UBS Axcera LU500AL 500-Watt UHF Translator User Manual 382671

UBS-Axcera 500-Watt UHF Translator 382671

Chapter 2 Exciter

Analog UHF Driver/Translator Chapter 2, System Description &
Remote Control Connections
LX Series, Rev. 0 2-1
IF Processor
Chapter 2
System Description & Remote Control Connections
The Innovator LX Series of
drivers/translators are complete 10W to
100W analog UHF translators that
operate at nominal visual output power
of 10 to 100 watts peak sync and an
aural output power of 1 to 10 watts at an
A/V ratio of 10dB, 10% sound or .5 to 5
watts at 13 dB, 5% sound.
2.1 System Overview
The Innovator LX Series translator is
made up of a Receiver Tray and an
exciter amplifier chassis assembly. The
modules and assemblies that make up
the translator are listed in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1: Innovator LX Series Translator Trays and Assemblies
Receiver Tray 1265-1100
A3 IF Processor Module 1301938
A4 Control & Monitoring/Power
Supply Module
A5 LO/Upconverter Module 1301930
A6 Power Amplifier Module, 100
Watt Translator 1301923
A11 Backplane Board 1301941
A12 Switch Board 1527-1406
A20 LCD Display Board
Power Supply
Analog UHF Driver/Translator Chapter 2, System Description &
Remote Control Connections
LX Series, Rev. 0 2-2
2.1.1 8 Receiver Tray (1265-1100;
Appendix B)
The Receiver Tray receives a VHF or UHF
Channel input at Jack (J1) and converts it
to an internally diplexed Visual + Aural IF
Output (+0 dBm) at J4. The Visual +
Aural IF output of the Receiver Tray at J4
is fed to J6 the IF Input Jack of the
Table 2-5. Receiver Samples
Front panel sample – f (IF) Sample of the IF output
Front panel sample – f (s) Sample of the channel oscillator
Exciter Amplifier Chassis Assembly
All of the modules except the power
amplifier module and the power supply
section, located in the Control &
Monitoring/Power Supply Module, plug
directly into a backplane board, which
provides module to module
interconnection as well as interconnection
to remote command and control
INPUT LEVEL: -61 dBm to –16dBm
Analog UHF Driver/Translator Chapter 2, System Description &
Remote Control Connections
LX Series, Rev. 0 2-3
2.1.2 (A3) IF Processor Module
Assembly (1301938; Appendix B)
The (A3) IF Processor Assembly contains
the IF Processor Board (1301977). The IF
Processor provides pre-correction to
ensure broadcast quality output signal.
The pre-correction consists of amplitude
linearity correction, Incidental Carrier
Phase Modulation (ICPM) correction and
frequency response correction.
The IF Processor module is configured
either for an analog or digital system.
Pin 13C of the IF Processor module is
grounded in analog systems and left not
connected in digital systems. An IF
Processor Interlock signal is used to
report the presence of the IF Processor
module to the Control Monitoring board.
If the IF Processor interlock signal is not
present, the Innovator LX 100 Watt
Translator/Exciter Driver RF output is
Muted (turned off). If an analog IF
Processor module is installed and the
Modulation Present signal is not true,
the Innovator LX 100 Watt Translator /
Exciter Driver output is Muted (turned
The Control & Monitoring/Power Supply
module uses the IF Processor module for
System output power control. Through
the front panel display or a remote
interface, an operator can set the
translator's RF output power. The range
of RF power adjustment is between 0%
(full off) and 105% (full power plus). A
front panel IF Processor module
potentiometer sets the upper limit of RF
power at 120%. The system's Control
Monitoring board compares the RF
Power Monitoring module RF power level
with the desired level and uses the IF
Power Control PWM line to correct for
In digital systems, a digital level control
(DLC) voltage is generated on the IF
Processor module and sent to an
external digital modulator (DT1C or
DT2B). RF power control is
implemented by changing the DLC
voltage provided to the external digital
modulator. The 'RF High' potentiometer
sets the upper adjusted range of RF
control circuit output to 120%.
The IF Processor module provides a
reference ALC voltage to the system's
Upconverter. When the ALC voltage
decreases, the Upconverter
automatically lowers the system output
power through the AGC circuits.
The IF Processor module has a front
panel switch to select Auto or Manual
ALC. When Manual ALC is selected, the
reference ALC voltage is set by a front
panel potentiometer. In this condition,
the RF power level control circuit is
removed from use. When the ALC select
switch is changed to Auto, the RF power
level control circuit will start at low
power and increase the RF output until
the desired output power is attained.
The IF Processor module Modulation
Present signal is monitored. If the
modulation level is too low or non-
existent, a Modulation Present fault is
reported to the Control Monitoring
board. When the controller detects this
fault, it can be set to Automatically Mute
the translator or in Manual mode the
translator will continue to operate at
25% output.
The IF Processor module Input Signal
level is monitored. If the signal level is
too low or non-existent, an Input fault is
Analog UHF Driver/Translator Chapter 2, System Description &
Remote Control Connections
LX Series, Rev. 0 2-4
reported on the Control Monitoring
board. When the IF Processor board
detects an Input Signal fault it
automatically Mutes the translator. The
system controller does not Mute on an
IF Processor Input fault.
Table 2-6. IF Processor Front Panel Switch
When Manual ALC is selected, the reference ALC voltage is set
by the ALC Gain front panel potentiometer.
When Auto ALC is selected, the IF level control circuit will
automatically increase the IF output until the desired output
power is attained.
Table 2-7. IF Processor Front Panel Status Indicators
INPUT FAULT (Red) When lit it indicates that there is a loss of the IF Input signal to the
IF Processor. Translator can be set to Mute on an IF Input Fault.
ALC Fault (Red)
When lit it indicates that the required gain to produce the desired
output power level has exceeded the operational range of the ALC
circuit. The LED will also be lit when ALC is in Manual.
MUTE (Red) When lit it indicates that the IF input signal is cut back but the
enable to the Power Supply is present and the +32 VDC remains on.
Table 2-8. IF Processor Front Panel Control Adjustments
These three variable resistors, R103, R106 & R274, adjust the
depth of gain for the three stages of frequency response correction.
ALC GAIN Adjusts the gain of the translator when the translator is in the Auto
ALC position.
MAN GAIN Adjusts the gain of the translator when the translator is in the
Manual ALC position.
These three variable resistors adjust the threshold cut in for the
three stages of linearity pre-correction. R211 and R216, the top
two pots, are adjusted to correct for in phase amplitude distortions.
R 231, the bottom pot, is adjusted to correct for quadrature phase
Table 2-9. IF Processor Front Panel Sample
IF SAMPLE Sample of the pre-corrected IF output of the IF Processor
Analog UHF Driver/Translator Chapter 2, System Description &
Remote Control Connections
LX Series, Rev. 0 2-5
2.1.3 (A5) LO/Upconverter Module
Assembly, Digital (1301954;
Appendix B)
The (A5) LO/Upconverter Module
Assembly contains a front panel LED
display board (1303033), a UHF Filter
(1007-1101), a UHF Generator Board
(1585-1265) and a LO/Upconverter
Assembly (1303039). The
LO/Upconverter Assembly contains the
LO/Upconverter Board (1302132).
The Innovator LX Upconverter converts
an IF input signal to a RF output signal
on the desired channel frequency using
a high stability oven controlled oscillator
with very low phase noise and an
Automatic Level Control (ALC) for stable
output signal level.
Several control voltages are used for
translator power control. Automatic
gain control (AGC) circuits set the RF
output level of the translator system.
AGC #1 is provided by the 50 Watt
Translator/Exciter Driver Power Amplifier
module. This voltage is used by the
Upconverter to maintain a constant RF
output level at the Power Amplifier
module output. If this voltage exceeds
0.9 VDC, the system is in an over-drive
condition. The 0.9 VDC over-driver
threshold is set by a front panel
Upconverter module potentiometer.
When an over-drive condition is
detected, the Upconverter module
reduces its RF output level. For values
less than 0.9 VDC, the Upconverter uses
the AGC #1 voltage for automatic gain
control by setting it's RF output to
maintain AGC #1 equal to the AGC
voltage set by another front panel
potentiometer. When the Upconverter is
set for manual gain, the RF output of the
Upconverter is set by the front panel
AGC potentiometer. In manual gain
operation, the AGC #1 feedback voltage
from the PA is not used to adjust the RF
level unless an over-drive condition is
AGC #2 is provided by each of the
optional external amplifier modules.
Diodes are used in each of the external
amplifier forward power circuits to
capture the highest detected sample
voltage. This voltage is used by the
Upconverter to maintain a constant RF
output of the system. As with AGC #1,
the Upconverter module reduces its RF
output level if AGC #2 is too high. AGC
#1 and ACG #2 are diode ORed together
in the Upconverter gain circuit. Both
AGC voltages are first reduced by an on-
board potentiometer before being
amplified. If an over-drive condition
does not exist, the higher of the two
AGC voltages is used to control the
Upconverter gain circuit.
An AFC Voltage is generated to control
the VCXO of the UHF Generator portion
of the Upconverter module. The typical
AFC voltage is 1.5 VDC but it can be as
high as +5 VDC.
The Upconverter can operate on either
it's internal 10 MHz source or on a 10
MHz external reference signal. When an
external 10 MHz source is present on
J10, it is automatically selected. An
external reference present signal is
provided to the controller for display
purposes. The selected 10 MHz signal
from the Upconverter is buffered then
sent to the backplane on two ports. One
Analog UHF Driver/Translator Chapter 2, System Description &
Remote Control Connections
LX Series, Rev. 0 2-6
port is sent to the Modulator module, if
present, and the other is routed to a
BNC connector (J11) on the backplane
for a system 10 MHz output signal.
A National Semiconductor frequency
synthesizer IC is used in the frequency
conversion of the IF signal to a RF
signal. The frequency synthesizer IC
uses a 10MHz reference frequency for
signal conversion. Typically the IF input
frequency is 45.75 MHz for analog
system and 44 MHz for DTV. To obtain
different output RF frequencies, the
synthesizer IC is serial programmed by
the Control Monitoring board. The part
is programmed to use a 5 kHz phase
detection frequency. With a 10 MHz
input signal, the R counter is set to
2000. With these settings the N counter
is set to the desired LO frequency in kHz
/ 5 kHz. The maximum LO frequency
setting with these parameters is
1310.715 MHz.
For a Frequency RF Out = 517.125 MHz,
N = 517125 kHz / 5 kHz = 103425
An Upconverter PLL Lock indicator is
used to insure that the frequency control
circuits are operating properly. When
the Upconverter PLL is locked, the
frequency synthesizer IC is programmed
and the Power Amplifier module(s) can
be enabled.
The RF output of the LO/Upconverter
Module is at J23 on the rear chassis.
Table 2-10. LO/Upconverter Front Panel Switch
When Manual AGC is selected, the reference AGC voltage is
set by the AGC Manual Gain front panel potentiometer.
When Auto AGC is selected, the RF power level control circuit
will automatically increase the RF output until the desired
output power is attained.
Table 2-11. LO/Upconverter Front Panel Status Indicator
When lit it indicates that the required gain to produce the desired
output power level has exceeded the level set by the AGC Cutback
(Override) adjust. Translator will cut back power to 25%
Table 2-12. LO/Upconverter Front Panel Control Adjustments
MAN GAIN ADJ Adjusts the gain of the translator when the translator is in the
Manual AGC position.
Adjusts the point at which the translator will cut back in power
when the Translator is in the Auto AGC position.
Table 2-13. LO/Upconverter Front Panel Samples
LO SAMPLE Sample of the LO signal to the Upconverter as generated by the
UHF Generator Board.
RF SAMPLE Sample of the On Channel RF Output of the Upconverter
Analog UHF Driver/Translator Chapter 2, System Description &
Remote Control Connections
LX Series, Rev. 0 2-7
2.1.4 (A4) Control & Monitoring/
Power Supply Module Assembly
(1301936; Appendix B)
8 A
4 A
The (A4) Control & Monitoring/Power
Supply Assembly is made up of a Control
Board (1302021), a Power Protection
Board (1302837) and a Switch Board
(1527-1406). The Assembly also
contains a switching power supply that
provides ±12 VDC to the rest of the
modules in the chassis and +32 VDC to
the Power Amplifier module.
The Assembly provides all translator
control and monitoring functions. The
Front panel LCD allows monitoring of
system parameters, including forward
and reflected power, transistor currents,
module temperatures and power supply
Table 2-14. Controller/Power Supply Display
A 4 x 20 display providing a four-line readout of the internal
functions, external inputs, and status. See Chapter 3,
Controller/Power Supply Display Screens, for a listing of displays.
Table 2-15. Controller/Power Supply Status Indicator
( green )
When lit it indicates that the translator is in the Operate Mode. If
translator is Muted the Operate LED will stay lit, the translator will
remain in Operate, until the input signal is returned.
( red or green )
Red indicates that a problem has occurred in the translator. The
translator will be Muted or placed in Standby until the problem is
( red or green )
Green indicates that the switchable fuse protected DC outputs that
connect to the modules in the translator are OK.
Table 2-16. Controller/Power Supply Control Adjustments
DISPLAY CONTRAST Adjusts the contrast of the display for desired viewing of screen.
Analog UHF Driver/Translator Chapter 2, System Description &
Remote Control Connections
LX Series, Rev. 0 2-8
2.1.5 (A6) Power Amplifier Module
Assembly, Exciter, 5W-50W
Translator (1301923; Appendix B)
The (A6) Power Amplifier Module
Assembly is made up of a Coupler Board
Assembly (1301949), an Amplifier
Control Board (1301962), a 1 Watt
Module Assembly (1302891), a TFS 40W
UHF Module (1206693) and a RF Module
Pallet, Philips (1300116).
The Power Amplifier Module contains
Broadband LDMOS amplifiers that cover
the entire UHF band with no tuning
required. They amplify the RF to the
10W to 50W output power level of the
The Power Amplifier of the
Translator/Exciter Driver is used to
amplify the RF output of the
Upconverter module. A cable, located on
the rear chassis, connects the RF output
from the LO/Upconverter at J23 to J24
the RF input to the PA Assembly. This
module contains RF monitoring circuitry
for both an analog and a digital system.
Control and monitoring lines to the
Power Amplifier module are routed
through the floating blind-mate
connector of the Control &
Monitoring/Power Supply module.
The 50 Watt Translator/Exciter Driver
Power Amplifier module and any
External Amplifier modules contain the
same control and monitoring board.
This board monitors RF output power,
RF reflected power, the current draw of
amplifier sections, the supply voltage,
and the temperature of the PA heat sink.
The RF power detector circuit outputs
vary with operating frequency. These
circuits must be calibrated at their
intended operating frequency. Front
panel adjustment potentiometers are
used to calibrate the following:
Table 1: Power Amplifier Calibration
Adjustments in Analog Systems
R201 Reflected Power Cal
R202 Visual / Forward Power Cal
R203 Aural Power Cal
R204 Visual Offset Zero
R205 Aural Null
In analog systems, the Aural power of
an Exciter Driver Power Amplifier and
the Aural power of any external
amplifier will not be reported by the
system Control Monitoring module.
Additionally the Visual power of these
amplifiers, is reported as Forward Power
just like in digital systems. In analog
systems, aural and visual power will only
be reported for the final system RF
In digital systems, the Forward power of
an Exciter Driver Power Amplifier and
the Forward power of any external
amplifier, is reported by the system
Control Monitoring module.
If the Control Monitoring module is
monitoring a 5-50 Watt Translator,
system power is measured in the Power
Amplifier module. The wired
connections are transferred through the
power supply connector to the
backplane board on a five position
header. All four positions of control
board switch SW1 must be set on to
Analog UHF Driver/Translator Chapter 2, System Description &
Remote Control Connections
LX Series, Rev. 0 2-9
route these lines as the system's RF
power signals. In systems of output
power greater than 50 Watts, system
power is monitored by an external
module that is connected to TB31 and
control board SW1 switches must be set
The Forward Power of the
Translator/Exciter Driver Power Amplifier
module is routed to the Upconverter
module as AGC #1. A system over-
drive condition is detected when this
value rises above 0.9 VDC. When an
over-drive condition is detected, the
Upconverter module reduces its RF
output level. For values less than 0.9
VDC, the Upconverter uses this voltage
for automatic gain.
Table 2-17. Power Amplifier Status Indicator
When lit Green, it indicates that the PA is in the Operate Mode. If a
Mute occurs, the PA will remain Enabled, until the input signal is
When lit Green, it indicates that the fuse protected DC inputs to the
PA module are OK.
When lit Green, it indicates that the temperature of the heatsink
assembly in the module is below 78˚C.
When lit Green, it indicates that the PA Module is operating and has
no faults.
Table 2-18. Power Amplifier Control Adjustments
RFL CAL Adjusts the gain of the Reflected Power monitoring circuit
VISUAL CAL Adjusts the gain of the Visual / Forward Power monitoring circuit
AURAL CAL Adjusts the gain of the Aural Power monitoring circuit
VISUAL ZERO Adjusts the offset of the Forward Power monitoring circuit
AURAL NULL Adjusts the offset of the Forward Power monitoring circuit based on
the Aural signal level..
Table 2-19. Power Amplifier Sample
FWD SAMPLE RF sample of the amplified signal being sent out the module on J25.
2.1.6 RF Output Assemblies
Modulated IF from the Receiver Tray
connects to the rear of the Innovator LX
chassis assembly at J6, Modulated IF
Input. The power amplifiers RF output
jack is at a “N” connector J25, PA RF
The RF output of the PA module is
connected to a band-pass and trap filter
and then to an output coupler assembly.
The coupler assembly provides a forward
and a reflected power sample for test
2.2 Control and Status
The control and status of the
exciter/amplifier Chassis assembly is
found by operating the front panel
display screens. Detailed information on
the use of the screens is found in chapter
Analog UHF Driver/Translator Chapter 2, System Description &
Remote Control Connections
LX Series, Rev. 0 2-10
2.2.1 Front Panel Display Screen
A 4 x 20 display located on the front of
the Control & Monitoring/Power Supply
Module is used in the Innovator LX
translator for control of the operation
and display of the operating parameters
of the translator.
2.3 System Operation
When the translator is in operate, as set
by the menu screen located on the
Control & Monitoring Module. The IF
Processor will be enabled, the mute
indicator on the front panel will be
extinguished. The +32 VDC stage of the
Power Supply in the Control & Monitoring
Module is enabled, the operate indicator
on the front panel is lit and the DC OK on
the front panel should also be green.
The enable and DC OK indicators on the
PA Module will also be turned to green.
When the translator is in standby. The IF
Processor will be disabled, the mute
indicator on the front panel will be red.
The +32 VDC stage of the Power Supply
in the Control & Monitoring Module is
disabled, the operate indicator on the
front panel will be extinguished and the
DC OK on the front panel should remain
green. The enable and indicator on the
PA Module is also extinguished.
If the translator does not switch to
Operate when the operate menu is
switched to Operate, check that all faults
are cleared and that the remote control
terminal block stand-by signal is not
The translator can be controlled by the
presence of the modulated input signal.
If the input signal to the translator is lost,
the translator will automatically cutback
and the input fault indicator on the IF
Processor module will light. When the
video input signal returns, the translator
will automatically return to full power and
the input fault indicator will be
2.3.1 Principles of Operation
Operating Modes
This translator is either operating or in
standby mode. The sections below
discuss the characteristics of each of
these modes.
Operate Mode
Operate mode is the normal mode for
the translator when it is providing RF
power output. To provide RF power to
the output, the translator will not be in
mute. Mute is a special case of the
operate mode where the power supply's
+32 VDC section is enabled but there is
no RF output power, because of a fault
condition that causes the firmware to
hold the IF Processor module in a mute
Operate Mode with Mute Condition
The translator will remain in operate
mode but will be placed in mute when
the following fault conditions exists in
the translator.
Upconverter is unlocked
Upconverter module is not present
IF Processor module is not present
Modulator (if present) is in
Aural/Visual Mute
Entering Operate Mode
Entering the operate mode can be
initiated a few different ways by the
translator control board. A list of the
actions that cause the operate mode to
be entered is given below:
A low on the Remote Translator
Operate line.
User selects "OPR" using switches
and menus of the front panel.
Receipt of an “Operate CMD” over
the serial interface.
Analog UHF Driver/Translator Chapter 2, System Description &
Remote Control Connections
LX Series, Rev. 0 2-11
There are several fault or interlock
conditions that may exist in the
translator that will prevent the translator
from entering the operate mode. These
conditions are:
Power Amplifier heat sink
temperature greater than 78˚C.
Translator is Muted due to conditions
listed above.
Power Amplifier Interlock is high
indicating that the amplifier is not
Standby Mode
The standby mode in the translator
indicates that the translator’s output
amplifier is disabled.
Entering Standby Mode
Similar to the operate mode, the
standby mode is entered various
different ways. These are:
A low on the Remote Translator
Stand-By line.
Depressing the “STB” key on
selected front panel menus.
Receipt of a “Standby CMD” over the
serial interface.
Operating Frequency
The Innovator LX translator controller is
designed to operate on UHF and VHF
frequencies. The exact output frequency
of the translator can be set to one of the
standard UHF or VHF frequencies, or it
can be set to a custom frequency using
software set-up menus. Since RF
performance of the translator requires
different hardware for different
frequency bands, not all frequency
configurations are valid for a specific
translator. Power detectors have
frequency dependency, therefore
detectors of power amplifiers are
calibrated at their frequency of use. The
detectors for System RF monitoring are
also calibrated at the desired frequency
of use.
Table 2-22: VHF Television Frequencies
VHF LOW 02 54-60 MHz VHF HIGH 07 174-180 MHz
VHF LOW 03 60-66 MHz VHF HIGH 08 180-186 MHz
VHF LOW 04 66-72 MHz VHF HIGH 09 186-192 MHz
VHF LOW 05 76-82 MHz VHF HIGH 10 192-198 MHz
VHF LOW 06 82-88 MHz VHF HIGH 11 198-204 MHz
VHF HIGH 12 204-210 MHz
VHF HIGH 13 210-216 MHz
Table 2.23: UHF Television Frequencies
14 470-476 MHz 38 614-620 MHz 61 752-758 MHz
15 476-482 MHz 39 620-626 MHz 62 758-764 MHz
16 482-488 MHz 40 626-632 MHz 63 764-770 MHz
17 488-494 MHz 41 632-638 MHz 64 770-776 MHz
18 494-500 MHz 42 638-644 MHz 65 776-782 MHz
19 500-506 MHz 43 644-650 MHz 66 782-788 MHz
20 506-512 MHz 44 650-656 MHz 67 788-794 MHz
21 512-518 MHz 45 656-662 MHz 68 794-800 MHz
22 518-524 MHz 46 662-668 MHz 69 800-806 MHz
23 524-530 MHz 47 668-674 MHz 70 806-812 MHz
Analog UHF Driver/Translator Chapter 2, System Description &
Remote Control Connections
LX Series, Rev. 0 2-12
24 530-536 MHz 48 674-680 MHz 71 812-818 MHz
25 536-542 MHz 49 680-686 MHz 72 818-824 MHz
26 542-548 MHz 50 686-692 MHz 73 824-830 MHz
27 548-554 MHz 51 692-698 MHz 74 830-836 MHz
28 554-560 MHz 52 698-704 MHz 75 836-842 MHz
29 560-566 MHz 53 704-710 MHz 76 842-848 MHz
30 566-572 MHz 54 710-716 MHz 77 848-854 MHz
31 572-578 MHz 55 716-722 MHz 78 854-860 MHz
32 578-584 MHz 56 722-728 MHz 79 860-866 MHz
33 584-590 MHz 57 728-734 MHz 80 866-872 MHz
34 590-596 MHz 58 734-740 MHz 81 872-878 MHz
35 596-602 MHz 59 740-746 MHz 82 878-884 MHz
36 602-608 MHz 60 746-752 MHz 83 884-890 MHz
37 608-614 MHz
2.4 Customer Remote Connections
The remote monitoring and operation of
the translator is provided through jacks
TB30 and TB31 located on the rear of the
chassis assembly. If remote connections
are made to the translator, they must be
made through plugs TB30 and TB31 at
positions noted on the translator
interconnect drawing and Table 2-25.
Analog UHF Driver/Translator Chapter 2, System Description &
Remote Control Connections
LX Series, Rev. 0 2-13
Table 2-25: Innovator LX Chassis Assembly Hard Wired Remote Interface Connections to
TB30 or TB31, 18 pos. Terminal Blocks Located on the Rear of the Assembly
Signal Name Pin
Designations Signal Type/Description
RMT Translator
State TB30-1 Discrete Open Collector Output - A low indicates that
the translator is in the operate mode.
RMT Translator
Interlock TB30-2
Discrete Open Collector Output - A low indicated the
translator is OK or completes a interlock daisy chain.
When the translator is not faulted, the interlock
circuit is completed.
RMT Translator
Isolated Return
Ground - Configurable ground return which can be
either jumpered directly to ground or it can be the
“source” pin of an FET so that the translator
interlock can be daisy chained with other translators.
This signal does not directly interface to the
Discrete Open Collector Inputs, Discrete Open Drain
Outputs, or 0 - 5 VDC Analog Input - When used as
an output, this line is pulled to +5 VDC with a 1.0
k resistor for logic high and pulled to ground for a
low. A diode allows this line to be pulled up to 12
VDC. When used as a digital input, this line
considers all values over 2 Volts as high and those
under 1 volt as low. As an analog input, this line is
protected by a 5.1 zener diode.
Discrete Open Collector Input - A pull down to
ground on this line indicates that the translator is to
be placed into the operate mode.
Discrete Open Collector Input - A pull down to
ground on this line indicates that the translator is to
be placed into the standby mode.
RMT Power
Raise TB30-8
Discrete Open Collector Input - A pull down to
ground on this line indicates that the translator
power is to be raised.
RMT Power
Lower TB30-9
Discrete Open Collector Input - A pull down to
ground on this line indicates that the translator
power is to be lowered.
System Reflect
Analog Output - 0 to 4.0 V- This is a buffered loop
through of the calibrated “System Reflected Power ”
and indicates the translator's reflected output power.
The scale factor is 25 % / 3.2V.
RMT System
Analog Output - 0 to 4.0 V- This is a buffered loop
through of the calibrated “System Visual/Avg. Power
”. Indicates the translator's Visual / Average power.
Scale factor is 100 % / 3.2V.
System Aural
Analog Output - 0 to 4.0 V- This is a buffered loop
through of the calibrated “System Aural Power ”.
Indicates the translator's forward Aural output
power. The scale factor is 100 % / 3.2V.
RMT Spare 1 TB30-13 Remote connection to spare module - Use is TBD.
RMT Spare 2 TB30-14 Remote connection to spare module - Use is TBD.
Analog UHF Driver/Translator Chapter 2, System Description &
Remote Control Connections
LX Series, Rev. 0 2-14
Signal Name Pin
Designations Signal Type/Description
System Reflect
Power TB31-13
Analog Input - 0 to 1.00 V- This is the input of the
“System Reflected Power ” indicating the translator's
reflected output power. The scale factor is 25 % /
System Visual /
Forward Power TB31-14
Analog Input - 0 to 1.00 V- This is the input of the
“System Visual / Forward Power ” indicating the
translator's forward Visual / Forward output power.
The scale factor is 100 % / 0.80V.
System Aural
Power TB31-15
Analog Input - 0 to 1.00 V- This is the input of the
“System Aural Power ” indicating the translator's
forward Aural output power. The scale factor is 100
% / 0.80V.
IF Processor
IF Signal Select TB31-3
Discrete Open Collector Input - A low indicates that
the modulator IF source is to be used by the IF
Processor module. When floating an analog IP
Processor module may use the Modulated IF Input if
the IF Processor sled is so configured.
IF Processor
DLC Voltage TB31-4
Analog Output - 0 to 5.00 V- This is the input of IF
Processor module for digital system RF output power
Voltage TB31-5
Auxiliary Analog Input - 0 to 1V- This voltage is used
by the Upconverter for gain control. Linear signal
with display resolution of 0.01 %. Primary signal
source is J34-1.
RMT Ground TB30-15, and
17 Ground pins available through Remote
RMT Ground TB31-1, 2, 6
to 12, and 17 Ground pins available through Remote
RMT +12 VDC TB30-16
+12 VDC available through Remote w/ 2 Amp
re-settable fuse
RMT -12 VDC TB30-18
-12 VDC available through Remote w/ 2 Amp
re-settable fuse
Analog UHF Driver/Translator Chapter 2, System Description &
Remote Control Connections
LX Series, Rev. 0 2-15
Table 2-26. Receiver Tray hard wired Remote Connections thru J3 a 15-pin,
D-Connector located on the rear of the tray
Signal Name Pin Designations Signal Type/Description
ALC Voltage
(+) J3-3 ALC Voltage output
ALC Voltage
(-) J3-4 ALC Voltage output ground return
J3 Remote

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