radiotelex letter, telegram and satellite. However, in most cases
only one or two of the parts will be detailed for each subscriber.
When the properties of a subscriber change, e.g. if a fax number has to be
added to the subscriber, it is easy to edit the existing subscriber, adding the
relevant details.
To delete a part of a subscriber
select the relevant part and press
Delete in the form describing the part.
In order to transmit to a subscriber, it is necessary that a coast station supports
the communication form (except for ship telex). For instance the satellite part
is not used since coast stations cannot handle this even though it has been
defined in the recommendations. Refer to the section about land telex below.
Below some of the subscriber parts are described. Please refer to the
Radiotelex on-line help as well.

2 Operation
Land telex
Land telex has two fields that need to be filled in: country code and telex
number. The country code field is described in the chapter ‘Coast station
setup’ in the last part of this manual – ‘Configuration’. The telex number is the
subscriber’s telex number without any land telex country code.
To reach an Inmarsat A, B or C station (both ship and land stations), enter the
country abbreviation ‘SAT’ and the telex number of the station. Since the
country abbreviation ‘SAT’ is not used by any coast station, during the
transmission setup Radiotelex will ask for a direction code. Enter the Inmarsat
region code (e.g. 581 for Atlantic Ocean Region East).
Ship telex
It is sufficient to enter the master frequencies. The slave frequencies are
optional. For information on the difference between the master and slave
frequencies, please refer to the chapter ‘Coast station setup’ in the last part
of this manual – ‘Configuration’. The on-line help may be useful as well.
The satellite option is not useful since it is not supported by many coast
stations (if any at all). To transmit a telex to an Inmarsat A, B or C ship, please
refer to the above description of land telex.
Hiding and recovering subscribers
Subscribers that are not used for a long period of time can be
of deleted. When they are needed again, they can be recovered.
To hide a subscriber
move the cursor bar to the relevant subscriber, and select
To recover a subscriber
Recover for a list of hidden subscribers, and select the subscriber
to be recovered.
2.9 VIEW function
View function provides information that may be useful at different
points. The function differs a bit dependent on the mode.

RADIOTELEX 2 Operation
View is not only available in the terminal. It can also be used in e.g. the receive
and transmission parts of Radiotelex.
View in the TELEX part of the system will display a number of
selectable items. These are described below. The corresponding View items
of the FEC part of the system are quite similar to the ones shown here:
TELEX connection
shows information on the present or latest TELEX (ARQ) connection. This
information includes: subscriber, coast station and frequencies.
TELEX errors
details the quality of the connection by giving information about the number
of repetitions. Both the total number and the number relative to the total of
transmitted and received characters are shown.
System status
contains information about the schedules, modem and frequencies.
Logged TELEX messages
keeps up to a hundred logged TELEX messages. When the total reaches one
hundred, the oldest message is deleted every time a new message is logged.
In the setup part of Radiotelex, it can be specified what information is to be
Similarly, Radiotelex can log a hundred FEC messages and a hundred
distress messages.
Traffic history
communication took place
. If, for instance, a message
needs several attempts to be transmitted successfully, the traffic history will
detail each attempt.
2.10 Distress
The telex distress frequencies are not scanned by coast stations.
A distress
transmission must always be initiated by the DSC function
. This will set up the
frequencies of the radio as indicated in the DSC call or reply. When the
distress transmission has been set up by the DSC function and the commu-
nication has begun, the parties communicating can decide to use another
frequency without DSC usage.

2 Operation
When Radiotelex is communicating, distress mode cannot be entered. Break the
connection first, then select distress mode. Or more likely, just make the DSC
distress call and Radiotelex will stop communicating since DSC has priority.
When entering distress mode, all scans and transmissions set up outside
distress mode are disabled. That is because distress mode is a special shell
disclosing all other activities – only the distress activity takes place. All
communication is both printed and logged no matter what the setup is like
outside distress mode. Also, the retry schedule is disabled. However, the
TELEX (ARQ) terminal and the FEC terminal are used even in distress mode.
The same goes for ‘Message handling’, which is not affected either.
When exitting distress mode, schedules (scans and transmissions) set up
outside distress mode are restored.
Distress mode
To enter distress mode
• press
• press
(in the TELEX or FEC terminals)
Distress may only be used when
ship is in distress. If participating in
another ship’s distress communication, do not enter distress mode but use the
normal facilities.
To exit distress mode press

RADIOTELEX 2 Operation
Distress Transmission
To set up a broadcast FEC or selective FEC transmission
To set up an ARQ transmission select
Even though distress mode is a special shell that discloses all other activities,
the normal FEC and TELEX (ARQ) terminals respectively are used for this
To change the frequency to be transmitted on
Message contains the normal message handling. Therefore it is possible
to write a distress message beforehand and then just edit to fill in the last
details if the distress situation occurs.
Distress SCAN function
Scan/Frq allows for simple selection of a distress frequency.
Distress VIEW function
This function resembles the View function found outside distress mode.
However, in distress mode only System status, and Logged distress
messages are available.

2 Operation
Similar to TELEX and FEC, only a hundred distress messages can be logged.
After that, the oldest distress message is overwritten when a new message
is logged.
2.11 Status messages
Below various status messages of Radiotelex are explained. These mes-
sages appear in the lowest part of the screen.
No usable COM ports available
No serial communication ports are available. If any are installed, they are used
by other hardware like e.g. a mouse.
Searching for external equipment
Searching for the Radiotelex board.
External equipment found
The Radiotelex board has been located.
No external equipment found yet !
The Radiotelex board has not yet been found.
The connection to modem has been lost !
The Radiotelex program cannot communicate with the Radiotelex modem
any longer. First, check cable connections between the computer and the
modem. Then, exit Radiotelex and start again.
Connecting to modem ...
The modem has been located, and the communication works fine. Initializing
information between the computer and the modem is exchanged.
The modem is in ‘standby’ state
Radiotelex is not calling, transmitting, receiving or scanning. The modem is
Fatal error from modem (read the Traffic History) – connection locked !
The Radiotelex program and the modem are out of synchronization. Please
read the Traffic History, and report to your dealer. Exit Radiotelex and restart.
Updating modem for transmission ...
A transmission has been initiated. The transmission details are currently

RADIOTELEX 2 Operation
being transferred from the computer to the modem, and the modem is setting
up the radio.
Modem is calling ...
Radiotelex is calling a coast or a ship station.
TELEX communication in progress !
Telex (ARQ) communication is in progress. The radio link between the two
involved radios and modems has been established, and actual communica-
tion has begun or is about to begin.
TELEX communication requires attention! Go to TELEX (ARQ) terminal
Telex (ARQ) communication is now taking place. The communication is not
an automatic telex transmission that can take place unattended. Radiotelex
is not in the TELEX (ARQ) terminal currently: Therefore, this status message
tells the operator to go to the TELEX (ARQ) terminal and pay attention to the
Reception in progress
In a telex (ARQ) connection, Radiotelex is now receiving. Only the
Break function keys are available.
Changing direction ...
The operator has pressed
Over to change the direction.
Text transmission allowed
The operator can now transmit any text by typing the text manually, or by
Message to select an already typed in message. All function keys
of the terminal can be used.
TELEX rephasing in progress !
An MF/HF radio is not always an easy medium to deal with. If a radio
connection is bad and repetition has occurred 32 times in a row, rephasing
may begin. During rephasing, the two modems try to synchronize again.
The transmission has failed !
The call to the station did not succeed, or possibly a message was not
transmitted completely. This status message is also issued if
Break is
Break in progress
A break has been issued by Radiotelex.

2 Operation
FEC reception in progress !
FEC communication is now being received. The transmission being received
can be a broadcast FEC transmission or a selective FEC transmission to your
The modem is disabled
The modem has been disabled. See explanation below.
Modem disabled by function Rx Control
Scanning has been disabled by the scan control function. Scanning can be
enabled again in the terminal function
Rx. When the modem is disabled,
all scanning is stopped, and transmission cannot take place.
Scanning stopped, enabling listening to own TX frequency
A transmission to a ship is being set up. In order to let the operator check if
the channel is vacant, all scanning has been stopped, and the radio has been
set up with the TX frequency in the receiver.
TELEX messages logged - #
Number of logged TELEX messages. The maximum is a hundred. If a
hundred TELEX messages have been logged, the next time a message is
logged, the oldest message is deleted. For further information, please refer
to ‘TELEX log setup’ in the ‘Configuration’ section.
FEC messages logged - #
Number of logged FEC messages. The maximum is a hundred. If a hundred
FEC messages have been logged, next time a message is logged, the oldest
message is deleted. For further information, please refer to ‘FEC log setup’
in the ‘Configuration’ section.
The radio is busy !
Right after switching on, in order to have a frequency stability of ± 10 Hz, the
radio has to warm up. During this warm-up, the above message is issued.
If the radio is being configured, the radio is also busy.
When used for telephony, the status message ‘The radio is not ready’ is
The radio is controlled by DSC !
The DSC function has taken control, and Radiotelex has stopped all scanning
and all transmission.

RADIOTELEX 2 Operation
The radio is not ready !
The control unit is not in telex mode, or the handset is off hook.
The radio is disconnected !
No communication with the radio. The radio may be switched off.
Transmission to connected FEC subscriber. Go to FEC terminal.
FEC transmission is now taking place. Radiotelex is not in the FEC terminal
currently. Therefore, this status message tells the operator to go to the FEC
terminal to pay attention to the transmission.
The modem is listening to a single frequency
Listening for traffic. A scan containing only a single frequency has been set
Secret reception in progress !
Radiotelex offers the possibility of hiding the communication. Refer to TELEX
secret setup for further details.
Distress messages logged - #
In distress mode, all communication is logged. Only a hundred messages are
kept in the log. The oldest logged message will then be deleted when a new
one is logged.
The modem is listening to a single frequency for FEC and ARQ
In distress mode, Radiotelex listens for both FEC and ARQ traffic automatically.

2 Operation

RADIOTELEX 3 Installation and configuration
3 Installation and configuration
3.1 Installation
System wirings
Below system wirings are shown for different configurations.
Setting time and date
Information on date and time is shown in the upper right corner of the screen.
The system uses date and time to stamp received and sent messages.
Before installation or execution, the date and time stamps can be checked and
set. This is done by means of the two DOS commands ‘time’ and ‘date’.
Setting time
If Radiotelex is running, return to DOS by exitting Radiotelex. At the DOS
prompt, write ‘time’ and press
DOS replies e.g.: Current time is 2:49:02.65p
Enter new time: _
If the time is correct, just press
. Otherwise enter a new time, e.g. 8:44p,
and press
Setting date
If Radiotelex is running, return to DOS by exitting Radiotelex. At the DOS
prompt, write: ‘date’ and press
DOS replies e.g.: Current date is Thu 12-19-1996
Enter new date (mm-dd-yy): _
If the date is correct, just press
Otherwise enter a new date, e.g. 12-
20-96, and press

3 Installation and configuration
Installation on flash EPROM board
The flash memory board is a non-volatile medium, which complies with the
GMDSS requirements.
The flash memory board facilitates installation. Insert the Radiotelex flash
memory installation diskette in the computer, and type:
a: [b:]
Any software applications present on the flash memory board are now
deleted, and the Radiotelex program is installed. This process may take up to
fifteen minutes.
Installation on hard disk
Normally, the Radiotelex program is installed on a non-volatile medium, like
the flash memory board. A RAM disk is used for temporary storage, and it is
necessary to make backups.
However, the Radiotelex program can also be installed on a hard disk. In that case,
it is not necessary to make backups. Still, as a hard disk can crash, the non-volatile
installation is necessary to comply with the requirements of the GMDSS.
Thus, after the installation has been finished, it is advisable to make one
backup diskette, as described in this chapter. If it becomes necessary to use
the non-volatile installation (e.g. the flash memory board), this backup
diskette can be used when Radiotelex prompts to restore. This ensures that
the basic installation is the same as when used on the hard disk.

RADIOTELEX 3 Installation and configuration
To install the Radiotelex program
change the home directory and where the Radiotelex executable file should
be installed, by means of
respectively. When satisfied, start the
installation by pressing
Config.sys and Autoexec.bat
The config.sys and autoexec.bat files should be configured to provide
maximum available memory and to use smartdrv. Below examples of config.sys
and autoexec.bat are shown. These may need some modification, e.g. it is
assumed that only one hard disk is available and that a network is not installed
device=c:\dos\emm386.exe noems
shell=c:\dos\ c:\dos /e:256 /p
@echo off
loadhigh c:\dos\fastopen c:
loadhigh c:\dos\doskey
loadhigh c:\dos\smartdrv /x
prompt $p$g
path c:\dos;c:\radiotlx
set temp=c:\dos
Modem setup
The modem setup requires various information.
To supply information
Modem Setup.

3 Installation and configuration
To save information
Save. The values are locked by the modem. Unless a factory reset
is performed, the values cannot be altered.
Note: The non-standard answer-back field must also contain appropriate
letter/figure shifts and other special characters available in the
Parts of the above fields are described below. Please refer to the on-line help
as well.
Answer backs in Radiotelex
Dependent on the situation and the setup, Radiotelex transmits one of three
possible answer backs:
1) 5-digit call code + abbreviated id + X
2) MMSI number + abbreviated id + X
3) Non-standard answer back
Below is a description of which answer back will be used when.
Call code and MMSI number in answer back
In the automatically generated answer back, the call code or the MMSI
number is part of the answer back. If only one of the two is specified,
Radiotelex uses the specified one in the generation of the answer back.

RADIOTELEX 3 Installation and configuration
However, both the 5-digit call code and the MMSI number may be specified.
In that case, Radiotelex uses the 5-digit call code or the MMSI number in the
answer back, dependent on the call code used when the connection was
established. If Radiotelex called or was called using a 5-digit call code,
Radiotelex transmits its 5-digit call code in the answer back. If an MMSI
number was used, Radiotelex transmits its MMSI number in the answer back.
Abbreviated ID in answer back
The abbreviated ID is used when generating the answer back of M/S
ULYSSES automatically. The standard answer back consists of:
• Figure shift
• Carriage return
• Line feed
• 5 digit call code or MMSI number
• Letter shift
• Space
• Abbreviated ID
• Space
• Letter shifts to bring the total length up to 20
Non-standard answer back
In general coast stations identify a ship by the answer back that Radiotelex
generates automatically. However, Radiotelex uses the non-standard answer
back in connection with coast stations that do not follow recommendations
and thus cannot identify a ship by the answer back generated automatically
by Radiotelex.
In order to force Radiotelex to transmit the non-standard answer back in
connection with a specific coast station, it is necessary to edit the coast station
in the setup part of Radiotelex. In the coast station setup, the field ‘Non-
standard answer-back used’ must be set to ‘Yes’. This has been done for
Maritex coast stations already. Only when this field has been set to ‘Yes’ does
Radiotelex transmit the non-standard answer back. In all other situations
Radiotelex transmits the automatically generated answer back.
Please note that the non-standard answer-back field must contain appropri-
ate letter/figure shifts and other special characters available in the
field. Radiotelex does not modify the specified non-standard answer back in
any way.

3 Installation and configuration
Radio interface
The radio interface has three possible values:
Extended (T+Bus) Default.
Standard (T+Bus, one way) Not used.
None Used for demonstration purposes on a com-
puter without an attached modem. The mo-
dem software must be 2.8.0 or later, prefer-
ably 2.9.0 or later.
Factory reset
The values in the modem are locked and can only be reset by a factory reset.
Please refer to the relevant hardware manual for more information.
Printer setup
The printer setup is located in:
Printer Setup
Please note that if a printer using a paper roll is used, as is the case with the
default printer, the paper length must be set to zero.
Ship name
The ship name possibly including the call sign.
Setting up subscribers
Create ship owner and dealer subscribers.
Hiding subscribers and coast stations
Subscribers and coast stations that are not used can be hidden. This makes
selection lists shorter without deleting stations. They can be recovered if
necessary. See further information in the ‘Configuration’ section.

RADIOTELEX 3 Installation and configuration
Backup installation
To have a diskette with the basic installation, a backup should be made by
leaving Radiotelex when the installation has been finished. Now restart
Radiotelex, restoring the previously made backup diskette. Then perform
another backup on another diskette by leaving Radiotelex again. There are
now two backup diskettes: One for daily operation, and another one to be used
if the former is faulty or lost.
3.2 Configuration
Coast station setup
For a list of existing coast stations
Coast station.
To create a new coast station
select ‘New coast station’.

3 Installation and configuration
To modify an existing coast station
move the cursor bar to the relevant coast station, and select
Edit coast
Hiding and recovering coast stations
Coast stations that are not used for a long period of time can be hidden instead
of deleted. When they are needed again, they can be recovered and used by
Radiotelex again.
To hide a coast station
move the cursor bar to the relevant coast station, and select
To recover a coast station
Recover for a list of hidden coast stations, and select the coast
station to be recovered.
Import of coast station
If a coast station has been deleted and is to be used again, or a new coast
station is to be used, it can be imported from a Radiotelex backup file.
SHOW: Coast station setup
To view the capabilities of a particular coast station, move the cursor bar to
that station, and press
Show setup.
Coast station edition
General information
Coast station edition has been divided into three parts.
General part The general values will always have to be filled in. When
a coast station part has been chosen, these values are
accessed in a form
Advanced Radiotelex provides a set of default values. These will
rarely have to be changed.
Procedures Procedures are used to perform automatic transmission.
A procedure provides a list of instructions specifying how
your station is to be communicated to in connection with
various coast station commands like DIRTLX, TLX etc.

RADIOTELEX 3 Installation and configuration
Right after the selection of a coast station, the general part is accessed. (If
‘New coast station’ is selected, the name of the new coast station will have to
be filled in first). The sections Advanced and Procedures can be accessed
from the form containing the general values. Both Advanced and Proce-
dures are password protected, but the contents can always be viewed.
Performing coast station edition
The following is a description of some of the fields of the general coast station
form shown above. Please refer to the on-line help for further information.
Country abbreviation:
The country abbreviation must comply with the maritime abbreviations used
in the list of coast stations.
The country abbreviation is used during the setup of a transmission to a land
telex subscriber. If the land telex subscriber and the coast station used as a
link between Radiotelex and the subscriber do not reside in the same country,
Radiotelex will ask for a land telex country direction code used from the coast
station country to the subscriber country. This code will be prefixed the land
telex subscriber number automatically during transmission.
Coast station master and slave frequencies:
The edition is seen from the point of view of the subscriber. The master

3 Installation and configuration
frequencies are used when Radiotelex is scanning the coast station for traffic
since in that situation the coast station will be the caller. The slave frequencies
are used when Radiotelex is calling the coast station since in that situation the
coast station will be the slave station.
In short, when setting up a scan of the coast station being edited, the master
frequencies are used; when setting up a transmission to the coast station
being edited, the slave frequencies are used.
If slave frequencies are not specied, master frequencies are used when
calling (and scanning for a free signal) a coast station, too.
Abbreviated ID and answer back:
The call code and the abbreviated ID provide the means for automatic
generation of the answer back of a coast station. However, the answer back
can be given explicitly in the answer back field. If this field has been filled in,
this answer back will be used.
Non-standard answer back used:
Not all coast stations follow the recommendations when it comes to answer
backs. The Swedish company Maritex, for instance, can assign subscribers
a Swedish land telex number to be used as answer back. Therefore,
Radiotelex needs to know whether the non- standard answer back is to be
used when communicating with the coast station being edited. When the ‘Non
standard answer back used field’ is set to ‘Yes’, Radiotelex non-standard
answer back as specified in the modem setup is used (see the section on
TELEX print setup
By default all communication is printed.
TELEX tape puncher setup
By default the only communication punched is when Radiotelex is the slave
– i.e. Radiotelex has been called by the other station.
TELEX log setup
By default Radiotelex logs all communication when Radiotelex is the slave.
When the system has called another station – and is thus the master – only
conversation is logged. That is because a message being transmitted already
exists in ‘Message handling’.

RADIOTELEX 3 Installation and configuration
During communication the terminal is not necessarily the active window. The
TTY setup specifies how many minutes it is allowed not to be in the terminal
before the communication is broken.
This function only applies to conversation, and only when Radiotelex is the
Values of zero disable the time outs.
TELEX retry setup
There is no guarantee that MF/HF transmissions are successful every time.
The ‘hit rate’ is not like e.g. Inmarsat-C communication. That is the reason for
the retry concept: If a transmission is not successful, it is stored in a retry
schedule, and retransmission can be attempted at a later time.
In the TELEX retry setup it can be specified how many times retransmission
is to be attempted and how many minutes there are to be between each
attempt. Furthermore, different values can be specified for ship calls and
coast station calls.
Values of zero disable the retry schedule.
Note that if a transmission is broken by using
Break, the transmission is
deleted from the retry schedule automatically.
Transmissions in the retry schedule can be viewed or deleted in the transmis-
sion table available by pressing
TX in the terminal and then
TX Table.
TELEX secret reception setup
Secret reception may be initiated upon the reception of a configurable
sequence of characters. The secrecy continues until the connection is broken
or, if specified, either of two programmable sequences of characters are
During secret reception nothing is printed. Also, the keyboard cannot be used
to send anything to the connected subscriber.
Secret reception is logged in a special password protected file queue
irrespective of the configuration of the normal log.

3 Installation and configuration
FEC TTY setup
During communication the active window is not necessarily the terminal. The
TTY setup specifies how many minutes it is allowed not to be in the terminal
before the communication is broken.
The functionality applies to conversation only, and only if Radiotelex is the
Values of zero disable the time out.
Printer setup
Selection of printer type and paper length. If the paper roll is used, set paper
length to zero.
The default parallel port is LPT1. If several parallel ports are available, another
port can be selected. A serial printer cannot be used.
Fast key setup
Radiotelex enables the use of fast keys (short cuts). A default set of fast keys
is provided, but if you find that there is a specific function you use quite often,
you can set up a fast key for this specific function.
It will probably be an advantage to keep the
TELEX (ARQ) terminal
and the
FEC terminal, but the rest can be configured as you wish.
The fast key for getting into distress mode can also be changed. The default
value is
To go to the ‘Fast-key setup’
Fast-key setup.

RADIOTELEX 3 Installation and configuration
To configure a fast key
1. In the ‘Fast-key setup’, move the cursor bar to the desired
place by means
arrow up/down
2. Select the
Learn fast-key, which will take you to the
3. Now use the keys as usual until you are at the point in the
program where you want the fast key to take you.
4. Press
to terminate the configuration.
To change a fast key title
1. In the ‘Fast-key setup’, move the cursor bar to the desired
place by means of
arrow up/down
2. Select
Change title.
To abort during configuration

3 Installation and configuration

Thrane & Thrane A/S • •
TT-98-125586-A Issue: A/0725